#plus the obvious. backpack!
rounding up things to take with me to the driving classes…
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sincerestlove · 2 months
Girl Crush - R.G.
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hello hello hello! i am so sorry for the long break - but i'm so happy to be back! i hope you all are doing well. i have quite a few requests sitting in my drafts, so once i get through those, i am happy to reopen my inbox for requests, if you guys want. anyway, these 3 requests were quite similar to each other, so it just made sense to combine them into one fic. hope you enjoy!
Request: Hi! Can i request a reader x Regina George where the reader is super oblivious to Regina flirting and thinks she's just being really friendly and it's obvious to everyone but the reader how in love Regina is with her.
Request: can you do a regina george x reader fic where R is literally the only person in the school who isn’t afraid of regina in the slightest and just treats her like a normal person (bonus points if the reader is just an oblivious ball of sunshine)
Request: hiii :) i was wondering if you could maybe write a regina x reader fanfic where the reader is friends with karen since they share a class together. regina ends up developing a crush and u can finish the rest lol (maybe incorporate karen inviting the reader to sit with the plastics at lunch as she’s walking by without consulting with regina first?)
Pairing: Regina George x Reader
Warnings: None
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Math class dragged on, the teacher talking animatedly about something you couldn't bother paying attention to. Your class bestie, Karen, was seated beside you, taking notes diligently for a reason you couldn't fathom. It was quite endearing how she actually cared about her grades and education, despite the fact that she was a Plastic. Not that you thought of her, or any of the Plastics differently. After all, they were just normal people.
Pretty, rich, popular, normal people.
The bell rang after what felt like forever, signaling the end of class. You began packing up your things, when you felt a gentle tap on your shoulder. You glanced over, to see Karen grinning at you brightly. "Hey, Y/N. You want to sit with me at lunch today?"
You blinked, momentarily stunned at her question. "You mean, like, at your table?"
Karen laughed loudly, her straight, pearly white teeth on display. "Yes, Y/N. Come on, it'll be fun! Please?" The brunette pouts, batting her long eyelashes at you pleadingly. She was so sweet, you would feel bad saying no. Plus, it wasn't like you really had anywhere else to be.
You groan, reluctantly agreeing, to which Karen squeals excitedly. "Yay, yay, yay!" She grabs your arm and loops it with hers as you toss your backpack over your shoulder, dragging you out into the hallway and into the massive rush of students. Karen expertly weaves you both through the crowd until the cafeteria is in sight.
As Karen tugs you toward the Plastics' table, your eyes land on Regina George, staring down at her phone - long, blonde hair fell across her strong, exposed shoulders, clad in a tight-fitting tank top and high-waisted jeans. Her nails were perfectly manicured, pretty golden rings adorning her fingers with a necklace to match.
God, how did she always look so pretty?
"Hi, Regina!" Karen plops herself down next to the blonde, as you slink into the bench across from her. Regina finally tears her eyes away from her phone and instantly land on you.
"Um. What are you doing?" She raises an eyebrow at you accusingly. You knew she didn't mean to be rude, just surprised that you were here, since usually you would skip lunch in the cafeteria and opt for the library instead, to complete homework assignments while you ate. It was quieter and less crowded, too. Not to mention the librarian loved you.
Sometimes Regina would even surprise you in the library, asking you to help her with her homework or claiming that she was bored and wanted someone to talk to.
You smile at her, placing your backpack down at your feet. "Hey, Regina. Karen invited me to sit here today."
Regina clenches her jaw, her eyes icy as she turns over to the brunette, who grins at Regina innocently. They exchanged glances, expressions filled with something that you couldn't quite decipher. You sat there in awkward silence as they glared at each other, Karen smiling teasingly at the blonde. "If you don't want me to sit here I can go-"
"No!" Regina speaks hurriedly, grabbing your hand as it reached for your backpack. You raised your brows at the unexpected contact, staring down at her hand wrapped around your wrist. She quickly released it, a light pink hue dusting her cheeks. "I mean, it's fine, you don't have to leave. Karen just didn't mention it to me, that's all."
You steal a glance at Karen, who simply smiled at you, as if she knew something you didn't. She began to talk to the pair of you excitedly about something - you couldn't really pay attention because you felt Regina's eyes burning holes in the side of your head. You could practically feel her eyes drag down your frame, taking in every little minute detail of your face. After a few minutes, Gretchen arrived at the table, pressing a kiss to Karen's cheek as she did so.
She greeted you kindly, already knowing you from the classes you shared together and how much Karen talked about you. The couple exchanged a knowing glance, before excusing themselves to the lunch line. Which left you alone at the table. With Regina.
"So, Regina," You turn to look at her, meeting her pretty hazel eyes that were already looking at you. She smiled at you teasingly, tilting her head as she awaited your question. "How's your day going?"
Regina rolled her eyes, leaning her chin on her hand as she leaned closer to you. "That's the best you got? Come on, I know a pretty girl like you can spark a more interesting conversation with me."
You laughed lightly at her joke, thinking nothing of the little compliment thrown in. "Well, we saw each other a few periods ago. And, I do actually want to know how your day is going."
The blonde huffed but caved, beginning to talk about her first half of the day, which consisted of complaining to her teachers, pretending to pay attention in class, and judging the fashion choices of her classmates. All normal Regina George behavior for a Tuesday.
You listened to her intently, watching the way she gestured with her hands and tossed her hair over her shoulder every so often. You were so attentive that you hadn't noticed Karen and Gretchen returning to the table, staring at the two of you with satisfied smirks.
"How about you, nerd? How has your morning been? Don't tell me Karen was bothering you again in class." Regina nudges your foot under the table, poking her tongue out at the brunette whose jaw was dropped incredulously.
"I do not bother her! She is my math class bestie, isn't that right, Y/N?"
You laugh along with the group, reassuring Karen that she was your class bestie, too. Regina excused herself from the table; you eyes follow her as she walks toward the lunch line, her hips swaying in those tight jeans. She glances over her shoulder, catching you staring, throwing you a wink and a smile. You felt your skin flush a little, clearing your throat and turning back to the other two girls.
They were already looking at you and smirking, again.
"What is up with you two today?"
"Who, us?" Gretchen places a hand over her heart dramatically. "What so ever do you mean, Y/N?"
You roll your eyes at the redhead, a playful smile dancing on your lips. "You know exactly what I mean. You two, with your little smirks and smiles. What are you two doing?"
Karen shrugs innocently. "Oh, nothing. Just observing, that's all."
You raise a brow at her. "Observing what?"
Karen is interrupted by the blonde returning to the table, silently sliding a full tray of food across to you, as she sits down with her own. You look up at her in shock, your mouth slightly hanging open.
Regina looks around at the three of you as she takes a bite of her food. "What?"
The couple raise their hands in mock surrender, as you look at Regina with soft eyes. "Thanks, Regina. You didn't have to do this." The blonde shrugs, gesturing with her chin for you to eat.
"No biggie."
It was a biggie, a huge one, actually. Karen and Gretchen had never seen Regina be as nice to anyone like she was toward you. She would bring you your favorite coffee order in the mornings on her way to school, since you two shared first period, then walk you to your second. She kept a bag of your favorite snack in her locker in case you texted her, complaining about being hungry. Not to mention, she had a photo of your class schedule on her phone in case of emergencies. All unbeknownst to you, of course. To put it simply, the blonde had a massive crush on you. Meanwhile, you just thought she was being nice.
Karen and Gretchen both knew, though, of course, having heard Regina complain for months about how much she liked you, how you were her first ever girl crush, and she felt like she was going insane. You were way too oblivious to realize that she had literally been flirting with you, every time she saw you. She'd throw in compliments, brush against you, tuck a strand of hair behind your ear, sometimes even hold your hand as to "not lose you in the crowd". She really just wanted to find an excuse to touch you.
Regina felt like she was losing her mind waiting for you to notice. At this point, she would have to sit you down, look you square in the eyes and straight up tell you that she likes you. She was worried that even then, you'd think she was just being nice.
You, on the other hand, have had a crush on Regina since last year. The first time Karen introduced you to her, you were a goner. You decided to bury it though - you knew she could never reciprocate feelings for someone like you: reserved, quiet, shy. She was the total opposite, and you assumed she would want someone who was more like her.
Sure, she was extremely nice to you and sort of mean to everyone else, but that's just because you two were somewhat friends.
"Y/N? Hello?" You were snapped out of your thoughts by long fingers waggling in your face, Regina looking at you with furrowed brows. "You okay?"
You swallowed the lump in your throat, nodding and shooting her a weak smile. "Yeah, sorry, I'm fine. Was just thinking about something." You finished eating your lunch as the three girls chatted amongst themselves, Regina stealing glances at you occasionally. You smiled at her, more reassuringly this time, which eases her posture a little bit.
The bell rings much too soon this time, disappointed groans echoing throughout the room as students begin to file out and toward their next class. The four of you do the same, Regina taking your tray and returning it to the trash area before you could protest. Karen and Gretchen wiggle their eyebrows at you before hugging you goodbye, waving at Regina as she returned to the table with you.
"Let's go, I'll walk you to class." Regina took your hand in hers, lacing your fingers together and tugging you along. You just managed to grab your backpack as you stumbled behind her, shuffling to catch up with her long strides. As soon as she turned into the hallway, students parted like the red sea, making a clear path for the two of you to walk. You couldn't help but flush at the feeling of everyone's eyes on you, staring you down as you inched every so closer to Regina.
"Aren't you going to be late? It's fine, Gina, I can-"
The blonde stopped dead in her tracks. "What did you call me?"
You felt yourself pale, silently cursing yourself for the mistake. You hadn't meant to call her that out loud - you knew how angry she got when people called her outside of her name. You cringed, waiting for her to lash out at you, but it never came.
You stole a quick glance at the blonde, who was already looking at you with soft eyes. "I'm not mad, nerd. Just surprised. You've never called me that before."
You stammered, trying to find words. "Sorry, yeah, I just...I think it's a cute nickname for you."
The blonde smirked at your nervousness, once again tugging you along with her to your class. "It is a cute nickname. Just like you."
You feel yourself smile at the compliment - Regina was just so sweet to you. "Thanks, Gina."
The hallways were mostly clear now, aside from a few students scurrying to their classes at the last minute. Regina stopped walking again, turning to look at you with her brows scrunched together. "Does your brain work?"
You looked at her, dumbfounded. "I...what?"
She simply stared at you, crossing her arms over her chest. "Your brain. Does it work? Is it on?"
You were genuinely speechless, failing to find any words to respond. Regina rolled her eyes, tugging you into the empty locker room. She sat you down on the bench before sitting herself beside you, leaning toward you. "Seriously, Y/N, do you have a concussion or something?"
You laughed incredulously. "Regina, what are you talking about?"
The blonde groaned, exasperated. "I have been flirting with you for months, Y/N. Months! Yet, you walk around, la-di-da, as if I'm just being friendly. When have you ever seen me be nice to anyone?"
Your mouth drops open at her words, opening and closing like a fish out of water. "You...what?"
"Oh my god, Y/N, I like you, okay! I have a big, fat, lesbian crush on you. I have for months."
"No you don't."
Regina sputters out a laugh. "Y/N, you're joking, right? I literally just told you that I do."
You frown, looking down at your hands. "I...no. You can't like someone like me." Your voice grows small, nails beginning to pick at the hangnails.
"Hey," Regina scooted closer to you, cupping your face in her warm hand. She brushed her thumb over your cheek, bright eyes gazing into yours with conviction. "Don't talk down about yourself. Yeah, you might be a nerd, but that's part of the reason why I like you, Y/N. I like that we are opposites in a lot of ways. If I was with some bitch like me, I'd go nuts."
You laugh lightly at her words, leaning your weight into her touch. "Stop, you're not a bitch. And I like you too, Gina. I have for a long time, actually. I'm surprised Karen hasn't told you."
Regina laughs, using her other hand to grab your hip and tug you closer to her. "That girl can keep one hell of a secret. I think her little lunch invitation today was her way of telling me to go for it." Her hand tightens on your hip just barely, her eyes flicking across your face. "Would you slap me right now if I kissed you?"
You roll your eyes, resting your hands on her bare shoulders. "No, Gina. You can kiss me."
The blonde smiles and does just that. Her nose brushes against yours, warm breath fanning across your lips as she meets them with her own, softly, sweetly.
After a beat, you both pull away, resting your foreheads together and sharing a smile. "Can I take you out this weekend?"
You nod, brushing a strand of her soft blonde hair behind her ear. "Duh."
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i hope you enjoyed this one! my goal is to continue posting regularly, so please keep an eye out for more fics coming soon :)
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fallingdownhell · 8 months
How do you think the Sumeru boys would react to their s/o getting shrunk?
An interesting scenario... 👀 Characters Included: Tighnari; Cyno; Alhaitham; Kaveh (+Wanderer) Content: gender neutral reader; established relationship; idk if this classifies as crack??; bit of comedy; bits of fluff Word count: 910 words Have fun<3
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I personally see this going one of two ways
first, when realizing what has happened, he'd drop everything, all his work and responsibilities, and try to figure out how this happened and how to turn you back to normal again
or, he would want to do that, but he just can't because something really important is happening today... then, as shitty as this sounds, he'd just take you along with him, like in a backpack or pocket or something. Because he does not trust that nothing won't happen to you while he's out and about
whichever it is, he'd be very gentle with your tiny form and take very good care of you
when first noticing your current predicament, Tighnari would be shocked, maybe laugh a little bit, but he'd soon focus on helping you figure things out
he's not too keen on you staying this way for a longer period of time, or even forever, so he'd work hard on finding a solution
overall okay reaction, very helpful and polite about it, though he does put out an occaisonal comment here and there. But it's all in good fun, so don't worry
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oh boy
you best prepare to be the butt of every of his jokes for the foreseeable future from now on
even if you manage to turn you back to normal, he will not let you forget about this incident, ever
would probably laugh at you, questioning you how you even managed that in the first place
but all jokes aside, he IS worried about you, so he does the only thing he can think about
he grabs you very carefully and carries you to Tighnari, hoping that his friend and Forest Ranger might know or can help to come up with a solution to the problem
he'll stay there with you until you're back to normal, that means that his work will be put on hold, no matter what anyone has to say about it
will turn restless and worried if there's no easy or quick solution available, but will do his best to support you, even though he will still make jokes about you
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shock and surprise is his first initial reaction
like, frozen on his spot, kinda shocked
does not know how to react appropriately or what to say, at all. One of the few times in his life where he's actually speechless
once he's recovered from the shock, he's asking you a whole lot of question. If you remember how this happened, how you feel, if you noticed anything unusual, if you maybe know how to revert back, etc
just, literally any question that comes to his mind, really
he views this entire situation very neutral, like some sort of experiment that he wants to figure out
and since you're the only one affected and involved, it's only obvious that he asks you all these questions
plus, by answering them, he might be able to figure out what's going on and how to revert you back to normal
if he can't come up with a solution on his own, he'd go into the House of Daena, searching for every book available that is loosely connected to the issue at hand
should that still not deliver results, he'll help you consult doctors and other specialists in order to help you get better again
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full on panic mode activated
he sees what has happened to you, and freaks out over it
almost impossible to calm him down again. And since your voice is a lot quieter in your tiny form, you have to almost shout out your lungs in order to get his attention again
out of the two of you, you're definitely the calmer and more levelheaded one in this situation
he's helping you with whatever you need. When you ask him to take you to the doctors, he does so, no questions asked
though you have to constantly remind him to not squeeze you so hard in his hands
cut him some slack, will you? He's not used to something like this, he has to constantly remind himself to treat you carefully and gently
will freak out again if no one can figure out what is wrong with you or how to treat you
he may not have much money, but you best believe he's putting every single Mora he has into trying to figure this out and get you back to your normal self
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shocked at first, but will soon start to tease you about it relentlessly
he'll lovingly call you names like "shorty", "shortcake", and other stuff, now that you're so much tinier than him
he's having his fun teasing you for some time, but in the end, he does worry about you and wants you back to your usual self
since he doesn't trust you to be by yourself while like this, he carefully picks you up when he goes to pay Nahida a visit, thinking that she might know something about what has happened to you
together, the three of you would put your heads together, trying to figure something out
would feel annoyed if you're still in this state by the end of the day, but tries not to show it. It's not your fault after all, and you can't really do anything about it, so he doesn't want to let it out on you
but you best believe that it's his top priority from now on to get to the bottom of this. And should he find out that someone else is responsible for this, then they best prepare , because he won't go easy on them should he ever come across them...
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lookingforhappy · 1 month
Five should never have been with the CIA, he should have been with the Keepers
the CIA is incredibly reminiscent of the Commission, the thing that Five has been trying to escape since s1, and that has repeatedly dehumanised, manipulated and hurt him.
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not only is it a secret organisation that aids in the manpiluatation of the lives of others by a higher power but he is also constantly monitored, with and without his knowledge -
he has to report to his boss, he is constantly followed/attended to by Derek (who is lightly implied to also be a keeper), and the keepers are undoubtedly reporting back to his boss to keep him in line without his knowledge.
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(just look at how many are keepers.. thats insane for Five not to have noticed anything after spending so long in the commission on high alert - what happened to him always checking the surroundings first??)
sounds similar to him having to report the handler, constantly being followed by her (into the bathroom, the tube room, etc) and always being watched by the infinite switchboard and his tracker.
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there's also the "Five is one of the top agents at this secret and shady org. and Diego is the butt of the joke because he wants what Five has and Five won't give it to him & when he does get it it's a comedy scene" thing.
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which is honestly just another nail in the "cia is too similar to the commission to be comfortable for five" coffin for me..
he is also constantly referred to as "Mr. Five" a name that is only ever seen used by the Commission,
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and which is supposed to show the Commission's false respect for Five by tacking a "Mr." onto his name while also refusing to add on a surname (Hargreeves) - or in the circumstance that Five doesn't accept a last name, then addressing him by his full name "Number Five" or "00.05" or just "5" - which dehumanises and detaches him from his family aka his reason for leaving.
Five also calling his boss "sir" is incredibly out of character as at no point in the series has he called anyone by a honorific, not the Handler, not his father, and especially not someone younger than him.
