#pokemon delta emerald
amessageonthewind · 1 year
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This is my take on Mega Flygon (because we all wish we could've gotten it). If anyone likes this, you're free to make fanart and use it in fics and such, if you want! Just credit/link back to me, please and thank you.
Now, for a little explanation...
Reason it has Lightning Rod - I wanted it to keep its Electric immunity and I thought that on the off-chance it got hit with an Electric-type attack, the boost to its Special Attack would be a nice buff to have with its Bug-type.
Reasons I buffed both of its defenses - Bug/Dragon isn't a great defensive typing, and it's pretty evenly split between physical and special weaknesses for the types its vulnerable to. Besides, its physical attack and speed are pretty decent, anyways. I essentially just wanted it to last a bit longer in battle enough to get off some good Earthquakes and Dragon Claws. It may no longer get STAB from Earthquake, but Earthquake is still Earthquake. It will get STAB from moves like Bug Buzz which it learns as a Vibrava- which if struck by an Electric-type move will make it even stronger. It also learns Signal Beam through Move Tutor.
A Manectric + Mega Flygon Double Battle combo might certainly be fun >:)
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thedragonhermit · 7 months
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It's the 10th anniversary of the release of ORAS this year, and it's 8 years since I first started working on a combination of the May Is The Adopted Child of Hardenshipping au and the Archie/Maxie Are Possessed By Kyogre/Groudon au (with a twist of May x Zinnia) and making it my own sort of take on a Delta Emerald type thing. And, well, I've recently started working on it again (no promises about actually posting a finished fanfic, even though it's been 8 years 💀) and ended up redrawing the art I made for it back in 2016!
Original under the cut :)
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what is the au about and what are kaijumorphs?
Kaijumorpha au is an anthological Alternate universe that is primarily based on creature features, folklore, and me brainrotting over creature aus. The main central point of the au are those called kaijumorphs, humans with monstrous or pokemon like traits, that have been as old as when humans have been around in the pokemon universe.
In the Au, kaijumorphs can come in three different forms, these being demihumans, werebeasts, and Therus(working on the name).
Demihumans humans with Pokémon-like traits that are based on the type the person has birth (like dragon types having draconic/dinosaurian features and flying types having feathers or a patagium.)
( for example, my sada design.)
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the next are werebeasts, and as their names imply, they are humans who can transform into a more monstrous version of an animal/Pokémon if given certain stimuli (the moon, sun, fight or flight etc). the amount of Sapience someone had in their werebeast form is based how many times the person has been used to the form (like the first few times, the person is nothing more than a feral beast but a few more times they become used to it).
I don’t have a picture for this but think of the werebeasts from the sonic freaks au as an example.
The final category of these kaijumorphs are the mythical Therus. mostly bestial beings considered to be the “legendaries” among both humans and animals (oh yeah, animals exist in the au btw). This group are most than not, artificially created via either human hubris or fusing human and pokemon. Therus are able to transform back into humans, but it takes considerable energy on the Therus and many of them (mostly unnaturally created ones) are unable to know how to turn back into humans.
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The main stories
the main stories within the kaijumorpha au include (and tldr)
“child of the golden phoenix” (Johto games and Ethan being ho-oh’s parent and has a shoenn vibe.)
“emeralds under the delta sky” (Pokemon emerald/Oras fusion but Brendan is the biological son of Archie and Maxie)
“Tales of platinum borea” (pokemon platinum with a more ghibli vibe and Cyrus is actually a polar sauropod)
“scars of black and white” (Unova games but I draw HEAVY inspiration from the manga and FMA)
“crossed and splitting paths” (XY but It has a better story and I made Calem a centaur.)
“Eclipse at the edge of the horizon” (how absolutely powerful can I make the Elio/Selene in here? Oh I know! “Gives them kaiju forms that fistfight ultra necrozma)
“Fenrir’s chosen wolves” (Scottish werewolf twins fistfight eternatus and the armor dogs are ancient werewolves.)
“bonds forged in scarlet” (“how much found family can I put into Scatlet?”)
“power always comes at a price” (the Kieran story)
“Hisui’s boreal Titan” (Cyrus gets sent to hisui alongside Lucas and meet akari who is actually a clone created by Arceus)
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areazeromybeloved · 2 months
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Giovanni, Silver, Persian and Nidoking during the Hoenn arc be like:
(Note: the Hoenn games take place 2 years before Red/Blue/yellow and are the first games here)
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keystone8379 · 5 months
Y'all there's an emulator on the ios app store. I can play Pokemon Emerald Rogue on my commutes. Probably also The World Ends With You, the Castlevania Soma Cruz duology, Pokemon Conquest, I can finally get around to playing a fire emblem game, it's SO over.
