#pocket camp custom designs
Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp/New Horizons - Puffy-Sleeve Dresses Custom Designs
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Based on the new (and latest) premium spring outfits from Pocket Camp.
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New Horizons/Pocket Camp - Woolly Room Kotatsu DIY Guide
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1 Kotatsu (custom design)
1 Coconut Pancakes (optional)
8 Low Sofa Ottoman tile mats (indoor)/layouts (outdoor)
2 Cushions (color is optional)
Custom Designs
For Kotatsu:
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Also for the low sofa ottomans.
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parme-san · 2 years
they should add violence and weapons and gore to animal crossing
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athenamikaelson · 18 days
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Written in the Stars Ch. 13
Klaus Mikaelson x Soulmate!Reader x Elijah Mikaelson
Word Count- 2.6k
Warnings- Swearing, Karen’s
A/N- This is just a TINY chapter to get something out to you guys. Being in college SUCKS but we must prevail or whatever I guess. Anyway, I’ll get working on an actual canon chapter as soon as I can.
“If I have to bring this plate back to the cooks one more time because it is, quote on quote, “Too cold,” I’m actually going to quit,” I gesture to the plated steak in my hands as I put it on the metal counter for one of the cooks to take. Adrian our resident chef gives me an, “Are you serious” look and I shrug my shoulders at him.
“Hasn’t that been the 2nd time she’s sent it back,” Alastair questions me as he looks over to the blonde Karen across The Grill.
I rub a hand over my face in exhaustion, “Fourth, actually. Twenty bucks say she’s going to ask for the steak on the house,” I raise an eyebrow at my friend who smirks.
“I’ll take that action,” He reaches his hand out and we shake on it. 
I hear the ding of a bell behind me and turn to see the chef with the heated-up steak and if I weren’t pissed off as well I’d laugh at the annoyed look on his face. With a thank you, I grab the plate and walk it over to the blonde woman. I place the plate on her table and without a thank you or even an acknowledgement she pokes the steak and then huffs as she throws it back on the plate.
“It’s still cold. I want this taken off my bill,” I fight back an eye roll at her words.
“You didn’t even take a bite, Miss,” I try to reason with her and she dares to roll her eyes at me.
“I didn’t need to, to know that it’s cold. Either refund me or get the manager,” She turns around in her seat and crosses her arms like an actual child.
“Listen lady you can’t just-”
“Good evening,” Matt cuts me off from the start of my rant, “What seems to be the issue here?”
I whip around to look at Matt who shoots me a look and leans down to me, “I got this, don’t need you fighting the customers,” He jokes and I shoot him back a look as I huff and walk back to Alastair who was watching the whole interaction with a smirk.
“You owe me $20,” I hold out my hand and he huffs and pulls out a $20 bill from his black slacks. Even though he’s a bartender, he chooses to wear Versace and other designer brands to work. 
“Thank you,” I smile as I pocket the bill and shoot my friend a smile. 
We stand together and watch the dumpster fire, that is Matt trying to reason with the Karen. 
“So… what are your plans for after work,” Alastair asks me as he looks at his nails. 
“Why? Want to hang out,” I question.
“Uh…ya! But first I have to make a quick stop,” He says absentmindedly.
“That’s no problem.”
“Why are we at Elena’s house? You guys aren’t friends,” I question Alastair as he gets out of the driver’s side of his Porsche and comes over to open my door. 
“We could be…”
I look at my friend suspiciously and then back to the quiet house in front of us and I feel my shoulders instantly tense up.
“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.”
Alastair stops moving and looks down at me wearily and shyly smiles.
“I’m going to kill you if this is a surprise party,” I threaten him and he grabs me by my shoulders and drags me up to the front door.
“Smile wide, babe.”
“Happy Birthday!”
I try to push a smile onto my face as I stare at my friends as they jump out from random corners of the Gilbert living room as I enter. 
Caroline, Elena, and Jenna all wear birthday hats and big smiles as they look at me. Ric stands behind Jenna with a small smile on his face and Tyler stands behind Caroline. Damon is currently scowling in the corner and surprisingly my little brother, who got back from camp 2 days ago, and Jeremy are standing next to each other looking like they just got done wrestling. 
“Are you surprised,” Caroline exclaims as she runs over to me and pulls me into her embrace. I shoot a look over to Alastair who smirks.
“Sooooo surprised.”
Caroline seems to believe me as her smile gets bigger and Elena moves around her to hug me too.
“Happy late birthday, Y/N.”
“Thank you, Lena.”
Both Jenna and Ric come over to wish me a late happy birthday, and then they lead me to sit down in the living room that is fully decorated with every kind of birthday decoration ever. From streamers, balloons, banners, and anything else sparkly Caroline could get her hands on. I find myself smiling at the fact that this must have taken some time to set up, even though I dislike my birthday and celebrating it, it’s nice to know that I have friends who would do this for me. 
“Happy birthday Y/n,” Jeremy says to me as he and my brother start arm wrestling. 
“I called her on her actual birthday and said happy birthday to her so,” Theo said absentmindedly as he focused on beating his friend. 
“Thank you, Jeremy,” I shoot a glare at my little brother who smirks back. 
“Damon aren’t you going to say something,” Elena questions the brooding vampire who raises an eyebrow as he downs the rest of his wine. 
“You’re forgetting up until yesterday she lived with me. I already celebrated her birthday before you children,” I tense up slightly as I shoot a look over to Theo who looks confused at the mention of me living with Damon.
“Ya! He did! Since I spent the summer at the Salvatore house for my tiny vacation and all,” I try to cover it up and Theo has an unsure look on his face but Jeremy starts tugging back on his arm and they go back to arm wrestling one another. Since Theo doesn’t know about anything that has happened this summer I don’t really want to drop that bomb now or anytime soon, to be honest.
For the next hour, we all eat snacks prepared by Jenna and Elena, and then watch Theo and Jeremy challenge each other in anything they could possibly challenge one another with and I had to stand awkwardly as everyone sang happy birthday to me. Now I’m seated in a rocking chair in the living room with everyone watching me as I open up presents. I can practically feel my hands shaking as I feel everyone’s attention on me.
The first thing I open is a small card with a cute cat on the front, inside is a slip of paper that reads, “One free assignment,” I frown in confusion but when I look up Ric is shyly smiling at me.
“I didn’t really know what to give you, I’m kind of horrible with gift giving but I thought with how hectic everything is, and with Senior year coming up, you could use that to skip out on any assignment this year I give you.”
I nod and smile at him gratefully, “Thank you, Ric, that is really nice. I’ll definitely be using that,” I whisper out the last part.
