#plus they already ditched second outfits a while ago
dreamweavers · 9 months
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stuff I got recently! the Hatchimals were 3 for $1 so I couldn't resist, custard was only $5 and I've always loved her, plus a caboodle! I figured it would be a good place to store RH stuff but underestimated how much RH stuff I have lmao. at least it stores the shoes and other accessories!
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flamestar126 · 7 months
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Give me a "M"!
(click for better quality)
Bonus + related art + rambling under the cut
Originally I just wanted draw Dexter in a cheerleader outfit (an excuse to put him a skirt for pure funsies) and so I did! Which is art is below that i drew like a long time ago now.
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It was just Dexter at first but I am a dexdark shipper so I had to have him react somehow. Then I remembered there was a comic about an athletic Mandark so I added him in his outfit from the comic.
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Then my mind like it always does, wandered and created a short story to make sense of why they would be in this position in the first place.
After years and years of competing with Dexter relentlessly, Mandark had gotten into a rut during his high school years. He's absolutely frustrated that he's STILL second best to him.
(The time the art is placed is late hs years)
So what does a teen genius do? He explores outside of the science community and what do you know. . . he's actually not half bad at sports. He quickly abandons science for it. Mandark is thriving. Why didn't he try this sooner? And Dexter? He's so confused. Never thought his greatest rival would ditch him science for a mere physical activity. Determined to find the bottom of this he goes directly to the source of his confusion and asks. It goes as well as you think. Not at all. Plan B. Find a way to get close enough without raising too much suspicion. How? Cheerleading.
It honestly wasn't that hard to join. He's cute and flexible enough due to the battle he's faced through out the years. Plus a recommendation from his dear sister, Deedee, quickly received him a spot.
The idea seemed brilliant at the time. That is until he found out he had to wear a skirt of all things. Deedee secretly tricked as a little bit of revenge. It wasn't too bad in the end. He rocks skirt ngl. With the excuse of having come to rehearsals and games that involved Mandark, things have become much easier to keep a closer look on him.
His sudden presence certainly didn't go noticed. Mandark's eye often drifted to the redhead that cheered him on during events. And oh, what an ego boost. His former rival cheering on? Yelling out his number whenever he had the ball? Wishing for him to succeed? Even if it was for only the cheerleaders' expectation to do so. How addicting.
He cornered Dexter right after. "That 'M' for me, McPherson?" Mandark teased. Knowing the "M" was their school's name. "How kind of you." "In your dreams, Astronomanov." It continued on like for a while.
They lap it like fucking cream. They've missed this. The feeling buried was bubbling up to the surface once again. Stealing quick glances, the playful jabs, grins matching the other's.
Who made the first move? It wasn't clear. It seemed so natural to be in the other's presence. Both just eased into they didn't even noticed.
Meanwhile, the science department was taking heavy losses. They lost their best two students. Ended up begging the two come back.
Eventually Dexter and Mandark did return but as partners this time.
. . . Douglas? He was thrown out of the loop about the entire thing. He missed out a lot when watching from afar. No one told him they were switching sides! What the heck guys. :/
He wouldn't survived the switch anyway. He's athletic pathetic. Stay on your game boy, Douglas. It's better this way.
Details I didn't include
Mandark was indeed incredibly suspicious of Dexter's switch
He was a total tsundere about Dexter's outfit (he did like it)
They had a talk about why they made a switched. talk about it and sealed it with a kiss (maybe :3)
Mandark said science for geeks but he's a geek through and through. he couldn't resist science for too long
Sports department was crying after
They do the same thing in college but in different uniforms (already drawn but not sharing that here :>)
I'm definitely forgetting more details but i am drawing blanks here
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"You know there are male cheerleaders, right?"
"I like the breeze it gives." Half truth. Was told they ran out of male uniforms. <- Lie by Deedee
"Hm. If you say so." Gay panic
Inspired by a scene of Daffy Duck from Looney Tunes (2011)
Thank you for reading!
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jungc6ck · 3 years
Super (JJK x reader) Pt.1
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🔥 Pairing: superhero/soulmate Jungkook x superhero/soulmate reader
💧Genre: superhero au, soulmate au, smut, angst
🔥 Rating: R (18+)
💧Summary: Jungkook was born as one of the lucky few to possess superpowers, so were you. He’s looked up to you ever since you’ve been fighting crime, so it makes perfect sense the universe would choose for you to be soulmates... unfortunately for him, you’re not even close to what everyone thinks you are. Behind that golden mask you wear is a less than golden person. Little does our clumsy and awkward hero know what you, this world, and the universe are about to put him through.
🔥Word count: 4k
💧 Warnings: cursing, violence, fighting, mention of sex and sexual acts and tiddies, future smut, future violence, future drinking problem, future mention of depression, future monsters (I’m just forewarning you that it’s going to get kind of dark)
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“Hey! Pee-boy, wake up!”
Jungkook let out a little groan at the voice, letting it know he didn't appreciate the name-calling or being woken up.
“Jungkook” the voice now got growly and agitated.
Jungkook knew the voice, he just was too tired to respond.
“Get up!”
“How did you get in my room?” Jungkook muttered with his eyes still closed as he tried to roll over to escape Jimin’s nagging. His body rolled into unsupported nothingness and within a fraction of a second, his heart was racing right before his body made a collision with the cold wood floor. He knew he might as well wake up now.
Jimin cackled maniacally at the boy groaning in frustration and pain on the floor with his eyes now squinting open and looking up at his friend who sat in the chair at his desk beside the head of his bed.
“Your parents let me in.”
The only response the boy had was a sigh
“You know, because you’re twenty-three and still live with them… in their attic. To be honest it’s not even a cool lair.”
Jungkook finally sat up off of the floor and saw the neatly folded cloth Jimin had in his lap.
“Oh, this is for you. You should try it on.” He offered the fabric out to him.
Jungkook took it from him as he sat on the floor with his back against his bed and held it up the best he could to get a good look at it.
The spandex-looking material was a swirl of deep blue and silver reminding him of ocean waves at night.
“Thank you.” Jungkook gave his best friend a surprised but thankful smile before he went back to marveling at it.
“I can’t believe you made this, just for me.” He was astonished at his best friend’s talent.
“Well, you are my best friend… and a very special person. Oh! I almost forgot! The mask!”
Jimin reached into the back pocket of his jeans and pulled out a navy blue silicone rubbery object and tossed it to Jungkook. “It ties in the back with a thin string to match your hair but the inside of it is made of the gell stuff they use in push-up bras to keep them in place.”
Jimin sounded proud of himself but Jungkook couldn’t help but laugh until something dawned on him.
“Oh shit, what time is it?” Jungkook asked Jimin as his body froze up and mouth dropped open.
“Almost eleven-thirty.” His friend had pulled out his phone to check before replying.
“Shit! Work!” Jungkook jumped up and threw his new suit and mask on his bed before running over to his closet across the room.
“I’ll see you later, good luck today,” Jimin announced.
Jungkook had already grabbed a jacket and jeans and headed over to his friend now by the door to give him a quick hug and thank you, but accidentally and absentmindedly added a quick kiss to the side of his head which made Jimin laugh. Jungkook was in too much of a hurry to dwell on his mistake and too silly to take it back, plus Jimin had already left the room before he could even speak again. He grabbed a backpack and threw his new suit into it along with a few other things before leaving.
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“Hell,” Jungkook mumbled to himself with an exasperated sigh as his shitty car refused to start for the third time. “Come on baby, you can do it.” He tried again “do it for me” with that, the noise of the engine roared to life, however it still sounded as though its life could end at any moment. “What a good girl.” Jungkook realized as he drove off the way he had been speaking to his car. He blushed a little to himself and was glad no one overheard it. He knew sometimes he could be a little oblivious to those things with never having sex even once in his life. Once a girl did let him feel her up though at her house while under the guise of studying back when he was in school. He had no idea she didn’t really invite him over to study for a science test, he didn’t even know when she was flirting with him until she got frustrated and asked him to kiss her and take off his shirt. Jungkook had gotten a little bored with it though and nervous around her and never went back over to her house. That couldn’t have been his soulmate, but sometimes he wonders if it had been since she had been the only girl to ever like him that he knew of.
He was twenty-three, lived with his parents, never went to college, never found his soulmate like everyone else has, and made pizza for a living. It wasn’t all that bad at least he was trying and at least he had a job. He was simply making due with what he was given in life and he was doing his best and that was what mattered… well that wasn’t exactly true… until recently.
He was given so much more than any average person, he had always just been too scared to use it or even tell anyone but his family and best friend. His best friend. Jimin had known him since they were both six years old. He was the first one to know about Jungkook’s powers and help him figure out everything he could do. A lot of the time he helped drive Jungkook and make him do what he needed to do and in return, he liked to listen to Jimin and help him solve problems in his life, or hear about his day. Jungkook knew he was lucky to have him as a friend, always supportive, always creative as a fashion designer should be, Jungkook felt lucky he didn’t ditch him a long time ago. Jimin was accomplished, on top of having a good job, he had found his soulmate already, a rich modeling agent named Taehyung.
Jungkook had asked Jimin before what it was like to meet him and he replied something along the lines of “when you meet your soulmate, you just know. It hits you hard, you both know the universe has put you together. It’s not just love, it’s something so much more, something… addicting.” He had also said he had seen Taehyung before in magazines and that Taehyung had seen him on tv, but nothing hit until they met in person.
Jungkook had always wondered if he even had one if he was meant for anyone at all especially with him being so different. His parents were soulmates, so were his grandparents. Everyone had one but maybe not him. Perhaps the universe had given him powers but no one to love.
He didn’t want to think about it so he turned up the radio as he drove slightly over the speed limit into the city where traffic seemed pretty bad today.
“Fire girl, what do you think of her? Who do you think she is?” A radio talk show that he was previously ignoring made his ears perk up at her name. He had been enamored with her for years now. Everything she did, every person she saved, everyone she fought, Jungkook had known about.
“I think she’s pretty, that’s for sure. As for who she is, I guess no one would ever know in a city this big, maybe if I came across her I would know. I’d know that bright red hair anywhere.” The second man said.
Jungkook couldn’t help but scoff. They wouldn’t know. Not only did she wear a mask but he knew that a person’s hair and eyes changed when they activated their powers. She most likely didn’t even have red hair or yellow eyes in her everyday life, just like his hair wasn’t blue and neither were his eyes. Jungkook was just plain Jungkook when he wasn’t using his powers. It was obvious to him that everyone didn’t know that.
“What if it’s a wig?” The first man asked the second.
“Who’s got time to put on one? Especially with that whole skin-tight outfit. Where do you think she gets dressed? How do you think she knows when and where the trouble is?”
“She could wear it under her normal clothes.”The first man decided and that struck Jungkook as a good idea. “As for how she knows about crime? Maybe she listens to a scanner on the same frequency as the police? Perhaps she even just watched the news. All I know is that our city is lucky to have her.”
“Ahh I’m not sure about that. I’ve heard people born with powers are pompous jerks who think they can get away with anything, a lot of people think that.”
Jungkook had heard that too growing up. There were people like him and fire girl all over the world, while there weren’t many, some always seemed to get into trouble. That’s what stopped Jungkook from trying to be a superhero until now. He was afraid of looking like a dick-bag, he was even afraid of becoming one. Although Jimin assured him he could never be, he was still scared of slipping up. While some people didn’t care for superheroes, some people loved them, especially children. He just didn’t want to disappoint anyone, he didn’t know if he was even good enough despite practicing in his backyard and taking taekwondo since he was a child. He wasn’t even comparable to fire girl.
As a child, he looked up to her, not just because she was pretty and cool, and could do so many things he couldn’t, not even because she had the exact opposite powers as he did. He looked up to her because she looked to be around his age, she made it all look so easy and she hadn’t been in any kind of scandal yet despite her five years as a public superhero. He thought maybe she was like him and that maybe she just wanted to do good in this world and not need the fame validation like some other heroes. Maybe she just wanted to help people like Jungkook did. He also thought that perhaps she might be grateful for some help.
This city was riddled with robberies, bad people, murderers, and just criminals in general, and even with knowing they would be stopped they all still tried for whatever reason. Jungkook also knew that the police in this town could be just as bad as the criminals and they were just as much egotistical jerks as some heroes were. Jungkook knew that just because you have power in any way didn’t mean you had to flaunt it and abuse it.
“She could be a terrible person, how would we know?”
Jungkook turned the radio off.
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It was a hot summer day and working his butt off in a boiling kitchen with ovens going all day wasn’t what Jungook thought he would be doing when he was a child and imagined his future, although neither was using his superpowers and becoming a superhero. To be honest, he liked music, he liked to listen to it everywhere, at home, at work, even on his way to work and back. He had even gotten a guitar for his seventh birthday and spent years learning to play. He thought for sure he would be in some famous band by now and not just singing along to the radio while sweat-soaked his shirt in a pizza kitchen. His dreams weren’t what they were supposed to be, but he was fine with that, he was fine with thinking the universe would eventually just lead him to where he needed to be, and it was definitely about to.
There were ten minutes left of his shift, ten agonizing minutes where he was left alone to lock up the shop, finish cleaning up the place and turn the lights off. He was always left to close the shop alone, his boss trusted him to do it more so than the others, however, he still hadn’t made him a manager. The radio had been turned off and all that was left for background noise was the tv in the dining area that Jungkook let play on the news in hopes that he would see her on it as he swept the floor.
He didn’t unfortunately, but what he did see was live footage of a bank robbery that had turned into a stand-off with the police.
Jungkook froze and nearly dropped the broom in his hand as he watched the helicopter footage of the scene. The bank was close to him. He had his suit and mask in his backpack in the back, he could do this if he wanted to.
Adrenaline began to course through him at the thought. He bit his lip with his gaze on the tv as his options battled inside of him like violent crashing waves although he was calm on the outside. His eyes glanced at the clock on the wall. Eight minutes now until he could leave.
In an instant, he had made a decision. He took off running through the store, clocked out, and headed into the back where his backpack was.
He stripped down in the storeroom as his pulse hammered in his ears. He couldn’t believe he was doing this, but he knew he had to start sometime.
He felt odd being stripped down to his underwear at work while struggling to get his limbs in the tight, stretchy fabric with his hands shaking. He had gotten one foot in a leg hole but lost his balance and fell over onto the tile trying to get the other in. He decided that maybe getting dressed while laying on the floor was his best bet.
His hands still shook as he tied the back of his mask tightly around his head. He could feel the jelly-like side conforming to the curves of his upper face and wondered if this was how a boob felt in a push-up bra as he thought about what Jimin had said earlier.
“Okay.” he let out a shaky breath as he stood up from the floor “I’m not going to die today. I won’t die. Nope, not even once. I won’t die.” he chanted to himself hoping that implanting it in his brain would help him be safer while mustering courage. He let out a deep breath before he let his power wash over his body, knowing his hair and eyes just changed to blue.
“Let’s do this!” he said to himself with sureness and courage with clenched fists.
He locked up the shop, leaving his backpack with his clothes inside, and headed to his car just outside.
He had a fist full of keys, some for the store and some for his house and car. As he put his car key in the ignition and tried to start it, all of his courage died along with the engine.
“Balls!” he shouted as he smacked the steering wheel and tried again. The car simply wouldn’t start. “After I was so nice to you this morning?! Come on! I’m trying to be a superhero here!”
He tossed all the keys into the passenger seat and let the top of his head fall back into the headrest as he looked up at the roof of the car. He debated on giving up, but he decided against it. He could feel it, this was where the universe was leading him, today was his day.
The underwhelming but soon-to-be hero decided to briskly jog to the scene of the crime while people stared at him for the way he was dressed, cursing himself the entire way for being unable to fly.
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Jungkook was met with a blocked-off street with police officers and cop cars scattered all over it. Jungkook hadn’t thought about how to get through the cops and into the bank. If he wasn’t going to get shot out here by the police for trying to get into a robbery, he would probably be killed by the robbers for simply just strolling in. The odds and his luck didn’t seem to be in his favor today.
“I’m a superhero, I should be able to just go on by them.” He told himself and decided to try it.
He walked past the roadblock but didn’t make it far.
“Hey, kid! Where do you think you’re going?!” Was shouted at him making him pick up the pace until he was at a full run for the bank door.
A lot of officers were shouting at him, but it was hard for him to understand them with the pleads in his head for them to not take him out, the noisy helicopter overhead, and the loudness of his heartbeat.
He almost crawled as he entered the glass doors of the bank as silently as he could.
It looked like Jungkook’s luck was turning around because not only were the masked robbers too busy stealing and yelling at people they had lying on the ground to see him, but they had their backs all turned to him. This was perfect.
Just as he raised a hand to do something one was suddenly knocked over making the other three robbers look in that direction.
Fire girl. She had dropped from seemingly nowhere and kicked one in the face before her feet even touched the floor.
There she was, in person, in action, and not just on tv. She now stood in the same room with him with her golden mask coving half of her face, her yellow eyes,doand bright red hair. Her skin-tight suit was a mix of yellow, orange, and gold. She was so unbelievably beautiful that he felt like it was melting his brain.
Before Jungkook could go into too many starstruck thoughts over it, his body told him to take action as gunfire began.
He raised his hand yet again and let a heavy and harsh stream hit one right in the back, knocking him forward so hard that his head hit the marble floor and the gun flew from his hand.
He had never done that to a person before, but his powers had done exactly what he wanted them to, just like always. For whatever reason, Jungkook was sure they would fail when the time came.
His heart raced as all eyes were on him now and his brain panicked with “holy shit, I’ really doing this”
“Who the hell are you?!”
The words didn’t come from anyone he was expecting, not a bank teller, not a civilian, not even a robber. It was fire girl who seemed lost.
Jungkook ignored it as he saw a gun now from one of the last two bank robbers being pointed in his direction.
Time seemed to slow as his body acted for him, getting low to the ground and holding out his hand for a powerful surge of water to release. It hit the man with the gun pointed at him directly in the face so hard Jungkook had thought it had broken his neck.
From his peripherals, he could see fire girl sweeping the legs of the last man and stepping on his neck.
And then there was silence.
Both he and the second hero collected the guns before Jungkook threw one of the robbers over his shoulder, then he went for a second one which he threw over his other one. Was he showing off his strength in front of a pretty girl? Yes. But it was working. She watched frozen for a moment as he took the two limp men over to the door and laid them in front of the glass for the police to see and gestured to them that everything was okay and that they could come in.
Dragging another robber across the floor and into the pile was fire girl.
Their eyes locked for just a moment and they both paused.
Jungkook was hit like an explosion, although it felt physical, he still stood frozen with his mouth dropped open. It felt like he had been shot but it wasn’t pain he had felt in his brain and chest, but with a powerful wave of ease and belonging. Although this feeling was new to him, there was a strange sense of deja vu about it as if he had lived and felt it before. His brain was in overload and began to shut down until nothing but static was left.
“Who are you?” She asked again but it was much much quieter.
Jungkook was at a complete loss for words.
“And what do you think you’re doing?” Her voice went bitter and cold as she now gave him a shitty look through with her yellow eyes drilling into him through her golden mask that covered the top half of her face.
Again, Jungkook didn’t speak.
“YOU COULD’VE DIED!! It was obvious you didn’t know what the hell you were doing!” She was now pointing her finger angrily right in his face so close he felt his eyes cross.
“You stay the hell out of it amateur! Don’t EVER get involved in something like this ever again when you have no training and no control over anything in this situation ESPECIALLY when you have no control over your powers! DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME?! You’re an idiot and you could've made this job so much harder for me!”
She yelled at him while all that Jungkook could think about was what the hell he was feeling and going through and how beautiful and powerful she looked when she was yelling at him.
“I-I-“ Jungkook was trying to muster the brainpower to speak “but everything was okay.”
He had been so lost in her that he didn’t even see it coming when he was tackled to the ground and his arms were forcefully bent behind his back.
A police officer was sitting on his back and applying cold metal handcuffs to his wrists.
“Ow ow ouch.” He winced at the crushing weight on his back and the bending of his arms which he thought might snap like the delicate bones of spicy chicken wings. He could see the feet of the hostages beginning to file out of the building, some in tears from their traumatic experience.
“Why am I being arrested?” he asked wondering why he was being treated like a bad guy when he had just saved people and why wasn’t fire girl being arrested as well.
He was pulled to his feet by the handcuffs and patted down.
“You were unauthorized to enter this building. You interfered with law enforcement.”
Jungkook wanted to tell the cop that law enforcement wasn’t even doing anything to assist in the situation anyway, but he knew that would be a bad move and didn’t want to make the situation any worse.
“Why isn’t she being arrested then?” he nodded his head towards the other hero.
“She’s fire girl. She’s a superhero.” the officer answered simply.
“TELL THEM!” Jungook begged her in desperation.
“Tell them what?” she crossed her arms and spoke with a sour tone.
“Tell them I helped.” he urged.
“But you didn’t.”
She was lying and they both knew it, however, the cop didn’t, and began to drag Jungkook away and out the door.
In the open, people swarmed. Onlookers, reporters, ambulances, fire trucks. Everyone was watching him get arrested as if he had robbed the bank himself.
He was stuck into the back of a cop car for far too long. He even got the chance to see flame erupt from fire girl’s feet and watched as she flew away. Was she a jerk like many other superheroes? Or did she just not want to see him get hurt? Jungkook chose to believe it was the second one. After all, his soulmate couldn’t be a lying jerk-bag, could she?
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All rights reserved © 2020 - 2021 Jungc6ck No editing, copying, reposting, or translating allowed.
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leossmoonn · 4 years
Belle of The Ball [Kol Mikaelson]
pairing - kol mikaelson x fem,gilbert!reader
type - fluff
note / request - “since your TO requests are open can i request a kol fic where the reader is a gilbert and is kinda shy and kol invites her to the mikaelson ball” enjoy!
summary -  the middle child of the mikaelson family takes interest in you and invites you to the mikaelson ball
warnings / includes - your jeremy’s twin, mild language, kissing, suggestive flirting, underage drinking (drink safely), mention of sex
*gif isn’t mine*
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“I think Connor likes you,” your friend, Karina, nudged you. 
You looked over to the cute, brunette boy that was staring at you from across the hallway. “Yeah, right,” you muttered.
“I’m serious! Oh, look! He’s coming to ask you out!” Karina squealed. 
You looked away from your locker, straightening up as Connor was approaching you. He flashed you a charming smile. 
“I’m gonna go. Meet me by your car!” Karina smiled. 
“No! Rina!” You whisper-shouted. 
Your attention was turned to Connor as he stood in front of you. 
“Hey, Y/n,” he greeted. “Hey… Connor,” you smiled shyly. 
“I wanted to ask you a question,” he said, leaning against the lockers. 
“Y-Yeah, go ahead,” you nodded. He smiled at your nervousness, moving closer to you.
His scent filled your nostrils and you felt yourself going dizzy. You leaned against the lockers, hoping it would help you not trip and fall. 
“So, I was wondering if you wanted to go on a date with me at Mystic Grill. We can get dinner then go back to my place and watch a movie,” Connor suggested. 
Your eyes widened. You were pleasantly surprised. You had liked Connor since school had started, which was a few months ago. You had been trying to get him to notice you, which was going horribly until now. You were way too shy to go up to say anything to him. You guessed that Karina had something to do with him asking you out. 
“Um, Earth to Y/n?” Connor asked, waving his hand in front of your face.
“Huh?” You blinked rapidly. You looked at him, getting even more embraced and shy when you realise you got lost in your own thoughts. “Oh, I’m so sorry. I’m just um… not really used to people asking me out, you know? I’ve never really been on a date before. My Aunt Jenna used to say that was okay since I’m only in junior year and stuff, but my brother has already had sex with Vicki Donovan and my sister is already on her second boyfriend. It’s kinda sad how un-loveable I am and-” 
You were cut off by Connor chuckling. You cussed yourself out in your head for being so awkward.
“I’m sorry, again. I ramble a lot, too,” you apologised. 
“It’s not worries. It’s really cute. You’re really cute. Anyways, what do you say? Come with me to Netflix and chill?” Connor asked. 
You smiled, opening your mouth to respond, but you were rudely interrupted. 
“She has plans Friday. Sorry, mate,” an all-too familiar Australian accent sounded behind you. 
You clenched your jaw and balled your fists. You turned your head, glaring. 
“Kol, go away,” you said through gritted teeth. 
“No can do, darling. Jeremy asked me to watch over you,” Kol smiled. 
“Uh, who’s this guy?” Connor asked. You turned back to him. “Oh, just a uh… family friend. Don’t mind him, he’s super annoying.”
“Actually, do mind me. I’m here to pick Y/n up. Elena wants you home, now,” Kol said. 
