#plushies WINN
kerizaret · 2 months
OK SO for context. i have a loft bed (functionally it’s like a bunk bed except Taller and bigger and it’s only the top bunk so i can have my desk/setup underneath it) and it looks so cool and i love it but as a result making the bed is a huge pain. so i usually Dont. but our landlord is coming over today and im due to wash some sheets anyways so today is the day
a bigger reason this has been a problem is because i have like 20 plushies on my bed at all times (not even counting my 4’ tall peep plush, he just doesnt fit up there) so ive had to toss em all down on the floor before i even begin to deal with the blankets and pillows
so in the process of tossing everyone down ive discovered both a pillow and a blanket tucked into the corners of my bed that i didnt even think existed???? like i have no memory of where they cane from or how they got there?????? they just kind of appeared????? so i have another pillow and blanket now. i guess. which is really funny and i probably shouldnt question it but i am anyway
here’s my pile of plushies as well if u were curious. they all have names and i love them dearly
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That was me i left them there for your enjoyment hope you like my gift /silly /j [but honestly that's???? So random but so cool???? Free comfort!!!]
ALSO I GET UOU SO MUCH THOUGH WITH THE TIDYING UP I slept on a bunk bed for several years as well, both on top and on the bottom, and had the experience of making both and IT IS A CHALLENGE. Especially because I ALS9 HAVE TONS OF PLUSHIES
Speaking of which I LOVE YOURSSS THEYRE SO CUTE I love that you keep to a certain colour palette /silly but they fit you a lot! I'd love to learn their names someday too :3 naming your plushies is the besstttt
A friend of mine got me a teacher's register (for student names and grades) for my nameday as a kid and I wrote down all my plushies' names there and pretended to give them grades 😭😭 also had special notebooks for drawing them and signing them to nor forget which is which (which is.. easy when you have like 50 at least....)
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voltrixz · 1 month
I WIN!!!!
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snobgoblin · 1 year
-would ace sleep with a plushie?
-what are some things that you think ace and murdoc got into?
-i think ace is the type of friend that isn't sure what to say, but physically shows affection like with a hair ruffle or fist bump.
-ace has lived in cars when he became an adult and decided he didn't want to live at the dump anymore, but didn't have a place lined up so he chose a small car because the crampness made him feel better
-when with gorillaz they would find him asleep on the couch bc he thought the beds were too fancy. This meant he'd wake up from them just going about their day so he rarely slept.
-yes! if this picture (first one below) is anything to go off of he absolutely would... I'm willing to bet that since he's used to sleeping with his gang, when he was in Gorillaz he probably had one to bring him comfort when he felt alone
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-A LOT OF TROUBLE for sure Ace's trouble making + Murdoc's ability to avoid consequences 90% of the time are a deadly combo... they both have graffiti in common so maybe a whole lot of that to be specific. but they probably did some bass practice when they weren't doing that
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-oh yeah absolutely, Ace isn't very good with his words, often stumbling when he isn't putting on the bravado but he does develop throughout the series to be more comfortable with comforting people, at least non verbally, so I could definitely see that
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-awwww that's a cool headcanon, it kinda reminds me of my headcanon that Murdoc was living out if the Winne to avoid his dad and the reason he slept in there at Kong was because it made him feel safe. there's a bit of a parallel there...maybe the car is the one you sent me a while back that was in a visualizer, or maybe it's the one here (gahhh it's cropped online but in the gorillaz almanac in the whole image you can see that car is from the house of hardtops fun fact)
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-awwwww yeah definitely, he's always slept in a lot of weird places and I just hit the picture limit so I can't show you, but Ace has been known to sleep in tire swings and sitting up on a couch and on the floor pretty often so I don't doubt in Gorillaz- like maybe Russel walks in and Ace is passed out on a taxidermied bear or sm 💀
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archervale · 3 years
suggestion for drawing: Jack (baby or adult up to youl) wearing iron man merch or holding an iron man plushie? Or winne the Pooh anything. Up to u. :)
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This is probably not what you had in mind lol but my mind just derailed into baby jack and dadstiel....as per usual.
