#poe x zorii
afterthesequels · 1 year
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AfterTheSequels™ "Behind the Scenes" Podcast on YouTube - "The Lovers Chat" with our #BenSolo & #Rey - Episode on 7/22 @ 3 PM Pacific / 6 PM Eastern
Join us for an exclusive look at our film's main love story with our own BEN SOLO and REY --- Actors Daniel Davenport and Madeleine Norton --- as we dive into the importance of love in storytelling as a whole, in Star Wars, and the deep fascination we have with some of the franchise's lovers. We definitely will discuss the parallels of Ben and Rey to ANAKIN SKYWALKER and PADME AMIDALA --- you don't want to miss it! We will keep these discussions as spoiler-free of our movies' events as possible, but as revealed in our teaser trailer, Ben Solo is RESURRECTED! Alongside Dan and Maddie, we will also be joining by our very own POE DAMERON --- actor Tony Rescigno --- to talk about the complexities his character has had within stories that most folks never got to see, most specifically his 6-7 year love affair with the scoundrel/spice runner, ZORII BLISS. WARNING: This topic will contain SPOILERS about the CANON novel "Poe Dameron: Free Fall".
And we cannot forget the amazing story of "finding love amidst the tragedy" tale told in the trilogy of novels "Aftermath" of the later-in-life couple, WEDGE ANTILLES and NORRA WEXLEY. To dive into that relationship we are joined by our amazing stage and film actors: Charles Wilson and Donna Heffernan who bring these two characters to life for us. WARNING: This topic will contain SPOILERS about the CANON trilogy of novels "Aftermath".
And of course, Executive Producer/Writer/Director Maria Espino will be discussing that wild and crazy revelation that CAL KESTIS and MERRIN are in fact a couple! A Jedi and a Nightsister, together again. WARNING: This topic of the show will contain SPOILERS about the CANON video game "Jedi: Survivor", the sequel to the amazing "Jedi: Fallen Order" video game. As Maria is very much a part of the video game industry and owns The Last Prophecy Gaming, Inc. --- a video game development studio --- she has great insights!
And with finish off with a discussion around the lore of Star Wars by diving deeper into the views the Jedi and the Sith both had on love. Why was it so hard for these two groups to "just follow the rules"? ITS A LOVE FEST OVER HERE!!!!!! <3 <;3 <3 You don't want to miss it! Be sure to click on our logo below to visit our YouTube channel! Subscribe and set up notifications. You'll be notified as soon as we post a video or go live with our podcast and other series of goodies we're bringing to you.
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hoedamn-eron · 1 year
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You come to learn that Poe wasn't just for you.
Warnings: Slight AU, but not really. Cheating/infidelity (sorry that Poe is a f*ckboy in this). Angsty. No happy ending. Mentions of drinking games. Word count: 1,096 GN!Reader. Lightly based on Diane by Cam.
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I know it’s probably odd that I’m writing this to you, especially when you don’t know who I am. I’m a pilot on your husband’s squad. I’d admired your husband for a long time before we met; he’s an excellent pilot and was a credit to everyone around him. Including you. Believe me, I had no idea you existed, until yesterday, and I feel so awful about what I’m about to tell you.
I promise I didn't know he was your man. I would've noticed a gold wedding band, Zorii. He never claimed to be in a relationship, never mind being married. I was completely unaware of this when we started seeing each other, and I am truly sorry for any pain that I have caused you.
I’m sorry that I have to tell you this, but I'd rather you hate me than not understand. Poe approached me first, a few weeks after I joined Black Squadron. He was good looking and flirty, and I was naïve and looking through rose-tinted glasses, where the Poe Dameron was interested in me, a mere rookie pilot. He could have had anyone, but he wanted me. I was living this life in the Resistance, where I finally felt like I belonged somewhere, and Poe was so willing to help me in my journey.
I am not saying this to make excuses or to justify what I have done. I fell hard for your husband, and I want to make it clear that I never intended to hurt anyone with my relationship with him. I gave him my heart to break, now I know he broke yours first. I never imagined that I would find myself in a situation like this, being the affair partner. I was caught up in the excitement and emotions of a new relationship, and I did not take the time to ask the right questions or investigate Poe’s background.
I am not asking for your forgiveness, as I know that it will take time for you to come to terms with what’s happened. I just wanted to reach out to you and let you know the truth. I hope that in time, we can find a way to move forward and heal from this. You can blame me if it helps.
I want to let you know that I have chosen to end my relationship with your husband. I cannot continue to see someone who has lied to me, and who has caused so much pain, to me and you. I can’t believe I listened to the words that he said, promising me an incredible future and planning our life together, when he had you at home, probably worried sick whether he would be alive or not the next day. How could I be such a fool? All those nights that he's given to me, I wish that I could give them back to you.
I understand that you may have questions about us. I also understand if you do not want to see me at all, or even think about me ever again. Just know that I am so sorry. I truly, really am sorry.
You hold back tears as you place the signed off letter down on Poe’s bedside table before quickly making your way out of there before you lost your confidence. Zorii would see the letter before Poe. He was away on a mission, and you had it on good authority that Zorii was arriving at the base later that night, where she would intend to share this room, and share his bed, because she and Poe were married.
You wondered how Zorii would react to the letter. Would she be angry? Upset? Would she try to hunt you down and kill you on the spot? She doesn’t know who you are, you’d never met, unless someone tells her. Poe might tell her. Or he might deny the whole thing. You’re not sure. You thought you knew him, but obviously not. He lied to you, to her, and you had never felt so betrayed. You think back to the friends you made over the last year, some who chose not to tell you that Poe was married. You’d being seeing each other for nine months…did no-one think you deserved to know the truth? Or were they as clueless as you were?
You wanted to believe that they didn’t know, you really did.
Making your way back into your room, you continued with the packing that you had abandoned to deliver the letter. Your room just didn’t feel like your home anymore, and not because it was almost bare of your things. The memories you’d made here felt like a farce, fake, a part of a dream that your mind had made up.
You deserve better, which is why you made the decision to leave. You’d asked Leia for a transfer, and it was granted that morning. You were leaving first thing, your transport had already arrived to prepare for the journey. You were still going to work for the Resistance, just away from Poe, and the people around you. You needed a fresh start, to do some soul searching, and you couldn’t do that with Black Squadron around you.
Everything hurt. You thought you had found your people. But if this was how those on D’Qar were going to treat their teammates, then it wasn’t an environment you wanted to be in. You will ignore the ache in your chest when you thought of Snap and his bad dad jokes, of Jessika and her dramatic drinking games. You’d even miss C3PO.
You hate to admit it, but you were going to miss Poe. You were going to miss the good times you had, the dates, the late-night talks. He taught you all you knew, the intimate lessons in his X-Wing, the feeling of his hand in yours. Your breath hitches and you feel another wave of tears. Your heart felt heavy with the weight of regret, as you think about the mistakes you made and the things left unsaid. You wonder if things could have been different, if you had only been more aware, more present. Less trusting. Less foolish. Less gullible.
Not anymore. Things were changing, and you could feel it in the air. Something big was about to go down. And you won’t let a little heartbreak from your colleagues stop you from being the best you can be. You did not need anyone.
You would be okay. Far away from D’Qar, and far away from Poe Dameron.
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arysbruv · 11 months
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You’re his best friend, and he is yours, though both of you don’t want to admit that there is definitely more than platonic feelings there. On a mission with Poe, you meet his ex lover Zorii who he still seems to like…
Pairings: poe dameron x f!reader
Warnings and whatnots : Angst and unhappy ending. Miscommunication (?)
Part 2: Found
You had been friends with Poe for years. Ever since you’ve joined the Resistance, he had been there for you and helping you, even though you both didn’t work in the same unit.
You were a medic while he was well, a pilot.
Normally, they never let you and Poe on the same mission. You were the chaos duo, something dumb was bound to happen if the both of you were together. Yet, this time was different. Leia herself had come up to you, Poe, Rey and Finn and ask you to go on this mission. Usually, you weren’t invited but apparently the planet was dangerous and you needed to be there to make sure no one died.
