#plus its only been like a month we’ve known each other I don’t wanna rush anything
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froggirltongue · 1 year ago
For somebody who’s really fuckin into girls, I sure have fallen for somebody whos uh. not that.
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dibs4ever · 5 years ago
Barbara walked up behind her husband linking arms with him . Her evening gown swaying, tickling her freshly shaven legs
“Babe did you seriously have to wear that” she whispered
Dick grinned looking down at what was strapped to his chest. His and Barbara’s 11 month old son was comfortably strapped to Dick’s chest in the baby carrier “Hey I love this thing”
Barbara couldn’t help but smile as she playfully rolled her eyes “I know you do handsome. But we are at a Wayne Gala and you are wearing a suit...there are thousands of people here because it’s our engagement party and our sons first official public appearance”
Dick nodded “Exactly the reason I have him strapped to me with his head snuggled into my chest. To hide him from all the cameras and the strange people coming up ogling ‘I want to hold him!’ “ Dick mocked
She smiled, loving how protective he was of their son “I know, but Dick we agreed the public was getting too curious about him. If we don’t let them get a few good shots and let some sweet stories spread then bad gossip would come and the press would potentially put Nate in danger in order to get a good glimps of him”
Dick sighed “You’re right” he unclamped the clips allowing the carrier to fall. He turned his son, who was dressed in a tiny tux that matched Dick’s so he was positioned on his hip.
Barbara grinned, she had taken her fair share of photos of her two guys while they had their privacy upstairs earlier. But They just looked so identical and cute dressed alike. Nate reached for Barbara letting out a small whine
“Such a Mommy’s boy” Dick joked as he passed his son to her
She kissed her sons chubby cheek before turning back to her fiancé “Oh gee I wonder who he gets it from”
Dick smirked scooting closer, kissing her cheek “I don’t know Mama, why don’t you show me?” He whispered in her ear
Barbara bite her lip as Dick pulled back
“Awe Young Grayson!” An elderly man with a cane approached them. Dick and Barbara both recognized him as the owner of a hotel chain . Which one? They don’t remember. All they know is he’s been coming to these things since they were kids, he’s extremely wealthy and has had many different wives. The latest of which was at his side now. She couldn’t have been much older than them
Dick puts on a smile. “Ah yes sir, how are you? “ he extended his hand for a proper shake
“I should congratulate you on both the beautiful bride and the offspring “ the old man waved
Dick smiled proudly “Thank you”
The blonde tugs at the old man’s coat “Awe honey look at the baby he’s so cute! I want a baby. Can we buy a baby?” She pouts . Dick and Barbara take this as an opportunity to sneak away. Only to run into a lady by the name of Rita Washington
She was a kind woman, in her 60’s who was a widow. Inheriting her husbands entire fortune
“Well would you look at you two cuties “ she smiled
The couple flashed her a grin back
“And this little ray of sunshine” Rita stepped forward touching Nathan’s arm “Wanna come to Auntie Rita?” She held her arms out. Knowing it would be good publicity Barbara passed her son to the woman. Luckily Nate didn’t cry.
“Awe hunny” the woman sighed as she lightly bounced the baby “I know what you’re feeling, you grow this human inside you for 9 months, go through hours of labor only for it to come out looking just like it’s daddy and nothing like you” she looked toward Dick
“Both my sons were the same way, luckily my daughter looks like me.”
Both Dick and Barbara laughed lightly,
Rita passed the baby back to Barbara. Nate laid his head on Barbara’s shoulder
“Awe he loves his mother doesn’t he?” The woman cooed
Barbara smiled “It’s partially my fault, I probably baby him too much” she ran her fingers over her sons hair
Rita shook her head “Oh sweetie don’t believe everything people tell you. Don’t think you need to rush and make him grow up cause it goes by too fast. The boy won’t be 20 and wanting to hang on your hip.”
Dick nodded “Even if he, is there isn’t nothing wrong with a man being attached to his mother”
Rita smiled “I like your way of thinking, you two take care.” She dismissed before turning
They didn’t make it 3 steps before they ran into Bruce, Jason, Tim and Stephanie
“There you three are, Ive been searching for you all night” Bruce spoke
Dick shrugged “Who knew when you shock a crowd with finally seeing your baby and an engagement it would keep you busy”
Tim rolled his eyes
“He looks so cute in his little suit!” Stephanie gushed
Barbara smiled “Yeah who knew Armani made baby sized suits.”
“Who knew people would pay $3,000.00 for a suit that will only fit for a few weeks” Dick chuckled
“Enough with the ’Who knews’ obviously we all knew’ Let me see my grandson” Bruce taking Nathan from Barbara’s arms without hesitation
Nathan batted his grandfathers cheeks causing Bruce to fight a smile
“Is it time for the circle of life ritual? Should I go get Alfred so he can hold the little Rugrat over the staircase while everyone cheers in admiration?” Jason thumbed
Stephanie stiffened a laugh “Whats with the backwards Superman backpack?” She asked instead
Dick looked down, quickly undoing the carrier he had forgotten about “Its not a backpack it’s a Tula Baby carrier with a Superman print.” He defended
“Plus Dick loves wearing the baby and making it well known that he ‘made it with his fiancé’ cause ’Who knew Dick and Babara were having sex....spoiler alert--everyone. Even Batcow knew“ Jason added
“Jason” Barbara grunted.
He smiled “Oh come on Barbie, let me take pride in the fact I’m the first in the whole family who knew you two were a thing. Our bedrooms we're next door to each other. You thought you were sneaking in and out of his bedroom window unheard? “
She smiled, he wasn’t wrong
Dick and Barbara were able to sneak away, entrusting the care of their son in the family.
Meanwhile, they wanted some privite time, after all this was a celebration of their engagement
Dick slammed Barbara up against the wall of the storage closet causing the Metal chairs of the nearby shelf to rattle.
“How-how many times do you think we’ve hid in this storage closet?” She stuttered
Dick shrugged as he began kissing down her neck “I dunno” he mumbled “10?”
She raked her fingers through his hair “Are you sure? We’ve snuck off a lot during gala’s growing up”
Dick looked up “Oh you mean just innocently sneaking off too? Like counting when we were kids.”
Barbara rolled her eyes “Of course you big lug!” She unhooked her legs and slid back to the ground.
Dick smiled “In that case countless times. Remember how Alfred used to purposely leave extra cookies in the kitchen for us to eat. “
She nodded as her eyes scanned the floor
Dick watched her curiously
“There it is.” She squatted down, the tight red dress making it difficult, she pushed a stack of chairs slightly aside, revealing two sets of initials carved into the wood shelving ’BG+DG=BFF’
Dick smiled ”I forgot we did that! We were what? 11?”
