#i shall be chill and stop now lmfao
someotherdog · 8 months
🎰 (again 🦑)
send 🎰 for five random pairings:
001. harper & bill —omg nurse x gangster? maybe he goes to her whenever he gets hurt in a shoot out or something? maybe he hit on her at the hospital or at a cafe/bar and things got a bit ~flirty and numbers were exchanged? and then he showed up on her doorstep one night bc he obviously can't go back to the er, they'll call the cops since the lobos and the cucuys were all over the news! knowing bill, he takes advantage of her kindness, but i think they'd eventually bond over their fundamentalist backgrounds since she grew up in a ruby ridge sort of scenario and he was raised mormon so they'd have some commonality there 002. taemin & nadine — struggling business owner and a realtor walk into a bar one night... lol actually i could see something like nadine trying to sell the restaurant out from under him (lol real estate is a cutthroat industry!!) bc it's in an up-and-coming area or something real estate-y, idk. i foresee lots of bickering! and slowly growing to understand each other. plus like... his sandwiches are really good so? who can blame her for coming around so often. 003. yasmin & mary esther — um obviously these girls get high together? mary esther is an Official Party Girl™ and yaz is a stoner drummer so they would def run into each other at house parties and such. the problem is that mary is a total asshole and lowkey has a drug problem, so oops maybe there's something a little toxic abt them? because i see yaz = peacemarker and mary esther = manipulator so idk! just a thought! there could also be some horror-y elements if perhaps they got really high one night and then oops! dead body in the room. 004. raine & zach — hmm the hotel manager and the actor! i'm sensing that maybe zach came into town because he's filming a hallmark movie or something of that ilk? and the only hotel in town is, of course, raine's charming little inn! since there probably isn't much to do when he isn't filming, he spends a lot of time in the lobby bothering raine lol and maybe bonds with her son over, like, indie movies or tv shows! they get closer and closer but then he has to leave bc the movie has finished filming and it's time to go back home to los angeles :( 005. rosalie & benny — this one is a bit of a toughie bc benny is a homebody that would probably never go to the ocean/beach bc he would never want to take his clothes off and i doubt she would ever need to be in akron, ohio BUT i do have a verse where he moves in with his sister so she can lowkey take care of him after his previous location is leaked to the press and he's harassed again, so maybe the katzer sibs relocate to a town that just happens to be where rosalie is from/living at and yearning for community again, benny goes to shul one day and whaddya know! rosalie is there too. maybe she instantly clocks him as benny katzer—infamous final boy—or just recognizes that he's a very lonely man.
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umemiyan · 6 months
Hiii robin! If you're cool with it, I wanted to ask, is there a certain moment with your selfships when you realize you ship with them, or is it a slow process that just kinda happens?
hi romy!!!! ❤️
tbh it kinda depends and i'm not always totally sure LMAO i'm a little all over the place with it. like a lot of the time i have a hard time deciding and i'm trying to create a classification system in my head akfjofijwe tho it probably shouldn't be that deep my brain just loves to cling to systematization and gets frustrated when it can't properly execute it lmfao. but anyways i shall try my best collect my thoughts and describe how i perceive my tendencies!!
i'll put it below the cut bc i always ramble lolol
there are definitely some ships where it was more of a slow progression and i had to eventually be like "yeah okay this is what it is" because it was getting to the point where they weren't going to leave. i could easily envision more in-depth scenarios between them and myself and/or lore that just seemed to naturally spring up and i just kept thinking about them all the time.
i'd say megumi is a good example of the slow-burn. he honestly wasn't the kind of character that heavily struck me when i first watched the anime and started reading the manga; in fact, i recall being like "oh great, another little hateful emo boy" LOL (historically they're not usually the type i'm drawn to). but i got to know his character better over time and realized that like. damn. i have rather intense feelings about this guy adjewoijfwof
toji and jean were a bit more on the "slower" side of development as well i suppose. and not "slow" in the sense it took several months or years or anything (i've only been self-shipping for about a year) but it was something i had to ease into a bit more i guess.
i actually hated toji at first but then the daddy issues kicked into overdrive and i eventually started catching feelings LMFAO and jean was my first self-ship ever. he's the first one where i felt comfortable enough to imagine myself with someone like that <3 i hadn't really truly done anything like that in years, but i loved his character so much that i was starting to actually insert myself in reader stuff rather than completely detaching like i used to. i could see myself with him.
suga, on the other hand, was the kind that hit me like a freight train. maybe it's because i'm more comfortable with self-shipping now, but it was easier for me to realize it and take it to self-ship level pretty quickly. not only was i obsessed with him from pretty much the first fucking moment, but the subsequent relationship daydreams have been insane LOL i mean i gave it a little bit of time because i hate the idea of being overly impulsive and irrational due to infatuation but uh. i fucking love him lmao
katsuki is..... *sigh* idk. he also kind of hit me like a freight train, at least with the daydream scenarios and whatnot, and i was hoping and praying it was just a phase (still kind of am) but i guess i've sort of accepted that it's not. or it's at least a longer-lasting phase than most lol idk. but i can't stop thinking about him and i'd rather just go ahead and call it a self-ship instead of continuing to try and wait it out or deny it. the brainrot is bad
ANYWAYS sorry for being unable to shut the fuck up as per usual lmfao but yeah!!! i tried to give some examples of how this shit works in my mind. right now i guess i'm sort of organizing things by how regularly/consistently i think about a character over time and with what degree of ease i imagine myself with them in several scenarios, but this is by no means the sort of parameters i think everyone should use when it comes to this. people should do whatever the fuck they want i just take shit too seriously sometimes and wish i could be more chill actually instead of trying to create a classification system for everything in my brain 😃 but here we are
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mwahmichelle · 1 year
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🎀 goals i have before 2024 🎀
these goals aren’t necessarily things i want to achieve / be able to do by then. just things i want to get into the habit of doing :)
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physical goals
1. go to the gym three times a week
im kinda cheating with this one cus i already do this, but i want to be more productive (?) when i go. i also want to set a plan for those three days so i dont do random exercises. (eg arm day: 10 sets of _ exercise, ect.)
2. stretch and use the massagers every evening
my parents recently bought a foot massage machine, a hand massage machine and a neck massage machine. i used them for around two weeks before i stopped lol. i did notice a difference in how much pain and stiffness i was feeling throughout the day, so i want to start using them again, as well as using their back roller and leg bands to help me stretch.
3. walk my sisters dog four to five times a week
walking her dog was so difficult in the summer because of the heat, so hopefully it’ll be easier now that the weather is cooling down :,) its unrealistic to say that ill walk her (the dog)) every night, so ill stick to a minimum of four days :)
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study and work goals
1. work every day
sigh. i have a schedule where i work ~30-60 minutes every day, and 8 hours once a week. sounds easy. and it is. i just have problems with discipline, so i’ve been skipping a few days 🤥 that is not good, so i need to focus >:(
2. do homework the day its assigned 🗣️🗣️
in the past, i did all sorts of mental gymnastics to convince myself to do my homework the day before the lesson, but i end up just not doing it 💀 my teachers get pretty worked up about it, as does my mother lol. rightfully so tbh.
3. study ⁉️
i adore studying, so why am i not studying 🤨 makes no sense 🥱 lets get to it, mkay??
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self improvement goals
1. self care sunday (morning…)
i have classes every sunday afternoon, but they’re pretty chill, pretty enjoyable :) the main issue with self care sunday, is that most of the time, i dont do enough during the week to deserve them lmfao. its like every day is self care day 🫠
2. explore the city twice a month
i moved to a new city back in february, and still don’t know anyone or anything abt it 😧 i need (!!) to get out more. like, no joke. with my busy schedule, twice a month is the least i can guarantee. its more than i’ve done the past 8 months 🤷🏼‍♀️
3. read and meditate every evening
this one should be easy, but alas. i’ve never been able to meditate, and reading every evening is difficult when u don’t have any books 😺 i shall try my best anyways…
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yuh these are my goals ✨
i tried to make them achievable, so no excuses 😠
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madraleen · 8 months
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Bungo Stray Dogs: Dead Apple Movie A "HA?!" commentary, or: A play-by-play of my trying to understand what I watched.
-atsushi is 18? i thought he was 16ish
-i'm gasping in all the right places. it's all so alarming, their abilities turning against them. also what is dazai-san up to (notice how i consider him so sus that he's "dazai-san," not "my man," "my husband," or even "dazai").
-akutagawa is so chill meeting atsushi, lmao, no threat, no anger. lovely.
-interesting how "if dazai-san is to fall into enemy hands, akutagawa would rather kill him himself" but he hasn't counted the agency as enemy hands because he's never expressed this sentiment before
-lmfao, dazai, "meow." what a veiled sassy threat
-snort, literal backstabbing. poor dazai
-i've come to like akutagawa and chuuya so much more compared to the first time i saw them, when they were The Enemy. now, they're our guys from another organization.
-help me, i like dazai and chuuya's interactions so much :")
-dazai hid an antidote to what, death?!
-i know he just collapses after using corruption, but this is the second time chuuya collapses around dazai and the way he collapses is just. he just. he trusts dazai so much to not harm him in this situation.
-elise-chan is an ability??!??!!
-*cough* will there be a "dazai's plan for dummies" explanation?
-atsushi landed so gently after his tiger de-transformation. adorable
-awww ranpo said he's not gifted :)
-WAIT NO, EXPLAIN! how did you protect the city, dazai?! damage mitigation? oooh wait. apart from damage mitigation Up There -as in, it would happen with or without him- he predicted chuuya would be sent in and that he'd need to be deactivated, and that was the best course of action to get to the point where the baby strays could defeat The Villain?
-oh. i'm looking up my "wtf was dazai's plan" question on reddit and while i'm getting explanations, i'm mostly getting "no one completely understands what the movie is about, but it is fun."
-okay so. dazai pretended to betray us and "joined" the bad guys (only no one actually knows about the betrayal part except the kiddies who also know it was a ploy... or don't know it was a ploy but forgive it? unclear.) in order to stop the fog from within and make sure that whatshisname shibusawa dies. he needed fyodor to create the singularity that would kill shibusawa once and for all because he couldn't touch the abilities himself without nullifying them. he got betrayed and killed by poison, as he expected (that's a very specific thing to expect), and got sucked into the dragon, predicting that chuuya would go berserk in the dragon, would punch him, and would unleash the antidote to the poison (to UNDO his death?! HIS ACTUAL DEATH?! HUH?!) so that dazai could then nullify corruption, then trusting that the baby strays would take it from there and kill WHATSHISNAME shibusawa, thus eliminating the threat that dazai was trying to annihilate. fyodor, meanwhile, got to have fun.
-errr. i mean. it's enjoyable to watch, i had my fun and clearly went insane during the dazai-chuuya interactions, the basic premise was cool, but ho hum, i don't know about the whole dazai plot. and also the baby strays talked about dazai betraying them but NO ONE asks for an explanation or questions him? atsushi says that dazai can leave the past behind once again which yeah sure, but YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT HE DID OR HOW HE ENDED UP THERE WITH YOU! at that point, they DON'T know about the dragon thing and chuuya's part and so on! HUH?!