“How’s it feel to be part of team huh?” Poe asks, smiling as he flies the ship. You roll your eyes. “Good, but your flying is horrid.”
He only laughs. The laugh that sends shivers down your spine when you hear. The laugh that made your cheeks flush red and your brain dizzy. It made you drunk and nauseous. Or maybe it was his flying, you weren’t sure.
It wasn’t long until you landed on the planet. You were adorned in loose cloths and garments with shawls that covered your face to hide your identity. You held your medical supplies in a small basket weaved out of wood.
“You look stunning.” Poe says, as he gives you his hand to help you down. He winks at you, giving you his signature smirk.
“You too, Dameron.”
“Oh get a room!” Finn says, as Rey laughs beside him. We take no notice of them.
We were supposed to head to town and gather intel. The town was dangerous and robberies happened a lot. Mugging, killings, fights, they were the usual in this area. On the way there you had seen pools and trails of blood all over the pavement. No wonder you were asked to come. Even Poe seemed uneasy though he didn’t want to show it.
Poe grabs your hand, holding it tight and closely as you walk. Your heart flutters at his touch.
The bar that we were supposed to gather intel at was in the heart of town and we quickly found it. We entered, taking a seat near our target. We were making good progress and by the end of the night, we managed to complete the mission. I smiled as I walk back to the ship with Poe, Rey and Finn walking in front us. Poe was still grabbing my hand tightly.
“I’m not scared! I’m just making sure that you don’t get lost or hurt!” He had said.
“What a gentleman. You care about me so much hm Dameron?”
“Of course I do, love.”
The walk was going good when suddenly Poe stopped.
“Zorii?” He says, looking at a woman adorn in purple armour with a purple mask. I stood still, looking at her curiously, wondering how Poe knew her. Rey and Finn also came to an abrupt stop.
“Poe?” The woman named Zorii says.
Poe lets go of my hand, leaving me feeling empty. He goes up to her and hugs her, though she pushes him away. Yet, her body language doesn’t make it seem like she hates it. I stare at their interaction.
“Zorii! I missed you, how have you been?” Poe says
“Since you left? Shit.”
“Oh come on now darling. I didn’t know you missed me that much.”
“I really don’t. You left us Poe, we needed manpower and you left us.”
“You know for a fact that it wouldn’t matter if I stayed or left.” Poe explains. “You can just admit you still like me Zorii.”
Still like him? This girl had a crush on Poe, and he knew? A part of your heart broke as you hear his words. He said it with so much joy, a wide grin spread across his face.
“If you want to go out sometime we can. We can always start back where we left off.” Poe says, winking at her.
You could hear the sound of your heart shattering like glass hit with a hammer. You purse your lips and you watched them. You watched how he talked, how he stood, how he looked. He gave her a look. The look. He gave her the look that you thought he only gave to you. The smirk that he always gave to you. The eyes that glimmered only for you. Yet, here they were, all given to someone else. You chastise yourself internally. Had you meant nothing? Had you been so stupid enough to think that he would actually love you?
He was Poe Dameron. Esteemed pilot. He was highly decorated.
You… You we’re just some lowly medic that he had taken pity on.
The interaction between Poe and Zorii finally wrapped up but you couldn’t look at him the same. The joy that radiated off of you when you walked and saw him was no longer there, grief and regret filling its place. You felt your stomach churn and your heart beat. You move up to walk with Rey who gives you a sympathetic look. Finn decides to walk with Poe.
~ The days after the mission was torturous. Everywhere you went you saw him. He still didn’t understand why you were being so distant and yet you couldn’t muster up the words. It didn’t matter. He was never yours, and you were never his.
You couldn’t stand to look at him. To see him. To talk to him. Every time you did, every time you were forced to, it felt like a stab to your already broken heart. It hurt, you wanted to vomit.
It had been a week after the mission and you still couldn’t deal with it. You couldn’t deal with the guilt, the fear, the grief. You had to leave. You couldn’t stay here. It was interfering with your work and you didn’t want others to suffer due to your inability to control your emotions.
“Leia, I want to be transferred back to my home planet. I will still work and help with finding antidotes and other stuff but I can’t stay here.”
You had been ashamed to tell her. To explain to her the situation yet she understood and let you leave. She didn’t need you there to mess up. That was your conclusion.
So you left. You packed up your things and left in the dead of night when everyone was sleeping. When Poe was sleeping. You couldn’t even say goodbye. ~ Poe woke up, and immediately tried to find you. It had been an odd week. You had been distant from him and he couldn’t take it anymore. He needed to know what happened.
Had something happened? Was something bothering you? He wanted to know so he could fix it. He wanted to be there for you and ensure you were okay. You were his girl, even if you weren’t official. He loved you, even though he couldn’t muster up the words to say it.
He searched everywhere yet he couldn’t find you. He searched the medbay, the cafeteria, the library. Everywhere, he even went to your room where he was surprised to see it cleaned out. Did you move rooms? He thinks to himself.
It was evening time when he heard the news. Rey and Finn had told him. He had freaked. He shouted, and made a scene. It was a good thing there were all in Poe’s room at the time. Poe was a wreck. He didn’t understand. Why would you leave? Why didn’t you tell him? Did he do something wrong? Did you hate him? Why wouldn’t you talk to him?
Finn and Rey tried their best to calm him down but they quickly left after realising he needed to be alone. Poe grabbed his comms and tried to call you. He messaged you, called you yet never answered. He waited and waited but no reply came from you.
Eventually he left to lay on his bed, thinking of you. He stares at his ceilings. He had loved you, and you had left him. He thought… He thought that he would tell you yet he never could. He was a flirt and could always pick people up, but not you. You were different. You made him nervous. Poe’s eyes welled up with tears as he thinks about you, he covers his face.
Why did you leave?
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emma23 · 2 months
A Galaxy Apart:
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Poe dameron x reader
The Resistance base was a hive of activity, with people rushing around to prepare for the next mission. You were busy organizing supplies when you heard a familiar voice.
"Hey, [Y/N]!"
You turned to see Poe Dameron, his usual bright smile lighting up his face. Your heart skipped a beat, but you quickly composed yourself.
"Poe," you greeted him with a nod. "What’s up?"
"Just checking in. You ready for the mission tomorrow?" he asked, leaning casually against a crate.
"Always," you replied, trying to keep your voice steady. "What about you?"
"Ready as I’ll ever be," he said, his grin widening. "Hey, I was thinking maybe we could grab a drink later, you know, to relax a bit before the big day."
You hesitated, your feelings for Poe making your heart ache. "Sure, sounds good."
"Great! I’ll see you later then," he said, giving you a playful salute before walking away.
As you watched him go, you couldn’t help but feel a pang of sadness. Poe was everything you admired—brave, kind, and endlessly charismatic. But you knew he didn’t see you the same way you saw him.
The next day, you and Poe were part of a team sent to infiltrate a First Order facility. The mission was dangerous, but you and Poe worked seamlessly together, covering each other’s backs.
As you navigated the labyrinthine corridors, Poe glanced at you. "You doing okay?"
"Yeah," you replied, keeping your voice steady. "Just focused."
He nodded, his expression serious. "Good. Stay close."
You fought your way through the facility, your heart pounding not just from the danger, but from being so close to Poe. When the mission was finally over and you were back on the ship, you felt a strange mix of relief and longing.
"You were amazing out there," Poe said, clapping you on the shoulder. "I couldn’t have done it without you."
"Thanks, Poe," you replied, your voice catching in your throat. "You were great too."
He flashed you a smile, and for a moment, you allowed yourself to believe that maybe, just maybe, he could feel the same way.
Over the following weeks, you and Poe grew even closer. You shared countless missions, late-night conversations, and moments of quiet camaraderie.
One evening, after a particularly grueling mission, you found yourselves alone in the common area. Poe handed you a cup of caf, his eyes filled with concern.
"You okay?" he asked, sitting beside you.
"Yeah, just tired," you replied, taking a sip. "It’s been a long day."
He nodded, his expression softening. "You know, you’re one of the strongest people I know. I don’t say it enough, but I really appreciate you."
