#pokemon false red
false-red · 9 months
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It feels like someone else is here…
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been thinkin abt pokepastas again so here’s my take on false red!fire if he grew up like canon!red.. he just kinda hates almost everyone and wants to be left alone
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oddchirithy · 7 months
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Meanwhile, (If my memory is right because it's been a while), Lance later says the protagonist (Fire, not OG Red) was originally born there.
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pokemon-ash-aus · 2 years
Can we have more of Mewtwo Red?
I can never get enough of him
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Some dad and baby interactions just for you!
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c0rinarii · 8 months
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Birds of a feather die together
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camphorcapstan · 3 months
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Red robin on the cover of The Boy Wonder #3 reminded me of hawlucha
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r3iyo · 9 months
fire teehee
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fire my beloved
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onebloodsoakedlion · 7 months
Lost and Stolen - A Pokémon Creepypasta/Spinpasta - Chapter 3.LOST
DISCLAIMER: This creepypasta is a bit of spin-off, inspired by Lost Silver, Snow on Mt. Silver, False Red and Lost Soul Silver. Also, trigger warnings from those creepypastas apply to this one.
"This is my home!?" Ethan exclaimed. "It is your home," the man replied, "This has always been your home." "Then why does everyone want me gone!?" Ethan exclaimed, "And what's with Gold and Crystal being the champions instead of me and Lyra?" "We had to replace them with you," the man replied, "We had to change some things up, do something different." "What the hell are you talking about!?" Ethan yelled. "This world used to belong to Gold and Crystal," the man finally began to explain, "It was so much different from how it is today. It was older, it was more basic. So we overhauled this world into something new and fresh." "Why would you do that?" Ethan asked, "Couldn't you have just made a new world?" "A new world?" The man sneered, "A NEW WORLD!? Like that's even possible! This is the only world that exists! This is the only world that can exist!" Ethan looked down at the ground in shock, "What about Gold and Crystal?"
"You are Gold!" the man replied, "You just have a different name and outfit now." "Then why is everyone being mean to be for "replacing" him?" Ethan asked. The man looked at Ethan in shock, "Are you kidding me!?" "N-No!" Ethan yelped. "No... I'm not mad at you..." the man replied, turning around and scratching his head, "This shouldn't be happening... why don't the characters recognise him anymore? Game Freak would kill me if they found this world!" "Uh, what?" "Something bad must've happened," the man growled, turning back towards Ethan, "Some... entity must be trying to hurt you. Probably for some stupid reason like... I dunno... the originals are always superior to the remakes? Yeah, that's a load of crap! You shouldn't be tormented just because you were remade!" The man's words seemed to change something inside Ethan. Fear and confusion melted into anger and a need to do what's right, "Well, whatever it is, I'm going to destroy it. It's clearly a threat to our world!" He turned and started to head back down the mountain. "Ethan, wait!" the man ran up to him, "I have to warn you - please, please be careful! If the entity has managed to brainwash everyone else in this world, who knows what they could do! Do NOT underestimate it!" The man shoved something into Ethan's arms before walking off. It was an occupied Pokéball. Inside was Arceus. The Pokéball reported Arceus to be Level 100 and holding a Water Plate and had the moves Judgement, Refresh, Blizzard and Hidden Power. But the Pokéball had also reported Judgement, Blizzard and Hidden Power to "never miss" and Refresh apparently restored HP and PP as well. This is weird, Ethan thought to himself, I thought Blizzard had terrible accuracy and Refresh only cured status conditions. But he decided that he could probably take anything he could get.