Barbara noddd ”Something like that” she watched as he bent down, pulling a pocket knife out of his sock, one thing Bats never did was walk around unarmed
”Watcha doing lover?” she asked
He smiled as he carved the shelving ”Updating it” he pulled the knife back, next to the old carving read a new one ”BG + DG Forever” with a heart around it
”You like it?” he asked
She pecked his lips ”I love it” she whispered before pushing him so he was lying down on the closet floor ”I love you” she whispered kissing his lips
”And I love you” he grinned back kissing her again.
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suhglow · 5 years ago
Anything for You | Mark Lee | Part 2
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Part 2/3 // Read part 1 here
Pairing // Mark Lee + Reader
Genre // Smut, Angst
Word Count // 4.4K
Song Rec // feelings are fatal by mxmtoon, You by Alextbh, when the party’s over by Billie Eilish
Warnings // plot, use of alcohol, sexual content, sad shit
Summary // You’re worried your feelings could be fatal for others you care about. But, the feelings are too good, however, all good things must come to an end.
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It had been two weeks since Mark buried himself in you for the first time. Since then, your make-out sessions tend to escalate quickly. Once you broke the seal, it seems like you two can't keep your hands off each other. As much as you wanted to spend the night in Mark's bed watching movies, you had to reserve the night for your friends. Nayeon invited the girls over for a self-care sleepover, something cute and simple. You sat on a barstool across the counter from Yeri, sharing a bowl of chocolate covered almonds, discussing the state of music right now.
"All I'm saying is, that song needs to come to an end. It's so annoying," she spat in disgust.
"I don't know, there something charming about it. It's annoying but it's nice to see something everyone innocently loving it?"
"You're so cheesy."
You playfully rolled your eyes before popping another chocolate in your mouth.
"___," Yeri's tone a little more serious.
"Hmm?" Your ears perked up.
"I can't stop thinking about Mark. Since the party, I've been thinking about it."
Your heart sank once again. You didn't know what to say so you stayed quiet which wasn't like you. You usually were one to give advice instantly, always wanting to help a friend out. But, this time you were at a loss. What could you say that would be healing to either of you?
"I keep thinking about when we would hang out all the time when we'd go to the park and just talk on the swings at night. Like it sounds stupid, it happened so long ago, but I can't stop thinking about it. I still feel…things for that stupid fat head. I hate it. I hate that he told me liked spending time with me, that he liked me. I hate that I didn't do anything then, how things just ended."
"Yeri," you place your hand on hers trying to calm her. The more she talked about, the more upset she became.
"I just…want to stop feeling like this. I want to get over it, but I still love him."
You started to tear up, hearing her like this. You felt like in a way you were hurting her. She didn't know, but it still felt like you were keeping her away from being happy.
"I'm sorry Yeri."
"It's okay, dude. I just needed to tell someone, I don't need advice right now, just for someone to listen. You know?"
You nodded, still holding on tight to her hand.
"Shit, I need to go to the bathroom real quick," she says dabbing her eyes. Once she excuses herself you rest your head on the cool countertop.
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.
At a moment like this, you shouldn't want to go to the boy that you friend just confessed her love for, but Mark made you forget things like.
 can you pick me up for a bit? i want to see you:(
 yeah, i'll be there in a few. you're at nayeon's right?
 You sigh again, "Fuck, ___." Maybe you shouldn't have texted Mark, how did you plan on slipping out for a while. You go to one of the bedrooms to find your bag and keys, waiting until Mark lets you know he's outside. You find Joy in the living room with some of the girls, wine glass in hand.
"Joy, I forgot something at home, I'll be right back if anyone asks," you whisper to her.
"Oh, okay. Do you want me to come with you?"
"No, it's okay!"
As you walk towards the door, Yeri catches you.
"Where'd you go? Wait where are you going?"
"Sorry I'll be back I just have to run to my house real quick."
"Oh, okay."
You give a brief smile, slipping out the front door. You walk out looking for Mark's car until you look a little down the street and see it in front of one of the neighbors' houses.
 "Thanks, I can't be gone for long but I just wanted to see you," you lean over giving him a peck on the lips.
"Is everything okay," he questions as he pulls into the street.
"Yeah," you nod. Obviously it wasn't but why would you tell Mark any of this.
Mark heads out of the neighborhood and finds a parking lot nearby. You two sit there silent at first.
"Are you sure you're okay? You're being really quiet."
You look to him, the parking lot light highlighting half of his face.
"Yeah, I just missed you." You give him another kiss, your tongue grazing his bottom lip until his lips part. He tasted like candy, sour patch kids specifically. His hand found its way to your side before slipping into the front of your pants. You pull back,  a little spit connecting you two. His lips wet and a little plumped.
"Mark, it's okay," you pull his hand out.
You give him a smile before kissing him again.
"It's okay. Thanks again for coming to get me. I hope I didn't pull you away from anything."
"Nah, I was just hanging out with some of the guys. It's not a big deal." You nod.
"Do you think it's strange how we've known each other for this long and just now started…dating?" You ask. Were you two dating?
"I mean, things happen for a reason. I think this happened when it was supposed to. Matter fact of dating, can I take you on an actual date? I mean movie dates at our houses are nice and all, but I wanna take you to dinner or something," he lets out. You rest your hand on his.
"I know. I wanna go on actual dates too. We can do something soon."
"Good. I'll have it all planned out, baby," he smiles.
"Stop," he shies away again. "Let me call you cute names without you teasing me!"
You laugh at how flustered he gets, "Sorry, I'm just not used to it yet. But I love when you call me baby." You reconnect your lips, tasting the sweet candy on his tongue again. Kissing Mark was timeless, you didn't think so much time had passed until your phone rang.
 "Are you okay? You've been gone for like 45 minutes."
"Yeah I'm good, I got caught up talking to my mom about something, but I'm heading back now."
"Okay, just checking. I'll see you soon?"
"See you soon."
 You sighed as you hung up
"Who was it?"
"Joy, I guess I should get back."
Mark nodded, starting the car.
 As he pulls up to the curb, you thank Mark again and give him one last kiss.
"Bye, baby," you smirk as you pull away.
"Bye," he blushes.
 You walk back in and find Joy leaning against the wall, waiting for you.
"What are you doing?" You look at her. She takes a sip of her wine and eyes you.
"Come with me." You blindly follow her until you're in the guest room.
"___, I can't believe you lied to me," she pouts.
"What do you mean?"
"Bitch, I have your location. I know you didn’t go home. Why were you in an Ikea parking lot for like half an hour?"
"You spied on me?"
"I just checked, saw you were there, checked back and you were still there. Plus I looked outside your car was still there."
"___, you dumb bitch," you huff to yourself.