“Open mine next,” Caroline exclaims as she hands me a big garment box with a big pink bow on it. I shoot her a raised eyebrow and she just rolls her eyes, “Open it hoe!’’
I sigh and undo the pretty bow, pick up the top of the white box, and look inside to find a beautiful silk blue dress. I grab the dress and hold it up, the light satiny fabric feels like heaven in my fingers. What has me blushing though, is the rather deep neckline.
“What! You’ll look beautiful in it! It goes with your complexion!”
I look back at the dress and as much as I want to give her back, the clearly expensive dress, a bigger part of me doesn’t want to part with it. 
“Thank you Care, it’s beautiful.”
Caroline smiles to herself proudly and saunters back to stand next to Tyler who makes me frown as I watch him reach into his pocket pull out a 100-dollar bill and hand it to me.
“Tyler I’m not accepting that,” I scowl at him and he places it on the table in front of me.
“Either you take it right now or I’ll just come to your work tomorrow and tip you it,” He smirks and taps the bill, “Happy Birthday!”
I groan as Jenna rushes over to me and hands me a little gift box, I smile up at her as she looks like a child on Christmas, “You didn’t have to Jenna.”
“You shush you! Open it,” She excitedly says as she gestures to the box in my hands.
I smile and shake my head as I open the box to find a small silver bracelet with a Y/B/S gem in the center. My mouth goes slack as I look at the beautiful piece of jewelry.
“Jenna, it’s beautiful,” I say and she quickly takes it from me and unclasps the latch so she can put it on me. 
“I saw it and thought of you,” At the older woman’s words I have to swallow the lump in my throat and fight back the tears in my eyes. Choosing to focus on the cold metal that is now gracing my left wrist. 
“Thank you. I love it.”
“I guess that leaves me.”
I look up to see my best friend pull a big dark blue birthday bag out from behind the couch she was sitting on. The size of it takes me by surprise. 
“Shush,” She says as she places the huge bag in my lap. I have to reach my hand in without looking to grab whatever is in it. My fingers instantly touch what I believe to be leather. I pull the thing out, push the blue bag away, and place it on the floor. When I look back at the leather thing in my lap I realize it’s a messenger bag. A rather expensive messenger bag by the look of the dark brown leather and the silver clasps.
“It even has your initials,” Elena says shyly as she points to the engraving on the corner of the bag. My smile slightly drops when I see, Y/f/n Y/m/n Y/l/n. Mostly because of the last name part. 
“You don’t like it… I knew it was too much. I should’ve gotten you the books I picked out,” Elena mumbles to herself and I’m quick to stop her.
“No! No, I love it. Truly Elena, thank you so much. I’m going to use it for school,” I smile up to her and I’m happy to see the dimples making their way back onto my friend's face as she smiles back at me. 
“Thank you all so much. This is really too much and I can’t thank you enough.”
They all say things like how I deserve it or don’t worry about it and such. Except Damon who hasn’t moved from his spot. 
“Wait,” Caroline whips around to Alastair, “What did you get her?”
Alastair smirks and then glances at the clothes I’m wearing, “Theo let me into her room earlier. I dropped my presents off there.”
I scowl at my little brother who is fighting back a laugh.
“The bag is also from me,” Jeremy says and Elena shoves him and tells him to shut it. 
The night goes on with playing games and talking until one by one everyone files out of the Gilbert house. I make sure to thank Elena, Jenna, and Ric for everything as Alastair leads me outside to his car. Theo opted out of the ride home and decided to spend the night and play video games with Jeremy since they hadn’t gotten to all summer. 
After waving goodbye, Alastair pulls out of the driveway and starts driving me home.
“So what is it,” I ask him as I play with the bracelet on my wrist.
“What is what,” He asks but from his tone I know he’s messing with me.
“Don’t be a dick. You know what. My present from you. What is it?”
Alastair smirks to himself and just shrugs as he continues winding down the dark streets. It’s not long before we’re pulling up to my dark unlit house. Making me assume my mother’s not home. Thankfully. She hasn’t been around at all these past two days since I moved back. I didn’t even want to but with Theo moving back I didn’t want him asking too many questions on why I wasn’t living at home anymore.
Alastair gets out of the car walks over to my side opens my door and helps me out. We grab all the bags with my presents and then we walk to the front door.
“Thanks for tonight…I guess. It wasn’t that horrible.”
Alastair smirks at my comment and squeezes my upper arm, “Happy late birthday babe. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
I open my front door and hear Alastair walk to his car. I haven’t even fully shut my door before I hear him peeling out of my driveway.
I sigh to myself as I turn on my hallway light and try to carry my bags to my room. I kick open my door and stop when I see the horde of shopping bags that are sitting on my bed. Various designer brands sit on my bed and I can’t fight the way my jaw completely drops as I rummage through just a fraction of some of them. There has to be at least 10,000 dollars worth of designer purses, shoes, and clothes here. 
If Alastair can afford this then why the actual fuck is he working a entry-level bartending job?!?!?
I’m about to pull out my phone and bitch my friend out when I hear my doorbell ring. 
“Alastair if that’s you, you have a lot of explaining to do,” I yell as I walk down the hall and fling open the front door and yet I’m met with nothing. 
I’m about to close my door because this reminds me of every horror movie ever but when I look down a small box catches my eye. I peek out my door careful not the pass the threshold but there doesn’t seem to be anyone around. I cautiously lean down pick up the small black box and look at the tiny tag on the top. The only thing written on it is my name which pulls a frown on my lips. 
I quickly grab the box, shut the door, lock it, and slightly run to my room. As soon as I get to my room I eye the box in my hands momentarily before slowly opening it as if inside there was a bomb or some shit. I freeze when I see what’s inside though. A wolf. 
A small wolf pendant on a silver chain sits in the box. As creepy as this whole thing is I have to admit, the necklace is beautiful. The little wolf appears to be mid-howl and at closer inspection the eye of the wolf I think is some kind of gem. My fingers caress the wolf debating on what to do and after a moment I throw it onto my desk. 
I turn around to go organize the mess that is all these bags, but I feel an itch in my spine and I groan as I turn back to the necklace and roughly pick it up unclasp the chain, and put it on around my neck. As soon as I do a sense of familiarity and comfort almost seems to wash over me. I walk over to my bathroom mirror and look at the wolf in the mirror. And for a split second, I could’ve sworn its gemmed eye glowed.
