#plus the fact that juliet’s 13 and romeo’s 16
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evilratfag · 2 years ago
romeo and juliet is so much more fun to read as a dark comedy
like these two fucking kids meet for the first time, fall in love, get married then kill themselves because of one big miscommunication all in the span of like less than a week
oh and romeo kills two people in that span of time too
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argyrocratie · 4 years ago
Let’s look at life expectancy:  In Italy, average life expectancies in the solidly Medieval 1200s were 35-40, while by the year 1500 (definitely Renaissance) life expectancy in Italian city states had dropped to 18.
It’s striking how consistently, when I use these numbers live, the shocked and mournful silence is followed by a guy objecting: those numbers are deceptive, you’re including infant mortality—voiced as if this observation should discredit them.  Yes, the average of 18 does include infant mortality, but the Medieval average of 35 includes it too, so the drop is just as real.  If you want we can exclude those who die before age 12, and we do get a smaller total drop then, average age of death 54 in the 1200s dropping to 45-48 in 1500, so only a 12-16% drop instead of 48%, but the more we zoom the grimmer the Renaissance half proves.  Infant mortality (within 12 months) averaged 28% both before and after 1348, so the big drop from Medieval to Renaissance Italy is actually kids who made it past the first year, only to die in years 2-12 from new diseases.  We also think of the dangers of childbirth as lowering women’s lifespans, but death from childbirth stayed steady from Medieval to Renaissance at (for Tuscany) 1 death per 40 births, while the increase in war and violence made adult male mortality far higher than female even with the childbirth threat.  If we look at the 20% of people who lived longest in Renaissance Italy it’s almost entirely widows and nuns, plus a few diehards like Titian, and poor exiled Cardinal da Costa of Portugal languishing in Rome to the age of 102, with everyone he’d known in the first 2/3rds of his life long gone.  Kids died more in the Renaissance, adults died more, men died more, we have the numbers, but I find it telling how often people who hear these numbers try to discredit them, search for a loophole, because these facts rub against our expectations.  We didn’t want a wretched golden age. (Demographics are, of course, an average, and different bits of Europe varied, but I’m using the numbers for the big Italian city-states precisely because they’re the bit of Europe we most associate with the golden Renaissance, so if it’s true there, it’s true of the Renaissance you were imagining.)
Why did life expectancy drop?  Counter-intuitively the answer is, largely, progress.
War got worse, for one.  Over several centuries, innovations in statecraft and policy (which would continue gradually for centuries more) had increased the centralization of power in the hands of kings and governments, especially their ability to gather funds, which meant they could raise larger armies and have larger, bloodier wars.   Innovations in metallurgy, chemistry, and engineering also made soldiers deadlier, with more artillery, more lethal weapons, more ability to knock a town’s walls down and kill everyone inside, new daggers designed to leave wounds that would fester, or anti-personnel artillery designed to slice a line of men in half.  Thus, while both the Middle Ages and Renaissance had lots of wars, Renaissance wars were larger and deadlier, involving more troops and claiming more lives, military and civilian—this wasn’t a sudden change, it was a gradual one, but it made a difference.
Economic growth also made the life expectancy go down.  Europe was becoming more interconnected, trade increasing.  This was partly due to innovations in banking (which had started in the 1100s), and partly, yes, the aftermath of the Black Death which caused a lot of economic change—not growth but change—some sectors growing, others shrinking, people moving around, people trying to stop people from moving around, markets shifting.  There were also innovations in insurance, for example insuring your cargo ship so if it sinks you don’t go bankrupt like our Merchant of Venice.  This meant more multi-region trade. For example, weaving wool into fine-quality non-itchy thread required a lot of oil, without which you could only make coarse, itchy thread.  England produced lots of wool but no oil (except walnuts), so, in the Renaissance, entrepreneurs from England, instead of spinning low-profit itchy wool, started exporting their wool to Italy where abundant olive oil made it cheap to produce high-quality cloth and re-export it to England and elsewhere.  This let merchants grow rich, prosperity for some, but when people move around more, diseases move more too.  Cities were also growing denser, more manufacturing jobs and urban employment drawing people to crowd inside tight city walls, and urban spaces always have higher mortality rates than rural.  Malaria, typhoid, dysentery, deadly influenza, measles, the classic pox, these old constants of Medieval life grew fiercer in the Renaissance, with more frequent outbreaks claiming more lives.
The Black Death contributed too—in school they talk as if the plague swept through in 1348 then went away, but the bubonic plague did not go away, it remained endemic, like influenza or chickenpox today, a fact of life.  I have never read a full set of Renaissance letters which didn’t mention plague outbreaks and plague deaths, and Renaissance letters from mothers to their traveling sons regularly include, along with advice on etiquette and eating enough fennel, a list of which towns to avoid this season because there’s plague there.  Carlo Cipolla (in the fascinating yet tediously titled Before the Industrial Revolution) collected great data for the two centuries after 1348, in which Venice had major plague bursts 7% of years, Florence 14% of years, Paris 9% of years, Barcelona 13% of years, and England (usually London) 22% in the earlier period spiking to 50% in the later 1500s, when England saw plague in 26 out of 50 years between 1543 and 1593.  Excluding tiny villages with little traffic, losing a friend or sibling to plague was a universal experience from 1348 clear to the 1720s, when plague finally diminished in Europe, not because of any advance in medicine, but because fourteen generations of exposure gave natural selection time to work, those who survived to reproduce passing on a heightened immune response, a defensive adaptation bought over centuries by millions of deaths.
Today thousands of cases of Y. pestis (the plague bacterium) still occur each year, largely in sub-Saharan Africa and East Asia where it was not endemic so immunities didn’t develop.  And if geneticist Mihai Netea is correct that the immune mutation which helps those of European descent resist Y. pestis also causes our greater rate of autoimmune disorders, then the Black Death is still constantly claiming lives through the changes it worked into European DNA over 400 years (and literally causing me pain as I type this, as my own autoimmune condition flares).  While the 1348 pandemic was Medieval, most of the Middle Ages did not have the plague—it’s the Renaissance which has the plague every single day as an apocalyptic lived reality.
Economic growth also made non-military violence worse.  Feuds (think Montagues and Capulets) were a Medieval constant, but the body count of a feud depends a lot on how wealthy the head families are, since the greater their wealth and the larger their patronage network, the larger the crowd of goons on stage in the opening scene of Romeo & Juliet when partisans of the two factions are biting their thumbs at each other, and the larger the number of unnamed men who also get killed in the background while Romeo fights Tybalt.  In Italy especially, new avenues for economic growth (banking and mercenary work) quickly made families grow wealthy enough to raise forces far larger than the governments of their little city states, which made states powerless to stop the violence, and vulnerable to frequent, bloody coups.  The Bentivoglios of Bologna and Sforza of Milan (whose marriage alliance produced Ercole who wrote that letter to Machiavelli) had risen by force, ruled by force, and were in turn overthrown by force, several times each, in fact, as rulers were killed, then avenged by returning sons or nephews, and cities flip-flopped between rival dynasties every few years
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agentrouka-blog · 4 years ago
How do you think Jon & Sansa's relationship play out in the books ? Will it be platonic or there could be some restricted or worse 1 sided romantic feelings ?
I’m pretty vocal about being a jonsa, I think, so I don’t think it will surprise you that I think there will be a romantic angle to their relationship. 
I mean, really, where can he go with them? Enemies? Both are comitted to Winterfell, and miss their family and childhood. They think fondly of each other and have similar values. There is no basis for meaningful enmity unless one of them turns villainous out of nowhere. Highly unlikely. I’m not saying there won’t be conflict, but if it’s supposed to be meaningful, it’s not set up for much drama. “They were not very close siblings and now they clash over their differences. Shocking.”
Happy platonic sibling-friends? Jon already has that dynamic with Arya and Bran. While it would be sweet to see these two finally interact and get along as siblings, too, there’s not much added to the story by it. “Oh, it turns out, they don’t hate each other, like the text already suggested. Surprise.” If they had set up age-old hate between them, and their traumatic journeys have rendered that null, maybe. But GRRM specifically has not set it up that way.
Romance? That’d make a lot of things click. The weight of romance and songs in Sansa’s arc requires a character of some weight to carry it, if it’s supposed to have a meaning beyond either a hasty treat or a cynical denial. Jon’s own longing for home and family and children is so deeply connected to Winterfell and the Starks that it also feels a lot more satisfying to see those themes connected to Sansa all tied together, rather than narrowing connection and conflict between them to one of rulership and sibling affection, especially when the latter doesn’t carry near the same weight as his connection to Arya and Bran. 
Basically, if the conflict was supposed to be Stark Family v. Dany Romance, you wouldn’t need Sansa. He could have kept a blend between Arya and Sansa in one character. As far as family dynamics go, two Stark sisters work brilliantly in connection to each other, but become redundant in terms of Jon - unless their relationships are very different. And if romance was never going to be part of it, then GRRM has wasted five books drenching Sansa’s chapters in a reflection of the concept. A romantic connection between Jon and Sansa mirrors the Lannisters and the Tully-Petyr mess, pays off some loose ends, creates new tension in the existing sibling dynamics and ties up Sansa and Jon’s mirroring dreams. Plus, the pay-off for RLJ. Plus all the foreshadowing.
I certainly don’t think it would be one-sided. They both fit each other’s romantic profile too well. And by that I don’t mean “Jon has a thing for redheads” but the things they value, like softness, attention, protective honor, and gallant heroics. 
Considering there was no five-year-gap, I don’t think we will see some kind of fully-fleshed out adult relationship between them to rival the broiling complexity of Jaime and Cersei. I think it’s likely to be very reflective of the romantic songs associated with Sansa. Florian and Jonquil, Aemon and Naerys, Jenny and Duncan. I think there will be drama and angst surrounding the fact that unlike less responsible characters, they will take the struggle between personal desires and political responsibilities very seriously. Plus communication issues.
Considering it’s only two books to go, it’ll probably be a not-so-slow burn, private anguish, unspoken words, moments of drama, promises made and broken, perceived betrayal, sad-song-level broken hearts and resignation (think Swanlake or The Little Mermaid) that will seem to end in a well of sadness, but will find its happy ending in a very satisfying twist. 
Something that I am absolutely befuddled by is how GRRM will handle the whole child foreshadowing. Lyanna, Dany, Gilly, Robb’s prevented heir, Roslyn Frey, Sansa’s plentiful child references… The lack of the five-year-gap again makes that an extremely wonky proposition. Sansa is like thirteen-and-a-half right now. Even if GRRM is very scrupulous about the passage of time, Sansa won’t exactly be very grown-up even by the ending. And GRRM has been unsubtle about the dangers of childbirth: Lyanna, Elia, Lysa, Dalla, Dany, Minisa, etc. Dany marrying at 13, Lyanna being abducted at 15 and dying at 16 weren’t supposed to be happy scenarios.
I’m a bit concerned about how important Stark progeny will be to the plot, and whether it will make GRRM go down murky paths. 
Something like this is making me narrow my eyes a little in concern and suspicion: 
A few of the oldest gowns had been made for young Lysa Tully of Riverrun, however, and others Gretchel had been able to alter to fit Alayne, who was almost as long of leg at three-and-ten as her aunt had been at twenty. (...) 
And at Winterfell, Sansa was a little girl with auburn hair. My daughter is a maiden tall and fair, and her hair is chestnut." (AFFC, Alayne I)
