#poke mira (cage)
mayudog · 9 months
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sswissy · 2 years
𝒍𝒐𝒏𝒈𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒚𝒐𝒖 | 𝗌𝗐𝗂𝗌𝗌 𝗀𝗁𝗈𝗎𝗅
𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒑𝒂𝒏𝒊𝒄 𝒂𝒕𝒕𝒂𝒄𝒌 | 𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒆𝒍𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒏
Warning; There is very sensitive topics in this chapter, please don't read if you're uncomfortable!
"I have arrived! Please hold your applause." Bellamira pulled a familiar 'tada' moment much like Cardi attempted many times before. Her abrupt arrival catching the man off guard and chuckling at his friend who was gently shutting the door behind her. You could hear the squeaks of the rat babies in the cage greeting their mother with joy. It seemed like it had been forever since Mira last saw them thanks to Cardi letting them freely roam the halls.
"Sorella, buongiorno! You seem very chirper this morning." Cardi exclaimed. Bellamira could feel the faint warmth spreading across her face. Never in a million years had she thought she'd be sharing a bed with Swiss but Satan always threw out surprises to those who deserved it.
"I was excited to see the babies, of course." Mira walked around the desk to greet the babies who were poking their noses through the wire cage. She cooed at them before opening the hatch to let the smaller one crawl onto her palm. Bellamira brought the rat up to her face letting it tickle her nose with its whiskers.
"Sì, I'm sure your overjoyed to clean a dirty cage." Cardi joked returning to his mountain of paperwork. Certainly becoming Papa was such an honor but the office work was a real damper to him. As a Cardinal, you had certain duties like this but nothing could compare to the buildup of signing off on things or revisions for rituals.
"Well that and I noticed you didn't seem your usual self, Cardi." Mira commented while letting the rat scamper off onto the desk. The other was nestled up in the hammock drifting back to sleep much like she tried to do that morning. Mira grabbed one of the chairs to pull to the side of the desk to assist Cardi with his overwhelming stacks of papers.
"You know me too well, cara. But please tell me about things with your ghoul, are things well?" Cardi wiggled his eyebrows at Mira who flushed pink at the mention of Swiss. He hardly wanted to talk about his worries to someone who was just becoming happier in life. It wouldn't be right of him to boggle her down with such problems when she had already dealt with Terzo's in the past.
"Nice try on changing subjects, mister. You know you can talk to me Cardi, I know what you're going through. Terzo had the same worries, I can see it on your face." Mira tapped the end of the pen against her bottom lip. Terzo had become incredibly stressed in the beginning and even more so in the end nearing his death. It came with the territory of becoming Papa Emeritus and having an entire congregation on your shoulders.
"I'm just scared, cara. What if-" Cardi could feel himself choking up. The horrifying look on Terzo's face flashing before his eyes. Mira could never find out what truly happened or who was behind such an evil act as much it pained him.
"Being Papa might be the greatest honor but it's not easy. You shouldn't worry too much, I think you're doing a wonderful job." Mira gently patted his hand in an effort to comfort him. Nobody in the clergy truly realized what a tolling job Cardi had.
"What if they become disappointed in me and I suffer the fate that Terzo did?" Cardi could feel the tears welling in his eyes and couldn't stop them from spilling out. Bellamira rushed over to his side allowing Cardi to cry into her shoulder, the white face paint dirtying her habit but it didn't bother her.
"I refuse to let that happen to you, Cardi. I've already lost one Papa and I won't allow that again, I promise you." Mira allowed him to sob into her shoulder as she rubbed his back as an attempt to calm him down. But the cries continued much like Terzo's did when the stress became unbearable.
"You're too kind, sorella. I hope you're correct." Cardi sniffled while reaching for something to dab at the black paint running down his cheeks. Bellamira pulled at the sleeve of her habit to pat at his cheeks and smiled softly at him.
"When have I ever been wrong, Cardi? I'm a genius remember?" Mira joked trying to uplift his spirits a bit. He was always so grateful for how truly warm and kind she could be after everything that's happened to her. Never did Mira not show love to anyone in the clergy and it was well known that she was one of the most genuine people in the church.
"Oh silenzio, I know you're the smartest one here cara. No need to remind me!" Cardi half heartedly laughed. Bellamira tossed back her veil jokingly as if it was her hair before falling back into her seat. Seeing how devastated Cardi truly was that morning had awoken some harsher memories for her.
There had been a very similar moment like this with Terzo that Bellamira had dealt with in this very office not long ago. It had been closer to his death and there was no calming him down that evening. Terzo had been heartbroken when being dragged off the stage screaming in fear that he was being replaced and couldn't handle it. But he had been more so worried that something worse was going to happen but Bellamira laughed it off like it was impossible. Nobody was ever caused bodily harm in the abbey and promised him nothing would happen to him. Her last words being to him how silly he was acting and pinky swore that she'd see him in the morning.
Bellamira could feel her entire body slowly trembling as the tears starting to falling from her eyes. He had been so scared that night and yet nothing could be done to prevent it. How could she just brushed off his worries so carelessly? Mira blamed herself immensely for not trying to help him better and had instead swore to him that they'd have breakfast together the next day. She could feel herself drifting further away from the room as the harsh memories started running through her mind. The cruel voice telling her how awful she truly was for abandoning her friend in his time of need. How nobody was going to stay with her in fear the same fate would happen to them.
"Sorella? Are you okay? What's wrong?" Cardi gently shook her arm trying to catch the woman's attention. Instead of looking back at him like it was nothing, Mira continued sobbing and shaking as if she was freezing cold. He felt terrible for not knowing what to do in that moment. Mira had never done this around him and instantly Cardi was wondering where Rain would be at this hour.
"I'm uh going to fetch Rain, okay cara? Just stay right here, uh okie dokie one second." Cardi rushed out the door racing to the ghoul corridor as fast as possible. Rain had been friends with Mira for far longer than he had and would definitely know what to do. Frankly, he was terrified for his friend and sent a prayer to the Dark Lord to find the water ghoul fast.
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Rain was tuning his guitar alongside Aether and Swiss who were debating over getting new locks for their doors. Dew was way too nosey for his own good and needed a good kick in the ass if they knew he wouldn't try to light them on fire. Granted it wouldn't do much damage but it certainly didn't feel good either. Rain had experienced it once for throwing something at his head one time for not shutting up after hours and it hadn't ended so well.
"Where is Rain?" Cardi had threw open the door panicked. Cumulus and Cirrus poked their heads over the couch wondering what the commotion was about. Whereas dread filled Rain's entire body with the tear streaked Papa and concern swirling in his one eye.
"What's wrong, Papa?" Rain asked while setting his guitar down next to him. Swiss pausing his conversation in favor of finding out what had Papa so stressed out. Usually the man was so well put together but not in that moment. He looked like he had completely lost it which wasn't what anyone saw of any Papa.
"Bellamira, she's uh not okay. I don't know what to do." Cardi stumbled on his words trying to make sense of the situation. He was more so just worried that she hadn't passed out in his office while trying to reach the water ghoul.
'Where is she?" Swiss questioned. He had quickly raced over to Cardi with concern and a hint of fear of what was happening. The worst scenarios running through his mind and making the ghoul's tail flicker lowly. He should've just let her stay in bed that morning but Mira was determined to meet with Cardi to see the babies. Swiss loved how helpful his little human was but now it was causing him to panic.
"I left her in my office and-" Cardi gestured out the door. Swiss hadn't waited for the man to continue before rushing out the door towards the office. Nothing ever scared the fire ghoul in his time since being summoned but this right here was the most terrifying thing possible. Swiss just hoping that he would make it in time if whatever it was got worse.
He could hear the cries from down the corridor before reaching the opened door and silently thanked Lucifer, she was alive and breathing. Bellamira was still curled up on the seat when Swiss crouched down in front of her, cradling the sides of her face. She could barely see him through the tears but could smell his cologne when he wrapped his arms around her.