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and also that he calls the cia director (lance ribbons) "boss"
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like not even "my boss" or "the boss"... just "boss". it just feels like such a young mans word, which Five decidedly is not. if i had to pick how he would address ribbons id have him say "ribbons", "director" or maybe "director ribbons" if he was in a formal situation. never "sir" or "boss"
There's Five adapting to the timeline/circumstance and then theres Five's entire personality changing.
and honestly, if this is a survival technique for Five in this timeline, to play into his apparent youth, then why not show that?? or even explore it in a more interesting way like how the comics had him disguise as a kid with a backpack, bike and binoculars???
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instead they kept giving him stupid little props that only served to further hammer in the obvious "hey! five works for the cia now!"
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all it does is make him look ridiculous, and i know that five is holding the gun and torch in the correct way but god it makes him look like such a cop. and after hes been fighting authority for his entire life it feels so fucking weird.
what's interesting though, is that he would have fit in fine with the Keepers! and we see this demonstrated perfectly in their first scene
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just.. the way that perfectly sums up Five.. plus our concerns that he wouldn't have anything to do after the apocalypses are solved and aidan's comments that Five was feeling like he had nothing left/suicidal.. for there to be a group of other people that not only believe him but support him unconditionally?
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(aaand im out of pictures... great)
for Five to be able to say this to other people? and to not be thought of as insane?? thats big.
and then for Five to be hinted at not keeping up with his siblings aside from Diego - the deleted scene with Klaus at the party shows that Five doesn't know how long Klaus' been sober for, he also asks Luther where Viktor is, clearly hasn't seen Allison or Ben in a while.. it's all such a perfect set up for Five to join the keepers.
and not only does this set him up with other people, in a support group setting. but it also perfectly sets up his arc to have conflict with his siblings without losing their trust (sorry fivela stans but i cant get on board bc it destroys his relationships with the family).
while Viktor was negotiating with Ben, the others could have been negotiating with Five. which would have brought us full circle, of five disappearing and fighting like hell to get back home, to returning but not feeling like he belongs, to being brought back into the fold. this is also the perfect opportunity to bring Lila in, as she would have the best understanding of where he stands after being manipulated by the commission.
it's also the perfect opportunity to have Five cause the apocalypse, instead of save it. people have talked about Five being set up to cause the next one since forever, and Klaus has a perfect set up for it too.
I personally think that each season should have rotated who causes the apocalypse instead of randomly making it Viktor's fault. this way we could explore the siblings individually and their trauma and recovery. give them all a seasons worth of focus.
season 1 gave us Viktor's apocalypse.
season 2 should have given us Diego's via JFK's survival causing the apocalypse (exploring his hero complex and how his ignoring his family in favour of pursuing his own ego/comfort isn't good for anyone etc)
season 3 should have been Allison's via her desperation to get Claire back - the kugelblitz shouldn't exist (because it doesnt work with the established laws of space time) but instead her deal with Reginald should have caused the apocalypse maybe as a way to motivate the others like Five into finding a solution.
season 4 can still be Ben's but ultimately for the final season it should have been a joint effort or at least come full circle and actually been impactful with more connections to Ben's death instead of the 2 second reveal of him getting shot in the most anticlimatic and confusing reveal i have ever seen. Ben has literally haunted the narrative for 4 seasons, between his death being the reason they disband, to his ghost being the reason they survive at the end of s1 and s2, and his alternate reality self in s3 and s4. he didn't get the send off he deserved for someone who has influenced near everything in the show.
there should have been 8 seasons - 7 to deal with the issues of the individuals, and 1 to deal with their recovery as a group, almost acting as an epilogue.
instead we got 4 poorly planned and incomplete seasons..
anyway, thats what i think Five should have been doing this season, not joining the CIA
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bellaramseylover · 1 year
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Pairings: Hazel Callahan x Fem! Reader
Summary: Hazel being super oblivious to you liking her, so you have no choice but to tell her.
Request: Friends to lovers and have Hazel be completely oblivious to readers feelings, then Hazel does some cute thing as a apology then asks reader out - @curiousshifter101
Warnings: Cursing and some kissing that’s all.
Author Note: I’m not sure if i like this, but i’m really trying to get better at writing plus i’ve been wanting to post <33
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You were literally in love with Hazel and she was so oblivious to your feelings for her, you started to lose hope that she liked you back.
No matter how much you hinted at it she would not ever do anything about it or think anything of it.
Right now, you were sitting with the whole fight club. You were sitting right next to Hazel who was talking to PJ.
You were picking at your food while you got lost in your own thoughts, thinking about Hazel and if she liked you back or not.
“Hello?” You snapped out of it when Hazel waved her hand in front of your face. “Sorry, what’d you say?” You looked over at her.
“I said are you okay?” She chuckled and you sat up a little “Oh, yeah, just thinking.” You shrugged.
“Right. About what?” She questioned and you hummed “Nothing..” you tilted your head while you tilted your head and held eye contact.
“Well, did you still want to study later?” She asked as you glance at her lips “Yeah” You nodded.
“Alright, we-” She gets cut off when the bell rings and everyone starts getting up.
“I’ll just see you later on.” She said and you nod, touching her arm and rubbing it slightly before you walked away.
Hazel thought of it as like a friendly little bye without actually saying bye, but she had no clue that it was like in a flirty way.
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Later on that day, you were at home waiting for Hazel to knock on your front door any minute now.
You were looking in your mirror in your little purple tank top and your black little shorts just so you could tease her, maybe then she’ll make a move.
You were putting on some lipgloss when you finally heard the knock on your front door.
Your parents also were not home, so if Hazel wouldn’t get the hint and just make a move you might just have to do it yourself.
You opened the front door and leaned on it as you opened it wide “Hi..” You tilt your head and she walked in “Hey” She smiled.
You shut the door and lead her to your room and she set her backpack down on your desk.
She started talking about the project as you sat down on your bed.
You suddenly remember that’s the actual reason she was at your house.
You hum lightly as she turned around and saw you sitting on your bed “Oh, are we working on your bed?” She asked.
“Oh, yeah..” You hum, patting the spot beside you so she went over and sat beside you.
She pulled out her journal and you lean over her to look at the organized notes that she wrote down as she flipped through the pages.
“You’re like, really good at taking notes.” You said as you slowly looked at her face and she looked at you, making eye contact with you.
You guys were inches away from each other and you looked down at her lips for like a full 10 seconds.
“Oh, thanks.” She chuckled to herself and looked down at her journal.
How much more obvious can you make it?
You sigh, leaning into her a little more and she slowly looked down and caught a glance at your breasts and quickly cleared her throat.
She looked back up at you and you giggle as you sat up right “Hazel” You whispered and she looked over at you.
“Yeah?” She asked and you tilt your head while you both stared at each other.
“Can I kiss you?”
She froze, unsure of what to say or if you were just joking with her.
You noticed her silence and immediately thought the worse.
“Fuck, I’m sorry Hazel I-” You were cut off when Hazel quickly leaned forward and kissed you.
You shut your eyes and she grabbed your face and you put your hand on her knee.
She pulled back with a huge smile on her face and you giggle “So..you do like me back?” You muttered.
“Yeah, I’ve been liking you. I just never thought you would like me back..” Hazel said in a sad tone.
“I’ve made it very obvious, Haze.” You raise your eyebrows as she looked at you confused.
“What? No..” She looked down as she thought about it.
“Like..really obvious.” You hum as she sighs “I guess now that i think about it, yeah, you kind of did..”
You giggle and look down “I figured you didn’t like me back, because you would never react to what i would do.”
“Oh, shit, I’m sorry.” She frowned.
“It’s alright..” You sat up right and she cups your face. “No, no, it’s not. Can i make it up to you?” She asked.
“How?” You ask and she hums and she thinks “I’ll take you out on our first date, and i’m gonna make it so perfect.” She said.
“Oh, yeah?” You grin widely and she nods quickly. “Yeah” She shrugged as she leaned in and kissed you again.
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grimalkinmessor · 5 months
The parallels between Tsubomi and Reigen drive me so fucking insane you have no idea like—that shit had to be at least SOMEWHAT intentional even if not in a specifically romantic way.
For one, Tsubomi and Reigen are two of the only few people that call Shigeo "Mob" consistently. (Yes Tome also calls him Mob eventually but she starts out calling him Kageyama-kun and likely picks up "Mob-kun" from Inukawa or Reigen later on). We don't know how Reigen started calling Shigeo "Mob", though we can assume that Tsubomi was likely part of the group of kids that originally misread Shigeo's name as Mobbu to begin with so she's less of a mystery on that front. Maybe Reigen saw it written on his backpack or his shirt tag and started calling him that too, or maybe Mob even just told him that that's what everyone else called him and was what he prefered to be called at the time. Either way, it's a little odd that Reigen's one of the only people who use that nickname when we don't really get a reason why beyond "it can also be read like this", especially since Reigen is a grown man with (presumably) full literacy of kanji and would know how to read it.
Then there's the other obvious parallel that's made in the show; how Tsubomi and Reigen treat Mob. How they see his powers. They're not special, they're just a part of him. Nothing to be scared of—even though they kind of,,,,are lmao. The fact that Tsubomi continues to sit in the park even though a literal hurricane is approaching because she thought Mob sounded upset on the phone happens at the same time Reigen goes sprinting full-tilt into said hurricane because Mob is in trouble always stands out to me. It's less obvious than Mob's own words: "She never treated me any differently because of my powers" "Master never treated me any differently..."—but it's still a pretty blatant parallel to me.
Not to mention that both Reigen and Tsubomi's personalities are actually very similar as well! They're both described as people that hide behind a mask, a facade, while still being brutally stubborn. If Tsubomi doesn't want to do something, she's not gonna do it. While Reigen is more laid back because he's used to getting his hands dirty for work (money), he's still very stubborn himself when he doesn't wanna do something. He'll find a way to wriggle out of it and talk circles around you if you let him. Dimple even says that Tsubomi is the type of person who can't be swayed by words or peer pressure. She and Reigen were actually, again, two of the only people brainwashed through airborne Vibes™ instead of through food like everyone else. The biggest difference between them on this is that while Reigen lies fairly blatantly, Tsubomi seems to only lie through omission. Tsubomi is more of an introvert too, compared to Reigen's extrovert (though you could argue that both of them are good with people, with the only difference being that Reigen enjoys being the center of attention while Tsubomi presumably does not).
Plus they're both pretty goofy too once you think about it lmao. They're both prideful and hate to be humiliated, but they also care a lot about their public image and how people perceive them. Every time the scene with Tsubomi and her friends outside cleaning up leaves comes up, her expressions and panic always remind me of Reigen. And then there's Mob, calm and unjudgemental, willing to help her with no questions asked. Mitigating her humiliation, just like he does for Reigen :)
Another thing that always strikes me is how Mezato says, "If you can accept her for who she really is..." followed by Reigen's echo during his confession: "This is who I really am". Mezato essentially tells Mob that Tsubomi isn't who she seems on the outside and that if he wants to be accepted by her, he needs to also be ready to accept her as well. Which, we don't get to see much of Tsubomi's life outside of Mob—wow just like Reigen—so we don't ever really know who she is beyond that outer mask, but we see her slowly opening up to Mob later, as a friend. But the fact that Reigen's own confession mirrors Mezato's words to Mob about him accepting Tsubomi always makes me vibrate in place a little like,,,Confession Arc my beloved 🙏
I don't know man, there's just so much there, it makes my head spin. I could go on and on about it but I better cut myself off because if I don't I'll start crawling on the walls going feral about it because what, what was the point of this if not to make it clear that the relationship between Mob and Reigen is supposed to parallel his relationship with Tsubomi like what do you MEAN—
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Still Untitled
[jungkook x reader] [ 1k+ fluff]
A/N: Something short and sweet. I initially wrote a lil bit of smut, but it came out a bit perverted and I don't think it fits the character of Jungkook in this fic. I still have no title for this, but I'm so glad to receive such great lovely feedback!
Before you can talk yourself out of it, your feet are walking towards Jungkook.
A breathy and meek hi leaves your mouth, the sudden greeting has him turning around to face you. Before you can backtrack, your hand extends to offer a carton of banana milk to Jungkook.
You're not sure if you're glad he's being super quiet, but wanting to get this done in one go, the words swiftly fly out of your mouth.
"I'mreallysorryaboutlastnightImistookyouforsomeoneelse," you expel in one shaky breath.
Jungkook looks perplexed, probably unsure what to make of the sudden apology, you assume. You were contemplating if you needed to elaborate, but as soon as Jungkook took the milk from your hands, hesitantly—you observed—your legs were quick to find their way back to your space and hide behind your propped up easel.
Had you stayed a second longer, you would have witnessed Jungkook break out a childish grin and blush. His hold on the carton was so gentle, one would have thought he was holding something far too fragile than a drink.
The class had passed quickly, which you were thankful for, for the first time. As soon as the clock hit 5:00, you rushed to bag your stuff—no plans of staying extra hours for today. You're still mortified from yesterday and while you don't think a lousy apology makes up for your misplaced accusation, you also don't have the courage of facing Jungkook.
At least, not now, you reason to yourself. Promising to scrape more courage for next time.
In your haste of leaving, you forgot to unhook the strap of your tote from the chair and as you lug your bag behind you as you speed walk, the chair topples and your things tumble out and scatter to the floor, much like the smithereens of your dignity.
A whispered curt curse is heard from you before you rush to pick up the rolling colored pencils.
"Here," Even with your head downcast and eyes glued to the floor, you know whose tattooed hands are handing your pencils towards you.
"Thanks," you clear your throat and glance at the man you wronged. "I got it," you softly say, a subtle way of shoo-ing him away, once again.
You stood up abruptly after shoving everything inside your bag. You see Jungkook lift the chair upright and thank him. You get a response in the form of a smile.
You made three streps before you heard your name called. With obvious reluctance, you face Jungkook and raise your brow in question. Afraid if you open your mouth, something judgmental comes out. Or maybe just that you choke from the clawing embarrassment.
"Do you wanna get coffee?" Jungkook adjusts his backpack on his shoulder. This time, he's taking Namjoon's advice. Just ask her to go out, even if it's just getting coffee after her class. It's a better way to get to know each other. Pick up lines are lame, his hyung said which earned a loud yelp of disagreement from Seokjin. Still, Jungkook thinks Namjoon made more sense.
Plus, he remembers those times whenever he sees you on campus, you always held a cup of coffee. And today, before class, he noticed you had nothing with you other than milk—which even turned out to be for him. He'd get all giggly later, for now, he has a bigger daunting task.
Throughout the class, Jungkook was internally hyping himself up to ask you for coffee. He almost felt pathetic when he saw you quickly pack your things and rush out, already thinking he'll have to run after you. But lo and behold, the universe bought him time.
"I-It's kinda late for coffee, don't you think?" You covered your uneasiness by clearing your throat and pretending to look at your watch. It was too quick of a glance to read the time, he notices. He knows you're evading him. Panic rushes into Jungkook. While on good days, he prided himself for thinking on his feet—those days helped him win rebuts with Seokjin—this moment would have been the one time where the words he uttered couldn't be more nonsensical and embarrassing, "Well, drinking coffee before bed will keep you awake at night is a myth, anyway." The words trailed off one by one as it reached the end, but you heard him loud and clear.
You were to quick to mask your visible confusion by pursing your lips, as if considering what he just said. But Jungkook knows how stupid he sounded. There was no redemption from this.
But just when Jungkook was ready to wave the white flag, he heard you snort a laugh. He looks up and sees your lips break out in a grin—one you tried to hide with an adorable nose scrunch, but your amusement still shone through with a tight-lipped smile. Then, finally, you look at Jungkook and this moment, he'll forever remember because you're looking at him with adoring eyes.
"Fine, then," you agree, lips still toying an amused smile. "Since you're so desperate for coffee you're making stuff up. But I'm getting a decaf."
Your turn and walk towards the approaching evening, and Jungkook follows suit with a lovesick smile.
"Wait... you thought I was Kim Jongkook?!"
You sheepishly smile, your fingers on the table scratches the surface, an anxiety tick. But you also look like someone desperately digging for a hole where you can escape to. You want to be away from this awkward confrontation where you have no excuse, no rebut.
“It really was an honest mistake. I’m sorry for lashing out on you.” Your head hangs with shame as you apologize for the nth time.
Unbeknownst to you, Jungkook noticed and took note of your tick. He really was just teasing you, enjoying your adorable puppy eyes, even more so that it's directed towards him. But perhaps, he had his fun. He smiles and comforts you—saying it’s fine and he understands. Right as you look up at him, your names are called for your ordered coffees.
In the same breath which he decides he wants to always be this close with you, he's also unsure how much he can hold back from wanting to just kiss you. And so, as much as Jungkook didn't want to break away from the moment, he stands from his seat, “I’ll get it. Just… you won’t leave, right?”
You would think he was teasing, making a jab from the couple of times you walked out from him, but seeing his pensive eyes had you retracting your assumption. “I’ll be here,” you smile reassuringly.
Your trip for coffee, but as per Jungkook's delusion—your date— lasted longer for hours. Small conversations were shared between the tiny round table that held your cups of drinks. No more hole-scratching on the table and downcast embarrassed eyes.
Jungkook thinks his heart may burst from happiness.
Unfortunately, your phone pings, breaking the bubble that enclosed you and Jungkook, one that temporarily kept you away from the outside noise. “Oh, sorry. That’s my alarm.” Your eyebrows furrow as you glance at your watch. This time, really looking at the time, Jungkook observes.
“I should be somewhere now, actually.” As you quickly gather your things, Jungkook matches your pace—grabbing your littered cups and tissues on the table, picking up the proof of your shared evening.
“This was really nice, Jungkook. I now partly feel bad for judging you too quickly,” you tease as you watch him trash the stacked cups.
“That’s not good enough,” Jungkook crosses his now free arms, biceps bulging that were not missed by your eyes. He sees the trail of your sight and that was just what he needed to be confident enough to ask for another coffee date. One that you agreed to without hesitation.
He grows giddy and excited. Wanting tomorrow—Thursday—to come sooner. He doesn't mind if the day ends quickly now as you part ways. And it isn’t until you round a corner that you both stop turning around to check on the other.
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deanwritings · 7 months
The Guest House - Chapter 8
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Pairing: Dean x Reader
Series Summary: Dean Winchester is going through a nasty divorce. He doesn't have much left to his name, but what he does have is his house. Leave it to his soon-to-be ex wife to find a way to even ruin that for him. Enter Y/N, who is looking to get away from life for a bit, and stumbles right into the middle of it all.