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childrenofcain-if · 1 month
Can we have some facts about the ROs, dear author ? I'm very much looking forward to fix D, bad girls are my kryptonite
C is an absolute unit at chess. if it wasn’t for them wanting to go into the business industry, they would’ve definitely clinched the title of grandmaster.
they’re also very good at playing violin and have been taking private lessons since they were nine.
they have a habit of taking long, solitary walks late at night to clear their mind.
they have an aston martin vantage and a porsche 911 carrera 4s which were a gift from grandpa lacroix before his death.
aside from english, they can speak french, latin, and italian.
their signature scent is a blend of sandalwood and jasmine.
they have a small, discreet tattoo of a latin phrase (“veni, vidi, vici”) on their ribcage.
C is particularly fond of designer clothes and have a vast collection, each custom-made to fit perfectly.
they find idle chatter to be an utter waste of time and will often steer conversations towards more intellectually stimulating topics.
C also had a very soft spot for pets, particularly dogs. they also secretly donate to many of the nation’s animal shelters, though you’ll never find them telling that to anyone.
they have undiagnosed OCD.
they are a twin. no one knows what exactly happened to their sister in the orphanage.
they’re a big fan of obscure literary texts, particularly those of nordic origins.
V also enjoys woodworking, a skill passed down from their orphanage days where they’d try to make small, wooden toys for some extra pocket money.
though they don’t attend church all that often, they always pray before bed and eating.
V wears a unique, earthy fragrance with notes of cedarwood, pine, and a hint of sea salt.
in addition to danish, ancient greek, nordic runes, and english, they’ve also picked up on some patois thanks to their adoptive mother.
V is deeply connected to nature and prefers spending time outdoors whenever possible. hiking, camping, and stargazing are some of their favorite activities.
autumn is V’s favorite season because the crisp air, the changing leaves, and the melancholy atmosphere makes them feel creatively inspired.
V can read tarot cards, a skill they picked up from their mother who liked doing it in her free time.
they absolutely loathe alcohol and steers absolutely clear of its presence if they can help it. they have no problem with other people drinking it tho.
they have claustrophobia.
W is an avid birdwatcher and would often accompany their uncle to do it whenever they could. they can identify dozens of species by sight and sound and often spend early mornings in parks or nature reserves, binoculars in hand.
despite their strained relationship with their parents, W inherited a natural talent for photography and videography from their father.
W’s favorite book is “the catcher in the rye”, mostly because sometimes they can see a reflection of themself in holden caulfield.
W has a soft spot for cheesy 90s and early 2000s romcoms. they find comfort in the predictable plots and over-the-top acting, often watching them late at night when they can’t sleep.
their signature scent is vetiver, citrus, and bergamot.
they still wear MC’s worn down friendship bracelet from almost a decade ago.
W prefers to walk or bike wherever they go, finding the process therapeutic.
they’ve donated a large portion of their trust fund to homeless youth shelters, only keeping enough to get through university comfortably until they get a decent job.
they love playing the piano, something which their aunt taught them. however, they prefer modern pieces to classical ones.
their favourite directors of all time are wes anderson and sofia coppola.
they’re a chronic insomniac.
D has a hidden talent for sketching. while they don’t talk about it much, their notebooks are filled with doodles and sketches, often of people they meet/know or abstract designs that reflect their current mood.
they’re nicknamed “rook” by their friends and bandmates. they also only know three languages: romanian, french, and english.
their indie band’s name is “the vignettes”, and the genre they play contains elements of alternative rock, grunge, and even folk sometimes. they’re the frontman, as well as a guitarist of the five-piece.
they’re known to get into long, intense conversations about the meaning of life, the universe, and everything—usually at 3 a.m., after everyone else has passed out. nobody seems to want to deal with this aside from C.
nirvana and the cure are on constant rotation on their playlist. their favourite guitar, valentine, was personally signed by kurt cobain and is their most prized possession.
their signature scent is a mixture of cinnamon, expensive marlboro, amber, and a hint of leather.
they love spicy food, mexican and indian cuisines being their favourite. give them a lifetime supply of chicken vindaloo and birria tacos and they’re set forever.
D is considered an adrenaline junkie and sometimes participates in extreme sports like parkour, bungee jumping, and sky diving.
they have a well-maintained 1969 AMC AMX/3, but rather prefer riding their MC ducati panigale v4.
they have a growing collection of tattoos, each one marking a significant (or significantly hazy) memory from their escapades. the most prominent one is a serpent wrapped around their collarbones.
it’s rare to find them in parties without the presence of any type of drugs. they’re not a full-blown addict, but also not too far from it.
aside from english, M speaks nine more languages fluently—hindi, french, italian, german, mandarin, russian, sanskrit, arabic, spanish, and latin.
they are proficient in several musical instruments, including the piano, violin, and guitar, often performing at private gatherings and charity events.
their personal library contains rare and first-edition books on any genre you can possibly imagine.
M has a keen eye for art and collects pieces from renowned and emerging artists, often curating exhibitions for charity.
they also have a very encyclopaedic knowledge of european and south asian history, often recalling the time period and details of the events.
they have travelled to more than 50 countries till date, accompanying their parents on many of their philanthropic missions.
their signature scent is a fancy blend of myrrh and frankincense, accented with touches of cypress and roses.
M has been interested in the existence of the occult and magic since they heard of stories involving them by their grandmother’s side.
despite being a famous royal figure, M has almost zero social media presence and greatly dislikes being filmed in public or having their private life probed at.
they are known to be the queen of england’s favourite grandchild.
M enjoys cooking and is particularly skilled at preparing elaborate south asian and mediterranean dishes.
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demiboydemon · 9 months
Things that I’d love in an ACNH update or a new AC game
Obviously there won’t be any more updates for New Horizons, but I think these would be cool if there were.
- An NPC who makes mini dinosaur figures when you give them fossils. It could be like Flick and CJ where you have to give a certain number of parts of whichever figure you want. Or you could have to give 1 of each part of the dinosaur you want. Or you could give a certain amount of unassessed fossils and get a random figure, kind of like how Katrina sends random items if you cleanse bad luck.
- More holidays! Valentine’s Day, April fools day, groundhogs day, Chinese New Year, Coming of Age Day, Earth day, summer and winter solstices, Diwali, etc. could be a lot of fun!
- More jobs! I miss being able to work for Brewster and make deliveries for Tom Nook. It could also be fun if villagers payed you a few bells to do things for them, like pick all the weeds around their house or build them a garden or customise something of theirs.