Ethan made his way down the mountain, with Arceus out and following him closely. Arceus would protect him. He was the God of all Pokémon, after all. Neither the people of Johto or Kanto could hurt him, right? And just as well that he had Arceus, because just outside the mountain, was Professor Elm. And he looked enraged. "You... you BASTARD!" He yelled at Ethan, before sending out a Moltres and ordering it to use Fire Blast on Ethan himself! But Arceus wasn't having it - he got in the way of the attack, barely even flinching, before using Judgement. With the Water Plate, Judgement had become a Water-type attack, dealing massive damage to Moltres. "Just leave me alone!" Ethan yelled. "Not until you die!" Elm yelled back, "Moltres, Solar Beam!" "Arceus, use Judgement again!" Arceus used Judgement, completely depleting the rest of Moltres' HP. But it hadn't collapsed yet. It just kept taking in light. Why hasn't Moltres fainted yet? Ethan asked in his mind. He pulled out his Pokédex, which reported that Moltres "did not succumb". "Arceus, try Hidden Power!" Arceus used Hidden Power, blasting Moltres with slashes of dark energy. And yet, Moltres not only remained in the air, but finally fired off its Solar Beam, actually hurting Arceus. Only then did it faint. "You can't just hide behind the Pokémon God, Ethan," Elm replied, sending out Entei, "Entei, use Calm Mind!" "Arceus! Judgement!" Entei somehow managed to go first, using Calm Mind. Arceus used Judgement, but it only took out about a quarter of Entei's HP. Ethan's Pokédex said that Entei somehow managed to raise its defensive stats by all six stages! "Entei, Solar Beam!" "Arceus, use Judgement!" Entei began to take in light, while Arceus took out another quarter of its HP with Judgement. Entei was still roughly at half health, so there was no way Arceus could take out Entei before it could fire at him... unless he could land a critical hit. "Arceus, use Judgement again!" Arceus used Judgement, taking out yet another quarter of Entei's HP, and Entei used Solar Beam, dealing another harsh blow to Arceus and leaving him at roughly half health. Ethan wasn't too worried, however. He just ordered Arceus to Refresh. While Elm made Entei used Swagger. Arceus had regained all his HP, but was now confused. And none of his attacks were physical, so he had nothing to gain from Swagger. "Fire Blast!" "Judgement! Arceus had outsped Entei, taking out the last quarter of its HP before the latter could attack. "Not even a god Pokémon's top stats or powered-up moves will get you out of this," Elm growled, recalling the fainted beast and sending out Articuno. But unlike the previous two Pokémon Elm had sent out, Articuno had a nickname - VITALITY. And it had the Snow Warning ability, something Ethan didn't think an Articuno could possibly have.
"Let's see how you handle this one!" Elm said with a slight chuckle in his voice. "VITALITY, use Blizzard!" "Arceus, use Judgement!" Despite his confusion, Arceus managed to attack. But it didn't seem to even leave a scratch on VITALITY. Ethan gritted his teeth - even with a literal god on his side, this battle was going to be difficult. VITALITY's Blizzard then smashed Arceus, knocking out more than half of his health. "Arceus, use Refresh!" Ethan yelped. Arceus healed all his wounds and the hail barely did anything to hurt him. "Tch," Elm growled, "Refresh isn't going to save you from my wrath. VITALITY, use Mind Reader!" Ethan was already starting to feel nervous. Elm clearly must have some trick up his sleeve. He looked through his bag, looking for anything that might turn things around. He pulled out a Dire Hit and used it on Arceus, before telling him to use Judgement again. This time, Arceus did manage to land a critical hit, smiting VITALITY to less than half of its HP. But Ethan was still worried. What did the Professor mean by Refresh not helping? "VITALITY, use Sheer Cold!" Ethan felt a wave of terror wash over him. There was no way Arceus could tank or avoid the attack. It was a guaranteed KO. But he wasn't going down that easily! He ordered Arceus to use Judgement again, and grabbed Asher's Pokéball and a Max Revive. But Arceus didn't fight back. Instead, he, in his confusion, headbutted Ethan, sending him flying back. VITALITY sidestepped Arceus, using Sheer Cold on Ethan. Ethan felt the unbearable cold and passed out once again.
Ethan woke up in the same Sprout Tower-esque room as he did after what apparently happened on Mt. Silver. What the- again? Ethan growled in his mind. The Unowns spelling "LEAVE" were back. But FOREVER was still gone. Ethan checked his bag and once again, it was empty, except for FOREVER's Pokéball. But this time, he knew what to do. He returned to the ladder in the hollowed-out pillar and peered downwards. There was light coming from the bottom, so at least he wouldn't be in complete darkness. Ethan slid down the ladder, and walked through the hallway into the chamber with the sign saying "TURN BACK NOW". This time, FOREVER was already waiting for him there. "Yes, Ethan, I've been here all this time," FOREVER sarcastically barked. "I managed to get back home," Ethan exclaimed, "Even though everyone was being weird, I managed to get back home! But I got sent back here when an Articuno used Sheer Cold on me!" FOREVER's eyes widened at the mention of Articuno. "Let's try this again," Ethan rambled, "I STILL refuse to "TURN BACK NOW"! Seriously, what to you expect when I came from a place that I got told to leave!" Ethan braced himself for another long fall. But the ground below him remained. "You need to TURN BACK NOW this time," FOREVER replied. Ethan pouted and turned back towards the ladder. However, the Unowns wouldn't even let him re-enter the hallway. "What the hell am I supposed to do!?" Ethan yelled, "That sign is telling me to go back to that Sprout Tower room, but these Unown are blocking my way and telling me to LEAVE! What am I supposed to do!?" "Just say you're going to TURN BACK NOW," FOREVER replied. "Okay!" Ethan yelled back, "I want to TURN BACK NOW! Let me TURN BACK NOW!" Ethan was instantly surrounded in complete darkness. He couldn't even see FOREVER's eyes. But a light had appeared in front of him. He had to be there. That had to be the exit.