The Guest House Master List
Word Count: 3,961
A/N: Long chapter for a long wait! Really appreciate everyone's patience and please know that I do see everyone's comments and reblogs and it's much appreciated. I'm officially in grad school so my schedule is all over the place, so I've worked on and finished this chapter during various classes.
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You meet Dean in the driveway at 10am, per his request, your backpack slung over your shoulder as he’s throwing some bags of his own into the trunk. 
You had considered taking your own car up, in case you wanted to make a quick escape, but you felt embarrassed by the thought. Plus, it would be very obvious why you had taken your car. If you really didn’t want to go, you could have just said, “no,” not have an escape contingency. If you were going, you were going to go the right way. 
“Mornin’,” Dean greets you with a drawl and a fresh smile as you step around the back of the truck.
“Well good morning to you too.” You return as he holds his hand out towards you. You slide your bag off your shoulder and hand it over to him. “You’re chipper this morning.” You note as he makes a point to lower, not toss, your back into the trunk. 
This was probably the happiest you’ve encountered him in the morning so far. 
“How could I not be?” He grins, resting his arms on the trunk’s edge. “Get to work on some fancy cars, get to see my baby, AND,” he holds up a finger before he drops it and points it at you. “My mom makes the best apple pie you will ever have.” You can’t help but smile at his enthusiasm, and you don’t have the heart to tell him you were a cake girl. But hell, you’ll try that pie and grin and bear it if it keeps Dean in this good of a mood. You were really starting to enjoy his smile.  
“Let’s get to it then.” You smack your hands on the side of the truck before you heads towards the passenger seat and jump inside.
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Dean’s tapping his fingers along the steering wheel twenty minutes later, Bob Segaer singing quietly in the background as you watch out the window, Dean glancing at you occasionally.
You hadn’t said much since you first hit the road, just commenting on the few more brazen – aka jackass – drivers that had passed by, and the quietness wasn’t totally comfortable. At the end of the day, you were still basically strangers, and Dean can’t help but wonder what the hell he was thinking when he invited you up with him. 
He hadn’t meant to, it just fell out of his mouth, and once it was out there, he sure as hell hadn’t expected you to take him up on his offer. But you had. And his mother had raised him better than to rescind an invite.
He had made his bed, now he had to lie in it. 
After he got your text, he knew he was going to have to give his mom a heads up and decided to give her a call. 
“Is this the same girl you were complaining about the other week?” Mary’s voice rang through his headphones as he had begun packing for the weekend.
“Yeah, same one.”
“And you invited her to come up with you for the weekend?” Dean’s head fell back as he could hear the implication in his mother’s tone. 
“I was trying to be nice. That’s it.” He hoped to stop the gears that were definitely turning in her head. “Believe it or not, you did raise a gentleman.” He peppered in, knowing his mom loves to hear it. 
“Well that’s nice to hear.” Dean smirked, correct. Then a beat. “Is she pretty?”
After that, Dean had hung up, leaving Mary’s question unanswered. Because if he had answered it, it would have just opened a whole new conversation, and Dean wasn’t interested in having it. 
At this point, the two of you had become civil, hell, even friendly. 
And yeah, if Dean had answered Mary’s question, he would have said you were pretty, and had a confidence and sense of humor that, if he wasn’t going through a bitter divorce, would have had him asking you out in a heartbeat. But the last thing Dean wanted or needed right now was a relationship. 
“So what do you do at a car auction?” Your voice brings him out of his thoughts and he glances towards you, your Y/E/C eyes finding his. 
“Not much actually. I’ll go fix the cars up today, but the owners usually get me a ticket as an extra ‘thanks’ since they know I love it. So I more just get to enjoy the show then have to work it. Sometimes if one of my guys wants to buy a car they’ll get my opinion, but these guys usually know their stuff.”
You just nod.
“How many cars do you have to work on today?”
Dean clicks his tongue, thinking. 
“Got two to tune up for the show tomorrow, then my client, Rick, also wants me to take a look at his ‘69 Stingray. Shouldn’t take too long.” You just nod again, and Dean wonders just how much you know about cars. Though considering you had been rapidly turning over a dead battery earlier this week, he imagines it’s not much. But it gives him an opening. 
“Know much about cars?” He shoots you a quick look, seeing your shoulders shake as you snort out a laugh before he looks back out the windshield. 
“Figured it was pretty obvious I don’t.” Dean laughs out his nose, seeing you turn towards him in your seat from his peripherals.
“But when I was sixteen my dad wanted to get me a ‘74, baby blue Mustang. It was such a beautiful car and I was so excited. I would have had the coolest car at school.” You reminisce. “But my mom shot it down because it only had lap belts and I’m pretty sure there were no airbags. Guess she cared about my safety or something.” You laugh and Dean joins in. 
He liked hearing you laugh. It also meant you were opening up to him. Which he shouldn’t care about, but it brings a smile to his face nonetheless. 
“‘74 Mustang’s a helluva’ a car.” He can picture the exact model in his mind. It’s a hilarious comparison to what he sees you driving around in every day. “Would give your Sonata a run for her money.” You laugh again.
“Yeah no kidding. I’d probably be the worst person for a car like that, though. I would have no idea how to take care of it.” You take a deep breath and look out the window again. “Doesn’t stop me from thinking about it though.” You sigh, earning Dean’s attention. He turns back towards the road, but an idea is now forming. 
He grabs his cellphone out of the console cup holder, his eyes quickly darting between the fairly empty highway and his screen as he opens up his texts and swipes a message before hitting send.
As he looks back up, a sign catches his eye. 
The highway sign gives Dean a heads up that you’re about to hit the best part of the drive. 
“Well there will be plenty of cars you can dream about at the auction, even if you know nothin’ about ‘em.”
Dean flips his blinker on and merges into the right lane, getting onto the exit ramp for the bridge. 
As he slowly takes the curve, the Lake Champlain Bridge comes into view, the elongated, steel archway glistening in the morning sun and reflecting off the calm waters below. Beyond the overpass, the Adirondack mountains tower over the hidden town, complementing the scenery. 
“Woooow,” you breath out, sitting forward in your seat to get a better view out the windshield as the ramp straightens out, welcoming you across the bridge. 
“I know.” Dean agrees with a smile. “Never get tired of seeing it.” He sighs honestly. 
The shadows play through the windows as Dean speeds across the platform. It only takes about 15 seconds to get across, and you lean back once the bridge can only be seen in the rearview. 
“So how come your mom lives out here?” You ask as Dean takes the first exit off the bridge, headed for the outskirts of Bolton. 
“She and my dad had moved out here once my brother and I moved out. Mom always wanted to live on the water and Bolton is small enough and affordable that she was able to get her lakefront dream home.” Dean keeps his focus on the road, checking both left and right before heading straight across the intersection he had stopped at. 
“And she liked that she would still be close-by. Not that it really matters now that Sam lives in the city.”
“Sam?” Dean glances at you, your brows cinched together. Dean realizes he’s never mentioned his brother. And here he is taking you to meet his mother. 
“Sam’s my younger brother.” He explains and your mouth opens in understanding. “He’s a hot shot lawyer in the city where he lives with his fiancé.” 
“Ah. Billie had mentioned you had a brother but that was it.” 
Of course she did. Dean laughs to himself. He’s curious what else Billie has told you. 
But then another thought crosses his mind. He hasn’t told you anything about his family, and he didn’t want to blindside you as you got closer to his mom’s house.
“Also, I should give you a heads up that it’s just my mom.” Dean’s voice lowers as he navigates the familiar backroads. From his vantage point, he can see your eyes narrow, trying to work out his words. 
“My dad passed a while back.” Dean clarifies. “Ten years actually.” The words leave Dean a little breathless. He hadn’t really been thinking that this year would mark a decade since his dad had died. This really wasn’t his year. 
“Shit, I’m sorry, Dean.” Your voice is quiet, and Dean can hear the pain in it. “If you don’t mind me asking, what happened?” 
Dean’s lip quirks up for just a moment. It’s almost funny how you’re asking for permission to know how his dad died. Not that it bothers him.
“Brain aneurysm.” Dean sighs. “Old man never saw it coming.” He thinks back to the day he got the phone call. He had been at work when his mother called his cell. But still being a garage grunt, Dean hadn’t answered. A few minutes later, Bobby had stepped into the garage and called Dean into his office. Dean never would have thought there was a connection between the timing of his mom’s call and Bobby’s beckoning. 
Looking back, he was grateful Bobby was the one who told him. He didn’t need to think about his brother or mother at that moment. Just let the shock and grief overwhelm him in the privacy of Bobby’s office with his boss’ hand of support on his shoulder. 
Lisa had picked him up, after Linda had called her and broke the news. At the time, Dean was renting an apartment off Main Street, and Lisa spent the next few days staying over cooking and cleaning for him, making sure he would be prepared for the upcoming wake and funeral. 
Back when they had actually cared about each other. 
“God, I’m so sorry. I can’t imagine.” Dean swallows down the lump in his throat and shrugs his shoulders. 
“It’s okay. Happened a long time ago now.” The familiar weight of John’s death settles on Dean’s shoulders, even after all this time. 
“Doesn’t make it any easier.” You counter. “Just more bearable.” A sad smile graces Dean’s lips as the lake comes into view through the barren trees as a silence falls over the cab.
“Anything else I should know before I meet your mom?” Your voice breaks through the silence. “Any sisters or more exes I should be warned about?”
Dean laughs before he can even think about it, and the weight lightens. He doesn’t thank you for it, but he’s grateful nonetheless. 
“I promise that’s it.” 
A few minutes later, Dean turns into the familiar driveway, the saturated sage A-frame nestled between the bare birches. One of the white-trimmed windows houses a familiar silhouette, eager for their arrival. 
Dean parks the truck behind Mary’s Nissan Rogue, a car he helped her pick out a few years ago when her decades-old minivan finally crapped out.
Dean kills the engine and sits back. 
“Ready?” He turns to face you, a bright smile on his face. 
You take a deep breath and find his eyes.
“Sure am.”
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You had lied. You weren’t feeling ready at all. As you stood at the trunk with Dean, looking up at the lakeside cabin, it was undeniably weird. The only parents you had met were your friends or partners. Never a random guy whose ex-wife was renting you their guest house. 
Not to mention you were still reeling from the story of Dean’s father. It was hard enough losing your aunt. You can’t imagine losing your father, and at that young of an age. You had to assume Dean was in his early thirties now, so to lose a parent when you’re barely an adult had to be even more devastating. You wonder if Dean’s father was around when he married Lisa. You can’t imagine getting married without both of your parents by your side to celebrate. Even if the marriage hadn’t worked out, you hoped he had been alive to see it. 
Dean reaches into the trunk and pulls out your pack, handing it to you. You give him a smile as you take it and throw it over your shoulder, and he smirks back at you. 
Once he has his bags, you follow him to the front step, a lone slab of stone, low to the ground, leading up to the tan double doors protected underneath a gabled roof, a lantern-esque pendant hanging overhead. 
As Dean reaches for the handle, the door pulls itself open, revealing a woman, a few inches taller than yourself, with blonde hair that’s so light it could be confused for gray, and green eyes matching Dean’s, not to mention the same, bright smile. Though the lines around her lips tell you she wears it more often than her son. 
“Dean!” She doesn’t hesitate as she throws her arms around his shoulders, pulling him in tight as his arms holding the bags get trapped to his sides.
“Hi, mom.” Dean huffs, a few beats going by before she lets him go and holds him at an arm’s length, studying him. 
“You look thinner.” She frowns, Dean takes a deep breath in and steps back. 
“I’m fine, mom.” He assures her the same way any child avoiding a lecture does. 
Her lips fold in and she sighs out instead of commenting. 
She then turns to you, her smile returning. 
“I’m assuming you’re Y/N?” You smile back with a nod. “I hope you’re a hugger.” She steps towards you and wraps her arms around you, giving you a surprisingly strong squeeze for an older woman. 
“Mom,” Dean groans, but you just wrap your free arm around her in return.
“Nice to meet you, Mrs. Winchester.” You pat her on the back before she pulls away and then swats her hand through the air.
“Oh please, we’re all adults. You can call me Mary.” You smile at her. 
“Well, thank you, Mary, for having me for the weekend.”
“It’s exciting!” She shrugs her shoulders up towards her ears. “It’s like Dean’s a kid all over again having a sleepover. Though they were never with girls.” She smirks at you and you can’t help but laugh as she shoots you a wink.
“Oh Jesus, ok. How about we go inside?” Dean steps around Mary and disappears into the entryway, effectively escaping and ending the conversation.
Mary just chuckles and shakes her head. 
“C’mon in.” She follows her son and waves you in and you step inside and close the door behind you.  
You’re surprised to find the house is almost completely open, with views stretching straight back to the ceiling-to-wall windows overlooking the lake’s shoreline. 
The open space is painted a soft yellow, with matching cream and light blue accents throughout the room. It’s the perfect picture of serenity, with not even a throw blanket out of place. 
Several plaques adorn the walls, each with cliché sayings like “Life is better at the lake” and “Living on lake time.”
Along the side wall, right in the center, is a gorgeous stone fireplace, with a natural mantle above it lined with various picture frames. 
“Your home is gorgeous,” You honestly gush. You had no idea what to expect, but it was like a living room straight out of Better Homes & Garden. 
“Oh well thank you, dear.” Mary puts her hands on her hips and looks around. “It took a lot of elbow grease and a few years, but I finally got it to where I wanted.” Your mouth pops open at her words. 
“You did all of this yourself?” You take in the vaulted, beamed ceiling and the wainscotting, appreciating the details that much more.
“Sure did. Needed something to keep me busy.” She trails off, and it takes you a moment to realize she’s talking about her husband. 
“Anyways,” she claps her hands. “Let me show you to your room.” She turns up the stairs to the right of the entrance. You look over at Dean who shoots up his eyebrows and you laugh before fixing your bag over your shoulder and following Mary. 
The upstairs hallway is just as gorgeous as downstairs, with four, stark white doors adorning the walls. You follow Mary towards the front of the house, where she opens the door for you.
“Here you are,” she ushers you in as she stands in the doorway. It’s a decently sized room, enough for a queen-sized bed, two nightstands, and a small dresser. The room has a farmhouse-chic look to it with a white-slabbed headboard and matching furniture. The bedside lampshades are a soft red, with the room tied together with a coordinated rug and throw pillows.
It was darling. 
“This is great,” you step inside past Mary. “Thank you.”
“I’ll let you get settled.” Mary smiles as you turn to face her. “If you need the bathroom, it’s right next door. Dean’s room is right past that, and then I’m across the hall.” She points to her door and you nod. With that, Mary steps out of the doorway, closing the door behind her.
You set your bag down at the corner of the bed and wander over to the window. Selfishly, you were hoping for a lakeview, but your room overlooks the driveway, Dean’s green truck and Mary’s SUV taking up the scenery instead. 
You take a deep breath as you head back towards the bed and kneel down at your bag, zipping it open and pulling out the very few clothes you brought for the weekend. You decide to put your clothes away, wanting to be a tidy guest, and hang up the only nice item you brought on the hook on the back of the bedroom door. 
You make a quick pit stop in the bathroom, making sure you still look fresh before passing the open doors of Dean and Mary’s rooms, stealing a glance into each before you head downstairs. 
As you return back to the foyer, you follow the muffled voices of the Winchesters around the corner to the closed-off portion of the house, stepping into the farmhouse-modern kitchen; a defined theme seamlessly integrated throughout the whole home. 
Dean is leaning against the center island, the base a vibrant blue that probably reflects the lake water in the summer, while Mary sits on one of the stools, her hands wrapped around a mug resting on the white countertop.
Dean notices you first, standing up a bit straighter as Mary turns in her seat to look towards you. 
“All settled?” Mary asks.
“Yes, thank you.” You stand under the room’s archway, feeling like you’re intruding on her and Dean’s personal space. 
“Would you like a coffee or anything? I can make you something to go.”
“To go?” You brow furrows. You know Dean has a work appointment, but you figured you would hang back at the house with Mary while he was busy. You look towards him, a sly smile on that stupidly handsome face of his as he relaxes next to his mother. 
“Figured you could come with me, learn a thing or two before the show tomorrow.” His eyes glisten in the sunlight shining through the multitude of windows. 
Your heart skips a beat at his words and his gaze.
“I really hope you’re not expecting me to help.” You shoot him a pointed look. You were useless when he fixed your battery just a few days ago, there’s no way you would be able to help him fix a speciality car. You wouldn’t even know the names of tools if he asked you to hand them to him. 
He chuckles. “I think I got a preview of your car knowledge this week,” he fully pushes off the island. “I think I’d be better off alone there.” You roll your eyes. 
Ass. Even if you just had the same thought. 
He steps towards you and flips his car keys in his hand. 
“But, I did set something up for you.” You frown at him. 
Did he sign you up for a car class or something? You did not agree to anything like that when he invited you up for the weekend. 
Scanning your face, he quells your concerns. 
“Just trust me.” You stare up at him, holding his gaze as he smiles down at you. 
Damn it. 
“Fine.” You huff. 
About fifteen minutes later, Dean turns down a long driveway, a sign in gold letters welcoming you to the Lime Rock Raceway. 
“A race track?” You turn towards Dean as he drives further down the path, a winding course coming into view. Grandstands rise up above the track, all empty this time of year. 
Dean just responds with a smirk as he parks in front of the raceway’s entrance. 
Without a word, Dean steps out of the truck, and you follow suit, one step behind him as he waves to the security attendant at the gate before finally coming to a halt at the edge of the track as your eyes widen at the car parked at the checkered finish line.
“Is that–” You point to the light blue, curving frame in front of you, your heart in your throat. 
“Not quite the ‘74 Mustang you wanted, but figured a ‘73 would do.” He grins down at you, but you’re too awestruck to return the gesture.
You step past him, your eyes glued to the only car that ever held your interest. It may be a year off, but it was just as beautiful as the one you had wanted since you were sixteen years ago. 
And it was parked right in front of you. 
“How–” you turn towards Dean, his hands in his pocket as he shrugs. 
“My client, Rick, has a collection and I asked him if he could bring this one with him.”
Holy shit. He did this for you. Went out of his way to bring your dream car to you.
Where the hell was the asshole you met only a few weeks ago? Because he certainly wasn’t standing in front of you now. 
“And,” he steps forward when you don’t respond, pulling his hands out of his pocket. “I haven’t even told you the best part yet.” He leans down towards you, his smile growing. 
