#plus she gets lots of cuddles from the rest of the class hehe
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leviiackrman · 2 years ago
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bunny cuddles for the birthday girl…
more art || character page || d.o.b: march 17th
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stitch1830 · 3 years ago
Just watched the legend of korra, and was shook when I discovered that toph had children. was shook to realize that lin was only a cute 6yo when toph was pregnant with suyin. Was shook to realize that little lin had to have interacted with pregnant toph, who was probably miserable and tired but had to put on a strong face for her daughter who didn't understand what pregnancy did to your body. Knowing 6yos, they would be very curious to why their mom has a big, moving belly. When her parents visited, I think her parents would hover, especially when she complains about back pain and exhaustion. Was wondering if you had any headcanons about lin and toph's parents interacting with a pregnant toph. Sorry if this is weird, i swear it isn't a fetish. I love the headcanons previous anonymous messages have sent and am on board for the toph-wasn't-a-bad-mom-and-she-was-actually-sweet-and-loving-to-her-daughter boat.
Hi Anon, thank you for the ask, and your patience! But I do want to say that I agree with you completely Toph is a great mama and she raised two amazing girls and they're one big happy family :')
Exploring Toph's journey as a mother is one of my favorite things to explore about her character, mostly because I remember seeing fanart back in the day where she was a mom and I thought it was interesting, only because I never actually thought she'd be one. So to see that it's canon and to look into her journey as a mother (maybe a reluctant one at first, even), it's a great part of her life to go into. Lots of unspoken issues, lots of struggle along the way, and if you prefer a more canonical route where she's a single mother, a lot of found family vibes is usually the avenue I go down hehe :)
But enough rambling, I'm happy to provide some headcanons with Toph and her family with incoming baby Su!
I feel like when Toph tells Lin that she's having a baby, Lin just fires off with a bunch of questions that day, but also throughout the pregnancy. She's always asking why Toph's stomach is getting bigger, is she having a brother or sister, how did the baby get there... all that. And the only reason why Toph doesn't tell Lin where babies come from is because Katara totally 'threatened her' and she partly doesn't wanna deal with the backlash of parents when Lin eventually tattles to her class LOL. Otherwise, she probably would've ;)
If Lao and Poppy are on good terms with Toph, I feel like they visit Republic City a lot, but also Toph and Lin go to Gaoling for long weekends. They enjoy the slower pace of Gaoling and Lin especially loves running through all the rooms. Plus, Grandma and Grandpa have cooks! Toph is amazing, but she wasn't born to be a chef lmao.
Lin loves feeling the baby move once she starts moving. And often, she'll just come up to Toph and put her little hands on her mama's belly to feel the baby. Lao and Poppy definitely melt when they see this haha!
I also think that it would be very common for the Gaang or Toph's parents to see Lin and Toph all cuddled up and napping together. Toph's got an arm around Lin, and Lin's lightly snoring as she hugs her mama's belly.
Poppy always tries to make Toph slow down and relax, and while she's not out there slinging boulders or catching bad guys, she still keeps up a pretty fast-paced day. It leaves her very tired at the end of the day (I also HC that her pregnancy with Su was a little complicated), but she always manages to play with Lin just a little bit before dinner. So, if Toph is ever doing something and she should be resting, Poppy does a bit of nagging to make Toph sit down lmao.
Maybe Suyin was born in Gaoling! Katara had to travel quickly to get to the Beifong home, but all was well because Su took forever to be born. And while they waited for the newest addition of the family to arrive, Lao, Poppy, and Lin spent the day outside in the gardens or out shopping and/or getting snacks. Lin was very spoiled that day, indeed.
Okay! I think that's all I have for Mama Toph headcanons for today. Thank you again for the ask, Anon! I'm more than happy to chat some more about the beloved Beifongs whenever you have questions or requests. They deserve all the love in the world after canon did them dirty LMAO. Feel free to send asks whenever, but until then, I hope you have a great day!
Send me asks about ATLA, or anything, really! :D
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shibalen · 2 years ago
♡︎ 𝒎𝒂𝒕𝒄𝒉𝒖𝒑 𝒇𝒐𝒓 @kokkino
I match you with . . .
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Very sweet, very wholesome. I love. *mic drop*
No, cause his goofy and energetic personality fits perfectly with your passion and cheer? You two are like a never-ending cycle of joy, the type of couple that makes everyone around you green with envy.
Mirio is very proud that you always try your best. It gives him the push he sometimes needs to keep going as well, although he is still most often sunshine and smiles. But it reminds him he cannot fall behind if he wants to become a hero everyone can rely on.
Likewise, he shows you his full support! He is your #1 fan, and literally your personal cheerleader ♡
His bravery encourages you out of your comfort zone. It thrills him everytime to see you taking a step forward, and he does everything to help you keep going.
