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littlephoenix1983 · 2 years ago
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chaospenelope · 2 years ago
FazBear (and other) Family Tree(s)
We’ll start with the first generation -
FazBears- FredBear (AKA Nightmare FredBear) is brothers with Theodore (Toy Freddy)
FredBear marries PlushyBunny (Plush Trap) and They have 6 kids together:
Chelsea (Nightmare Chica)
Billy (Nightmare Freddy)
Robert (Nightmare Bonnie)
Philip (Nightmare Foxy)
and finally twins Frederick (OG/withered Freddy) and RoseMarie (Golden Freddy/withered GF)
Theodore marries Mango (Mangle) and ChiChi (Toy Chica) they have 3(?) kids:
Chell (FunTime Chica)
Victor (FunTime Foxy) Faye (FunTime Freddy + BonBon)
Bonaparte Aka Bon (Toy Bonnie) is Bonnie’s Dad, no idea who his other parent is.
I’m not sure about either of Chica’s parents honestly. Let’s just say they’re around. She had a nice childhood, no problem.
Now in the NonAnimatronic AUs, Michael, Benjamin (CC), Charlie, and Elizabeth are around the same ages as FredBear, Plush, Mango, etc so they’re kids (For the ones who have kids) are the same age.
Micheal has one son, Kit (Foxy)
Benjamin also has kids but I need to figure out some details as well as the other two.
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chaospenelope · 2 years ago
Living Arrangements (Two Little Wolves AU)
So, Freddy, Kit, their kids and KoiFin Jack live in the Lighthouse which is big because I say so. FredBear and PlushyBunny live in an apartment above the Diner/arcade.
Phineas and his partners live in the Governor’s place since he’s the mayor.
Solan and Arthur share a two bedroom apartment next to the Library. (Solan works there during the day, Arthur works nights.)
Mr Hippo and Orville live in a camper in the campsite. (They’re not technically allowed to do that year round but they don’t harm anyone and Orville often volunteers with the scouts and such.
The Gator family lives in a big old southern style mansion that Monty’s Grandad bought years ago. Said Grandad lives in the trailer in the backyard near the lake. Turns out he doesn’t really like the house and got cuz his wife loved it.
Not sure where the clowns live yet, somewhere strange. Probably a hollowed out tree in the middle of town that doesn’t look like a single child could fit in let alone a whole town of clowns but they are actually quite comfortable in there, they even have a ball pit in there it’s so spacious.
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chaospenelope · 5 years ago
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A lot changes when you get torn into shreds.
Those are sewing needles embedded in the tips of their fingers.
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chaospenelope · 5 years ago
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chaospenelope · 8 years ago
First Impressions
The World Beyond
Penny rose up with a loud yawn. The room still felt a bit different after the third morning, maybe that would change after she got new stars to put up there. She got out of her bed, picked out some clothes, and went to the hall bathroom to get ready for the day. The scent of frying bacon floated up the stairs and filled the hall as she finished. It wouldn't be too long before her mother would call her and Nade down for breakfast so she only went into her room for her watch. The watch she left on the nightstand next to the window. She looked at the window and to her surprise the curtain was open. A young yellow bear was staring right back at her with wide blue eyes. She was wearing a white dress. It was like a strange mirror. The child scurried out of sight as soon as her shock subsided. "Penny, Nade, breakfast is ready." Neda's voice snapped her out of her own frozen state.
"Mama! Mama!" SpringBear ran up to Plushy as she poured some milk on some Trix. "What's got you so excited?" "There's a girl living in Uncle Teddy's old house!" The girl crawled onto the seat as she exclaimed. "Someone broke in?" William was ready to charge in and confront the theoretical criminal. "Oh, that's right. We forgot to tell you someone bought it." "Who are they mom?" Freddy asked as he dipped his spoon under the milk. "I don't know too much, just that they're a family of four like your aunt and uncle..." "Maybe we should greet them to the neighborhood." "That's a great idea Freddy, but what should we bring them? Guess we can't just make them pizza. Has to be something they can eat later..." "What about cookies?" "That is the logical choice...I wanted to impress them with something special though." "We can make the cookies special." "Yeah, we can make ones with different nuts and chocolate when we're done with breakfast and give it to them after lunch. How's that sound?" "That sounds fun Mama but, what if they're really mean? What if they see my legs and think I'm a freak?" "Oh Sweet pea, I don't think they'll do that, but if they do much as utter one little word we'll leave and never visit them ever again, OK?" "Ok Mama." "That's right, the minute they say 'Hello' we're outta there." "Philip, eat your cereal."
