#pluto direct in capricorn
symbolicliving · 9 months
Pluto Retrograde stations Direct in Capricorn October 10, 2023
Pluto has been Retrograde since May 1, 2023 and entered back into Capricorn June 11, 2023.
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Today, Pluto goes Direct in Capricorn - October 10, 2023 at 9:09 pm ET.
Pluto in Capricorn reveals the power structures of society, especially where the political and financial realm dominate. Pluto is a path of destruction, death, transformation and rebirth.
Pluto is considered revolutionary, but revolving can indicate repeating. Pluto stationing Direct reminds us to ask, "How do we transcend repeating cycles so we can evolve beyond them?"
What larger goals are changing in your life now?
Pluto direct in Capricorn will enter Aquarius January 20, 2024. Pluto will make one final trip between Capricorn and Aquarius from September 1, 2024 to November 19, 2024 and will never be in Pluto again in our lifetimes. More about Pluto Direct in Capricorn
More notable astrological activity for October 2023 here.
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seafoamreadings · 9 months
pluto direct at 27 and 57' of capricorn
pluto did briefly venture into aquarius to provide some harbingers of the future, earlier this year. when he returns there again, none of us alive now will see him in capricorn again.
these last few degrees of capricorn are truly the end of an era. the implications are mainly social upheaval, especially in business/banking/authority.
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thescorpionmonarch · 9 months
Astroforecast over pluto being direct.
Both Capricorn and Aquarius are Saturn ruled signs (aquarius also has uranus). This is noted for Pluto's next transit.
Pluto and Saturn are karmic.
Pluto gave us all a chance to review past karma lessons in whatever house Capricorn and Aquarius are for you.
It's at the end stage in Capricorn. The biggest lessons for what house Capricorn is in starts now. Test your reviews and new info.
Ex: 11th house Capricorn is a test on friendships, networking, and community service. Capricorn gives a business like energy so bonds through networking for entrepreneurs and business owners are getting tested.
Pluto in Capricorn also is revisting government resources and taxes. Pay attention business owners and entrepreneur s especially, but government karma over providing resources and they have done with taxes is up in the spotlight.
There is death trauma still being dealt with. Some are still dying. Some of have seen many deaths.
Divine masculine also has been hit with heavy lessons. Patriarchy caused a lot of wounds. Clear it out.
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sunshinesmebdy · 9 months
Pluto Direct in Capricorn
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1. Shifts in Authority: When Pluto moves forward in Capricorn, it can instigate substantial shifts in authority structures, potentially giving rise to power struggles and prompting a reexamination of how authority is utilized within established systems.
2. Power Dynamics: This astrological transit has the potential to generate conflicts over power and lead to intense confrontations with figures of authority. Individuals may find themselves inclined to assert their own influence or challenge prevailing power arrangements.
3. Evaluation of Authority: During this period, individuals are encouraged to reflect on their relationship with authority and assess whether it aligns with their best interests. This introspection may stimulate a desire for greater independence and a reconsideration of career and life choices.
4. Profound Personal Transformation: Pluto’s energy is commonly linked to profound psychological and emotional change. As it goes direct in Capricorn, individuals may feel compelled to confront their fears and grapple with issues related to authority and control.
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divinationtools · 9 months
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Pluto direct Capricorn
Wednesday 11th October 2023 - 01:09 UTC
Pluto's direct motion in Capricorn signifies profound transformation in your goals and ambitions. Advice: Embrace change and take control of your destiny. Activities: Set new career objectives, redefine your ambitions, or start a personal transformation journey.
Yoga Pose: The Warrior II Pose (Virabhadrasana II) embodies the transformative power of Pluto. Stand with one foot forward, bend your front knee, and extend your arms parallel to the ground. This pose represents strength and resilience, helping you harness Pluto's direct energy for personal growth.
Don't forget to check Your Horoscopes for October 2023
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astro1derland · 2 months
In today’s transits, the Moon 🌕 at 14° Leo ♌️ 15’ 22” forms a trine with Mars 👨 at 10° Aries ♈️ 42’ 3”. Our emotional tendencies align and work well with our motivation, wrathful instincts and force in a fiery, uninhibited, intense way. Light your flame today. Refuel on desire and passion today. Find your eternal flame today!
