#poi 10°
pgfone · 11 days
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Giornate di settembre molto strane.
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denkryn · 2 months
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6,741 - 5x04
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plague-of-insomnia · 5 months
Japanese word of the day: 二次創作
“Derivative work,” that is fan art/fic etc
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Not to be confused with 同人誌、どうじんし (doujinshi)
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twilightcunt · 3 months
I’ve been rewatching Person of Interest and I’ve finally reached that episode in season 3. I can’t believe they fucking kill her 😭😭😭😭😭 It’s been haunting my mind since halfway through season 2 and now I’m gonna have to see it all over again.
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evadingreallife · 3 months
I think i just got mansplained how discounts work by the drugstore guy. 0/10 would not recommend. Also maybe next time do not display promos that say they are already over ON THE SIGN and get upset when i ask you if it's still on sale. Just a thought.
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Cellulari be like:
Hai scoperto che si possono piegare a conchiglia -> tutti a conchiglia
Col telefono puoi anche farci le foto 😱 -> tutti col cell che fa le foto
Scoperta del touchscreen -> tutti touchscreen
Sto telefono fa così tante cose che dovremmo chiamarlo smartphone -> d'ora in poi si chiamano tutti smartphone
E se li facessimo più grandi? -> tutti col cell di 7 pollici
E se li facessimo più piccoli? -> tutti col cell di 4 pollici
E se li facessimo più grandi di nuovo? -> leggi sopra
E se mettessimo qualche fotocamera in più? -> gara a chi mette più fotocamere sul retro del telefono
E se facessimo il telefono che si piega ed è pure touchscreen? -> tutti col cell pieghevole
Ma quante volte si può piegare? -> pieghiamolo in due orizzontalmente, verticalmente, triplice piegatura by Huawei
Con tutti intendo i produttori di telefoni, non i clienti che li acquistano
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kqluckity · 1 year
qcellbit è impiegato del mese e spero vivamente che non siano tirchi alla federazione e gli paghino tutti gli straordinari e la tredicesima quattordicesima quindicesima (lavora quasi quanto walter bob, se le merita un paio di mensilità in più), che è padre di famiglia e ha un marito casalingo (ha tre lavori in nero ma questo non diciamolo alla finanza, i tempi sono duri per tutti) e un figlio da mantenere, e gli alimenti all'ex marito (che è più ricco di lui ma qui nessuno dichiara nientebcome è giusto che sia), e la tari e la tasi e l'elettricità e L'IMU CHE IL CASTELLO È SECONDA CASA costano più di un rene ogni volta, poi se gli devono portare anche l'acqua perché è palese che suddetto castello è in zona di campagna e ci sono anche tutte le spese per i permessi, l'acquedotto, la fognatura e la manutenzione... no no pover'uomo, meglio se non lo lascia il posto fisso, che poi magari deve anche versare i contributi per la pensione...
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aria0fgold · 2 months
Playing minecraft singleplayer isn't usually this fun but as a system it got really fun in a way where it also simultaneously fixes my horrendous sleep sched by being so lenient with the use of creative mode from time to time.
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affogonellamarmellata · 5 months
15 e 18 quanto fa???
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omarfor-orchestra · 3 months
Immaginate se un profe fosse partita dalla prima liceo. 5 stagioni di tortura
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freenklin-labby · 4 months
Tutti basiti ed esterrefatti dalle parole del Papa sulla presenza di gay nei seminari, come se quest'affermazione non venisse da uno degli organi più omofobi e repressivi nella storia del genere umano
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isagrimorie · 5 months
I just read a post about wanting shows to swing for the fences and to always subvert expectations.
And, you know fair! I also want shows to swing for the fences!
But reading 'subvert audience expectations' gave me such a knee-jerk flinch and horror flashbacks of all the shows since Game of Thrones that have done 'subvert your expectations' and liking maybe a handful, or less of all the times a show tried to 'subvert' my expectations.
(Game of Thrones is the prime example of Doing. Subvert Your Expectations. Wrong. Westworld is IMO, the second example. Nolan learned all the wrong lessons from Person of Interest and this is why, IMO-- Person of Interest is still way better than Westworld.
And then, for a time there were shows and movies playing the 'subvert your audience expectations game' and I remember hating it because they were doing it wrong).
I'm great with a show just being able to do a lot but also I'm hoping for a show to do both.
There's been some talk about not wanting world and universe-ending threats. All. The. Damned. Time. And, I partially agree with that.
