#plz pardon mistakes etc
Hi! For the Drabble prompts: 15. “So, I found this waterfall…” with Geraskier? Thank you 💖
This was very fun, I’ve never written these two before now! :3c
(using Dandelion instead with permission from the ask-ee)
Prompt: “So, I found this waterfall…”
      “Geralt, where are we going?” 
      “I’ve already told you, Dandelion, it’s a surprise. Stick close.”
      Geralt listens as the bard hurries to catch up to him, his feet crunching loudly over the forest floor. 
       “How did you find this surprise anyway?” Dandelion asks, panting slightly. “I thought you already knew these woods front to back.”
      “I thought so too,” Geralt replies. He grips Dandelion’s shoulder as the man teeters over a patch of uneven ground, steadying him. “Come on, grab hold—” 
      Geralt can’t even finish the sentence before the bard’s hand is in his.
     “As I was saying,” Geralt continues, feeling warmth rise into his cheeks, “I thought I did too, but I was out here on a contract a day or two ago and— yes I cleared the area,” he says, responding to an anxious tightening of Dandelion’s fingers, “and I’m gonna double check it before you get too close, don’t worry. It was only drowners anyway.”
      “So, it has something to do with water, then,” Dandelion says quickly.
      Geralt snorts with impatience and keeps walking.
      “Stop interrupting me, or I’ll never finish my story,” he grumbles.
      “Oh, very well, grumpy pants. Please continue.”
      Geralt lightly squeezes the hand in his grip, saying,
      “Well, to keep a long story short for his eminence, the viscount, I discovered something new that I didn’t know about. It does happen sometimes. Keep up, it’s only a few minutes away.”
      Dandelion lets out a huff of breath, but the callused hand in his grip is warm and comforting, and more importantly, it’s Geralt’s. They walk for a little while longer, then the witcher stops abruptly, causing his companion to nearly run into his back.
      “Is something wrong?” Dandelion asks worriedly.
      “No, but better safe than sorry,” Geralt replies. He slips his hand out of the bard’s hold and turns to him.
      “Stay here, I’ll be right back.”
      Dandelion nods. Apparently satisfied with this, Geralt disappears behind a wall of trees. He returns a few minutes later, looking quite pleased with himself.
      “It’s still clear. Come on.”
      This time Geralt takes the bard’s hand without waiting for him to respond, and leads him forward. 
      “So, I found this waterfall...” Geralt says as they step through the wall of trees, and Dandelion gasps out loud, unable to stifle the sound. 
      The scene before them is stunningly picturesque, like something out of a fairy tale. A small cascade of water pours over the side of a small cliff and into a pool below, sparkling in the rays of sunlight that filter down through the forest canopy. The water is crystal clear, even though the pool looks deep enough for swimming. 
      Geralt glances over in time to see Dandelion already half out of his clothes. 
      “It’s pretty cold—” he begins, but as usual, Dandelion seems to be just a step ahead of him. The bard tosses his underclothes aside, runs forward, and jumps into the pool with a whoop. Geralt watches with amusement as he resurfaces a second later with an even louder yelp and rockets out of the water at an impressive speed. He comes to a halt in front of the witcher, his eyes sparkling with joy. Geralt can’t help but be reminded of the few times he has seen polished aquamarines.
      “This is so beautiful, Geralt,” Dandelion gushes, flinging his hair back in a wet spray that hits Geralt in the face. “Oh, sorry!” 
      The witcher chuckles and wipes the water out of his eyes.
      “I thought you’d appreciate it,” he says. After a moment of hesitation, he reaches out and tucks a stray strand of wet hair behind Dandelion’s ear. 
      “And you said you found this only a day or two ago?”
      Dandelion sighs happily and reaches up, wrapping his wet arms around Geralt’s neck so he can place a cold and watery kiss on his lips.
      “Thank you for thinking of me,” Dandelion whispers, pulling back and kissing the tip of the witcher’s nose, then his cheeks. 
      “Of course,” Geralt replies, bemused but clearly pleased by the reaction. 
      “Now, you gotta jump in with me!”
      “You’re crazy, it’s freezing.”
      “You’ll be fine, come on!”
      “... Alright, you’ve convinced me.”
      And so the witcher sheds his armor, adding a second splash to the first, and a soft chuckle to the joyful laugh, then lips press against lips, and the quiet sounds that follow are lost in the rush of the waterfall.
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