oculusanubis · 10 months
Please scroll down to the first post on this page before reading this update.
New Oculus Anubis Post
Not even 24 hours after posting my write up on Oculus Anubis, I received a direct message from their revival Facebook page. I responded promptly but with suspicion - they wanted to meet. We agreed to a 6pm phone call, both of us on Pacific Daylight Time. 
When they picked up the line, I first informed them I was recording the conversation which rather than causing a brick wall to jump between us, my recipient didn’t blink an eye. “I'm an open book”, they’d said. As a potential buyer for the property, and the creator of the new non-profit named Oculus Anubis, this person is the one behind most of this recent online activity, including the TikTok page I discussed in my last post. It’s their own goal to purchase the property & renovate it as a community holistic healing center. Or, as her website states, “It will be a sanctuary where individuals can explore their spirituality, engage in meaningful events, and find solace in the presence of a supportive community”.
One thing I had found online, before posting my original write up, was the Facebook pages of a few family members in the Neal family. On several of their pages, a post was created and shared about the interested party. You can read more posts made by Alexa on the internet several years back about her grandma Sharon, found on the “Pictures Page”. Here is the post about Jasmine;
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While Jasmine is the human involved in creating the new website, buying the domain, filing as a non-profit and wants to buy the land, we struggle with the legality (if anyone has legal background that wants to help, please reach out!). This case seems to be stuck in limbo. I've contacted every name listed on every court document ive been able to obtain, but from where I can see, the property is tangled up in court, still. Natalia has tried to get Sharon Neal evicted, however, this failed due to the bankruptcy court Sharon is in. This being said, the property deed was transferred to Rushmore Loan Services, LLC in 2022 & at one point in that year it was listed as “In Foreclosure'' which is why Jasmine found interest in purchasing to begin with.
Jasmine found this property from the internet and became intrigued, just like me & most likely yourself too. Already coming to Oregon, she decided to give the place a visit. With the online accounts about the family still living on their property, Jasmine reached out to a local realtor as well as the local sheriff before visiting. 
According to Jasmin the bank said that the Neal family should not be on the property but that they weren't ready to get law enforcement involved yet. Jasmine also tells me that the local sheriff, agreeing with this information, said anyone interested in purchasing the property has the right to visit it. However, the sheriff tells her, “We have no teeth in this”. Jasmine, with all this in mind, feels we might have stumbled into something bigger. A point that becomes more and more realistic as we continue to investigate this property and its occupiers. 
When Jasmine visited the Oculus Anubis location, she was only able to make it less than 100ft past the gate before being visited by Natalia and two young women (who may have been her daughters). After leaving an offering and having a silent moment with the Sekhmet statue, the trio appeared with a broom and shovels in hand. After a verbal altercation Jasmine & her partner were property “swept” off the land with Natalia physically pressuring them to leave with her bush broom.  
Jasmine got right to work, using her internet background to manifest her future vision for the property. This move has made way for dramatic reactions from Natalia, her family and even the neighbors.
Within a month of the site being up, Robert (Greg) Cantrell called Jasmine’s phone at 7am one morning. He goes on and on about how evil she is (repeats it twenty times in fact, I counted) and mocks her “spiritual calling” to the property. When Jasmine mentions an online rumor about lines of children being led from one part of the property to the next, rather than deny this, he says, “It's none of your business”. To Jasmine, this is a huge admission that something nefarious is going on.
Her claims of White Supremacy behavior from this family, is rooted in their tax evasion, using their power to take advantage of others as well as taking these spiritual monuments from another country and letting them essentially rot. Jasmine also notes to me during our phone call that she and her partner are “not quite white looking” and that Natalia's reaction to her being on the property may be rooted in racism. (This being said, when we look back years ago to an online video, we see “friends of Sharon” come onto the property to help move a statue to a safer location”, however, several minutes into this project, they get interrupted, yelled at and driven off the property by Natalia. These individuals were white. This is neither here nor there, but I think it is worth mentioning.)
Using Ai generated images to deliver visuals of Jasmine's goal for the property, she also invites donations, which she has been receiving steadily. These funds are for the future of this property, and as far as I know, aren't being used nefariously. Jasmine, being very transparent with me from our first conversation on the phone, shares receipts and tracks finances on an app she’s invited me to access. She’s also given me access to the website credentials, a folder full of information on the property and keeps me updated constantly as she builds what she believes is a case against an elite force of possible child traffickers. 
You may be wondering, what about the Halloween revival date mentioned in my last post. This event was canceled for a litter of reasons but I think regardless of what the Oculus Anubis website says, the bottom line is were no closer to understanding where our rights and the Neal family rights begin and end in regards to this property, and moving the event until we have a better grasp, lessened the likelihood for neighborhood arguments that could have ensued. Not to mention, most of the people interested in attending were not spiritually led or even in the loop about what's been going on. Bringing halfway educated individuals into a potentially harmful situation - not ideal. This being said, days before the date of the event Jasmine writes on the website that the reason for the cancellation was due to the conflict in Gaza & that it deserves our full support and attention. 
On November 17th, Jasmine sends me a link to a website for Pyramid Forest, a website with the same aesthetic as the Oculus Anubis website but a different color scheme, claiming to located in a forest in Oregon and “poised to be a world-class vineyard, and an extraordinary event and experience venue, providing unparalleled sensory and emotional journeys”. Even the images and paragraphs of information on the site feel just as Ai as Jasmine's page, down to the cheesy “team” photos & bios.
