#poems from a ghoul
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jasonthephilosopher · 3 days ago
Poem 01,
I regret letting you go, I dream of you still
No matter the circumstances, how much you wanted me and how much I wanted you I felt as though
You were a dream
Too beautiful, too radiant
Your laughter rang in my ears like wedding bells
And no matter how much I wanted you, needed you, loved you so deeply to the point of aching,
I knew that you were too good for me.
When I wake after you press a gentle kiss to my forehead in those dreams, I weep.
I'm sorry, I'm sure you understand.
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transbeamrooikat · 1 year ago
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cringetober day 7 - pinterest art base (here's the link if anyone wants to use it)
more Party and Ghoul fanart :DDDD
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malleus-s-bestie · 5 months ago
Somebody needs to write about PC kissing the ghouls on the cheek scenarios. PC who is just really physically affectionate but has been holding back from showing it cuz of the sudden curse and being in a new place but as she gets more used to Darkwick, she lets herself be more affectionate with her friends. The kissing on the cheek is platonic from pc's side tho. Like imagine PC kissing Kaito on the cheek as she is so grateful for him being there for her always. Kaito's reaction would be so funny. Like bro is gonna ascend . He is going to scream out of excitement and the entire Darkwick is going to know lol. PC kissing Haku's cheek after he walks her to the cathedral. Haku's flirting going to max but he is blushing internally. The angst of PC going in to kiss Rui but remembers that she will die,so she can't kiss Rui. Absolute chaos after PC gives a kiss to Lyca. The surprised reaction from Jin. Ren "ewww what was that" but wishing she would do it again. Taiga one would be hilarious. Like who are you ? What did you do to my cheek? Gun firing. She can't kiss Zenji but still does and Zenji starts composing poems on the spot even though he can't feel the kiss. This scenario is so fun
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justsomeoneintoomanyfandoms · 7 months ago
When They Know They're In Love ~ Hotarubi Edition
I will be doing the other houses and will link them here once they're posted (I only have Obscuary and Mortkranken left). I hope you like this and if you did, please feel free to send in requests for what you'd like to see.
Fandom: Tokyo Debunker
Characters: Subaru Kagami, Haku Kusanagi, Zenji Kotodama x gn! Reader
Frostheim | Vagastrom | Jabberwock | Sinostra | Hotarubi | Obscuary | Mortkranken
How do the characters know they're in love and what will they do when they realise?
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Subaru is going into absolute panic mode the moment he realises he has feelings for you. There’s no way this can be happening.
I think he would realise when he sees you interacting the Lyca or any of the ghouls from Obscuary.
Seeing you, a normal human, interacting so casually with ghouls even more dangerous than usual makes his heart flutter.
But I feel like Subaru struggles with self confidence so he would be convinced there’s no way you could like him back.
It would take him a long time to confess to you off his own back. Maybe Zenji, Haku, or Lyca can help the process along…
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Haku is a lot more open with his feelings than Subaru. He knows what he’s feeling and isn’t afraid to tell you.
I feel like it would almost be a love at first sight thing. He sees you and falls straight away but it takes him some time to realise the depth of his feelings.
He seems like the kind of person to give out compliments and flirt with a lot of people. Which completely backfires when he decides to court you properly.
There’s part of you that’s not sure whether he’s being genuine or not so he has to work extra hard to convince you that he does actually love you.
He’ll give you a lot more genuine and non-flirtatious compliments. If he’s going to make you fall for him as well, Haku knows he’s got to build something real.
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Zenji is such an interesting case because he absolutely knows he loves you but he doesn’t really know how to go about pursuing a relationship considering his condition.
I see him as someone who falls in love very easily but not in a bad way. He just sees the beauty in everything.
But when it comes to you and your appreciation (in his eyes at least) of art, and especially his art, it’s different. He really does love you with his whole heart.
He’ll definitely lay it on think, writing songs and poems for you and leaving love letters in your bag for you to find later.
No, all he can do is hope you can find it in you to love him back, even with the challenges in your path.
Hey, did you enjoy this? If you like my writing, please consider donating to my Ko-Fi page! This will allow me to make some money off my writing, something I enjoy doing.
Important Note: Please only donate if you are financially able to. If you are currently in a position where you can't donate, a like, comment or reblog will mean just as much.
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moronwithoutmo · 1 month ago
Phantom definitely has a huge ass crush on Aether when he’s first summoned. The kind of crush where you admire them so much that you feel like you shouldn’t even talk to them because they surely have more important things. Maybe phant sort of ends up avoiding directly addressing Aether for a while, scared to interrupt him when he’s talking or be presumptuous about their relationship as his replacement in the band.