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saturniandevil · 9 months
Pluto has stationed direct at 27°4' of Capricorn just now (6:09PM PDT.
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bitesize-astrology · 2 years
Let The Cleaning Begin - Part Two
Saturday - October 8, 2022
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I love today's quote: You have got to clean your own house first before you tell other people that they aren't doing it right. It's human nature to point the finger at others while you yourself are failing to see your own shortcomings.
When Pluto went retrograde on April 29th at at 28° Capricorn, one day before a 10° Taurus New Moon Solar Eclipse. Today Pluto comes out of retrograde (5:56pm ET US), one day before a 16° Aries Full Moon. So Pluto's retrograde and direct stations happening before New and Full Moons are significant. The significance comes in that this Pluto transit has been - and will - clean house like never before.
During this Pluto retrograde you have been doing your own internal cleaning house ... getting down to some nasty "crap" that has been fouling up your innards (both literally and energetically) for a while now. But until you take care of internal crap you aren't willing to tackle external crap. Now you are.
Now that Pluto is direct I expect a rise in individuals being more active in how world events are unfolding in their local communities. While Pluto was retrograde we as a whole were still pondering, but now we know, and we're about to let others know that we know.
Pluto's direct motion should give you clarity on what was necessary to clean and sweep from your life, and an assurance that you won't let things get that "dirty" again.
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houseofchirontx · 6 months
Blog Post Title One
It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.
Don’t worry about sounding professional. Sound like you. There are over 1.5 billion websites out there, but your story is what’s going to separate this one from the rest. If you read the words back and don’t hear your own voice in your head, that’s a good sign you still have more work to do.
Be clear, be confident and don’t overthink it. The beauty of your story is that it’s going to continue to evolve and your site can evolve with it. Your goal should be to make it feel right for right now. Later will take care of itself. It always does.
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taratarotgreene · 9 months
Pluto is Direct at 27, the 1st U.S. Retrograde Pluto Return
Pluto is stationary, Direct October 10 at 6:10 pm PDT/ 9:10 pm EDT/ October 11 at 2:10 am GMTAt 27 degrees Capricorn 54' Pluto stays on that degree for the next 8 days. Pluto has been on that Retrograde Station degree since October 3rd just before the re
Pluto is stationary, Direct October 10 at 6:10 pm PDT/ 9:10 pm EDT/ October 11 at 2:10 am GMTAt 27 degrees Capricorn 54′ Pluto stays on that degree for the next 8 days. Pluto has been on that Retrograde Station degree since October 3rd just before the recent Israeli-Palestinian war began. This is a delayed 1st PLuto Return of the U.S. Pluto was at 27 degree 33′ on July 4,1776. Astrologers have…
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estrellogy · 1 month
Astro Notes Pt. 2
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- IN DEFENSE OF LIBRAS. I often hear people say that Libras are pick-mes, but that’s only the underdeveloped ones. I think Libras do get along with the opposite sex really well. The mature ones genuinely connect with the other side because they’re a good balance of both masculine and feminine energies.
- However, I do see SOME Libra men take advantage of this ability and be quite promiscuous. Libra SUN in particular since it comes so naturally to them. Libra Venus men, on the other side, prefer to be monogamous and just pour all their romantic energy into one person. If they have grounding placements like Venus/Saturn positive aspects or earth placements, they’re definitely the type to look for THE ONE™️
- Scorpio and Capricorn placements humor is so under appreciated. People often see these placements as intense alpha males who never show emotions like they’re just 😐. Mfs have perfected dry humor and comedic timing.
- Aries Sun have an easier time maturing than Aries Moon. Since the Moon is such a primal and sensitive place for Aries to be in, the impulsive side of Aries is amplified. Meanwhile, Aries Suns can channel its aggressive fire energy more consciously.
- Leo Suns with 12th house moons can create a lot of internal conflicts. The natural inclination to shine versus the need to completely hide your nature and be intensely introspective.
