#pokemon island scan
pkmncenterguy · 2 months
Oh, well hello there
[Image attached: A vibrant jungle canopy. Almost indistinguishable from the leaves, a grovyle climbing a branch is looking down at the camera. It’s bright green with orange eyes.]
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prismit · 10 months
hmmm should i play dead cells or should i utilize this wednesday to use island scan in pokemon ultra sun so i can shiny hunt honedge and name it after the sentient sword from dead cells
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Part one
The walk back to the main building was short, but they were sweating and panting from the heat and humidity by the time Ellisa swiped her lanyard to unlock the door to the staff entrance in the back. It opened into a break room, with a table, chairs, lockers, a television, and a mini fridge. They skirted around the room to avoid disturbing staff on their breaks, and found the elevator on the other side. When they reached the appropriate floor, Ellisa held the door to allow Alex to step out first before she and Lynn followed. The room was empty of other humans, but there was a steady beeping in the background accompanied by the electrical humming of several computers and machines. "Before we begin, can I see your trainer ID and Nimbus' Pokéball? It's for the records, and also for safety. Once I scan these in, it will be literally impossible for anyone to kidnap Nimbus while on the island. Part of a new security feature to protect high-risk Pokémon." She saw the unease on Alex’s face, but they handed over the requested items without resistance. "There, all set, you can have these back. I'll.... also need to draw some blood from both of you," Ellisa pressed a button on the wall and a soft bell noise rang in the air. A moment later, the elevator door opened and Beatrix the Chansey stepped out, followed closely by her adopted daughter, Aerith. "Thank you for coming dearie, would you mind setting up the machine while I take their vitals? Lynn, come take Nimbus and keep them occupied for a moment, would you my love?"
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tobiasdrake · 3 months
Digimon Adventure 01x22 - Whispering Little Devil, PicoDevimon / Forget About It!
Previously on Digimon Adventure: Taichi went home and ate watermelon. It was a nice break, but Monday is always around the corner.
Back at the office, Taichi and Agumon set out to find out what's become of the other Chosen Children.
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Taichi calls out into the desert for the rest of his group, but nobody answers.
Taichi: HEY!!! WHERE ARE YOU!?!? HEEEEEEEEY!!! ...nobody's here. Agumon: I wonder where they've gone, Taichi?
Suddenly, his Digivice activates, showing him the direction of something nearby.
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Taichi: The Digivice is reacting to something.
Testing the Digivice by scanning it back and forth, he finds he only gets this reading when facing one way.
Taichi: It's only reacting when I turn this direction. Agumon: Everyone must be over there.
While Taichi and Agumon settle for following the beeping, Tai tries to sounds like a confident professional by the time-tested means of bullshitting.
Tai: Okay, I've got a lock! North-Northwest, just a couple of clicks! Agumon: Very impressive, Tai. You really sound like you know what you're doing. Tai: ...I just watch a lot of TV.
Nothing about the Digivice's readout gives any indication of distance or compass direction, but that's fine because Tai is clearly talking straight out of his ass. XD
In case that wasn't already evident, the dub adds some silence-destroying dialogue to follow up on it while they walk.
Agumon: Just what is a click? Tai: I don't know, but we're getting closer! Agumon: I hope so! I'm hungry!
Agumon, Tai would appreciate it if you stopped asking questions. He was trying so hard to look cool and you're ruining it.
Taichi and Agumon opt to follow the Digivice's beeping and see where it leads. Before long, they find the edge of the desert.
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Taichi: I didn't know there was a river around here. Agumon: If there's a river here, we must be near the edge of the desert. (Taichi and Agumon look up from the Digivice and gasp) Agumon: There's a bridge! Is that the ocean? Taichi: It's not the ocean! It's a lake! Agumon: There's something near the lake!
Meanwhile, their dub counterparts are so taken aback they can barely even describe what they're seeing.
Tai: Look at this place! Where are we? Agumon: I don't know, but it's the most beautiful place I've ever seen! Tai: Come on!
It's always so rare for the dub crew to talk less than the original.
The boys sprint to the lake, and the beeping from the Digivice grows stronger.
Taichi: The signal's close by! It's getting stronger!
Arriving at the water's edge, they discover an unexpected sight.
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Agumon: It's Tokomon! Taichi: Tokomon! Hang in there. (scoops up Tokomon) Are you okay? Tokomon: (drowsy) Taichi... (waking up suddenly) AGUMON!? YOU'RE ALIVE!?!? Taichi: Of course we are. Agumon: More importantly, were you beaten by an enemy, Tokomon? Tokomon: No, I wasn't. I just fainted because I was hungry and tired. Taichi: Where's Takeru? And everyone else? Tokomon: Takeru is with PicoDevimon. Taichi: PicoDevimon? Who's that? Tokomon: PicoDevimon is... uh.... Taichi: Tell me everything from the beginning. What happened to everyone while we were away? Tokomon: Okay. After you two vanished....
Already, we're off to an alarming start. Takeru's with someone called PicoDevimon? You don't even need to be familiar with the V-Pet to know that name is bad news. It's in the Devimon.
Over in the dub, Agumon forgets what show this is and plays Who's That Pokemon.
Agumon: Who is it!? Who is it!? Tai: It's Tokomon! Agumon: TOKOMON!!! Tai: Hey, what happened little guy? (scoops up Tokomon) Are you alright? Tokomon: (drowsy) ...not exactly....
The dub inserts a commercial break here, and then we come back to Agumon thinking we're still in the File Island arc.
Tokomon: (drowsy) You look like Tai... (waking up suddenly) You are Tai! You're alive! Tai: Yeah, the last time I checked! Agumon: I'll bet a Black Gear Digimon got you, right? Tokomon: No, if it were something simple like that, I wouldn't feel so bad. Tai: Where is everybody? Where's T.K.? Tokomon: I don't know. He's probably off with his new friend! Tai: New friend? What new friend? Tokomon: I think you better ask T.K.! Tai: I would but he's not here and you are. Now start at the beginning, Tokomon, and tell me exactly what happened! Tokomon: Well, you were gone an awfully long time. Tai: We were? How long? Tokomon: We looked high and low for you... I did most of the low part.
Apart from Agumon being high I guess, I really like this exchange. Tokomon holds back on saying the name of T.K.'s new pal. Also, Tai gets to interact with the fact that he's been missing for a month and a half; A detail that flies right over his head in the original.
Also, that last line from Tokomon got me. XD
Tokomon goes into flashback, explaining the fates of the other children. We find them late at night making camp in the now Etemon-free desert, making plans for where to go from here.
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Sora: We search! We keep searching until we find Taichi and Agumon! Yamato: It's impossible. We've already been searching for a month and a half. There's no trace of them anywhere. Koushiro: Gennai-san! He might know something! Let's look for Gennai-san! Jou: We don't even know where he is. How would we begin to find him? Mimi: I just want to go home.
The dub cuts out Sora's first line.
Matt: It's no use. We're practically lost ourselves. Mimi: Ohhh... Personally, I've been lost ever since I got here! Izzy: What about Gennai!? Maybe he can help us find them! Joe: Yeah, and where do we find Gennai? I think one wild goose chase is enough. Mimi: This is the most depressing campout ever.
That's a weird-ass decision to make, because Sora's unrelenting determination to find Taichi feeds directly into the next scene. Plus side, I really like Joe's version of his line. It serves up the snark without compromising his character or the meaning of his line.
Unable to decide on a course of action, the group fractures. Sora and Piyomon are the first to go, departing late at night while everyone's asleep. Tokomon wakes up just in time to hear them approach.
Sora: Takeru will cry if we don't tell him. Tokomon: (rousing) ...huh? Sora: Shhh. The two of us are going to look for Taichi. Piyomon: Take care of yourself, Tokomon.
The phrase Piyomon uses here is "Genki de ne." It's a long-term farewell expressed when you don't know if you'll ever see that person again, and don't expect to any time soon.
Sora and Piyomon aren't coming back. After a month and a half of fruitless searching, the rest of the group is ready to write Taichi off. Sora isn't, so she and Piyomon have elected to go their separate ways from everyone else.
In the dub, it's not so clear why they're leaving like this because Sora didn't get to have an argument with the others about it.
Biyomon: Won't T.K. be upset? Sora: Maybe, but he'll be safer here. Tokomon: (rousing) Hmm? Sora: Shhh. We're going off to find Tai on our own. Don't wake anyone. Biyomon: We'll see you later, Tokomon.
This also doesn't quite capture the gravity of Sora's decision. In the original, they tell Tokomon what they're doing because they want him to inform Takeru. They're not coming back, and they don't want him to have to wonder what happened to them. Here, that's replaced with "T.K. can't come because it's safer here."
Similarly, "See you later" doesn't quite capture the tone of "Genki de ne." They make it sound like they're just popping off to do some scouting.
It seems that Sora vanishing overnight was the straw that broke the camel's back for group cohesion.
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Tokomon: (V.O.) After that, everyone left one after another. The only ones who stayed together were me, Takeru, Yamato, and Gabumon. Takeru: Hey, Onii-chan? I wonder where everyone went. Yamato: Don't worry about them. They can take care of themselves. We don't have enemies like Devimon or Etemon anymore. Takeru: Onii-chan, let's go back! Let's go back and look for Taichi-san! Yamato: We've already looked everywhere! Just give up! Takeru: But.... (cries) Yamato: Don't cry, Takeru. I'm sure Taichi and Agumon are doing fine somewhere. Takeru: They're alive, right!? Taichi-san is alive!? Yamato: Yeah! We'll see him again some day. Tokomon: Isn't that great, Takeru?
Overcome with emotion, Takeru hugs Yamato's legs and weeps.
In the dub... Sora just got lost, I guess, and then everyone split up to look for her. Rather than the team falling apart, they just all got lost.
Tokomon: That's how it started. First Sora left. Then we all went in search of Sora. Then someone said maybe we'd cover more ground if we split up so Izzy and Tentomon went off one way and Joe and Gomamon went off another. And pretty soon, only Matt, T.K., Gabumon, and me were left.
I guess Mimi got swallowed by the desert or something. Well, if it was going to happen to someone....
T.K.: Why did everybody go away? When you're lost, you're supposed to stay together. Matt: We just had different ideas of what was the best thing to do, T.K. We've looked everywhere, T.K. If they were anywhere in this area, we would have found them. T.K.: We could have missed something! We've gotta keep searching! Come on, Matt! Come on, Matt! If we hurry, we can still catch up to someo-- Matt: Hey, it's hopeless, alright!? We've already done everything we could! T.K.: (cries) Matt: Oh, come on... Don't cry. I didn't mean it. Don't worry, wherever Agumon and Tai are, I'm sure they're perfectly alright. T.K.: Really, Matt? Any minute now, they'll be coming back, right? Matt: And they'll bring a bunch of presents with them! Tokomon: Oh, wow! You think so? T.K.: (hugs Yamato's legs) I hope you're right! I sure miss my friends!
I'm not 100% sure if they're searching for Tai or searching for the other members of the group that split up. T.K. talks about "catching up to someone" but Matt topic-shifts to Tai so fast it gave me whiplash.
I'm sad that the dub dropped Yamato's point that we live in a world of peace right now. With Etemon dead, Server Continent seems to have been liberated. Evil forces have not reared their head in a month and a half. That's interesting exposition that didn't make it across.
Matt turning Tai into Santa, however, is hilarious. He definitely thinks Tai's dead. There is no way he'd make that unbelievably patronizing promise if he had a smidgen of hope left for finding Tai alive. XD
A short time later, Yamato and Takeru make a discovery.
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Takeru: That's... Could that be an amusement park!? Gabumon: Yeah! We can have fun! Yamato: (thinking) That place looks safe.
In the dub, Tokomon takes this opportunity to drop some more narration.
Tokomon: (V.O.) I knew Matt was just kidding T.K. about the presents but that didn't matter because just then.... T.K.: Ohh! Look, Matt! Is it real? Everybody's gonna love this place! Tokomon: (V.O.) But Matt didn't seem too excited. It was like there was something on his mind that he couldn't stop thinking about.
While they have a look around the amusement park, T.K. eradicates the silence.
T.K.: Look at this! No lines! ...actually, there are no people here at all. Maybe they forgot to tell us that they're closed.
Sorry, T.K., but we're about seventeen episodes too late to start expecting to find other humans here.
Yamato takes Takeru into the amusement park and leaves him on the swan boat dock.
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Takeru: (teary-eyed but determined) I'm okay! I can wait! Yamato: Good boy, Takeru. Takeru: But hurry back, okay? Yamato: Yeah. I'm just going to check things out. It shouldn't take more than two or three hours. I'll be back before you know it. Gabumon: Tokomon, be sure to take good care of Takeru. Tokomon: Right! (Yamato and Gabumon board the swan boat and pedal away) Takeru: Onii-chan! Come back soon! Gabumon: We're counting on you, Tokomon!
He'll only be a couple hours. He'll be back before you know it.
