#poe fictif
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lithopsy · 1 year ago
thinking about how batshit i thought howie’s amnesia ending was before i played poe’s route… looking back, it’s still crazy but it’s not, like, “my uncle that got turned into a poodle by an evil magician has decided to remain a poodle in the afterlife because he likes it actually” crazy
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whataboutsimple · 2 months ago
My heart is broken, Poe in Tess' route, when asked what he felt when first met MC, said "I felt like he's my soulmate", I'm crying so hard like yeah, my boy, we're soulmates, I'm so sorry I'm not cheating with Tess it's just other route please forgive me. He's so sweet and so deeply in love from first sight, it's really unfair his route was this shitty. Especially compared to Tess' route. I still don't know what's up with Howie's route, but we will find out eventually.
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kailoweenie2 · 2 months ago
Poe shouldn't have died in his own route, I rest my fucking case.
No but like, I still like his route. At least casually reading it but ughhh it makes me so sad and upset that in Howie and Tess routes he at least gets to live happily in the end but in his own route he couldn't have the life he wanted and had to die because his bitch ass nerd of a roommate had to get revenge or whatever.
Idk I just think it's a bit unfair that (from what I've noticed from the other stories I've read) no one else dies in their own romance route except for Poe(granted...all of them died but still)
He should've had a proper happy ending where he and MC get to LA and break the cycle of the whole "their wishes that they worded badly came true!" Because the fact he wished he was loved one day before he died SHOULD NOT HAVE COME TRUE. JUST SO THAT IT PROVED THE WHOLE THING CAN STOP/END.
Ugh, idk, I know it adds drama to the story and ya know, the angst or whatever but I still think it's stupid. He deserves to be happy in his OWN route, if not for MC then for himself. To be that writer he always wanted to be, to write stories and live on for his parents, for his aunt and uncle, for him and MC.
Ugh I have so many thoughts but can't word them properly but let's just say I hate that he's dead.
He's very much alive in my version of his route 😁
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cam3ll0 · 1 year ago
whoever made that Poe Colestead fanfic in like 2021 about Poe and Y/N being rivals in college and they went on a date to a coffee shop. I’m begging on my hands and knees. Groveling at your feet. PLEASE FINISH IT ITS BEEN TWO YEARS I CAN’T TAKE THIS
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mainllysam · 2 days ago
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Meet Avery Gilmore! (My "Roadkill" OC)
(the story takes place in 2020) :3
Age: 21 years old
Birthday: 11th June 1999
Pronouns: She/her
Height: 5'5"
MBTI/Personality: INFP
Style: "Vintage light academia librarian"
Most likely to: Take pictures of landscapes she finds pretty
Fursona: Hamster
Favourite food: Avocado & Cream cheese on toast
Favourite drink: Lemonade
Favourite colour: Yellow
Favourite season: Autumn
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rosewood-multifandom-writer · 2 months ago
So I looked back at the Fictif tag on Tumblr and… it’s just sad, honestly. I’m sad for the people that stuck around even when Nix Hydra was making stupid decisions and had controversies on them and were insulting their fans’ intelligence. I’m sad for the people that wanted to see Last Legacy be concluded, and how it’s gonna be left in Cliff Hanger Hell.
I am always a sucker for visual novels, whether I be playing them (like with The Arcana, Fictif, and Dream Daddy) or I’m just watching people play it (like Love and Deepspace), I like seeing a multiple choice game where the ending and outcome is different. I especially love it when it’s a dating simulator or otome game (kind of the same thing) because I can insert myself in a situation when I can romance a hot guy or girl.
I know there are some followers on here that followed because of me thirsting for my Fictif favorites and loving the stories… well up until Nix Hydra decided to be dumb and not give the female love interests a chance like Tess and Celia. And I was mad about what happened with Celia’s story, meanwhile I don’t even like the two other guys from the same visual novel universe. I loved her a lot and I wanted her story to be as long and engaging with two different endings, but nah, I don’t get that, but the two guys I am not even attracted to get that treatment.
Not to mention the same copy and paste corporate statement and “apology” after disappointing fans and making it crystal clear that Nix Hydra only used LGBT themes just to market their game. That’s about it. That is why whenever I see corpos use LGBT themes to market their product, I always question if it’s genuine or not. Spoiler alert, it’s not 100% genuine. Just like how Nix Hydra I was not genuine in their apology when Tess’s story in Roadkill was cut short meanwhile the other two guys Poe and Howie got more than 10 chapters.