Assures you asking for help and accepting it is also apart of becoming stronger. No one on earth is strong enough to carry the burden of everything alone, so won't you please let him carry it with you?
Because you're both set on becoming better versions of yourselves, there is a lot of room for friendly competition. To make it interesting, you usually add in some dumb but really funny rules or ridiculous tasks for the loser ( • ̀ω•́ )
Working towards something together is so ideal. God I wish that were me.
To be honest, he did get a tiny bit discouraged when you first got genuinely mad at him but afterwards quickly understood that you just need your alone time every so often.
Plus, since Mirio is naturally kind, you know he only wants the best for you and never does anything to make you purposefully mad.
I would say he's somewhat clingy though but in the manner of a loving puppy. He loves hugs and cuddles with you, to pick you up and spin you around, and always asks if you're okay or if you need anything.
Of course, he still sees you as your own person and respects you! It's just that he also wants to do anything for your smile and happiness.
Speaking of smiles, oh boy, you love continuing each other's jokes. For example, you joke about something and five minutes (or seconds) later Mirio responds with another similar joke. You both think it's hilarious but the people around you are very confused xD
Basically this is a relationship full of laughter and love yet never halts to a standstill. With proper communication it can blossom into something even brighter ( ꈍᴗꈍ)ノ✿
Thank our lord and saviour Nejire who made it possible for these kindred spirits to meet. You two had been close friends since childhood and inspired to get into UA together.
When you passed all the exams and achieved your goal, you were sadly put into different hero classes, however. Not that it stopped you from hanging out of course :D
One day though Nejire said she wanted to introduce some of her new friends to you and that's pretty much how you met Mirio, and Tamaki too.
Although you were anxious about this meeting at first, getting along with Mirio just came so naturally that it didn't take you long to forget about your nervousness almost entirely.
You were like two peas in a pod. Mirio loved how you had the same approach to humour as him, plus all your witty jokes made him like you instantaneously. You were sincere and kind which made him want to be friends with you.
At some point even Tamaki suggested going home cause he and Nejire barely got a word in but the rest of you insisted that it was more fun will all four of you.
So, you relaxed at the café for the rest of the afternoon, and ended up changing contact info with your new friends. You started messaging with Mirio really often, talking about your favourite heroes, movies and other interests till three in the morning hehe
All according to Nejire's plan of course ♡︎ not to set you up as a couple per se, but to have you become friends because she knew instantly that you would get along!
May the long years of slow-burn begin~
♡︎ 𝑩𝑳𝑼𝑹��𝑺
I guarantee after Mirio first realised he considered you more than a close friend the level of stupidity in his jokes skyrocketed. Boy would do the dumbest things to get your attention or get you to laugh. Remember the butt scene from the school festival arc? Yeah.
Tamaki had to beg him to stop.
But hey, it worked (。•̀ᴗ-)✧
For a date, Mirio will take you to see the latest Disney movie! Either you show up early and he surprises you from behind or vise versa. I could imagine both and couldn't decide which I liked more.
And if the popcorn and soda at the cinema aren't enough, you go grab a bite at your favourite fast-food place. Mirio would want to take tons of pictures too, not to post them anywhere necessarily but to keep them as a fun memory.
Has at least a dozen videos of you singing on his phone, and a dozen more where you're singing together: you with your beautiful, smooth vocals and Mirio with his off-key but enthusiastic attempt to follow your lead.
Oh man, I can also see you volunteering together at animal shelters and befriending all the doggos. You go out on walks with them and grab some ice cream while at the park.
Boardgame nights together with Eri and Aizawa-sensei
Every little gift you give him warms his heart, and if it's something meant for utility like sneakers or a mug it'll immediately become his favourite one to use.
Some people preserve their gifts as though they were fragile glass but not Mirio: he will proudly display them or use them because they make him think of you and the gift had made you think of him ♡︎
Brags about you all the time. Can and will not shut up even if you get embarrassed.
"Hey, Midoriya, Julia came up with this ultra amazing new move today!! It looked just like All Might's!"
"Mirio, I'm right here! It wasn't that epic."
"It was! I'm serious, you gotta show it to others later too."
You call it cheating but he loves using his quirk to give you a spook! If it backfires and you get mad though, he'll apologise and offer hugs, kisses and premium jokes as compensation.
Dumb scar stories, go!
It is hardly even possible to get cold when Mirio's around. He either ensures you wear enough layers or will give you his own jacket. He also holds your hand or puts his arm around you if you say you're starting to feel chilly.
50% chance he'll include a silly joke about the weather.
If you're an early bird, Mirio invites you to early morning jogs with him. I can just see you meeting up in crisp spring mornings and talking about the weird dreams you had last night as you run side-by-side.