The dub conversation is identical until Takeru and Gabumon's last lines, which are swapped out for an exchange with Matt.
T.K.: Don't worry! We'll be waiting right here! Matt: Great! And remember, it's an amusement park! So, like, amuse yourselves!
They do not. They do exactly what T.K. said they would and wait on the dock.
And wait.
And wait.
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Takeru remains on that dock until the sunset. Tokomon goes out and gathers fruit for Takeru, bringing it to him on a leaf.
Tokomon: Takeru! Time for dinner! Takeru: (downtrodden) Onii-chan is late.... Tokomon: Time for dinner.... Takeru: I'm not hungry.
When it gets late, Takeru goes to bed on a bench with a leaf for a blanket, muttering the word "Onii-chan". Tokomon tries to lay down with him, but Takeru rolls over away from him.
The dub stretches this to a shocking length of time.
Tokomon: (V.O.) Hours went by and still no Matt. Tokomon: He'll come back, T.K. T.K.: (downtrodden) I wonder what's keeping Matt.... Tokomon: You've got to eat something. T.K.: He should have come back by now. Tokomon: (V.O.) We waited at the park for almost a week. T.K. spent the whole time staring out at the water except when he just couldn't stay awake anymore. He waited and waited.
Holy shit, a week? The malevolent forces about to descend on T.K. need to get their fucking act together. That's unacceptable.
The next day, Takeru's back out on that dock staring out into the distance and crying.
Takeru: (sniffle) Why won't Onii-chan come back? (crying) Tokomon: (arriving with a twig and some berries) Takeru! Takeru: Onii-chan! Onii-chan said he was just going to look around! He said he'd be back soon! (breaks down and starts bawling) Tokomon: Don't cry, Takeru!
That's when company arrives.
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PicoDevimon: Oh my, what do we have here? Hello, I'm PicoDevimon. Tokomon: PicoDevimon?
Narrator chimes in to give the rundown. PicoDevimon is a Child-stage Virus-type Small Demon Digimon. He's the little shitweasel of his evolution branch, attained by making zero effort and not taking care of him at all. So, y'know, super trustworthy; We should hear him out.
Narrator: PicoDevimon. A small Child-stage Digimon shaped like a bat. PicoDevimon: Oh? Are you the ones who defeated Etemon for us? Takeru: Yeah.... PicoDevimon: Thank you! Peace has been restored to the world because of you! But why were you crying? Takeru: Onii-chan won't come back.... PicoDevimon: What? That's terrible! Don't worry, I'll go look for him. What's your brother's name? Takeru: His name is Yamato. PicoDevimon: Okay! Wait right here! (flies away) Tokomon: I hope he finds him! Takeru: Yeah!
Godspeed, PicoDevimon. We look forward to your entirely believable story.
Over in the dub, his name is DemiDevimon. Which is honestly a better name than PicoDevimon. It rolls off the tongue super well. PicoDevimon is a beacon of politeness. A suspiciously sweet little cherub who'd neeeeever be up to anything foul. DemiDevimon is a lot more rough around the edges, while playing that up for sympathy.
DemiDevimon: Hey, what's all this squawkin' about!? DemiDevimon's the name; Mind if I drop in? Tokomon: DemiDevimon!? I've heard about you! DemiDevimon: Oh, great! I'm flattered! Tokomon: Don't be. Nothing I heard was good. DemiDevimon: Okay, okay. I admit, I used to be a bit of a wise guy but that's only because I was working for Etemon! But now he's kaput thanks to you guys, something for which I'm eternally grateful! Personally, I never liked the guy. T.K.: You seen my brother out there? He's in a boat. DemiDevimon: Oh, is that what's got you down, squirt? Well, you've come to the right Digimon! What's his name, your brother? T.K.: His name is Matt. DemiDevimon: Got it! Let me see what I can do. Back in a flash! (flies away) Tokomon: Well, maybe he has changed.... T.K.: You think?
On the one hand, it's hard to swallow T.K. being as taken in by this guy as he's going to be, when he's clearly stated to be a villain right up-front. But on the other hand, he has "Devimon" in his name and looks like Devimon, and that didn't stop Takeru.
Also, T.K., it's been a week. He's probably not still in the boat. ...or, if he is, then we may have a new reason for why he never returned.
Takeru and Tokomon remain on the dock, staring out at the lake again and waiting to hear word.
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The sky shifts color from an early morning green to a midday blue. Then, after what must have been hours, PicoDevimon returns.
PicoDevimon: Sorry to keep you waiting! Takeru: Where's Onii-chan!? Did you find Onii-chan!? PicoDevimon: Yes, I did. Tokomon: Where was he? PicoDevimon: Yamato gave me a message for you. Tokomon: What is it? PicoDevimon: Yamato said he never wants to see you again. He said he really, really, really hates you! He doesn't want to be your brother anymore. Takeru: (tearing up) That can't be.... Tokomon: Takeru, don't cry! PicoDevimon: Oh, Yamato also said this: He really hates what a crybaby you are!
Quite reasonably, Takeru is devastated by "Yamato's message". He flees into the amusement park, bawling his eyes out and screaming.
Takeru: I... I... I HATE YOU TOO, ONII-CHAN!!!
Meanwhile, in the dub, I guess they didn't notice the subtle sky change. DemiDevimon just does loopies in the air and then immediately comes back.
Tokomon: (V.O.) I couldn't believe that one of Etemon's creepy henchmen was being helpful. But, sure enough, just a few minutes later.... DemiDevimon: Sorry to keep you waiting! T.K.: What about it!? Did you find my brother!? Did you find him!? DemiDevimon: Sure, I did! T.K.: Is he on his way back? DemiDevimon: Well, that's the bad news, kid. T.K.: What!? DemiDevimon: It kills me to have to be the one to break this to you, but your bro ain't coming back. In fact, he never wants to see you again! Said he was tired of babysitting a crybaby. T.K.: No way! (tearing up) Tokomon: It can't be true, T.K.! T.K.: (sobbing) He called me-- DemiDevimon: Crybaby, yeah. That's what he said! He called you some other stuff too but I don't want to repeat it. Anyway, he's gone. T.K.: (bawling) DemiDevimon: Aw, don't take it so hard! T.K.: (runs off crying) YEAH, WELL I HATE HIM TOO!!!
This yarn he's spinning was never credible, but DemiDevimon's flippant attitude and villainous background nonetheless manages to make it even less credible.
While PicoDevimon floats into frame giggling to himself, just in case it isn't clear that he's full of shit.
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Evening of the second day without Yamato arrives. Takeru sits by the river, despondently throwing rocks into it. Tokomon tries his best to console his Partner.
Tokomon: Hey... Yamato would never say that about you. ...hey, Takeru!
Takeru doesn't respond. He holds his head in his hands and shuts down completely.
The dub decides to go all-in on calling T.K. a crybaby.
Tokomon: Come on, Matt would never say stuff like that. Besides, we've been working on the crying thing and you're getting better; You really are!
PicoDevimon lies and claims Yamato called Takeru a crybaby, and the dub team promptly goes, "I mean, he is a fucking crybaby." Americans.
Tokomon next tries to confront PicoDevimon.
PicoDevimon: What did you want to talk about? Tokomon: Quit lying to Tokomon! PicoDevimon: Lying? The hell have I lied about!? Tokomon: YOU SAID YAMATO HATED TAKERU!!! PicoDevimon: And how is that a lie? Is there proof that it's a life? (PicoDevimon flaps up onto a tree branch above) PicoDevimon: If you've got proof, show me. Tokomon: I don't, but-- PicoDevimon: Ha! Then you're accusing me without justification! You know what? That's called defamation. You're pushing false judgments circumstantially! Should we take this to court and see if you win?
Tip: Anyone who responds "Where's your evidence?" when accused probably die it. As a general rule, innocent people react to accusation with consternation and outrage while guilty people fish for information to find out what you already know.
Counterintuitively, it is less suspicious to fly off the handle and punch the accuser in the face and more suspicious to calmly and civilly ask for proof.
DemiDevimon takes a different approach.
DemiDevimon: Hey, Flops! Tokomon: You have to stop lying to T.K.! DemiDevimon: Lies? Whatever could you mean by that? Tokomon: You take back all those lies or you'll be sorry! DemiDevimon: My my, those are bold words coming from a pink gerbil with an overbite! Besides, you have any proof that I'm lying about it? Huh? Tokomon: Well, no.... DemiDevimon: There you go. You're just assuming the worst because of my background. That's not fair! It's prejudice, that's what it is. Just because I'm not a cuddly butterball like you, then you think I must be a bad guy. That's so, I don't know, superficial. Luckily, T.K.'s more enlightened!
Somehow, this is even more obnoxious than PicoDevimon's screed. I feel you, Tokomon.
Either way, PicoDevimon is shamelessly Lawyer Speaking here, which is unbelievably damning. Too bad Takeru isn't worldly enough to grasp that nuance; PicoDevimon's provocations hit home, pushing Tokomon into losing his temper and lashing out with a big pink bubble.
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Just as planned, Takeru saw that.
Takeru: (running up) What are you doing, Tokomon!? Tokomon: What do you mean? Takeru: You attacked him for no reason! PicoDevimon: Takeru, don't be mad at Tokomon. He's just jealous that you and I are getting along so well, and he reacted childishly. Isn't that right, Tokomon? Tokomon: Hmph! Takeru: What's with this attitude of yours!? Apologize to PicoDevimon! Tokomon: NO!!! I REFUSE!!! Takeru: APOLOGIZE!!! Tokomon: NEVER!!! IF YOU THINK I HAVE TO APOLOGIZE TO HIM THEN I'M LEAVING!!! Takeru: Yeah? Then leave! Tokomon: You want me to leave? Takeru: Go ahead!
Tokomon takes a few steps away from Takeru, then turns back.
Tokomon: I'm really going.... Takeru: Fine! Oh, also! Since we don't have enemies anymore, I don't need THESE!!!
Takeru pulls his Crest and Digivice from his pocket and furiously hurls them across the beach, then runs off into the woods.
Takeru: Let's go, PicoDevimon! Tokomon: TAKERU, YOU IDIOT!!! IDIOT!!! (breaks down crying) IDIOOOOOOOOOOT!!!
Another cruel victory thanks to the power of childhood gullibility. PicoDevimon's deception succeeds with flying colors.
Honestly, it's not surprising that Takeru lost his shit like this. If you recall from his last spotlight episode, Takeru loathes violence. For him, it's only to be used as a last resort. Unfortunately for Tokomon, it remains ambiguous whether or not he recalls that, since it's from his past life.
This is pretty much identical in the dub up until T.K. throws the Crest and Digivice.
Tokomon: I won't be coming back, you know! T.K.: You don't see me crying about it! And I don't want these stupid gadgets either! Bleh! (throws them) Tokomon: Ahhh! T.K.: Come on, DemiDevimon! Let's go ride the roller coaster! Tokomon: That suits me fine! Goodbye! (breaks down crying)
Here, they once again scrub the mention of the fact that we have no more enemies to fight. I guess they just don't like that plot point.
The end of Tokomon's flashback brings Taichi and Agumon up to speed.
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Agumon: So that's why you were here alone. Tokomon: Mmhmm. Taichi: I'm worried about Yamato, but we need to see Takeru first. Tokomon, take us to the amusement park where Takeru is. Tokomon: On it!
Following Tokomon's lead, Taichi and Agumon make their way to the amusement park.
The dub never gave a timeframe for Tai and Agumon's absence, so Agumon takes a wild guess.
Agumon: You see, Tai? We go away for a couple of days and everything falls apart. Tai: Hmm... First let's find out what T.K. is up to, then we'll look for Matt and the others. Take us to him, Tokomon! Tokomon: You got it!
Agumon, did you miss the part where T.K. was here for a week? Even if the month and a half hasn't been brought up, you're still undershooting with that couple of days estimate.
Meanwhile, elsewhere in the woods, a pair of Gazimon plot their revenge. Or... consider it, at least.
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Gazimon 1: How do we get revenge for Etemon-sama? Gazimon 2: (entertained) Could we even? Those guys are tough. Gazimon 1: Yeah, we might not be strong enough. Gazimon 2: Give up! Give up! We're not obligated to go that far. Gazimon 1: Yeah. Come to think of it, he was always walking all over us. Gazimon 2: Anyways, you feeling hungry? Gazimon 1: Yeah, I am. Gazimon 2: Oh! These mushrooms look good! Let's have some!
Honestly, fuck 'im. He was always a dick to them anyway. Remember that time he yelled at them for participating in his musical number?
We're all better off without the Digimon King.
While the Gazimon pig out on mushrooms, PicoDevimon plays with the despondent Takeru.
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PicoDevimon: WAHH! So much fun! We're so high up, it's like walking through the sky! Look, the lake stretches out so far! ...You're not having fun, are you? Takeru: Not really. PicoDevimon: (thinking) How irritating. He's still worried about Tokomon. (speaking) Hey hey, Takeru! Wanna go driving? Takeru: Okay.
