#Top female Tattoo Artists in the world
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gloomwitchwrites · 1 year ago
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Tattoo Artist Simon "Ghost" Riley x Female Reader
Chapter Specific Warnings (per the warnings MDNI): explicit language, suggestive themes, kissing, romantic tension
Word Count: 6.2k
A/N: Part Six of Ink & Needle
You and Simon come face to face inside Dancing Faun.
Chapter Five // Chapter Seven
ao3 // taglist // main masterlist // ink & needle masterlist
“Ready to go, Bravo?”
Simon shrugs on his coat and glances at the German Shepard. Bravo’s nails clack clack against the floor of the tattoo parlor as he takes a spot next to the door. He sits at attention, ears straight and alert as he clutches his leash in his maw.
They do this every Sunday and Bravo knows the routine.
Sighing, Simon walks up to Bravo and takes the leash. The dog surrenders it easily, but the moment Simon grabs hold, he recoils.
“Christ, Bravo. Need to get that under control, yeah?” Simon shakes the leather leash free of Bravo’s drool.
Bravo makes a pitiful little whine in answer. Simon reaches out to scratch the top of the dog’s head before going to one knee to secure the leash to Bravo’s collar. Getting down is the easy part. It’s the standing again that always aches.
Simon’s bad leg is acting up today. At least, more than usual. It has been months since Simon went to physical therapy, and he might need to start working it back into his schedule if this is going to be his new normal.
Wincing as he pushes off from the floor, Simon wraps the end of the leash around his fist. It’s habit, and more for the sanity of others than himself. Bravo is well-trained. Used to be a bomb dog for one of the many SAS divisions.
During his time on base, Simon would always take time to play fetch with the military dogs. Sometimes they were ones he worked with directly, while others just happened to be on base at the time with their units. Maybe it was Riley’s shadow that always prompted him to do it. He loved that dog, and a little piece of Simon went missing when he died.
Then Bravo came along, and their retirements just happened to fall around the same time.
Simon couldn’t pass up the opportunity.
It’s Sunday. And Sunday is Simon’s day to do whatever the hell he wants.
No work. No computer. No phone. No exercise.
Nothing but him, Bravo, and drinks at Dancing Faun.
Simon isn’t bothered there, and he’s thankful for that. When he first moved to the area, Simon kept ending up in pubs where people his age or a bit younger frequented. He was never left alone at those places. Someone would eventually approach him. Either it was some drunk wanker trying to fight him, or someone wanting him to take them home.
No one bothers Simon at Dancing Faun. Most of the people who come in are much older than Simon, and a good many of the men are veterans themselves. They understand Simon and his need for a bit of solitude. The owner of the pub, Ben, is also good at keeping strangers away.
Maybe it’s the balaclava that attracts them. Maybe it’s the mystery. People are attracted to danger, and while Simon left that life a few years ago, he’s never shaken his violent shadow. Retirement can’t erase the people he’s killed or the enemies he’s put away. That life is sticky. No matter how hard you scrub at it, a residue always remains.
But Dancing Faun is Simon’s one refuge from the whole world. He can drink, think about absolutely fucking nothing, and catch a football or rugby match. Afterwards, he goes home and searches through his contacts for someone willing to have it off for a bit.
It’s just physical. Only flesh. An attempt on his part to fill a vacant hole.
But today, Simon doesn’t need to call anyone, because you’re here. He knows that now without a solitary doubt. When you appeared in the doorway of his shop, Simon truly believed he hallucinated the whole thing.
But he imagined nothing.
You are real and whole and here. Somewhere.
Simon just needs to figure out how to make you come to him. He needs to make it happen.
Exiting through 141 Ink’s front door, Simon secures the deadbolts behind him. Bravo remains at Simon’s side, alert but happy, his tongue hanging out of his open mouth. At the very end of the street on the corner is Dancing Faun.
The outside of the pub is a deep, forest green with gold accents including the sign and lettering. The door is solid black with no window, just a silhouette of a faun holding a pipe. Simon pushes open the door and steps inside, Bravo right on his heels.
It’s still early, and no one is at this pub or any pub at this hour. But Ben always opens a little early just for Simon.
The inside is dimly lit, only a few of the lamps on the wall are actually on. The hanging ones above the bar are on but that’s it. The overcast morning light isn’t helping much. One of the televisions is already on displaying a repeat of a rugby match.
When the door shuts behind Simon, he hears a familiar voice call out to him.
“That you, Simon?”
“It’s me,” he replies, bending down to unlatch the leash from Bravo’s collar. When the latch is released, Bravo pads over to their usual spot at the bar, sitting patiently on the right side of the stool.
Ben appears from around the corner carrying a plate. He’s older than Simon but not by much. The guy has about ten years on him. When Simon takes a seat on his usual stool, Ben sets the plate down in front of Simon, grinning.
It’s a full English with double of everything. While the pub doesn’t consistently serve food, Ben’s wife always makes Simon breakfast every Sunday morning. It’s tradition at this point.
Next to the plate, Ben sets down Simon’s beer and a cup of breakfast tea.
“Saw you on the cover of that magazine. Congrats. It’s deserved.” Ben leans against the bar top as Simon reaches up and removes the balaclava, setting it aside.
Ben doesn’t even blink or flinch. Why would he? Simon isn’t ugly. The few scars on Simon’s face don’t detract from his features. He might hide behind the balaclava but it isn’t because Simon hates himself.
Far from it.
He has a persona to put on. He needs separation between himself and everyone else. The people who meet him and come get tattooed all expect “Ghost” and “Ghost” wears a mask. Ben doesn’t give a shit about “Ghost,” and so Simon goes without when it’s just the two of them.
“Thanks,” replies Simon, taking a sip of tea before deciding what part of his plate he wants to tackle first. “How’s business?”
“Steady. Rent’s going up. As are my bloody taxes.” Ben shakes his head and Simon slices through one of the roasted tomatoes. “Fucking Tories and Labour can’t fucking agree on one bloody fu—” Ben glances up and immediately stops talking. “Sorry.” He holds both hands up in a placating gesture. “No politics on Sunday.”
Simon smirks. “Can I have my tea first?”
Ben drops his hands and leans against the bar top again. “But—and hear me out—if you have friends in the government…” He waves one of his hands around absently to indicate his point.
“I was military. You know this.”
“I’m aware, Simon. I’m only saying—”
“Don’t,” chuckles Simon as he cuts up the sausage on his plate.
Ben waves him off. “I know. But it’s the same bloody thing in the end.”
Simon snorts and grabs his tea. “No politics on Sunday, Ben.”
Ben gives a mocking, half-hearted salute before changing the subject. “Christmas is coming up in a couple months. Heading to the Highlands again?”
Every Christmas, Johnny invites Simon out to the Scottish Highlands to stay with his family. They spend most of their time on the MacTavish farm. It’s quiet out there, and Simon enjoys it.
Simon doesn’t have anyone. His family is gone. In the ground. Johnny knows this which is why he started inviting Simon ever since they first started working together. Gaz has come out a few times, and even Price showed up once for a short hunting trip.
But this year? Simon isn’t sure. You’re here now, but he has no idea for how long. If you’ll be in England for the foreseeable future, would you go with him? Would Johnny be okay with that?
The toast sticks in Simon’s throat and he has to wash it down with the remaining tea.
“That’s the plan,” he replies because it’s the only semi-truthful answer he can give.
Ben nods and taps the top of the counter. There’s a clatter from the direction of the kitchen and Ben sighs, his eyebrows rising slightly in a goodbye as he heads in the direction of the noise.
After that, Ben leaves Simon alone. He cleans the bar and glassware, puttering around Simon as he readies the place. When Simon finishes, Ben takes the plate, and then promptly offers it to Bravo who licks it clean.
The balaclava is back in place once the first wave of customers begins to roll in.
A few come in at a time—all of them old men who know each other. Regulars. Retirees who come in every day. They either scatter about individually or cluster in small groups near a television. Several of them acknowledge Simon with a nod of the head. Two take up spots at the bar.
Simon finishes his second beer and moves on to a third, considering when he’s going to switch over to whiskey. He always does. The door of the pub opens again and Simon takes a long swig of the golden amber liquid in his glass.
“Amelia! Usual spot?” calls out Ben.
The door is not in Simon’s line of sight, but he knows Amelia. She’s one of three women who comes to the pub on Sunday. Ben always puts on American baseball for her. She’s chatty, and has—on occasion—talked Simon’s ear off. But she’s sweet, and he’s never minded the attention. Sometimes, she even brings vegetables from her garden, and Simon always appreciates the gesture when she does.
“You know it, Ben,” replies Amelia.
“Already have it on.” Simon notices Ben’s sudden shift. His shoulders sharpen, back straightening as he watches something. It’s not confusion. Not exactly. Surprise? “And you brought guests.”
Guests. As in, plural. As in, multiple.
“Just the two,” laughs Amelia. “And only one is drinking. This one will need some tea and perhaps something to eat?”
Curious, Simon shifts slightly in the stool, bringing his glass up to his mouth for a drink to hide that interest in who it is that Amelia brought with her.
The first thing he notices is a young woman cradling a pregnant belly. He knows that familiar face. Evelyn. She stopped by his shop yesterday and introduced herself. But that’s not the first time Simon has seen her. She’s your friend, the one you were with at Riot Room. Simon saw her face every time his gaze was on you, and then again when he tore apart Riot Room’s security system in search of you.
Simon still has the old grainy video. He’s watched it so many times with the hope that he’d pick up on something. A clue that might lead you to him again. Three years he’s watched that surveillance feed. Three years and he hasn’t let you go.
Evelyn’s cheeks are rosy from the cold and she grins widely at Ben. Simon escorted her across the street and to The Bird after they chatted for a few minutes. People drive fast on it, which is true, but he was also curious. He thought that if she was around, you would also be around.
When he saw you there in that café, reality started to sink in. But he didn’t say anything. He simply stared like a bloody idiot and then politely excused himself. Simon isn’t shy, but he wouldn’t necessarily call himself bold. It was more like a subtle realization that Simon isn’t crazy, that he didn’t imagine you in the doorway, that these three years have only been preparing him for your return.
Simon’s gaze slides past Evelyn and lands on the woman standing behind her. He freezes, his glass halfway to his mouth.
You see him. And Simon sees you.
You’re here. In this pub. With him.
And you cannot run this time. There is no possibility to bolt without causing a scene. You’ve come to him, and now all Simon needs to do is get you to talk to him. That’s all he really wants. He wants to hear your voice, to find some understanding, to know if this obsession is entirely one-sided.
Simon observes your eyes widening and the soft inhalation as your lips part in surprise. He knows those lips. He’s kissed those lips. Felt them against his skin. They are a brand and those parts of him that know the memory of your mouth heat with desire.
The muscles in his legs are poised for action. They tell him to get up. To go to you. To drag you into his arms and take you away from prying eyes. Because Simon wants answers as much as he wants to revel in your warmth and return to those memories.
He’s been feasting on that old encounter, dishing out little fragments at a time to staunch the hunger but never enough to keep it away. This is his chance. This is his opportunity. Right now. In this place.
Something will happen between the two of you. Simon knows this in his very marrow.
As if suddenly realizing who it is you’re staring at, you quickly glance away from Simon, gaze focused on the back of Evelyn’s head or a point beyond. Simon wants to draw your gaze back to him. He hates that he cannot take action.
Because he will. Simon will take action now that you’re completely in his sights. But he needs to be strategic about it.
Amelia grabs hold of Evelyn’s upper arm and begins guiding the two of you around the pub. The damn woman stops at every table. Speaks to every person. It’s like Amelia is dragging this out on purpose.
Simon does not look away once. You have all his attention, and perhaps you know this. You’re so…ridged, and Simon senses an uneasiness to the way you forcibly smile at every person you meet.
He is so absorbed in your presence that he doesn’t hear Ben calling to him.
Simon hears his name in the distance. He ignores it, instead watching as you move on to another table.
“Simon.” This time Ben leans into Simon’s line of sight, snapping his fingers.
Simon blinks and then shifts his gaze in Ben’s direction. Ben frowns, and Simon immediately softens his features. He doesn’t need to look in a mirror to know he likely looks irritated.
Ben nods toward the glass. “Want another?”
Simon pushes the empty stein toward him in silent answer. Ben snags it and tucks it away somewhere, grabbing a clean one to fill. When he sets it down on the bar top and Simon reaches for it, Ben draws it out of his reach. “You’re acting funny.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” says Simon dryly, knowing exactly what Ben is referring to.
Ben snorts and then pushes the newly poured beer in Simon’s direction. Simon takes it and immediately takes a long drink. It doesn’t burn going down, but it’s not soothing either. Simon is on edge. He can feel it, like a venomous snake curled up in a pile of leaves.
Amelia turns and you follow, moving ever closer to him. She comes to a stop at the two men sitting near each other at the bar. Amelia is all smiles, as is Evelyn, but your smile has slipped into a neutral stare that only makes Simon sad. Like before, there is a weariness under your eyes that he longs to rub away.
Is it him? Does the very idea of the two of you coming together again bother you?
Simon immediately dismisses the idea. He noticed the tiredness when you were standing in the doorway of his shop. There is something else going on, something deeper, and Simon wants to know what it is. If he can, he will take it from you if that will ease the burden. That is, if you’ll allow him to.
The conversation between Amelia and the two men ends quickly. She guides you and Eveyln in Simon’s direction, and then you’re right there, in front of him, and Amelia is beaming like she’s just achieved some lofty goal.
“This is Simon,” she says casually, gesturing toward him, but Simon notices the underlying mischievousness to Amelia’s smile. “Runs the tattoo parlor just a few shops down. He’s the only young one we allow around here.”
Amelia’s grin is infectious, the kind that could make anyone smile. But Simon isn’t smiling. He’s too focused on you. He is so goddamn close. Simon could reach out and easily pull you right into his lap.
Amelia pats your shoulder. “I know the two of you know each other, but it’s been a while. How about you two catch up and Evie and I will go enjoy the game.”
Even though Amelia is speaking to you, she’s staring at Simon as she talks.
What are you up to, Amelia?
Her eyebrows rise slightly and Simon understands. She knows about you and Simon, at least to a certain capacity. Why else would she be abandoning you to him?
Evelyn’s grin is just as wide. Her gaze keeps darting between you and Simon with clear hope in the way she clutches her hands together in front of her chest.
“Amelia—” you interject, clearly frazzled.
“Sit,” insists Amelia, quickly ushering Evie away to her usual table in the far corner.
At first, you simply stand there, and Simon believes that you might turn your back on him and walk away. But you don’t. You don’t walk away from him nor do you break eye contact.
Slowly, you sink down on the stool next to him. Your gaze keeps darting across and over his face, like you can’t believe what you’re seeing. Are you trying to remember him? Are you relearning him the way he’s currently relearning you?
“What will it be?” asks Ben, his gaze expectant.
You slightly turn your head in Ben’s direction to address him but you’re too focused on Simon. It’s a victory. A win. Simon knows he’s won in some capacity by how intensely you’re focused in on him.
“I’ll take whatever he’s drinking.” Ben shrugs and grabs a glass, filling it up before sliding it over to you. “Thank you,” you murmur.
Simon notices Ben’s attention shift to him. It’s a silent ask to make sure Simon is fine. That he’s not being bothered. But you’re not a bother, and Simon gives the look no acknowledgment. No one is going to take you away from him.
Simon sits up straighter, shifting in his stool. He keeps one arm on the bar top, but the other rests against his leg, his hand poised on his knee. Your knee is touching his, and the very tips of his fingers brush against your jeans.
It’s an electric jolt when Simon makes contact. But it’s also his way of pushing a boundary. Will you accept his touch or move out of it?
There is a span of breath, and it is you that speaks first.
“Hello,” you say weakly, brow softening.
Your voice is a remedy, the embrace after a long absence. Simon revels in it, absorbs it into himself, devours the quality of those syllables until it repeats in a pounding rhythm within his brain.
He is happy. He is whole.
“Hello,” replies Simon, and the sultry purr in his voice is unstoppable.
There is no going back. There is no return to how things were. You are all that Simon needs. Forget the shop and all of his responsibilities. You are finally here, not just a dream or memory.
That old encounter is now new and fresh. It is yesterday as much as it is three years ago.
You blink, mouth forming into a smile that stretches toward your ears. It is genuine and soft, and you glance down at your hands in embarrassment, trying to hide from him.