- More Pocket Camp furniture! I get that Nintendo makes money off Pocket Camp furniture and not ACNH furniture, but they could release amiibos that unlock them, like the Sanrio amiibos, and you have to buy them to get the furniture. Please, I just want the cat themed stuff 🥲
- Pete! It’d be so much fun to be able to shoot him down like in Wild World.
- All the mini games! Maybe there could be an island like Kapp’n’s old one where you can compete with friends, or something like the arcade in Animal Forest.
- Crystals! You can dig them up like gyroids and fossils, and get them assessed and donate them.
- The ability to make custom design masks, shoes, jumpsuits, and pants.
- Give Reese the ability to customise clothes! That would kill two birds (Anchovy and Blanche, maybe?) with one stone, as it would allow us to customise clothes and give Reese something to do. Obviously Cyrus would swoon when she does, just like she does for him 💕
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j-esbian · 27 days
in the face of animal crossing pocket camp closing, can i just say. i don’t understand why new horizons was like that. after acpc the next animal crossing game should have been amazing and yet,
acnh feels very stale very quickly imo. it has the bones of an animal crossing game (unlocking shops, filling the museum, etc) but the villagers are sooo samey, and it feels like there’s fewer interactions and games between them than there was in acnl. (and i know this isn't a new criticism but it feels unfinished. harv's island co-op in the final update feels like a weak alternative to letting lief, kicks, katrina, etc. have physical stores on your island.) but i do love having the ability to build and customize your own furniture, to an extent. the new furniture designs are great and i especially love that villagers have more versatile clothes options. sheep can wear shirts!! everyone can wear hats!!
but also, acpc has WAY more furniture and clothing options than acnh. and i love the way the villagers work there: they have a set personality and a set style. and you can help them give gifts to other villagers or give them fashion tips, and your relationship improves more (im pretty sure ?) if you pick the option that’s The Right Style. it makes it feel like you're actually getting to know them, and it gives a little bit more variation because a cranky jock FEELS markedly different than a cranky cool guy
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pocket-leaves · 5 months
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HAVE YOU HEARD ABOUT ANIMAL CROSSING FANWEEK THAT WILL BE TAKING PLACE June 2nd - June 8th 2024??? More info under the cut, or found in my pinned post.
June 2nd Day 1 - Animal Crossing Pride. Since this event is in June, we're kicking things off with a bit of LGBT pride! Any build, room, or custom design that are pride themed are welcome. Even fanart or cosplays depicting the characters of the game sporting pride flags are welcome! Whatever way you celebrate pride in Animal Crossing!
June 3rd Day 2 - Shooting Stars. We all love meteor showers in game. This is prompt is anything relating to wishing on stars. Screenshots of your game, star gazing builds, art of the characters, or even fanfics pertaining to wishing on stars or star gazing are welcome! Whatever way you can get creative!
June 4th Day 3 - Favorite Villager. This one is self explanatory. Who is your favorite villager? Let's share the love for our favorite neighbors!
June 5th Day 4 - Museum Date. We love the museum! Want to share your museum progress, a drabble about visiting the museum, or even meeting up with your friends and neighbors? Anything relating to the museum is welcome!
June 6th Day 5 - Favorite Season. What is your favorite season in Animal Crossing? Feel free to share screenshots of your game in your favorite season, art, fic, anything you can think of! Are you a summer enjoyer, cherry blossom lover, or is autumn more your speed?
June 7th Day 6 - AC Deco! An excuse to show off any of your favorite builds or room designs in any of the Animal Crossing games. How do you like to decorate your town/island/campsite? Alternatively, any fun animal crossing decor in your real life you want to share? Go for it!
June 8th Day 7 - Island Life. What does life look like on your island? Got screenshots of your inhabitants fishing, hanging out, or otherwise living their life? Share them! This doesn't have to just be New Horizons, any glimpse into what life is like in your Animal Crossing world is welcome, whether it's Pocket Camp, New Leaf, or any other game.
*All Animal Crossing games are included in this! I know it's very New Horizons themed in the way some of the prompts are worded, and the graphic here, but this extends to any and every Animal Crossing game! Yes, even Happy Home Designer, and Amiibo Festival if you are so inclined.
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feris-wheel · 3 months
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13 things I notice between acnh and acnl
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Creds of dividers to: @anitalenia & @xxbimbobunnyxx
I was an avid fan of the animal crossing series, I had my chance upon getting the mobile Animal Crossing Pocket Camp, then I started playing New Horizons on the switch. After pouring in 300+ hrs total completing my island design and building and also getting the DLC to play with, I tried out and finally got New Leaf on the 3ds after to start playing. I knew that Animal Crossing New Leaf was the predecessor to New Horizons, and I was intrigued and interested in playing to see the differences and experience the game that had nostalgia of my childhood. I never got a 3ds but spent my childhood watching youtubers with their 3ds games and all the fun they had. After playing New Leaf for 2-3 weeks straight in, I noted that there were some differences, functionally and story-wise with the details. Both games are enjoyable in their own ways, and offers players options to consider on which game installment to play for — New Leaf for the coziness, interaction, nostalgia, and pacing — or New Horizons for the amount of fun you can have with growing, crafting, designing your island, and new graphics.
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🍀1. The way that stores are introduced are different: In New Leaf, the stores are separated in another street to unlock and visit. In new Horizons, the clothing and nook store can be built on your island, however the other stores are separate from your island. Kicks, Harriet, Leif, Reese and Cyrus are all on Harvey’s island that you can visit on.
🍀2. In New Leaf, Timmy and tommy swap places in working at the store on different days you visit. Whereas New Horizons has the two twins both greet and run the store when you visit.
🍀3. Small difference but notable is that you start off with the title as mayor in New Leaf game, while in New Horizons you are invited to live at the island at first while having the most active role contributing to the island.
🍀4. The way you start off in the opening of the game is a bit different, in New lead you’re greeted by Rover on the train you’re boarding. In New Horizons you’re at the airport greeted by the twin raccoons, Timmy and Tommy.
🍀5. In New Leaf, the customization of some items and creative liberty are kind of limited. Whereas in New Horizons, there are a bunch of options to creatively design your island by placing furniture, changing colors, and designing your own home. Additionally New Horizons has the DLC (happy home paradise) which also allows the function eventually of capable of designing your villagers homes on your island.
🍀6. Both games officially have a separate installment that focuses on designing homes, ran by the happy home academy ppl. Happy home designer is the predecessor to Happy home paradise. To which, Happy home paradise has more options, items, and creative choices to edit, place, and change things when designing the homes.
