#pokemon fairytales
historianofgalar · 1 year
The Mothim and the Queen Vespiquen
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Throughout history, Mothim have always been seen as a symbol of laziness, with how they always steal the food of Combee and don't partake in raising their young. This fable is an old Sinnoh story about a Mothim that tricked a Vespiquen and took all of her honey.
//prompt from @nerdpokemonheadcanons from this post they made. Also my plural from combee is still combee cuz I imagine that's how pokemon plurals work
One serene night, a mothim was searching the forest for a bite to eat. The nectar pf the flowers wouldn't do, and the mothim thought that the pollen of the flowers was too little. "Oh, what am I to do?" wailed the mothim.
As the mothim was about to sit down for a rest on a nearby branch, he smelled the wonderful smell of sweet combee honey. "Aha!" said the mothim. "What a wonderful smell! That shall be my meal!" The mothim followed the sweet smell until he was brought to the hive in the middle of the forest.
When the mothim saw the large hive and the amount of Combee guarding it, he knew he would have to make a plan. For you see, his plan was to trick the Vespiquen Queen into thinking he was going to marry her, only to leave her at the altar and take all of the hives honey. Then, he could be fed for life! He quickly gathered small wildflowers along the forert floor, before flying up to the entrance, which caused the combee guards to stop him. "Hault!" they all shouted. "Who goes there?"
Most bugs would have gotten flustered in this situation, but not mothim. The mothim swiftly replied, "Do not fear combee, for I am but a humble mothim looking to court your queen." He held out the flowers he had gathered, showing the combee guards. "I have gathered these flowers as a gift for her."
The guard combees whispered among themselves, discussing how to handle the situation. "Okay, mothim." Replied the guard combee. "With our presence, we shall take you to see the queen."
The guard combee brought the mothim inside of the hive, and the mothim stared in awe at the sight around him. Surrounding the hive were glistening pots of the most sweet-smelling honey, with it almost seeming to glow. The mothim's mouth watered, but he continued to follow the guard combee, less he be given away.
The guard combee took him to the Queen Vespiquen's throne room, where the mothim was placed in front of her. The Queen Vespiquen got up from her throne to look down at this lowly bug. "Who are you, and what are your reasons for entering my hive?" She commanded.
The mothim was completely unfazed though, and bowed when she was done stating her intentions. "Your majesty," he started. "The forest speaks so greatly of your beauty, and I have traveled far and wide to see it for myself. But standing here, I see how striking you are in person, and I would like to ask for your hand in marriage." He held out the wildflowers he had gathered, holding them up to the Queen Vespiquen as an offering.
The Queen Vespiquen was taken aback by the mothim's boldness. Under normal circumstance, the Queen Vespiquen would've said no to such a lowly bug offering such a lowly gift. But when she saw the mothim's handsome face and charm, she couldn't refuse. Taking the wildflowers, she said, "I accept your offer. Give me and my hive all of the day tomorrow to prepare, and we will have the marriage ceremony at moonhigh. You may sleep in my chambers tonight." The mothim bowed, and the guard combee escorted him to the Queen Vespiquen's chambers.
As he entered and the guard combee left him alone, he saw more pots of honey next to the bed, and he immediately went in for a taste. The sweet honey tasted like heaven, but he restrained himself. After all, he can get all the honey he wants tomorrow night, and never have to work for his meals again.
The next morning came, and the Queen Vespiquen, honoring her words, spent the entire morning arranging the ceremony, along with the rest of her hive. However, to keep intruders from entering her hive, she kept the guard combee outside, with all of them keeping watch of the honey.
As of now, the mothim followed the Queen Vespiquen and the other combee into a beautiful clearing. The combee immediately started working, making seats and wreaths for the wedding, with some of them gathering help from the local silcoon to use their silk and make a dress for the Queen Vespiquen. As the Queen Vespiquen was commanding her subjects, she turned to the mothim and said, "May you help out too?"
But you see, this mothim was very lazy, and did not want to partake in setting up for a wedding he wasn't going to show up to. So, he quickly made up a lie. "I would love to help, your majesty, but you see, I have a secret outfit I have prepared, made from the leaves of cherry blossoms. I want the outfit to be a surprise, but I have forgotten to pick it up at the edge of the forest. Since it is a days trip, I need to go now to pick it up."
The Queen Vespiquen smiled and clapped her claws together. "What a lovely outfit it must be! You may go." With her permission, the mothim left the clearing.