But you’re not allowed to hide from him. Simon wants everything. He wants those delicate lines and your harshness. He wants this smile to be aimed at him, to know that it is he that makes you happy.
When you glance up again, your smile is a bit gentler, but it only makes Simon eager.
“You’re a tattoo artist?” you ask though you already know the answer.
“You sound surprised,” replies Simon.
“Well, yes. I—” You pause, and then try again. “When I met you at Riot Room you seemed…dangerous.”
“Dangerous?” he laughs.
“And yet you left with me?”
You glance away quickly, and stare at your fingers where they rub at the condensation on your glass. “Dangerous doesn’t mean I didn’t feel safe.”
Dangerous doesn’t mean I didn’t feel safe.
Safe. You felt—feel? —safe with him.
“What is it that you think I did for a living?” asks Simon, amusement creeping into his tone.
“Wasn’t tattoo artist,” you reply softly, lifting the glass for a small sip.
Simon’s index finger moves of its own accord, tracing slow circles over your knee. It feels natural to touch you, and you don’t pull away from him.
“I was military.”
“Was?” you ask, one eyebrow arching in curiosity.
There is so much Simon can say after that. And so much he can’t. Simon considers every possible answer before telling you the truth. “Forced into retirement. Sustained a few permanent injuries in the field.”
You surprise Simon, not because you apologize for something out of your control but because you reach out and take his hand. Squeezing softly, you look him in the eye, and the gaze is so direct that it startles him.
“And I’m sure you were very good at what you did.”
“The best,” replies Simon instantly.
The smile that spreads across your face is beautiful. He wants to capture it, to press his mouth to yours and steal it for himself.
“How long are you here for?” asks Simon, changing the subject.
You shrug. “Not entirely sure. A while.”
“And how long is a while?” Simon needs to know. Will he only have you for a few days or will he have you for weeks? Months?
“I’m supposed to be picking up a visa at the US Embassy next week. It’s being expedited but I still came early. Someone is working very hard behind the scenes to make it happen.”
You don’t elaborate, and Simon isn’t sure if he should push the subject or not. Visas typically last up to six months depending on what kind it is, and that gives him hope.
“So, you’ll be around?” he asks with just the slightest bit of hesitation.
“Yes,” you answer. “I’ll be around.”
Relief floods Simon’s veins. There will be plenty of time with you. He will make the most of it.
“Are you staying with Amelia?” prompts Simon, his gaze quickly shifting to find the woman across the pub. She’s sipping on her beer, but it’s clear that her attention isn’t really on the television.
“I am. The two of you know each other.”
Simon’s gaze returns to your face. “I know everyone who comes in.”
“Self-proclaimed old man, then?” you tease.
Simon grins, chuckles. “That an issue?”
“No,” you laugh softly, and it’s then that Simon realizes you’re still holding onto his hand. Your palm is warm and comforting. It isn’t slack or limp. It is present, clutching his with gentleness.
“Have any availability in your schedule?” The question surprises Simon. “For a tattoo that is.”
Technically, he has zero room in his schedule for the next few months, and will likely be booked out even longer once he starts chipping away at all those goddamn emails in his inbox. But for you? He’ll make room. Fuck everyone else.
“Tell me when and what time and I’ll make it happen.”
“I’ll take you up on that.”
You lick your lips and Simon follows the movement, wanting to lean into that. To taste and remember. But he holds back. There will be a time for him to do so, but not right this second. No matter how badly he wishes for it to be so.
“I’m not sure what I’m supposed to call you,” you say with an awkward smile and shrug of your shoulders. “Ghost is what you told me at Riot Room but Amelia called you—”
“Simon,” he interjects. “To you, I’m Simon.”
“But Ghost—”
Simon’s hold on your hand tightens. “I know what I said. But Ghost is…a persona. He is separate, and I don’t want to be separate with you.”
“Simon,” you say slowly, rolling his name around on your tongue.
His name sounds so sweet in your mouth. He wants to know all the ways you can say it. How would you say his name when he finally kisses you again? Or when his mouth is on your body and between your legs? What will his name sound like when he’s buried deep inside you? How will his name sound then?
“I like the way you say my name,” he whispers, and the words leave him without second thought.
Your eyes widen. Your lips part. And Simon squeezes your hand again, shifting a little closer to you on the stool.
This place is too public. There are too many eyes on you. Simon needs to take you away. There are questions that still sit heavy in his mind. Things he wants to know.
His thumb runs over the back of your hand. “Will you come with me? Outside? Just for a bit?”
“Simon,” you murmur, and it takes everything in him not to groan with pleasure.
“Please,” and Simon is close to begging.
You glance over your shoulder at Amelia and Evelyn. They aren’t looking this way, and that seems to do it.
“Okay,” you agree, not even asking him where it is he plans on taking you.
Dangerous doesn’t mean I didn’t feel safe.
Simon slides out of his stool, standing, towering over you. Bravo perks up but Simon shakes his head at him. “Stay here, Bravo.” Bravo’s ears droop slightly but the dog puts his head back down.
You stand, too, never taking your eyes off of him. While your gaze is a rush, it’s your hand which still clutches his that makes Simon tingle all over. That is what he clings to, latches on to skin against skin.
He steps back and you step forward. You are following him, moving with him, and Simon’s blood is singing, thrumming with victory, rushing to a place it shouldn’t but is.
When the two of you turn the corner down the hall, Simon tries not to rush. He is eager but fuck—he needs to control himself. This could easily spiral out of his control if he doesn’t reel himself in. It doesn’t matter how much Simon wants you. If you’re not interested, he can’t push for it.
But you’re following him. You’re talking with him. You’re holding his goddamn hand.
He can’t be wrong about this.
The two of you approach the door to the private patio, and Simon almost snaps. There is a small alcove under the stairs. Simon has to control himself, to not push you up against the wall there in the dark, and kiss you until you become soft and compliant in his arms.
Instead, Simon inhales deeply, and pushes open the door to the patio.
It’s small, just a few tables with chairs and a couple of portable heaters. The patio itself is in the alleyway that cuts through the entire street, pushing up against a row of houses and a few businesses. There is a privacy fence that keeps out any potential onlookers. Simon only comes out here to smoke, and while he could go for a cigarette, he’d rather go for you.
Leading you to a bench pressed up against the wall of the building, Simon finds a spot right under one of the heaters. It’s cold out but it’s still fall. The coats are enough but he’s not risking shit. Either the heater will keep you warm or he will.
The two of you sink down onto the bench, and still, you do not let go of his hand. Simon refuses to be first. If you won’t let go, he won’t either.
You take a deep breath and close your eyes as if trying to calm your nerves. Simon cannot hold back what it is he wants to ask.
“Why did you run?”
Your eyes snap open, and you turn toward him. He sees the sorrow, and the battle behind your gaze. You’re finding the words, gathering your thoughts, and Simon silently hopes that you do not try to lie to him.
“At Riot Room?”
He shakes his head. “Not just there. Outside the shop, too.”
You blink. Look away. Glance back. The very bottoms of your eyelids are watery. Simon does not want to be the reason you cry, but you ran from him twice. Bolted. At Riot Room, he was hurt. Devasted. He didn’t understand.
Outside his tattoo parlor, that exit he can dismiss. It’s been three years and you were probably shocked. But that first escape haunts him lays across his skin like a ghost.
“I’m sorry I ran from you,” you whisper.
Simon shakes his head. “Don’t apologize.”
You glance down at your combined hands, but you’re not saying anything.
“Tell me,” murmurs Simon.
Slowly, Simon lifts his free hand, lightly takes your chin between thumb and forefinger. He guides your head up, moves your gaze back to his face. Once you’re looking at him again, Simon’s thumb travels the line of your jaw.
You lean into the touch. “I…was too close.”
“Too close?” pushes Simon.
“Yes. You felt…I wanted to stay. But I was scared.”
“Of me?”
“No!” you say quickly, your free hand gripping his upper arm, squeezing. “Never. It all felt like more. That it wasn’t just sex between us. That scared me.”
“And what if I wanted it to be more? What if I still want it to be more?” Simon leans in and you do not pull back or shrink away. You also lean forward, and Simon is so close to getting what he wants.
“It’s been three years,” you murmur. “You don’t mean that.”
“Have you not thought about me? Not once? Because I’ve thought of you. Every day.”
Simon let’s go of your hand, only to wrap his arms around your waist. You surrender to him, and Simon changes position on the bench, straddling it, pulling you into his lap. Your legs effortlessly go around him, and your hands cling to the neckline of his shirt.
“Have you thought of me? Tell me the truth,” growls Simon.
You’re so close. Lips just a breath away from touching his.
“Yes,” and when it leaves your throat, Simon hears the gentle break. “Many times. So many times.”
Simon hand travels up from your waist to grab the back of your neck. Your inhale is sweet. Wanton. He can’t have you completely, not at the moment, but he’ll take whatever it is you’re willing to give in this moment.
“Can I kiss you?” he asks softly.
The words barely leave his mouth before you’re closing the distance. Simon answers you with a kiss of his own. There is no hesitant gap, no pause for breath, just you and him and your mouths meeting.
The kisses that follow are not mechanical or stagnant. They are generous and lovely and hungry. Your lips are soft, and Simon’s grip on the back of your neck only strengthens when your hips roll against him.
Your hand on his chest forms a fist, your fingers digging into the front of his shirt. Simon doesn’t care if you tug and pull, if you accidentally rip it. You can have whatever the fuck you want with the way you’re kissing him.
Simon groans low in his throat as his other hand makes passes over your thighs, hips, and lower back. He’s exploring your curves, relearning your body. Nothing has changed, and yet everything has.
His blood is boiling. It is screaming, telling him to take you home, to finish what he started in the green room within the basement at Riot Room. Simon will make you his. You will take every inch of him, beg him repeatedly for more until you lose your voice, and Simon will do it, will keep going until you’re a deliciously perfect puddle in his arms.
Your fist unclenches, trails downward, and stops just above his belt. You’re going to make him fucking feral if you keep touching him like this. Any lower and it’s over. There will be no asking about taking you home.
Simon will simply toss you over his shoulder and go straight there.
Sitting up a bit, you shift in his lap, and that one small movement rubs the one spot blood is rushing to.
He doesn’t want to break the kiss. Simon doesn’t want to pull away, but all of his control is slipping away, melting from him like ice in the sun.
When Simon breaks the kiss, you whimper, and Simon’s answer is to dig his fingers into your thighs, pressing up into you to show you exactly how he wants you.
“Come home with me,” he murmurs against your mouth.
Your lips are swollen and puffy. They’re perfect, and he nips at the bottom one before gently sucking it into his mouth.
“Right now?” you breathe.
Right now? No. The two of you can’t run off together right now. Simon has a fucking tab to pay, even if Ben could give a shit and tell Simon to pay him later. Plus, there is Amelia and Evelyn to think about.
Yes, they pushed you into Simon’s path, but you’re technically here with them. He won’t take you away. Simon is selfish when it comes to you, but he’s already waited three fucking years. What’s a few more hours until you’re back in his arms?
You’re shaking your head. Why are you shaking your head?
“I can’t,” you reply and now Simon is the one shaking his head.
“When?” he asks. “When can I see you again?”
Your gaze flicks up and Simon is lost for a moment, only thinking about how wonderful you feel in his lap. It takes him back to Riot Room when you first straddled him on that couch, kissing his lips, touching his body.
His mind wanders further, forming the image of you spread out, facing the mirror.
“Tomorrow? I can stop by in the morning.”
The morning. It’s not enough time with you. What Simon wants is for you to come over tonight. He wants to take you over every surface in his home like he planned on doing three years ago.
But he’ll take whatever you give him. If you can come by tomorrow morning, Simon will cherish it. He will be happy knowing that you want to see him at all.
And while he wishes all of this, there is a hesitant hopefulness in your gaze, like Simon will reject the offer. Are you just as nervous as he is? Are you wanting him as much as he wants you? Do you desire to be close to him in more ways than just your bodies meeting?
Because Simon wants all of you. Every bit.
“Tomorrow is perfect.”
Your smile is sweet. Wholesome. You throw your arms around his neck and kiss him, nearly knocking Simon onto his back.
“Sorry,” you laugh, beginning to pull away.
“No, you don’t. Come back here.” Simon grabs at you, pinning you against his chest, taking your mouth again, deepening the kiss until your lips part for him. His tongue traces the edge of your bottom lip, and yours darts out to meet him.
Simon is lost in you. Lost in your mouth, lips, and tongue. Lost in your touch. Lost in—
“Hate to interrupt!”
You pull back so fast you almost fall off the bench. Simon might not be in the military anymore, but his reflexes are still sharp. He catches you before you topple over.
Evelyn stands in the doorway, one hand over her eyes like she’s just walked in on something she shouldn’t be seeing.
“Amelia paid the tab. We’re leaving.”
“Shit,” you mutter, starting to unravel yourself from the bench.
Simon stands with you, his fingers slipping from yours as you head for the doorway. You glance back and smile, quickly looking between him and Evelyn before darting inside. Evelyn drops her hand and then crosses her arms over her belly, grinning wickedly.
“You’re welcome, Ghost.” She winks and disappears inside, the door shutting softly behind her.
Simon stands there in the autumn cold, his bare fingers lightly touching his lips in memory of you.
He laughs softly, drops his hand, and pulls the balaclava back into place.
Chapter Five // Chapter Seven
@glassgulls @km-ffluv @glitterypirateduck @tiredmetalenthusiast @spicyspicyliving @childofyuggoth @lialacleaf @coffeecaketornado @wren5650 @aykxz98 @kayden666 @36namey @creamwhxre @pearljamislife @wrathofcats @keiva1000 @pertinentpostmortem @enfppixie @bbyfimmie @cinnabeanz @berarenado @rogerrhqpsody @c0pernicus @josephquinnschesthair @corvusmorte @saoirse06 @therealbloom @ninman82 @no-oneelsebutnsu @marispunk @thewulf @theshrikeandcanary
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wangxianficfinder · 8 months ago
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Fic Finder
July 21st
1. Hiii!! I was looking for a fic where Wei Ying was captured and his memory was forcefully being shown to the cultivation world in a mirror. I think in one of the scenes he begged them to not do it which made the others think that he was indeed a criminal but well he was not. I have been searching for it but can't find it anywhere. @yilinglaobunny
FOUND? Misunderstood by Silver_Flame_2724 (M, 250k, WIP, WangXian, Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, Heavy Angst, Suicidal Thoughts, Canon-Typical Violence, Self-Worth Issues)
For no 1 there is a whole collection you could try
2. Hi! First, thank you for all your work!! It is so helpful.
I wanted to know if you could help me find a fanfic where Lan Xichen, Nie Huaisang, Meng Yao and Nie mingjue all swap bodies with each other. It seems to me that Lan Xichen becomes Nie Mingjue, Meng Yao becomes Nie Huaisang, Nie Huaisang becomes Lan Xichen and Nie Mingjue becomes Meng Yao.
Thank you in advance for your time
3. There was a fic where it was implied that Wei Wuxian was s*xually (sexually) abused in Yunmeng Jiang as punishment (Not explicitly shown). So when he gets to do punishment with Lần Wangji in Cloud Recesses he gets on his knees and starts untying Lan Wangji’s sash, which spooks him and yards yadda happens Lan Wangji reports it to Lan Xichen. Can’t find it, would love to revisit
FOUND? Hands a tent, he is praying or he is crying by Amity_Bell (M, 6k, WIP, WangXian, Angst with a Happy Ending, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Child Abuse)
4. Hello! I'm looking for a wangxian fic where Wei Ying ask Lan Zhan for his first born. I think Wei Ying is a witch? Thank you! @seke19
FOUND? 💖 spider lilies to sunflowers by cicer (E, 33k, wangxian, ABO, YL WWX, fairy tale elements, mpreg, omega LWJ, lwj topping from the bottom)
FOUND? take a sip of my secret potion (one taste and you'll be mine) by sweetlolixo (E, 16k, WangXian, F/F, Dark Fairytale, Witch WWX, Princess LWJ, Rule 63, Female LWJ/Female WWX, Dark LWJ, Dark WWX, Dragon LWJ, Identity Porn, Love Potion/Spell, Pregnant WWX, Childhood Friends, Fem!LWJ has a Dragon Dick!)
FOUND? A Sorta Fairytale With You by Speak_friend (E, 8k, WangXian, Modern with Magic, Fluff and Smut, Fairy Tale Elements, Hand Jobs, animal injury (he got better!))