"Hey, Neda, did you see the article about the carnival that's coming soon?" He asked as his wife sat next to him. "That sounds fun...Phin, did you buy that at the restaurant and waited all day yesterday just so you could read it at the breakfast table this morning?" "...You know how I prefer to read the comics when I wake up." "Mom, Dad!" Penelope hurried up to her seat as the rest of the family settled down. "I saw a someone." "Oh?" Her father folded the paper discarded it. "Did our neighbors finally return?" "I saw them through the window. They ran away before I could say anything, but I guess they wouldn't have heard me anyway..." "They ran? Sounds like they weren't supposed to be in there. What did they look like?" "They were a kid like me Mom. I don't think they're a burglar." She poured some honey on her toast. "Hm, Must be shy." He cut the sausage as he spoke. "You two going outside today?" "Sure." "I don't know, Maybe?" "It's going to be very hot today, don't forget to bring a water bottle with you." "I know." She started to think about the girl. So many questions about who she was and what her family was like. Then there was her face. She looked scared when she ran. Penelope was getting a bit too distracted as she poured the syrup to make a face. "Penny, don't waste the syrup." "Huh? Oh, sorry Mom." "Is there something bothering you?" "Still worried about the neighbors huh?" "Yeah, I just hope...It's not important." "You know you can tell us anything. What's wrong?" "She caught me by surprise...I don't think I changed, but why else would she run away?" "Oh, She probably wasn't expecting someone to be here. This house has been empty for some time." Neda softly padded her daughter on the back giving a warm smile. "You'll be fine." "Your Mother's right, you have better control of your self then when you were a baby. I don't think you have to worry about anyone seeing that again." She looked up with a still unsure but hopeful smile. "I guess you're right." He felt it was wise to change the subject. "...You know, I don't go back into work until tomorrow. Maybe we can go on a little day trip into town, since we spent most of the weekend unpacking. We can go out for lunch, maybe see what stores they have, or explore that park. What do you think Neda?" "Would be nice, wouldn't it?" "I don't know about the park, but that other stuff sounds good." Nade answered before gulping some milk. "It does sound fun."
"Ah, I love the smell of fresh cookies." Robert nodded eagerly at Plushy's statement. Five of the FazBears traveled into the kitchen to see if the treats had cooled yet. "Hey Ma, This is an awful lot of cookies..." William spoke as he and three of his siblings took in the varied sweet aromas. "Yeah, never know what kind they might want." Robert stared to sign, "I don't think they could eat all of them, maybe we could help?" "You could?" She gave her children a smirk. "Well, you did help clean up, so you can have two each." The kids immediately rushed up to pick their two favorite flavors. "Don't take too many macadamia and white chocolates." She waited for them to collect their reward then started putting them in separate Tupperware containers. "So, Billy, Bobby, you coming to greet our neighbors?" "Nah, I kinda want to start repairing my castle set after Icy ran into it." Robert on the other hand signed that he was glad to join them. He was a bit curious what they were like and he knew his little sister was still uneasy about all this. They put all the containers into a couple grocery bags and walked the short path to the next house giving a light knock to the door. "Hello?" The wife opened the door and studied the two rabbits and twin cubs. "Can I help you?" "Hi, We're your neighbors. Well, not all of them. My husband's at work and three of our older kids thought they were too cool to greet the new neighbors." She motioned to her rabbit son. "This is my son Robert," He waved his large paw. She moved to the cubs. "These are the twins Frederick and SpringBear," "Hello Ma'am." The said together. Spring sounded so small. She looked up at the stranger and wanted to hide behind her mother and brothers, but she forced a smile instead. "And I'm Plushy. We're the FazBears, some of them anyway." "I'm Neda. It's so nice to meet you. Won't you come in?" She moved out of the doorway and let them in. "Make yourselves comfortable. I'll go get the kids." "Wow, You really jazzed up the place." Plushy noted as she and the children moved into the living room where the husband stood up from his seat to introduce himself. "It's a pleasure to meet you. I'm Phineas NightShade." He held out his paw for a handshake. "Hello." She hesitated for the slightest moment before giving a handshake. "We made you some cookies. I wasn't sure what kind you wanted...Hope it's not too much." "I don't think the kids would mind." He said with a chuckle. "Thank you, I'll just take them to the kitchen." "You can keep the containers. We have plenty." "Penelope, Nade?" Neda looked around the two bedrooms to find her children playing a racing game. "Some of our new neighbors are here. Do you want to greet them?" "Do we have to?" Asked Nade. "Wouldn't be very polite To eat all the cookies they made without saying Hello." "I'm sold." "Only some?" "Apparently they have fairly sized family. They seem nice, I really don't think they know or saw anything." "They probably would have came with pitchforks and torches if they did." Her Mother grew