wii-deleted-your-rp · 2 months
"You're looking at him," the voice from the Wiimote huffs, the strange Mii on screen looking slightly annoyed.
Delila Had Went To A Garage Sale To Take A Look For A Family Consle As Buying On Was Far Too Expensive
Sitting on the ground of the garage sale was a Wii. It looked like it had been repaired a few times but beyond that it looked in tact
There was a copy of Wii Sports that came with the console, as well as a wiimote and a note scrawled on the top.
"Use at your own risk," it read. Kinda ominous for a Wii.
(I am so sorry this took so long to get a response. Energy just was not having it, -Ky1e)
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wii-deleted-your-rp · 2 months
The other Mii doesn't do anything. It continues to stare. Though... it almost looked like it's smile grew a little wider. The Wiimote rumbles.
"Hello there," a distorted low voice comes through on the shitty Wiimote speaker.
Delila Had Went To A Garage Sale To Take A Look For A Family Consle As Buying On Was Far Too Expensive
Sitting on the ground of the garage sale was a Wii. It looked like it had been repaired a few times but beyond that it looked in tact
There was a copy of Wii Sports that came with the console, as well as a wiimote and a note scrawled on the top.
"Use at your own risk," it read. Kinda ominous for a Wii.
(I am so sorry this took so long to get a response. Energy just was not having it, -Ky1e)
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wii-deleted-your-rp · 3 months
To her luck, there WAS a Mii there. It was a male Mii in black clothes. Bald head, huge eyes, huge smile, small nose. It looked a bit ridiculous, but also really... eerie.
Along with this strange Mii, there was also a notable lack of a delete icon. It just wasn't there, though that could be chalked up to the old owners possibly modding this Wii.
The Mii stared directly at Delila, unmoving.
Delila Had Went To A Garage Sale To Take A Look For A Family Consle As Buying On Was Far Too Expensive
Sitting on the ground of the garage sale was a Wii. It looked like it had been repaired a few times but beyond that it looked in tact
There was a copy of Wii Sports that came with the console, as well as a wiimote and a note scrawled on the top.
"Use at your own risk," it read. Kinda ominous for a Wii.
(I am so sorry this took so long to get a response. Energy just was not having it, -Ky1e)
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wii-deleted-your-rp · 3 months
After buying the Wii, Delila would notice it started to get warm. Not uncomfortably so but warm
Delila Had Went To A Garage Sale To Take A Look For A Family Consle As Buying On Was Far Too Expensive
Sitting on the ground of the garage sale was a Wii. It looked like it had been repaired a few times but beyond that it looked in tact
There was a copy of Wii Sports that came with the console, as well as a wiimote and a note scrawled on the top.
"Use at your own risk," it read. Kinda ominous for a Wii.
(I am so sorry this took so long to get a response. Energy just was not having it, -Ky1e)
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wii-deleted-your-rp · 3 months
(Admin: Idk how to start a RP on Tumblr so apologies if it’s plain-)
Two certain bandsingers fall down into this realm, unconscious. It’s the backyard of a certain gamer girl’s house.
The first person to wake up is the brunette. They squint their eyes open at the bright sunlight suddenly washing over them.
💫: “W-Wha-” they say, getting up.
“What the hell? What is this place?”
The house looked like it had seen better days. The paint job was cracked & faded, a couple windows were broken, and it had that energy that just screams "don't go in there". There was also an odd smell. One that felt familiar in a sickening way. One that felt inescapable. However, it wasn't too strong yet so one could easily miss it.
Something from inside the house was playing music though. Maybe the house was just in disrepair, and the owners were going to fix it. Plus it's not like their luck could get any worse.
(I am so sorry it took so long. Hope this is okay! Felt bad leaving my previous messages unanswered. -Ky1e)
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wii-deleted-your-rp · 3 months
Delila Had Went To A Garage Sale To Take A Look For A Family Consle As Buying On Was Far Too Expensive
Sitting on the ground of the garage sale was a Wii. It looked like it had been repaired a few times but beyond that it looked in tact
There was a copy of Wii Sports that came with the console, as well as a wiimote and a note scrawled on the top.
"Use at your own risk," it read. Kinda ominous for a Wii.
(I am so sorry this took so long to get a response. Energy just was not having it, -Ky1e)
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wii-deleted-your-rp · 3 months
(Askbox is tentatively open)
(I'll try to respond to starters, but again, I may be really slow)
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wii-deleted-your-rp · 3 months
(Hi, owner here. For sake of theming call me Ky1e. Anyways I've noticed people finding this blog despite it being inactive for near a year, maybe even over I didn't check timestamps before making this post)
(To get to my point, I wanna TRY to get back into Tumblr rps, though be warned they wear me out extremely easy so responses might be slow to conserve energy.)
(Thanks and have a lovely timezone)
(- Ky1e)
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It started like normal
The wii satby itself plugged into a TV
*Ames spotted the Wii and went up to it, turning it on*
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wii-deleted-your-rp · 2 years
The bots have found this blog. If you see a sketchy link in the comments or reblogs DO NOT CLICK!
This is a side blog, and I keep forgetting to block the bots on both my main & this one.
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wii-deleted-your-rp · 2 years
The wiimote speaker crackled "He........ Am........"