I was there before Dorian purchased Fictif and The Arcana. It felt like an insult that Nix Hydra straight up was not listening to any of us about our concerns and criticisms about how they handled the female love interests and of course, how they are not updating Last Legacy, and the last update was back in September of 2023. SEPTEMBER 2023. Do you know how much of a longtime that is for an app that has visual novels?
Imma be real with you. Jesse Rodriguez was the first guy that did it for me in Fictif, in the Visual Novel Ghosted. Like… a man with bad boy with a heart of gold vibes and in an already established relationship with the main character and only the main character can see his ghost? Loved it.
Last Legacy is what attracted me to Fictif the most, because Sage (the catboy in the game) gave me Dante vibes before I even started playing Devil May Cry, Felix (the necromancer mage) I loved the most because I love his aesthetic, I love his personality, and I felt for him when he lost his boyfriend. Anisa I also loved a lot, and I love how adorkable she is but at the same time, makes a good leader, and I love characters who show leadership, but I feared that she would get the exact same treatment Tess and Celia got, so I left Fictif altogether.
I deleted Fictif and The Arcana and said, “screw this, I deserve better games and better stories.”
So… do I hate Fictif and The Arcana? No. I still like them, it just feels like a tough pill to swallow just seeing old stories that were properly concluded with my favorites be stomped into the ground by Nix Hydra and their bad decisions.
Plus, looking back at my old Fictif and Arcana content, and seeing where I am now, I can look at it with bittersweet memories. Hey, I can even make OCs inspired by my favorites from Fictif, because if my personal favorites are not gonna get the same treatment as the fan favorites, then I will give them that treatment.
And some people in both fandoms have also made great fanworks of Fictif and The Arcana, so I will check out more of those on A03 whenever I’m missing my favorites but don’t want to download the apps anymore.
If any of The Arcana and/or Fictif fans (former and current) are reading this, you guys deserved much better than what happened. You guys have been the most chill fandom I’ve been in even when Nix Hydra was not listening to any of us. I’m glad to have been part of both the Arcana fandom and the Fictif fandom. I mean that.
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synergysilhouette · 2 years ago
I miss Fictif, but it was far from flawless
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I actually got into this series because of "The Arcana" (plus romance games don't often let you play as anything other than a female lead), but I found that even though I liked it's potential, it fell short a lot of the time, either romantically or story-wise. I'm obviously disappointed that I can't customize my character's appearence, but I think I'm in the minority with that one. Allow me to list my grievances and nit-picks with the app.
In general--Female routes are short and underdeveloped. I don't even romance women IRL, but this was just sad. Anika, Tess, Valentina, and Celia are the only female love interests to have solo routes while the rest are in one-route stories--and Valentina didn't even get a route before Dorian took over and effectively stopped updating the app!
"Two Against the World"--As much as I love Nicky, this story turned me off as a gay male player. The writing feels female-coded, and no acknowledgement of the stigma of two men being in a relationship in 1920s New York is ever mentioned. It'd make more sense if the setting was INSPIRED by 1920s New York, but in reality was a completely different location--but that wasn't the case. It felt like a big mifire in storytelling.
"Heir to Love & Lies"--I cannot overstate how much of a disappointment this story was. In both Sergio and Chava's route, Chava starts off very friendly and sweet before becoming aggressive and secretive. This doesn't really make any sense since he's your childhood best friend and (spoiler) he doesn't kill La Dama Rosa in either route. Plus in Chava's route, Aurora becomes very cruel and blames us for getting her family (re)involved with the cartel, even though in actuality she involved us--a point Chava tells us to let go, and then we apologize. For what?! And the end of Sergio's route is confusing, as you go through a dream sequence where he either kills you and takes your money or you get him arrested for killing La Dama Rosa. I think it's supposed to represent your fears and mistrust of him and symbolize how you need to let your concerns go if you wanna marry him, but it feels uncomfortable since it's not explained well at all. It felt like we just saw the future and we said "I don't care." Plus he asks us stuff about kids, our wedding, and where we'd live, and he took NONE of my decisions into account for the final chapter.