5. Hello!! Im not sure if this was already asked but im looking for this multichapter fic where all in the first chapter, it is revealed that jiang cheng imprisoned wei ying and a-yuan in this shed i think?? But after years wei ying manages to free a-yuan and he runs to the cloud recesses to get help @draconislyra
FOUND? on restitution by glitteringmoonlight (M, 98k, LSZ & WWX, JL & WWX, WangXian, Dark JC, not for jc fans, Captivity, Angst with a Happy Ending, no reconciliation though, definitely no reconciliation, Crossdressing, Non-Graphic Torture, Violence)
6. hiii admins ! i read a wangxian fic a few motnhs ago that i cannot find for the life of me :( it was modern with magic au, where wangji can see auras (mostly dark auras for anger) and red strings of fate form between people. He works at a garden shop/plant nursery with his brother and huaisang, wuxian works at a tattoo parlour with wen ning and wen qing + is a single dad to wen yuan afaik
FOUND! Demon Ink by Jade_Valentine (E, 189k, WIP, WangXian, Modern AU, Flower Shop & Tattoo Parlor, Tattoo Artist WWX, Magic, Chaotic Bisexual WWX, Demisexual LWJ, Slow Burn, Angst, Mutual Masturbation, Domestic Fluff, Welcome to my LWJ & NHS friendship agenda, Shower Sex, Brief mentions of past Lan Bro abuse at the hands of LQR, wangxian family feels, WWX is the Best Dad Ever, WWX's canonical abuse at the hands of YZY, Blow Jobs, Slight Make-Up Kink) Flower shop and tattoo parkor au LZ sees Dark energy coming off WY
7. hii im looking for a bottomji fic wherein lwj and wwx was cursed with a sex curse fighting the xuanwu and lwj end up getting preggo magically 😂 ive been looking for fics with the same premise through ao3 but i seem to be looking at the wrong tags?? please help me 😭🙏 thank you so much!!❤️❤️❤️
FOUND? Questions at Dusk by ExtraPenguin (E, 18k, WangXian, Top WWX, Bottom LWJ, Mpreg, Lactation Kink, Class Issues, Hero Complex, Baby Animals)
8. Hi! This is fic finder. It was modern au where the jiang is assasin. They have a restaurant as their base camp. WWX is YLLZ, top assasin with the jiang. But then he retires. LXC and LWJ is a thief. They work together with LQY (either LQY or MY or both). I think LWJ and WWX civilian self is dating each other. The lans gets a mission ro break into the wens. WQ at first help them but she betray them because the wen threatening her. The wens know LWJ existance and kidnapped him to lure HGJ (i think it was to lure his alter ego not YLLZ). But then WWX is the one who rescue him. I think i mixed two fic @idontknowwhattowriteforusername
FOUND! all the problems we could solve by Stratisphyre (T, 20k, WangXian, JC & WWX & JYL, LXC & LWJ, Modern, Getting Together, somewhat non-linear, Fluff and Humour and Violence, Meet-Cute, Identity Porn, Thieves, a bit of a leverage vibe)
NOT FOUND You Only Die Twice by Mikkeneko (T, 11k, WangXian, Assassins/Spies, Assassins & Hitmen, Modern AU, Mafia AU, Action, Moderate Violence, a lot of people die but no named characters, not exactly lan sect friendly, not exactly lan sect critical either, Assassin LWJ, Kindergarten Teacher WWX, coffee shop meet cute, Let LWJ Say Fuck, slightly cracky, Non-Linear Narrative)
NOT FOUND🔒 (i've got) trouble in mind by seularen (E, 76k, wangxian, JGY/LXC, modern w magic, heist au, thief WWX, forger LWJ, consigliere JGY, epistolary, long-distance relationship, d/d elements, Canon wangxian kinks, happy ending)
9. Hello! I'm looking for a fic that was in my bookmarks but now I can't find it. The only thing I remember is this excerpt where LWJ and WWX where dueling/sparring and LWJ says yield while WWX is enthralled by his beauty and maybe says out loud how beautiful LWJ is. Thanks for your hard work!!!!!!
10. hello im trying to find a married(?) wangxian fic where wei wuxian sees lan wangji talk to and hang out with a female lan member he doesn't recognize. he gets jealous and starts to think that lan wangji doesn't love him anymore. at the end they manage to clear the misunderstanding with the help of lan juniors @pleasehelpmesobad
FOUND! White Flag by incendir (T, 37k, WangXian, NHS/NZH, OMC/ OMC) from the Resolutions series by incendir
11. Hello! Can you find a fic for me where wangxian want their own biological baby and find another lady to surrogate for them with the baby ending up being wei ying's and the lady's, and adopted into the lanclan by weiying and lanzhan?
12. Pleasee!! help me find this fic. Sob okay so nsfw ask
Basically wangxian as usual is having loud af sex and literally everyone knows this now lqr is like why tf are they so loud. Then he decides that he's tired of them and goes and gets married to some man and literally at his wedding. Anyways, he finds out how good sex can be and wangxian is like, we can be louder than that @thatperson0-0
13. oh my god i think i'm losing my mind... i just read this fic a few weeks ago, but i can't seem to find it anywhere!
wwx is a female in this and it's from lwj's pov, it wasn't finished i'm sure but idk if they decided to finish it in these weeks. they both go on a night hunt (?) and wwx gets cursed (?) or is hit with something and to help with that they both have sex. lwj confesses during it.
then later when they both are returning to cloud recess wwx asks lwj to forget about it but lwj is like 'i want to marry you'. wwx dismisses that saying 'you don't have to be responsible for this'. but lwj tries to persuade her but wwx keeps doding it and lwj thinks she doesn't want to be with him.
i really hope this work didn't go into hidden ones or is deleted :(
thank you so much for your work.
FOUND? ❤️ We'd roll and fall in green Series by x_los (G/E, 26k, WangXian, Gender Changes, Always a Different Sex, Accidental Marriage, Marriage Festivals, Holidays, Awkwardness, Fist Fights, Pining, Crushes, Sisters, Episode 7, mentioned canon-typical domestic abuse, mentioned canon-typical sexual violence (implication of minors), (not depicted just discussed as possibility), First Kiss, First Time, Loss of Virginity, Politics, School, Horror, Murder Mystery, Road Trips, Bitchy LWJ, Dirty Talk, Mutual Pining, Competence Kink, Misunderstandings, Miscommunication, Self-Sacrifice, Battle Couple)
14. I lost a fanfiction and I hope someone here can help me ;-;
It was wangxian set to marry with Wei Ying leaving the Jiang Sect before meeting Lan Zhan. He kept meeting Jiang Disciples send to spy on him. I’m afraid I don’t remember anything else :( @kanrax-blog
FOUND? Bitter Endings; New Beginnings by miixz (T, 7k, wangxian, WN & WWX, major character death, ABO, Arranged Marriage, Unrequited Love, Stalking, Not JC Friendly, Unrequited JC/WWX, Alpha JC, Omega WWX, Alpha LWJ, No War au, Wēn Remnants Live, Brothers WWX & WN, Light Angst, Fluff, Falling In Love, endgame wangxian)
15. Hi! For fic finder I am looking for a fic which is Cloud Recesses study arc au. In it WWX grew up either as a disciple of Baoshan Sanren or his parents were alive and he travelled with them; ie he did not grow up in Lotus Pier. He hears about Cloud Recesses and tries to sneak in to explore but Wangji catches him. It happens to be the start of the lectures so WWX pretends he is part of the Jiang group and Yanli and Cheng play along. WWX goes on to charm everyone and is oodles above his classmates in knowledge and sword skills. I can’t remember how the story ends, whether it is just the lecture arc or if it goes into the Sunshot Campaign. Please help, thank you!
FOUND! Become Tomorrow by ShanaStoryteller (Not rated, 39k, wangxian, BSSR/LY, Alternate Universe, a story full of tragic pining gays, and one chaotic gremlin, Cloud Recesses Study Arc, WWX is BSSR’s disciple)
16. I am looking for a modern fic where Lan Wangji ran a bakery and Wei Wuxian was a doctor, or possibly vice versa. The doctor ran in before his shift to grab some treats for his nursing staff and I think it was before the bakery opening hours but the baker let them in anyway. The doctor began to stop by more frequently and possibly taste tested for the baker (an excuse to hang around). Would love to read this again, thank you! @gloriousclotpole
FOUND! crystalized by gusuvibes (M, 25k, WangXian, Modern AU, Bakery, Pining, Getting Together, Baker LWJ, Nurse WWX, Zizhen in a STARRING ROLE, Bunnies With Bad Names, Elaborate Descriptions of Delicious Baked Goods, Frottage, Eventual Smut, SexyBakingTime)
17. Hiiiii. Please can you help me find a fic. I dont remember much of it - just vague parts.
It was a time travel fic in which wangxian went back to their teenage years and were trying to set things right. I remember 1 part in which wangxian was trying to decide what to do with small mxy and wwx was against bringing him to cloud recesses. I believe it was because he was insecure about having mxy close to lwj when in their future, lwj was married to/ intimate with mxy's body.
Please see if you can find it or anything similar 🙏
FOUND?🔒 Here With Me by iamwish (T, 58k, WangXian, Time Travel Fix-It, Canon-Typical Violence, Period-Typical Homophobia, Bad Parent YZY, POV WWX, POV LWJ, POV JC, Somebody Lives/Not Everyone Dies, WWX Has PTSD, and also depression sometimes, Unreliable Narrator) There's a bit in the last chapter (of the first fic in the series) where WWX remembers MXY & rules out bringing him to the Lan as an option due to awkwardness, & sends him to WQ instead
18. Hi there, request for the fic finder? Lost the tab I had it on and can’t remember the name. Only made it to chapter two.
It was Huaisang POV? First chapter was Wen Ning helping him sneak outta the Wen Indoctrination place, second chapter was Huaisang trying to break Wen Ning out of the Jin Basement/jail. Idk what happened in chapter three, lost the tab before I could read it.
Distinctly remember Huaisang whacking a dude over the head with a table in chap 1.
Cheers :)
FOUND? Jailbreaking by CullenBlue (T, 21k, WN & NHS, Canon Compliant, POV NHS, NHS Is A Little Shit, Cinnamon Roll WN, Fierce Corpse WN, Ghost General WN, References to Heavens Official’s Blessing, References to The Scum Villain’s Self Saving System, NHS insulting the Wen Clan’s taste in interior Decorating, Mentions of Murder, WN made a friend by talking about his childhood trauma, BAMF WN, Panic Attacks, mentions of gore, Canon-Typical Violence, Violence in the Name of Comedy, Trauma, Is NHS taking anything seriously? who knows, Bromance)
19. hello, this is a ff request. i think it's a royalty au, might have been an ongoing series while i read it. i remember that wangxian get married, wwx births twins, but falls unconscious/ill after giving birth. i may be mixing fics up, but i think one of the children is a-yuan, while the other is an OC who is born with weak health. there are discussions for moving him to yunmeng as an older child due to the warmer weather. i think wq married nmj and moved to qinghe, jc and nhs are in yunmeng, and jyl and jzx are in lanling. mxy, whom wwx rescued and "adopted", follows wwx to gusu when he married lwj. again, idk if all of this is the same fic, or if i have mixed them up, but i hope this rings a bell for someone, many thanks!
FOUND! Lost in Diplomacy by Subtleladybird (M, 90k, WangXian, Historical, Royalty, Imperial Pair, Historical Inaccuracy, Arranged Marriage, Slow Burn, Angst with a Happy Ending, Strangers to Lovers, Harem, Politics, Angst, Mpreg, Miscommunication, Brotherly Love, Not really a harem, more like one spoiled non-rival, Time Skips, Pregnancy, Violence, Childbirth, Miscarriage, Falling In Love, Love Confessions, Married Couple)
20. Hi FicFinder! This is my first time requesting for a fic to be found, so I'm sorry if I'm bad at describing TvT
The fic I'm looking for is basically JGY spikes the Lan's tea during the Sunshot Campaign, and it results in JC and JYL thinking that WWX got r*ped (raped) by LWJ. It was found consensual in the end, tho after getting WQ to look at it. Also, there's JGY redemption iirc?
Thx sm <333 @diablolunaticofthemoon
FOUND! The Teapot Plot by ToxicAngel13 (M, 52k, wangxian, LXC/NMJ, Misunderstandings, Plots, protective Jiang siblings, Golden Core Reveal, Golden Core Transfer Fix-It, Idiots in Love, Damn Jins, Post-Sunshot Campaign, Pre-Burial Mounds, Potential for M-Preg, Fix-It, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Idiots Everywhere, LWJ ’s Biting Kink, WangXian Get a Happy Ending, Protective LWJ, Protective WQ, JGS is his own warning, Protective JYL)
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onyx-syn · 3 months ago
Pornstar LA! Buggy x Female Reader/Male Reader Headcanons
Warnings: Smut, Modern Au, Female/Male Reader, Masturbation, Unprotected Sex, Filming Sexual Activities, Fingering, Inappropriate use of the devil fruit, Pet Names, Blowjobs, Handjobs, Praises, and Public Sex
*Don't steal my writings and claim it as your own*
*18+ Only*
A/N: This has been on my mind ALL day at work, this and a curly imagine but you know how it goes ✨
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🌹Buggy is always the one to make flashy performances and be out there for the whole world to see, everyone knows that by now. But what would happen if in the modern world he was on the side pornstar with his favorite ‘performer’, his partner -you-
💠When you guys start talking, he will tell you first hand that he is a pornstar, and not just a pornhub artist or anything, I can imagine him doing more of an OnlyFans type of fan page for his porn videos or a crappy porn website that is oddly sketchy with its ads. Either way, he will tell you in the first conversation that he is a pornstar, get it out of the gate and overwith
TEXTING Buggy ...
You: Hello!
Him: Hello
You: How are you?
Him: I’m a pornstar fyi
You: Oh…. and?
🌹He does want to make sure that is something you are comfortable with though and maybe staring in a few of his videos, he understands that it’s not for everyone -hell, he didn’t even think he would find himself on a porn website with thousands of fans that get off on themselves from watching his videos
💠He shows you his porn account, clo-um-wing_around. He mixed the word cum and clown together and thought that was the most brilliant idea he came up with. You convinced him to change it to something more easy to understand and actually speak, so that's how only-clowning-around came to existence
🌹Before you, he would only make videos of him jacking off to the camera, usually in a dimly lit room like his or in a public bathroom in the stall, never showing his face. He also definitely has(had) a sex doll, mostly showing the bottom of his cock and thighs slamming into the doll. He also has a fleshlight that he uses here and there- it's one of the clear ones so you can see through it and see his cock just slide perfectly in and out of it
💠Makes sure he doesn't show his face, both because of his own insecurities, but also because he doesn't want everyone knowing who makes these videos, especially if his coworkers find him? Oh the humanity
🌹Modern au Buggy has a tattoo of his jolly Roger on the top of his shaft, the bottom of his stomach. So people know they're watching a only-clowning-around video when they see that obvious hint right on his stomach
💠Of course he doesn't use those as much anymore as he used to. If you're down to make porn videos with him and are comfortable with it, he drops those things almost entirely (when he misses you he'll use a fleshlight and make a video about it)
🌹Your first video together is special, he makes sure to not include your face in it for the privacy of you. The video itself is vanilla, a simple missionary position with the camera focusing on the side view of your bodies, face out of the screen
💠Buggy is slow with his thrusts, his hands pinning yours above your head, as his thrusts start to pick up- your legs draped over his hips. The sound of skin slapping becoming louder and louder
🌹The room is dimly lit, only light being emitted was from the flash of the camera playing, showing the glistening sweat that was starting to form from the heat and intensity that you two were creating in the room. Your moans over throwing the sound of skin slapping, only making Buggy go faster. He makes sure you cum first before he does, watching your body melt underneath him as you do
💠Buggy pulls out before he finishes, letting his cock release all over your stomach and chest. His release has 50/50 range, it'll either just continuously drip from his tip or release so far it hits your face
🌹When Buggy releases the video, neither of you expected it to blow up as it did. With many comments suggesting ideas or requests for you guys to do, such as fucking in a park, pool sex etc.