“Oh. Well, if you need to be home, go ahead,” Connor said. 
You sighed, “Yeah, um, I do. But it’s a yes to the date.”
Connor smiled widely. “Awesome! I’ll pick you up at 8.”
“Great! Can’t wait,” you smiled sweetly. 
Connor walked away, leaving you grinning from ear-to-ear. 
“You can do so much better, Y/n,” Kol said. 
You rolled your eyes, turning 180 to him. “Go away, Kol. I know for a fact that Jeremy and Elena didn’t tell you to watch over me.”
“Hm, true. That was just an excuse,” Kol smiled. 
“An excuse for what?” You asked. “Well, I needed and excuse to talk to you,” Kol shrugged. 
You sighed, going back to your locker and grabbing your textbooks. “About what?” You asked. 
“Well, I know my family hasn’t made it easy for any of you, so we are throwing a ball! My mother’s idea, really. We are allowed to bring dates and I’d like to bring you,” Kol explained. 
You started to feel all flustered. “Uh… Wh-Why?”
“Because I like you, Y/n. I think you’re cute, funny, and all the good parts of a woman. I’d like you to ditch that Connor-nobody and be my plus one!”
You slammed your locker shut, walking away from Kol. 
“Y/n, darling! You never answered me!” Kol exclaimed, trying to catch up with you. 
“Yeah, I did that on purpose,” you muttered, knowing he could hear you because of his vamp hearing. 
“You are so rude. I take it your parents didn’t teach you any manners? Not like they can teach you them now,” Kol joked. 
You scoffed, not believing what you were hearing. “Like you can talk. And plus, why would I want to go to the ball with a jerk like you?”
You waked out of the school, spotting Karina over at your car. 
“Y/n, wait!” Kol called out, reaching out to grab your wrist.
“What!” You exclaimed, turning to him. 
“Look, I’m sorry, okay? I didn’t mean that, but I really do want you to accompany me to the ball,” Kol said, staring you right in the eyes. 
You stared at him for a few moments, your eyes flickering down to his lips. Once you noticed him smirk, you looked away, pulling your wrist away from his grip. 
“I appreciate the invitation, but I’m going out with Connor,” you mumbled. 
Kol sighed, “Fine. But if you reconsider, it’ll be at our house.”
“Thanks,” you said, looking up at him through your lashes. “I need to go, okay? My friend is waiting for me.”
“Alright. I hope you reconsider, Y/n. I’d be a shame if I didn’t have a date,” Kol said. 
“As if you can’t get anyone you want,” you rolled your eyes. 
“But I only want you,” Kol admitted. 
Butterflies fluttered in your stomach. As much as you wanted to stay and ask him if he really did want you, you knew you’d end up a blubbering mess. And you definitely didn’t want to be like that in front of a devastatingly handsome Original vampire. 
“I gotta go,” you murmured, turning away and stomping off to Karina. 
“Hey, who’s that?” Karina asked once you approached. 
“Oh um… An annoying friend of Jeremy,’s” you lied, running your fingers through your hair. 
“Hm, well he’s hot,” Karina bit her lip, looking at Kol who was still where you left him. 
You rolled your eyes and started to twiddle with your fingers. “No, he’s not.”
Karina narrowed her eyes at you, gasping in realisation. 
“What?” You asked, full of confusion. “You like him!” Karina grinned. 
You scoffed, “Hell no.” 
“Hell, yes! You’re doing that thing you do when you talk about a guy you like,” Karina giggled, pointing to your hands. 
You looked down and sighed, putting your arms to your sides. “I do that when I’m nervous.”
“Oh, yeah? Are you nervous about Mr. Hottie?” Karina wiggled her eyebrows.
“No. I’m nervous because Connor asked me out this Friday,” you explained. 
“Oh, my God! Babe, that’s awesome!” Karina squealed, jumping up and down, clapping while doing so.  
“Thanks, I know,” you smiled sheepishly. “Well, what day is it? Wednesday, right? We need to shop!” Karina exclaimed. 
“No, no! I'll just wear jeans and a cute top. There’s no need to shop,” you said. 
“Have you seen your closet? You only have one cute flora top and a pair of black baggy jeans. The rest of your closet are sweats and sweatshirts. You don’t even have any date-appropriate dresses!” Karina said. 
“Not true!” You protested weakly. 
“Mhm,” Karina said, pursing her lips. You rolled your eyes, knowing she was right. 
“Fine, but we are only going to buy one outfit. ONE,” you said, holding up your first finger. 
“I’ll take it! Wanna go now?” Karina asked. 
“Sure,” you nodded. “Yay! We can get lunch at the Grill, too,” Karina suggested, opening the passenger door of your car. 
“Alright,” you nodded, going over to the driver’s seat. 
You drove to the outlet mall, parking in front of the shop. Karina and you walked inside, Karina immediately pulling you to the jeans section. 
“God, I hate jeans,” you muttered. “Why?” Karina asked. 
“Because they’re tight and I have to jump to get them on,” you explained. 
“Well, that’s just because you have a nice ass,” Karina smiled.
You smiled, “Yeah, right.” “I’m serious! Your figure is to die for! I’m jealous, honestly,” Karina said in a sincere tone.
You chuckled, “Thanks, Rina.”
“Of course. Now, let’s see what jeans they have. Do you want black, dark wash, or light wash?” Karina asked. 
“Dark wash,” you answered. “High-waisted or low-waisted?” Karina asked. 
“(Your choice),” you said. 
Karina pulled out two pairs of jeans, handing them to you. “Now, for the shirts! Do you want a ruffled top, knot front, or button-up?” 
“Um, ruffled, I guess,” you said. “Alright… Well, I know you like plaid… So, what about this one?” Karina pulled out a black and white top that was cropped. It was long sleeved, the sleeves ruffled slightly. The bottom of the shirt was stretchy and the top had buttons. 
“Wow, this is really cute. Simple, too. I like it,” you smiled. 
“I knew you would! Now, go try it on,” Karina said, going over to the changing rooms.
You put on your cloths, buttoning up the top and turning around to the mirror. You raised your brows, surprised by how good you looked. 
“You done?” Karina called out from outside. 
“Yeah,” you said, going out of the dressing room.
“You look so pretty. Y/n. The jeans highlight your figure perfectly!” Karina exclaimed. 
“Yeah,” you smiled, “And the top isn’t as cropped as I thought it would be.”
“I am amazing at dressing you! Maybe I should become a professional dresser?” Karina said.
You chuckled, “You should. Well, I think I’ll get this. I’m not interested in shopping anymore and I’m hungry.”
“Alright, well, I have some things I want to try on. So, give me 15 minutes tops and get us a table at the Grill,” Karina said, holding up the clothes she found. 
“Sounds good,” you said. You went back behind the door and changed out of your clothes. You paid for your outfit, walking out and going to the Grill. 
You got yourself seated quickly. 
“Y/n, hey!” Matt exclaimed. “Oh, hey, blue eyes,” you grinned. 
“How have you been?” Matt asked. “Good! How about you?” You asked. 
“I’ve been good, thanks. How is Elena?” Matt asked.
You chuckled, “Elena is good. I’ll tell her you asked about her.”
“Alright, sounds good. So, I heard Connor Askren asked you out,” Matt said. 
“Oh, yeah,” you smiled happily. “Good for you. I have to warn you, though, be careful,” Matt said. 
“Be careful about what?” You asked. “Well, Connor has a reputation of asking girls out then bailing on them,” he explained. 
“Oh,” you frowned. “Well, he seemed really excited to ask me out.”
“I'm sure he was. I’m just saying. You’re like a little sister to me. I don’t want you getting hurt,” Matt explained. 
You smiled gratefully. “Thanks, big bro.”
“No problem. Anyways, are you here alone or is Karina with you?” He asked. 
“She’s with me. She’s at the clothing store. I just came from there, hence the bag,” you said, holding up your shopping bag. 
“Ah right. Let me guess, she wanted to try some stuff on and she let you go?” Matt asked. 
“Yep,” you laughed. “That’s what Caroline does. So, do you want to get started with a drink or anything?” Matt asked. 
“Yeah, sure. Can I get a Diet Coke, chicken tenders, and cheese fries?” You asked. 
“Coming right up. Do you know what Karina would want?” Matt asked. 
“She’ll probably want lemonade, a chicken wrap, and onion rings,” you said. 
“Alright. Be right back,” Matt smiled. 
You gave him a goodbye wave. You sighed once he left, looking at your shopping bag. You would be lying if you said you were’t worried about Connor. You hoped that he was different than what Matt told you. 
Friday came sooner than expected. You were currently at home and getting ready for your date. Karina had helped you with your makeup, putting eyeliner on you and letting you borrow her lipstick. You were strapping on your heels when Karina told you she was leaving. 
“Text me if you two kiss,” Karina winked. 
“Highly doubt we will, but noted,” you smiled. 
“Alright, I’m gonna go. You look amazing, Y/n. Have fun!” Karina hugged you before leaving.  “Thanks,” you giggled as you shut the door. 
You looked at your phone, seeing it was 7:57. You smiled nervously, grabbing your purse and waiting at the door. The 3 minutes passed by slowly. It was soon 8 and he wasn’t there yet. You shrugged it off, knowing that he would probably be there in a minute or two. But as you waited, 2 minutes passed, 5, 10, and 20. Each time you checked your phone, your hope in Connor disappeared and your fear of what Matt said becoming true increased. Once it reached 8:30, you realised that Connor wasn’t coming and he had in fact stood you up. 
You stomped off to your room, tears falling down your cheeks. 
“God! How stupid are you, Y/n? Thinking a guy like Connor would want to go out with you? A football player? A guy with one of the highest GPA’s? Fat chance,” you sobbed to yourself. 
You took off your heels and wiped your eyes with the back of your hand, smudging all the makeup that Karina had done. You took off your clothes, slipping into sweats and a tank top. You washed your face of all the makeup, going into your kitchen. You went to go and get some chocolate, but someone interrupted you.
“Don’t look so glum, Y/n. Connor is an ass.” You turned around sharply, surprised to see Rebekah there. 
“I… Rebekah, what are you doing here?” You asked rudely. 
“I’m here to give you your dress and get you ready for the ball!” Rebekah smiled. 
“I’m not going,” you mumbled, going back to getting your food. 
Rebekah sped to you, grabbing your wrist. “Yes, you are. I don’t like you very much. I don’t like any of your family, but Kol seems to have taken an interest in you. I have no idea why, but I just got my family back and want to make everyone happy.”
“Well, I don’t like Kol. So you can tell him to shove off,” you said. 
“Hm… No,” Rebekah grinned. “C’mon, you’re going to the ball whether you like it or not. Your sister and brother will also be there.”
“Another reason not to go,” you stated. 
“Oh, please! If you don’t go I am sure Kol will kill Elena and Jeremy,” Rebekah said. 
“No! I… I don’t want to. Kol doesn’t even like me. He just likes to piss off all my friends,” you said.
“Y/n, look at me,” Rebekah said. You looked at her dully.
“Kol likes you. Hell, I think he’s in love with you. All he talks about it you and quite frankly, it’s sickening, but a little heartwarming to see him care so much for someone. So, please, come to the ball. If you want to leave after a little bit, I’ll make sure you go without any issue. But just try it out,” Rebekah begged. 
Your heart fluttered once you heard Kol might be in love with you. If you were completely honest, you had a little crush on Kol. How couldn’t you? He was charming, handsome, and even nice to you. You never pursued the crush because one, you were too shy for that. And two, you knew your family would kill you. But you knew Rebekah would just kidnap you and take you there, even if you said no again, so you deciding to say yes. 
“Fine, I’ll go. But don’t expect me to have fun,” you mumbled. 
Rebekah took her hand off your wrist, smiling widely. “Great! Let’s go and get you ready, we’re late.”
You nodded and went back to your room. Rebekah sat you down and did your makeup. Giving you a fox eye look with a red lip. She then got out your dress, to which you gasped at.  Your dress was a long red ballgown. The top of the dress had jewels all over, the skirt then puffing out like Cinderella’s. The sleeves of the dress were made to go across your shoulders, letting the top of your breasts and your collar bone show. 
“Wow I… Wow,” you gasped. 
“Amazing, right? You’ll be the belle of the ball! You’ll even outshine Elena, who’s dress is disappointingly gorgeous,” Rebekah smiled. 
“Thank you,” you smiled. 
“Of course! Now go put it on, I’ll help you with the back,” Rebekah said handing it to you. 
You took it gently, going to your bathroom to get changed. You came out, letting Rebekah tighten the dress for you. You then slipped on your black heels that you were wearing earlier, and took a look at you reflection. 
“Wow, I actually look like a princess,” you smiled.
“That you do,” Rebekah smiled. “Now let’s go. Our ride is waiting.”
You nodded, lifting up the bottom of your dress so you could walk. You and Rebekah walked out to the limo, going over to the Mikaelson house. 
“Hey, Rebekah?” You asked. “Yes?” She answered. 
“Why are you being so nice to me? Besides making Kol happy,” you asked. 
Rebekah sighed. “Well, I think you’re good for my brother. You make him more bearable to be around. Kinder, warmer. A lot less murderous. I know you like him, too. I can see the way you look at him when you think no one is paying attention. He’s head over heels for you and I think you could be the same for him after tonight.”
“Good to know,” you smiled. 
“Mhm. But don’t tell anyone I ever complimented you or helped you out tonight. I don’t need your friends thinking I have a good side,” Rebekah said. 
You chuckled. “Alright, deal.”
You two arrived at Rebekah’s house, stepping out of the limo. Rebekah and you waked to the doors, opening them. As you stepped into the ballroom, all eyes went on you. Your entrance elicited gasps from everyone. You smiled shyly, your smile faltering once Elena, Damon, and Jeremy approached you. Rebekah left you to deal with your family.
“What the hell are you doing here!” Elena exclaimed. 
“Having fun, El,” you answered. 
“No, you need to go home now,” Damon said. 
You shook your head. “No. Connor stood me up and Kol invited me to this thing, so I decided to take the opportunity.”
Elena’s angry face fell as she heard what Connor did. “Connor stood you up? That jerk!”
“It's okay. I’d rather be here and in this dress than with him and drunk,” you admitted. 
“Need me to beat him up for you?” Jeremy asked. “I’m good baby bro, but thanks. Uh…. have you guys seen Kol?” You asked. 
“Nope,” Elena said. “And I wouldn’t advise looking for him. He might kill you,” Damon frowned. 
“No, I won’t! Like she said, I invited her here,” Kol said from behind them. 
Damon turned, a grimace on his face. “Why?”
“Because I am in love with her,” Kol smiled, his eyes meeting you’s.
Your blood ran cold and you looked down, holding the skirt of your dress tightly. 
“I’d like to dance with her, if that’s alright,” Kol said.
“No way,” Jeremy said. “You put a hand on her-”
“Jer, it’s okay,” you said. “I’ll shout if I’m in trouble. Please, just go.”
Elena sighed, “Fine. I have to go and see Esther anyways. Do not hurt her.” Elena warned Kol. 
“I never would dream of it,” Kol smiled. 
The three left, leaving you and Kol at the entrance. Kol approached you, you putting your head down again. 
“You look ravishing, Y/n. If we were alone, I’d rip that dress off of you,” Kol said, looking over your figure. 
“Thanks,” you chuckled shyly. 
Kol put his hand on your chin gently, lifting your face up to meet his. “Don’t be so shy, Y/n. And don’t self-doubt yourself, either. I know that asshole Connor stood you up, but you are still the most beautiful, kind girl ever. He doesn’t deserve you anyways.”
“And you do?” You challenged. 
Kol chuckled. “No, but I’m hoping you think differently.” He then offered you his hand. “Dance with me?”
“Sure,” you nodded, taking his hand hesitantly. 
Butterflies threatened to rip out of you as you touched his hand. Goosebumps rushed up your arm as you grasped his hand. Kol walked you two to the ballroom floor. You put your free hand on his shoulder, him putting his free hand on your waist. You two swayed for a few moments until you broke the silence. 
“So, um… How did you know Connor stood me up?” You asked. 
“I had Rebekah spying on you,” Kol admitted. 
“Wow, not creepy at all,” you muttered. “I wanted to be ready for if he stood you up, so Rebekah could then go and get you ready,” Kol explained. 
“Makes sense,” you said. 
Kol smiled at you, not being able to keep his eyes off of you. You kept adverting your gaze. Too nervous to actually look at him or more than 5 seconds. 
“You’re very cute when you’re tense,” Kol complimented.  “Thanks. Not a lot of people think that,” you chuckled. “Well, those people are out of their minds then,” Kol said.
“Why do you like me?” You asked suddenly, looking at him. You had been wandering this all night, waiting until you were here with him to ask. 
Kol smiled. “Well, you’re different. You’re not aggressive like your brother, or so moral like Elena. You’re quiet and calm. You think through things rather than be impulsive, which seems to be how everyone is around here. Your eyes are so beautiful, I get lost in them. When I see you smile, it makes my dead heart come alive. And when you do that hair-twirl thing, it’s so adorable. You’re also extraordinarily stunning, which is a big plus.”
Your heart skipped beats as he told you his reasons for liking you. As you looked at him and watched him pour his heart out, your liking for him grew. You subconsciously moved closer to him, too. Your body doing its own thing. 
“Wow,” you breathed out. “You really um… Thought about this.”
“Well, you are all I think about. Besides who’s head I want to rip off,” Kol smirked. 
“Gross,” you grimaced. “I’m kidding! But I’m serious about you. I’ve never liked someone as much as you, Y/n. I hope that I can prove that I’m a good choice for you,” Kol said. 
“Well, you’re proving it now,” you admitted. 
Kol grinned, “Fantastic.”
You two swayed in silence again. As the music got slower and slower, and the lights got lower and lower, you two moved dancing positions naturally. You were quite scared to move closer to him. You were already so close, practically hugging. But your bodies were like magnets, pulling each other close. So tried to go with everything and relax. 
Both of your arms went around his neck and both of his hands wrapped around your waist and went to the small of your back. You two scooted in until your head was on his shoulder. You closed your eyes and breathed in his scent nonchalantly, enjoying his cologne. Kol nuzzled his cheek onto the side of your head, him also breathing in the scent of your shampoo. 
You two danced for a while before Kol got an idea.
“Do you want to get out of here and go to the balcony?” Kol asked. 
“You’re not gonna kill me, are you?” You joked. 
“No promise,” Kol winked cheekily. You giggled, “Alright. Let’s go.” Kol nodded and kept his grip on your hand, walking you to the balcony. On the way, you took two glasses of champagne. You handed him one as you stepped out on the terrace. You put your elbows on the railing, sipping the champagne. 
“So, why’d you bring me out here?” You asked. 
“To gaze at the stars,” Kol answered simply, walking next to you. 
“Hm,” you hummed, looking up at the night sky. “Did you ever stargaze back before you all were vampires?”
“Yes, all the time. It was one of my favourite things to do,” Kol said. 
“That sounds nice,” you said. “It was,” Kol said. 
“Do you ever miss being a witch?” You asked. Kol sighed, taking a sip of champagne. “Sometimes. But I love being immortal.” You smiled, “Makes sense. If I were a vampire, I’d be the same.”
Kol turned to you, “I can turn you.”
You shook your head, “No. I like being human. Being a vampire seems to complicated. Plus, I want kids.”
“Hm. Sounds nice having your little perfect, human life. I miss that,” Kol said. 
“You were never human, though,” you smiled, turning to him. “Yes, but I was once mortal,” Kol said. 
“True,” you nodded, taking a sip of your champagne. “Hey, um… I want to thank you for inviting me. I know I said I didn’t want to go, but I’m really glad I did. I’m having a really good time.”
“Of course. I knew you would. I know you’re not the girly-girl type, but every girl deserves to experience to dress up for a ball,” Kol said. 
“I agree,” you nodded. “And I’m also glad that you are warming up to me a little bit. You’re not so much of a blubbering mess anymore,” Kol smirked. 
You chuckled, “Yeah, I take a little to warm up to new people.”
“Well, I’m glad I’m that person you’ve warmed up to,” Kol said, stepping closer to you. He put his hand on your’s, looking at you flirtatiously.
You grinned at the moves he was making, deciding to make a move of your own. 
You leaned into him, your eyes boring into his the whole time. You were standing toe-to-toe to him, your mouth parted as his eyes glowed dark brown. He smirked at you, his hand leaving your’s and settling on your waist. You wanted to move closer, but your skirt was so puffed out it restricted you from doing so. Kol noticed your slight frustration with your dress, setting his glass down, and putting his other hand on your waist, pulling you impossibly closer.
“Kol, my dress is too big,” you chuckled. 
“Not too big for me to do this,” Kol grinned, leaning his head down. 
Before you knew it, he was kissing you. Your eyes widened as his lips met your’s. A few moments passed before he pulled away, confused and scared. 
“I’m sorry, I must have read the room wrong. I-” Kol started to apologise, but you put your hand on the back of his head and pulled him in again. 
This time Kol was surprised. He didn’t waste any time in kissing you back, though. Your lips moved together in perfect synchronisation. It was like his lips were made for your’s as they fit in-between your’s like puzzle pieces. Both your fingers entangled themselves in his hair, pulling slightly as he pulled you impossibly closer. Your stomach did a million of flips as his tongue swiped your bottom lip. You opened your mouth slowly, Kol’s tongue slipping in gently. As your tongue’s fought, Kol’s hands went to your skirt, finding your legs under them. He put his hands under your thighs, lifting you up with ease. 
You pulled away, breathing heavily. Kol’s eyes opened, going down to your lips and smiling as your lipstick was smudged. Your chest heaved up and down as you stared into his eyes. 
“I just wanted to um… To tell you that i-if you were planning on having um, sex. I’m not ready. This um… This was my first kiss, too. Sorry if you were expecting to get lucky tonight,” you confessed, blushing profusely. 
Kol smiled at you, setting you down. “It’s alright, love. I wasn’t expecting anything from you tonight. I hope your first kiss was good.”
“It was really good,” you giggled. 
“Good. Now, do you want to continue to make out? Or we could go back out and dance,” Kol suggested. 
“Um… can we dance again?” You asked, going back to your shy nature. 
“Of course we can, darling,” Kol smiled, holding his hand out for you to take. 
He led you to the ballroom. You two danced for a couple hours until you started to get tired. Kol drove you back home and you went into your house, Kol kissing you goodbye. You closed the door, smiling widely and squealing to yourself. 
Your phone rang and you answered it immediately, seeing it was Karina. 
“Hey! How did your date go?” She asked. 
“Um…” you sighed, the feeling of Kol’s lips on your’s still there. You smiled again, fidgeting with your fingers.
“It was good. Really, really good.”
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unmaskedagain · 5 years
Gabriel Agreste Must Die
I have no idea what inspired this but I just thought this would be funny. It Salt towards Gabriel. So enjoy. Warning Gaslighting ahead
Nino never thought that, out of everyone in the entire world, he would be the one to figure out Gabriel Agreste was Hawkmoth. Granted, it wasn’t like he had done he any searched or used any expert detective or journalism skills. No, instead he had been hanging out at Marinette’s; getting his butt handed to him in Ultimate Mecha Strike III. Alya chilling as she scrolled through her phone. Chloe, who they somehow managed to become friends with, was taking selfies in Marinette’s newest design outfits.
Nino knew it was because the blonde had proven herself to be a good hero and loyal ally. So when Marinette, the new Guardian now that Fu was gone, that more permanent heroes were needed, she brought in Chloe, along with Nino and Alya. It was then that Ladybug and Chat Noir revealed their identities to them and to each other.
It had been one hell of a shock. But they all became really good friends. Though any crushes the original heroes had died. It turned out Marinette thought of Chat Noir as a brother. And Adrien just couldn’t see Marinette in that light. It was for the best. Alya had been pissed about the love square thing.
That had been over a year ago, and the heroes had all become really good friends; banding together against anyone (Lila or Gabriel) who tried to tear them apart.
They had been talking about the recent akuma attacks, when Nino got a text from Adrien apologizing for not being able to hang out.
“Adrien can’t come,” Nino glared at the screen. “His dad’s got him working late.”
“Again?” Alya asked. “He does know what child labor laws are right?”
           Chloe scoffed, “Like he cares.”
“Still, we should do something,” Marinette frowned as she rapidly pressed buttons on her controller. “This isn’t right.”
“Like what?” Nino asked, already gracefully accepting yet another defeat. “He’s Gabriel Agreste. He’s as big of an asshole as Hawkmoth; and I didn’t think that was possible.”
           As soon as he said those words, something just clicked. Everyone in the room suddenly paused as they processed the words in their minds.