Your heart soared at his words, but you quickly pushed the feeling down. "Thanks, Poe. That means a lot."
He smiled, and for a moment, you allowed yourself to get lost in his eyes. But reality quickly set in, reminding you of the painful truth—Poe cared about you, but not in the way you wished.
One night, after another successful mission, Poe invited you to join him for a drink in his quarters. You agreed, unable to resist the chance to spend more time with him.
As you sat together, talking and laughing, Poe’s expression suddenly turned serious.
"Hey, [Y/N], there’s something I need to tell you," he said, his voice hesitant.
Your heart pounded in your chest. "What is it, Poe?"
He took a deep breath. "I’ve been seeing someone. Her name is Zorii. I wanted you to hear it from me first."
The words hit you like a blaster shot. You forced a smile, trying to hide your pain. "That’s great, Poe. I’m happy for you."
He looked relieved. "Thanks, [Y/N]. I wasn’t sure how you’d take it."
"Why wouldn’t I be happy for you?" you said, your voice betraying none of your inner turmoil.
Poe reached out and squeezed your hand. "You’re the best, you know that?"
You nodded, fighting back tears. "Yeah, I know."
As Poe’s relationship with Zorii blossomed, you found it increasingly difficult to be around him. You threw yourself into your work, hoping the missions would distract you from the ache in your heart.
One evening, as you were working late in the hangar, Poe found you.
"Hey, [Y/N], you’ve been avoiding me," he said, his tone gentle but insistent.
You looked up, your heart heavy. "I’ve been busy."
He sighed, running a hand through his hair. "I miss you. We used to be so close."
"I’m still here, Poe," you said, your voice barely above a whisper.
He took a step closer, his eyes searching yours. "Are you? Because it feels like I’m losing you."
You took a deep breath, trying to hold back your emotions. "I’m just trying to give you space. You have Zorii now."
Poe’s expression softened. "But I still need you, [Y/N]. You’re my best friend."
The words were a dagger to your heart, but you nodded, forcing a smile. "I’m not going anywhere, Poe."
Despite your best efforts, the distance between you and Poe grew. You watched from the sidelines as his relationship with Zorii deepened, your heart breaking a little more each day.
One day, as you were preparing for a mission, Poe approached you, his expression troubled.
"Are we okay?" he asked, his voice laced with worry.
You forced a smile. "Of course we are, Poe."
He looked unconvinced. "It doesn’t feel that way."
You took a deep breath, trying to keep your composure. "I’m just… dealing with some stuff. It’s not you."
He nodded, though his eyes were filled with doubt. "If you ever need to talk, I’m here."
"Thanks, Poe," you said, your voice barely above a whisper. "I appreciate it."
During a particularly dangerous mission, you and Poe were separated from the rest of the team. As you fought to reunite, you were captured by the First Order.
In the cell, you sat together, the tension between you palpable.
"I’m sorry, [Y/N]," Poe said, his voice filled with regret. "I never meant to hurt you."
You looked at him, your heart heavy. "It’s not your fault, Poe. You can’t control how you feel."
He reached out and took your hand, his eyes filled with sadness. "I wish things were different."
You nodded, tears welling in your eyes. "Me too."
Thankfully, the Resistance launched a rescue mission, and you and Poe were freed. As you returned to the base, the bond between you was stronger than ever, but the pain of unrequited love still lingered.
One night, as you sat together in the common area, Poe turned to you, his expression serious.
"You’re one of the most important people in my life, [Y/N]," he said, his voice earnest. "I don’t want to lose you."
You smiled, though it didn’t reach your eyes. "You won’t, Poe. I promise."
He nodded, but you could see the worry in his eyes. "I hope so."
As time went on, you found a way to coexist with your feelings. You focused on your work, finding solace in the fight against the First Order.
One day, as you were working in the hangar, Poe approached you, a determined look on his face.
"I’ve been thinking," he said, his voice steady. "About us."
You looked at him, your heart racing. "What about us?"
He took a deep breath. "I don’t want to lose you, [Y/N]. You mean too much to me."
You nodded, tears welling in your eyes. "I care about you too, Poe. More than you know."
He reached out and took your hand, his eyes filled with sincerity. "Let’s figure this out together."
With time, you and Poe found a new sense of balance. Your friendship grew stronger, and you learned to navigate your feelings.
One evening, as you sat together watching the sunset, Poe turned to you, a soft smile on his face.
"I’m glad we’re okay," he said, his voice gentle.
"Me too," you replied, feeling a sense of peace.
He reached out and took your hand, his eyes filled with warmth. "No matter what happens, I’ll always be here for you."
You nodded, feeling a newfound sense of hope. "And I’ll always be here for you, Poe."
As the Resistance continued to fight against the First Order, you and Poe remained close. Your bond was unbreakable, and you found strength in each other.
One day, as you prepared for another mission, Poe turned to you, his expression filled with determination.
"We’ve been through a lot, [Y/N]," he said, his voice steady. "And I wouldn’t have it any other way."
You smiled, feeling a sense of pride. "Me neither, Poe. We make a pretty good team."
He nodded, a twinkle in his eye. "Yeah, we do."
As you embarked on another mission, you felt a sense of determination. The fight was far from over, but you knew you could face anything as long as you had Poe by your side.
The final battle against the First Order was intense. You and Poe were in the thick of it, fighting side by side. The sky was filled with the sounds of blaster fire and the roar of TIE fighters.
"Stay close!" Poe shouted over the noise, his eyes scanning the battlefield.
"I’m right behind you!" you replied, focusing on the task at hand.
As the battle raged on, you found yourselves cornered by a squad of stormtroopers. You fought fiercely, but their numbers were overwhelming. Just as things seemed hopeless, reinforcements arrived, and you managed to push through.
Panting and covered in sweat, you and Poe found a moment of respite behind a barricade.
"Are you okay?" he asked, his voice filled with concern.
"I’m fine," you replied, your heart pounding. "What about you?"
He nodded, his expression serious. "We need to keep moving. We’re almost there."
With renewed determination, you pushed forward, fighting your way through the chaos. Finally, you reached the heart of the First Order’s base and planted the explosives.
As you made your escape, the base erupted in a massive explosion. The ground shook beneath your feet, and you stumbled, but Poe caught you, pulling you to safety.
"We did it!" he shouted, his face lighting up with a triumphant smile.
"We did," you echoed, feeling a rush of relief and joy.
The battle was over, and the First Order was defeated. The galaxy was finally free, and the Resistance celebrated their hard-won victory.
As the celebrations continued, you and Poe found a quiet moment alone. The stars glittered overhead, and the sounds of laughter and music filled the air.
"We did it," Poe said softly, his eyes reflecting the starlight. "The galaxy is free."
"Yeah," you replied, feeling a sense of peace. "We did."
He turned to you, his expression filled with warmth. "I couldn’t have done it without you, [Y/N]. You’re incredible."
Your heart swelled with emotion. "And I couldn’t have done it without you, Poe. You’re my rock."
He reached out and took your hand, his touch sending a thrill through you. "No matter what happens, we’ll always have each other."
You nodded, tears of happiness in your eyes. "Always."
As you stood together under the stars, you knew that your journey with Poe was far from over. The galaxy was vast, and there were still many adventures to be had. But whatever the future held, you were ready to face it, as long as you had Poe by your side even if it was only as a friend.
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gooddaykate · 1 year
My Heart Seeks Yours
Poe Dameron x fem! reader
Summary: You and Poe were best friends. You confessed your feelings for him and he rejected you. After running away and spending years apart, you are reunited when he joins the Resistance.
Author's Note: Nothing, really... it's angsty. Actually I lied, there is one warning, and that's the fact that this may never be finished. So it may be an angsty cliffhanger forever, sorry. Also? Bless @its-the-darkest-timeline for liking my question of if this was even wanted- thanks bb
cross-posted on ao3
not my GIF
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Growing up on Yavin 4 with Poe Dameron had made you wild.
Running spice on Kajimi with Poe Dameron had made you reckless.