💠Buggy is down to do almost anything -of course having his limits- with you. He is more than thrilled to do another video with you, always giving you love and affection afterwards. He'll drown you in kisses and telling you how good you did
"You did beautiful baby, don't worry okay? I'm here now, no need to worry"
🌹He gives you a nice bath after each time you guys have sex, joining in with you after wards as he tends to your aching back and shoulders, or depending on what position you guys do, he'll tend to helping those particular areas like your ass, hips, tita etc
💠He always wants to make sure you're comfortable with what's happening and afterwards to. Even out in public when he feels a bit risque, he makes sure you are comfortable with it
- (Female Reader Addition) Both of you sit comfortably at the table of the restaurant, seated right next to each other, Buggy's arms wrapped around your waist caressing your hip with his thumb gently.
The restaurant was bustling with people coming in and out, overworking the workers like their life depend on it.
You've figured that it would take time before a waiter could get to you, so your focus went over to your boyfriend still holding you in his grasp. When you look at him, you can see the hint of mischief behind his turquoise eyes.
With an eyebrow raised and a suggestive smirk, you speak. "Whatcha thinking about hm?" You asked him.
Buggy grins at your words, having a particular idea in mind. His free hand moves to your thigh underneath the table, squeezing it, his fingers moving ever so closer to your inner thigh.
Buggy checks the surrounding area to make sure no one is watching you two. And when the close is clear, he leans his head down to your ear- kissing the end of it before speaking, his words low in tone filled with lust.
"Why don't we have some fun doll?" He chuckles underneath his breath, sending chills throughout your body.
You can feel your cheeks start to heat up at his words -knowing what he is suggesting- your breathing starting to pick up. Your hand moves over on top of his hand, letting it go further down to your core. Buggy hisses at the contact, feeling the hot sensation between your legs. He knows with it being a very obvious public area to be doing this, keeping your voices down to a minute is pinnacle to not being caught.
His tongue licks your cheek before hips lips make a connection, making it a wet kiss. His words speak to you with reassurance, "You sure you wanna do this doll?" He wants to make sure you are okay with this, since you both have never done something like this so scandalous.
You nod your head, wanting buggy to continue with his hand downwards. "Yes I want it, fuck-", you whine to him merely just above a whisper.
He can feel your thighs quiver underneath his touch, he knows you're just dripping with anticipation.
He chuckles at that, it's dark and hot. He detaches his hands underneath the table, one hand now cupping your core in his grasp, the other grabbing his phone out of his pocket. With how you both were positioned, no one could tell what you two were doing thanks to the drapes covered over the table.
He quickly unlocks his phone and opens up his camera, now videoing the performance that was gonna happen between your legs.
The hand cupping your core, started moving aside the cute skirt you wore that day, revealing your red panties with a damp wet spot evident on it. His hand moves the pantie to the side, showing off your puffy lips to the camera view.
With the place being so loud and busy, the video could only pick up the surrounding area, not hearing the sinful huffs and low moans you were making, Buggy was grinning ear to ear at this revelation, seeing you melt in his grasp like this so much. He was enjoying it.
His pinkie and ring finger hold onto your pantie, letting your middle and index finger do the work, rolling your clit around in-between both fingers -his middle then going up and down your clit, putting pressure on it which makes your inner thighs shake.
You leaned your head in your hands on the table, holding your forehead as you tried to control your breathing and voice so no one could hear, but the sensation was starting to become too much to handle.
Buggy could feel his fingers start to be coated by your slick. He rearranged his fingers so now his pinkie and index were holding onto your pantie, letting his middle and ring finger enter into your pussy slowly but surely.
Buggy sees your body release tension, your mouth becoming agaped before quickly being closed by your hand. Your eyes shuttered to stay open as you felt Buggy's fingers go in and out of you, slowly but surely, pulling out just slightly to show the camera how wet his fingers were becoming just from that one insert alone, he couldn't believe it.
Buggys hard on was pressing against his pants, making him groan at the tension. He leans his head into the crook of your neck, biting so slightly, his eyes darting around the area to make sure no one is looking as he spoke to you.
"Fuck you feel good baby, keep it up like this and I might just have to put this cock in your pussy"
🌹It's suffice to say that you ending up cumming underneath that table, covering his camera in your release
💠Speaking of releasing onto cameras. His signature move is cuming on his phone after you blow him, so the audience gets a very up close experience. The amount of times he's had to deep clean his phone is unbelievable. It's gross yes, but God does it somehow turn him on after he does it
🌹After that day, public sex and semi public sex has been a favorite tag on your guys page. It didn't take long for Buggy to change the name of your guys page either to clowns-clowning-around, which was very appropriate for what you two were doing
💠You guys have videos where it's nice, semi and sweet where its in your shared bed and living room. Others its in a public restroom, letting the noise you guys make echo across the room
🌹And don't get this guy started on when you blow him, it gets him riled up
- (Male Reader Addition) Buggy's phone was placed on the edge of the night stand, showing the sides of your cheek hollowed out before being filled with Buggy's cock being deep throated by you.
Buggy's hand placed on his bare hip, his other caressing your scalp, curling his fingers feeling your tongue swirl around his tip.
His eyes felt cloudy, his breathing became heavy, the sweat forming on his forehead started to drip down the side of his cheeks. His muscles shivering at the sensation his body was feeling, the way you were making him feel was beyond comprehensive.
His gaze shifted to look down below him. Your eyes were looking up at him with narrowed eyes, getting into the movement of sucking him off. He can see your hand in between your legs, your hand wrapped around your cock. The motion going up and down.
Buggy hisses through his teeth at the sight, your lips round around his cock, slick and wet from the pre cum and saliva. Your thumb putting pressure on your tip, closing your eyes in response.
He can see your body shiver in effect, he can tell you were close to cuming just like him. His hand on your scalp started to tighten, pushing your head forward into his hips more, making you take his cock hole. He threw his head back once your nose was right up against his public hear, feeling your breathing on it. Cold against his hot skin, almost sending shockwaves to his cock.
Your hand motion started going faster, your other hand gripped his hairy thigh, trying to hold yourself up so he could finish first. But the overall feeling, emotion you felt, your mouth being full and your hand speeding up coated in your click and pre cum, it was becoming too much.
It didn't take long for Buggy to say fuck it, and grip the sides of your head and start thrusting his hips into your mouth, his balls slapping against your chin.
The room was filled with the smell of sex and the heat of the tension, the sound being taken over by gagging noises and balls slapping against skin.
Your hands moved to grip his thighs, trying to keep the monument up and up with Buggy himself. Your body being overwhelmed went down to your cock, cum spewing out of your tip, your cum splattered across the flooring and underneath your tip.
Buggy could see you wither underneath him, coming undone. Buggy groaned, pulling your mouth off of his cock with a loud pop, salvia and pre cum linked to your lips to his tip, the flash of the camera outlining the slick like it was water.
Buggy caressed your scalp against his thigh, reassuring you through actions as he ejaculated right onto the camera, his cum spraying everywhere on it and over it.
He could edit the video later, but now his focus was on you. His hands cupped your cheeks, his thumbs moving in circular motions as you looked up at him, now your eyes clouded with love and sex.
Buggy leaned down and pressed a kiss on your sweaty forehead, speaking softly as he spoke. "Good Boy. Cuming for me so good like that. Come on, let's get you cleaned up"
💠Buggy doesn't like using your voices in the videos, in fear that someone would identify the both of you from that, so he keeps it to a minimum with the degradation and praises when you guys do decide to film yourselves
🌹He never thought that this side hustle of a business would turn out something much more greater for the both of you. Letting you guys explore more of yourselves while you and others can enjoy it, it was all arousing but endearing at the same time, plus you guys were making big bucks from these videos
💠Overall, Buggy would be a modern pornstar on the side if he truly wanted to. And if you are willing and comfortable with joining him on this ride, then be his guest, cause he sure does love having one in his videos~
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scarscannotbereplaced · 9 months ago
The Dark Truth About Scorpio Rising Men: Decans Unveiled
First Decan of Scorpio Rising (Ruled by Mars)
Alright, let’s cut the bullshit and dive into the first decan of Scorpio rising. These guys are ruled by Mars, the god of war. Yeah, you heard me right. These men are aggressive as hell and impulsive as fuck. They’re the ones you see tearing it up in sports, dominating the gym, and flooding your Instagram with their jacked physiques. Why? Because they’ve got all this pent-up energy and an insatiable thirst for power.
These men have a presence that screams “respect me, or get the hell out of my way.” They’re detached, cold, and couldn’t give two shits about delving into their emotions. Vulnerability? Nah, that’s not their style. They’d rather choke on their own pride than admit they have feelings. They’re the gym bros, the police officers, the selfish bastards who’ll do anything to be on top. They lie, manipulate, and scheme their way to power. If you’re looking for empathy, look somewhere else. These guys are all about that raw, unfiltered Aries energy – masculine to the core and allergic to anything that might bruise their fragile masculinity. Oh, and let’s not forget – they’ve got a psychopathic streak that makes them downright dangerous.
Second Decan of Scorpio Rising (Ruled by Jupiter with Pisces Influence)
Now, onto the second decan, where things get a bit… deeper. These men are ruled by Jupiter, with a touch of Pisces influence. Don’t let that fool you into thinking they’re soft, though. These guys are artistic as hell, with a dark, mysterious aura that keeps you guessing. They’re the musicians, the metal vocalists pouring their rage and pain into their art.
They’re not as detached as the first decan, but they sure as shit aren’t open books. They’re the quiet ones, the guys with headphones on, lost in their own world. You know there’s something intense simmering beneath the surface, but good luck getting them to spill. They’re emotional, much more so than the first decan, but they hate the company of others. They prefer to stick to their family or a close-knit group of 1-3 friends. They’re not plastered all over social media – they prefer to keep you wondering, intrigued by the depth you can sense but can’t quite reach.
Third Decan of Scorpio Rising (Ruled by the Moon with Cancer Influence)
Finally, we get to the third decan, where Scorpio’s intensity meets the emotional tidal wave of the Moon. These men have a presence that can send shivers down your spine. Their aura is dark, almost menacing, but it’s all a front – a protective shell to hide their deep, tumultuous emotions.
These guys are vengeful as fuck. Sense danger or hidden animosity from someone? They’ll destroy them, emotionally, mentally, and if push comes to shove, physically. They don’t take disrespect from anyone and get into a lot of physical confrontations because of their intense empathy. They give respect, so they damn well expect it in return. They’re the martial artists, the fighters with a fire burning in their eyes. Covered in dark tattoos, they walk into a room and command attention without saying a word. Their eyes? They’ll pierce right through you.
And while they look like the kind of men you’d avoid in a dark alley, get to know them, and you’ll find they’re fiercely protective and surprisingly nurturing to their close circle. But don’t mistake their kindness for weakness – they’ve got a manipulative streak, especially when it comes to matters of the heart. They’re incredibly close to women, loving and admiring them deeply, but they manipulate them too, knowing exactly what a woman wants or needs because they’re so in tune with female emotions. They’re the dark knights, the ones who respect women deeply but aren’t afraid to play mind games.
Unlike the first decan, these guys actually have friends – a small, tight-knit group they’d die for. They protect their own with a vicious loyalty, especially the women in their lives. Emotions run deep with these men, and their anger is a force to be reckoned with. They’ll fight anyone for their friends and family, no questions asked.
So, there you have it. The men of Scorpio rising, each decan darker and more intense than the last. They’re not for the faint of heart, but if you’re looking for raw, unfiltered masculinity and a presence that demands respect, look no further. Just don’t expect them to open up – they’re masters of keeping you at arm’s length, and that’s exactly how they like it.
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miqojak · 11 months ago
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(Much of this - and more - can be found on her carrd!)
Name: J'kesri Denma - Goes by Jak, her tribal name is known to maybe a total of 3 people? And only one of them is allowed use of it in private.
Nicknames: 'The Dragon', Jackal (the name she went by as a thief on the streets of Ul'dah), Ember (former), Empress Ember (former), Little Robin
Age: 27ish, give or take a year - she's not sure exactly. I've been aging her...once each real life year since 2019 (when I said she was 22ish, give or take some), but she's always just had a sort of estimate on her age.
Nameday: She has no idea!
( I do like to think that she's a Scorpio in our real world Western Zodiac - which I don't know how to translate to Eorzean dates - and a Dragon, like me, in the Eastern zodiac.)
Race: Miqo'te, Seeker of the Sun
Gender: Female
Orientation: I'd say she's over all Graysexual, maybe some degree of Demi or Sapiosexual? The perfect storm has to happen for her to want any sort of intimate relationship... even friendship is hard to manage (she very genuinely seeks out intelligent/clever people to have around her), but a true relationship that's 'romantic' or sexual? Well, the perfect combination of events accidentally happened once. But gender has never really entered into it? She just so happens to have attracted and ended up with men in RP! She was/is poly as well, but has agreed to be monosexual with her current partner!
Profession: Restaurant Manager/Owner, Jazz Club Owner/Manager, Tattoo Artist (by appointment, not widely known)
Not publicly known: Criminal (it's a broad umbrella, but her activities outside of the Yakuza are often no less devious than within), Yakuza leadership (Wakagashira/second in command, current acting head of the family while the Oyabun is on indefinite hiatus), Cat burglar! She's very Selena Kyle - her goal is to do more burglary around Ul'dah to screw over the wealthy elite...and maybe actually do some good for people like her, barely scraping by in the gutters, forgotten by society.
Hair: Black/Orange - most often slicked back and partially braided, partially tied into a tight ponytail. When relaxed/at home she may opt not to do all the work to tame her hair to look more 'coiffed' as she does in public, and it is about shoulder length, and quite curly!
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Eyes: Gold/Green
Skin: Olive/light brown, gold undertones
-Scars: One small slash at each cheek, one across the bridge of her nose. Levin/lightning scarring in bursts at both shoulders and biceps. A long, ragged scar spanning the length of her back, from the inside of the left side of her neck, to the top of her right buttock.
-Tattoos: Black dragon that winds up the right half of her body. Jackal on her left forearm. 3 Phoenix down feathers on her right wrist. A watercolor robin tattooed just under her left breast, along her ribs.
Parents: Deceased, slain by Garlemald in Gyr Abania
Siblings: The only one left alive is her twin brother, J'vynia/Vynnie, @miqo-vynnie, who no longer plays...and she kinda wrote Vynnie out of her life after some things she saw as huge betrayals. She talks shit, but she's been off-kilter ever since he left her life! They had a very Yin/Yang dynamic... where Jak was actually more of the Yang/masculine side of things that's very active... and now missing that more passive and down to earth aspect of Yin? She's been really out of control for a long time. Luckily, the lover she never expected to have has done a good job of grounding her.
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Grandparents: Unknown.
In-laws and Other: None.
Pets: She doesn't do pets. As much as I like animals... Jak grew up tribal and sees animals as food, and find the concept of a beast in her home dirty and a waste of resources and time. (And one more thing she could get attached to and lose!) Fun fact: She doesn't like any sort of large bird, and they're one of the few things that actively frighten her! This includes things like Griffons, and Chocobos... those big, yellow birds have murder in their eyes... better to eat them, before they eat you.
Abilities: Keen eyesight and incredibly sensitive hearing; can play piano by ear; martial arts; prefers (non-lethal) poisoned throwing knives/staying at range; when equipped with her DRK soul crystal, her skillset vastly expands - altering her fighting style entirely, and emboldening her with the knowledge that she can now both inflict - and sustain - more damage in close combat.
Most Positive Trait: Diligent/honest - often too honest. She takes even her positive qualities to extremes, and works out too hard, spends too much time trying to excel as a Wakagashira in the Yakuza who is a woman... and she sets extremely high goals for herself and others...which leads into her negative traits.
Most Negative Trait: Judgemental/applies high standards to others. She has a twisted set of standards that makes sense to her, and likely not to many others, most of these rooted in years of trauma - but her high goals were intended to be a good thing. Even for others...she simply pushes both herself, and others (especially if she LIKES you) too hard, more often than not. She believes in constantly bettering oneself, and... she's a creature of extremes. It's hard for her to know when it's too much/she's asking too much...of anyone, to include herself.
Colors: Gold/white, red/black
Smokes: Moko only, these days, to relax now and then.
Drugs: Former somnus addict - she's worked hard to beat this addiction...and continues to, because addiction is a lifelong curse even once you're clean! But she doesn't like anyone or anything having control over her - and an addiction controls your life more than any other person could! (Plus it's a way that other people COULD control you, in her mind. All the more reason to have dropped the habit.)
Alcohol: She used to be a bit of an alcoholic, on top of a drug addict - she's had a lot of impetus and encouragement to get her shit together...and has! She drinks recreationally/to relax, but takes it easier these days... you're easier to take advantage of, and more likely to say or do things you shouldn't, when drunk...and she likes to be in control!
