#point break 1991 roleplay
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🌊🪂Hello!! I have the urge to start a Point Break (1991) MxM/CCxCC rp and I haven't really found anyone who's put out an ad for it yet, so I've decided to shoot my shot
• About me: 23f, she/her, CST
• Writing preferences: semi-lit (at least), 3rd person POV (past/present tense), prefer to write on Discord
**Side note: I usually write to the Discord character limit, sometimes a little past it, but if you can't manage that, it's not a problem!! Write as much as you're comfortable and confident with, just no one-liners please
• Looking for: A long-term partner (21+) to write Bodhi to my Johnny Utah. For NSFW, I would prefer to write Johnny as the sub/bottom and don't worry, I will not write him as your typical "uwu/boyish" bottom because that's literally not his personality
🕊Trigger Warning🕊
I would like to include things such as noncon/dubcon, heavy dom/sub, possibly some gunplay, etc. We can discuss more once we get started. I want bloody fights, I want smut, I want drama, I want the whole shebang so if you have any ideas, please don't hesitate to let me know!!
**I beg of you to communicate with me if you're not comfortable with something or if you're just not feeling the story anymore. No ghosting!! Communication is key!! Also, please feel free to chat OOC and share whatever you'd like!!**
If you're interested, leave a like and I'll reach out!
Leave a like, and anon will get back to you!
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Dynamic Omniversal Roleplaying Kit, The Dork Lord, 1991
D.O.R.K. is a GURPS heartbreaker.
For those not familiar with the term, a "Dungeons and Dragons Heartbreaker" is a game where someone looked at D&D, the only game they had ever played, and said "You know what, I can write a game that's D&D but better!" Then, because they have no exposure to the wider field of game development, they proceed to make something that's... basically still D&D. It has one or two small improvements, but no one cares, because it's still basically D&D, and at that point, why not just play the world's most heavily supported RPG? It breaks your heart to see someone pour so, so much time and energy into a game that has some genuinely good points that no one is ever going to play. DORK is a D&D heartbreaker, but for GURPS 2nd Edition.
The most obvious change is that there are now five stats: ST, DX, IQ, HT, and the new CH(arisma), breaking the social rolls and skills explicitly away from Intelligence. They make a big deal of this, and it sort of is, because it has knock-on effects for everything IQ-oriented.
Minor changes abound. Some of those are intentional, some may just be because everything had to be rewritten by hand (since actually copying another book word-for-word is illegal). Some of the Advantage and Disadvantage costs have been adjusted. Some of them have small but key differences. Some of the Skills are now Advantages and vice versa - for instance, languages are now Advantages, and Detect Invisible is a skill (IQ, Very Hard). Combat has no core changes, but HP totals are twice HT instead of just HT. There are also a bunch of options added. Some of those work and some are broken - especially any that might feel like "Rule of Cool" or "badass special ops" tactics. The book is about 1/3 longer than the GURPS 2nd corebook just because of those. None are marked as optional. In fact, unlike GURPS, DORK has no particular directions about what's considered core and what's considered optional. It really feels like people are supposed to use absolutely every rule.
Art is pretty sparse. I'm not sure where it came from, since there are no credited artists. I suspect the writer was also the artist. It's... ok. They at least have a basic grasp of anatomy, if not how to make it look like anything's in movement.
The game is credited to "The Dork Lord" rather than a games company. It was printed in softcover by a printing company that I sure hope has gone out of business, because the only copies of this I've ever seen were in three-ring binders after the softcover's binding failed. By the time this book had been published, GURPS 3rd had been out for over two years, and DORK disappeared with barely a ripple.
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Welcome to the family, AMELIA! Your application to NATALIE FISHER was accepted. We’re really happy to have you around! Make sure to read the beginners checklist, and remember, have fun! We can��t wait to roleplay with you! Have fun!
CHARACTER NAME: Natalie Fisher CHARACTER AGE & DATE OF BIRTH: 32 years old, 28th March 1991 OCCUPATION: Social Media Influencer (Youtuber and Tik-Toker) and Writer FACE CLAIM: Lily Collins HOMETOWN & CITY WHERE LIVES NOW: Where were they born? LA Where do they live now? New York SEXUAL ORIENTATION & GENDER: Bisexual RELATIONSHIP STATUS: Single POSITIVE TRAITS: Brave, Creative, Committed NEGATIVE TRAITS: Clumsy, Confused, Annoying CHARACTER QUOTE/LYRIC: “Go ahead and regret me, but I’m beating you
Trigger: Drugs, Addictions
Natalie grew up in LA with her mom Julie Fisher, her father left the picture when she was 1 and it was just her and her mom. When she was younger, her and her mom had a really good relationship and in some ways they did now but things were definitely different. She was always an outgoing girl, could be very clumsy and very ditsy at times. But that didn’t mean she wasn’t smart, she was a person who loved to read and loved to learn new things no matter what.