"Roadkill"--I was SO confused on what was the result of the wish and what wasn't. Did Douglas' wish create werewolves, vampires, and witches along with zombies? Or did they already exist before the zombie wish? If it's the latter, there's no need to involve zombies. Plus Howie's amnesia arc in the last chapter was rushed and unnecessary, while Poe came off as judgmental and snarky and Tess' route was short and rushed.
"Catch Me in Miami"--I couldn't get into Miguel because he was so obviously a bad boy and I don't do bad boys. Maybe if he was more coy about it like Nicky than being obvious about it, I'd be into him.
"For the Love of Gods"--Great potential, but rushed and I DESPISE how we're forced to romance everyone. Why can't I just choose how many people I'm interested in?
"Ghosted"--Probably my least favorite story. Jesse's ghost story does sound interesting, but his personality and how rushed it was ruined it for me.
"Hollywoodland"--Rushed, but it had great potential.
"Snow Falling in Love"--It felt like a waste not to tie this with "Roadkill" due to Sawyer's involvement, and Elise was CRAZY obsessed with us.
"Courting the Crown"--Beautiful Potential, but again, rushed, rushed, rushed.
"The Last Legacy"--Probably the best plot of them all, but Felix and Sage weren't my type physically or personality-wise; I'd rather go for Felix's dads.
I didn't include other stories because they either weren't finished or I didn't complete them.
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histoire-glitchienne · 2 years ago
Bienvenue chez Howard Phillips Lovecraft…
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Chapitre 3: l’origine de l’horreur lovecraftienne
L’origine du Necronomicon
Il est maintenant temps de livrer une dernière précision en ce qui concerne le Necronomicon. Si l’on rejoint le point devue d’Howard Phillips Lovecraft, il ne s’agit que d’une vaste blague[1]. Bien que, cela traduise chez lui, une certainecuriosité pour l’ésotérisme. Il lit de manière assidue les anthropologues en vogue ayant un fort intérêt pour : « (…) lamagie, « …) la sorcellerie et (…) la démonologie (…)[2] » tels que Sir James Frazer : The Golden Bough (1890),Margaret Murray : The Witch-Cult in Western Europe (1921) et Arthur Edward Waite : The Book of Black Magic and ofPacts (1898)[3]. Ce dernier a sans doute une grande importance dans la construction du récit du Necronomicon. En effet,Arthur Edward Waite a consacré une bonne partie de son ouvrage à La Clef de Salomon[4]. D’après Jean Marigny,Lovecraft a une -profonde connaissance de ces grimoires. Il s’intéresse également aux publications d’AleisterCrowley[5]notamment : « les documents concernant la Golden Dawn publiés dans la revue The Equinox par AleisterCrowley (…)[6]»
Ce sont donc ces lectures qui ont permis à Howard Phillips Lovecraft de s’inspirer de l’univers de l’occultisme et del’ésotérisme afin de créer son propre grimoire fictif attirant toute notre attention dans la première partie de ce travail[7].Dorénavant, il nous semble pertinent d’ouvrir plus largement nos perspectives en analysant les récits lovecraftiens dansleur globalité :
De l’exploration réelle à l’exploration imaginaire
Selon Lauric Guillaud, il est pertinent de s’intéresser de près aux journaux d’exploration réels, notamment ceux de Lewiset Clark. Malgré le fait que ces journaux soient, en théorie, considérés comme étant des documentaires réalistes, il y adans ces récits quelque chose d’indéniablement imaginaire ouvrant la voie à la création d’un mythe[8].
« Le capitaine Meriwether Lewis, intellectuel porté à la mélancolie, est chargé de diriger l’expédition. Quand il part, sonimage de l’Ouest est largement modelée par ses lectures scientifiques et surtout par son esprit imaginatif. Mais avant deconquérir l’Ouest, il faut l’écrire. Au début, Lewis se sent dans le jardin du paradis. Mais, peu à peu, le paysage change ;la Prairie illimitée suscite fascination et inquiétude. Les comptes rendus attestent une sorte de contamination générée parle genius loci, « l’esprit du lieu ». Le paysage devient insondable, labyrinthique même. (…) Lewis, progressivement sidérépar ce qui relève du wild (bewildered), est confronté à un décor énigmatique qu’il s’agit de déchiffrer. (…)L’enthousiasme d’être le premier[9]. »
Et, à l’instar de certains principaux protagonistes des nouvelles lovecraftiennes se sentir attiré par :
« ces régions du nord-ouest que l’homme n’avait jamais arpentées ni même pénétrées par l’imagination[10]».
