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shelbyatwar · 2 months ago
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kmbgpoetry · 6 months ago
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| to be Blunt | KMBG |
4-12 September 2024
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vellichnora · 2 years ago
notes app poems are so...intimate? like there's no pressure to be good, no seeking validation. just little wisps of my emotions and observations among grocery lists. poems that are just for me. i love it
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mn-harper · 1 year ago
I didn't mean to, but
I smoked that night and saw you under the stars. I held your hand each time I took a hit, your fingers taking the place of cold plastic and glass. The smoke I greedily inhaled hit me square in the chest the way that first smile did, and I choked just as I did on those first few words, when doors opened to a November night and voices reached across space so small yet substantial.  -harper
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thatpoetrybloke · 9 months ago
Summer breeze
I’m sitting on the balcony
It’s early evening
A Thursday that could be a Friday
I’m trying a new chilled Rosé
An incense stick burning
In the perfect breeze
My Italian playlist softly playing in the background
Potentially entertaining my neighbours no doubt
And right here right now I’m good
Life simple pleasures that mother universe has bestowed on us all tonight
Take a beat Daniel, breathe softly like the breeze that caresses your skin
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robbyjuankanobi · 1 month ago
Break Away Like MJ
Written by: Robby Juan Ka Nobi
Whispers rise like smoke, thick with allegations,
Twisting truth and lies in tangled narrations.
A game is played but narrated different ways,
With allegations of collaboration between players and game officials.
The scorecards after four rounds read all different things,
Filtered through different narrations—one counting jabs, the other haymakers.
Allegations are a part of EVERYTHING,
From presidential selection to ego-tripping BITCHES
Bringing up mistakes of yesterday.
I can't get away from this finger-pointing narrator.
Yes, I ate her rear end like five years ago—get over it.
But he stays rent-free, making me feel ashamed of my every mistake,
And never even congratulates me when I succeed.
He reminds me all the time:
"I'm the best you will ever find."
"You need me."
Yeah, I need you...
Because what would I do if I didn't have you, my favorite demon to fight?
Hell, I might have a peaceful night.
I might stop being wrong and be right.
I might do what you said I never could.
Either way, I wouldn't have allegations launched my way
All day, every day,
By Mr. GottaHaveItMyWay.
It's time
Time to break away
Like MJ.
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thescribbleink · 5 months ago
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In Love W Beige 🤎🤎
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agirlinachevy · 1 year ago
it all goes on - april 10th 2022 at 23:37
the traffic lights change even if no one’s waiting for them there’s music on the radio even if no one’s tuning in it all goes on life goes on
-a girl in a chevy- april showers
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proseinthegarden · 1 year ago
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"he was light, he was love" - a poem by proseinthegarden
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shelbyatwar · 9 months ago
She is not mine, yet my biggest fear is losing her.
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kmbgpoetry · 4 months ago
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☆☆ in 1996, Bridget Jones lamented about the seduction of the informality of messaging mediums. clearly, we haven’t learnt much since ☆☆
| I Can’t Be Trusted to Text Appropriately | KMBG |
Are your words real 
if your tongue never forms them? Does it count 
if the air doesn’t vibrate with the thrill of it all? 
Of us. Of the game we’ve made of deceit.
Tell me there’s such a thing as platonic arousal.
Placate me. Sorry, what I meant was fuck you. 
I think you feel similarly about me, wishfully. 
I don’t think we know how to be. We’ve always lived 
and died on messy boundaries and still, every now
and then we splash paint around, leaving handprints in lieu 
of responsible lines. If God's a foreman, 
he's running out of tolerance for our claims of ignorance. 
Each time, our skin stains faster. We know better now, and less 
of each other. Are they my words now? 
Sure, it’ll only be a few years before 
one of us digs our fingernails in and begins 
to chip away at new cracks in that same ridiculous paint. Again. 
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shreayy · 7 months ago
It drives me crazy just how happy you make me did you know how incapable I was of creating anything happy? Before you came along, before you exploded my world with colors I never knew existed? Of course you didn't, and you never will, because I will never be brave enough to show you. As I think of this, I remember my self proclaimation of how I would never write of happiness As I glance across these scraps of words clobbered together somehow still painting what I want to exhibit I think, maybe, someday you will see what you create in other people Maybe someday I will let you see the impact you have made on me And maybe that someday will be years down the line when we barely talk anymore because maybe, I don't mean nearly as much to you As you mean to me.
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mn-harper · 1 year ago
you look at me like I hung the moon,
"I love you," The words hung between us; they took my breath away, and made me feel sick. I pretended not to hear you. I didn't know what to say, but I knew I couldn't say it back; I'm a coward. -harper
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afreenisnotapoet · 2 years ago
What did you do to the girl?
When do they let you grow up?
How many unblown candles turning
to wax does it take?
When do they stop telling
you to change the way you are?
or hiding your the clothes
they hate to see you wear?
when does it stop
the glares of a father
every time you step
out of the house?
when do the whispers stop?
when do the sirens stop blaring?
when does a mother
stop trying
to turn her
daughter into herself?
how many girlhoods
does it cost?
How many wasted barbie dolls
and how many
wasted make up kits
does it take for a mother
to realise that her
daughter hates her?
when do they laughing at you for
loving something they don’t?
when do they stop killing
the girl who loves pink?
how many teenage
dreams need to shatter
for a girl to finally be good enough?
how many girls need to die
to make a good daughter?
when does it stop,
the house not feeling like a home?
when does it end
the urge to run away from it all?
when does it stop
trying to be the daughter who will
never be good enough
the sister too small to fill up
the hand me down shoes?
when does she stop feeling
like she’s standing naked
in front of
a crowd that hates her every
time she wants to speak what’s
on her mind?
when will the world stop
putting her on a pedestal
to make the world out of her reach?
when will the silence end?
when will she grow up?
why won’t you let her grow up?
why won’t you stop holding her back
because you refuse to let go of what was?
where is the girl gone?
what did you do of the woman she was supposed to be?
where has she gone?
what did you do to her?
will she ever come back?
where is her grave?
is that what you wanted?
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thatpoetrybloke · 1 year ago
Through the shadow of the wind
I see you
Drifting slowly through the darkness
gently caressing every surface
Steadfast as you move
with no final destination
I’m in awe of your determination
You approach
A slight touch of coldness
runs through my body
And as brief or as long as it is
you have touched me
Always and forever
28.9.23 @thatpoetrybloke
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thescribbleink · 8 months ago
The agony of my unsaid words
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