Over in the dub, DemiDevimon has a dubious challenge to offer.
DemiDevimon: Hey, T.K.! I bet I can spit farther than you! T.K.: Hmm... Tokomon's awful small to be out on his own. I hope he's okay. DemiDevimon: Grrr... Forget about him, will ya? Come on, let's try the highway! T.K.: ...alright.
I bet you can't spit farther, DemiDevimon. Because that window has glass in it.
Cut to Takeru on a bumper car track, still looking completely depressed.
PicoDevimon: Go! Go! Drive! Drive! Isn't this fun? Isn't this exciting!? Next is the roller coaster!
Cut to Takeru and PicoDevimon riding a roller coaster shaped like a steam train.
PicoDevimon: Preparing to depart! (coaster goes over the bump and begins its descent) Yahoo! Having fun? Takeru: Sure. PicoDevimon: (thinking) Damn it. He's not enjoying it. This is bad. (speaking to Takeru) Hey, Takeru? Are you still thinking about Tokomon? Takeru: Who cares about him!? I was just wondering if he's okay by himself... But not because I care about him! PicoDevimon: (thinking) He still can't forget about Tokomon. I've got to do something. (speaking) Hey, Takeru, I just remembered I need to go do something. Takeru: What is it? PicoDevimon: Oh, nothing major! I'll be right back!
Excusing himself, PicoDevimon departs the roller coaster in the middle of its run. As he leaves, Taichi and Agumon enter the amusement park with Tokomon riding Agumon's head. They following the radar from the Digivice to Takeru.
(This same episode has now separately claimed that the beeping on the Digivice is bringing them to other Digivices and also to other Children. So I guess both ping the radar. That's super convenient.)
The dub follows the rails right up until DemiDevimon says he has to leave.
DemiDevimon: Hey, I just remembered there's something I've gotta take care of. I'll be right back! T.K.: You're leaving me too? DemiDevimon: Just for a minute! Trust me! You just stay and have fun.
I love T.K.'s response here. He's vulnerable right now, and has an Abandonment Issues response to DemiDevimon having to go. As well he should, given how thoroughly he's been abandoned. That's such a strong characterization choice.
Taichi finds Takeru sitting alone in the food court.
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Taichi: My Digivice is reacting. Agumon: Takeru must be nearby. Taichi: Takeru, where are you? Agumon: TAKERU!!! Taichi: TAKERU!!! (hearing their voices, Takeru gets up from the table he's sitting at) Takeru: T-Taichi-san! Taichi: Takeru! Takeru: You're alive! Taichi: I won't die that easily! Takeru: Thank goodness! (throws himself at Taichi) I'm so glad you're alive! I was worried! I was so worried about you! Taichi: I'm sorry for worrying you.
Takeru is relieved beyond measure to see Taichi alive.
The dub alters the meaning of the Digivice's beeping.
Tai: Huh!? Why's it going off!? Agumon: Could be trouble! That's what it usually means! Tai: Never mind that now; Look who I found!
Uh. No, Agumon, it does not "usually mean trouble". The Digivice has never once started beeping to pre-emptively alert a DigiDestined of hostile Digimon lurking nearby. That'd be a great feature to have, but no.
Once Taichi's reunion with Takeru is finished, it's Tokomon's turn.
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It does not go well.
Takeru: Tokomon, you're back. Tokomon: I am. Takeru: Did you realize that what you did was wrong? Tokomon: I did nothing wrong! Takeru: Tokomon! Where did you get this kind of attitude!? Taichi: Now, now. Tokomon told me everything that happened. This isn't a time for fighting among friends. Let's go find Yamato and the others! Takeru: No! Taichi: Why not? Takeru: They all left me. First was Sora-kun. And then... And then in the end, even Onii-chan.... Taichi: I'm sure they had their reasons-- Takeru: No! Everyone hates me! They hate me because I'm a kid and I cry easily! Taichi: I don't know what PicoDevimon told you, but Yamato would never hate you! Takeru: You think so? But any time you and I get along, Onii-chan gets this mean look on his face. Even when I told him we should go back and look for you, he was against it! He started hating me because I kept talking about you, Taichi-san! Taichi-san, I want to be your little brother! (Takeru lunges and hugs Taichi again) Taichi: Uh... That's.... Takeru: Can't I? Taichi: No, I mean.... (thinking) This is a problem.
Oh, Takeru. He doesn't hate you because you've been bonding really well with Taichi since we got here. He resents Taichi for being better able to communicate with you. He expressed those feelings in the trolley back in Seadramon's episode, but Takeru wasn't around to hear it.
Taichi's bond with Takeru makes Yamato feel inadequate as an older brother.
T.K. brings this up too, but he's more aggressive about it.
Tai: Whoa, man! I don't know what this new friend of yours has been telling you but I happen to know for a fact that Matt does not hate you. T.K.: Well, you might not be saying such nice things about him if you knew that I wanted to keep searching for you but he didn't! It's true! He's really jealous of you, Tai! Haven't you ever noticed that he gets all upset when you and me do stuff together? And he hates it when I talk about you! Tai: Huh!? T.K.: Do you think I could be your little brother instead! Please! Tai: I don't think it works that way! T.K.: Why not!? Tai: It just doesn't, that's all! T.K.: WAHHHHH YOU DON'T LIKE ME EITHER!!!
While Taichi struggles to figure out how to even respond to this, Tai trips over his own words and falls flat on his face. Good job, Tai.
While Taichi and Takeru are talking this out, PicoDevimon discovers the mushroom patch.
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PicoDevimon: Hehehehe... (spots the mushroom patch and Gazimon) Huh? Aren't you Etemon's followers? Gazimon 1: Etemon? Gazimon 2: Who's that? Gazimon 1: Do you know? Gazimon 2: Nope. Gazimon 1: By the way, who are you? Gazimon 2: Who am I? I forget. PicoDevimon: What's wrong with you? (takes a closer look at the patch) These are Mushrooms of Forgetting. One bite of these and you forget your past memories. I see, you must have eaten them. ...oh, wait, that's it! If I make Takeru eat these....
Whatever PicoDevimon ran off to go do, he changes tactics and decides to try this instead. The Gazimon's fuck-up gave him a great idea.
DemiDevimon greets the Gazimon with:
DemiDevimon: HEY!!! What would Etemon say if he saw you two lounging around like that!?
The familiar way with which he berates the two Gazimon for their laziness seems to confirm that DemiDevimon is one of Etemon's too, as previously suggested. Whereas the original takes a moment to recognize them as members of a rival faction. Which they are.
PicoDevimon makes his way back to Takeru.
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While PicoDevimon is transporting the goods, Taichi urges Takeru to listen.
Taichi: Whatever the case, let's go find Yamato and hear what he has to say for ourselves. Takeru: Okay.
Taichi's finally broken through Takeru's despair by offering one thin thread of hope he doesn't have to commit too hard to.
Over in the dub, Tai has inexplicably agreed to T.K.'s terms.
Tai: So I'll be your big brother but just temporarily until we find Matt, okay? T.K.: Okay.
Where Taichi's broken down Takeru's resistance, T.K.'s gone the other way and broken Tai's.
Just then, PicoDevimon returns with the basket.
Takeru: Ah, PicoDevimon's back! Taichi: That's him? PicoDevimon: (thinking) Not only is Takeru here, but so are Tokomon and a couple others.
PicoDevimon sets down the basket and addresses Tokomon.
PicoDevimon: Hey, Tokomon, have you been well? Agumon: HEY!!! PicoDevimon: (jumps, startled) Agumon: We have a question for you! PicoDevimon: Who are you people!? Taichi: I'm Taichi. This is Agumon. Agumon: What did Yamato tell you!? PicoDevimon: Yamato, you say? He said he didn't want to be around Takeru anymore. When he told me that, I tried to persuade him by telling him that he shouldn't say things like that about his little brother, but Yamato wouldn't listen. Agumon: Is that the truth? PicoDevimon: No lie! Taichi: Can you take us to Yamato? PicoDevimon: Of course! But it's a little far. Taichi: I don't care! PicoDevimon: Very well, then. Oh, hang on! Would you like something to eat before we go? Taichi & Agumon: (holding their stomachs hungrily) To eat...? Takeru: I'm kind of hungry.... Taichi: I guess we should eat, then. PicoDevimon: Here are some delicious mushrooms. Help yourselves!
Just like that, the trap is sprung. Taichi has PicoDevimon cornered on the Yamato issue, but in a moment, it's not going to matter.
Accepting PicoDevimon's deceitful offer, the kids prepare to eat the poisonous shrooms.
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Agumon reaches for the basket, only for Taichi to stop him.
Taichi: Wait! It will taste better cooked.
Putting those acquired survivalist skills to use, Taichi and Takeru put together a makeshift grill. They skewer the mushrooms and set them to roast.
Takeru: Oh wow, it smells so good! Taichi: (fanning the flames with a leaf) They're not done yet. Agumon: Oh, wait for me! I need to run to the bathroom! (runs off) Taichi: (calling after) IF YOU DON'T HURRY UP, YOU WON'T GET YOUR SHARE!!!
Asshole! Tai and his bad french accent are more considerate
Tai: Voila! Les mushrooms de la barbecue! (fanning the flames with a leaf) Zey'll be reddy in just a minoot! Agumon: Oopsy-daisy! Gotta use the little Digimon's room! (runs off) Tai: Don't forget to wash your hands or claws or whatever they are!
They're both, Tai. The claws are the sharp nails sticking out of his hands. He should make sure to wash both.
Agumon runs off to the bathroom, but he makes a discovery: The same mushrooms are growing around the bathroom too.
Agumon: Bathroom, Bathroom-- Eh? The same mushrooms are here too? ...ah! Bathroom, bathroom!
Agumon scurries into the bathroom while Taichi finishes the roasting. Taichi hands the first shroom over to Takeru to try.
Taichi: This looks about right. Here, have one Takeru: Sure! PicoDevimon: (thinking) Hehe... They don't know a thing.... Takeru: (hesitates, looking over at Tokomon who's watching) What? Tokomon: (turns away suddenly) Nothing!
Takeru tries to take a bite, but Taichi snatches the mushroom out of his hands just as his jaw clamps down on thin air.
Taichi: Oh, wait! I forgot to add seasoning.
Cue comical face vaulting from PicoDevimon, who's been waiting with bated breath.
Tai's even worse at cooking the mushrooms than Taichi.
Tai: Okay, T.K., you're first! Tell me if it's too hot. DemiDevimon: Hehehehehe..... T.K.: Want one? Tokomon: I wouldn't touch it! (T.K. tries to bite in but Tai snatches it) Tai: Hang on, this one didn't get cooked on one side!
This error might make a bit more sense than Taichi's error, as the survivalist nature of their situation makes it unclear what seasoning he has on-hand to add.
While Taichi and Takeru briefly postpone their fate, Agumon receives guidance from an unexpected source.
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Emerging from the bathroom, Agumon decides to try the mushrooms by the sign.
Agumon: Are these mushrooms really edible? (picks one) Sora: (from nearby) Don't eat that! If you eat those mushrooms, you'll lose your memories! Agumon: Who's there? ...that's strange. But if what that voice said is true... (panics, dropping the mushroom and sprinting away) TAICHI'S IN TROUBLE!!!
As Agumon flees the scene, Sora and Piyomon peek out from the bushes. Just in case Sora's voice wasn't recognizable enough.
Dub Agumon plans on eating the signpost mushrooms instead of Tai's.
Agumon: No offense to Tai but I prefer mine raw. Sora: (from nearby) Don't eat it! They're the Mushrooms of Forgetfullness! They'll make all your memories disappear! Agumon: Who's there? I know that voice; That's Sora! If what she said about these mushrooms is true that means-- YAAK!!! (panics, dropping the mushroom and sprinting away) DON'T EAT THE MUSHROOMS!!!
Plot schism here, as Agumon pegs Sora's voice instantly. By the end of the episode, his Japanese counterpart still doesn't know who called out and warned him.
Back at the grill, Takeru and Taichi prepare to finally eat.
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Takeru: Itadakimasu! (tries to bite, but it's too hot) Taichi: Too bad, too bad. It has to cool first. (blows on Takeru's mushroom for a couple seconds) There! That should do it. Takeru: Thank you, Taichi-san! (finally bites down) Agumon: (running full-tilt towards them) DON'T EAT THEM!!! DON'T EAT THOSE MUSHROOMS!!! Taichi: Don't worry, I left some for you. Agumon: NO!!! YOU CAN'T EAT THEM!!!
Agumon yanks the mushroom out of Takeru's mouth and snatches the skewer in Taichi's hand.