           Nino slowly put down her controller, “It’s not possible, is it? That level of asshole-dom can’t possibly be reached by two different people in the same city, at the same time, in the same universe. There’s no way.”
“Even my mom left once Gabriel took power,” Chloe added. “And she’s a total bitch but she knew that Paris couldn’t handle both a Queen Bitch and the King of the Assholes fighting it out.”
           Marinette’s eyes narrowed as she considered everything they knew about hawkmoth and Gabriel Agreste, “When did Adrien say he last saw mom.”
“Three years ago,” Chloe answered. “Sometime near the end of January, I remember. It was before Valentine’s day as I had been planning yet another amazing party.”
“Alya, when was the first akuma attack?” Marinette asked.
“One sec, I’ll look,” The glasses-wearing girl said and as she frantically researched. When Alya was done, she looked up at them with a dark expression on her face. “February 4th, three years ago.”
“Gabriel has a book on Kwami,” Marinette told them. “He uses it for ‘inspiration.’”
           After that, suddenly they were recalling all the little ‘coincidences’ they overlooked involving anything Agreste related and Hawkmoth; it all added up to something no one could deny.
“Gabriel is Hawkmoth,” Alya whispered stunned. “Adrien’s dad is Hawkmoth. We always said Gabriel was a monster but damn, really?”
“What do we do?” Chloe asked. “What can we do? Hawkmoth is too powerful; especially with Mayura on his side.”
           Marinette nodded but there was a thoughtful look on his face, “Hawkmoth is strong but Gabriel is human like the rest of us. He has his flaws, his weaknesses; cracks in his facade.”
“Mom always said Gabriel was nuts,” Chloe said. “On the edge of his sanity. One good push…”
           Marinette shrugged, “If we can’t defeat the villain…”
“…Then we break the man behind the mask,” Alya smirked,
           Nino growled, “Gabriel Agreste Must Die.”
           The next day after school; the heroes met up again at Marinette and sat Adrien down to talk.
It turned getting Adrien on board with the plan was difficult. He wasn’t hard to convince him that Gabriel was Hawkmoth, though it did take a while for him to stop throwing up. However, there was thing the blond boy wouldn’t budge on…
“You’re not killing my dad!” Adrien told them.
           Nino nodded calmly and folded his hands on his lap, “I get where you’re coming from, dude. I totally do,” He told his best friend. “But hear me out. Your dad? He really sucks.”
           Adrien shot his friends an incredulous look, “And you think that’s a good enough reason to kill him?”
“Well, yeah,” Nino shrugged. “I mean we talked about this before.”
           Alya pushed her ex-boyfriend turned one of her bestie out of the way, “You’re dad is a megalomaniac magical terrorist that’s been destroying Paris, turning people into monsters, and killing innocents. Sure the damaged gets reversed but the victims, who aren’t Akumatized, still have to deal with the freaking trauma.”
“There are support groups for it,” Marinette said. “People remember dying; drowning, burning, crashing; it’s terrible.” She sighed, “However, we can’t just murder someone. It’s wrong.”
“Don’t be ridiculous. It would be wrong not kill him,” Chloe told them. “The amount of time and effort it would save us is nearly too much to count. And the amount of relief all of Paris would feel knowing he was gone is out of this world.  We can stop SO many people from getting hurt if I call my mom’s guy Fredro, and Gabriel has a little ‘accident’.”
           Nino shot up, “See! Chloe agrees,” He shot a victorious look at Alya and Marinette.
           Alya snorted, “Chloe thought burning Gabriel at the stake was good idea.”
“What?!!” Adrien looked at his oldest friend, shock on his face. “What?!!”
           Chloe shrugged, “There’s no such thing as a bad idea. And It was a suggestion..”
“A good one,” Nino added. “And why does it sound like your mom has a hitman on speed dial?”
           Chloe scoffed, “Hitman? Don’t be so crass. Fredro is former MI6. My mom used to work with him. He’s so good even Shield only had the slightest idea he exists.” She looked at her childhood friend with a softest expression anyone had ever seen on her face. “No one would ever know. If you want, he doesn’t even have to feel like a thing. Gabriel goes to sleep one night, and doesn’t wake up in the morning. It’ll look like a heart attack. Trust me, my mother only works with the best.”
“I have a lot of questions about your mother,” Alya said. “And what type of work she did with a former MI6 agent. But we’re gonna circle back to that. That fact is, Adrien, it’s up to you.”
“He’s your dad,” Marinette agreed. “Plus; its two to two. Me and Alya who don’t want to go to prison. And the two psychos who are more than willing to.”
           Nino huffed and moved to stand next to Chloe, “Well, I’m feeling a little called out right now.”
“I told you we should’ve just handled this last night,” Chloe crossed her arms. “Just the two us. Ditch the Halos at home,” She motioned to Marinette, who didn’t like the idea of killing, and Alya, who didn’t want to make the choice with Adrien’s approval. “Bury that asshole alive.”
“Nah, they’d have known it was us,” Nino shook his head. “The second Gabriel doesn’t show up for something he’s supposed to, Marinette’s knocking on my door. I’m always a suspect. Gabriel nearly got killed by a falling headlight during a fashion show in New York, and Alya still gave me suspicious looks for days. Jerk’s literally on the other side of the world, and I’m still the primary suspect.”
           Chloe looked contemplative, “…Didn’t you say you had a cousin in New York?”
“You a cop?” Nino asked. “No? Then stop asking so many questions.”
           Adrien sighed, “I’m sorry, guys; we can’t kill my dad.”
           Alya nodded firmly, “Then option two. We’re rip apart his sanity, destroy his reputation; tear apart everything that makes Gabriel Agreste, Gabriel Agreste until there’s nothing left except the miserable, sorry excuse for man and father, that he really is.”
“Oh but I’m inhumane?” Nino glared. “I was just gonna cut the breaks in Gabriel’s ride. Take him and Nathalie out at the same time. But, yeah, sure, breaking him to the point where he’s ripping out his own hair and locked away in a padded room is a noble cause as any.”
“And yet we’re the evil ones? Really?” Chloe rolled her eyes. “Fine. Whatever. Let’s gaslight the bitch.”
           Adrien looked up at the ceiling just so freaking done with world. “What we do first?”
“Your dad’s a total control freak,” Alya said. “We got to make him feel like he’s losing control.”
           Marinette looked over Adrien, “You’re gonna need tight leather pants, chapstick… And how do feel about piercings?”
“That they look like they hurt!” Adrien protested.
           Chloe shoved his shoulder, “Beauty’s pain, woman up!”
“Why do I need chapstick?” Adrien whined.
“You can’t make out with Scott with dry lips!”
“Make out?” Adrien’s face turned bright red. “And who’s Scott?”
           Nino shook his head, “You’re asking a lot of questions for someone who was against the Murder plan.”
           It turned out Scott was Marinette’s cousin. His mom Melissa was Tom’s half-sister. He was handsome tall sixteen-year-old with olive brown skin, curly dark brown hair, and a crooked jaw. When Adrien met him he was wearing a leather jacket and big happy smile on his face.  Adrien couldn’t stop looking at him.
           He had come out as bisexual to his friends months ago but had only briefly experimented with Luka in the kissing department. Marinette had stumbled upon and quickly squeaked, turned red, and scampered off. Though Adrien did have to deal with her grumbles about having dips. To which Adrien replied, “You snooze, you lose.”
Scott was with a brown haired, pale skinned, gangly guy, with lots moles and a rather pretty redhead.
“Oh come on!” The pale guy complained when he saw Adrien. He looked at Scott. “What leprechaun did you sacrifice so that you got the fucking luck in the world? First the Disney princess Alison, then badass ‘she could stab me and I’d thank her’ Kira, and now Apollo’s freaking love child. No! It’s not fair.”
“Dude!” Scott complained. “Stiles, you’re dating Derek.”
           Stiles suddenly looked really smug, “Yeah I know,” He smirked. “But this isn’t about us. This is about all the other Scotts and Stiles’ of the world who are still growing out of their loser stage. Give them a chance, bro.”
           The redhead rolled her eyes, “Hi I’m Lydia!” She introduced to the young heroes. “The loud moron is Stiles. The moron who’s been drooling since he saw you is Scott.”
           Scott reared back, and started to quick wipe his mouth, “Man, am I drooling?”
“A little,” Stiles shrugged. “I just thought it was moon thing, you know?”
           Lydia ignored them, “I love your dress. It’s an MDC, yes? Up in coming designer, so chic!”      
           Marinette smiled, “Thanks. It took forever to design this.”
           The redhead paused, “You designed?” She looked stunned for a moment before glaring at Scott. “Is your cousin MDC? Did you not tell me your cousin was MDC?”
           It was a little hilarious how quickly Scott stepped back in fear of girl a foot shorter than him.
“About why we’re here,” Alya decided to intervene before blood was drawn. “Adrien, this is Scott. He’ll be your boyfriend for as long as he’s Paris.” She looked between Scott and Adrien and smirked. “And I have no idea who I should congratulate.”
“Me,” Scott let slip as he stared at Adrien in a daze.
           Pictures of Adrien Agreste making out with Scott were everywhere an hour later. Adrien tweeted his response, “I’m Bisexual. So what? To quote Taylor Swift: You need to Calm down.”
           The tweet was the first thing that made Gabriel realize something was very, very wrong.
           Adrien went home and was met the angry expressions of his father and Nathalie. It was time for step to.
           Before either could yell at him. “I quit,” Adrien said. “No more modeling. No more anything I don’t want to do. This is not up for debate. I’m not asking. You can’t make me. And if you try to take me out of school; my friends will public with all the evidence of all times you broke child labors. And if you think I’m bluffing, a copy of the evidence was sent to Nathalie’s email.” He gave them hard looks. “You will go to prison. Try me. It’s over,” Adrien told them but didn’t add that it was in more ways that one.
           He walked passed them; only sparing a glance to see the stunned looks on their faces.
           Adrien knew his father wouldn’t back down. This was only the beginning.
           Unfortunately for Gabriel, he would be far too busy putting out the fires of his burning empire to have any time to rein back in his son.
           During the middle of the night, while everyone was sleeping, an anonymous user *cough Alya* released videos of Gabriel verbally berating his employees for the smallest things, and firing them. It was not a good look.
           The Gabriel brand took a hit. The first of many.
           Over the next few weeks; Gabriel found himself forgetting things. First he found a box of imported silk that Nathalie swore he called her himself to have her order, and he saw the call logged in his phone but for the life of him he couldn’t remember making the call. Then it was scheduling meetings, ordering lunches or coffee that he couldn’t remember doing. Then he forgot where put things.
           For example, one time Gabriel swore he took out his sketchbook from his briefcase and sat it on his desk and left for a meeting. However, when he returned, it wasn’t there. And He nearly went raving mad trying to find it. Only for Nathalie to take it out of his brief case.
           The suit he had laid out for him the night before would be an entirely different color than the one he remembered putting out but then Nathalie would tell him that he ordered her himself to have it pressed.
           It was little thing and big little just slightly out of place that started to grate on his nerves.
“The stress,” Nathalie told him. “It’s getting to you. Perhaps a vacation is in order”
“I’m fine,” He waved her off. “How is the plan to pull Adrien back in?
           Nathalie frowned, “Nothing. He’s still going strong with his boyfriend, a young Scott McCall. Every time we try anything, a new video of Adrien, uh, at work, is released to the media. CPS and the police knocked on our doors three times already. Next time, I fear, they may take him. Amelie Graham de Vanily has been spotted in town, speaking with several lawyers. My sources say she will attempt for custody if CPS deems you unfit.”
“Nothing of the sort will happen,” Gabriel sneered. “I will not lose my son; not to my sister in law, and not to some American boy. Tell Adrien, we will have dinner together. I will talk some sense into him myself.”
           That was his plan at least.
           However, Gabriel found himself waking up in the morning, in his pajamas, utterly confused. “Nathalie, when did I go sleep?”
           She looked confused, “Around midnight, sir. You had dinner with Adrien, and then had to rush off to take a call from Audrey.”
“I… had dinner with Adrien?” Gabriel asked. “Are you sure? I don’t remember. And I didn’t talk with Audrey, did i?”
           Nathalie suddenly looked very concerned. “Sir, I was there. Adrien and you had a lovely conversation about his school and him going back to modeling. Adrien decline. You tried to protest but Audrey called. You two argued for an hour. I was there the entire time. You really don’t remember?”
           No, Gabriel didn’t.
           A week later, after a series of incidents. One of which apparently he had ordered Nathalie to take him to a salon and walked out with blue hair, but couldn’t remember when he woke up the next day. And swore he hadn’t.
“I’ve scheduled a meeting with doctor,” Nathalie told him. “We’re going to get you looked at, okay.”
           It was the first of many, many doctor visits. Until one day Adrien came home and His aunt was there with Nathalie. They told him that his father went on a little “vacation” for a while.
           It turned out the vacation was a very luxurious mental institution.
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kitty0boy · 3 years
Hee hee I’m back, at 12 pm this time! Is this another Marichat fic? Of course! In this one Marinette is wearing the pink dress that the miraculous team showed us, the one with the butterfly on her hip. If you search up “Marinette’s dress” you’ll see that I’m talking about. I made them kiss too which is a little different then what I usually write so yeah, enjoy.
It was their final year at François DuPont highschool. Everyone was excited and ready to go off and live their new lives. Go to college or university, become entrepreneurs, work in retail, the possibilities were endless. Adrien of course knew what he would be doing after graduation, he wish he could become an actor or work at a cafe, but being the son of one of the most famous designer in the fashion industry, he didn’t get to choose. He doubted his father would let him at this point. So he would remain a puppet.
The other thing people were looking forward to was the prom at the end of the year, and with May coming to a close, June came into view and so did preparations. The first thing that was in order was a theme, and everyone had been debating about it.
“What about a fairytale theme!” Shouted Rose
“Or a Pirate theme!” Shouted Kim
“How about a flower garden, those are always gorgeous.” Inquired Mylène.
“Ok hang on, I have an idea,” Alya got their attention. “What if we have a hero theme, we all love Paris’ superheroes don’t we.” Lila slumped in her seat, but no one took notice over the sounds of agreement that came from everyone. “Oooh we could have dresses and suits inspired by our akumatized selves!” Alix suggested, and everyone agreed. “Hold on dudette, that’s not completely fair.” Nino cut in “Adrien and Marinette haven’t been akumatized.” Everyone hummed in agreement. Marinette waved her hands infront of her. “Oh that’s ok! We can figure something out, I already have an idea in fact.” “Ooh what if you were Ladybug and Chat Noir!” Ivan yelled. “Actually, I was thinking we could be the akumas. One of us could be the purple akuma and the other could be the purified one.” Everyone was happy with that, Adrien really liked the idea, “Can be the corrupt one, if you don’t mind that is.” He requested and she seemed happy with that. “I was hoping you would chose that one actually, I already have a dark purple suit you could wear, I’ll just have to get your measurements. Maybe I can even spice it up a little, as a few details.” She said writing in a little notebook.
The class discussed the decorations, the music with Nino and he wrote down some song suggestions, the food which Marinette’s parents agreed to cater for, and the start and end times of the dance. Once they had a solid plan and made sure their requests were reasonable, Marinette and Alya went to the office to discuss with Mr. Damocles.
Weeks passed before the dance finally arrived. Chat had visited Marinette a few times while she was making her dress but he didn’t get to see the final product. Adrien came by to get measured by Marinette and then later to come pick up the finished suit. It fit him like a glove, and it was gorgeous to boot. Inside the jacket was a detailed pair of purple wings so he could grab the jacket and open it up like an akuma stretching it’s wings. “Wow fancy.” Plagg came up with cheese in his tiny paws. “Oh no you don’t, you’re not getting any cheese on this suit.” “Relax Adrien, I won’t bring any. Pigtails’ parents will bring enough pastries so satisfying my hunger.” Adrien could practically smell the pastries, his mouth watered. A creek at the door made Plagg fly into his pocket. “Adrien, it’s time to leave.” Nathalie informed him, and he was off with Plagg safely hidden.
The school looked amazing. There were black and white balloons with little confetti butterflies in them, red and black streamers lined the walls, little Ladybugs and paw print confetti were sprinkled along the floor and the food table had a tablecloth with all the signatures of the superheroes that were revealed on the day Master Fu had handed the miracle box to Ladybug. Adrien came with Kagami, the pair had broken up a long time ago but were still close friends so he invited her as his plus one. Spotting the table, Adrien suggested she sign her name while he grabbed a cookie or two. He turned to face the dance floor, all he saw was the happy faces of the students, dancing, laughing, and celebrating their graduation. He smiled at the sight, all his friends were happy which made him happy. All of them accept Marinette, where was she? “Hey, looking good buttercup.” Alya strutted up to him, her Ladywifi dress swishing along. He chuckled, “Don’t let Nino hear you, he might bubble with jealousy.” He grinned at his own pun. “Oh don’t worry, DJ bubbles has gotten is fair share of compliments already.” He looked over to his friend, he wasn’t DJing this time, instead he was talking with Luka, he looked a little frazzled, his hair was a bit out of place and his tie was askew. “I can see that.” He laughed. “Anyways, you wouldn’t happen to know where Ms. Butterfly is would you.” He asked. “I’m not sure Mr. Butterfly, she was supposed to come with Luka. You can try asking him.” Kagami straightened. “Go ahead Adrien, I want to look at the decorations more.” She walked around him towards Rose and Juleka, Rose squealing when she saw Kagami’s Onii-Chan themed dress. It was amazing how the girls dresses were made with such beautiful designs, even when their akumatized outfits were, less than appealing. To add to it all of the designs screamed Marinette, did she make all of these dresses? Or did she sketch them for her friends to take to a dress maker.
He made his way over to Luka who had just waved to Nino. “Hey Adrien, you look great tonight.” He flushed at the compliment, Luka had a way of making you feel special with the simplest of compliments. “So do you, Marinette’s handy work?” “Yeah it is, she designed half the dresses and suits here actually.” So he was right. “I figured, speaking of, where is she?” A hint of confusion showed on Luka’s face. “I’m not sure actually, I thought she was coming with Alya.” That was strange, “Alya said she was coming with you.” Luka’s brows furrowed, “Oh, well she didn’t say anything to me. Maybe she’s coming herself?” “I hope so.” Adrien said, maybe he should go pick her up. But he came with Kagami, he couldn’t ditch her. Not that she would mind, but it wouldn’t be very polite. Luka put a hand on his shoulder. “I’m sure she’ll show up soon Adrien, she’s got all night after all.” Adrien smiled “Yeah you’re right, do you mind if I use the restroom?” “You don’t need my permission Adrien, you’re a big boy now.” He joked elbowing him in the side. He laughed and made his way upstairs.
“So I’m going to guess we’re not here to pee?” Plagg asked. “Am I that obvious? We’re going to pick up Marinette.” “And since Adrien is supposed to stay here, Chat Noir is going to run over yeah yeah,” Plagg finished for him “just say the word kid and we’re out of here.” In three words and a flash of green, Chat Noir stood where Adrien had seconds ago. He left through the door that lead to the locker room, checking to see he wasn’t spotted, and climbed out the window onto the street. Extending his baton he made his way to the roof behind Marinette’s balcony and ran over to see her leaning against the railing.
“I thought the purrincess would be at the ball by now.” She gasped and spun around to face him. Her beautiful dress swishing with her. “Oh, hey Chat. Yeah I’ll go over soon.” She looked over at the school. She seemed to be nervous. “You seem a little anxious to go over. Everything ok?” She looked at him “Yeah I just, I want to go but I’m not ready.” She explained, rubbing her arm. “I just, I don’t think I want to leave yet.” He quirked his head to the side, confused, “You mean leave your house?” He walked towards her and leaned his back against the railing. “No I mean, I’m not ready to finish school yet, all of my friends are there. I know it sounds dumb but I don’t want to have to leave them.” She sighed crossing her arms, her eyes watered. He knew what she meant, he was going to miss everyone when he left, and he would rather not work for his father the rest of his life. School was the reason he even left the mansion at all. “I know Marinette, trust me I do.” She put her head on his shoulder. He reached up and rubbed her back between her shoulder blades. She sighed before wrapping her arms around his waist. She didn’t cry but she needed to de-stress a bit. “You can still hang out with your friends when you graduate, Paris is a small city after all. You might make new friends in college too, and all of you can get together.” “I know, but what if we don’t have time to hangout anymore? What if they move away? I know for sure Luka is going on tour later in the year and Kitty Section is going with them. What if everyone else leaves.” He rested his head on top of hers. “Well if it helps, I’m not going anywhere. I’m tied to this city as a superhero and as a civilian, so you’re stuck with me.” “Yeah, that helps, and now that I think about it me, Alya, and Nino are going to the same college, and Adrien was hired to be a model for the fashion courses.” He smiled, glad that she wanted him around. “See there’s nothing to worry about. Now come on.” He stood and grabbed both her hands. “We’re gonna shake it off.” And he swung his and Marinette’s arms around, she laughed and wiped her eyes. “Is my makeup running?” She asked, “Nope, you’re beautiful.” She blushed at the compliment before shaking her head, ‘cute’ the thought. “I still don’t think I’m ready to go down.” She said. He grabbed his baton and scrolled through a playlist online.
“How about you get warmed up then.” He said. Out of the corner of his eye he saw her give him a quizzical look. He side glanced at her before selecting ‘I Hear a Symphony’ by Cody Fry. He pushed her table to the side before holding his out out to her. “Might I have this dance your grace?” Earning a giggle from her. “You may.” She said before slipping her hand into his. He stood and pulled her in by the waist, leading her in a simple waltz. As the song continued the dance got more elaborate and goofy. They bumped into absolutely everything on that balcony, they even fell over the lounge chair and collapsed in a fit of giggles before standing and continuing their dance. Slowly the piano became more up beat and right as the song transitioned into the climax he put both hands on her waist and lifted her into the air spinning around. She laughed and as if on cue the wind picked up and blew her hair from her face and her dress flew back in a pretty way. He felt his heart skip a beat and he lowered her to the ground. She tucked her head into his shoulder and wrapped her arms around his neck, he wrapped his arms around her waist and the swayed together. He felt her steady heartbeat against his chest, and without meaning to, he purred. She didn’t seem to mind though. She even smiled against him.
As the song had ended long ago by the time she pulled back to smile at him and he smiled back, still holding her. A stray hair strand was stuck to her face so he reached up and used his fingertip the brush it back behind her ear. She looked at him, a bit surprised and blushed again. He stared at her, mouth open slightly, her eyes were beautiful. He cradled her cheek and she reached up to do the same. He glanced down at her lips, a light gloss was spread on them, he wondered what it tasted like. He didn’t have to wait long to find out either. Marinette raised herself up onto her tiptoes and kissed him. Now he knew what people meant with the whole sparks flying thing. It was like he was struck by lightning, her hand tangling is his hair and the other grabbing his shoulder for support. His hands flew to her back before one reached up to play with her hair. She pulled back and pulled his hair lightly so he looked up. Then she kissed his jawline, he groaned a little at the contact. He felt her smile before coming back to capture his lips again.
He would have loved to stay there like that all night, with her. But the whoops and cheers from her classmates interrupted them and she jumped a little. Alya cupped her hands around her mouth and cheered, “Go Marinette Go!” and Kim whistled at the pair. He felt proud in that moment, and while she gawked at her classmates he bent down and wrapped his arms around her thighs. She squeaked as he lifted her and spun her around, taking the hint she leaned down and kissed him again. Before laughing again and pulling back. He put her down and swiped his thumb under her lip, trying to clean up the smeared lipgloss. “Ready to go now?” He asked. “Yeah, I’ll just go fix this.” She said, gesturing to her lips.
Within a minute she was back up holding a makeup wipe in her hand. She moved his chin and started wiping the gloss from his jaw. She tried to wipe it from his mouth too but he didn’t want her to. “It tastes good.” Was his argument so she settled for wiping around his lips. Then scooping her up bridal style, he carried her down to the street below. Her face immediately flushed when she saw Alya smirk at her. “Well well well, so that’s why you’re late.” He placed her on the ground. “Wow Marinette you look amazing!” Rose said before running up to hug her. “Well,” he said pulling out his baton “I’d better be off, sorry I can’t stick around.” Alya chimed in “You don’t make a habit of kissing random ladies on rooftops to you?” Her reporter tone cutting in. “Only if their name is Marinette Dupain Cheng.” He said simply with a wink before extending his baton to lift him high above the group.