-ah, alright. reddit tells me the story comes from a light novel with a different author, not as part of the main manga timeline. then i shall treat it as i do all light novels and spin-offs, as “canon-adjacent but don’t look too closely.” i shan’t look too closely and i shan’t overthink it. reddit has once again come to the rescue.
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cat3ch1sm · 2 years
ok. after looking deep within myself i figured it out. bestie i tried so hard to do a different topic but now i’m craving a part 2 😩. this time task force shows up scarred and scared cause duh. L is there at his desk thank God but oh? mystery girlfriend who’s first impression was an ✨interesting✨ one is lounging on the couch just there chilling maybe book reading (was gonna say candy crush but i remembered this was 2006 so i’m gonna shut up) and insert [and she looks at me and i look at him audio] cause now task force inner dialogue is “how the fuck did L achieve this” and can’t stop analyzing her because genuinely what the fuck 🥲. girlfriend sees the lack of work getting done and L is annoyed at their loud ass thinking thoughts so she allows them to have one question each (please feel free to come up with the questions i beg my creativity only takes me so far 🥲🥲) i do ask though for one of them (maybe matsuda??) asking the out of pocket question about el incident. surprisingly you can make this work sfw but if you can somehow find a way to fit the “n” then go right ahead. my thoughts are jumbled but i know you’ll find a way to make it a coherent story. i pay with infinite love and kisses 😌☝️❤️
🐢| gRR this took too long im so sorry bestie💔💔💔💔 here is ur story i hope u like it<33 ngl yn is a little arrogant LMFAO
🥝| link to part one <33
🌱|also this sucks pls forgive me pls
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It had been around 36 hours since the incident with L- who still didn't seem to want to acknowledge that it happened to begin with. The task force members had shown up to headquarters once more, albeit rather cautiously this time- creeping in an almost nervous manner through the bulletproof doors, listening carefully and quietly for any out of the ordinary sounds. Even Matsuda refrained from his usual griping to make sure the coast was clear- neither of them wanted a repeat of the last time.
Luckily, the men's fears were eased when they finally got up the guts to enter the front room where L always was when they arrived- well, almost always. There, crouched in his swivel chair and holding his knees, sat L, peering at the group as if he'd been watching them for some time already.
"Hello- let's get down to business, shall we?" L greeted the group nonchalantly before turning to face the computer monitors spread along the surface of the desk. If he had any thoughts about the other day, he wasn't showing it- which the men had pretty much expected.
Light, seeming slightly on edge himself, nodded resolutely and stepped up to L's side. "Right. So we had just started to look into Yotsu-"
He cut himself off when he turned his head and saw you, sitting on the couch behind him and reading a book, paying absolutely no mind to your surroundings. L tilted his head strangely at Light before turning to follow his gaze, and your eyes lifted from the pages of your book to meet his before they locked with Light's.
The rest of the task force noticed you just after Light did- Matsuda gaping at you a little longer than was necessary. Too soon, they had recalled just who you were.
You let out a low, rueful chuckle under your breath- so they remembered you. Smiling some to yourself, you lifted your head to look at the task force members in turn.
Light cocked his head at you, an unreadable expression on his face, before facing L again. "You didn't tell us you'd invited a friend, Ryuzaki."
L's back was to you as he replied, tone flat. "Ah. Yes, that's Y/N; she'll be with us for the time being- mind that that isn't her real name. Y/N, this is Light Yagami."
Light nodded at you. "It's a pleasure to meet you."
"The pleasure is mine," you answered automatically, no longer looking at anyone directly and focus returning to your book. For a little while after the somewhat "off" greeting, there was a few seconds of awkward silence before the others remembered to introduce themselves properly; various mumbled "hellos" came from the rest of the task force.
It was clear to you, and most definitely L, that the task force with the probable exception of Light behaved oddly around you, despite that all you were doing was reading. Both you and L knew it was more than likely the incident from the other day that prompted them to sort of tiptoe around you. Both you and L could read them like an open book- it was painfully obvious they were full of questions. While you weren't in the mood to pretend to want to speak with these men you didn't know, you felt even less like having them stare at you the entire day. And besides, it was only hurting them- besides Light and L, the men didn't really seem to be contributing much to the operation at the moment.
Feeling increasingly like you were being watched, you opened your mouth to say something- but L ended up beating you to it.
"Judging by your confused expressions, I'm assuming you all have questions about Y/N's presence."
Aizawa, eyeing you, seemed apologetic, but did not waver as he spoke. "It's just that this is a total stranger to us- there aren't a lot of people we can trust right now, Ryuzaki. It would just be nice if we had a little more information."
So they felt the same way about you that you did about them. Somehow, that was a little amusing.
"I have to agree with Aizawa," Soichiro added, sending a sideways look towards you from behind his glasses. "You may know her, but we don't. What purpose does she serve? Will she be here regularly? How close-"
Your annoyance growing, you had to cut in, now fully lifting your head to look directly at the task force members. "Hey- I'm right here, you know," you interrupted a little testily, making Soichiro, Aizawa, and Matsuda all turn to look at you. "Feel free to ask me these things at any time instead of talking to L- Ryuzaki like I'm not here."
You didn't get a verbal response in return; the men only regarding you with slight suspicion before glancing at each other and then L as if waiting for him to back them up. But L seemed uninterested in the issue, only lifting a hand to silence everyone, his eyes still focused intently on the monitors before him.
"Y/N is right," L mumbled in a low voice, a pale thumb in between his teeth. "If you want to know who she is, why don't you ask her yourself?"
You nodded, fixing each of the men with a pointed stare. "Yes- why don't we do that. Just to ease the tension." You set down your book on the sofa and straightened up, slipping your necklace with L's initial beneath your shirt. "You can each ask me one question- whatever you want. That way, you'll know I'm not hiding anything. However- try and keep your questions impersonal; there are things I'm unable to share with you."
Of course, the last remark was just for show. If you were asked anything you didn't want to answer, you'd simply lie. Perhaps then you'd get the men, mainly Soichiro and Aizawa, off your back- you weren't much fond of feeling like an outsider around someone you'd known for far longer than anyone in the task force. Besides, your ego was taking a couple of hits- and you couldn't have that.
There was a brief moment of silence as the others thought your offer over. But Soichiro, anxious to get back on task, lifted both of his hands in front of his face in a surrendering gesture. "No, no- there's no need for that. If Ryuzaki trusts you, then-"
"No, it's too late now. You've made your feelings towards me clear. I only want to see if I can change them." Smiling brightly, albeit insincerely, you placed your hands on your knees in a friendly position. "Since you're talking- why don't you go first?"
Soichiro blinked at you, surprised at your audacity, before asking his question. "Well, I suppose I'll start with the basics. Will you be working with us on the Kira investigation?"
You answered immediately; the quicker your answers, the less suspicion. "Doubt it- detective work is more L's department. However, I might contribute every now and then, and I'll certainly be popping in more than occasionally. Next?" you asked sweetly, turning your attention to Aizawa.
Aizawa had clearly been thinking about this from the very first time he'd seen you. "What's your relationship with Ryuzaki?"
"Good question," you affirmed, pursing your lips for a moment before replying. "I'm just a friend. Light?"
Light, seeming distracted, snapped his head away from the computer and turned to face you. "A question... hmm, I think I've got one. Do you have any thoughts on the Kira situation?"
You'd pretty much expected such a question from Light- you could basically tell what kind of person he was already. Of course, having L come to your bedroom and tell you about him every day did help with your analysis.
"I have mixed thoughts, I suppose," you replied honestly, propping your chin up on one hand. "On one hand, I'm not in favor of murder. On the other hand, crime rates have dropped quite drastically, and at least Japan is an overall safer place." You shrugged, holding Light's gaze for a second or two more before finally turning to Matsuda, who looked up, apparently startled. "Oh! Right, my turn... okay, I think I know exactly what I want to ask."
Wordlessly, you tilted your head at Matsuda- you didn't know that much about him, as L had never really brought him up, and you'd deduced that he simply hadn't cared to- which was likely because of Matsuda's clearly naive and rather clumsy demeanor. You figured he was less of an asset than a liability to the mostly work-oriented and orderly task force. Long story short, you weren't expecting any thought-provoking questions from him.
Nonetheless, you were very caught off guard when he asked casually, "Was that you we heard the other day? Upstairs before L came down?"
Quickly feigning confusion, you squinted your eyes. "What do you mean?"
Matsuda dropped his gaze to the ground, his cheeks beginning to fade into a pale shade of pink as he put his hand behind his head sheepishly. "Well, it's just, a few days back we all came inside and sort of heard moa- strange sounds coming from upstairs? And then you came down once they stopped. It's just, uh, we were- I mean, I was- just a little curious."
Out of the corner of your eye, you saw Aizawa cringe and Soichiro wince, while L continued to keep his back turned towards you. Light turned his head for a moment to glance curiously at Matsuda and then you before quickly averting his eyes.
How long had they all been thinking about that?
You took a deep breath, silently letting it out before smiling brightly and answering.
"I'm afraid that's a personal question."
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allbrainrot · 4 years
hello!!! sobs i hope its ok to come by and request smth for a male reader 👉👈 id like 🖤 for felix, please? thank you if you do it!!!
Yes, I will do my best!! I am a raging wlw I must support the mlm homies 😭🖤 You are also an epic swag fellow kinnie shoutout to you- if you couldn’t tell by my profile I kin Marianne LMFAO and I’m actually named after another main kin Allister SWSH or Alli for short 😏✌����
- He definitely wouldn’t ever directly mention the ball or anything about it because that’s way too close to getting vulnerable around people, gross! That doesn't mean that he hasn’t thought about it though, Felix treats this shit like preparing for battle and he’s constantly on his toes figuring out what to wear, how to do his hair, what he’s going to say to you etc. 
- If you're like.. low-key about your sexuality or haven't really officially told everyone at the monastery, he will definitely have at least 3 days of inconspicuously eavesdropping on you and your friends until he hears you say something about men and he's like thank the goddess LMAO I think it’s kind of a universal experience for same gender attracted people who don’t know their crush’s sexuality to have that OH SHIT WHAT IF THEY'RE NOT GAY moment 💀
- Most of the Blue Lions have decided to visit the training grounds today, where Felix is naturally located and acting like none of you are there (but he’s definitely like..secretly trying to impress you). That’s where the fateful conversation occurs where a couple other people on the sideline engage you in a conversation about the ball and you drop the info that you’re just not going.