Agumon: Don't! Taichi: What the heck!? Agumon: (offers the skewer to PicoDevimon) You eat it! PicoDevimon: ... Agumon: Go on! Eat it, PicoDevimon! (Agumon throws the skewer, striking PicoDevimon in the face) Agumon: Of course he won't! If you eat those things, they'll erase your memories! Taichi: For real!? Tokomon: Is that true, PicoDevimon? PicoDevimon: Y-You see--
At this point, PicoDevimon is cornered. There's no way out of this one.
This is the end for PicoDevimon's deception.
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With PicoDevimon cornered, Tokomon piles on the accusations.
Tokomon: What you said about Yamato was a lie too, wasn't it!
PicoDevimon tries to fly to safety, but Agumon grabs him out of the air.
Agumon: You lied about everything, didn't you!? PicoDevimon: Yes.... Takeru: That's mean... That's so mean! (runs to Tokomon) I'm sorry, Tokomon. I treated you so horribly. Tokomon: I understand. Don't worry about it. Takeru: Tokomon.... Tokomon: (lunges for Takeru's arms) TAKERU!!! Taichi: I guess this misunderstanding is cleared up. Here, these are yours. Takeru: Thank you!
Taichi returns Takeru's Crest and Digivice to him. Suddenly, his Crest begins to glow.
PicoDevimon: Oh no.... (bites Agumon to force him to let go) I'll be in trouble if you have those! Give them to me!
Here, PicoDevimon slips about his true intentions. His job is to separate Takeru from his Crest and Digivice. This isn't quite as clear in the dub, which covers the same territory but more ambiguously.
DemiDevimon: That's not good! (bites Agumon) HEY!!! Who gave you the idea that Crest was yours!? Hand it over, you little squirt!
This could be interpreted as DemiDevimon simply being pissy that T.K. got his stuff back, rather than having premeditated the separation of him and his stuff.
PicoDevimon lunges for Takeru, trying to snatch the Digivice and Crest with his talons. Tokomon leaps from Takeru's arms to bite at him and chase him off.
Tokomon: I'LL PROTECT TAKERU!!! Takeru: (thrusts his Digivice forward) Tokomon!
At long last, Tokomon's ready to get back up to regular strength. TOKOMON SHINKAAAAAA!!!
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Agumon and Patamon go for PicoDevimon at once. PicoDevimon's able to swat Patamon away with his talons, lobbing him into the Teacups ride. But this distraction buys Agumon an opening to nail him with Baby Flame.
Once he reorients himself, PicoDevimon returns fire with his signature move, Pico Darts. He sprinkles the park below with these sinister syringes. One strikes a flower, which withers into ash.
The dub cuts out the Pico Darts in their entirety. Doesn't even show a glimpse of it. This is probably because they're clearly shaped like syringes. I'm not aware of trying to stab someone with a syringe being on the Censorship No-No List but I wouldn't be surprised by it.
The Pico Darts force Taichi, Takeru, and Agumon to scatter. PicoDevimon uses that opening to go for Patamon, grabbing him by the ears and flinging him onto the roller coaster track.
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Patamon finds his footing on the track, but PicoDevimon follows up with a wing bash. The hit sends Patamon tumbling through the air down the track.
PicoDevimon catches up, grabbing Patamon by his hind legs and dragging him along the track. As he flies, he mockingly cheers.
PicoDevimon: Isn't this fun? Doesn't it feel exciting? (PicoDevimon carries Patamon up to the Ferris Wheel) PicoDevimon: Up we go! It makes your eyes spin!
Patamon cries from the pain, but PicoDevimon keeps it up. He slams Patamon into the glass of a Ferris Wheel car, letting go of his legs. Patamon falls on his head on top of the car below, then bounces onto the one below that.
Sprinting to the Ferris Wheel with Taichi, Takeru calls up at his Partner.
Takeru: PATAMON, DON'T GIVE UP!!! (Patamon gets his second wind, lifting into the air to confront PicoDevimon again) Takeru: KEEP IT UP, PATAMON!!!
This gets drastically chopped up in the dub. First off, they carve out more of the action. Both the scene where PicoDevimon drags Patamon along the roller coaster and PicoDevimon slamming Patamon into the Ferris Wheel are removed, though they keep Patamon falling onto the two cars. So I guess DemiDevimon just dropped him.
Further, they change out Takeru encouraging Patamon to fight with T.K. begging Patamon not to fight.
DemiDevimon: You know, you really should consider renting yourself out as a football. T.K.: HANG IN THERE, PATAMON; WE'RE ON OUR WAY!!! DemiDevimon: (drops Patamon onto the Ferris Wheel) T.K.: STAY THERE!!! WAIT FOR US!!! (Patamon gets his second wind, lifting into the air to confront DemiDevimon again) T.K.: PATAMON, WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?!? Tai: Let him do what he's gotta do. I've got a feeling that he's gonna be alright!
That feeling is called listening to the Japanese soundtrack. Tai can hear Show Me Your Brave Heart blazing right now through his earbuds, even if no one else can.
Spurred on by Takeru, Patamon lunges aggressively at PicoDevimon, headbutting him and sending him tumbling through the air. He follows up with an Air Shot, slamming PicoDevimon against the track.
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Dropping onto the track below, Patamon lobs another Air Shot into PicoDevimon, launching him up the track while grinding on his ass. Patamon concludes with a third Air Shot, which flings him from the track and off across the forest.
PicoDevimon lands in the lake with a splash.
Despite the cuts earlier, the dub retains DemiDevimon's comeuppance in all its violent glory. Including the headbutt. I guess its' only the violence against Patamon that they objected to.
Reminds me of how they trimmed down Etemon kicking our boys' asses in his finale. I don't think the dub team likes it when we're losing.
With PicoDevimon defeated, Takeru and Patamon make amends.
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Takeru: Patamon! Thank you! I'm so sorry for everything that's happened. Patamon: I told you, it's okay! Besides, I was able to evolve again because of you, Takeru. Let's be friends again, okay? Takeru: Okay. I need to apologize to Onii-chan later too. Patamon: That's right! (leaps into Takeru's arms for a hug)
The dub boys adorably bring the mushrooms back into this.
T.K.: You were awesome, Patamon! Now I feel even worse about the way I treated you. Patamon: We promised we'd always be friends and the first rule of friendship is forgive and forget! Let's forget it ever happened, okay? T.K.: Okay. I'll pretend I had a bite of that funny mushroom. Patamon: Me too, Ahahaha! (leaps into Takeru's arms for a hug)
Aww, that's cute. Sad they couldn't work Matt in there but overall I like the callback.
From the bushes, Taichi watches the reunion with Agumon.
Taichi: Let's leave them alone for a bit. Agumon: Yeah. Taichi: Anyways, that was a nice save you made, Agumon! Good thing you figured out what those mushrooms really were. Agumon: Actually, a voice told me. Taichi: Whose voice? Agumon: I don't know.
I'm sure Sora will appreciate knowing that her voice is so unmemorable. It's been more than a month and a half for her but it's been like an afternoon for Agumon.
For reasons I cannot fathom, Agumon doesn't tell Tai that it was Sora even though he knows that.
Tai: Aww, that's kinda cool, isn't it? Agumon: Yeah.... Tai: And it wouldn't have happened if it hadn't been for you, Agumon! By the way, how did you find out about those mushrooms anyway? Agumon: Uh, voice in my head. Tai: You're kidding! Agumon: No!
...it was a voice from the bushes, Agumon. Not in your head. Also you know whose voice it was.
I said earlier as a joke that Agumon is high but I think he legit spent this whole episode stoned.
While Taichi and Agumon puzzle over that, PicoDevimon pulls himself out of the water. Before he can even gather his thoughts, a swarm of bats appears, forming into a humanoid shape.
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PicoDevimon: I-I'm very sorry! The Crest of Hope has regained its light!
Though Takeru's Crest is the second to shine, it's the first to be identified as a Crest of Thing. Up to this point, they've just been called the Crests, with no clear indication as to the differences between them.
His Crest is fairly straightforward in translation. Kibou de Monshou or the Crest of Hope. Kibou is a fairly straightforward term for "hope" with little nuance.
This lays bare what PicoDevimon's been doing all this time. His mission was to darken the Crest of Hope by plunging Takeru into despair. To isolate him from Yamato, to isolate him from Tokomon, so that he loses all hope entirely.
DemiDevimon says the same but adds:
DemiDevimon: The Crest of Hope has regained its light! I failed! But I'll make it up to you! I'll work overtime! And on Sundays!
I mean. He works for a vampire so the capitalism metaphor is appropriate.
While PicoDevimon reports his failure, Taichi catches Takeru up on what he's learned.
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Taichi: I don't know how they're doing it, but the distortions from this world are affecting the real world. That's why we need to fix them before we can go home. To do that, everyone will have to combine their strength. That includes you, Takeru. Takeru: I'll do my best! Taichi: That's the spirit! Now, let's go look for the others! Takeru: Yeah! Narrator: Taichi and the others left on a journey to find their friends. But what could have happened to Yamato and Sora?
We close on this ominous note from the narrator. A new journey has only just begun.
Though the narrator leaves us on this ominous question, the dub goes for a Moral of Our Story approach.
Tai: I guess it doesn't take a mushroom of forgetfulness to make us sometimes forget who our real friends are. T.K.: Yeah... Sorry, Patamon.... Patamon: It's forgotten, remember? T.K.: That's right, I forgot! Hehe!
Digimon Sez: Don't take your friends for granted, kids! Always be appreciative of what you have! And remember to floss.
Assessment: Been a while since Takeru got a focus episode. His episodes are few and far between.
As a foil to Patamon, PicoDevimon feels awkward because. Like. You would think Takeru would have some hangups about any sort of Devimon. He had a really bad experience with one. Moreso than any of the other kids.
You'd think that watching Angemon die would give him pause about blindly trusting any sort of Devimon. But I guess a month and a half of peace was enough to lower his guard that much.
In any case, the Vamdemon arc has officially begun. Chosen Children vs. the Nightmare Soldiers, let's go.
Up until the heavily hacked up final battle, the dub for this one was pretty good. It had a few changes I wasn't fond of, such as losing the timescale for how long Tai's been gone. But I feel like this one had more positives than negatives, and did a good job of staying on-rails for several scenes too.
It's certainly a welcome change after the last couple of episodes.
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rising-volteccers · 5 months
So, have this self indulgent take of Friede's POV in HZ044 ft some dialogue and scenes I wished he had. Why is it when I'm sick that I have the motivation to finish WIPs. At the very least it gave me a reason to rewatch some episodes haha
Anyway, hope this is an enjoyable read still! Spoilers for HZ044.
Series: Pokemon Horizons
Characters: Friede, Spinel, Cap
Aside from the wild Pokemon that quickly dispersed upon spotting their little group, Friede couldn't shake off the uneasy sensation that settled over him at how quiet the island was. Granted, confronting the Explorers on their turf wasn't ideal but they had little choice if they wanted to stop them from catching Rayquaza. Even a formidable Legendary could fall prey to whatever the Explorers had in store for it.
Eventually, Friede and the others reached the odd building. Once again, the lack of any lookout sowed further uneasiness within him. 
Surely the Explorers were alerted of their presence, or at least knew that they knew about their plans to capture Rayquaza. If Friede was in their shoes, he'd at least place multiple guards to protect the area.
Seemed like they did so with Magneton and Beheeyem hovering around the place earlier. 
A pair of Pokemon that he was very familiar with. 
Friede had a score to settle. Not only for that ambush back in Levincia but for putting Liko through an awful experience. Memory tempering was a downright deplorable act in the first place but to inflict it on a child?
Certainly a dangerous opponent that he can't underestimate. 
After a quick dash towards the singular door, Friede raised his hand for the others to stop. The other went to test the handle.
“It’s open? That can't be right,” he muttered. From what they knew of the Explorers that went in here, this felt suspiciously sloppy. With no lookout and conveniently unlocked door…
“You wait out here. If anyone shows up–” he began but Roy quickly interrupted him.
“We battle them!” Liko too nodded in agreement to Roy's response.
Friede gazed at the kids. He wanted to say that they should run and hide but he found it hard to say otherwise, not when they looked so determined. Didn't he allow them to join because he believed in their strength?
(A smile subconsciously formed on his lips. Murdock was right. Kids really do grow up quickly). 
“Gramps, you look after these two.”
“Mmm-hmm, these two are in my care,” Ludlow replied.
Assured of their safety, Friede turned towards the door. “Alright, time to get in there!”
Slowly, Friede opened the door. Light spilled into the dark room, and from what little that he saw showed a completely emptied space. Cap jumped off his shoulder after a few steps in, scanning the area just as he did. 
They barely had time to react when the door swung shut. Within seconds, Friede heard Roy pounding on the door, calling for his name. He hated distressing the kids but his suspicions were proven true. 
“Heh, seems like the others missed out on your little trap,” Friede spoke into the darkness. 
“No matter,” a smooth voice responded. Friede's eyes swiftly trained onto the light emitted from an Umbreon’s rings. “Mere children are no threat to us once we've set our minds on something.”