"Princess, you have to breathe okay? Breathe for me, please?" Swiss pulled the veil off of Mira's head to cool her down, pushing back the stray strands of hair in her eyes. Bellamira started slowly breathing in and out as he started wiping away the tears that were still running down her face.
"S-swiss, please don't leave me." Bellamira begged while trying to reach out for him. Her cries slowing down as she felt his forehead rest against hers.
"I'm right here, princess. I promise you I'm never going to leave you." Swiss kissed the tip of her nose. Both of them tightly wrapping their arms around each other and Mira nestled her head into his neck. He couldn't imagine loosing out on another day without her and would make certain to spend as much time with Mira as possible. Even if he had to talk to Papa about her coming to rehearsals, he would make it work if it meant never seeing her like this again.
Rain entered the office seeing Swiss cradling Mira in his arms as the cries fizzled out. There was no doubt in his mind now that Swiss wouldn't be able to take care of his little human friend. No matter what Mira would go through, Rain had always been right there to comfort her because that's all she had when Terzo passed. Now she had Swiss who would jump off the highest bridge to save her and it made the ghoul tear up. Bellamira had been abandoned right off the bat in life and yet here she was surrounded in love.
Granted Mira didn't quite know the extent of how far a ghoul would go to keep their mates protected. Simply reading every book there was on them wasn't even enough to prepare someone for what it entailed. Rain was even slightly worried what would happen to him when Swiss actually mated with Bellamira. Things would certainly be harder in the beginning but that tension would sizzle out eventually. Rain quietly closed the door for them to have some bit of privacy considering Dew never allowed that in their corridor. Now he would wait for Swiss to actually mate with Mira before their heat started. Because there was no way Rain wouldn't have a say in Swiss keeping away from her in fear he'd hurt her too much before mating.
sorella, buongiorno! - sister, good morning
sì - yes
cara - dear
oh silenzio - oh hush
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allronix · 3 years
Carth and Force Sensitivity (crossposted from Reddit r/kotor)
This is for @k-she-rambles:
Okay, so while we're shooting the bantha crap over on KOTOR fan theories, u/134340Goat mentioned my all time favorite "Have you been chewing spice?!" fan theory when it comes to KOTOR: Is Carth Force Sensitive?
So this one starts with a story. I mentioned my brother in law, who is pretty much Keeper of the Jedi Archives. Seriously, he's an English teacher and my sister is a librarian. They met at a sci fi convention and their first date was Phantom Menace. We're taking not just geeks, but geeks who can throw the damn bookshelf at you. Brother in law bought KOTOR on the day it launched and turned it into a week long binge watch at his house. And because brother in law is that kind of geek, he's translating the characters into the West End D6 system. I'm watching him do a playthrough, and he's got Canderous and Zaalbar at Ajunta Pal's tomb.
Allronix: Huh. That's odd. Why aren't commenting on anything when Ajunta is speaking?
Bro in law: Oh. They can't even see Ajunta. You have to be Force Sensitive to see a Force Ghost The stronger your Sensitivity, the better you can see it.
Allronix: Really? Then how come Carth can see it?
Bro in law (gets the "holy shit, I gotta confirm this" look): Really?! He just sees something out the corner of his eye or something?
Allronix: No, he sees Ajunta just fine. Understands what the dude's saying too.
Bro in law instantly rolls back to his last save, swaps Zaalbar for Carth, and sees the bit in question.
Bro in law: Oh. Dear. (Goes over to make some quick scribbles on Carth's character sheet)
Okay, so maybe that was a lore fail. I didn't really think about it too much until I hit that False Level Up glitch and ran around with Carth and Mission as Sentinels. Now, while I couldn't really see Mission as a Sensitive, that little bit with my bro in law nagged at me. And became a "once you see it you can't unsee it." Apologies to TV Tropes, where some of these were my additions to the Wild Mass Guess entry on this topic.
Any one of these on its own is pretty easy to blow off. After all, man is career military, and knows All this Shit is Weird. I also like to think of Sensitivity as a spectrum and not a switch. If all life is connected by the Force, then all life would be Sensitive to some degree or another. It’s just a matter of to what degree. It’s only as the list gets longer and longer does the case start looking damning...
What are the odds of surviving that attack on the Endar Spire, getting to the escape pods, sharing the last escape pod with the mindwiped Sith Lord, piloting through the chaos, landing in what passes for the "good" part of town, remaining uninjured, pulling the badly injured mindwiped Sith Lord from the wreck, evading Sith detection while all this is going on, and just happening to find a dump of an apartment where the landlord's not asking questions? That is one amazing string of coincidences and good luck. Get that many in Star Wars, and it's definitely The Force sticking its nose in things.
Piloting the escape pod to land in the Upper City, piloting the Hawk through the Sith Blockade of Taris, the random Sith patrols, the escape from the Leviathan, and the fleet around Lehon along with the crash landing that left the ship easily repairable. Now, compare to Atton who we know to be an excellent pilot and drawing on The Force who still manages to crash the ship at least three times.
He's a scary good judge of character if you're interacting with other NPCs. If you watch him with other NPC characters, he's got a pretty good compass as to which characters are being helpful and which ones are full of shit. The only one he calls incorrectly is Rukil, who is probably also an untrained Sensitive (the age, the "marked" comments) and half senile, which is probably throwing him.
Related to that, his distrust and wariness about something not adding up with the PC, the Jedi Council feeding the party a line of bull, that things just aren't adding up. And on all of it? Dead on. He's 100% right about the Player Character, he just expected something a little less crazy than "that's Darth freaking Revan."
If you play Female Revan, then Carth's the one who gets fried in the torture cages on the Leviathan. Saul comments how strange it is that Carth takes so much punishment and still remains conscious. Now, this is a low level thing, but in lore, Force Sensitives have drawn on it to keep them alive or conscious under duress. Explicitly, the first sign we got that Leia was a Sensitive when she withstood the Imperial torture droid.
Another of his scary ass judge of character feats? In the comics, Zayne (who is on the run from the Jedi, who framed him for the murder of his classmates) has a vision that Mandalorians are coming for Serroco. Saul? Laughs it off, throws Zayne in the brig. Zayne's own friends don't even believe him. Carth gets one of those creepy hunches and starts calling in "duck and cover" sirens as far as he can broadcast, which sends seventeen cities and millions of people heading for shelter. It saves their lives and Carth is called a hero for it. Armed with another hunch, he disobeys Saul (remember this is before Saul nukes Telos) and lets Zayne "escape" from custody. Mind you, not even the Jedi or his party members believed Zayne. Carth did.
Carth makes a lot of creepy weird offhand predictions about the future. He says he knows on some level he'll be there when Saul dies. That certainly pans out. He makes an offhand prediction that the Jedi have set the party up to take a fall. Right again. He tells a female PC that she'll have to make a choice soon, one she can't walk away from. And then we get the temple top. He even blurts out that "I sensed you would have to make a choice soon, and that was it*, I can feel it!"* If you specify a LS Female Revan, his recording for T3-M4 says he's had a hunch Revan would leave without warning. Again, spot on.
Specify a LS male Revan, and Carth will remark to Bastila that seeing the Exile reminds him "there are worse things to lose." The only other people who can see just how screwed up the Exile is are the Jedi Masters, Chodo Habat, and the Force Sensitive party members.
Specify a LS female Revan, and Carth will insist that he would know if Revan were dead (again, scary ass intuition) and that there's an "emptiness" where she used to be. Now, remember one of the things about a broken Force Bond? It would simply be "empty, a wound."