Working your way up to Colonel in the Resistance without Poe Dameron had made you disciplined. And you had done it all on your own. You had left Poe in the Thieves’ Quarter one night without a word and hadn’t looked back. If your heart yearned for someone you knew you couldn’t have, well, that was nobody’s business.
It had been years since you had seen or even heard about Poe. And frankly, that was fine by you.  It didn’t mean you thought about him any less, but one could dream.
Someone cleared their throat and broke you out of your  thoughts. You looked up from your datapad to see Lieutenant Connix. “Colonel, the General has requested an audience. There is a new squadron of recruits from the New Republic.”
“Pilots?” you asked her with a sigh.
Kaydel smirked back at you. “Pilots.”
The General looked up from the reports she was focused on when you entered high command.
“Oh, good, I’m glad you’re here. I’m sure the Lieutenant filled you in on the new squadron. I want you to take them under your wing. Particularly their leader. He is rash, but passionate. We could certainly use some passion.”
“Yes, General.”
She sent a soft  smile your way. “How many times do I have to tell you to call me Leia, dear?”
“One more time, ma’am.”
Her eyebrows raised, but she continued with another soft smile and a shake of her head. “The commander is a phenomenal pilot. I’ve heard he might even be better than you, Colonel.”
You huffed out a laugh, “We’ll see about that, ma’am.”
She hummed and reached out to pat your arm. “I’m sure you will. He’s the son of Shara Bey.”
Dread settled in your stomach. “Shara Bey? Really.” Your voice cracked in the middle of her name, but Leia didn’t mention it.
“Oh, yes. I’m sure you know she led the defense on Naboo and helped my brother with a Jedi errand before she retired. I think she actually settled on your home planet.”
“Ah, yes ma’am. Yavin 4. I knew Mrs. Dameron before… you know. We were neighbors. She’s who taught me to fly.”
Leia’s eyes lit up. “Then you know Poe already. Sometimes the galaxy feels much smaller than it is, doesn’t it?”
“It certainly can.” 
“Well, enjoy this little reunion.” With a wave of her hand, she dismissed you to the flight deck.
Faced with seeing the man who once knew you best, your mind was in a panic. The memories of the night you left had been on a constant loop since Leia had said he was here.
He had come into your room gushing about one of the other runners- the leader’s daughter. 
“She’s incredible. She really is. I think I could probably love her.”
Any time Poe would speak to you about Zorii, your stomach tied up in knots, and this time was no exception. You had come to terms that he might mean more to you than friends, but in that moment, you actually felt your heart break.
You plastered on your best smile, even though you knew he’d be able to see right through it.
“Good for you, bud. Do you know how she feels?”
His eyes were narrowed and he gave you a skeptical look. “I know she likes me.”
Your breath caught in your throat but you powered through. You gave his arm a light punch. “How could she not? You’re Poe kriffing Dameron!”
“What’s wrong?”
With your best noncommittal shrug, you got up from your bed that the two of you were sitting on. “Why would something be wrong, Poe?”
“I don’t know, why would something be wrong?”
You scoffed, but refused to turn around and met his eyes. “I don’t know what you’re getting at, Poe.”
Poe was quiet for a moment longer. It made you startle when he put his hand on your shoulder because you hadn’t heard him get up. “You can talk to me about whatever’s going on, Bug. I can help you with whatever it is.”
A sad smile crossed your face, and Poe’s eyes became concerned. “Not with this, bud. You can’t help with this.”
“Bug, come on. You’re worrying me. You know I can fix anything.”
“Well, don’t worry.” You shrugged his hand off your shoulder and still hadn’t met his eyes. “What makes you so sure I even want you to help, Poe? There’s a reason I haven’t told you about it.”
“I- We tell each other everything, though. Are you- are you in some sort of trouble? Is it Zeva?”
“Maker, alive. No, Poe, I am not in any sort of trouble with Zeva or anyone else. I just don’t want to talk about it.”
He ducked his head enough that you were forced to make eye contact with him. “Bug, I’m worried because I care. Please, just talk to me.”
“You care,” you scoffed back at him.
“Of course I care!” Poe was pleading with you, now, his dark eyes vulnerable.  “You’ve been my best friend since we were kids.”
He put his hands on your shoulders and dragged you forward so that he could rest his forehead on yours. He stood there quiet for a moment with his eyes closed. “You mean everything to me.”
“You’ll look at me differently, Poe. I know you will. And I never want that to happen,” you whispered back.
A single tear fell down your cheek as he pulled his face away from yours. “Talk to me, sweetheart. Nothing could ever come between the two of us.” He swiped the tear away with his thumb and said your name, your real name, with such tenderness that your resolve broke.
“You aren’t mine… but sometimes I pretend you wish you were. I pretend that you secretly want me, too. I regularly forget that it’s something I’ve made up, that you don’t want me. That you aren’t mine.”
“I don’t-”
“I’m in love with you, Poe,” you said plainly. “I have been since we were kids.” More tears were falling, now, and you were helpless to stop them. “Maker, why do you think I followed you to Kajimi? Do you really think I want to be here? That I want to be a criminal?”
Poe dropped his hands and took a step back. “But I thought-”
“But it’s never me. You never see me.”
“Bug, that’s not- I can’t just- I have to- because Zorii-”
He looked panicked, and you turned so you wouldn’t have to face him anymore.
When Poe still didn’t say anything, your shoulders fell even more. “I think maybe you should leave, Poe,” you whispered.
You heard him take a step forward, and you knew that if you turned around, he’d have a hand out reaching for you. “Can I-”
“Please go.”
“Bug, please.”
Poe’s voice sounded as tortured as you felt, but you just wanted to cry in peace. Maybe his rejection would feel less painful, then. “Poe, please leave.”
You heard his hand drop and he sighed. “Okay.” Your door opened and it was quiet again. “Promise me something?”
And because it was Poe asking, you couldn’t help but oblige. You turned your head so he knew you were listening.
“Promise me the next time I see you, we’ll talk about this. There are… things to say. Things you need to know.”
“Sure, Poe.”
“I’m going to hold you to that. You mean everything to me. That will never change.”
“Okay, Poe.”
The room was quiet for a moment longer and you could feel his eyes on the back of your neck. Only when he closed the door behind him did you collapse in on yourself. You curled yourself into a ball and cried for what felt like a lifetime. When you couldn’t cry anymore, you straightened yourself out and got to work packing the small amount of personal belongings you had brought with you from home. If you were gone come morning, there wouldn’t be anything to talk about.
With another cursory glance around the quarters you tried to pretend were home, you headed into the frigid Kajimi weather to catch a transport shuttle to anywhere.
On the third (or maybe fourth- you don’t remember, now) transport you hopped on to disperse any trail you left behind, you met Snap. He was on his way to reunite with his mother after having been separated from her for a number of years. You didn’t want to speak to anyone, but Snap didn’t care; he did all the talking anyway. He told you about his battle droid, Mister Bones. He told you about how his parents were taken from him, and how he was going to join the rebels with her. Then his voice fell to a hush and he asked if you’d like to come with him
Just like that, you had a new home and a new best friend.
You kept your head down, for the most part, but then you did something equally brave and stupid. You got noticed. You’d noticed an anomaly in a report. And when you looked into it, you noticed it again and again, going back for several months. The closer you looked, the more malicious it seemed.
As quietly as possible, you had requested an audience with the General. Even if it ended up being nothing, you didn’t want to trust anyone else with it.
When the General promoted you all the way to major, she explained it away with a shrug of her shoulders and a “that’s what ousting a First Order spy will get you”. When she promoted you to commander and then to colonel, she only had proud tears shining in her eyes. Leia wasn’t without her moments of mischief, though, and you had a sinking feeling that she’d already known at least some of your history with Shara Bey’s son.
You were just going to have to hope he didn’t recognize you- or better yet, not even remember you.
The flight deck was a mess of bodies when you finally willed yourself down there. Snap had inserted himself somewhere in the chaos- you could hear him, but not see him. When the resistance pilots noticed your presence, it was with immediate attention. You had earned your place and their respect, and they knew it.