a worried expression. "Penny-" "Sorry, I was just joking mom." She pushed herself up and followed her to the living room. "Penelope, Nade, these are our neighbors the FazBears." "Hello." "Hi" Penny and Nade waved. The twin cubs smiled as they approached. The girl looked a bit shy holding tightly to her skirt. "My name is Frederick, but you can call me Freddy." "My name is SpringBear...Your name is really pretty Penelope." The little black bear's ears perked up, she wasn't sure she heard her right. "Thank you. I think your name is cute." The blue eyed cub smiled brightly. "Thank you." "Miss FazBear brought some treats in the kitchen, you can have two each." "Yes." Nade slid back off the couch he was just trying to climb. "Oh, Just call me Plushy." "Aren't you guys going to get some?" She asked as her and her brother climbed the stools to get to the kitchen counter. "We already had some." "You should try the chocolate pistachio. They're really good." "Your mom makes them too?" "Well, it was kind of by accident..." Freddy looked at the kitchen. Despite there being the same counters and walls it still felt a little foreign to him. "It looks so different now." "So, How do you guys like Masons County so far?" Plushy asked. "It's been nice. Feels secluded but not too far from the city." "The town seems to have a lot of interesting stores. We haven't been able to check out all of them though." "Too busy unpacking huh?" "For the most part, but there is one restraunt that's been closed all weekend. We thought the kids might like it. I hope they open again soon." "Really? Closed all weekend...You don't mean FredBear's Diner, do you?" "Yes." "Oh, no. We're not- We were just closed for some renovations. We're open today. Probably should have mentioned that on the note..." "You work there?" "Yes, My husband and I own it, and we preform every Friday and Saturday." Penelope carefully poured some milk into the cups before asking, "Did you come here a lot?" "Yup, Our cousins lived here." "Oh, You probably miss them now, huh?" "Yeah, We miss Faye and Amelia a lot. We visited them last weekend, they're doing ok." "Guess it kinda sucks seeing someone else in their old house..." "Not really, as long as your not mean burglars." "You don't have to worry about that." She said with a smile. "I didn't mean to scare you earlier through the window." "That was Victor's old room. Did you find his favorite toy stash? He left them behind in the move." "No, Where is it?" "I can show you, it's hard to explain." She ran across the kitchen. Penny followed her knew neighbors optimistic about future development.
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chaospenelope · 8 years ago
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Plushy, Goddess of the Earth
 Guardian and crafter of the earth, its ground, and oceans. Her emotions can be quite dangerous as they manifest in the form of weather. Lava tends to flow from her mouth sometimes...
 Jewelry Salesmen often like to claim their goods were taken straight from her womb but that is not true and she does not find it very amusing.
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chaospenelope · 8 years ago
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Been a while since I drew them both...
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chaospenelope · 8 years ago
The World of Myth
The Beginning
In the beginning was nothing but the Sky and Earth. The sky God FredBear illuminated everything with his jolly, warm glow and the Earth Goddess Plushy made the oceans and a grand mountain on top so that she climb it to see her companion. They enjoyed and loved each other's company, but the World they lived in was barren and empty. Soon they became quite bored and lonely. One day Plushy sat on the mountain waiting for her friend but he was gone. What she didn't realize was, he went looking for a surprise gift to cheer her up. She began to get upset. Thinking he left her alone forever she reached her breaking point, first she cried making a powerful rain fall all over, then came the wailing blowing a fierce typhoon, the quake inducing stomps were next finally her anger boiled into it's hottest point making lava spew from the lowest depths. The large volcano had broken up to several pieces and scattered due to her calamity. Holes caved in her celestial vessel deep inside them fell her ignorance, hatred, sadness, and fear. Where the light couldn't get to it, where they could grow. Feeling all these emotions for the first time made her very tired. She collapsed at the edge of the continent, wishing for some company as two final tears fell into the water in a cloud of drizzle. Suddenly the oceans began to bubble and boil. She looked up and to her surprise FredBear had rushed down to comfort her. His warm embrace quickly calmed her. Once it was over she swore never to throw another tantrum knowing what it did to her realm. Then, after he returned to the sky the watery depths began to stir again. Out emerged Life and Death.
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chaospenelope · 3 years ago
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A friend from Discord encouraged me to do my first character meme alignment so I hope this looks ok!
The Repented, Ice Fang, Delia, and SnowAngel are adopts I got from sushi1382 on Deviantart.
Captain GoldEye is from Duellicus on Deviantart.
Hatchi was a gift from my friend Duellicus but made by Funky-toons on Deviantart.