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chaosflame2807 · 4 months
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I got an emulator for Pkmn Emerald, and I just wanted to share this image. My character just surfed up to these two forces of nature and I did an in-character rant at the screen for a solid five minutes. Like-
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cornytheclown · 1 year
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My personal experience playing Pokémon (Delta) Emerald. It was a wild ride.
Tfw two middle age men who cause the end of times start bickering like a married couple.
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leavingautumn13 · 9 months
For the WIP title asks:
Rising Tide (which is also a song by Sunny Day Real Estate)!
Tell me, do Kyogre and Groudon meet at the shore to enjoy a nice playdate while Maxie and Archie fight over land/water property lines like the suburban dads they are?
this ask is sending me, oh my lord. thank you--i laughed pretty hard at this :D
and this song is within the time frame of songs i'm referencing in the fic, so that's just perfect! thank you!
"color your skin with gold, and the violence remains cover your eyes with rose, but the stain remains will you repair your life with all the holes you fill? smother your will and drain you of your passion..."
oh yeah, that's going on the playlist.
as for our beloved suburban dads, i can't say too much without spoiling the last quarter or so of the fic--though i guess i have been pretty transparent about maxie actually succeeding in catching groudon. that's a thing that happens. gonna be mum about the circumstances and implications and fallout of that, though. i'm sure it turns out fine.
as for the wip itself, it's the first chapter of eye of the storm. the title refers to the circumstances that drive may to leave home in the first place--things get to be too much for her.
for a little context about my may, she's 22 at the start of the fic, and had moved out of her parents' house at 18, back when they still lived in johto. she opted to move back in with them temporarily when they moved to hoenn (instead of staying in johto by herself), and it's a choice she starts regretting very quickly. snippet under the cut. i feel like i should add a trigger warning for this as well--it's a bad situation if you've ever been in it before but pretty vague if you don't know what you're looking at. tw for implied emotional abuse, i suppose.
This was bad.
May sat on the carpeted top stair and gripped her empty mug so tightly her knuckles turned white. A faint “godsdammit” floated around the corner that led into the living room and up to her ears. Whatever her mother was fussing with down there had her, to be incredibly mild, extremely pissed off.
This was bad, but it had probably been worse at some point before. Not that May could put a finger on when, exactly; the last four years of solitude had papered over the memory of her mother’s moods with a series of perfectly pleasant lunches and borderline enjoyable outings to the movies. The tone of voice May was catching now, in snippets from the ground floor, was a knife widening the old wound of the six years before that, during their time in Olivine, after their last big move. The first time this had happened, May had been thirteen and stupidly hopeful.
She didn’t have age as an excuse this time.
Did she really need another cup of coffee? She could turn around, tail between her legs, and head back to her room. This one locked, though that might cause her more problems in the long run. She’d already endured the years of formless suspicion about why she kept her door closed all the time, and even that particularly bad summer where the door had been removed entirely. She didn’t need, didn’t want a repeat of that. Something told her the offense her mother would suffer over a locked door would be far greater than over a closed one. Teenagers were just like that, after all. From an adult it would be an insult.
Moving back in had been a massive fucking mistake.
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hyliandude · 4 months
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Alright. This delta emulator can stay 🥹
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thatoneguy031 · 8 months
Doing a nuzlocke of a rom hack. SCREW INCLEMENT EMERALD.
Sorry. Got a bit sick, that just happens sometimes.
I had gotten to Roxanne's gym, right-
-And I got to battling with her. Tell me why I was left with nothing but a Corpish that originally wasn't even going to be a part of my team. I brought him to the fight, basically for a meme...
I've lost so many nuzlockes in the past. I honestly don't know what to do with myself. And I was supposedly playing on the default difficulty, too. There were WAY harder options with way less wiggle room. What does that say about me as a Trainer? As a PERSON? Mind you, this is after well beyond 150 failed Unbound attempts (YES, I COUNTED EACH AND EVERY ONE OF THEM. ASK AND I'LL THROW YOU INTO THE NEAREST OCEAN), and I'm honestly just...
I've been at this for literally 3 years at this point, and I've either lost in an embarrassing fashion such as above, was left with everything except my exp dump/hm mule, or had to reset because I'm an IDIOT and basically softlocked my run. I even resorted to CHEATING by reviving mons and still lost.