There were only a few voices still heard, one of which you knew to be the man you still pined after, all these years later. They caught on to the quiet relatively quickly, and when Snap saw you, he beamed.
It was like time slowed down. He was turning and any moment, your eyes would meet for the first time in years. The building smile froze on his face and his helmet clattered to the floor as soon as he saw who was standing in front of him. The two of you just looked at each other, and you could see the anger settling in his features. The rest of the people on the flight deck were watching the two of you, waiting to see what would happen. You would never put it past him to make a scene, so you opted to address the deck before he could.
You gave the new pilots your name. “I am your colonel. I have earned that rank here, so you will address me as such. The General and I may see fit to disband your current squadron and place you as individuals on other teams. Captains Pava and Wexley are your current commanding officers. We need good pilots, that is irrefutably true. We also need good people. I hope each and every one of you finds your place here,” your eyes roamed the faces in front of you, and you purposely skipped over Poe. “If you need anything, the captains or I can answer any questions you may have, as well as Vice Admiral Holdo.”
“The colonel’s really not as much of a hard-ass as she sounds,” Snap piped up from his spot near the back of the group.
Despite yourself, Snap’s joke had the beginnings of a grin starting on your face. “Thank you for that addition, Captain Wexley.” With a small shake of your head, you straightened yourself back to your rank. “Your training starts at 0500 tomorrow morning. In the meantime, the captains will show you to your new bunks,” you nodded in farewell. “Until tomorrow, everyone. May the Force be with you.”
Again, you refused to meet Poe’s eyes. You’d made it most of the way down the corridor while he called out both your name and his nickname for you, and when you still didn’t stop for him, he yelled out, “Colonel!” Your body stopped and your heart clenched. But you could do this. You were a colonel in the resistance, for maker’s sake. You could face the man you… 
You turned toward him jogging to reach you. “How can I help you?”
Poe’s eyes were dark with emotion. “Really? That’s all you have to say to me? You owe me a conversation and you know it.”
“I’m a busy woman, so by all means, say what you need to say.”
“You left. You promised me- but then you just left. I was going to- You deserved to know. But you left me. I didn’t even know you were alive.”
“You could have asked Kes. I’m sure he knew. Our fathers never could keep secrets from each other.”
There were tears gathering in Poe’s eyes, and you made yourself look anywhere but at him so you wouldn’t give away your own heart.
“Why did you leave me behind, Bug?” he whispered.
“I didn’t belong there. We both knew that.”
“If you weren’t happy, you should have told me!” his voice rose in volume until it echoed around the deck. You took a step toward him with your hand raised, trying to get him to keep his tone lowered.
“Oh, yes, and we would have gone home and you would have resented me for taking away your adventure!” you hissed.
Poe’s eyes were sad when you looked back up at him. “I never would have resented you. You meant everything to me,” he shifted on his feet and looked down. “You still do.”
“Maybe so, but I couldn’t stay. And I’m not really sure you wanted me there, either, seeing as you had your budding romance.”
He scoffed and looked away from you, his jaw shifting. “Zorii had nothing to do with anything. If you’d’ve stayed, you would have known that.” He sighed your name and reached for you, like no time had passed between you. You let him hold your hand, his fingers tracing the lines of your palm. His voice was quiet when he spoke again. “Did you ever- did you think of me?”
Your body shuttered out a sob, not able to hold it in anymore, and he continued. “I thought of you- every moment of every day. I prayed to every god I knew of that you were safe. That you were alive. Maker, I died that day, knowing you’d left me. And that I was the reason you’d gone.” His eyes were misty when he looked up from where his fingers still traced your hand. “I’ve missed you. I missed you like my soul was ripped from my body. Like I’ve lost you in every single lifetime. And knowing it was because you didn’t know, because I had never thought to hope. It was torture, Bug.”
When he reached up to brush a tear from your face, another sob tore from you.
“Please,” you whispered. “Please just let me be. I wouldn’t survive a second time.”
Poe’s hand was still holding yours and his eyes were pleading with you to listen and understand him. “There is no pretending. I love you. I loved you then and I love you now. I will love you until I die, and if there is life after that, I will love you then, too.”
Your breath was coming out in short gasps, unable to find purchase in your lungs. Everything you’d ever desperately dreamed of hearing from him, all the hope you’d ever poured into the unrequited love for your best friend. But you couldn’t do this again. You had snuffed out the hope in yourself, and you wouldn’t let yourself be dragged back in.
So when he asked, with all the love you’d ever hoped to be returned to you shining in his eyes, “do you think you could ever love me again?”, you would never forget the pain, the heartbreak clear as day on his face as you responded. “Of course I could, and I hate myself for it."
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alwritey-aphrodite · 1 year
Memory Lane
Chapter 16 of You Are In Love
Series Masterlist | Main Masterlist
Pairing: modern!Poe Dameron x reader
Warnings: none :)
Word Count: 3k
Author’s Note: things should be coming out quicker now… hopefully. and shoutout to @zoriis for helping me with all my nonsense <3
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“You’re my best friend.”
You’re really not sure how to respond to that, and Poe’s sitting so close to you you’re not sure words would even come out. You can tell this is a big moment, can feel the weight of the words hanging in the air, but your brain can’t seem to connect with your mouth and you’re terrified of what Poe’s thinking of your silence.
“You kids ready for breakfast?” Kes pushes open the screen door, and a part of you marvels at how perfect his timing is. Gently, Poe plants his feet to stop the rocking motion of the swing, and the two of you get up and follow his father inside.
Kes is plating up the food, so you try to take in your surroundings as subtly as possible, twisting your head this way and that to try and see everything. The light is streaming through the large windows, throwing beams all around the kitchen. There’s a vase of flowers on the kitchen table and picture frames pushed against the wall of the countertop.
It’s cozy, and reminds you of Poe’s apartment with the splashes of color and pictures of everyone he loves displayed proudly. Even without the sunlight, the room, and really the whole house, feels and seems warm, as if it’s radiating comfort.
Breakfast is simple, fruit and eggs and toast, but it’s somehow the best meal you’ve ever eaten. There must just be something about home cooked food when it’s made by someone else that makes it so fantastic. Poe and Kes always make sure you’re included in their conversations, but you enjoy just sitting back and listening to them just the same.
You’d never been close with your family, even growing up there always seemed to be a layer of tension underneath any time you spent with them. It’s nice, almost reassuring, to see a parent-child dynamic where they both love and enjoy spending time with each other.
Still, they never make you feel like an outsider, and by the end of the meal your cheeks almost hurt from how much you’d been smiling. Despite that, Kes still shoos you away when you try to help clear the table and wash the dishes.
“You’re a guest, you’re on vacation, just relax,” he tells you with a smile, but you can tell he means it. Poe’s just like his father in that way, they’re both chivalrous to the bone.
After being shooed out of the kitchen, you and Poe head upstairs to get ready for the day. The two of you move around the room and bathroom as if it’s a rehearsed dance, the both of you melding seamlessly with each other.
Once, when you’re finishing your skincare at the sink, Poe passes behind you with a hand on the small of your back and you think for a second you might just pass out.
Other than that, though, it’s easy to get ready in the same space as Poe, even though you were a bit worried you’d started drooling when he came out of the bathroom with his t-shirt showing off a bit of his stomach.
When you’re both ready, he leads you downstairs and to the kitchen, where Kes is watching Lucky run around the yard through the windows, to let him know you’re heading out.
“Are you coming back for lunch?” He asks, turning his head away from the dog and his attempts to capture a squirrel. You look to Poe, because you have no idea what he’s planned.
“Probably not, I’ll let you know.”
With your goodbyes said and a brief intermission to give Lucky some head scratches when you walk past, you hop back into the passenger seat of Poe’s car, ready for him to take you wherever he wants to go. He already seems brighter, lighter than he is back home, as if the sunshine is infecting him, building up in his veins.
The windows are rolled down, sunlight and warm morning air flooding the car. You have no idea where Poe’s taking you, but you’ll happily ride along with him, wherever he wants to go. Even as you take in the landscape, you can’t help turning to glance at Poe every so often, as if to make sure he’s as perfect as you remember.