"Yeah, it's not your best work," Joy giggled. It was eating at you. You had to tell someone and why not confide in Joy.
"I need to tell you something."
Joy nodded for you to go on. You took a deep breath, you were probably being dramatic, but it couldn't be helped.
"I was with Mark, he picked me up."
"Is he okay?" She asked concerned.
"Yeah, but he picked me up because…we're seeing each other."
Joy's eyes lit up a little, "Seeing like dating?"
"Yes," you said quietly.
"OH my god, why would you hide something like that? Aww ___ and Mark. Wait, does Yeri know about it?"
"Of course not, you're the only one that knows now. But, do you see the issue?"
"What happened with them is in the past, hun."
"Is it? Because literally an hour ago Yeri told me how she's not over Mark. And you hear her when she's drunk. She told me all of this stuff, and what do I do as a best friend? I go off and see him."
"How long has this been going on?"
"Like almost two months?" you think back.
"___, you kept this away from everyone for two months?"
"Yes, but for a good reason." Joy blinks in disbelief. "We also had sex," you rush out.
Joy's eyes grew wide, "You lost your virginity and you didn't think to tell your best friends?"
"Joy, I wanted to tell you guys so bad. It's so hard going through all of this and not sharing it with my best friends," you whine.
You two stood there silently, waiting for the other to speak first. So finally you break the silence.
"Joy, I don't know what to do. I really like Mark, but I feel bad because of Yeri."
"Well, you guys like each other right? You deserve to be happy. I’ve never seen you date or even remotely have a serious crush. I don’t want you to throw this away. I get you're worried about Yeri, but maybe talk to her about it."
"I don't think you get it. She still loves him. I can't do that, it'll break her heart."
"Shit, I don't know then. I mean I would talk to her, but ultimately it's up to you."
"Please don't tell her or anyone."
"I promise," she pulls you into a hug. "Stop keeping so many secrets from me, you know I love you."
"I love you too," you muffle into her shoulder.
 You two return to the rest of the girls, who were getting ready to turn on a movie, some preparing snacks, some setting up a big comfy sitting area. You walk into the kitchen where Yeri is baking s'mores.
"Dude, You've been gone forever."
"I know, sorry I got caught up with something."
 You didn't plan on saying anything tonight, you just wanted to think on it. Think about your friendship with Yeri, how strong it was. Plus, your relationship with Mark, it was new, but you can't stop thinking about how happy you were with him.
 You being the person you are, you thought about your situation. Mapped it out, wrote it down, all the pros and cons. Pros of staying with Mark and telling your friends: you're happy, mark's happy, cute dates, no more hiding, things can be normal. Cons: Yeri might be so pissed she never talks to you again. Or Yeri pretends she's okay with it and slowly cuts you out of her life. Maybe you were being a little paranoid. Just a little. Pros of ending things with Mark before it got too serious: Yeri doesn't get hurt by your betrayal, Mark might even be okay. Things are new he might get over it quickly, but will you? Cons: you'll break your own heart, but at this point, you'd rather hurt yourself than your best friend. You know you're strong enough to let go of a boy. But, you don't know if you can let go of your best friend of 6 years. But, what if Mark gets upset. Or what if things are awkward with him afterward. But ultimately your main concern was protecting Yeri and your friendship.
 It hasn't even been that serious. It's only been 2 months. I guess 2 months is a good amount of time. But, not long enough for him to take it hard, right? Mark is a cute guy, he'll get over it and find someone else. Fuck, I don't want to see him with someone else. That's probably how Yeri feels. If she ever saw us together she'd probably hate me, or at least the idea of us. I can hold off for a while? Maybe Yeri will be happy that I'm happy. But she's really emotional. This fucking sucks.
 Laying on your bed, you stare at the ceiling, thinking things through. You let out a huff as you pull yourself up when there's a soft knock on your door. You call for whoever to come in and to your surprise, a Mark Lee pops his head in.
 "What are you doing here?" You ask, trying to carefully clean up your pile of problem-solving notes so he won't notice them.
"I just thought we could hang out until we meet up with the others later," he quickly closes the door behind him.
"Oh, you should of texted me," you say, accepting his hello kiss. Mark plops down on the bed, resting his head in your lap. He looks up at you giving his cute-as-always smile, "Sorry, I wanted to surprise you."
"And what if I was busy doing something?" You start running your fingers through his hair, intertwining your free hand with his.
"Sounds kind of hot," he hums closing his eyes. You lightly hit his chest, causing him to laugh.
"Shut up, you're not funny."
"You're laughing!"
"That's not even what I meant like I could have been running errands, or I don't know…"
"Taking a shower?" he interrupts.
"What's wrong with you, Lee? Instead of beating around the bush, just tell me why you're actually here," you playfully pinch his cheek.
"I'm here because," he gets up, now inches away from your face, "I wanted to see you…and maybe, I don't know, I just wanted to…"
"Mess around?"
"You're so awkward, but you're so damn cute," you pull him on top of you, as you lay down, pressing your lips to his.
 You go to unbutton his pants, but he quickly stops you.
“Wait, I've been wanting to do this. Just lay back?”
You nod and follow his request.
"You're always so eager to please," you smirk.
"Well you always take care of others, I figured you should be cared for now," he says as he climbs between your legs.
Mark hesitantly starts to pull your shorts down as your heart rate picks up. He looks up at you with innocent eyes before pulling your underwear down too. He bites his bottom lip as he eyes your pussy.
His head shoots up. You reach over for your phone, putting some music on.
"I don't need my brother hearing anything."
"Oh, your mom was the one who let me in."
"That's even worse."
Mark lightly chuckled, "Sorry."
 Once the music starts, Mark's attention goes back to your bare pussy. He wets his lips before placing a kiss on your clit sending chills through your body. He continues kissing and lightly sucking the sensitive bud. Finally, he starts licking long strides up your pussy, licking up all your wetness. You arch your back, trying not to moan loudly. Your hands find their way to his head, running your fingers to move his hair out of his eyes. His gaze shifts up to you.  You feel his tongue glide in between your folds, before returning back to your clit. He inserts a finger in you still working his tongue.
"Fuck," you try to whisper. He inserts another finger, moving them in and out. You roll your hips into him, bringing your legs up. You didn't know what your body was trying to do. It felt like since you could make much noise, your body responded forcefully. His fingers speed up as he keeps sucking on your clit. His round eyes stare at you making you whine quietly. His fingers curl against the perfect spot, creating blissful friction. It felt amazing, his soft lips on you with his slender fingers in you. The way he curls and wiggles his finger against your g-spot cause your brows to furrow and your jaw to slack open. Nothing but breathy groans coming out as you grab for the sheets. "Fuck, fuck, fuck Mark," you can't help but whisper like a mantra as you cum. He slows down but doesn't stop as your hips buck forward for the sensitivity. He finally lets up as you try to catch your breath. Propping yourself up on your elbows you look at him, still between your thighs, his lips and chin wet.