Ethan had found himself in a hallway that had seemingly just opened, leading to what he assumed was the outside world. Was the sign telling him to return there all along? But as Ethan started to make out what was at the end of the tunnel, his heart sank. The ground was light grey and littered with headstones and the sky looked to be white. The headstones became more legible and Ethan began to read them.
Ethan froze in shock. Did Bobby actually die!? Even worse, he realised the date of death was the same day he and Lyra had gone to Mt. Silver in order to find Fire and Leaf. Was it all real, after all? "No... NO! This can't be!" Ethan yelled, running towards the headstone! His feet hit light grey dirt, kicking up dust. He went right up to the headstone, but its content didn't change. He read the other headstones, which had the names of the other five Pokémon that were in his team that fateful day, all with the same date of death, all surrounding a pit lined with big, grey blocks. This is just a mean trick, Ethan thought to himself, Surely my Pokémon are back in my bag... But there was still nothing inside except for FOREVER's empty Pokéball. So FOREVER had to still be around, right? "FOREVER? FOREVER!? Where are you!?" But instead of a Houndoom coming over to meet him, six Unowns flew out of the pit and floated right in front of him, spelling "DIED HE". "What are you saying!?" Ethan exclaimed, "Are you trying to tell me that FOREVER DIED!?" "No." Ethan turned around, only to get an Ember to the face. He yelped and held his face in his hands, but the pain wouldn't stop. Through his fingers, he saw FOREVER lunge at him, pinning him to the ground. "What was that for!?" Ethan screamed, "I thought you were here to help me!" "I am here to help you," FOREVER replied, "I'm here to help you to atone for your sins!" He bared his teeth, flames flickering in the back of his throat. Ethan shielded himself with his arms, only for the Houndoom to rip them both off. Ethan kicked at FOREVER's abdomen, managing to get the demonic dog off him, before scooting backwards towards the blocks behind him. "M-MY ARMS!!!" FOREVER scrambled to his feet, giving Ethan an even angrier glare than before. The boy managed to stand up without the help of his now missing arms, and turned to the side as if to run away. But something grabbed him by the bottom of his jacket, pulling him towards the pit. He tried to resist, but it held on tight. Ethan looked back at FOREVER, who was slowly walking towards him, then into the pit. A white, ghostly hand was grabbing onto him. Its pull was only strong enough to keep him in place... until it tugged, causing Ethan to lose his balance and fall backwards into the pit.
At the bottom of the pit was a wide, blood-red hallway. Ahead of where Ethan landed, both sides were lined with white figures. Ethan managed to stand up again and staggered towards them They turned out to be all the Gym Leaders from Johto and Kanto, but their colours of both their bodies and clothes had been drained to a stark white, with the exception of the darker parts, which had turned black. "S-Someone! Help me!" Ethan screamed, "I've lost my arms! I'm bleeding!" But there was no response from anyone. They all stood completely still. "ANSWER ME!" Ethan yelled, kicking Whitney, only for his foot to phase through her body as if she was a ghost. Ethan looked around. The end of the hallway was in sight and there was another white figure, but it was floating in the air. On closer inspection, the white figure turned out to be a boy, shorter and stockier than Ethan. He had arms, but no legs and his eyes were completely black and bleeding, with red laser dots for pupils. He wore a backwards cap that was white on the front and black at the back. His black hair had a large lock at the front, swept towards his right, similarly to Ethan's. He was wearing a hoodie with what seemed to be a wider version of Ethan's collar, but without the flaps underneath, and a black undershirt. He was also wielding a naginata in his hands. "A-Are you... G-Gold?" Ethan stammered. The boy tightened his grip on his spear in response and glared at Ethan, but didn't say anything back. "N-No... you can't be Gold, can you? Gold and I are one and the same, right?" "Wrong... I am Gold," the boy muttered back, "They just killed me, and replaced me with you!" Ethan felt a wave of dread wash over him. What the people of Johto were going on about was true! Gold had been killed and Ethan was put into his world. A world that wasn't Ethan's. And now the people of that world had found out and they were pissed. Ethan had been lied to. No. The people of Johto just can't handle change. Their world had to be remade for a reason.