You know how your party members in KOTOR 2 feel upset or even horrified as they realize they feel compelled to protect Exile and can't being themselves to leave, even when said actions are kicking puppies? And how they swing wildly from being crazy, almost stalker level possessive of them to being scared out of their wits and clamming up when you try to pry anything out of them? And the more potent (and untapped) their Force Sensitivity, the more they get hammered with the effect? (Mira and Atton in particular) Yeah. Now, Carth's "I don't wanna talk" looks a bit different, doesn't it? It could also account for that romance arc, especially if you roll a DSF Revan and go for that "everyone dies" ending.
Again, Ajunta Pal. Seeing a Force Ghost? Yeah. Some degree of Sensitivity needed. Understanding what he's saying? Yeah. Takes a bit more than that. And Carth makes a weirdly insightful comment about the Dark Side on top of it.
Notice that this a wall o text argument already, and I'm now just getting to the "Yeah, his kid is able to throw around mid-level Dark Side powers and packing a red lightsaber." Given the jawline and the muleheaded attitude, no way Morgana was fooling around with the pizza delivery boy. That's definitely Carth's kid, and that's definitely Force Sensitivity. Now, while it can skip a generation (see Theron Shan), it tends to run pretty heavy in families.
Lastly? Gee. He comes from a planet settled by and heavily populated by descendants of Force Sensitives who failed their training. I'm also willing to bet some bastard children of Jedi get passed off as "foundlings" and "orphans" and dumped there, too. Jedi are forbidden attachments, but not sworn to celibacy, so...yeah, bastard kids are gonna happen. There's probably a Jedi or two in that family tree. It's circumstantial evidence at best, but it still supports the case.
Now, any arguments I missed? Counterarguments?
And the million credit question: If there's a character who gets to break this news to poor Flyboy, who do you think would actually take that on? How do you think Carth would take that kind of news? And what, if anything, would come of it?
I kinda figure Jolee might be the only one nuts enough to poke that with a stick...I also kinda figure "Sentinel" would fit best. Consular? Hell no. He hired Mical for that. Guardian works with the feats, but the whole "ferreting out deceit and injustice?" Yeah. That's Carth.
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lanifms · 4 years
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                        𝐊𝐀𝐋𝐀𝐍𝐈  “lani”  𝐙𝐔𝐑𝐀  𝐇𝐄𝐍𝐃𝐑𝐈𝐗
hello all !! my name is laur, i go primarily by they/them/their pronouns, i’m 21 years old, and i’m the world’s saddest marvel stan tbh,,, ( if yall ever wanna talk anything marvel w me,,,  pls do ) ! oKAY  i love this group already, deadass ?? i’m REALLY wanting to get lots of nice juicy plots so i can actually keep my muse up !!!!! and i’m so excited to bring my lil trash kiddo into this group !!  my discord is  𝖍𝖍𝖍𝖔𝖊#4145  so u can totally msg me there or on here for plotting !! and so ,, without any further ado,,, here’s kalani !
*  zendaya  ,  she/her  ,  cisfemale  ,  claressa shields  +  mira mariah.      𝒌𝒂𝒍𝒂𝒏𝒊  𝒉𝒆𝒏𝒅𝒓𝒊𝒙  was  just  spotted  leaving  her  home  on  twin  oaks  rd.  ,  spitting  at  the  paparazzi  .  in  just  2  short  years  ,  the  twenty - four  year  old  has  made  quite  the  reputation  for  themselves  and  tmz  seems  to report  their  every  move  these  days  .  their  recent  stint  ,  which  involved  them  shoplifting  from  coach  ,  has  earned  them  a  likeness  to  the  reclusive  artist  in  the  tabloids  .  to  save  face  ,  they’ve  been  training  for  the  next  olympics  ,  but  the  boxer / tattoo artist  is  still  having  a  hard  time  breaking  away  from  the  reputation  hollywood’s  bestowed  upon  them  .  they’re  known  for  being  independent  ,  but  there’s  no  denying  that  they  can  also  be irritable  .  if  their  life  was  a  movie  ,  their  end  credits  song  would  totally  be  spiderhead  by  cage the elephant  . 
𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐬.     ↴
full name : kalani zura hendrix .
nickname : lani , henny .
age : twenty - four .
date of birth : march  2 .
place of birth : the  bronx,  ny .
gender / pronouns : cisfemale / she & her .
orientation ( s ) : homosexual & homoromantic .
faceclaim : zendaya coleman .
height : five feet , ten inches .
weight : one - hundred and fourty - one pounds .
𝐛𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐟  𝐡𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲.     ↴       ( tw.  death  +  depression )
kalani wasn’t always who she seems to be now,,, she lived with her mother for her whole life from about age 4 to 19, while her twin brother lived w their dad and stepmom
she got along well and people always saw her smiling... up until her brother died in an airplane accident when they were 17 :( the two were super close even though their parents were separated, & after the accident, kalani fell into a deep depression
then she started distancing herself from her parents and her very few friends because she didn’t want anyone to see her cry,,, she always saw it as a sign of weakness. and she was anything but.
graduating high school was one of the hardest days of her life because her brother wasn’t there and she was still completely shaken and torn up
she ran away from home and stole most of her parents money like,,, right after she graduated without telling her family or anyone (except for her best friend (wanted connection PLS)),,,  that’s what got her here in cali
she’s a self-made woman!!!! truly got famous from all her own work, and it’s something that she’s so proud of
early on, she started getting extremely violent as an emotional outlet, got involved with the wrong crowd, started heavily using drugs, and she’s been arrested twice but has obvi gotten out thanks to her money and her connections n now she’s here lol
𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐲  /  𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐜.     ↴
+  witty, intelligent, skilled, self-assertive, adaptable
-  aggressive, aloof, distant, mysterious, evasive
uses sarcasm and dark humor to hide any actual feelings
usually looks tired and pissed at the same time,, she intimidating af,, literally looks exactly like this ok
not bitchy? just,,, mysterious and kinda weird ( think legit mj from spider-man lmao )
always sketching sh*t tbh,,, she does free stick n poke tattoos for close friends ,,   lmao
i compare her work to mira mariah’s???
Gay™ as Hell, sorry boys!!!!!
super duper street smart wow,,, she knows her way around
she can EASILY protect herself.  she’s a DOPE fighter
totally cares about some people but kinda wouldn’t be caught d**d showing it lmao
oh YEAH, she’s lowkey a drug dealer too lolol
𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬.     ↴
best friends / ride or dies for life , childhood pals , rivals / enemies , EXES ON ANY TERMS (f/nb only) , friendship/romance for publicity , friends who hooked up once and are awkward now (f/nb only) , baddie girl gang wow , tattoo clients , fwb (f/nb only) , ewb (f/nb only) , roommates, ONE-SIDED CRUSH, MUTUAL CRUSH / endgame ship (f/nb only) , drug buddies , sibling-like relationship ,  protective!kalani , will they/won’t they (f/nb only) , friend of her brother’s
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trendingtattoo · 4 years
Top 40 Female Tattoo Artists Around The World
Tattoo art is not just a male thing, in fact, there are several female tattoo artists famous world-wide. Today, we are presenting you with top 40 female tattoo artists around the world. These are all top most influential female tattoo artists. They are known for making a difference and taking the industry to the next level. Have a look at our list below…….
1. Hannah Aitchison
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Hannah Aitchison is an American tattoo artist, currently located in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. With over twenty years of industry experience, Hannah Aitchinson is one of the most famous female tattoo artists. She has been featured on a number of tattoo reality shows, including LA Ink and Best Ink as a judge. She owns a tattoo studio, namely, Curiosity Shop where she works with her husband Scott White.
2. Petra Hlavackova
Petra Hlavackova, hails from Czech Republic, and is currently located in Berlin. She is famous for her sketchy, heavily lined tattooing style which is mostly done black and white with sporadic bursts of bright colors. Majority of her work features the geometric style of abstract tattooing along with portrait or nature themed artwork. She has earned herself a name in the world of watercolor tattooing. She is an amazing artist, if you are looking for a watercolor tattoo work, then she is the right person.
