#pokemon draw pile
altaria-andthe-two · 1 year
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Actually this would make for a cute draw/nap pile xD I know there's already one in circulation, but that one is for mews/twos. This one is for all 'mons.
So feel free add your character/s to the pile!
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oddestoddish · 10 months
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I’m a little late for the Mew/Two-cember daily drawings due to business, but here’s day one! Mewtwo Odd discovering his love for flight x3
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b4kuch1n · 2 years
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genre of chillin
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kuradex · 2 years
would love to see your take on bidoof
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hes going to commit tax fraud
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lucksea · 7 months
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other pkmn day drawing with my trainersona based on my real life room
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cinimuffin · 11 months
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All their money is going straight to Agata’s pockets.
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gree-gon · 1 year
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a lil doodle dump
1. tlou saphirace
2. doodle after watching barbie
3 + 4. tiny ace doodles <3
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teamphobia · 1 year
Will you wear a boob window if we send ₽50,000
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Where's my money, anon?
I'm afraid of the notes about to roll in...
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syxeye · 2 months
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guys. everyone. gang. what does this mean
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smutav · 2 years
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I dont think Jude’ll be moving for a while
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ildahl · 2 years
i drew stuff while working as an election official today
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tarotwithavi · 1 year
Which Pokemon would you be and why? Pt1
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Piles : from left to right
How to choose a pile?
Close your eyes and take a deep breath and ask the angels to show you the right pile for you and open your eyes. The first pile that catches your attention is the right pile for you.
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Pile 1
You would be Bulbasaur because you're known for your balanced and practical nature. Like Bulbasaur, you are someone who approaches challenges with a steady determination and a sense of responsibility. You too have a nurturing side, just as Bulbasaur carries a plant bulb on its back, symbolizing growth and care. This means you are likely to be a supportive and dependable friend, always looking out for the well-being of those around you. Your curiosity and willingness to learn and adapt, much like Bulbasaur's evolution, would make you open to new experiences and always eager to grow as a person.
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Pile 2
You would be Pikachu because you're someone who is endlessly energetic, optimistic, and fiercely loyal. You have an infectious enthusiasm for life, always ready to take on new challenges with a smile. You are a natural leader, inspiring others with their determination and never-give-up attitude. Just like Pikachu's iconic thunderbolt-shaped tail, you too possess a spark of creativity and adaptability, making you quick to come up with solutions in times of need. Your sense of camaraderie would shine through in their friendships, as you prioritize the well-being of your loved ones and stand by their side through thick and thin.
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Pile 3
You would squirtle because you're a spirited and adventurous individual. Much like Squirtle's water-based abilities, you would have a natural affinity for aquatic activities and a love for the outdoors. You'd be the type of person who enjoys spending sunny days by the beach, participating in water sports, or simply splashing around in a pool. Your outgoing and sociable nature would make you a natural leader among your friends, just as Squirtle often takes the lead within its squad of Pokémon. Despite your playful and energetic demeanor, you'd also have a strong sense of responsibility and would stand up to protect those you care about, just as Squirtle is known for its loyalty and courage.
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Pile 4
You would be Snortax because you're incredibly laid-back and relaxed. You're the embodiment of the phrase "easygoing." Because you prioritize leisure and comfort above all else, often opting for long naps and hearty meals. You might give the impression of someone who enjoys indulging in life's pleasures. You might not be in a hurry to get things done and could be a bit slow-moving, but you're incredibly kind-hearted and approachable, always willing to share a meal or offer a comfy spot to rest. Just like Snorlax, you have a gentle and affable nature, making you a beloved presence in any group.
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Pile 5
You would be jigglypuff because of your charming, social, and deeply artistic personality. Jigglypuff is known for its soothing singing and ability to put others to sleep, so you may embody a calming and enchanting presence. You are someone who enjoys entertaining others with their talents, whether through music, storytelling, or other forms of artistic expression. Jigglypuff's friendly demeanor and ability to make friends easily would translate into you being outgoing, empathetic, and values strong connections with others. However, you might also have a mischievous side, as Jigglypuff is known for drawing on the faces of those it puts to sleep, showcasing a playful and creative streak.
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Pile 6
You would be Gengar because you are an individual with a dark and enigmatic aura. You have a mischievous and cunning personality, often enjoying playing pranks and indulging in a dark sense of humor. You might have a penchant for the mysterious and eerie, with a love for all things spooky and supernatural. Despite your eerie exterior, you are fiercely loyal to your friends and loved ones, always ready to protect them in times of need. Others might notice you lurking in the shadows, observing the world with a sly grin, but your loyalty and dedication would shine through when it truly matters.