While Friede couldn't get a proper look at the guy standing next to Umbreon, he recognised that voice all too well.
“That voice… so you finally show your face, Mr Awfully Shy.”
“Welcome Professor Friede. I've been waiting for you.” As pleasantly polite as his smile and tone was, Friede knew there was zero respect to the title he called him with. 
“I anticipated the possibility of Coral leaking our plans. This place was built to imprison you.”
“So you also anticipated I'd come here. Wow, I feel special to get such preferential treatment,” Friede replied with a small huff, lips set into a smirk. At the very least, he was the only one trapped here, sparing the kids and Ludlow from the same fate.
“Liko! Roy!” He began, eyes never once straying from his opponent. “This is the wrong place! Keep looking around!”
Initially he heard Roy's protest but that quickly died down. Good, he trusted Ludlow to keep the kids calm and guide them elsewhere. The longer they lingered, the higher the chances of the Explorers’ plans coming to fruition. 
Once he could no longer hear them outside the door, that was when Friede released a tiny exhale. With the kids hopefully far away from here, he could now fully focus on finding a way out of his predicament.
“So, just the two of us–well, I guess four if you count Cap and that Umbreon of yours. What, not bringing Beheeyem and Magneton into the mix too?” Friede drawled, one hand settled on his hip. His first course of action was to scope out this guy, see if he'd divulge in the exact nature of the Explorers' plans.
“They’ve performed their part well. I simply need to keep you here, Professor. I've determined that my Umbreon here is enough.” 
“I'm surprised. I thought you were the sort to play dirty, press whatever advantage you have.” Friede's previously light tone took on a hardened edge, feelings that he had over his first encounter with this man bubbling to the surface. “What, memory wipes are off the table now?”
“There is no such need to use that method when the present situation is sufficient.”
Friede didn't think he had a temper, rare as it was for him to get angry in the first place but he can't deny the hot surge as he snarled out, “But you'd do it to a child?”
“Oh? My, I see what it is now,” came the infuriatingly calm response. “I did not harm the girl, no? I could have approached her like I did with you but I chose to go about it in a peaceful way. If anything, you should be grateful for it.”
To his still adjusting eyes, Friede spotted the faint smirk. Briefly, he entertained an uncharacteristically violent fantasy. The sheer audacity of his lacking remorse in what he subjected a child through…
“Pika.” Cap’s brief call snapped Friede out of his thoughts. His eyes flickered to his partner, who shot him a quick glance in return. 
Right, Friede needed to remember his position. Losing his cool would simply put him at a disadvantage. If anything, this was probably a part of that man’s plan to get a rise out of him so that he'd make mistakes.
Friede took in a subtle breath, then exhaled quietly. He shoved down the bubbling anger until he slipped on his usual confidence once more. His own smirk returned, mind racing to choose his next words. 
“I'll show you how grateful I really am,” Friede steadily replied to the provocation. “Still, there's one thing that I'm trying to wrap my head around. Don't think you can answer it, do you?”
“Seems like you saw through it,” he uttered, not sounding put off in the slightest. “But I suppose I can. What's on your mind, Professor?”
“See, Rayquaza’s appearance is unpredictable in the first place. Even if you can narrow down where it'll appear, not many mons can get close to it unless they're able to fly. Even then, it's powerful enough to repel most attacks.”
Friede briefly recalled the battle Amethio’s Ceruledge had with it a while back. Even with Phantom Force in its arsenal, it still couldn't land a strong enough hit to take Rayquaza out of the sky.
“What makes the Explorers so confident that you're able to capture Rayquaza?”
“Hmph. Well, it's because we'll lure Rayquaza out using a resonance generator.”
“A resonance generator?” Friede had a vague idea on what such a device could do from its name.
“Yes. I analyzed the accumulated data and recreated the energy Terapagos emits when calling to Rayquaza.”
“Even if you can call it, do you really think you can beat it?”
“Three skilled Explorers are on the job. They will bring it down,” came the confident response.
“That's a surprise. Didn't peg you as the type to ask for help,” Friede replied. He filed away everything he learnt for future consideration. To think that the Explorers were able to replicate the energy Terapagos let out. They truly were a formidable enemy.
“Don't be ridiculous.” The scoff wasn't unexpected considering what Friede gleaned from this guy's personality. “I am simply using them. I shall acquire the black Rayquaza without even fighting it.”
Once he called out for Umbreon, Friede knew casual conversations were over. It was time to battle.
“Not if I can help it!” Friede instinctively pulled out Charizard's Pokeball before he realized a crucial fact.
“In this confined space, you cannot make use of Charizard's flight. Not let it go on a Terastallized rampage.”
“So you anticipated all of this, huh?” Friede had to concede that in this particular room, he was at a disadvantage with Charizard. His partner's strength lay in its maneuverability within the field,  allowing it chances to gain the upper hand against a grounded opponent. Not to mention, its Fire-type moves could be a bit too dangerous within an enclosed room. 
Friede's eyes went to Cap, who threw off his hat as his readiness for battle. Right, he had another strong Pokemon that could face off against the Umbreon. 
“A Pikachu? You're toying with me.”
“Heh. I've heard the same thing from someone else before.” What was it with his opponents underestimating a Pikachu? “You're gonna regret it.”
“Umbreon! Use Snarl!”
With a growl, Umbreon released red rings of energy from its mouth that hit Cap straight on.
“Don't let it faze you, Cap! Use Double Team!”
Cap swiftly jumped out of the Snarl’s path, creating multiple clones of itself to confuse Umbreon. 
“Thunder Punch!”
Cap alongside his clones surged forward towards Umbreon, his true self charging up a Thunder Punch. It almost hit the Umbreon if not for the sudden Reflect it threw up, halting the Thunder Punch in its tracks.
“Keep it up! Double Team!”
Cap once again made multiple clones of himself but the Umbreon retaliated by an exceptionally speedy Quick Attack that took out all the clones.
“Cap, meet it with a Thunder Punch!”
Still in mid air, Cap turned with a lightning encased fist towards Umbreon. It looked like the punch connected but it seemed that Umbreon used its tail to block the move. Before Cap could recover, Umbreon got behind him.
“Foul Play!”
Umbreon flipped around and used its back legs to kick Cap away with tremendous force. Friede watched his partner fly halfway across the room to hit the wall behind him, causing dust to kick up from the impact.
“Cap!” Friede called out. Thankfully, that wasn't enough to take his partner out. With a nod, he muttered, “Now, what to do next?”
“Pi Pika.” Cap drew his attention again. It was a subtle shift but Friede spotted the crack on the wall’s joint. He quickly understood what Cap meant. 
“Wanna try for it?”
Right, with a vague plan in mind, it was time to carry it out. Friede will put his trust in Cap's endurance for them to overcome this situation.
“Cap, Double Team and get up close!”
Cap once again created multiple clones of himself to surround Umbreon. While it tried to find the real version, all of the Pikachu rushed forward with their fists raised. Friede hoped that without calling for the move, it would catch Umbreon off guard with its timing to block.
Though, the Explorers simply called for another Reflect that just about blocked Cap’s Thunder Punch. Cap was speedy enough to get away before it could retaliate with Foul Play. It certainly was foul in the way it used Cap's strength against him.
If Cap can't connect with close ranged attacks, perhaps it was time to switch it up.
“Cap, keep your distance and use Thunderbolt!”
Cheeks sparking, Cap quickly fired off a Thunderbolt towards Umbreon–only for it to dodge using a Quick Attack. Umbreon solidly connected against Cap to send him flying back, and due to Cap's position, he went straight towards Friede.
Instinctively, Friede braced himself to catch his partner. The force knocked the wind out of his chest, though he remained on his feet. Cap quickly jumped out of his arms to look up at him, concern swimming in his usually confident eyes. 
“Heh, don't worry about me Cap. You know I've taken much worse from you before,” Friede assured his partner. While he did feel twinges of pain from his torso, it wasn't anything he couldn't handle. He had taken harder, electric fueled hits from Cap back during their first meeting after all.
Cap nodded once and turned his focus back to the battle at hand.
“My, you're quite hardy, Professor.”
“Comes with the territory of studying Pokemon,” Friede quipped. Before he could say any further, loud explosions were heard from outside, strong enough that he felt the vibrations within the room.
“Seems the black Rayquaza has shown itself.”
If that was truly the case, Friede had to escape as quickly as possible. He trusted Ludlow to look after the kids, and while they've grown to be capable battlers in their own rights, the likes of Rayquaza were still too much for them.
Cap quickly charged up another Thunder Punch but Umbreon swiftly countered it with Foul Play. After a quick block with its tail, Umbreon kicked Cap away, sending him flying towards the wall again.
Friede gritted his teeth from the impact. It was hard to watch but he trusted Cap. His partner dashed past him with a Thunder Punch charged up, one that Umbreon once again responded with Foul Play.
“We’re not done yet!” 
This cycle repeated itself, ending with another hard crash against the wall. Cap took a moment to stand up this time, the damage clearly taking its toll.
“Are you just stalling for time? This battle's going nowhere.”
“Correct. You are powerless here,” was the confident reply, arms spread in grandiose. “You cannot even hope to escape.”
Friede certainly hated that infuriating smile of his. As much as he wanted to wipe that off, they can't stray from the plan.
“Don't give up, Cap! Keep at it!”
Thunder Punch met Foul Play once more, resulting in another crash from behind him. Friede clenched his fists, casting a quick glance over his shoulder. Just a little bit more.
“Your struggling will amount to nothing.”
Friede noticed that something in his tone changed. Perhaps in response to the smirk he gave, now confident that this plan will succeed. He won't give the guy time to ponder.
“That should be enough, Cap! Use Volt Tackle!” Friede ordered.
With Cap’s body encased in electricity, he rushed towards Umbreon with all the power he could muster.
Instead of using Foul Play, Umbreon used Reflect just as Friede hoped it would. Volt Tackle was just far too strong to effectively counter with Foul Play.
Friede watched as Cap turned mid rush, feet connecting solidly with the barrier. He used it as a springboard to fly towards the wall with all the momentum of Volt Tackle behind it. 
The small crack formed from all the previous crashes blew wide open from the tackle. Friede felt himself smirk as he said, “Sorry for wrecking the place.”
Without waiting for a response, Friede swiveled on his heel to make a dash towards the opening. As he took out Charizard's Pokeball, he heard from behind him: “My Foul Plays, meant to turn Pikachu's strength against it…”
“Yeah, I turned em right back at you!” Friede shot back.
He tossed out Charizard's Pokeball. His partner wasted no time in lowering itself for easy mounting, and after Cap hopped on, the trio flew to the skies.
Once they put some distance from the building, Friede took out Cap’s hat and put it on his head. 
“You showed some real grit, Cap.” Truly they wouldn't have succeeded if not for Cap's endurance. 
Now that they were past that obstacle, it was time to turn their attention to the black Rayquaza. 
“Is that the place? Hightail it, Charizard!”
With a mighty flap of its wings, they were off towards Rayquaza. Hopefully the kids were able to avoid too much trouble.
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adobe-outdesign · 2 years
Togepi’s Secret
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This is the very first Togepi card ever released, from the Neo Genesis set. It has Poison Barb as an attack. That’s a bit weird, right?
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This one is the second ever Togepi card, released as a Wizards Black Star Promo... except over in Japan, this card was released before the Neo Genesis one, in 1999. If you don’t notice anything odd about this one, check the Pokedex description:
Still only a hatchling, it uses poison to chase off its enemies when threatened.
This Pokedex entry mentions poison again, and it’s not actually used anywhere in the games.
The reason this is relevant is that beta/unused Pokedex entries have been known to end up on early Pokemon Cards before. This makes it very likely that this card’s description was once Togepi’s beta Pokedex entry, which hadn’t yet been updated at the time of this card’s release in 1999.
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Finally, there’s this card from Southern Islands. The scan makes this almost unreadable, but the description on this one reads:
This Pokémon is still immature. When threatened, it releases poison from its head and tries to drive its enemies away.
This was the third Togepi card ever released. After this point, the descriptions start lining up with the Pokedex entries we actually got.
Basically, the implication of all this is that Togepi was originally designed to be a poison-type. Those seemingly random spikes on its head were meant to be its way of distributing poison.
Note that its category, the “Spike Ball Pokemon”, probably references this beta, as something like the “Egg Pokemon” would be more fitting with the final version. Likewise, its Japanese name references spikes as well. To quote Bulbapedia:
Togepi and Togepy may be a combination of 刺 toge (spike) and ピヨピヨ piyopiyo (onomatopoeia for a bird chirping).
Also worth noting is the Spaceworld demo. While Togepi is a normal-type in the 1997 build, The Cutting Room Floor notes this:
Dex placement indicates a late addition. Is quite larger than its final counterpart. Has no evolution.
It being a late addition is likely due to it having been revised from the earlier poison-type version, which may have had a different design. The fact that it was larger and didn’t evolve meant that either it was intended as a single-stager originally, or it had a poison-type evo that had already been scrapped by the time this demo was created.