Aether likes Phantom, the cute little quint is very unique and he feels close to him immediately because of their shared element. He understands Phantom’s avoidance as the newbie being intimidated by him so he makes a point to be extra relaxed around him, chatting more than usual, bringing up topics he thinks phant would like, but it doesn’t have the affect he thought it might. Bug seems tense whenever he shows familiarity, but he can scent the positive feelings on Phantom, so he hasn’t any idea in hell why the guy clams up with him around. It doesn’t deter him though, he just pulls back to find another angle of attack.
Dew points out in passing that the new quint ghoul has a fat crush on him and it hits him like a truck. Aether can’t wipe the goofy grin off his face for the whole day. His new mission is to court Phantom.
Phantom’s life for the next few weeks is chaotic. Aether went from his normal demeanor to distant for a few days, straight into showering him in attention. He’d come in to practice early only to find his guitar already tuned in the particular way he likes it, sticky note attached to the instrument with a lavender heart scribbled on it. He wakes up groggy and stumbles to the kitchen, drawing up short in the doorway, eyes bugging out as he watches Aether lumber around the room in boxers and an apron, cooking his favorite breakfast. Aether catches his eye and winks with a fangy grin. He finds himself sat at the table, steaming blackberry waffles set in front of him, and the big ghoul ruffles his bed head before kissing the same spot. The waffles are cold before he can move again.
Bouquets of withered roses in every nook, his favorite sweets left on his pillow, a fucking poem?? (It’s NOT good, but he loves it because Aether wrote it) Phantom’s heart can’t take much more of this and he endeavors to confront Aether about his behavior. It’s movie night, everyone is getting snacks and milling about, but Aether is already sitting on the couch. The little quint takes a deep breath and stomps over to stand in front of him, but can’t get a word out before Aether is smiling and dragging the lean man into his lap and nuzzling into his neck. Phantom heats immediately and whines up at the ceiling, but everyone is filing in and getting comfortable as they start the movie (romcom), so he doesn’t say anything yet again.
Phantom can’t focus on the movie because of feeling Aether’s body move with his breathing and the warm air that tickles his neck. The big quint tightens is arms around Phantom and nibbles his ear. Phant can’t take it anymore and mewls loudly, everyone glancing over at him. He scrambles out of Aether’s lap and bolts out of the room. He curls up in a corner near the bookshelf in the common area and soon enough Aether’s heavy footsteps follow him and the man kneels down in front of where he hides. He just smiles and plucks him out of the corner, gentle kiss pressed to phantom’s lips.
Aether tells him he loves him and he starts crying, bewildering the big ghoul. He begins to apologize but phant shakes his head and confesses everything he’s been feeling until now, big wet tears sliding down his face.
They make up for lost time with slow sweet sex while everyone finishes the movie.
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alasijia · 2 months ago
ft. subaru kagami, haku kusanagi, zenji kotodama
summary ; the hotarubi ghouls and lyrics from blue by yung kai.
notes : hi tkdb fandom i got roped up in this silly game and started writing for it. oops. sorry if they're ooc in any way, im still kinda new ... (ノД`)
"You'd be mine, would you mind if I took your hand tonight?
Know you're all that I want this life."
Subaru had never been one for physical affection. He'd feel far too guilty about having taken an nonconsensual glimpse into the other person's memories. Poor boy, really.
There's no difference in his reaction when your fingertips brush against his skin when you had picked up the sweet little treat Subaru had offered you from his hand. You barely even had any time to react before he started apologizing profusely, slipping on his gloves.
Subaru paused when he felt your hand on his skin again, images of your memories flashing through his head. He tried to pull away, only to find that your hand was wrapped tightly around his wrist. He looked up at you, an understandable look of confusion and surprise marring his pretty features. "I don't have anything to hide from you." Is all you say, with that sweet smile Subaru had fallen for. Your hand moves from his wrist, instead slipping your fingers between his own.
He finds himself unable to stop the pink dusting his cheeks, eyes wide.
You, however, took that as a negative reaction, pulling your hand away. But as soon as you did, his face fell almost imperceptibly, and he gently wrapped his hand around your own again.
Subaru thought it was greedy of him. He had everything already, fame, influence, the academy's trust, and so on. But he couldn't stop this feelings of wanting more.
No maybe not, because he would throw away all of those things if he could have you. You're the only thing he wants in this life.
"My love will always stay by you
It's stuck with you forever, so promise you won't let it go
I'll trust the universe will always bring me to you."
Haku has a playful and flirtatious aura about him that isn't lost to those he graces with his presence. It's simply in his nature – "a devilish charm," as Zenji puts it.
Him doing all these romantic gestures of giving you his umbrella or jacket, or walking you back to the cathedral after you've helped out in Hotarubi never really crossed your mind as, well, romantic. Though that seems rather silly now if you were to think about it.