“You get to drive it.”
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I'll protect you - JJ Maybank Blurb
Warnings: Parental abuse, cursing, blood, and violence.
Synopsis: You stand up to Luke on JJ's behalf
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"I'll be quick, no longer than 5 minutes." JJ's voice echoed in your head as you sat on his bike outside of his house. He was just running in to grab something, and now five minutes had turned into twenty. You were trying not to worry, but knowing his history with his dad, it was hard for you. You were gnawing on your bottom lip as you pulled out your phone, dialing his number. It rang for a bit before going to voicemail.
Mumbled curse words left your lips as you reached into your backpack, praying that the gun was still in there. You rifled around for a second before your skin brushed over the cool metal, a sigh sounding out as you stood up off the bike. Your legs felt shaky as you made your way up the steps of the porch.
As you pulled open the front door, you could immediately hear yelling and struggling. You swallowed thickly as you let yourself readjust the gun, holding it in the position that your boyfriend had taught you just days before. He had insisted that you only use it for absolute emergencies, and this felt like the correct time to use it.
"JJ?" You called out, hearing a muffled grunt of your name. You could tell it was him, but you weren't sure what you were about to walk in on. You made your way around the corner and felt an audible gasp leave your lips as you caught Luke holding him against the wall. His arm was over your boyfriends neck and JJ had blood pouring down from his nose. His eyes fell onto you and tears rolled down his cheeks.
He didn't want you to see this. He was trying to protect you from this. But, as you heard Luke going on and on about how ungrateful JJ was, it immediately filled you with even more rage then you already had. "Look at you. You think you're so tough. I'm calling the cops on you for assault, son."
Against your better judgement, you held the gun up and pointed it at Luke's back. You were trying to hide how shaky you were as you tried to muster up as much courage as you could. "Call them, Luke. I'll tell them he hits you in self defense." Your voice was stronger than you imagined it would ever come out, the older man turning to you as he instantly let JJ go. He fell to the ground, coughing and choking as he held onto his throat. You kept the gun pointed at his dad as you made your way over, kneeling down beside the blonde boy.
"They'll never believe you, sweetheart. You have no credibility." The harsh words that left your boyfriends dad's mouth had you sneering, shaking your head. "I have more credibility than you do. Plus, he has more bruises than you on any given day." You wrapped your arm around JJ and let him lean his weight against you. You looked over at him and frowned as he shook his head, the two of you making your way out of the house.
You immediately helped him sit on his bike, your shirt coming off as your swimsuit was exposed. You needed to stop the bleeding from his nose. JJ watched you intently, knowing better than to try and stop you at the point. Your fingers worked quickly as you wiped the blood from his face, a frown on your lips. "I didn't want you to ever see any of that." His voice finally spoke, a break obvious as he looked away. He tried to hide the tears that were falling, the pad of your thumb quickly wiping them. "J, I'll always protect you. Please never forget that." Your words were soft as you went in for a hug, his face burying into your neck. "Now lets get you to my place and get you cleaned up."
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ultrone · 1 year
all eyes on you !
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jealous!perv!nat spies on u through the gym’s surveillance cameras and gets jealous of lottie ҂ smut with plot; stalking, masturbation, jealousy, clothed fingering, cum-filled strap-on use, angry fucking, dirty talking, creampie. . .﹙2.9k wc﹚
last month, natalie found herself in another serious predicament—her chronic tardiness had struck once again, with a tally of nine late arrivals in just a single month. the patience of her program's coordinator was wearing thin; nat's disregard for detentions had begun to frustrate her professors. her coordinator was on the verge of giving her an ultimatum: complete a minimum of 60 hours of community service before the semester came to a close.
however, the situation took an unexpected turn when the person responsible for monitoring the gym's security cameras during the third block suddenly quit without any explanation. coincidentally, natalie had a free block during that exact time slot. the coordinator saw this as a chance to teach her a lesson, as this particular block was when nat often hurriedly left campus before her lunchtime and returned late for her next class. it presented itself as the perfect chance for intervention. so, they offered her a deal: instead of getting in trouble, she could take over the job of the person who left, at least until they found a replacement.
at first, nat didn't like the idea. she thought it was dumb and a waste of time. plus, the fact that she wouldn't be getting paid for it bothered her. but she realized that if she got suspended, she was fucked, as it could ruin her scholarship. the only reason she got accepted into university was because she had a scholarship for playing soccer. so, she decided to agree to the deal and take on the job, even though she didn't want to.
however, her resentment and lack of interest in the job vanished the moment she took charge of the camera system during her first shift. a realization struck her: you were there. you happened to have gym class during that same block. the instant she caught sight of you through the camera feed, clad in that tank top and those notably short shorts, she promptly stowed away the sleeping bag and sleeping mask she had managed to sneak into her backpack. her focus shifted entirely to observing you.
the two of you were close. maybe not best-friend level, but definitely close enough to exchange texts almost every day and hang out pretty much every weekend. you’d probably be best friends if it wasn’t because of lottie, you’d be hers if it wasn’t because of fucking lottie. she seemed to always be around you, attending the same classes and sticking by your side during soccer practice. it felt as though natalie was receiving the leftover moments lottie didn't claim when she wasn't with you. yet, what irked her the most was  lottie’s obvious crush on you. the lingering gazes, the tender way she said your name, the subtle touches—they all fueled nat's frustration. the only thing keeping nat from beating the shit out of lottie was you; she dreaded the idea of you hating her.
today was like any other day. after finishing her second block class, nat proceeded to the security office located on the gym's second floor. positioned at the far end of the hallway, she quietly shut the door upon entering before settling into her chair. with a few clicks, she activated the surveillance cameras, and there you were—as beautiful as ever. by the moment you started stretching, nat was already unbuttoning her pants, slipping her hand inside almost instinctively. she was wearing a strap today, but didn’t feel like taking it off. instead, she maneuvered her hand beneath it and started touching herself. she observed the way you massaged your sore thighs from the previous day, the way you would bend down and display your ass to her, only her. her fingers started circling her clit faster and faster, and she started moaning out your name.
right when nat was about to reach climax, lottie unexpectedly entered the frame of the screen, giving you a warm hug. in no time, your hands yielded to lottie's as she took over the task of massaging your back. as her fingers skillfully worked to alleviate the tension in your shoulders, you tilted your head back, closing your eyes at the feeling. meanwhile, nat observed the scene with a puzzled expression on her face.
“fucking bitch,” she quietly muttered, withdrawing her hand from her pants and zipping them up, frustration and disbelief evident in her expression.
this event turned her off completely, so she directed her attention toward her phone, as she wasn’t even able to look at you right now or she would combust in anger. she got so immersed on her phone that she didn’t notice the coach pulling you aside and telling you something. it wasn’t until she looked back at the surveillance that she realized that you were gone. she checked every angle of the gym, every hallway, you were nowhere to be found—and neither was lottie. right when she was about to slam her phone against the floor, she heard a knock on the door, and then someone twisting the doorknob open.
“hey, nat!” you said enthusiastically. “how are you?” you asked her.
“i’m good,” she replied colder than usual. she was kind of aloof by nature, but she was always nice to you, so you found it a bit weird.
“uh, okay. i’m glad,” you responded, “coach lost his stopwatch, he said you have more in here?” you asked her.
"first cabinet," she remarked nonchalantly, her gaze returning to her phone.
opting not to address her peculiar behaviour, you simply went on to search for the stopwatch. you opened the initial cabinet of the desk where nat had propped up her feet and sifted through its contents until finally locating what you needed. "found it!" you exclaimed as you retrieved the stopwatch and shut the cabinet.
"i'll see you later. enjoy your security endeavors," you added, a playful smile on your face.
"sure thing," she replied, her tone casual. "and you... have fun with lottie," she added, her words laced with a subtle sarcasm that was hard to miss.
curiously, you asked, "what do you mean by that?" her tone leaving you slightly puzzled.
“nothing, i mean, you two looked pretty close in there,” she began, her gaze finally meeting yours. “rubbing your back like that and all.”
a bit taken aback, you explained, "well, you know that lottie and i are really close friends, so i'm not sure where you're going with this. and why were you keeping tabs on us anyway?"
nat rolled her eyes and scoffed, "please, spare me the innocent act. you know exactly what i'm talking about. and besides, lottie's not exactly the most trustworthy person, is she?"
you felt a surge of irritation rise within you. "what are you talking about? lottie's been nothing but a good friend to me."
"look, i'm just saying," nat defended herself, "lottie has a reputation for being flirty with everyone. you don't want to be just another name on her list."
disbelief coursed through you. "that's ridiculous," you shot back. "lottie’s just a friend, and i trust her. you're just jealous."
"jealous?" nat scoffed. "why would i be jealous? i have no interest in you like that."
"then what's the problem?" you demanded, a hint of frustration in your voice.
"problem? there's no problem," nat retorted, her voice dripping with sarcasm. "i just care about you, okay? maybe a bit too much, considering it's none of my business who you're cozying up to."
you felt a mix of frustration and confusion. "nat, you're acting really strange right now. what’s wrong?"
"oh, so now you're the expert on how i'm supposed to act?" she spat out, her voice tinged with a sharp edge. she suddenly stood up, her chair scraping back, and before you knew it, she had you cornered between her body and the desk. her eyes, which were usually warm and inviting, now held a fiery intensity.
“well, watch this,” she said, closing the distance and pulling you into a violent kiss. the suddenness of her actions left you stunned for a moment, but as her lips pressed against yours, you couldn’t help but reciprocate the kiss with the same urgency. her lips were fierce, full of both frustration and a deep, hidden longing that you hadn’t acknowledged before.
your mind raced to catch up with the sudden shift. her lips were demanding, pressing against yours with an almost bruising fervor. her hands found their way to your waist as she pulled you closer, and her tongue caressed yours, sending tingles of pleasure up your spine.
finally nat pulled away, both of your breaths coming in ragged gasps. she searched your face for a reaction, as if unsure of what she had done or what to expect from you—but you could see the desire and confidence in her eyes.
“i bet you didn’t see that coming,” she remarked with a smug tone, her expression maintaining a serious demeanour as her gaze lingered on your lips once more.
“or this,” she whispered, her face descending as she placed a kiss along your jawline. her hands glided from your sides to the edge of your shorts in a tantalizing manner. “or this,” she continued in a hushed voice, her lips planting fervent kisses on your neck. all the while, her fingers delicately explored the border of your shorts, gently caressing and tugging; your response came in the form of a soft, involuntary groan escaping your lips.
but then, as abruptly as it began, she paused, lifting her lips from your neck. raising her head, she fixed her gaze intensely into your eyes.
"or..." her voice trailed off as her hand ventured beneath the fabric of your shorts, fingers sliding in ever so slowly.
she held your gaze for a lingering moment. with your consent apparent in your eyes, she wasted no time, delicately resting two of her fingers atop your clothed clit. in deliberate, almost torturous movements, her fingers traced delicate circles, her touch sending a shiver down your spine. her face drew nearer, nuzzling against your cheek, warm breaths mingling with the sensitive skin of your neck.
involuntarily, your hips responded, aching for more friction. yet, the closer you drew to her, the gentler the pressure of her touch became, evading your attempts to intensify the sensation, leaving you yearning for more.
"harder," you groaned, your voice finding her ear.
"no," she murmured, her fingers tracing an exquisitely gentle path along your already damp cloth-covered folds.
“please,” you begged, your hips twitching as your arms reflexively grabbed around her torso, attempting to get her closer to you.
“y'want me to fuck you?” she questioned, a sharper edge to her tone compared to before.
“y–” you started, only to be interrupted.
“you want me to fuck you, just so that you can close your eyes and pretend it’s lottie, don’t you?” she asked, the pressure on your clothed center increasing, her eyes aflame with a fervent blend of anger and desire, a side of her you had never seen before.
"no, that's not—" you began, confusion etched across your face.
“yes, you do,” she said matter-of-factly, her voice husky. “but i’ll prove to you i’m better,” she declared, determination evident in her gaze.
in a swift motion, she withdrew her hand from your shorts, abruptly turning you around. her nimble fingers hastened to unfasten her jeans and underwear, letting them fall to the floor. with equal speed, your shorts and underwear followed suit.
she slowly placed her hands around your torso and drew you closer, her strap resting right against your slit. she slipped a hand beneath your shirt, one encircling your waist as the other ascended to your throat, exerting a slight pressure as she drew your body tightly against hers.
she began to give hot, wet kisses to the exposed back of your neck before slowly moving on to your ear and nibbling on it. you could only groan in response, your fingers clutching at her forearms on top of your shirt.
amid her nibbling, she shifted her gaze to the surveillance cameras, and noticed lottie giggling in the background. her hand that had been tightening around your throat now withdrew, granting her more freedom of movement. she directed your face toward hers, claiming your lips in a demanding, almost bruising kiss. her teeth sank into your lower lip with fervor as her hips ground against your slick, moist center. it wasn’t until she tasted the blood flowing out of your bottom lip that she pulled away.
“i want you to look at her while i fuck you,” she commanded, turning your face toward the monitors by gripping your jaw.
“what? no way,” you retorted, swift in your refusal.
“i’m not asking you,” she snapped, her hands propelling your body against the desk, the monitors now in clear view. "is that clear?" she asked, her fingers tangling in your hair, tilting your head to face the monitor displaying lottie. you remained silent.
her free hand descended to her own strap-on, teasingly pressing it against your throbbing entrance. lowering her body onto yours, her heated breath whispered against your ear. "i asked, are we clear?" she repeated, her voice measured and stern.
“y-yes,” you gasped, the slight contact of her length against your slickness causing your senses to spin.
“good,” she murmured, nipping your jaw gently before rising, her hand sliding to your waist and gripping it firmly, while her other hand continued to hold your head in place. without further due, she slammed her entire length inside you, bottoming out and deliciously stretching your tight walls, which were too tight for the the size of her girth.
“shit, y/n, you’re so fuckin’ tight,” she groaned as her rhythm started to build. sliding in and out of you, her thrusts made your walls clench around her with each movement. you moaned as you felt the tip of her cock repeatedly stimulating your g-spot, prompting you to arch your hips backward in an attempt to take her even deeper.
“g-go rougher,” you pleaded, your attempts to go deeper falling short of your expectations.
“rougher?” she asked, a hint of challenge in her voice. “i’ll give you rough, then.” she released her hold on your hair, her hand finding its place on your lower back. with the other hand, she lifted one of your legs onto the desk, anchoring it there as she began thrusting with renewed vigor, burying her cock deeper and faster into you, the change in angle allowing her to.
“oh— ffuck, s’ fucking good” you moaned, your words pouring out in a rush as the sensation of her girthy cock gliding against your inner walls consumed your senses.
“lottie could never fuck you this good,” she declared as she increased her pace, the sound of wet slaps reverberating against the walls of the room. “could she?” she asked, the grip on your leg tightening enough to leave a mark.
“n-no, no, she could never,” you babbled out, slurring your words as you tried to answer coherently, barely processing her words. your moans grew louder as you felt her hand travel from your thigh to your clit, skillfully stimulating it while maintaining her deep thrusts.
“fuck, nat, m’ gonna cum,” you cried out in pleasure, pushing your body closer to her as the climax built within you. twisting your swollen clit between her fingers, she maintained her fervent rhythm, pressing you further towards the edge. her hand traced your waist, reaching your jaw, ensuring your teary gaze remained locked onto lottie.
she began to suck fervently on your neck, her thrusts growing more urgent. “i want you to cum while you look at her,” she commanded, prompting a whine of response from you.
“tell me i’m better than her,” she commanded, her hot breath teasing your neck as she marked it. “say it,” she insisted, pressing her fingers harder against your jaw while intensifying the pressure on your clit.
“you’re… you’re better,” you stammered, nearly incapable of coherent speech, a tear of pleasure tracing your cheek.
“better than who?” she teased, intensifying her suction on your neck.
“than lottie— better than lottie,” you finally admitted. that was all she needed to hear before sliding her tongue into your mouth and kissing you roughly, her tongue exploring your mouth deeply. her thrusts grew more aggressive, and as she reached her peak, warm streams of cum filled your tight walls, making you cry out in pleasure. your walls clamped down so tightly around her girth, that it was nearly impossible for her to continue thursting.
she remained there, her cock resting inside you as you both regained your breath. several minutes passed before she rose, removing her cock gently from within you and smoothly pulling up her pants, fastening them securely. at the same time, you managed to straighten up from the desk, struggling to steady your shaky legs as you pulled up your shorts.
"enjoy your time in p.e.," she playfully taunted, her gaze fixed on your wobbly legs and flushed cheeks as she settled back into her seat, an air of satisfaction surrounding her.
"will do! i'm sure i'll enjoy my time with lottie," you teased, well aware that your words would stir jealousy. with a mischievous grin, you snatched up the abandoned stopwatch and dashed out of the room.
"you'll regret saying that!" she shouted after you as you made your escape.
"i doubt it, joe goldberg!" your distant voice retorted, your footsteps fading into the distance.
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Everything About You
(Harry Styles x Reader)
Summary- Harry takes Y/N to meet his family. But he’s nervous they won’t like her…
Warnings- angst, mentions of insecurities including weight, cursing. Suggested plus size reader.
Harry was nervous, that was for certain. His mother had not left him alone and insisted he bring his girlfriend of a year home to meet his family. Every chance he could, he came up with an excuse on why she wasn’t able to come, and it bothered Y/N.
“Harry, love please! At least just me and Gem! You know we-.”
Harry sighs and shakes his head, rubbing his forehead in frustration.
“Mum, I’m not worried about that. Y/N is… She’s just different. And I just want to make sure I’m actually ready for that… She’s just a lot sometimes.”
Anne sighs through the phone and Harry frowns.
“If you’re leading this poor girl on then you need to tell her. She sounds like a lovely person, so I do hope you’re able to figure it out.”
Harry leans into the couch and closes his eyes as he finishes talking to his mom before she hangs up. He gets up from the couch and walks through his house to his bedroom, finding Y/N pulling things out of the drawer he had designated for her. His stomach drops and his eyebrows furrow as he approaches the bed.
“Y/N? Love? Where are you going…?”
She ignores him as she continues to shove clothing into her backpack before she harshly zips it up, throwing it on her shoulder before she turns around and pushes past him and speeds down the hallway. Harry chases after her, his stomach in knots as she ignores his pleas for her to talk to him. He follows her outside to her car and snatches her keys from her, forcing her to look at him, her tears obvious to him now.