- Mars in 6th house people really benefit from incorporating exercise into your routine. Everyone does, but Mars in 6th house people in particular can accumulate a lot of stress and tensions so they need to move their bodies often to avoid burn out (speaking from personal experience 😭)
- Scorpio placements are lusted after, but CANCER placements are often desired both physically and emotionally. People want to have a taste of Scorpio placements but often become overwhelmed by their intense nature. Cancers, on the other hand, seem more gentle even though they’re equally insane intense. That’s why Scorpio is often associated with seductresses/siren archetype while Cancer is the “wife”/divine feminine.
- Again, Cancer placements are underrated because the moon energy seems more familiar compared to the mysterious and ethereal nature of outer planets like Neptune and Pluto. But the moon quite literally controls water and has the most direct impact (night vs day) on the actual functions of Earth. Plus, the moon is also a symbol of mystique, beauty, and literally the ‘dark side of the moon’ as a metaphor for human psyche. I can do a whole post about why Cancer placements are really the beauty indicator/archetype in astrology if you guys want 😭
Thank you for reading! Let me know if you guys enjoy these notes and I’ll do more 🤍
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symbolicliving · 2 years
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seafoamreadings · 2 years
pluto direct
between mars and mercury antics you may have forgotten that pluto was even retrograde, but today he resumes direct (prograde) motion. creaking ever closer towards the impending era of pluto in aquarius, for today and tomorrow you may feel some hints at the future, and maybe a little calamity as well, although this more likely plays out on a geopolitical scale than a personal one.
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loveemagicpeace · 2 months
🏹Astrology Notes 🛼
People with many aspects of Neptune, especially Neptune Square North Node, can get into bad paths (alcohol, drugs...) many times they look for a solution by running away from problems. In life, they struggle with many difficult, incomprehensible, strange things. They may come across many people who deceive them.
Pluto opp chiron - can illustrate that you never really get over your traumas that were inflicted on you when you were little. Many times you can carry a swordsman's side inside you and never really let it go.
Mercury opp chiron- you have a hard time expressing or talking about your pain. It can often take a really long time to talk about what's bothering you.
Mercury conj Pluto- you can always be secretive about what you say. It could also be that a part of you is always hidden behind words.
The aspect of the moon and Saturn indicates the relationship the person has with his mother. People who have very strong aspects with the moon and saturn can be very attached to their mother and the mother has a great influence on them. It also shows that this person is not emotionally open and can always keep their feelings inside.
Dynamic aspects (opposition, square, inconjunction, semi-square) between Saturn and Jupiter indicate that a person can be full of hope at one moment and completely desperate at the next. These aspects are often associated with suicide. Because people can hardly bear such strong energy.
There are differences: Sagittarius is much more changeable than Jupiter, more freedom-loving and irresponsible. Sagittarius is less likely to symbolize the acquisition of material goods. Also, being a sign and therefore a less powerful symbol than a planet, it is less likely than Jupiter to operate at an excessive level. Sagittarius is less likely to signify waste, excess, or arrogance. Sagittarius gets along best with planets like Mars, Uranus, and the Sun, which are fast-moving, energetic, and not resistant to change.
Strongly emotional planets do not do well in Capricorn because the sign tends to repress emotion in favor of discipline. The Moon is particularly difficult here, because Capricorn will not allow the Moon to enjoy being dependent on others, a mode of relationship that is absolutely essential to the Moon’s functioning at some point in life. Venus is also not at its best, because its emotional criteria for choice are likely to be subordinated to practical criteria. Venus in Capricorn can also indicate an attraction to older persons who can serve as authority figures as well as lovers.
The Pisces symbol is two fishes swimming in opposite directions, and like Sagittarius and Gemini, Pisces is traditionally referred to as a dual sign. There are two types of Piscean: the advanced (Pisces as the last stage in the evolution of the archetypal ego or self) and the primitive (Pisces as the stage just prior to a new beginning in Aries).
Pluto in the 3rd house can represent a very strong bond with a sister. So separation with your sister can very difficult if you live far apart. You can create a beautiful and strong bond with your sister.
Mars in the 5th house indicates a difficult birth and problems with children. Children may be restless, aggressive or angry. It is important to look at aspects.
Jupiter in the 9th house often indicates good intuition and prophetic dreams. So it is important to remember your dreams.
Virgo rising people are so beautiful. I notice that women have beautiful faces and skin. Men, on the other hand, have well-developed eyes and bodies. I would say that virgins can have more beautiful beauty than technical ones in the subsign. Otherwise, it depends on where Mercury falls in the house, but still, their beauty is very naturally beautiful.