L’étrangeté de la nature
 Nous trouvons chez Lewis, Poe, Verne et Lovecraft, de nombreux points communs notamment en ce qui concerneles curiosités se trouvant dans la nature. Le Julius Rodman de Poe s’interroge : les monticules qu’il aperçoit sont-ellesnaturelles ou ont-elles été construites par la main de l’homme ?[11] Lewis, lui, est totalement tétanisé devant ce quisemble être une : « « barrière » neigeuse qui fait obstacle au rêve, préfigurant (…) la « barrière » titanesque deLovecraft[12] ». En outre, la pensée que la nature est en réalité contre-nature est bien présente chez les quatreauteurs[13]. Ils sont hantés par l’idée sombre et macabre de découvrir : « la miraculeuse étrangeté du récitimpossible[14] ». La soif de l’inconnu amène, sans cesse, les protagonistes à ce point de non-retour qui est la folie ou lamort, parfois les deux Jules Vernes, écrivain pessimiste à la fin de sa vie, écrit Le Sphinx des glaces (1897) faisantfortement allusion à l’Arthur Gordon Pym de Poe (1838). Dans ce roman de Jules Verne, la représentation du pôle-sudest particulièrement macabre. En effet, entre les pattes d’un mystérieux sphinx se trouve :
« (…) un squelette revêtu de peau, que le froid de ces régions avait conservé intact, et qui gardait une rigiditécadavérique[15]. »
Alchimiste de l’horreur
 Lovecraft s’est fortement inspiré du genre exploratoire afin de créer un genre tout à fait inédit. Un genre littéraireextrêmement noir mêlant horreur poesque et science-fiction : « lyrisme et mysticisme sont évacués au profit d’unestratégie de décomposition et de recomposition qui subvertit tout positivisme, toute rationalité. Ce qui n’est que suggéréchez Verne se mue en véritable obscénité. Fidèle à l’esprit poesque, Lovecraft se plaît à outrer, à surcharger, à transgresser(…)[16] ». Dans Les Montagnes Hallucinées (1936), l’écrivain utilise des termes scientifiques, nomme de manière préciseles explorateurs, fait explicitement allusion à des théories scientifiques contemporaines de son époque. Il mêle la parolescientifique à l’horreur et à l’extraordinaire créant une certaine confusion chez le lecteur. En effet, le professeur WilliamDyer, principal protagoniste du récit remet ses convictions scientifiques en question :
« (…) nous étions prêts à croire, et à taire, nombre d’épouvantables et incroyables secrets de la Nature primitive[17]. »
Et plus loin :
« (…) nous ne pouvions plus douter qu’une horreur indicible- actuelle, ou en tous cas récente- nous attendait droitdevant[18]. »
La découverte soudaine de la race des Grands Anciens mène inéluctablement les scientifiques à la folie. Il y a, chezLovecraft, un caractère apocalyptique que l’on ne retrouve pas chez les précédents auteurs. Les créatures lovecraftiennesannoncent la fin du monde[19]. Néanmoins, peut-on, de ce fait, prétendre que Lovecraft, en écrivant ses récitsapocalyptiques, se définit lui-même comme étant une sorte de prophète annonçant la fin du monde ?
Lovecraft et les théosophes : un lien ambigu.
« Les élucubrations des théosophes qui tombent dans la catégorie de la tromperie délibérée présentent, ici et là, quelqueintérêt[20]. »
Il est vrai, et lui-même ne le nie pas qu’il s’inspire fortement de publications et autres œuvres ésotériques. Par exemple,dans Les montagnes hallucinées, il y a de nombreuses récurrences faites à l’artiste peintre Roerich[21]. Visiblement,l’atmosphère froide, mystérieuse, spectrale qui a influencé Lovecraft. Il semble également que l’architecture siparticulière que l’on trouve dans les nouvelles de l’écrivain ait une inspiration d’origine roerichienne. Il avoue mêmeavoir une certaine fascination pour ces peintures notamment, The Doomed city (1914), Burning of Darkness (1924) etPower of the Caves (1925)[22].