 "Did that feel good?"
"Yes, pretty baby," you smile.
He blushes at the name, "Why pretty?"
"Because you look so pretty right now."
"Oh," his cheekbones unable to lower from his grin. "When you said my name like that it was really hot."
"I wish I didn't have to hold back, that was so good," you sigh laying back down. Mark crawls up next to you kissing you. His tongue pushing its way to yours. You could taste yourself, which you didn't mind. Mark's hand was back on your bare core, running in between your folds. The wetness coating his fingers. You could feel his hard-on through his pants, poking your leg.
"You taste so good, just like I thought you would," he whispers.
"When are you gonna let me taste you?" you tease.
"Shit, do we have time now?"
"I don't care if we do or not," you eagerly move to your knees. Mark looks stunned, "Oh okay." He sits up, leaning against your headboard. You pull his pants down and bring his boxers along with them. His dick pops up, desperate to be touched. You kneel in front of him, bending down to gently kiss the tip. You softly press your tongue, bringing your lips to wrap around the head, sucking lightly.
"Oh my god," Mark moans rather loudly. You quickly cover his mouth. "Shut up," you quietly laugh. Mark nods as you remove your hand. You hate he couldn't be louder because the noises he made were so pretty.
 You return your attention back to his needy cock, using your hand to pump it a couple times before wrapping your lips around him again. Slowly you start to bob your head. Mark tries his best to keep quiet, letting out breathy moans. The sound making you moan too, sending vibrations to him. You slack your jaw, attempting to get all of him in your mouth. You feel his tip in the back of your throat, making you choke a little. You let up, allowing your hand to stroke his cock so you can catch your breath.
 "Shit," Mark curses as spurts of cum shoot up. You smile widely, still pumping his dick seeing how much more will come out. His body contracts and he goes to stop your hand from causing any more friction. You finally let go, and bend closer licking up a bit of the sticky liquid.
"You made more of a mess than I thought."
"Sorry I came fast," he mumbles embarrassingly.
"Don't be. That was sexy."
You come up, grabbing him by the back of his neck, bringing his lips to yours.
"We should probably clean up," you say against his lips.
"What time is it?"
"Almost 7, but I want to shower before I go to Joy's. And no, you cannot join. Not yet," you tease.
"That's a promising yet, and I’m looking forward to that yet," Mark smirks.
"Yeah, whatever," you playfully roll your eyes. "Just get yourself cleaned up."
 Somehow meeting at Joy's to watch your weekly show turned into piling into a car and going to the store. You guys walked around, occasionally stopping to look at something. A jacket caught Jungwoo's eye and he pulled for Joy to follow him. You, Yeri, and Mark followed behind laughing about some tweet Yeri saw. Mark, walking in between you two, swings his arms up to hang over the both of your shoulders. You don't think much of it until you glance and catch Yeri staring up at Mark. The look in her eyes felt familiar. The same way you felt with Mark. You could see the twinkling in her eyes when she looked at him. Mark was still oblivious, just looking ahead trying to convince Jungwoo to buy the jacket. There was no way you could take that light away from Yeri. Just looking at her made you feel heavy. You couldn't let it continue like this. As you all keep walking, you're luckily able to pull Joy to the side while the others are busy playing with the kids' toys.
"Joy, there's a problem."
"What now?"
"Yeri, the way she looks at Mark."
"What do you mean?"
"She just looks so…soft?"
"I haven't noticed. Honestly, I've been looking at you two. You guys are so cute," she giggles causing you to blush,
"Stop," you playfully hit her. "But seriously, when I look at her it makes me feel bad. I think I'm gonna break up with Mark."
"What? No," Joy jumps!
"Joy, I have to."
"No, you don't. Breaking up with him doesn’t mean he's going to fall in love with Yeri."
"You're right."
"You just need to talk to her."
Joy nods a yes.
"Do you think it's the right time?" you question.
"Of course! You can tell her when we go back to my place after the guys leave. Don't worry, I'll be there."
"Shit, I'm really nervous. I just don't want her to hate me."
"Things will be fine."
"When you say that, I get more nervous," you sigh.
 You guys eventually return to Joy's, finally watching the episode. The boys had left afterward, leaving you with Yeri and Joy.
"Why are you so quiet tonight, ___?" Yeri teased.
"Um, I…," your heart started running wild. "Yeri, I need to tell you something. I understand if you're pissed at me, but please just hear me out."
Yeri cocked her head back, "You're making me nervous. What is it?"
Joy sat quietly, just watching. You glance at her and she gives you a supportive smile.
"I…I'm dating," you slowly say. You can see her face start to light up until she looks completely shocked as you finish your sentence.
"You're…" she begins. She looks down, trying to process it before putting on an obviously fake smile. "You're dating Mark. Mark Lee. That's great!"
"I'm so sorry, Yeri."
"For what? There's nothing wrong with that," the anger in her voice becoming more apparent as she keeps rambling. "I mean other than the fact you've been lying to me. I mean like how long has this even been going on?"
"Two months," you whisper.
"Two months? Wow, good for you," she stands up. "And did you know about this?" she turns to Joy.
"I only just told her, don't be mad at her you can be mad at me."
"I'm not fucking mad! Why would I be? Because you literally decided to date the ONE boy I've ever let my guard down for?" she yells! You feel your eyes start to well up. "I mean seriously! The least you could have done is fucking let me know."
"Yeri," Joy calls, "please, at least stop yelling."
"Why should I? I can't believe you, ___. I trusted you. I told you so much. Even the other week! You never told me," Yeri cried!
"I'm sorry, Yeri," is all you could say.
"Sorry that you took Mark or that you lied?"
"Goddammit, Yeri. I know you're pissed but obviously, she's upset about it. Look, this has been eating at her," Joy spoke up.
"Whatever. I'll fucking get over it, right?" She grabs her keys and coat before storming out without another word. As soon as the door slams shut, your eyes go on autopilot and blind your sight with tears. Everything escalated so fast, and what you feared, happened. Joy sits on her bed, silent. She didn't know what to say and neither did you.
 Once the weekend came, you still didn't feel better. Yeri still hadn't said a word to you. She wouldn't text the group chat, and the most you heard is she talked to Joy the next day. You had given yourself time to think. You didn't text or call her, you just wanted to give her space for now. You knew she would be upset, but you didn't think she would yell at you like that. "Stole." She said you stole Mark.
  You stare blankly at the TV. You weren't sure what Mark put on, but nothing interested you at the moment.