“Y/N, What’s wrong? Why are you leaving all of a sudden?”
She sniffles and rolls her eyes at him as she tries to take her keys back.
“Does it matter? I’m not staying here anymore. I don’t like to stay where I’m not wanted.”
Harry’s mouth drops and he looks at her in confusion.
“Where you’re not wanted? Y/N, what the hell are you talking about?! Of course I want you here!”
She scoffs and folds her arms across her chest.
“I heard you on the phone, Harry. Talking to your mom. Because I’m just a lot and I’m obviously too much for you to handle. What is it then? Tell me what’s too much?”
Harry opens his mouth to speak but her can’t find the words, causing Y/N to scoff again.
“Is it because I actually eat? That I actually have some weight to me and I like to eat? Or is it just because I’m not like all the girls you’ve dated before? If that’s it then I’m sorry to tell you that I don’t want to be. I always told myself I wouldn’t change for anyone, and that sure as fuck includes you.”
Harry shakes his head and sighs.
“Y/N, that’s not-.”
“Give me my keys, Harry. You and I need a break. Figure out whatever the fuck it is you want because it’s clear that it’s not me. I’ll have Jeff come pick up your crap from my apartment.”
She snatches her keys from him and quickly gets in her car, driving away before he can say anything else. Harry ponders for a few days, giving her space as much as he could but he was conflicted.
What had he meant? Sure, she acts silly, maybe a little too silly for a 24 year old. She’s younger than him and maybe he didn’t realize he had set expectations for her? He had always thought she was perfect. They had met after he wrapped up filming for My Policemen.
He had been invited to a small get together and she had happened to be there. She was quiet and she hadn’t really fit in, keeping to herself in the corner as she scrolled through her phone. She intrigued him, and he couldn’t help but approach her. Slowly but surely, he pulled her out of her shell and asked her out.
They had been together for a little over a year, and he had not met her family, nor had she met his, despite her attempts. He loved her, but he constantly wondered if she actually fit in his life. Many of his closest friends liked her, but found her rather annoying. She liked to make people laugh.
It was her passion. And he loved that about her. She always knew how to cheer him up, either talking in a funny voice or making a funny sound. He loved that she was comfortable around him. So when did everything change?
About 6 months into their relationship, photos of them were leaked. From then on, she was a constant target on social media, to the point that she changed her accounts to private. She was discriminated and bullied for just being herself.
After a discussion with Jeff, Harry acted for reserved when they were out in public, and had even snapped at her when she started making funny animal sounds at the request of Sarah, and all because they were being caught on video. And it had only spiraled from there.
Had he been pushing her away without realizing it?
Harry had enough. He loved her. He knew he did. But he let himself get too wrapped up in keeping his public image that he forgot about what was most important to him. After 2 weeks of her ignoring his texts and calls, he built up his courage and drove to her apartment.
She answered the door, he hair tied up messily as she wears a pair of his shorts and a t shirt he had brought her from his tour. She looks shocked to see him at first but narrows her eyes in irritation as she sneers at him.
“What could you possibly want now?”
Harry sniffles and bites his lip.
“To talk. I owe you an apology and an explanation.”
Y/N folds her arms and leans against her doorway.
“You have a minute.”
Harry takes a deep breath before he starts, the words flowing out immediately.
“I’ve been a dick. A big one. And I’m sorry. For everything.”
She scoffs and moves to close the door, but Harry moves his foot to hold it open.
“Y/N, please! I love everything about you! I just got carried away and I lost sight of what was most important to me! I pushed you away… and I shouldn’t have. I love watching you eat. It sounds weird but you’re always so happy. I love when you randomly try to poke me, and in turn I try to bite you. I love that you randomly dance around and I can’t help but dance with you. You’re a lot Y/N. But that’s not a bad thing. I guess-.”
Harry gets choked up and he clears his throat before he continues.
“I fell for you. Hard. You’re… You’re it for me. And that scares me. Every time I passed some sort of ring store on tour… I always had to hold myself back from going in. I’m scared Y/N. And I should’ve been honest with you about it. But I was just overwhelmed…”
Y/N sniffles and wipes away her tears as Harry moves to his knee as he kneels in front of her.
“I don’t want to be scared anymore. I want this Y/N. I want your pokes and your jokes, and your awful craving for fries and ice cream. I want that for the rest of my life. I want you to meet my family. And I want to meet yours. I want to be a family. With you. Will you Y/N? Will you marry me?”
Y/N falls to her knees in tears and wraps her arms around his neck as he takes her into his hold, holding her close as she sobs.
“I-I’m so sorry I left!”
Harry rubs her back and lifts her up, carrying her inside as he hums and shushes her.
“I know love, I know. I’m so sorry I hurt you…”
He sits down on her couch, holding her tight in his arms as her sobs soften and she lifts her head up.
“You say it’s weird but you eat fries and ice cream with me.”
She smiles and Harry lets out a small laugh as he nods. She rests her head on his chest and they lay in content silence for a moment.
“Did you… Did you buy a ring?”
She lifts her head up again and he smiles.
“No- I had something else in mind… You’ll just have to wait and see- That is… if you’re saying yes?”
She nods with a small smile and kisses him.
The following weeks set many things in motion. And as soon as they were able, Harry, along with Y/N, traveled to Holmes Chapel to see his mother.
Harry knocks on his mom’s door, holding tightly on Y/N’s hand as she nervously fiddles with her dress. Anne opens the door with a wide smile as she sets her eyes on Y/N.
“My goodness it’s about time! And Y/N- you’re absolutely gorgeous! Come in, come in! Step out of the cold!”
They walk inside and Harry closes the door before he drags Y/N through the house and into the living room where Gemma and her boyfriend Michel sit. Gemma smiles as she sees her brother and gives him a small nod of approval.
Throughout dinner, laughs echo through the house when Anne gets up for a moment, leaving the room, only to come back with a small box, handing it to Harry. Harry stands up and turns to Y/N, once again, getting on his knee. Y/N starts to tear up as she realizes what he’s doing, and he opens the small box, revealing a ring.
“Harry- that’s..”
He smiles and nods.
“It’s not the exact but… this is as close as I could get to replicating your mum’s ring. I know how much you miss her and how you wish she was still here… and I promise to you and to her… You will never be unhappy again. I love you Y/N. Everything about you.”
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daichiduskdrop · 1 year
˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚⋆·˚ ༘ *𝙎𝙣𝙤𝙬 𝙖𝙣𝙜𝙚𝙡 ⋆·˚ ༘ *ੈ✩‧₊˚
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Chapter 12
Pairing: BTS Ot7 X fem! reader
Genre: A/B/O AU, Fluff, Angst, Strangers to lovers,
Warnings: Slight mentions of unhealthy eating habits
Words: 3358
Taglist: @thelilbutifulthings @ilovemoneymorethenmen @singukieee @cherrysainttt @felicityroth @mageprincess7 @lucis-noctiana @danielle143 @osakis-gf @girl-nahh @vintageoldfashion @neverthefirstchoice @juju-227592 @silentreadersthings @i-have-no-life-charlie @everyonehatesshani @iamkookiesforyou @dragons-flare @fangirl125reader @roseidol
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Smiling at the calming words, you rested fully against the alpha's shoulder, his large hands curling around your upper back, pulling you closer.
Hoseok chuckled at the soft interaction, knowing well that Yoongi was acting against his usual cold and shy nature, just for you. He wouldn't let even the youngest cuddle with him, and that said something.
You were just special for them.
Driving carefully, the car went slowly. There wasn't any snow falling at the current time, but the roads were glistening with ice, and so the alpha tried to avoid any possible accidents.
It didn't take much more than 20 minutes before they were able to see the university building from the main road. Turning on the closest street, Jungkook drove the vehicle to the parking lot available for the students.
When entering the school, along with a few other important documents and cards, all the students received a parking access card, allowing them to save some money.
Not a lot of the people there actually used it; it was much more common for them to just use the train, bus, or anything along those lines. A car was just an expense not many could afford.
Most of the students were betas, or alphas, because the lectures and assignments brought a high stress level that wasn't advised for omegas to endure every day. It was usual for alphas to drive cars; betas most of the time also had the licence, but for omegas, it was fairly unusual.
Passing the tests with the second-gender burden was just unlikely. Plus, even if some lucky ones managed to pass, most likely paid behind their backs by their pack alphas, they wouldn't always actually get the licence.
It wasn't a very honourable act to pay to pass any tests or bypass any important rules, but if a pack omega just so wanted to learn how to drive for whatever reason, would study so well for it, and would be nervous during any of the practise drives, the pack would just eventually soften up.
It was just harsh to see them fail and look so sad after it happened; usually the omegas would end up crying because of it too.
"They wouldn't need the licence anyways," was usually what the teachers at the driving school would say, blatantly obvious with just not wanting to allow them to drive.
Car accidents could end terribly, and a pack that has lost their omega for such things would most definitely carry the burden for way longer than healthy.
It was true, though; the passenger princess privelage omegas held was just too powerful.
And so, the parking lot was mostly empty, occupied in only at very few spots. Getting in the line before the lifting barrier, only a few cars stood before the pack's.
Noticing the driver being let in only after scanning a card, Jungkook turned to look at you, palms still holding the wheel fully.
„Babybun? Do you have card access for the parking lot, sweet bunny?” Nodding, you took your backpack from next to you, rummaging through it until you fished out your wallet.
Going through the many passes you didn't really use, you took out the dark blue card, which had a barcode at its bottom with your information printed out on top.
Handing it to Jin, he gave it to Jungkook's outstretched hand. Thanking you gently, the alpha drove a few metres forward after the last car went through.
Pulling the window down, he let the scan recognise your access, and the barrier pulled up right after. Driving in, he turned to park at one of the bigger slots, making sure not to bump into anyone's car.
Turning the engine off, seatbelts unbuckled, and doors opened, with you also slipping out in time. Yoongi carried your backpack for you and held it by one of the straps.
Zipping up your now slightly opened jacket for you, Jungkook smiled widely at you. „I'll keep the card for when one of us comes to pick you up later, okay, bun?” Rubbing your cheek with his knuckles, his warm and soft eyes settled on your form.
Nodding at it, you didn't have any issue with it. Turning to your backpack, you took out your college ID and hung it around your neck with the strap.
With the time quickly approaching closer and closer to 8, the alphas decided that going from the oldest to the youngest, they would share their goodbyes. With the first alpha approaching you, he took a hold of both of your hands, intertwining your fingers and squeezing them.
„Sweet cub, have fun at lessons today, okay? You can tell me all about them later. Text us if you need anything; we are always available for you. And eat your lunch well; I made it extra tasty just for you.”
Cooing at you, Jin stepped closer to you, his body feeling warm even through all the layers. His chin rubbed softly over the top of your head, scenting you just the smallest bit.
Stepping back, the man allowed his packmates to also say their goodbyes, but even then, he didn't let his eyes waver from your form, watching closely over you.
„My sweet kitten. Have a good day, hm? If anything happens, alphas are always ready to come here and get you. Pay attention in lessons and stay out of trouble, kitty.”
Yoongi didn't show much affection, instead choosing to just scent you, being much less obvious about it. Rubbing his hands around your soft face tenderly, he let his wrist scent glands do the trick.
After making deep eye contact with the alpha for a few seconds, he pulled away, helping you put on your backpack.
Smiling widely at you, the next alpha pulled you to his chest right away, rubbing both of his palms over your sides, being mindful not to bump into your bag.
„Sunshine, have a great day. What is your schedule today anyway?"
„Um..I have to meet my course leader first, since it's Monday. I'll be in the studio until lunch break, and then I should have some lectures and then continue on some assignments again.” You said, thinking about your schedule for the day.
Usually, it was pretty much the same every day, but Mondays were a bit different, with meeting up with the course leader in the morning. They were there to explain and inform you about any upcoming events or assignments for the week, going over all the work you have done for the past week.
„That sounds like a lot, bub. You aren't too tired now, are you? My baby, be careful on yourself, please.” Already getting too worried for any good reason, he wrapped his arms around your head, pushing you under his chin.
Breathing in your scent, he felt his nerves settle down a bit. With his chin gently going over your hairline, he too left a bit of his scent lingering on you. Pursing his lips in disappointment, he pulled away after prolonging the hug for a good few seconds, gently rubbing your shoulders before he stepped away.
„Okay, babypup, pay good attention to your lessons, sweetheart. Make sure you do well in your classes, and if anything happens, tell the alphas right away; we are here to protect you.” Looking into your eyes with his neck bended towards you, you nodded at Packalpha's words.
Gentle and caring, yet strict at the same time. Namjoon always cared about studies, and you doing well in your lessons was very important to him. He knew a bit about art, but even if he didn't, he was more than willing to study anything to be able to help you if you had any troubles.
Gently patting the back of your head for a few rhythms, he hummed in approval when you nodded. Rubbing his cheek on your hair, he let his scent cover you fully. You gripped his fingers tightly before you let him pull away again.
„Aigoo, princess, make sure you have lots of fun with your classmates today, hm? We already added you to our group chat, so make sure you message us throughout the day, sweet baby. Alphas will get worried otherwise!”
Whining through his chuckles, Jimin shook you softly, making you also erupt in soft giggles. Pleased with the sound, he also carefully pulled you close to his body, snuggling up against your warm neck and cheeks.
With you well scented, he felt satisfied with his work, allowing the other alphas to also say their goodbyes.
„Babycheeks, be careful alright? If anyone picks on you, you tell us immediately. Do you understand? ...good girl. Take photos of what you made; you can show me later today. I would love to see.”
Nodding into his neck, you breathed in the musky scent he carried. He felt worried about leaving you out of his sight after having you drop twice already these past two days. It was just worrying for him.
With his fingers combing through your hair, Taehyung squeezed your cheeks a little, pinching them and laughing widely at your face. You were just adorable, weren't you?
With his small wrist scent glands doing a good job of scenting you well, he felt satisfied with his work, letting the youngest do his own thing.
„Babybun, I will get lonely without you like this! You have to text me, okay, so I don't cry! I will, I really will—no, baby, don't laugh! Nooo, yah! Stop! Aish..” His fake sobs were just ridiculous; his face looked too funny for you to handle.
Hugging him instead, you could hear the loud coos of the other men around you, making you hide your face in the alpha's chest better. Giggling himself, he rubbed his palms over your sides himself, his knuckles caressing your cheeks gently.
Stepping away after a few more moments, you adjusted the card around your neck and shyly looked down. The men didn't leave yet, watching over you with soft eyes. Sighing out, you knew you had to go now.
„I'll go now...” You softly whispered, about to turn on your heel, when Namjoon answered.
„Be a good girl for alphas today.” The packalpha said, and with your shy nod, you made your way to the entrance of your college.
The pack watched over you fondly, making sure you left inside safely. And so, after you turned a corner, they all eventually piled back in the van, the time showing 7:54. They didn't have any strict schedules they always had to comply with, but they had scheduled meetings for the day.
They didn't mind, though; even if they were a little late, saying proper goodbyes to you was much more important to them.
Rounding the corner, you walked through the busy corridors, many scents erupting from all around you. It wasn't too loud; most of the people who studied at art schools were more introverted and quiet. Still, with the many people you didn't know well and the scents they carried, the noise was a bit overwhelming.
Shrugging off your coat and placing it in your locker, you locked it, taking just your backpack. Continuing on your way to the studios, yours was at the bottom level of the school, right next to all the printing techniques.
It was just more convenient for all the students since a lot of the time fine arts included sculptures and other various materials, and you were also used to going to the printing techniques quite frequently. The giant machines were placed downstairs for obvious reasons.
Walking through the open space where a lot of the figurative drawing classes were held, you made your way to the room you shared with the few classmates you had. Opening the doors, you bent your head so you wouldn't accidentally meet anyone's eyes.
There weren't many people in your class anyway, and sharing it with only six others was a pretty private experience if you were being honest. Fine arts weren't just that popular for a major, very understandably so.
Taking a seat at the corner of the big table, you all piled together, waiting for the teacher to arrive.
„And the curating? How is it going?” The man asked, watching over his class. The exhibitions would take place in just about a week or so, and so it was important to get the finishing touches down.
After splitting up the class into two equal groups, it was assigned for them to help curate two exhibitions, one for each. The works of the other students would be shown too, with the show held in the school building a few days before Christmas.
They had to do everything basically by themselves, and that was a lot of work, having to label everything, prepare all the work on time, and get it together with no issues.
You shared the project with two betas, a boy named Chin-Hae and another girl named Sun-Hi. They didn't let you do much stuff completely by yourself, so you more or less helped them around. Most of the talking with other students was done by them, with you being close by.
Neither of them talked too much with you, but with a few of the other classmates, they were a lot more outgoing. You didn't mind, though, feeling a little too shy to try and approach them with anything else but the project you were required to work on together.
„We are working on the posters for it right now; we still have to finalise all the names. Not much left to do.” Sun-Hi spoke, her voice sounding velvety and calm.
Even if the group seemed mostly well collected, they were more than worried. The preparations have been taking over two months now, and it's been complicated getting the work ready.
„Alright. Do you have some sketches or anything? I can look over it with you.” Nodding at that, the beta pulled out her laptop, unlocking it, and after a minute, she turned the screen to the teacher.
There wasn't much yet done for the poster; together they only decided on the colour scheme and font but didn't go too deep into how it would actually look. You had some ideas on your mind, but you didn't expect the group to actually use them.
Looking at the screen for a second, you nervously sat next to the teacher and the two other classmates opposite you. Hiding your palms under the sleeves of the jumper you wore, you huddled closer to yourself.
Nodding at your work, the teacher mentioned finishing it within two or so days at the maximum because they had to present the whole preparation process by Friday. He would be able to help them at least a little until then, but when Friday hits, he won't be able to do much.
Thanking him quietly, the teacher then went over the other students work for the assignments given for the month. Checking over how they were progressing, he was quick to give any needed help.
With every assignment, you were given a written note going over what techniques you had to use, the theme, colours, and any other notes that had to be made. Everything else was fully up to you.
With the sketches already done, you were moving quickly with the work you still had to do since it had to be done before the Christmas holidays. The critiques would be held the day after New Year's celebrations, and you had to have everything done by then.
You weren't too wowed by the theme. „What is your problem?” just sounded a bit lame to your ears, but you did get a few nice ideas you continued to work on further.