He drives through the mainly empty country roads, but there’s more cars and people wandering by when you get closer to the small town a few miles from Kes’s house. It’s not very crowded though, and Poe finds a parking spot relatively quickly.
“I figured we could just walk around, I could show you my favorite spots growing up?” He asks as he rolls up the windows, as if you would ever turn down a chance to explore Poe’s hometown, to learn more about him.
“That sounds great,” you tell him as you unbuckle your seatbelt, and his face breaks out in a smile that’s so beautiful you almost want to cry. You’d agree to anything he asks just to see him smile like that.
The two of you make your way out of the car, starting your stroll around the little town that Poe grew up in. As he points out different stores, like the grocery store he used to work at and the ice cream shop he promises to take you to after lunch, it’s almost like you can see the little Poes running around; baby Poe led by his parents to get a scoop of ice cream or high school Poe meeting his friends outside of the grocery store after his shift.
It doesn’t take long for the two of you to reach the edge of the little downtown area, but luckily there’s a little park for you and Poe to continue walking around.
“Are there gators in there?” You ask him, staring down the pond in the center of the park out of the corner of your eye.
“Probably,” Poe shrugs, unable to hold back his smile. You snack him lightly on the shoulder before leaving your hand to swing between the two of you, brushing up against his every so often.
Most of the walk is spent in silence, just enjoying being next to each other as birds chirp and the sun shines. Even though you’ve been here for less than a day, you can already tell that this is Poe’s place; it seems like he just comes to life in the warm, sunny weather, seems more relaxed when surrounded by the buildings of his childhood.
“You ready to grab lunch?” He asks when you finish your loop around the little park, and as much as you want to keep walking, you want to listen to more of Poe’s stories even more. It seems like there’s something around every corner that prompts an anecdote from him, and you want to hear every single one.
Poe leads the two of you out of the park and down the street, his hand brushing yours with every step he takes. Soon, he stops in front of an old brick building and ushers you inside as he holds the door open.
Inside, it’s a bustling diner with practically every table full. Poe greets the waitress by name and ducks his head when she replies, “Well look who’s all grown up!”. Your meal passes quickly, especially due to the speedy service and the not-so-secret wink the waitress shot to Poe when she took your orders, but you spend as much time as you can prying Poe from stories.
He tells you about coming here with his parents on Saturday mornings, and with his father on the first and last day of school all the way until he graduated. He told you about the time he knocked out his front teeth when he fell face-first off a tire swing and the time he accidentally ate a fistful of sand at the beach.
“My dad still has the pictures somewhere,” he tells you after he finishes with his story of breaking his arm jumping off a tree the very same summer he lost his teeth.
“Well I know what I’m looking for when we get back.” You revel in the laugh he lets out, your own grin creeping across your face.
You don’t stop smiling, even after you leave the diner and Poe walks you down to the ice cream shop you’d passed earlier. It seems as if your smile will never leave your face as you laugh at Poe attempting to lick the melting ice cream off his hand and wrist, even as you avoid falling drops from your own cone.
Being with Poe feels like being a kid again, when there were no real problems and you could stay out and stay up as late as you wanted to. He reminds you of summertime, of laughing until you think you’re just about to pass out, of that giddiness you felt leading up to your very first kiss with the boy in your science class.
That heedy, giddy feeling doesn’t leave you, even as you climb back into Poe’s car and head back to the Dameron family home. There isn’t a single thing that could bring you down right now, not even the slowly brewing anxiety of sharing a bed with Poe for another night or the resurfacing memory of his confession from earlier.
You’re on top of the world.
When you get back to the house, Lucky is there to greet you with happy barks and a tail wagging so quickly you’re almost convinced he’s going to fly away. Instead, he almost trips Poe going up the stairs and then runs off, skidding across the kitchen floor once you’re inside.
As much as you love the warmth and the ability to go outside without wearing a hundred layers, the air conditioning of the house is certainly welcome. Kes, however, is nowhere to be found, but Poe just shrugs it off, reasoning that he probably had to run out to the store or run some errand or another.
“You want something to drink?” Poe asks, opening the refrigerator and peering inside. “We’ve got actual lemonade.”
Poe’s something of a lemonade snob, and looks down on any variety that comes in a can or a packet, claiming that it doesn’t taste right and he’d rather drink battery acid. According to him, his dad is one of the only people who knows how to make real lemonade, with freshly squeezed lemons and everything.
“Sure,” you respond, even though he’s already pulling out the pitcher before he’d even finished asking his question. He hands you your glass, and on your first sip you can already tell nothing will ever taste as good again. Poe doesn’t say anything, but you can see the I told you so dancing in his eyes as he peers at you over the rim of his glass.
The two of you head outside, the glasses in your hands starting to sweat almost immediately after you step foot on the back porch. Poe makes his way to sit on the steps, but you need to pause for a moment and take it all in.
There’s a big backyard, with tons of open space and a small garden close to the house. The orange trees Poe always mentioned in the stories of his childhood are scattered throughout the property, and you could swear you’re able to see little Poe running around and climbing the short branches, jumping up on his little legs to pull down the fruit.
As you’re picturing his past, Poe is turning back to look at you, a question in his eyes. You just shake your head, trying to rid yourself of the image of a little curly head and chubby hands sticky with juice, and sit yourself next to Poe on the wooden steps.
The heat seems to be getting to everyone, even Lucky, who flops himself on the porch next to you, tongue hanging out of his mouth and the wagging of his tail slowing to a rhythmic wave. You and Poe sit in silence, though you don’t mind it much, giving you the opportunity to stare off into space and imagine what Poe was like as he grew up bathed in sunshine and surrounded by heat, the perfect sunny boy growing into the man sitting next to you.
“What I was trying to say earlier-“ Poe starts but is cut off by the sound of the back screen door opening and Kes stepping outside.
“Jesus, it’s hot out here,” the older man says as both you and Poe turn to look at him, “you kids want to head inside? I can get dinner started as soon as y’all want.”
You look to Poe, ready to follow his lead but desperate to know what he was going to say, but you find he’s looking towards you. After a few moments of silence, Poe finally answers his father, “We haven’t seen the sun in a couple’a months, we be gotta enjoy it while we can,” stretching his legs out of the shade offered by the porch and into the Florida sun.
It’s only a few minutes later that you and Poe are warm beyond comfort, so you heave yourself off the porch step and follow Poe back into the house, where you’re greeted by air conditioning once again. You find Kes already starting dinner and he shoos both you and Poe away when you offer to help, so you seat yourself at the counter and keep him company while he cooks.
There’s a pit of yearning in your chest as you watch the banter between Poe and Kes, the smiles and infectious laughter and the pure joy that radiates off of them. But there’s still something about them that makes you feel like you’re finally home.
Sitting in Kes’s kitchen with him and Poe, laughing and sipping on lemonade while the warm air blows in through the screen door makes you feel the same way you feel whenever you see Rose and Rey and Finn. If it was up to you, you’d live in this moment for the rest of your life.
The rest of the evening passes in a similar way, the warm breeze and cricket noises drifting in from the screen doors and laughter and pure joy and comfort flooding your veins as you move from the kitchen to the dining room to the living room. Some time after dinner, with reruns of some old sitcom playing on the TV even though none of you are really paying attention, you excuse yourself to take a shower because you still feel sweaty even in the air conditioning.
Even though you try to shower quickly, you end up spending almost a half an hour responding to texts from your friends back home while you do your skincare. When you finally make your way back downstairs, you can hear Kes and Poe in a heated conversation, but they stop abruptly when you step into the living room.
After another hour or so, the heat and excitement of the day finally starts getting to you, so you head up to bed. Even though you said you wouldn’t mind if Poe came in later if he wanted to have some time to catch up with his dad, he comes up to bed with you.
“Mind if I hop in the shower?” Poe asks as you pull the covers back and slip into bed.
“Of course not,” you respond, and your heart almost gives out at how unbelievably sweet he is. You’ve only just settled in with your phone, scrolling through social media, when Poe comes in, curls mused and shirtless and you almost have a heart attack at how unbelievably beautiful he is.