3. Yanina Viland
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Yanina Viland is a Ukranian tattoo artist, currently located in Saint Petersburg. Yanina is known for her sketchy, modern style of tattoo work. Her work heavily emphasizes the use of bold lines and watercolor-esque splashes of color. She has gained popularity across the world for her beautiful artwork. Yanina strongly believes in improvisation, most of her work is improvised, as the result of conversations and inspirations with her clients, family and friends. She has a unique gallery, which you can always get inspired by.
4. Lara Maju
Lara is a Hamburg based tattoo artist, designer and artist. Her work majorly spans tattoos, visual art and fashion. If you’re looking for the hand-poked tattoo varieties, then Lara is the person for you. She is known for her outstanding tattooing skills. She typically uses black ink along with some colors mixed in for a soft wash of pigment.
5. Zihee
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Zihee is a South Korean tattoo artist, presently she is located in Seoul, Korea. Zihee has earned a name for herself through her unique tattoo designs. She has mastered the art of tiny tattoos. Most of her designs include small and colorful flowers and animals. If a tiny tattoo is your choice, then Zihee is your person. Whether you are looking for a tiny rose etched on your ear or a floral painting etched on back, Zihee does it all.
6. Meghan Patrick
Meghan, the New Jersey based tattoo artist. She has been tattooing since 2002, and is famous for creating colorful artwork with a high level of technical skill and enthusiasm. Her subject spans from pop culture, to abstract, and nature themes. She describes her style as “pretty.” She has won over 20 awards at various conventions around the U.S. and is currently working at Twelve Ounce Studios in Deptford, NJ.
7. Miryam Lumpini
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Miryam Lumpini is a Swedish-born tattoo artist and painter. She is famous for her outstanding artwork. Currently she lives in Los Angeles. Her clientele includes celebrities like Jhené Aiko, Swae Lee, and Skrillex. She is known for her bright and bold tattoo designs.
8. Masha Vivo
Masha Vivo is a Moscow-based tattoo artist, and is famously known for her super thin script and delicate drawings and tiny tattoo designs. If you are seriously obsessed with tiny tattoos, then Masha is the one to follow. All her designs her unique and beautiful. She operates from her own tattoo studio – Vivo Tattoo Studio.
9. Stephanie Brown
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Stephanie Brown is a tattooist and painter. She has been working in the tattooing industry since 2010. Currently she is located in Chicago and she used to work at Butterfat Studios, a private, appointment-only studio in Logan Square. Her work is mostly influenced by natural elements, like flora and fauna, her tattoos look more like a painting. She is known for her intricate artwork. If intricacy is that you desire, then Stephanie Brown is the one for you!
10. Gabby Colledge
Gabby Colledge is a London based musician and tattoo artist. Colledge is very well-known for her cursive tattoos, which she does in her own handwriting for an organic but imperfect look. Her clientele includes celebrities like Jesy Nelson, who got her “girl power” tattoo from Colledge. Besides, she has done a lot of rib-cage tattoos. Her work spans from nature to abstract line work to sentimental quotes.
Also See: 10 Things Not to Say to Your Tattoo Artist
11. Megan Massacre
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Megan Massacre started tattooing in 2004 when she was just 18-years-old. She has been featured on TLC’s America’s Worst Tattoos and NY Ink and Fuse’s Bondi Ink. Megan has authored many books, in which she has detailed her tattooing experiences. Megan co-owns NYC’s Grit and Glory and has tattooed high-profile clients, including Zayn Malik.
12. Brittany Randell
Brittany is a Toronto based illustrator and tattoo artist, her work majorly focuses on the biology of people, nature and animals or even a combination of these things. She is known for tiny scripts and intricate portraits. If you are interested in a tiny tattoo, then Randell is the right person to get it done.
13. Amanda Wachob
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Amanda Wachob is a New York City-based tattoo artist. She is known for her innovative and conceptual body artwork. If you’re looking for impressionist-style paintings, just like Van Gogh’s “Starry Night”, then, follow Wachob. Her tattoos look like colorful paintings done on her body. Besides, she also creates abstract tattoo artwork along with more realistic designs.
14. Lisa Orth
Lisa Orth is Los Angeles based tattoo artist, who is known for creating intricate tattoo designs with bold black lines. Majority of her work features picturesque landscapes or other nature-themed designs. She is an outstanding female tattoo artist.
15. Alex Strangler
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Alex Strangler is a CA based tattoo artist, who has taken the art to another level. She is known for her artwork world-wide. She owns her own tattoo studio in Studio City, CA. Majority of her work is influenced by pop culture, such as Disney, the Simpsons, South Park, etc. that features aqua, purple, and pink tones most of the time. Her style can be described as Neo-Traditional.
16. Kandace Layne
Kandace Layne is an Atlanta based tattoo artist, who is particularly known for her henna- and mehndi-inspired tattoo designs. Layne has mastered geometric and mandala tattoo designs. Her work looks exceptional and beautiful. If you are looking for intricate artwork, then Layne is the person to contact.
17. Ryan Ashley Malarkey
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Ryan Ashley Malarkey is an American tattoo artist and fashion designer. She has made her appearances on the television shows Ink Master and its spin-offs. She has taken a formal training in fashion designing and the same reflects in her tattoos as well. Malarkey specializes in black-and-gray designs with beadwork, lace detail, and ornamental jewels. She became the first woman to win Paramount’s Ink Master in the year 2016. She owns a private studio in NYC, besides she also tattoos at conventions around the world.
18. Sarah Miller
Sarah Miller is a Public Figure, Tattoo artist, and a world traveler, who is currently located in Pittsburg. She was one of the competitors in the hugely popular TV show Ink Master. She entered the tattoo business in the year 2009, and has gained immense popularity for her portraiture. Besides, she specializes in pin-ups as well. She operates from her studio Wyld Chyld Tattoo in Pittsburg, PA. Majority of her work is influenced by the hard-core subjects from Neo-Classical, Romantic, and Art Nouveau periods in France.
19. Mira Mariah
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Mira Mariah, better known on Instagram as GirlKnewYork is a Brooklyn based tattoo artist. She has only been tattooing for four years. However, she has garnered quite the following on Instagram in such a small duration. She is popularly known for her whimsical, linear tattoo designs. Mariah’s designs are easily recognizable. She is known for celebrating her disability through tattooing.
20. Tamara Lee
Tamara Lee is Melbourne based tattoo artist, who is renowned for her dot-work. She has been tattooing for nearly 10 years now. Besides doing dot work, she also specializes in geometric and floral pieces. Tamara works at Sacred Gold Tattoo in London and Two Snakes in Hastings. She has earned herself a name in the industry by her flawless symmetry and overlapping tattoo designs. Lee specializes in a stippling technique, the technique of applying ink in small dots for a gradient effect.
21. Grace Neutral
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Grace Neutral is a model, television presenter, and hand-poke tattoo artist, currently located in the United Kingdom. She has over half a million followers on her Instagram. She is the presenter of an I-D magazine documentary Beyond Beauty. Neutral entered the tattoo industry as a piercer before hand-poke tattooing, a machine-free tattooing method. She is acclaimed as one of the best hand-poke tattoo artists. Previously she worked with Good Times Tattoo and has also attended the London Tattoo Convention with them in 2014. Currently, Neutral works at her own studio- Femme Fatale Studio in Hackney Wick.
22. Lauren Winzer
Lauren Winzer is an amazing tattoo artist, who is currently located in Sydney, Australia. She is famous for her unique and fun style tats. Lauren has tattooed world-famous celebrities, including Miley Cyrus, Post Malone, and Katy Perry. Lauren is known for her quirky artwork. If you’re looking for a fun throwback tattoo dedicated to your Disney and Nickelodeon favorites, then Lauren is the right choice.
