lookingforfics · 4 years
looking thru “recommended for you” posts and there’s a blouis fic post (ewww yikes 🥶🤮🤢)
lmao tumblr are you ok?
why would, of all fics, you recommend THAT to me??? no f****** thanks
altho tbf, i am lookingforfics, but... never THAT fics. pls take note tumblr
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lookingforfics · 4 years
blouies don't understand that spoil =/= love. spoiling is just a dynamic. of course harry loves louis. he cooks for him, cleans his clothes, cleans their home, writes songs for him, makes elaborate metaphors and symbolism dedicated to louis, calls him the best/funniest/most handsome, is extremely physically affectionate with him, and had the idea to permanently mark his entire body with his devotion to louis. the man is obsessed. but i don't think harry would call it spoiling louis, and i don't think louis would like it to be seen that way either. i don't think harry sees what he does as synonymous with babying or coddling or overindulging. pampering maybe. but even in his music he paints it as limitless devotion and adoration, more similar to worship and even idolatry. and louis has done nothing but express disdain at being babied, infantilized, pitied, and even at the suggestion of him being a tiny kitten.
because with louis what he's proud to boast about is that he's very CARING. he's a leader, a protector, nurturing, a king. he goes out of his way to be like that including with fans. he's openly defensive and protective of harry to the point of assertiveness and even for the most harmless things, he eases his insecurities, indulges him in his silly thoughts, cheats at games so harry gets a prize, physically guards and guides him unconsciously, and lets him get away with things he roasts other people for. it's so clearly a different dynamic from what harry does. not to mention louis the only one to call harry his baby. harry "belongs" to him. so already that paints an image of said dynamic. it's 100% synonymous with coddling, babying, and overindulging. he spoils him.
to blouies the problem with harry being louis's baby isn't that it means louis is unloved, but that louis simply isn't the baby of the relationship. that's what they want. harry worships and adores louis and makes elaborate extreme displays of his love in his art and body- but that's not what blouies want. they want harry to enter fist fighting ragemode when a man looks at louis, they want louis to be the little spoon, for him to be the one that wraps his legs around harry. they just want the roles reversed. as always lol. for louis to be the dainty one that wears dresses and makeup and loves pink and for harry to dress in sweatpants and do the power stance and wear dark clothes.
so yeah!!! harry is louis's baby and louis spoils the shit out of him because thaaaat's his baby who can do no wrong and gets away with everything!!! and harry treats that man like a king who can only step on the most highly polished marble flooring and is the sun that shines on his world. like they're just different people and they have different ways of expressing their love and different ways that they like receiving each others' love. so any blouie that wants to cry that we think harry doesn't love louis can continue to feel oppressed over the fact that their intentions are transparent and no one cares about their tears of delusion.
literally this whole ask got me
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lookingforfics · 5 years
harry @ louis all the freakin time
Destroy Me, King
by stylinsexualxo
Pairing: Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson
Rating: Explicit
Tags: Bottom Harry, Top Louis Tomlinson, Daddy Kink, Oral Sex, Anal Sex, light degradation, Light Dom/sub, Spanking, Jealous Louis, Choking, Rough Sex, Face-Fucking, Idiots in Love, Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot
After SNL, jealous Louis has a little surprise for Harry when he arrives home.
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lookingforfics · 5 years
if you’re gonna put blouis fics on my dash...
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lookingforfics · 5 years
some people (me) really do not care about about anything yikesblouisyikes and this fic fest is for anyone and everyone (me) who does not like even a little bit of yikesblouisyikes this anon can go fly a kite
sorry for butting in but ihavenopatienceforpettyblouiesyikes they whine about everything under the sun cuz harry is a bottom in reality and they cannot deal omg just dealwithit
and thank you for organising this so looking forward to amazing fics where only harry bottoms idontcareaboutkindasharethatreally it’s fics after all so in my kinda fics Harry Styles bottoms
Why would you announce your bh fic fest two days after the bl fic fest is announced especially when it's not happening til next year
Actually I didn't know the bottom louis fest had announced anything until I saw the post. The thing is i got the url for this fest saved since march and I wanted to do it since then. But me and @chloehl10 thought that it'll be better to wait next year since a lot of fests/exchanges are already happening this year. Then @halosboat contacted me like two days ago abt this fest and we decided to do it all together. We made this post so everyone knows something is coming.