Moon in the third house indicates sensitive emotions and feelings. Moods change quickly.
The Moon in the fifth house indicates great success for children. Also a  person very dedicated to fun.
Moon in the sixth house can mean too much strain in terms of health. Lots of public contact. It can also mean insecurity and health problems in the first 7 years.
Mars in 7th house can mean that the individual is too open in relationships and dealings. It can also mean that he is jealous, intense and controlling.
Mars in the 11th house means you can be argumentative and want things your way. Many times the need for freedom is strong.
Mars in 12th house- the individual is interested in hidden things. You can join things that are secret. You like to work in the shadows. And you present your things when you are sure of them.
Uranus in the first house often shows that your personality is very unique and special. You have an energy that others find rare and interesting. You are a person who does not like drug treatment and prefers to find a different way (natural way of treatment). You want a job that is free and you don't like being controlled by others.
Uranus in the seventh house indicates premature engagement or marriage. It also means inharmonious relationships (if the aspects are not good). It also indicates a relationship in which one is ingenious and clever.
Uranus in ten house people are prone to emotional or physical loss through one parent. It is said that people with this position are also inclined to have two professions at the same time. It is important for women to check if her Uranus is in the 10th house of a man. Because this can indicate that the man is more focused on his career than her.
A person with mercury in the 9th house will always know at least 2 foreign languages, if not more. These people learn foreign languages very quickly and quickly understand others. They often prefer foreign languages.
Mars in Libra -A person can be quarrelsome and inharmonious. But it's not always like that. It depends on what aspects the person has. Person can be very passive aggressive and hides a lot of their energy. Many times they do something, but in reality they want something completely different. They can place the blame on others in many cases unless the person has Venus in good stabile sign.
Chart ruler of 8th house in 5th house -if it is  in bad aspects, it can indicate the possibility of miscarriage, loss of a child at birth or in youth.
Chart ruler  of 8th house in 8th house symbolizes benefit from the dead. Interest in immortality, spirituality. If the ruler is in an bad position then there can be problems with dying.
Chart ruler of the 9th house in 4th house travel is necessary for family matters. Property comes from relatives and partner.
Chart ruler of the 9th house in 6th house means handling due to travel. As well as good success abroad. If the aspects are in an unfavorable position, it can mean illness while traveling.
Chart ruler of the 9th house in 7th house means marriage in a foreign country or marriage with a foreigner. It often symbolizes a person living in another country. If it is in an unfavorable position, it may mean that relatives oppose the marriage.
The ruler of the 10th house in the 1st house- can mean a lot of ambition and talents. But it can mean loss due to father.
The ruler of the 10th house in the 6th house- symbolizes a humble position in society. Treatment can be an important part of an individual's life. If the aspects are bad, it can mean loss of career due to health.
Ruler of 10th house in 7th house- indicates benefit from public. Lawsuits are positive and marriage can bring fame.
Ruler of the 10th house in the 11th house - symbolizes the fulfillment of dreams. Strong and influential friends help the individual.