🍀7. In New Leaf, Tom Nook is the owner of his own store that offers home expansion and customization for the player. Whereas in New Horizons, he resides in the office and works with Isabelle and is seen as a higher up giving tasks and directions to the player at the beginning of the game. However he still stays true to his og role in the previous game, where he also offers home customization and expansion to the player in New Horizons. (Regardless, you will always be in debt to Tom Nook wherever you go…)
🍀8. In New Leaf, Isabelle’s brother appears to introduce you to check out the HH showcase and has a more permanent role. In New Horizons he doesn’t appear as frequently and is not a stationed npc.
🍀9. The interaction with villagers plays a crucial role in New Leaf. If you never talk to a villager, at some point they will decide to move out and decide their moving day. Whereas in New horizons, the only way for a villager to actually leave is till they also question whether they should move out and you would have to give them an answer to stay or leave. They won’t just willingly leave in the end though compared to New Leaf.
🍀10. In New Horizons, you can craft, customize the color, and get DIY recipes from the beach or villagers. Whereas in New Leaf, new furniture and customization can be purchased in Reese’ store and customized by her husband Cyrus.
🍀11. The feature of multiplayer and online depth is included in both games, however New leaf Online services no longer are supported as of this day. While New Horizons has multiplayer still available on the switch. With online membership on the switch, New Horizons can allow the player to travel to visit other players’ islands and visit random islands through dreams. In New Leaf, for the online services, you had the HH Showcase to be able to visit other players’ houses locally near you and other features to host and visit other islands through dreaming and traveling thru the train via internet.
🍀12. In New Leaf, there is a possibility to chance upon a tree full of perfect fruit of the fruit you have on your starter island. These perfect fruit variations have a higher value than the regular fruits to which you can sell for a more heftier amount of bells. There are also the existence of durian trees, lychee trees, and mango trees in New Leaf if you visit the tropical island by paying Kappa to take you there. Whereas in New Horizons, you won’t be able to grow perfect fruit, and the options for fruit trees include just peaches, oranges, pears, apples, and cherries.
🍀13. Lastly, the dialogue and options to interact with villagers are a bit different in the two games. In New Leaf, you either have the option to talk to them or they bring up a request that you could fulfill and complete. While in New Horizons, after getting closer and talking to the villager you have the option of gifting them. In New Leaf, there isn’t a direct option to gift them when you go talk to them, but you can gift them through letters sent through the postal office. In both games, villagers will reciprocate and show happiness after being given a gift or completed a request by gifting the player something.
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Overall, once playing through both games, it is clear that they both have different strongpoints while carrying the og similar traits and function. It’s interesting and satisfying to see the evolvement of functions and added improvements from New Leaf to New Horizons in terms of creativity and variety of choices in items, design, and collections. Both platforms had online services to allow interactions with a growing community, so whichever game you resonate with the most you can definitely enjoy either game to live out your animal crossing adventures 🌱🌼☘️
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terraliensvent · 5 months
For anyone defending coy with the excuse "they just wanted to make adopts"
In the VC on the night things blew up staff confirmed that coy would BLOCK/reject many of changes requested by the community
Its not only because of a schedule, they also limited alot of new things terras could have gotten earlier because it would hurt their pockets
Do you think coy would charge 200$ on limited terralien customs with limited traits had a way to be achieved for free? Or allow traits community wished for that at the moment only they could use? It's more then just making "emergency" adopts
Reminder of coy's words
"I just want to camp Instagram and make adopts"
i also got info from a mod that coy would make illegal terras and then upon being told they were illegal, ask mods to fix it instead of doing it themself. apparently one of their gacha terras (im assuming this one) had a dripping visor, and when mods told them thats not allowed, they told mods to fix it
temul also said last night that they actually had to change trait restrictions because coy would just make illegal terras; this terra caused them to have to edit the restrictions on terrarium body, as previously it wasnt allowed to have the terrarium stomach like this
it seems to me like coy just really didnt give a fuck about any part of the species and just wanted to make money, regardless of if they were following design rules correctly or giving mods a hard time
(and as a side note, its pretty funny looking at coys designs on the ML in chronological order and seeing just how fucking lazy they got. just compare page 1 to page 7, or hell, just compare their designs from the first gacha to the most recent gacha. this is almost as bad of an art regression as puppychan)
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thedizzydinosaur · 6 months
March 24 Dance: hands, lead/follow, pattens.
"Are you sure about this?" Ethari scanned the pattens that the young man had pushed into his hands, scanning over the simple, but elegant design of the horn cuffs, render in seay to follow but still exquisite details.
"Very." The young skywing elf wrung his hands in what had to be nervousness. "She's my world, and, well, I.. "
"You want the best for her." Ethari smiled softly at the boy, and oh, he was just a boy, no older than 18 perhaps?"
Ah, he was that young once, dancing around his feelings over a certain someone who was currently chasing some guard recruits around the forest.
"So, do you want to get started on this? My schedule is pretty clear this afternoon, and i doubt you want to keep your sweet heart waiting..."
The boy, as it turned out, was a pretty good student.
He was attentive, absorbing every bit of information Ethari sent his way as he led him step by step through the prosses of silver-smithing.
First was heating up the bar of metal slightly, then feeding it through a set of rollers to flatten it to a nice even thickness
"Now we need to trace the patten on with a scribe"
The two halves of the first cuff were traced out onto the metal, along with some careful markings to show where the raised, petal like patten was to be added, before ethari took over again to cut the sides out.
"It's not that I don't trust you, lad, but the shears are sharp, and even I've nearly lost fingers to them."
Ethari didn't miss the way the boy's hands almost instantly vanished into his coat pockets when he said that.
Funny thing was that the boys hands seemed to have a fuzzy edge to them. Like they were slightly behind frosted glass.
Ethari shook his head.
A trick of the light.
They worked right into the evening, resulting in the completion of rough shapes of two horn cuffs, ready for refinement and decorating, before Ethari had to down tools to start dinner
The boy, who's name seemed to consistently slip Ethari’s mind, was staying just outside the village, as the inn was full.
Ethari did extend the offer to stay over in the guest room but was met with a polite refusal.
He left for his camp just before Runaan returned, cussing out a particularly mouthy recruit who had the gall to call him old.
"You are only 42, love," Ethari hummed, pulling his beloved, grumpy husband into a slow dance in the kitchen as they waited for dinner to finish cooking. "Hardly old."
"40." Runaan corrected with a grumble.
"I refuse to let you miss out on two years, darling~" Ethari crooned, lifting Runaan up into a twirl.
"And you said that you had nothing scheduled this afternoon." Runaan was smiling now. "So who was your supprise walk in?"