You're such an inseprable duo and I'm totally here for it ٩(˘◡˘)۶
— favourite memory with you
[!! spoilers of Shie Hassaikai Arc]
This one is quite bittersweet but I think those types of memories are just as relevant to carry with us as the happy ones, if not even more so. When Mirio lost his mentor and his quirk after the big battle against overhaul you were one of his most important sources of support—one of the reasons that he managed to drag himself out of that dark place and start moving on. It is not a single occurrance of you being there for him but more like a time period where he knew he could count on you should he have felt like he could not yet get back up. You visited him in the hospital, often falling asleep by his bed side while talking, doing anything to assure him he did nothing wrong and that he's still as much of a hero with or without his quirk. Those little, sweet moments filled the gaps of that tragic, bitter event, making Mirio realise if he was going to save one million people, he needed to have you by his side.
[end of spoilers]
— favourite place to kiss you
Your face overall. Mirio adores how expressive it is and seeing you burst into a smile makes him want to smooch it all over! He will gently place both of his hands on your cheeks before leaning in. Also, the tip of your nose cause it's simply, irresistibly adorable.
— favourite nicknames to call you by
Dear boy is physically incapable of not coming up with a shortened cute variation of your name every other week. Sweetheart and sunshine he often uses when it's just the two of you but isn't embarrassed about addressing you like that in public either. Furthermore, expect lots of cheesy pickup lines.
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"you feel like home, // and everywhere i've never been // all at once" — butterflies rising
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♡︎ runner up: Kirishima Eijiro
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note: aaaaaaa thank you so much for your patience!! I had incredible fun with this one ♡︎ I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I liked writing it. Hopefully you are well and taking care of yourself c:
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ptergwen · 4 years ago
hi val! i'm the one who sent in that peter annoying reader request. god that was such a good one i felt it 😂 can i ask for a part 2 for that?? maybe the reader somehow tells brad that she has a crush on peter so that was why she was so hurt he made fun of her, and brad helps her plotting against peter, it ends up peter being absolutely mad?? How it ends is up to you val! Thank you!!
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w/c: 1.4k
warnings: swearing and jealous peter hehe
a/n: here’s part one :,) i really like this concept so i ended up doin a oneshot
“ok, y/n. be honest,” brad prompts you, the two of you walking home from decathlon practice. “were you really crying because you didn’t remember the first president?” his lips pull into a knowing smirk. you bite a smile back and hold on to your backpack straps. “i mean, that’s part of it.” “say more,” he bumps your shoulder with his.
“i was crying because peter probably thinks i’m stupid now,” you admit, your grip tightening on your backpack. brad doesn’t try to cover up his scoff. “who cares what peter thinks?” squinting at him, you hit his arm lightly. “i do. he’s my friend.” “so am i. it shouldn’t be any different,” brad points out, clearly offended.
the sidewalk is empty except for you two, so you stop walking. brad does the same and makes a face at you. “right?” “no. i...” you take in a breath. you’re not looking forward to his reaction. “i like him. i like peter.” brad’s face goes from confused to terrified.
him and peter have hated each other for as long as you’ve known them. it’s why you keep him separate from the rest of your friends.
“he made you feel like crap, y/n! he’s a-“ “don’t call him a dick again,” you cut brad off and start to walk without him. he quickly catches up, his eyes still fixed on you. “i don’t get it. the dude pretty much says he’s better than you, and you like him,” brad tries to change your mind. too bad for him, you’re not easily persuaded.
“he was just playing around. he didn’t know i was actually upset, or he would’ve stopped,” you defend peter and your taste in guys. “we do that.” “y/n, please. you have so many other options,” brad all but begs, moving so he’s in front of you. he’s walking backwards now. you step past him and leave him behind you.
“no, brad. i’ve liked him for a while already,” the hurt is evident in your voice. you didn’t expect him to be happy about this, but jeez. could he show some support? brad picks up on your mood change and feels bad about it. unlike peter, he has self awareness. “i’m... sorry. are you gonna, like, tell him?” he asks with a nervous smile.
you smile back, yours wicked. “sort of. that’s where you come in.”
the next day at school, peter looks for you first thing. everyone is at your locker. everyone including brad. whatever, that’s not important right now. his main focus is on telling you how awful he feels about yesterday.
mj notices him walk up first, so she takes a step back to open the circle. she presses her lips together and clears her throat. that gets ned’s attention. ned realizes peter is here and offers an awkward smile. peter nods at him and turns to you. his eyes are already pleading.
the smile that was just on your face fades out. “oh,” is all you murmur out, then add, “hi.” “hi,” peter drags the word out. he glances over at brad. he’s standing too close to you for peter’s liking. squeezing his eyes shut, they land on you when he opens them.
“listen, y/n. i’m so sorry about everything i said. i didn’t realize i was the only one laughing,” peter tells you, every word sounding genuine. ned looks between the two of you sadly. “there’s.... there’s no excuse,” he keeps going. your features soften from the look of guilt on his face.
mj nods at you as a way of saying to let him finish. she would never let shit like this slide, so you know peter has to mean it.