- RIP Felix my man almost drops his sword but luckily for him, he’s already located in the ideal place to relieve his stress! Oh boy if someone was sparring with Felix I wish them luck 😭
- Cue Felix alone in his room screaming into a pillow. Now he still has to try to ask you out but he doesn’t have the cover of the ball to help him! On one hand, he’s relieved that he can stop stressing out about being prepared for it, but on the other hand, have you seen Felix’s S support?? I hope you’re better at interpreting tone/social cues than me because you basically have to translate everything Felix says to what he really means. But if you like Felix and he likes you too then I’m sure you’ve already established a good understanding of each other and you're good at communicating with him!
- On the night that it actually happens and you're just chilling in your room, Felix knows that he really has no other option than to knock on your door. So he just ends up pacing next to your door for like 30 minutes because he has no idea what he’s going to do next. 
- At some point you go out to get yourself water or something so you open the door and you're just like wtf Felix how long have you been here and what the hell are you doing??? SIGH he’s going to get defensive because you caught him off guard and he's embarrassed and nervous AF. And Felix deals with these things by lashing out at people, but if you've been around him a lot it becomes evident where his outburst is actually coming from. Like I said. Felix translation.
- Oh boy this one has been pent up for a looooong time and this particular emotion is one that Felix is the worst at dealing with, so he’s probably gonna say some REALLY mean shit like ‘I felt compelled to check on your lonely ass from the pity of our classmates. But I understand why you're here, there's not a single person in that room who would want to court you’ LIKE HOLY SHIT FELIX YOU FUCKING KILLED HIM 😭😭 but it came out of absolutely nowhere so the real ones know that there’s something going on 😎 
- SO let’s dissect some Felix language, shall we? 1.) Ok no one asked him to come here just admit that you care Felix!! 2.) Hmmmm Felix it’s awfully interesting that you felt the need to specify that you're the only one who understands (Y/N), and it’s REALLY interesting that you've decided to cut off all competition in one sentence sir! 3.) It’s also awfully suspicious that you felt the need to specify that no one at the ball wants to court you, but of course that doesn’t include the one person who isn't there..? 🤔 Yeah ok Felix, we know that you’re just trying to ask out (Y/N) we’re on to you..
- So as someone who has been able to get close enough to Felix to gain his affections, reader sees right through him lol that insult was just a little too oddly specific. Please just put Felix out of his misery and say you like him too LMAO. TOTALLY catches Felix so off guard that it takes a minute to even realize what you had just done, he was fully prepared for yelling. WAIT YOU JUST SAID- BUT HOW DID YOU EVEN KNOW- Felix machine malfunctioning. Literally almost falls over but you're there to catch the poor man lmao. 
- Uhhh what does one do with a very flustered Felix in a state of shock??? Just bring him inside I guess??? 😭 Will probably just conk out on your bed if you set him on it mans was in fight or flight mode he's drained + sleeping is an efficient way to escape embarrassment! Exhausted Felix has just kind of accepted that this is his fate and gone tf to sleep..I guess Felix is staying in your room tonight! If you wake up in the middle of the night there will absolutely be an asleep Felix clinging to you there is no space between you anymore..
I hope that was decent!! 😭 When I brainstorm for these things while doing stuff during the day I naturally just insert myself, so I tried my absolute best to just use my sga experiences and view them through a male’s POV! But it’s totally not a bother at all, you all are welcome to request male or enby readers! Otherwise I usually tend to write femme leaning.. ;-; Some fics do have pronouns in them and I typically use they/them to keep it somewhat neutral but feel free to ask for your pronouns! Obviously others are always welcome to read the posted fic and swap in their own pronouns mentally! 
-Tired Allister
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sapphic-sails · 4 years
39. "I shouldn't care for your life, but I'm starting to and it's becoming an inconvenience."
Alrighty then! Ages later with a new prompt. Hope you find what you were looking for lmfao.
The princess flinched as the knight touched her shoulder. The light brush sent a sharp chill through her skin and into her bones. Her thighs recoiled in reflex and the knight dropped her hand.
"I'm sorry," the knight said, her face still set in malice but her eyes sincerely apologetic.
"No, your hands are frozen!" the princess hissed. "What, did your metal armor suck every little wave of heat that your body every generated?"
"That's impossible," the knight whispered, kindly. "My body generates heat every time I eat. And I have cold hands. It's a birth thing."
The princess' lips parted with the intention of releasing a teasing remark but the knight put a finger on her lips. Her brows furrowed, her shoulders hunched, annoyed at the interruption, but she heard the heavy footsteps accompanied by clanging of metal. Her shoulders stayed recoiled.
"Stay right here," the knight whispered close to her ear, and the princess' own hands seemed to be covering up with layers of soft snow.
The knight stepped out of hiding and approached the sound of footsteps. She heard a long, dragged wirring and a quick creak of metal, assuming that the other guard was removing their face shield.
"Greetings, Ryan," she heard. "What brings you so far from your post? Perhaps an errand from the queen herself? Or did you fancy a stroll? I hear the feast had succeeded in forging a path of hurried feetmarks to the relief stalls."
"Nothing of what you presume, Madam." The guard had a gruff, clobbered voice, seeming to emerge from a mouth of shapingly bad teeth. "I'm on patrol. Why are you not in your bed chambers?"
"Did I not mention the feast?" The princess could hear the knight smiling. "If anyone asks, do be vague. Mention a thing or two about a stroll."
The princess wished someone would give the poor guard a bottle of oil for each creak the metal suit made. She heard him mutter salutations and farewell and deduced he'd kneeled for the knight. She exhaled a long shaky breath that she was surprised to realize she'd been holding in. The discovery alarmed her quite well and she choked into an involuntary gasp that sounded more like a sob.
The princess wished no more than the metal to start its little intercourse again to drive out the terrorizing tranquility her burst of surprise initiated. She clamped her now freezing hands over her mouth as more sobs followed and she swallowed them in.
"Did you hear that, Madam?" the guard said, trying to be quiet but his heavy voice boomed in the silence otherwise. "Did you bring someone with you?"
It was a judging voice. The princess tried to occupy the darkest corner of the shadowed hiding, hand still pressed over her mouth.
"I hardly think that concerns you, Ryan of the Guards." The knight's voice had hardened. "Now, I believe this corridor is perfectly safe. Why don't you get along?"
The princess regretted wishing for the metallic squeaks. She pressed her body deeper against the wall as the guard rose to his feet, his armor's arrangements now seeming like threatening gongs to her. She clasped the hand that covered her mouth with the other, well nigh of releasing a pained groan as the cold seared through her skin.
"Your accomplices are indeed not worth my concern," the guard said. "But I shall leave no stone unturned."
The princess heard the rise and fall of a heavy foot which was admittedly hard to miss as the guard's suit pronounced each aspect of his movement. But the squeals of machinery stopped abruptly as the foot landed.
"I'm afraid I cannot let you pass, Ryan," the knight said, her voice dangerously low. "You'll frighten my company."
"If it's your company, I promise to inflict no terror. Unless it's someone compromising."
"I cannot let you be the judge of that either, so forgive me."
The princess heard a sharp thud, followed by a gurgling sound. Then came several loud crashes like the sound of dishes cascading down but instead of long drawn out crinkles, it was abrupt and sharply brought to a stop.
"You can come out now, princess," the knight said, her voice kindly as before.
The princess crept out of the shadows, her grasp on her mouth loosening but still in place for fear of further intruders. She applauded her decision as she saw the guard lying face down on the polished floor, one of his arms tucked underneath his body, possibly as he'd been violently interrupted before he could reach for his sword. The knight stood over him, half his size, looking down maliciously.
"Wh- " the princess stuttered. "Why did you -? Will he be alright?"
The knight smiled at her, genuinely amused at her concern. "He'll be fine," she said. "I'm positive."
"Why would you do that?" the princess demanded, bundling up her gown and striding towards the knight. "You could have alarmed the entire armory. You'd have been beheaded if they knew you're helping the princess escape!"
The knight, still smiling, expressed a painful expression behind her eyes. "I know I shouldn't have, princess. But I did. I cannot answer why. Although it certainly seems to be an an inconvenience now."
The knight jutted her chin outward to point behind the princess. She turned skeptically, her hair slapping the knight across her face. But she didn't have the time to apologize. Another guard had noticed them. And they seemed to recognize the princess fairly well.
"Should've stripped off his armor before knocking him out," the knight said and cursed colorfully before grabbing the princess's hand.
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lighthausen · 4 years
Tma Liveblog time! Episode 196: This Old House! So many wednesday crowd people who usually don’t vague have been vagueing on it and I’m so scared and excited :0!!!!!! let’s go!
oh hey, it’s mike. hi mike. 
“firstly I’m, Mike, and secondly...” lmao
i haven’t been this excited to see something in ages. i’m usually so chill about stuff like this
i want Martin back
aaaa aaa aaaaaa omg here we go
*tape recorder click*
onh my god martin is such a bitch i love him
“your magic bubble” lol
Other lost souls get a break from their torment oh that’s sweet
Oh he gets to sleep on a mattress :)
Did he suffer
In his sleep omg...
Lives he destroyed?
less so than last time you ask flksjdasj
god the whole “are we there yet”
Ride to his rescue?
Oh. So that’s why he left with her within that 20 minute period 
neither of them need to die or be consumed! yay! i would love that please
*the monkey’s paw curls finger*???
Oooh oooh ooh is it the portal?
He has to be coming for Martin aww <3
Oh? We wouldn’t need a tape recorder?
Tape-annabelle theory
Ooooh they’re there omg omg omg
just a house lol
“We’ll see what we can do” lol
i love her
a statement? Oh?
That’s gonna be a pun somehow, I bet.
Once there was a house?
Oh a story
I’m sorta writing this meta-post about the web’s obsession with storytelling (between web development’s trauma story collecting and the web domain we passed had that puppet theater stuff. and the storybook guest for mr. spider, i think there’s more, idk)  how and how it’s weird that the eye wants stories about horror when you would think that the eye’s whole thing would just to be to watch... literally anything other people don’t want them to see. As I had written in it, fears seem to be borne and fed of how they’re created. Enough creatures feared death to create the End, the dark to create the dark, etcetera etcetera. The entities are “fed” by people experiencing those fears. Feed the buried by (supernaturally) burying someone alive. Feed the vast by (supernaturally) throwing them off a building. And if I were an outsider who was just told about the fears and not the overarching plot of the magnus archives, I’d assume that an Eye avatar would be more in the business of surveillance, stalking. They’d spread people’s darkest secrets or at least otherwise convey they know about them. They’d leave pictures of someone inside their house. Stoke the paranoia. I suppose aspects that we’ve seen include the terror that comes from being watched in pain without someone helping (the dreams, the statement from adrift) but that seems like such a small part? Why is the Eye fed by people’s experiences of other fears? Also, the whole “compelling” power seems more Web-oriented than Eye-oriented. So I think that there’s some sort of connection between the Web and the Eye with the magnus institute- which of course, duh, of course they’re connected the Web is obviously important. But the Eye just seems to behave oddly when compared to the other entities, and I’m curious about what the significance of that is.
anyway. now that i summed up that meta post i was planning on writing that will likely become obsolete within this episode, (but if it does, I can just be like “called it!” which is always a fun feeling), let’s actually listen to it, shall we?
and by let’s and we i mean me.
okay. i will. play again
long before people thought of it as a home?
all the stop-no’s. 