TL;DR: Togepi was likely a poison-type at one point in Gen 2’s development.
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aspens-dragons · 1 month
Off Screen Post
An Escape Attempt - Part 2
Arc Ender: Patchwork Sanctuary
Date: 08.16.2024 Time: 22:43 Location: East Province, Area One
Aspen could feel his heartbeat quicken with every second that passed, eyes scanning the horizon. All he could think about was everything that could possibly go wrong in that moment, every single what if and worst case scenario he could possibly think up running through his mind. He held onto Spitfire for dear life; if his heartbeat wasn’t accelerating the way his Cyclizar did, he would’ve thought it stopped ages ago.
The sun was rapidly setting. Clouds began to move. Neither helped with Aspen’s nerves or the panic beginning to rise up within him as he desperately searched for some kind of sign of the [DATA EXPUNGED], be it the beast itself or a single footprint.
Spitfire glanced up at her trainer, and even through his anxieties, Aspen could tell he was worrying his Pokemon; if only for Spitfire’s sake, he barely managed to keep his head clear.
As the moon rose, he heard a howl in the distance; for a moment, he took comfort in the sound, reminding him of his island challenge days (He also remembered that he should probably call his brother back, but couldn’t bring himself to let go of his Cyclizar.) until Spitfire perked up and began running towards the sound, picking up speed the way she would during the final stretch of a race. 
Aspen’s stomach lurched. A wave of nausea overtook him the same way it would just as they crossed the finish line. He knew he could trust in Spitfire’s instincts like always, but his breath hitched like he couldn’t believe what they were approaching. The familiar, yet foreign feeling of adrenaline and instinct mixed with calculation rose within him, and as Spitfire dashed towards a figure on the horizon, he exhaled slightly. He stared forward, eyes trained on the beast as Spitfire raced towards it; warm summer wind ran through his hair, shocking his body with a newfound calm.
As Spitfire began to slow, the [DATA EXPUNGED] came into view, a creature indescribable with human words.
Aspen approached it slowly and carefully. He recalled the last incident, and how he grit his teeth through the pain; at this point, he was more than aware of its capabilities and how fickle its trust could be.
“Hey,” he said quietly, “It’s just me, 04.”
The creature only growled at him, taking a step back.
“It’s alright,” Aspen repeated, taking a slow step towards the beast, “It’s just me.” Spitfire took a careful step towards it, but Aspen placed his hand behind him. Not yet, girl. 04 eyed him, still wary.
“You must’ve been pretty scared, hm?” He remained gentle, taking another slow step, then another, but froze at the sound of 04 snarling at him, “Alright, alright. I’m not moving. It’s okay.”
He stood there for a few moments, the stars fully shining down on them by now.
“It must be painful,” He said finally, “That mask. They never should’ve put it on you.” It just stood there, staring at him, suspicious and scared. Aspen continued to talk, though it was unclear if he thought the beast could understand him. “If we could take it off, we could. I would, at least. I can’t speak for the others, or the higher ups, or those white collar assholes,” He laughed slightly, “But I’d take it off of you if I could.” He took another step; the [DATA EXPUNGED] didn’t react, and Aspen smiled. He took another, and another. “That’s it,” he said quietly, gently approaching the beast that’d scarred him and his coworkers, “You’re okay.” He stood before the creature, closer than he’d been in quite a while; it suddenly hit him, how large it really was. He figured it could’ve been after 7 or 8 feet tall on it’s hind legs. “There you go,” he breathed out, tentatively reaching his hand out to place it on the beast’s not-face.
As he made contact, his smile widened, “Look at that…” After a few moments, he felt himself being nudged; he looked back to see Spitfire holding his bag. A shiny, new Heal Ball sat inside, the one he kept for emergencies. “Oh.”
Aspen paused for a moment, before taking the Heal Ball with a small smile.
“What do you say, bud?”
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shimmeringtidepools · 5 months
Nex, transformed into his old Giratina form, slowly approached the other Giratina.
"It's uncommon to meet another of my kind who has also been corrupted by the Distortion World, although I'm guessing the nature of my corruption is very different from yours."
Nex's body glitched for a few seconds before stabilizing.
"If I may ask, how has the Distortion World corrupted you?"
Giratina’s eyes scanned the other, narrowing upon the question. “Bold to assume I would want to tell you.” He started, watching as the fellow pokemon’s form glitched before his eyes.
He raised but only one eyebrow. “That’s it? That’s the nature of your corruption?” As Nex’s body stabilized, he let out a low chuckle. “How cute.”
“Every waking day I am in constant pain and agony. I haven’t eaten a mean in eons, and yet you dare to hold a candle to my form? How callous!” He spat vitriol towards the pokemon. “PERHAPS WHEN YOUR WORLD DECIDES TO EAT YOU THEN YOU CAN COMPARE YOURSELF TO THE LIKES OF ME!!” He screamed, voice booming off of the strange walls that made his home. Palkia moved away quickly, summoning her spear. It didn’t take him long to realize how scared she was.
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Another voice caught his attention, formal, one holding power. Respectful.
He listened quietly, face contorting at the question. Why the hells did everyone wish to know? It baffled him, confusing to the point of humor. A dry laugh left him, groing in volume.
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“Very well then! I shall grant your wish!” Taking a bow, he moved towards the edge of a cliff. A bright glow gleamed from his chest, a misshapen golden orb materializing out from it into his palm. As the glow dimmed, he held in his palm the one thing that held him together. For a moment, all was silent. A quiet that made Giratina feel like it would be ok, that he would maintain his form once more.
And then he felt it, the familiar pain that sent him lurching forward. The orb fell from his grasp into the dirt with a loud thud. Giratina coughed and sputtered, teetering ever closer to the edge of the cliff until, with a wide grin, he fell.”
“GIRATINA?!” Palkia rushed forward, standing by Calama with confusion. Looking over the edge she awaited movement, looking to see even a glimpse of her brother. Eventually, she was answered.
A large hand rose up, slamming down on the floating island. Red claws dug into the dirt as another hand rose up to do the same. An ear piercing howl came from below the land, growing in volume as the owner pulled himself up out of the void. Skin melted off into strange black pools at their feet, bright red chains clattering around his wrists each time he moved. Soon rose his visage, a twisted version of the handsome young man that stood before them prior. Now sat gaping black holes in his face, a twisted hole of a smile replacing the sinister grin he had when he fell.
The long lucious hair that whipped about on its own was now stringy, greasy and unkept. If one were to look over the edge, they could see just how rotted away his body was, his spine clearly visible from his skin melting away. Golden ribs sprouted out instead of porcelain ones, the shimmering bones glittering in the dim distorted daylight. The air seemed to still, slowing as he took a breath. The sound was strange, a hiss of hair that left the strange jaw that had become his mothpiece.
Blinking, red glows emanated from the hollows of Giratina’s eyes, sharp teeth becoming visible as he talked.
“Y̵̗̟̅̃͜ō̸̝̘͕u̸̲̺͠ ̸̛͚̾̑ẘ̸̫͕̘̊͘i̵̦͇͐͌s̷͉͍̀͂h̷̝̍̉̊͜e̸̤̳͊d̸̫͒ ̴̫̄t̵̰̟͆͂͗ò̶̻̪̘ ̸͎̀̎͋s̴̖͇̊e̸̝̓͆̀ȩ̶̦͐̚͝ ̷̹͌̀͝m̷̯̏y̷͚̝͒͗̕ ̷͔͖̂̚t̷̤̓r̴̠̰̓̑̄ͅu̶̥̫͋͘ȇ̴̖̰͗͝ ̸̰̃f̶̰̣̟̽̀o̸͋ͅr̶̨̓͊m̵̭̫̫̎́?̶̢̮͐͗̀ ̴̑̊͜T̸̢̜͙͛̕͘ḩ̵͕̙̂̿e̶̥̳̘͝ ̶̙͒̔g̶̖͂ȁ̵̝̎̕z̷̪͈̞̍̅͋e̷̩̹̮̅̑ ̴̳͔̜͐́̚u̴̮̝͌p̸̣̬̓̿ỏ̵͈̻̱̅͝ņ̸̡̻͂͗̚ ̴̫̞̹̆̕i̸͍̻͙̋̀͊t̶̝̠̍̆͆’̵̢̫́s̷̱̆̓̌ ̷͙̙̀ė̷̮̖͈͝n̴̬͙̟͒̾͠t̸̙̾i̶̢̖̅̋r̴͈̜̗̃e̵̳̟̐͠t̵̹͆ý̶̨̳͚͂!̷̼̎͒”
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Palkia looked upon her brother with horror. “Brother…what has this place done to you?” came her whispered question.
Official Reference for Giratina’s Origin Form:
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themissingnumbers · 5 months
Your work sounds fascinating… And Meaningful. And I would be honored to help you with it.
Whatever you need done, Professor, I’m on it. Just say the word. I promise to do the best I can.
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The Professor smiles, guiding you across the lab, and over to…
“Well, my friend! You'll be beginning right here.”
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The large setup of monitors covers a large portion of the farthest wall of the Lab. The six active feeds show various locations across several regions. 
Cam 06, in Sprout Tower. 
Cam 05, on Mount Silver. 
Cam 04, on the coast of Cinnabar Island.
Cam 03, on Mount Coronet. 
Cam 02, in the Pokemon Tower.
And Cam 01, in… “Glitch City?”
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“This is the product of… A lot of effort.” Ace explains, “But it's a specialized series of drones you'll be remotely piloting to survey these locations.”
They lean on the chair at the desk, smiling up at the mass of screens. 
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“My other assistant helped set them up in locations that we've found significant amounts of anomalous activity in. So what you'll be doing is navigating these locations and searching for anything… Unusual. Each drone can scan for oddities in the air that are otherwise unseen, and! If need be, that microphone there can allow you to speak through the drone, if you need to call out to something or interview any strange individuals…”
They look back at you, beaming ear to ear.
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“Basically, you just need to look around for anything weird or… ‘Glitchy,’ ask people questions, and take notes for me, okay?”
They step back and motion for you to take a seat, and make yourself comfortable. 
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“I'll be working on my own things on the other side of the lab,” Ace explains as you settle in, “but if you need anything or have any questions, you can holler any time. If you're ready, I'll let you be! And, um…”
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“Don't stress too much, okay? There's no wrong way to go about this. It's your first day- just focus on getting comfortable, accustomed, and… hell, just have some fun!”
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“I know you'll do great.” 
With that, they step aside, watching to make sure you get an alright grasp of the technology. Out of the corner of you eye, you might notice the phone left on the desk lights up briefly. But the monitors are calling your name…
So, where will you begin? 
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Welcome to the heart of “Missing Numbers.” This lab is your gateway to every part of this world. 
Utilize the various communication methods given to you throughout Ace's home and labs to discover, converse with, and ask questions of faces from all throughout the World of Pokemon. The more you explore and investigate, the more you inquire, the more you let your curiosity get the better of you... The more you'll be able to discover and understand. 
It's entirely up to you to explore now. So go onwards. Seek and find. 
We all eagerly await.
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Exploration is now available.
[In this blog, we want to leave the world as open as possible, and not put limits on askers for who they can speak with or what they can do! It is possible and encouraged to have multiple conversations going at once. Missing Numbers is not a linear story- We want this blog to be an exploration for you to discover how everything connects and what it all means. 
As it would be overwhelming and difficult, for both you and us, to introduce everyone simultaneously (after all, there's many faces in the world of Pokemon!), a major portion of how you engage with this blog will be finding things: People, Pokemon, and locations! 
So get on your feet and start investigating! Use your intuition, or investigate based on information given to you by others, to find the things you seek.
We wish you luck out there, friends! And we hope you enjoy. 
Welcome to the world of Pokemon!]
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kafus · 5 months
i got to mallow’s trial and i’m taking a quick break before i do it to get some food and stuff… some updates:
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this random colress appearance was actually cool for me this time around!!! bw2 is the single pokemon game that i skipped when i was younger and when sun and moon came out i still hadn’t played it, but i’ve played it since so i properly recognize the guy. Very Cool
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this small encounter w gladion is funny as hell but also the contrast between his and his sister’s situation is a little sad 😭 lillie is helping the professor as an assistant and has a nice loft in his lab, meanwhile gladion is fucking around in team skull and is paying to stay in a random motel for at least 2 years in a row. hau is right about this guy needing some fun in his life
also i’m so mad at myself because yesterday i accidentally forgot to do island scan on melemele so now i have to go back to that next sunday AND i accidentally made the wimpod encounter on route 8 flee from me bc my brain died and i forgot that if i hit it w false swipe it would flee the battle and now i gotta wait 24 hrs for it to respawn unless i get to one of the other wimpod encounters first which is doubtful i’m gonna be busy soon 💀 have someone coming over
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pokemon-ash-aus · 9 months
My biggest flex is that I played Pokemon Sun and Moon on release year
Biggest Flex is getting a Shiny Cyndaquil on the Island Scan of Sun/Moon!