Been Arrested: Not yet! She's run from the Blades in Ul'dah more than once...but it's not a crime if you don't get caught, right??
Tagged by: @chadhunkler ! Sorry it took me a bit to find the spoons, but thank you for thinking of me! I do love to do little things like this...and should do this for my Male Miqo and my kitsune to better flesh them out, honestly...
Tagging - some people in my notifs, and anyone who hasn't done it/wants to! @uldahstreetrat, @lightyouarelikes (for whoever you want to do it for), @wpip-raham, @xmimiteh, @twelvesblades (if you want to do it!), @briar-ffxiv , @shieldandarrow , @captainqster
(I'm trying to fight the uphill battle against my depressive apathy/malaise... I know deep down I want to be active and meet people and RP and take part in things!! So thanks for tagging me and interacting, folks!)
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rewritingrosie · 11 months ago
ᥫ᭡ roleplay partner search !
hello, hello! I’m Rosie, and I’m calling for all those actively seeking new roleplay partners! I’m aiming to pick up a couple new writing partners, as I am 20, all applicants are preferably 18+ at minimum! check and see whether we’d be a match! ‹𝟹
about me !
Hello, hello! I’m Rosie :3
I just turned 20 this past year in october! I’m an admin assistant full time in the rv industry currently, on top of being a writer and a part time artist, so I’m seeking someone who is comfortable with 1-2 responses a day, & is flexible. I’m CST.
I’ve been role-playing / co-writing for about 4-5 years, DnD for about 2 years, and it's a beloved past-time of mine! If I’m not writing or working, I’m spending time with my boyfriend or cats, or playing a game! Eventually, my big dream is to publish a book, even if it's with a writing partner — but really I just enjoy creating!
19-27! I’m not comfortable with writing with minors or men, regardless of whether the content is NSFW. I prefer to write with women or nonbinary individuals over men for the sake of comfort!
I enjoy writing FxM, with me playing the female, unless we double! In that case, I’ll make your sweet dream of a character any day! :)
Longterm writing partners preferred, not into one-shots! We put a lot of our energy into our stories, and I don't like to see that go to waste! When one story ends, I love to see another begin!
fairly active! As we all have lives, provided you let me know if something pops up, I don't mind at all if you can only do 1-2 responses per day! That being said, I am VERY OOC-chatter friendly! I love brainstorming head-cannons, making playlists, pinterest boards (as a pinterest fiend), send tiktoks, and oc info sheets! I also want to just be friends with my writing partners!! It makes the writing come easier, and we spent a lot of time together! :)
I prefer to be able to world-build to some degree with my partners, even if it's in a modern setting! I want to have someone as invested as I am! Of course, it's perfectly okay if the energy pulls us in an opposite direction later when we get to know our characters better, but the effort is what's important!
I typically write in 3rd person, and can comfortably write 3-5 paragraphs per response, while I can scale up if I’m excited! While I can write more, I do tend to have slower responses the longer they are, and can get overwhelmed once we head into the Novella area! :) But I’ll always communicate that! Genre-wise, I thrive in high, dark, or urban fantasy, but I also enjoy historical or modern settings as well!! I LOVE writing romance, and fluff, so don't be scared if high intensity rp’s aren't your thing — I’m a big softie!
I am N/SFW friendly, but this is not mandatory by any means for any of my partners! I prefer tasteful spice — 30/70 to 40/60, and by that, I mean I want the chemistry to be there, and I want our focus to be on connection and plot-building! :)
I prefer writing originals over fandom-based stories! That doesn’t mean we can't taken inspiration though!
enemies-to-lovers, rivals, forbidden love (not to be mistaken with taboo!), secret identity, soulmates or ‘bonded’ souls (soulmate tattoos), opposites, protection tropes, academic rivals, deity with a mortal, artist with muse, assassins sent to kill each other, fake dating, forced proximity, royalty ANYTHING, dating shows, masked character, fallen angels, detectives x criminal, and a LOT more!
* the roleplay itself will take place on discord! I like making personalized servers for us! If interested, feel free to dm! can’t wait to chat!!!
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theharrowing · 1 year ago
Happy NamGi Day!
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in honor of such a glorious holiday, and because i am feeling a little extra today, here are all of my namgi fics, as well as some of my personal favorites!
♡ - fluff | ☽ - smut | ☁ - angst | ✎ - wip | ☆ - personal fav
just namgi
One Day at a Time | 2 parts, 39.4k words, ☆ ❣ Yoongi x Namjoon | ♡ ☽ ☁ ❣feat. established Namjoon & Jung Wheein ❣ past acquaintances to lovers, a/b/o ⚠ infidelity, mpreg, painful knotting ↳ Yoongi loves to help others. As a professional surrogate, he takes pride in using his body to help families bring life into this world, and love into their homes. But when his high school crush Kim Namjoon hires Yoongi to help him and his wife conceive, things get…precarious. |Or, Omega Yoongi gets bred by Alpha Namjoon and holy shit, does he fall in love.
Sun Seeker | 3 parts, 38.7k words, ☆ ❣ Namjoon x Yoongi | ♡ ☽ ☁ ❣ strangers to lovers, tattoo shop au ↳ Namjoon does not do impulsive. He doesn’t understand the fuss about body modifications, and he has never considered getting one. That is, until he meets Yoongi—the prettiest man he’s ever seen, who happens to be a tattoo artist—and he can’t stop thinking about going under Yoongi’s needle to have an equally pretty design tattooed onto his skin. 
Entanglement | oneshot, 10.9k words ❣ Namjoon x Yoongi | ☽ ♡ ❣ best friends to lovers, confessions, loss of virginity, very little plot ↳ Namjoon is eager to finally lose his virginity and decides it would be wise if his best friend Yoongi helps him. (He is totally not in love with Yoongi, or anything…)
Lips Like Honey | oneshot, 13.9 words ❣ Namjoon x Yoongi | ♡ ☽ ☁ ❣ strangers to lovers, light angst, very little plot ↳ Chef Min is easily the prettiest man Namjoon has ever seen and now Namjoon is questioning everything—including his sexuality.
Honsool | 3 parts, 8.5k words ❣ Yoongi x Namjoon | ♡ ☽ ❣ friends to lovers, requited unrequited, snowed in au  ↳ The whole group is snowed in during their winter trip and Yoongi drinks enough whiskey to finally tell Namjoon how he feels.
namgi x reader
Collateral | 22 parts, 245k words, ✎☆ ❣ Yoongi x Female Reader x Namjoon | ♡ ☽ ☁ ❣ feat. Taehyung x Jungkook, Seokjin x Hoseok, Jungkook x Reader ❣ strangers to lovers, mafia au, poly ⚠ drug use, graphic violence, dark themes - see fic warnings ↳Your ex-boyfriend gets in over his head working for the local mafia, and Boss Min has come to collect his payment: You. But was it simply a matter of being in the wrong place at the wrong time? Or has he always had his sights on you?
namgi x members
Pretty in Pink (Make Him Purr) | oneshot, 15k words, ☆ ❣ Yoongi x OT6 | ♡ ☽ ☁ ❣ established relationships, canon compliant, animal play, marathon sex, light angst, very little plot ↳ Yoongi—long-established power top of the group—secretly wishes he could shed all of his responsibility and allow the members to take care of his needs while he’s dressed in a frilly pink kitten outfit. Well, it was a secret until Namjoon discovers the outfit, pulling the cat out of the bag, so to speak, and forcing Yoongi to decide whether to show that side of himself to the rest of the guys.
my favorite namgi fics by others
The One by nicedress | oneshot, 22.2k words, ☆ ❣ Yoongi x Namjoon | ☽ ☁ ❣ strangers to lovers, pistolverse au, serial killer au, smut, angst, fluff if you squint ⚠ dead dove! murder, slut shaming, rape culture, open ending - see fic warnings ↳ Every stamen lured into Yoongi’s bed leaves him with a new blossom on his skin and a new grave on his property. When he encounters Namjoon, a stamen who refuses to touch any pistil unless it’s his soulmate, all Yoongi sees is someone naive and easy to control. Someone to help around the farm without complaint. Someone to dig holes without realizing they’re graves. Someone Yoongi’s not quite willing to kill—not yet.
What the Stars Look Like Under You by nicedress | 11 parts, 134.4k words, ☆ ❣ Yoongi x Namjoon | ♡ ☽ ☁ ❣ strangers to lovers, porn star au, sub/dom, smut, angst, fluff ⚠ implied/referenced rape (not between namgi), panic, suicide ideation - see fic warnings ↳ After building a porn career as a popular submissive, a scene gone wrong sends Yoongi spiraling. Switching roles gives him new purpose and shields him from the trauma he’s not willing to face, but having the world’s most pretentious, ecofriendly Dominant steal his spotlight isn’t making things any easier.
Forever Rain by Kumatokkii | 9 parts, 66k words, ☆ ❣ Yoongi x Namjoon | ♡ ☽ ☁ ❣ enemies to lovers, rapper au, smut, angst, eventual fluff ↳ Underground rappers Agust D and RM have had an unspoken feud that's spanned years, always hinting at each other in their lyrics, never fully saying it. Then Agust D crosses the line and calls him "Namjoonie" in his rap, on stage, for all to hear... To Namjoon's utter embarrassment.
♡ - fluff | ☽ - smut | ☁ - angst | ✎ - wip | ☆ - personal fav
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honeyedsins · 1 month ago
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(AYO EDEBIRI, CISFEMALE, SHE/HER)  Oh, is that EVIE MARKS? I heard they THIRTY year old is QUICK-WITTED. But don’t let that pretty face fool you, they are also OPPORTUNISTIC.  Makes sense seeing how they are a DIRTY civilian who works as a JOURNALIST AT NEW YORK POST. 
full name:  evie elizabeth marks. nicknames: eves. birthday: november 6th. age: thirty-three. birthplace: hartford, connecticut. star sign: scorpio. gender: cis female. pronouns: she/ her. sexuality: bisexual. occupation: investigative reporter at new york post. theme song: washing machine heart by mitski.
face claim: ayo edebiri. hair color: black. eye color: brown. height:  5ft7ins weight: 125lbs build: lean, muscular. tattoos: none. scars: none.
mother: mary marks. father: benjamin marks. siblings: none. pets: none.
positives (+): intelligent, quick-witted, resourceful, motivated, negatives (-): closed off at times, self-serving, judgmental, stubborn. fears: failure. zodiac: scorpio. element: earth. hogwarts house: ravenclaw. drugs/ alcohol/ smoking: never touched a drug, big smoker and drinker. aesthetics: big white connecticut estate, endless cups of coffee on a marble countertop with spread across newspapers, leather backpacks, whispered tones of secrecy.
tldr dfkljalkdjf
evie marks grew up wealthy in the most wealthy town in hartford, connecticut to a professor and a doctor, both who didn't exactly plan for children.
evie was born out of her parents running in an important, wealthy social circle that began having kids as an accessory, to enter them into the most elite contests, academic and otherwise, to prove their own worth. in other words, evie was born just to be an accessory to further than name and prestige.
she was raised primarily by nannies, as her parents were not friendly kid people - and in fact, didn't spend a lot of time with her. growing up like that, evie was lonely most of the time, as an only child, and sought refuge in books, in writing, in artistic outlets like that. her parents thought that was promising, but only if she were the best of the best.
they put her in writing competitions, personal tutoring from the age of seven years old and so since then, evie grew up with a burning desire for competition, for putting herself first because she learned that from her parents. she also knew this was the only way to gain their acceptance.
they kept her always at arms length though, never affectionate with her and their only measure of approval was if she won competitions, and came out the best in her private school - and often times, evie did. she worked hard, kept her circle of friends extremely close, but it definitely took a toll in her social development. she was closed off, coming across as snobby and above everyone else - when really, evie just craved approval.
by seventeen, she graduated high school early and got early acceptance into new york university into their writing program. it was a lot of pressure, to be as young as she was, but evie was cut throat into getting what she wanted.
by age 21, evie had graduated with a dual master's in journalism and political science, always having an eye for reporting scandals and what made the world tick. she liked the ideas of calling others out - especially in the scandalous city of new york.
by age 22, she had landed an internship at the new york post and took it seriously - she wanted to get into the underbelly of new york city crime and went in head first. evie certainly isn't against getting what she wants by any means to be the best - and she will succeed every time.
now at thirty, evie marks is one of the top investigative reporters out there, specializing in scandal and crime - and while her parents are waiting for her pulitzer prize, she is waiting for the perfect scandal to break to prove to them she can win one.
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explosionshark · 2 years ago
What's your top 5 impactful artists? Impactful is up to interpretation here. Or top 5 impactful albums. You get to pick 😁
ooh i think i'll go chronologically here
linkin park - i was like? 12 when meteora came out? it was a life changing record. that was the age i was truly starting to get into music and meteora was the first CD i picked out for myself that i became properly obsessed with. i had a burned copy of hybrid theory i got from one of my friends but though i loved it, nothing compared to the blissful angst of laying in bed listening to "somewhere i belong" on repeat
nevermore - this whole band but specifically the album dead heart in a dead world really were life-defining albums. they were my favorite band for many years. this band made me a metalhead. i grew up listening to them (my dad was always a big fan) but that never made them feel any less like a life changing discovery i made for myself. i used to listen to their music and read the lyric booklets with a pocket dictionary in my lap so i could look up the words i didn't understand. i got one of my cousins around my age really into them at the same time and that became this massive thing we bonded over for years. i feel like i owe every good thing in my life that came out of my relationship to metal to this band specifically. hugely, hugely important.
american football - the next biggest band to mark a massive change in my life and my music taste was probably these guys. they were my jumping off point into emo, which marked a major expansion of my music taste and interests after a solid few yeas of just being a metal guy. THE record would be the self titled, of course. nothing since they've reformed has hit quite as well. there are other emo bands that had a huge impact on me, but the fact is i wouldn't have gotten into braid or rainer maria or whoever else if amfootball hadn't opened that door for me first, so they're the band that gets to go on this list.
amanda palmer/dresden dolls - trust me i'm well aware of the problems associated with these guys but it doesn't change the fact that they were, at a time when i really needed a reason to live, artists with a life-saving impact on me. if that's a hyperbolic statement, then it's only barely so. i was truly obsessed. went to every show i could. went to coachella for the AFP set, met amanda after, teared up telling her how much her music meant to me when i was struggling with the aftermath of coming out to my family and her kindness to me in that interaction helped motivate me to come out on the drive home to the person i went to the festival with. sometimes the right band at the right time in your life can really be a life preserver. despite everything else, i'll always feel grateful for that. so glad i didn't get the tattoo i was contemplating at one time, though
screaming females - in terms of impact i couldn't write this list without including this band. literally, tangibly changed my life to be a fan of theirs. back in 2015 i posted some fanfic for this video game i liked, got a nice message from someone complimenting my work, clicked through to their blog and immediately see a photoset of marissa paternoster playing a bloody guitar and immediately messaged them back to talk about music and life is strange. we had an immediate, profound, and powerful connection. 8 years on @holdsteady is STILL my best friend. i wrote a story with her. we've been to shows together. we ate street hot dogs together. i taught her to make potato wedges. she introduced me to some of my favorite bands. i made chili for her dad. i lived in her basement for a month. i literally don't know what kind of person i would be or what my life would look like if we never met. and we owe it all to the fact that we both fuckin love tiny lesbians that shred on guitar.
this was such a great ask! i'd love to hear your answers. actually, i'd love to hear from a bunch of different people. soooo
@necrotic-biotic, @angrypedestrian, @holdsteady, @nataliving, @uneasyhearts33, @gothprentiss, @100percentdirtball, @shewhosleepsalotincemeteries, @morhdd, @chaseprice if any of you guys wanna do this too i'd love to see it (but no pressure)
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suckuhoes · 1 year ago
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or, on how izidora & the swavey's family came to be.
PRELUDE. — swavey's is a harlem-based tattoo shop first opened in 2016 by bakari rasheed vaughn, gifted to him shortly after his 21st birthday by eldest sibling katya. while the shop had always been a goal of his & treated as his bread and butter, it was very much operated as a cover for the vaughn family's criminal dealings: the basement of the shop was used as storage for the various guns & weapons being distributed domestically & internationally by katya's lost boys cartel, and bakari often employed those who were directly affiliated in the criminal world of new york as either artists or as the unofficial "security" for the shop. it was also the target of many shootouts in its' hey day.