To put this in perspective, I've easily tripled the time that Pokemon Challenges spent on his Emerald Kaizo nuzlocke, and he's lost over much better reasons under much more strict rules. Miscalculations, preparing for the wrong fight, heck, he loses runs to things that aren't even in his control like crits or freezes or whatever. The worst part? I could easily increase the time it's taking, because of how awful I am.
All the Pokemon I've lost, the ones I had to replace and act like were the ones I knew since the start... All of that falls on me. And I hate that. I'm why they're all gone. And on top of that, I do fine in casual runs, excusing the occasional loss because I also misjudged a Pokemon surviving an attack, again because I'm the dumbest person alive.
I kinda feel like crying, I'm not even going to lie to any of you.
I'm not looking for a pity party. And I'm not sure if I'm joking about any of that or not. Probably not, because I've been told that I can get way too attached to Pokemon sometimes. I just wanted to talk about this.
Sorry if this is long, I just wanted to talk about this. I wasn't going to let my suffering over a game about mystical monsters shooting magic out of their orfaces and dogfighting gods be just a me problem lmfao.
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Wallace’s delta episode team in ORAS is the same team as his Emerald champion team
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amessageonthewind · 1 year
Endgame Outfit:
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Beginning of Game Outfit:
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thedragonhermit · 6 months
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Reminiscing on how things were, before it eventually led to this...
Hey surprise, I've actually been properly writing a fic for my 8 year old ORAS au akdjhfskjadshfkjds (which from now on, everything involved with it will be tagged as "delta emerald au")!
I don't want to say too much to spoil the fic, but I will say how a major aspect is it involves May being the adopted daughter of Archie and Maxie, and how she doesn't exactly take them breaking up all that well...
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justana0kguy · 2 years
2023 FEBRUARY 10 Friday
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Pokémon Emerald (DELTA Mode) Rerun PHASE 1 (10,000 Leagues Around Hoenn) Stage 2, Part 2 & 3 - Pokémon League & Championships
Pokémon Party:
1. DragonLeaf - Sceptile, Level 45
Nature: Rash
Ability: Overgrow
Moveset: Leaf Blade, Giga Drain, Pursuit, Strength
Item: Miracle Seed
2. FlameHeart - Blaziken, Level 45
Nature: Brave
Ability: Blaze
Moveset: Flamethrower, Blaze Kick, Double Kick, Rock Smash
Item: Charcoal
3. AquaTerran - Swampert, Level 45
Nature: Careful
Ability: Torrent
Moveset: Waterfall, Dive, Mudshot, Ice Beam
Item: Soft Sand
4. Precious - Gardevoir, Level 46
Nature: Bashful
Ability: Synchronize
Moveset: Psychic, Calm Mind, Shadow Ball, Thunderbolt
Item: Soothe Bell
5. SteelHeart - Aggron, Level 43
Nature: Naughty
Ability: Sturdy
Moveset: Iron Tail, Rock Tomb, Surf, Secret Power
Item: Hard Stone
6. Gaia - Tropius, Level 43
Nature: Timid
Ability: Chlorophyll
Moveset: Magical Leaf, Fly, Cut, Flash
Item: Cleanse Tag
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calebwittebane · 2 months
they should remake pokemon ruby and sapphire again or actually make it oras2 except more robust because its 2024 and insteada ruby saphire it is emerald so uhh idk. pokemon delta emerald. too obvious? zeta emerald. epsilon emerald. idk either way i just want another hoenn game because thats what lifes all about thats where one can seek happiness its when a pokemon game is set in the hoenn region which is so awesome and since its emerald theres gonna be team magma AND aqua and also battle frontier and also wallace will be the champion and steven will be the enlightened neet in a cave and the champions husband. all as it should be. all as it should be. gamfrek im giving you permission to reheat this old frozen meal because its so awesome and its gonna taste awesomeee and you can put more saurce on it and delicious sides and seasonings and garnish and you can make steven and wallace kiss in it. yeah the metaphor escaped me there a bit so youre gonna have to imagine that tiktok genre thats set to bad bunny neverita with like food being made and then theres a split secojnd of boys making out and then food again . anyway take us back to hoenn. latios a wonderful beast. swampert
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kammyclues · 3 months
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Fanart for @amessageonthewind's fanfic, Pokemon Delta Emerald!
Please read! It is a wonderful, insightful, and compassionate story with 32 chapters and counting! It is about a Trainer, Rachel, coming to Hoenn to find her footing as a person and as a Pokemon Trainer. She meets many people and Pokemon on her adventure, and finds herself caught between two feuding environmentalist teams. Thankfully, she's not alone. Can she and her friends prevent the destruction of Hoenn and more?
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