When Natalie was 17, her mom turned to drugs because she felt like she wasn’t needed anymore and that she felt lost and didn’t know what to do with her life. This lead to Natalie having to be like a carer to her mom for about a year. After a year her mom realised, she needed to get help so when Natalie was 19 she went to rehab and Natalie deferred her first year of college. When her mom was released from Rehab there was a change in her and their relationship got stronger then ever before
She decided to move to New York to go to college at NYU to study English Lit with a minor in creative writing, honestly she knew going a year late was scary but she was more scared to leave her mom on her own but she managed to do it. During her time at college she started her Youtube channel and it was slowly growing but it became a passion that she fell in love with doing that she worked hard, hard enough to have enough subscribers to make money off it. At college she met Dante , this guy who ended up becoming someone she really loved, he was her person and she was happy to have him in her life. They moved in together and everything felt right. They moved to Washington to be closer to Dante’s parents and she felt comfortable there and she loved him and his family.
As time went by her and Dante got stronger and he proposed and she was over the moon and fell in love with him even more and of course said yes. Things were great with them until a few weeks before the wedding when she got closer with a guy from her gym and thought that was love. Clearly it wasn’t but when the wedding day came she stood Dante up at the alter because she loved this guy. She knew she broke his heart. After breaking up with Dante, she realised things with the guy from work was nothing.
Now that her and Dante have broken up, Natalie is trying her hardest to not focus on it and work hard on her Youtube that she now does full time alongside writing her first novel that she loves. She has also started a Tik Tok and she has a lot of followers and people who she has had supporting her. She is determined to move past the situation with Dante even if every day she misses him.
JULIE FISHER (MOTHER): Julie and Natalie have a complicated relationship however despite her moms drug addiction, she loved her mom and she had to bring her up on her own and she is grateful for what they have even if they had a hard history.
DANTE GREENFIELD (EX FIANCE): Dante and Natalie were college lovers and they left college still in love to the point of getting engaged until she met someone else who she thought was a great guy and she ended things with Dante by standing him up at the alter. They haven’t spoken since and it’s been 7 months since but Natalie always wonders what would have happened if they got married.
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I haven't had this happen for Sailor Moon in particular but definitely for other things I've written. I created a Time Lord character for a pre-Time War Gallifrey Doctor Who Instagram roleplay someone was starting (which, sadly, never got off the ground) and I went WAY overboard trying to worldbuild Gallifrey, since official sources (at that time, and honestly, even since) don't tell us very much, even though it's supposed to be The Doctor's home planet. (This is probably because, in New Who, Gallifrey's been destroyed in the Time War, and in Classic Doctor Who, The Doctor ran away from Gallifrey and made a determined effort to stay away from it as much as possible...heck, the planet didn't even have a name until 10 years into Classic, because the writers apparently didn't want to bother).
Then when I transferred said character (and a few others) over to Tumblr roleplay, I kept doing said worldbuilding. For the OC Time Lord character, I had only outlined her previous regenerations so I would know her backstory, with the assumption that the story of her current regeneration would be built through the roleplay. But then I ended up turning said bullet points into short stories of their own (though, me being super wordy, they weren't very short). I even made a roleplay profile for her using the old Doctor Who LARP gamebook that they published back in 1991 (along with later supplements that were released online). I also submitted her, as well as my two New Who OCs (from a completely different fanfic world), to this Tumblr roleplay called New Gallifrey, which is an AU where the Tenth Doctor basically turns evil after the events of Series 4, breaks into the time lock surrounding the Time War, steals the Untempered Schism (this thing that is important to initiation into the Time Lord Academy), and massacres all the Time Lords, then uses the Untempered Schism's power to take over Earth and become its ruler. In it, my two New Who OCs live in the resulting c***sack world and become part of the secret resistance, while my Time Lord OC mostly stays in hiding (so Ten won't know there's a Time Lord he didn't kill) but helps the resistance from the shadows. (Unfortunately, nothing came of that application).
The only Sailor Moon OC I've done (well, aside from a summary for a weird Harry Potter "Witch Scouts" AU) was Sailor Grimm. I created her after re-watching one of the Mugen Gakuen musicals, which features these minor characters called the Grimmseijin, the sole survivors of a faraway planet that was destroyed by the Death Busters on their way to Earth. All of them are a family (except for Moss, who is revealed to secretly be Grimm's princess) and talk about wishing they could fly, which was a talent the Grimmseijin used to be known for, but thanks to the Death Busters destroying the hostie of the planet (basically like its soul), they've lost the ability. That's why at the end of the musical, when the Death Busters are defeated and everything's restored, Sailor Moon wonders aloud whether the Grimmseijin (or, as she calls them, the Hoshinos, which was their cover identity on Earth) were able to fly back to their planet, and Mars (who ironically was the most antagonistic toward the Grimmseijin at first, but to be fair they were openly trying to obtain the Silver Crystal, believing it could revive their planet, which to the Senshi would obviously make them look like enemies) reassures her that they surely were able to (see video below starting at 2:09).