Winnie the Pooh is both of them's favorite 💛
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vonkarma2 · 2 years
deep space 9 for the show ask? (i have not seen ds9 but i still enjoy reading ur thoughts on it)
favorite male character: I think I’m going to say Jake Sisko but Bashir (yeah yeah I know he’s annoying and all which is true but 1) That makes him funny 2) he’s also representation for people who own plushies) and Ben Sisko are close. I like a lot of them though I like Rom, Quark, O’Brien, Odo if you count him as male… Damar even though he’s overrated as all hell. So is Weyoun but at least he was gay. And purple
favorite female character: For main characters I think I’m still going to say Kira even though I feel like they ran out of things for her to do for a while, her whole backstory is very interesting + sympathetic and it’s crazy how they portrayed her as such when just a few years later people would have lost their minds yk. Also she’s a lesbian and all etc etc and her oh outfit and haircut were cool and I really liked her personality. For side characters Lwaxana Troi I loved the fake marriage with Odo episode 
least favorite character: besides like the irrelevant boring ones like shakaar bareil eddington etc… I dislike the way they wrote Kai Winn towards the very end I feel like she would have been a better character with more nuance considering everything she went through during the occupation. I dislike the way the Pah-Wraiths subplot ended up being handled in general tbh like it’s not 100% bad but I don’t think they ended up building it up as as much of a threat/as interesting as the dominion so it felt kinda anticlimactic and black and white/contrived in nature. Especially since only Sisko was really involved with it out of the main cast. Don’t get me wrong I think being the emissary is a very interesting part of his character, but there’s not much that interested me abt the plot other than that and that made it feel small and self contained rather than the huge scale of the dominion conflict. Sorry that got off track.  Also I hate Sloan for being boring and for being in the CIA. As a person rather than like as a character it’s Gul Dukat and it’s not even close  
prettiest character: hmmm it’s close but I have to say Ezri. Wait I take it back it’s Leeta
funniest character: this one’s even more difficult… weyoun and quark are contenders… Sisko sleeper candidate for #1 but even then it’s hard to say. I think everyone has really funny moments at times. I’m going to say Dukat  (< even though some things he did were fucked up not in a funny way. But overall he’s just so deranged and out of touch with reality it’s really funny to watch a lot of the time)
favorite season: seasons 5 and 6 were fire I think I’m going to go with 6 though it was amazing lots of great episodes 
favorite episode: Rapture is my favorite (Dr Bashir I Presume being second) it’s so good literally look at this 
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my third place is take me out to the holosuite fourth is in the cards and fifth is just the scenes where Odo had the baby changeling that one time that was so cute. I do hate Dr. Mora though I feel like it’s disengenuous to characterize him as completely sadistic and evil bc yk he was a bajoran living under the occupation and he had no idea what the nature of the sample was at first but he still fucking sucked he was such an asshole me when I refuse to admit I was wrong and don’t ever change or take others’ feelings or experiences into consideration or apologize for physically harming my liquid son. + I feel like the show was way too willing to present him as right when a lot of the time he just was not 
favorite romantic ship: I wasn’t on board with Kira/Odo at first at ALL but I was kinda sold on it eventually, although I do have some problems with its execution (mainly I don’t think they focus on Kira’s feelings and perspective nearly enough I really loved the episodes leading up to them getting together. Actually I take it back I still think in concept it is pretty sweet but a lot of what they did with it in execution was not it to me, what I like abt it in the actual show is more abt what it said abt or contributed to or whatever to Odo’s character, it really didn’t add much to Kira’s in my opinion which is very sad bc she was my favorite character in the earlier seasons. So I guess that leaves Lenara and Jadzia as my favorite. I might be biased for obvious reasons but I genuinely really liked their relationship, like the way it was written and acted during the episode. Ofc it only had to last 1 episode so it wasn’t the most in depth or anything but I really enjoyed watching it. Idk if it should be #1 though. Jadzia and Worf were pretty hit or miss, Miles and Keiko I actually liked but they were kinda dragged down by shitty writing on occasion. Sisko and Kasidy I like but I wouldn’t say theyre my favorite I feel like they didn’t have that good of episodes together, like they did have some but there weren’t that many times when they were on the same side which is a shame (and they have the same thing as Kira/Odo where they don’t focus on her perspective enough in my opinion but it’s to a lesser extent). Kasidy was based for helping the Maquis though. Non canon ones I don’t see a lot of evidence for so I’m not including them (like I’m not against them I can see all of them but I don’t think that in the actual universe of the show they are romantic in nature. Well romantic and reciprocal at least Garak was definitely into Julian at least initially). Ok I guess I’m going to say Miles and Keiko whatever whatever they were cute ok I don’t care what people say I liked them. I liked them in Time’s Orphan and the badminton or raquetball or whatever it was episode.