“and i don’t think any less of you. it was a mistake,” peter’s eyes drop down to the floor. “i’ve said the wrong answer before, too.” those words heal what the ones from yesterday broke. you’re fully ready to forgive him now. “thank you. that made me feel a lot better,” you give peter a small smile.
“we’re good,” you assure him, peter now sporting a grin of his own. that is, until brad throws an arm around your shoulders. he’d almost forgotten he was there. you lean back against his chest as he presses a kiss to the top of your head.
the rest of the group gets into a conversation about what you should do over the weekend. guess that means brad will be there. peter doesn’t hear a single word because he’s too busy staring at you. you’re cuddling in the middle of the hallway with the only person on earth he completely hates.
brad is right on time whenever he messes up. the one time it’s with you and now he’s, what, your boyfriend? it’s not fair.
you’d drafted a plan with brad last night to get this exact response. you convinced him to fake date you. peter would hopefully get jealous, which he did, and that would prove if he likes you or not. it’s also good payback for making you cry over abraham lincoln.
brad didn’t want to do it at first because anything that ends with you dating peter, he refused to be part of. you brought up the fact that he would get to piss him off all day. then, he fell in love with the idea.
you stay attached to brad’s side all day. holding hands when you walk from class to class, sitting close to him at lunch. he’s never joined your group for lunch before. plus, you normally sit next to peter. he has to sit next to betty today. she talks a lot.
part of peter thought you liked him. he has other friends who are girls, and he doesn’t act the same with them. is your banter not flirting? did he interpret everything wrong? apparently he did because now you’re kissing brad’s cheek while he sips his orange juice.
that’s it for him. he gets up from the bench without any explanation and takes off, not bothering to bring his stuff. you pull away from brad and frown.
“i think it worked,” he comments, casually wiping his cheek with the back of his hand. ned and mj share a look. “you’re aren’t... dating?” she points at you and brad, which you shut down. “no, we’re fake dating. i like peter.” “oh, shit. you do? he likes you too!” ned blurts out. betty’s eyes grow the size of her whole face.
“how did i miss this? you guys don’t tell me anything!” she scolds you all and grabs your hand. “you have to go after him.” you look over at brad, who gives you a nod of approval. he’ll learn to hate peter a little less for you. “i am,” you decide and quickly slip out from the table. everyone shouts good luck wishes after you.
you find peter in a stairway on the second floor. he takes it to get to his next class, so you thought to come here. he’s sitting on the staircase with his arm on the railing. his head is leaning on his arm. he looks completely defeated. you might have broken his heart instead of made him jealous.
peter lifts his head when he sees you coming up the stairs. you wordlessly sit down next to him. clearing your throat, you get ready to say something. he talks first.
“i thought you and brad were just friends,” peter states with no emotion behind it. your heart starts thumping in your chest. “we are.” he licks his lips out of habit. “doesn’t look like it.” “i asked him to fake date me, peter,” you admit and search for his eyes, turning to face him on the stair. his eyebrows furrow. “what?”
“i wanted to make you jealous. i didn’t know you’d end up like... this,” you gesture to the mopey state he’s in. peter shakes his head in disbelief. “can we go back to the first part? you wanted to make me jealous?” a smile spreads across your face. “yeah.”
your lips suddenly land on his cheek, leaving both of them pink. he touches where you kissed him and grins. “if that didn’t make it clear, i like you,” you laugh out and scoot back from him. “i like you, too,” peter takes your hand before you go too far. he laces your fingers together.
“ned already told me.” you squeeze his hand and he lets out a breath. “i can’t even be mad at him.”
peter has a pretty great best friend. you do, too. you actually got brad to help you pull this whole thing off. he might not be so bad after all.
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aphrorite · 3 years ago
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-ˏˋ sweetheart diaries ˊˎ- #7 !! 🌷🌸🎀
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૮₍ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ₎ა ♡༘
⋆ ✧₊ june 5th 2022 ☀️✨🌷 ⊹ɞ
hewwo diary! m was thinking today wasnt gonna go 2 well bcos im regress/agedre on my period/blood moon n m n very much pain but yk what? today wasn so bad as i thought! :D
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so wha i do today diary ? welllll, i did LOTS n LOTS of work! 📝hehe. today im woke up around 9 ish, went onm phone for lil, then gots out of bed. m had delicious grill cheese for breakfast n then went back upstair. im wanted feel little so i look on tumblr for smol bit n enjoy that, but then i fell asleep on accident!! >_< my bed was too cozy ahhhhhh. am woke up at 1:11, angel numba!!!!! teehee 😋. but im woke up in sweat and it really annoying bcos when iw ent back upstair i was cold, though when i woke up my body warmed up so much dat i smell like sweat )): so tmr i shower so i can b extra fresh for school.