PlushyBunny, Kit, and Bonnie are my original designs.
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chaospenelope · 5 years ago
Some Characters and their cooking skills:
Chica: Give any kind of new recipe and by the afternoon she's already come up with three different variations for different tastes and can make her favorite with her eyes closed.
Freddy: Follow the recipe to the letter and is paranoid he did something wrong anyway.
Rosemarie: Will add a little extra or less of some ingredients which will either make it taste a little funny but ok, or make it incredibly delicious.
Bonnie: Will try to make toast and the toaster catches fire before he even touches it.
Kit: Put him in a diner and he'll be the best and fastest cook there.
FredBear: Only knows his kids' favorite recipes.
PlushyBunny: I mean they could cook something but it's just so much easier to make cereal.
ChiChi: She preferres baking but is a good cook.
Michael: Can cook a lot of things but is really happy when Kit has friends sleep over because that means he can reclaim his title as Pancake king!
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chaospenelope · 5 years ago
I don't talk much about my Chicas so here are some head-cannons
ChiChi (ToyChica) is Chica's Mom. She's a single mother who loves her little Chickadee! And Chica better not hear anyone else call her that or they're getting their lights punched out!
Her and Bonnie get into fights all the time. They love picking on each other. It's like a game. However they will defend each other to the death because they are friends despite everything.
In all my Anthro AUs Chica's cupcake is a cat called Cup. Chelsea's (Nightmare Chica) cupcake is a dog named Devil's Food. ChiChi's is a Ferret named Coffee. Chell's (FunTime Chica) is python called Pound that she wears around her neck all the time.
(Haven't developed the RockStars much but my RockStar Chica Estrella's cupcake would be a gecko called RedVelvet and he's very shy.)
Chelsea is FredBear and PlushyBunny's firstborn. They found her egg abandoned and adopted her. They had to learn a lot of things real quick. She is a fantastic big sister even if she's constantly daydreaming.
ChiChi had a big crush on Teddy (Toy Freddy) in high school and desperately wanted to date him. She was a different person back then and has a lot of regrets.
Chica is not a big fan of her grandparents and dreads Thanksgiving because she doesn't want to sit around and listen to their old fashioned opinions.
Chell is a voice actor and has voiced mainly anime characters. She also does commercials but she really loves taking and having pictures taken of her. Her hobby is taking photos of things she thinks is beautiful like her. Sometimes she makes her niece Chica mad because she hates having her picture taken so she tries to take them secretly.
Chelsea loves to read. She taught all her siblings how to read. Reads them stories when they're small and listens to them read to her. She has little poems scribbled all over her notebooks and diaries.
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chaospenelope · 5 years ago
More WeepingWood facts
Fnaf au
An underground organization called Venator Magia kidnaps children gifted with magic, erases their memories, and trains them to be soldiers to be sold off. They are in a silent arms race against the covenant that seeks to eradicate them. The FazBear family has run into them several times throughout their lives.
Local antique store called Stone Antiquities has a vault filled with curse items and powerful books. The couple that owns the store travel a lot to gather the most dangerous items and learn more about them. Even their children who run the shop know just about anything there is to know about mystical items and powerfully charged texts. They each have their favorite topic they are more knowledgeable in than the others.
There are normal academic schools for children then when they graduate high school if their grades are good enough they can enter college. Most colleges specialize in learning about various uses, laws, and history of magic.
Anyone can use magic with the proper blessed or magically charged items. There are Three types of people who are born especially gifted in magic. Those who can use magic without aid. Those who must creatively draw out their magic through art like dancing, painting, or playing a musical instrument. And those that can absorb and/or manipulate natural energy like thunder, fire, and wind. These people are also slightly resistant to or can slightly amplify magic. Despite this, there are still some spells too complicated or strong to do on your own or without practice.
There are two sects of the police: The ones that handle magic-less crimes or crimes using low level magic. They are equipped with batons that react different ways when magic has been used depending on the strength and type and gun-like items with projectiles that neutralize some magic and temporarily freeze people.
The other kind is hired by the covenant as detective type officials that specialize in magic. Sometimes they're merely brought in as a consultant for a case, other times they're sent to identify and neutralize a threat.
PlushyBunny uses sewing to make various kinds of magic clothes and blankets mostly with one task in mind like extra warm, healing, protection from the rain or breaking. She also makes dolls of people to bless them with good luck and fortune. She used to be able to cast spells while playing the banjo but she hasn't used one since hers was destroyed.
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chaospenelope · 6 years ago
Story vote
So I'm working on a Spooky Season story but I also wanna write some short stuff to bridge the gap. What should it be?