O͞͏͏ut́͢ w͏i̛t͝͞h̵̶ ͏t͜hȩ ͏͏ơl̴͘͞d̸.͏́͘ ̧͘I̵n̸ ͏̢͡w̶i̷̴t̨́̕h̷̕ ̴͡t̸͞͝he̸͝ ̶̧̧n҉̷ew̸̕.͞
"Your death was necessary, you obsolete hack!" Ethan found himself scowling. Gold grimaced in rage and pointed his naginata at Ethan, who backed up in fear. "Spoken like a true murderer," Gold growled, "GIVE ME MY LIFE BACK!" Gold lunged at Ethan, the naginata going straight through his chest. Ethan saw colour returning to Gold's body, revealing his cap to be yellow where there was white, his hoodie to be red and white and his skin to be the exact same colour as Ethan's. His eyes became normal again, revealing gold irises, and his legs grew back, revealing yellow and black shorts and black and white joggers with red and yellow plates on the sides with red socks clearly visible. But Ethan noticed that his legs were gone, and he was losing colour, just like the ghostly Gym Leaders he had gone past in the hallway. He was now floating in front of Gold, crying tears of blood. "Goodbye forever," Gold said, with a tinge of frustration in his voice. Darkness erupted from below Ethan, completely engulfing him, stinging what was left of his body in unbearable pain. Ethan cried and screamed in agony for what must've been hours, until the pain, and everything else with it, stopped.
Ethan was gone. The visages of the Gym Leaders were gone. Gold finally had his body back. FOREVER hadn't just helped him cope with this hell, but had saved him from it. Everything was going to be okay. For the first time in ages, Gold felt something other than fear and misery. He felt relief. And fatigue. Gold's legs were struggling to support the rest of his body. He stumbled, trying to maintain his footing. But his grip on his naginata faltered, and his consciousness petered out.
Previous Chapter Previous Chapter, but Lyra
This Chapter, but Lyra
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hellbatschilt · 2 years
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Making a compilation of every shiny Pokemon I've found that has knocked itself out lol
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strapstreams · 1 month
Did you know? Originally, Leafeon was supposed to appear in Pokémon Red and Blue, but an error with the code would always turn Eevee into a Vileplume whenever a Leaf Stone was used. This error would not be corrected until the release of Diamond and Pearl. This has been Fun Falses with Strap.
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 9 months
Can I request this. A dancer reader with pokemon scarlet and violet. Reader has meloetta, oricorio, scream tail, primarinna, hoopa and toxtricity.
If you want the lore on this reader. They are a singer whose family was said to be the descendants of a siren.
This reader has never caught a pokemon with a pokeball. The pokemon that join reader just travel with them. This reader uses sign language or writing to communicate as their voice is dangerous as it can charm anyone ho hears it if they aren't related to reader from their dad's side.
Reader went to this school was near to her mom's childhood home.
Meloetta and Primarinna (who ia an alpha pokemon) were able snap people out of Reader's voice and joined reader so they don't hurt anyone with their voice.
Toxtricity is protects reader from being kidnapped and overprotective and is resistant to their voice because punk rock.
Hoopa follows reader as reader is interesting.
Scream tail was a pokemon her grandma asked to protect reader.
As a dancer, you've made quite a name for yourself in the Paldea region--almost rivalling celebrities like Ryme and Iono.
People everywhere find your performances stellar, especially when your Pokémon provided backup dancing and singing.
A year prior to the Treasure Hunt, you did a show for the Festival of Masks in Kitakami, telling a moving story about the "Loyal Three" and Ogerpon.
Ofc you regretted it after learning that was a false narrative.
Speaking of your team, it was quite peculiar...consisting of an Alpha 'mon with menacing red eyes, two mythicals, an Ancient Paradox 'mon that somehow got out of the crater, and a perfectly normal Toxtricity and Oricorio.
However, you don't speak much, preferring sign language and/or writing as ways of communication..and your friends wondered why...
Although after becoming close with Arven, Penny, and Nemona (and eventually Carmine and Kieran), you wrote them all messages detailing your past.
You're a descendant of sirens, appearing entirely human yet having the alluring voice of one.
You basically know Hypnosis..but it wasn't something you were proud of, because you've charmed people into following your voice, and...it almost always ended badly.
Unfortunately, that made you a prime target in several kidnappings from evil organizations in other regions.
They falsely believed your family could somehow learn Pokémon moves and became obsessed with harnessing that same power..even though it had nothing to do with Pokémon at all.
Since moving to Paldea, it's become your safe haven, especially since your mom's childhood home was here and you could retreat to it whenever you wished.
After your grandma gave you Scream Tail to accompany you during your many journeys, the rest of your team sorta formed itself.
You never believed in using pokeballs, and thus they followed you wherever you went (ofc as long as it was allowed).
Oricorio was always perched on your shoulder to scout out high places and be your number 1 cheerleader (in the case of the pom-pom variant).
Amped!Toxtricity became your bodyguard and a friend you could rely on after learning its Punk Rock ability made it quite resistant to your voice. So you'd make small talk with it, although you still don't say too much.
It's ready to throw hands wherever and whenever you're being bothered--by students, staff, and tourists alike.
Alpha!Primarinna was a lass you discovered at the Wistful Fields one summer day, having come a long way from Hisui (like Bloodmoon Ursaluna).