When we looked up their LLC, we found the business is listed as a Lodging & Conventions company, with none other than Sharon Neal listed as director. Really Sharon? Another business? We’re going to come back to Sharon too later in this post. According to filed documents with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Pyramid Forest files under an address that isn't associated with a property and is actually just a stretch of highway. Vlada Neal, as far as I can tell, is a real human in the Neal family. In fact, I think this is our mystery woman from the Behind the Gates advertisements years back when Sharon illegally created that non-profit (under her old, maiden name) to pay her PGE bill. Vlada is listed as the Founder/CEO/Art Director even though the documents filed for LLC have Sharon listed as director. My suspicion is that Vlada is Natalia’s daughter from before her marriage with Anthony. Or even perhaps Anthony's actual daughter?
In their SEC we see that they registered with no net worth or income requirements for ‘accredited investors’, and investment minimum of $1,000 in filings. While this is just speculation, the SEC website warns in their “10 Red Flags That an Unregistered Offering May Be a Scam” in which they include filings with no net worth or income requirements for ‘accredited investors’, and investment minimum of $1,000 in filings is in fact, a red-flag.
Another noteworthy mention would be in the “sharp uptick in not only visitors to our own, unrelated site, but also a dramatic increase in brute force attacks and failed login attempts” on the Oculus Anubis website created by Jasmine. These attacks have not stopped and have only increased with time.
The Pyramid Forest website says its working with collaborators such as Edelweiss Construction and “Ardiry Winery” but when contacted, the winery had never heard of Pyramid Forest... in fact, none of the “contributors” know anything about it. I also can’t find their listed CPA on the team, James Brown at all. He looks like an Ai generated detective if you ask me. And Tony Perez, Sensory Architect & Perfumer, lives in New York (waiting to hear back from him on any connections). 
Oh yeah, and remember that guy Michael Allen Harrison that I mentioned on my first post? He is posting all over his website and social media accounts about his album project, ‘Pyramid Forest’. And no joke, we find him listed on the website as Pyramid Forest’s “Founder/CEO/Art Director”. We see him on the internet in several places, associated with Vlada Neal and the past Behind the Gates project. 
Now, back to Sharon. Remember that “Go-Fund-Me” that Sharon had made? I was honest to goodness a little bit worried about this woman & considered even calling in a wellness check on her. However, a tight source of mine tells us that the images of the smashed bathroom aren't even in Sharon's house at all and is actually located hundreds of yards away - the tennis courts bathroom that had been smashed by vandals years ago. This lie in itself, embedded on her “Go-Fund-Me '' is just another lie in hopes to ellisit money from the public; her M.O.. I question though, who helped her make this page & is therefore implicit to this lie? I can't help but side-eye Michael Allen Harrison, as he was sure to donate $100 to the “cause”. 
Another topic to mention is something a close source said they found on the Neal property, a structure of stalled cages. The structure is just short of falling apart, being overtaken by the brambles. Inside, a dead bird carcass had begun to fossilize. Jasmine believes that these cages are evidence that children have been held here amongst the processes of being trafficked by the Neal family. Certainly, it is a little sus. Sus because we know that Natalia Neal had registered a business called Sunny’s Organic Farms, which is still up and running, according to the website (website made by Mark Neal and updated as recently as Sept 4th). But how can that be if this is their chicken coop? All abandon like that. And it’s not like the chickens could be elsewhere because the business is registered to be operating out of the Oculus Anubis address. So if this is the coop for their business that they still have registered with the IRS - this is a red flag. However, I think the red flag is leaning closer to more fraudulent activity than it is to child trafficking.  Lastly, there's this Anthony guy. Anthony Curtis Neal, all grown up. Now, he goes by Anthony Curtis and seems to have made a successful career for himself as a Project Manager. He sticks out to us because after some digging, and I can't really get into the specifics of how I know this, but we know he’s tried hacking the Oculus Anubis site at least once, and we venture to assume he is the one behind all the attacks and that the one time we saw his username in a login attempt blew his cover. Rumor has it he is living on the property again - rumors founded onhis selling of his home in 2021 and that his new address is listed as the Oculus Anubis property location. My speculation? Anthony Neal started the original online rumors about the property, to get attention on the property and cause issues for his ex-wife. Working with Vlada, I assume that he’s now attempting to “clean up” the mess he made by changing public perception of the property through the webpage and Pyramid Forrest. Is this done just to change public perception so his family can be left in peace? Or, could it be because they realize the new found attention from Jasmine's website and intrigue, will unravel the other fraudulent activity they are a part of? I mean, if it quacks like a duck, waddles like a duck - it might be a duck. 
What do we do with this information? Apparently nothing for now. The cops want nothing to do with the property & until a lawyer gets involved my hands are tied because I have no actual proof of anything. I myself just had the goal of sorting through the drama for the sake of the public, so minds could rest at ease. The fact that I'm ending this right now with no feeling of ease is unsettling. Best I can do is continue to monitor and investigate the situation and hope for some sort of resolution soon. As of now, we have a team formed for research and while we welcome any help, a word of caution. Do not visit the property. Two sources tell me that the tension on social media regarding Oculus Anubis’ recent resurgence, has created a hostile front by the Neal family. As you see by the images provided to me below, this is a dangerous place to visit. Avoid the location, please. -Harriet
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