You liked that the sentence could be interpreted and said in so many different ways, from a caring and worried question all the way to a rude and sarcastic remark.
You wanted to hold on to that thought for a little longer, wanting to maybe even collaborate with someone you thought would never understand your perspective and view. And so, after telling your kind teacher about your idea, he was quick to help.
Providing you with a contact for a senior alpha man you had never met in your life before, he helped you arrange a short meeting, held on the school grounds, where the man arrived.
It was an experience you never really thought about going through before, but you decided to trust it, and you believed you would be able to make an artwork after the appointment.
And so the day you met up with the elder, you were led to the cafeteria with your teacher with you, helping you get settled down for a second or two before he also left. It was a little bit awkward at first; the alpha's face was obviously more than tired.
You still remember the bright white coat he wore and the thick knitted scarf he tightly wrapped around his neck. With a walking stick held by him, the man took a seat by the small table in the cantine, his wire-rimmed glasses perched up on his big nose.
Even when it intimidated you at first greatly, soon you went on talking with the alpha, and shockingly, he felt very sweet towards you. A bit confused with the new technologies, he was actually very nice to talk to.
When you told him about the assignment, he laughed loudly and was quick to answer the question. „I got old, and so will you.”
With the main idea of your work already so easily said by him, you now had a few nice ideas you wanted to carry out further. Wanting to phase the whole project around age and mostly time, you weren't too sure what to exactly present, but choosing to do multimedia just felt right for this.
You knew making a video could be risky, especially with the music that would have to play in the background, the animation, and everything else that was just time-consuming, but you had already prepared well for it by creating a plan and taking a few photos you wanted to include.
And so, going over all the stuff you had prepared earlier last week, your teacher also helped you around, making sure you understood well what was wanted.
It didn't feel like a long time passed before it was lunch break. You were actually quite excited for it, going from being huddled up before the notebook the school would provide you with to finally stretching out again.
Unzipping your backpack, you pulled out the steel dosirak case. It was cold by now, but you hoped that the alpha would have only packed food that was usually eaten cold. You hated when your meals, which were usually served warm, would go icy. It just tasted different.
There was rice in one of the side compartments, four kimbap neatly placed in a line, cut-up lotus roots in one of the smaller placements, sesame seeds sprinkled on top, and a bit of bulgogi was also in the lunch box.
It looked like a meal you would buy at a restaurant, not a lunch you would take from home. Feeling excited, you went on to take a bite with the wooden chopsticks Jin gave you, the case safely tucked in the box with a few napkins placed around it.
It tasted good, and so you kept coming back for seconds, having, for once in your life, truly finished the whole box without having to force yourself even a little. Your tastebuds were dancing in delight, and you had your stomach filled up once again.
With only a bit of the beef, lotus, and rice left for your afternoon snack, you were more than satisfied.
Taking your phone out, you reminded yourself to thank the pack's oldest for the nice meal he must have whipped up for you the last evening and morning. Opening WhatsApp, you were already added to a group with a few text notifications.
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whoopsyeahokay · 3 months
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October Sun
summary: Simon hadn't planned on committing expulsion-worthy crime at 10am on a Thursday. In fact, he hadn't planned on committing expulsion-worthy crime ever. In his defense, though, his best friend's ghost had been emphatic about getting into Mr. Anderson's phone, and it'd been the only course of action he could think of to prove she could rely on him. Simon had regretted it as soon as it'd happened. Fuck my life, I guess.
pairing: Wally Clark x fem!reader
warnings: panic attacks. eventual smutty smut smut. and mad spoilers. and obvious Canon divergence. very involved, very dense plot.
bon reading, frens
Simon found you at your locker at the tail-end of lunch, trading sketchbooks for your copy of Frankenstein and your English binder. Mathilda stood beside you, merrily outlining her upcoming interview with an administrator from some posh, East Coast art academy.
You smiled and nodded in the appropriate places; giggled when Mathilda commented on something Hana had said at lunch. However, Simon noted, you weren't offering a lot in the way of conversation.
Mathilda clocked Simon first, lengthened her short frame as much as she could—spine straight, shoulders back, chin up—and leveled him with a look that could boil water. It took him a second to remember they shared History. That she'd been in Ms. Fields' class when Simon had accused Xavier of hurting Maddie and had forced the contents of Xavier's backpack to spill in front of an audience.
He wanted to pretend her hostility toward him didn't sting—because it didn't, right? They weren't friends. Mathilda hadn't shown anything but superficial interest in him since Xavier and Maddie became XavierandMaddie. To her, Simon was Maddie's plus-one. The guy Maddie took everywhere she went. Linus' security blanket in human form.
Of course, that reality only existed if Simon completely disregarded that it'd been Mathilda who'd always asked after Simon; had extended every invitation to join them for group events. She'd driven Simon home on multiple occasions, even when it'd made more sense that Hana and Lucas would have since they shared a neighborhood.
Shit, maybe he and Mathilda were friends? He'd never considered it before. How you and Mathilda and—aw crap that's right: Eli—had made significant efforts to get to know Simon. Had welcomed him into the fold of pre-established friendship and encouraged him to carve out his own place within it.
And to show his appreciation, Simon had lunged after Xavier like a vendetta with claws.
Simon waved at Mathilda weakly, eyes darting away from hers when she doubled down and fiercened her glower. Despite his height advantage, Simon considered running to the Philippines to stay with his aunt. He'd request a room with reinforced steel walls and a couple of security guards outside the door, just in case.
Did Mathilda have her passport? He should ask.
"I'm gonna head to Media," Mathilda announced before you were even aware of Simon's presence. "I'll see you in Bio." She flipped her long, purple-black hair, deliberately whipping Simon in the face with the ends as she swanned by.
"Later gator," You replied, offhand, shutting your locker and, "Oh, hey," catching Simon as he slunk into the space Mathilda had vacanted.
Simon watched Mathilda warily until she disappeared into the stream of students. Partly because he felt a weird kind of fucked up for not having sooner recognized the olive branch of friendship Mathilda had been brandishing, but mostly because he was batshit terrified she'd reappear just to punch him in the nuts.
Needing a second opinion, he blurted, "Are Mathilda and I friends?"
You startled, spluttering around an answer before reminding him, "Didn't you go with her and Eli to Comiccon when everyone else bailed?"
Holy shit. With everything going on, Simon had genuinely forgotten about that adventure. Xavier was 'too cool'. Maddie and Nicole hadn't been interested, you'd been visiting your dad in England and, well, he didn't know why Hana and Lucas had backed out, but Simon had been given Lucas' ticket. Told to treat it like a months-late birthday present.
Mathilda knew when his birthday was.
Simon groaned and hit the back of his head on the locker he leaned against. "I fucked up."
"You really didn't think she thought of you as her friend?"
"No comment." Simon pinched the bridge of his nose. Watched stars explode behind his eyes when he rubbed his lids with the pads of his thumb and forefinger.
After a short lull, you asked, "You know we're friends, right?"
"Yes?" Simon replied, the upward lilt of punctuation prompting a sour expression to your face.
"You're an idiot."
Simon readjusted so he was tilted on his shoulder, putting every ounce of apology he had in him behind his next words, "I'm sorry. I just...I figured you guys let me hang out because Maddie and I are a package deal."
Were, a voice not unlike Maddie's unhelpfully corrected, we were a package deal.
"I repeat: You're an idiot." But you said it with humor, giving Simon a crooked smile and a harmless whack to the arm. "Look, none of us pretend we're as close to you as you are to Maddie, but, Si, that doesn't mean we wouldn't help you hide a—" Body.
Simon saw the instant your brain caught up to your mouth and suddenly you curled into yourself; crossed your arms and ducked your chin into your chest.
"I didn't mean it like that."
"Hey, it's okay." For the first time in a long time (perhaps the first time ever), Simon reached out to you, put a hand on your shoulder, and squeezed. "I get it." Quiet, touched, "Thank you."
"You're welcome. And don't worry," You assured him, "Tilly won't hold it against you forever. Once we expose Mr. A and clear Xavier's name, she'll forget what you did to him."
"If you say so," Simon muttered. Belatedly, he registered, "Mr. A?" He hadn't heard anyone refer to Mr. Anderson as Mr. A and, as far as he knew, the only teachers to earn a friendly nickname from their senior classmates were Mrs. Bloom, the Drama teacher, and Mr. Fitzgerald, the band director. Bloomageddon and Fitz-G respectively.
You carried on as if Simon hadn't said anything, "Speaking of clearing Zav's name, I have an idea. But we'll have to do it after school when he's busy with Booster Club."
Simon remembered then why he'd sought you out, shifting to curl a hand around the phone in his sweater pocket.
"His fingerprints have to be all over that money," You explained in a stage whisper, "If we can get it to the police, they'll have to arrest him." You nudged closer when Simon didn't say anything, somehow reading him like a picture book, "Or...you have a different plan?"
Taking a fortifying breath, Simon volunteered, "I'm gonna show you something, and you can't freak out."
Dubious, "Oh-kay~."
He leaned closer, gently turned you so there was a little cave of privacy between both your bodies and the lockers. You glanced around, checking for possible eavesdroppers, before giving Simon your full attention and, damn, being on the receiving end made Simon's pulse quicken a little.
He shoved the thought aside before it could gain any ground, unwilling to make room within himself for anything that didn't directly impact locating Maddie's body.
"You can trust me, Simon."
"I know," He said, though he still needed a moment to build the confidence to show you what he'd done.
Although you'd already proven you were in this with him, willing to drown in the same dark pool of questions to resolve Maddie's murder. Although you'd obviously spent time and energy constructing a plan that, upon hearing it, Simon had to concede was a lot smarter than what he'd done. Although you'd admitted you and he were friends and you'd help him cover up a crime at the drop of a hat...
Simon was scared. Scared that he'd done the wrong thing; that he'd get expelled; that he'd hallucinated his best friend and had stolen someone's property because, oh fuck, he had a brain tumor or dormant schizophrenia or—
"Breathe." You ordered, hand flattened over Simon's heart, taking long, deep breaths of your own for Simon to mimic.
And, oh God, you'd lifted his hand from his pocket as he'd been spiraling, pressed it to your chest so he could feel the steadiness of your heartbeat under his palm. Placed safely above inappropriate, warm skin and hard bone, rising and falling slowly as you talked in a calming rhythm.
He sucked in a shuddery breath, then another, and another, lungs finally expanding to accommodate the air he so desperately needed. It took another minute for the spots in his vision to recede, another minute after that for embarrassment to flush under his skin like a sunburn.
"Sorry." He gasped, taking his hand back and returning it to his pocket. "I..."
"Stop thinking, Simon." You said in an aloe-vera tone, the sound of it cooling the hot prickle of humiliation before it calcified. "Are you okay?"
You'd asked him that almost every day since the APEX. Hell, just last night you'd made sure he was okay to drive home after your sister had called you in for dinner.
"Yeah." He said, not sure how much he meant it, but decidedly averse to unpacking his trauma in a semi-crowded hallway. "Thanks for..." What? "For that." He ended lamely and cast his gaze to his feet.
With a distinct note of sadness, you admitted, "Xavier spent a year helping me...breathe."
And Simon was grateful that you phrased it that way, suddenly drained and unable to receive another frank overture of support.
"So, what am I not freaking out about?"
Simon could kiss you, seriously. "Right, yeah." He made sure no one was watching when he pulled out Mr. Anderson's phone and held it between you and him.
You raised an eyebrow, "You want me not to freak out about your phone?"
"Not mine," Simon murmured, "Mr. Anderson's. I grabbed it off his desk this morning."
Without missing a beat, "Is it locked?"
Simon almost did kiss you then, a fizzy cocktail of so damn grateful and so damn pleased that you didn't immediately chew his head off and spit it out in front of Principal Hartman.
"Yeah. And I don't have the code. But if we can find out who he was talking to last night—"
"—We might find out what happened to Maddie." You finished, nodding like it was the simplest thing in the world. "Alright. I bet there's a YouTube tutorial for hacking into phones." Simon hadn't thought of that.
"I'll look into it. I've got a free period 'til sixth, I'll see what I can find."
"Good." You stared at the phone, eyes narrowing, "You turned it off, right?"
"No..?" Simon said as he stuffed the phone back in his pocket.
Alarmed, "Simon, if he has that Find My Phone app, he's going to catch you! You could get expelled! You need to turn it off now!"
That was another excellent point Simon hadn't thought of.
"Alright, I read you loud and clear, Major Tom, I'm turning it off." He appeased and pulled the phone out again.
"I swear to God, Simon, if you get expelled and leave me alone in this giant pile of shit, I'm gonna end up going after him with a—" You stopped before you revealed what manner of weapon you'd use, diverting yourself to, "With the threat of bodily harm."
Simon looked you up and down, uncertain how effective that would be.
"Fine." You yielded, "I'd sic Tilly on him."
Simon snorted, the image as horrifying as it was awesome. He briefly wondered if you and he shouldn't recruit Mathilda to the investigation. She was tenacious and clever and probably knew a thing or two since her mother was a big-shot lawyer who commuted to the city every morning to prosecute criminals.
"Why wasn't that our first plan?" He joked and then returned his attention to the phone.
Just as he was about to press the button to turn the damn thing off, a throat cleared behind him, followed by an unsettlingly pacified voice.
"Simon Elroy?"
Ms. Chung. The grief counselor.
Fuck his whole life, front to back.
He quickly hid the phone in his pocket and spun around, forgot that you and he had been stood particularly close until he heard you grunt, his backpack knocking you in the chest.
"Um, yes?" He answered politely while inside he cursed that he couldn't plead for you not to leave him alone with her.
"Can I have a word, please?" Ms. Chung asked, the inferred privately directed over his shoulder at you. Her open expression didn't falter, even as Simon began to stumble over a half-baked excuse. "This will only take a moment," She assured and took a meaningful step closer.
You came around and bumped Simon's shoulder with yours. Friendly, casual, except that your gaze was fixed on Ms. Chung. Something unpleasant churned beneath the public face of respect you gave her, and if Simon didn't know better, he'd think she'd committed some sort of offense against you.
Ms. Chung, on the other hand, seemed unperturbed, returning your odd standoffishness with a serene, Woodstock smile.
Had you already been to see her?
At last, "I'll see you in Psych," you said and excused yourself, leaving Simon woefully alone for Ms. Chung to poke, prod, pry his feelings out of him one by one.
It was fine. He was fine. He'd let her say her piece, tell her what she wanted to hear to get her off his back and be on his way.
Ms. Chung's eyes glittered and her smile grew teeth.
Simon audibly gulped.
also available on AO3!
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pedgito · 2 years
i just saw your post about glasses!eddie munson and whenever you have the time, would you be able to write a cute series of reader finding out about his glasses ITS JUST ADORABLE
author’s note: this was meant to post sooner than now but here it is lol, i finished this pretty quick but got sidetracked. glasses!eddie has invaded my brain and it’s never leaving.
cw: sfw, glasses!eddie, eddie’s not so subtle flirting, acquaintances to friends, once again another fic where everyone bullies eddie (give this man a break), if i missed anything lmk!
word count: 2.5k
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“Do you wanna switch seats with me?” Your voice is soft, leaning back toward Eddie, whose eyes are nearly closed from how hard he’s focusing on the board, blindly scribbling something down on the paper. He’s lost on where the voice comes from until you’re in focus, looking back at him with a smile.
Eddie wasn’t a friend, but he wasn’t an enemy either. He was the boy who got picked on relentlessly and as much as you wanted to help, you weren’t sure it would change anything. Plus, he didn’t seem that bothered by it—or he was just really good at faking like he wasn’t.
“Oh,” Eddie replies, still confused, “I’ll be fine—Mr. Donahue’s handwriting is always shit, I can barely understand it.”
It wasn’t a total lie, but it was still legible.
“Munson!” The teacher's voice rings from the front of the classroom, “let's stop trying to distract other classmates and focus on our own work, okay?”
And if it wasn’t the condescension in his tone that pissed you off, it was the way he so quickly blamed Eddie for the interaction. He shrinks slightly, sending you an apologetic look.
It happens a few more times that week, catching Eddie glancing at the board as if it’s nearly impossible to see—and maybe he was telling the truth, but it’s also obvious that Donahue hates Eddie for no other apparent reason than just because he thinks he’s up to no good, which isn’t fair to Eddie.
You show up early to class the following week, bag resting in the chair of the desk beside you—Eddie’s usual seat, waiting. He’s always bordering on being late, making it to class as the bell rings, looking more frazzled than the others.
You weren’t sure what he got up to between classes, but he definitely seemed overwhelmed.
“This seat taken?” He asks with a smug smirk, pointing at your backpack. You smile slightly, reaching for it.
“Sorry—I just wanted to make sure I could sit beside you.” You tell him honestly. It throws Eddie off, his eyebrows furrowing together slightly before relaxing, eyes roaming over you curiously. “You said you can’t understand his handwriting, I was gonna let you copy my notes.”
“Can I copy your work too?” Eddie asks jokingly, but you can tell he means it. “I’m barely scraping by with a D in this class.”
You snort out a quiet laugh. “Let’s worry about the notes first.”
Eddie spends most of the class still struggling, forehead creased up as he sifts through your notes, writing things down sparingly. It’s almost like he’s trying not to be mean, focusing a little too hard on one word every now and then as he looks over, your papers perched on the corner of the desk.
“If my writing is horrible you can tell me,” You say, which makes Eddie chuckle, “seriously, I won’t be offended.”
“It’s not that,” He assures you, ��it’s just—the angle, it’s a little hard to read them—“
“Oh, well,” You grab the papers in a bunch, extending them toward him, “here, just take them.”
Eddie ignored you, his fingers wrapping around the leg of your desk to pull it flush against his—it’s quick enough that it doesn’t make much noise, only a slight shifting that draws a few eyes.
“Or…that works too.” You say shyly, face heating up at his straightforwardness. “Better?”
He glances over, shifting the papers to his side and gives a subtle nod as his lips pull together in a tight line, “Yeah, actually.”
And it’s almost blissful silence as Eddie copies them down, asking a few questions when your words meld together out of habit when you’re writing too quickly, he still leans in slightly but you don’t pester him on it—eventually Eddie’s actions are noticed, all eyes shifting toward the back of the classroom.
When you look up, everyone is staring back, including the pensive and threatening eyes of your teacher.
Eddie mumbles a soft, “Sorry.” as he pushes your desk back.
“Do I need to remind you two that this isn’t a matchmaking class?”