De là, jusqu’à en déduire que Lovecraft s’est baigné dans les eaux occultes tels que celle de la théosophie, il y a ungouffre. En effet, il est évident que l’intérêt qu’il manifeste pour l’ésotérisme reste tout bonnement d’ordre artistique etnon de croyances personnelles[23] :
Figure 5 Burning of Darkness (1924)[26]
Figure 6 Power of the Cave (1925)[27]
Par ailleurs, si l’on compare de près l’œuvre de Lovecraft avec les textes théosophiques, notamment ceux de MmeBlavatsky, on se rend vite compte que leurs visons sont diamètralement opposées l’une de l’autre. En effet, selon HelenaBlavatsky, l’homme se dirige vers un « éveil spirituel » guidé par les « maîtres mystiques[28] ». A contrario, dans l’œuvrede Lovecraft, l’homme est voué à la destruction par des races inter-galactiques. En outre, le thème de la dégénérescencehumaine revient de manière récurrente chez Lovecraft alors que Mme Blavatsky a tendance à croire en la suprématie del’homme (aryen)[29]. De ce fait, si Lovecraft s’est inspiré des mouvements ésotériques, il s’agit davantage d’uneinclinaison tendant à parodier voire détourner de manière humoristique le domaine du surnaturel et de l’ésotérisme.[30].
[1] Jean Marigny, op.cit., p.295. [2]Ibidem. [3] Ibid. [4] Clef de Salomon davantage connue sous le nom de Clavicule de Salomon désigne un ensemble de grimoires appartenant prétendument à Salomon. [5] Aleister Crowley (1875-1947) est un écrivain versant fortement dans l’occultisme. [6] Jean Marigny, op.cit., p.295. [7] Ibidem, p.296. [8] Lauric Guillaud,op.cit., pp.52-53. [9] Ibidem, p.53. [10] H.P. Lovecraft, Les montagnes hallucinées, in Lauric Guillaud, « Les arrières-fables textuelles et picturales… » op.cit., p.53. [11] Ibidem, p.54. [12] Lauric Guillaud, op.cit., p.54. [13] Ibidem, p.55. [14] Michel Foucault, in Lauric Guilllaud, op.cit., p.57. [15] Jules Verne, in Lauric Guillaud, op.cit., p.59. [16] Lauric Guillaud, op.cit., p.60. [17] H.P. Lovecraft, Les Montagnes Hallucinées, in Lauric Guillaud, op.cit., p.64. [18] Ibid. [19] Ibid. . [20] Lettre à Willis Conover in Gilles Menegaldo, « Méta-discours ésotérique au service du fantastique » in H.P. Lovecraft, fantastique, mythe et modernité, colloque de Cerisy (dir. G. Menegaldo), Paris, 2002, p.269. [21] Nicolas Roerich est un peintre russe versant dans la théosophie. Il a également exercé en tant qu’orientaliste, archéologue, et philosophe. [22]Lauric Guillaud, op.cit., p.65. [23] Gilles Menegaldo, «Méta-disours ésotérique au service du fantastiq ue », in H.P. Lovecraft, fantastique, mythe et modernité, colloque de Cerisy (dir. G. Menegaldo), Paris, 2002, p.268. [24] Lettre à C.A Smith, op.cit., p.269 . [25] https://www.wikiart.org/en/nicholas-roerich/the-doomed-city-1914. [26] https://www.wikiart.org/en/nicholas-roerich/burning-the-darkness-1924 [27] https://arthistoryproject.com/artists/nicholas-roerich/power-of-the-caves/. [28] Gilles Menegaldo, op.cit., p.268. [29] Ibid. [30] Ibidem, p.276.
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dawnsbreaking · 3 years ago
having very big feelings about fictional men
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lithopsy · 3 years ago
i want poe colestead moots but i can’t even tell my followers that like dating sims to play poe’s route because it’s literally heinous and i wouldn’t wish it upon my worst enemy
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whataboutsimple · 2 months ago
Okay I finished Poe's route and I cried. Like, literally. How could you do that to me, Poe? You know the three of us could've just beat the shit out of Douglas and live a happy long after. But no, you decided to play a hero. I'm not mad, I'm just disappointed.