A place where the UNIVERSE CRACKEd
hey hey, fakecrfan, if you’re reading this--- :D!
Many such places? Ooh
A saxon and a coward lmao
drumbeat of carnage? squirming melody of decay ooohoo
ate so well?
Oh fears!
Hundreds of titles ooh
Somewhere else?
Holy shit. alternate unvierse.
felt a whisper... 
what does it mean for a place to be haunted, good question
Haunted by Somewhere!! OOoh!
Jeffrey Neckham*
i always misspell
Do we know him? Idk
New Room? Good job not entering it lol
Oh? Closer to truth?
He lived in fear... hmm
He’s paranoid... (spiral?)
Oh. Mother of Puppets!! Hey!
what is this place
“We” I’m guessing is those of the web?
Knife in the dark? Hmm
Grander plan??
Weaken that crack? 
Eew tendons. 
Puppets, then hunt, (killed by slaughter) then beholding
Ooh! Hey! Proper beholding!!
Buried alive, yikes
ookay going and going
ew, but also, ooh! Fire!
oh? OH *pauses* Was this house/land marked by all the fears? Like Jon? Omg... 
What do they intend??? 
Are they sealing the other fears away?
Oh shit, would that trap them
Not a gateway yet?
Martin’s wavering sigh lol
real shame/?? Oh no
Filling you WITH SPIDERS
never consider how flexible?
lsjafdmdl;fjdsalkfj MARTIN I LOVE YOU
oh my god her silence
not anymore fjsadlfj
His stammering sorries
Had what it takes to join us?
Had spiders? 
aww how far the archivist would go to get you back
Lol interesting... she wants to explain
Was her plan?
Drive him despair?
SHe was gonnA WHAT
drive him to despair :,o
final push to what?
what now?
Bond too complicated? 
oh god we’re almost at the 19 minute mark , h
They’d do as he asks?
What?? WHAT?
OH SHE’S TYINIG HIM UP?????????????????
Oh my god
we’re the one’s listening
gotta say, sound scaping: very good. 
and ! web-martin,, still not quite real.
holy fuck holy fucijk holyf ujck holy fuck holy fuck holy fusjkhhhhhhhhhhg oh myg od
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swearronchanel · 5 years
the durrells 4.03
relive that hilarious mess right here
Louisa working on her Greek, I’m proud
Who are these new random boarders at Casa Durrell??
Aw this kid is so cute
Margo casually pulling up to Prue and Geoffrey’s LMAO they’re freaks too but I love it
“I’d like to learn to be more normal” me
Luga asking “me?” My heart wtf I love her
“I know, I hate shopping too” REALLY LES
Leslie just can’t be Larry 😂 Louisa needs Larry so he can say something ridiculous but still true
Louisa knows this is gonna go terribly, I can’t wait? It’ll be a train wreck but the kind you can’t look away from
I am so anxious ?? There’s too much tension already LMAO
But also Dimitra is serving a look 🤷🏼‍♀️
“Then suddenly there she was by the hanging cheeses” 😂😂
“Why are you telling me that?” LMAO why is this hilarious but also making ME panic
They’re bringing Roger omg lol ofc
Theo IS perfect in every way, I agree
I’d be his mediocre trophy wife
His face tho omg he’s probably going throw up
“Either the clock is very loud or Dorset is very quiet” LMAO MARGO is funny Ok!
Pru angrily knitting is a mood
“I thought Basil was a homosexual” LMAO OK SO DID I TBH
“Don’t try to make me look like the weird one” omg there’s no reason for me to be CACKLING BUT I AM
Why is Basil so annoying? 😂
MORE TENSION ~ but in Greek
I miss Larry too go get em
Oo a bop 🎙
I knew Leslie would take it too far pushing Gerry off the boat 🤦🏼‍♀️
“I will tell people” luga omg 😂
“I’ve been here since 1935” sis snapped
Wait Larry isn’t even there? Rude 🤦🏼‍♀️
“As you say in Greece, bloody rude” LMFAO
Larry has a picture of Louisa on his desk I am crying bye
and he’s hitting me with a travel quote I’m emo rn 😂😭
“I didn’t hear” Theo is being smart to stay out of it Lmaoo
“It’s hard to stay the right thing” LMAO I FEEL
“Gerry where did you learn that language!?” “.. alright only asking” ME AS A MOM TBH
Where’d all these random goats come from? 😂
“One push and you and spiros could live happily ever after” OK I WAS *JOKINGLY* THINKING IT BUT DAMN LES REALLY SAID IT.. AND LOUISA DIDN’T RESPOND  *insert the why would you say something controversial yet so brave gif* !!
But for real Dimitra already knows what’s up but she’ll prob never leave Spiros again just to be petty even tho she’s obviously unhappy
LMAO Basil is just the worst but it’s hilarious
Creech went to visit Larry and stayed, I love that 😂
The tension is still increasing my blood pressure, I know it won’t happen but I keep feeling like Dimitra is going to bitch-slap Louisa
Poor Geoffrey aw lol no one cares
MARGO TAKING THE PEDESTAL 😂😭 I love her messy self
I know Dimtria is just flirting with Basil in poor attempt to anger Spiros bc it’s cringey to watch 😂
“The little shits” LMAO CREECH STOP
Lawrence get your ass back to Corfu right now
God imagine if Larry was witnessing all this tho omg? You know he’d say something inappropriately funny and I’d lose my shit
“After all nobody teaches one how to make love” LMAO Margo has some of the best lines ok
Drink up Louisa or start praying LMAO this is a ROYAL ASS MESS
Oh my god Louisa just stop saying Spiros name for (1) second sjskksa
Take a shot every time Louisa says idiot/insults Basil
This is such a shit show but I am living for it 😭😂😂 but I’m waiting for (1) thing to go right in the last 10 mins lol PLSS
I’ve been packed in a car like that so this is so funny to me 😂
This lady is drunk af LMAO
“The car or your wife” OOF LES GOOD ONE
“I’m always the victim” this is why Leslie is the worst LMAO
damn the bitch in Dimitra really popped out
I understand she’s upset like her husband is clearly in love with another woman but STILL she gotta chill
How is walking home proving any point? You’re just gonna get tired lol and be more upset
Maude looking like a devil child not gonna lie 😂 but governesses Margo shall be hilarious I can’t wait
“That’s the best thing about my husband dying young” LOUISA LMAO
“Did she say she has syphilis ?”
The Durrells house IS a freak-show but it’s a GREAT one
“I was reminded why people stay at home” 😂
Don’t club them Margo😂
She’s thinking about it isn’t she ..
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sparklingichigo · 4 years
Part 12
That evening, Ichigo goes to Asmo’s room to join him in his jacuzzi, she’s there with her swimsuit on and wearing a bathrobe to cover up. She also bought her regular clothes to change after that warm bath. 
Asmo: Oh hey, darling, ready for our spa trip?
Ichigo: Ready as I ever be, Asmo
Asmo: Come in, come in. Don’t mind Solomon, we were just finished with our session^^ 
Ichigo: O-oh... I see 
Asmo: Let’s go! I already have the stuff ready for you. Strawberry scented candles your favorite, I also ordered some macaroons for your snack, oh, I also have the masks as always. Just make yourself at home, love 
Ichigo: Thanks a lot Asmo, you’re really a good friend. 
Asmo: Of course I am, stress is bad for your skin, we don’t want wrinkles on that gorgeous face now do we? 
Ichigo: true... shall we get started?
Asmo: Let’s go! 
Asmo and Ichigo enter the warm jacuzzi turns out the Jacuzzi doesn’t fit three people just two so Asmo did one with Solomon and did another one with Ichigo. 
Asmo: Now tell me, what’s stressing you out, I’ll listen 
Solomon: I will to, spill the tea sis
Ichigo: Well besides what I told you... I guess I’m just very sensitive especially about my friends having a heartbreak, you remember what happened when you and Solomon had a fight right? 
Asmo: Oh those good times, darling, you’re so daring. But yes, Satan tends to be as smooth as butter at times then turns into a raging demon. 
Solomon: it’s raging ball of chaos, babe
Asmo: Shush! But that’s Satan for you, he masks his emotions quite well honestly so seeing him going all out with his rage is very surprising. 
Ichigo: Well for one, it stressed both me and Reika since we both live in such a household back then and two, Reika’s ex also pays for her stuff on their very first day of relationship. That’s why I’m very concern. 
Asmo: Then may I know why they broke it off? 
Ichigo: Because that guy cheated on her...
Asmo: There it is, darling, Satan is very loyal, don’t worry. He won’t do Reika dirty. Now cheer up, have some macaroons, it’s your favorite flavor. 
Solomon: can I have some too? 
Asmo: You’ve had yours! Stop trying to steal Ichigo’s share! 
Solomon: Alright, alright, enjoy your spa date, love. I’m going out. 
Asmo: Wait, why? 
Solomon: Lucifer and Diavolo summoned me yet again, it’s probably to ask why Ichigo was crying and to everyone I’m the most sus b*tch! 
Asmo: Oh, well good luck darling, you’re innocent after all, obviously not the reason why our baby starts crying. 
Solomon: Are we adopting Ichigo now? 
Asmo: If it’s possible~ 
Ichigo: [laughs slightly] Asmo... 
Asmo: Oh there it is! Her cute laugh, off you go then, she’s back to her cheerful self~
Meanwhile in the twins bedroom, Beel and Belphie are having a whole conversation about what happened. 
Belphie: That blonde son of a b*tch did what?! 
Beel: Belphie, don’t do anything rash, we’re on vacation remember?
Belphie: Yeah, and he has the audacity to stress out both mcs! He’s gonna get it when we’re home, I swear to Diavolo
Beel: [sigh] just eat your meal... before I start eating them 
Belphie: Fine... 
Suddenly Beel hears a knock at the door, he goes to that door and opens it finding Levi there.
Beel: Oh hey, Levi, why are you here?
Levi: Can I sleep here for a while? I don’t want to room with that raging ball of chaos for a while 
Beel: You sure? 
Levi: Totally, we can watch TSL together if you want 
Belphie: Just not on my bed please
Levi: I’ll sleep at the sofa! 
Beel: Deal. 
Levi gets in and joins the twins. The three of them starts talking about so many things until another knocks shocked them. 
Levi: I swear if it’s that blonde normie I’ll spit on his f*ckin face and no one is stopping me! 
Mammon: Geez! Open up!! 
Finally Levi opens the door and finds Mammon outside the door
Levi: Why are you here?
Mammon: I’m bored, Asmo wouldn’t let me in and so does Reika. Let me hang with you guys! 
Levi: Fine, come in.. 
Once he’s in all four of them turned even more bored, well not Levi he has his nintendo switch around. 