And it’s a ridiculous comment to make, but it has Eddie scoffing slightly underneath his breath.
“I’m letting him copy my notes,” You say innocently, “is that okay?”
You can’t remember having a problem in any of your classes, either flying under the radar or one of the usual favorites—you’ve never felt this tense, staring down the entirety of the group that was staring right back, though your gaze was focused on Mr. Donahue.
Eddie looks at you briefly before settling his eyes toward the desk, fiddling with pen in his hands to soothe his anxiety.
“If Eddie has a problem, he can come sit up front,” He says coarsely, “I don’t think you have the wiggle room to be socializing, do you?”
And suddenly his gaze on you is forgotten, flicking toward Eddie.
Eddie doesn’t give him the satisfaction, shuffling his shoulders forward in an effort to hide himself, scribbling something random down on the paper in front of him—it’s something he did when was bored or uncomfortable, even, a comfort.
You catch Eddie toward the end of class, gripping his sleeve before he can sneak away.
“How far behind are you?” You ask him, peering up at him curiously. Eddie looks sheepish, glancing away for a moment.
“Uh, I haven’t really taken notes all semester—I kinda just..scribble shit down so it looks like I’m working.”
Your eyes slant down slightly, in an ire of disbelief as your mouth parts, “Eddie, are you serious?”
He shrugs, reaching a hand up to scratch his jaw. You huff through your nose, snatching the pen perched in Eddie’s pocket and uncapping it before shoving it into his hands.
“Give me your address.” You insist, holding out your arm to him. Eddie seems skeptical, fingers wrapping around your arm gently, shifting your sleeve up, “I’m getting you caught up—don’t look at me like that.”
And truly, he’s not sure how to respond. Kindness and niceties weren’t at all familiar, feeling like there was always some ulterior motive. Still, he scribbles down the information with slow strokes, careful that it doesn’t smudge—leaving a small smiley face out of spite, forcing a similar expression onto your own face.
“I’m free after six,” He tells you, “so unless you want to get caught up in awkward conversation with my uncle, wait until then.”
You laugh at that, pulling your sleeve down.
“How else am I supposed to uncover all of your secrets?”
Eddie smirks slightly, eyes averting toward the floor.
“I’ll tell you whatever you want to know—you just have to ask.”
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He spends most of his nights—sans the ones where he’s performing for the small audience at The Hideout or hosting Hellfire meetings—organizing campaigns and writing down random things that come to his mind, feeling the need to get the thought out on paper, even if it’s song lyrics or a drawing.
He adjusts the thin rimmed glasses up his nose, eyes hurting from the strain he’s forced them through all day. He knows he should spend a few minutes resting, even just closing his eyes for a moment, but he can’t help it. Eddie knows it’s his fault, the beginnings of a headache forming as he tries to focus, his finger sneaking up to rub at his eye—he can feel the haziness, willing it away.
But then you’re knocking at his door and every thought is thrown out the window—part of him never expected you to show, his heart thrumming in his chest as he leaps from the bed, tossing the papers away haphazardly and forcing the glasses up into his hair without a thought, pushing his bangs away from his face.
Eddie whips the door open, causing you to startle slightly.
“Hi.” You say wearily, a soft smile on your face.
“Hi,” Eddie responds slightly out of breath, before clearing his throat and offering a smoother, “Hey.”
Your eyes glance up, noticing the difference in his face. His bangs were like a trademark, constantly hiding his eyebrows. You point up curiously, speaking before you can think things through.
“You wear glasses?” You ask, eyebrows knitting in confusion.
“No—no uh, of course not.” Eddie responds quickly, adamant in his refusal. “Why would you—“
He’s clearly caught off guard, standing awkwardly in the doorway, eyes crossing as he follows your finger, only realizing his mistake when you drag the glasses down slowly, pushing them gently up the bridge of his nose.
“Well, that is definitely an interesting pair of non-existent glasses.” You say jokingly, grinning at his embarrassment, cheeks flushing a deep red.
It’s hard to explain how perfectly they fit his face—like it’s the missing piece that pulls him together. He’s not dressed up like usual, in a faded graphic shirt and gray pair of sweats, no jacket or rings in sight. It’s natural—and it’s in that split second you can see the real Eddie. Not the threatening, menacing Eddie Munson that everyone played him out to be.
Eddie nods wearily, beckoning you inside.
“I won’t tell anyone,” You promise him with a tinge of amusement, rounding on him as he closes the door, shoving the stack of papers at his chest, “—if that’s what you’re worried about.”
Eddie pulls the glasses off of his face, folding them up.
“It’s not that,” Eddie tells you, “—didn’t mean for you to find out about them, it kinda ruins the whole image, you know?”
Image. It makes you laugh to yourself silently.
“You didn’t seem like you were trying to hide them,” You giggled slightly, “besides, I don’t think they ruin anything.”
“I kinda forgot you were coming.” Eddie lies, knowing he had been riddled with nerves since he stepped foot inside of the trailer that evening, not understanding why he was so anxious to begin with.
“Look, I don’t mean to overstep or anything—“ You stop briefly, sighing softly, “but if you need a tutor or even just…some help, I don’t mind.”
Eddie doesn’t really know how to take it, staring at you like you’d grown a second head.
“I study with Nancy a lot,” You explain, “it’s really not a big deal.”
“I’m a lost cause,” Eddie admits with half-smile, “there’s no saving me.”
“I don’t believe that,” You tell him honestly, approaching him to shove the glasses back toward his chest, his other hand still stuffed full with the papers containing your notes, “—seriously, put them back on and I can spend a couple hours seeing where you’re at.”
Eddie listens, though skeptically, placing the glasses back onto his face—you smile without really thinking, causing him to react similarly.
“It’s okay to let someone be nice to you,” You assure him, “as many assholes as there are at Hawkins, there’s still a few of us who mean well.”
“I can’t be taught, I’m just warning you now.” Eddie remains adamant, leading the way toward his room. You follow behind eagerly, taking in the abstract way of decoration littered around the trailer.
“Fine—you can at least show me your drawings then.”
Eddie looks back at you briefly, a confused grin on his face.
“I’m really observant,” You tease, “and curious.”
“Promise not to tell anyone?” Eddie asks.
“I’ve already got one secret to keep,” You respond, teasing him lightly, “what’s one more?”
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“How bad is it?” You ask him, staring up expectantly.
“What—oh, my eyes?” Eddie asks, “Uh, kinda bad. It’s okay, though—I manage.”
You crease your eyebrows together, motioning for him to remove the glasses. He does, watching as you reach for a paper, holding it up in front of him.
“Tell me when you can read it clearly.”
Eddie nods, squinting as you move the paper closer and closer, until it’s only a few inches from his face, your eyes widening in shock.
“Eddie,” You stress, “you can’t be serious?”
“I told you I manage,” He argues with a slight laugh, “but it’s bad, I meant that.”
Your expression remains the same, arms falling to your side as you discarded the paper.
“They look weird,” Eddie defends, “that’s why I only wear them at home—I already get enough shit at school anyways.”
“Bullshit,” You say boldly, “they do not look weird.”
Unfortunately, you did see all of the relentless teasing he caught at school, that wasn’t lost on you.
“You don’t have to lie,” Eddie says, “it won’t bother me.”
“I’m not,” You counter, smiling as the glasses returned to his face, his eyelashes touching the lenses, bangs brushing against the rim, “they fit you—they’re…cute.”
Eddie snorts in disbelief, “Okay, enough.”
You smile to yourself, watching as his cheek flushed a faint pink.
“Can I try them on?”
Eddie doesn’t answer outright, pulling them away from his face and handing them over—they’re a little bigger, his more prominent facial structure different from yours and causing the glasses to slide down your nose slightly. You push them up with your finger, squinting at the strain it puts on your eyes.
You can see Eddie smiling over the rim, admiring how perplexed you look in the moment, “Don’t look at me like that,” You say playfully, “these things are really strong.”
Eddie shakes his head, “It’s—nothing, nevermind.” He pulls the glasses from your face gently, placing them back on his own.
And Eddie’s never been shy, but suddenly he can’t force the words out, afraid of the mix of both rejection and embarrassment.
“I like you like this,” You tell him, hoping it eases him, seeing how tense he was—clearly unloved by many, “I mean, I like you both ways but this—it’s nice.”
“You’re the first.” He says flippantly, not aimed at you for any specific reason. He’s not immune to the words thrown at him, they do start to wear on him after time, even if he brushes them off for the most part.
“They’re insane,” You tell him with a surety, “all of them.”
“Careful,” Eddie treads, “Jason would have a fuckin’ field day if he heard you say that.”
You shrug, smugness in your expression.
“He’s terrified of me.”
“Jason—terrified of you?” Eddie asks, begging for more clarification.
“Our parents are friends—I’ve seen…a lot.” You say cryptically, not wanting to dive into details, “I’m not one for blackmail but I’m not totally above it.”
“You’re so interesting,” Eddie speaks candidly.
“I’ll take that was a compliment?” You respond, “Hopefully.”
Eddie nods with a subtle smile.
“Well—like you said,” You start, repeating his earlier sentiment, “I’ll tell you anything, just ask.”
You hold your finger up as his mouth opens—
“But, notes first—secrets later.”
Eddie pushes his glasses up comedically, forcing a quiet laugh from you—it’s the exact reaction he wants. He settles, agreeing with your rules.
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luffyvace · 9 months
Zoro x reader x Sanji poly relationship headcanons
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yes this a poly
no this is not nsfw just funnies and fluff
consider this my 200+ (now 300+) notes special
thank you all so much for the support you guys are awesome<33
first of all idk how you got these two to settle down and SHARE a partner but ok.
don’t think for a second they aren’t gonna argue and fight over you
they argue whether the moon is purple or not
why wouldn’t they do the same over you?
it’s obvious they’re constantly fighting over your attention
and who gets to save you
(which sometimes distracts both of them and you don’t end up getting saved- either that or franky or robin swoop in)
then they’re arguing about why the other didn’t hurry up and save you
sanji flexes his cooking and zoro his swords
they argue over who you love more and who you think is more attractive
don’t even get me started on who you think is stronger
your relationship is pure chaos.
on a softer note
when zoro is sleeping
you and sanji have cooking lessons together if you don’t know how
he lets you help prepare simple things for dinner
and you feel accomplished once everyone says how tasty the food is
zoro will mention how it tastes better when you help to spite sanji
sanji is mad but he also feels happy that you helped
he’s conflicted 😭
he just sighs and gives it up this time
only because it’s partially a compliment to you
but if you can cook
sanji will give you tips on how to improve and what spices taste good with what
especially as a first rate chef
he will let you prepare whole dishes instead of just cutting up stuff
loves cooking with you as quality time
plus dinner gets done 2x faster
luffy will still bombard you to go faster tho
the whole crew has to deal with the antics of “who do you think ____ likes more?! me or moss head?!”
“_____ thinks i’m way strong than that ero cook don’t they?” *cocky smirk*
zoro forces you train with him no matter how strong you are
this is a problem with sanji tho
“Lovely _____-chan/kun should be relaxing!! not doing hard work and labor with you!”
unless you like to train
then he will bring you plenty of tasty refreshments and snacks throughout your training :)
They purposely crash each other’s dates with you
you and sanji had been through a wonderful night of shopping, eating and playing carnival games at the newest island you stopped at
there were traditional japanese lanterns that reflected off your elegant face as he stares into your lovely (color) eyes
you were leaning into a romantic kiss
faces inching closer together
“oi _____! there you are! ive been looking for you everywhere! did you get lost or something?”
zoro grabbed your arm and took you away starting to ramble on about the new sword he managed to get a deal on
que sanji cursing him out then sulking and venting to robin about what happened
and let’s not even mention the time you and zoro went on that long romantic walk in the flower field you found
(he claimed to have planned it out but knowing him you knew he’d never arrive to the right destination so you figured out it was a bluff)
but it didn’t matter, it was a beautiful sight to experience with your lover.
your feet started hurting and you asked to sit down
luckily you packed food in your backpack so you had something to eat
you guys had some lunch and chatted for a bit
before long you found yourselves watching the sunset in silence
you turned to zoro to admire his beautifully sculptured face only to realize how close your faces were
you both started to lean in and close your eyes
“_______-Chwan/kun~!! there you are! what a beautiful flower field maybe we can!-“
sanji was livid to see zoro beat him to it and was already living his dream
you were kinda upset because most of your dates with zoro were gym dates and this would be your first romantic one
even if it was unintentional sanji still kind of ruined the moment
zoro and sanji started arguing and you never got your kiss :(
random for both of them
sometimes you take naps with zoro
he usually falls asleep and you come and cuddle up next to him
he’s pleased to see you when he gets up and feels proud, like your big strong protecter
even if you can defend yourself
for sanji
he rants to you for hours about all blue and his childhood
the second part only after whole cake
and it’s kinda venting if you don’t mind
if you seem uncomfortable he’ll stop
but he liked having someone to go to
he realizes how much he’s been rambling and feels bad
he gives you a chance to rant about your dreams
he listens intently and seems almost more excited than you
if your strong they’re glad you can defend yourself
so they don’t worry as much
zoro would wanna spar with you even more
but if your in the coward trio
they always argue over your safety
what did you expect?
they both make sure to keep an eye on you
they would risk they’re lives for you
and two strong men like them?
yeah, your for safe for sure
anyone who dares to hurt you physically or mentally are done for.
sanji would ask usopp to make you some sort of contraption if your regular like nami
once you get whatever weapon usopp makes for you zoro wants to spar even more
”let’s test out that new thing-a-ba-jig of yours”
if your intelligent zoro will rely on you for those types of things
”oi _____ come crack this code”
”what in the world is _____”
sanji praises you and admires you for it
will ask for synonyms for cooking terms and use them more often to try to impress you
will listen to your intellectual rants about smart people stuff 🤓☝️
sanji treats you how he does robin and nami
no matter what or who you identify as
(maybe more—he loves you a lot)
neither of them care about your appearance
sanji is more superficial than zoro
but he loves you and would never judge you so no need to worry about that
he’ll always praise you and have heart eyes around you
praises you how he does nami and robin
zoro gets annoyed and tells him to shut up
it’s not that he doesn’t agree it’s just he’s tired of all the yelling
he’s trying to nap
”WHAT?! you don’t think ____ is absolutely amazing in every way?!”
they start fighting
of course
if your fine with the chaos you’ll pretty much be okay
but if it annoys you, you’ll probably loose your sanity
have fun with your new guard dogs!
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nessatwene-art · 1 month
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It’s the first day of school at Central High and the first day of third year for Lucas, already over it before he could amble into the building. It’s just another school year. Robyn stepped out of a car, waving her mom goodbye. She let out a soft sigh, gazing up at the high school. She just wanted to get through her first day at her new school without any trouble. 
The student body crammed their way into the gymnasium. Red, white and black confetti were scattered everywhere, and balloons arched a speaking podium in the middle of the gym. A huge red banner hung across the wall saying “Welcome Cardinals!” in big white letters. 
The pep rally was always the most annoying part of the first day, Lucas thought, sitting next to his friends on the crowded, rowdy bleachers. The marching band music, the obnoxious cheerleaders, too much pomp and circumstance. He plugged his ear buds, attempting to drown out the noise.
“Omg hi!! Hey!! How’s it going!” Clarissa waved at everyone she missed this past summer. 
Mark scrolled through his phone, passing post after post about different monster appearances around Union. Regular Monday news.
“Hi,” Robyn pointed at the open space next to Clarissa, “Is this seat taken?”
“No, go ahead!” Clarissa scooted over, “I’ve never seen you here before.”
“I’m new here.”
Clarissa gasped, starry eyed, “That’s so exciting!” Clarissa poked at Mark and Lucas, “Guys! A new student!”
Robyn gave them a nervous smile, they awkwardly waved back.
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“I’m Clarissa by the way.” Clarissa held out her hand.
“Robyn, I’m a junior,” She happily shook it. How friendly, She thought.
“The one with the glasses is Mark, and the brooding one is Lucas. They’re like my best buds.” Clarissa introduced the others. “Also juniors.”
“Clar, I’m not brooding,” Lucas yawned, “Just tired.”
“It's 7:45, dude, wake up,” Mark shoved Lucas’s shoulder. 
Mic feedback rippled through the gym and all chatter and music shushed. The principal stood against the podium, welcoming the students into a new school year with obvious cringe and outdated slang here and there. 
“Hey,” Clarissa whispered to Robyn, “If you want, we can give you a tour around campus during lunch.”
Robyn agreed, it beats feeling lost for a week. Plus she liked Clarissa’s hospitality.
Students fizzled out of the gym, cramming through the hallway. 
Clarissa offered to help Robyn locate her locker as they strolled along in front of the other two. It was sort of a special skill of Clarissa to seem like close friends to someone she met fifteen minutes ago.
Mark nudged Lucas, “Doing anything this year?”
“I don’t know…” Lucas scratched his head.
“Our team sucked last year.”
“Well you could always—”
“I’m not joining robotics, Mark,” Lucas rolled his eyes, stopping in front of his locker.
“Whoa!” Clarissa hollered just a couple lockers down, “You guys are neighbors!” She pointed at Robyn opening hers at the lower level. Robyn gave yet another awkward smile.
“What about competition? You haven’t done those in a while,” Mark leaned against the wall.
“My dad’s been on my case about fighting,” Lucas threw random supplies from his backpack into his locker, “Saying I should ‘focus on school extracurriculars and whatever,'” Lucas gave his best dad impression. “I don’t know what the issue is.”
A Skateboarder swept through the hallway, “Whoops!” swiping Lucas backpack right out of his hands, scattering books and papers across the floor.
“What the hell!” Lucas, annoyed, bent over to pick his stuff up.
“Oh gosh,” Robyn helped gather up the remaining.
The skateboarder slowly scooted back, eyeing Robyn.
“Never seen you before,” He smirked
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“Piss off, Blake,” Lucas spat.
“Take it easy,” Blake relaxed his hands in his jean pockets, “I’m just trying our new friend.”
“Well, I’m Robyn,” For better or for worse, she introduced herself one more time, “I’m new…you get the picture.”
“Right, right, and I guess you already made friends with Mucas, Crony, and braceface.”
“Hey!” Clarissa objected.
“Rude…” Mark added.
Lucas kicked Blake’s board, rolling it down the hallway.
“The hell?! That was a new board!”
“Then don’t knock over my stuff!” Lucas said, tightening his fist at Blake.