Okay, lemme tell ya: we were in a haunted hotel, our dead friends were there too THANKS GOD, but they cannot leave the hotel. When Poe died, HE DIDN'T TELL US. He just waited until we stepped out of the hotel and.. stood there. Because he can't leave. He's a ghost now.
Why breaking my heart like that? You could've at least told.
And we can't even visit them, like, if an alive being leaves hotels once for 13 hours, they cannot go back. Or if they stay there for 13 hours after 1:13, they cannot leave too.
So we had a choice: stay there forever with our ghost friends and man or leave forever. Of course they said we should leave and live a happy life, but AIN'T NO WAY. I choose staying because fuck it all, I'm getting old in this hotel with my friends and husband. Period. Than I'll die and we all be together.
I think I want to write a thing where reader leaves and than comes badass back with some magic shit because logic in this story literally disappeared, even characters say that, and they resurrect their friends and husband and live long happy after.
I'm too unsatisfied with the ending we got. And I want to beat up Douglas.
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kailoweenie2 · 8 days ago
Shameless self promo but aha guys you should totally follow me on twt, I kiss Poe for a living/j and I'm very cool and nice. I've liked Poe for 5 years now ever since he was first introduced on the app, I still enjoy fictif(even with it's shitty writing and company) but roadkill is my favorite!! Poe Colestead especially....
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Mouthwashing AU of me and Poe!! He's literally my boyfriend you guys....
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boardboxes · 4 years ago
Please yall
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imtootiredforthisnonsense · 4 years ago
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He is the love of my life!
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areyouajedi · 4 years ago
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i would also give up everything for this man
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synergysilhouette · 1 year ago
My Fictif OCs
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Despite needing some help with writing, Fictif being bought and ignored by Dorian was a shame and had potential. Here I'd actually like to post about all the MCs I made for each book:
I was inspired by a post where someone was asking for inspiration for their own OC for FTLOG. I make my OCs original depending on the book. While their appearence/background may change, they're always a cis man with a muscular, thicc build. Here's a bit about them, since I don't have the time to give them SUPER detailed backgrounds (especially since I may end up contradicting canon).
Heir to Love and Lies
Cyrus Yehia--a mestizo man of Colombian, Egyptian, and Spanish descent. I picture him with black hair, a nice tan that gets deeper during his time in Columbian, and hazel eyes. I imagine him as being very self-conscious due to not having been in Colombia for years and now having to be there without his abuela. He's a skilled acrobat, and frequently uses it to observe those he's suspicious of. Being of a religious background, he has an affinity with Padre Joya--but that doesn't make him turn a blind eye to suspicious activity. He has a rocky relationship with the three LIs, but admires Val's genuine commitment to her job, Chava's protective nature, and Sergio's cleverness.
Last Legacy
Capricorn Visser--actually his name is Riven, but he was talking about his zodiac sign when he was brought to the world. He's a caucasian man with blonde hair and green eyes, and usually dresses in green or pink (imagine if Barbie and your favorite male lead in a video game had a son). While he's drawn to Saaros, Florian, and Escell, he eventually (thanks to canon) becomes attatched to our LIs. Personality-wise, his self-esteem sucks despite his looks and intellect, and generally bonds with Anissa and Felix due to them being less wild than Sage--but he's still very drawn to him.
Sterling Alenko--In my world, he has a dream of being a screenwriter, and this helps him to bond with Poe. He's also an African-Aborignee-American man known for his cool, stylish fashion that noteably distinguishes him from the casual dress the rest of the LIs wear (though his clothes are still functional). At the end of the show, he wears a romper and tea shades with a bucket hat. He's quite exciteable and thirsts for inspiration, making him somewhat manipulative with people in order to get information. Though downplays his phenomenal skills as an artist due to being indecisive as a child and his parents pressuring him to stay focused on something. He kinda has an existential crisis when finding out supernatural creatures exist and keeps garlic and silver with him at all times (though being the cool guy he is, makes it look fashionable and doesn't arouse any suspicions). I think he tries to undercut Poe's snarkiness and prevent Howie from being objectified when he gets to Hollywood, and recently Tess has taught him how to write songs! Out of laziness, I use the same OC for Snow Falling in Love (unless I change it last minute).