If GRRM somehow decided to move things beyond emotionally romantic, he’d have to be extremely careful not to drift off into something creepy and irresponsible. Romeo and Juliet had the age constellation of Jon and Sansa, but that doesn’t mean it was great that they got married and shared a bed that young. Even if GRRM allows time to pass. 
So I think unless a child is somehow relevant to the plot, they may well never be physically together on the page beyond age appropriate kissing. 
Which would be perfectly fine by me.
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thetvmoviefan · 5 years ago
Nabrina FanFics Part 6
Sabrina Spellman & Nicholas Scratch (Nick Scratch) FanFics MASTERLIST
Updated: October 23, 2019 (10/23/2019)
Well Netflix just released their list for November and sadly CAOS isn’t on there. So Since we aren’t getting Part 3 anytime soon or at least not in November. Here’s a new updated list of Current and New Nabrina FanFictions for anyone missing our favorite Power Couple Nick Scratch/Sabrina Spellman since the wait for Part 3 and Part 4 is still on-going. But to anyone need a Nabrina fix or CAOS fix in general all the fics on this list are worth it and the re-reads.
Anyways have a wicked time with these fics and and ENJOY!!!
Fics in order by last Update since 10/23/2019
1. “Lessons in the Unseen”
Author: bunivy
Summary: Academy Teachers AU. Sabrina Spellman lives as simple a life as a half-mortal half-witch can. Despite her dislike for the headmaster, she enjoys spending her time teaching Ritual Magic at the Academy of Unseen Arts, hoping to positively shape the minds of young witches and warlocks. However, with the sudden dreadful announcement of her aunt Zelda's engagement and the appearance of one mysterious - and strikingly handsome - Nicholas Scratch, Sabrina finds that her life is not so simple anymore. Or all that safe. Rated Mature - Chapters 23/? - Last Update 10/22/2019
2.”Ground Beneath Her Feet”
Author: mindlesshappy
Summary: Sabrina is born out of a miracle - one that she wishes would repeat for her, but when she is destined for someone else, how much can she resist before her heart decides to give in. Alternatively, Nick is Sabrina's soulmate, but she really just wants Harvey to be it. Also, in the backseat are all the other possible ships, getting their own soulmate glories. Rated Teen - Chapters 15/? - Last Update 10/22/2019
3. “But The Greatest Is Love” 
Author: sarahkwut
Summary: The acheron captured Lucifer Morningstar, but their problems are far from over. The coven is decimated, the Church of Night is no more, Father Blackwood is on the run, and Nick and Sabrina's relationship is in ruins. How do they pick up the pieces and move on? There are more questions than answers and the consequences could be of biblical proportions. Rated Mature - Chapters 22/? - Last Update10/18/2019
4. “Thirteen Memories” 
Author: tempestbreak
Summary: (Set at the end of Season 2) Sabrina and her friends go to Hell and rescue Nick -- but what happens when that's the easy part?It turns out, having the Dark Lord inside your mind for months can do some damage, and Nick comes back different. His memories of the events leading up to his sacrifice, including his relationship with Sabrina, are gone. How can Sabrina help him regain his memories of their time together when she's not even sure she trusts her own? Rated Mature - Chapters 3/? - Last Update 10/17/2019
5. “Back to You”
Author: nadiaselite
Summary: Sabrina brings Nick back from hell. Rated Teen - Chapters 1/1 - Last Update 10/11/2019 
6. “The Open Road”
Author: paradiamond
Summary: Nick wants her back, and he’s willing to do whatever it takes. In fact, he insists on it. Rated Teen - Chapters 1/1 - Last Update 9/22/2019
7. “Be True to Your School”
Author: rayo aka @its-nabrina-bitch​
Summary: Nicholas Scratch is the Golden Boy™ of Baxter High; star athlete, top of his class academically, and devastatingly handsome. Sabrina Spellman sees Sophomore year as an opportunity to expand her horizons; joining the cheerleading squad, running for student council, and making new friends along the way while working to maintain her relationships with her old friends. What Sabrina Spellman doesn't know: sophomore year is about to turn her world upside-down. AU - Rated General - Chapters 4/? - Last Update 9/12/2019
8. “Mission: Let’s get my boyfriend back”
Author: My_Evak_Heart
Summary: Sabrina and the Fright Club ventures on their first mission: getting Nick back from Hell Not Rated - Chapters 1/1 - Last Update 9/7/2019
9. “Jealousy is a killer”
Author: Melissa1226
Summary: Will Sabrina and Nick Start something new? and who is watching them from the shadow full of jealousy? Rated Mature - Chapters 8/? - Last Update 8/28/2019
10. “The Institute for Divine Craft” 
Author: rayo aka @its-nabrina-bitch​
Summary: After a humiliating spat with Father Blackwood pushes Sabrina away from her witching life and the Academy, Madam Satan crafts an alternative solution to move Sabrina Spellman further down the path of night. Ultimately leading her to the Institute for the Divine Craft. A handsome Headmaster with mysterious ties to her father, convinces Sabrina to abandon her mortal life, and cultivate her abilities as a child of the Church of Lucifer. AU - Rated Mature - Chapters 16/? - Last Update 8/21/2019
11. “The Jock”
Author: mikaila_ealum
Summary: An Alternate Universe where Nicholas Scratch is Baxter High’s quarterback along with one of the most popular boys at school. With few knowing the truth, Scratch is living a double life as a warlock at the Academy of Unseen Arts. Sabrina takes a hiatus from the Academy to get more in touch with her mortal side. When Sabrina gets back she becomes partners with Nicholas for a project in theatre class. AU - Chapters 8/? - Last Update 8/07/2019
12. “act 5, scene 2 (thou and i are too wise to woo peaceably)”
Author: ghostemo aka @wickedscratch​
Summary: When Sabrina Spellman rose to a challenge issued by Prudence Night, she never imagined she’d actually make the varsity cheer squad - or that doing so would upend life as she knew it. Now she has to navigate her new role within the social hierarchy of hell -er Baxter High as well as trying to get her boyfriend to actually communicate. It certainly doesn’t help that she’s been paired up with the annoyingly handsome Nicholas Scratch, captain of Greendale’s beloved football team, for a project in her theater class. It’s exactly as, if not more so, cliche as it sounds. AU/AH - Rated Teen - Chapters 3/? - 7/25/2019
13. “Off the Record” 
Author: sarahkwut
Summary: AU. Detective Nicholas Scratch left New York for Greendale in desperate need of a change of scenery. The small town takes some getting used to, but local reporter Sabrina Spellman quickly grabs his attention. It's the fresh start he needed until Greendale's residents start turning up dead. With a murderer on the loose, no one is innocent - and anyone might be next. AU/AH - Rated Mature - Chapters 29/29 - Completed 7/22/2019
14. “Bring You Close To Me”
Author: BridgetMcKennitt
Summary: Sabrina and her friends managed to bring Nicholas back from Hell. There was a lot the two of them needed to discuss, but tonight, they had this. Rated E Mature - Chapters 1/1 - One Shot - Last Update 7/13/2019
15. “A Brief Moment” 
Author: bunivy
Summary: Ever since he's returned from Hell, Nicholas Scratch has been having nightmares. With help from Aunt Hilda, Sabrina unknowingly shows him a light and for a moment, Nicholas knows everything will be okay. Rated General - Chapters 1/1 - One Shot - Last Update 6/24/2019
16. “To Hell and Back” 
Author: swtnerdgirl
Summary: A year has passed since Sabrina and her friends rescued Nick from Hell. No one came back the same. They all had their scars. Some emotionally. Some physically. In the days leading to Hilda's wedding, they all prepare for their lives to change and heal their wounds. Rated Mature - Chapters 16/? - Last Update 6/06/2019
17. “Dead Witch Walking” 
Author: rayo aka @its-nabrina-bitch​
Summary: Faced with the possibility of being harrowed to death by her classmates, Sabrina finds an escape. Rated E Mature - Chapters 1/1 - One Shot - Last Update 5/26/2019
18. “Moonlight Beneath Rough Lips” 
Author: ivylikeveins
Summary: After the encounter with the thirteen witches of Greendale, Sabrina enters the dining hall with moonlight locks bathed in soft blue hues, and Nick does not know what to do. He ends up with a soft and small Sabrina pressed into his chest, sleeping, and wrapped around his very much over-sized jacket with Nick's lips pressed into the soft, pearly strands he wants his soul to get entangled within. Rated Mature - Chapters 1/1 - One Shot - Last Update 5/19/2019
19. “The Hunt” 
Author: OnlyInAutumn
Summary: Nick howled into the night, up at the stars to signify that he was ready on the eve of Lupercalia, the darkness of midnight around them. The first sound of the horn sent them into the forest. The hunt had begun. Rated E Mature - Chapters 1/1 - One Shot - Last Update 5/11/2019
20. “Secrets, Secrets are no Fun”
Author: filmharlot
Summary: Sabrina is the new kid for the first time in her life. Choosing to go to the Academy full-time seems to be a hard transition than she was expecting. With the Weird Sisters harassment at an all-time high, dealing with leaving her mortal friend's and condescending teachers, Sabrina is suffering. She's not even allowed to have Salem for comfort. It's not all bad though. She is finally free to do magic whenever she wants, and there's a charming warlock who is being particularly nice to her. Plus, someone is leaving kind gifts on her bed at the end of the night. She just wishes she knew who it was. Not Rated - Chapters 1/? - Last Update 5/06/2019
21. “My only love sprung from my only hate” 
Author: filmharlot
Summary: High School AU where Nick is based on the version of him that Sabrina creates in her dream during the Batibat episode. Harvey and Sabrina have broken up and don't want to work together on the Romeo and Juliet assignment in Drama class, so she ends up being partners with Nick AU - Not Rated - Chapters 7/? - Last Update 5/04/2019
22. “Unsettled Nighttime Creatures” 
Author: mindlesshappy
Summary: We all know Sabrina is going to save Nick. This is how Nick reacts to being saved - which, spoilers alert - is like a very stupid warlock. Rated Teen - Chapters 5/5 - Completed 4/25/2019
23. “Selfless” 
Author: sarahwut
Summary: Sabrina Spellman dragged Nicholas Scratch back from Hell. But Hell might be better than a world in which they aren't together. Rated General - Chapters 1/1 - One Shot - Completed 4/23/2019 
24. “Homecoming” 
Author: cherrystems
Summary: After several months Sabrina is able to get Nick back from Hell with the help of her family and friends. However, Nick has to adjust to Earth again while dealing with PTSD and anxiety. This tells the story of the growth of Sabrina and Nick's relationship over the recovery time. Not Rated - Chapters 3/? - Last Update 4/20/2019
25. “Under Your Spell” 
Author: londonmarie
Summary: Sabrina doesn't hesitate to have her Dark Baptism and things go differently. Rated Teen - Chapters 10/? - Last Update 4/18/2019
26. “Photographs” 
Author: Greyowl9831
Summary: It's been at least 150 years since Sabrina signed her name in the Book of the Beast. One day she finds an old photo album. Will the memories it contains be a great walk down memory lane or will it be more than she can bare? Not Rated - Chapters 4/? - Last Update 4/14/2019
27. “An itch That Needed Scratching” 
Author: umbrellacorp
Summary: What if Nick slayed his familiar and Sabrina and Nick got to experience the last night of the Lupercalia festival alone. Tonight, Sabrina would be transformed. Nick was going to show her power that she never knew she had, an innate carnal power. They were about to become the most powerful union of the Church of Night. Rated E Mature - Chapters 1/1 - One Shot - Last Update 4/13/2019
28. “and I keep waiting (but I won’t say I’m waiting)”
Author: lost_n_stereo @lost-n-stereo​
Summary: You would think that it would hurt less as the days go by, since it’s been nearly two years since Nick sacrificed himself for the greater good and Lilith took him to hell. Except, he didn’t sacrifice himself for the greater good, he sacrificed himself for her. And that makes it a hell of a lot tougher to let go. Rated General - Chapters 1/1 - One Shot - Last Update 4/10/2019
29. “The Four Pictures” 
Author: Copper_16
Summary: It’s been 10 years. Nick and Sabrina are teachers at the Academy along with some familiar faces. It’s been a decade there can’t be that much chaos anymore, right? Wrong. Rated Teen - Chapters 3/? - Last Update 4/09/2019
30. “Fire” 
Author: OnlyInAutumn
Summary: Their power—together—was overwhelming. It was something that she had not felt either, the consuming feeling of expanding power. It was entirely addicting. Rated Mature - Chapters 2/2 - Completed 3/24/2019
31. “something I can believe” 
Author: Anry
Summary: Missing scene after Sabrina's baptism. I wouldn't say that it's really a relationship here, just conversation. Rated General - Chapters 1/1 - One Shot - Last Update 1/25/2019
Everyone make sure to leave love and praise through comments and kudos to all these amazing writers who are writing these amazing Sabrina fics, because without them this hiatus would be so much harder.
But honestly because they work so hard on these stories they deserve the encouragement and love for the hard work they do. Even a simple “Great Chapter” keeps them going.
So make sure to say how much you love their writing by giving them all the encouragement they deserve through comments or just sharing their stories with other fellow Nabrina shippers or just CAOS fans.
If anyone has any other suggestions for the list feel free to message me :).
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kara-dolan · 7 years ago
All of it sis 💁🏻‍♀️
5′2 me and my short self

