#plush toy Eugeo
A bittersweet and tear-jerking idea.
Imagine Sugu asking Kirito to draw what Eugeo looked like. Claiming it would be therapeutic for Kirito to do so. Kirito reluctantly agrees. Kirito draws him up, then Sugu asks him to show her what his hair color was, his eye color, what he wore.
Then after that, Sugu leaves, and a few hours later she comes back with a small little plush toy she made of Eugeo.
Kirito takes the plush toy, trying not to cry, but Sugu hugs him and rubs his back, telling him it’s okay to cry. Kirito cries it out for an hour, while Sugu comforts him. Once Kirito is finished, he smiles at her and tells her that he’ll cherish the plush.
Kirito always has the plush with him, it doesn’t matter where he goes. It’s his comfort item. It’s how he copes with his trauma. He even talks to it, tells the plush how his day was, but then laughs and says it’s silly - cause the plush already knew how his day has been- because it’s been with him the entire time.
He cannot sleep without it. The one and only time he misplaced the plush toy, he about had a mental break down, he was panicked and tearing through the house for it. He nearly became sick due to how distressed he was.
Needless to say, the Eugeo plush was an amazing idea, and Kirito thanks Sugu for the plush often, saying that it’s done wonders for his mental, emotional and physical health.
Kirito loves his Eugeo plush, and sometimes if he closes his eyes and concentrates, while curled up in bed with the Eugeo plush... he swears he can hear Eugeo telling him goodnight and that he’ll see him in the morning. Just like back in the Underworld, when they’d share the same bed together.
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