For the Love of Gods
Valens--He's a muscular, curvy man, inspired by Zagreus and Thanatos from the video game Hades. I'd say he has black hair that goes past his shoulders and hot pink eyes. His clothing depends on what aspect of love he embodies: the pure, kind love that everyone wants, as well as the lust, envy, and jealousy that can be caused be love. Currently in my headspace his "love look" has a golden crown headdress (similar to "Ryoma: Supreme Samurai" in "Fire Emblem: Heroes") with a red tunic that has intricate black patterns on it, making it look like moving art, and a black choker on his throat with a picture of Astrellio. He has a silver ring with a moonstone in it and black thighbands on either of his legs. It's beautiful and a little suggestive, but not over the top. He's known for carrying his golden arrows that bring out people's love for each other. In his current "lust" look, his clothes embody a tighter, more exposed look that show off his chest and legs, as well as embodying a pink and purple aesthetic, his pink eyes taking on a glow. His hair takes on a longer, more windswept look. During this time he still uses his gold arrows, but now keeps silver arrows as well--only these ones cause repulsion. It's a reference to the Greek myth of Apollo and Daphne.
Courting the Crown
Avarice Kahale--Ignoring our father's design, I made him an PI-inspired character, explaining the culture as the consequence of colonialism (probably Italian-inspired). He dresses in blues, blacks, and silvers, largely due to still being in his grieving process and still kinda mourning. This distracts him from seeing certain warning signs that occur throughout the story. He's hesitant of Theo's advances given his past, as well as initially being shocked at Maeve's feelings for him. Gwydion's magical world and Rian's mystery makes him drawn to them in particular. There is an instance where Rian seduces him and drugs him to bring him back to Cetros, but when he changes his mind, it makes Avarice jump to his defense whenever anyone speaks ill of him. Before his mourning period, he was very Shikamaru Nara: very smart, but very lazy.
Two Against the World
Florence Chisholm--originally I was gonna name him Florian, but I think Nicky would enjoy the nod to Italy (he's actually of partial Italian descent), which also inspires him to use his grandfather's surname, Angelico. He's an auburn-haired, grey-eyed young man who's the son of lawyers and his fast-talking nature draws Nicky to him. While not into crime like Nicky, he's very charismatic, cheeky, and optimistic like he is, and matches Nicky's passion.
Catch Me in Miami
Arthur Yakushi-Silva--called Arturo by Miguel, his father is an Brazilian immigrant, while his mother is of Japanese heritage (she was born in Brazil, though), he's a quick swimmer and runner, making him a good partner for Miguel. While hesitant of Miguel's criminal activity, his charm and family does eventually convince Arthur to helo get Miguel out of the game, and this sometimes brings out a darker side to his typically bubbly personality.
Rudolph Midthunder--A Native American man who I headcanon as going on to being a successful actor (though he occasionally has to get rid of his iconic glasses). He's big on not ruffling feathers, but has developed a passive-aggressive personality as a result of keeping his head down. He originally attempted to pursue a relationship with Liam and Billy, but when he realized how important he was to Celia, he discovered how much he loved her.
Emrys Hye-kyo--a young man and Jesse's crush. Known for his business-chic fashion, no one would've guessed they would've ended up together. Being very reasonable, he's quick to be scared off by Jesse's ghost and solving the mystery, but as his feelings for Jesse grow, he realizes he needs to solve the mystery for both of their pieces of mind.
Monster Manor
Noah Rhineheart--an experienced ghosthunter/investigator who's actually never had relationships before. Known for his distinctive green hair and grey eyes, the residents of the manor at first assume he's a new arrival. He's a quiet listener to Casamir and Rainier's troubles, which makes him worry that they don't really like him for him, so he adapts to make their relationship more equal and conversational in order for their feelings to bloom.
Into the Mist
Galilei--a young elf who falls for Fin. Hmm, there seems to be something missing. Dorian should finish the story to find out more.
Isle of Enchantment
Aeris Tyrian--a young black man yearning for adventure. Due to having several brothers, he bonds with Rogue over trying to find his sister. He is originally intimidated by Serena, but eventually warms up with her following their adventure together. His interest in fair tales makes him jump between awe and eagerness to caution and skepticism, so it was certainly a growing experience.
Lemme know if you have any questions about them!
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