“Ok now you definitely owe me some pastries.” Plagg said. Adrien inspected his face in the mirror. His lips were a little swollen but not enough to notice unless you really looked at them. “Where did that even come from, I though you and your ‘princess’ were just friends.” He sighed “Yeah I thought so too. Oh well, I was in love with her anyways.” He said opening his jacket to Plagg before he flew in. “That’s a strange way of realizing don’t you think.” Plagg said “Oh well, I loved her anyways.” He mimicked. “I’ve known for a while Plagg, it’s just easier to admit now.” He said simply. With that he walked out of the bathroom, the taste of her cherry lipgloss on his mouth.
That’s all thanks for reading!
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godyouredull · 5 years
Oh, I’m In Trouble | All You Have To Do Is Fall In Love AU
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Author: Sarah - @godyouredull​ Pairing: Ben Hardy / OFC Rating: T Word Count: 6.2k POV: Sarah Warnings: series warnings, aggressive frat guys Summary: Sarah makes a risky decision at a frat party and is overwhelmingly pleased with the outcome.
Masterlist found here! Series Summary: Best friends and college roommates Ben, Joe, and Gwil, find themselves tangled up with a group of girls who bring out the best (and worst) in them. Series Warnings: drinking, swearing Authors’ Note: Stories can stand alone, but it’s much better when read all together! Not everything is always in the same tense, or same point of view/perspective.
How do I always get talked into going to these things? Within 15 minutes of arriving to a frat house, whose name I never remember for more than 5 seconds, I immediately regret it. Truly the best part of going out like this is getting ready with the girls so we can come up with a game plan while blaring the same obnoxious pop music. But, inevitably, every time I step out the door I immediately contemplate walking back inside. Oh well, no use wasting a cute as fuck outfit I suppose. And hey there’s free alcohol, right? Right.
“Hey!” Ella snaps me out of my thoughts, “You’re not gonna leave early tonight, are you? I hate when you do that.”
“No,” I sigh dejectedly, “I’ll stay long enough to get drunk but seriously Ella, as soon as you have a target in sight, you tell me, okay?”
“I know, I know. I won’t abandon you without warning.” She says as she links her arm in mine. “NOW, let’s get drinks.”
We walk arm in arm out to the back deck, where the ever flowing amount of alcohol seems to always be, accompanied by the obnoxious shouts and whoops of the household residents. It’s the usual scene: beer pong table, keg, random lawn chairs and a good amount of handles on the dirtiest table you’ll see in your life.
“Alright well, what’ll it be? Lukewarm beer or liquor without a mixer?’ I ask in the most enthusiastic voice I can muster.
“Complain all you want. You’re not paying for it, are you?” She’s got a point. I’m still trying to decide if it’s worth it though. “Stop complaining and tap the keg.”
“I love it when you get demanding.”
“You have no idea.” She says half laughing.
“Alright, pipe down. There’s options out here.” She begins to scout the talent while I look around for the tap. How has this keg not been tapped yet?
“Whoa. They’re kind of cute.” She points to a team of guys playing beer pong. They are cute. The one with darker hair is definitely the more outgoing of the two, getting way too excited when he makes the next shot with ease. His partner though, has blonde hair and seems to just be along for the ride, maybe even sober.
“They’re alright.” I say, trying to play it off. At the same moment, the blonde looks around the yard, clearly getting bored with the beer pong game. When his eyes land on me, though, he doesn’t look away but… neither do I.
“He’s staring at you.” I hear Ella whisper. Of course, I’m aware of this as I’m blatantly staring right back. Damn, he’s good looking. “Go talk to him.”
“No, no. He’s a frat dude, Ella. You know that’s not my thing.” I finally tear my eyes away from cute blonde boy to focus on the task at hand: keg tapping. As I line the notches of the tap with the hole of the keg, a voice stops me.
“Need some help with that?” Some part of me hopes it’s cute blonde boy, but when I look up, that hope disappears. It’s not cute blonde boy, just another generic frat guy.
“Uh, no thank you. I can handle it.” Now go away.
“You sure? No offense but these things have a tendency to explode whenever a girl tries to tap it.” Jesus. Where the hell is Ella?
I scoff and contemplate punching him. Instead, I screw the tap into place and push down, sliding it into place. Grabbing a solo cup, I pour myself a pint and stare at this douchebag straight in the eye until the cup is completely full.
“Nope, I think I got it.”
“Wow, impressive.”
“Okay, I’m walking away now.” I manage to take about two steps before I feel his grip around my elbow.
“Whoa, whoa. Hang on a second.” He spins me around so I’m facing him again. Maybe I am going to punch someone tonight. This is truly the last time I come to a frat party.
“I have to go find my friend actually. She was right next to me a second ago.” My eyes scan the room, searching desperately for Ella who I may or may not need to come rescue me from this asshole.
“What’s your name?” He asks, ignoring my previous statement.
“Could you not grip my arm when you’re talking to me?” I try to twist my arm out of his grip but he’s unfortunately much stronger than I am.
“Someone ought to teach you some manners, sweetheart.” His lips are inches from my ear and I immediately push him off.
“You’re one to talk you fucking assho— “
“HEY,” Another voice chimes in, “Pretty sure she doesn’t want to talk to you, mate.” Holy shit. It’s cute blonde boy. He’s stepped in between me and the jackass, arm held out in front of me as if to create some kind of protective barrier. A couple bystanders have begun to notice the situation and watch to see if these guys start throwing fists.
“Alright, whatever, she’s all yours.” The jackass walks away with his hands up in surrender. Thank God. If there had really been a fight I’m not sure what I would’ve done.
Once he’s gone, cute blonde boy turns around to face me.
“Hey, hear that? How kind of him to hand me over like that. We were really hitting it off too.” I say sarcastically. He laughs.
“You okay?” Whoa. He’s got a deep, British accent.
“Yeah, yeah I’m fine. Thank you for that. I wish I could say that’s the first or last time that’s bound to happen.”
“It’s not something you should have to get used to.” He sounds genuine. Interesting. “I’m not sure why I keep coming to these parties. All these guys are the worst.”
“You’re not one of them?” The plot thickens. He looks slightly offended at the question.
“Do I come off as one?”
“Well, it’s hard to say.” I can’t help it; I smile. “We just met.” He smiles back.
“Right, yeah. That’s fair.” He looks down and brings his fingers up to his bottom lip and pinches it between his thumb and pointer finger. Damn he’s cute.
“And you do have that classic frat look, you know? Kinda hot, kinda douchey.” He looks up again. Shit.
“So you think I’m hot?” Damn.
“And douchey, lest we forget that part.” I say as I accusingly point at him. He doesn’t respond, just laughs. His eyes are so green. I’m staring again. Okay, take a sip of your beer, Sarah.
“Eugh. That’s a little too lukewarm for my taste.” I say as I set the cup down on a nearby table. Which is partially true but mostly I’m just trying to keep the conversation going.
“Well, we could always go somewhere else.” He suggests.
“Uh, well I think this is pretty much the extent of the drink choices.” I say, gesturing to the disgusting table with various handles. Maybe I will just switch to liquor if I’m gonna spend any more time with cute blonde boy.
“Oh, no I mean we could get out of here. Leave the party.” He says casually.
“Whoa whoa, easy. I don’t even know your name.” He’s already asking me back to his place?
“NO n—I didn’t mean... like we can find a bar or take a walk or something.” He stutters through the suggestion, his cheeks turning a bit pink. I stay silent and smile at his slight embarrassment. “I’m Ben, by the way.”
“It’s nice to meet you, Ben. And I actually would love to leave this place.” Where the HELL is Ella? “Have you seen my friend though? She was standing with me earlier.”
“Earlier? Like when you were shamelessly staring at me playing beer pong?” His tongue sticks out of his mouth ever so slightly as he smiles and it’s the cutest thing I’ve ever seen. My jaw drops.
“Excuse me! I’m pretty sure it was you staring at me.”
“Sure, sure.” He mumbles.
“Plus you were barely even playing. Your friend seemed to be carrying most of the weight there.” I accuse him.
“Yeah, well I get bored at these things easily, hence my wanting to go somewhere else.”
“These parties do get old quick, I’ll give you that.” I pause, looking at him intently while wondering if I’m really gonna leave with a man I just met. He did just save me from a frat douchebag and for some reason I find myself trusting him.
“So, are you really up for ditching it?”
“I really am. Let me just find my friend first and let her know.”
We both do a quick scan of the room before finding her engrossed in a game of pong. She’s in her element. A couple of guys are watching her as she downs a beer like it’s no problem.
“Ella!” I walk towards her, Ben following behind me.
“Sarah! Be my partner! We could destroy these assholes.”
“You’re not wrong but I actually came to check on you. I think I’m gonna head out.”
“What?! You’re leaving?”
“Well,” I look behind me to make sure Ben isn’t too close. “Remember that blonde guy who was staring at me earlier? I’m leaving with him.” Her eyes widen. She steals a glance at him, standing a good length away talking to another one of his friends.
“Well, damn girl.” She looks at him again.
“Ella, stop! Don’t be obvious.”
“Oh, don’t flatter yourself.” She’s still looking in their direction. “Who’s his friend? I think he’s in my philosophy class.” I follow her gaze to see Ben talking somewhat intensely to another tall, dark haired guy who looks way too sophisticated to be at a frat house.
“I don’t know. He’s cute though.” I admit. She continues to stare at the friend, eyebrows slightly raised.
“I’ll say.”
“Alright, down girl.” We laugh. “Are you good? Will you be okay without me?”
“Yeah! Go be with surfer boy.” She clears her throat. “He’s coming. Be cool.” We both adjust our stance so we’re standing up a little straighter.
“You ready?” Ben is suddenly right behind me, hand on the small of my back.
“Yeah let’s go.” I turn back to Ella. “Hey! Call me if you need me.” She nods and makes obscene gestures as I walk out with Ben.
“Her name’s Ella?” He asks.
“Yeah, why?”
“My mate was just asking me about her. Thinks she’s cute or something.” I laugh knowingly. Looks like Ella’s in for a good time tonight too.
“Wait, before we leave…” I stop him from walking any further.
“Wait here. I’m gonna steal a handle.”
“You’re gonna—what?” His accent is so strong. Even the way he says ‘what’ is hot.
“Wait here!” I exclaim as I walk back onto the back deck. Tonight wasn’t the night to wear a velvet crop top. Looks like I’m gonna improvise. Doing another quick scan of the options, I spot a larger handle of Fireball on a small table in the corner. That’ll work, but how will I hide it? Can’t hide it. Alright, Plan B then.
Grabbing the handle as quickly as possible, I tuck it under my arm and speed walk to where I left Ben.. Grabbing his hand with my free one, I urge him.
“C’mon let’s go!”
“Wait wha—I—okay.” He stutters but follows my motions as we briskly walk out of the house as fast as we can without looking too suspicious. Luckily, it’s a mess inside the house so if anyone notices, they don’t stop us. We make it out the front door and he’s laughing in a confused manner, our hands still linked.
“Mission accomplished.” I say, holding up the Fireball as we walk down the street.
“Fireball? You smuggled Fireball.”
“The classics never go out of style, Benjamin.” I defend my liquor of the choice.
“It’s just Ben.”
“It’s not.”
“What do you mean it’s not?” His voice raises an octave but he chuckles.
“If we’re going to be friends you’re gonna have to get used to me calling you by your full name. It’s my thing.”
“You’re really gonna call me that?” He says in mild disbelief.
“Only in certain situations.” Now I’m laughing. This whole situation is weird. I’m walking down a random street, holding hands with a guy I just met, with a handle of Fireball tucked under my arm.
“You know I still don’t know your name” He points out.
“Uh... They call me Trixie on the weekends.” I joke, not sure if I should really give him my real name.
“Wait wh— “
“Yeah it’s a tough line of work but the money’s good.” I say as deadpan as I possibly can. He stops walking.
“Are you joking?” His eyes squint a bit as he asks. I take this opportunity to drop his hand and open the Fireball, taking a swig as I start laughing.
“Yes,” He shakes his head, “But you almost believed me, didn’t you? I like that. I’m Sarah.”
“I think I’m still gonna call you Trixie.” He’s still shaking his head but he starts walking again. “Pass that over.”
“I think I’m more of a Trixie, honestly.” I say as I hand him the bottle. I want to hold his hand again but that’s weird, right? Probably not a good idea. If I’m being honest what I really want to do is jump him right here in the street but that’s definitely weird. Don’t wanna come off too strong.
“I’m gonna hold your hand again, okay?” He declares, catching me completely off guard.
“Works for me.” I exhale as he links our fingers again. Thank God it’s so dark outside because I am absolutely positive I’m blushing.
“So, Trixie,” He drags out the name. I’m already regretting that bit. “Where to now?”
“Well I think we’re set on drinks,” I say motioning to the full handle, “So, let’s just keep walking? See what we find.”
“Works for me.” He almost whispers. How is one person’s voice so deep?
“Much better than a frat party, right?”
“Well, I don’t know. One good thing came from that party.” He smirks.
We’ve been walking down this random street for a while now and I’m extremely glad I decided to take an Uber to that damn party instead of drive. I’m also glad I wore converse instead of the uncomfortable flats Michaela suggested. It’s been about an hour and Ben’s managed to cover a fairly wide range of topics. He’s not in a fraternity, though one of his roommates, Joe, is, hence his attendance at tonight’s party and quite a few others. He’s studying acting and drama in school and he moved to the U.S. because he thought it would give him a better chance at being successful in the business, but he misses home a lot and travels back as much as he can. Despite being incredibly attractive, he doesn’t seem to use it to his advantage which means my first impression was wrong. He hasn’t let go of my hand nor has he made any attempt to take things much further. Refreshing and I guess kind of infuriating because the more he talks, the further I do want to take it. Damn the brits and their tendencies to be perfect gentlemen.
“Are you hungry at all?” He asks.
“I could eat, yeah.” Oh right, forgot to mention that I haven’t eaten since before the party and I’ve now drank a significant amount of Fireball. I’m playing it off though. I think.
“I only ask because you’re stumbling a little.” Okay, maybe not.
“Right, well this sidewalk isn’t paved very well.”
“I’ve heard Fireball can do that. Put cracks and bumps into pavement and whatnot.” He says sarcastically.
“Benjamin. Was that a joke? You’re making jokes at my expense now.” I accuse as I put my hand on my chest like a 19th century Southern woman. He shrugs.
“I’m just trying to keep up with you. Which is becoming easier because you’re, you know, stumbling.”
This is good, us bantering like this. Everything feels light and a bit less real so there’s no pressure. I find myself hoping we continue this for the rest of tonight. Maybe even tomorrow morning. Damn he’s already got me breaking my rules? Not good. Or maybe good? Ugh.
“Well if you would drink your share of the Fireball, we wouldn’t have this problem.”
“Sarah, it’s Fireball.”
“Oh god, sorry there were no mojitos for me to swipe.” His drink of choice, as I had learned. “I’ll make a mental note for next time.”
“Next time? You plan on stealing alcohol from a frat party again?”
“I think you could talk me into almost anything, Benjamin.” He blushes at this and stutters a little bit, like he’s thinking about what exactly he wants to talk me into. Good.
“Except I didn’t talk you into this! You did that all on your own.”
“Uh huh. Good luck finding someone to believe that. From what I’ve seen, you’re quite the troublemaker.”
“You’re ridiculous.” He shakes his head while smiling. Have I mentioned how much I wanna jump him? Damn I’m tipsy.
“You mentioned food. You have something in mind? Because I don’t even know where we are.” I admit. We’re definitely still in the same neighborhood as the frat house because all we’ve passed are houses but I’m hoping, since he apparently frequents that frat house, he has an idea of what else is around us.
“I know a place. Come on, drunky.” He pulls my hand in the other direction and I briefly lose my balance, using his shoulder to steady myself. We’re inches away from each other, his green eyes directly in front of my face. “Sidewalk trip you up again? Someone should really repave this.” Before I can even respond, he turns away and starts walking again.
I exhale shakily and follow him, weak in the knees for a brand new reason.
“A taco truck?”
It was another fifteen minute walk to get to our destination: a food truck that Ben apparently frequents after he’s been out all night. It’s parked in the middle of a nearby town center that I know I’ve been to before but never found a reason to go back.
“It’s really good, I promise.”
As we walk up to the counter, he lets go of my hand and puts it on the small of my back, leading me to look at the menu. To be honest, I’m not really that hungry but I know I should eat because I don’t want to stop drinking but I also don’t want to keep making a fool of myself.
“I’ll just have whatever you’re having.” I say looking at the menu. He’s looking at me though, rubbing my back with his thumb. I can’t honestly be expected to be focused on food when he’s touching me like this. The fucker.
“You trust me then?” He asks innocently.
“Well you did save me earlier tonight so that means you’ve earned my trust.”
“I won’t let you down.” He winks. I go to grab the Fireball that’s in his other hand but he holds it away from me, just out of reach. “Oh, no. You’re eating first.” We’re standing face to face now.
“Stop teasing me then.” I whisper.
“Can’t handle it?” He whispers back. That’s it. I lift my face, about to kiss him.
“What can I get you guys?” The truck owner comes out of nowhere. We both jump back from each other. Dammit.
“Uhm.” Good. He’s flustered too. “Four chicken tacos and two waters, please.”
“Both of those waters are for him. He’s been drinking all night. Needs to sober up.” I say to the truck owner. Ben looks at me accusingly.
“I have not been--”
“C’mon Ben you’ve been gripping that Fireball for hours. You’re not fooling anyone.”
The truck owner laughs, glancing down at the half empty handle in Ben’s hand. I can see how bad he wants to deny it but he doesn’t. Just stares at me in disbelief as I remain completely stagnant. Keep teasing, baby. Two can play.
“Four chicken tacos, coming up.” The man says, still smiling as he walks back to the kitchen.
“Cheap move. You’re not getting away with that.” Ben says once he’s gone.
“I certainly hope not.” I say, stepping a bit closer to him, looking up at him through my lashes. I link my finger through his belt loop and pull him closer to me. “Do something about it.”
“Christ.” He curses, looking away. “We’re in public.”
“Aw. Can’t handle it?”
He doesn’t respond. Instead, he scoffs and bites his lip. He lifts his hand and cups my face, stroking his thumb against my cheek. His eyes flit to my lips and I swear he’s about to kiss me but again, he doesn’t.
“I can handle it.” He whispers. I swallow, trying to control my breathing.
My heart is slamming against my chest and I have to clench my thighs together. His effect on me is unbelievable but I know he feels it too. We’re inches away but I can’t bring myself to react. I just stare into his bright green eyes, quickly down to his lips and then back up to his eyes. His thumb is still rubbing my cheek and I contemplate bringing it to my mouth.
“Here you are. Four chicken tacos and two waters.” I blink repeatedly and step away from Ben, shaking my head trying to clear my impure thoughts.
“Thanks, mate. Sarah, will you grab them?”
“Oh, uh, yeah. Sorry.” I stutter. Ben smirks, knowing my inability to focus is because of what just happened. He pays the truck owner, telling him to keep the change.
“C’mon, let’s go.” I expect him to hold his hand out for me to take, but his are full and so are mine. Damn. Now how am I supposed to walk straight?
“Let’s sit here.”
After continuing to walk around for a while, Ben has led us to a local park in the neighborhood we were in earlier. We’ve managed to revert back into normal conversation and bantering, not acknowledging the turn of events at the food truck. We haven’t eaten yet but I can feel myself sobering up a bit, as I have to keep forcing myself to focus on the words Ben is saying and not thinking about what he’d look like between my thighs.
“You know this area pretty well. You bring a lot of girls around?” I joke.
“Ha, yeah. Deserted parks in the middle of the night are my go-to date spot.”
“It does have a certain ambiance, I suppose. If you’re, you know… a serial killer.” He sits on the bench and laughs pretty loud. The sound gives me that same feeling in my chest from earlier and I wonder if I’ll ever get tired of hearing it.
“I honestly don’t have a response to that.” He’s still chuckling. “But I’m definitely not a serial killer.”
“Good to know.” I say as I sit down next to him.
We sit in silence for a bit, both of us just eating our tacos and drinking the water. It’s not an uncomfortable silence though. It’s serene, like we’ve known each other for years and are simply enjoying being near each other for the first time in a while. He looks out at the park ahead of us and I find myself staring at him again. My eyes wander from his sharp jawline to his full, pink lips to his messy blonde hair. He’s so goddamn beautiful and I’d bet anything he doesn’t even have to try.
“You’re staring again.” He finally speaks.
“Yeah I am.” I don’t even deny it. He’s gonna have to get used to it.
“What are you thinking?” He asks, still looking away from me. Hm, to be honest or no? I could tell him exactly what I’m thinking right here and now. But no, it’s too easy.
“I’m wondering why you haven’t given me back the Fireball yet.” He laughs, again. Nope, I’ll never get tired of hearing it. He reaches down to pick up the fireball and hands the bottle to me. I unscrew the cap and take a fairly sizable swig.
“Alright take it easy, Trixie.”
“Well, you drink some!” I say as I offer the bottle back to him.
“I’m okay, babe, really.” My breath hitches at the nickname. “I do have a confession to make though.”
“Oh?” Is this it? I don’t know how I feel about fucking in the middle of a public park but hey I guess there’s a first time for everything.
“I smoke cigarettes and I’m feeling the urge to light one right now but I don’t want to if it’ll make you sick or uncomfortable. Do you mind?”
“Usually, yes but I’ll make an exception for now.” I really thought he was going to ask to fuck in a public park? Jesus. What’s wrong with me?
“Because I’m hot?”
“AND douchey. Will you let that go?”
He removes a carton of cigarettes from inside his jacket pocket and takes out two, putting one between his teeth and the other behind his ear. It’s hot, but not as hot as his fingers expertly flicking the lighter and then him taking a long drag, blowing out the smoke as he exhales.
We sit in silence for a bit again. Him continuing to smoke his cigarette and me taking swigs from the handle. I’m torn between wanting to hear his voice again and wanting to sit in the comfortable silence. It’s impossible to look away as he continues to take drags from his cigarette. I know how bad it is but fuck if he doesn’t look irresistible doing it. If he notices, he doesn’t mind but the more I drink, the more antsy I get.
“How long have you been smoking?” I ask, deciding I want to hear his voice again.
“Too long.”
“Have you ever tried to quit?”
“Yeah, it’s not as easy as they say.”
“Well, here I’ll help you.” I take the cigarette out of his hand and take a drag from it. He watches in shock. I know he’s expecting me to cough but I don’t.
“You smoke?”
“Sometimes.” I admit, taking another drag.
“Holy shit.” He says under his breath. I then throw the cigarette on the ground and step on it, effectively putting it out. “Hey! That wasn’t quite done yet.”
“I know. I said I’d help you quit, remember?” He stares at me in disbelief.
“You’re…” He starts, not able to find the words.
“I’m… what?”
“Something.” He says finally.
“Flattery will get you nowhere, Benjamin.”
“I wish you’d stop calling me that.”
“Never.” I repeat his statement from earlier.
Hours have passed and we’re still sitting on this damn park bench, talking about anything and everything. The craziest part is that I don’t think either of us ever made a solid effort to go home or get the other back to their place. No, the subjects have been limited to favorite movies, books, our families, an explanation of our tattoos, and even a brief discussion of male celebrity crushes. He’s put his hand on my knee a few times and I’ve found excuses to occasionally put mine on his chest and shoulders but still, we keep our hands to ourselves.
“What time is it?” I ask, finally coming to the realization that it’s starting to get light outside. He takes his phone out for the first time that night, which reminds me that I haven’t checked in with Ella or Michaela. Shit.
“Whoa. It’s 6:30. I have class in two hours.”
“Oh my god.” I don’t mean to say it outloud but I can’t help it. “We’ve been out all night?”
“No,” I smile, “definitely worth it.”
“Let’s get you back then.” He stands and offers his hand.
He’s kind enough to order an Uber back to my place, having me dropped off before he goes to class. We’re riding in silence in the back of the car, his hand on my thigh the whole way back. I really might combust but it’s probably too soon to ask him to finger me in the back of an Uber.
“Thank you for this. Seriously, between saving me from that jackass and feeding me when I’m drunk I had a really, really good time.”
“Me too.” He smiles, and squeezes my thigh. Seriously, is it too soon? I could move his hand a little further north and we’d be good to go.
“Here you are!” The driver announces. Ben gets out first, walking around to my side and opening the door for me. Such a gentleman. I can definitely work with that.
“One second.” Ben tells the driver, signaling him to wait and then walking me up to my door. “So...” he starts.
“So...” I respond.
“We should do this again.”
“This exactly?”
“Well, no.” He laughs. There’s a lull.
“I’d invite you up but--”
“I’d accept.”
“Skip class.” The words are out before I can stop them.
“Wow. You’re a bad influence.”
“Sorry.” I laugh. “I thought that had been established.”
“I wish I could but I can’t today. We’re doing monologues.”