This got me thinking...if, as stated in Stars, planets throughout the universe have Sailor Senshi, did Grimm have a Sailor Senshi before it was destroyed, and if so, what happened to her? That led to me creating Sailor Grimm, though she didn't properly take shape until I drew her for a DeviantArt contest years ago, and I didn't start properly writing her fic until Camp NaNoWriMo April 2022. Due to coordinating colors being what they are, she ended up kinda looking like a Sailor Jupiter knockoff though, which is discouraging. This was because, since her powers are nature-based, and her powers are tied to the Rose Crystal (not to be confused with the Barazuishou from Sailor Moon: Another Story), which is pink, she ended up with a green and pink color scheme, like Jupiter, albeit in different shades, and with pink hair. This was intentional, though, because I had given her nature powers because the Grimmseijin's names in the musical all came from roses (this inspired the Rose Crystal too). And green just seemed like a nature color to me. I did incorporate the power of flight and the wind powers the Grimmseijin appear to have in the musical into her powers also. Also for some reason I decided she would be older, around 19 in Earth years, because that seemed more fitting for an experienced Senshi who'd had to protect her planet on her own. (It also better justified my plans for her to interact mostly with the Outers, since they would have similar motivations to take out the Death Busters without mercy). I took what canon I could get from the Mugen Gakuen musicals and filled in gaps with stuff from the S manga (on which those myus are based) as well as original stuff. I also brought in the Galaxy Cauldron from Stars, mostly cause I had to figure out a way to get Grimm to Earth. (I also gave her the LARP gamebook treatment, using the Sailor Moon gamebook The Sailor Moon Role-Playing Game and Resource Book, which uses the same stat system as the short-lived Sailor Moon collectible card game). It's still a story in progress, but I'm pretty proud of it so far.
(Oh, and I forgot, I did create another OC Senshi, Sailor Buttercream Sparkle, for a group on DeviantArt back in 2013. I never wrote a fic for her, though I did write details about her in the description of the drawing linked above).
But I think I got off topic...😅
Does this happen to anyone writing in the Sailor Moon fandom?
You try to write a scene set in the past life, and your brain over complicates it by trying to world build for all the past life kingdoms, and now you wonder if you should write a prequel about the past life? 😂🙈
At this point I have as much notes on the kingdoms as I do for my EoT plot.
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The Case for Dark Sun

Dark Sun is a campaign setting for the Dungeons and Dragons Roleplaying game beginning with 2E in 1991. Dark Sun sits amongst other settings such as The forgotten Realms, Eberron, Planescape, Spelljammer, and Greyhawk as a world or universe in which D&D campaigns might be set.
The world of Dark Sun, called Athas, is a world where magic has ravaged the landscape, turning it into a barren desert dotted here and there by oppressive city-states. It deviated in many ways from both its contemporary settings and from epic fantasy as a whole and remains a beloved world for many. This break from the typical canon of D&D included things such as magic being rare and despised, many of the familiar races being changed or absent in the setting, and an emphasis on day to day survival over lofty goals of heroics or righteousness. We see evil Sorcerer-Kings ruling over an oppressed and enslaved populace in lavish, cruel cities. We see nomadic tribes wandering through a harsh wasteland filled with bizarre and vicious monsters, searching for water and shelter. We see ruins in the desert, symbols of a bygone age of peace and prosperity, destroyed long ago by wars and reckless sorcery. This setting represents a synthesis of design, visuals, mechanics, and themes that is unmatched by few if any other campaign settings for D&D. For these and reasons I will go into further, Dark Sun is the best campaign setting either TSR or Wizards of the Coast have ever produced.

Dark Sun came out of a period of D&D’s history where TSR were furiously producing campaign settings left, right, and centre. This period, 2E, lasted from 1989 to 1996, at which point TSR went bankrupt and sold D&D to Wizards of the Coast, of Magic the Gathering fame. During this period they produced such settings as Spelljammer, Dark Sun, Planescape, and Birthright, all of which pushed the boundaries of D&D in some way beyond the older heroic fantasy of Dragonlance, Forgotten Realms, and Greyhawk. Many of these new settings were only modest successes, and TSR’s dilution of their brand with all of these conflicting products likely had a part in their downfall. However, before they fell they gave us intriguing, genre-bending, and in many ways inimitable campaign settings. Dark Sun is the best of these and as such has a large fan community to this day and has received some degree of support in both 3.5 and 4E.

Dark Sun was developed by Timothy B. Brown and Troy Denning and draws on the typical pulp-fantasy sources of D&D, like Conan the Barbarian, Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser, and to an extent, Moorcock’s Eternal Champions books. However it also draws on things such as Frank Herbert’s Dune, Edgar Rice Burrough’s Barsoom series, incorporating Sci-Fi elements just as Spelljammer did. In terms of genre, Dark Sun might be described as belonging to Post-Apocalyptic, Dying Earth, Swords and Sorcery, Dark Fantasy, and even Science-Fiction. Gone are the mystical forests, noble knights, and sagacious wizards of almost every other campaign setting. In their place are hulking barbarians, callous rogues, desperate gladiators, and despised sorcerers practicing their arts in secret. With these concepts in place, the world of Athas is populated by cities and cultures inspired by a variety of peoples and empires from earth’s past. The Aztecs, Ptolemaic Egypt, and Hammurabi’s Babylon to name just a few. This helps to cement Athas as being more akin to the Asia and Northern Africa of antiquity rather than the nauseatingly familiar medieval Europe we’ve come to expect from D&D.