*There was a 11 year old girl walking around, the girl had messy brown hair that had bright cyan highlights and that faded into a cherry sorta color, she wore a bright purple and gray striped shirt, purple pants that seemed a bit small on the girl and she had scrapes on her feet, she also had a pretty big backpack that was dragging across the ground while the girl wore it that’s how big it was, she was also holding a cardboard rocket ship underneath her arms, along with a cardboard heart shaped gravestone with lots of cute stuff all over it and a big cardboard graduation hat that was almost bigger than her head! She also had what looked like a stage used for concerts made out of cardboard like everything else was, she also had a cardboard pink cassette player and a cardboard purple top hat with a yellow stripe just above the brim, anyone gonna talk to her? She seems lonely*
A wii lie on the ground. While it wasn't plugged in and running, it still felt..... on
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wii-deleted-your-rp · 2 years
Tumblr media
Something something Weezer refrence.
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wii-deleted-your-rp · 2 years
The Wii looked familiar in a way. Beside it lay a wiimote and nunchuck
*There was a 11 year old girl walking around, the girl had messy brown hair that had bright cyan highlights and that faded into a cherry sorta color, she wore a bright purple and gray striped shirt, purple pants that seemed a bit small on the girl and she had scrapes on her feet, she also had a pretty big backpack that was dragging across the ground while the girl wore it that’s how big it was, she was also holding a cardboard rocket ship underneath her arms, along with a cardboard heart shaped gravestone with lots of cute stuff all over it and a big cardboard graduation hat that was almost bigger than her head! She also had what looked like a stage used for concerts made out of cardboard like everything else was, she also had a cardboard pink cassette player and a cardboard purple top hat with a yellow stripe just above the brim, anyone gonna talk to her? She seems lonely*
A wii lie on the ground. While it wasn't plugged in and running, it still felt..... on
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wii-deleted-your-rp · 2 years
*There was a 11 year old girl walking around, the girl had messy brown hair that had bright cyan highlights and that faded into a cherry sorta color, she wore a bright purple and gray striped shirt, purple pants that seemed a bit small on the girl and she had scrapes on her feet, she also had a pretty big backpack that was dragging across the ground while the girl wore it that’s how big it was, she was also holding a cardboard rocket ship underneath her arms, along with a cardboard heart shaped gravestone with lots of cute stuff all over it and a big cardboard graduation hat that was almost bigger than her head! She also had what looked like a stage used for concerts made out of cardboard like everything else was, she also had a cardboard pink cassette player and a cardboard purple top hat with a yellow stripe just above the brim, anyone gonna talk to her? She seems lonely*
A wii lie on the ground. While it wasn't plugged in and running, it still felt..... on
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wii-deleted-your-rp · 2 years
"Well, where were you before?" People wouldn't leave a kid on their own right?
*There was a 11 year old girl walking around, the girl had messy brown hair that had bright cyan highlights and that faded into a cherry sorta color, she wore a bright purple and gray striped shirt, purple pants that seemed a bit small on the girl and she had scrapes on her feet, she also had a pretty big backpack that was dragging across the ground while the girl wore it that’s how big it was, she was also holding a cardboard rocket ship underneath her arms, along with a cardboard heart shaped gravestone with lots of cute stuff all over it and a big cardboard graduation hat that was almost bigger than her head! She also had what looked like a stage used for concerts made out of cardboard like everything else was, she also had a cardboard pink cassette player and a cardboard purple top hat with a yellow stripe just above the brim, anyone gonna talk to her? She seems lonely*
Kyle was walking along, minding his own business. Lost in thought. He had been stuck in writer's block for ages. It really nagged at him.....
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wii-deleted-your-rp · 2 years
"Do you want help getting home?" he was genuinely concerned. What was this child doing on their own?
*There was a 11 year old girl walking around, the girl had messy brown hair that had bright cyan highlights and that faded into a cherry sorta color, she wore a bright purple and gray striped shirt, purple pants that seemed a bit small on the girl and she had scrapes on her feet, she also had a pretty big backpack that was dragging across the ground while the girl wore it that’s how big it was, she was also holding a cardboard rocket ship underneath her arms, along with a cardboard heart shaped gravestone with lots of cute stuff all over it and a big cardboard graduation hat that was almost bigger than her head! She also had what looked like a stage used for concerts made out of cardboard like everything else was, she also had a cardboard pink cassette player and a cardboard purple top hat with a yellow stripe just above the brim, anyone gonna talk to her? She seems lonely*
Kyle was walking along, minding his own business. Lost in thought. He had been stuck in writer's block for ages. It really nagged at him.....
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wii-deleted-your-rp · 2 years
He soon realized how young she was, "Are you lost?"
*There was a 11 year old girl walking around, the girl had messy brown hair that had bright cyan highlights and that faded into a cherry sorta color, she wore a bright purple and gray striped shirt, purple pants that seemed a bit small on the girl and she had scrapes on her feet, she also had a pretty big backpack that was dragging across the ground while the girl wore it that’s how big it was, she was also holding a cardboard rocket ship underneath her arms, along with a cardboard heart shaped gravestone with lots of cute stuff all over it and a big cardboard graduation hat that was almost bigger than her head! She also had what looked like a stage used for concerts made out of cardboard like everything else was, she also had a cardboard pink cassette player and a cardboard purple top hat with a yellow stripe just above the brim, anyone gonna talk to her? She seems lonely*
Kyle was walking along, minding his own business. Lost in thought. He had been stuck in writer's block for ages. It really nagged at him.....
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