Normally Alphas are belligerent, but she felt a sudden connection to you and obeyed you right on the spot. A giant and loyal protector.
Hoopa travelled through space and time to meet you, finding you quite interesting...and grinned deviously after you managed to win its prison bottle at an auction.
It almost caused chaos at the mart, tricking you into opening it, but even you were able to tame its Unbound form and convince it to become Confined again.
Finally, Meloetta was lured to one of your performances and provided beautiful backup vocals, and ever since then you two have done many duos as dancer/singer.
Her and Primarinna are the only ones who can snap people out of your spells. They know you hate to hurt others but sometimes humans just push your buttons and...well...next thing you know, the two ladies are scrambling to save them from walking through hostile territory to greet you.
Fortunately, those events happen rarely now and you've been able to form meaningful friendships.
Since nobody in your team is stuck in a pokeball, they usually hang out at your mom's childhood home or in your dorm--but Toxtricity and Oricorio insist on being with you in-class.
As far as everyone's reactions go...
Nemona is PSYCHED to see you have a team specifically themed around music and song (except for Hoopa, although it knows Throat Chop yet seldom uses it), always wanting to battle them.
Also converses with you in sign language. I hc she learned it so she could communicate with deaf/HOH trainers so they can battle with her, too, free of judgement.
Penny is both impressed and terrified tbh--especially with the Alpha who has looks that could kill if it weren't for your unique connection with the giant water/fairy. But her Sylveon gets along with Primarinna surprisingly well.
Arven almost didn't believe you were a descendant of sirens until he witnessed you hypnotize a substitute who thought you weren't answering their question..nearly falling into the trance himself until Meloetta showed up.
He's never doubted your power since.
Carmine did tease you in the beginning for being even quieter than her little brother, but felt guilty after reading your letter...wanting to learn sign language herself to own up to her mistakes.
Kieran saw your performance at the festival and couldn't believe you returned to Kitakami as a student, wanting to challenge him to a battle.
You? A celebrity? Against him????
But after the ordeal with Ogerpon, he felt betrayed by his two biggest idols...and so your letter went unread, although it remained in his bag and he finally looked at it post-Indigo Disk.
He showed up to your dorm at BB Academy that same day, a bagful of candy apples and berries as another apology.
Least to say, your team adored the treats.
Even Toxtricity--who genuinely thought he was being an annoying brat this entire time--finally softened up around him.
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false-red · 8 months
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He sought comforting isolation, but found only disturbance.
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harveywritings92 · 2 years
The Noisy Neighbors: König x Reader x Ghost.
[A snooty neighbor ambushes R/n while she’s out getting the mail and starts yelling at her to keep the noise down, and R/n for the life of her, can’t figure out what the woman is talking about!}
[NOTE: IF YOU SEE A POKEMON Subway boss Ingo x reader FIC WITH A SIMLIAR PLOT, YOU SHOULD KNOW I WROTE THAT TOO.] ———————- T rating: for implied sexual activity. (just pillow talk nothing really descriptive.) ———————–
It was a calm and quiet summer morning as R/n calmly stepped out of her house cheerfully humming a random tune as she stepped off the porch and walked down the driveway to the mailbox, R/n was still humming unaware of her overly dramatic pearl clutching neighbor Linda angerly approaching her, until she heard the older woman’s snobbish  *ahem* from behind her.
R/n mentally cussed and sighed wondering what the hell the woman was going to whine and moan about now? were her Sheep choose sleep pajamas too scanty for her liking? it’s a tank-top and shorts get over it! “Linda, what can I do for you this fine morning?” R/n said with false cheer as Linda sniffed at her; contempt was written all over her withered face. “You keep that disgusting noise down, some people are trying to sleep!” the old woman huffed indignantly, while R/n just gave her a blank look having no idea what this woman was talking about. “Noise? What do you mean, what noise?” the old woman bristled at this response.
“Don’t play stupid with me, you know exactly what noise I’m talking about!”
“No Linda, I really don’t know anything about any noise.”
“Just stop with the noise!”
“If you would just tell me what this noise is, then I’ll take care of it!”
The old woman’s face turned beet red as she sputtering about calling the police if the noise didn’t stop! She then saw Ghost and König coming out of the house, Linda sneered in disgust and scurried back to her home, as Ghost went to give R/n a quick peck on cheek, when the sound of Linda slamming her front door caused him to snap his head up and look across the road at the old bat’s house in bemusement. 
Simon then sighed tiredly. Yeah, Linda has that effect on people…. “What was she on about now? Did the wind blow some of our leaves into her yard again?” he muttered keeping his eyes on the old woman’s house. He could see Linda glaring at them from behind the curtain.