favorite family ship: do I even have to say it Jake and Ben Sisko <33 their relationship was like my favorite part of the show since s1. I haven’t talked abt Worf in this whole post so I’m going to talk about him here, I think it’s funny how he did not parent his son whatsoever. That’s mean I’ve only said negative things abt him on this post I like him. The episode where Jadzia almost fucking died was good and the one where he was babysitting Kirayoshi was also good. The one with like his brother or whatever was bad though
favorite friend ship: julian and miles aren’t my favorite but honorable mention for their strangely gay moments that was great always loved to see it on screen. I like them all it’s so hard to pick just one. Kira and Dax was probably my favorite though I loved like all their conversations and whenever they would just like hang out. They were also kinda gay as well like that holosuite scene
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^although ofc I strongly disagree with the she doesn’t swing that way part. I’m referencing homosexuality too many times I swear that’s not the only or main reason I like this show the plot is really good 
worst ship: I’ve talked abt this before many times so not to beat a dead horse but Garak and Ziyal makes me cringe he’s so much older than her its so awkward not to mention it’s completely out of character. Jake/Ziyal should’ve happened instead it would have been so cute. I know I just undermined this man’s credibility but he was right to regret this
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Also Ezri/Worf (ofc that was only for like 1 episode) and Ezri/Bashir made me very uncomfortable I watched their scenes like this 😐 it sucked that they retconned him being over Jadzia too like I actually really appreciated the way he moved on initially 
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softness-shelter · 2 years
💛🧡 Hello! 🧡💛
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This is a side blog for soft things and comfort! We mass rb occasionally, especially when the mood hits us ^w^ Almost all kinds of plushies appeal to us, ranging all across various styles and species :]
Handmade plushies are especially lovely to see, so if you create your own plushies, we’ll likely enjoy them a great deal
We post our own plushies in the #shelter friends tag occasionally. And use the #mrrps tag for personal posts!
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[We are autistic adults within a DID system. Posic (psychological, not animist.)]
[minors and regressors, please only interact with this blog of ours, if at all. our other blogs are not safe for you. we keep softness-shelter relatively sfw.]
May, he/they ☀️, Kell, they/them 🍀, James, he/him 🌙 , Winn, he/him 🍂, Hatchet, he/him 🌲, Vaughny, he/him 🌾, Theo, he/him ☁️
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jakascoo · 4 years
Nia: Alex is such a great friend! She won me a plushie at this fair and we’re gonna go catch a movie later and she’ll buy me ice cream!
Winn: Alex once dangled me over a second story balcony cause I beat her in rainbow road.
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lacunas-echo · 4 years
Rules : Answer 20 questions, then tag 20 blogger you want to get to know better.
I was tagged by @studyworks. Thank you the tag!
1. Name : Winnie Ching Su 
2. Nicknames : Winnie, Winn, Ching, 靖, 薇薇
3. Zodiac Sign : Aries
4. Height : 5′ 3′’ 
5. Languages Spoken : English, Mandarin Chinese, and Taiwanese
6. Nationality : Taiwanese Canadian
7. Favourite Season : Autumn. Autumn all the way. The apple cider, the pumpkins, the caramels, the wool sweaters, the capes (is anyone surprised I own capes), fresh new start of the school year. Autumn makes me feel inexplicable things that makes me wanna laugh and cry from joy and I- 
I love autumn to the end of Christmas and New Years in general. My family and I are not religious, but the holidays bring me happy and warm feelings that I started to appreciate after being mentally very not okay in high school. 
8. Favourite Flower : Roses and Sweet Osmanthus. Roses is one my absolute obsessions. The aesthetic of them makes my heart sing, and I dream of having my own rose garden one day. I wear the scent, I eat the jam, I drink the water. I’m a little crazy for roses. I have a blog for my rosy love @tiaras-and-rosy-hearts . Sweet Osmantus is a common flower grown in Taiwan with a strong and fragrant scent. It reminds me of home. 
9. Favourite Scent : Roses and Sweet Osmantus, of course, as seen from above. I also adore apple caramel scents, the smell of rain, coffee shops, foggy mornings, and lavender fields. 
10. Favourite Colour : I’m not picky with colours. I like most pastel colours and black and white. But I prefer to wear neutral earthy tones, black and white (like a proper classical musician lol), pink, purple, and maroon. 
11. Favourite Animal : Cats. Cats. Cats. If anyone ever needs cat therapy just shoot me a message and I will spam you with my cats’ cuteness. I also love snakes. I have a snake tattoo. 
12. Favourite Fictional Character : There is wayyyyy too many. We would be here all day if I listed out all of them. But I love Bucky Barns (Marvel), Leopold Fitz (Agents of SHIELD), Jamie Fraser (Outlander), Evelyn O'Connell (The Mummy), Caitlin Snow (The Flash), Leonard Snart (The Flash), Bai Feng Jiu and Dong Hua (Eternal Love), and I’m gonna stop here.
13. Coffee, tea, or hot chocolate : TEA. 
14. Average Sleep Hours : 8 hours on weekdays, 12 hours on weekends. 16 hours during quarantine. 
15. Dog or cat person : Cats. 
16. Number of Blankets you sleep with : Currently 3. My actual comforter, a light blanket to protect the comforter from the cats, and a small plushy blanket that my mom knitted that my cats like to make muffins and sleep on. 