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toast24 · 3 months
Sandygast - the silly sand pile
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I need to draw a cold Pokemon next or else I might melt...
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spacemothes · 18 days
Now I know I told myself two days ago that I'd design three characters by the end of today so I can make an epic the musical animatic to Legendary
And I Know I told myself I'd finish this Siffrin drawing by tomorrow so I can make a funky little joke
And I KNOW I told myself I'd finish this book by Tuesday so I can use it for an assignment
AND I KNOW I told myself I'd design human pokemon things because I was bored
But like
Here me out
ISAT fanfic idea where Siffrin didn't have good sleeping habits because the time looping made sleeping feel kinda useless. And so now (post game) it's really hard for Siffrin to actually sleep probably.
So like
Solution is big family cuddle pile with a bunch of blankets and pillows
GAHHHH I wanna write so bad 😭😭
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Pokemon Card of the Day #3252: Blastoise-GX (Unbroken Bonds)
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Blastoise-GX was a Pokemon that could hit really hard, but the set-up was such that it was unlikely to do it twice. This was due to the need to shuffle tons of Energy back into the deck, when drawing into said Energy again, accelerating it all back into play, and redoing the attack was rather unlikely. That being said, the attack itself was absurdly powerful with enough Energy in play, to the point that it couldn't be dismissed as a one time big hit. It was also an interesting attack on a Pokemon-GX, and in this era with Mewtwo & Mew-GX available that meant a second spot to possibly land. Yes, the attack required Water Energy in play, but there were ways around that.
240 HP was pretty much expected on a Stage 2 Pokemon-GX, and it even had an Ability to make that even sturdier. Getting a clean KO on a Blastoise-GX was quite rare indeed. The Grass Weakness wasn't even that bad considering how poor the type was at the time. Blastoise-GX got most of its play just after the Sword & Shield set was released and Grass was basically a dead type at that moment. The Retreat Cost was the only bad stat here. 3 Energy was a lot to ask, so you'd want a way to switch out if you were actually playing Blastoise as itself and not just to call up its attack from the discard pile.
Solid Shell was a simply Ability that had Blastoise-GX take 30 less damage from attacks. This meant that even an ADP boosted Zacian V would need chip damage to take this out from full, for example. 150 was needed to take this down in 2 hits, which most major decks did get to. Blastoise-GX was not going to be an easy 2 Prizes.
Rocket Splash required 2 Water Energy, at least technically. Your damage was based on how many Water Energy attached to your Pokemon in play you shuffled into your deck, and 60 was done for each. If you could get 5-6 Energy into the deck like this, even Tag Teams and VMAXes were falling. That was generally the goal with Blastoise-GX, though taking out another Pokemon was really hard since you gave up so much Energy and you then both had to draw into it again and accelerate it all. Accelerating could be done with Frosmoth, but drawing into that much Energy was a lot less likely.
The attack was, however, a good final hit for a deck that had other options. There was a sort of Mewtwo & Mew-GX deck that used Rainbow, Aurora, and Unit Energy to fuel all sorts of attackers, and Rocket Splash worked with all three of those. Blastoise-GX could just sit in the discard pile and provide one giant, game-winning hit while letting other attacks be called up while getting into position. This was probably the best use of this attack's strengths, avoiding the fact that it was not going to be able to repeat the trick again altogether. This did need careful Energy placement to avoid having things Knocked Out with tons of Energy attached, however, so it wasn't perfect.
Giant Geyser GX needed a Water Energy and simply let you attach as many Water Energy from your hand to your Pokemon however you wanted. The only advantage to this over just using Frosmoth is that technically you could attach the Energy to any type of Pokemon with this. If you were playing in a format without Sword & Shield cards, this at least gave you some backup plan once, but you'd realistically not be doing that.
Blastoise-GX needed card drawing and acceleration to be used on its own, and even then it wasn't something you could reliably attack with twice. Rocket Splash was its only move, after all, and as explosive as it could be, you had to have something more than that and a Stage 2 being used as a one-time hitter was iffy at best at the time. On the other hand, being discard fodder for Mewtwo & Mew-GX had a regional win and then some good online results while the pandemic blocked all in-person events, as having that many sorts of Special Energy that could work as Water let other things work and Blastoise-GX was just there as a possible game-winning play. It was being used for that where this Pokemon shined, and while it wasn't the most common take on Mewtwo & Mew, it was certainly something that could work out well.
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