But the mothim didn't go to the edge of the forest, instead going back to the combee hive, planning to retrieve his honey. But as he got closer, he saw the wall of guard combee guarding the hive. How was he supposed to retrieve the honey if the guard combee were in front of it?
Suddenly, he had a plan. Quietly flying high above the combee guards, the mothim then used the move poison powder, sprinkling it all over the guard combee. The guard combee were then poisoned, and were all quickly getting hurt. And while they were poisoned and couldn't figure out what or whom did it, the mothim used a powerful air slash, whooshing the combee far away, where they all fainted from the poison and shock.
The mothim quickly took this opportunity, quickly flying into the hive. Finally, he was able to have all of that magnificent honey to himself! He gathered as many pots as he could carry, flying all the way to the edge of the forest where no one could go so he could hide them. The mothim spent all day and some of the night making many trips, making sure to take the honey all to himself. As he held the last pots and was at the edge of the forest, he collapsed at all the energy he had used. "How tiring! How tiring!" He shouted. "I'm never working that much again! As a reward for all of my hard work, I shall have my meal!" As the moon was rising high, the greedy mothim started slurping up all of the sweet honey without a care in the word.
Back in the clearing stood the Queen Vespiquen, where she was patiently waiting for the mothim to return. She wore a beautiful dress made from the silk of a silcoon, which appeared to glowning the moonlight. She wanted to look the best for her wedding night, after all. At moonhigh, the Queen Vespiquen still waited, assuming that the mothim was just late. After an hour of waiting, her patience grew thin. "Where is that mothim?" She asked herself. But as she was saying that, a swarm of guard combee came flying to her. "My queen! My queen!" They all shouted. "Something terrible had happened!"
"What is stressing you so badly?" Asked the Queen Vespiquen.
"Someone has poisoned us, blew us away with heavy wind, and stolen all of our honey! Not trace of it is left!" The Queen Vespiquen and the rest of the combee all gasped in shock. How could someone steal all of their hard-earned honey? The Queen Vespiquen quickly led all of her subjects back to the hive, to find that were her guard combee told her was true. All of the honey was missing! Every last drop! "How could this have happened!" She bellowed.
As she was lamenting her loss, a young combee appeared from the crowd. "My queen," he said. "I have found this. It might be a clue!" The young combee held the object up to her. It was a small glistening orange scale covered in honey, too small and soft to be that of a dragon's. But, what other pokemon had orange scales? Suddenly, it hurt her! The mothim who asked for her hand in marriage had been gone throughout the entire day, mothims can learn poison powder, mothims can learn flying type moves, and the scale matched that of a mothim. The mothim had stolen all of her hives hard-earned honey!
"That lowly greedy maggot has tricked me!" The Queen Vespiquen shouted, so loudly that the entire forest could hear her. If the mothim heard her? Well... he was too busy slurping up his new honey to care.
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quillpokebiology · 1 year
The Teddiursa on the Moon
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(I've been reading a lot of old Johto fairytales, and I wanted to share this one)
In the deep forests of an ancient region, far far away from this one, there lived three pokemon: Ursaluna, Ursaring, and Teddiursa. The three pokemon lived together as a family, with the mother ursaring caring for her little teddiursa. She would always take the little teddiursa out into the forests to collect berries and find new routes for exploration. The grandmother Ursaluna would always stay behind and watch the moon.
"Why does grandmother watch the moon, mother?" Asked the teddiursa.
The ursaring looked at her son sweetly and said, "Because the moon is where we come from, Little one. It brought us here and provides us with protection and light."
The teddiursa was confused by this. What safety could the moon bring?
The teddiursa watched as his grandmother looked up at the moon. "Grandmother?" He asked. "Can you tell me about the moon?"
The ursaluna looked at her grandson sweetly. "Of course, Little one." She started. She looked up at the full moon, basking in its light even more. "The great spirit of the moon is what brought you and I here. Her energy and greatness provides us with the light we need to survive these nights. And one day, when I'm no longer here, I shall return to the sky where she originates."
"Why will you go to the sky grandmother?"
"The life that I live here is my light, my child. The light I have can only be borrowed from the night sky and stars. So one day, I'll have to return it. And at that day, it will be my time to go."
The teddiursa looked at his grandmother, his eyes swelling with tears in its corner. "I don't want you to go grandmother."
The ursaluna put a paw around the young teddiursa. "I'll never leave you, little one. Even when I'm not here physically, my spirit will be with you. Every night, in the sky."