17. Dream Trip : Taiwan (Originally supposed to go for a vacation there this summer but it’s been cancelled due to the pandemic), Scotland, Iceland, England, Japan, Korea
18. Blog Established : This blog? Like, 5 days ago? But I’ve been on tumblr since 2015
19. Followers : 9 
20. Random Fact : I watch a lot of Chinese period dramas. 
I would like to tag: @first-order-media-department (ik you did one like 3 years ago so time for a new one) @cravetherose @etherealacademia @fiftyshadesofsaddd @renata-angel @lovelychocolatee @miriel-gilwen @possessedcoasts (I’m sorry this blog is too new and I don’t know enough people here yet so I can’t tag up to 20 people)
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beecookieart · 7 years
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@danisnotonfire and @amazingphil with Dan’s childhood friends 
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the-fiction-witch · 5 years
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"noooooo!" I cried "I don't want daddy to go to work, you promised you'd play tea party today" I whined tugging in my father's jacket "I'm sorry little dove I have to get down to work" he smiles fixing my bows when another worker man came up and spoke to him about something I didn't hear what "you do? Ohh perfect," he says to the man before turning back to me "now little dove, I have to get to work I'll be back at sundown, and in the meantime you can play with my friends son" he explained "Who?" I ask "Uhh Arthur? Where's your dam kid at!" He yells "He's here" the man from before answers a little across the way and my father took me over even if I hid behind him "aww such a pretty little thing" the man smiled to me "whitey for god sake come out and say hello" "No" a little voice answered behind him I giggled a little poking my head around my father's legs to see a little boy he looked the same age as me if alot talked hiding behind this man's legs he peaked his brown eyes out but saw me looking and disappeared behind this man in a little flash of dirty blonde hair it made me giggle so much sneaking out from behind my father around his man's legs but that whitey boy was clever he kept sneaking away from me the two of us almost playing hide and seek with each other using our fathers legs as hidding places till they laughed and moved so we couldn't hide "Go on then you two, well come home when work is done until then you two play together" the man offered "Go on then, y/n I'm sure whitey would love to come play tea party with you," my father suggested "And whitey I'm sure y/n would love to play cowboys with you," his father offered before the foreman called and they both rushed off giving us a wave as they went down into the mines for the day.
I hummed my little tune as I sat on the porch with my little wooden table and chairs and my porcelain tea set all set out for my dollies and stuffed animals with a spare chair on the other side empty as I sipped my tea kicking my little feet till I heard 'clip clip clop clip clop clip clip clop' coming down the main road of down so I stood and crossed my arms as I spotted whitey clip clopping his little wooden horse down the path till he reached the gate and basically parked his wooden horse before running up to the porch "your late" I told him "I'm sorry honey, I got held up at work" he says so I hummed and he sighed jumping up the first step of my porch and giving my cheek a kiss so I went and sat at the table pouring him some tea and giving him a cookie "How was work?" I ask "Fine" he shrugs "Fine?" I ask "Just fine honey" he shrugs "Don't lie to me whitey! I've seen you riding around with that missy girl" I said "Huuu! What are ya sayin' about me y/n!" "I saw you taking missy for a ride yesterday after work" "Maybe I wouldn't have to, ya haven't ridden with me for years!" "Huuu! Whitey! Don't talk that way around the children" I said covering my dolls ears "I'm sorry honey, I don't want to fight Infront of the children," he says getting up and gathering all my dollies and plushies putting them inside the house "why don't we go back? Ya can come 'nd ride with me all day?" He offers "Ohh whitey I don't know, it's been an long" I said "Or we could take buttercup up to the fields tonight just you and me? I'll take the day off work ya dad can look after the kids-" he explained "No were not dropping the kids on my father" I argue "Well I'm not takin' them all up to the feilds, besides it's way past there bed time" he says "Well they started up waiting for you" I yell "Ya should have put them to bed ya knew I was going to be late" he argues "You kids having fun playing house?" My father asked at the gate along with Arthur, whiteys dad "Daddy!" We both yelled running into the arms of our fathers "You two uhh... Play house funny" Arthur laughs "Why? It's how most houses are," whitey shrugs "Yeah" I giggled "Alright, well that's enough house for today" my father smiled carrying me in his arms to be stood in the porch as whitey got his horse "See you tomorrow Jacob" Arthur laughs "See ya Arthur, say bye-bye y/n" my father smiled "Bye-bye whitey" I giggled "Bye y/n, same time tomorrow" he smiled as he waved goodbye as he went off with his father.