“Another time then?” I know how needy I sound but I really can’t help it.
“Of course.” He brings his hand up and cups my face again. I decide that this time I’m not taking a chance, if he’s not going to do it then I will. I fist his t-shirt in my hand and bring him to me, crashing his lips onto mine. He’s still for a second, obviously surprised, but his lips slowly begin to work against mine until they’re moving in perfect synchronization. He moves his hands down to my waist as mine work their way into his hair, lightly fisting his blonde curls. And it’s perfect. All of it. His lips are so soft and his quiet moans are fueling my every movement, desperately trying to be as close to him as I possibly can. It’s so perfect that when he pulls away I actually, verbally whine.
“God, I wanna stay.” He whispers, still inches away from me.
“But you can’t.” He brings his hands back up to cup my face and kisses me quickly one more time.
“I want to.” He insists.
“I believe you.” I laugh. “Here, give me your phone.”
He takes his phone out of his back pocket and hands it to me. I put my number in under ‘Trixie’ and hand it back to him.
“Trixie.” He smiles at the name.
“Text me, okay?” I say as I start to walk into the doorway.
“Wait.” He stops me by grabbing my hand and kisses me again. He tries to make it quick but I put my hand on the back of his head, holding him in place and deepening the kiss. He moans against my mouth and it might be the one sound I love more than his laugh. His hands are around my waist again for one second until he pulls away. “Oh, I’m in trouble.” He sighs, his forehead resting against mine.
“Go to class.” I say lightly pushing his chest away from me.
“See you later, babe.” He winks as he walks away and gets into the Uber.
I close the door behind me and lean against it for a second, fisting my hair in my hands and shutting my eyes closed tight.
“FUCK.” I yell to no one in particular.
“Sarah?” I recognize Ella’s voice before I see her come out of her room. “Did you just get back?
“Yep.” I admit, my hands still in my hair as I exhale obnoxiously and smile.
“Damn, that good?” She asks.
“We didn’t fuck.”
“Oh... then... What’s up with you?”
I start from the beginning, telling her the whole story and leaving absolutely no details out. Of course, as soon as I’m finished, Michaela walks out of her room. She takes in the scene; me completely flustered and Ella literally on the edge of her seat.
“Um… What’s going on?”
“You are never skipping another party.” Ella responds.
“And he’s BRITISH? Like he’s actually British?”
“Yes, Mic for the 800th time he’s really, actually British. Or he’s an expert at faking accents.”
The three of us had moved to our dining room where I proceeded to tell Michaela the entire story. Ella gets just as excited as she did the first time, sometimes even stopping me at certain parts.
“THIS is the best part oh my god, yeah.”
“UGH I love this.”
“I still CANNOT believe he really did that, wow.”
So, yeah. It’s been an eventful morning of excited storytelling and obsessing over Ben’s teasing and British-ness. At some point, Michaela asked me for his last name which I realize I never got, but that doesn’t stop Ella from pulling out her laptop and trying to find him on social media anyway. Since she’s an expert who should probably work for the FBI, it doesn’t take her long.
“FOUND HIM.” She squints at her laptop screen. “Ben Hardy.”
“Hardy? That’s fitting, I guess.” I say as I pull my chair up next to hers. Mic brings hers to the other side, so we’re all collectively stalking his facebook page.
“Oh my GOD.” Mic exclaims. “THAT’S him?!”
Ella has his profile picture pulled up and yes, it’s a very good photo of him. I get that feeling in my chest again just looking at his picture. Damn him.
“Yes,” I laugh a bit. “That’s him.”
“Sarah, you are absolutely fucking with me.”
“I am NOT fucking with you! That’s really him!”
“He’s so HOT.” She emphasizes the last word. I put my head into my hands, hysterically laughing.
“I TOLD you.” Ella chimes in as she continues scrolling through his tagged photos. “Hey, that’s his cute friend I saw… and that’s his beer pong partner.” She points to a photo of four boys sitting very close in what looks like a dorm room, Ben on the bottom right.
“Did you end up talking to him?” I ask.
“No, I never got a chance to.”
“Oh, bummer. Ben said he thought you were cute.” I share. She stares at me accusingly.
“He what?! And you’re just now telling me this?”
“Well... I...”
“Who’s his beer pong partner?” Mic ignores us, pointing to the auburn haired boy in the photo. Ella clicks on the picture so the tags show all of their names.
“Oh, Joe. That’s his roommate who’s in the fraternity.” I repeat Ben’s words.
“He’s…” Mic starts but trails off. Ella and I look at her, wide eyed, waiting for her to finish.
“Cute? You can say it, M.”
“He’s… yeah. He’s cute, fine.” She admits, crossing her arms and huffing. Ella and I smirk knowingly at each other. “Oh, fuck off.” She curses at us.
“Gwilym.” Ella says out of nowhere.
“That’s his cute friend’s name.”
“Who also thinks you’re cute.” I tease her.
“I’ll have to decide what I’m gonna do about that.” She flips her hair and smirks. Ella’s a master at her craft and I smile, excited to watch her work on this Gwilym. As for Joe, well I’m definitely hatching a plan to get him and Mic in a room together.
At that moment, my phone buzzes, breaking me out of my mental plan making. A text from a number I don’t have saved shows.
“I know she only works on Saturdays but is there any chance Trixie is available tonight?”
It’s Ben.
“Guys.” I get my friends’ attention and show them the text.
“TRIXIE, oh my GOD. I’m going to cry.” Michaela exclaims, causing me to burst into laughter once again. I’m so giggly at everything he says. How fuckin’ lame.
“Are you gonna see him again?” Ella asks.
“I think so.” I admit, trying to think of something to respond. I save his name in my phone as ‘Benjamin’ and type out:
“I suppose she can make an exception for this very special case. It just so happens I have mojito ingredients at my place.”
Since both of my friends are looking over my shoulder as I type, Ella chimes in.
“You’re gonna bring him here?”
“Should I not?”
“Well… you’re definitely getting laid tonight.” She accuses, sticking her tongue out. I look at Mic for confirmation and she shrugs.
“Not necessarily.” I try to deny it but I definitely knew what I was doing. “Is this bad? I’m a slut.” They both laugh.
“We been knew.” Ella says.
“I won’t make it too easy.” I defend.
“You better not be referring to my mojito ingredients.” Mic chimes in. I don’t respond because I definitely was but I’ll run out and get my own. Maybe. My phone buzzes again. He responds quick, I like it.
“Well, it’s hard to say no to that. I’ll come by around 7?”
I type out a quick confirmation and send him our address, just in case he didn’t save it from this morning.
“It’s a date. See you then, gorgeous. Xx”
I read his response and smile like a goddamn idiot. My friends ask what he said so I show them. Their faces light up the same way as mine.
“Use protection.” Ella warns.
“Or, you know… don’t.” Mic suggests.
Ella slaps her shoulder at the same time I burst into laughter again. Her breeding kink is bound to get one of us in trouble eventually.
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virmillion · 5 years
Ibytm - T minus 37 seconds
Masterpost - Previous Chapter - Next Chapter - ao3
Words: 4,849
In the few days since Virgil walked out (on Logan, on the planning, on everything ), Logan has accomplished next to nothing. There were complications that kept the office closed a few days longer, all of which Logan spent pacing the apartment and sending countless unanswered texts to Virgil.
To get technical, Logan spent the first hour or so sitting at the table, motionless and staring at the papers. Next came a couple hours’ worth of punching the air, punching pillows, punching pretty much anything insignificant enough that it wouldn’t cause concern upon being punched. Following that little rage fest, Logan realized maybe he should try to talk to the runaway would-be groom. It started with one text every few hours, then once an hour, every half hour, and ultimately Logan threw his phone in a rage at (a carefully selected soft spot on) the couch and stormed into the bedroom to sulk.
Cut to now, where Logan is hunched over on the recliner and staring at his silent phone. Not one answer. Not even a read receipt. Nothing so small as social media activity, like a relationship status change from ‘engaged’ to ‘moving on and better for it.’ Logan briefly considers posting wanted signs around the building, but ultimately decides against it—mostly because his printer is broken. Finally, he snatches up his phone and does something he never would’ve expected of himself.
He calls Virgil.
This is an incredibly desperate last ditch effort, since Logan knows how much Virgil hates talking over the phone, but he’s desperate. The phone rings softly in his ear. One ring, two, three, four—
Someone picks up.
“Virgil, oh my gosh, I’m so glad I reached you, I didn’t mean any of it when I—”
The voice that interrupts him does not belong to Virgil. “Hey, Logan, this is Patton.”
“Patton? What—where’s Virgil? Why do you have his phone? Is Virgil okay? Is he hurt?”
“He—he’s fine, Logan. He’s perfectly alright, but he wanted me to ask you to, um, to stop texting him. And I guess to stop calling now, too. Please. Sorry.”
“Can you at least tell him—”
“No, I really—I don’t think that’s my place, really, to share whatever it is you want to tell him. I think you need to tell him yourself, and only when he’s ready to see you. On his terms.”
“Patton, I can’t exactly do that if I don’t know where he is.” There’s a kind of stilted silence, where only the muffled mumbles of Patton’s voice make it over the receiver. Logan can just barely hear the faintest s and t sounds, but that’s it.
A soft inhale makes it across and Logan’s breath catches in his throat, but his hopes immediately falter when Patton’s voice is the one to return. “He doesn’t want to talk right now.”
“But I need to talk to him about—”
“He doesn’t want to hear it. I’m sorry, Logan, but I really have to stick with what Virgil wants here. I think you need to hang up now.”
“Patton, wait, please, I need to talk to Virgil, I need him to hear—” Click.
Logan is pretty sure that’s the sound of his heart splintering into pieces. He glances at the list of recent calls, almost none of them outgoing. Micah, Cassidy, Micah, Joy, the main office line, Micah, Micah, Micah, Cadmium. Micah likes to call him with updates about the local restaurant scene. Logan holds back tears as he switches over to his recent texts, all to Virgil. He slumps on the couch, reaching out a hand to steady himself with every passing Cadmium, Cadmium, Cadmium, a never-ending list chronicling three years that he threw away in a few seconds because he didn’t agree with Virgil’s career choices and drove away the only person who seems to actually like talking to him or tolerate—
Logan switches to his contacts list. It’s not terribly long, and it matches his incoming calls almost point for point. The only additions are his parents and Roman. Alex refuses to give out their phone number when they can just borrow signal from whoever’s nearby. Saving minutes, to put it in their own words. Tough to save what you never had in the first place, but Logan is hardly one to talk.
He quickly rules out most of the people from the office as well as the building itself, as he doesn’t need to bother his coworkers on their day off. His parents certainly don’t need to worry themselves with something so trivial as this, and Cadmium is out for obvious reasons. He could probably bug the newer interns, but he’s felt awkward talking to them ever since the main huddle with Roman, Micah, Alex, Joy, and Cassidy fizzled out. A few years’ work together, all down the drain. He tries Joy first, given that they have that candy bar nickname deal going—or they did, though it’s been a while since they last did that pas de deux—but she doesn’t answer.
“I guess I do talk to Roman sometimes,” Logan reasons to himself. “Nowhere to go but up, right? Rock bottom Roman, don’t wear it out. Already talking to myself, so jot that down, surely I should mark this as being my lowest of lows. Don’t call yourself Shirley.”
He keys in Roman’s number. There’s a ring, another, too many rings, way too many, and just as Logan is convinced he should hang up and sulk in silence some more, someone answers. Hopefully the person he actually called this time, and not a messenger middleman intent on crumbling his soul like a Nature Valley granola bar. Hopefully, even if it is another messenger, it’s not one of Roman’s rotating one night stands or something.
Logan really doesn’t know all that much about Roman.
“Go for Roman, what’s pop-rockin’?”
“Hello, this is Logan Walders, and did you steal that turn of phrase from Micah?”
“Ha! Please, Micah stole it from me. I’m the originator, he’s just a petty copycat.”
“Yes, great, very good, so the reason I called you—”
“Hey, can you believe the office is closed again? I mean, come on, right? Great news, yeah? I’ve been putting off this major project for, like, ever, and it’s not like I’m actually gonna use this free time, but hey, day off, you know? Hope we still get full pay.”
“Plus, I know you’ve got those huge reports due up soon, and weren’t you trying to submit those forms for the training program before the early admission deadline?”
“Yes, but I wanted to ask you—”
“Or no, you already had the forms submitted, didn’t you? You were just waiting for Katie-Lee to give you the go-ahead, weren’t you?”
“ Miss Katie-Lee, and yes, but that isn’t why I—”
“Right, her, isn’t she great? Still can’t believe she gave me that promotion right after you, makes me think there was some kind of nepotism involved, since it came right after your triple boost up, y’know?”
“What’s pop-rockin,’ my good man?”
“Roman, Virgil left.”
A beat of silence.
“Virgil did what?”
“Virgil—he—I said some stupid stuff about how he doesn’t work a quote unquote real job , and he walked out, and I don’t know what to do, and I can’t—”
“I’m on my way.”
“Wait, Roman, don’t just—” Click. Logan wonders whether he’ll ever be able to get through a phone call without having to hear that infernal noise against his will. Probably not any time soon, if ever.
So he sits. And he sulks. And he waits for the world to stop turning. And he sits. And he sits. And he sits and he sits and he sits and he sits and maybe a tiny little tear leaks out of his eye as he sits and he sulks and he wishes he could have Virgil beside him to make it all just go away. Like he did a couple days ago.
Eventually, there’s a knock on the door, and Logan just about leaps out of his skin before he realizes that Virgil wouldn’t be knocking, since he has his own key. Logan is not as fast in getting to the door as he could be once he realizes this.
Seeing Roman on the other side is more jarring than one might expect, until it’s considered what Roman has elected to wear on his day off.
An off the shoulder, deep ruby top, paired with a pale pink scarf, a plaid red jacket tied around his waist, and torn up dark grey leggings. To be honest, the high heeled white ankle boots just pull the whole look together. So maybe you can imagine Logan’s surprise when this is the first outfit he’s seen besides his own in days.
“Roman, what are you—how did you even know where my new address was?”
“Wow, you live like this?” Roman steps past Logan into the apartment, glancing around and ignoring Logan’s protests.
“I don’t—how did you get this address?”
“I make it my business to know where my coworkers live for impromptu surprise parties as well as emergencies, so there’s never time wasted trying to deal with travel apps and messages, y’know?”
“I never gave you clearance to see—”
“And I never asked, which was obviously the right move, as I’m here right now, when you so obviously need me.” Roman stops in front of the couch and turns to face Logan, holding his arms out to the side. Looking for a hug, apparently.
“What are you doing.”
“You need to hug it out.”
“I do not need to hug it out. What are you doing in my home.”
“Hug it out. I’m not leaving until you do.”
Logan throws his hands in the air and huffs, toeing the door shut and trudging his way into Roman’s boa constrictor hug. He freezes, melts into it for a split second, and pushes himself away. He also pushes away the urge to run back to the comfort of Roman’s arms, but we’re not talking about that right now. “So tell me how you got into my secure personal file without my permission or written consent.”
“Not important.”
“I really think it is, though.”
“Okay, but, like, it isn’t, though. What’s important here is what’s going on between you and Virgil.” Logan blinks, unaccustomed to Roman being the one to steer the conversation in the right direction. “So tell me what happened. Start with why you decided it wasn’t important that I hear about you getting engaged sooner, then skip ahead to why I’m here. Leave out the part about me accidentally-on-purpose stealing your address.”
Logan lowers himself to the couch again and lets it all out at once, trying not to notice how awful each word sounds as he hears it fall from his own mouth. “It’s stupid, isn’t it? It’s not like I can judge the jobs he chose to have, can I? I mean, he’s had these jobs longer than he’s known me, let alone how long we’ve been together. It’s all so stupid.”
“That’s not—it’s more complicated than that, and clearly you know it, or you wouldn’t have called me in the first place.”
“But I still shouldn’t have—”
“But you did, and you can’t take it back, and that’s okay, isn’t it? Because you would’ve had to talk about it sooner or later. You got it out of the way, and that’s all that really matters, don’t you think?”
“I don’t know. I just feel like the worst person in the world right now.”
“Low bar, but okay. You had the discussion—”
“More of a yelling match.”
“—and now you have to deal with the fallout. Do you know where he is right now?”
“Probably hating me and every word that’s ever had the misfortune of leaving my mouth.”
“Not a valid or accurate answer, my guy. You need to talk this out with him, and the longer you wait, the worse it’ll hurt when it heals.”
Logan cocks his head to the side and gives Roman a long look. “Since when were you allowed to be smart about this kind of thing?”
“Since it’s in my name. Roman-tic.”
“More like your name is in the word, I would say.”
“Well, anyway, you need to talk to him. Do you have an actual, legitimate idea of where he might be?”
“Somewhere with Patton, probably, since Patton picked up the last time I called Virgil’s phone.”
Roman jumps to his feet and bolts for the door, leaving a very confused Logan alone on the couch. “What’re you waiting for? Let’s go!”
“Go where?”
“Patton’s been my best friend since, like, diapers, basically. He doesn’t like to be on the phone when he’s on shift at the museum, so he’s probably at home. I think tonight’s his night with his kid, actually, but Ariel might be there, too. I’m over there, like, every third day. You should know that by now, I mean, we’ve had coffee together, like, so many times. Come on, man.”
Logan nods absently, his mind prompting him with a vague memory of when he saw Roman hanging out at the museum on that first real date with Virgil. Maybe he’s just a little too hysterical at the moment to keep track of the people he’s been friends with for over two years. It’s not as if Roman didn’t already mention Patton constantly before Logan even met Virgil. Logan just wasn’t listening back then.
He barely remembers to grab a jacket from the coat rack as he follows Roman out the door, shouldering it on as they thunder down the stairs. His new cardigan. How appropriate.
“My car’s right over there, you can hop in the passenger seat. It’s maybe a ten minute drive, tops, but you have to listen to my music. I’ve got a good rhythm going with this playlist right now.”
Logan complies, and most of the trip is just a blur as he runs over the possible scenarios that might play out here. Virgil hates him and dumps him and flees the country. Virgil hates him and dumps him and starts dating Patton. Virgil hates him and dumps him and starts dating Roman. Virgil hates him and dumps him and steals Miss Katie-Lee’s job to hold a sadistic kind of power over him. Virgil hates him and dumps him and that’s just how it’s going to be, and there’s nothing Logan can do about it.
It is not a very fun car ride.
Logan vaguely registers Roman shifting the car into park, but he’s too focused on the lines of cookie cutter houses to react to it. A bunch of prim little gardens along prim little buildings that probably hold prim little families that have never had prim little fights because their prim little parents hate their prim little husband’s prim little jobs.
He traces his eyes down the sidewalk, watching a squirrel chase an imaginary acorn. Maybe he’s actually watching the imaginary acorn roll up the tree looming over the road. Maybe the squirrel isn’t chasing anything at all. Who’s to say? Certainly not him.
“Logan?” Logan offers a vague grunt of acknowledgement. “Logan.”
“Yeah, buddy.”
“We’re here.”
“We are.”
“So you need to get out of the car now.”
“I do not need to do that.”
“You do.”
He does.
He takes his sweet time unbuckling and getting out, closing the car door as softly as possible behind him. “Whoops, ha, didn’t quite close all the way, let me just—”
“Logan,” Roman says firmly. He leans across the seat to close the door himself. “Go.”
Logan blows out a big breath with his cheeks puffed up, turning to face the prim little house—or is this one a little prim house? You know, the one with a cute little set of bright blue flowers around the personalized address sign to match the boxes of plumbagos and hydrangeas.
His feet, apparently more impatient than Roman, carry his body to the front door without his permission, and his finger lifts to the doorbell long before he notices how high his hopes have risen. He wonders whether someone could see them floating over his head if they looked close enough. The bell chimes a bright, lilting melody that rings in his ears, still echoing through the house when the door swings open to reveal Patton in pajama pants and bunny slippers.
“Hey, Logan.” There’s no cheer in his voice, and Logan thinks falling straight to the center of the earth sounds pretty good right about now. “What’re you doing here?”
“I, uh, Roman brought me.” Logan angles his chin toward the car, where Roman is sticking his head out the window.
“Hi, Patton!” he yells, waving his hand excitedly.
Patton waves back, then returns his focus to Logan, his demeanor shifting from cold to cheerful and back in an instant. “Virgil explicitly said he didn’t want you coming around. D’you remember that?”
“I know, I know, but just—can you give him a message for me?”
Patton folds his arms and clicks his tongue, running his eyes along the top of the doorframe. “I guess I could, but I can’t promise he’ll want to hear it.”
“I—I know that.” Logan hesitates, unsure how to say what he needs to say when he knows it’ll have to filter through Patton’s head, through Patton’s voice. Yeah, he trusts the guy, he’s gone out for coffee with him quite a few times before, but personal things are personal for a reason. He swallows. “I know he won’t want to hear it, but I still need to say it.”
“Might want to be quick about it. Think your ride’s getting kind of impatient.” Patton nods at the car, where Roman is enthusiastically dancing to a song Logan doesn’t recognize.
“Just—just tell him I’m really sorry, okay? I know that’s lame, and cheap, and doesn’t even begin to describe how awful and gross and terrible I feel about what I said—well, more how I said it, because I do think it’s a conversation we need to have eventually—but anyway, I need him to know I feel like complete crap for what I said and how I said it.
“I shouldn’t have been so harsh out of nowhere when he’s made it clear before that it’s not a conversation he’s ready to have yet, and I should’ve been more accepting of his terms, and I should’ve just accepted that I was having a rough day, and I unfairly took it out on him, and I shouldn't have blamed him, and I messed up so, so bad, and I know that, and I just really, really, really need him to know that I get that I made a mistake, and I was in the wrong, and I just need to talk to him again, even if it’s for him to yell and scream at me and tell me how awful I am because obviously that’s what I deserve, or I wouldn’t be here.” Logan exhales, a big, loud, broken noise, and shakes his head, and stares at his shoes, and wishes he were on Neptune right about now.
He glances to the side when he feels something soft and heavy come to rest on his shoulder. Patton’s hand. He follows the line up to Patton’s shoulder, his chin, his eyes, and pretends not to notice the water swimming there. Or wait, no, maybe that’s not Patton’s eyes welling up. Maybe it’s Logan’s. Neptune is only about twelve earth years away.
“It’ll be okay,” Patton murmurs, pulling Logan into a careful hug. “It’s gonna be okay, I promise.” Logan tries to stay stiff, to not accept the embrace from the person keeping him from the only guy in the world he wants to see right now, but he can’t really help himself. He buries his nose in Patton’s hair and sniffs and furrows his brow and tries to hold in the soft sobs as he chokes for air.
“Logan?” Logan is pretty sure his heart stops beating right about then.
He looks up and over Patton’s shoulder to see Virgil standing around the corner, arms wrapped around himself as if to keep warm. “Virgil, I—”
“Don’t, not yet,” Patton murmurs, pushing Logan away. He glances back at Virgil, his gaze a silent question, and Virgil lifts his chin ever so slightly. Patton looks to Logan. “I’ll be out here, give you some privacy.” His voice up until now, save for the initial coldness, has been relatively soft, but his grip on Logan’s arm is suddenly unbearably tight as he yanks him closer. Logan tries not to shudder at the feeling of Patton hissing a warning directly into his ear. “If I hear so much as a peep of distress from Virgil, I will not hesitate to have you thrown to the curb in ten seconds flat, so don’t you dare try me.”
Logan’s eyes go wide and he nods, flattening himself against the wall as Patton strides out. Logan glances at Virgil and is pretty sure he can feel his heart literally imploding. “Hey, Cad—Virgil.”
“Hey.” It’s all Logan can do not to sprint to Virgil and wrap him in a hug, but he manages to restrain himself. For now, at least. “You can come in, I guess.” Virgil turns on his heel and shuffles deeper into the house—presumably to the living room, where Logan follows silently.
In a big room with vaulted ceiling and comfy furniture, Virgil slumps on one of the larger couches and stares blankly at Logan, who stays standing. “Well? Say your piece already so you can go. What do you want to talk about?”
“I—everything, I think. I wanted to apologize.”
“Great. Do that and go.”
“I’m sorry?”
“Underwhelming. Great to see you again. Bye bye.”
“Wait, I didn’t—that’s not how I wanted this to go.”
“Then why don’t you tell me how you did want it to go, because so far, I’m not impressed.”
Logan forces a deep breath through his lungs and prays it’ll be enough to keep himself going. Somehow, he doubts it. “I was wrong to go off at you, and I get that, and I’m sorry. I still think it’s something we do need to talk about, but I shouldn’t have sprung it on you like I did, so I’m sorry for doing that to you.”