Dark Sun is notable for its pulp adventure art direction, spearheaded by Brom whose artwork can be found everywhere. A young artist at the time, his work inspired many of the monsters and creatures that appear in Dark Sun sourcebooks. While it is by no means unusual to see Dungeons and Dragons products accompanied by amazing artwork, Dark Sun stands out for the clarity of its vision. The pieces share similar designs and its products are easily identified at a glance. Brom’s work sets the product line well apart from anything else before or after. This ‘art-inspired’ design would never again be matched by any Dungeons and Dragons product, with only the Planescape line coming close.

The history and truth behind Athas’ present ruined state is kept deliberately unclear by both the designers and powerful figures within the world itself. This leaves multiple interpretations of canon (at least in the original boxed set). Essentially, Athas has gone through at least three ages, typically referred to as the Blue Age, the Green Age, and the present Desert Age. The Blue Age was a world ruled by Halflings who lived on small islands amidst a vast ocean. These halflings had a great degree of control over nature and could grow almost everything they needed, making them masters of bioengineering. The Green Age was the period of Athasian history most resembling the standards of settings such as Forgotten Realms, Greyhawk, and Eberron, but leaned more heavily on Psionics than magic in its varied and verdant cultures. The Desert Age is the standard time of play and is a world controlled by a vengeful environment and the whims of tyrannical sorcerers. This final age is the one expected in typical play in the Dark Sun setting and is the world presented in most if not all the art and stories of the various Dark Sun product lines.

Like all good stories and worlds, Dark Sun has important messages built into it. These messages are evident everywhere in the world and its characters. Like Dune before it, Dark Sun has strong and deeply ingrained environmentalist messages. The world was once vibrant and lush, filled with a variety of lifeforms. Now the world is drained of all material resources, the vast grasslands and forests are almost completely gone, and the sea vanished, leaving only silt behind. The animals that remain are twisted, violent mutants, and the scattered plant-life is little better. This environmental collapse was not an accident and has been, at each stage, the result of irresponsible and reckless magic-use on the part of a sorcerous or naturemaster elite. The unfortunates of the Desert Age are, for the most part, innocent in this environmental degradation and simply have to endure the ruined world they were born into. Most only have a vague understanding that ‘sorcerers did it’, not fully understanding that their rulers, the Sorcerer-Kings are responsible for almost all of it.
Their origins are left vague in the original boxed set, Troy Denning and future product releases make it clear that the Sorcerer-Kings are the cause of most of the world’s destruction. These immortal psionicist/wizards ruined the world and then divided up the last oases amongst themselves, ruling the people that flocked there. The Sorcerer-Kings and their Templar priests are cold tyrants who brook no threat to their authority and violently suppress rebellions or even attempts to learn the truth about them. Many of these tyrants claim to be gods or ‘responsible sorcerers’ and blame others for the destruction that they themselves wrought. With the modern spectre of climate change looming and our leaders refusing to act or take responsibility for it, Dark Sun is more relevant than ever.

Dark Sun is infamous for tweaking, breaking, or outright removing typical elements of whichever D&D edition it exists in. Arcane magic draws life from the plants and even creatures around the caster, draining their vitality to fuel spells. Instead of magic being common and widespread it is rare and feared, in its place stands psionics; the Will and the Way. Due to the scarcity of metals such as iron and bronze, armour and weapons are typically made of salvaged components such as obsidian, stone, bone, or chitin. Dark Sun has a very minimalist cosmology compared to most other campaign settings with only really the Elemental planes having any real impact on the daily lives of most Athasians. Athas can’t be accessed from other worlds and there is no Heaven for Athasians’souls to go to after death.
Many of the recognisable races such as gnomes, orcs, and goblins are gone, replaced by strange new races like the half-dwarf Muls, the unnatural Half-Giants and the insectoid Thri-Kreen. Existing races are tweaked in large and small ways; Halflings are cannibals, elves care nothing for nature, and dwarves are completely hairless. All of this means that the typical adventuring party looks very different to what you might expect in other worlds. Instead of magic they employ psychic powers, instead of gleaming armour they wear ramshackle insect-shells, and instead of magic weapons they have obsidian axes. survival is more important than glory and clean water is worth more than all the gold in the world.

Psionicists use their mind to conjure strange effects, to control others, and to fight, and are everywhere. The plants and animals of Athas are almost all psychically sensitive in one way or another and this is in part due to the timing of the Complete Psionics Handbook’s publication aligning so closely with the Dark Sun product line’s beginning. As such, this focus on psychic rather than magic ability suffuses the setting and informs what kinds of characters exist there. Spell components are illicit and hard to come by, but any living person can focus their mind to create a psychic effect of some kind. Psionics has had a troubled time throughout DnD’s long history, having difficulty differentiating itself from magic and facing balancing and theming issues aplenty. Nonetheless, psionics is an engaging and essential part of the setting and any interpretation of Athas without it would be hollow.

Dark Sun doesn’t cater to the lowest common denominator by adhering to the heroic and epic fantasy of its contemporaries. It also sets itself apart by striving for uniqueness and pushing the boundaries of what people expect from a Dungeons and Dragons setting. It can be a difficult world to play in and exist in, what with its strange aesthetics and stranger rules.