But now you're wondering if this is all really just platonic when you find your hand on his chest, his heartbeat drumming against it steadily. It's faster than usual, you note. "Feel that? It's all yours, princess." He says in his usual playful, light-hearted tone. And for a second you want to reply with "Feel what? Your tit?" but the words die on your tongue as you catch sight of the distinctively soft gaze he has on you. The way he's looking at you doesn't match the tone he's saying those stupidly romantic words with, and you're not sure anymore whether you want to believe that this is all still purely platonic or that it's been romantic this whole time.
You don't say anything in response, but the way your body relaxes and you move to lean your head on his shoulder speaks volumes. Maybe you can't be together in this life, but the way he looks at you has you believing that Haku would find you in the next one, and the one after, and so on, no matter what it takes.
"I think I'll picture us, you with the waves
The ocean's colors on your face
I'll leave my heart with your air"
Beauty can be found in anything. Zenji, being the artistic and passionate man he is, couldn't agree more to this statement. He finds beauty in anything and everything, even the seashell you picked up by the shore. He even wrote a poem about it.
Having been so distracted by Zenji's singing, you accidentally dropped the seashell, the object getting washed away by the waves. Without thinking, you ran into the water to chase after it, the small waves crashing against your feet as you trudged deeper and deeper into the ocean.
At some point, Zenji must have noticed you were missing, judging from his exclamation of "My dear! Be careful!" coming from behind you that the whole beach could probably hear... if he wasn't a ghost. Either way, his voice was enough to stop you from going any further, now realizing that you were knee-deep in the water.
You take a few steps back, a sigh escaping your lips as you realize and accept that that seashell was good as gone.
What you didn't realize though, was the way Zenji was looking at you. The moonlight casted a soft, silver glow on your face, highlighting your features. Zenji always knew you were beautiful, but this moment in particular, he could almost feel his heart beating wildly in his chest as if he were alive again. He truly felt like he could ascend right at that moment.
You had your gaze fixed on the horizon in front of you, and was only broken out of your trance as you hear Zenji start to compose yet another ode, only this time, it was about the fair maiden in front of him.
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ink-flavored · 26 days ago
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Magnet Monday Week 79: Ghoul
read this to the ghost in your house, it will appreciate it probably
If you’re interested in being able to choose the topic of the next poem, make sure to vote in the weekly Magnet Monday polls! Or if you want a commission just like it, check out my pricing sheet!
Transcript under the cut!
[Ko-Fi] [Magnet Monday]
Magnet Monday Taglist (Check out my Google form to get added): @elegant-paper-collection​ @polyphonetic @qelizhus @livums @auroblaze @stardustanddaffodils @thelaughingstag @ceph-the-ghost-writer @auntdarth @damageinkorporated @srjacksin @alesseia @maxdamaz
Ghoul, why do you linger?
was your life not as full
as your dreams?
there's no epitaph
for a haunted heart
do you dance in eternity
or look with an icy eye
at the world you watch?
intimate from inside the home
you died in
a broken window and dark blue hands
discover fast what an ended life has to enjoy...
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jesterbells · 5 months ago
Tumblr New Word Dictionary
I love new words. So here's a list of recently created words and idioms I have learned through tumblr (not all of these terms were invented on tumblr but that's where I learned them--the citations specify whether the term was coined by a specific post, or cite a source for where I first heard the term even if that is not necessarily where the term originated):
blorbo: a fictional character you're a fan of. Coined by thelustiestargonianmaid.
"I'm so hungry I could get banned from facebook": coined by babyslime in response to a Wil Wheaton post
GORIMM: Gross Older Relation I Must Marry. Source: bethanydelleman
hlep: when a disabled person asks for a specific kind of help and "they do something that is not what you ask for but is what they think you should have asked for ... Sure, it looks like help; it kind of sounds like help too; and if it was adjusted just a little bit, it could be help. But it's not help. It's hlep." Source: giantkillerjack's therapist.
horse fantasy: something that is theoretically possible unicorn fantasy: something that is definitely (or almost definitely) impossible. Source: bemusedlybespectacled.
zomancy: soup divination. Source: cryptotheism.
UFOs: unfinished objects--"something that is unfinished but in hibernation," as distinct from WIPs. Source: knitting community and bylambd.
autoenshittification: turning cars into digital extraction machines to steal your data and money through digital infrastructure and microchips, and the endless repair nightmare of digital car systems and cybersecurity vulnerabilities. Source: mostlysignssomeportents
nude: "when your clothes are off." naked: "when you're clothes are off when you're up to something." nakey: "when you are an animal and your collar has been removed." Source.
sideways fan: following a fandom second-hand. Source: capricorn-0mnikorn.
spoken Garamond: "the over-emphasized voice people use to read poems." Source: Frances Klein's friend.
nongry/nungry: when you're starving but also don't want to eat any of the food in your kitchen. Coined by tathrin.
scrumbling: scrolling on tumblr. Coined by the mum of anti-terf-posts.
window shipping: "any shipping done without actually watching/reading the work in question." Coined by lurker-no-more.