Beel: I miss Ichigo...
Belphie: We know
Mammon: I do too 
Beel: ...
Belphie : ...
Levi : ....
Mammon: In the most friendly way possible? Cause she’s fun and always have ideas for stuff to do when we’re bored? 
Beel: and a good cook~ 
Belphie: help, my twin is simping- 
Levi: Who wouldn’t simp for her? Well not me but- 
Belphie: Satan, Lucifer, Lord Diavolo, the angels, I can sense Barbatos simping for her but we’re not ready for that are we- 
Mammon: What?! Even Barbatos?! 
Levi: True... She’s the most understanding girl I’ve ever met~ in a friendly way of course- 
Beel: Yeah and the most supportive one too~ 
Belphie: And very fluffy~ 
Mammon: Wha- 
Belphie: Her chest is very fluffy, I tell you 
Levi: What the f*ck?! Belphie, you pervert! [smacks him with a pillow]
Belphie: Hey! I’m telling the truth! Beel is one lucky demon  if you ask- oof! 
Mammon: Ha! Serves you right! 
Another knock can be heard and this time Mammon opens it
Mammon: who are ya and what do ya want?!
Reika: Can I join you guys? I have uno cards :D 
Levi: Who is it Mammon?
Mammon: It’s Reika
Levi: Let her in! This room is anti-satan though 
Belphie: Can I just laugh for a second, the anti-satan club is more popular than the anti-lucifer club. 
Levi: OMD LMFAO That’s so true! 
Reika: Anti-satan?
Mammon: Yeah, just us insulting him, call it a uno reverse card. 
Reika: But he’s not that bad...
Mammon: Okay, I may be stupid as f*ck, but as you said he’s stressing you out and now he’s acting like your ex. Can’t you not see? No, this isn't me simping for ya human, I’m just telling this based on what Ichigo had said and how it applies in real life. 
Reika: Can I still join in?
Mammon: Sure, the room is always open, human 
All five of them end up in the room and end up playing Uno with Reika. Meanwhile in Lucifer’s and Diavolo’s room the two are questioning Solomon.
Solomon: in all honesty, I did nothing to Ichigo, I swear! To...Simeon! 
Diavolo: I see, well Asmo did tell us it was Satan but what exactly happened?
Solomon: It’s quite personal, sir... I don’t know if I can tell you 
Lucifer: Then I might have to peteranate your mind, is that okay?
Solomon: If it necessary
Lucifer: Good 
Lucifer penetrates Solomon’s mind and see through his memories, everything that happened at the gym, at the restaurant at the cafe, Asmo scolding everyone not to stare at them, Ichigo being angry at Satan, everything. 
Lucifer: I see, so it is indeed my son’s fault. Thank you for coming to my room, you may leave 
Solomon: By the way, Lord Diavolo, Ichigo bought that cheesecake knowing how much you love them, hope you enjoy them, sir. 
Diavolo: Send my regards then^^ 
Solomon: Will do!  
Solomon returns to his room and finds his boyfriend and Ichigo placing face mask at each other, totally having fun. 
Solomon: Cheering up yet my 702nd concubine? 
Ichigo: I never agreed to that! 
Asmo: Well I won’t mind but Beel does
Ichigo: Beel? What about him? 
Asmo: Oh darling, you sweet innocent strawberry~
Solomon: [holds down his laugh] Anyways, Diavolo said thank you for the cake. 
Ichigo: I’m glad^^ Well since I’m kinda a chef in his castle a.k.a Barbatos’s kitchen assistant I end up caring for him too. 
Asmo: That’s nice to hear, you’re adapting quite well in devildom are you? 
Ichigo: You can say that. 
Suddenly all three of them hear a knock at the door, of course Solomon answers it and finds Satan instead. Solomon scoffs at this, 
Solomon: What do you want? 
Satan: Is Ichigo here? I want to apologize... 
Solomon: Huh, quite rare but sure...
Asmo: Darling, if it’s that blonde b*tch, don’t let him in! We’ll be out soon 
Solomon: Sorry, my boyfriend says no, Ichigo will meet you soon, have a nice evening! 
Solomon closes the door to Satan’s nose and returns to them.
Solomon: Well he wants to apologize for what he did 
Ichigo: I guess, Imma have a protective lil sis mode now 
Asmo: Go roast him, darling~ 
Solomon: Babe, that’s gonna make it worse 
Asmo: For once he needs to know his place, just because he can get a girlfriend doesn’t mean he’s on a damn pedestal! 
Ichigo finally gets out and meets Satan, 
Ichigo: What do you want?
Satan: Can we talk?
Ichigo: Do it here, I’m not going somewhere alone with someone like you. 
Satan: Fine, I want to apologize for what I did, I’m sorry for “acting” like Reika’s ex and I’m sorry for concerning you about our relationship. 
Ichigo: Anything else?
Satan: [sigh] and I’m sorry that I’m a raging ball of chaos 
Ichigo: Apology... still on pending. I don’t want words, I want actions. Of course I do give you my blessings but you’re now back to the test. So I suggest start fixing yourself and try to get my blessings. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have a skincare session to do. 
Ichigo goes back in and returns to Asmo, 
Asmo: How did it go?
Ichigo: Well I can’t forgive him instantly, I want to see prove of what he said... 
Solomon: She did that to me too, help- 
Ichigo: But since you two are so unloyal to each other guess I’ll let it slide. But Reika is full of insecurities and has been hurt a lot of times, I want that ex to be the last time she gets hurt. 
Asmo: I understand darling, we all want that too. I hope this doesn’t stress you out much. But you know what’s more juicy? 
Ichigo: What?
Ichigo: What? 
Asmo: That man is simping for you and he hasn’t confess?! Is he what? Some kind of coward?!
Solomon: Oh my Simeon, babe chill! 
Asmo: I’m sorry, love, I might go a bit overboard but at this point Beel should’ve already confess by now or ask her to be his girlfriend. They are both acting like lovers yet- 
Solomon: I know, babe, I know...
Ichigo: Asmo...does he by chance...not like me? [insecure Ichigo noises] 
Asmo: Oh darling, he does like you, maybe more than like. We might even consider it love. 
Suddenly they hear a spiritual song beside them and here comes Simeon and Luke. 
Simeon: Hey, ready for your praying session?
Ichigo: Oh my Goodness! I’m late am I? 
Simeon: Not at all, child. I’m sorry Asmo but can I have her now for her praying session 
Asmo: Of course, the mask stays though, it needs a 3 hours rest on her face. 
Simeon: I see, that’s alright. Come, child
Ichigo accepts Simeon’s hand and off she go to heaven, eventually Asmo’s facemask disappears as soon as she’s there. 
Luke: Welcome to heaven! 
Ichigo: It’s beautiful! 
Simeon: Come, my room is this way
0 notes
the-main-characterr · 4 years
realised i forgot to watch tharntype,
will do rn.
kinda feel like i also grew out of that but eh we’ll see
types aggressive being still annoys me
y u always >:(
if i dated someone for 7 years and they still didn’t marry me, i’d be insecure ASF
i like 2gether more than tharntype
it’s prettier
you could’ve done ur alarm urself bitch
why are you talking so slow?
why are u judging em tho just watch the show
i think everyone that knows me a lil bit knows why i like 2gether more
7 years are actually a lot-
i kinda want one but i also don’t like what
i said it before and i’ll say it again: types aggressive behaviour annoys me
not tryna b judgemental but if u stick to type for 7 years u have all my respect
watching this hurts in my soul
that p’cir and phu r cool
love the sound effects
love the time i lived in when i watched the first season
if i’m so judgemental already, i also don’t like their kitchen
it’s so boring wth
wow- now i feel bad.
the way tharn puts his phone in his front pocket is everything but *judgemental comment here* i can’t think of any bad things rn
i’m so scared of both of them like they’re always like >:(
you can’t just force someone into marriage-
no but like why would a stranger want to know if you have a relationship or not i mean you’re not going to random people and say hi we’re married
i mean i would do that but i’m the main character-
if someone “could stay mad at me” id be fucked-
yall are so sensitive just touch the bread
that phegun and p’cir are cute ngl
no like literally yall are so dramatic
i liked fiat but wth
doc is cute
just because you’re not married doesn’t mean you’re sharing him-
type improved tbh
awh they cute-
the music———————— jail
lucky me being zen-meryem rn
perfect representation on how personality can destroy everything
until this day, i still don’t know what a lines ID is supposed to be
this was too cute i’m ded
rip me
i love the sound effects yfrvjjvgjmkb
love their style
fiat u can’t just-
come for a taken man that’s the most disgusting thing possible
like even if he wasnt happy with tharn or in a toxic relationship it’s not ur stupid job to manipulate and steal wth
leo u have all my respect
wouldnt mind being ur bestie
stfu fiat u r a toxic attention seeking bitch that is nothing more but unethical
selfish brat
this is cute-
ngl the fact it’s been 7 years n they stilsbxbwjbdwbbx
ok leo i understand why u took it back but i still respect u for even doing it
phugun is too possessive
of p’cir idk the names but one of them
the not cute one
idk why yall hate on no so much he funny af
oh i see
phugun is the cute one
let the man live wth
seo is literally it dnxjdbjdbsbf
what did actually happen to the guy that’s been a bitch and possessed over tharn
lol i actually feel bad for type. it’s the first time i see him EMOTIONAL and damn-
must hurt.
omg istg i also wonder why he doesn’t quit
this is too much I CANT
Imma suffocate on the cutegsbsbdbbd ah i’m dying
hmph ig im just to tough to cry😤
heart attack-
doc, ily
this picture-in-picture thingy is so cool
i remember a time type didn’t want to admit he missed him
the hdhxb ishdiuebchw immaculate
fiat i’m scared of u
“every time i really want someone, i never get them” FELT. FELT FELT FELT difference is that my dumbass don’t want them when they want me🥲 it’s ok. time knows what it’s doing
fiat u r heartless
imagine having a healthy relationship with ur mother in law
yall be having literal bodyguards
ok i wasn’t sure about it but by the amount that guy said cheers i couldn’t be more convinced that this man is evil
the fact that he didn’t tuck his shirt is the whole evidence
you heard him don’t leave him
if you don’t move ur ass rn i’ll come to thailand myself n kick ur ass
too invested-
JANUARY 22?/!/£:!.!3):£WHAT
i cant-
okay cool i waited a few weeks imma continue wasching now
oh i remember. i was yelling at that basketball kid
omg leo thanks u saved my life thank u ily
you don’t have to be on top of him just to question him-
be scared stupid bitch
types just simply sleeping somewhere completely left alone👁👄👁
i wish i had someone that kept his promise under every circumstance
ppl that promise me things b like i NeVeR sAiD tHaT hUhH
yall just so addicted to each other like chill
if i’d marry someone, i’d feel so old
like hi i’m MARRIED
stop with the i miss u it’s so emotional
tharn you look so done with ur life lmfao
fiat you’re so annoying istg
cant u just ply basketball and leave these ppl alone like piss off
why yall crushing on type crush on me
fiat go study or sumn srsly
ah doorbell.