On the other hand, that was almost always the season finale end for Buffy and I didn't mind it.
But, I think, that's because there was room for stand-alone stories along with the universe/world-ending plots.
And, in that space, epic, swing for the fences stories were made.
Also, I 've now binged 911 (first of all why did no one talk about how this show has a variety of stories that's not just the procedural elements. THERE ARE HEIST STORIES IN THIS? C'mon guys, more than hot people and ships, that's my jam. There's halloween episodes? THERE'S ORIGIN STORIES???? Angela Basset and Casey McCall of Sports Night??? Jennifer Love Hewit and Chimney Han???). Also as far as I've watched there's only 18 episodes, long enough for the kind of stand alone character centric, relationship building stories and time to breathe, and some pretty ridic arc stories-- which yeah its a standard procedural but there's also a lot of swing for the fences episodes.
Person of Interest LOOKS like a standard procedural but it's a trojan horse for a fantastic cyberpunk ASI vs ASI story with brilliant character developments and relationships.
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plague-of-insomnia · 2 years
Kuro First-Person Pronouns: Doll
Unlike English, Japanese has many first-person pronouns ( “I”). These often will give you information about the type of person the character is. Are they very feminine or masculine? Polite or brusque? Young or old? Are they higher or lower in the social hierarchy? How close, psychologically, are they to the listener?
It’s not uncommon for one person to use different pronouns in different situations, and that is sometimes the case in the manga, depending on the character.
These ofc get lost in translation and are something I find very interesting. So this series will go through some of the Black Butler characters and show you which pronoun(s) they tend to use in Japanese and what that says about them as a character.
[More about Japanese pronouns]
Doll - オレ
Used By: Men | Casual or Polite: Casual
[Also used by Bard]
Doll consistently uses オレ.
Doll’s gender is a bit confusing , especially once you move from the Japanese into a language like English that demands pronouns for a sentence to make sense.
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Although Doll is afab (as admitted to Ciel in the Circus Arc), Doll uses the first-person pronoun オレ (aka 俺), ore, which is the same one Bard does.
Here, Doll admits to Ciel that they’re a 「乙女」, or young girl (translated as “maid” in the official English), but even after continues using the same “masculine” pronoun (see below for example).
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Doll also uses オレ in the present, and the official English used “he” as a pronoun for Doll. (The Japanese doesn’t need a third-person pronoun, so aside from オレ, there’s no official gender marker for Doll.)
Now, as I discussed in Bard’s post, some women do use this pronoun, but it not clear why Doll does. Is it because Doll grew up surrounded by men and boys? Is it because Doll has “taken on” a male persona to fit in? Or does Doll identify as masculine?
I can’t answer those questions based solely on the source text. All I can say is that Doll tells Ciel that they’re a “maiden” and consistently uses オレ.
So is Doll an 「オレつ娘」, orekko, a woman who uses the ore pronoun? Unless Yana gives us more info about Doll, it’s impossible for me to say.
However, some more history about this pronoun. It originated from a second-person pronoun (“you”), おのれ (oh no re) before the Kamakura period (~1185-1332), and in the Edo period (~1600-1867) eventually became a first-person pronoun that was used by both men and women of various stations.
During the Meiji period (~1868-1912), woman stopped using it in standard dialect, but it retained a strong presence in regional rural dialects. It could be that Yana has Doll use オレ as a way to distinguish them as having a coarser, more “country” way of speaking, rather than directly indicating anything about Doll’s gender.
オレ is also associated with tough and aggressive women, especially in fiction, which could be another reason Yana elected to have Doll use it. In fact, girls who use this pronoun have an association in manga/anime of being tomboys, often can beat boys in a fight, and may dress in masculine clothing. That definitely seems to fit Doll while not in their circus getup.
Once again, it’s likely Yana took all these things into account while deciding which pronoun to use for Doll.
This is part of a series. More to come!
Sebastian | Our Ciel | Bard | Mey Rin | Finny | Lau | Grelle | Undertaker | Real Ciel | Blavat | Doll | Agni | Soma | Snake | Layla & Al
[X • X • X]
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coffeeworldsasaki · 2 years
Volevo vederlo perché chiunque faccia incazzare politici di destra è mio amico ma che mi piacesse la canzone non me lo aspettavo
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killiandestroy · 6 months
14 aprile e sto in spiaggia in costume da bagno mi sento in paradiso
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lottieurl · 2 years
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