R/n shook her head while looking through the mail. “No, apparently, she's complaining about "the noise”.“ Ghost's brows furrowed and he looked at R/n confused. "Noise, What kind of noise?” he looked at his girlfriend incredulously, R/n just shrugged. She was completely at a loss about their neighbor’s gripe. “I asked her about it, but she wouldn’t describe it! She just got mad and left.” They asked König if he's been hearing any noises from their house or around the neighborhood? He thought about it for a moment and then shook his head. They all figured the old woman was just hearing things or likely was trying to stir the pot for no reason other than to cause drama.
[Cut to later that night.]
Ghost and König collapsed next to R/n they were sweaty and out of breath Simon had his arm resting lazily on R/n's bare waist while König hugged them both close as they laid in bed and relaxed in the afterglow of their nightly activities, Ghost  pulled both his lovers close and gave König a kiss on the forehead and R/n a kiss on the shoulder. “Are you ok?” he husked at R/n tiredly nodded.
"I gotta use the toilet, I'll be right back." König cooed playing with R/n's hair as he got up from the bed pulled on some shorts, Ghost sat a little bit later “Do you want some water?” he asked finally getting the feeling back in his legs. “Yeah..” R/n hummed contently Ghost chuckled and gave her a quick kiss on the forehead, as he got his own sweatpants and mask on, he went downstairs to get a bottle of water for them to share, when he saw what looked like red and blue lights flashing outside...
Ghost at didn't think much of it at first, he though it was the couple down the street fighting again, but he was in for a surprise when he found R/n up from bed when he got back to their room, she was wearing his shirt. both she and König were looking out the window concerned, Ghost frowned as he came up behind them.
“What is it?” he asked taking a drink from the bottle and handing it to R/n. “Not sure, but the cops are at Linda’s place.” she said before taking a drink and giving the bottle to König, Simon's frown deepened as he looked out the window with them wondering. “what the hell was Linda calling the cops for now?* Yes this wasn't the first time she's called the cops on them. "Who knows, maybe she didn't call them on us this time?" König said trying to ease the tension but that was soon quashed by a knock at the front door.
Ghost, König and R/n looked at each other, R/n quickly put on some underwear and PJ shorts while Ghost and König quickly got their t-shirts on and the three went down stairs and opened the front door, where they were greeted by two very confused cops and a red face Linda. “Tell them to stop the noise!” the old woman demanded while the cops told her to go back to her house and wait.
The three lovers let out annoyed sighs. “Lemme guess, she called in a noise complaint?” Ghost groaned the cops nodded looking very tired as stated before, this wasn’t the first time Linda has called them for something arbitrary, she once called the cops on Ghost for walking their dog, R/n for hanging up laundry and once again called them on König for giving out drugs to children!…
Spoiler alert, It was Halloween candy, the children were trick or treaters because it was Halloween. So, yeah the cops take anything Linda says these days with a grain of salt.
“Did she at least tell you what this suppose noise was, cos we have zero clue on what she’s talkin’ about!” Ghost asked still confused about the situation, the cops shook their heads they were hoping one of them would tell them. “She just kept getting angry and yelling at us to ‘stop the noise’ over and over.” the three hummed in confusion as Soap came up the from the basement for glass of chocolate milk. “Soap did you hear anything strange?” König asked their roommate who shook his head. “Naw, I haven't heard anything all night.” Soap said as he finished making his drink; then put his earplugs back in as he went back downstairs to bed… Which everyone had failed to notice.
The cops apologized for bother and they went back to chat with Linda who would not stop ranting about her supposed 'noisy’ neighbors! and the cops needed to stop them right away!
Eventually the cops managed to get a hold of Linda’s son who came the next morning to talked to his mother about the situation, and even he couldn’t get her tell him what the suppose noise was, she just turned beet red and yelled “It’s the noise!” like he would understand her, Linda’s son just looked his mother very concerned.
Color everyone surprised when a moving truck pulled into Linda’s driveway two days later, apparently Linda’s son decided it would be best if his mother went to go live with his sister in Ohio. He apologized to Ghost and the others for the trouble his mother had caused them.
The last they saw of Linda was her sitting in her son's car giving them all the stink eye as they drove away… 
There was long silence in the air that was soon broken by Soap laughing out loud scaring the crap out of König, Ghost and R/n. “Hahaha…that was great! good job acting clueless you guys!” Soap cheered as he patted König on the back and threw his arms over Ghost and R/n's shoulders.
König: “What do you mean?”
Soap: “*chuckles* C'mon now guys, she’s gone now, ye don’t have to pretend anymore.”
R/n: “What are you talking about?"
Soap: "Oh, don't act like ya didn’t know Linda could hear ye three screwin’ like a pack of feral hyenas!”