However, its combination of groundbreaking world design, powerful artistic direction, and compelling lore make it a classic, and in my opinion, the greatest campaign setting ever produced by Wizards of the Coast or TSR.
#Dark Sun#Athas#Dungeons and Dragons#D&D#DnD#wizards of the coast#art#rant#Tyler Jacobson#wayne reynolds#william o'connor#Gerald Brom#Brom#Kerem Beyit
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23 December 2017 - 03 January 2018
Beginning on 12:00am CST on Saturday, our roleplay will be taking a pause moving forward. This is both so that the roleplay as a whole can enjoy an alternative universe and so pressure is off during the holidays and we can all have a bunch of fun into the new year!
For those of you new to this idea, an alternative universe week is when you are able to break away from what your character might normally do and assume a different story for your character. Read below for more information! At the end of reading all of this, if there are any questions, please ask! What I think makes sense might not be what actually makes sense.
There will be a post at midnight on Saturday letting you know starters are free to be posted!
Also, to give everyone the same information, I’d love for people to write in and give a brief 1-2 sentence explanation of where their character is in the two open AUs. For example, “Tilden Toots has survived the war as a neutral observer, but his marriage to Daisy Hookum did not last the stress of the war and he now is a Radio Talk Show host living alone in the outskirts of London.”
There are three different ways to be involved in this AU week and a half. As a whole roleplay, there will be two scenarios you can post open starters to (this is your time for Happy Everyone Survives Time!) Then, you have the choice to post closed starters that you have planned with someone else. You can be involved in all three, two, or just one! The choice is yours. Read more below!
1. One group AU is starting in September of 1991. Harry Potter and the gang will be starting their first year of Hogwarts. Voldemort has been defeated as far as anyone knows. The night he went to murder the Potters, Lily and James’s intent to sacrifice themselves for Harry backfired on Voldemort same as it did in canon. After that moment, many of his followers were captured and sentenced to Azkaban. Where has your character been since that night? Was your character found at fault for following the Dark Lord? Did they manage to claim Imperius curse? Have they been living it up in some swanky job at the Ministry, or did the war ruin them? Is Hogwarts their new place of employment or do they have children attending? Endless possibilities! Come actually have happy future for once! (TL;DR: Everything is the same except Lily and James didn’t die, and yes, characters who may have died may still live, of course!) Please tag all starters with Thorns91.
2. The second group AU is starting in September 1980, only a month after the downfall of Voldemort. In this AU, a large fight broke out between the Death Eaters and the Order. Heavy losses were taken on both sides. The group sacrifice had a chain reaction and as Voldemort attacked, a bright light appeared and he was no longer there. The suddenness of it all meant the Oder was able to defeat the Death Eaters swiftly, shocking everyone. The world, both magical and muggle, is still rebuilding. Names of Voldemort’s followers are still coming to lights. Those who fought in the Order and on the Order’s side have received Order of Merlin awards, but not everyone feels like they deserved it. Heavy losses were taken on both sides and everyone still needs to heal. Both in the fright of the height of the war as well as the joy of Voldemort’s downfall, engagements and weddings have been popping up left and right as well as news of pregnancies and other exciting events. How will you celebrate the downfall of the Dark Lord? (Once again, characters who died may live, etc) Please tag all starters with Thorns80.
3. This is not a group AU. This is your opportunity to do whatever AU you want. The main rule is that all of these starters have to be closed. So, anything you do here needs to be discussed with another player and just between you and that player (or you and a couple of players if you want a three/four/five way thread.) In other words, should you want to play out Antonin Dolohov and Dolores Umbridge as leaders of the free world, the Antonin and Dolores players would have to decide this on their own and make a closed starter for it that only the two of them can write. With these, there are no limits to what you can make the AU. Mermaids, werewolves, high school, childhood, New York City, Broadway, drug lords, military, and anything else you can think of. All I ask is that starters are pre-planned and closed since you can post open starters for the two group AUs that still stick to the main verse. Feel free to do this plotting via IM, OOC, inbox, whatever you find easiest. I don’t mind the OOC flooding with “Does anyone want to do a Star Wars AU?” post and letting multiple people reply!
Alice Longbottom - After the war, Alice went to St. Mungo’s to train as a healer, which had always been her personal goal. She and Frank welcomed two more children to the family and spend their free time together at their family home.
Augustus Rookwood - He’s finally settled down, and Mr Skeeter-Rookwood couldn’t be any happier. After spending years watching from afar as Rita took the backseat in her own life, he was more than willing to let her chase her dreams (and her scoops) when she made her way back to him. Now, Rita works, and Augustus stays home with Astor while Gabriel is off at school after having retired young from his post in the Dept. of Ministries.
Andromeda Tonks - Now that Nymphadora is older, Andromeda has gone back to St Mungo’s and resumed her career as a healer. The years have been rough at times, but nothing has ever been more important to Andromeda than family, and family dinners have never been dull- not with the Blackinnon, Jily, and sometimes Skeetwood, families around.
Caradoc Dearborn - Caradoc found happiness. He works as a muggle vet and also lives in the forest in a cabin he built himself. He lives off the land and still protests for world peace. He’s also running a successful home company of brewing Rum. Gladys is back to be his long-term room mate now she has returned from her travels, as opposed to going back and forth as she had for the last several years.