"How ya doin' little lady?" whitey smirked as he arrived at my porch with his little wooden horse and wooden gun
"Later whitey" I sigh hugging my teddy bear
"come on please," he asks
"fine" I giggled putting my bear on the porch and ran down sitting on his little wooden horse and wrapping my arms around him and he rode the little horse along the la belle streets till we reached the dry goods man
"bang, bang bang!" whitey smiled shooting the dry goods man with his wooden gun
"Whitey fuck off and go home," The dry goods man says
"do you have any candy?" I ask
"you want candy you gotta pay for it," the dry goods man says
"come on y/n lets go" Whitey says as we hurried off
I giggled as whitey walked me home from the schoolhouse my father was already home sitting on the porch with his pipe watching whitey  closely as he been for a good while now since we were getting older and still spending as much time together "Hey uhh y/n, I was uhh wonderin' if maybe you'd wanna come down the river with me tomorrow, just me and you?" He offered
"aww sure whitey" I smiled giving his cheek a kiss making him blush hard wiping away my kiss "Ill see you in the morning" I smiled heading up my path to my father who was glaring at whitey as he wandered down to his own house
"whitey winn what are you up to?" I ask as I went over to the stables
"Ohh uhh nothin'," he shrugs
"are you... trying to play chess alone?" I ask
"No I'm playin' against myself" he shrugs
"don't you have anything else to do?" I ask
"Nope, not on shift watchin' the mine till tomorrow, bill says he doesn't need me trainin' today, house is clean and horses are done so..." he explained
"Ill play" I smiled putting my stuff down and sitting with him "what is this?" I ask after a while
"is what?" he asked
"this thing your growing on your mouth?" I ask
"don't it make me look older and more sophisticated?" He asks
"No" I answer "are you just doing this because you'll be deputy soon?" I ask
"How so?" He asks
"well, bill has some good facial hair, the requiring deputy did, marshal cook has great facial hair" I explain
"Maybe" He blushed as we plaid
"Hehehe, your such a silly boy whitey" I smiled giving his cheek a kiss making him blush hard "you don't wipe my kisses away anymore?" I ask
"Hu?" he asked having not been paying attention
"You always used to wipe away my kisses, you said I had cooties" I laugh
"cooties arent a real thin'" he laughs
"Says the boy convinced a monster was living in his closet until he was fourteen" i sigh
"there was a bobcat in there so i wasn't completely wron'" He shrugs
"aw whitey" I laugh getting up and giving his lips a little kiss and he froze "Hummm... keep it I kinda like it" I smile
"w-what?" He stuttered
"The stubble, its sexy" I smiled going back to work
"Yes mam" he nods
"Uhhh uuuhh Whitey" I muttered
"Shhhhh! you know the mine shaft goes all the way down y/n, don't want your dad to hear us?" He smirked as we were cuddling and kissing as whitey had a shift looking after the mine shaft elevator so w wherein the top hidden away having a little roll in the hay I giggled and pulled him back to kissing me which he happily didi putting his hand back up my dress and moving my hips onto his lap better i pulled him closer and he in turn pulled me closer too our kisses getting lustier and more passionate I pushed him down so his back hit the floor making him groan into our kiss before he flipped us over so I was under him we pulled away a moment so I could see to get us pants undone when
the loudest crashing noise I ever heard came from below us
"what was that?" I ask in a panic
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All of the holiday asks but with Winn or Brainy, whichever you prefer 👀 —Nic
@me-myself-and-my-fos  THANKS NIC 💗💗💗 
  the way i miss winn so SO much ??? i absolutely do NOT talk about him enough so we’re doing winn !! >:D
Who wears the ugly Christmas sweater?
-ok so, i love sweaters, winn loves sweaters, and i also love sweaters, so both of us !!! although winn makes ugly sweaters look SO adorable and absolutely deserves to wear them more than i do 👀👀👀
Who puts up mistletoe in the house?
-oh i do, for sure !!! i put it on the front door so now winn is forced to give me a kiss whenever he enters or exits the loft, its a simple spell but quite unbreakable.
Who gets pumped about decorating the Christmas tree?
-winn !! thats his favorite part of getting festive ( besides the sweaters ofc ,, ) literally today he got me to get a christmas tree with him and pick out a bunch of pretty decorations !! we’re gonna start decorating soon !! seeing him so excited is the cutest ..  😍
Who goes to Starbucks for the holiday drinks whenever they can?
-oh me, the coffee addict of course. i got winn to try the peppermint mocha one (1) time and now its the only thing he lets me get him whenever i go to starbucks. not even jitters  😔
Do either of you insist on chugging eggnog?
-ME !!! its chaotic. I love eggnog SO much ... winn likes it too, but not nearly as much as i do. he cannot let me be alone with a carton of it, i will drink it all in one sitting and have no regrets. 
Who bakes the Christmas cookies? Who bugs them about licking the spoon?