2:Shoe size
Um… Hold on gotta check (I don’t know cause I don’t get shoes often) Okay so I wear 3 sizes I wear 7 ½ in heels, 8 and 8 ½. My feet are apparently weird.

3:Do you smoke?
No, I have before tho when i was like 6 with my brother grosses shit ever. But I also use to smoke marijuana but like I havent done that since last year around May.

4:Do you drink?
Occasionally. But I don’t get drunk. Never have gotten drunk either. 

5:Do you take drugs?
No only thing that came close was weed and that was for my depression and anxiety. It just wasn’t prescribe. 

6:Age you get mistaken for
20 or older. Like I got to see a kids movie tho because of how short I am. So yay!

7:Have tattoos?
NO Sadly

8:Want any tattoos?
FUCK YES I HAVE LIKE 17 Tats drawn up and I know where I want them to go.

9:Got any piercings?

10:Want any piercings?
Yes my nose. 

11:Best friend?
Evelin mi hermanita, but also VIVIANA aka @notanotherdolantwinsblog

12:Relationship status
Single until Grayson notices me or some shit

13:Biggest turn ons
FUCK THIS HAD TO BE ON HERE. Um… Jaw clenching, Grey sweatpants, “Babe”, “Baby”, Cute nicknames, Biting, hair pulling, choking, scratching, certain laughs, spanking, deep conversations, weird but like when someone picks me up and I don’t expect it, lip biting, eye rolling, cheesy jokes, puns, dirty jokes, someone being so focused on something like full on has their attention.

14:Biggest turn offs
Feet, anal (like shit comes out of there no thanks), Smells that would make me like revolt to Jupiter, douche bags like the I am better than everyone type of cocky douche. 

15:Favorite movie
Romeo + Juliet, Titanic, Nemo, Monsters Inc., Scream, It Follows, Little Mermaid (all of them), Austin Powers (all of them). Sucker Punch, Kick Ass, 5th Wave,Let Me In.