phu you’re so funny
WHAT- wth fiat please stop you’re ridiculous
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For seven years, i’ve never had eyes for anyone but him. damn- imagine-
my hearts b shattering ITS NOT HIS FAULT
well okay there’s a lot of evidence against
i mean i see tharns point but
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for personal reasons i will be passing away
the audacity of this bitch is giving me ANGER
imagine buying wedding rings just to come home n hear “we should take a break”
fuck anger i’ll cry
why even want fiat💀
phu you’re so cute like THE CHARACTER
thanya you’re such a queen i can’t explain
this scene is so funny they all b sitting there like 👀👀👀👀👀
you disgust me.
ok first off phu gun your style is so cool like that white shirt- FABULOUS 10/54
n second off, my dumbass felt like WHO IS THAT MAN HITTING ON FIAT I KNOW HIM
silly me it’s cir-
handsome man ngl
don’t tell me he died
oh god he didn’t die-
you guys are so sensitive can’t get hurt at all
“cant even make an instant noodle” that’s why we admire u lmao
ok chill u just spilled it
you look so cute when u pissed at urself shxbsbc
ah thanya u r so cool
“lack of communication can even break apart the most loving relationship” SAY IT LOUDER FOR THE PPL IN GHE BACK
this series is fulfilled now
i could listen to these two forever
i cant with leo and fiat fcstvhjfftc
don’t act like the shy bitch now u stoopid
this is hard to watch ew
khom being a philosopher of love fxtvjbj
he didn’t just leave his i miss u
yall tryna get drunk with my heart
im gon suffocate
stop i didn’t start this show to murder myself
pls calm ur face u look so aggressive
i wonder how many times tharn talked to sleeping type in those 7 years
u r basically talking to a wall
oh just to be someone to know what ordained is
those blue thingys r so cool
thanks this is everything i needed
doc champ, how long shall i wait
he’s not bald-
did they even cut his eyebrows-
oh monk.
didn’t they shoot these scenes during rona-
those r some fire makeup skillz
officially ripped my heart into pieces
that was definitely not a kiss kiss
0 notes
Ep6, Prologue & Chapter 1
God damn it, sorry for falling so far behind on this again. All I can say is that I’ve been distracted by other commitments, and for that I apologize.
Let’s get started with this, though, shall we? It’s October 5th, after all.
We open on the cathedral this time, all decked out for Erika’s wedding. these witches is2g
And Zepar and Furfur appear, saying, “Love is generous, love is merciful!” and “Love does not envy, it does not boast!” respectively. I feel like we’re hearing a bit of Yasu through these two right now - or rather, the way she’d beat herself up over her feelings for all the cousins.
Bern makes a comment about sickness and health and whatnot, and ahaha I’d forgotten that the wind effect starts playing the moment Erika appears. THAT’S NOT SINISTER AT ALL
“What a fitting outfit for the one who has conquered the bridegroom.” Now’s a good time to point out, actually - when it comes to Episode 6 and what Battler was doing, I’m pretty convinced that he knew what he was doing with the logic error and everything. He might not have planned on Erika abusing her lack of detective’s authority, but with allowing her the use of her tape and whatnot? I feel he knew what was likely to happen from that.
Additionally, with the parallels drawn between him and Kinzo (the “golden gambler”) throughout the series, I think he probably knew the solution to the logic error the whole time - he was betting on the miracle of chick Beato figuring it out and “being revived” as Beato as we know her.
Anyways! “The bride’s veil represented both the white of God’s blessings... and the white of the demons’ cruelty.” i like duality like this
“I’d expect no less of you, Bern. Every single thing you come up with is always so screwed up.” god i love these two
“Hey, are you listening...? All of you?” That’s... interesting, I’d forgotten about that line. Hmm.
Erika proclaims that she’ll “trample all over” “everything of Battler’s”, and Bern cackles. funny how i can barely tolerate the former but absolutely love the latter
“People live for the sake of love! Therefore, today, you have fulfilled the purpose of your lives.” HOOOO BOY IS THAT EVER LOADED
“Erika wasn’t vowing to love Battler forever. She just wanted to take him as her property for all eternity.” Probably going to be repeating this a lot, but one of the things I really appreciate about Ep6 is that it doesn’t shy away from making it clear that what Erika’s doing is incredibly fucked up. There’s no double standard about female-on-male abuse going on here - the only ones who cackle at this are the witches, who’d be laughing if the genders were the other way around anyways.
Fuck, though. “I’ll defile you forever” is a chilling line to cut to the intro on.
And we start the chapter in Battler’s closed room. fucking hell i forgot about this too
“I... must not remain in this room.” bad news battler
He discovers the chain’s set on the door... except it isn’t, the door is physically chained shut.
“This door was just a demon’s mouth... made to trick me into thinking it would open before crushing my hopes.” Y’know, it’s a throwaway line, but like so many other things in this series... this line brings Yasu to mind right away.
Anyways, Battler tries to call out for help, only to find that he can’t. “The mere fact that I can’t say ‘help me’ out loud is even scarier.”
Intentionally or not, actually, this whole closed room thing does seem to mirror Yasu’s situation pretty accurately, doesn’t it? Being stuck with such a horrible fate, getting taunted with visions of escape that can’t or don’t come to fruition, being unable to cry out for help...
...Only in Yasu’s case, she became the witch herself, instead of being afraid that the witch would be there if she turned around. THE POINT STANDS
The screen fades, and we cut to... Ange! In 1998! Surprise!
(i’d actually forgotten that she shows up this early)
She wakes up in Ikuko’s parlour, with no memory of how she got there. The decision to bring 1998!Ange back is still intriguing to me, though it does make sense, seeing as she’s “the one who was left behind.”
“...In that case... this is after Aunt Eva’s death... when I’ve thrown off my pursuers... on that journey to find out what happened 12 years ago...? [...] I do have a memory like this... don’t I?” In hindsight, even the way she recalls where she was and what she was doing sounds more like a writer trying to recall where they left off on their novel. Neat.
“‘She’? I was sure it was a ‘he’...” Ooh, this is neat. Ange is confused about Ikuko’s usage of a body double, but it doubles as foreshadowing for “Tohya’s” true identity.
“Tohya” introduces herself, and we get her profile. Of note: “However... I have no memory of meeting with her before my day trip to Niijima...”
“My readers only pretend to read my books.” SHOTS FIRED
“Welcome to my mansion, child of man.”
“...it felt almost as though this was the manifestation of some noble being, who would have no need to show herself before mere humans under normal circumstances.” lmfao
We get some exposition on the message bottle forgeries here. I can’t help but wonder how Yasu would feel if she saw this - her legend of the witch growing to encompass the whole world via the internet...
And we get “End” named as one of Ikuko’s forgeries, which immediately calls into question just what the hell Eps1-4 were.
Which is soon answered: “Alliance” and “Banquet” are hers as well, leaving Legend and Turn as the “real thing”.
Ange calls her out on being sneaky to make her forgeries seem more “credible”. “Once you’ve gained credibility, your forgeries will rise to the level of truth.”
Ikuko, on the other hand, just laughs it off, calling it “unnecessary”... because her forgeries are already the truth. well she’s not entirely wrong there i guess
Ange immediately challenges her grounds for calling her forgeries “true”. After a bit of yelling, they get to the heart of the matter: “The thing you came here to hear... it’s the ‘truth’ that I’ve reached, is it not?” Ikuko says that she’s certain she’s reached the truth, “Because I’ve understood all of the tales.”
“Humans used to support the Ptolemaic theory. However, that theory has been disproved in the modern age. Does this mean that, at the instant the theory was denied, the sun stopped moving and the Earth started revolving around the sun?”
“So, you’re saying the truth is still the truth, whether you can prove it or not?”
...And then Ange realizes that something’s very wrong with this meeting - namely, that it never happened. For now, things keep going as they “should”, though.
Ikuko compares herself to a witch, Ange compares her to Beatrice, and Ikuko asks her to “consider the possibility that I might be a witch.” lmao
And so Ikuko shows Ange her latest work - Dawn. Also known as the episode we’re reading right now. Meta in your meta in your meta.
She asks Ange to read it, and Ange decides she’s had enough. “...Who are you? ...I don’t remember ever meeting you like this. Whose piece am I this time? Sorry, but if you think you can tame Ushiromiya Ange so easily, you’re making a big mistake.”
Ikuko laughs, then reveals herself as Featherine. Ange asks why she’s still alive, given that she broke the rule of never naming herself to Battler.
“Well... I did doubt that those witches would just let me go so easily.”
“Be an observer for me. An observer of the kakera Beatrice has woven. In the past, I observed the kakera through Battler’s eyes. However, now that he has succeeded the position of Game Master, he is not a suitable observer. [,,,] It would be such a waste to observe it through the eyes of Battler as he is now, like reading a detective novel backwards...” hint hint readers
Featherine keys in on the fact that Ange doesn’t know the truth yet either, even though she’s desperate to.
“I will not permit anyone to disrupt my only interest, that being to read the rest of Beatrice’s tale.”
“Sure. I’ll be your Reader. ...I see that you showed a ton of respect just by asking for my consent first.”
After a few more barbs between them (I do enjoy the exchange these two are having, but I can’t write it all down), the curtain rises on the next tale...
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ryttu3k · 7 years
Time to attempt to do an Electric gym with no Ground types in a Nuzlocke! Pray for me :D
All the way from Mauville Gym to Lavaridge! Plus, which team member will die?
Alrighty, here’s the plan. Chickweed takes out the part-Steel types. Snowdrop and Daisy go for the pure Electrics. Draining Kiss may not be SE, but it’s also not resisted, and if she gets hit by Electric moves, up goes her sp.atk! Aggie, Milkweed, and Sequoia stay the fuck away :D (Especially the two WATER/FLYING types, yeesh.)
Inwards! Onwards!
Guitarist Kirk leads with Magnemite, level 16. Time for my level 25 Fire/Fighting type, haha. Next is Electrike, level 16. Snowdrop’s Bite is a OHKO! Bless being overlevelled.
Upstairs we go!
Youngster Ben has a single Electrike, level 17. Snowdrop (level 23) again OHKOs it. Nice.
Battle Girl Vivian has... a Meditite, oddly enough? Level 19. Normally I’d use Aggie, but this is an ELECTRIC gym, so gonna get Daisy in in case it does have an Electric - yup, Thunder Punch XD Ooh, that Draining Kiss will be extra painful :D Confusion gets in a bit of damage, another Draining Kiss heals most of it!
Guitarist Shawn leads with Voltorb, level 15. I am... not actually sure how Snowdrop bit it, but it’s a OHKO nonetheless XD Now another Voltorb, level 17. And another OHKO!
Holy shit yes Milkweed you can learn Mega Drain.