-we bake together! but usually, i’m the one to do the baking! i love making gingerbread cookies, even though im a bit messy when it comes to baking. flour and loose dough everywhere >>
-but winn loves raw cookie dough, in moderation of course but he is usually the one to lick the spoon and then take a finger to the bowl as well once im done making the dough, haha. 💗💗
Who is constantly praying for snow?
-winn for sure. it doesnt snow much here but winn LOVES the snow and all the fun stuff you can do in it. he says he wants to take me sledding because i’ve never been and apparently its really fun ?? national city has a few hills on the outskirts that make it perfect for that kind of thing!! me personally would love to make a snowman with winn .. 💗
Who hates the cold?
-winn, honestly. i LOVE the cold but winn is a little bit prone to getting colds, or at the very least a super stuffed nose. he does not like it. but i love getting to cuddle him and be bundled under blankets and have even more reason to drink hot coffee ... plus, i dont mind taking care of winn when he’s feeling under the weather ..  👀
Do you two argue over decorations?
-only when it comes to stuff like buying them ... because i always pick all the cute stuff like little porceline reindeer and those cute snowman plushies or something crazy like a singing snoopy doll, while winn picks out actual stuff like holly and christmas lights. but we come to a mutual agreement eventually! :)
Who is in charge of making/buying and sending the Christmas cookies?
-i make the gingerbread cookies and winn takes them to the DEO for everyone to enjoy or to the legion of heroes. its usually one of the things everyone looks forward to during the christmas season !! sometimes i’ll distribute them to neighbors or something too, or i’ll take them to earth-1 to share with everyone as well. we both love making them together and giving them to everyone!  💗
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cleverdeception · 7 years
Guys I’m really excited, I didn’t buy any stuff at Disneyworld because I was overwhelmed as shit (I can handle a maximum of like four things and every one of those days was a solid 40,000 things) but my cousin went back and got me stuff and I’m gonna have a nerdy like, 8-bit Peter Pan/Tink mug and the stupidest looking Winne the Pooh plushie ever. I can’t wait to show him to you guys he’s such a Round Boi
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karawinncuteness · 7 years
Winn anonymously doing sweet things for Kara and she can't seem to figure out who the mysterious person is... :)
There was a small vase on her desk when she arrived in themorning, the bright daisies bringing a smile to Kara’s face.  Ever since Mon-El’s departure, she’d beenfinding little gifts on her desk, a cup of tea, her favorite sticky bun, a cutelittle kitten plushy wearing a Supergirl uniform…nothing big, just littlethings that made her day brighter.
Plus, she enjoyed trying to figure out who was her mysteriousfriend.  Since he or she seemed to becareful not to attract any of Kara’s senses, she figured it had to be someonein the know about her other job.  Shejust couldn’t pin down….
“He’s a keeper,” Eve said with a smile as she wandered byKara’s desk.  “I mean, I kinda thought heand James were, you know, an item, but then James started seeing….”
“Wait, what?” Kara spluttered, eyes wide.  “You know who’s been leaving me gifts?”
Eve blinked at her.  “Ofcourse.  You don’t?”
“No!” Kara exclaimed, then paused, “Wait…you thought…Do youmean Winn?”
“Yeah!” Eve exclaimed as though she was being especiallyobtuse.  “I saw him leaving the littlesleepy red panda figurine.  It’s cutethat he knows how to make you smile like that.”
As Eve wandered off, Kara picked up the little panda, feelingthe cool ceramic in her hand.  It didmake her smile, all the little things did. Winn had always been good at that, always knew her so well….
“Hey, Kara,” Winn called, standing a few desks away.  “Lunch with me and James?”  He stepped closer.  “Super Friends reunion?”
His hopeful voice made her chuckle and she nodded, delicatelyplacing the panda down and moving closer to slide her arm through his, givingit a squeeze.  “That sounds like a greatidea.  You always know how to make my daybrighter.”
“I try.”
As they walked out of the office, she let her head dropagainst his shoulder and said, “Thanks for being here.”
