#plus the Ocean And Body Horrors™
thegreatyin · 4 months
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and with that, evolution is complete.
i do think the scoundrel made the right choice, in the end. maybe- potentially- they think so too.
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someotherdog · 8 months
🎰 (again 🦑)
send 🎰 for five random pairings:
001. harper & bill —omg nurse x gangster? maybe he goes to her whenever he gets hurt in a shoot out or something? maybe he hit on her at the hospital or at a cafe/bar and things got a bit ~flirty and numbers were exchanged? and then he showed up on her doorstep one night bc he obviously can't go back to the er, they'll call the cops since the lobos and the cucuys were all over the news! knowing bill, he takes advantage of her kindness, but i think they'd eventually bond over their fundamentalist backgrounds since she grew up in a ruby ridge sort of scenario and he was raised mormon so they'd have some commonality there 002. taemin & nadine — struggling business owner and a realtor walk into a bar one night... lol actually i could see something like nadine trying to sell the restaurant out from under him (lol real estate is a cutthroat industry!!) bc it's in an up-and-coming area or something real estate-y, idk. i foresee lots of bickering! and slowly growing to understand each other. plus like... his sandwiches are really good so? who can blame her for coming around so often. 003. yasmin & mary esther — um obviously these girls get high together? mary esther is an Official Party Girl™ and yaz is a stoner drummer so they would def run into each other at house parties and such. the problem is that mary is a total asshole and lowkey has a drug problem, so oops maybe there's something a little toxic abt them? because i see yaz = peacemarker and mary esther = manipulator so idk! just a thought! there could also be some horror-y elements if perhaps they got really high one night and then oops! dead body in the room. 004. raine & zach — hmm the hotel manager and the actor! i'm sensing that maybe zach came into town because he's filming a hallmark movie or something of that ilk? and the only hotel in town is, of course, raine's charming little inn! since there probably isn't much to do when he isn't filming, he spends a lot of time in the lobby bothering raine lol and maybe bonds with her son over, like, indie movies or tv shows! they get closer and closer but then he has to leave bc the movie has finished filming and it's time to go back home to los angeles :( 005. rosalie & benny — this one is a bit of a toughie bc benny is a homebody that would probably never go to the ocean/beach bc he would never want to take his clothes off and i doubt she would ever need to be in akron, ohio BUT i do have a verse where he moves in with his sister so she can lowkey take care of him after his previous location is leaked to the press and he's harassed again, so maybe the katzer sibs relocate to a town that just happens to be where rosalie is from/living at and yearning for community again, benny goes to shul one day and whaddya know! rosalie is there too. maybe she instantly clocks him as benny katzer—infamous final boy—or just recognizes that he's a very lonely man.
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