Charity Burbage - After spending the past few years avoiding her parents and living a quiet life in a small muggle town, Charity seems to have finally found her place in the world. She is back at Hogwarts, the one place she truly felt at home, and is the brand new Professor of Muggle Studies. She couldn’t imagine anything better than getting to ramble on and on about her favorite topic: muggles. She seems to think that she brings a fresh take on them, especially after living among them for so long. Although, Charity does have issues with some of the children.
Gladys Gudgeon - Barely a year after the war was over, Gladys returned to Egypt. While there, she lived out her dream of being a curse breaker. She had her flings and fun, but nothing ever stuck. After a while, she began to feel unfulfilled. When her team returned from Egypt, she came back with them. She’s hoping to potentially apply as a teachers assistant at Hogwarts, but is currently back to being Caradoc’s full time roommate (whereas she was going back and forth between his place and Egypt) while she figures out her next step.
Glenda Chittock - Glenda is currently in a relationship with another woman and she is now a broadcast producer, still working for the WWN and hosts her own 1 hour programme every evening called The Witching Hour. Her siblings are now older, grown up, her younger sister Stella still lives with her- although now they live in a nicer area and larger house. She has also adopted two children from the magical orphanage as she discovered that she couldn’t have children after a curse in 1979.
Gwenog Jones - Although she remains unmarried, Gwen has two children by different fathers and the eldest is going off to Hogwarts. She is a renowned Quidditch star and is the front-runner to become the Harpies’ new Captain.
James Potter - It simply did not seem possible that Harry was old enough to go to Hogwarts this year, but James couldn’t be more excited. He’s been instilling the idea in all four of his children that they’re going to be Gryffindors when they go away to school, and he has dreams of them all playing quidditch someday, just like him. It’s gotten harder, being on the road and playing quidditch professionally with his children growing up, and Lily and James have begun to discuss his retirement from the sport within the next year.
Lily Potter - Still happily married to James, and the mother of four, Lily is still a whiz at Potions and keeping her skills from growing rusty, as she plans to take over for Slughorn in the next year or so. Life is never boring at the Potters’, though, and as she chases her children (aged 11, 9, 6, and 4) and Sirius, Ruby, and Scarlett around the house, there’s always joy and laughter. With Harry going off to Hogwarts this year to join Gabriel and Nymphadora, Lily is ready to tackle new adventures with James (as soon as he’s done being the Quidditch god she’s so proud of) and their ever growing brood.
Lucius Malfoy - The Malfoys got busy and now have five children. Lucius spends his time raising them with Narcissa but still makes sure he is caught up on politics with visits to the Ministry every other week.
Lucy Karoonda - Lucy and Benjy managed to get along well enough to a point where the two were able to give living under one roof a chance for the sake of their son. With Quidditch no longer in the picture, she has taken a position as editor of the Sports section of the Daily Prophet.
Marlene McKinnon - In a place where she never thought she’d be, Marlene is amazingly married to Sirius with their daughters, Scarlett and Ruby. While she never fulfilled her original dream of running the auror department, she works part time as an assistant to the Minister for Magic. Her knowledge of the muggle and magical world as well as the pureblooded world served the minister well. Once Ruby is in school, Marlene intends to take on the position full time and keep rising.
Narcissa Malfoy - After they managed to make it through the fall of the Dark Lord in one piece, Narcissa focused on rearing her children and supporting her husband. She enjoys a place in the upper echelons of pureblood society and frequently hosts balls and parties at Malfoy Manor.
Remus Lupin - Regardless of how hard he tries, Remus has been unable to get a job at the Ministry. Countless failures have left him feeling as though he is wasting his potential, sticking to the occasional odd job instead of fully applying himself to anything in the magical community.
Rita Skeeter - Rita is happily married to Augustus. She now runs The Daily Prophet and writes for a few muggle tabloids. She’s a working mum, leaving the now two boys at home. She’s also about to see her son off for his 3rd year.
Severus Snape - Ironically, Severus does end up at Hogwarts again. Now the Healer in charge of the Hospital wing channeling his own personal "saving people thing" into something much less stressful than war. With a long white apron and hair kept neatly back in a braid, he is a happier and more mellowed out version of his former self. Still, the children are all doxy egg-eating dunderheads and he is quick to tell them so.
Sirius Black - Marlene and Sirius are now married and living together with their daughters Scarlett and Ruby. She’s about to head off to Hogwarts. Sirius now works for the Auror office but also fixes motorcycles and cars in his spare time for his neighbours and town. He lives next door to Jily and their kids, he and James never being able to separate.
Ted Tonks - Ted landed a position on the Muggle-Worthy Excuse Committee and is quite proud of it. He hopes to save up enough for him and Andie to take a brief vacation while Nymphadora is at school.
Alice Longbottom - Alice and Frank somehow escaped the war - not completely unscathed or unharmed, but together and alive. Now that the Dark Lord is gone, they’re focusing on rebuilding their lives and pouring all their love into little Neville.