And the less than 40 reset shiny Yveltal!
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pkmncenterguy · 5 months
📄 Serperior
I know more about a Unovan starter pokemon than most non-Alolans would probably expect, but thats because we have them in Alola! A very very small population yeah but we do actually have wild members of the snivy line on Poni island. They were brought here over a hundred years ago so they’re very settled into the ecosystem now, and apparently act as protectors for it which is fascinating to me
They’re very regal pokemon and despite looking kinda like an ekans, they basically only absorb sunlight for energy and eat berries for anything else they need. They’re also super competitive and they won’t battle other pokemon with all their effort unless they think the opponent matches their strength. I have seen more than one trainer get very frustrated about this, it’s honestly just something you have to negotiate with your pokemon because a serperior’s mind is not easily changed. There was also a viral video floating around a couple years back of a golbat flying out of a cave on Poni island and swooping over a bunch of small pokemon in the grass before a serperior just.. dropped off one of the huge branches above the golbat and body slammed it into the ground. It got knocked out instantly! I have a lot of respect for serperior but could probably never command one in battle lol
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whitephoenix52 · 11 months
Mewtwo's Victory
The Clones have won in battle. Mewtwo is victorious. The Psychic pokemon claims its prize and has captured every pokemon on the island with ease. Using monster balls that capture anything without exception, Mewtwo directs the pokemon tainted by human influence to the Cloning Lab below where the TRUE work begins~
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Team Rocket cower in fright, having just moments ago watched perfected pokemon species hatch from advanced technological concoctions, only to now see strange alien-like balls drop onto the conveyer belt and crawl into the ever open maw of the machine.
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One by one, each stolen pokemon is scanned and quickly identified by the machines brilliant database.
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One by one, perfect clones of each of the captured pokemon are spat out from the innards of the machine and rest comfortably in the tubes below.
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Meowth muses at these marvelous creations, watching them spawn as fast as they are scanned. Seeing his clone rest comfortably within the artificial womb, Meowth can help but reach a paw up to the tube, feeling the warm emanate from the fluid within.
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As the machine labors away at churning out perfect replicas free of the stain of human interaction, a foolish and defiant youth rushes into the maw of the collection port. Unwilling to surrender without a fight, the boy clings to the ball containing his Pikachu, unaware of just how futile his efforts are.
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Mechanical arms swarm the boy as he tries to the wrestle the ball away. The DNA collection has already been completed of the pokemon within. These arms, as if made of the scientific curiosity of the dead, yearn to pull apart this intrusive organism to see how it ticks...
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The boy's unyielding struggle are not without consequences, however. Enough of the mechanical claws are severed and short circuited within the collection port that it sparks surging currents enough to cause a chain reaction of malfunctions. With catastrophic damage done, emergency protocols are initiated to ensure the safety of the unborn clones...
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Production and gestation are launched into overdrive. Lucikly, Mewtwo had prepared for such a situation, composing the translucent tubing of extremely flexible and durable material to house and channel an emergency flood of clones.
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Swishing, swirling, the clones rain down through the flexible tubes; a soft bottlenecking as first where the main column separates into a near dozen of smaller tubes at a junction of channels hung above the floor. But within moments, the building pressure is relieved as the first wave of cloned pokemon begin to awake; Team Rocket watching in a perverse mix of fright, fascination, and anticipation~
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The pulsing tubes feed the sleeping clones into the birthing pods below. Slipping, gurgling squelching noises ring from the gooey membranes as each copy squishes its way through. Pokemon of different shapes and sizes testing the resiliency of the slimy sockets. As each creature slithers out of their scientific birth, the pods behind them have barely a moment to rest and reset before the next wave of clones is born. Humongous species of Rhyhorn, Tentacruel and even Gyarados squeeze into these miracle matter pods, inflating them to unreal proportions before they ooze through the membranes stretched to their limits. A chorus of squishy slurping noises sounding all the while as the final waves of pokemon make their exits. They pay no mind to the humans cowering in the far corner of the laboratory, for they are not threats to their might. Though the machine that birthed them lay in ruins, each newborn clone stands as a token of Mewtwo's victory over the humans that enslaved him, marching to meet their master in marvelous triumph.
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ladyravenjadethe2nd · 1 month
Pokémon and Hunter x Hunter
So on Ao3 their are about 3 decent fics about this crossover, but none of them have made Pokémon into a Nen power and I think that's a waste.
In greed island Ging and his friends make NPCs and magic monsters that have powers. Like you could just replace Greed Island with Pokémon island and say that whoever becomes the champion gets to take a team of 6 Pokémon out of the game. Some Pokémon have healing powers so you could do everything the same from how you get into the game to that rich dude trying to save his lover.
You get a pokedex instead of a ring. The island is now Kanto. The gym leaders are the NPCs. Boom easy story.
But it isn't the story I think would be the most fun to write. I think it's a perfect power for an Isekai into Hunter X Hunter.
Huge Pokémon fan from our world dies and is reborn in a place where your nen ability is strongest when it's something that's important to you or you have a lot of experience with.
Interestingly enough I think the best way to make this person OP without being a Mary Sue is to make then be reborn as Neon.
She has the perfect backstory. Become a very powerful specialist because of an interest of hers and has a very indulgent father that is smart enough to turn her talent into wealth.
So you could make the power in a lot of different ways, but since this person knows Pokémon and would miss it. I'll go with they are around 5 when they have a vivid dream of being a Pokémon trainer and holding their own pokedex.
They wake up with the feeling of the pokedex in still in their hand and find that their nen has in fact created one.
When they turn it on however their is only a blank pokedex entry. Naturally they fill the entry with everything they can remember about the first pokemon Bulbasaur. Maybe they have to get everything exactly right. Maybe this only works because they could draw the pokemon correctly, and had the correct weight/height and remembered word for word information about the pokemon, but regardless once the entry is done a light shines from the pokedex as if trying to scan something and from that light appears a Bulbasaur.
Now you could make so that either your entry has to be that exact, or you can scan a plant bulb and then the plant turns into a Bulbasaur. I think it's fair that if you can find the real world equivalent of a Pokémon just basic information about them should be fine.
Now that we have a good reason to randomly get a specialist ability let's make you super rich, by using sleep powder, poison powder, and stun spore into boxes so your dad can sell these cool new drugs.
Nice. So I'd say the pokemon wouldn't listen to you at first. You will have to befriend it or create a pokeball which would be harder to do, but your 5 when you get the starting ability so a few years to learn it won't matter much.
Also your dad be giving you anything you want so Nen teacher? Why not?
You could go into tech and make actual Pokémon games and shows to sell which could become a big thing and realistically Milluki would be into it so you could use that connection if you wanted.
You could be on a journey to fill your pokedex meaning you want to scan things to make more pokemon. When it comes to ghost and dark types your gonna need stuff like corpses that had a violent end. Hey there Kurapika let's go to that auction shall we?
You could decide that you want an island to make a safe environment for your pokemon and your dad who is rich as fuck after your housecat turned into a meowth that can use pay day buys you one or better yet rents out half of Whale island for your use. Sup Gon?
You could decide that Greed Island needs some competition so you out bid that guy for one of the games so you can go into it and learn how to make your own. Kurapika could come as your body guard and you could befriend Gon and Killua on your way.
There's like a dozens of fanfics that could be made with this kind of thing. Feel free to use these ideas if you want. I'm too busy with my Wip to write any of them properly.
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Noblesse Oblige -- A Lillie Fic
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[Read on Ao3!]
Rated: G Relationships: Lillie & Selene Pokemon Sun and Moon/USUM Content Warnings: N/A Words: 2.5k
Summary: Lillie and Selene venture out into Lush Jungle chasing after a rumor they've heard from Hau. Some things can be found lurking in the leaves, but others will have to be found within yourself.
Written for the FairySteelZine!
Lush Jungle certainly lived up to its name. Every tree and fern seemed to curl in amongst each other, thick leaves and twisted vines melding together in patchwork harmony.
It would be unfair to call it overgrown, Lillie thought. Lush Jungle was grown exactly as much as it was supposed to be. It was wild, unrestrained, free to grow as it pleased; the roots disregarding human-made paths.
In an odd way, Lillie envied it.
She and Selene made their way through Lush Jungle at a steady pace. The midmorning sun dappled through the gaps in the leaves, odd shadows trickling across their uneven path. The light breeze danced along, toying with Lillie’s hair, the island challenge amulet on Selene’s bag. Fairy Pokémon fluttered about, rustling the leaves in the distance.
Still, as magical as the jungle seemed, Lillie doubted the “super-cool fairy-princess Pokémon hiding in the jungle” that Hau claimed to have seen was actually real.
Selene however, had no such reservations and thus, Lillie found herself knee-deep in jungle flora.
Not that she really minded.
“Ah.” Selene said, coming to a sudden stop.
Lillie stumbled slightly, bumping into Selene’s back.
“Wha—? What is it?”
“There.” Selene said, pointing off into the distance.
Lillie peered over Selene’s shoulder, gaze following her fingers. Very faintly, through the weave of trees and plants, was a bright glint. Something silver. Something metallic.
“Let’s go.”
Selene grabbed Lillie’s hand, pulling her forward through the brush.
They stumbled to a stop at the edges of wreckage, a clean circle that flared out into the jungle. Lillie touched the tip of her toe to the ground; there was still smoke curling off the now-dry grass. The trees and bushes in the immediate area had all been knocked over, splintered apart, or burnt. The smell of gasoline and embers mixed with the scent of earth and grass burned Lillie’s nose. Bright light shone down in a ring, a break in the trees allowing the sun to pour down across the wreckage. Lingering at the edges, Morelull and Comfey poked their heads out from where they hid in the leaves.
And there, in the centre of it all, was a large, strange creature.
A Pokémon… probably.
It was all metal, but its silver body had a green sheen, somehow a shade alien to all the greenery around it. Its body was clearly mechanical, yet something about it resembled a human. Sheets of metal suggested cascading hair, a layered dress. Its needle-like neck unnerved Lillie, seeming so fragile in comparison to the sturdy bamboo stalks on either side of it. One lay against its side on the right, propped up by the rest of the body. The other; the left, lay flat against the jungle floor, obscuring the base of where the creature sat.
A Pokémon: metallic and alien, and yet somehow beautiful.
Selene sucked in a breath. “Rotom. Who’s that Pokémon?”
At the sound of its name, Rotom Dex zipped out of Selene’s shoulder bag, hovering in place in front of her.
“Bzzt. Scanning.” 
The display circled for a moment before loading to a page as Rotom read aloud.
“Celesteela, Bzzt. The Rocket Pokémon. Witnesses have seen it burn down a forest by expelling gas from its two arms. An Ultra Beast.”
“Celesteela…” Selene whispered, tucking the words in under her breath. “Thanks, Rotom. Back to sleep.”
“Bzzt. Zzz.” And Rotom zipped itself back up into Selene’s bag.
Lillie turned to Selene, asking for elaboration wordlessly.
“UB: Blaster. Ultra beast. Dangerous. Wicke told me.”
Even without touching, Lillie could feel Selene bristle beside her. There was an undercurrent layer of electricity that ran through Selene’s veins when she was preparing to fight, that energy now crackling to the surface. Without Selene even prompting it, Primarina flickered out from its ball. Its flippers brushed against the dirt, the Pokémon looking towards its trainer for the signal.
Perfectly in sync, as always.
“Ah—no!” Lillie squeaked out, pulling back on Selene’s hand.
This time Selene startled, whipping her attention over to Lillie. Primarina did the same. “What?”
Heat rose to Lillie’s face, but she tried not to care. “That… that Pokémon! You can’t fight it!”
“Why?” Selene asked. She wasn't angry, Lillie knew. She was always unflinchingly sincere. “I know you don’t like battles but—”
“Not that!” Lillie interrupted, embarrassed blush growing. “I—I’m sorry, but! It doesn’t want to fight!”
Selene stared Lillie down. She wore the same neutral expression as always, asking without words for Lillie to explain herself.
“I—It—it looks hurt! See, right there!”
Lillie pointed out at it, towards the left stalk. When Selene squinted she could see a jagged tear that slashed deep into the creature. Instead of any wiring or casing peeking out from the inside, all that spilled out was darkness.
“Ah…” Selene hummed. She held back; Primarina did the same.
She was still tense though, Lillie still felt that static in the air.
“It doesn’t look like it wants to fight…” Lillie repeated, voice cautious.
It wasn’t that she thought Selene wouldn’t listen. It wasn’t that she thought Selene would argue, or even disagree.
Selene was the strong one. Selene led the charge, iron will and nerves of steel. If something needed to be done, Selene was doing it. It was always Selene. Never Lillie.
Selene looked Lillie up and down, then nodded towards the Ultra Beast. “Alright then. What do you want to do?”
