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pointyobjects · 6 months ago
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"What are you doin' ridin' out here like you got someplace to be?" he called, wiping at his brow, already comfortable with the knowledge that the image of Kagome dismounting to meet him would be seared into his mind for years. He tried to keep his voice even, but the threat of having to send Kagome away a second time was warring with his desire to pull her into his arms.
Kagome strode toward him, pulling something from her pocket and holding it up between them. "Same thing you're doin'," Kagome smiled. "...writing beautiful letters to my father.”
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feudalconnection · 1 year ago
Nomination - PointyObjects
CONGRATULATIONS, @pointyobjects​!!! Your fanfiction “Slipping Traces” has been nominated by one of your fans for the 2023 3rd Term Inuyasha Fandom Awards run by FeudalConnection!
Your work has been nominated in the following category:
Best Romance
Voting will take place between October 5th and October 20th, and the links to do so can be found on the feudalconnection Tumblr page.
If you would like to pull your work from consideration for an award, please let us know via the Tumblr page or [email protected].
Once again, congratulations for your beautiful contributions to this wonderful fandom, and thank you for all that you do!
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nikkxb · 1 year ago
Legend of Illethai Mobre Update
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Chapter 9
Rating: Explicit Status: In Progress Summary: In Kagome’s new neighborhood, there’s a wall. It’s been there for years, this massive sheet of concrete stretching across the land, separating a memorial from the neighboring church. One day on her afternoon walks, curiosity has Kagome seeking out the history behind this piece, why it exists, and what the stories around it mean. She didn’t expect the stories to be real.
Chapter Excerpt:
The door opened behind her, footsteps coming in. Miroku and Sango got over here quick, considering how bad traffic could be on a Friday afternoon. Turning to greet them, she froze at the sight of silver hair looking over the papers on the coffee table.
He was in jeans and a tee, very much not his work scrubs, and the last person she expected to see. After Wednesday, she couldn’t imagine pulling him back into this and didn’t understand why he was there. She distinctly recalled Touga telling him to leave it all alone, so why would he be standing there reading over the copies she’d received from Shiori?
“Dad called me,” he started saying, not looking up from the table. “Myouga called him as soon as he knew you were heading over and wanted someone else to be here. I was the closest one.”
Amber eyes looked up at her, weary, but friendly, and he offered her a self-deprecating smile. “I’m just as surprised as you are.”
Read Chapter 9 here:  AO3
KogKag Tag List:
@beananchzplz | @cryysis | @cynthiamaiel | @decaffeinatedfacestranger | @elohiniar | @fawn-eyed-girl | @hauntedteacakes | @iinsomiac | @liz8080 | @inu-mothership | @loveyou-x3000 | @miss-mad-scientist | @mynightshining | @neutronstarchild | @pointyobjects | @purpledadan | @rue-tea | @thepallaspalace | @tiphanylouise | @tmifangirl25 | @yokesmam | @ya-aint-born-typical
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odycal-pbarnes · 8 months ago
Music shuffle game
I got tagged by @lawnchairthethird 💜
Put your playlist on shuffle and put the first five songs in a poll for people to vote for the one they like best
The playlist I pulled these from has almost all the music I've been listening to since I was a nugget so enjoy the cringe
I'm passing this onto:
@masenkoha @pointyobjects @cosmicgesture
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fuckyeahkogkag · 3 years ago
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KogKag Spotlight Saturday: October 2, 2021: Friends with Financial Benefits, by @pointyobjects
Hello everyone! We here at @fuckyeahkogkag are delighted to bring you a new weekly post to enjoy: Spotlight Saturday! Each week, we’ll be showcasing a different KogKag fic (or maybe two! 😉); they will be a combination of recently updated fics, classic fics, and fics that fit a particular theme.
First up this week is @pointyobjects‘ fantastic story Friends with Financial Benefits!
Kagome needs money to stay in school, and she’s run out of options, save for one...get married. And when a very handsome ookami who maybe has feelings for her agrees to be her husband in name only, is that all it will be? (Lol, of course not.)