16:I’ll love you if
Oof okay ahhh um get to know me for me and we have a form of bond like that honestly I feel so bad if people give me things they pay for like I feel like I am just taking and I feel like shit so yeah become my friend and I grow to love you for you and you hopefully do the same.

17:Someone you miss
My Haybug. ( my cousins daughter who I call my niece who I helped basically raise) um Grayson and Ethan, my cousin Austin and my other cousin Pierce.

18:Most traumatic experience
Yeah this is great, um I have a couple one really fucked me up and the other one almost made me kill myself so I won’t be posting about it because it is not something I want in the world.

19:A fact about your personality
Uhhhhh….  it is still forming because I am trying to find who I am.

20:What I hate most about myself
My weight and teeth.

21:What I love most about myself
My eye color and laugh.

22:What I want to be when I get older
Financially stable lol but also a musician and actor

23:My relationship with my sibling(s)
Well I live with my little sister and we annoy the hell out of each other but we love each other too and then my brother is away in a different state with the national guard and trying to join the army, so complicated?

24:My relationship with my parent(s)
Well fuck. I… this is so complex no one is ready for it.

25:My idea of a perfect date
Surfing ( hopefully not dying from it) followed by a hike to a high place to over look everything followed by pizza and ice cream and a movie where we cuddle (after a shower of course)

26:My biggest pet peeves

27:A description of the girl/boy I like
He is just so beautiful, the way his laugh lines crease when he smiles with or with out teeth is just incredible and the way his brown eyes that change color due to lighting and emotion shine through even when he isn’t at his best because he has the most amazing heart and puts everyone else before himself even though he knows he needs to take time and get to what makes him happy. His hair that goes through hell but it still maintains a soft poofy look and as of right now it is a light brown almost ash brown with bits of dirty blonde. His jawline is the kind you wouldn’t even see on a greek god because it is so unique to his face hell his bone structure is his own and yet in some ways completely different from his brothers. He has an athletic build that I barely pay attention to because his droopy eyes capture my attention with the intensity that he stare with. Not to mention he has the most creative beautiful mind I have ever seen with theories and words he has and things he acts out. His sense of humor is amazing he is such a goof ball and it’s a mix of stupid corny jokes and dirty jokes that he can’t fully say out loud because he is caught in the public eye all the time. He can’t be himself and it is the most painful thing to know because he has the biggest kindest heart ever and is human with insecurities beyond what I know. Plus his scars that add characteristic details to his face that tell a story of a young boy having fun without a care in the world is the most beautiful construct of his humanity. Whoa. 
He completely owns my ass…

28:A description of the person I dislike the most
Cheeto with a blonde toupee 

29:A reason I’ve lied to a friend
To protect them. Or myself.

30:What I hate the most about work/school
That I don’t do either

31:What your last text message says
I didn’t know I could describe someone like this

32:What words upset me the most
You aren’t wanted here.

33:What words make me feel the best about myself
When someone thanks me for helping them. I don’t help people for that reason but I like to know that I helped in some way. It makes me feel good that they feel good.

34:What I find attractive in women

35:What I find attractive in men
Honesty, pure real deep honesty. Like how they feel or asking them questions to where they give deep meaningful answers or even if its like “ I just wanna fuck” like Okay you hot but I aint down for that thank you for being honest but oof damn even hotter now but like I am good. (unless they are strangers then thats creepy)

36:Where I would like to live
Greece, Rome, Italy, California, New Jersey like the nature aspects of all these places oh my damn it’s so beautiful.

37:One of my insecurities
My smile

38:My childhood career choice
Musician, I have always wanted to be a musician in 4th grade I even started a band with no instruments and wrote songs but my dickwad of an ex said songs had to be at least 2 pages long and it kind of made me mad and I stopped writing them for a few months. FUCK YOU ETHAN ( not dolan my ex fucking douche side note I dated him in 2nd grade he dumped me for my friend who he dumped for our other friend who only went out with him to dump him)

39:My favorite ice cream flavor
Vanilla only cause you can add other flavors to it and make a delicious concoction.

40:Who wish I could be
A better version of me which I am working on currently.

41:Where I want to be right now
In a relationship with Grayson so I can cuddle in bed with him and watch scary movies so we both get scared and like grip onto each other for the rest of the night.

42:The last thing I ate
Dark Chocolate covered pistachios  I know it sounds weird but surprisingly good.