Not a second too soon the principal stood over the two with a skateboard around his arm, “Break it up!” He looked unpleasant. “If you lay a finger on each other it'll be straight to detention!”
“Sorry, Principal Finke,” Lucas and Blake said in unison as if they rehearsed it thousands of times.
“And there’s no skateboarding in the building! I’ll be confiscating this till further notice.”
“Aw come on!” Blake protested.
BRING!! The first bell rang. 
“Hurry off to homeroom, all of you. Luckily It’s meatball sub Monday so I’m in a good mood,” The principal walked off.
“Tch dork ass,” Blake insulted the principal. He turned back to Robyn, smirked and shrugged. “It was nice to meet you, Robbie,” then he sauntered away.
“Geeeezz,” Clarissa groaned.
“Yeah…uh sorry about that,” Lucas apologized. “He’s…”
“An asshole?” Robyn finished.
BRING!!  the bell rang again.
“Do you mind helping me find my homeroom, Clarissa?” Robyn asked.
“Sure!” They began walking together. “Robyn tour during lunch! Don’t forget!” Clarissa called out to the boys heading their separate ways.
“307…307…” Robyn mumbled, looking for her last class before lunch. 
She walked into a science classroom, already filled with other students, Blake among them, hanging out before the bell rings. She noticed Lucas sitting at a desk in the last row, head perched on his hand, buds in his ear, and gazing out the window. Robyn took the empty desk right in front of him, they may not be close but at least he’s a familiar face.
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“Um Luke, right?”
“Close,” He took his earbuds out, “Lucas.”
“Oh right, right,” She playfully knocked her forehead. 
Robyn wondered what to talk about, Lucas seemed much more reserved than his enthusiastic friend, Clarissa. “Are you into chemistry?” This is a chemistry class…
“Eh,” Lucas shrugged, “It's fine I guess.”
Lucas folded his arms and leaned back against his chair, “Picked up a thing or two from my dad. He really wanted me to take it though. it’s like his thing.”
“Uh huh,” Robyn nodded.
“So where’re you from?”
“I’m from Union, I've been in Central for most of my life.”
“Then where'd you go? Eastman? Rolling Green? Kilbourne?
The question stung her a bit. After all she wanted to leave that behind but she knew it was inevitable.
“Ravenwood?” Lucas leaned forward.
Robyn could feel the slight twinge of embarrassment. “Y-yeah.”
“Huh,” Lucas lingered for a second, “I could see it.”
The bell finally rang and students took their seats as their teacher rushed in through the door.
“Good morning everyone,” The teacher began scribbling her name on the whiteboard in front of the class. “I’m Elizabeth Vader, but you can call me Ms. Ellie,” She said in a bright smile. “Welcome to AP Chem!”
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Ms. Ellie passed out syllabuses then pulled out a bowl filled with small pieces of paper. “Please pick one piece of paper,” She explained while walking down the rows, “And whoever gets the same number as you is your lab partner for the semester.”
A few students groaned.
Ms. Ellie made it to the last row, Robyn and Lucas drew a lot.
“7,” Robyn’s paper read.
Lucas tapped her shoulder, holding out his paper, “7.”
“Guess we’re lab partners,” Lucas said.
“Lab partners and locker neighbors. What are the chances?” Robyn laughed.
Students talked amongst themselves for a bit, as Ms. Ellie prepared material at her front desk. Robyn overheard a couple of peers talking about the recent news, unnaturals, mysterious monsters that have appeared in Union for some time. One mentioned how he thought one of the unnaturals looked kind of cool, describing it the best he could. bright yellow eyes, huge talons, and two pairs of wings that allowed it to soar like a jet. 
“That sounds like a yellow core ave unnatural!” Robyn butted in, “not crazy rare or anything, but some aves can fly over 300 miles per hour, which is faster than the fastest bird on earth, and—” Robyn trailed off, “oh sorry…” She adjusted her glasses.
“No, no, it’s cool,” The student reassured her.
“Pffft ha!” Lucas cracked up, “Now I definitely see it.”
The bell rang and students filed out of the room heading towards the cafeteria. Robyn sat at her desk packing up while Lucas sat on the desktop texting Clarissa their ETA. 
“Oh Robyn!” Ms. Ellie walked up towards her, “Sorry for being a little nosy, but I overheard your little convo and saw you have credit from a summer program at the Union Institute.”
“Mm hm.”
“I think it’s very impressive! I don’t meet too many students who are very passionate about studying unnaturals.”
“Thanks Ms. Ellie,” Robyn blushed.
“Would you be interested in seeing the science department’s core collection?”
Robyn gasped, “I would love to!”
She followed Ms. Ellie to the department's storage room at the back of the class. Lucas jumped from the desktop, tailing behind them.
Ms. Ellie turned on the lights and opened a large cabinet next to a shelf of extra beakers and graduated cylinders. Inside were seven half gallon sized glass tubes with a metal base and a top locked with a hatch. Each held a colorful crystal orb. Half shined brilliantly while the others were dim. They all had labels taped around the thick glass with their designated nomenclature; Red cored beast, yellow cored aquatic, yellow cored flora, and so on.
“I’m sure it’s not as impressive as the Union Institute,” Ms. Ellie took one out, passing it to Robyn.
“There’s so much variety! Plus these stasis chambers look brand new!” Robyn gleefully examined. 
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Ms. Ellie noticed Lucas leaning against the door frame. “Would you like to see?” She handed him an unnatural stasis chamber before he could utter a word.
“How was the program, Robyn?” She asked.
“It was great!” Robyn hopped in excitement, “I learned so much. The labs were so cool and modern! Plus the food was pretty darn good.”
“How lovely!”
“Even better, I got to meet the lab’s director and he offered me an after school internship!”
“That’s wonderful, Robyn!”
“Wait, for real?” Lucas added, juggling the glowing red core given by Ms. Ellie with his bare hands. 
“Yeah! But…” Robyn’s excitement grew quiet. “I don’t know if my project idea will be approved if—”
“Lucas! My goodness!” Ms. Ellie interrupted.
“...What?” Lucas said, startled.
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“Don’t take active cores out of their stasis chambers!” She scolded him. “If it’s left out too long its form could regenerate!”
“It’s not like it’s gonna reform in a second,” he threw the core up, catching it like a ball.
Ms. Ellie winced. “Lucas, put it back please,” She threw her hands on her hips with a stern frown.
He groaned, putting the core back in its chamber and locking its hatch. He placed the chamber on the closest shelf stocked with extra chem equipment.
Ms. Ellie exhaled in relief. “Well,” she cleared her throat, “You two don't want to miss lunch right?” 
“Oh right, my tour!” Robyn remembered.
Ms. Ellie escorted them out of the classroom, shutting the door behind her.
The door creaked back open. A figure tiptoed through the classroom to the storage room, easily breaking in. They took the chamber sitting on the shelf placed by Lucas, unlocked  its hatch, and set the shining red core on the tiled floor. It began to simmer. The figure hurried out the room, leaving the door cracked open.
“There you guys are!” Clarissa stood outside the bustling cafeteria.  
“We had class on the third floor,” Lucas replied, walking beside Robyn, “Plus the new girl’s a teacher’s pet.”
“Hey,” Robyn objected, “For your information we were having a great conversation till he decided to mess with an unnatural core.”
“It wasn't that big of a deal,” Lucas brushed it off.
“Um? You weren’t handling it properly and—”
“Hey guys!” Mark jogged in out of breath. 
“And where were you?” Clarissa asked.
“Gym class.” 
“Well since we’re all here…Tour!” Clarissa led the way down the hallway. 
The three guided Robyn through Central High, filling her in on anecdotes and embarrassing gossip; like last year's nearly disastrous production of Singing in the Rain, the pranks pulled by the varsity football team on student council, and the time when a rival school kidnapped their mascot, Cornelius the Cardinal, and held him for “ransom”. 
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“That’s where we have anime club!” Clarissa pointed at a classroom, “you can join if you want!”
“Or Robotics. Thursdays and Fridays starting next week.” Mark added.
“Thanks, I’ll consider,” Robyn smiled, not wanting to turn them down yet.
“Did you do any clubs at your old school?” Mark asked.
“Academic olympiad and archery.” She pretended to draw and shoot a bow.
Mark, Clarissa, and Lucas awed.
“Of course your old school had an archery team,” Lucas remarked.
“Wait, where are you from anyway?” Mark raised another question as they headed up to the third floor.
Robyn hesitated at the top of the stairs. “Just another school in Union—”
“She went to Ravenwood,” Lucas killed the suspense.
Mark and Clarissa gasped.
Ravenwood Academy isn’t that different from Central High, right? The thought ran through her head. Her eyes pierced at Lucas when he passed her up the steps. He glanced back, shrugging a shoulder.
“Wait, I totally see it…” Clarissa wagged her finger when she connected the dots.
“Told ya, teacher’s pet—OW!” Clarissa nudged Lucas in his side.
“I mean, that’s a really good school,” Mark wondered, “Don’t mean to pry but how come you left?”
“Ah well.” 
The three raised their brows, eager for Robyn’s answer.
“I guess it just wasn’t for me. I mean, who wants to go to a school with a bunch of know-it-alls anyway,” Robyn laughed, “Plus I don’t have to wear a uniform anymore.”
The others giggled at her punches at Ravenwood.
“Then I’m glad I got to meet you, Robyn,” Clarissa said as they continued their tour down a third floor hallway. “I moved to Central when I was ten, so I understand what going to a new school is like.”
Robyn gave a sweet smile.
Lucas threw his gaze elsewhere—not sure what it was in him but he wasn’t satisfied with that answer. Though he’s only known Robyn for what? Four-ish hours? 
She didn’t feel ready to tell the truth yet. It weighed heavy on her heart but this is what she wanted.
They finally reach the science wing. Clarissa stepped in front of the rest, ready to end the tour. 
“And that’s our school!” She raised her arms in the air, “any questions?”
“Hmm…” Robyn pondered.
“Can we get some food, Clar? I’m staarrrvving,” Lucas’s stomach grumbled.
“Do we still have enough time for lunch?” Robyn asked.
“We can grab lunch during study hall, teachers don’t really take attendance for upperclassmen then,” Mark explained.
“First day usual?” Lucas posed.
“I’m up for it,” Mark agreed.
“What’s the first day usual?”
“Since middle school, we would go to Pelino’s Pizza and Deli after school and get a large box of the ultimate four cheeses with the works. Then go to the corner store on the same street and load up on a ton of snacks and drinks!” Clarissa eye’s eyes lit up talking about it.
“Not the fanciest, but it hits every time,” Lucas grinned.
His grin was whipped away as a shadow grew tall behind Clarissa. The others stood stunned by Its abrupt appearance, staring into its fiery red eyes as it slowly drew out its thick claws.
“And since we’re upperclassmen now, we can leave campus whe—”
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“CLARISSA!” Robyn gasped, jumping to grab her out of the way. They slide across the hallway, bumping into a wall of lockers.
SWOOSH! Its claws striked the ground.
“Holy crap!” Clarissa yelled while pinned to the floor. “What was that?”
The Unnatural stood up on its hind legs, its body was as thick as a black bear, and its fur was colored like cinnabar jasper. Two large fangs raised out from its bottom jaw and claws were as long as a sloth’s. Robyn felt a beat of sweat drip from her face. This encounter felt all too familiar but this time she knew what to do. Robyn rose on to one knee, her hands began to spark, materializing a glowing purple bow.
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“Whoa,” Clarissa was awestruck. 
She drew the string, conjuring an arrow just as brilliant as the bow. WOOSH! Robyn shot. It flew down the hallway towards the unnatural, hitting the wall just beside it.
“Gah?! I missed?!” Robyn cried.
However, she didn’t fail to get it’s attention. The unnatural turned towards the girls, stomping and lifting its claws. There was nowhere to run in time, they braced for impact. 
WAM! An azure beam shot the unnatural to the ground. 
The girls hurried up from the floor and Robyn looked around for where the shot came from. Lucas held a finger gun and blue steam wisped from the end of his index finger.
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“Oh my god!” Mark said, hiding behind Lucas, “Are you guys okay?”
Before they could answer, the unnatural stood up, escaping on all fours down the hallway.
“Damn it!” Lucas raced after it, “Mark, watch over them!” He yelled.
“Lucas, wait!” Robyn chased after them before Mark could stop her.
Robyn followed Lucas, staring carefully at the unnatural they’re pursuing. Then it clicked.
“Lucas!” Robyn caught up with him.
“Hey!” He was shocked to see her, “I thought you were staying back?”
“Lucas, look!” She pointed at the unnatural, “That’s what happens when you mess with a core!” She scolded him.
The stopped at the top of a stairway as the unnatural stood its ground at the bottom.
“That’s a red core unnatural! That’s the one you took out of its stasis chamber!”
“What the hell are you talking about?! You saw me put it back!”
“Maybe you didn’t put it back right. I told you it’s dangerous!” Robyn argued. She drew her bow again, shooting and missing again. “Come on!” She yelled in frustration.
Lucas ran down the steps, this time hitting the unnatural with an energy fist. They locked in combat as the commotion began to draw a crowd. Robyn followed down to the second floor and watched as Lucas effortlessly fought against the unnatural. Even when he was hit he could brush it off. A punch, a kick, a shot—his grin was wide and eyes focused, like he was having a blast. As for Robyn, she could barely hit it with her arrows.
“Excuse me! Sorry!” She ran through the crowd of students, drawing her bow one more time. It hit! “Yes!” Robyn cheered.
The unnatural takes its attention from Lucas to Robyn.
“Oh no!”
It chased after her. 
She ran into a deadend and the unnatural continued to charge after her.
Perfect, Lucas thought.
“Robyn!” Lucas sprint behind the unnatural, “When I say ‘now’ shoot an arrow at its chest!”
Robyn gulped and drew her bow, closing one eye to aim. Lucas formed a finger gun and the index started to glow.
The unnatural rushed closer and closer and closer, then jumped into the air.
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Robyn shot her arrow and Lucas shot a beam, both striking the unnatural right in the middle. It fell to the ground and its form dissipated into a thick red smoke, leaving nothing but a glowing red core on the ground.
Robyn slid against the wall, dropping to in relief. Lucas walked over and helped her up. She brushed the dust out of her skirt as more people stepped into the hallway. Chatter among them grew louder and some even cheered.
“Nice,” Lucas smiled.
She smiled back.
Clarissa and Mark ran down the stairs, embracing both. 
“Holy cow!” Clarissa exclaimed, “are you guys okay?”
“Yeah,” despite nearly being attacked and missing almost all her shots, Robyn beamed. “We’re great!”
The principal came rushing down the hallway, hands over his head utterly flabbergasted. “WHAT IN GOD’S NAME?!”
Garbage, books, and papers were thrown everywhere, a broken fountain spat out water, and some lockers were dented and covered in claw marks. 
“Oops,” Lucas mumbled.
The hallway was a mess!
“Who is responsible for this!!??” The Principal's face was hot red.
A few in the crowd point at the culprits.
Lucas’s jaw dropped “ARE YA’LL SERIOUS??!”
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The final bell rang, Lucas and Robyn sat in an empty classroom. Robyn’s face was planted on the desk while Lucas sat with his head perched on his shoulder bored.
“First time in detention?” Lucas asked.
“Noo,” Robyn sulked, lifting her head, “But it's my first time having two entire weeks of detention!” She planted her face back on the desk. “Thanks for asking.”
“Finke has a stick up his geriatric ass. He’s always looking for someone to punish,” Lucas tried to reassure her. 
She didn’t respond.
“Um, sorry about that”
“About what?”
“The unnatural…but I swore I put the core back.”
“It’s fine,” Robyn lifted her head back up, “I wonder how it could’ve gotten out…” She took a small journal from her backpack, scribbling thoughts onto a page.
“Hell of a first day, huh?” he sat back, resting the back of his head against his hands.
“Gee, you telling me,” she agreed, “I thought getting through my first day was going to be easy but now I’m sitting in after school detention with nine more waiting for me because an unnatural somehow attacked the school! Now I’m gonna be late to my internship which I don't even know is gonna happen because I haven’t gotten my project approved because nobody wants to join!” She vented out her frustrations.
“What's the project,” Lucas asked.
“It doesn’t matter. It’s not going to get approved anyway.”
“Lemme hear it.”
Robyn sighed, “I wanted to do case studies of unnaturals living and appearing around Central on a personal level—and help out if they're causing trouble, sorta like today. If you think you put it back then how did it appear in the school? Was it from a fracture?” She came to a sad pause. “I’m the only high schooler and none of the other interns wanted to join. Plus I can barely use my powers well. How am I going to help anyone, let alone myself?” Robyn sunk in her desk.
“Could I join?”
“Wait…what?” Robyn perked up.
“You have a cool power. Your bow.” Lucas complimented. “Didn’t expect you to be a poten.”
“I didn’t expect you either—”
“But,” Lucas continued, “Monsters aren’t sitting targets. Your technique is too hesitant, that’s why you missed so much.”
“Oh! Uhhhh.”
“And if you’re standing there to load up your shots, you’re easy prey.”
 “Hm…” Robyn thinks for a moment, wondering how much he was paying at attention to her during the fight. He seemed too focused; like he was in his own world.
“So I figured, your project is gonna be like this, you’re gonna need someone who knows their way around a fight.” Lucas shrugged, “Maybe help you to learn your abilities.” He tried to come off as nonchalant, but his interest was genuine.
Robyn wondered, “I don’t know if the director would allow it since you're not an intern and all.”
“C’mon,” Lucas insisted, “If I teach you, you teach me. I think we can work something out.”
Robyn beamed, remembering how his face looked when he was fighting the unnatural. That was his element.
“Okay,” She agreed, “Then let's go after school tomorrow! I can’t wait for you to see the lab and meet the director! It’s going to be so cool!”
They chatted through the rest of detention. One person was one step closer. Despite all that happened today, more was awaiting them.
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Ms. Ellie opened the door to the science department storage. Holding the core in her hand, she placed the core back in its chamber, locking it tightly. 
“Gosh, how troublesome.” She placed the chamber back in the cabinet with the others. “I’m just glad that nobody was hurt,” She sighed in relief. She closed the cabinet, locking it securely with a padlock. Ms. Ellie walked out of the room, shutting the door behind her. Unknown to her, another stasis chamber sat hidden behind the shelf of extra books and equipment, unlocked and empty.
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