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princessjojo-x · 8 months
Mars Synastry
💝 mars conjunct moon - lots of passion, pregnancy & lessons learnt in this partnership. strong emotional & physical connection which is hard to completely break apart. however, partners are constantly fluctuating from being on good terms to being on bad terms. partners feel a safe & familiar feeling when with each other. this aspect reveals the instinctive sides of both partners. usually, mars is more energetic than moon. moon may feel triggered by mars & partners may irritate each other due to the intensity of this aspect. (aries mars or taurus moon)
💝 mars conjunct chiron - you heal each other through sex & the sex can become addictive bc it feels so healing, but you may not be consciously aware of this. from the first time you sleep together something happens inside both of your souls. (capricorn mars or taurus chiron)
💝 mars conjunct south node - indicator of violence in a past life (sag mars or taurus sn)
💝 mars conjunct jupiter - a dramatic & fiery rxship with plenty of sexual chemistry. they brighten each others bad mood bc they are constantly flirting, playing & having fun together no matter the context or setting. however, there may be arguments & it’s usually jupiter who mediates the situation. jupiter encourages mars competitiveness, whilst mars leans on jupiter for support, wisdom or optimism. (cancer mars or taurus jupiter)
💝 mars conjunct pluto - this aspect forces partners to confront their deepest desires & greatest pains. many intense experiences will be shared together. this may turn into an all-consuming rxshop, one that leaves you without any energy left to give. (taurus pluto or sag mars)
💝 mars opposite mars - the nature of this aspect depends on the signs involved. in some cases, one mars will be very strong & the other mars will be debilitated. this will occur between aries & libra, scorpio & taurus, capricorn & cancer. in these cases, the pink mars will tend to be very direct, especially when angry. the purple mars will take a more indirect approach & will be prone to manipulative or passive-aggressive behavior. but this will tend to anger the pink mars even more, leading to a vicious cycle. in these cases, this aspect can be quite volatile. if they are to get along, they will need to learn to understand each other & compromise. the pink mars will need to learn to back off at times & the purple mars will need to practice being more direct & forthright. however, when this aspect appears in the other possible signs: pisces & virgo, gemini & sagittarius, aquarius & leo, this aspect will tend to bring balance; they will be able to work well together & compliment each other bc these mars signs are of relatively equal strength.
💝 mars opposite venus - this aspect causes strong attraction which never leaves or becomes luke warm (similar to ‘mars opposite mars’). even after years partners will never get bored of making love to one another. this intense romantic & sexual energy may even border obsession. There isn’t a lack of desire in this relationship! one has the traits that the other lacks meaning they complement each other perfectly & give each other what one another wants. both partners work perfectly in bed together bc this is the ”omg are you a top? perfect bc i’m a bottom” kind of energy. one partner, usually venus is more submissive whilst the other, usually mars is more dominant. sometimes mars may be outraged by venus’s obedience meanwhile venus is disturbed by mars’s dominance. this complex rxship can become unstable & fluctuating, almost like a roller-coaster; sometimes partners are immensely attracted to each other, other times, they’re repulsed by each other. (scorpio venus/mars)
💝 mars opposite sun - hot & cold, on & off, rivalry. (libra mars or scorpio sun)
💝 mars opposite jupiter - initially, there’s chemistry between the two. jupiter loves to provoke, test & play games with mars. (capricorn mars or scorpio jupiter)
💝 mars opposite ascendant - mutual sexual attraction. however, mars takes charge of the rxship which makes asc feel frustrated. despite mars being supportive of asc self-expression, asc feels nervous whilst asserting their rights in the rxship. (capricorn mars or scorpio asc)
💝 mars square mars - frustration & war-like dynamic (leo/aquarius mars)
💝 mars square jupiter - this rxship is full of friction. jupiter thinks they know best & belittles mars with their lecturing. mars wont put up with it & wont let jupiter take a win. there is a lot of sexual attraction but partners might have different sexual preferences. (aqua/leo jupiter or libra/aries mars)
💝 mars square pluto - intense passion, sexual chemistry & power struggles. rxhsip may even lead to abuse & violence. pluto almost activates the dark side of mars. mars will go through a self awakening & learn many lessons through pluto. partners tend to ghost each other but mars usually comes back to pluto. mars feels like pluto is very controlling & judgmental. (pisces/virgo mars or leo/aqua pluto)
💝 mars square rising - aggression & conflict. mars’s energy makes rising feel weak & threatened. if rising is a man & mars is a woman, this aspect will make her feel like he is not manly enough. for example, she doesn’t like how he handles conflict, she doesn’t see him as ambitious enough, etc. (aries/libra mars or leo/aqua rising)
💝 mars square neptune - this indicates a lack of communication. mars is in charge in this rxship & neptune suppresses themselves. neptune doesn’t understand mars’s actions or intentions. mars behaves selfishly in this dynamic. (taurus/scorpio mars or leo/aqua neptune)
💝 mutual mars in 10H (your mars in their 10H & theirs in your 10H) - the aggressive side of your rxship will likely be public. Meaning you are prone to have public arguments or fights. Alternatively you can also do illegal business or outlaw activities together, often involving some sort of violence or marsian quality
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divinationtools · 2 years
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Saturday 8th October 2022 - 21:56 UTC
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