Seven days after the ursaluna had said that, she had mysteriously died in her sleep. Her corpse face was peaceful and smiling, her faint glow disappearing. Ursaring and teddiursa mourned her death, burying her body in her favorite clearing, surrounded by white moon flowers.
"Mother" the teddiursa began to ask. "Will grandma return to the sky?"
The ursaring looked at her son. "Did she tell you that story, Little one?" She picked him up with her paws, trying to hold back faint tears. "Yes." She replied in a calm, whispering voice, hugging the child in her arms.
As the weeks and days had gone by, distraught of losing her mother had caused the ursaring great sadness. She worked hard to care for her son, but she slowly became more somber as the reality sunk in.
The teddiursa tried his best to make his mother happy. He would search for berries himself as a surprise, he would prepare her favorite items, he would try and tell stories, but nothing seemed to work. So, he decided to do something he knew his mother would be proud of.
On the peak of a mountain, there lived a large combee Hive. They had the best honeymoon in all of the forest, and the other pokemon had stories of how it could bring fulfillment and happiness for the rest of your life. But, it was very dangerous, as the journey there had a lot of obstacles, and the vespiquen was a very threatening queen. But teddiursa wanted to make his mother happy, even if it was just once.
So, he set off, sneaking out if his cave one moonlight night. The journey took three days, and three nights, but he knew it would be worth it.
As he went to the border of the combee hive, he was stopped by a swarm of guard combee. "What is your business here, teddiursa cub?"
The tediursa ignored the sweet aroma of the Hive. "I want to gather honey for my mother. She is very sad, and I want her to be happy." .
The combee looked at him with sinister looks. "Don't fool us little bear. We are not going to give you our honey. We know how greedy you teddiursa are. You will just keep coming back! And then, we'll have no money to feed ourselves!" They all said in unison.
The teddiursa contemplated. He could challenge them to a battle, but he wasn't very strong. Maybe he could bargain?
"I know!" He exclaimed. "I will give you three of my claws, which you can protect yourself with! And then you can give me a small jar if honey!"
The combee all looked among themselves. They looked at the teddiursa's claws. They might not be very strong, but it would be a good warning to place teddiursa claws outside of their Hive.
"Very well." They exclaimed, and the teddiursa jumped with joy!
The process of taking off three of his claws was painful but worth it. He carried the honey in his mouth, walking three days and three nights to his home.
He was overjoyed when he saw his cave. He set the honey down, yelling for his mother to come see the surprise. But nothing came. That was weird. Usually the mother ursaring would always reply quickly.
He walked inside, carrying the honey. The teddiursa scampered to his moms side of the cave. She was laying down on her stomach, paws around her nose, covering her face. It looked like she had been...crying?
The teddiursa nudged his mother's side. "Mama, guess what I brought you!" He showed her the combee honey. Still, bo awnser. She must really be deep in sleep. "Look! It's combee honey! From the large Hive on the mountain!" Still, nothing. Bow he started to get worried. But still, he held up hid paw high. "I had to get rid of three of claws, but I know it was worth it!"
Ursaring still layed their, silently.
"Mother?" He nudged her side, one last time. But as she layed there, stiff and unmoving, the realization sunk in.
"No, no, no! Mother, please get up!" He cried in a panic. He nudged at her side again, pressing his paws against her face. But it just rolled over, showing her thin and worn out body, still and unbreathing.
Tears ran down teddiursa's face. What happened? Why was his mother no longer here? She did look a bit skinny, but he didn't know it would be this bad! What was he to do now? Where would he go? His grandmother had just died as well! He had nowhere to go. He layed on the floor, crying into his paws.
He doesn't know how long he lied there. It could've been an hour. It could've been five minutes. But some strange aura caught his attention. He looked up from his paws, and what he saw was magnificent.
A strange being floated above him. It's wings were magnificent, and seemingly carried the universe in them. It had a yellow head crest with pinkish-red eyes, and white bindings where a strange glowing crystal was held in its chest.
"Oh, my child." The being said. It's voice was very feminine. "You're hurt."
The teddiursa wiped his tears with his paws. "My mother just died. I don't know what I'm to do."
The being covered him with it's long wings, like a soft star blanket. "It's okay. You're okay." She stayed, caressing him with it's wings for a few minutes. It was comforting. It felt like he could just forget about everything that's happened right now.
"Do you remember what your grandmother said to you? About the sky?" She asked, tilting her head slightly.