"One half of a pair of lovers" Ethari replied. "Looking for the perfect gift for his heart"
"Yes. A pair of custom horn cuffs."
The timer at the stove dinged, and the two of them broke from there dance.
The skwing lad was back bright and early the next day.
Callum, as he reminded Ethari with a wry smile, picked up the art of engraving quickly, and it did not take long for him to start gushing over the young lady who held his heart in her hands.
Bold, sweet, brave, tender and sassy. You'd think she'd been sent by the moon herself the way callum spoke of her.
He was so in love, and that love was translated into each and every line engraved as the day went on.
Ethari had to wonder if the protective brambles carefully coiled under the moon lilies and roses meant anything in particular.
There was muttering in the village that a ghost had been spotted slinking around the village boundaries.
No one would mention the name of exactly who it was, but the village guards were getting twitchy, which was never a good sign.
Callum assured Ethari that he'd be OK as he slipped away into the growing twilight, precious cargo stashed away safely in his bag.
Ethari still watched on from his workshops doors, eyes following the skywing picked his way through the market and out past the boundary stones, just to make sure.
Callum dipped though the underbrush, keeping one ear out for the smallest sounds of village guards, assassins (trainee or otherwise) or anyone else that might try to follow him as he left the village, and made for the meeting point.
The adoraburr meadow was dark as dusk settled in, aside for the lightning bugs that drifted on the breeze.
With a sigh, he finally let the illustration he'd been living under for the last couple of days.
He flexed all 5 fingers as his skin regained its pink hew and the horns melted away into moon dust.
"Say, stranger, have I seen you before"
Callum sighed before turning and smiling up at the beautiful moon nymph that was sitting on a nearby bolder, the cheesiest smile in existence on her face.
"I'm not sure if I've ever met a goddess before." Callum zinged back as Rayla hopped down from her perch to greet him with a hug.
"I got you something." Callum returned the hug in full force.
"And I got you something ~"
"Dare I ask?"
Rayla grinned, and scooted out of his grip.
"Not telling~" she sung "not yet, at least"
Callum rolled his eyes just a little. He grabbed his bag, and started to follow her out of the meadow.
"Your uncles are doing well, by the way." He told her as they disappeared into the treeline. "But I noticed a 'no unattended Jr assassins' sign next to the door?
"Oh... yeh.... that might be my fault...."
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Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp - Kabukimono Kimono Custom Design QR Codes
Light Skin Tone:
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Tan Skin Tone:
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Dark Skin Tone:
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Based on the outfits from Pocket Camp.
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New Horizons/Pocket Camp - Resort Drink Cabana DIY Guide
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1 Stall (Natural, Custom Design)
1 Simple Panel (Brown, Custom Design)
2 Mixers (Kiwifruit and Oranges)
1 Counter Table (Natural wood)
1 Iced Lemon Tea
1 Melon Soda
1 Birdcage (Brown)
Custom Design
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izzat-ali-shah · 1 month
The SOS Solar Phone Charger: Harnessing the Power of the Sun for Reliable Connectivity
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The capacity to keep smartphones charged at all times is critical in a time when they have become indispensable tools for information, communication, and navigation. But power outlets aren't always available, particularly in isolated areas, during emergencies, or when engaging in outdoor activities. Here's where the SOS Solar Phone Charger comes in, providing a dependable and sustainable way to use the sun's boundless energy to charge your gadgets. This post explores the features, advantages, uses, and effects of the SOS Solar Phone Charger, emphasizing its significance in the technologically advanced world of today.
1. Understanding Solar Phone Chargers
It's important to comprehend the fundamentals of solar phone chargers before delving into the details of the SOS Solar Phone Charger. Photovoltaic (PV) panels, which transform sunlight into electrical energy, are seen on solar chargers. After that, this energy is used to power electronic gadgets like tablets, smartphones, and even portable batteries.
Over the past ten years, solar charger technology has advanced dramatically. Contemporary solar chargers are more useful for daily usage because they are stronger, more portable, and more efficient. They are especially helpful in circumstances where conventional power sources are unstable or unavailable, like off-grid areas, outdoor excursions, and natural disasters.
2. Introducing the SOS Solar Phone Charger
Modern technology like the SOS Solar Phone Charger is made to deliver dependable electricity in a variety of scenarios, especially crises. Its robust construction and cutting-edge solar technology guarantee that customers can always be connected and energized.
Key Features of the SOS Solar Phone Charger
High-Efficiency Solar Panels: High-efficiency photovoltaic panels on the SOS Solar Phone Charger enable it to swiftly transform sunshine into useful energy. Because of their ability to function in low light, these panels guarantee continuous power generation all day long.
Durable and Weather-Resistant Design: The SOS Solar Phone Charger has a sturdy, weather-resistant design and is made for outdoor use. Its sturdy construction can tolerate a variety of adverse circumstances, such as rain, dust, and extremely high or low temperatures. It's perfect for outdoor activities like hiking and camping because of this.
Compact and Portable: The SOS Solar Phone Charger is easy to carry in a pocket or backpack because to its lightweight and small form, which belies its sturdy build. Users can carry it anywhere they go, from crowded city streets to isolated mountain paths, thanks to its portability.
Multiple Charging Ports: Multiple USB ports on the charger enable customers to charge multiple gadgets at once. When several people need to keep their gadgets charged during an emergency or on a group outing, this capability comes in handy.
Built-In Battery: An inbuilt battery of the SOS Solar Phone Charger stores extra solar energy for later use. This implies that consumers can charge their gadgets even on overcast or nighttime days when the sun isn't shining.
SOS Functionality: The SOS Solar Phone Charger lives up to its name: it has an SOS function, which usually consists of an LED flashlight with an integrated SOS signal mode. This function helps users signal for aid when needed, which can be a lifeline in emergency situations.
3. Benefits of Using the SOS Solar Phone Charger
With so many advantages, the SOS Solar Phone Charger is a must-have gadget for anyone who appreciates consistent power supply. Some of the main benefits are listed below:
1. Environmentally Friendly Power Source
The SOS Solar Phone Charger's utilization of renewable energy is one of its biggest advantages. Solar energy is a clean, green energy source that doesn't use up natural resources or release harmful emissions. Users can lessen their carbon footprint and help create a more sustainable future by using a solar charger.
2. Independence from the Grid
Users can now keep their gadgets charged without relying on the electrical grid thanks to the SOS Solar Phone Charger. This independence is especially helpful in rural locations without access to electricity, during natural disasters, and during power outages. The SOS Solar Phone Charger makes sure you stay connected whether you are off the grid or camping in the woods.