He shuts off the lights before slipping into bed next to you, and you need to resist the urge to curl into him and rest your head on his chest. He smells clean, with an undercurrent of something warm and a little bit like oranges, as if the air from outside is still clinging to him, hours later.
Instead of curling into him, though, you shut off your phone and lay down on your back, staring up at the ceiling when you hear Poe clear his throat and make a choked-off sort of noise, like he was trying to say something but couldn’t.
“Earlier, this morning, on the porch,” he pauses and you turn to lay on your side facing him, “before my dad came out… I was trying to tell you something.”
“Mhm,” you settle for a vague noise of agreement because you’re sure that if you tried to speak, no words would come out.
“Well, I said you’re my best friend, and it’s true, I promise, but what I meant to tell you…” he stops, words caught in his throat and your heart is beating so unbelievably fast you’re almost convinced it’s going to burst through your rib cage.
“I know what you meant.”
“I don’t think you do.”
“No, really Poe,” you prop yourself up on your arm so you’re face to face and you can almost make out his gorgeous nose and long lashes, “I promise.”
The words hang thick in the air, and even though neither of you really said much of anything, you both know what the other is trying to say. Sometimes words just aren’t enough. Poe lets out a stuttering breath, one that fans across your face and sounds like pure relief.
“Really?” His voice is quiet, soft and awed in ways you’ve never heard from him before. You nod before you realize he can’t see you in the darkness of the room, so you respond, “Really.”
Now is the perfect time, you think, as you lean forward in an attempt to kiss him, before you realize it’s much too dark and you can only vaguely make out the outline of Poe’s face and you end up planting a soft kiss to the corner of his mouth that you feel turn upwards immediately after.
You’d normally feel embarrassed, but that crushing pressure of anxiety isn’t present in the pit of your stomach because you feel like you're floating, you’re soaring and nothing could ever bring you down.
Neither of you say another word, instead sliding underneath the covers and maneuvering yourselves around each other until you're comfortable, neither of you worrying if this is the right thing to do. It’s as if the stars have aligned and everything finally makes sense.
Tags: @zoriis @andr0medafallen @dailyreverie @stevenngrant @aellynera @creatively-analytical @tiquinntheghost @luckynachos @fallinallinmendes @sabxism @ghostsongwriter-22 @poopirate @loonymagizoologist @stvnnie @campingwiththecharmings @outmodead @welcometostayingawake
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leresq · 11 months
Rewatching the Sequels; some notes
The sequels do a good job of showing how brutal the First Order is in a way the original trilogy never showed. These are supposed to be space not-sees and the sequels were the first to display their cruelty
Watch the Stormtrooper Paradox on YouTube, it explains my shared gripe of the idea that First Order stormtroopers are child soldiers being brushed off.
Kylo Ren is cool idgaf what anyone says. Phasma is cool. Hux is cool. Pryce is cool. The Praetorian Guard are cool. If you disregard everything else about Snoke he's cool. Btw they wasted Smoke, it would have taken one writers' meeting to come up with something better.
I didn't like how the Mandalorian just took Baby Yoda out of the plot line I thought wrapped everything up nicely but now I realise if Baby Yoda stayed with Luke then the implication is Ren killed him so nvm :)
Dave Filoni's work is really helping bridge the gap between the original and sequel trilogies
The battle of Crait although just a rehash of Empire Strikes Back is too cool to discount
The fact that Poe, Finn, and Rose's plan was the reason nearly half of the transports heading to Crait were destroyed was really interesting. If they hadn't separated they wouldn't have met DJ, and DJ wouldn't have told the First Order the plan. I wish they'd have given some guilt to the characters tho.
Holdo's sacrifice is super cool but I'm not sure about the scientifics of it all.
Being in the way of that battering ram should have given Finn some nasty burns at the very least, it was melting through metal.
Are Force projections mental or visual?? Because Ben and Rey could see each other but I don't think Luke saw Ben in the hut, which means it would have to be mental. Also C3PO saw the projection..? Palpatine had to be connecting Rey and Ben, not Snoke. If someone as powerful as Luke died by projecting himself, then there's no way Snoke would have had the power to connect two entirely different people.
Kylo Ren should have seen that the projection was fake because Luke has his lightsaber, which he snapped in half just thirty minutes ago. It could be miswritten, but I see it as Ren being so enraged that he didn't notice.
I wish they wouldn't have killed Luke, but I thought they did it right. I cried rewatching it, and I've seen the movie three times before this.
"Snoke trained you well." "I killed Snoke. I'll kill you." "You killed Snoke? Damn that's a shame, well good thing I got a jar of them right here!"
I don't mind force healing and blaster freezing, I just wish they'd tuck it into the story more neatly.
They did Rose dirty in ROS
I know Jakku already existed in legends, but Pasaana could have easily been Jakku or Tattooine.
Was the C3PO disrespect supposed to be funny? It wasn't.
Zorii should have died, her surviving literally served no purpose to the story, in fact he death would have served it better.
Domhnall Gleeson's acting is some of the best I've seen in Star Wars.
Rey Palpatine is stupid. It would have been nicer if Rey was just a nobody who became special because of her actions and determination, not bloodline.
Kylo Ren being stabbed by Rey and surviving actually makes sense because I can imagine the wound would be cauterised long enough for Rey to heal it
I think it would have been a satisfactory end if Rey and Ben Solo died
Some people are Finn x Rey, some people are Finn x Rose, we all know the truth is Finn x Poe
It's a shame Daisy Ridley's career hasn't had much luck, she's a good actor.
Rey should have said "Just Rey" in response to the old woman. She's taking agency of her own identity and not letting it be based off what other people tell her. She's not a Solo, she's not a Skywalker, she's not a Palpatine, she's her own person now.
The sequels just seem like they would have been better written by someone on AO3. They're not abysmally terrible, it's just hard to look past their shortcomings. The music, acting, and animation are the best parts.
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dameronalone · 2 years
Fic writer meme: 4!
4. How many fic ideas are you nurturing right now? Care to share one of them?
HOO anon just straight for the throat huh? how much time do you have bc I have several
i have a emotional hurt/comfort UST poe dameron x oc concept I've been meaning to write (the oc is @zoriis )
ive got a valentines day poe dameron x oc smut special (MY oc this time)
ive got a reader x santiago garcia fic I'm trying to write which is dedicated to @dameronscopilot which is mostly smut again.
i have. I'm actually working on a post canon percabeth fic as of today
so thats actually. four fics off the top of my head. not counting some other fics on the back burner that I'm working on veryyyyy slowly as well as a few original wips
fanfic writer ask game
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kittyofalltrades · 2 years
kitty pls talk to me about your thots on poe's kinks
This sent me into orbit! I am about to air this man OUT!
Mask Kink/Helmet Kink. We've seen Zorii Bliss, you know good and damn when they've fucked and he's insisted the helmet stays on. Zorii suspected that it was because he could see his reflection, but it was more the thrill of fucking someone "unknown".
The man is double belted into his pants because he can't keep it in his pants. So yes, public/semi-public. Being on a Resistance base doesn't lend to a lot of privacy, so he takes what he can get, whether it's bending you over in a dark corner of the hangar or pulling you into a supply closet.
Phone/comms sex is his thing, too. Commander away on long missions he's going to get lonely and why should he be lonely when he can just give you a quick call from the cockpit of his X-wing? It's been so bad that you had to stash wipes in his cockpit for clean up.
Praise kink meet the hero of the Resistance, he lives and breathes praise. The husky whisper of Good Boy in his ear is enough to put that hidden corner of the hangar to use while he teases the words from you again and again until you cum.
You've seen his hair. You think he keeps it that length because he is unkept or lazy? Have you seen his X-wing and his Droid? The man keeps it that length because he likes it pulled. Just a quick tug no matter when is an instant on switch for him. More than once have you given those beautiful brown locks a tug to get out of an early morning meeting.