The teddiursa nodded his head. "She said that she had to return to it someday, and that her energy comes from it."
The being smiled and nodded its head. "That's right, little one. It was her time to go, and it was your mother's time to go as well."
"But I don't want them to go!" Replied the teddiursa.
"I know it's difficult, little one. But I have something for you." The being held out a wint, revealing a weird crystal of some sorts. It as yellow and moon shaped, but very small, fitting into teddiursa's small claws.
"What is it?" He asked.
"A dream stone." Replied the being. "Everytime you sleep, your spirit will end up on the moon, and you may be with your mother and grandmother there. That way, they'll always be there to protect you. And when it's your time to go, your sould will peacefully rest on the moon.
The teddiursa perked up at that. "I can be with my family again?" He asked.
The being nodded once more. "Yes, little one. And they'll always be there to watch you."
"I-thank you." He said, holding the stone in his claws. "I don't know what to say."
The being dodged his question. "I have to go now. I can only stay here for so long." It bowed it's head at him. Sleep tight, Little one." And than, it vanished.
That night, as teddiursa fell asleep holding the pendant, he opened his eyes to find himself on the moon, feeling as calm and peaceful as ever. He looked around, eyes darting for a bit. The constellations were beautiful. He recognized some that his grandma had taught him. Lupus the mightyena, Virgo the Gardevoir, The two dancing whiscash-
But as his eyes settles, he noticed two new constellations. One of an old ursaluna looking up, and one of an ursaring chasing something.
It was in that moment that he closed his eyes again, he knew he would be okay.
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silphwave · 2 years
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light  dragonair
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serenashinart · 1 month
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Jirachi ☆
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lackadaisycal-art · 8 months
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Still haven't read the Prince and the Pauper but I assume they make friends in the novel by playing beyblades and exchanging pokemon cards because that's how it happened when I was little
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dragonfruitjazz · 1 year
There's a hilarious fic to go with this, if my event partner posts it online I will add a link! Thank you for letting me participate, I had too much fun🫶
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colorful-bees · 3 months
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Doodle of N from @mellology and I's Fairytale AU! He's Rapunzel, if you couldn't tell. He's Rapunzel coded. To me, he is. And as always, I take drawing requests c:
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atompalace-official · 2 years
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sylveons frolic in their sanctuary around the fairy princess, overlooked by the atom palace… 🌈🏰⚜️🎀💙✨
happy sylveon day! 🎀 21/2/23
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fairytale-poll · 6 months
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Propaganda Under the Cut:
Laura Apollodoros Hyginus La Mer:
best precure character since star twinkle ended. carried the tropical rouge season. her arc of trying to decide whether she belongs on land or sea is so good.
Laura's journey from disdaining humans/seeing them as a means to an end is really great! She never loses her selfish/petulant streak, but she does mature around it and start using her qualities for good. While at first only seeing her human friends as a way to make herself heir to the mermaid throne, Laura slowly comes to trust and love them... and ultimately begins yearning to be able to walk with them and join in their land-based activities (especially after briefly switching bodies with them and getting to experience humanity). In an interesting twist, Laura refuses the Witch's offer to make her a human as it would mean betraying her friends - and for this she is rewarded with her own human form from a different source. It's a really great, charming arc for the character!
The little mermaid is a constant in the season, with Laura starting completely appalled that a mermaid would sacrifice herself for a human, not to mention wanting to be one, when she first learned about the story. However, after spending more and more time with her new human friends, she herself starts wishing in secret she could be human so she could join them in more activities although she doesn't want to admit it.
When confronted about it by the Witch of Delays (the villain of the season, who is stealing motivation from people to get an eternity of delays), Laura is offered to be turned into a human in exchange of standing by and letting the witch win. Laura then accepts that she does want to be human, but she will not rely on the witch's powers and will make her dream come true herself instead.
She manages to be able to transform into a human by her own means without losing the ability to go back to her original mermaid form.
So Laura has an Entire Journey over her Little Mermaid Connotations. She starts the show not at all caring for humans or the story of The Little Mermaid. Hearing the story makes her think the story is awful and the mermaid was stupid to give up huge pieces of herself only to turn into seafoam at the end. It takes nearly half the show for Laura to connect to the story; she can only be with her friends in secret and anytime they're having fun trying new things, she's confined to her little marketable pocket dimension or following them through secluded rivers and waterways. She *gets* the mermaid now, but she knows she loves herself and doesn't want to give something of herself up for the risk of what becoming human like the other girls could mean for her. She wants this, but she doesn't want to exchange the other pieces of herself to get it. One of the other girls sees her contemplating and says she always interpreted that aspect of the story to be about how if you want something in life, you have to make some form of exchange. If you want good grades, you have less time and energy to do other things. It's about evaluating well how to get what you want and how far you really want to push yourself to get that. This does not comfort Laura much.