1. Molten and Penelope 'hanging' out.
2. RockStar shenanigans. Mostly people messing with RockStar Freddy.
3. In the past with the Toys.
4. PlushyBunny Shenanigans. They're out in the darkness of town, trouble follows.
5. Frexy Fluff and reminiscing.
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chaospenelope · 6 years ago
AU facts: The Flowers that Grow in Darkness
Plushtrap was the second toy the bitten child (Ben) ever got. The SpringBonnie to his first FredBear. He'd play with them a lot, playing house, sleeping with them, and acting out the tv show.
Then one day his sister Elizabeth decided she wanted the cute bunny doll. She collected all the rabbit toys since it reminded her of her Daddy. Unfortunately for all her toys she was very destructive when it came to play things and ended up ripping them apart in a playful reenactment of execution and punishment. Ben found his toy strewn across the backyard and with what little he knew messily stitched them back together. He hid them in s hall closet so his sister wouldn't find them again.
That's when SpringBonnie became Plushtrap. Incredibly bitter towards children, but still has a soft spot for Ben since he did try to help them. That's why they make the game a little more fair for him but doesn't try to save him. The others listen to them because that's their 'Mother' (or grandmother in the Freddles case.) and FredBear would do anything for his SnuggleBunny. They still enjoy watching their husband and children hunt...If only Elizabeth were the hunted, then they'd join in too.
Eventually after the Nightmare and Nightmarionne talked sense into them Plushtrap became PlushyBunny. The Nightmares retired and started doing something more constructive.
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chaospenelope · 5 years ago
WeepingWood AU facts
The largest island where most of this AU takes place and where the town the AU is named after is known as the anchor island to outside world because it is the only island in the seemingly endless sea that doesn't move. The other islands move at a very slow pace (around an inch a year).
Anchor island is around the size of the combined continents of Europe and Asia but the topography is mostly like north America.
Weeping wood is on the shore surrounded by deadly rocky cliffs and by a large dense patch of wood on the other side. There's a massive lighthouse that guides ships safely. Around the parameters of the town is a large wall built around the time the town was settled.
FredBear- One of the strongest witches on the entire island. Often hired by the covenant to punish or in more dire cases eliminate witches who use their magic to harm others. He has six children with Plushy, two of which were adopted. He was given a gift from a NightShade when he was little.
Phineas NightShade (Nightmare)- Being a NightShade he tends to go with FredBear on his cases. He and his daughter Penelope are currently the only ones of their kind to speak humanoid language. They often translate their kinds' growling gibberish whispers. He used to play with FredBear and Plushy when he was little and shaped his appearance loosely after the bear.
NightShades- Entity that can shape shift at will and holds incredible amounts of magic. They are weakened by the sun, infants will die if exposed to the sun for too long. Any offspring is a full blooded NightShade regardless of breeding. They are capable of giving a share of their power to other species once. The 'gift' carries over to other generations but if said infant is exposed to sunlight they will become deathly ill.
PlushyBunny (Plushtrap)- Married to FredBear. While they are equally gifted as him they don't practice witchcraft as much and tends to make magic charms for good luck or other enchantments. A favorite patron of the local antique shop. She had a spider familiar that tragically died protecting the twins Rosemarie and Freddy. Also gifted abilities from NightShades when she was little.
William Afton- He never becomes a bloodthirsty murder in this AU. Is an anthropomorphic rabbit. He was cursed with immortality in a body still capable of rotting. Has to take supplements to keep his body fresh. He has two kids and took Micheal in when he washed ashore long ago.
Ben Afton(CryingChild)- Born as a human like his mother he ran unwittingly into a dark presence that rendered his old body useless so William, Henry, and Plushy made him a new one. Unfortunately they didn't have much time to be picky so they used a bear-like endoskeleton Henry was working on and Plushy stitched together some green fur giving poor been a Frankenstein-esque look.
Elizabeth Afton- Currently the only Afton to not be cursed. Being a teenager when Freddy and the rest of The Fazgang was born she tends to babysit when the older siblings are too busy.
Micheal- Anthropomorphic fox. Was in a ship that wrecked on the rocky shore at a young age. He was taken in by the Aftons who treated him ok. He is Kit(Foxy's) dad. His wife left not long after Kit was born, she did return briefly but long story short she gave information to the wrong people and nearly got all the children killed. It was discovered that she was partly responsible for the first attack against the twins as well.
Henry Emily- A human with a vast knowledge of robotics and actually has a decent friend in this AU. Both his kids are alive but Sammy lives closer to his ex wife who's on the other side of the country.
Charlie Emily- Is human with a gift for reading people's true intentions.
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