friend John / a Friend John answer: "when someone asks a relatively reasonable question in context and the enquiree 1) speaks at length without answering the question, and 2) implies the enquirer has injured the enquiree by even asking such a thing how could you." Coined by sileana.
bitism: a new school of media criticism which asks the simple question: is the work committed to the bit? Coined by linecoveredinjellyfish
snors d'oeuvre: having a little nap on the sofa before taking onseself to bed for main sleep. Coined by SJKSalisbury (can't find the tumblr repost now).
socratic terror: "what every athenian felt when they went down to the agora in the 5th century and saw an old man with a beard approaching them." Coined by lesbianshepard.
introvirtuous: "when you're introverted but have taken on numerous leadership and outgoing roles in your life." "I'm here to help. But I'd rather not be." "Someone around here has to get things done. and unfortunately it's going to be me." Coined by soundslikerhetorical.
grundlous: "of or pertaining to grundle." Coined by IMLIZY.
concretes: specific aspects of a character that persist across interpretations. The essential, structural essence that makes a character recognizable as the same person. Rarely physical traits; subjective. Coined by Ladylark and kayanem.
skeletonin: "the happiness chemical released when you see a ghoul or perhaps a ghost." Coined by gwentrification.
broflakes: "the weak, fragile 'alpha' males who are so easily threatened by strong women." Source: rickladd (can't find the tumblr reblog atm).
the planet of hats: "the thing where a people only have one thing going for them, like 'everyone wears a silly hat.'" Source: Star Trek fandom & TV tropes, learned via homonculus-argument.
feelings yakuza: "those who turn their personal discomfort into a social evil and try to erase the target completely." Source: Japanese fandom via マロミチャン.
Ship of Thesaurus / Rogetism: "When a student copies an essay online instead of writing it and then painstakingly changes every word to a synonym until the text no longer makes any sense." Coined by trek-tracks and Chris Sadler respectively.
Flemming's law / vibe dysphoria: "the most toxic person you've ever met over-relates to woodland creatures on social media." Coined by Chris Flemming and canadianwheatpirates.
fight with a gorilla: "any secret or invisible struggle." Coined by punksandcannonballers.
squimbus from my polls: the poll version of blorbo except for obscure fan favorite characters. Coined by yardsards.
pebbling: "the act of sending your friends & family little videos and tweets and memes you find online, like how penguins bring back pebbles to their little penguin loved ones." Source: NurseKelsey (can't find the tumblr reblog atm).
serpentineabouts: roundabouts that aren't round. Coined by paulgadzikowski.
luft: air equivalent of wet. Coined by questbedhead.
getting the good bologna: "when you experience something of better quality and then you’re doomed to no longer be satisfied." Coined by the family of kelssiel.
hypofixation: "the kind of things that you've autisticly decided you Do Not Care About." Antonym of hyperfixation. Coined by animate-mush.
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anomaly-076 · 21 days ago
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The handwriting in which the note is written for some reason doesn't seem to match its envelope and contents:
'My beloved Y/N, as you may know, we have stepped into the most beautiful time of the year. The month of love! And as such it would be such a shame to not express the feelings you feel for your other fellow human or ghoul. And for that reason I am sending you this letter with the help of the oh, so kind Like Dove and Haku to ask you that you meet me under the most beautiful weeping cherry tree in the Hotarubi gardens at 1 o'clock past noon. Prepare to be charmed and courted to with the most eloquent and flowery poems from the greatest romance poet since Nakahara Chuuya. Sincerely, your faithful admirer, - Zenji Kotodama'
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The prettiest weeping cherry... That would be easy task to find, if it weren't for the fact that all the weeping cherry trees were so beautiful. Is the choice up to you then? Maybe if you're a bit too late, you'll be able to find Zenji under the one he meant?
As you're entering the Hotarubi grounds, you notice that it's not raining as hard as usually. A soft sound of melody played on biwa can be heard over the relaxing rushing of water and yet, Zenji is nowhere to be found.
You walk around until you find yourself under one weeping cherry tree that perfectly shields you from the rain and as you look around, you can fully see the whole expanse of the grounds. So maybe this tree is it?
A sudden feeling of someone walking towards you alerts your senses, but when you turn around there's nobody there. You're about to turn back when you notice the familiar head of Zenji's doll peaking up from behind the tree.
"Ah, my apologies for startling you, my dear. I've intended to approach you in much more evident manner. Oh, and please excuse my little brother; he's only curious about you as much as I am." Zenji appears in front of you and bows his head down in apology.
"I-it's okay..." you answer, unsure what to think about being third-wheeled by a doll.
"Then, shall I begin? Please, seat yourself as I've had a seat prepared here just for your likeness." Zenji pulls out a thick notebook - presumably filled with pieces for your ears only - and motions courtly to the ornate bench placed at the base of the weeping tree.