The villain (who is indeed a sea witch) preys on this anxiety when she captures Laura. The themes of the show revolve around being the kind of person who Simply Goes For Things. Who simply says 'Right now, this is what is important to me. And I have to go for what is important to me!' Very Phineas and Ferb levels of Summer Belongs To You energy. When she offers to give Laura everything she wants in exchange for betraying her friends, Laura does not accept this, because the reason she wants to be human is BECAUSE of her friends. She isn't sure how she'll accomplish what she wants, but she's not bartering anything of hers with anyone else to get it. BOTH the pieces of her that are a mermaid and the pieces of her that feel belonging and happiness with her friends are important, and they're important all of the time. Even if she doesn't have a solution to her satisfaction directly in front of her, she refuses to have only half of what she wants just out of a desire for instant gratification. This resolve enrages the Witch of Delays.
Laura does nearly die for her wish to be fully and completely with her friends, to be human, and it is only by the power of her love for them and her resolution to become the biggest bravest version of herself that she gains a magical girl transformation and the ability to switch between her tail and her new legs.
I adore this bright comfy spin on the story, because it essentially takes the base characterization of the mermaid as a character who is singlemindedly after a soul she does not have and the love of another which she cannot make hers, and says 'What if we put an incredibly different character into that same position of desperate yearning? What if it wasn't that she has none of what she truly wants, but that she has conflicting wants? What if it is not the complete lack of companionship that leaves her reaching for ways to be human, but the want to fully and unabashedly participate in the love and companionship she does have?' Then rewards that character for sticking to her guns and being true to herself and her friends.
Also she is so funnie and cute and prebby and I adore her and she is for sure in love with Cure Summer. Thank you hav day♡
Vote Laura, our very own Little Mergremlin! [Click link to see images)
I do not know from Precure but I have seen this one AMV [Click link to access AMV]
She dressed as a mermaid once in episode 61 and just looks really really cool
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crystaleyesd · 1 year
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cappiecarp · 1 year
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hiii everyone long time no see this is my piece for the specord fairy tale/folklore event!!! me and @miraphosa got silver so we did the tale of eros and psyche,,, mira wrote a fic for it but they haven't posted it so I dont have a link for u unfortunately,,, it was a banger tho!
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historianofgalar · 1 year
Did you know? #1
While in most regions, the toothfairy is said to either be a human or a humanoid Pokemon, in both Kalos and Paldea, the toothfairy is said to be a "mythical" (this mythical meaning not real) Dedenne with wings and a wand. She steals the teeth to continue her good deeds and leaves little treats behind for children.
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quillpokebiology · 1 year
History Fact
In the 1700s, an anonymous writer traveled to Sinnoh, Alola, and Kanto to write fairy tales told throughout those regions. The books were known as, “Secret Blooming Land” about a Whimmsicott following a Shaymin into a secret fantasy land, “Mystic Song under the Moon” about a Primarina who finds a group of Clefairy and Umbreon and goes on a journey with them to give power to her songs, and “Shadows in Haunted Mansion” about a young boy who sneaks into a haunted house and gets tricked by a Gengar and other Ghost type Pokemon. The books became very popular and are still common fairy tales told by children to this day. 
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oh-shinx · 1 year
.... Isn't 18 year old Rosie 6'5"? How are you only 4'9"???
Okay, you're lying. I can't be that tall later.
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reizerou-arts · 1 year
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For our newest specord event called "Fairytales and Folklore", I drew a piece for Lack-Two based on the Scottish folklore of the water kelpie.
In the past days of Crown Tundra, there lived an Alpha Keldeo that people called the water kelpie. It was known to lure children on its back on the shores of lakes. But once the children touched it, their hand would get stuck and Keldeo would dive deep underwater, and the children were never to be seen again. A young lad named Lack-Two has found himself being dragged down to depths... But maybe he can still make it, who knows?
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kiroonsmoon · 5 months
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“A fairytale, dark and twisted, bright and optimistic.”
Lucifer Nash and Stella “Fate” Aquila. The Renegade and Paragon of my ocverse of Rejvuenation.
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