THE MEETING. — in 2018, izidora's will to live is barely hanging on by a thread. at this point in time, she's already enacted revenge against every single person involved in the victimization & trafficking of herself, her sister, and many other minor & young adult girls within the tri-state area; carina is now found, but currently recovering from her own ordeal in the ICU; and has trapped the cursed souls of her abusers to torment within her amulet, including that of nico's, who she claimed for last. she is now primarily under her mentor shah's care: having been placed in a modest public housing apartment within the dyckman community & employed under the table at a number of jobs in order to get by. on top of practicing kulam & working odd jobs, izidora has taken to tattooing, often providing stick-and-poke tattoos to her neighbors & locals in the neighborhood. she's 22 years old & working nights + lunch shifts at a caribbean diner when she meets bakari vaughn for the first time during a midday shift. to her, he's just another customer placing a lunch order — completely unaware of the fact that her tattoo work has spread rapidly across social media & throughout the city, making her the interest of many artists both locally & outside of new york city. there was just one problem: izidora didn't have a single damn profile on social media, and no one knew where to find the elusive witch. to bakari, she was his biggest reward — and his biggest challenge.
THE ACQUISITION. — as completely unapproachable as izidora was, bakari was determined to prove himself as legitimate & get on her good side; or at least, not get cursed out by the small & volatile waitress. after a few visits & icy conversations with the woman, bakari made his intentions clear: he noticed her ink work, picked up her name from a few acquaintances (who were absolutely sitting on the diner in the weeks prior to his first visit.), and approached her with an offer. up until that moment, bakari's shop was largely operated by childhood friend zay bennett & two other close friends of theirs (smino / vic mensa) signed on exclusively as the primary artists & as full time employees, bakari's secretary & apprentice artist quiana (coi leray), and a handful of freelance / out of town artists who worked within the shop as commissioned artists. having izidora meant having one of the most sought after up & coming artists on his roster, and bakari was willing to do anything to get her — including a generous contract with a $100k sign on offer & a paid trial week prior to her signing. izidora's only condition? if she was going to be the only female artist contracted exclusively under swavey's, then he was going to have to put her name in the window beside his & zay's. no exceptions.
THE BUSINESS. — although it took little to no time at all for izidora to figure out the truth behind swavey's, including what other 'business' dealings bakari had been involved in & the work he was storing and running beneath the floors of his store late at night, izidora quickly grew as one of bakari's most trusted business associates and became extremely close to her as a mutual confidant alongside zay — despite her & bakari's clashing personalities, petty arguments between the two, insults thrown in each other's presences, and overall childishly treating each other as the sibling they never wanted. between mid-2018 and late-2020, swavey's grew from a small hood spot frequented by the bangers & dealers around the block to a legitimate business in the making; due largely in part to izidora. while the woman was rude, foul mouthed, plenty quirky, and terrifyingly aggressive on the exterior, izidora carried a certain presence about her — the ability to cater not only to their original, gritty, less-than-cookie cutter clientele without fear or hesitation while also opening doors for new clients & business opportunities. by her 24th birthday and second year with the collective, she was able to build up her own personal style & an inclusive, loyal clientele (of course, after she caved & allowed bakari & zay to make social media profiles for her. a mysterious queen!) as well as increasing their contracted artist roster and ensuring that all of their female clients were comfortable & secure while having more intimate tattoos done. interviews, magazine features, national expo's, brand deals and a november 2018 documentary all had the same thing to say — the swavey's brand was nothing without izi.
LA FAMILIA. — by january 2021, swavey's grew into a large enough brand that they were in the midst of expanding to a larger building in manhattan, separating from the lost boys cartel & establishing the brand as an official, cleanly run business; then, bakari suffers a near-fatal car accident with months of surgeries & physical therapy. in his absence, bakari makes changes to the hierarchy of the shop, leaving zay & izidora to run the shop indefinitely during his recovery. this is also considered a turning point for the tattoo crew, with the group having grown from co-workers to their own dysfunctional family unit of sorts. during a visit to his home one day, izidora also learns just how deep their own bond had been — bakari reveals to her that his manhattan relocation plans included promoting izidora's position within the company from a contracted artist to a partner & shareholder, and bakari's decision to take on a more serious role in his family's business meant choosing her to help run & manage the new location with zay. by the spring of 2022, the ribbon had been cut, and it was more than a sticker of izidora's name on the window. swavey's now included her name on the building itself & her face alongside theirs on the billboards.
SWAVEY'S OWN. — today, swavey's includes verified social media pages & individual artist pages for each employee on their roster. the much larger shop now includes in-house piercing, three levels, her own office, and an even larger group within their crew. although izidora remains an active established artist with her most loyal clients & a large number of celebrity clients requesting her work, she does have an apprentice under her named alexis (flo milli) to help her out when she has to spend the day on the business side instead. bakari primarily works on his own time, a change brought on due to his nerve damage & cane use following the accident, while zay keeps things running on the corporate end. with nearly a million follows on her personal pages, izidora is officially more than just the first lady of swavey's — she's a brand, bitch!
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pixiedus7 · 5 days ago
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 🎤🔥    pat chayanit.   cis - woman.   she/her.    |    breaking    :    SARISA "PIXIE" THAWORNWONG   spotted   at   location.   the   TWENTY SEVEN   year   old   has   been   making   moves   at   gravity   records   as   a   SOLO   ARTIST   (   DREAM POP   )   -   known   for   being a former child star and girl group member,   it’s   clear   they’re   not   here   to   play.   with   a   reputation   for   being   SPONTANEOUS   and   RESTLESS,   they’ve   already   made   quite   the   impression,   but   will   it   be   enough   ?   let’s   see   if   they’ve   got   what   it   takes   to   stay   on   top. 
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FULL NAME:  sarisa thawornwong.
STAGE NAME: pixie.
GENDER:  cis female.
PRONOUNS:  she/her.
SEXUALITY:  pansexual.
AGE:  twenty seven.
DATE OF BIRTH: november 25, 1997.
ZODIAC SIGN:  sagittarius sun, leo moon, gemini rising.
FACECLAIM: pat chayanit.
VOICE CLAIM: rina sawayama.
HEIGHT:  5'2".
BUILD:  petite, athletic, slightly curvy.
HAIR: black, with a silky, straight texture. she often wears it long, usually falling past her shoulders, but she’s been known to experiment with different styles. Sometimes she opts for soft waves or a sleek, polished look. her hair has a healthy shine and a smooth finish, often styled in a way that frames her delicate features
OTHER DISTINGUISHING FEATURES:  sharp, heart-shaped face with warm golden undertones ; dark, slightly hooded almond eyes that sparkle with mischief, framed by long, fluttery lashes ; naturally arched brows that give her an effortlessly expressive look ; a delicate, slightly upturned nose with a subtle button-like quality ; full lips with a natural rosy hue, often curved into a playful smirk ; a slender, toned build with an energetic presence, always in motion, as if she’s ready to dance, run, or chase the next thrill.
STYLE: pinterest board.
TRAITS: pos / spontaneous, charismatic, creative, fearless, adaptable, playful. neutral / restless, dramatic, impulsive, unpredictable, flirtatious, hyperactive. neg / reckless, stubborn, temperamental, overindulgent, attention seeking, flighty.
LIKES:  the electric pulse of a crowded club, bass thrumming through her veins like a second heartbeat ; the dizzy sugar rush of a neon-pink cocktail, sweet and dangerous all at once ; the feeling of wind whipping through her hair as she speeds down the highway, music blasting, city lights blurring past ; late-night convenience store runs in platform boots, neon signs buzzing overhead, candy and energy drinks in hand ; the satisfying click of a perfectly timed edit in her music software, turning chaos into something euphoric ; glitter smeared across her cheekbones, catching the light as she moves ; the rush of an impulsive decision— a spontaneous trip, a last-minute tattoo, a brand-new hair color ; the sound of a packed crowd screaming her lyrics back at her, a fleeting fever dream ; the nostalgia of early 2000s pop bangers, bubblegum beats and auto-tuned perfection ; the sharp fizz of soda against her tongue, chased with the artificial sweetness of strawberry lip gloss.
DISLIKES:  the cloying aftertaste of artificial watermelon flavoring, lingering too long on her tongue ; people who mistake chaos for personality, as if being loud is the same as being interesting ; the sticky, suffocating feeling of stage lights after hours of performing, makeup melting under the heat ; forced sincerity, the kind that feels rehearsed and hollow ; having her phone die right when she needs it most, her whole world suddenly on pause ; industry gatekeepers who pretend they invented fun ; the unsettling quiet of a room after the party’s over, when the music stops and reality settles in ; people who ask “but what’s your real name?” like her stage persona isn’t just as real as anything else ; plans made just to be canceled, wasted energy on something that was never going to happen ; when the aux gets hijacked by someone with tragic music taste ; people who use the word “guilty pleasure” unironically—just own it.
FEARS: waking up one day and realizing she’s just another manufactured pop star, her edges sanded down into something palatable and safe ; the thought that maybe she peaked too early, that she’s burning fast and won’t last ; becoming irrelevant, her name fading into the background noise of a scene that moves too quickly to hold onto anyone for long ; the idea that people only love the version of her that’s fun, wild, easy—that if she slowed down, they’d get bored and leave ; being trapped in a routine, in a life that feels predictable, like she’s on autopilot with no way to break free ; looking around and realizing she’s surrounded by people but still feels completely, utterly alone ; the industry swallowing her whole, spitting out a version of her that she doesn’t even recognize ; finding out that the thing she’s been chasing—the fame, the adrenaline, the next high—isn’t actually what she wants, and she has no idea what is.
HOBBIES:  collecting retro arcade tokens and spending hours on rhythm games ; rollerblading through the city, weaving through traffic like it’s a video game ; designing chaotic, candy-colored nail art that barely lasts a week before she changes it again ; obsessively customizing her outfits with DIY patches, studs, and safety pins ; hoarding vintage tamagotchis and actually keeping them alive ; unboxing and collecting blind box plushies, always chasing the rarest one ; making unhinged tiktoks at 3 a.m., a mix of chaotic rants, makeup transformations, and hyper-edited edits of her own music.
PET PEEVES:  people who take forever to text back but are always online ; getting interrupted mid-sentence, especially when she’s on a roll ; people who pretend to be fans just to seem cool ; lukewarm boba—ice should actually do its job ; condescending “industry veterans” who think they know better ; stickers that don’t peel off cleanly, leaving that annoying sticky residue ; when a remix strips a song of all its personality ; people who treat fashion like a rulebook instead of an art form.
ICE CREAM FLAVOUR:  blue raspberry sorbet.
CURRENT SONG: vroom vroom by charlie xcx
TIME OF THE DAY / NIGHT:  3 a.m., when the world feels unreal
WEATHER:  the humid warmth of a summer night, city lights glowing in the distance.
BREAKFAST FOOD:  strawberry pop-tarts, slightly burnt.
DINNER FOOD: pad krapow gai.
DESSERT: sour candy, the kind that makes your tongue hurt.
COLOURS:  neon pink, electric blue, ultraviolet.
COFFEE ORDER: iced matcha latte with vanilla, oat milk, and extra ice.
PERFUME: dusita's la douceur de siam.
sarisa thawornwong was born into the spotlight, whether she wanted it or not. from the moment she could speak, she was on camera—blinking up at bright studio lights, small hands clutching a script, smiling on command. her parents made sure of it. they weren’t the type to waste potential, not when it could turn a profit. so she became their golden ticket, the wide-eyed, bubbly child star who hit every mark perfectly. disney channel came calling before she even knew what it meant, and soon enough, she was america’s sweetheart, her face plastered on lunchboxes, her voice autotuned over bubblegum pop tracks, her life no longer her own.
if it wasn’t acting, it was music. if it wasn’t music, it was press tours, brand deals, meticulously curated social media posts. whatever the next move was, it was never hers to make. her parents handled everything—the contracts, the meetings, the bank accounts. sarisa just had to show up, smile, and perform. and she did. she did it well. she played the part so convincingly that, for a while, she almost believed it was real.
but the thing about disney darlings is that they have an expiration date. the industry builds them up just to watch them fall. when she was sixteen, they put her in a girl group, a perfectly packaged ensemble of pretty faces, radio-friendly hooks, and choreographed dance routines. it worked—for a while. their music was everywhere, their tour sold out, their fanbase rabid. but just like all prefabricated pop acts, the cracks started to show. the industry loves a young star, but it loves their downfall even more. the media picked them apart, pitting the girls against each other, twisting every interaction into a scandal. by eighteen, the group was done. contracts ended, her disney deal expired, and suddenly, for the first time in her life, sarisa thawornwong was off the script.
she could have fought to stay relevant, clawed her way back onto screens, into the charts. her parents certainly expected her to. but she didn’t. instead, she disappeared. she burned through what little money her parents hadn’t touched, packed her bags, and left for thailand, the country she barely knew beyond stories and postcards. she stayed with family, distant relatives who had nothing to gain from her fame. for the first time, she wasn’t a brand, a paycheck, a character. she was just sarisa, sitting on the floor with her cousins, singing karaoke until sunrise, her voice raw but real.
it was them—her family—who reminded her what she had spent years trying to forget. that music wasn’t just a product. that singing could be fun. that she didn’t need a contract, a team of executives, a marketing plan to be an artist. it took time, but eventually, they convinced her to go back—not to disney, not to the life she had escaped, but to music, on her own terms.
so she did. she found a manager, one with no ties to her past. she changed her name, because sarisa was the girl they controlled, but pixie? pixie was hers. she carved out her space in the industry from the ground up, diving headfirst into the glitchy, hyper-saturated world of dream pop. the transition wasn’t easy. the media mocked her, called her desperate, a washed-up child star clinging to relevance. and for a while, they weren’t completely wrong—her first releases were met with more skepticism than success.
but she kept going. slowly, quietly, she built something real. she wasn’t a household name anymore—most people wouldn’t even recognize her if they passed her on the street. but that was fine. she had no interest in nostalgia-baiting, in playing into the industry's expectations of what a former disney star should be. she wasn’t selling a redemption arc. she was making music, and that was enough.
now, she’s a rising star, no longer a novelty but not yet a fixture. her fanbase is small but growing, a patchwork of indie pop lovers, club kids, and ex-disney diehards who never stopped rooting for her. the industry tried to make her a cautionary tale, but she made herself a phoenix. and if anyone still wants to ask about disney? they’ll get nothing but a smirk and a subject change.
no matter how hard she tries, pixie cannot stick to a structured morning routine. some days, she’s up at dawn, hitting the gym or going for a walk. other days, she wakes up five minutes before a meeting and has to join it half-asleep with last night’s eyeliner still smudged under her eyes.
she takes her coffee seriously—always iced, always sweet, always extra. if it doesn’t taste like dessert, she doesn’t want it. if she has to drink hot coffee, she complains about it the whole time.
she gets random bursts of energy at 2 a.m. and will use them to clean her entire apartment, start a new project, or impulsively dye a streak of her hair a different color.
she refuses to drink water unless it’s in a fun cup. no, she will not just drink from a normal bottle. it has to be in a glittery tumbler, a ridiculous novelty cup, or something with a silly straw shaped like a star. otherwise, she claims she’ll simply “perish.”
she impulse-buys weird gadgets and immediately forgets about them. somewhere in her apartment, there’s a cotton candy machine, a bedazzled karaoke mic, and a mini claw machine filled with keychains. she used each of them exactly once.
she has a million unfinished songs. buried in her notes app and voice memos are snippets of melodies, half-written lyrics, and beats she swore she’d finish. her producer has learned to never ask how many projects she’s actually completed.
she believes in the power of glitter. clothes, makeup, phone case—everything is better with a little sparkle. even her ferret has ended up accidentally covered in it more than once (don’t ask how).
she texts like an absolute menace. random all-caps messages, chaotic typos, too many emojis, and voice notes that are mostly just her cackling. if she ever texts you “omg dude,” brace yourself.
she hoards tiny trinkets like a dragon. cute keychains, nostalgic stickers, plastic rings from vending machines—she has a drawer full of them. they serve no purpose, but getting rid of them is not an option.
she’s never been on time for anything in her life. no matter how much prep goes into it, no matter how early she starts getting ready, she will be late. the pixie standard time zone operates on pure chaos.
she thrives on nostalgia. early 2000s pop culture, old-school disney channel vibes, tamagotchis, lip gloss that smells like childhood—she’s living in a perpetual y2k dream world.
she has an entire shelf dedicated to blind box plushies. she’s absolutely obsessed with mystery toys like nommi, labubu, and sonny angel. every time she sees a new series, she has to buy at least three. if she pulls a rare one, she acts like she won the lottery.
she keeps stickers on everything. her phone case, laptop, water bottle, mirror—everything is covered in neon, sparkly, or holographic stickers. some are peeling off, but she refuses to remove them because they “have history.”
she owns more phone cases than any human should. clear cases filled with floating glitter, ones shaped like cartoon characters, a literal bedazzled flip phone case—she swaps them out like accessories. her favorite? a massive, impractical hello kitty case that barely fits in her bag.