"So, I was thinking next Friday we could go to that restaurant in the arts district everyone talks about, it's kind of expensive but I've been getting really good hours this week," Mark rambled. You looked at up him, tucked into his side. You unlatch yourself, sitting up.
"Mark, I've been meaning to talk to you, but I don't think it's a good idea we keep doing this."
His face fell almost immediately.
"What do you mean?" he questions as he swings himself forward.
"I just don't think we should keep seeing each other like this."
"But, why?" Mark voice cracked like he was already about to cry. You didn't think he would take it so hard.
"I just don't see us working out," you say, avoiding his face.
"___, I don't get it. I thought we were good." You close your eyes trying not to cry.
He wasn't supposed to take it this hard.
"We're still good. But, just not like this. Things can still be good though, as friends."
Mark sat there for a moment, you didn't know what was going through his mind.
"I don't get it. Are you scared of the future? Why do you even care about then when it's working now?"
"I just don't see the point when I know it won't end well," you try to push through the knot in your throat.
"Just tell me if you don't like me anymore. You can tell me, it'd make more sense," he stands up,
You finally look at him, you both have tears in your eyes.
"It's not like that."
"Fuck, ___," he huffed out. "I don't know what to do."
"Mark, it'll be okay. You'll move on, it's what's best."
"I don't care. You're the one I want."
The hurt in your heart grows. You want to say something, you want to apologize, say nevermind and kiss him until his pain goes away. You want to do everything except this.
"Please don't say that," you cry even more.
"Why? It's true."
There's a moment of silence. Mark stands there frustrated, his fingers pulling at his hair.
"I didn't want it to be this difficult," You say a little above a whisper.
"Well, we don't always get what we want," Mark huffs out.
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✨Listen to Mark’s break up playlist!!✨
A/N // Ooh she’s big sad:( As always feedback is greatly appreciated! PUH-LEASE let me know what you think! I know this took a while to come out but school is trying to kill me so:/ Please look out for the third and final part!
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you-a-southpaw-doll · 6 years ago
Another One Bites The Dust (AOBTD) ~ Chapter 18
Warning(s): FLUFF!!! Language. Angst. Pregnancy. Mentions of miscarriage. Soft side to Negan shows.
Taglist: @negans-network , @thamberlina , @prettyboynegan , @mychemicalimagines
Previous Chapters: One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six. Seven. Eight. Nine. Ten. Eleven. Twelve. Thirteen. Fourteen. Fifteen. Sixteen. Seventeen. 
Chapter 18 ~ In Case You Didn’t Know
I smile as soon as I walk into my bedroom. Tim’s finally up and moving ‘round. He still has some trouble walking long distances, but he’s gotten better in the three weeks since he woke up from the coma he was in. Jeffrey’s got one arm wrapped ‘round Tim’s waist as the two walk ‘round. 
Jeffrey helps him turn ‘round so they can face me. Their faces both light up once they see me.
“Hey, sweetheart.” Tim says.
“Hey, doll.” Jeffrey says, grinning.
“Hi, boys.” I say.
They both chuckle.
“In case you didn’t know, doll, we’re not exactly boys. We’re men.” Jeffrey teases.
I laugh. “I’m well aware of the fact that you’re both men. But, you’re still my boys.”
This has both of ‘em blushing, and grinning from ear-to-ear. Jeffrey helps Tim walk over to the bed, where they both settle down. I sit in front ‘em, crossing my legs under me. I reach one hand out to each of ‘em. They both willingly lace their fingers with mine. 
They both stare at our hands.
“You know we’re men, don’t you?” Tim asks, teasingly.
I giggle. “Of course I know. Besides…I have somethin’ to tell y’all that further solidifies that you’re both men.”
This has their attention. They both look up at me, curious as to what I’m ‘bout to say, but they also look worried.
“You’re ok, right, doll?” Jeffrey asks.
I grin and nod. “I’m actually better than ok.”
He cocks an eyebrow. “Yeah?”
Tim chuckles. “That’s good. You wanna let us in on what’s got you so good, baby?”
I bite my lip and glance down. “I’m pregnant.”
I hear Jeffrey cough and Tim suck in a deep breath. I look up at ‘em. They both look really happy, but also shocked.
“You wanna say that again, sweetie?” Jeffrey asks, quietly. “I’m not quite sure I heard you right.”
I giggle. “You heard just fuckin’ fine and you know it.”
He smirks. “Maybe so. But, I wanna hear you say it again.”
“Me too.” Tim agrees.
“I said, ‘I’m pregnant’.” I repeat.
They both grin from ear-to-ear, their eyes lighting up.
“So…we’re gonna be actual dads?” Tim asks.
I grin and nod. “Yep! Now don’t ask me which one of you two knocked me up, ‘cause I don’t know.”
Jeffrey laughs and reaches forward to place a hand on my tummy. Tim does the same. Their fingers overlap each other’s.
“That doesn’t matter, doll. That’s still our kid. It doesn’t matter which one of us knocked you up. We’re both still gonna take care of you and the baby.” Jeffrey says.
I smile. “I know. That’s why I love you both.”
“We fuckin’ love you too, baby. Ain’t that right, hubby?”
Tim chuckles. “Fuck yeah it’s right.”
I giggle. “Goofballs.”
“Your goofballs.”
I smile and nod. Jeffrey looks up at me.
“When’d you find out?” He asks.
“This mornin’. I stopped by to see Doc to get some more pain meds for Tim, and he noticed somethin’ was off with me. Then, I got sick in his office. He asked me when my last cycle was, and after I told him, he had me take a pregnancy test to double check. When it came back positive, he knew there wasn’t anythin’ else wrong with me. I came straight here to tell y’all.” I say.
My boys both smile, letting their dimples show. I lean forward and kiss ‘em both on the forehead.
“Have you told Alyss or Negan yet?” Jeffrey asks.
I shake my head. “I wanted y’all to be the first people I told. You know, seeing as this is y’all’s child too.”
Tim chuckles. “You’re right ‘bout that. When do you wanna tell the rest of the family?”
I shrug. “Maybe later tonight.”
They both nod, giving me the all clear that they’re ok with me telling Negan and Alyss the good news later.
“How far along do you think you are, doll?” Jeffrey asks.
“Doc guessed ‘round two and a half to three months. It’s kinda hard to know for sure these days.” I say.
“That makes sense. I guess we’ll need to start lookin’ for baby items when we go out on runs.”
I nod. “I was thinkin’ ‘bout that.”
Tim looks at Jeffrey and whispers something to him quietly. Jeffrey takes a deep breath in and replies just as quietly. I wish I knew what they were talkin’ ‘bout. There’s a set of three heavy knocks on our bedroom door.
“C’mon in.” I call out.