Needless to say. Ghost, König and R/n were mortified while Soap was completely oblivious! He laughed as he ruffled R/n’s hair, shook König's hand and gave Ghost another pat on the back, and went on doing a victory dance towards their house while singing “Ding-dong the witch is gone!~ Which old witch the wicked witch!~” While his flustered roommates just wanted to crawl into a dark hole and die…
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[Attached file. Goldenrod-gym.MP4]
The video opens onto a nauseatingly pink patterned wall, it whips almost immediately to Sprite's torso, who looks above the camera, speaking in Johtoian to the person behind it.
"Hey! Hey be gentle with it- You just gotta press-"
The person behind the camera replies in a sharp voice.
"It's on."
Sprite blinks, giving a thumbs up and a grin to the camera, before hobbling towards an out of focus figure with pink hair matching the surrounding gym.
The person behind the camera sighs, mumbling something incoherent before moving to the side of the arena. Sprite walks up to Whitney, in the centre. She speaks first
"I was beginning to think you weren't going to show- the time we organised was 45 minutes ago. Are you alright? You look a little pale 's'all."
Sprites facial expression is unclear, he leans on the cane silent for a couple of seconds before glancing at the camera, then back to Whitney.
"Yeah, Tch. I got caught up 'n some stuff. 'M here to battle, not to talk, lets go."
"Hm. Well it'd pay for you to be more timely. Regardless, I'm required to get your confirmation on our agreement. Three pokemon each, and standard league rules. "
Before Sprite had even replied, the telltale sound of a pokeball being opened rung through the gym. In a flash of red light, a tarous appeared, stomping it's hooves on the ground and snorting.
Whitney walked to the edge of the frame, onto her designated purple pokeball icon painted on the floor, gesturing for Sprite to do the same. He frowns, walking into place before grabbing a pokeball from his pocket, releasing Tag the arcanine in a flash of red light.
A whistle sounded from offscreen, and the battle begun.
Sprites first command was jarringly in Galarian, but the arcanine seemed to understand nonetheless.
"Tag, Extreme speed!"
It took a few steps back before disappearing into a blur of orange and yellow, hitting the tarous with such force that a crack rang out across the gym upon collision.
Sprite frowned, it appeared the tarous remained on it's feet, it's hooves scarring the shiny vinyl foor. Whitney grinned, commanding her pokemon almost instantly after the attack. Earthquake.
The person behind the camera swore, attempting to back away, but it was futile. The footage becomes shaky, as the camera operator struggles to stay upright. Within a matter of seconds the footage goes black, the only stimuli being the roaring sound of earth moving.
The footage turns back on as the person picks up the camera, swearing loudly. They turn it back to the battle field, showing an arcanine getting to it's feet, and a tarous preparing to attack again. Sprite too is getting up, with only Whitney able to stay on her feet throughout the attack.
Sprites next command comes before Whitneys can, he sounds more desperate than before.
"Flare Blitz-"
The camera struggles to contain the light it is suddenly hit with. The white light of fire that surronds Tag is almost overwhelming. It once again charges at the tarous, this time coming for it head on.
There is no crack this time, but a loud distressed yelp from the tarous, who is suddenly engulfed in flames. Smoke fills the arena. The pokemon become dark shadows amongst the grey.
The person behind the camera begins to cough loudly, the camera footage shaking significantly. It's hard to hear Whitneys next command over the coughing, but the roaring sound clarifies it. Another earthquake.
The footage stays on this time, with the camera operator managing to stay upright.
The smoke clears, revealing an arcanine on it's side, loudly whimpering, and a singed but upright tarous with noticeable burns all over. Sprite looks down, clicking a pokeball to return Tag, whispering something that wasn't picked up.
Sprite looks up again, a smile clear on his face as an eelektrik streaks onto the field in the canines place.
"Are you gonna cry when you loose again?"
He taunts, building himself up with false confidence. Whitney smiles sweetly,
"Are you?"
Sprite's smile disappears, anger in it's place,
The eelektrik strikes before Whitney could react, the attack finally knocking the tarous to the ground.
"Harvey, Return."
She sighs, the tarous dissipating into red light as she clicks its pokeball. Whitney opens her purse to remove a heal ball.
Ness the eelektrik, floats in place as it's competitor approaches; a sturdy looking wigglytuff
Whitney, having learnt her lesson, speaks first, her command almost inaudible.
The wigglytuff approaches Ness with an alarming amount of speed before grabbing it's tail and slamming it into the ground, it's unclear what move that was even supposed to be. Sprites face shows equal parts shock and horror as he scrambles for Ness's next move.
"Uh- fuck-
The eelektrik breaks free from the wigglytuff's iron grip for to deliver a powerful smack with it's tail, sending a life orb rolling across the gym.