Poe sweet sweet Poe is a switch, meaning dom at times sub at others. After a bad day, Poe just wants to be held and taken care of. He lets you decide for him, whether that's gagging him while you fuck him or stroking his hair while you cuddle him.
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afterthesequels · 1 year
We discuss two (of many) love stories that will be featured in our fan film trilogy, aside from Ben and Rey's love story! Wedge Antilles was a fan favorite from the original trilogy... an ace pilot devoted to the cause of the Rebel Alliance. A dear friend of Leia, Han, and Luke, he served as a "mirror" for those three legacy characters to look at themselves with. Well, in the canon novel "Aftermath" --- which is a trilogy of books written by Charles Soule --- Wedge takes center stage and his character is developed even further and given a deep rich story to tell that involves another ace pilot and Rebel Alliance officer, Norra Wexley.
Norra had a family of her own, long before her interest in Wedge grew into a romantic liaison, that produced a son named Temmin "Snap" Wexley. When her husband was taken as a prisoner, she decided she couldn't just leave it up authorities to find him, she took matter into her own hands. Leaving a young Temmin with his sister and her sister's wife on her home planet of Akiva.
Along the way, Brentin Wexley unfortunately dies, and through the years Wedge and Norra grow closer and their relationship changes. And we see them twenty years after those events in the timeline of our post-sequel films. They are the "old guard" as Wedge's actor in our films, Charles Wilson, states and they were both incredibly close to Han and Leia. They represent them in a world where they cannot really be there in the way they want to be.
On the other side of the house, we follow the story of the canon book, "Poe Dameron: Free Fall" to discover that his teenage love is a torch that he's carried for decades. And when we see him in Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker say, "I had a little thing in Kijimi!" --- he means her not just the "adventures" of being a Spice Runner. The young teenage girl that stole his heart, and broke it when in his mind she left him, is the one that greets him with a blaster to his head at Monk's Gate when he lands on that planet.
From Zorii's point of view, Poe left her. Zorii was born as the sole heir to this underground "empire" that her mother Zeva Bliss had built and ran for as long as she had been alive. Zorii had no choice of her own in the matter; she was instantly a target for her mother's rivals and enemies, and she was also instantly appointed to inherit a life she didn't really want. But... it was all she knew. So when Poe runs into her, everything about her life comes into question.
Our Zorii, actress Selene Hsin, was not able to make this taping but we did have actor Tony Rescigno, who plays Poe for our films, talks about the mysteries between these two characters and how they find themselves at very different points in their lives.
Zorii has lost her entire planet, 75-80% of the people on her team were blown up by Palpatine's General Enric Pryde. She has no home, no business, but still shows up for Poe with the rest of the Citizen's Fleet, along with her sidekick Babu Frik. We love that Anzellan!
And Poe, he's lost so much of his colleagues, one of his best friends in Temmin Wexley, his mother-figure in Leia, and he inherits the "Resistance" but its in shambles and there are so many refugees in need of assistance from the planets of Kijimi and the 5 planets that were destroyed in the Hosnian Cataclysm. And he's starting without any of the funding that Leia had secured with her many connections.
And we wanted to explore that story, and how these characters individually deal with their own trauma and hardships and then find each other again.
We hope you guys really enjoy these expanded stories that we are looking to tell --- and we do realize not everyone may necessary like the pairings, but again we are trying to follow canon as much as possible and it is a fan fiction... many of these exist and we celebrate them ALL and hope you give ours a chance too! As always, don't forget to SUBSCRIBE to our YouTube Channel!
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ao3feed--reylo · 1 year
A Princess of Takodana
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/JRFeVfb
by ElegyGoldsmith
Kylo’s hand is a blur as he reaches up over his shoulder and yanks the second axe free. I catch the handle in time with my free hand, but now the first curved blade has the saber hooked, holding me in place as he forces the second axe toward my neck. My body shudders with the force of fending him off, but it isn’t enough; his weapon keeps relentlessly twitching lower, until it’s within striking distance of my throat.
I glare into his ferocious eyes as the sharp metal inches toward my skin. If this is how I’m going out, then I’m not going to give up—not even after the honed blade is embedded in my body and my blood’s gushing out to stain this unfamiliar ground.
“Enough!” Kylo bellows, and we leap away from each other as he releases the downward pressure on the axe at my neck.
Spurned by her lover Prince Temmin, scullery maid Rey takes up her father’s sword, grudgingly teaming up with bounty hunter Kylo Ren to find Temmin’s intended, a kidnapped princess. But war is rising on the horizon, and long-held secrets about the feudal Empire of the Rim are coming to light – things that will forever transform Rey and her world along with it.
Words: 9230, Chapters: 2/20, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of The Reythoniad
Fandoms: Star Wars - All Media Types, Star Wars Sequel Trilogy
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: F/M
Characters: Rey (Star Wars), Ben Solo | Kylo Ren, Ben Solo, Kylo Ren, Temmin "Snap" Wexley, Rose Tico, Poe Dameron, Nomi Sunrider, Lor San Tekka, Zorii Bliss, Beaumont Kin, Cilghal (Star Wars), Tenel Ka Djo, Lando Calrissian, Jannah (Star Wars), Tendra Risant, Han Solo, Leia Organa
Relationships: Rey/Ben Solo | Kylo Ren, Kylo Ren/Rey, Rey/Ben Solo, Rey/Temmin "Snap" Wexley
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - No Powers, POV First Person, POV Rey (Star Wars), secret royalty, assholes to lovers, Devoted Rey/Ben Solo | Kylo Ren, HEA but it's gonna be a rough one, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Graphic Description of Corpses, War, Ben Solo Needs A Hug, Rey Needs A Hug (Star Wars), Grumpy x Grumpy, Soul Bond, True Love, Adventure & Romance, Slow Burn, Feudalism, Swordfighting, Fighting As Foreplay, Explicit Sexual Content, Enthusiastic Consent, oh but the feels, Torture, temmin is blonde cuz I say so
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/JRFeVfb
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arysbruv · 11 months
⭐️ Star Wars ⭐️
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💫 Lost and Found [COMPLETED] Summary: You’re his best friend, and he is yours, though both of you don’t want to admit that there is definitely more than platonic feelings there. On a mission with Poe, you meet his ex lover Zorii who he still seems to like… Pairings: poe dameron x f!reader Chapter 1: Gone Chapter 2: Found
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What Your Favorite Star Wars Sequel Trilogy Ship Say About You
Inspired by @doubleca5t​‘s videos linked here.  (Seriously feel free to steal any of these if you end up making a video)
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You wrote a 12 page essay about how Zutara should have totally been canon.
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You wrote a 12 page essay about how Kataang is canon and Zutara fans should get over themselves.
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You believe in the inherit eroticism of mutual trust and validation.
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You really, really wanted someone to be the Han and Leia of this trilogy.
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You couldn’t decide between Stormpilot or Finnrey and so then decided
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You just wanted good things for Rose and really, who wouldn’t?
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You’re not here for enemies to lovers.  You’re just here for hate fucking.
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Credit to @ghoststrikes​
You just believe in girls being friends.  Gals being pals.
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You believe in men 👏 getting👏 pegged👏.
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You fall into one of two camps.  One, you don’t understand why someone would go for a hetero enemies to lovers when there’s a gay enemies to lovers right there.
Or two,
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Credit to @brilcrist​
You saw somebody draw Poe in an Imperial Uniform and it did things to you. 
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You believe in the inherit eroticism of getting dunked on.
Zorii x Poe
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You, are J.J. Abrams.
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pianotuna · 3 years
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Characters: Poe Dameron and Zorii Bliss
Media: Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker (2019)
Played by: Oscar Isaac and Keri Russell
Setting: a long time ago in a galaxy far away
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kajaono · 4 years
People accuse me of having an agenda while Disney is out there letting two animated LEGO figures kiss to prove that their character is straight because the actor refused to play along
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annes-andromeda · 4 years
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I designed some outfits for my TROS rewrite since I did a few for the OG trio and for Kylux. This took me about a week to do, but overall I’m really proud with how these turned out.
❌✋🚫R*ylos don’t interact🚫✋❌
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