The door opens. My best friend and my brother-in-law walk in. Alyss grins as soon as she sees me and rushes over to hug me. Negan chuckles and sits down beside his brother and brother-in-law. I hug Alyss back before she settles down next to me. 
She glances down at the hands on my belly and looks up at me, questioningly.
“You ok, kid?” She asks.
I nod. “Fuck yeah!”
She laughs. I always say “Fuck Yeah!” in response to her questions that warrant an answer like that. It’s an inside joke between us that we’ve had since before the apocalypse started. One of our favorite magicians, who was known for being silent, once said it and it stuck with us.
“You boys just can’t seem to keep your hands off your wife, can y’all?” Negan teases.
Tim and Jeffrey both laugh before pulling their hands away from my tummy. I miss the warmth as soon as they do. They both look at me, grinning. Negan looks between them and I.
“Alright. What the fuck am I missing here?” He asks.
Jeffrey chuckles. “How do you feel ‘bout bein’ an Uncle?”
Negan’s brow furrows. “I’m already an Uncle. To Angel.”
I giggle. “Well, yea…but how ‘bout to another kid?”
“What are you getting’ at, Half Pint? Are you sayin’ what I think you’re sayin’?”
I smirk. “What do you think I’m sayin’, Tank?”
“You got a little munchkin on the way?”
I laugh. “Fuck yeah!”
Negan’s face switches from confusion to pure happiness. He starts to say somethin’ but he can’t get the words out. He just stops sputtering and grins. Alyss lets out a happy noise from beside me. Next thing I know, she’s got her arms ‘round me and is hugging me tightly. 
She lays her head on my shoulder.
“This mean I get to be an Aunt?” She asks, excitedly.
I place both my hands on her forearm, giggling. I rest my head against hers.
“Yes, bud. You get to be an Aunt.” I reply, smiling.
She hugs me tighter. “I’m so excited. This is gonna be fun.”
I nod. It really is. I look at the boys. They’re all grinning from ear-to-ear.
“I’m gonna be an Uncle!” Negan says, chuckling. “There’s gonna be a new Savior in the makin’!”
I groan. “My kid is not going to be a Savior, Tank.”
“Why not? He’d be the best Savior ever. I just know it.”
“We don’t even know if we’re havin’ a boy or girl. But, regardless, I don’t want to think ‘bout my child goin’ out on runs, fightin’ dead’uns, and potentially gettin’ hurt.”
Negan’s face softens. “Ok. I can understand that. Who knows…maybe by the time the little squirt’s grown up, things’ll be back to the way they were before, and there won’t be any dead’uns roamin’ ‘round.”
“That’d be a miracle. Who knows?”
“I can’t believe you’re gonna have a kid, Leigh!” Alyss says, dragging my attention to her.
I giggle. “I know. It’s gonna be great.”
She nods her head against my shoulder. “Damn straight it is.”
“Any idea whose youngin it is?” Negan asks, jokingly.
“Mine!” Both of my boys say at the same time.
Negan, Alyss, and I all laugh. Negan looks at my husbands.
“Last I checked…it only takes one man to get a woman pregnant.” He teases.
“Nah fuckin’ dip, Sherlock.” Jeffrey retorts. “As far as Tim and I are concerned, it doesn’t matter which one of us got Leigh pregnant. That kid is both of ours. We’ll both be its fathers.”
I smile. I know we’d always talked ‘bout settling down, getting married, and having kids, but that was before the world ended. Plus, we never had the chance to discuss what we’d actually do if we had kids. At least…as far which one would want to be the father or how we’d handle it. 
It makes my heart swell with love to know that my husbands are both so accepting of the fact that I’m pregnant. And, that it doesn’t really matter to either of ‘em when it comes to which one of ‘em knocked me up.
I look up at Negan. “Hmmm?”
He chuckles. “I was just askin’ if I could um … shit … you know … um …”
“Just spit it out, Tank.” I tease.
He blushes slightly. “Can I touch your belly?”
He sounds so nervous to ask me that. I smile and nod. His face lights up as he slowly reaches a hand out to touch my tummy. His hand pretty much covers my entire lower stomach. Negan bites his lip, as he gets lost in his thoughts. A look of sadness fills his eyes. 
I know that look. It’s one of loss. I gently place my hand over his. He looks up at me with tear-filled eyes.
“This kid’s gonna be loved every single day.” He mumbles, his voice cracking slightly. “They’re gonna be ok.”
“Of course they are. They have two lovin’ fathers, a lovin’ mum, a lovin’ uncle, and a lovin’ aunt.” I reply, softly.
He nods. He suddenly turns his head, but not before I catch a tear rolling down his cheek. He gets up and excuses himself from the room. I look at my husbands, who both look confused.
“I’ll be right back.” I say.
They nod and Alyss shifts, leaning off me. I get up and head after Negan. I find him in his room. He’s curled up in the corner, holding Lucille softly, along with something else. I make my way over to him and sit down beside him. I lay my head on his shoulder, just being there for him as he cries. 
I realize that the something in his hand is a worn-out photograph. Looking at it, I realize it’s an ultrasound. My heart breaks as I realize what this means. I wrap my arms ‘round my very broken hearted brother-in-law. His sobs get louder as I hold onto him.
I don’t say a word, but just comfort him as he mourns the loss of his unborn child. I know the kid was unborn ‘cause Negan has the ultrasound picture. If the kid had been born, then Negan would most likely have an actual photo.
“He’d be three now.” He mumbles. “We had everything picked out. Colors. A name. Clothes. Furniture. Everything. I even picked up this bat for him the day we found out we were havin’ a boy.”
He runs his fingers up and down the handle of Lucille. The meaning of how much the barbed wire baseball bat means to him hits me like a freight train. It’s not just some bat with a name. The bat’s named after his late wife who meant the world to him, and whom he misses dearly every single day. 
It represents the life he could’ve had with his son. It’s all he has left of his own family from before, aside from Jeffrey. I tighten my arms ‘round him, but don’t say anything.
He continues talking, quietly. “We lost him in an accident. I was late comin’ home from the school one day. Lucy…she’d tried callin’ me, but I didn’t answer ‘cause I was busy. I should’ve answered that damn phone call. I figured I’d just surprise her when I got home. I got to the house right as my phone started ringing. I didn’t recognize the number, but I just had this feeling that I had to answer it.
He pauses. “It was the hospital, calling me since I was listed as Lucille’s emergency contact, and she was mine. They told me she was there and asked me to come immediately. I turned the car ‘round and sped to the hospital. I don’t think I’ve ever driven that fast. By the time I’d gotten there, my baby boy…he was already gone. I didn’t even get the chance to hold him in my arms.
His voice cracks. “Apparently Lucy had fallen, gettin’ outta the shower. The force from the fall killed him. We found out two weeks later, just after we’d buried our son, that Lucille had cancer and was only given nine months to live. In less than a year, I lost my son, my wife, and the fuckin’ world ended.”