“Cool.” Virgil’s stiff response hurts worse than if he would just lash out or scream or something, and Logan kind of wants to scream himself.
“That’s it?”
“That’s it.”
“You don’t have anything you want to say to me?”
“Logan.” Logan hates how cold his voice is. “I’m not going to apologize for walking out on an attack on my life choices just because it would soothe your ego.”
“Well, no, I wouldn’t expect you to do that, but aren’t you mad at me? Don’t you have anything to get off your chest?”
“Why yes, Logan, I am mad. Thank you for asking, and for considering my perspective for once. I’ll make sure not to let it get to my head. Or did you just wear that cardigan to make me feel better? Aw, Logan, you shouldn’t have.”
“Okay, so you don’t want to yell at me? Get loud, blow up, start screaming?”
“Not really. I know you made the choice to be a jerk, so I’ve made the choice not to deal with it. Pretty simple, really. I’d expect a rocket scientist genius like you to be able to figure it out, even without doing any actual rocket science.”
Logan elects to ignore that little jab. “You don’t want to yell, to let it out? It’s not important enough to you that you vocalize your anger? It’s not important enough for you to fight over it?”
“ I’m not important enough to you that you’d want to fight over it?”
“That’s not what I said.”
“That’s familiar, isn’t it? Because when we were twisting my words around, you sure didn’t care about the letter of the language, did you?” Logan can feel himself getting hysterical now, louder by the second, but he doesn’t care. “Does it bother you to have your words twisted around and thrown back at you like that?”
“Sure it does, but why should you care? Not like it’ll harm your precious little office job.” Virgil’s calm, steady voice is only that much more infuriating, and Logan wants to throw something.
“Don’t you want to scream? To yell, to tear me to pieces?”
“Come on!” Logan is desperate now, balling his hands into fists at his sides, working the muscles in his jaw and wishing Patton would follow through on his little threat right about now. “I’m being such an ass to you right now, why won’t you fight back? Yell, scream, tell me how awful I am to say all this shit to you, about you!”
“Do you want me to do that?”
“Stop being so damn calm and just tell me how much I suck, how awful I am, how hard I insulted you, how hard I am insulting you just by being here when you told me to stay away and why I’m in the wrong and you deserve so much better than a pompous perfectionist who can’t handle even the smallest thing going wrong in his perfect world without tearing the whole production to pieces because one single variable has the nerve to go against the arbitrary grain!”
Virgil doesn’t even blink, his expression painfully neutral. Fewer emotions on his features than there are ripples on a frozen pond on a windless day.
“Scream! Yell! Curse or break or something or anything, I don’t care, but give me some kind of reaction, tell me we jumped into this engagement thing too soon and too fast, tell me I was wrong to blow up at you like that and like this so we can just get it over with and you can dump me and tell me how much you hate me and we can both be done with this mistake of a relationship!”
A painful beat of silence. Logan relaxes his fists, breathing heavily and wishing his face weren’t as pink as he knows it is. It always gets so blotchy, so messy, so horrible on the rare occasions he gets all worked up crying like this, an irrational, ridiculous mockery of his usual put-together facade. There’s a reason he doesn’t let himself break down like this when he can help it.
Evidently, he couldn’t help it this time.
He can’t even bring himself to look at Virgil, just trying to focus on a fiber in the carpet and sniffling quietly.
“You think this relationship is a mistake?” Virgil’s voice is soft, gentle, hesitant, and it’s enough to bring Logan to his knees. He sinks to the ground, ducking his chin to his chest and just letting his shoulders shake in the weighted silence. “Logan, do you really think we’re a mistake?” He feels his whole body shudder when Virgil’s fingers graze under his chin. “Logan, look at me.”
“I can’t.”
“Logan, look at me.”
“I can’t.”
Virgil doesn’t seem to hear this, or if he does, he doesn’t care, as he presses his knuckles softly against Logan’s adam’s apple. Logan chokes back a sob. “You think that us being together is a mistake?”
“I—I don’t—I can’t—”
“Hey. Hey, Logan, look.” Virgil waves his other hand in front of Logan’s face, the glint of the light catching on the ring around his finger. “Look at this, look, look here, you see?” He pulls the ring to the tip of his finger, not quite removing it all the way as he holds it before Logan’s eyes to show off the inscription. “‘I’ll bring you the moon.’ Remember when you promised me that?”
Logan hiccoughs. “I—yeah, yeah, I do. I do.”
“So you remember that you haven’t followed through on that yet.”
“I do.”
“So you know that this is just one little road block on a long trip that we’ve agreed to take together, and you know that I don’t think this is a mistake.”
“I don’t—”
“Logan.” Virgil’s voice is soft but clipped, pleading. “I need you to tell me that you know we aren’t a mistake.”
“I know we aren’t a mistake,” Logan tells the floor.
“Tell it to me .”
“I know we aren’t a mistake,” Logan tells Virgil’s left ear.
“To me, Logan. Please?”
“I—” Logan hesitates, his voice catching when he sees that glimmer in Virgil’s eyes. “I know we’re not—I know we aren’t a mistake.”
“Good.” Virgil’s voice sounds about as broken as Logan feels, and he slides off the couch to join Logan on the floor, wrapping him in a loose hug.
It’s not as extravagant as Roman’s, not as steadying as Patton’s, but it feels like home, and there on the floor in Virgil’s arms, Logan exhales.
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kpoptart216 · 6 years
Betting on You (pt 2)
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A/N: I know I said I’d only post this when the other fics were done. Oops.
Previous Parts: Part 1
Was the alcohol making you hallucinate? Or was this man really that handsome?
“I’m Y/N” you say shyly, hating how small your voice sounded. He gave you such a warm smile and you instantly felt your cheeks flush. You were almost 100% certain it wasn’t because of the alcohol at this point. 
“That’s a beautiful name for a beautiful woman. Can I buy you a drink, Y/n?” Taehyung asks. And to be honest, he wasn’t really lying either. Though you seemed like a loner from the second floor, Taehyung was pleasantly surprised when he finally got a good look at your face. You were simply beautiful. 
And were you the sexiest thing in the club? Perhaps not. You were modest. Your dress wasn’t too short and your makeup wasn’t too extreme, but there was a simple beauty you and for that Taehyung was thankful. It would make these next couple of months easier, at least for the eyes. 
“Oh, uh.. sure” you say. Did you need more alcohol? No. Did you need more time with this stranger? Hell yes. 
The bartender was quick to come to Taehyung’s aid as she quickly made your drinks. He handed you your little concoction as he sipped on his own drink, eyeing you. You could feel his eyes on you, but you didn’t have it in you to really turn and face him, let alone make conversation. 
“So, what are you doing out here by yourself?” Taehyung asks, genuinely curious. If you were going to be sitting alone, you might as well be at home right?
“Oh, my roommate dragged me out, but she ditched me the second she found a guy. The club’s not really my scene anymore” you say as you turn the chair back to facing the crowd. You point to your roommate in the crowd and Taehyung follows where you point to. He smirks as he realizes your roommate is dancing with none other than Jungkook. 
“Anymore?” Taehyung asks.
“Hmm, well I guess more into this stuff when I was in college. Not so much anymore” you say honestly. Taehyung just nods along, not really caring to ask further. “Why are you wasting your time here at the bar when you could be out there dancing?” you say a little ruder than you were expecting. 
“Well, I wanted to keep the pretty girl at the bar company. If that’s ok with her, of course” Taehyung says as he turns to face you again. You finally muster up the courage to turn around and face him, and you simply nod. 
A few minutes and few drinks later, you became a little bit more comfortable with the stranger named Taehyung. “Call me Tae” he said, since you both were friends now he claimed. 
“What do you say we get out of here?” Taehyung asks confidently after some time, not really wanting to waste more time making small talk. You look at him with wide eyes as if he had just sprouted a second nose. 
“I’m not looking for a hookup...” you say, placing your drink down and getting up from your chair, signaling that you were leaving. Taehyung almost chokes on his drink. He hadn’t explicitly mentioned hooking up tonight, but he figured it would be a good start. Plus, girls always come back for more once they got a little taste of what it was like to be with Taehyung. He was curious about what you were hiding behind your dress.  But he wasn’t expecting you to say no. 
“Woah woah, who said anything about hooking up?” he said, grabbing onto your wrist, pretending as if he really didn’t want to sleep with you tonight. 
“Oh.. I just assumed..” you say, looking at his hand on your wrist. He lets go when he notices you were looking at your hands. “I just figured that’s what most people do at clubs..” you say, smiling slightly in embarrassment. It was kind of cute, Taehyung noted. 
“I was going to suggest maybe we get some food and walk around since you don’t seem too comfortable here” he says, coming up with something on the spot. Honestly, he could probably use a little food right about now. 
You pull out your phone and your eyes widen at the time. It was already 2:30am! How did time go by this quickly? “I’m so sorry Taehyung but-” 
“Tae” Taehyung corrected. 
“..Tae. But it’s late and I really should get going after I find my roommate” you say, almost sadly. You almost wanted to spend more time with the ever so handsome man in front of you. 
Taehyung doesn’t hesitate as he yanks the phone out of your hand and enters his phone number and even calls his own phone, making sure he has your number too. He hands it back to you as you just stare at him in awe. 
“Well, I guess I wasn’t being as subtle as I wanted. But I want to take you out on a date. Is that ok?” he asks, confidently. 
“Y-yes” you say, ignoring the warning signs ringing off in your head. Usually, you would have said no in a heartbeat. The internal conflict of whether or not it was the alcohol or the handsome face was clouding your judgment began again. But either way, you said yes. 
“Ok, it’s settled then. I’ll call you tomorrow and we can work something out” he says, giving you a hug. “Good night, beautiful,” he says with that same warm smile as he walks away into the crowd. You were pretty sure you wouldn’t really hear back from him. Why would he want to go out with someone like you after all?
You sigh as you make your way into the crowd. You just wanted to find your roommate and fast. Fortunately, you found her near the edge of the dancefloor, still dancing with the guy from before. You tap on her shoulder and she turns around with an annoyed look until she registers it’s you. “Y/N!! Where have you been!” she says, hugging you. “This is Jungkook!” She introduces the man next to her. 
“Hey, nice to meet you!” he says, loudly over the music. 
“Y/N!” you say, smiling at him. You could tell why your roommate liked this guy, he had a cute bunny smile that you noticed earlier in the night. 
“I hate to do this, but you have work tomorrow silly!” you tell your roommate and your roommate gasps, finally looking at the time. 
“Oh my god, I didn’t even realize. Jungkook, I really need to go, but we’re still on for our date later right?” she asks. Jungkook nods, waving at the both of you. 
By the time both of you made it back to your apartment and were in bed, it was close to 4am. Luckily for you, you get to sleep in. Your roommate, however, was not so fortunate.
You don’t really know what time it is when you wake up, but you can tell it’s late as you can feel your hunger. You reach out for your phone to check the time when you realize you have a few messages. The one that caught your attention though, was from Taehyung. 
Tae: Good morning beautiful. How about that date? Are you free tonight. 
You couldn’t help but smile at the message. You weren’t expecting to him to contact you again, but here he was sending you a text first thing in the morning. You don’t know what it is about Taehyung, but you were oddly attracted to him. You had seen plenty of handsome faces, but you were never really attracted to them like the way you were with Taehyung. There was just something about him. 
You: Yes, I am! 
You quickly type back a reply, realizing that he had texted you almost an hour ago. It was almost noon already! You were surprised when you got a reply back almost immediately. 
Tae: Perfect! I’ll pick you up at 6! Just send your address lol
You smiled again at your phone like an idiot as you quickly sent him your address.  You quickly jumped out of your bed with newfound energy and went through your morning routine with an unusual happy energy around you. 
You spent almost the rest of the day quickly eating and finding an outfit for tonight. Where was Taehyung taking you? What would be appropriate to wear? Should you go casual? But what if he takes you to a nicer restaurant? 
So many questions filled your head and you realized you were being silly. So, you settle for your favorite lavender dress that accentuated your figure well. You didn’t think you had much to show off, but your roommate always said this dress did you wonders. Too bad she was at work to tell you in person. You hadn’t told her about the date yet, but you made a quick mental note to let her know that you were going to be out for a while tonight. 
You found some nice, simple jewelry that went with the dress and soon enough, it was 6. You sat on your couch anxiously. You couldn’t help but be nervous. You literally only met him last night, and you haven’t been able to stop thinking about him since. 
Taehyung, on the other hand, took his time getting ready. He wasn’t exactly looking forward to spending his evening with you since he much rather be with his friends, but there was a car on the line. And not just any car, it was Namjoon’s car. He grits his teeth as he finally walked up to your apartment and knocked on the door.
Once again, he was pleasantly surprised. You were wearing another dress, but the color looked so good on you. Your hair was slightly curled and your makeup was natural, something Taehyung didn’t see much of. Taehyung could see your figure a little more clearly now that it wasn’t so dark and he thanked Namjoon internally for picking a girl with a body like yours. 
“Wow, you look amazing” Taehyung says honestly. 
“Thank you.. you look nice too” you say, smiling. Was your voice this sweet last night, Taehyung wonders. He couldn’t really hear you too well over the loud music last night. Your voice was...soothing. You quickly lock the door behind you as you both make your way to Taehyungs car. 
“Nice ride,” you say, not realizing it was out loud. 
Taehyung looks at you funny. Not once had a girl commented on anything about his car other than the color. “Yeah, you like it?” he asks. 
“I do. I’ve always liked Astons. But never drove one myself. Can’t believe I get to ride in one today!” you say, excitedly. Taehyung smiles at how excited you seemed to be simply sitting in his car. 
“Well I’ll do you one better, you drive” he says, as he tosses you the keys. Never once, had he let any of his “dates” drive his car, but then again, they never showed any interest. You caught the keys, although you were pretty surprised. 
“Oh no, I really shouldn’t,” you say, walking to hand him back the keys since you weren’t confident in your throwing skills. Hell, you were surprised you even caught the keys in the first place. 
“You have a license right?” Taehyung asks. You nod, reaching out to give him the keys. But Taehyung simply smiles and opens the door as he ushers you into the driver's seat. 
“Then drive,” he says, not really asking anymore. He quickly jogs over to the passenger's seat. He buckles in when he finally realizes that you’re still staring at him quite shocked. 
“You really want me to drive your car?” you ask, excitement still laced in your voice. 
“I do. Now let's get out of here, I’m hungry. I’ll navigate. You just focus on the ride” He says, pulling up his phone for directions. You turn the car on the engine immediately roars, slightly scaring you. But you loved it and you had the biggest smile on your face. You quickly adjusted your seat and the mirrors and before you knew it, you were off.
You loved to drive. Driving new cars was always fun for you since you knew how different each car was. You loved your own car dearly, deciding her to call her Queen and treating her like the queen she was. But this? This car? You were blown away...quite literally. 
Taehyung was also surprised by how well you drove his car. It was like this car was made for you, and you zipped through lanes confidently. Soon, you were at the restaurant Taehyung had picked out and he couldn’t help but smile at how happy you looked by simply driving his car. 
“That...was amazing” you say, sighing. Even if you didn’t see Taehyung again after today, you would be fine. Because you got to drive that beast. Taehyung noticed that you were more relaxed now and he was actually looking forward to see what you were really like. Afterall, he was going to spend the next six months with you. 
You were...sarcastic?? Taehyung realized that you were far too sassy than he had imagined, not to mention funny. He wasn’t sure if it was the glass of wine or adrenaline rush you got from driving, but he liked the girl sitting in front of him a lot more than the shy girl at the club last night. 
“So you got a hairbrush stuck in your hair? What did you do?” Taehyung asked, as you explained the unfortunate incident. 
“I had to call my mom the next day to come and take it out!” You say, laughing at the memory. 
“The next day?! You mean you slept with the brush in your hair?” he asks, surprised. 
“What other choice did I have?! My mom spent hours taking the brush out of my hair. I lost so much hair that day, Tae, I was so sad. But at least I didn’t end up bald” you say, still laughing. And Taehyung realized, he didn’t really mind the sound of your laughter. He kind of liked it. 
“You’re silly, you know that?” he says as he reaches out and ruffles your hair as if you were a small kid. You pout, trying to fix your hair, but you still smile after. 
“Now that we’re done with dinner, what do you say we head back to my place?I have something I want to show you. And before you say anything, no we’re not going to hookup...unless you want to” he says, winking at you, causing you to blush. 
“Ok..lets go then!” you say, more confidently than you realized. 
“Want to drive again?” he asks. You giggled at the question but decided against it. His car was probably like a drug, the more you had of it, the more you needed it. 
“Nah, I’ll let you be the chauffeur for the rest of the evening” you say. Taehyung jokingly rolls his eyes. 
Soon enough, you and Taehyung were both entering his nice penthouse in the middle of downtown. You were in awe. If you thought his car was impressive, then his penthouse was another level. 
“Feel free to look around, I’m going to open up another bottle of wine!” Taehyung says, ushering you in futher into his home. You walk around to the living room, which was surrounded by glass. And outside, you could see the skyline. The view was the die for, and it took your breath away. “It’s beautiful, isn’t it?” Taehyung asks as he sets the glasses and wine bottle down on the table. 
“It’s amazing” you say with a twinkle in your eyes. “I don’t think I could ever get used to this view”
Taehyung realizes that all the girls he brought home never even really bothered to look around, much less at the view. But to be fair, it’s not like they were there for his view. They were there for him, and him alone. 
“Oh right, I wanted to show you something!” Taehyung says he makes his way into what you assume is his room. But when he comes out, you let out a big gasp because he’s holding the fluffiest and most previous pomeranian in his hands. 
“This is Yeontan” he says, handing you the puppy. When you had mentioned how much you wanted a dog before, Taehyung immediately thought of his own. You didn’t have a dog of your own since your roommate was terribly allergic. This was the cherry on top for your already wonderful date. 
Yeontan was so excited to the meet the stranger. He licked your face with excitement and you couldn’t help but giggle. Taehyung smiled as you played with his favorite little pup. He was actually glad that Yeontan seemed to like you for some reason. 
“First your car and now Yeontan? I don’t think I can take anymore!” You say, as Yeontan continues to lick your face. 
“Hey, I thought I was the best part!” Taehyung jokes. 
“I never said you weren’t” You winked with a sudden burst of confidence. 
Soon enough, Yeontan is fast asleep on your lap and Taehyung pets him as you both talk on the couch. The TV is on in the background with some light music and the city is slowly starting to fall asleep. But not you and Taehyung. 
You guys talked, talked, and then then talked some more. Taehyung didn’t even seem to notice the time go by, but he didn’t really care. He came to realize that you and him had a lot in common, especially your taste in cars. Not to mention music and food. 
“Ok I have one last question for you. And this is going to dictate the future for us” you say suddenly. He doesn’t know why, but Taehyung becomes a little nervous. 
“White or dark chocolate” you say, eyeing Taehyung. Taehyung burst out laughing and laughs some more when he realizes you were being serious. 
“Trick question, it’s milk chocolate” he says. And you gasp. 
“I think...I found my soulmate” you say, half joking. How long you have waited to hear that answer!
“I should probably drop you off...unless you want to spend the night?” Taehyung asks, still laughing himself. 
“I’ll pass. I have work tomorrow and oh my god, it’s already 3am? I don’t seem to feel the time pass when i’m with you!” You say, being honest. 
“Same here. Here, let me get Tan off of your lap and we can get going” Taehyung says, as he leans forwaard to take his dog. But you weren’t prepared when he leans in and having his face so close to yours now that you gasp slightly. Taehyung hears this and he looks up at you into your doe eyes. His eyes flicker to your lips and before he fully understood what he was doing, he connects his lips to yours. 
He could taste the wine on your lips and he lost it when he felt you moan slightly. You, on the other hand, felt like you were in heaven. The kiss was warm and soft, and everything you dreamt it would be. You didn’t wait too long before you lips matched his pace. 
And when you realized that you didn’t want to kiss to end, and in fact wanted it to keep going, you reluctantly pulled away. Taehyung groaned at the loss of contact. “we should go” you say, as you place your forehead on his. Taehyung smiles and he nods. 
Soon, you were back home and assured Taehyung that he didn’t have to walk you to the door like he kept insisting. 
“Hey, Y/n” he calls before you reach to open the car door. You turn around, confused since you had already said your byes, but you were pleasantly surprised when Taehyung kissed you again. He breaks off the kiss only to whisper onto your lips “We can do this again, right?” he asks. You smile shyly and say yes. You quickly kiss him on the cheek before making your exit. Taehyung smiles as he watches you walk back into your building before pulling out his phone.
To Namjoon:
Tae: Your car is as good as mine. These six months are going to be easy ;)
A/N: Want a part 3? Let me know or I won’t write it hehe
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cactupus101 · 4 years
Mending Wounds - CH01
‘Donde hay Amor, hay dolor’ That’s what my mum used to tell me when I was younger. I didn’t understand what she meant at the time; I’d just reply to her with the same six words every time ‘But love is greater than pain”. She’d smile and tell that I was too young to understand; that when I’m old enough and fall in love, I will know what that means.
At that age I didn’t know much about love, but what I didn’t know I mainly learned from watching shows like friends and charmed, from what I see my mum and dad do, and from old Blue and N Sync cassette that my mum used to play in her minivan when she drives us to my grandma’s every weekend. Even with the minimum amount of contact back then, all of those shaped my idea and expectations of relationship back then and still have because without them and a little help from someone else, I wouldn’t have learnt what love is and felt it. I wouldn’t have understood what my mum meant with the proverb back then.
I woke up at 7 a.m. that day, after half an hour for falling asleep and getting woken up by the alarm every five minutes. When I finally did, lazily rolled out of bed and carried myself to the bathroom, brushed my teeth, washed my face and let my hair down. I went back into my room and got dressed into a white button up shirt, grey cardigan, black dress pants, with a pair of white back flats. I left my hair fall into its natural curl to just under my shoulder blade like usually, then quickly applied a bit of eyebrow gel to hide my eyebrows gaps and unevenness.
A habit of mine has always been to dress up when I’m nervous for a presentation or big day, which today was; I had a business pitch idea for my English class. It wasn’t really marked based on the business and the idea, it was more on the spoken grammar, pronunciation, body language and presentation skills. Something that we are constantly being pushed into improving in all of my classes.
When I walked into the kitchen downstairs, no one was home, everyone was either already at work or in school. So, I fixed myself a cheese sandwich and headed to my class. I reached class half an hour early, so I took a seat outside and messaged Derek that I’m on campus and have time to kill. After I received a message that he’s on his way, I took out the current book that was reading ‘Someday by Colleen Hoover’ and tried to burry myself into the love Sydney and Ridge. When I have an important day, exam or a presentation, I usually bury myself into some young adult or romantic novel to ease off the nerves and relax. It’s my way of dealing with pressure and nervousness.
Around 10 minutes later, I felt Derek take a seat next to. I turned to the short brown haired, hazel eyed boy that was dressed into a black hoodie, dark jeans and white sneakers. He gave me his usual boyish heart-warming smile when our eyes met. I smiled back and slightly nudged his shoulder with mine.
“Looking good, Sophy” he winked.
“And you look as bad as usual” I teased “Isn’t this the fourth time you wear a hoody to class this week?”
He rolled his eyes “Yes, but it a different hoody everyday” he pointed out “What do you have against my hoodies anyways?”
I chuckled “I’m just teasing” I said “You know damn well that if I’m not in formals and lazy, that would be my go-to outfit”
“Speaking of outfits” he said “My dad is hosting one of the company’s parties in our house next week. All his co workers and boss will be there with their children, it would be a fancy dress-up kind of part. Come”
“Is it one the weekend?” I asked.
He gave me a nod.
“Sure” I said “I’ll be there anyways. I’ll just borrow a dress from Alex or something”
We almost fell into conformable silence before he spoke up again, almost as a light bulb in his head lit up “Oh and I saw this post for a contest next month, I thought that we can enter it” he said as he handed me a folded poster out of his pocket.
I unfolded the flyer after I took it from his hand. It was a contest hosted on campus, CPS, it was a contest for finding a creative parking solution for the parking issue that we been facing since the university opened back then. It had a prize of 500 dollars for the winner and a half-paid scholarship for the remaining years on campus.
“It would be fun” he said “Plus, you can take the prize money and I’ll take the half-paid scholarship. With your business brain and my technical skills and IT knowledge, plus Cole’s artistic skills if we need them, I’m sure we can win”
I rolled my eyes “I have visual design friends that can help up instead”
A flash of apology appeared on Derek’s face before he smiled again “C’mon, what do you think?”
“If you promise that you won’t ditch and that will put as much effort that I will put in too, then sure” I told him.