43:Sexiest person that comes to my mind immediately
Grayson Dolan

44:A random fact about anything
I am related to Abraham Lincoln and Tom Hanks on my Grandfathers side ( my moms, dad.)
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h0llywood-girl · 8 years ago
Everything I LOVED about Beauty & the Beast
1. LEFOU!!! His quick, funny lines. His character development. His EVERYTHING.
2. The Gaston number
3. “Is that fair?” “I don’t care.”
4. “But she’s so well read... And you’re so... Athletically inclined...”
5. When Maurice sits at the dinner table and Chip moves/talks so Maurice just RUNS for it
6. “Your library makes our small corner of the world feel big”
7. The fact that Maurice is an artist and Belle is an inventor- so badass!
8. The song Evermore and the fact that it made me cry like a big baby
9. Beast’s disgusted reaction to hearing that Belle’s favorite story is Romeo & Juliet, and because he wants her to find a new favorite book he gives her a library- so savage!
10. Lumiere wasn’t a player and was 100% devoted to Plumette 
11. All of the new backstories- especially the one that connects Belle’s and Beast’s pasts. Most of these backstories fixed plot-holes from the original! I especially loved that all the servants had a true reason to sick w/ Beast during the curse, it hit me like a mofo train
12. The perfect casting. Especially Gaston and Lefou. I was nervous to see Emma as Belle but I think she did great overall.
13. “Deep breaths.... Think about the widows!”
14. “Me and Gaston just haven’t been seeing eye to eye lately” “You’re too good for him, anyway!”
15. The love between the wardrobe and the harpsichord
16. Mrs. Potts freaking slayed it as always
17. “There’s a beast running wild, there’s no question. But I fear the wrong monsters released”
18. Maurice’s characteristics- he wasn’t as eccentric/odd/out there as he was in the original, and people in the village actually seemed to care about him
19. The beautiful, glittering lights during the ballroom scene where Belle and Beast dance
20. Gaston was portrayed as being more cruel/sinister then the original which I thought fit his character well
I know there’s a bunch more but I can’t even think of them rn there was so much I liked!!!
LITTLE PICKY THINGS I MISSED IN THIS VERSION (but don’t worry, I still loved the movie overall)
1. “Marie! The baguettes! Hurry up!”
2. “And every last inch of mes covered in hair!”
3. “If it’s not baroque, don’t fix it!” Plus that whole scene where Belle gets a tour of the castle
4. When Lefou disguises himself as a snowman and Gaston falls into a pond 
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angelfireeast · 8 years ago
Differences between Still Star Crossed the book and tv series
Differences between Still Star Crossed the book and tv series. I’ve read 60% of book so far and there are no spoilers beyond what has already aired on the tv show.
In the book Rosaline’s father was not Capulet her mother was. Rosaline’s father was Niccolo Tirimo but she has strong Capulet family features more so than Livia. So she’s perfect to marry off because she looks the part. Her name is Rosaline Tirimo in the book.
Since there is no Capulet father there is no one for Lady Capulet to be jealous of Rosaline’s mother marrying. Aka that line about Lady Capulet marrying the brother for money/title over the brother she loves who was Rosaline’s father is drama made just for the show.
In the book, Romeo courted Rosaline before Juliet. He was madly in love with Rosaline for a time. Rosaline rejected his every advance. Turned his gifts away, refused to see him at the window, rejected him outright because she knew the trouble Montagu hair and Capulet, even one with different last name, would bring. Plus she wanted to be a nun.
The Capulet Family:
Lady Capulet isn’t an abustive horrible step-mother type figure who torments Rosaline and Livia daily. Lady Capulet don’t give fuck about them really. They too lowely to care about in many respects till they needed someone to marry off and Livia got involved with Paris.
The book has a character, not in the tv series. Duchess of Vitruvio, mother of Lady Capulet, kinswoman to Lord Capulet also the richest and one of the most powerful Capulet in the family. I feel like the tv series made Lady Capulet and the Duchess into one character. She’s kinda a bitch what I read of the book so far.
Rosaline and Livia don’t live inside the Capulet home. They have a small college within the estate of Lady Caulet’s mother The Duchess. An estate which is huge btw. After all the death and sorrow Lord and Lady Capulet stopped seeing Rosaline and Livia as a fit playmate for their daughter so the sisters hardly stepped foot with the Capulet home till after Juliet died.
The Duchess is the one will all the hate for Montagues. She is a brash woman who makes no bones about anything she just says whatever she feels. She told Rosaline she loved her more turning down Romeo, for not being turned by pretty face because Romeo is richer and more handsome then Beviolvo. She loved Rosaline for having her head turned by Montague money. She figured Rosaline was forced into marriage by the Prince due the kindness he showed the sisters with money he gave them secretly after their father’s death. The Duchess wants all Montagues to pay for every bad thing that happened. I feel like a lot of Lady Capulet’s character on the tv show came from the Duchess and they just made her ten times nastier and abusive on top just to make a proper villain. Not sure if the Duchess is a villain in the book or not yet as everything is suspect.
Livia & Paris’s stuff seems the same so far. Only with different amount of involvement of Lady Capulet due to the changes in her character from book to screen.
Lady Capulet is young woman who looks like she could be Juliet’s sister more then her mother due to how young she had her. Mother and daughter look very alike. Paris mistakes Lady Capulet for her daughter when he’s half out of it as he almost dies.
Rosaline and Prince Escalus:
There was no young romance between Prince Escalus and Rosaline before he became ruler in the book. All the characters are much younger when they were last together and began to have feelings for one another. Ranging in age from 13 years old to 16 years old. 
Isabella keys her brother in the fact that he’s in love with Rosaline and has had a thing for years as he didn’t realize it at all. He use to write letters to his sister keeping her up to date on what Rosaline was doing. He also paid Rosaline and Livia have their college within Capulet walls. He asked that they are told a lie that their childhood home was rented out and paid enough for upkeep. Once he figured out she was in love with him he wanted to be with her but had to do his duty to make peace with the city just like on the show.
Rosaline was always in love with Prince Escalus but never dared to believe he returns her feelings.
In book & tv series he thinks he’s he doing Rosaline a favor by making her a lady raising her station in life what it use to be. 
In the book, Rosaline refused to marry Benvolio and when the Prince and her uncle tried to make her she pretend to be sick so she couldn’t leave her room. The Prince tricked her into coming to his sister’s welcome home feast, got her drunk, let her sleep in his bed and then blackmailed her with ruining her family’s honor if she didn’t marry Benvolio. She, of course, gave in and he felt guilty for it. He also used his sister has unwitting aid in his plot to trick Rosaline.
On the show, the Prince and Isabella are on the same page of the wedding must happen. He doesn’t seem to have a dark plot in his mind when he asked agreed to speak with her in his bedroom. She was trapped going ahead with the marriage at that point so he didn’t have to blackmail her so nasty. His feelings ran away with him and they made out. The defiling of Romeo’s tomb reminded him he had to make the marriage happen so he played the cruel Prince and broke her heart and blackmailed her. Hurting her and forcing her to marry Benvolio or he’d hurt Livia’s future. He feels guilty for this but he must do what he must to keep the peace even if he breaks his own heart. His sister seems to have nothing to do with it all beyond supporting the marriage and wanting Rosaline to agree to the marriage.
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mysoftboybensolo · 8 years ago
Short story, I loved Beauty and the Beast remake, and instead of doing a review, I am just going to write stuff that I either noticed and/or liked. 
There will be spoilers, so that is why I am writing them beneath the line. 
1) I am so glad they corrected the whole 21st birthday thing as well as to why the villagers did not know about the castle. 
2) I really enjoyed the intro, some people didn’t, but I loved that we really got to see just how the Prince really acted, and he was so gaudy as fuck. And the imagery of the one dark figure among the many figures of white, really symbolic. 
3) That transformation looked really painful. 
4) I love that they kept that transition from “Who could ever learn to love a beast?” and then into the title and then to Belle’s house, just like the cartoon.
5) There is an actual reason as to why people think she is odd, before it was just like, kind of implied, but here, it really was clear. They think it is weird that a woman wants to read, and that makes you really become more on Belle and Maurice’s side. 
6) Jean and Pere Robert are great side characters, and I love that Pere Robert really seemed to have been the only one to truly care for her and Maurice. 
7) “Will you jave dinner with me?” “Oh, sorry, but I am busy.” “Seeing someone?” “No.”
8) Lefou being goofy but not a goofy cartoon like character. 
9) Maurice’s and Belle’s relationship, you can really tell they love each other. 
10) Belle is an inventor, and she wanted to help teach girls, even if it meant one girl at a time, but those damn villagers. 
11) “Mama said I wasn’t supposed to move. Sorry.” “That’s alright.” Quickly gets up to run away. 
12) Kevin Kline was just so awesome as Maurice, let’s be real.
13) I like that we see Belle do some house work; not that I mean she has to be a simple housewife, but it was worrisome to me that in the cartoon that all that it seemed she did was read. At least here we see she does do some dirty work. 
14) They re-wrote the prison scene, but I really liked it. Even though Maurice picked a rose, the Beast wasn’t being a loser that’s like “how dare you?”. It still was about him trespassing, but it also added a level of bitterness that he had, when he said, paraphrasing here, that why should he be the only one to suffer because a rose?
15) Belle being a boss ass bitch and switching her place with Maurice. So awesome. 
16) Lumiere and Cogsworth are pretty much as awesome as the original cartoon. Plumette and his relationship was so cute, and it was so endearing/heartbreaking with Cadenza and Madame Garderobe. Plus, they were both two interracial couples! I personally like the designs of Mrs. Potts and Chip, I thought they were adorable. 
17) Hearing the notes to “Home” when Belle is presented to her room. 
18) The song Gaston was so fun and I think Josh Gad was perfect to lead the song. Plus, love the additional lyrics. 
19) Be Our Guest was so colorful. And I am so proud of Ewan Mcgregor for doing a great job of it!