My heart breaks. He lost everything that mattered to him. He lifts the photo up so I can see it better.
“He had my nose and her eyes. I know you can’t really tell from this photo, but I’m tellin’ you, Half Pint, he did. He was gonna be so fuckin’ cute. I just knew it.” He says, proudly.
I lift my head to look at him. He glances down at me. The tears have stopped, but his cheeks are still wet. I cup his cheek.
“I’m so sorry, Negan. I can’t even imagine the pain you felt, still feel even, from losing ‘em both. I know you’d have made a damn good father.” I assure him.
He sniffles and nods. “I’ve always wanted to be a dad. I was so fuckin’ excited when we found out that we were gonna have a kid.”
“I kinda figured based on your reaction when you found out I was pregnant. If you got that excited ‘bout bein’ an uncle, I can only imagine how happy you’d be if you found out you were gonna be a dad.”
He gives me a small smile. “I miss ‘em both. ‘Specially my little boy that I never got to meet. Is that fucked up? I miss a baby I never got to see, never got to hold. I loved him more than anything, but I never got to meet him.”
I shake my head. “Honey – ah ah. Don’t look at me like that. You’re family, which means you’re subjected to a few sweet terms of endearment. And you know that I mean it in a platonic, family way. Not the way in which I refer to my husbands when I call ‘em ‘honey’.”
Negan chuckles. “Yes, ma’am. Continue.”
“Thank you. Now, as I was saying, honey, it’s not fucked up to miss your unborn child. It’s not fucked up to love him. Even though you never got to see him, hold him, or meet him, he was still your child. I love my unborn child that I just found out ‘bout this mornin’. Once you find out that you’re gonna be a parent, it’s like there’s this part of you that just fills with love for this little human being. It’s like your heart gets filled with something that you didn’t realize you were missing. You know?”
He nods. “I do know. When Lucille told me that she was pregnant, I felt like I’d finally done something right in my life. Like everything was gonna be alright. Like, my life was complete. I had something to look forward to every day. Somethin’ that made me want to keep on living. To be a better person, husband, and hopefully father.”
“Exactly. It’s just part of being a parent. And, quite frankly if it’s fucked up to love and miss your unborn child, then I’m perfectly ok with being fucked up.”
He lets out a quiet laugh. “Me too, Half Pint. Me too.”
I shift so that I can hug my brother-in-law better. He gently sets Lucille and the ultrasound photo down on the ground beside him before wrapping his arms ‘round me.
“Thank you, Leigh. This means a lot to me. I’m sorry if I put a damper on your announcement.” He apologizes.
I shake my head and tighten my arms ‘round him. “Non-fuckin’-sense, Negan. You don’t have to apologize, ok? ‘Cause you didn’t do a damned thing wrong. You were hit with the sudden emotions of mournin’ your son and wife. I get it. Or at least, I can kinda understand it since I’ve never gone through that myself. There’s no need to apologize. ‘Sides, the boys kinda already celebrated the announcement before you walked in. So, you don’t have to apologize. Ok?”
He nods. “Yes, ma’am.”
“As for you thankin’ me, brother, you don’t have to. You’re my family. You might be a stubborn, brutal asshole at times, but when it’s just you and me, or you, me, the boys, or you, me, and Alyss hangin’ out, you’re a total sweetheart. You’re human. You’re allowed to feel emotions, and everyone deserves someone that they can turn to and trust. I’m just glad that I can be that person for you.”
“Me too. I’m glad my brother met you. You’re too sweet, even when you have to beat someone to death, you still have your reasons, and you’re respectable. Plus, now that you’re married to my brother, that means you’re my sister-in-law, and I’m grateful for that.”
He tightens his arms ‘round me.
“I love you like the older brother I never had.” I tell him.
He chuckles. “And I love you like the little sister I never had.”
I smile. “What do you say we head back to the rest of the family? I think Angel should be getting back from her class here soon.”
“Angel! I gotta go see my sweet little niece!”
I chuckle and pull away from Negan. He stands up before reaching down to pick up the photo and Lucille. He walks over to his desk, tucking the photo away, and placing Lucille in the chair by his desk. I stand up and make my way to the door once I know Negan’s ready to follow me.
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hazelandglasz · 7 years ago
Hand Holding
I know I have a ton of prompts waiting for me, and don’t worry, I’m working on it, but “I Wanna Hold Your Hand” started playing and, well, I’m weak ^^
On AO3
5th grade
“Come on Kurt, you’ll get lost in that crowd--take my hand!”
Kurt has to admit that there is something comforting in his bestest friend holding his hand and guiding him through the sea of older people’s legs in front of them.
Blaine is so confident and so tall, he never gets lost.
“Do you have a compass in your head?” Kurt asks as they go from the manta ray aquarium to the octopus.
Blaine never drops his hand. “I don’t think so,” he replies, his voice muffled by the glass.
Kurt looks at him with a tiny frown before copying him. Blaine often has the best ideas when it comes to animals. With his nose smushed against the glass, Kurt can see all the details of the octopus’ tentacles when it slams against the glass. He lets out a shriek and jumps away, but Blaine never lets go of his hand.
Kurt swallows down on his tears. “It scared me.”
Blaine squeezes his hand and comes to stand closer. “It’s okay,” he says, his missing teeth making his voice softer, “look at it now.”
They both stay one step away from the glass, and they look at the octopus as it floats and swims, almost dances across the space of its aquarium.
“It’s pretty, ain’t it?”
Kurt nods and smiles at Blaine. “It is. Sometimes something scary can still be pretty.”
Blaine nods wisely before returning his eyes to the map. “Let’s go and see the otters!”
As they rush to play with the otters, Kurt considers the warmth of his bestest friend’s hand in his, and thinks that it is the prettiest thing.
8th grade
“Kurt, wait up!”
Kurt does freeze in the crowd, letting Blaine catch up with him. “I hate crowds,” Blaine mumbles when they are finally reunited.
“You love performing to a crowd, though,” Kurt says with a teasing smile.
“I do,” Blaine sighs, “but I hate having to get rough just to make my way. We shouldn’t have to fight to exist!”
On more levels than you think, Kurt thinks in petto, startled when Blaine wraps his hand around Kurt’s. “Um, Blaine?”
“We’re the same size now, but you’re more confident than me,” Blaine says as they keep walking towards the movie theater. “That way we won’t get lost!”
“Sure.” Kurt doesn’t mind, he really, really doesn’t. As a matter of fact, he loves having Blaine’s hand to hold.
But the looks they are getting from some people in the crowd--noticeably more aggressive than when they were youngers--make him let go of Blaine’s hand under the pretense of arranging his jacket.