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canaryatlaw · 6 years
OKAY. so today was pretty awesome. Jess woke me up at 9:45 and I told her to let me go back to bed until ten 😂 so I did and then I got up. got ready for day 2 of NYCC, with our Marvel Rising cosplays so I was suiting up to be squirrel girl lol which was a great success I must say. While I was doing my make up we were looking for tickets to see a show tonight and decided on Waitress, so we procured tickets to that for tonight. I wanted bagels but there wasn’t anywhere too close so we just ubered to the con center. While in our uber I had to blow up the inflatable squirrel tail I got off amazon that was kind of a struggle but I managed. we got there and had to eat still, so we ended up splitting a pretzel, and then going and checking out the good place exhibit which was basically a giant fork you could take pictures with so we did that, and then we went to the people’s choice awards set up because they were giving away donuts if you voted for the best sci-fi show (#WynonnaEarpFTW) so we got donuts of course and ate those. then we went to the show floor and walked around a bit and ended up at this like fandom food truck thing where if you woke up really early to get there and grab a ticket you could get like one of their fandom related food items for free. but of course we had not gotten there very early to get such a ticket, so we were sad. but fear not, they were also having a trivia contest where the winner would get a ticket to the food truck, and the 1-2 pm one was Arrowverse! huzzah!! And of course I’m like oh I’m gonna win this, just watch. And like, I expected it to be like there is one winner thing and such and I’m still gonna win, but as we were signing up we were informed it was like a one on one thing and the winner of each round got a ticket. and as we were doing so the girl was like “oh you guys will probably go together” at which point Jess decided that she instead wanted to go up against this guy behind us in line that we’d been talking shit to (because she didn’t want to go up against me 😂) so we swapped places so they could go against each other. so we waited a while and then at one it started, the first two competitors go up and we’re like alright, let’s see what these questions were like. and guys. they were so fucking easy. they at least got somewhat progressively harder, but the first round questions were like embarrassingly easy (like “what island was Oliver Queen stranded on?”) and like neither of the two of them would actually get any of them right, even when they had the chance to “steal” it from the other person. It was best out of 9, or first person to 5 wins. so the first one ended with like a 3-2 score. and then it was Jess and this guy, and the questions got somewhat harder (like “who killed Patty Spivot’s father?” and “what prison did Oliver Queen say nobody could break him out of?” which I was like ????? who knows that fucking answer it was like the slab?? smh) and they both just failed lol mostly because there were a lot of flash questions and Jess doesn’t really pay attention to flash, but she still managed to win like 3-1. okay, then it’s my turn. so they say my name and I go up to the platform ready to crush it, then they call the name of the person I’m going up against and it’s like, a kid. like a 12 year old. and I’m like....,ohmygod, I’m going to wipe the floor with him and I’m going to feel SO BAD about it but not bad enough to not do it because I like winning 😂 so before we started the guy hosting was like “so on a scale of 1-10, how much do you know about the Arrowverse” and I just decided I was gonna be a cocky bastard and say “11″ and then have it show when I kicked ass lol. okay, first question, who was the leader of the justice society of america? I hesitated for a moment because I couldn’t remember his superhero name, but then I just said ah fuck it and buzzed in and said Rex Tyler, which was of course right. Then there was “What year is Zari from?” to which I of course answered correctly 2042.There was more after that that I don’t exactly remember but I got right, and at this point I'm oh man I feel SO BAD right now lol so then the guy asked what supervillain was Winn’s father and I’m just like, hesitating and looking at the kid and trying to give him a chance to buzz in, but he just wasn’t gonna do it so I buzzed in and said Toyman, which of course was right, and then the last one was what did little Ray name the baby dominator that he found, and I was like welp guess I’m doing this so I buzzed in and said Gumball, effectively winning the round 5-0, and I’m just like oh man I feel so bad right now 😂😂😂 I like apologized to the kid once we got offstage but he didn’t care so that made me feel a little better lol. so I got my free tote bag and ticket for the food truck, then sat and watched for a bit before taking off to my Adam Savage signing, which was a random one I won from the lottery and I was like hey why not, I can always sell it or something, and that was at 2 but they wanted you to line up early, so I went down to the room that was in and got lined up in the room, then at 2 he came out and the line went pretty quickly. If you’re thinking like who tf is Adam Savage I probably would not have recognized his name out of context lol but he’s one of the guys from Mythbusters and I mean that’s pretty cool so why not? I got up to him and I was like hey I’m Rachel, nice to meet you, and proceeded to tell him that whenever I have to go out in the rain I think about their episode where they tested if you get less wet walking or running in the rain and since walking won I’m always like “I want to run, but I’ll get less wet if I walked!!” and he laughed and said he gets that one a lot, then asked me if I was having a good con and was just overall really nice, it was a really pleasant interaction so that made me happy. I returned to where Jess was (she stayed in the same spot and watched the rest of the trivia) then we went over to the food truck to redeem our prizes since we both won, and got to choose from a few options. Jess got like a pineapple drink thing that had little bubbles of juice in it that we’re like bubble tea ones they just burst full of juice, so I think she had somewhat mixed feelings on