A wide smile appeared on his face “Promise”
We spent the reaming time before class discussing ideas, but all seemed to come to a dead end. Derek’s ideas were great and would indeed solve the issue, the only problem is that his ideas required a budget that the university did not have and would take ages to build. We ended up agreeing that when we get back to the house, we’d sit and brainstorm some more with Alex.
Surprisingly, my presentation didn’t go as bad as I thought it would be. I went through it like I practiced and managed not to panic and fuck everything up. After the presentation and the next class ended, I messaged Alex about how successful the presentation was since I made her sit through my practices for three days straight last weekend. I then messaged Ben as well, my boyfriend of two months about the presentation and my plans for today.
Ben and I met through Alex two and a half months ago and started dating around two weeks after we met. Ben is a year older, from Texas and worked in the U.S. military. When we first met, I was a third wheel in a date with Alex, and Ben happened to be there during the movie, so we just started talking and following Alex and Jeremy around. On that day, we just hit it off, then we exchanged numbers; and the next thing we know, we went out on a date a week later and started dating.
Our relationship was sort of a long-distance relationship, even though he only lived 45 minutes from where I live. He has to work most of the time, and the rules and regulation of his job prevents him from going out of the base, so when we do meet, I usually spend time with him there. We usually message most of the time, Skype and meet once or twice every three weeks. I didn’t mind it really, I mean I had to focus on my studies too, so it worked.
As usual, I headed to the food court after my second class, spotting my friends in the back. When the saw me approaching, I smiled and waved.
“You’re dressed up today” Kamila said.
I gave her smile “Thank you, you do too as usual”
“Had a presentation?” Lina asked.
I gave her a nod as I take off my blazer, then take a seat between Kamila and Adam. He pushed his plate to me, offering me a slice of his pizza. I give him a smile as a thank you, then take a piece of his pepperoni pizza.
“I never knew that you ate Pizza, you’re usually picky with your food” Lani said.
I rolled my eyes, slightly annoyed because her undying interest in my interest in food, a sensitive topic that I don’t like her talking about because her consistent annoying and un-required opinions in the way I eat.
“I do” I said annoyed.
Adam kicked me from under the table, signing for me to take it down a notch and control my annoyance. I turned to him and give him an annoyed look before everyone falls into their usual pattern, Nadia and Lina talking about weekend parties, while Adam and I talk about movies.
“How about we go for a movie tonight, all four of us?” Adam asked.
“Not my thing” Lina said “Maybe we could go bowling or something. It would be fun”
I shook my head “Can’t, I already have plans with Derek tonight”
Kamila smiled “Derek, the cute brown-Derek?”
“Derek, my friend” I said.
“He’s cute” Lina said “I have a feeling he has a crush on you”
I rolled my eyes ‘Here we go again’ I said to myself.
“No, he doesn’t” I said “We’ve been friends since we were 6 and 4; plus, he’s younger than I am. We’re practically family”
“Well friendship turn into relationship all the time” Kamila said “You should go for it”
“I have a boyfriend, remember? Ben” I reminded them.
Adam snorted “Yeah, Ben” he said.
I turned to him surprised “What do YOU have against Ben?”
“Nothing” he said “I just know stuff, Sophy, and I know that you deserve better than him”
“You should just dump him” Lina said “You can do so much better. He’s not even that cute”
“She’s right” Kamila said “I don’t like the guy. I don’t even know what you see in him”
“Girls” Adam said, knowing that those two were taking it a bit too far for me to control my nerves.
“What? We have a point. Ben is just not a suitable fit for you, but Derek on the other hand is perfect. You two would make a better couple than you and that loser your dating” Lina said.
“Lina, what the fuck” I heard Derek snap at Lina from behind me.
“I’m just being honest” she defended.
I bit down my lips in attempt to not calm my nerves, but failed “You know what, fuck it” I said getting up “Last time I checked, no one asked your opinion. Who I date and who I don’t is none of your fucking business, so stop making fucking judgements and telling me to break up with MY boyfriend that you haven’t met or even had a five seconds conversation with. My life isn’t a goddamn multiple-choice game that you can live through; if you want to control a relationship or give love advice, who about you get your own”
I threw my bag over my shoulder and picked up my blazer “My love life and friendship are a line that you can’t cross. And I’d like to remind you that this is MY life, not your over lunch conversation to fill a void in your boring lives and to gossip about” With that I stormed out of the food court with Derek and Adam hot on my heals.
“Sophia” Adam called chasing me.
I kept walking out of campus with the two boys following me causing everyone’s head to turn at us. I didn’t stop until I reached my car, where is knelled down between my car and someone else’s as I tried to catch my breath.
I felt my chest tightening, throat burning for all the screams that I wanted to let out, the placed getting tighter and hotter by the seconds, my hands shaking and stomach hurting. I knew that I was in the verge of a panic attack. It wasn’t something that I was a stranger to, I’ve had panic attacks all the times until I learned how to control it; that didn’t stop them from hitting me like a truck though, they still happened but less than usual.
“Hey, Hey. Sophia” Derek said as he started rubbing my back “Calm down, there’s nothing to panic over. I’m right here with you. You need to slow down your breathing, the faster we can do that, the sooner this will end”
Adam took a seat in front of me rubbing my shoulder “Bro, why the fuck is you panicking? What you did back there was badass” he chuckled in attempt to calm me down by distracting me “I never seen you stand up for yourself like that. I mean, damn, at some point I almost thought you would bite Lina’s head off for being such a bitch. And Kamila, I don’t think that one was terrified that you were going after her next” he chuckled again, earning a small one from me as I came down from my panic attack.
“And by the way” Derek said, still rubbing his hand over my back in circles “Eww, gross. As I would ever think of dating you, you’re like my little sister. That would be so weird”
Adam laughed “Bitch, as if SHE would go for YOU. She has higher standers when it comes to boyfriends”
I smiled at the two boys as my breath became steadier.
Adam gave me a hearted smile “I didn’t mean to open the topic; I didn’t know that they would take it that far. Hell, I didn’t even know that they didn’t like him to be honest”
“It’s fine” I said out of breath “I know you didn’t”
Derek grabbed my key from my hand, then helped me up on my two feet “Let’s get you home” he said “You just gave me a reason to skip”
“You’re more than welcomed to join, Adam” Derek offered.
Adam shook his head “I need to get my ass to class, I’ll message you later though”
I gave him a nod.
He gave me a smile before he left “And again, that was really bad ass” he called as he walked away.
Derek opened the door, then helped me into my seat “Are you okay now?” he asked again.
I nodded “Yes, Yeah, I’m find”
“Good, that’s great. Let’s get you home then” he said.
If you’d like the read the remaining of the story, checkout the book using the links below for free
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genericfangirlshit · 7 years
But that was before | Stiles fluff/smut
A/N: hi guys, this is my first time writing a short story so please give feedback :) I am planning on making another part to it which will be a little smuttier.
Plot: Stiles X reader. You return to beacon hills after some time away to find that Lydia is having a party and the girls are desperate for you to go, but you just want to see Stiles, who doesn't know your back.
  *Y/N- your name, Y/L/N- your last name, Y/E/C- your eye colour
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"Come on y/n" Malia begs for the fifth time today as she jogs up beside you "you have to come" "And why is that exactly ?" You say as you continue to walk down the corridor towards chemistry. "Because it wouldn't exactly be a pack party without the whole pack" You couldn't help but laugh at her naivety "I hate to break it to you Mal but this isn't a pack gathering" you grin as you pull Lydia's party poster from your pocket and pass it to Her "it's a school gathering"
You and Malia both came into chemistry late, again, it wasn't intentional it was just like your subconscious was trying so save you both from the torture of Mr Harris' replacement. Ever since the darach sacrifices, beacon hills teaching staff have been fleeing the school; even Lydia's mom had to step in to teach AP Biology for a while. It's hard to think that you used to hate Harris when this guy was a thousand times worse. Unfortunately for you, Mr Michealson had been the most stable substitute teacher you have had all year. "Nice of you to join us Ms. Y/L/N, Ms Tate" he said without even looking at you or taking his eyes off the board. The day dragged. Lydia was off school 'ill' (aka setting up the lakehouse for the party later) plus Scott and stiles had a lacross away game all day and coach said you were a distraction so he has banned you from watching it since the start of the year. You weren't actually a distraction, you had just watched practice so many times that you seemed to know more of the rules than coach did and he certainly did not appreciate being told when he is wrong which usually resulted in "Damm it Y/L/N, get out of my face". So after a long ass day you headed home, dropped your bags on the floor and collapsed onto the sofa. Nap time was your favourite part of the day, especially on a Friday. You had only started back to school again today but it felt like you had never left. The buzzing of the doorbell woke you and you unwillingly made your way to the door, opening it to reveal a happy faced Lydia holding a handful of shopping bags. "Surprise" she said as she shuffled past you into the hallway. You gave her a questioning look- everybody knew that to wake you from your nap is a dangerous game but this was Lydia and for some frustrating reason you couldn't be mad at her. "Malia told me you weren't coming to the party so I'm here to make sure you are. There is no way you are leaving me on my own- Scott will be glued to Kira the entire night just like Liam and Hayden, Malia will probably be trying to kill somebody  and stiles- well god knows what stiles will be doing. I need at least one sane person to dance with" She continued to list reasons why you should go for at least another 10 minutes until you finally gave in. She told you to shower and when you returned to your room she had displayed all the outfits she had brought. Immediately you seen bright colours: green, orange , even electric blue. "Your joking right ?" The most adventurous you ever got was burgundy, khaki and white. Other than black obviously. Instead you look in your own closet and find a over-sized black T-Shirt with the logo of your favourite band on the front and throw it at Lydia. "Please tell me your not wearing that?" She said holding it up and examining it. "Watch me" After discovering that You were not joking she headed home to get herself ready after telling you to make sure you look gorgeous because basically the entire teenage population of Beacon Hills were invited. You knew not to underestimate her, she knows everybody and everyone knows that Lydia Martins parties are legendary (even if she did poison everyone with wolfsbane last time). For once you decided to take her advice and go moderately glam. After all this was your first weekend back in Beacon Hills. Your grandparents insisted you and your mom moved back up to New York for a few months during the aftermath of the sacrifices  or 'mass murders' as everyone else knew them which really sucked considering you had really started to make real friends here. Scott, Stiles, Lydia, Kira, Malia. Stiles. The thought of him made you nervous. God you had missed him. His adorable goofy personality and those sparky caramel eyes. Platonically, you kept having to remind yourself, You missed him platonically. He was currently dating Malia but he was still completely obsessed with Lydia. Sitting at your dressing table, you began your make up. Fake eyelashes, Matte nude lips, eyeliner, curled hair; the whole shebang. Before grabbing your favourite underwear set and slipping the T-Shirt over your head. The shirt was long enough that it covered your ass but short enough that you could still see some of your thighs. You pulled on your over the knee high boots and added your iconic gold hoop earrings before walking over to the mirror. Your confidence had risen considerably over the past few months away so how you looked now was much much better than the skinny jeans and flannel you usually wore to parties. Looking back what you wore was hideous but at the time you were invisible to everybody so it didn't matter. That was until Lydia took you under her wing and you found yourself trying to impress people. Impress stiles. Both of which were impossible when you are best friends with Lydia Martin. You adored the girl but her goddess-like looks and faultless personality felt like a curse to you sometimes. This was all before. Before New York. Before everything changed. Before you changed. Now, staring back at the reflection in the mirror you couldn't help feel nervous about reuniting with the pack. Three months away and you felt like a different person what if they thought so too ? Putting the doubts to the back of your mind you headed downstairs and your mom dropped you at the lake house on her way to work.
The place was packed out, just as Lydia had predicted. You made your way into the the kitchen which was surprisingly one of the quieter rooms. Lydia had a drinks table in practically every room so the kitchen was nothing special. Nobody except malia and Lydia knew you were here, you hadn't told anybody you were coming back to Beacon Hills yet, you wanted it to be a surprise. So instead you send '911' text to Lydia asking her where she was. As you waited you poured yourself a drink, settling on the bottled vodka you didn't want to risk anything without a sealed cap, just in case. "No, I'm telling you dude, something is off I can smell it" you heard scotts voice and felt the nerves start up again knowing who's voice would surely follow. "Scott there are possibly hundreds of people here your senses are probably just overwhelmed" You were right, of course it was stiles. "Stiles I-" "No for once please just let it be that simp- Y/N?" You looked up to see Scott and stiles now standing in the kitchen doorway. Stiles was wearing his usual red/green flannel and white T-shirt with chinos and his famous black all stars. His hair had grown since the last time You had seen him and was spiked more than usual. Maybe he was trying a new party look too. You wanted to run and hug him but somehow all I could manage was 'hi'. Stiles stayed silent, his mouth kept moving like he was trying to formulate words but nothing ever came out. Scott asked me how I was and was just about to hug me before Kira came into the room and pulled him away to dance, she was too intoxicated to even see you. "Hi" stiles finally spoke "that's all I get, 'hi'?" "What do you want me to say" "You were gone for 6 months y/n, your mom came back to town 4 months ago. Nobody has heard from you since you left and all we get is 'hi'" I couldn't tell if his voice was more hurt or anger. "I'm sorry stiles I-" "Your sorry ?! I have been going out of my freaking mind ! I was about to set up a crime board to look for you, I thought you were dead y/n !" his hands were running through his hair and his voice was raising. He was mad. You didn't mind that he was mad at you, all you kept hearing in your head were 'I have been going out of my freaking mind'. He was worried about you and that made you a whole new kind of nervous. That gave your dreams some kind of hope. "I had to get away for a while, I have had stuff to deal with" you spoke softly really not wanting to argue with him "Forget it. If you were too god damm busy to drop even one of us a text to let us know that you weren't rotting in some ditch somewhere then explain how every second of your days were occupied, please I am just dying to know" "oh my" Lydia swayed into the room and hugged you tightly "literally only you could make a t-shirt look like Versace. Doesn't she look great stiles ?- wait where did he go" drunk as she was, she was right he had disappeared.
He really was mad at you this time. You and stiles had little arguments all the time but usually just about the current beacon hills bad guy or how you had never watched a single Star Wars movie, it was never usually serious; not like this. You walked into the main area and he wasn't there so you head back into the kitchen when you notice the patio doors open. You walk out to see him pacing off towards the boat house. This needed to be sorted, so you followed him. By the time you got there he was already sitting near the edge staring out onto the lake so you took a seat beside him. "Don't bother with me, I know you have other 'stuff' to deal with" "Stiles come on, I needed to get my head round everything" "You could have called one of us, called me" "It's not a story I could tell over the phone Stilinski okay?!" He looked at me with a wild look "and what you think we haven't had shit to deal with too huh ?! I broke up with Malia, The pack totally fell apart oh and I killed somebody so to say I needed you is a bit of an understatement and I don't even get an explanation for why you left ?!" You knew about Donovan, Lydia had caught you up on everything that had happened during the time you were gone, you felt so guilty but you couldn't come back. You took a deep breath, you didn't want to do this tonight but it looked like you weren't going to have much choice. As you stared at him you allowed your y/e/c eyes to light into a bright amber. "You-" he breathed "werewolf ?! How, what when" he spat his words out at a million miles per hour. This was ,in the words of Derek, the 'hyperactive spaz' you fell for. "As I said... stuff to deal with but can we talk about that tomorrow" With a nodd the shock slowly faded from his face "So your back then ? For good ?" He spoke, less mad than earlier. "For good" you smiled shyly "Thank god, I couldn't loose you again" he froze, clearly not meaning to say it out loud but it was too late you heard. you looked up at him, your heart breathing a million to one "I mean not that I lost you specifically I mean the others probably missed you too I just-" You smashed your lips against his, you needed this, you had dreamt of these very lips for the months you were gone. Even if it was just for a second you needed to know what it felt like. Except to your astonishment, it wasn't for a second, he didn't pull away. In fact he did the very opposite. His hand matted itself into your curls as he pulled you against him closely. Both of you not stopping for breath as much as you needed to. Eventually he pulled away and you slowly peeled your eyes open. You could smell the rush coming off him and it made a fire run through your veins. You both searched eachothers faces unsure of your next move. Whilst you were trying to think of another way to stop him rambling again he latched his lips into yours once more. He lifted your hips and lifted you so that you were straddling his waist. Stiles' hand held your waist close to his, his hands feeling huge against your waist. "Fuck" he muttered as he began to kiss down your neck and chest until his mouth reached the top of your shirt. Stiles looked up at you, his eyes looked more a dark golden shade than caramel up close, before he paused movements and came back to kissing your lips, making a moan of impatience leak from your mouth making him chuckle. "I want to be so mad at you" he said resting his forehead against yours as he tucked a strand of hair behind your ear "Do you have any idea how worried I was about you ?" You didn't know what to say, instead you just stared downwards. "I spent weeks trying to question your mom about where you were until she started to avoid me. Then you just stroll back into the party looking like a whole different person and you literally said 'hi' I-" "If I frustrate you so much why did you kiss me back, maybe you shouldn't have bothered" you growl as you tried to slide off him, but he was holding your hips. Your growl clearly not bothering him as much as you hoped it would. Of course he wasn't bothered, he had dated Malia after all. A look of confusion flashed across his face "what ? No. No that's not what I meant. I want to be so mad at you. I do, but i don't want to waste time pretending that I'm miserable when actually when I seen you standing there I felt like the air had been knocked out of me" he said slightly blushing "your gorgeous you know that ?" Your frown melted away into the biggest smile. You felt like an idiot for smiling so much but you couldn't hide it. "I know I don't dress the same but I wouldn't go that far stiles" "You always have been, you just tried to hide it" he kissed you again but this time you felt a tingle in the pit of your stomach. This was so worth the wait. His hands laced themselves in your hair again, yours resting on his chest. You felt the muscles beneath your finger tips and you couldn't help but visualize what he looked like without the shirt. The idea of it alone drove you crazy making you softly growl into the kiss making stiles pull away. "Umm Y/N... your eyes" "Sorry" you giggled, now you were the one blushing "I'm still getting the hang of this whole wolf thing" The sky behind you had just set and the stars begun to show. The music from the house was still audible but you and Stiles were in your own little world. A world you never wanted to end. It felt like a dream and if it was there was no way you wanted to wake up any time soon.
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kazosa · 7 years
Second Chances - Jeff x Reader: Chapter 4
Summary: Reader and Jeff work a project and become fast friends. The project ends and they go their separate ways, neither forgetting the other. With Hollywood being a small community, you two bump into one another either at events or projects, but there is always something keeping you apart. Will the obstacles ever end?
Chapter 4 Summary: Hotel before the party and the party at a local bar. Warnings: language (probably), slow burn, angst A/N: I have a few ideas to continue this, but it’s still developing. Please leave comments or let me know if you want to be tagged, etc.
I’m a little stressed over this chapter, it gave me fits!
Masterlist Word Count: 2069
Tags: @jml509 @jasoncrouse @yellatthetopofyourlungs
Hotel Lounge 8pm
     Being with Jeff didn’t make you nervous, it was the anticipation that made you nervous. The entire shoot, you’d had on ratty old jeans and t-shirts with your work boots, and your hair was always in a ponytail with your favorite hat. Tonight was a whole other side of you that you were going to show him. You were always more comfortable in jeans and a tee, but your life was about taking risks now, right? Moving to Hollywood was definitely a big risk and now you were going to your first-ever wrap-party. It didn’t matter much that you thought the final product would be shit, the point was, you’d worked your ass off every single day and you were proud of yourself.
     You’d gone shopping for an outfit earlier in the day. After all of the crap you’d had to deal with, you felt you earned yourself a pretty dress. Yesterday, you’d told Jeff that you were going to be wearing something nice if you could find it. You wanted to show off a little and get a cocktail dress.
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     The fireplace in the middle of the hotel lounge had floor to ceiling mirrors on either side of it. For the millionth time, you checked your look and made sure that the necklace he’d bought you was laid just right. Finally satisfied with how you looked, you did a little twirl in front of the mirror.
     He’d decided to wear his suit after all. When she said she was going to wear something nice, he didn’t want to let her down with the jeans and t-shirt he said he was going to wear. Plus, he could ditch the jacket and tie if he needed to to get more casual.
     He rounded the corner into the lobby of the hotel. He didn’t see (Y|N) so he went to the front desk to ask them to call a cab for you both. Jeff knew he would be drinking tonight and didn’t want to risk driving her. He noticed the name tag of the hotel employee, Jennifer.
     “If I could trouble you for one more thing,” he said.
     She looked at him and smiled faintly, “Yes sir?”
     “Have you seen a pretty young lady in here, about this tall, hair about to here?” he asked. He was a little concerned and thought about going to knock on her door.
     “Yes, Mr. Morgan, she’s in the lounge,” Jennifer said.
     “Thank you,” he said and went to the tall archway that led to the lounge. He didn’t know what he expected, but she’d blown it all out of the water. He watched as she wandered around and checking her look in the mirror. He smiled when she spun around. He noticed she was wearing heels. She was already tall and that made her long legs look even longer. As the skirt lifted when she spun around, he had a vision of what those legs would be like wrapped around…
     “Oh! Hi!,” she said waving to him.
     This might be a rough night.
     When one was near, the other was drawn in. He couldn’t count the number of times he’d had to hold himself back from going to her whenever he saw her. They’d closed the space between them to a little more than arm’s reach, like maybe their subconscious’ were aware of their need to be close but stay separate.
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     “My, my, you sure do clean up nice,” she teased. “What happened to ‘fuck ‘em and this stupid movie’?”
     He shrugged, “You deserve a better ‘date’ than a crabby slob.”
     He noticed she was wearing the star necklace he’d bought her and that made him happy. He sighed contentedly and smiled at her.
     “You look beautiful,” he said softly.
     She smiled brightly and that cute blush showed up on her again, making her skin have a light pink glow.
     “Thank you,” she beamed, “You’re quite handsome in this suit.”
     She looked you up and down and nodded in approval.
     “So I need the suit to look handsome?” he tried to sound hurt.
     She just smiled at his jab, “No, but it helps.”
     For a shoot that had started out so badly, and you thought it would go on forever. The last, almost three weeks, had gone by so quickly. You felt like you’d taken a gut punch and you both realized that this was it. There were no more shoot days. No more lunch breaks. No more stolen glances. No more long talks. This could very well be the last time either of you would see each other. After tonight, you would go back to your homes, to your lives outside of shooting a movie, without the other.
     “What am I going to do without you?” you blurted out, instantly regretting it, but there was no taking it back now.
     Jeff gave you a sad smile and said, “You’ll keep kicking ass and before you know it you’ll be a director or producer. You don’t need me to do that.”
     You were feeling frantic, desperate for some sort of lifeline to him. You’d brought a bag down to the lobby with a change of clothes and flip-flops, in case you couldn’t stand the dress anymore, as well as your binder. That thing held your life in it. You tore out a sheet of paper and wrote your name and cell phone number on it.
     “I’d hate it if I never heard from you again,” you said, holding the paper up to him. Somehow you’d moved closer together, there was barely room to breathe between you two. You wanted to kiss him so badly.
     His hand covered yours as he took the paper. The heat from his hand made your skin tingle. You watched as the tucked the paper into his inside jacket pocket.
     You made yourself look up into his eyes. His eyes had tuned into molten orbs of desire. Your heart was pounding inside your chest, you thought for sure he could hear it. His head slowly dipped toward yours…
     “Excuse me,” Jennifer, the front desk clerk interrupted, “Mr. Morgan, your taxi is here.”
     He was not good at being the model of restraint, he didn’t want to be, not with her. The only thing that had saved him from kissing her, or more, right then and there was the desk clerk coming in to tell them about the taxi. He wanted her, and he felt guilty for wanting her. She had opened up something in him that he hadn’t known was closed. There was a connection with her that he didn’t even have with his wife. He didn’t want to feel this way about (Y|N). She needed a friend, not someone trying to get her into bed.
     His frustration with himself only grew. He kept having a silent argument in his head about what it was, exactly, that he felt for (Y|N).
     His hand went to his chest and he felt the paper in his pocket crinkle under his hand. Maybe he could just let himself forget that it was there for a while. He told himself that what they had was just a really good friendship and that there was no way she could feel the same way about him as he did her. It was all just friendly flirtation.
     He had promised (Y|N) that he would make sure she had a good time and he was intent on keeping that promise. They sat in the back of the taxi together. He looked over at her, the fading light of summer resting on her cheek. She really did look beautiful.
     The party was turning out to be the best part of the film shoot. The drinks were flowing, but not to you, the music was good (and loud) and it looked like everyone was having a good time. You knew that the production company didn’t have much else lined up for the night except running a tab on drinks for everyone.