Kurt loves B--he loves holding Blaine’s hand, but he has to be careful if he doesn’t want his weekends to look like his school days, thrown in dumpsters and knocked against the lockers.
Blaine doesn’t say anything, smiling sweetly at Kurt as he goes to get them snack without having to ask what Kurt wants to order.
They know each other so well, and yet, there is one thing Kurt can not, will not ever tell Blaine.
For both their sakes.
Because his secret is scary, and troubling, and not at all pretty.
10th grade
Kurt squeezes Blaine’s hand, biting on his lower lip.
He will kill them.
“Kurt, it’s okay.”
“Blaine, you have a bruised up face, don’t tell me it’s okay!”
“Fine, it’s not okay,” Blaine says, voice clipped, “but you’re kinda hurting my hand right now.”
“Oh.” Kurt lets go of Blaine’s hand, but Blaine catches it before Kurt can pull it away completely.
“I didn’t say I wanted you to let go completely,” Blaine says sweetly, an answer to Kurt’s unspoken question. “I like holding your hand, to be honest.”
“Even if those thugs probably hunt you down because of it?”
Blaine shrugs and winces in one breath at the ill-advised movement. “They probably hit me because they want to hold your hand,” he says with a wink.
Kurt can feel his face heating up, surely as red as the blood on Blaine’s baby blue polo. “I--I seriously doubt it,” he still manages to stutter, flicking Blaine’s bruised knuckles. “Blaine, I--”
“Kurt, it will be alright. Next year, you and I will be Freshmen, hopefully in different classes than those …”
“Sure. I was going with a more anatomical description, but that works too.” Kurt laughs at that and Blaine relaxes too. “Kurt, it’s three more years and we’ll be out of this state.”
“Three more years.” Kurt gently squeezes Blaine’s hand. “We can do this.”
“Duh. There’s nothing that can stop us if we’re together.”
Kurt’s heart does a valiant effort to break from his ribs and come out singing, but Kurt manages to calm it down into an inside samba. “To--together?”
Blaine frowns at him with his one unbruised eye. “We’re best friends, aren’t we? Like Miguel and Tulio.”
“Right, like Miguel and Tulio.”
Freshman Year
Except that Blaine’s parents have decided that maybe the public school system was not the safest environment for their son, and they send him to Dalton Academy with barely a week to say goodbye to his friends.
Well, his friend.
“Blaine, let go of Kurt’s hand.” Pam is tense as she smiles at Burt. “You two were very kind to accompany us for his first day.”
Burt puts his hand on both boys’ shoulder. “I didn’t have it in me to separate them any longer than necessary.”
Kurt will hug the hell out of his dad once they’re back in the car, but for now, he needs to squeeze Blaine’s hands. Blaine. Blaine. Blaine.
Blaine who looks so small in his uniform--though very dapper, for sure, the tie is a formidable accessory and …
What is he thinking?!
Curse that tie and that color scheme, they’re taking Blaine away from him.
“I’m--I’m still going to be back every two weeks,” Blaine says, swallowing on his tears. “We can still be best friends. We could write letters to each other!”
“Letters? Like, on paper and everything?” Even through his sorrow, Kurt can see the idea has some merit. Very Paris 1930s, if anything else. He can dig the romanticism of an epistolar friendship.
“Yep. I can even make collages for you.”
“And I’ll send you pressed flowers?”
Blaine’s cheeks take a pink hue. “I would love that.”
“Miguel and Tulio?”
“Miguel and Tulio.”
Over their heads, Pam and Burt exchange a “I have no clue, you neither, alright, let’s roll with it” look.
Somewhere in the distance, a bell rings and fear crosses Blaine’s eyes. “You--you’ll be all right?” He asks, but Kurt can hear his unspoken question.
Will I be all right?
Will we be all right?!
“Of course,” Kurt says, squeezing Blaine’s hand one more time before letting go. “Go be a rockstar.”
Blaine straightens up his lapels and exhales deeply. “Sure.”
Pam and Blaine walk away, but Blaine looks over his shoulder one more time to wave at Kurt. Somehow, Kurt manages to smile and wave back until the massive door closes behind his best friend.
Only then does he crumple. Burt pulls him close. “It will be all right, bud.”
“I--I don’t know how I’ll manage in school, Dad.”
“You’re strong, son. And you’ll make new friends.”
Kurt sighs. “If you say so.”
Junior Year
“Kurt! What are you doing here?”
Damn. Kurt was sure he would be able to spy on the Warblers without running into Blaine. There goes his cover.
“I am, um, looking around.”
“Are you considering joining the Academy?”
“Considering all my options.”
Blaine takes Kurt’s hand to pull him toward a stone bench. “Are things getting worse at McKinley?”
Kurt briefly closes his eyes and allows himself a small nod. Blaine knows about the hardships of school already--not all of it, though.
Blaine hasn’t let go of his hand, either, so that’s a bonus.
“Want to see the Warblers’ rehearsal?”
Kurt flushes bright red. Blaine doesn’t look at him, but from the corner of his eye, Kurt can see him smirking. That ass. Saw right through him. “That … could be nice. Aren’t they going to see right through me and beat me up?”
“The Warblers are more civilized than this.” Blaine stands up, holding up his hand once again. “Plus, I have an in with their leader, I’ll put in a good word for you. Now come on, it’s about to start, but I know a shortcut.”
A few months later
For the first time since they met each other, Blaine’s hand on Kurt’s feels clammy and sweaty and it … trembles?
“There is a moment where you just tell yourself ‘Oh, there you are, I have been looking for you forever.’ I have always known we were meant to meet each other, but watching you sing Blackbird this week, that was--”, Blaine pauses, tightening his hold on Kurt’s hand while Kurt is about to pass out, “that was a moment for me. It opened my eyes on what you meant to me, and this duet would have given me an excuse to spend more time with you, to build up the courage to talk to you about it, maybe sing about it?”
Kurt wetly laughs. “That’s why you picked a break-up song?”
Blaine responds with a slightly hysterical giggle. “Nah, that’s just me knowing your guilty pleasure with cheesy ballad.”
Before Kurt can reply anything else, Blaine looks at him and leans over, pressing their lips together.
In a flash, Kurt sees all the moments in their lives during which Blaine held his hand: when they met, in a grown-up handshake; at the aquarium as to not lose each other in the crowd; every time Kurt got scared, every time Blaine needed comfort.
That kiss? It is filled with all those emotions and more, a reminder of what they have and a promise of what is to come.
“Wow,” Blaine echoes, beaming at him. “We should--we should practice.”
“I think we’ve practiced enough,” Kurt says in a growl, releasing Blaine’s hand to grab his tie and pull him back to him.
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