20) I loved the addition of that whenever a petal falls, a part of the castle breaks apart. And also, I love that Belle really got an image or seen what the Prince looks like as a human man, but a child, meaning that she could really love him as he is, and not know that underneath it all is the handsome Dan Stevens. 
21) When they quote Shakespeare together it was so cute, and when he is like “Romeo and Juliet? Girl, you need to read more, here.” The adorableness of their scene in the library, when he makes a joke and her squeal of joy. 
22) Her reading a poem to him, their snowball fight and the soup scene. These adorable babies!
23) “Maybe we could run away.” AAAAAAWWWWW! :) “Whenever I enter a room, laughter dies away.” aaaawwwww :””””(
24) Gaston is such a dick ass, leaving Maurice to die, hoping to pressure Belle into marrying him. But Agatha comes to save him, and she proves to be a guardian angel to the both of Maurice and Belle. 
25) That scene with the magic book and finding out Belle’s past was sad, but it was so sweet when she said “Let’s go home” and he looks happy, because she thinks of the castle as home. 
26) Getting the Beast prepared and there is references to the stage show. I love Belle’s dress, I love that it was original and it felt like it was made specifically for her. The dance was just so beautiful, and that moment when he dips her and then lifts her with all those lights, gah! So magical!
27) Her pain when she is leaving the Beast. Sure, she has to go and save her father, but you could see that it does hurt her to leave the Beast too. 
28) I loved that the Beast told everyone that he was sorry for not saving them, and it really shows just how sorry he is for how he had acted. And shut up Cogsworth! Him blabbering on about how Belle clearly doesn’t love the Beast RIGHT IN FRONT OF HIM!
28)  We may not have gotten that painful, heartbreaking moment when the Beast says he let Belle go because he loved her, but Evermore was a wonderful replacement. It broke my heart to watch him keep climbing up to watch her leave, as if he has to see her until the very end, and the fact that he stayed up there the whole time, even when the mob comes in, because he is just hoping, with every fiber within him, that she would come back.
29) That fight scene was both awesome and humorous. I was so glad Lefou got the chance to be a good character rather than a stock villainous character. Also, let’s give props to the added line, “There’s a beast, running wild, there’s no question, but I fear the wrong monster’s released.” Like DAMN!
30) “Did you honestly think she’d want you?” And that is why your arrows were taken away Gaston. And that is also why you got a pretty awesome death scene.
31) The Beast when he yelled “Belle” and I honestly loved it when he told her that she should stay there, that he will come to her. The Beast had been shot at, no doubt in pain and is so far away from her, and yet he is willing to risk it in order to be with her. And that line, “I am not a beast”, so badass and wonderful. And still, his insistence to get to Belle, ugh, what a pull at the heartstrings. 
32)  "You came back." “Of course I did. I'll never leave you again.” “I'm afraid it's my turn to leave." “But we're together now, everything will be fine.” “At least I got to see you one last time..” Ouch!
33) Watching the staff slowly become objects was so heartbreaking, especially when Garderobe and Cadenza finally got to see each other and they lose each other. 
34) I love that there were no words for the Transformation scene, that everything we need to know what they are feeling is read in their faces and how lovely their kiss was. How adorable it was to see the staff returning to their human selves and reuniting with their loved ones. 
35) “What is it”  “How do you feel about a beard?” (this is said jokingly people, calm it the fuck down) *gives one damn sexy growl*
Overall, I loved the movie and I definitely want to see it again. The music was beautiful, even the new songs, the costumes were familiar and yet refreshing, and it was beautifully acted. Next time, I will post some headcanons I have of the Beast/Prince’s backstory.
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itsiotrecords-blog · 8 years ago
There will come a time in your life when you’ll see a couple and think to yourself, “She’s way too young for him.” Sometimes, you’ll be right. Sometimes, you’ll be wrong. For most people, they don’t know where the line in the sand needs to be drawn with regard to age difference. Luckily, there’s a golden rule that can be used to help you decide if an age difference should be considered “weird.” It’s not a golden rule, but more of a rule of thumb. The “half-your-age-plus-seven” rule is exactly what it sounds like. Whenever wondering if it’s socially acceptable for a couple with an age difference to be together, take the age of the older person, cut it in half, and add seven. For example, if someone is 18 (half their age is 9, plus seven is 16), then the youngest person that would be socially acceptable for that person to date is 16. After all, two years isn’t a big deal, right? Most countries have Romeo-and-Juliet laws that make it so a legal adult can have consensual sex with a minor, so long as they’re within a few years of age. The celebrities on this list, however, typically paid no attention to the half-your-age-plus-seven rule. You’ll be surprised to know what type of girl your favorite rock stars, actors, and celebrities are attracted to. Be warned: some of these are disgusting.
#1 Jerry Seinfeld – He was 38, She 17 Jerry Seinfeld is a comedian you either love or you hate. You either think his sitcom is one of the best-scripted television shows on the planet — or you can’t stand to watch it for five seconds. While he was still filming Seinfeld, he fell in love with Shoshanna Lonstein, who was a 17-year-old high school senior at the time. Seinfeld was 38. As a lifelong fan, it’s impossible to defend that kind of age difference. What could they possibly have had in common? Lonstein switched from GW to UCLA to be closer to Seinfeld while he filmed his show. After dating for four years, the couple went their separate ways. Lonstein said she missed New York City too much to live in California and that the constant press coverage was too overwhelming for her.
#2 Tyga – Dated Kylie Jenner Tyga is known for two things: “Rack City” and dating Kylie Jenner. The latter began when Tyga was 25 years of age, and Kylie was only 17. Their relationship has since been incredibly public because… you know… she’s a Jenner. Her entire life is built off of being in the public eye. The two met while Tyga was performing at Kendall Jenner’s sweet sixteen party. For those completely out of the Kardashian/Jenner loop, it means that Kylie would have been 14 at the time, but Tyga would have been in his twenties. Pro tip: if you met her while performing at her older sister’s sweet sixteen party, she’s too young for you, bro.
#3 Joel Madden – He Dated A Teenage Hilary Duff Joel Madden is the lead vocalist for band Good Charlotte. Even if you don’t know his name, you’ve probably heard of Good Charlotte or, at the very least, heard a Good Charlotte song. They were huge in the early 2000s when punk temporarily went mainstream. They played The Anthem, Lifestyles of the Rich & Famous, Girls & Boys, and many other songs that appealed to angsty teenagers despite the band members being well into their 20s. In 2004, Joel Madden was rumored to have been secretly dating Hilary Duff. Duff was 16-years-old, and Madden was 25. You can see why the couple wanted to keep things on the down low. When Hilary Duff was finally 18, her mother stated that the pair were dating in an interview with Seventeen Magazine. A year and a bit after their relationship went public, the couple broke up. A month later, Madden began dating Nicole Richie, who is now his wife and mother of his two children.
#4 Chad Michael Murray – Proposed To High School Senior Chad Michael Murray is best known for playing Lucas Scott on the show One Tree Hill. During the early 2000s, pretty much every teenage girl had dreams about dating him. One girl, Kenzie Dalton, got to live the dream. Chad Michael Murray met Kenzie Dalton on the set of One Tree Hill, where she appeared as an extra. It’s a little fitting that Murray fell for a high school girl because he played one on television. When they began dating, Murray was 24, but Dalton was only 17. In 2006, Murray proposed to Dalton while she was still a senior in high school. Seven years after the engagement, the couple quietly ended their engagement and went their separate ways. I feel bad for whoever dated Kenzie Dalton after Murray. How do you compete with that guy?
#5 Paul Walker – Dated 16-Year-Old Paul Walker was loved by many for his role in the Fast & Furious franchise. He could have used his fame to become the latest Hollywood playboy, but he found a woman that made him want to be a better man. That woman was Jasmine Pilchard-Gosnell, his girlfriend at the time of his death. People remember Walker for his acting career, which is wonderful, but ignore the fact that Jasmine Pilchard-Gosnell was 17 years younger than he. When they first started dating, Jasmine Pilchard-Gosnell was 16 years old. Walker was 33. He could have had any supermodel that he wanted but instead chose a girl that dreamed of taking him to her high school prom. Paul Walker had a daughter, Meadow Walker, with another woman. Meadow lived with her mother for 13 years, before moving in with her father in 2011. Jasmine Pilchard-Gosnell acted as a stepmother for Meadow when she moved in with Paul Walker despite their being closer in age to sisters than mother-daughter.
#6 Wilmer Valderrama – 30-Year-Old Fez Dated 17-Year-Old Demi Lovato Wilmer Valderrama is probably the only celebrity that has a more unusual name than the character he played on television. You may remember him (but not recognize him) as Fez from That 70’s Show. He’s developed a habit of dating underage girls. It all started when he started dating Mandy Moore, who was 16 years old at the time, and he was 20. It’s not so bad. It doesn’t pass the half-your-age-plus-seven rule, but it’s not too bad. Four years later, Valderrama hooked up with Lindsay Lohan when she was 17. Following this hookup, Valderrama dated Demi Lovato for six years. Lovato was 17 when they began dating, whereas Valderrama was 30. It’s not the biggest age difference on this list, but it’s definitely weird. How can the guy who played Fez not find a girl his age? All he has to do is put on the accent he used in the show, and he’s set.
#7 Elvis – 14-Year-Old Priscilla Beaulieu When Elvis met his future wife, Priscilla Beaulieu, she was only 14 years old. He was 24. Their relationship was sexual in nature but often portrayed as innocent love. The couple would spend hours at a time hidden in Elvis’s room. He told her parents that they were practicing music; in reality, they were bumpin’ uglies. However, Priscilla wasn’t the first teenage girl to be wooed by Elvis. Many a mother questioned why Elvis wanted to take their daughters into private side rooms of venues. The mother of 14-year-old Jackie Rowland caught Elvis trying to teach her daughter how to kiss like an adult and asked if he could take her to a bar that night. The mother said no, but Elvis promised he would be with Jackie when she grew up. Many former members of Presley’s entourage have said that his attraction for young girls made them uncomfortable. He would refer to the girls as his “cherries” and get different members of his entourage to pick them from the crowd for him. Often times, Elvis wouldn’t have sex with them — he would lay in a bed naked fondling and kissing them.