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casket-of-imps · 2 months ago
have an angsty cherri cola headcanon bc @cowboycatss sent me a little cat doodle that made my day and i hear they like to kick that guy <3
so after the fab four die, some killjoys make a shrine for them in the basement of the diner, and they put up little trinkets they had from the fab four (an old drawing party had done for someone, a rag kobra used to clean his bike, jet's trusty wrench, the shell of an old bomb ghoul made, etc.). and people don't own shit in the zones, but cherri's become like the defacto owner of the diner now, but it's turned into a kind of public place now. at first he thought it was a good idea, bc the fab four never got a burial and they were heroes that deserved to be remembered--and even if was painful to have such a blatant reminder of them, of his cowardice and failure, it was good for others to have a place to mourn.
but then, people start bringing in not things that had belonged to the fab four, but offerings and prayers. cherri watches the four friends he loved actively pass into legend, his old crew having their humanity traded for godhood. he knew party and jet and ghoul and kobra, and of course he wants people to remember them and know their story and their sacrifice but destroya he didn't know people would start worshiping them. and with every little too-personal relic someone manages to find and add (a journal of jet's secret poems, dogtags ghoul almost never took off, gloves with kobra's blood on them, poison's bad luck beads), the more it makes him want to throw up and tear down the altar--but then he'll see some young 'joy kneeling down with tears and wonder in their eyes, and he knows that he can't. they aren't his to know anymore--he gave up that privilege.
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gauloiseblue · 10 months ago
Gauloiseblue's Bookmarks
A/N: Since there's no bookmark system like they had in AO3, I decide to make one on this site. Will update the list from time to time.
[The True Me] by @i-am-hungry-24-7 Useless by @syoddeye Lazy Saturday Mornings by @clementine-thedestroyer Price and Beauty Mark by @ohmygraves Growing older with john price. by @obsessivelullabies Growing older with john price; smut. by @obsessivelullabies Ex-husband price, but the “ex” lays on significantly blurred lines now. by @captainfern Ex Husband!Price by @moongreenlight (A/N: you have NO idea what this fic had done to me) The boys all collectively realize that you are the captain’s favourite by @dante-mightdie weird HC by @theycalledhimastar
lavender skies by @yeyinde (A/N: Gaz girlie, please read this I'm begging-) I may love Kyle, but I can totally admit when he acts like a total weirdo (he doesn’t, he’s perfect). by @theycalledhimastar
Ex-Lover Konig with runaway reader by @diejager Dog Hybrid König by @comfortless Hades!Konig and Persephone!reader by @comfortless Aroura Borealis by @clementine-thedestroyer Underground Fighter!König X Rich!Reader by @melancholic-thing
Rugby player soap fucks you after a win by @vanderilnde Pushy ass cbf!johnny and benefit pay by @shotmrmiller Valentine Days with Soap by @killerpancakeburger cbf!johnny as the dog he is by @ghouljams
soulmate au with ghost but it's the fucking opposite of rainbows and sunshine by @bi-writes
Fancy (Vampire! Poly! 141 x Plus size! Fem! Reader) by @swordsandholly 141 80’s Arcade AU by @clementine-thedestroyer TF141 and "can I try your drink?" By @syoddeye (A/N: don't @ me) 141 when they need attention by @void-my-warranty TF141 when you gave him hickey when you're drunk by @gloomwitchwrites
The Arcana
Asra's Love by @bahrtofane Teen Asra and puppy love headcanons by @smoke-and-silver Trip adventures with Asra by @smoke-and-silver Arcana and Weddings (fanarts) by @bastart13
A/N: I put all of the Ghost Band stuff here bc I'm not officially into the fandom, but they're so irresistible to read hnggg
THEN // if (then) FINAL PART (Ghoap Comic) Roach's puppy eyes Korangi pt. 1 Korangi pt .2 Korangi (sus) pt. 3 Korangi (even more sus) pt. 4 Ghoap food pt. 1 👍👍 Self-care (Ghoap short comic) Capt Price having a cheeky wank (audio) Barry Sloane thirst trap (maybe) Bare chested Barry- Barry ugly ass poems (i'm horny) Barry Sloane seducing clip ASMR Barry talking ASMR Barry (Price) pt. 2 The band Ghost wildin' Ghost band shenanigan: part 1 The Ghouls + Rut Season (HC) Swiss meets red velvet ‘you’ve got to press it on you.’ (Ghost Band HC) Nameless Ghoul NSFW headcanons Swiss relationship and NSFW headcanons .... yeah I'm normal I swear St. Vincent *heart eyes* Miyazaki's Retirement Declarations (chronologically) Hayao Miyazaki's "Inspirational" Quotes The Hand
Web Weave | Poetry
not romantic not platonic but a secret third thing [what would happen between earth and the moon if the earth stopped spinning as illustrated by xkcd randall munroe] - Lyudmilla Ignatenko, the wife of deceased firefighter Vasily Ignatenko, Voices from Chernobyl, by Svetlana Alexeivich (transl. Keith Gessen) Robin Wood, “Psychoanalysis of Psycho” | Stoker (2013) dir. Park Chan-wook Stoker (2013) dir. Park Chan-wook and "The Lady of the House of Love" by Angela Carter This Is Me (Stoker 2013) Rice Paddies Home (What Is Home?) Whenever I see you, I remember AM I MAKING YOU FEEL SICK? // DEVOTION THAT EATS YOU ALIVE
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yuri-is-online · 9 months ago
I am surprised that the academy isn’t allowing the MC to have an artifact to protect herself. Could it be that the academy wants her to depend on ghouls or the ring so she can unlock more information about it? I think it’s wild, especially since we see Thomas having two artifacts, one being a weapon and the other the Skeleton Key.