23. Kat Abdy
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Kat Abdy London based tattoo artists who works at Cloak and Dagger Tattoos in London, England. Abdy is renowned for her Neo-Traditional tattoo designs that majorly focus on dark and contrasting colors. Majority of her designs are influenced from the Greek Renaissance. Most of her tattoos are larger scale with a lot of detailing and intricacy.
24. Rachel Baldwin
Rachel Baldwin is the UK based tattoo artist, she works at Bold as Brass Tattoo in Liverpool. She describes her style as “girly traditional.” She is famous for cute, colorful animal-based tattoo designs. Besides, Baldwin’s artwork is strongly influenced from the artwork of Disney, as well as classical horror movies like the Shining.
25. Cally-Jo
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Cally-Jo is a NYC based tattoo artist. While pursuing her Fine Arts, she experimented with the energetic and bold designs of graffiti and mixed media, which is clearly visible in her tattoo designs. She has mastered pencil drawing at the Winchester School of Art, which reflects in most of her artwork. More often than not, her work features human skulls as the subjects. Cally-Jo is well-known for grayscale tattoos, which involves a lot of shading. Besides skulls, the other subjects that she loves to work on include, hyper-realistic animal portraits.
26. Sasha Unisex
Sasha Unisex is a Russian Tattoo artists. She is one of the best tattooists in the world. Her unique tattooing style has gained popularity around the world and formed the basis of products created under the same brand. Sasha is very well-known for the graphic watercolor tattoo work. That’s what made her so famous across the world.
27. Sara Fabel
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Sara Fabel is a Finnish actress, model, illustrator, and tattoo artist. Besides, she is an avid traveler who has spent most of her adulthood traveling the world. She is an outstanding tattoo artist, who is famous for her blackwork, with strong lines and minimal shading. Most of her designs include, horned skeleton or ghoulish zombies etc. She is very active on social media and can be found on most social media handles.
28. Ryan Ashley
Ryan Ashley is a US based tattoo artist, who co-owns the Strange and Unusual Oddities Parlor in PA, along with her husband. Ryan is known for her detailed realistic tattooing style. More often than not, she does freehand tattoos (without sketching a tattoo onto the body). That’s the reason her work always has natural flow and curves of her subject. She is famous for her unique style, which makes the tattoo look unusual and gorgeous.
29. Jess Chen
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Jess Chen, the Toronto-based artist has earned both name and fame for herself. Tattooing is more than just a job for Jess Chen. It’s sacred! She is very well-known for her artistic approach and playing with shapes, lines and colors, and making her subjects’ bodies as much a part of the tattoo as the tattoo itself. She is not only known for her minimal tattoos, but also she’s known for her sketchy floral designs.
30. Jessica Downer
Jessica Downer, the California based tattoo artist, who is known for her realistic tattoo designs. Majority of her work spans black-and-gray and realistic horror-themed ink. She is an amazing tattoo artist, who can be found at InkSanity, Lake Elsinore, CA.
31. Rose Hardy
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Rose Hardy is from New Zealand, currently she is located NYC. She is famously known as the only woman judge who has been judging Ink Master for the past 11 seasons. Though Hardy specializes in neo-traditional tattoo, her black-and-grey and color realism artwork is equally mesmerizing.
32. Rit Kit Tattoo
Rita “Rit Kit” Zolotukhina, a Ukrainian tattoo artist, who is known for making “botanical fingerprints on the bodies of other brave nature lovers.” She uses natural leaves and flowers as her guide, her tattoos are virtual impressions that capture all the delicate details of nature. She is known for experimenting and pushing the boundaries of the field. She always wanted to move beyond conventional work and that’s what became her inspiration for her “live leaf tattoos”. Majority of her work is inspired by nature and elements of nature. Rita’s life-like tattoos are modeled after her customers began choosing actual plants.
33. Krissy The Butcher
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Krissy the butcher is renowned for her intricate grayscale body art. Krissy is a Michicgan based tattoo artist who co-owns her own tattoo studio in Michigan. She is known to create just about any design her clients would ask for! Her designs are super personal, which are mostly Egyptian, Indian, Thai, and African images. So, if you are looking for a gorgeous tattoo design that resonates well with your culture, Krissy is the right person to contact.
34. Whitney Seanor
Whitney Seanor is located in Pittsburg, PA, and is known for amazing portraiture. More often than not, her subjects are Hollywood and film icons, such as Maude, Robin Williams, etc. Besides, she is also known for inking realistic animal and nature themes as well. Most of her work is done in black and white grayscale with occasional splashes of color. Seanor started tattooing in the year 2010, and has earned 1st place awards at the Pittsburgh Meeting of the Marked tattoo convention for her black and grey portraits 2 years in a row, and 1st place Black and Grey portrait at the 2013 Steel City Pittsburgh convention.
35. Moni Marino
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Moni Marino, an Italian tattoo artist, who is famous for her photorealistic, colorful style, and black-and-gray Chicano style. She works at her personal studio in Vienna. She started tattooing in Germany, and became so popular there that her German clients make trips to Austria for tattoo appointments. Her favorite subjects include, Venetian masks and portraits of beautiful women. She is an outstanding tattoo artist and can be contacted if you are looking for an intensely expressive tattoo work.
36. Jade Quail
Jade Quail, is California based tattoo artists, who is known for linework and dotwork. Most of her geometrically-inspired work is done in black and gray that boasts a high level of technical skill. Jade’s work spans from beautiful nature to horror-themed portraiture. She works at Inland InkSpot Tattoo Co. in Lake Elsinore, CA.
37. Pony Wave
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Pony Wave, a Los Angeles based tattoo artist, who is known for her mind-blowing realistic tattoo designs. More often than not, Pony’s art is influenced by elements from nature. If you are looking for a realistic artwork on your body, then Pony is the one to approach.
38. Whitney Havok
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Whitney Havok, a Washington based tattoo artist, who is extremely famous for her versatile artwork. Her work spans the hyper-realistic portraiture. She majorly focuses on Neo-Traditional style of tattooing. She is a wonderful tattoo artist who can be found at Paradox Tattoo in Bonney Lake, Washington.
39. Kat Von Drachenberg
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Kat Von Drachenberg, popularly known as Kat Von D, is a Mexican-American tattoo artist, musician, author, model, entrepreneur, and television personality. After starring in Miami Ink and LA Ink, Kat has become the most recognizable artist on television. Besides, Kat has also developed one of the most successful beauty brands under the sun. She is the most followed tattoo artist on social media and has also been on the cover of INKED 5 times.
40. Shanghai Kate Hellenbrand
Shanghai Kate Hellenbrand, often referred to as “America’s Tattoo Godmother”, a title that she deserves for all the good reasons. She has been in the industry for over 40 years now. She began her career as the tattoo artist in the year 1971, when hardly people used to enter this industry. Her dedication to her craft has made her standout in the industry. Hellenbrand was even invited by Norman “Sailor Jerry” Collins to become part of The Council of Seven at the first international tattoo convention in Hawaii. Hellenbrand owns a tattoo studio viz., Shanghai Kate’s Tattoo Parlor in Austin, Texas.
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gruviafan-forever · 5 years
Even though Gray Fullbuster didn't give his answer to Juvia, the relationship between them has surely changed since the rebandment of Fairytail and victory against the Alvarez empire.
Juvia didn't push him instead waited for him to open up his true feeling on his own accord as she knew what his answer would.
Just she wants to satisfy her desire of listening it from her beloved's mouth.
Over the time, Gray has gotten so used to her advances like unexpected hugs and other quirks that now has became a part of his life which he secretly enjoys and wishes for little further advances from her part.
And his wish came true in the form of a quick and chaste kiss on his cheeks from Juvia at a moment where neither of them expected to happen.
Once after defeating the notorious bandits in the forest during their mission, Juvia praised her Gray-sama as usual.
Even though he didn't show that he was moved by it, deep down he was swelled up with pride whenever she praises him.
He also knew after every praises he would be hugged by her which he didn't mind, actually as he grown used to and loved it.