Time for Wattson!! Leads with Magnemite, level level 19. Bringing in Chickweed! He takes a Thunder Wave, annoying. Ooooh, Volt Switch, you pain in the arse. Voltorb next. It uses Charge, and Chickweed gets in a Double Kick that takes it out! Nice job! Magnemite back in, ANOTHER Volt Switch, yeah yeah yeah. Now it’s the Magneton, level 21 - right into the Flame Charge ;D Down to the reds, I assume Wattson will now heal up so I’ll do the same! Going for health, those Volt Switches do a fair bit of damage. Chickweed dodges Supersonic, but doesn’t get the Flame Charge out. Oof, this Supersonic hit, but so does Flame Charge! Back down to the reds for Magneton! Another Volt Switch I s2g... and Chickweed hits himself XD;; You know what dude let’s switch Daisy in briefly, haha. She tanks a few Tackles while I see to Chickweed, send him back in in fine form, and Magnemite is down to... 1 HP, Sturdy you dick. Another Thunder Wave then Volt Switch, really? Well that’s okay, Flame Charge just takes out Magneton instead XD Back to Magnemite, and it’s dooown!
That was moderately irritating, but still, done! :D
Also I now have a Gyarados.
Now that I have Rock Smash, to the north! To the desert! Prayer circle for a Trapinch, please please pleeeease...
Whoops, was hoping to avoid the trainers, haha. Picknicker Irene leads with a Plusle, level 16. This would be a lot easier with a Ground-type XD Snowdrop chomps on it. Next is Illumise, this is Chickweed’s! Level 18. Flame Charge eviscerates it.
Dangit! I can’t even get into the earliest parts ;_; Ugh fine into route 112 for plot - hey, Brendan! Free heal and Strength HM, though!
And the route catch is... a Numel XD Okay why not, haha. She shall be named Lithops.
Now for trainers! Camper Larry leads with a level 16 Taillow. Snowdrop is leading, Ice Fang does it. Next is - yikes, Zubat. Daisy can have this one! It’s level 18, Electro Ball takes it out.
Picknicker Carol has a level 19 Gulpin. Snowdrop Bites it, it uses Sludge, and she finishes it off with another Bite.
Hiker Trent leads with a Geodude, level 17. Since both my Water types are also part Flying, let’s stick with Snowdrop’s Ice Fang, haha. Another Geodude! Also level 17. Sturdy you dick. And finally, hold on to your asses, another level 17 Geodude! This time without Sturdy.
Hiker Brice leads with Numel, level 18. Sequoia still doesn’t have any Water moves, so this is Aggie’s! Next is Machop, level 18. Still Aggie’s! ...So I hit Water Pulse instead by accident, but it confused the Machop, and it... punched itself unconscious. That works XD
And now Aggie evolves!! :D
Looks like the Aquas are blocking the cable car? Cave it is, then! Fiery Path, so I can get a new friend! UGH IT’S A GRIMER. Okay, a new box-only Pokemon :| Oh whoops I OHKOed it. What a pity. What a shame.
Back in route 112! And a battle against Street Thug Jaylin, who has a Mightyena! Level 21. Mine’s 25, haha. Anyway, this is Chickweed’s.
And back to route 111? Well, okay! Ace Trainer Wilton leads with Electrike, level 20. Let’s try Daisy! Hmm, Draining Kiss doesn’t do THAT much, but it does at least keep healing the damage from its Quick Attack. Third time’s the charm! Next is BAGON <3 Level 20. Snowdrop’s Ice Fang is a OHKO. Last up is Makuhita, time for Aggie! Level 20. Takes two hits, but it’s down!
HEY IT’S AARUNE. Honestly, I don’t think I’ll do the whole Secret Base thing this time around.
Ayyy rest stop. Alrighty time to pick fights with trainers XD
Backpacker Deon has a Linoone, level 21. You know, Milkweed hasn’t done much in a while? Mud Sport, okay, no problem there XD Odor Sleuth, ditto. Air Cutter gets it down to half, that works. Headbutt does a bit of damage, Air Cutter finishes it off. Nice :)
Oh jeez a Fairy Tale Girl. Fairy Tale Girl Cece has a... Spoink? That’s not a Fairy-type! Snowdrop it is, then, and assume she can tank any Fairy move. ...Or Confuse Ray, you pest. Bite fail XD;; Odor Sleuth does nothing, next Bite goes through! Next up is Mawile. Hooboy, this’ll be risky! Level 19, Chickweed is level 28, hopefully Flame Charge is a OHKO... not quite, oof. Vice Grip, that’s okay!! Next Flame Charge does it!
Ace Trainer Brooke leads with Wingull, level 20. You still have a Wingull? I have a Pelipper! This one is Daisy’s, haha. Next is Roselia, over to Chickweed! God they’re so cute <3 Last is Numel, and that’s Aggie’s!
On to route 113 - hey Brendan. Nearly to town, just a few more trainers! Going to actively avoid the grass until I get the ash bag, actually.
Youngster Neal has a Trapinch! I want one ._. Aggie, uh, OHKOs it. Next is Electrike, Snowdrop can have this one!
Oops. No avoiding this grass XD Ninja Boy Lao! He leads with... Koffing, ew. Oi, no poisoning my birb! Another Koffing next. Okay, Aggie’s in trouble so we’ll switch him out for... let’s try Chickweed. Hey, don’t poison my other birb! >:( ANOTHER Koffing? Okay, Daisy this time! OHKO! No poison for her!
Parasol Lady Madeline has a Numel, level 22. Aggie destroys it. Nice straight-forward one XD
Aww yes Double Team TM. I can use this for maximum annoyance 8D
Youngster Dillon has an Aron! Level 21. Water Pulse from Aggie takes it out nicely. And Sequoia learned Dragon Rage nice.
SNEAKING FOR THE WIN. SKARMORY. He’s level 18 and will be named Edelweiss!
Ninja Boy Lung leads with Nincada, level 18. My, um, my 11-levels-higher Fire type destroys it. Next is Ninjask, level 20. It uses Agility, but Flame Charge - once it hits lmfao - takes it out pretty quick!
Into Fallarbor, and let’s have a look at Edelweiss!
Edelweiss the Skarmory | level 18 | male | Sturdy | Gentle, very finicky | Assurance, Metal Claw, Air Cutter, Fury Attack | found route 113
Okay, let’s see. I’ve been hella debating what to do between Aggie and Sequoia, since having both is a little redundant. Aggie makes use of both Fly and Surf, but Sequoia is the one who learns Dive, which is essential. Sequoia also has a better moveset overall (or, at least, will). With Edelweiss, I can use Fly on him, plus I’ll have a Fairy counter with STAB Steel moves, AND a Rock counter, as well as another Ice counter.
Sequoia doesn’t have any Water moves - yet. On the plus side, Surf is coming up at Petalburg Gym. So I think I’m going to keep using Aggie until I hit Lavaridge Gym and Mt Chimney, switch Edelweiss in so he doesn’t get left behind, level-wise, and switch out... Milkweed, who hasn’t really done much at this point. Then, once I finish Petalburg Gym, I’ll let Aggie retire!
Brendan’s here, and so is A Mess? :o
Quick stock-up for healing stuff - QUICK BALLS. GIMME :D
Alrighty, on to route 114! Ayyy Roar TM. Some Swablu just flew overhead I WANT ONE.
Teammates Tyra and Ivy send out Roselia and Azumarill. I love both of those ;_; Hoooo Azumarill is tanky. Think I’ll bring Daisy in, haha. Meanwhile Edel’s Sky Drop murders the Roselia, haha. Electro Ball gets the Azumarill!
Poke Maniac Steve has an Aron, level 23. Water Pulse gets it down to 1 HP, it roars and brings in Edel, it protects and then Edel finishes it!
Probably cheating to use the radar to try and find a Pokemon you want in a Nuzlocke lmfao. Okay fuck it I mostly wanted an Altaria because flying and I have Edel now, let’s just. Dive in XD And it is... Seviper, ew XD;; Off to the box, Rauvolfia!
Aaaand PLOT.
Really, Camper Shane? Really? He leads with Minun, level 20, Snowdrop can take this one. Next is Volbeat, level 20. Chickweed cooks it.
Kindler Bernie - seriously I’m trying to stop a kidnapping here - leads with Slugma, level 20. Aggie’s turn! Next is Wingull, level 22. Daisy takes this one!
Ahhhhh. Hiker Lucas leads with Geodude, level 22. How come Brendan didn’t get held up by these guys? Snowdrop takes it. Next is another Geodude, level 20. Snowdrop tanks a Magnitude and takes it out.
Okay I s2g... Hiker Lenny has a single Machop, level 23, Edel’s still underlevelled so Aggie can take this one.
OKAY. FINALLY. METEOR FALLS. God this place is so pretty.
SHELLY <3 Brendan, ‘jerks’ is a bit mild, haha. He and Atsuko look so DETERMINED. Leading with Mightyena and Grimer, I have Sequoia leading and Brendan has Shroomish. Chickweed, I think, will do better here! Oof, Swaggered, and Shroomish is now poisoned. Double Kick takes out Mightyena, though! Yeah, Shroomishh is dead XD Brendan sends out Marshtomp, Shelly sends out Carvanha. This is Daisy’s! ...Oh never mind Marshtomp killed it XD Dangit, Mud Shot got disabled, WE REALLY COULD HAVE USED THAT ON GRIMER, BRENDAN... Well, let’s try Electro Ball - hey, and it’s down!
Hey, it’s Maxie! Wow Maxie chill a bit. Okay, guess it’s off to Mount Chimney, huh? And a Smack Down TM! Hell, you know what? I will take that free trip to Mauville! A heal up, and then to Mount Chimney! Cable car is free this time!
Oh hey, an Aqua grunt that’s not already facing a Magma XD Leads with Poochyena, level 22. I’ve already put Daisy at the front, she can Draining Kiss it! Ew, Grimer next. Uh, Chickweed. Ayyy OHKO!
SHELLY <3 Big mood tbh. She leads with Grimer, level 24. Flame Charge only does like half, dang. Oof, a Ground move. Chickweed tanks it, Flame Charge finishes it! Next is Carvanha, level 24. Electro Ball OHKO!
HI ARCHIE YOU’RE SO COOL. FIGHT ME. Mightyena first, level 25. Daisy gives him a smooch. Ooh, only half damage, huh. Swagger, annoying. Another Draining Kiss does it! Sharpedo! Level 27. ...Oh fuck Daisy is fucking dead. Swagger damage then Assurance. Heck. Um. Dark/Water, I have a Fighting/Fire type that would be quite a bit slower than a fully-evolved Sharpedo. Fighting, Bug, Grass, Electric, Fairy. I now have none of those lmfao. I am going to try... Aggie. Wing Attack at least hits for neutral damage. Another Swagger, Wing Attack into reds, cannot risk Confusion damage so a quick switch to Edel, he copes with Assurance, another Swagger, hits himself dammit, okay back to Aggie, another Assurance then Screech, nothing, Wing Attack finishes it! Next is Golbat, switch to Snowdrop, take it out with Ice Fang - no, into the reds. Confuse Ray I AM SICK OF CONFUSION. But she gets another Ice Fang in and it’s OVER.
