#plus it's always so exciting getting a package so the longer you have to wait the more fun you get to have from the anticipation lol
ladykailitha · 10 months
Royal Pain: Epilogue
I know I said I would hold off posting until the Christmas story was completed, but this one literally had one chapter left and it felt rude to make you wait for it.
Happy boys!
Pt 1 Pt 2 Pt 3 Pt 4 Pt 5 Pt 6 Pt 7 Pt 8 Pt 9 Pt 10 Pt 11 Pt 12 Pt 13 Pt 14 Pt 15 Pt 16 Pt 17 Pt 18 Pt 19 Pt 20 Pt 21 Meta Pt 22 Pt 23 Pt 24|Pt 25|Pt 26|Pt 27|Pt 28
Six months later:
They were having a holiday plus everyone celebrating something awesome party.
It was held at Steve and Eddie’s new house. Steve had decided to move out the apartment and buy a house now that the business was so successful. And on their six month anniversary, Steve asked Eddie to move in with him.
It had two studios. A music one for Eddie, where he could write songs and the boys could practice so that they no longer had to rent out that garage.
The second one was for Steve to get his art degree. He was still running Royal Pain, but wanted to learn new styles and techniques that would help him become a better tattoo artist.
Chrissy, Robin, and Vickie had also moved into together, but into a bigger apartment that had three rooms so that they could all have their own space, but still remain a committed polycule.
Argyle and Chrissy were both full time tattoo artists, leaving time for Steve to go back to school.
Robin was going back to school, too. To become a translator.
Eden and Argyle were still a couple and expecting their first child in the summer.
Nancy and Jonathan remained broken up, with Nancy in therapy and Jonathan dating a friend of Miranda’s.
Jeff and Miranda were getting married in February, the reception to be held at the Nightmare Holes.
Mike and Will were official now, too and were in talks to move in together. They were trying to decide to move to Will’s apartment, Mike’s, or a find another apartment all together. One that was both their space.
Erica had moved to New York to be with Max and Lucas. But all of them were in town for the party. Having planned it around when the Knicks would be in town.
Hopper was loving Eden as his apprentice, hers almost being up. He was eyeing the first of the year to promote her.
Brian came out as ace and that Cecil was his platonic life partner and had been for the last couple of years.
Gareth and Gethin were still sharing the apartment, but they were still single. Gethin was always looking for the next Mrs Hughes, but Gareth was content to find out more about himself before diving into a relationship.
Dustin and Suzie were also expecting, but they had just found earlier that week.
The Binghams were so excited that two of their daughters were pregnant and were planning to come up in the summer to help with Eden’s baby and help Suzie get ready for hers.
They were all gathered around in the kitchen with a package that Murray had sent over that morning.
“Come on, Ed,” Wayne said softly. “Open ‘er up.”
Eddie nodded and tore the brown paper off the gift. He let out a choked out sob.
Steve put his arm around Eddie’s shoulder.
“Oh sunshine,” Steve breathed. “Show everyone.”
Eddie nodded and lifted it over his head so everyone could see.
There in a black frame and nestled in a white background was a gold record for their song, Pretty Boy Under Bright Lights. The first love song Eddie ever wrote for Steve. And it had just sold its five hundred thousand copy.
They all started cheering.
Steve kissed Eddie’s cheek fiercely. “See? I knew you could do it on your terms, Eds. You are a rockstar now.”
Tears ran down his cheeks nodding his head. Then he was surrounded by his band. They were hugging him and cheering.
Sometimes it really does work out for everyone. Even if didn’t happen the way they thought it would.
Eddie thought back to that day so long ago when Max had called him to let him know that she was leaving. He never thought that losing a tattoo artist would change his life forever.
Later that night, he pulled her aside.
“I owe you big time, Red,” he said, wrapping his arm around her.
Max grinned. “Hell yeah you do.”
“Anything you want, you’ve got,” Eddie promised. “My left kidney. My first child.”
She laughed. “When you two get married, I want to do matching tattoos on both of you.”
Eddie blinked. “Deal!”
Steve wandered over just then. “What’s a deal?”
Max grinned up at him. “Eddie just promised me that I get to do wedding tats when you two get married.”
Steve looked at Eddie and then back to Max. “Yeah, that’s fair.”
Max nodded once. “Damn straight it is.”
“Oh, honey,” Eddie teased. “There ain’t nothing straight about this relationship.”
She smacked his arm.
But Eddie just giggled.
“Come on,” Max said. “I want to see it.”