So slight correction, Tohma does not have two artifacts, the skeleton key is something he says he got permission from the school to use for the mission Frostheim is on in Episode 1. It is not his, his artifact is his axe (which is so so sexy of him tbh I love me a man in melee range)
The bit about wanting MC to rely on the ghouls is probably true? But they aren't being hypocritical by not allowing her an artifact for self defense. I think her best bet for self defense would be to get one of those guns Romeo has in his stash. Or to start taking sword classes, I bet Zenji would go crazy if she took up kendo and write a bunch of poems about a flower blooming on the battlefield.
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My DDLC Headcanons
Pt. 1 Natsuki
Loves animation YouTubers
Draws fanart
Trying to get better at cooking
Has an older cousin she loves a lot
Didn’t realize her hair dye was permanent when she first dyed her hair
Only time she can watch horror is when Yuri is with her and it’s because Yuri will talk through most of it pointing out nuances and stuff
Tried writing fanfiction but she got frustrated with keeping the characters in character so now she just write about OC’s
Loves reading fanfiction but is very particular with taste (slow burn, 20-50 chapters, etc)
Started reading horror manga so she could talk to Yuri about the genre, but she still doesn’t want to read full novels
Favourite organization system is by colour
She loves pink (obviously) but also loves blues and purples
Her natural hair colour is a light brown
She loves sushi and seafood
Loves Laufey and Fiona Apple
Love language is acts of service and gift giving
She loves Monster High and her favourite of the movies is Why Do Ghouls Fall in Love
Sleeps with her hair down and wonders why her hair is tangled in the morning
Her best class is science but it’s because she’s good at memorizing so it helps with terms and facts
She lives really close to the school so she walks every morning (but will always accept a ride from a friend)
Struggles with acne but doesn’t really care
She watches twitch streams, mostly for games like Stardew Valley
She watches GameGrumps, loves the Ace Attorney series
Tries to write a poem everyday, but she struggles finding inspiration sometimes
She loves Pinterest and has a ton of boards for a multitude of things
In AP classes but doesn’t like telling people about it
Writes songs sometimes but will never share them
Loves cute pajama sets
Love Riot Grrrl music, along with J-Pop/K-Pop, acoustic guitar, and more
Awful immune system, she gets sick so easily
Can’t have a meal without watching something
She’s tried every ice cream shop in her city and keeps a tally of her favourites
She genuinely feels less safe around boys, and she feels better when she’s with girls
Doesn’t mind going to places by herself, she enjoys a mall/downtown day where she has her headphones and notes app to write poetry inspired by her surroundings
Makes her own pins for her favourite media (bottle cap method)
Very high metabolism
She sometimes wishes she had longer hair, but every time she lets it grow she hates how it feels on her neck so she cuts it again
Bruised very easily, like you could flick her and her whole arm would be purple
Very vivid and weird dreams, often wakes up like “what the heck was that????”
Prefers shoujo manga but doesn’t mind shounen
She writes most of her poems on paper, and if she really likes it she’ll type it up on her computer or phone
Always fidgets with necklaces when she wears them
Gets really frustrated with herself when she has feelings
Buys sketchbooks with the intention of improving her art skills but always ends up filling them with poetry and fanart (which is also great)
Really wants to be closer friends with the club members and made a list of things she could try to do
Loves makeup but she’s not confident in her own skills so she doesn’t wear much to school
Really into Percy Jackson
Her most used social app is discord because she talks to her online friends there
Fell victim to the “fell for her best friend” trope in middle school
Whenever she gets a crush, she convinces herself that the person would never like her
Stays up really late doing anything
Always always ALWAYS falls victim to the fake “X” in ads
Prints out her favourite album or book covers to make makeshift posters for her room
This is forever updating
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aquiescentmoon · 3 months ago
Wrath, a sin born in hell.
Rage of a crestfallen human.
A feral expression to a squall.
The mask of our suppressed fear,
Harping poisonous smear.
Wrath, the best friends of Pride and Envy.