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cherryxkush · 6 months ago
risky business | pjm, jjk (m) | 2
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synopsis: you’re a successful entrepreneur in the beauty industry and after your assistant/best friend sees the spread in Korea GQ magazine of a popular k-pop artist, she gets him on the first flight to California to start a sponsorship deal, and it was none other than the world-renowned fuckboy you met at a product launch party for Gucci two years ago.
pairing: jimin x female reader x jungkook
rating: mature (18+)
genre: enemies to lovers, love triangle, angst, fluff, smut
warnings/content: swearing, employer/client relationship, past situationship, fuckboy!jimin, celebrity!jimin, love triangle, tattoo artist!jungkook, jin is reader’s lawyer best friend
explicit content: brief mentions of sex (varies between chapters)
disclaimer: this is entirely a work of fiction, and in no way does it reflect thoughts or acts of bts in the real world (:
♡ note: finally!! sorry it took me so long to release this. it’s been a long 4 months :’) also, thank you to everyone who has read, liked, and reblogged my writing and thank you so much for the comments as well, it means a lot to me :’)
there is quite a bit of angst in this chapter, enjoy lovelies! ♡
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This has to be a fucking joke, you said to yourself as you stare at the messages on your phone, jaw agape in shock and your heart dropping down to your stomach.
Jungkook had already left before you woke up this morning, leaving a small, neatly folded note on your nightstand that contained his messy handwriting, telling you that he had fun and he couldn’t wait to see you again.
It was sweet, a warm and fuzzy feeling igniting in your tummy at the thoughtful gesture.
But every ounce of warmth you felt was replaced by your breath hitching and your blood running cold as soon as you opened Naiya’s messages.
You felt queasy, like the world was rocking underneath you and your body couldn’t catch up, the aftermath bubbling and waiting to spill after you’d tried so hard to keep it at bay.
Your ghost was coming back to haunt you, threatening to suck all the air out of your lungs and leave you to fight for your sanity.
Park Jimin. The stunning musician, model, dancer and actor; a jack of all trades, and a master of many. The man who is a muse in all art forms. He’s confident and assertive, reeling you in with a sickeningly-sweet smile and endless charm.
Seeing his name was like a punch to your gut, and the thought of him entering your safe space, your livelihood that you worked so hard for, was the icing on a melancholy, 2 year old cake that you hadn’t dared to touch in fear of reopening a wound.
Park Jimin was your ghost, pervasively seeping into every part of you and you weren’t so sure you could soothe the ache this time.
And to make things worse, your friends didn’t know who he was to you, hearing about your heartbreak in pieces through text messages and cryptic ‘I should’ve known better’s’. They never knew the mysterious guy who broke you, the one who grabbed hold of your heart before you’d even noticed, and crushed it with his own bare hands.
You fought it in silence and shame, spending days holed up in your apartment, detached and in denial.
You should’ve never fell for him.
And oh, how stupid you were to think that you could escape him forever.
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Pairs of eyes followed you in fear as you stormed into the office building around 4pm, a scowl etched onto your features and breath caught in your throat. No one dared to get in your way, the staff almost holding their heads down as to not encounter your wrath.
The poor intern was even too scared to greet you and ask if you wanted any coffee, something she happily did every time she saw you.
Your heels met the ground with intimidating clicks as you swiftly and angrily made your way to the board room, only pausing your stride to wait for and enter or exit the elevator.
Once you made it to the top floor, the board room was straight ahead with doors of crystalline glass. Jin sat in a chair facing away from you while Naiya met your eyes on the other side of the door, and she gulped. You were seething.
You pushed open the door, and Naiya instinctively took a few steps back.
“Explain. Now.” You spat.
Jin swiveled in his chair to face you and gave you an inquisitive yet disbelieving look. “What crawled up your ass?”
Your eyes narrowed into slits, “‘What crawled up my ass,’ Jin?” You scoffed. “Park fucking Jimin, that’s what. Are you guys serious?”
Naiya chimed in, “Wait, but what’s wrong? What do you have against Jimin?”
Jin rolled his eyes at you, “Can you not PMS right now, please?”
“Fuck you, Jin,” Both of your friends went wide-eyed, “You have no idea what kind of position this puts me in.”
“Well, maybe if you actually told us what’s going on and why you don’t like him, we can get to the bottom of it so that everything goes smoothly,” Naiya was trying to be the peacemaker.
You chuckled dryly. “Hell no, there’s no way this deal is happening. Find someone else,” You began to turn on your heel, making an attempt to exit the room in frustration.
“I hate to break it to you, but that’s not possible anymore,” Naiya said with a frown.
You spun on your heels, “Excuse me?”
“There’s no way we’d find someone in time to replace him, not if we want to be on time with the launch, and you know how important that is. A-And, he’s is already in California,”
You laughed humorlessly, a look of disbelief adorning your features.
“He should be here any minute now,” Jin coughed awkwardly.
“You can’t convince me to work with Park Jimin. I won’t. We’ll figure something else out, no matter what it is.”
“Now, now,” You turned around upon hearing the door open, a slender, feminine hand placed on the hardware as your receptionist lead the way for the subject of the conversation, the one who turned heads and lit up a room. “Is that any way to greet your client?”
There he stood in all his glory, sleek suit and lavish shades on display, accompanied by a beaming, flirtatious smile.
“Jimin,” you greeted him with gritted teeth, forcing an upward turn of your lips.
“Long time, no see, doll.”
Clearing your throat, you looked Jimin directly in his eyes, an irritated glint accompanying your gaze. “Everyone, can you please give Mr. Park and I the room for a bit?”
You eyed his female counterpart—or, assistant, as he’d probably say—as she stood slightly behind him, clad in a blouse and pencil skirt, with red bottom heels that you’re sure Jimin paid for. She carried herself with poise, and she held her head slightly down, as if she questioned whether she was worth being chosen to come to this meeting. You had been like her once. Young, beautiful and easily manipulated, eager to people-please and have others be proud of the work that you did, longing to be appreciated and cared for by a handsome man who would love you.
She was too good for him. Too delicate.
You were like her once, but you told yourself that you would never be like that again.
She spoke up in a voice that was much too tender for the likes of him, “That won’t be needed, Miss. I am to accompany him during the meeting, as there is business invol–“
He waved her off before proceeding to unbutton his suit jacket, exuding an annoying aura of confidence that made you silently clench your teeth while he smirked. “It’s fine, Minji. She’s an old friend.”
She took a step back and held her head down as if she’d made a mistake, and your gaze softened upon witnessing her reaction.
“It’ll be quick, I promise,” you gave her a small smile, which she returned. “I will have my assistant lead you to our executive lounge so you can enjoy the amenities while Mr. Park and I catch up, and then we can speak about a potential partnership with you present, if that’s okay.”
She smiled at you, “Of course! Thank you Miss,” She waved before exiting along with Naiya and Jin, leaving just you and Jimin alone.
Suddenly the room became colder and the air heavier at the realization.
You went to sit on the opposite side of the table from where you were previously standing , aiming to place as much space between you and Jimin as possible.
“Sit.” You gestured to the chair across from you, making a point not to make eye contact.
“Someone’s a little bossy,” He said with a smug smile as he took his seat. “It suits you.”
You scoffed, clasping your hands together and resisting the urge to clench them out of irritation and anxiousness. “Cut the shit, Jimin. Why are you here?”
He raised a brow out of amusement and feigned offense. “I’m here for a contract.”
You narrowed your eyes, suspicion in your tone as you spoke. “See, I don’t think you need money that bad, Jimin. I’ve read the tabloids, seen the magazines. You’re successful and we haven’t spoken in years, so why not just keep the bridge burned?”
He smirked, “Someone’s been doing research on me, I see,”
Your glare was icy, your nonchalance being the cherry on top. “Trust me when I say that I wish I never heard of you at all.”
You didn’t see his minuscule flinch at your words, or how he actually used the excuse of loosening his tie to hide himself wiping away the clamminess of his hands.
The look in his eyes was different.
“Oh, poor thing, did I ruin sex for you with any other man? Is that why you hate me so much? I know it’s been some years, but I wouldn’t mind going again if it meant you’d take out the stick that’s far up your ass,” He fake-pitied you, taking out a piece of gum and popping it into his mouth.
You scoffed, mouth open wide in disbelief. “Are you fucking kidding me?”
“Not in the slightest,” He winked. He took out another piece of gum and offered it to you, “Want one?”
“No, I don’t want your damn gum! Matter of fact, I don’t want anything from you. You can get the fuck out,” You stood up from your chair, making your way towards the door to escort him out.
He gently caught your arm before you got too far away, standing up himself and pulling you towards him.
The proximity between the two of you was close enough to feel his breath ghosting across your face.
Jimin’s voice was little above a whisper, tongue darting out to lick his lips before he spoke. “You can kick me out, but my business isn’t the one on the verge of collapse, doll. It may be a secret to everyone else, but I know you need this deal. I called myself doing you a favor, and you seem pretty ungrateful, hmm?”
Your breath hitched, as if the wind had been knocked out of you and you were struggling to come back down to earth. “I don’t need your charity,” you squeaked.
He provocatively tucked a loose strand of hair behind your ear, and you’d be lying if you said there wasn’t a jolt of electricity you were fighting against because of the gesture.
“My charity, no, but the money you’ll get from my involvement, you do need that. Deny it all you want,” He said as he pulled away from you, flicking his suit jacket and smirking. “Your choice to drown or not.”
He walked away from you, heading towards the door to let himself out. He placed his hand on the hardware, fully ready to pull and rid himself of you if you declined his offer.
But to both your surprise, you gave in. Again.
“Wait,” You called out to him in a shaky, almost panicked voice, one that you hated to let anyone else hear. You felt too vulnerable, too fragile in this state, but if you wanted to be successful, sometimes you had to face things you didn’t like; even when said thing was the reason you questioned your self worth in the first place.
You turned around to face him, breath heavy and eyes downcast in shame that you needed him, needed the opportunity or everything you’d worked for could crash and burn in a matter of months.
You stood there frozen in place, fiddling with your thumbs and suddenly feeling powerless. He didn’t smile when he saw your unsteady hands. He didn't have an egotistical expression for once, and somehow that made you feel even worse. You didn’t want to be looked at with pity or seen as a failure, and that’s all that you radiated. And it was worse that Jimin could see it, too. “Will you stay?”
Jimin almost flinched at your small voice, something he didn’t experience often, and his gaze softened while directed at the ground. You were strong and he knew that, but your question threw him off, and upon seeing how what he said affected you, he questioned if he’d gone too far. He cleared his throat and his voice sounded strained,“ I’ll let Minji know to come back. I’ll stay.”
But he couldn’t look at you like this.
Not when it was because of him. Again.
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“I believe that’s all we have to discuss; is that correct, Boss?” Naiya eyed you for approval, Jin having already gone over the contract with everyone in the room. All parties were in agreement of the $2million dollar arrangement for a contract of six months. It made sense, as much as you hated it—Jimin being onboard was bound to bring in tons of revenue and you’d be able to stay afloat, as expensive as your products were to make and maintain. He was doing you a favor and although you appreciated that your biggest problem was sorted out, you weren’t looking forward to the fact that there was almost certainly a catch. Why else would he come all this way, after leaving a bad taste in your mouth and not seeing you in years?
“That should be all,” You smiled, but it didn’t meet your eyes.
“Perfect!” Minji exclaimed, excited to be apart of the deal that occurred. She stood abruptly, eager to shake your hand and congratulate you and Jimin. “Congratulations and thank you for the opportunity,”
“Of course,” the upward turn of your lips was genuine this time, having been in the same position as her not that long ago.
Everyone stood and began to file out of the board room as the evening came to an end, but you noticed that Jimin was slower to wrap up the meeting. He dragged, as if he had more to say to you, as if he didn’t want to leave. And your heart couldn’t take that. Not again.
He buttoned his suit jacket before grabbing his folder filled with a copy of the contract and legal paperwork off of the table. He turned to see if everyone else left and you glanced at the doorway, seeing his assistant waiting patiently, as if adorning his features, eyes widening when she noticed he caught her staring.
He smirked but you knew it was an arrogant one, one that someone like her didn’t deserve. She deserved a heartfelt smile, a gentle gesture. You could tell she was sweet and by the way she lovingly took in his features, you knew there were feelings there. It almost didn’t hurt—you wanted to root for her. You wanted to coach him on how to finally treat someone right, show him that it was the same way that he should’ve treated you. But that time was gone now and while you recognized she harbored feelings, a pang of jealousy hit the pit of your stomach, twisting it in an uncomfortable knot. So, you stared — it was a distracted, almost blank gaze, but your eyes always did say more about what you were feeling than you did. Anyone from afar could tell that your gaze held a mix of emotion, from heartbreak and dejection to longing for what could’ve been and regret at the decisions you’ve made.
And you’d said to yourself a long time ago that you’d do the best you could at leaving the past in the past, but now it was coming back to haunt you in more ways than one.
He spoke to her in a passive voice, “There should be a car waiting for you outside of the lobby. I’ll meet you at the restaurant,”
She nodded, smiling glumly, and you could see the subtle hurt in her eyes. And then she glanced at you before disappearing from view, and it all made sense.
She fell too, didn’t she?
Your eyes were cast downward as you wiped your hands on your slacks, a lump forming in your throat that was hard to swallow.
You grabbed your things and planned to make a beeline out the door, planned to not spare Jimin another glance, but he was too quick. He knew you too well, and not well enough all at the same time.
“Wait,” he breathed, slightly unsteadily, almost as if he was surprised that you were moving so fast.
“For what, Jimin?” You turned to face him, eyes narrowed as they locked with his brown ones. “What could I possibly be waiting for? Because it’s not for you,”
“I thought we might’ve had more to talk about here, honestly,” his hand came up to run through his hair, something he usually did when nervous. But then again, he did that when experiencing every emotion possible, from what you remember.
“We could’ve had more to talk about 2 years ago, but you made it clear that we didn’t. Now there’s nothing for us except both of our ends of the deal.”
He chuckled dryly, licking his lips before responding. “It’s like that? After all this time?”
“You made it like that,” You said venomously through gritted teeth, getting dangerously close to him. You could smell his woodsy cologne, the same scent that you had to drive out of your mind, hoping to never smell it again because of what it’d remind you of. You took a few steps away from him, turning your back to him once again. “You made your bed, Jimin. And I can’t help you lay in it.”
“It doesn’t have to be like this,” he said, just above a whisper. You could hear the clench in his jaw, the anger that was only the tip of the iceberg.
And so you walked, not looking back, only stopping once to leave your mark and nothing more. “Piece of advice, Park: actions have consequences, and genuine favors don’t have hidden intentions. Don’t fuck up with her, too.”
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You walked into the door of your condo, exhaustedly closing the door and dropping your keys on the marble countertop. Your small hands rested on the stone as your head hung low, the events of the day weighing heavily on you.
You shoulders began to shake as the mental load consumed you. The beginning of your tears stung, your lip quivering as the rain poured from your eyes.
You slid to the floor, hugging your knees to your chest. You sobbed harshly, occasionally gritting your teeth when the pain felt overwhelming.
You hadn’t let this out in a long, long time. You felt safe enough, protected enough from that hurt you felt those years ago. You were certain your paths wouldn’t cross again since he went back to being on the other side of the world, but here you were, falling apart and breaking to pieces after looking into those eyes once again.
It winded you, seeing the way she looked at him. You thought it would’ve been you, running away into the sunset and basking in a love-filled haze where it would just be you two in the world. But you were wrong. So wrong, in fact, that even Jimin’s name left a bitter taste in your mouth. Something once so familiar left a broken heart-shaped bruise that you weren’t sure how to heal.
And in your absence of clarity and surety, you made the decision of reaching out to the person who made you get butterflies in your tummy instead of hornets stinging your insides.
you [7:37pm]: come over?