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lookingforfics · 6 years
silver fox louis
silver fox louis fics
where art thou?
(top louis only) fic writers, please please write it
just name me your price
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lookingforfics · 6 years
dear @emma or @lads_laddylads or dudes or whoever the fuck
that there, your second tweet, about pitchforks, just actually accurately described forever pressed forever threathened forever nasty forever manipulative bottomlouies. ie. people like you. see, people like you get so mad so threathened at just a tiny little mention of ~toplouis or anything alluding to that. like, you can’t handle the truth that top daddy silver fox louis is real or that haddy only exists in your sick mind 🤪 that people (toplouies), have their own preference (just like you nasties only that we have more class than you) and that people (toplouies) are well aware of fiction and reality, unlike you nasty people (bottomlouies).
no other group of people are that pressed at all times. only bottomlouies, the nasty ones with you ladsladdy being the obv #1 nasty
and yeah, stay mad stay pressed
(but stop manipulating people pls lads i thought you have more class than that. okay, maybe not)
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lookingforfics · 6 years
Haddy “is a dainty and delicate princess who must be carried around by his strong and manly and heavily muscled and dominant boyfriend Louis.”
no truer words were ever written
this is it. the best most accurate description of haddy edward styles. no one ever gets this so on point so kudos
also, that is the best most accurate description of louis ‘the daddy’ tomlinson. how are you so on point again. no one ever gets it. only you
this blog makes sense for once. just this one post though, specifically the quoted bits. those are pearls of wisdom. the rest are just embarrassing garbage so do yourself a favour and delete those nonsense from this post. you’re welcome 😉
ps. sorry for this addition. i promise i will never ever do it again
Your tags though... I think people don't want to acknowledge that Harry's more beef than years ago because he's the sweetest princess of all time, while Louis has to be always the laddy lad lad who can't be flamboyant nor soft. I really didn't see how bad that side of the fandom was until I started to notice how nasty people are to bl stans. One thing is your preference and other is fetishizing Harry just because he's masculine AND femenine. Anyway, Louis is the softest baby ever.
Exactly. It’s really just the hypocrisy that we here at BLP find hilarious. When people were admiring how much Harry bulked up for Dunkirk, for example, there were tons of posts from people talking about how acknowledging that Harry has muscles and works out was erasing his feminine side or that people were exaggerating. Meanwhile, a professional boxer said that Harry can keep up with him, Niall said that Harry did 12 four-minute rounds of boxing every night before going onstage, and Harry’s trainer revealed that he can pull 600lbs. Harry has been photographed and filmed working out so many times that we could make an entire masterpost of it. Yet still, his muscles and strength are ignored by a significant portion of the fandom because it doesn’t fit in with their princess Harry headcanons. Anyone who did or does acknowledge those facts is immediately described as a het or dismissed as delusional and exaggerating.
Louis held up someone similar in size to him for approximately three seconds (we counted) while the person braced themselves on his back and shoulders and suddenly everyone is reblogging thirst posts consisting of photos of Louis’ biceps and writing headcanon posts about how Louis must carry Harry (who is larger than Brendan) around all the time and hold him to fuck him against walls. Those people will never be described as hets or dismissed as delusional because they’re going along with the accepted headcanon of this fandom - that Harry Styles, an almost six foot tall man who could not possibly work out more if he tried, is a dainty and delicate princess who must be carried around by his strong and manly and heavily muscled and dominant boyfriend Louis. 
So next time we see a photo of Harry’s bicep or a quote about how strong Harry is and the fandom ignores it, next time you see a Larrie talking shit about het Harries or labeling anyone who talks about Harry’s muscle tone as a thirsty het, and next time you see someone trying to say that people exaggerate Louis’ size or lack of strength while they do the same in the opposite direction, we hope you’ll remember the ridiculously exaggerated reaction tonight.