This fic is rated E, and features a sweet and self-sacrificing Kagome, a Kouga who is SUPER protecc (and has some secrets of his own), and two idiots who are very much in love. You don’t want to miss it!
Special thanks to @neutronstarchild for the beautiful banner!
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polkahotness · 5 years ago
SPANISH 2 WAS ALL FOR YOU AND DENTING THE DO! They're both so amazing!!!
No, the fact that YOU think they are amazing is amazing!!! Thank you so much ❤❤ (on a side note. Im glad SOMEBODY out there enjoyed Denting the Do because i feel like its my most underrated fic and so its nice to know its appreciated by someone-- especially someone as cool as you! 😎)
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chelsea-alsbury-art · 6 years ago
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Pointy objects <3 I couldn't for the life of me flatten the ripples out of my paper x-x
I forgot how difficult watercolor can be
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sugarless-suki-writes · 6 years ago
😭😭😭😭 thank you so much! I really need this rn omg,, I’m really glad that you like it enough to reread it 😭
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stlgeekgirl · 6 years ago
For the Questions for Fic Readers, all the ones that end in 5! BTW, love you.
Somebody is greedy!  Lol!  So...here we go!5.  Angst or fluff?Fluffy.  All the fluff15.  What makes me pick up a fic?  Um, if the synopsis sounds good, then I will stop and read it.  And if it’s one of my favorite authors, I will always read it.  (when’s the next chapter, speaking of...)25.My opinion on dub-con or non-con:  Can’t read it, sorry.  It’s one of my squicks. Like maybe light dub-con but it’s tricky for me.  35.Name all the WIP’s I’m currently reading?  Oh hell...That’s too many, can I just name my faves I’m anxiously waiting on more chapters for?  That’s shorter.  I have “The Experiment” by comeaftermejackrobinson (I’m really hoping the author didn’t give it up because it’s so amazingly written!)  and there’s this wonderful fic called “Avalanche” by PointyObjects that I’m waiting on (if you haven’t read it, do because it’s amazing and the author needs to post another chapter!)45.  Do you read fanfic about Anime?  I used to. Still do sometimes.  Macross and Gatchaman when I’m in the mood.  Unfortunately, I’m not that deep into anime that I have a favorite show that I devour fanfic for.  
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ya-aint-born-typical · 3 years ago
Which scene was your favorite to write in Heat?
Oooh, let's see. The Inuyasha/Kagome and Kouga/Kikyo banter scenes are enormously fun to write, and they make for an excellent break from the more serious scenes.
The Kouga/Kagome scenes in the future are probably my favorites, though. There was one pretty early on where they were watching Pride & Prejudice and he gave her a backrub and that whole scene is just my favorite thing because he's so out of his element but it doesn't even phase him. He just sorta rolls with it like, oh, okay. There's tiny people in the box. Neat.
And then grandpa shows up and tries to purify him and I still love the way that it reads, which is unusual because I tend to pick my stuff apart.
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insanitysscribblings · 7 years ago
15, 18 and 38 for the fiction writing asks. Thanks!
15.) If you could choose one of your fics to be filmed, which would you choose?
Uh……………I said Meant to Be last time, and I still think it would make a good romcom, but I’d really like to see The Artist and the Athlete as a short feature film. It would be so cute~
18.) Do you use any tools, like worksheets or outlines?
Oh yeah, I outline everything. My fics tend to get to be Too Much™, so I need an outline in order to keep the story straight somewhere, and I can review what’s already happened and what still needs to happen. It’s a good way to keep my chaotic creative mind balanced. XP
38.) Talk about a review that made your day.
@siderealsandman once left me a review that made me laugh so hard I had to leave the staff room to avoid the strange looks I was getting. It was that Spongebob chicken meme that was popular at the time, and it was fucking hilarious. XD
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pointyobjects · 9 months ago
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"I found your wedding pictures...a while back…" she told him, softer. "I know I look like her-"
"And I know it must hurt to see your wife's face everyday, but that's not my fault. I don't want to be sent away because you're hurting-"
"She was my wife !" 