that lol. I got a cookie that came with a little thing of frosting to dip it in that was like the legends of zelda sword thing and it was really good! so we ate our things and then walked over to this booth of like a stuffed animal place that had a giant pool filled with plushie toys, more specifically plushies that were cats inside bananas, and people were getting to go in and like fall on them so we were like of course we have to do this, so that was fun, and then they gave us a $5 discount for one of the plushies (not one of the ones from the pool that everyone’s feet have been all over, because I asked 😂) and they have an offsite exhibit like two blocks away with all sorts of cool free stuff so we may check that out tomorrow. After that we went around the artist’s alley briefly before meeting up with one of Jess’ mutuals by the funko booth, so that was fun. then we headed over to another booth where we met up with our third batwoman podcast host again and spent a while just going around with the show floor with her and looking at things. We ended up heading out around 4:45 to make sure we had enough time to eat and see the show. We were gonna take the same subway we took up to times square yesterday but today the station was closed off, and we were directed to take a free bus shuttle they were having instead, so we did that. I had looked at getting reservations but nothing was really working, so I was just gonna see what was going on places. Sadly it seems John’s Pizzeria has blown up, because the last two times I’ve been there the line’s been out the door and around the corner, which makes me sad because I love that place and they don’t take reservations (and I don’t do lines like that) so I don’t get to go now. We checked Carmine’s too but they were reservations only (I tried to get one there but there weren’t any free) which landed us to our default place of Juniors, which I’ve ended up in so many times because we couldn’t get in anywhere else and were tired of trying lol. there was a bit of a wait, longer than normal because they’re generally super fast, but still not bad. I wanted to be able to actually get dessert and not filled up on food because their desserts are supposed to be very good (they are famous for their cheesecake after all) so I only ate half of my sandwich and then got a strawberry sundae that was very good. by the time we finished it was like 7:20 so we headed over to the theatre, picked up our tickets from the todaytix courier, and got in line to see Waitress! I’ve heard a ton of good things about it over the past few years but just haven’t gotten around to seeing it, so I was excited. Overall I really liked it! I had in my head that the time frame was different than it ended up being (spoilers ahead, obviously), because when it was first opening I watched them do the opening number on a today show or something and at the end they have the little girl run up to her mom, so I thought that she was already born by the time they show starts, but apparently that was not the case. so it was a bit different than expected, but it managed to be heartwarming, hilarious, and gripping all at once, which is honestly quite the accomplishment. the music was beautiful (which was honestly a comparison to last night because as I was leaving all I could think was how I couldn’t remember a single song from King Kong but now I had like 6 songs fighting to play in my head) and the story was very well done. I did like the plot a lot of course, even though there were very hard moments, I thought they did an excellent job of blending it all together (in a pie) to make a lovely show, so they get props for that. We had also made plans to meet my parents and sister for dinner tomorrow night, but then we discovered that some shows were moving their Wednesday night show to Sunday night instead (the generally schedule is matinee and evening on Wednesday, same on Saturday and then just matinee on Sunday) so we could possibly get around to seeing a show tomorrow and Jess has really wanted to see Anastasia since we were here in July and didn’t quite get to do so, so once I got the okay from my parents about meeting up a little earlier I got the Anastasia tickets, so I’m quite excited for that. And yeah, from there we ubered back to where we are staying and basically started getting ready for bed right away because we’re pretty wiped and I’m very wiped just typing this, so I’m gonna take that as a sign that this would be a good place to end it. Goodnight series. Hope you had a banging Saturday. 
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costumet · 6 years
Dress Like Christopher Robin (Winnie the Pooh) Costume
Christopher Robin might not always be present in Pooh’s Adventures in the Hundred Acre Woods but he is almost always mentioned. That’s because Christopher Robin is Pooh’s best friend and owner. He’s an adventurous boy who loves meeting with Pooh and the gang when he could. He is very imaginative and very loyal as well.
Christopher Robin’s outfit is as iconic as Pooh Bears little red shirt. He wears a yellow shirt with a white collared top underneath, a pair of blue shorts, white socks, and black shoes. Here’s everything you need to look like Christopher Robin.
How to Dress Like Christopher Robin - Make Your Own Costume
#ItemDescription1White Collared TopWear a white-collared top underneath your shirt for a more detailed look.2Plain Yellow T ShirtChristopher Robin’s shirt is a bright plain yellow, such a happy color.3Blue ShortsChristopher Robin prefers to wear blue shorts.4White Crew SocksChristopher Robin keeps his toes warm with a pair of white crew socks.5Black LoafersPut on a comfy pair of black loafers when you go around as Christopher Robin.6Winnie the Pooh PlushieBring along a Pooh plushie since Christopher Robin is Pooh’s owner.
About Christopher Robin
Many actors have voice Christopher Robin in the past. Tim Hoskins played him in The New Adventures of Winnie the Pooh. Ewan McGregor plays him in the live-action movie, Christopher Robin.
Check out these sites to read more about Christopher Robin and the other characters from The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh:
source https://www.costumet.com/winne-the-pooh/christopher-robin/
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