but you know wha. its ok to nap sometime. big me wouldv been big meanie and start pushing me down 😞😠 but the cg voice in me says that its OK to take a nap esp since i am on my period, n plus my mom took one too so i am not a bad exception! i am allowed to rest if i need, rest is healing. im need to give myself slack 2 especially since i basically relapsed ):
and dats crazy progress 2 becos this morning im thought id stay in bed all day cos of my period pain )))): imd ont know if i have endo but on my first few days of m period, my stomach realllyyy hurt (but it not cramps or hangry), and i cant even move my thighs or legs cos of pelvic pain. is very unfortunate ): though guess wah diary, i moved today!!!! i even did yoga!!! i write dat with a silly bunny grin hehe <3 ♪( ´▽`)
so afta dat i went ahead n went on my laptopie for a lil bit, saw dat sims 4 was working!!!! which made me happs. but im weanted my cc from other computer, m sister one, so didnt play bcos of dat. so den i made mself a todo list n got started!/(^o^)\ m spent lots time in agedre despite getting work done too so i happy for dat.
am ate some fruit loop, drank glass o watar in my favourit thermos w a straw, (i luv ice watar so much mmm), brush my hair, lotion arm and leg, changed into a white adidas crop top n a black pleated skirt, did sum stretches n yoga, n then got starts on my internship homework!
im finish dat in one hour and then wha relaly got annoying was my art homeworks )): i really, really dont like my teacher. shes really negativ n i feel like her personal life is seeping into her teaching cos she is very very not good at teaching and most of the class can agree that we have no sense of difrection and are mostly teaching ourselv. BUT in anycase it also took long 2 do homeworks for art bcos im didnt know what 2 write for reflection + problem bcos the quesetion didn make sense or the assignment instruction were too wordy n my ocd was really kickin in ))))): im kept going doe. had to finish it!! and u know.. diary?
n den i made lunch for tmr (ham cheese, cheezits, iced tea n granola bar), ate sum more foods, n den got ready for bed alon with prepare outfit for tomorrow! i am going 2 do great tomorrow n its going to go well. i am going to fill out me habit tracker, manifestation, go use lou, n then play sims a lil bits before bed. OH did i mention dat i found unicorn from basement? im had a bag full of my childhood stuffies n i found pink webkinz unicorn!!!! so she been by my side since yesterday along w bear. n during writing reflection 4 art im also lay on bear becos he let me n he loveee cuddle like dat, so im not hurting him. i luv bear lots cos he smell good.
im also organize my spotify playlist littol bit n delete some old screenies so i can organiz seagate more so it can b all clean clean!
thank u diary. unicorn luvs u. bear do too. im will pick myself up. i can do dis. i believe in myself!!! YEAH! WOO!!! 🥳🍭🍬
╭┈─────── urs truly, ࿐ ˊˎ-
╰┈➤ sweetheart xx
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bl597 · 5 years ago
Hi! Can I request a George x Slytherin!Reader where she's in Ron's year, and Ron and her argue a lot, and he asks Fred and George to prank her, and when she's about to fall for it, George swoops in and saves her and doesn't follow through, making Ron mad but yeah and just fluff between reader and George after?
of course, angel! i'm sorry it took me so long to post it, i'm really sorry! i changed it a little bit so reader and georgie have been secretly dating for a few months, but the rest of the request is the same! hope you enjoy it! 💖
warnings: reader and ron hate each other yay, fluff fluff fluff fluff, my english is not really good since it's not my first language, so i'm sorry for any mistakes! plus, it got really long hehe sorry
my masterlist ♡
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You and Ronald never really got along, whenever you were at the same room, you guys would start fighting like 5 years old kids. He didn't like you because you were a Slytherin and mean sometimes, and you didn't like him because he was stupid and mean to you. The fact that he was a Gryffindor was just a plus, not that you hated Gryffindors, though. You just hated one specific redhead Gryffindor. You were fine with the other ones, actually.
Currently you were in potions, professor Snape was teaching a new potion, polyjuice.
“Can anyone” he said, looking at the class with a i-was-forced-to-be-here-and-i-hate-you-with-my-whole-being face “tell me what is the Polyjuice potion?”
He watched a few students raise their hands, surprisingly, Ronald Weasley being one of them. “Mr. Weasley?” professor Snape asked with a smirk, already knowing he would answer the wrong thing.
“It's a shape-changing potion, Professor. People drink it to look like anyone they want for a certain amount of time, but it only works in humans.” Ron said with a satisfied smile, seeing the despise in Snape's face.
“5 points to Gryffindor.” Snape said, hissing.
“Oi, Weasley!” you yelled from across the room and he looked at you with an annoyed expression. “It looks like your tiny monkey brain finally decided to work, eh?” a few Slytherins laughed at your comment.
“Oh, shut up, (Y/l/n)! Stop being so bloody stupid!” his face was matching the red in his hair and tie, making you laugh at him.