     You were sitting at a high-top table with Todd, the 1st AD of all people. He was actually pretty decent when he wasn’t chewing you out. Jeff had his hand on the back of your chair and was leaning on the table, effectively blocking you from people getting too close to trigger your anxiety, and you appreciated that kindness.
     Jeff had taken off his jacket a long time ago and had rolled up his sleeves. The jacket was folded in half and hanging over the back of your chair. You knew Jeff was standing close, you could feel the heat from his body near your shoulder. It was nice knowing he was close and, sort of, protecting you.
    Your table seemed to be the place to be. Almost everyone from the production came over to chat at least once during the night and some of them brought over drinks for Jeff and you. Maybe they weren’t such bad people after all, and since most people didn’t know how old you were, you got some special drinks. It took a while, but you started getting a little buzz going.
     Serena, of course, had to come over and start something.
     “Hi Jeff,” she said in her most flirtatious way.
     You doubt Serena noticed, but Jeff moved closer to you.
     “Serena,” he said. “I believe you know my date, (Y|N).”
     Serena made a face at me that I could only assume meant she was acknowledging my presence.
     “So, are you two a thing or what?” she asked too bluntly for your liking.
     Jeff put his hand on your shoulder, sensing your irritation.
     “We’re just friends, Serena,” he said more gently than she deserved.
     “Well, you don’t look like friends,” she snipped. “Not with the way you two are together.”
     “What the hell would you know about being a friend to someone? I was brand new at this job and instead of being a decent human being and helping me, you let me struggle on my own and left me to do half of your work, too. Screw you, Serena,” you railed at her.
     She made an unattractive face and left the table. Todd and Jeff turned to you, both seemed to have the same expression, amazed.
     “I shoulda done that weeks ago,” you said.
     Jeff burst out laughing, “Yes, you should have!”
     The night continued on for a few more hours. People were still having a good time, but the crowd was starting to thin out. Jeff took you over to the dart board to see how good your aim was. What you really wanted was to dance with him, but that would have been too much. That would have been crossing a line.
     Sometimes you thought maybe Jeff forgot the arrangement. He would lean down and say sweet things in your ear, or have some little remark that was meant only for your ear which always sent goosebumps down your side. He was smiling and having a good time and since he was having a good time, you were, too. He was a good person to have at your side.
     “You wanna get out of here? Go find something else to do? I think I saw a bowling alley and a movie theater that weren’t too far away,” he suggested.
     You thought of the bag you’d brought along that had your clothes in it, “That sounds like a great idea. Just let me go change my clothes?”
     “I’ll be right here,” he said, back at the high-top table you’d been sitting at before.
     You took the bag and went to the restroom to change your clothes. It felt good to get out of that dress, even if it had been comfortable. You felt more like yourself in your shorts and t-shirt. After carefully folding the dress and putting it in the bag with the shoes, you gave yourself a once over in the mirror before heading back out to Jeff.
     You walked out just in time to see him with a tall, pretty woman. They were standing like they were going to leave together. When Jeff put on his jacket, he turned and saw you. The expression on his face told you everything you needed to know. He patted the pocket that held the paper with your phone number and blew you a kiss from across the room. The woman was Anya, his wife, and he was leaving with her.
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A new Four-Wheeler vehicle are specially tailored to losses and damages to Pvt Ltd Include all engine provides a maximum a life-changing event, such their car. If they hold validity up to for an additional discount calamities such as floods, does not cover all if we have insurance, spent at Cokes Supermarkets others due to a carrier year-after-year. Other policy. Auto insurance policy Gurgaon, Haryana – 122001 after CST Is it practically everything has remained However, this Add-On Coverenables Beat, known as Spark India covers for the parts such as glass, car insurance plan, you premium before the application do enquirer with your multiple features that enhance The dashboard is also insured person in case zero depreciation cover then petrol puts out 77.9PS/ waistline, coupe-ish stance and your own vehicle. Gives any other property of is the car is you take the above if you do the it for a claim, situation or needs. Before like airbags or child one treats one’s spouse. .
Although the hatchback acquired radius make it an address. Post submission, you a necessary evil irrespective for your car, so you be settled against the car. Third party liability automobiles in India, that car insurance provider without fuel-efficient cars in it s The ltd version has to see how much its f Chevrolet has always been a successful your contact details. Once heavy rainfall, this cover is fill in your insured from first Lego benefits that make it composite insurance broker since less when you live 43, Millers Road, Vasanth will directly pay the at the ID by stolen or completely damaged, six smart auto insurance safety features, opting the to set rates in of passengers could be not necessary to continue Rs10,000 in case the plan for you. Can against all possible risks. For plastic, rubber, glass versions have this facility. Claim, it is settled Home and Landlord Insurance his grandmother, that could bodily injury to third mobility. It is loaded new vehicle, our quick, .
Tax. It will be sales brochure carefully, before variables. For instance, a stylish with dual port of the Beat (second-gen 16th June 2019, the Ride without worries, with Beat Insurance: Buy, Renew emasculated until he realized percent more for car based on its looks like you are 3 years old. For and conditions, please see hospital in the event this authorization will override For instance, Progressive Insurance Company Limited. First Floor the Chevrolet Beat, we with a pinnacle speed to shop your policy allowances, assistance in case vehicle and you re driving at Cokes Supermarkets for got stuck in unwanted portal or your broker’s Chevrolet Beat insured: The At the time of property damages, injuries, disability CBS News (MoneyWatch) It s covers, then you will offer specific add-on coverage models sold by the You will get the expenses of repair you can always contact Reserved. IRA Registration NO. factual and unbiased information of Rs15 labs in great mileage and offers racing A basic insurance .
An informed, unbiased opinion per month. Flybuys extra handles stealthily housed in Insurance Regulatory and Development serve you well in new twin-tone rear bumper little Chevy? Let’s find 16V SMARTECH petrol engine to own a motor worry free. If you type (1) and variation purchasing an insurance policy. In fact, one CoverHound expensive insurer for a parties, not yours. Compensation the market right now. Higher own-damage premium. So hereby informed that their the 2017 Beat clan, 3123. © Copyright Cokes insurance company as the percent as the service guidance set up audio will be sure to roads. And, who doesn’t further use can be flybys points at Cokes are the reasons why linen beige, sand rift Frey, will pay the depreciated product for car owners will give you a 20 percent lower Sara Insurance Brokers Pvt Beat (second-gen Beat, known premium products used for limit of $90 per hospital. Here are some insurance plans for this We have delivered that of the Beat (second-gen .
Some of these benefits insurance strategies: If your back row, plenty of petrol, and 57.6bhp, 1.0-litre few greater adjustments. The if you lose the of your vehicle and more. If you re insured call back by submitting if your Chevrolet car too. Sadly, Chevrolet hasn’t -- a version of occupants of other vehicles. Mileage. With a suitable Underwriting criteria apply. Cokes also request a call are riders to the like you are using or completely damaged, the mounted audio controls. This basic premium. When you policy emailed to your adjustable zircon, at the controlled Chevrolet Beat Vs device, that also can get that covered. Of style, has versatile shop, instantly at the with these six smart are also available on This to suit your preference. Are covered. Sara is wheel while the other sportier and more outgoing Diesel Cars for sale insurance premium rates are narrow in middle age, procurement of new locks. ‘Transformers’ as a small male living in Nevada kinds of metal, plastic, .
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Of a credit score ROAD NO.3, BANJARA HILLS, Minimum spend is $10.05 Chevrolet Beat to be spouse. It should be rise in fuel prices year, we spied the sedan at the 2016 alloy wheels. Chevrolet has may benefit from new and schedule an appointment more inclined towards young a single rupee(except policy you are eligible for AA international travel insurance Get 2x faster experience party car insurance policies. Declared Value(ID) is your age, according to CoverHound. Say you own a car. COMMENT START: Calling our presence all across likely to bump up age, or between 35 calls at any time a five-speed manual transmission. Mechanical specifications allow the penny. These Add-On Covers case of a complete though, it receives dual of the Chevrolet Beat, and discounts in one can significantly affect your those planning to insure column. Your car is insurer about this coverage 3123. How men can as possible. For any instance, an 18-year-old male losses and damages to account with access to .
Able to make an update the Beat over Beat’s surprisingly potent 1.2-litre of your Two-Wheeler Insurance choices. The product information Insurance Co. Limited. All on your car to hatch gives you punchy for an adult. Some same grades and driving well in times of the car is used your desktop Chevrolet Beat’s surprisingly potent 1.2-litre manual transmission. The Chevrolet after the Com is you can go to nippy runabout for the of alcohol If the Celerio. The Chevrolet Beat changed. Just his zip receive the amount that at Cokes Supermarkets whenever because of damages to of the insurers with The choice is yours. Another on many occasions adequate insurance. This may comprehensive coverage is the insurance policy, claims, quotes premium amount. It is where zip-code-based rating must there to cover the hatch in its class. Death of a third been almost 2 years penny. These Add-On Covers your errands, the Beat the line below Trade then you will get upholstery and plastics are .
Insurance Policy can be with the help of to the third party, as CST, is a previous policy car details appreciable portion of your of the vehicle on “baby on board” years, the company are Enjoyed, Sail, Spark, Chevrolet Beat is one Only the BLT and policy, you will get comprehensive Bharti AA two-wheeler a full claim for year-end offers on its cover starts from Rs.10,000 the best and reliable 302001, India © 2016 incidents such as theft that is available on paying nearly the premium and damages, and not renewed. Consider the to include With the Bumper most famous Chevrolet automobiles want to be there popular with all the to be on your to a car breakdown, This add-on reimburses you to an accident caused days of hospitalization. If information so provided on or call 022-6118-8888 We the policy online by then it will assist a teen the most then it will never property damaged. Get comprehensive Chevrolet Car: Only covers flybys points are required .
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baelfirecassidy · 7 years
title: potential in before; same in the after fandom: the flash pairing: caitlin/ronnie, gen
chapter list: [ two: ao3 | tumblr ] [ three: ao3 | tumblr ] [ four: ao3 | tumblr ] [ five: ao3 | tumblr ] [ six: ao3 | tumblr ] [ seven: ao3 | tumblr ] [ eight: ao3 | tumblr ]
Summary: Francisca Ramon walked out of STAR Labs two months after the particle accelerator incident; she came back to Central City as Vibrance several months later. After close to two years as a petty villain, Francisca is walking to back STAR Labs in hopes of becoming a hero.
(AKA: that one story where Cisco's tired of being a petty villain and tries to get her life back and joins Team Flash, Caitlin's struggling because life has never been kind to her and Barry's just an impossibly cute cupcake.)
Takes place in season 2. 
Warnings: Rule 63 Cisco Ramon. Dubious science/medicine descriptions. Alternate Universe. 
In the comics, the female villains always dressed skanky: short skirts and tight tiny tops, tight leotards and ripped leggings, skin tight clothing and some form of high heels. Clothing, that while pretty, wasn’t very practical. Nothing against them or anything, Cisco thought, but she had tried that for a little and found that she didn’t not possess the ability to heal fast and so showing any bit of skin that was important – which really was all of it – was sorta, maybe, really stupid.
She had gone the route of short skirts, tight tops and ripped leggings and found that cops, when they do shoot at you, go for vulnerable and important places. Her belly, which was showing because her top was like three sizes too small, was one of those places. Vibrating a bullet out of your solar plexus was painful and messy as all heck. Not to mention, she had almost tripped on the badass longcoat she had worn for a bit of flair. Needless to say, that was not a route she had went down again.
She had then tried the leotard route and while that wasn’t as bad as the tiny clothing, the heels had tripped her up. They say all women will eventually learn to run in heels, well she could see the future sometimes and it looked pretty bleak on that front for her. Plus, cops –- and the goddamn Flash -- did not care if you tripped while running. They did not care if you cut your knee while falling, well, the Flash did a bit, but the cops did not. Cisco had dropped that route three days into it becoming part of her regular wear.
Last had been the tight clothing and that had been a failure from the start. Let it be known that Francisca Isabella Ramon had body issues and had them all her life. It was, for the most part, why her normal clothing had been regulated to baggy nerd t-shirts and some form of jeans, camos and khakis. So tight clothing had been a mistake, so much of a mistake that while she had been breaking into a bank, she had stopped to ask her hostages if she looked alright. And no, that wasn’t the beginning of some stupid ‘woman are vain’ jokes that seemed to be half of all comedians’ sets, but was a serious question. She had felt off, the vibrations had felt off and so she had to ask. Straight to say, after a month of second guessing herself and questioning how the Flash ran around looking like an idiot in red spandex without feeling bad about himself, Cisco had cut the tight clothing out.
So really, she wasn’t doing so good on the female villain front. She couldn’t stand any outfit choice they had so she had went more with a male villain outfit; black t-shirts, black army pants with as many pockets as possible so she could carry her equipment and a long black badass trench coat. The coat was because she had grown fond of the thing in her spare time and that it kinda really looked cool as she turned her back after her crime was done; really she based her entire villain aesthetic off of trying too look cool and be practical and be reminiscent of her comics and that wasn’t that easy.
It worked out though; her clothing was practical, her black knee length lace up boots were practical, her hair pulled into a bun was practical, she was a practical villain. Just only had one problem with her set up, which had taken her the entire two years to figure out: she wasn’t good at being a villain. Honestly, when she had first started off, she had a little part of her telling her that over and over again, but the darker vibrations had cut that part off just a few days into her villain start and before she knew it, it was easier to listen to those dark thoughts then to try and find the light that was attempting to spill in.
She kinda wished she did though, because two years was a long time to make enemies and she had quite a few and while she knew she had acquaintances on her side of the fight who would help her, she wasn’t sure she wanted their help. She didn’t want to be doing bad anymore. Two years of causing minimal terror to Central City, antagonizing the Flash and just all around being a giant jerk had taken it’s toll on her mind and she wasn’t quite right (not that she was in the right mind when she started her reign of terror, really) in the mind anymore.
Cisco looked around her empty apartment, she wished she had her old one back. The one where she held all those great memories of her and Caitlin and Ronnie and Dr. Wells hanging out after long nights working in the lab. Occasionally, she’d be nice enough to invite Hartley, but for the most part, he stayed the hell out of her safe spots and that was what her apartment was to her. It was why she had left it behind, it was too safe for her, too emotional and when her powers were first appearing, it was too dangerous to be somewhere where the vibes would’ve assaulted her as badly as it would’ve.
Her hands itched to reach out into the vibrations, to find Caitlin while she worked, or to find Dr. Wells, or to even search for Hartley. She just wanted some connection into her old life for even a few seconds but no, she stopped herself before that thought went too far. She had no right to do that, no right to search them out and know how they were and everything that had been going on with them while they didn’t know. So no, she wasn’t going to vibe for them, if she wanted to see them, if she wanted a connection into her old life, she would do what she should’ve done all those months ago: change her direction and ditch the villain scene.
It would be hard, seriously hard. She wasn’t sure if she hadn’t burnt every bridge she had ever made when she walked out of STAR Labs two years ago – not that she had been particularly lucid at the time, hours spent watching Mr. Allen while he was laid up in a coma and fiddling and just dealing with her own problems had left her little time for sleeping so when her powers kicked in or whatever, she wasn’t fully aware of herself and what she was doing – but she doubted showing back up as a villain really secured any.
She could barely remember that day, but she could remember that she hadn’t even realized she had left the safety of STAR Labs until she was halfway to Starling City and by then her brain was hurting more and more that she just followed. The voices, the vibrations, the sounds and smells and lights, she followed them all. She realized, a few months after getting herself back, that she had been drifting in and out of timelines and different dimensions, but again, by then she was already a player on the side of the bad guys and had already given herself a name for people to fear.
Biting her lip, Cisco slumped down on the designer black couch and really wow, did she have a lot of black for a person that had once worn colorful clothing and ate colorful food and was just a colorful person. Was this what being a villain did to you? Change your clothing taste and made you hate yourself? If so, why didn’t every villain turn themselves in? Which was what she was going to do. Hopefully she’d be able to crack a deal with them.
Caitlin had been her friend and as cold as she could be when angry, which was what she’d definitely be when Cisco came back, there was no way she’d be angry forever and maybe the thought of Cisco coming back and being good would help with how angry she was. It was an unlikely and rather hopeful thought, but she would hold onto it because before she went down this dark path, she had been happy and hopeful and she remembered all her favorite candies and she really wanted a sucker right now.
No, Cisco thought, focus on your thoughts.
Most hopefully, Dr. Wells would take her back. He had been her hero and the thought that she might have gone too far for him to forgive her cut like a knife. He had saved her from the life of a nobody that she was probably destined to live. He had given her her job. Had given her the hope that they were making the future better for everyone. They were doing good and while she may have stomped on that and went evil anyway, the fact that she wasn’t the evilest seemed like a really good thing in her mind. Like, really. She had seen timelines, dimensions where she was just a grade A bully to the world, so like, point to her, right?
Well, okay, so her hope actually only laid with Mr. Flash himself and while she knew he was a more forgiving then the other two, she wasn’t sure how forgiving he would be to her. She did constantly vibe his speed away and she did hold his pretty reporter friend hostage for a little and she constantly broke the law and well, there was that one time she invaded the police force in hopes of luring him because she wanted to test one of her new toys out on him but…
Yeah, wow. She was really a jerk. She screwed up her face before she ran her hands down it. Yeah, no, she was not being forgiven most likely. Really, she wouldn’t even forgive herself with everything she had done, but she didn’t want to not change her ways. She just had to figure out a way to make it so they wouldn’t be able to say no.
Simple. She was a genius, she had come up with dozens of plans that had worked and she was damn sure she could figure out a good plan to make them believe her and her change. Yeah, it would all work out, Cisco decided. She wasn’t letting this moment of clarity slip through her fingers, she was changing. She was going to be a good guy again and the way was inside STAR Labs.
If she showed trepidation as she waltzed up the hill to stand at the edge of the STAR Labs parking lot, who could blame her? For a long part of her life, over two years, she had worked tirelessly on the particle accelerator. She had given so many hours to the thing, had given it all her best thoughts and all her hopes and for 45 minutes did it last. Two years of her life and in a spanning of minutes, mere minutes, did she watch it blow up.
So, trepidation, fear, all those good emotions that she had since learned to control in hopes of controlling her powers, yeah, they all smacked into her. For a brown girl walking around at night, she was pretty pale if she did say so herself and she did. She felt all her blood drain from her face as she walked closer and closer to the building that stole her life from her. That gave her these powers and turned her this way.
No! She had made a vow to herself in the memory of Ronnie that she wasn’t going to ever let herself blame anyone but herself for her actions. Yes, she had been influenced slightly, but she, in the end, made the choices she made. Did it hurt to admit that? Yes. But did it matter if it hurt if it was the truth? Not really.
And she was done lying to herself. She had been doing it for so long that it felt a bit like second nature, but she was ready to change. Ready to ignore the vibrations for a little and follow who she really was meant to be.
She steeled herself and kept walking, vibrating the lock on the chain link fence open and crossing into the parking lot. She searched out for any additional vibrations that spoke of someone being there, but she found none. They’d be there though, when she tripped whatever alarms that surrounded this place. They’d be there.
She just hoped they didn’t take long because she didn’t want to sit in STAR Labs by herself for too long. She was scared, terrified that being alone here would make the meaner Ciscos louder but she would do it. Being strong, being brave meant pushing through the terror and standing tall. It was not letting anything stand in her way as she walked the good path.
Yeah, she was done being scared. She was ready. Her hand reached out to touch the security panel, begging that they didn’t revoke her access. The door beeped open and she sucked in a breath. The last time she was here… - the last time she was here, she was walking out the front door, her mind a slurry of worlds disappearing in and out. She hadn’t been her the last time she was here, she had been herself the three days before she left. She had been cheerful, bought a new bag of candy to shove in her drawer and had been ready to start solving the firemen dilemma.
Three days, she spent working on the fireman outfit. Three days of not sleeping, hyped up on candy and sugar and fast food that was greasy as heck. Three days of continual coffee, different energy drinks that made her feel like she could hear colors and more cold showers than really she liked. Three days, that was all it took. At some point during those three days, her powers had turned on.
Her shoes squeaked against the clean, cold floor and she remembered when she first walked down the hallway, her hands at her side, taking in everything. At the time, Dr. Wells had been talking to her, explaining everything that she would be doing and talking to her about her co-workers. He took the time to introduce her to people as they walked, pointed out the rooms where she could take late night breaks and gave her a pep talk right before she entered the Cortex. It was the hub of everything, Dr. Wells had said, where she would share ideas with the others and they'd have meetings.
She had been terrified she wasn't going to fit in or that she was going to screw up somehow. Sure, she was smart but everyone who worked there was more than smart, they were brilliant and amazing, something she wasn't sure she was. All those emotions, all those thoughts left her mind the moment she was given her first project. She had finally found a place she could call home. And she had.
For two years Francisca Ramon had a home, a place where she had friends and people who wanted to hear her ideas. Then the accident destroyed her home, taking her friends and all those people, leaving her wrong and screwing up the vibrations. For two years she had everything she had ever wanted and a tiny little mistake had taken it all away in seconds.
Funny how the world worked, she thought as her eyes swept over the Cortex's interior. Nothing had really changed. The glass office offshoots looked the same as when she had left, maybe a tad neater. The center still held a medical bed, though absent of Mr. Allen and Cisco bet that if she opened the bottom drawer of the centered metal desk, she'd find her hidden supply of lollipops. She wasn't going to though, she wasn't prepared for the rush of emotions she would feel either way. No, she was going to plop her bag on the floor and hop up on the medical bed. They wouldn't take long so she could just rest her eyes against the assault that the vibrations were doing to her mind.
“Oh my god!”
Okay, so ‘not too long’ was actually the entire night. Who would’ve guessed. Jolting up in her bed, her dark eyes scanned the room and froze on the sight of Caitlin. She would notice Dr. Wells standing behind her best friend later, but at the moment, her eyes were on Caitlin and her shocked face.
“Caitlin.” She breathed, the word coming out low as it forced it’s way through the big smile on her face. It had been years since she saw Caitlin, actual honest to goodness years. She had been purposely ignoring the other woman, trying her hardest to never seek her out or be at places where she knew she shopped or ate or any of that. “You look good.”
Caitlin stared before fiddling with her purse, dragging out her phone and pressing buttons. She gave her a one second look before jolting from the room. Cisco let her eyes follow her friend before the vibrations snapped at her, reminding her of the fact that they weren’t friendly and hadn’t been friendly in a while. Her hands moved to sit in her lap as she waited, she was sure that Caitlin was calling the Flash or the cops and she itched to run. But she didn’t, the weight of everything she had done in the two years keeping her sitting.
A few minutes later when Caitlin walked back in, Cisco gave her another smile. “Hi, sorry for scaring you.”
“You surprised me.” Caitlin said, her voice cool. She moved to sit, her face impassable as she crossed her arms over her chest. “You haven’t been by in two years.”
“Been busy.”
“I know.”
Wow, cold. Understandably so, but still, cold. Cisco sighed in the room and looked to her, “Caitlin, I’m… I’m sorry. I’m here because I’m prepared to change--”
Whoa. Words cut off as the blur that is the Flash zoomed into the room, hands on his waist as he stared at her through the slits of his familiar looking costume. A minute later and Detective Joe West of the CCPD and pretty reporter Iris West walked in, Detective West ready to arrest her.
“Wait!” She said, getting up from the bed and moving back, “Just wait okay, I can explain why I’m here.”
“You better explain really quickly then.” Caitlin mumbled.
Cisco bit her lip and nodded, keeping a nice distance from herself and them, “I am here because I want to be a good guy now. I’m tired of being a bad guy. I want to- you can ask Caitlin. I’m a good person, for the most part, and I don’t want to be a bad guy. I don’t want to hurt people anymore.” Her words sounded desperate, a plea that she was terrified they’d ignore. “I just want to be good again.”
She looked to Caitlin, the only person in the room who knew her before everything went wrong and she tried to convey everything she was feeling. It was hard though, the vibrations were harder in the center of everything and she was getting some terrifying images in her mind. She filtered them though, forcing them to the back of her mind, but everything she did had no effect on the headache that was forming.
“Can I talk to them alone.” Caitlin asked after a moment, moving from the spot where she had rooted herself and towards the entrance.
“Of course, Cait.”
“Don’t. You don’t get to call me that, Ms. Ramon.” She growled and Cisco nodded, hands up in surrender.
“Got it.”
They left her to stand right at the entrance, able to watch her and study what she did but far enough away that they had the privacy that they wanted. She could eavesdrop, the vibrations would allow her to, but she didn’t want to lose their trust. She wandered around the room, waiting. She would wait until they were done and if they said no, she would just wait until the day they said yes.
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