3. Cost-Effective Solution
Long-term cost savings are possible for consumers who choose solar phone chargers, even though their initial cost may be higher than that of conventional chargers. The SOS Solar Phone Charger uses free solar energy after purchase, so it doesn't require electricity or throwaway batteries. This can eventually result in significant cost savings, particularly for outdoor enthusiasts or regular travelers.
4. Emergency Preparedness
In an emergency, the SOS Solar Phone Charger is a very useful equipment. Having a dependable power source can be quite helpful in a variety of situations, including natural disasters, unexpected power outages, and car breakdowns in isolated areas. Users can feel safer knowing that the charger has SOS capability, which includes an emergency signal and flashlight, in case they need to call for assistance.
5. Versatility and Convenience
Another significant advantage of the SOS Solar Phone Charger is its adaptability. Numerous gadgets, such as GPS units, cameras, tablets, cellphones, and more, are compatible with it. This makes it a handy one-stop shop for charging several devices at once when traveling. Its convenience is further increased by the integrated battery, which enables users to save energy for later use.
4. Applications of the SOS Solar Phone Charger
Because of its many uses, the SOS Solar Phone Charger can be helpful in a variety of situations:
1. Outdoor Adventures
An essential piece of gear for outdoor enthusiasts, hikers, and campers is the SOS Solar Phone Charger. In isolated locations where conventional chargers are not an option, it offers a dependable power supply. The SOS Solar Phone Charger makes sure your gadgets are charged whether you're trekking through dense forests, scaling mountains, or visiting national parks. It keeps you linked to the outside world and acts as a safety net in case of crises.
2. Emergency Preparedness
Having access to communication resources can be vital in an emergency. Emergency packs just cannot be complete without the SOS Solar Phone Charger. It guarantees that you can keep your phone charged and remain in contact with loved ones and emergency services even in the event of a protracted power outage, natural disaster, or other emergencies. Its added usefulness in an emergency is further increased by the integrated illumination and SOS signal.
3. Off-Grid Living
For people who don't have access to electricity or live in isolated locations, the SOS Solar Phone Charger offers a dependable and eco-friendly power source. It enables users to charge their gadgets independently of the grid, facilitating communication and information access even in remote areas.
4. International Travel
Dealing with multiple voltages and electrical outlets is a common experience when traveling abroad. With the SOS Solar Phone Charger, you can charge your gadgets anywhere in the globe and do away with the need for travel adapters. Its solar-powered nature means you won't have to worry about finding an outlet in strange areas, and its portability makes it easy to pack and carry. 
5. Everyday Use
The SOS Solar Phone Charger can be a useful tool even in everyday situations. Having a portable solar charger guarantees that you're never caught without power, whether you're traveling, working remotely, or spending time outside. It's a handy backup for those moments when your phone's battery runs low and there's no outlet in sight.
5. The Impact of the SOS Solar Phone Charger
Products like the SOS Solar Phone Charger have a big impact on society overall as well as on individual users. Solar chargers are contributing to the resolution of numerous significant concerns by offering a dependable, sustainable, and portable power source.
1. Promoting Renewable Energy Adoption
The wider acceptance of renewable energy technology is facilitated by the increasing number of people who use solar chargers. By providing a starting point for consumers to investigate and invest in green energy solutions, products such as the SOS Solar Phone Charger help to increase public knowledge of the advantages of renewable energy.
2. Reducing E-Waste
Disposable batteries and conventional chargers add to the expanding issue of electronic trash, or "e-waste." By keeping electronics charged and working, the SOS Solar Phone Charger helps eliminate the need for throwaway batteries and extend the life of electronic equipment. Consequently, less electronic waste—which is produced by abandoned gadgets and batteries—is produced.
3. Enhancing Disaster Resilience
There may be protracted outages in the event of a natural calamity, such as a hurricane, an earthquake, or flooding. The SOS Solar Phone Charger increases catastrophe resilience by offering a dependable, grid-independent power source. In circumstances where communication is essential for getting emergency information or getting in touch with loved ones, this could save lives.
4. Empowering Remote Communities
Solar chargers, such as the SOS Solar Phone Charger, can significantly enhance the quality of life in isolated or underprivileged communities with limited access to power. Sunlight chargers assist close the access gap to services, communication, and information by offering a way to charge phones, radios, and other necessities.
6. Choosing the Right Solar Phone Charger
There are a few things to take into account when choosing a solar phone charger to make sure you get the best one for your needs: 
Charging Capacity: Search for a charger that can provide the necessary power output. Select a charger with the right amount of power and battery capacity after taking into account the devices you plan to charge.
Portability:Portability is essential if you intend to use the charger for travel or outdoor activities. Select a model that is easy to carry and is lightweight and compact.
Durability: Make sure the charger is made to survive the kinds of situations you might experience. A few qualities to look for are shockproof structure, dust resistance, and water resistance.
Efficiency: Think about how effective the solar panels are. Your gadgets will charge more quickly and operate more effectively in low light with high-efficiency panels.
Additional Features: Keep an eye out for value-adding extras like integrated batteries, numerous charging outlets, or SOS capability.
An important development in the realm of portable power solutions is the SOS Solar Phone Charger. It offers a dependable, environmentally friendly, and adaptable way to keep your gadgets charged wherever you are by utilizing solar energy. For anyone who likes being prepared, travels frequently, or is just an outdoor enthusiast, the SOS Solar Phone Charger is a necessary gear that keeps you fueled up and connected no matter what. Products like the SOS Solar Phone Charger are essential in forming a more robust and sustainable future as we continue to adopt renewable energy sources. 
SOS Solar Phone Chargers **MOST POPULAR** (Save 20% More) - Check it Out
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ansariforge · 5 months
Unveiling the Masterpieces: 10 Best Damascus Knives by Ansari Forge
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Hey there knife enthusiasts, buckle up because I'm about to take you on a thrilling ride through the world of fine craftsmanship and cutting-edge design. If you've been on the hunt for the ultimate Damascus knife to add to your collection, look no further than Ansari Forge. Renowned for their impeccable quality and unparalleled artistry, Ansari Forge has curated a collection that's bound to leave you in awe. So, without further ado, let's dive into the top 10 Damascus knives that are stealing the spotlight:
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1 : Damascus Kukri Knife - This beauty boasts a bone handle and comes with a leather sheath, making it a perfect blend of style and functionality. Ideal for both collectors and outdoor enthusiasts.
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2 : Damascus Steel Hunting Knife - Crafted with a camel bone handle and accompanied by a leather sheath, this knife is your perfect companion for all your hunting adventures.