"And she was my mother !" Kagome shouted back. She'd never raised her voice at her father, and the sheer volume set her heart racing again. Kagome's father stood up so abruptly that his chair flew back behind him and tipped over. The sound of the wooden chair hitting the floor made Kagome flinch and step back. She used the moment of silence between them to gather her nerves and speak again. "You don't think I miss her too? That I don't think about her, and wonder if she would have been proud of me? What it would have been like to hold my baby brother? You think you're the only one in pain?"
TW: mentions of death and infertility
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feudalconnection · 3 years ago
Nomination - PointyObjects (AO3)
CONGRATULATIONS PointyObjects (AO3)!!! Your fanfiction "Snow in Spring" has been nominated by one of your fans for the 2022 3rd Quarterly Inuyasha Fandom Awards, run by FeudalConnection!
Your work has been nominated in the following category:
Best Oneshot Fanfiction
Voting will take place between July 29th and August 13th, and the links to do so can be found on the feudalconnection Tumblr page.
If you would like to pull your work from consideration for an award, please let us know via the Tumblr page or [email protected].
Once again, congratulations for your beautiful contributions to this wonderful fandom, and thank you for all that you do!
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nikkxb · 1 year ago
What Could Have Been FINISHED
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Chapter 6
Rating: Explicit Status: COMPLETE Summary: Kagome wished on the jewel, but it wasn’t the right wish.
Chapter Excerpt:
There was no one waiting for her when she woke up at the well.
The deja vu was strong. And infuriating. Once again, she’d made her wish and ended right back where it all started, her back against the well as her eyes blinked open to look out at the forest. Alone.
The anger flared bright and strong before dissipating quickly, her heartache so very present as she sat there. A heavy heart, a heavy burden, the knowledge of what she’d had to give up, what the jewel continued taking from her, the loss was almost overwhelming with each breath she took. Sure, she’d gained so much, but at what cost? The friends she’d made, the love she built, the journey she’d survived?
Loss after loss after loss. The jewel only left destruction and despair in its wake and Kagome took the last brunt of its maliciousness, making the decision that would follow her for the rest of her life.
The sun was just starting its descent to the west, the blue of the sky still promising as the world lay out in front of her. Picking up that familiar, beat up, ever present yellow backpack and slinging it over her shoulder, Kagome took one step from the well and then another, each one getting easier as she moved closer to the forest.
Kagome had one last journey to make and then she’d be home.
Read here:  AO3
KogKag Tag List:
@beananchzplz | @crystalballa | @cryysis | @cynthiamaiel | @decaffeinatedfacestranger | @elohiniar | @fawn-eyed-girl | @hauntedteacakes | @hermionehostclub | @iinsomiac | @itsmeimthebrainrot | @lighthousebeams | @liz8080 | @loveyou-x3000 | @miss-mad-scientist | @mynightshining | @neutronstarchild | @pointyobjects | @purpledadan | @rue-tea | @thepallaspalace | @tmifangirl27
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abadmeanman · 7 years ago
1, 4, 38 for the asks.
Oh no! I forgot I sent one of these out! I’m sorry!
Here we go:
1. Describe your comfort zone—a typical you-fic.
Definitely something built around a single, awful pun, or a really contrived gimmick. Some traditionally stupid wordplay therein, a horny farce ensues, and at least once someone will say something and it’ll be like “What?” “What? Anyways…”
4. How many fic ideas are you nurturing right now? Care to share one of them?
Someone asked me to write a Marichat petplay pegging scene. It’s not normally my bag, but I’m kinda getting into it! It’s got butt stuff!
38. Talk about a review that made your day.
A while back, @seajaywrite went through Porte-Boner and left a bunch of comments, and THEN successfully identified that I’m Texan and from Austin, even. We’re friends now!
On another level, I’m always tickled when people who actually know a little French (or actual French speakers) will post long screeds about how bad my French is and how I should fix it. Buddy I know, that’s why I tagged it, ya dingus.
Thank you for asking!
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steambend · 7 years ago
For the fabric asks: linen, corduroy and rayon. Please and thanks!!!
linen: what’s your favourite quality about yourself? i care about others and am willing to help out if they want/need it
corduroy: favourite cliche/trope? enemies to friends to lovers
rayon: favourite fruit? strawberries
fabric asks
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