The wigglytuff retaliates without Whitneys command, grabbing it by the tail and spinning, the pace picking up before releasing the eel, sending it flying into the gyms wall.
Sprite winces, shifting uncomfortably as he moves to return his second pokemon.
He withdrawls an ultraball and throws it out onto the feild, a small shadowy figure forming behind the wigglytuff.
"Drain punch- NOW"
The wigglytuff attempts to doge, but is a second too slow. The sableye manages to knock it to the ground, jittering with excess energy. The lax insense jangles as it's tied around his neck.
Sprite pepares to give the same command again, but the wigglytuff doesn't get up. Whitney pulls out her final pokeball.
There it was, the stupid cow that caused Sprite so much trouble so many years ago. Sprite grits his teeth as Whitneys singong voice rings out
"Use rollout~!"
Sprite winces, but calls out to the sableye
"Like we practiced Jester!"
The sableye tilts it's head at it's trainer, oblivious to the tank of a pokemon rolling towards it. It gets closer and closer. Sprite covers it's face, unable to watch. The miltank rolls directly towards the sableye, close enough to crush it.
It. Keeps. Rolling.
Into the gym wall.
The sableye sits on the floor, snickering, having phased through the threat.
Sprite looks up, letting out a surprised cheer before noticing the pink pokemon starting to get up-
"Drain punch- quick!"
The miltank got up unsteadily, only staying upright for a couple of seconds before it was knocked down again.
Whitney groaned in frustration, her commands sounded sharper now,
"Hammer arm!-Now!"
The miltank clumsily swung at Jester. Who prompty phased through the attack again, striking back with a low kick strong enough to buckle the miltanks legs as it attempted to stand once more.
Sprite's smile started back up, in her frustration she forgot ghost type immunities. Whitney glared at him from across the feild, crossing her arms.
"Rest- please!"
The miltank promptly flops over on top of Jester leaving only his head sticking out, snores echoing against the patterned walls.
Sprite grimaces. Arcdammit.
"Disable it- Jester."
The sableyes gemstone eyes glow, and it nods back at it's trainer. Sprite immedaitly shouts out his next command. It was all a time crunch until that thing woke up.
"Low kick again! Please!"
Jester allows himself a run up. The force of the kick knocks the sleeping body of the pokemon over, not an easy feat considering its size. The miltank stirs, pushing itself off the ground.
Before Whitney can call out her next command, her miltank has flown out of frame. The sound of it crashing against the wall is almost unbearably loud. The once cute looking sableye is surronded by dark mist, the gemstones being the only visible part of its body.
Sprite laughs, sticking a fist up in the air, reverting back to Johtoian.
"WOOO!! YES!! YES!!"
He runs to grab his sableye, and talk to Whitney, leaving his cane on the ground temporarily
A quiet chuckle can be heard from behind the camera.
[End of. Goldenrod-gym.MP4]
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pokemon-ash-aus · 2 years
I wish for adult Fauna (who can see and lost Flora) to meet Red and Ashy, while Fauna herself is holding her baby, Emerald. Could that happen?
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You shouldnt try, he's in his peak grief abd he wont listen to anybody
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adobe-outdesign · 5 months
Can you do a review of the anorith line? I’m four times over odds in my armaldo shiny hunt so I’m thinking a lot of anomalocaris thoughts
(This is the last Pokemon review request in the inbox; send 'em if you got 'em.
Also, Armaldo has already been done over here.)
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For a creature based off the Anomalocaris, a top predator of its time period, Anorith does manage to be weirdly cute. It's the eyes—which, despite being on eyestalks, have these gigantic pupils that give it almost a puppy-dog look. "Lack of a mouth" also helps, though it does actually have a mouth—it's just on the underside of the body, like an actual Anomalocaris.
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And when I say "based off" an Anomalocaris I do mean that in the most direct way possible, as it's pretty spot-on to the actual animal. The only reason this one doesn't get as much flack for being a real animal as, say, Seel, is because not many people know what a Anomalocaris looks like off the top of their head.
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The biggest change is the colors, with Anorith sporting white-and-red feathers, lots of black accents, false red eyespots, and a pleasant desaturated green palette. There's nothing wrong with Armaldo's blue, but I do like the green a bit more, mostly because it's pretty rare to get that specific hue, let alone with this specific palette.
Normally I would take issue with the fairly literal interpretation of Anorith, but A) it does get considerably more unique once it evolves, and B) the unique colors and markings, combined with it being a relatively unknown creature, make it a bit more interesting than it is on a technical level. It's also nice from an evolution perspective, as the horizontally-oriented Anorith becoming bipedal makes the two stages feel very different while things like the feathers, markings, and tail keep them looking coherent.
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Anyway, a fairly straight forward but still neat-looking start to the line.
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