- BLP 🍑
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lookingforfics · 6 years
whoknows wrote rape/noncon and tried to pass it off as dubcon and people (gross blouies ofc) celebrated them
if that had been top louis/bottom harry situation, whoknows would be harrassed and bullied until they delete and disappear from tumblr/ao3
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lookingforfics · 6 years
who the fuck is whoknows
that person needs to stop writing larry or stop writing louis if his character’s gonna end up the same and gross like that. he’s all badly written as the same..weak and needy but pretends not to be and only manly beefy harry can handle him (although harry is a real life barbie doll/cupcake)
don’t project yourself onto your fic louis! you are gross don’t write him to be gross like you
do us all a favor and stop already!
that person’s fics are so popular (amongst gross bottom louies ofc ofc) i don’t fucking know why (the writing is not all that either nothing that would warrant the praises they’ve been getting).
maybe i do. their fic louis is gross bottom louies fave louis...tiny and needy/horny all the time but play pretend with massive beefy manly harry. that’s their louis. anything that suggests to the contrary, they’d throw a hissy fit yelling abuse left right even bullying top louis ficwriters into deleting everything and stopping writing altogether.
so unfair
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lookingforfics · 6 years
alpha harry?
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lookingforfics · 6 years
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lookingforfics · 6 years
Kilts are considered masculine in Scotland. Stop trying to change culture to fit your own headcannons just so you can tag photos and gifs of Harry in traditional garb worn by men in Scotland with "femme" and "princess." That's so disrespectful.
It’s not the kilt that’s feminine, it’s Harry. No one is calling Mitch and Adam feminine for wearing the same kilt. Our ‘femme’ tag isn’t for Harry’s clothing, and neither is our ‘princess’ tag. Femininity doesn’t lie exclusively in clothing, just like it doesn’t lie in gender, genitalia, or body types. Men also wear suits and sweatpants as Harry often does, but can still be feminine in their presentation of it on their body if they choose to be. Regardless, you can’t deny a person femininity while in a garment of clothing that’s considered exclusive for only men, or demonize that self-expression by saying it threatens and disrespects the masculinity of the garment in question. You’re just shaming members of the LGBT community in the name of cultural tradition.
Besides, Harry already compared his kilt with a woman’s skirt himself when he hiked it up during Only Angel. If you have a problem with people disrespecting the kilt by feminizing it, you’d have to start with him.
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lookingforfics · 7 years
bottom alpha louis fic exists????
and the way louis is written is like your typical fictional blouis and that’s totally just Wrong! unrecognisable. not my louis at all. eww
when i say i want alpha louis, i don’t mean this kind. why do people like to write louis this way i don’t understand *poor louis*
(wtf peeps are you okay? *smfh*)
fics where louis character is written like this traumatise me /tag your fics properly it’s not that hard/
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lookingforfics · 7 years
Thank god another HC about Louis taking care of Harry like he's an infant. There sure aren't enough of those around. Imagine still finding that the ultimate in romance after everything Louis has been through. Not one HC ever about Harry stepping up. I guess that's an unpleasant reality - that he was away for the majority of the worst year of L's life. Let's fantasize about daddy Louis tending to princess Harry instead. 🤢🤢🤢
I am guessing you mean this post I made yesterday. To which I say,
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lookingforfics · 7 years
so fic with 17 year old louis with a 26 year old harry is ok as long as it’s bottom louis/top harry.
but if it’s the other way around, the moral police (who are probably and quite likely blouies... the nasty ones) would surely get all up in arms (or it’s really is just bullying tbh)
it’s 2014 fic and yet the author still around to write more yikes bottom louis fics. that author didnt get bullied into deleting their fics. why? double standards thats why
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lookingforfics · 7 years
Being gay doesn't mean no masculine energy. Harry has both, just like Louis has both. This fandom likes to pretend Harry is a fairy princess whose feet don't hit the ground and that's not true. And it's tedious that so many think pretending he has no masculine side means that he's gay. He's gay. He boxes, yells, and does plenty of "masculine" things. Still gay. Not to mention unlikely to have been wandering in Ireland randomly during the height of 1d.
I’m quite sure we’re all educated enough to be well aware of the difference. Indeed I’ve seen no one on my dash mix up the two concepts. I, for one, tagged that quote as about harry and not harry’s sexuality, like I usually do with posts regarding the boys’ sexualities. Therefore I find your condescending tone to be a little out of place. No one but you here linked a funny comment on the internet to Harry’s sexual preferences, so?? I, as everyone else, as far as I can see, love every shade of Harry, from the goofy boy to the pretty dancer, from the muscular boxer to the delicate princess versions of himself. Not to mention that it’s very likely that he used to wander and is still wondering in many many places randomly and unrecognised. 
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