Andromeda Tonks - She’s a Healer at St Mungo’s, but lately, she’s been considering that it might be time to take a sabbatical and focus on raising her daughter, Nymphadora. Andromeda never wanted her child to feel unloved, and with everything that’s happened to their family, Andromeda wants Dora to know how cared for she is.
Augustus Rookwood - He’s been hard at work in the Dept of Mysteries practically since the moment he graduated, though he did take a little time out of his busy schedule to father a secret lovechild with Rita. She’s married, though, and he knows the story, so this is a fact that he’s kept to himself. Still, knowing that Rita, and his son Gabriel, are out there on the otherside of the world, the guilt of what he had done ate at him until he came clean. About 6 months earlier, Augustus went to Dumbledore to trade amnesty for information; he cleared his conscience, and along the way, gave the Order plenty of information on the Death Eaters. SInce he never took the mark, it was easier for Dumbledore to vouch for him, and now he’s in the clear.
Caradoc Dearborn - Caradoc was affected by the war. He found himself drawn in, fighting for his loved ones. Now, he’s lost and troubled, unsure on just what he was supposed to do. He currently has no job. His plans being put on hold since the war. He currently has no partner.
Charity Burbage - Charity had been working in the Misuse of Muggle Artefacts Office for the past 6 months, which is a job she hoped she would have loved. As it turns out, she dislikes it more and more each day and has seriously been contemplating quitting. This would most likely mean moving back in with her parents, which is something she would like to avoid at all costs.
Gladys Gudgeon - During the war, Gladys was in Egypt working as a cursebreaker. Although she knew someone was taking the information she learned back to the height of the war and using it against Voldemort, she was not in the loop and was not an integral part of the war. With the war over, she has returned home for a little while to check on her family.
Glenda Chittock - With the war freshly over, Glenda is working for the WWN. She had been a news correspondent, reporting from the front line, keeping the wizarding world informed on what was happening- especially with The Prophet being afraid to speak up. She also helped the Order, despite her siblings protests. With her gained independence, she won the rights of custody for her two younger siblings Stella and Matthew. She now lives with them in Battersea in a small flat.
Gwenog Jones - Gwen avoided getting embroiled in the war effort and instead joined the Holyhead Harpies as a Beater. With the defeat of Voldemort, she is looking forward to putting together a new life in a time of peace.
James Potter - Fathering a newborn is definitely not an easy job, but James is definitely glad to now be the only job that he has going on now. While the end of the war definitely came as a bit of a surprise, he can’t deny that it wasn’t a welcome one. Now, James is just excited to be able to raise his son in a world where he doesn’t have to worry about dark wizards, and spend time with his wife. Though, he can’t deny that Quidditch is starting to call his name once more.
Lily Potter - Mother to a newborn Harry, relieved is not a strong enough word to describe Lily’s feelings about the war’s end. She is happily married to James, and with their best friends next door, she finally feels like she can breathe again. If only she could get some sleep. Who would have known that babies were such hard work?
Lucius Malfoy - Having a newborn son left Lucius doing as was expected of him for the cause and nothing else to avoid getting his hands dirty since his family is more important. He retreated just before things got rough and nearly broke down when the Ministry took an interest in his involvement. Having been forced into it by his father left Luius able to give a convincing lie about having been acting under the imperious curse. With a son already in the picture it was made clear that he regretted anything he may have done under the curse.
Lucy Karoonda - A one night stand after a Quidditch victory against England left Lucy with an unexpected pregnancy that forced her into giving up her career. She has a gut feeling the baby's father is Benjy but has yet to get the nerve to mention the pregnancy.
Marlene McKinnon - For the next two years after graduation, she struggled with the war and her family. For the first time, she was able to be proud of her family when her father refused to financially support the war. The pride was short lived when they also refused to support the Order, claiming the entire war was foolish. During the final battle, Marlene admitted her feelings to Sirius after being separated since graduation. The excitement of surviving left them in a night together and, in the most cliche result Marlene could think of, left them pregnant. As she is just now finding out, Marlene has to decide what she wants the rest of her life to look like with no job and no promise of how Sirius will want to move forward.
Narcissa Malfoy - Narcissa Malfoy came through the war unscathed, with one baby and a second on the way. Her main priorities now are to keep her family safe and out of trouble.
Remus Lupin - Feelings of guilt have left Remus silent. He rarely speaks and has been trying to hand back his Order of Merlin award due to feeling unworthy of it. The damage done by the Order has left him realizing the monster inside him appeared without the full moon being present.
Rita Skeeter - Rita has come home for the first time since the birth of her son Gabriel in 1978 She previously moved to NY. Married into a wealthy publishing family. At the height of the war, being called back to see her family safe the pressure of her high profile marriage and the rules being thrust upon her drove her into Augustus’s arms- as a result Gabriel was conceived. She’s a trophy wife, her career on hold to supply children. She’s not happy.
Severus Snape - Severus Snape spied for the order for a few short but harrowing months. Now without the crushing guilt of Lily Potter's death, he does not feel beholden to Dumbledore and resists being forced into a teaching position at Hogwarts. Free to pursue his own interests, Severus has taken a Healing apprenticeship. He still makes a hobby of supplying his friends (the ones not in Azakaban) with potions he brews in his grotty London flat.