But what happened actually was she tip-toed and gave him that innocent kiss on his cheek which made him feel warm.
He began to stammer, "Ju...Juvia..what's this?" He blushed hard.
Seeing his expression, Juvia smiled and exclaimed happily, "That's a reward for defeating those tough bandits and for Gray-sama's display of bravery."
Gray touched his gifted cheek, "That's an easy job. Who would reward anyone like this?"
Juvia reply made his heart skip a beat, "Juvia would reward her Gray-sama like this for any work he does."
She winked at him and made their way to wards the guild.
"Yeah...yeah...anything you say." Gray shrugged it off as usual as if he wasn't bothered by it, which made Juvia think she has messed up again.
But little did she know this was enough to hike Gray's determination.
He decided he would do anything to get those lips against his cheeks again without letting go of his pride.
From that day onwards, Gray tried all means to earn that kiss from her without anyone knowing his intentions.
And he did succeed to get one or more kissed from her at times after finishing any petty jobs.
Juvia was too innocent to analyze Gray's desirable thoughts as past experience spoke on her behalf. She knew he was just putting up with her advances nothing much.
As this continued for a long time, Gray made sure this matter was kept only between them but his bad luck.
Their small kissy session became obvious to the girls as they caught Juvia wetting Gray's cheeks much to their amazement.
They wondered when they became an item without their knowledge.
So once Juvia was alone from Gray, they decided to clear their doubt.
"Hey Juvia, what were doing there with Gray?" Lucy smirked.
"Oh Lucy-san, did you see that? It's nothing like what you think. It just a small habit of mine to reward Gray-sama for his chivalry works." Juvia said with heart in her eyes.
"What is so much chivalry in cleaning the store room?" Cana asked with a blank expression.
"So since, when this stuff is going on?" Erza asked her.
"For 2-3 months, Juvia guess', but Gray-sama doesn't seems much interested by it. He might think Juvia is annoying him once again." Juvia's happy mood soon changed to a depressing one.
'Is she nuts? That idiot surely likes it.' The girls thought in unison.
"What makes you say this Juvia?" Mira asked her in worried tone.
"Because after giving the kiss, Gray-sama looks so unmoved and brushes off as if it meant nothing. He doesn't speak about that at all." Now Juvia comically tearing up.
"I don't think that's the case. He likes it Juvia, that's why, he keeps on doing some random helping stuffs just to grab your attention and get kissed by you." Lucy consoled her.
"Is it, Lucy-san? What makes you say like this?" Juvia asked her with a small hope.
"Yeah, even I have been observing him for sometime. Before whenever, we finish a mission as a team he would be happy but in recent missions, he just doesn't seem to happy even after finishing it easily." Erza shared her piece of mind.
"Moreover, that idiot never likes to do cleaning stuffs but just to grab your attention, he's doing those things as well. This shows he wants your lips all the time." Cana grinned making Juvia blush.
"Wait if you don't believe, we will prove it to you. See for few days, don't go near him, do all the talking stuffs just don't kiss him fine, until I say you to. You will get your answer Juvia." Mira smiled and Juvia agreed to it.
As per Mira's plan, their doubts were confirmed Gray was doing these things just to earn a kiss from Juvia.
At first, he thought Juvia didn't want to kiss him just because she saw through this plan of doing petty job to earn a kiss. But his assumptions was wrong.
So he decided to take tough mission with her to show his bravery, then too she didn't acknowledge him with his reward.
This was making Gray lose his mind as he was so much addicted to her kiss that he began to show withdrawls.
As true to her words, Juvia refrained herself from doing any stuffs even if her Gray-sama was in pain.
After 2 weeks of not getting want he desired for, he decided to try one last time and if not successful he will directly ask her what's wrong with her behavior.
So after helping out a little boy get back to his home, the duo were now sitting in the guild's bar and conversing while the girl's were at the other table watching them.
"Juvia, looks like we left the boy back to his home safely." Gray remained casual in front of her.
"Yeah Gray-sama, Juvia was worried that's why, she told you we must take him back to his home. Thank you for helping." Juvia smiled.
"That was easy task, no need to thank me." Gray blushed and began to scratch his cheeks and pointed it hoping she will grasp the meaning.
"Whatever you say, Gray-sama" Juvia chuckled and left him. Gray looked down and was wondering what just happened here.
Juvia went to sit with the girls and Gray was occassionally stealing glances at her.
"So Juvia, what do you say? Our assumptions was right, isn't it?" Lucy grinned making Juvia blush.
"We know it was right, we saw how he directly pointed out his intentions by poking his cheeks.
     Atta girl Juvia, you kept your words and didn't comply to fulfill his wishes." Erza praised her.
"Its about time he, himself will agree that he wants your kiss. Just wait till the evening." Cana smirked and threw her arms over Juvia's shoulders.
"Hope so guys.." Juvia smiled.
All those denials was making Gray's mind crazy and he decided he will confront her.
So he made way to the girl's table, "Juvia, come with me. I need to talk to you." He grabbed her wrist and led her out.
The girls were cooing on this sudden gesture making Juvia blush.
Outside the guild, he and Juvia were standing under a tree and pinned her against it and kept his arm above her head.
"Juvia, what's wrong with you? Is something bothering you?" He asked her in concern without breaking the eye contact.
"No Gray-sama, Juvia is fine. What makes you say that Juvia is bothered by something?" She asked him.
"You are not yourself. It looks like you are trying to change." He said after thinking of a correct word to handle this situation.
"No Juvia is not. She is being herself. If that's what is bothering then let go of her." As Juvia tried to escape from the cage.
Gray leaned much forward just few inches away from her lips and said in a husky voice, "Then why are you not kissing me? Why did you stop doing that?"
Both Juvia and Gray blushed and she began to stammer, "Gray-sama..what happened to you?" She touched his forehead.
"Juvia, I miss those kiss on my cheeks. Let me be honest, I Love You, Juvia. I was not able to say these words because I was scared I might ruin the perfect moment you dreamt of.
   That's why, I needed time to say in a perfect moment but I guess, I did ruin it." Gray began to caress her cheeks.
"Juvia, don't you want to kiss me anymore. Did you gave up on already? Sorry……." Before Gray could finish his sentence, Juvia sealed her plumpy, juicy lips against his rough yet soft lips capturing their first kiss together (on lips).
Gray was shocked as he never expected her to kiss his lips but nevertheless, he responded back. Now he was sure, he is going to get addicted to this kiss as well.
"I Love You, Gray-sama. Just Juvia was playing along with the girls to find your intentions whether you really liked it or just putting up with my advances. Now it looks like Gray-sama really loves my kiss." Juvia giggled making Gray blush.
"Not only your kiss but you as a whole, Juvia." Now he kissed her lips once again.
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thebibliomancer · 5 years
Dark Crystal Age of Resistance ep 6 liveblog
"By Gelfling Hand...”
Huh. I fell off the watching wagon in September. Thats a long time. I’ve probably forgotten all the proper nouns.
Just a stream of thoughts.
So last time in Age of Resistance people finally dreamfast and the age of resisting finally starts. I can’t wait for the Gelfling Rey to show up and stop the one-note Kylan.
Rian has been captured, transferred from one Skeksis to another, and escapes after deciding that he’s not going to escape.
The All-Maudra is dead, long live All-Mauldra Seladon. 
Wonder what will happen now, me too.
Deet, Hup, and Brea are under arrest. And now the General wants to drink them.
“These Gelfling have just the vigor we’re looking for. Throw them in. And their little podling too.”
C’mon, Var. Geez. C’mon. Geez. He’s tall for his age.
The only good thing about Skeksis deciding to drink you is that the crystal is all the way back at the castle and they’re not going to want to hurt you or else lessen the vigor.
I’m looking at that jail cell wheel and the gaps are totally big enough for Brea to get out of if she just tries.