“Quiet, Miss/Mr (Y/l/n)!” Snape hissed again and you stopped laughing at the same time. You knew Snape wouldn't take points from Slytherin, but you didn't want to get detention or to get in trouble with your head of house. Ron started laughing at you and telling his friends how stupid you looked. “Detention for you, Mr Weasley. After dinner, my office.” Snape said in a monotonous voice.
“Stupid old bat.” you heard Ron say quietly.
Before dinner, Ron went straight to where the twins were. He said he wanted to prank a Slytherin, and they were bored, so why not?
“Ok, mate” George said. “Which Slytherin are we pulling a prank on?”
“(Y/n) (Y/l/n)” Ron answered, hissing. Just the thought of your name made him mad. “Stupid snake.”
“What should we do, Georgie?” Fred asked his brother, looking in his direction.
(Y/n), the snake George had a huge small crush on. His snake. His brothers wanted to prank you. He couldn't let them, what if they unintentionally hurt you? What if you knew he was behind all that and would never want to look at him anymore? George didn't know what to do.
“George? Hey, Earth to George!” Fred said, waving his hand in front of his twin's face, who blinked and came back to reality.
“Sorry. What are we going to do?” George asked, ignoring his brothers' stares.
“What do you think about Dungbombs?” Ron asked and Fred agreed, giving him a high five.
“Yeah, that's cool, mate” George said, still worried about what you would do or say. The boys spent about half an hour planning before they went to the dinner.
The next morning, when they would prank you, you were going to Herbology, your first class of the day. Well, as I said, you were. In the way to the greenhouse, someone pulled you by your arm and you let out a yelp, getting your wand and pointing to whoever it was. That was when you realised it was George and you calmed down, lowering your wand.
“George? What happened? I need to go to the class!” he didn't answer, still guiding you to God knows where. “C'mon, love, I have Herbology right now.”
“Fred and Ron want to pull a prank on you. Dungbomb. Before lunch, I guess.” he said, finally stopping walking and turning around to look at you. “You will be stinky for one week, at least.” he playfully scrunched his nose.
“Well, hello to you too.” you said sarcastically “And why are you telling me this?” you asked, crossing your arms. “Why are you helping me?”
You knew he would never do anything to hurt you, but Fred and Ron were his brothers, it wouldn't be a surprise he would choose his brothers' side, not yours.
“I thought you would like not to smell like shit for one week. Well, it looks like my help isn't appreciated, so I'll just go.” he pouted while putting his hand on his chest, feigning hurt. What a drama queen.
“Thank you, Georgie.” you said, hugging him and kissing his cheek before you went to the greenhouse.
It wasn't unsual for you two to be touchy with each other. You've been dating for a few months, not officially because Ron would kill him, though. But you enjoyed being secretly with him, actually. He was nice and funny and it was nice to spend time by his side, it was always calming and quiet, but also full of laughs.
After Charms, your last class of the morning, you walked around the castle really carefully, ready to attack the two redheads at any moment. You tried to act normal and not look everywhere all the time, so they wouldn't suspect you somehow already knew their plan.
Ron, Fred and George were in the Gryffindor table, ready to throw the dungbombs in you when you enter the Great Hall. When George saw a few Slytherins going to sit in their table, he mentally prayed that you would skip lunch or that something in the plan would go wrong. That was when you entered the Great Hall with your friend, talking about the Charms class from earlier.
Fred and Ron exchanged knowing looks, nodding at each other and getting their wands. George got his too, but little did they know what he had in mind. With a flick of the wand, Fred conjured the dungbomb and nodded at Ron, who made a little movement with his wand, making the bomb start to fall. When it was a few inches away from your and your friend's head, George finally acted.
“Protego!” he said and you and your friend were thrown in the wall behind you, away from where the dungbomb just fell. You were extremely angry, thinking someone did this to mess with you, but when you looked up, you saw something a few meters away from where you were - a dungbomb. When you finally stood up - and helped your friend get up too - you looked in the Gryffindor table's direction, seeing two redheads arguing with other redhead, face red just like his hair.
“What the hell was that, mate?!” Ron asked his brother, crossing his arms and arching his eyebrows. “We were almost doing it and then you suddenly decide to play the hero and save (Y/n)?!”
“Yeah, George, we agreed to help Ron!” Fred exclaimed, already knowing why his twin did this, but not wanting to say it in front of Ron.
“What was that for?!”
And Ron kept yelling at him until the end of the lunch, because they had different classes.
“Hey! Psst, George!” you whispered-yelled when the twins passed by you. “George!”
He turned around when you threw a crumpled paper in his head, looking at you in a way that said "bro why did u do this" and you just mentioned to the paper on the floor with your head. He playfully rolled his eyes, but smiled while he got the paper, carefully unfolding it.