#8 R. Kelly – Dated 15-Year-Old Aaliyah R. Kelly is thought of as one of the greatest R&B singers of all time, but he’s also known as kind of a weirdo. For years, journalists have been digging up strange stories about him. Two of the most prevalent stories involve underage girls: one, he filmed himself having sex with and peeing on, and the other, he illegally married. When she was just 12 years old, rising star Aaliyah was introduced to R Kelly by her uncle, Barry Hankerson. Three years later, when Aaliyah was 15 (and R Kelly was 27), the couple were rumored to be illegally married in a secret wedding ceremony. The marriage was annulled a few months later, and both R Kelly and Aaliyah denied that the marriage had ever happened. Both were insistent that they had always remained friends, nothing more. There ain’t nothing wrong with a little Bump ‘N’ Grind, unless, of course, the girl you want to bump and/or grind with is underage.
#9 Justin Gaston – Dated 16-Year-Old Miley Cyrus If you haven’t heard of Justin Gaston, don’t worry — you’re not completely out of touch. His claims to fame are a brief acting/music/modeling career and a brief relationship with Miley Cyrus. When Gaston and Cyrus started dating, he was 20, and she was 16. Four years age difference isn’t normally a big deal, but it doesn’t pass the half-your-age-plus-seven test, making it a little weird. It’s unfortunate that Gaston was never able to establish a career for himself. He’s literally known as the guy that dated Miley Cyrus. Try to find a news story involving Justin Gaston where Miley Cyrus isn’t mentioned. It’s almost laughable. Cyrus is even mentioned in news articles about Gaston’s newborn child!
#10 Kobe Bryant – 17-Year-Old Vanessa (Wife) Besides being one of the most iconic basketball players of all time, Kobe Bryant also speaks fluent Italian after having spent his childhood in Italy and enjoys conducting press interviews in Spanish. Another thing you may not know about Kobe Bryant is that when he proposed to his now-wife, Vanessa Bryant, she was still in high school. It’s not too big of a deal. Kobe was 21 years old, and met 17-year-old Vanessa Laine while she was working as a background dancer in the music video for Tha Eastsidaz’ music video “G’d Up.” Within no time, the two began dating. Six months later, Kobe proposed. The wedding was controversial within Kobe Bryant’s family. His parents opposed him marrying so young, and to someone who wasn’t African-American. His wedding wasn’t attended by his parents, his two sisters, his agent, or any of his L.A. Laker teammates.
#11 Sonny Bono – He was 27 and Cher was 16 The romance between Sonny Bono and Cher is one of the most iconic Hollywood romances. Bono, who was an established singer, helped Cher land gigs before the two of them decided that they should pair up. They loved each other — despite Bono being 27 years old when he met 16-year-old Cher. The couple married in 1964 when Cher was 18 (and legal). Eleven years after their marriage, the duo divorced. It was an ugly, public divorce that probably ruined a lot of people’s perception of true love. The couple had been in the public eye for 11 years, had a music career together, and even hosted their own television show together. After going their separate ways, both tried to launch their independent entertainment careers. Sonny Bono launched his show, The Sonny Comedy Revue, which was canceled six weeks after its debut. He started his political career soon after. On the other hand, Cher ended up becoming pretty famous. You might have heard her referred to as the Goddess of Pop.
#12 David Bowie / Jimmy Page – Dated 15-Year-Old To say David Bowie was a little out there is an understatement. He was a pretty offbeat person. He dressed strangely, embraced his homosexuality (and later his bisexuality) in a time when it wasn’t publicly accepted, and put together concerts that people enjoyed for the visual stimulation just as much as the audio component. But as famous and iconic as he was, he took the virginity of an underage fan. Lori Mattix (sometimes spelled Maddox) was part of the groupie scene as a young teenager. She spent the years of her adolescence hanging around rockers and trying to sleep with the men she lusted for. One of those men was David Bowie and, not long after, Jimmy Page. Jimmy Page spent a little bit of time with Lori Mattix after Bowie. Starting when she was 15, Page went on to have a fairly sexual relationship with Mattix. He tried his best to keep their relationship private, often keeping her behind closed doors so his highly illegal relationship wouldn’t get out.
#13 Ted Nugent – Allegedly Dated 13-Year-Old To say that Ted Nugent has a problem with underage girls is an understatement. He wrote a song called “Jailbait,” and if it were written by someone with a clean history, we might have been able to assume it wasn’t factual or based in Ted Nugent’s reality. Unfortunately, Nugent has stated, many times, often in a bragging manner, that he has had sex with underage girls. Only two years before recording “Jailbait,” Nugent became the legal guardian of a 17-year-old girl when he was 30 years old. Somehow, he managed to convince the girl’s parents that because he couldn’t marry her — and it would be strange for her to live with him without being married — it would be best if he legally adopted her. So he did. And they agreed. For some reason. It gets worse. In “Jailbait,” Nugent mentions that the girl in the song is 13. There have been allegations that Nugent has engaged in sexual acts with prepubescent girls. To be more specific, Courtney Love said that Nugent told her to perform oral sex on him when she was twelve-and-a-half years old. Nugent denies these allegations.
#14 Bill Wyman – 47-Year-Old Dated 13-Year-Old Mandy Smith Bill Wyman was the bass guitarist for The Rolling Stones. It’s concerning that Wyman, David Bowie, and Jimmy Page are on this list. Those guys could have had anyone that they wanted — so why did they pick girls that were underage? Wyman’s love for underage girls is a little more disturbing than Jimmy Page’s, as hard as that is to believe. At the age of 47, Wyman began dating 13-year-old Mandy Smith. The relationship was approved by the girl’s mother but scrutinized by the media. The couple went on to get married but divorced in 1993, ten years after their relationship began. The relationship was definitely sexual. Mandy Smith revealed that she and Wyman first had sex when she was only 14 years old. Wyman says that his relationship was emotional and special. Despite this, Mandy’s older sister demanded that Wyman be prosecuted for his open relationship with a girl so young. Police have not investigated Wyman for this incredibly creepy (and highly illegal) relationship.
#15 Chuck Berry – Alleged Pedo While it’s considered bad manners to speak ill of the recently deceased, Chuck Berry (who passed away in March 2017) was somewhat of a pervert. That’s not just speculation — it’s been proven in a court of law. At the peak of his career, Berry was arrested for transporting a 14-year-old girl across state lines so that it would be legal for him to have sex with her. Additionally, police found quite the pornographic stash in his possession, some of which contained materials of underage girls. He was charged with three counts of child abuse for possessing underage p———y. The charges were dropped after Berry (who filed a lawsuit against county prosecutor, William J. Hannah) struck a no-jail plea deal, leading him to drop his lawsuit. In addition to having sex with underage girls, a 1994 investigative report in Spy Magazine revealed that Chuck Berry had a fetish for watching women when they didn’t want to be watched. He installed a number of cameras in the women’s bathroom of a restaurant he bought and was later sued for owning rolls and rolls of videotape of women defecating.
Source: TheRichest
0 notes
courage-a-word-of-justice · 8 years ago
Erased 6 – 13 (not including the digest) | Showa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu 1 - 4 | Eldlive 1 | Prince of Stride: Alternative 1
The idea from now on for SGRS: Expect first time watches for this show (for the second season) and don’t expect ratings after each ep. Once all 2016 shows are done (rewatches or not), expect the 2016 ranking.
The idea from now on for POSA: Once all 2016 shows are done (rewatches or not), expect the 2016 ranking.
(ep 6)
Even with only subs, you can hear the seriousness in the manager’s voice.
Asagi beer, LOL.
This speech bubble style really works in the camera angles’ favour.
Airi’s mother reminds me of Midoriya’s mum from Boku no Hero Academia.
Shinji-go. “Go”… I didn’t really know how to explain it so I let Wiktionary do it for me.
I really love Airi’s motivational quotes around this point. So much, that I used it as motivation all through 2016…although I didn’t get any great results from it…
(ep 7)
Okay, that scrolling scene with the kids…that’s just cheap. They aren’t even animated.
It says something like “Preserve water” or “Water is important” on the wall behind the tap.
That “stand out in the hallways with those buckets” is pretty typical for an anime. I wonder whether any real Japanese person has done that, though?
Oh yeah. I think I was initially attracted to this due to the fact it looks a lot like Detective Conan when you see Satoru negotiating the future by changing his past.
I think I had to learn what a “patsy” meant for this scene, but a patsy is just a substitute, specifically in this case for collateral damage.
Does that mean Kenya lived (or lives) in a big house?
(ep 8)
Wait – wait? How did Gaku know how Kayo was safe…unless he was the murderer? I didn’t question that the first time, but this just makes the ending even worse. This dude’s already proved he doesn’t act on compulsion like Satoru does, so that adds to it.
That joke about Satoru being 29 does get a bit worn out when it gets used here…
Mt. Hakodate…I’d heard of it from Touken Ranbu. It’s a good place for low level swords, IIRC.
POP Noodle, LOL.
Crying in media is much more emotional if you can hear the crying, unfortunately. That’s why I passed on “Kayo’s first homecooked meal” for the Crunchyroll Awards.
(ep 9)
Akemi’s (Kayo’s mother’s) eyes were so off model before the shovel scene, it made it hard to take Akemi seriously.
It’s weird how much Gaku looks like he should be Satoru’s dad.
Akemi was “Takashima” before she was “Hinazuki”, and her partner’s name at the time of her divorce was Kazuo.
CGI car…again. Geez.
I think the kanji for “closure” mean the ending curtain, like that of a play, but I can’t quite remember their literal meaning…
“I have to stop somewhere.”
Gaku’s talking about his experiences somehow reminds me of a chat I had with Elucida on the Boueibu chat. Probably because the instigator of the chat had to apologise…