Oh hey, Lore senses Brea in need and is leaving his chamber by the magic of bending over to fit through the doorway.
And coincidentally, Rian, Gurjin, Naia, and probably Kylan are all here and saw Brea et al get captured so now they’re going to have an exciting chase scene to try to save them.
-Seladon looking at throne like ‘oh shit oh fuck what have i done-
Pfft she sits on the throne just when Lore decides he wants to leave his horribly hidden chamber and bursts through it like the Kool-Ade Man
Seladon didn’t even get to enjoy the throne in a conflicted way for more than five seconds. That’s amazing.
General: “The Emperor is forgiving”
Ritual Master: -sass- “Of course! If there’s one quality our Emperor is known for, it’s mercy.”
I never thought that the Ritual Master would be the voice of reason among the Skeksis but hot damn, I’m loving his tone.
Rian standing in the middle of the road like some kind of badass.
But the Rian ruse is a distraction.
Rian: “I heard you were looking for me”
General: ‘this fucking guy’
Rian: ‘Why don’t you come out and say that to my face’
Oh the General is just going to run Rian over with the cart. You can’t accuse him of not being pragmatic.
Ritual Master: ‘I DON’T LIKE ANY OF THIS!’
The rest of the team can’t get the back of the wheel cage open but thankfully Lore out of nowhere.
Lore Out of Nowhere is going to be the name of my band that just turns exposition dumps into songs. Once I learn how to sing, play an instrument, songwrite, or organize groups.
The Skeksis don’t know what Lore is but they’re both appalled and disgusted.
Huh. There are other Gelfling in the wheel cage instead of just protagonists. The paladins that the Skeksis were gathering for the ‘war.’ One can only imagine what they’re making of this.
Lore: -rips the wheel cage door off-
General: -squeaking a little in dismay- “My carriage!”
Oh the paladins are escaping too. I don’t know that they know whats even going on.
Ritual Master: -pokes head at cart to shake his fist and tell the kids to get off his lawn-
Lore: -stomps towards menacingly-
General: “We should escape without delay!”
Ritual Master: -sass- “At long last, you’ve had a good idea!”
And they swerve around Rian instead of running him over because he’s still just standing in the middle of the road like an idiot. Mighty courteous of the Skeksis or the pillbugs to not vehicular gelflingslaughter him.
Brea gives Rian a hug so Deet gives him a longer, lingering hug.
Pls no love triangle. Pls.
Paladins still not know shit start hubbubbing about how Rian is a traitor and a murderer.
Brea: ‘Nuh uh!’
Rian: “Everything the Skeksis ever told us was a lie. But its hard to recognize the light when you’ve spent your whole life in the dark.”
So clearly you should all get- yup Rian is like lets do a huge dreamfast circle.
And hey, good idea! He says afterwards they should spread throughout Thra dreamfasting with all gelfling to share the truth. 
Paladin: “I will dreamfast with you!”
Another Paladin: “I will dreamfast with you!”
A third Paladin: “I’m Spartacus and so’s my wife!”
Oh, cool. Funeral for the Dead-Maudra. There’s a cool sounding tradition for the death of the All-Maudra. “The windsifters will deliver six pieces of her crown to six Maudras that they might come together to reassemble it and place it upon the brow of the new All-Maudra.”
That’s pretty neat. A ritual to restate the unity of the Gelfling clans and publicly endorse the new All-Maudra as legitimate.
I have a feeling that its not going to go to Seladon’s liking though.
Woo gelfling song. 
Oh the windsifters are like. Batbirds.
I had been thinking that they were like a type of gelfling job, like couriers or something.
More gelfling beastmastery is nice too though.
Seladon: “Gelfling need an All-Maudra who won’t be swayed from the path set for us by the Lords of the Crystal. A beacon of light in these dark times. I shall be that All-Maudra.”
The, uh, librarian guy says that they should get around to the burial rites and return the Dead-Maudra to Thra but Seladon is going Creon from Antigone and saying that her mom isn’t going to get burial rites because she was a traitor. She is going to be cremated instead.
This is sure to endear Seladon to the Gelfling people who thought the All-Maudra was neat despite all evidence.
Librarian guy: “FOR SHAME!”
Seladon: “For Thra.”
Oh shit the Chamberlain limps into the Stone-in-Wood village after surviving that carriage crash last time and yells at everyone to bring him water and good and just generally do stuff for him. But the Gelfling all just kind of awkwardly shut their doors and ignore him.
And also throw stuff at him.
-Gelfling closes door-
Chamberlain: “I see you! I SEE YOU!”
Chamberlain: “How could you? I protect you! YOU OWE ME!”
Aw shit again, news of the Skeksis drinking people has spread here already and the Gelflings have no patience for Skeksis anymore.
And since Chamberlain keeps hanging around screaming instead of leaving, they start throwing rocks and fruit and possibly poo until he runs away.
Hey remember how you let Rian get away, Chamberlain? You goofed. You done goofed.
Scroll-Keeper: “The General and the Ritual Master have returned. ...Without the promised volunteers.”
Ornamentalist: -laughing- “The Emperor won’t liiiiike that!”
Scroll-Keeper: -chuckling- “No.”
-both start cackling-
I love how shitty the Skeksis are to each other. 
Some of the promised volunteers that escaped somehow made it back to the castle BEFORE the General and Ritual Master and have been spreading the truth.
Oh, hm. So you can dreamfast with someone. But you can’t then dreamfast the memories you saw in a dreamfast. So the escaped tribute basically has to go ‘yeah but just trust me, I saw what I saw in the psychic vision with the guy who is supposedly has brain sick’
But a lot of things are added up. 
The death of Mira. The weird sudden calling for volunteers. The death of the All-Maudra. 
A guard: “Yes! Spread the word and gather arms. We take this castle this very night!”
I cherish your optimism, guy.
It’d be a huge blow against the Skeksis but it feels doomed to fail. Plus one of the guards wasn’t as enthusiastic about the idea as the others and is probably going to snitch.
Oh dang I was ready to say that none of the new landscapes really match up to the bubblegloop swamp from the movie but the sweeping view of the Crystal Desert was pretty beautiful, if not as lively.
Kylan, I think: “They say the sands never stop shifting. Crossing the desert on foot will be as easy as walking on water.”
That’s that good shit.
Naia: “Must you complain about everything?”
Gurjin: “Its not my fault that everything is terrible.”
I appreciate you, Gurjin.
Uh oh. It seems like everything has finally hit Brea and she’s having a melancholy moment.
Brea: “I keep thinking that if I turn my head fast enough, I’ll see my mother’s face. Or if I listen hard enough, I’ll hear her voice. .. But I won’t.”
Brea: “I should be there to bury her!” Ooooof. Bad news there, Brea.
Deet suggests that they do their own ceremony there and Brea says that would help.
Deet: “Thats what friends do. They help.”
Brea: -sad hug, sobs- “You’re a true friend!”
(Support Conversation rank A. After the time skip, they will be married)
Archer Ur Ru carefully rolling up stuff in a leaf for eats.
Archer: -spills his entire lunch, sighs-
So Aughra’s problem is that she understands the situation now and all the pieces on the board but not how everything is going to end. There are many possible outcomes and she’s got to try for the best one.
I’ll say that two gelflings left finally healing the crystal cannot have been the Golden Ending. Maybe try harder, Aughra.
Archer: -seeing where she’s going with this- “And where does my path lead?”
Aughra: “Into the sands to face the Hunter”
Archer: … -sighs- “I cannot defeat my dark half”
Aughra: “You will find a way. But not without sacrifice.”
Holy shit Aughra are you telling him to kill himself? That’s kinda dark.
I mean, Skeksis and Ur Ru are quantum linked or whatev. Archer could just. Injure himself to the point that the Hunter can’t leap and gambol about the treetops anymore. Or ask Aughra to.