“You're an idiot but I like you ;p
Ps: meet me in the owlery at midnight.
- your fav snake ♡”
He looked at you with a raised brow, a dork smile on his face. You just winked at him with a little smirk.
“Looks like someone has a date." Fred teased when he looked the piece of parchment his brother was holding, smirking when he saw George blushing and murmuring a "shut up".
When it was around midnight, George left his dorm and the Gryffindor tower as quietly as he has ever been in his whole life, lighting the way with his wand in a dim light.
When he successfully got to the owlery, he saw on his watch that it was exactly midnight. He entered the room, quickly recognising you, your back facing him. You were wearing a dark green and silver hoodie and sweatpants.
“Punctual, uh?” he heard you say softly, turning to look at him with a smile. “C'mere, love.” you said, opening your arms for him. He always loved it when you were clingy, because he would always tease you for it later, but also because he could feel you close to him.
“Looks like someone here missed me.” he chuckled, circling his arms around your waist and bringing you close.
“I wanted to thank you for earlier.” you spoke softly, nuzzling your face in his neck. “And I'm sorry Ron yelled at you because of me. I can hex him if you want to, though.”
He chuckled, shaking his head. “Mom would kill us.” you giggled at the thought. “Besides, I wouldn't get close to you if you smelled like shit, love.”
“You idiot.” you both laughed quietly. It was moments like this you liked to share with George; you both just cuddling and being so lovey dovey. You wish you could be like this with him in public, but it was better like this, when it was only the two of you in your own little world.
God, you love this idiot.
this was shitty yay
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beecherdrysdale · 4 years ago
Hi my bbs! I’m so in love with this Greece idea. I literally watched mamma Mia yesterday- that is my fantasy. Like the music, the small island, the romance. I love it.
Haha I guess we both have parents who like to be at the airport three hours early lol.
Hehe yes, everybody is just barely awake and just holding onto each other. Security is annoying,- fun story. Every single time that I go through security the machine always beeps and they make me go through that machine and then they always pat me down in the weirdest places like one time they were like we need to pay down your shoulder. What can I possibly have in my shoulder area? I don’t get it. Ryan would probably chirp me when I get beeped but then he gets beeped as well and needs to be patted down lol . It depends on which country you are at, like some securities require you to take off shoes, some don’t.
When i go on trips w my family we check in our bags but since we’d be going solo, I usually have a big carry on and a big backpack lol. I tend to overpack wbu? I need my extra outfits. So after that, we all find the gate and everyone goes their own way. Like you cuddled up w Jamie and being adorable. Kesh is sleeping on Kirby and I’m getting coffee. Hehe yes getting all our passports and getting checked in would be so chaotic . You and Jamie are lucky that Ryan and I are barley functioning yet so the chirps haven’t started. There would be soooo many snacks. Awww Quinner let’s me keep his beanie. Thank you. Also what do you travel in at airports, do you dress fancy or casual?
Hehe Jamie paying Cozzy $50 to switch seats with him 😂 “Dylan come on” “no Jamie I’m comfortable” “I’ll give you 50 if you switch with me” “fine” lol.
Planes usually have TVs on the seats so we will all be watching movies and Dylan and Jamie can cuddle up to you. Awwww. Kesh and Kirby are just in their own bubble #couplegoals. Nobody is bothering them.
Yes brigid, me, quinner and Ryan will be sitting behind you on the flight. Ly. Quinner is immune to coffee so he passes out real quick and since I love his hair I get to play w it :). The rest off the boys have just passed out.
After take off and we have already settled in for a few hours. I’ve realized that the flight from Can to Greece is about 10-11 hours so we are in for a long flight lol.
Okkk so it’s pretty quiet for the first 2 hours and now some of the boys have woken up.
Brigid + dyl+Jamie: at the start both of them are awake and are excited to sit with you for 10 hours. They hold your hand during take off. You start off with watching a movie but in hour and a half in dyl falls asleep, and you see him in an uncomfortable position so you rest his head on your shoulder or lap and play w his hair. Jamie is still awake but is slowly falling asleep but he wants to spend some time with you, but that doesn’t happen for a long time and he passes out as well and you also move him into a comfy position. After a bit, you all wake up for food and are just cuddly together :)) ooo another thought. Jamie trying to braid your hair to keep himself occupied 🥺
Kirby +kesh: since kesh slept in the airport and a bit on the flight she is making sure that Kirby sleeps a bit. So he’s just leaning on her, and she’s watching a movie or something. Just totally chill and taking care of each other. We love to see that.
Then me quinner and Ryan. Since Quinner falls asleep real quick which I don’t mind since he’s cute and I’ve to play w his hair. Ryan and I are just playing a card game lol. We a bit chaotic because we don’t like to lose, but we become quieter once we realize that the boys around us have fallen asleep. Ryan and I unfortunately will be chirping you quietly Brigid. It’s good entertainment. Since Quinner is still asleep, Ryan and I just listen to music together but also get up a lot so we will be annoying each other hehe.