Rudiment of grudge and heart’s peavy.
Aliment to kedge our vainglory.
The only boon, its ephemeral clutch,
Hatching us to a demonic apery.
Wrath, the battle where words are weapons,
Rearing our vengeance with gore.
Aftermath bestow us, a rueful eagre
To our soulful haven;
Heaping us, the impiety of Heaven.
Wrath, the self-injecting poison for
Renege of temporisers.
And giving a wistful smile
To those sycophants filled with bile,
Hushing us up, for a baneful exile.
Wrath, Oh! the soul’s woe for
Repugnant repudiation and remorse.
Alas! It never neglects evermore friends,
Tampering their memories and faith.
Hew them, they sprout as two gorse.
Wrath, the antipode of amity, which
Resents our benign soul.
An aumbry of crude impulse has
Trumped us up, like a ghoul.
However, a revival of innate zeal.
Wrath, the asperity teaches us,
Rekindling hope leads to dander.
A learning lesson from it, it’s you,
The trouble and the peace, it’s you,
Hitch and the solution, it’s you!
Wrath, the altruism‘s ending;
Revulsion’s inception.
Antidote to wrath is unconditional love.
The blistering karma has taught us,
Hate has four words, so does love.
‘Wrath’ is an Acrostic type of poem, in which the first letter of each line
spells out a word or a message. Every stanzas define, wrath in a unique way.
The below are the meaning of each stanza;
I. Wrath is a sin born in hell. It is the rage (extreme anger) of a crestfallen (disappointed) human. It is a feral (untamed) expression to a squall (storm). The mask of our suppressed fear, which harping (dwell/ think) us, as a poisonous smear(slander/ damage to reputation)
II. Wrath has two best friends, Pride (ego) and Envy (jealousy). It’s like when one sin gets turned on, automatically others join the party. It’s the rudiment (basis) of grudge and the heart’s peavy (lumberman’s sharp lever, to handle wood). Wrath acts an aliment (nourishment) to kedge (a small anchor, used as a support to pull a boat) our vainglory (excessive pride). The only boon (advantage) is its ephemeral (temporary) clutch on us and hatching (creating) us to perform a demonic apery (mimicry/imitation).
III. Wrath is the battle, where the words are used as weapons, making us to rear (breed) our vengeance (revenge) with gore (bloodshed). The aftermath of this battle bestow (give) us, a rueful (regretful) eagre (giant sea wave) to our soulful (emotional) haven (refuge; here means, our body) and heaping (piling) us with the impiety (sins) of Heaven.
IV. Wrath is the self-injecting poison for the renege (revoke one’s promise) of the temporisers (people who evade decisions to gain time or who beat around the bush). It makes us to give a wistful (vague) smile to those sycophants (people who tries to gain advantage over us) filled with bile (bitterness) and hushing us up (silently pushing us) for a baneful exile (harmful banishment; it means deserted mental torment which we feel inside our body, cause by wrath).
V. Wrath, the soul’s woe (suffering) for repugnant (unacceptable) repudiation (rejection from others) and remorse (deep guilt). And wrath never neglects evermore (eternal) friends, it tampers (interfere) their memories and faith. If you hew (cut) them, i.e. friends; they sprout as two gorse (thorny bush).
VI. Wrath is the antipode (opposite) of amity (friendship), which resents (envies/dislikes) our benign (kind) soul. Wrath is an aumbry (cupboard) of crude impulse (unrefined manner of action) which has trumped us up (falsely accused us) like a ghoul (a ghost). However, Wrath is a revival (refreshment) of innate zeal (inborn peace) of our body.
VII. Wrath, the asperity (the hate) teaches us, rekindling hope leads to dander (anger). A learning lesson from it,
It’s you, the trouble and the peace
It’s you, hitch (problem) and the solution
It’s you!
The above lines represents the wrath’s self-taught lesson, it’s us, who has to change, not the others!
VIII. Wrath is the altruism’s (selflessness) ending and revulsion’s (hatred) inception (beginning). The antidote (remedy) to Wrath is unconditional love. The blistering (flaming/fierce) karma has taught us, Hate has four words, so does Love!
Wrath, unleashes our animalistic senses, which we hide deep inside our soul. It’s innate, can’t be changed, but can be controlled.
Buddha says, ‘You will not be punished for your anger, you will be punished by your anger’.
Wrath wraps and weighs down our soul and makes us commit vengeance.
Expectation and hope from others, are the two main reason for wrath. So expect less from others and be more content with yourself.
Happiness is the key to peace; sadness is the key to sin!
This is my first poem I ever wrote, my friend said her colleague is searching people for an anthology they are working on, it was short on time for a short story (as I used to write cliche short stories) I thought a poem (the shortest version of a story) would be great, but was stuck on topic, so grabbed one of the sins, WRATH, created my way out of it. I wrote the summary for my bsf, as she said the words I used are new and complicated to understand (🚨 BEGINNERS MISTAKE 😔 of using every fancy words we see) Ig, I can't bury my past as it shaped me the poet that I am today.