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3 : Damascus Folding Pocket Knife - Sleek, stylish, and practical, this pocket knife with a bone handle is a must-have for everyday carry.
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4 : Hand-Forged 8-Inch Chef Knife - Elevate your culinary skills with this chef knife featuring a stabilized burl wood handle and a leather sheath. Precision and beauty combined in one.
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5 : Full Tang Damascus Bowie Knife - Designed for the wilderness, this Bowie knife with horizontal carry leather sheath is your go-to for hunting and camping expeditions.
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6 : Fixed Blade Damascus Gut Hook Knife - With a full tang wood handle and included leather sheath, this knife is tailor-made for skinning, hunting, and outdoor adventures.
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7 : Ruby Ranger 9 Damascus Hunting Knife - Unleash your inner hunter with this masterpiece featuring a gut hook and a sheath. Crafted to perfection for your hunting escapades.
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8 : Markhor Hunter Damascus Steel Knife - The horn handle adds a touch of elegance to this Damascus steel knife, making it a prized possession for any collector.
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9 : Custom Handmade Forged Hunting Knife - With a horizontal leather sheath, this 9.5-inch hunting knife is a testament to Ansari Forge's commitment to excellence in craftsmanship.
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Damascus Folding Knife Liner Lock - Practicality meets sophistication in this custom pocket knife with a walnut wood handle and sheath.
Each knife from Ansari Forge is not just a tool but a work of art that tells a story of craftsmanship and dedication. Whether you're a seasoned collector or a novice enthusiast, these Damascus knives are sure to captivate your heart and elevate your collection to new heights. So, what are you waiting for? Dive into the world of Ansari Forge and experience the magic of fine blades like never before. Happy slicing! 🗡️✨
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morgana-ren · 9 months
Wanted to share the pic but also ask about fashion for your ocs! What's their style like??
Lmao the shirtless vests always get us. That and the tattoos. I am a fiend for tattoos, I will tell you that.
Alright, this is as good as a time as any to say that Nighty dearest (Nightmare) for various lore reasons, has changed his name. He is Corvus now. It fits him for a lot of really long and convoluted reasons but anyway, when you see me referring to Corvus I am referring to he who was Nightmare. I am trying to get the hang of it, please help me not confuse myself.
So, Reaver wears his typical rich people shit, fine satins and suits, but worse. Imagine the gaudiest shit you've ever seen, and add a huge stovepipe hat onto it. He's got the long double-buttoned coat, with the silk shirt, the vest with his dumbass insignia, the stupid gold pocket watch, all of it. He tends to dress somewhat monochromatically, preferring white and black, but he will sometimes dip into red and brown for accent shirts. He dresses very similar to how he does in canon, but with a little modern flair. He gets made fun of the most ny the others, but he does not care. He thinks he looks impeccable, and the fashion magazines are inclined to agree (or they'd be bought out, gutted, and their editor killed.)
He prefers his hair pitch black, gelled and cut clean, a bit longer in the front with a coif. It fits perfectly under his stupid hat. his bang slops down on his face when he sleeps and it reaches his chin and it's very funny. He's very clean cut, no beard, no mustache. How could you see his handsome jaw line if he had a mustache? (His words, not mine.) Don't forget the heart he has tattooed on his cheek.
Astarion tends to dress very similar to how he does normally. He prefers the finer things, but he's not gaudy like Reaver is. Occasionally Corvus and Reaver will dog on him for dressing in 'ye olde doublets' but eventually it got to him and he stopped wearing them as much (he still thinks they're fashionable and comfortable though.) Think his camp white shirt, tight pants, and high boots. Usually he's fairly casual, but always fashionable in the way you'd expect a vampire lord to be. He is partial to Corvus's clothes and that means leather. If he's going fancy, he might borrow a thing or two from the other lads, but mostly, he's very relaxed, so formal gear is different. Not quite as slutty as Corvus is, but still very suggestive vampy clothes.
Astarion keeps his hair mostly the same, but is open and partial to trying new styles. Same silvery hair, same elaborate styles. Clean cut as well. It looks longer than you'd think when it's wet or unstyled.
Corvus dresses like a prostitute started dressing like a pirate that started to buy into the act. Flowing, deep, revealing shirts, pants that are so tight that it's amazing he can move, velvet outer coats with filigree and intricate designs, and huge hats with feathers when he's feeling fancy. This man will call you a slut while you can see his whole ass chest and every curve and outline of his lower body. He does the 'whore' thing with his rapier-- you know, when you limply rest your hand on the hilt. He's willowy and tall, and he dresses like every pirate captain you've ever seen if every pirate captain was an unaware whore. Loves leather pants, and gets them custom with the tail slot for him. Loves loose, flowy shirts that bare his entire fucking upper body. Linen pants. You know, pirate boy shit-- if every pirate was a gigantic whore. He will dress in the finest he can when he wants to, but the lads and their formal gear are a bit different than their 'lounging about' outfits.
He'll have his silver hair back and braided with a lovely little matching ribbon, usually. Or just put into a low ponytail. He keeps his hair longer than Reaver and Asto, but not necessarily long. He's usually clean cut facial hair wise, unless it's one of those aus where he is just so exhausted that he cannot be assed to shave.
Ilya hasn't aged a day mentally since he turned 36. He prefers expensive long silk robes with metal cuffs and accents. This man dresses elaborately even when he's just sitting around the house doing nothing. He has one in every color. Sashes in every color. Jewelry in every color. He has special battle robes that offer a bit more protection. Just fucking robes and loose pants. When he's lounging lavishly, he'll just leave it open with his bare chest, because he's just like that. He has his hat in a multitude of colors. He has a huge closet with robes of all kinds. Bell sleeves. Regular sleeves. Sleeves with hidden compartments. Satin robes. Silk robes. Velvet robes. Robes that trail for six fucking feet behind him. He doesn't like jackets and shirts. When he goes in public, he will pretend to be a foreign dignitary. You will never see this man in one of Reaver's outfits. He's partial to leather pants because he likes the look, but mostly, it's his dumbass robes.
Ilya keeps his dark hair long. Very long. Waist to hip area usually. Brushed meticulously every day, cared for impeccably. Braided and pinned and kept beneath his hat when he's going out. Put into a bun or a braid or a low pony tail when he is at home or training. He will keep it loose sometimes, but it just depends. If you're trying to grow your hair out, you are going to hate seeing this man every goddamn day with his immaculate locks. Long and thick and slightly wavy and full. He's an asshole.
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