Sirius Black - With the war over, Sirius is currently in a predicament with Marlene. After splitting up after graduation and spending the past couple years fighting for survival- he now finds himself facing a brand new challenge. Admitting his feelings to Marlene which ended up with them sleeping together. They know have a baby on the way but he’s still trying to find his place in a world he truly thought was over for him. He doesn’t have a job, but the Ministry have offered to fast track him into the Auror programme.
Ted Tonks - An explosion the Death Eaters took credit for in muggle London took his brother Nolan's life and left his mother and Eli severely injured. Ted has closed off to everyone but his family and a select few, spending most of his time visiting his family in the hospital and doting on Nymphadora.
Questions asked and Answered:
Q. In the open AUs, is everything else the same? A. Yes, up until now, everything that has happened in the roleplay has still happened! Amycus still secretly stole everyone’s art work, the star gazing event happened, the Christmas parties... all of it. This is your chance to change the future - to live out that happily ever after your character might not’ve gotten! Perhaps they proposed during the war, afraid it was their last time to speak to their loved one? Maybe they ran and now are coming back a coward? It’s basically “canon” with a happier ending, if that makes sense. Not to say that your character can’t have suffered losses! They did just fight a war.
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Welcome to the family, LYNN! Your application to CHRISTOPHER WALKER was accepted. I am really happy to have you around! Make sure to read the beginners checklist, and remember, have fun! I can’t wait to roleplay with you! Have fun!
CHARACTER NAME: Christopher Robert Walker CHARACTER AGE & DATE OF BIRTH: 28, August 17th, 1991. OCCUPATION: Model FACE CLAIM: Austin Butler HOMETOWN & CITY WHERE LIVES NOW: Cleveland, Ohio & New York City, New York SEXUAL ORIENTATION & GENDER: Bisexual & Male RELATIONSHIP STATUS: Single. POSITIVE TRAITS: humorous, energetic, optimist. NEGATIVE TRAITS: materialistic, vain, trusting. CHARACTER QUOTE/LYRIC: When a person is in fashion, all they do is right ANYTHING ELSE?: not that I can think of! SECONDARY CHARACTER CHOICE: I’ll take almost any other oc to start with!
Christopher has always been used to his picture being taken. His mother used to joke that people just found him super photogenic, but it was the truth: for whatever reason, he didn’t often take a bad photo (though he promises, there are still enough awful ones that he feels the need to track down and burn) and maybe this is why the blond has his vain points, but it’s also what slowly seemed to put him on the track he’s on today.
Possibly a product of his vain tendency, the hyperawareness of his own appearance, Christopher did get into clothes and fashion fairly young. He often got mocked for it when he was a kid, so he didn’t often bring it up outside his family or friend group. However, he never let this fact take his interest away from him, and he would do his best to at least be aware of the latest trends of what he found fashionable.
By his senior year, as he made through the year with his solid C if he were being honest to B - at best average, Christopher knew what he wanted to do, and it was either heading to New York City or Los Angeles and try to break into the modeling word. Despite his parents telling him that it wasn’t going to be easy, and that it wasn’t too late to pick his grades up at try for a school where he could at least study fashion, Christopher had his heart set on what he wanted. So, not long after graduation, he packed up his stuff and set his sights on New York, determined and sure he could make it work.
When he got to New York, it wasn’t easy by a long shot. He found a cheap apartment with some random guy he probably shouldn’t totally have trusted, and set straight to work to get signed. It was only when he realized that the money he had shown up with wasn’t going to cover past two months rent and allow him to eat that he figured out working nights as a barback for money wouldn’t be a bad idea. He also found his too trusting nature to be his downfall when he fell for more than a few scams that nearly got him kicked out. But finally, by 22, Christopher finally got signed by a small but real model agency, and while he might not be walking New York Fashion week even now, 6 years later, he’s getting enough bookings to put him in a better apartment and, as long as we keep working weekend nights somewhere, eat maybe twice a day.
MR & MRS WALKER: Christopher has always loved his parents, though they have the usual parent/kid issues: they worry too much about him out there, they have the fear in the back of their minds that he’s going to fall in a trap of trusting the wrong people, and remind him that it’s not too late for a backup plan. He feels slightly smothered and isn’t totally sure they really believe he knows he’s doing what’s best, but he loves them nonetheless. JAYDEN, LUCAS, AND STELLA WALKER: He’s always felt like he could talk to his brothers and sister, and though he is the youngest of the family, he never once felt like they babied him. He calls at least one of them once a day, maybe two if their schedules work out. He keeps promising Stella he’ll visit her in LA once he has enough money, and that she always has the couch in his apartment when she’s out east. HANNAH WALKER: There’s not much to say for Hannah; Christopher truly likes her a lot, any interaction being good, and he believes she’s good for his brother. BRITTANY AND STEPHANIE: Understandably being family who live not too far, the Walkers and Pierce’s have always been fairly close enough, in the sense it’s easy to visit each other for Thanksgiving and there have been times their schools have played each other in games, and now and then Christopher has seen Brittany at games. He’s always liked both his cousins, and hopes that when he finally visits Stella, he can swing by his cousin Brittany’s to say hello.
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