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WRATH moodboard 🔥
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mangora · 10 months ago
I’m so tired here are some assorted Disventure Camp headcanons:
•Jake is really into poetry. Some of his poems are bangers, some of them are absolute dogshit. He posts some of them online, mostly the bad ones because he’s not self-aware of how bad they are. He will spend hours on end writing in his notes app. Guy is a big fan of sonnets and free verse but his strong suits are odes and villanelles
•Rosa María, James, Yul, Lake, Riya, Fiore, and Alec are all multilingual. Rosa speaks English and Spanish, James speaks Portuguese and English, Yul speaks Korean and English, Lake speaks German and English as well as some French, Riya speaks Hindi and English, Fiore speaks English and some Italian, and Alec speaks English as well as a variety of other languages (he did a minor in linguistics for his university degree so he knows the basics of multiple major languages).
•Hunter’s a competitive chess player. Ally’s the only person who’s ever beat him fair and square, but even then, that rarely happens
•Lake is great at baking. She’s incredibly exact when it comes to measurements, timing, and technique. Rosa, meanwhile, is a great cook and she doesn’t measure anything
•Aiden can play bass guitar. He started learning as a teenager because he wanted to join an emo band one day. Chase your dreams boy
•Yul used to have braces and he’s really embarrassed about it
•Gabby’s a forager, she loves to forage for wild fruit and mushrooms and greens
•Ellie’s kinda a ghoul in the kitchen. Like she can make good food and drinks but most of the time she’s so tired that she makes evil energy drink-instant coffee potions or like that pistachio & condensed milk concoction from Arthur
•In a better universe I think Ellie and Jake are frenemies instead of fully hating each other and they play Minecraft together and Ellie is constantly stealing Jake’s shit and trying to defeat the Ender Dragon meanwhile he screams every time he sees a Creeper and begs her to turn Keep Inventory on because he keeps dying
•Miriam gets a cat after the show. She’s an older white cat named Snowball and she has the same personality as her. They are best friends and Miriam is so annoyed by her. She made them matching sweaters. Snowball is only fully nice to Jake
•Fiore listens to Thrash Metal. It’s partially just to throw people off when they find out, she thinks it’s funny
•Fiore also enjoys those YouTube prank videos, she knows they’re fake they’re just so stupid that she finds them hilarious. Kristal gives her an iPad for a day one time for entertainment and it pisses the rest of the Magenta team off so bad because she keeps playing these prank videos and watching epic fail compilations at full volume
•Grett loves crocheting. She slowly turns into one of those people who crochets during lectures and while watching movies and shit
•James is really good at Tetris
•Ally is obsessed with Sci-Fi. She, Tess, and Hunter watch Star Trek, Doctor Who, and Star Wars together because they all love the worldbuilding so much. Tess writes fanfiction about almost everything they watch. Hunter has terrible media literacy and misses the themes every time but he has fun watching
•After All Stars, Riya gets really into tattoos. She gets matching ones with Connor
•People antagonize Tom with the cop slide video and every time he clenches his fist and goes, “Stop laughing at him.”
•Kai has a bunch of pet bugs. Maggy’s secretly afraid of them still but she’s getting there. She likes rollie pollies
•Karol used to do roller derby and Lill used to ice skate. Ggirlf,riends,,, I miss them chat. Where is my old woman yuri
•Aiden eats plain yogurt nothing on it and it’s the one thing James doesn’t like about him. Like it’s so upsetting to him. Why does he eat plain yogurt
•Ashley likes hyperpop, don’t tell anyone
•Tom likes crockpot food. He is not invited to potlucks for this reason. He will always bring the crockpot
•Alec doesn’t like splatter films but he really enjoys psychological horror, especially mockumentaries and mondo films
•Lake read creepypasta a lot as a kid and she wouldn’t go into the kitchen after dark because she was afraid of Jeff the Killer appearing at her fridge
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ink-flavored · 10 months ago
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Magnet Monday Week 42: Haunt
OhooOOoOOoOhOhOhoh spoOOoOOooky
If you’re interested in being able to choose the topic of the next poem, make sure to vote in the weekly Magnet Monday polls! Or if you want a commission just like it, check out my pricing sheet!
Transcript under the cut!
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Magnet Monday Taglist (Check out my Google form to get added): @elegant-paper-collection​ @polyphonetic @qelizhus @liv-is @maxdamax @auroblaze @stardustanddaffodils @thelaughingstag
haunt my body while you can
between living now
and darkness later
put your ghost in my bones
bring life to my last breath
a Ghoul welcome at the wake
I will never be at peace
where salt rots our union
and love dies
only your lingering soul
from a past belly deep
gives my Ghost
pleasure to lie in
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