RIP, Daisy.
Got the meteorite, at least! But like... dang XD;;
Welp, on to Jagged Pass and then Lavaridge, haha. Oh, didn’t end up catching any there. Okay XD So I can still catch someone at Jagged Pass later!
Into town, RIP Daisy, and I’ll bring back... Milkweed, for now. Will leave it at that for now!
Current Team
Chickweed the Combusken | level 32 | male | Blaze | Serious, takes plenty of siestas | Flame Charge, Peck, Double Kick, Cut | starter
Agapanthus the Pelipper | level 30 | male | Keen Eye | Modest, a little quick-tempered | Water Pulse, Wing Attack, Steel Wing, Quick Attack | found route 104
Snowdrop the Mightyena | level 30 | female | Intimidate | Lonely, loves to eat | Ice Fang, Bite, Odor Sleuth, Rock Smash | found route 101
Sequoia the Gyarados | level 26 | female | Intimidate | Bashful, nods off a lot | Splash, Tackle, Bite, Dragon Rage | found route 106 
Milkweed the Beautifly | level 25 | female | Swarm | Lax, somewhat stubborn | Air Cutter, Mega Drain, Silver Wind, Morning Sun | found route 102
Edelweiss the Skarmory | level 22 | male | Sturdy | Gentle, very finicky | Assurance, Steel Wing, Sky Drop, Fury Attack | found route 113
Wattle the Taillow | level 9 | female | Guts | Quirky, alert to sounds | Peck, Growl, Focus Energy, Quick Attack | found Petalburg Woods
Bristlecone the Zigzagoon | level 14 | female | Gluttony | Lonely, good endurance | Tackle, Headbutt, Baby-Doll Eyes, Odor Sleuth | found route 103
Onion the Whismur | level 16 | female | Soundproof | Adamant, likes to relax | Pound, Echoed Voice, Astonish, Howl | found Rusturf Tunnel
Poison Ivy the Tentacool | level 5 | male | Liquid Ooze | Sassy, capable of taking hits | Poison Sting, Supersonic | found Dewford Town
Euphorbia the Makuhita | level 12 | male | Thick Fat | Hardy, capable of taking hits | Focus Energy, Sand Attack, Arm Thrust, Fake Out | found Granite Cave
Lithops the Numel | level 14 | female | Simple | Quiet, likes to run | Tackle, Ember, Focus Energy, Magnitude | found route 112
Rauvolfia the Seviper | level 19 | male | Shed Skin | Careful, impetuous and silly | Poison Tail, Screech, Venoshock, Glare | found route 114
Catnip the Skitty, found route 116, killed by Lass Janice’s Marill in route 116
Daisy the Pikachu, found Slateport City, killed by Archie’s Sharpedo at Mount Chimney
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survivormarmoreal · 6 years
Episode #2: “I have no material for a confessional” - John
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Cole got voted out? Who is Cole? Oh the one who proclaimed that "the real bitch has arrived"...bye.
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Ok so now that Cole is gone, my next target if we lose I think Bryce should be next. The tribe shoulda known what would happen when me and Nick got put together :) only the inevitable tribe swap can screw this up.
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So I have no idea who that first boot guy was, but rip the first of many people!  I hope to not follow him out the door anytime soon lmfao...
This challenge looks like it'll be fun and brain blasting, but I'm so bad at everything, so we shall have to see how I perform!  I really want to thrive in this pre-merge portion and not only form alliances but also show that I can do a challenge for my tribe and do it well!
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Hi! I’m Nicole! I’ve been doing so terrible in this game so far, I already got a strike for not submitting a confessional and also abstained from last immunity. I absolutely HAVE TO pull my weight this round or my tribe is gonna hate my guts. I love Alice in Wonderland so I’m sad that I am doing so pooorly but hopefully I still have time to turn it around.
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I did the challenge and i hope i did well enough to give us points to win immunity. Dont really want to go to tribal. I really like my tribe. It is time tho to have somewhat game talk. Right now Im feeling like I want to align with sharky, dennis, and charlie. But need to see who they would want to work with. I also really like Brian. So by default if we do lose, my target might be Nicole which sucks but we havent really talked. Those are my thoughts so far.
I started my game talk with Dennis and he wants to work together which is great. (Hopefully he is telling the truth). Next we talked about who we should bring in and he said charlie and Im down with that because Charlie is awesome. I brought up Sharky and Dennis said that he was chill and would work with him. He’s asking Charlie and I’ll be asking Sharky. Hopefully this four person alliance works. I really like to work with them three.
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Okay challenge performance: Not my best? Outfit I wore while I did my challenge: cute.
Okay the game has officially BEGUN. Maynor just came to me pitching an alliance. I feel great about working with because we get on really well. The only hiccup is that he followed it with pitching us working with Dennis and Charlie as a 4 person alliance. I really want to work with Brian though so I'm going to try and get him to keep his options open...but I have an alliance at least.
Does Nicole have a personality? I'm really not sure because our conversation has consisted of NOTHING. I want to work with women...but not Nicole…
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Charlie and Sharky both agreed to be part of the 4 person alliance. This is great because we will have majority on our tribe. Hopefully its true tho. Sharky is down to be my duo partner in this game and im 100% truthful about that. I would totally go to the end with him. Lets just hope we win immunity today so we can avoid tribal again.
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Okay so this alliance is in motion and Brian is getting left behind...I have to figure out a way to warn him without freaking him out
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Wowee, tribal. Not a fan. I should be Gucci but like maybe a new Gucci gang will usurp me. Though I do severely doubt it lol. wooo! Did someone mention that I have an exam tomorrow as well? Love this. Brb gonna have a mental breakdown.
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WE WON. Thank god. The longer we stay on this winning streak the longer I can keep from having to make real choices in who I align with.
From here on out Maynor and I will be a power couple known only as The Scream Team.
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All I know is Keaton BETTTER STAY. If he leaves, ima kick his ass
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Alliance of 4 is great. Going to make a chat later with host. Need to come up with an alliance name first. We won immunity which is awesome. We are now only tribe to have all memebers still. Which is good and bad since we could be targets during a swap for having everyone still in the game. Lets 🤞 that doesn’t happen.
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ok so jayden stays ignoring but finally started talking to me for like 4 minutes so love that!! he really cares. and like still ppl force me to have convos with them like i just want a social game sorry to inconvenience u!! love naomi smalls. uh i have a f2 now! me and nathan WILL win this game know that we scored the highest in the challenge too.. WHICH WE WON! WOOOOH
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Keaton has decided he wants to be buddies with me and BC now so *surprise* that’s an alliance now. Woohoo. Keaton’s growing on me a lot actually - it took him a while to get started but now he’s arguably one of my favorites. Keep it up Keaton!
At this point it’s getting increasingly obvious that BC wants to be everyone’s best friend. The alliance with Matt happened because BC had a chat with both of us the night before about allying separately. And Keaton initiated the alliance yesterday because of a conversation he had with BC. And then apparently BC gets on really well with Marie as well? From my perspective, he’s spreading himself too thin and it could bite him in the ass if he’s not careful.
As for the vote, it’s between Marie and John. BC and I are leaning John. The guy hasn’t talked to me once since the first night. He’s putting in super low effort, and I’d rather have someone like Marie who actually tries to be a part of the team. Matt and Keaton seem to be leaning Marie though. I’m going to try to push BC into committing against John without being too vocal either way myself. If Marie winds up going, it’s not the end of the world, but I’d really like to see John gone.
Also, a swap would be great right about now pls and ty
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Sooooo I have an idol... a legacy advantage... a majority alliance... and our tribe won immunity... I think I’m the most powerful player in the game right now... let’s just stay that way!
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I just sent in to create the Four of a Kind alliance which is me, Dennis, Charlie, and Sharky. Sharky and I named our duo alliance. I feel that Sharky is genuine to were I trust that he does want to work together. I still want to bond with Brian because I really like him. Nicole is mostly offline so idk. Our conversation like stopped.
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So apparently the hosts want me to make one of these so I will. Not much to talk about since im in the majority and we aren't going to tribal. Bryce is presumably going next although he is good at challenges and appreciates Travis Scott. But according to Nathan he tried to target me so ya know.
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So my phone is gone... this is sad and for now I have no way of getting it back so I am not quitting until I get voted out but I am not giving up.
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So I’m shook I survived the first vote and we won thank god. I’m so happy for Nathan he really stood up for me last round and I’ve got his back no matter what now! I’m just hoping that Bryce isn’t angry with me for the cole vote oops
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I thought I was clever. I was going to let other people take charge of this vote, let someone who cared more about who got voted out decide who goes. No need to get blood on my hands this early, right?
well APPARENTLY we're all so fucking bright that we all had the same great idea. none of us are going to dare suggest we have a preference here, and we're going to sit around until late tonight going "ya idk im fine with whatever". because that's what survivor's all about.
at least Keaton's hinting aggressively that he prefers to vote Marie here. if he were a little more active he'd be a lock for my favorite on the tribe.
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Why I get paranoid: I thought why not share why I’m paranoid when I play games... Survivor is a very cut throat killer game and when thinking about how to control that part to me to where I can be cut throat with no regrets. I turn that on at merge and cut away the paranoia because I simply know that once merge hits there is some respect to everyone left in so I feel a bit more comfortable making the plays I do but before merge it’s kind of stressful... fun fact about me is I never have gotten premerge in an official group game. So in a sense I guess I’m paranoid because the pressure is on premerge and merge is where I really start to pull it together because if I go out there’s simply no reason to really care what place I get.
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So, some developments. First of all me and Dennis feel like we've cracked a part of the puzzle on the search thing, as the wording was the same in two different things we found. Praying that Dennis gets and advantage. Imagine if we held all the powers by day 5 hahahaha.
Also, Dennis told me Maynor wants to make an alliance with me him and Sharky. I do feel good about this but would rather have Brian involved tbh. Despite this, me and Brian talked and I feel good about my relationship with him. He's a really nice guy!
Dennis didn't get anything on the hunt.. boooo. I am kinda wondering whether he's lying to me, cos I don't really understand why he tried to talk 4 times when there was another option... idk I trust him but I hope he's not hiding any advantage from me.
The alliance also got made. Good to feel comfortable in a group tbh
So happy we won the challenge!! I was a high scorer in this challenge, maybe I need to tone it down, don't want to seem a threat lol!!
I am a little bit worried about having told Sharky about the idol. Idk if I can trust him yet. It felt kinda awkward when I promised him I'd share the idol with him, I am genuine about that but I hope he sees that.
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I have no idea what’s happening this vote so I’m gonna vote Keaton because he’s the one I’ve talked to the least and hopefully I don’t get voted out ughhh
John is voted out 4-1-1.
0 notes