Lillie didn’t move for a moment, only blinking in place. “What?”
“Your move,” Selene replied, waving her arm out. “Directions?”
Lillie felt the weight of expectations pass onto her shoulders like a brick. But at least it was a solid weight, it was a weight Lillie wanted to try and carry. She wanted to prove she could handle it.
“A-alright!” Lillie called, plunging her arm into her bag.
Her fingers curled around the Heal Ball at the bag’s bottom. It was smooth, the feeling of grasping it still unusual to Lillie. She could feel Nebby’s breathing, its soft body brushing up against her wrist. Nebby was sleeping now, and Lillie was grateful. Taking a breath, Lillie tossed the ball up with a gentle flick of her wrist.
 “Clefairy, come out! Please!”
In a flash of light, Clefairy materialized, standing vivid pink against the forest floor.
The nearby fairy Pokémon skittered a bit, turning their attention to Clefairy while keeping their distance from the girls as a whole.
Lillie crouched down to meet Clefairy at eye level. “Clefairy, go and use Life Dew on Miss Celesteela, please.”
Clefairy looked towards the beast, then back to its trainer.
After a moment of hesitation, it nodded, and began walking closer.
Selene bristled.
“Nervous.” She replied. “Steel. Not good with Fairies. Don’t want Clefairy to get hurt.”
Lillie felt her stomach turn for a moment, the heat of the jungle only making her that bit more nauseous.
Still. Clefairy could do this. Lillie knew she could.
And she believed in Celesteela, too.
As Clefairy approached, it raised its arms up, a soft blue glow materializing in the air above it. Energy clouded together, forming a crystalline water droplet. It seemed to flicker forward, settling above Celesteela’s head before splashing over her.
Lillie held her breath.
What if the move wasn’t strong enough? What if Celesteela ended up hurting Clefairy? It would be all Lillie’s fault for trying to help and-
“Look.” Selene’s voice, strong and sturdy, sliced evenly through Lillie’s anxiety.
A Comfey flitted out from its perch in a tree. With a colourful array of petals, Comfey used Floral Healing. The pink and green flowers glowed with energy before making contact, light seeping into the wound.
With a little squeak, a particularly small Morelull crawled out from under a log. It latched onto the side of the metal stalk, slowly crawling its way up towards the wound. Once it got there, the Pokémon glowed brightly. A shining beam of pink light scattered down from the bright sunshine as Morelull used Moonlight.
Each move mixed into a vibrant illumination, pouring into the dark gash in Celesteela.
Glowing, the area around the injury appeared to grow, metal plates converging together, until all that was left was smooth steel.
Lillie breathed a sigh of relief. The fairy Pokémon chittered among themselves, evidently just as relieved. 
“There…” Lillie’s voice came quiet, gentle smile stretching across her face. “Does that feel better?”
A pause. After a moment, Celesteela’s head bowed down, then back again. It was nodding, Lillie realized.
“Ah—wonderful!” she said.
Lillie had only taken one step forward towards her Clefairy and Celesteela, still several meters away from being able to even touch the Ultra Beast.
But the second she got closer, a metallic scraping sound emitted from Celesteela’s mouth and Lillie jolted back. Selene bristled again, taking a step of her own closer to Lillie. Her fingers twitched at her side, prepared to send Primarina forward at a moment's notice.
“Wait a moment!”
Lillie whipped her head around, braids bouncing across her back with the motion. “Selene, please, I—”
She turned her head back towards Celesteela, craning her neck up to meet its gaze. Or tried to, its expression baring permanently closed eyes.
Its mouth however, or at least what Lillie assumed to be a mouth, turned downward in a frown.
It was subtle, Lillie realized, its expressions mild and unassuming.
“Celesteela…” Lillie tried, raising her hands above her head, “I’m not going to hurt you, I promise! Is something else wrong? I can help you—I just need to get a bit closer to see…”
Even as she tried to convince Celesteela, Lillie could hear her own voice trembling.
No wonder Celesteela wasn’t listening to her, she was hardly even a trainer. Maybe she’d directed Clefairy wrong and the injury hadn’t healed right? Maybe Celesteela didn’t like her because of how close she’d been to Clefairy, the fairy’s aura clinging to her? Maybe Celesteela could just sense that she wasn’t a strong enough trainer to help.
Lillie gritted her teeth. Even if she was weak, she wanted to help Celesteela.
“Clefairy, please try and get closer to Celesteela’s fallen stalk if you can. But be gentle!”
Clefairy gave a quick nod, then slowly walked towards Celesteela.
Lillie held her breath, prepared to cover her ears in case Celesteela began screeching again.
Instead, the sound never came, and Clefairy proceeded behind the fallen stalk.
Then after a moment, buzzing softly, a tiny Cutiefly rose out from the folds in Celesteela’s dress. It floated around for a moment, disoriented. Its tiny wings beat particularly hard, still dipping slightly despite its efforts.
The Comfey squeaked, spinning around in a loop before darting over to Cutiefly. It wound its flowers around the tiny fairy bug, lifting it up and escorting it over to where the Morelull sat on Celesteela.
Morelull trilled, glowing a vibrant pink and using Moonlight once again, this time on Cutiefly.
The Cutiefly buzzed loudly. It darted over towards Comfey, then back to Morelull, much faster than before.
All three Pokémon erupted into ecstatic chitters, Comfey twirling about so fast it became a blur.
Cutiefly flew up, hovering close to Celesteela’s face. Gentle, it pressed against Celesteela’s cheek. Comfey followed slowly behind, soaring up to the spikes protruding from the side of Celesteeela’s head. With one final twirl, it bestowed its wreath of flowers, dropping the ring on one of the spikes. Morelull settled for gently headbutting the side of Celesteela’s stalk.
“They’re thanking it…” Selene mused quietly.
Understanding washed over Lillie in waves as she watched the scene unfold.
“Oh, Celesteela… you were protecting that little Cutiefly?”
Again, Celesteela hesitated for a moment… and then nodded ever so slightly. The flowers on its head swayed back and forth with the motion.
Lillie approached again, and this time Celesteela didn’t stop her.
“Even when you were already hurt… you wanted to protect it, didn’t you?”
Lillie felt her heart clench for a moment. There was something about it that just pulled at her.
“For a Steel Pokémon… It gets along so well with fairies. Not Steel-like at all…” Selene mused.
Lillie couldn’t help but envy and admire Celesteela at the same time. A strong princess of steel, someone able to protect others.
“Celesteela,” Lillie whispered, “You’re…”
“Just like you.” Selene filled in, stepping forward to place a hand on Lillie’s shoulder.
“Huh? Selene, I—”
“It’s tough. And protects little Pokémon. Even when it’s hurting…”
Lillie looked to her feet, heat rushing over her face. “But I’m not—”
“Just like you,” Selene repeated. “You and Nebby. Graceful and tough.”
Lillie looked up, meeting Selene’s smiling face. “I—really? But—”
“No buts!” Selene shoved her palm over Lillie’s mouth. “Take the compliment!”
And finally, Lillie laughed, the sound spilling out from behind Selene’s hand. “Thank you, Selene.”
Selene just grinned, removing her hand to sling her arm around Lillie’s shoulder. “Anytime.”
Clefairy walked back over to its trainer, content with its work.
“Good job, Clefairy. You did great.” Lillie murmured, bending over to give Clefairy a gentle pat on the head. “Return for now.”
Selene looked up towards the sunlight beaming in from the hole in the forest canopy. The vibrant light had begun to tint orange; sunset was soon approaching.
“We should go. It’ll be night soon.”
Lillie nodded, though couldn’t help but feel the slightest twinge of disappointment.
“Yeah… you’re right…” Stepping back, she gave one last look towards Celesteela. “I-it was nice to meet you, Celesteela! Take care of yourself!”
“Hope we meet again.” Selene added, and recalled Primarina to its ball.
With that and a deep breath, the girls turned and began to walk away.
Celesteela hummed again, a lighter noise this time. Lillie turned, attention caught.
Comfey flitted down to Lillie. With its tiny hands it grabbed one of her braids and tugged her backwards.
“Wh—whoa! Wha— hey!”
Lillie stumbled back, until she was just close enough to touch Celesteela.
Celesteela looked down at Lillie, a wide smile on its face.
Selene and Hau had talked about connecting with their Pokémon before, knowing what they were trying to say without words. And for once… Lillie thought she understood it, too.
“Celesteela…” Lillie began hesitantly, tightening her grip on her duffle bag. “Would… would you like to come with me?”
Celesteela nodded.
“Ah! I want you to come too! Then—”
“Here.” Selene pressed a Poké Ball into Lillie’s hand. Actually, when Lillie looked closer, a Moon Ball. “This fits best.”
Lillie smiled. “Thank you…”
Gently, Lillie pressed the Moon Ball against Celesteela. In a shocking light, Celesteela dissipated, leaving Cutiefly and Comfey to swoop down and catch Morelull before it fell to the forest floor.
The ball in Lillie’s palm shook.
And a third time, letting off a set of star-shaped sparks.
“I—I got a Celesteela!” Lillie cheered, hugging the ball close.
Selene leaned over, hugging Lillie. “Congratulations.”
“Thank you!”
Selene pulled away, leaving one arm around Lillie’s back. “Now. Go brag to Hau.”
Lillie pulled back, laughing. “Selene!”
“No. We gotta. Come on.”
Pulling her forward, Selene and Lillie ran off through Lush Jungle, laughing all the way.
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Jack O'Goomblin
A Fusion of: Jack O' Lantern (Plants Vs Zombies), Jack O'Goomba (Mario), Dipplin (Pokemon), and Bomb (Final Fantasy)
Gender: Both
Element: Normal, Grass, Dragon, Water, Ghost, Bug, Fire (Mostly), Psychic, Steel, Rock, and Dark
Capabilities: Supersweet Syrup, Gluttony, Sticky Hold, Increased and Enhanced Fire Volume, Combat Training, Cell Activation, Ability Awaken, Fighting Power, Pumpkin Ghost, Summons 5 to 9 Wisps, Strikethrough, Produce Small Blue Flames, Ravager, Auto-Enfire, Flamestrike, Critical: Faith, Overwhelm, Felflame, Blaze, Bomb-Butt, Grow 1/2, Suicide, Charge, Blowup, Rush, Fire Ward, Self-Destruct, Body Slam, Piercing, Firestrike, Distill Power, Double Attack, Fira, Firaga, Meltdown, Kaboom!, Berserk, Heat Wave, Hellstorm, Vulcanian Impact, Bodyblow, Inflame, Swell, Fireball, Apoptosis, Bomb Blast, Protect, Oil, Focus, Flash, Thunderbolt, Cornered Beast, Enhanced Fire, Last Stand, Sizzle, Flame Attack, Spark, Airborne, Counter, Weapon Def+, Coin Count Echo, & Mass Destruct
Immune to: Death, Doom, Float, Earth, Virus, Confuse, Berserk, Auto-Life, Vanish, Eat, Scan, Gravity, Petrify, Venom, Silence, Darkness, Trouble, Zombie, Stop, Poison, Sleep, Regen, Haste, Slow, Shell, Protect, Heat, Freeze, Mini, Reflect, Gradual Petrify, Threaten, Eject, Capture, Curse, Blind, Lure, Launch, Daze, Pain, Imp, Meteor Strike, Pig, Toad, and Calm
Resident to: Ground, Water, Grass, Electric, Silence, Darkness, Haste, Berserk, Chain, Guns, Measures, Body, and Mind
Ingredient Drops: Juicy Bomb Fragments, Bacchus's Wine, and Magma Apples
Other Item Drops: Ore, Magic Stones, Potion, Ether, Average Bomb Fragments, Hi-Potion, Bomb Cards, Power Spheres, Bomb Cores, Fire Gems, Red Rings, Bomb Ashes, Fire Stones, Echo Herbs, Leather Gorget, Fire Magicite, Handkerchiefs, Bomb Shells, Mage Bomb Fragments, Arcana, Mage Pebbles, Redstone, Blackstone, Phoenix Downs, Magma Rocks, Fire Amulets, Right Arms, Shrapnel, Molotov Cocktail, Flame Shields, Bomb Arms, Tranquilizers, Silence Seal, Lilith's Kiss, Bomb Spirits, Krysta Cards, Mana Silver, Fire Aegis, and Fire Spellstones
Natural Diet: Fire and Healing Mana
Abandoned Natural Habitat: Halloween-Themed Galaxies, Ruins, Caverns, Towers, Fortresses, Scattered in Tornados, Dungeons, Huge Warships, Nearby Towns, Nearing at Lakes, Mountains, Kingdoms, Castles, Underground Passages, Volcanic Areas, Ghost Trains, Forests, Nearing at Bridges, Colosseums, Battle Arenas, Gardens, Nations, Islands, Art Galleries, Airships, Continents, on Paths and Pathways, Settlements, Deserts, Labyrinths, Wastelands, and Mines
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