Do you like airplane food? I don’t mind it, but it’s not the best thing ever so hence the mountain of snacks that quinton and Braden have bought. I’m constantly stealing snacks from them since quinton braden and let’s say Dylan or Peyton are in the row behind mine lol.
Hope you enjoy so far. I’ll be doing a pt 3 for when we touch down.
Xo Lexi💗
yes i am so so in love with this idea, like with the small island and the romance. but anywaysss here’s another long post
haha yep everyone’s barely awake and we’re all holding on to each other bc we don’t want to lose anyone lmao. but somehow ryan gets lost and we don’t realize til we’re about to go through security so we have to facetime him to help him come fine where we are. and then once he gets there we can go through security and you get beeped so ryan is chirping you sm, but then he gets beeped too so we both make fun of him for it lmao
i usually barely pack anything, but it depends how long the trip is going to be. but i usually just bring a couple pairs of shorts and a couple tshirts and hoodies and then mix and match them throughout the vacation. plus i’ll be stealing jamie’s and dyl’s clothes the whole vacation so i don’t really need much lmao. anywaysss so then we find our gate and everyone sets their stuff down. and then “quinner how do you have more shit than me? i literally have half my closet” bc you didn’t realize how much stuff he has til he sets it down lmao. and then everyone goes off their own ways, me and jamie and kesh and kirby to sleep, and then you and the guys to get coffee and food. and then everyone gets back with soooo much food and you’re wearing quinner’s beanie and we’re scrambling to get the passports we need so they’ll let us on the plane. haha yes thank God you and ryan aren’t awake enough to be chirping me and jamie yet. personally, i wear super comfy clothes to the airport like a hoodie and sweats (but let’s be real that’s my everyday outfit) wbu?
lmao so then we’re on the plane and me and dyl already sat down and so did dylan c. and then jamie’s just begging him to switch and finally he does by bribing him. so then ofc you and ryan see it bc you’re sitting right behind us so you just start chirping jamie sm lol. honestly i find it so funny that you and ryan are always chirping me bc with my friends i’m always the one chirping them and they never chirp me back lol. anywaysssss yes we’re all just watching movies or sleeping, i’m in a row with dyl and jamie with you, quinner, and ryan behind me. and then kesh and kirby are together and we’re just leaving them alone for once bc they’re the parents of the friend group so they deserve some rest lmao. and then most of the guys fall asleep real fast and the rest are watching movies bc we know it’s gonna be a longgggggggg flight
me+dyl+jamie - so we start off watching a movie, idk what but def some kind of action movie, but since dyl didn’t sleep in the airport he falls asleep pretty quick so then i have to move him to a comfy position to start playing with his hair. and then jamie and i are just chilling together and watching the movie, but he’s starting to fall asleep again and i can tell he’s just trying to stay awake so i tell him that it’s ok and that he can sleep if he wants to. so then i have to move him into a comfy position too, so i have two very large hockey players sleeping on me and i can’t move lmao. hehe and then they finally wake up for food (ofc it’s for the food) a couple hours later but they’re still tired and being all cuddly 🥺 but then they make me rewatch the entire movie bc they didn’t get to see most of it lol. and we’d definitely end up playing uno or poker bc i’m amazing at both of those, like my family refuses to play with me, so i would make them play me. and also jamie braiding my hair bc i taught him 🥰
kesh+kirby - so basically they’re the adorable couple everyone wants to be. like kesh making sure kirby sleeps, and then kirby doing the same later in the flight. and just playing with each others hair 🥺 and they’re watching movies together. i really don’t have much to add on to this one besides that they’re a top tier couple
lexi+quinner(+ryan) - so yeah apparently quinner’s immune to coffee bc somehow even after 3 of them he passes out real quick on the plane. so then lexi gets to play with his hair bc she’s wearing his beanie so his hair’s not covered lol. haha you and ryan getting super competitive and getting super loud playing card games and then i have to yell at you to shut up bc everyone’s sleeping. so then you guys get annoyed and start chirping me instead while i’m just trying to watch my movie lmao. and then you guys start walking all over the plane and annoying everyone lol. i would also be joining you guys once dyl and jamie wake up bc i can’t still more than like an hour lmao
i mean i’m fine with airplane food (again we usually fly first class bc of my dad’s points from work so i think it might be better food?) except the snacks like trail mix and stuff they give you on the plane are amazing. but anyways besides that airport snacks are better. so then you keep stealing snacks from peyton and braden and quinton behind you so then i commision you to steal snacks for me too, and then eventually you get annoyed and tell me to get them myself so then i get the guys to throw them over the seats to me and then kesh has to tell us to stop so the other people on the plane don’t get annoyed lmao 
ok yes i loved this sm 💖 so excited for part 3!
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