You waited about fifteen minutes, not knowing if he would respond. It was almost agonizing; the potential rendezvous wasn’t planned, after all. You couldn’t expect him to come running, not when you haven’t even been knowing each other that long, could you?
But then your phone made a familiar sound, and little bubbles formed in your stomach from excitement and anxiety, not knowing what the response would be from the other end of the line.
You picked up your phone slowly, wiping away a few tears so you could read the message clearly.
jungkook [7:52pm]: already ahead of you
You heard the buzz coming from the intercom seconds later, hurriedly standing up to answer it. You were afraid of how you would look to him, not having enough time to even change out of your work attire, having just sobbed your heart out — but as you answered the door, the look in Jungkook’s eyes told you that you didn’t need to be concerned with that. You were more than looks to him.
He set everything down on the floor — you took note of a bouquet of flowers, and a plastic Walgreens bag filled with things — and he cupped your face in his hands, staring at you with the gentlest of gazes. He could tell you were beyond hurt right now, that your heart was aching, and he didn’t bother to ask why — only what it was that you needed.
“How can I help?” He tucked a loose strand of hair behind your ear, and gently caressed your cheek, wiping it free of the stray tear that was rolling down.
His question was so simple, so genuine in nature that it made you tear up more, almost to the point of not being able to answer him.
“Just make me forget,” you whispered, eyes darting across his face, taking in his furrowed brows, his worried eyes, teeth toying with his lip ring.
And so he wrapped your arms around his neck and pat the back of your thigh to signal you to jump, catching you before shutting the door with his foot.
He walked you both to your bedroom, your head resting on his shoulder as he carried you like you were a fragile piece of glass he didn’t want to risk breaking.
He delicately laid you down, once again tucking that same strand behind your ear after it fell out of place.
You felt safe as he hovered over you, his eyes gingerly taking in your features, appreciating you and tugging on your heart strings all the while.
“I’m here,” he whispered before his lips met yours in a soft attempt to comfort you and drown all of your negative thoughts.
But then that other pair of eyes popped into your mind, a harsh reminder of a painful reality; you clenched on Jungkook’s shirt in response, kissing him harder, trying to push away the thoughts of the man who broke you, that you never seemed to fully get over.
And you repeated the action until you needed to gasp for air, breathing heavily as the lines blurred and the tears of trying to forget started to come. And he held you through it, kissing you all the while.
I’m not yours anymore.
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note: i hope you guys enjoyed this!! i love the angst in this so much,, i got so excited for where this story is going after i wrote it lol.
please like, comment & reblog — the feedback is greatly appreciated !! ♡
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more coming soon ♡
© 2024 cherryxkush, all rights reserved.
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junoriggs · 1 year ago
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What if everything I used to believe in was all for nothing?
FULL NAME: Juniper Sloane Riggs NICKNAME(S): Juno LABEL: The Advocate AGE: 32 DATE OF BIRTH: December 13, 1991 ZODIAC: Sagittarius Sun, Virgo Rising, Leo Moon GENDER & PRONOUNS: Female; She/Her HERITAGE: English, Scottish, Welsh, German, Irish SPOKEN LANGUAGE(S): English OCCUPATION: Lawyer & Singer/Songwriter SEXUALITY & ROMANCE: Bisexual; Biromantic PET(S): Australian Shepherd named Blue
FACE CLAIM: Aly Michalka HEIGHT: 5'8" WEIGHT: 125 lbs. DOMINANT HAND: Right HAIR COLOR: Brunette (Dyed Auburn) EYE COLOR: Brown SCARS: None notable. TATTOOS: None.
POSITIVE TRAITS: Adroit, Compassionate, Adventurous, Loyal, Athletic NEGATIVE TRAITS: Stubborn, Flighty, Confrontational, Dogmatic, Rebellious LIKES: Helping others, saying 'no' to her parents, early morning workouts, walks along the shore, animals, winning a debate DISLIKES: Mansplaining, when people question her credentials
PHOBIAS: None. DISORDERS: Not diagnosed. ALLERGIES: None.
HOMETOWN: Anchorage, AK CURRENT RESIDENCE: Anchorage, AK { Rabbit Creek } EDUCATION LEVEL: JD at Harvard Law FAMILIAL CONNECTIONS: -Mikayla Riggs - 57, Mother -Mark Riggs - 61, Father
FOOD: Trashcan Pizza DRINK: Carmel Macchiato MOVIE: How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days, Silence of the Lambs TV SHOW: 911, Fire Country, Bob's Burgers BAND/ARTIST: The 1975, The Beatles, ABBA, Coldplay SONG: Ignorance is Bliss - Katelyn Tarver
What if I'm too late? What if I'm lost? What if I find out I'm doing it wrong? I could wonder forever, I think I would feel better If I knew it all
Juniper was born into high society here in Anchorage. Thanks to her parents who were sharks in the attorney vein; helping the higher-end businessmen win over the little guys. It wasn’t something she understood at such a young age, but what she did know was: Keep your voice low but your head held high. She grew up in a household of competition. Not only between her parents with their respective careers, but also between her older brother, younger brother, and herself in the ways of academics and sports. No one would ever want to be around the family on Friday night game nights. And honestly, Juno couldn’t really blame her friends for that. Thinking back, she wonders often if this is where her need to speak up for herself came from. Each Riggs sibling was the top of their grade. Juniper found that the more she was in school and learning about the world, the more she felt alienated in high society life. She started to not attend galas and she started to let her hair down and throw caution to the wind when she hit her middle school and high school years. Though her beliefs changed, she still held education to a high degree of importance and never slacked in that field of her life. Rebelling against her parents was not what anyone was expecting from her, let alone her choice in career. Though, the lawyer aspect was a given (all Riggs siblings turned out to be lawyers), they never expected her to go against businesses and corporations and stand with the individuals who genuinely were being fucked over. Juno attended Harvard Law, and graduated with high honors. She went on to debate and go up against her own family in court through her career. Sometimes there were draws, other times she rung them dry. Recently, Juno came back to Anchorage in order to figure out if she wants to continue being a lawyer, or abandon the life chosen for her to pursue singing and songwriting full time.
Juno is a force to be reckoned with. Sharp as a whip, she tends to cut deep with her words and is highly aware of it. Basically, just don't debate her, okay? On the other hand, she's loving and full of life. She loves to strum at her guitar and come up with music - especially if she's feeling quite overwhelmed with emotions. She's also one who contemplates the universe and life at a deeper level. She plays minor gigs here and there, but she genuinely believes she has potential to make it big. Juno is a free-spirited type of character, and one can find her at karaoke nights as well as on the tops of tables at the local bar. She's very minimalist. If one were to go into her residence, there would only really be a ton of books and some photographs. She's basically not materialistic. She's very giving and whenever there's charity work in town, she's always a part of it or running the show. She's bubbly, and comedic at times. Juno is prone to fighting for others, and it shows in her day to day life. Overall, she's definitely someone you want in your corner.
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juniperriggs · 1 year ago
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What if everything I used to believe in was all for nothing?
FULL NAME: Juniper Sloane Riggs NICKNAME(S): Juno LABEL: The Advocate AGE: 32 DATE OF BIRTH: December 13, 1991 ZODIAC: Sagittarius Sun, Virgo Rising, Leo Moon GENDER & PRONOUNS: Female; She/Her HERITAGE: English, Scottish, Welsh, German, Irish SPOKEN LANGUAGE(S): English OCCUPATION: Lawyer & Singer/Songwriter SEXUALITY & ROMANCE: Bisexual; Biromantic PET(S): Australian Shepherd named Blue
FACE CLAIM: Aly Michalka HEIGHT: 5'8" WEIGHT: 125 lbs. DOMINANT HAND: Right HAIR COLOR: Brunette (Dyed Auburn) EYE COLOR: Brown SCARS: None notable. TATTOOS: None.
POSITIVE TRAITS: Adroit, Compassionate, Adventurous, Loyal, Athletic NEGATIVE TRAITS: Stubborn, Flighty, Confrontational, Dogmatic, Rebellious LIKES: Helping others, saying 'no' to her parents, early morning workouts, walks along the shore, animals, winning a debate DISLIKES: Mansplaining, when people question her credentials
PHOBIAS: None. DISORDERS: Not diagnosed. ALLERGIES: None.
HOMETOWN: Merrock, ME CURRENT RESIDENCE: Merrock, ME EDUCATION LEVEL: JD at Harvard Law FAMILIAL CONNECTIONS: - Mikayla Riggs - 57, Mother - Mark Riggs - 61, Father
FOOD: Trashcan Pizza DRINK: Carmel Macchiato MOVIE: How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days, Silence of the Lambs TV SHOW: 911, Fire Country, Bob's Burgers BAND/ARTIST: The 1975, The Beatles, ABBA, Coldplay SONG: Ignorance is Bliss - Katelyn Tarver
What if I'm too late? What if I'm lost? What if I find out I'm doing it wrong? I could wonder forever, I think I would feel better If I knew it all
Juniper was born into high society, here at Merrock. Thanks to her parents who were sharks in the attorney vein; helping the higher-end businessmen win over the little guys. It wasn't something she understood at such a young age, but what she did know was: Keep your voice low but your head held high. She grew up in a household of competition. Not only between her parents with their respective careers, but also between her older brother, younger brother, and herself in the ways of academics and sports. No one would ever want to be around the family on Friday night game nights. And honestly, Juno couldn't really blame her friends for that. Thinking back, she wonders often if this is where her need to speak up for herself came from. Each Riggs sibling was the top of their grade. Juniper found that the more she was in school and learning about the world, the more she felt alienated in high society life. She started to not attend galas and she started to let her hair down and throw caution to the wind when she hit her middle school and high school years. Though her beliefs changed, she still held education to a high degree of importance and never slacked in that field of her life. Rebelling against her parents was not what anyone was expecting from her, let alone her choice in career. Though, the lawyer aspect was a given (all Riggs siblings turned out to be lawyers), they never expected her to go against businesses and corporations and stand with the individuals who genuinely were being fucked over. Juno attended Harvard Law, and graduated with high honors. She went on to debate and go up against her own family in court through her career. Sometimes there were draws, other times she rung them dry. Recently, Juno came back to Merrock in order to figure out if she wants to continue being a lawyer, or abandon the life chosen for her to pursue singing and songwriting.
Juno is a force to be reckoned with. Sharp as a whip, she tends to cut deep with her words and is highly aware of it. Basically, just don't debate her, okay? On the other hand, she's loving and full of life. She loves to strum at her guitar and come up with music - especially if she's feeling quite overwhelmed with emotions. She's also one who contemplates the universe and life at a deeper level. She plays minor gigs here and there, but she genuinely believes she has potential to make it big. Juno is a free-spirited type of character, and one can find her at karaoke nights as well as on the tops of tables at the local bar. She's very minimalist. If one were to go into her residence, there would only really be a ton of books and some photographs. She's basically not materialistic. She's very giving and whenever there's charity work in town, she's always a part of it or running the show. She's bubbly, and comedic at times. Juno is prone to fighting for others, and it shows in her day to day life. Overall, she's definitely someone you want in your corner.
0 notes
alarrytale · 1 year ago
I guess I’m selfishly excited to see what Louis will do next and maybe lean more into the indie/pop punk type of genre. FITF is a gradual shift to test the waters a bit and maybe even prepare his existing fanbase for more to come. I don’t think he’ll completely cut out songs that border pop though because I believe he said once that his favorite is Saturdays. Even how he performs that one, you can tell he loves it. I also agree fully with you that he and/or his team dropped the ball with WAOYF. That one is clearly a hit. I’m looking forward to also seeing how these festivals expose his music more. It’s a good alternative to the radio, since he’s struggled to have his music played. I think since people’s musical tastes shift all the time, him trying something new is not a bad thing. I’ve always been more of an indie/punk fan though so I’m a bit biased. With music being such a personal experience it’s hard to say what will or won’t do well these days. Sometimes artists just have to take a leap to see what happens. I didn’t connect with Harry’s last album for example but I did with his 1st 2, so I think my musical taste just shifted. I’ve sort of noticed both pop and indie have their own struggles. For pop you have the revolving door aspect. One day you could be on the top of the world as an artist and the next you could crash because the next new shiny act comes along or an artist can be so overexposed that the public literally gets sick of them. With the indie genre, breaking into that music is tough (especially as an ex-boybander) but once you’ve gone over that hurdle it can be longer lasting. I think Louis including smaller indie singers/bands as openers and in his own festival is a way to help him a bit with that. Just a little added note, I loved how Louis thanked the people watching his concerts thru livestreams. It was nice to be acknowledged that way since I haven’t been able to go to a concert this year.
Also, what happened with TZP? I was offline a bit so I must’ve missed some of the drama.
Hi, anon!
I'm excited for LT3 too, the problem is i don't trust him. I don't trust him to know which songs to make a single, which songs to include on the album and which direction to take his album in. He's dropped the ball too many times. I think i'm of the same opinion as you, that FITF was a stepping stone album from one genre (pop) to another genre (indie/punk rock). That's why i'm expecting LT3 to be even more indie/punk rock than FITF. As i've said plenty of times by know, i think that's a mistake business and career wise (even though that's the direction the label (and maybe himself) want to take to seperate him from competition).
I'm excited for new music, but not if that means less streams and album sales, the tour not selling, and catering his promo and changing his image to appeal to potential fans he'll never be able to convince. I already see the way this is all heading with the anarchy tattoo. He's a multimillionaire white man in his 30's, who's never been political in his life. It's so cringe and if he leans into that image even more he's going to be a laughing stock to the people he wants to make his fans.
For FITF he did "boyband promo" geared towards early 20's females (signings, pop up store, merch, puzzles and fan video for a single). That's not promo that will work on his new target audience. So what's he going to do for promo?
I haven't kept up with the TZP drama that much, i only registred that he liked a "neutral" post about the conflict, attended a show or something with his husband by a zioni*t and is friends with zioni*ts. He's shown himself to be both uneducated on the subject and to not know the consequences of his actions affects his own fandom (no one is taking this well). Not knowing your own fandom is a cardinal sin (and every celebrity should know that). So people are upset and calling him out (he's in China (that's problematic in itself) not seeming to know what's going on).
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somethingscft · 2 years ago
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FULL NAME alana sol beasley BDAY january 29 AGE 29 GENDER cis female SEXUALITY asexual/panromantic PRONOUNS she/her SKILLS making music • teaching • chess
HEIGHT 5′9"  BODY TYPE slim PIERCINGS ears + navel TATTOOS none
alana is tall and lean with a fairy-like demeanor. her eyes her big and a captivating brown. she wears a minimal amount of makeup. her hair is dark and curly, but she usually keeps it pressed -- except for performances. her style is simple, sexy, and extremely comfortable. she's a fan of baggy cargos, mesh crop tops and leather boots.
MOR. ALIGNMENT chaotic good  MBTI entp  ZODIAC SIGN aquarius
despite being a musical genius with an unnaturally high IQ, alana is rather laidback. she's whimsical and patient and kind. she is highly spiritual -- very hippie like. she does partake in a few recreational drugs, but they only enhance her award-winning creativity. she doesn't drink, though -- alcohol is literally poison.
when she isn't pursuing her passion for music, one could find miss beasley, nose deep, in a murder mystery or a spicy romance novel. or in her vermont yurt, out in the woods somewhere. or she's studying in johannesburg, some new topic she's fixated on. either way, she's bringing her familiar -- her black cat, papa.
PLACE OF BIRTH san francisco, ca ETHNCITY african-american + native american
alana was an only child -- at least she was raised that way by her father. he owned a bookstore that contained a speakeasy behind its walls. it is alana's most favorite place in the whole world. it is her world. she spent most of her young life there, teaching herself every instrument she could get her hands on. she was so smart -- gifted -- and determined to be her own swing band. she could play the drums, double bass, saxophone, piano, trumpet and guitar by the time she reached high school -- which she graduated from at fourteen. alana quickly became recognized as a musical prodigy, garnering her plenty of media attention, awards, and scholarships.
she was a household name by the time she turned sixteen, after releasing her debut album. that same year, she won two grammy's for best new artist and best contemporary jazz album. alana was everywhere, labelled a musical genius, but she just wanted to learn. she kept attending the top universities in the country, graduating with her doctorate in Music and African American Studies at twenty-five. now, she's bestselling artist and professor of music at her alma mater with a countless number of accolades under her belt.
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