I wonder if the man (Gaku) was lying about the lollies?
“I am a man.” – Translation choices make Hiromi seem a little too macho for his girly looks, haha. *cringes, because I hear emphasis on “am”, with a lesser emphasis on “man” in my head*
I just realised – Kayo won’t go to Mt Hakodate as she’s supposed to anymore…It makes me sad on the inside.
(ep 10)
Holy plays, Batman! Romeo and Juliet for an 11 year old is pretty far fetched considering I only read it when I was…um…16 or 17. I haven’t even read King Lear yet so consider me out of this. (Shucks...even though I used to be an avid reader, I’m only ordinary now, huh?)
LOL. In the end, Kenya really is a little kid, getting all offended about hideouts, haha.
I thought the “getting rid of someone’s alone time is a good thing” sentence was a bit weird until I realised what context Hiromi used it in.
“On the outs”? I didn’t know what that meant until I checked it up. Well, considering I make my own phrases up a lot and I tend to omit small words in the vein of “wut dis?”, maybe I’m just too slang for the subbers.
CGI bus? Man, you ruined the solemn mood a bit, Mr Bus.
See? These CGI cars (and truck) are why I have gripes with CGI transport. It sticks out too much. However, for something like Ajin (which can only be found in CGI form), I don’t mind it so long as everything else about it is good. Speaking of which, I still have yet to see Ajin (as of the point of typing).
“…spirit and drive.” – Because the camera focussed on Gaku’s hands just then, I had to LOL in my head a little.
Manabu = Gaku by virtue of alternate character reading. Isn’t kanji great? (sarcastic)
This sublimation, I presume? I checked it up once, but it was never of any use.
(ep 11)
The Spider’s Thread, as told by Ryunosuke Akutagawa. Bungou taught me about it, but I’m not sure the Bungou instance is the one I first met it in.
This fourth wall breaking…it’s somewhat disturbing, but that’s the mood the staff were going for. Very effective.
I’ve always wondered why the “Boku” in the titlecard had a different font. Maybe the staff just didn’t have a “boku” in the font they’d written the title in…
I guess it must be my warped perception of beauty due to bishonen, but when Satoru is lying on the bed with slightly sallow cheeks, he almost looks…beautiful. (That’s a scary thought, isn’t it?)
“Future”…such a powerful name, since it happens to be the name of the baby, too.
Imagine if Kayo and Yuri Katsuki’s (Yuri!!! on Ice) backstories were stitched together.
A gingko leaf. They have a very distinctive shape…(Reminds me of Fusae Campbell from Detective Conan.)
Gaku is just represented by a black silhouette in some frames. Basically, you could call it another Detective Conan reference of sorts.
(ep 12)
The problem with the ending that I have, if you don’t know already, is that it suddenly makes you realise that Satoru would either die or have planned/have some caveat to get out of/around a potential death. Unfortunately, they don’t show you when he’s made those plans, thus being deceptive by omission if they were even made.
CGI hamster wheel…?
By the laws of ordinary protagonist writing…I give you the ending. The ending that dissatisfied me so much, it definitely left SGRS first for 2016.
They never explained how the rail was pulled open either, come to think of it.
Hey, it’s Boys’ Flight. The magazine he was reading earlier in the show. Don’t remember what ep, though.
Hey, did I ever mention to you that I tried to open up an Erased wiki, only to find one already open? There’s still two wikis existing right now for some reason, though.
Well, it’s been a wild ride. Thanks all, if you’ve been coming along with me and hope to see you again soon.
(SGRS ep 1)
Zony, LOL. Did Sony exist in that era?
If you observe the left flag when Yotaro stops at the front of the theatre, you can see the characters for “Amakentei” (rain-bamboo-stand, or something like it). That’s Kappei Yamaguchi’s character…Update: Must’ve been a mistake on my part. Amaken is a critic, but not a rakugoka himself.
Yotaro’s still got all the mannerisms of a gangster, LOL. (Including interrogation technique.)
There’s a sign in the back of Yotaro when he talks to Yakumo for the first time. It says “Sumi” (top – bottom) “Sushi” (L – R).
Yotaro uses the word “tanomu”, which is a respectful way of saying “I beg of you”. Very respectful. The most polite kind of respectful.
Mukojima? Huh? I guess that’s a deliberate bungling of Konnichiwa? (Update: Nope.) However, I’m still a noob to rakugo myself, despite having created the wiki to spread some Yakumo love.
Note for later: Shinigami has a distinctive “Ajaraka mokuren kyuraisu tegeretsuno pa!” in it.
What’s the old man writing?
It’s a transformation of sorts, from Yota being nervous to showing off what he’s got. That’s what makes SGRS so powerful.
I was pondering this since the start of the performance, but Yota’s shark-like teeth make him a very distinctive character. Then again, there’s always that one cue or other to tell you that a certain character is in the house.
Should a woman only have her beauty? I never believed it and that’s what I set out to prove in my stories, but…social mores were different back then, so I can’t speak for Konatsu.
Oh! I completely forgot about this guy (Mangetsu) until he came back in ep 14.
Notes for later: “Namu myoho renge kyo…”/a pilgrim climbing Mt Minobu
There is a slight irony in a woman telling a man to “man up”. Subbers, you put that there.
(ep 2)
Oh? Were you wondering what those “notes for later” were for? The wiki, naturally. SGRS’s only presence is me most days, so I’d better keep it up to date.
This show never fails to make me laugh, even if the laughter gets more subdued the second time.
Apparently people get sento and onsen confused a lot. Sento are normally cheaper smaller establishments compared to onsen, as far as I know.
Why is there a cat in the room?!
The “Hatsu” in Hatsutaro means “beginning”, while the “Kiku” in Kikuhiko is a chrysanthemum, so…yeah. Take it as you will.
“…your first time?” (laughs behind back) No wonder Haruko Kumota was a BL mangaka before she did SGRS.
Even without the volume, the visual language can tell you Kiku’s doing something wrong. That’s the power of this show.
“Akanbou” is a Japanese word for baby, as you may have guessed. However, people seem to use the word “aka-chan” more these days. Thus, another guess tells you that “shiro” is white and “ao” is blue. Right again.
You can almost hear the voices even with only subs! Amazing!
Fish cake. Technically called kamaboko, but “fish cake” is the translation for it so I guess I shouldn’t be such a weeb.
(ep 3)
“…it’ll become standard in the rakugo world.”
Oh, the cat is Yakumo 7th’s.
Mosquito coils? When were they invented?
CGI train? I barely noticed it there. Plus…poor Kiku. He never gets the girls.
Were sento really cheap enough to be five coins?
(ep 4)
Do those girls count as off model?
The texture on the bricks of the restaurant are hyperrealistic…I like it. Better than that messed up CGI you get on most cars in anime these days.
Kuma -> Kumako. I wonder why.
As I’ve noted on the wiki, the pun about the samurai involves the word samui (cold). Therefore the original pun would’ve been “now you die out here in the cold, samurai”, but if you’re going for lame jokes that work seamlessly into the rakugo, then…the samu-die joke pretty much does its job.
There was the word “open” twice in one sentence…subbers, you need to proofread sometimes.
The “treasure sacks” pun is on kintama…welp, I won’t explain it, but “family jewels” apparently works just as well.
If Mukojima is a place, then why were people saying it in ep 1?
LOL, Matsuda. Going “I won’t have anything to do with this” is bound to get you in trouble nonetheless.
Yakumo’s heart is so clearly not into it. You can tell from the body language.
(Eldlive 1)
I’m here because I fell out of love with Hibari a while back and I need to give Akira Amano another chance. Also, Lane Brick…maybe.
Wait. It’s a Mukuro! With glasses! That foreshadows the pain I’m gonna be in for.
Welp, considering I read the manga this was adapted from not too long ago (as of the time of watching this), it’s pretty faithful. Even if it does look visually pretty, I did come up with a story like this once but it never took off when it came to writing the story. Considering it also bears some similarity to One Wish They Never Wanted, it’ll never take off now.
Finally(!) Something to laugh at. Reborn injoke.
…Unfortunately, with the faithfulness of the manga comes the pervasive problem – I thought Eldlive was a bit subpar. I could see all the right tropes were there to make a hit, but I couldn’t see any real talent showing through, as if Amano’s resigned herself to doing only shonen because Reborn succeeded. It was Hibari that taught me you can have a cute bird sidekick instead of a monster designed from scratch, so why can’t Eldlive do that too?
Drew (the voice) is getting annoying already. Shaddap!
…another “unfortunately” is that Lane Brick isn’t too pretty compared to how I like my bishonen, but YMMV on that.
I didn’t check it when I read the manga…but Jean Renoir.
Great. (sarcastic) Bungou humour, to boot! That wasn’t in the original…and it’s just grim, too.
These mammary jokes aren’t doing it for me either, although they were in the original.
Verdict: Not taking it.
(POSA ep 1)
Prince of Stride was a new experience for me, as I thought I needed to add “sport anime” to my repetoire at the time. Unfortunately, I still haven’t gotten past my biases against sport anime even after finishing this…
Welp, I take back what I’ve said about OPs in the first episode. If it’s a good OP, it helps to set the norm.
CGI basketball. One of the weirdest things on the list of “things given CGI form in anime” to date, because it’s mostly cars.
Sad life. When people in a rejected club see that twist coming, it’s like a 4th wall break…kinda sorta.
Did I ever mention that this show is motivational? It’s really good for that, and colourful so it’s good for desktop wallpapers. (Also, it has a summer theme to it, so while I swelter, lemme just watch a show about running…and sweating…bad idea? I guess so. (sarcastic) However, there isn’t any better season to watch it in. Sweat – or imagined sweat – isn’t good any season of the year, so might as well watch it while I still have time.)
Tsurugiya…if Google-sensei serves me correctly…it’s in Osaka…? Update: I knew he came from somewhere in the country, but Hyogo is a different place to Osaka…
“Blue Sonic”. Well, it’s not like there would be a magazine called Sanic. Or Knuckles, for the matter.
What’s with the panda, though? Although, as some very obvious foreshadowing tells you, (Kyosuke) Kuga used to have his locker here.
How in Dante’s Inferno did Kohinata get the measurements of Takeru already?!
I checked up kabaddi last time, but eh, I’ll do it again.
I still think Fujiwara’s leg thing is creepy.
I dunno anything about Sun Tzu…but…lessee here. This quote is it, I think.
Who was the Relationer in the previous Stride Club?
What’s with the cat on the poster?!
“…is really hot…” – Is that what sets the shippers off? Or is that just a subbers’ choice of words?
They always blab aout weird things on the next ep preview. At least it’s not boring.
For some reason, my ad blocker isn’t working on AnimeLab any more…*sighs*
0 notes