Aughra: “Get a move on. You Mystics are not known for your swift speed.”
Geez, Aughra. You dump a task like this on a guy and then call him a slowpoke.
Archer: “Will we meet again?”
Aughra: -hesitates for like a minute- “Some things even Aughra cannot see.”
Archer: -sighs harder-
And then she’s off to Stone-in-the-Wood to prevent a terrible mistake apparently. Hope it wasn’t throwing produce at Chamberlain because ship sailed.
Rian: “Life and death are a circle… not a line. There is no end, no beginning. Today, our beloved All-Maudra has returned to Thra. Though we cannot be there to guide her essence home… we will sing her memory across the wind. I will bind your words into a dream-stitch. All those who find this seed will know her as you did. Speak for the dead. Share your best memory that we may all know her goodness.”
I don’t have snark. This is just a beautiful ritual.
Now Rian is having feelings about his dad.
Like I get he’s feeling like his father actually loved him because he died for him but. C’mon. I feel like we’re sweeping the bad parenting under the rug.
“I love you. Get out of bed.” Wow. The All-Maudra was something.
‘When I looked at her eyes as the light faded out of them I realized that ‘I love you’ actually meant ‘I love you’’
Hup is a good singer.
Rian, why are you and Deet staring at each other longingly across a funeral fire?
Seladon: “I loved you with all I had” -sets her mom’s body on fire- “I’m sorry it was not enough.”
Mm. This is some contrast. In rites.
Oh the dream-stitch is just like flying off into the sky. That’s neat. 
Gourmand: “I hope you taste better than you fight”
Okay the Stonewood Maudra Fara has shown up to Ha’ra. 
oh geeez
Maudra Fara revered the All-Maudra so hearing she was killed going against the Skeksis makes her go ‘cool imma avenge her’
Also, this: Maudra Fara: “Several of your paladins are travelling the land telling a different story.”
Seladon is handling this as a reasonable individual. 
Fara: “You speak madness”
Seladon: “I SPEAK… as the All-Maudra.”
Chamberlain comes home and finds the castle in shambles. And Skeksis freely peeing and farting on everything. 
Seems like they just go full slob when they don’t have to put on a good face for the Gelflings.
Chamberlain is pretty disgusted at how gross things have gotten since he’s been gone but he perks up when he thinks he’ll be able to curry favor with the Emperor.
But nope. The big wild party is still going on and the Skeksis are binging on essence and foods. So the Emperor is feeling pretty good.
Gourmand: “Don’t worry, we kept the podlings.”
Chamberlain has to be a buzzkill.
Chamberlain: “I bring terrible news! Cease all merrymaking!”
Emperor: “I see you standing there but no Rian. What do you have to say before I punish you for your continued FAILURE?”
Shouldn’t’ve interrupted his hedonism, Sil.
Chamberlain: -had fruits thrown at him-
Chamberlain: “I faced grave danger!”
Chamberlain tries to argue that hey the open and rising revolt by gelfling clans is a Bad Thing Actually but the Emperor is feeling too buzzed.
-everybody laughs in Chamberlain’s face-
Emperor: “The General set us free! Never again will the Skeksis have to bear the burden of pretending to care for these useless Gelfling.
But who will make your food or- oh right, they’re going to enslave the podlings.
And then they make fun of how much the Chamberlain stinks because he had fruit thrown at him.
They’ve been peeing on the furnishing and they tell Chamberlain to go take a bath.
I’d feel bad for him but y’know.
Tavra: “Then she died doing what she had to do. What she always did. Protecting Gelfling”
Ehhhhh, speak well of the dead I guess.
Ok so i guess the rest of the Maudra have shown up. Except Maudra of the Grot who just sent the piece of crown back. Its just too bright up there.
So the Grot, the Vapra, the Spriton, the Sifa, the Dousan all support Seladon’s inauguration but the Stonewood and Drenchen withhold. 
This has apparently never happened.
Fara: “The All-Maudra has not always been a Vapra”
Fara: “A war is coming and Seladon is not the one to lead us”
Yup thought something adjacent to this would happen.
Seladon: “It was my mother’s crown. It belongs to me!”
Fara: “I would have followed her into a nest of spitters, but not you!”
Fara: “I challenge Seladon for the Living Crown”
Oh snap
“We cannot challenge the Skeksis!”
Fara: “They are few, we are many.”
The dramatic irony here is palpable. 
Seladon: “Maudra Fara has invoked a challenge. It is her right to choose the nature”
Fara: “Trial by air”
A Maudra: “Tests and trials are the Skeksis ways, not ours!”
Apparently Seleadon is a contender being smart and careful but Fara is pretty confident.
Fara: “I will take no pleasure in besting you…. Childling.”
Wow Fara gonna condescend on top of it all. 
And back to the desert. 
The Dousan! The desert gelfling! Apparently they barely leave the desert and are forbidden from being castle guards for some reason!
He seems fun.
Dousan Guy: “To the great All. May the dead become one with Thra again. May we feel their tears in the rain. And their warmth in the suns. Though they are gone, they remain with us still.”
Brea: “That was beautiful.”
Dousan Guy: “But a trifle compared to your emotion.”
Oh they got the dream-stitch thing. 
Ah. Reky’yr. Sandmaster. 
Rek’yr is a smooth guy. He’s giving Brea a bone protection charm and offering to carry the group across the desert.
He’s the most helpful Gelfling they’ve met so far.
Oh. Until they mention they’re going to a place considered a cursed ruin and then he gets cold feet.
But Brea shames him into it by calling him a coward.
Brea: “You don’t trust Rek’yr?”
Rian: “Well for starters. He’s a Dousan.” Wow. Ok. Racist. “They’re obsessed with death!”
Brea: “They’re not obsessed.”
I really hope Rian is proven wrong in his kneejerk suspicion. 
And then Naia, Gurjin, and Kylan peace out to join the spreading the news group of the plot. They recognize that they’re secondary cast and there’s no room for them in this subplot.
Hunter: -spots the party on the flying thing- “So. The hunt continues.”
Okay so trial by air is like a flying race. And everyone telling Fara not to be afraid of Seladon because she’s just a child makes me think that its not going to be so easy.
And that Fara is going to be for a rude awakening.
Oh god. Seladon is late to the challenge because she’s been dressing Extra Extra. Like a Skeksis.
I really can’t overemphasize how Aesthetic Seladon has suddenly become. 
And then she’s like ‘hey fara take the crown i don’t even want it its nasty’
Fara: ‘u wot m8’
Seladon: ‘Its cool i made a cooler, gother crown. Its much cooler.’
Fara is mighty pissed at this but Seladon just grabs her and throws her across the room and breaks the Living Crown with her.
Seladon: “Gelfling turning on Gelfling. We stand on the brink of anarchy. Bow before me, Maudra Fara. And together we will prove our loyalty to the Skeksis and snuff this fire before it burns us all.”
Fara: “As you burned your own mother.”
Damn Fara is good at burning Seladon.
And Seladon can only go ‘yeah well gtfo my city’
You know I was wondering how the trial by air would be portrayed. Flying gelfling is well within the special effects that they’ve already shown but a race would be different. But Seladon decided ‘screw that actually’
Ah well.
And then Fara and the Drenchan Maudra peace out.
And the other Maudras are like ‘geez Seladon geez’
Seladon: “And what will you three choose. Order or chaos?”
A Maudra: “This is not the gelfling way!”
Seladon: “It. Is. Now.”
Oh you three are going to bow? You cowards.
This is the Age of Resistance, not the Age of Follow Seladon She Has Some Good Ideas.
Well I thought that the clans were in revolt but it seems mostly just the Drenchen and the Stonewood. And standing alone against the Skeksis and the other clans is not going to go well for them. 
In general, the feeling ‘oh we should definitely trust our autocratic overlords they know whats best’ has been panning out really bad.
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mayudog · 1 year
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mayudog · 1 year
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