Eddie rolled his eyes. “You saw it on my Insta.”
“It’s not the same and you know it,” she growled. “I want to see Steve’s masterpiece.”
Steve blushed. “Come on, Max...”
Eddie looked at his blush and then turned to Max. “Fine. But here and not out there where everyone can gawk.”
“Well, duh,” she said. “That’s why I asked now.”
Eddie took off his shirt and turned around.
“Oh shit,’ she hissed. “It’s even better than the pictures give it credit. Steve, this is incredible. There’s no way I could have done something like that.”
Steve ducked his head. “I really really like how it turned out.”
Eddie put his shirt back on. “Yeah. Me too. I just don’t like showing it off, because it’s so personal. Between me and Steve.”
Max nodded. “Yeah. Absolutely. Thanks for showing me.”
Eddie nodded back and wrapped his arms around, Steve. “Thanks for everything, Red.”
She waved them off. All she had done was leave. But they didn’t see it that way. So yeah, they owed everything to Max, for choosing to live her life on her own terms.
“Before we go back to the party,” Steve said. “I wanted to give you another present before we got to the main one later.”
Eddie’s shoulder sagged. “Babe you didn’t have to do that.”
“I wanted to,” Steve said scratching his cheek. “In fact it was something I’ve been meaning to give to you for a long time.”
He pulled out a brightly wrapped package the size of baseball.
“This isn’t a baseball, is it?” Eddie asked playfully.
Steve laughed. “No. It’s not that.”
Eddie removed the wrapping paper to find a small black velvet box. He opened it slowly.
“Babe, you can’t give this to me,” he begged. “This is the only thing you have left of your grandpa.”
Steve took it out and slid it on Eddie’s middle finger on his right hand. It fit perfectly. “I’ve been wanting you to have it since you gave me your lucky guitar pick. I wanted to give you something that was on the same level of importance to me that this was for you.” He tapped the pick gently that was under his shirt.
“It’s not–you’re not–”
Steve shook his head. “I will propose. Just not yet and not with that. You’ll get a ring on your left hand, sunshine. Make no mistake.”
Eddie nodded. “I love you, babe.”
“Steven Courtney Alexander Harrington you better not be making out in there!”
Eddie and Steve laughed and kissed deeply, then they walked back to the party, arms wrapped around each other.
“Right names, wrong order,” Eddie teased as they rejoined the group.
Robin blinked. “Wait, really?”
Steve nodded.
“I can’t believe you told him before you told me!” Robin hissed. “I was here first!”
“But I liked watching you guess,” he said laughing. Then he turned to the rest of the crowd. “Who told?”
Robin wiggled her shoulders smugly. “No one told me. I looked up your grandparents. They’re both pretty famous, after all.”
Steve sighed. “Again which of you told her to look it up?”
Robin’s jaw dropped and Vickie’s hand slowly went up.
“Traitor!” Robin said in mock outrage.
Eddie leaned down to see that Steve was pouting about her learning his middle name.
“Don’t worry about it, babe,” he said kissing Steve’s cheek. “We can make her guess my middle name.”
Steve immediately brightened up. “Oohhh. Yeah, okay. It’ll take her years to guess yours!”
“It’s Wayne,” Robin said confidently.
Wayne snorted from the corner. “You really think my deadbeat brother would name his son after me, the responsible one?��
She frowned.
Steve turned to Eddie gleefully. “You’re right, sunshine. Best game ever.”
Robin started shouting out names and it wasn’t even Eddie correcting her. It was Jeff, and Miranda, and Gareth, and Brian and everyone else who knew Eddie’s middle name.
And of course Steve knew it too, but he liked watching their friends and family laugh and try to guess. Because the truth was, Eddie didn’t have a middle name. Robin could guess forever and never get it right.
Steve curled up against Eddie’s side and sighed happily. It was his best year yet. And as long as he had Eddie by his side, they would all be great years to come.
Tag List: @spectrum-spectre @estrellami-1 @zerokrox-blog @artiststarme @swimmingbirdrunningrock @gregre369 @pyrohonk ​@bookworm0690 @chaosgremlinmunson @goodolefashionedloverboi @chaoticlovingdreamer @maya-custodios-dionach @messrs-weasley @val-from-lawrence @plyerice27 @thedragonsaunt @sapphirecobalt-1 @a-little-unsteddie @i-must-potato @danili666 @carlyv @rozzieroos @wonderland-girl143-blog @itsall-taken @justforthedead89 @emly03 @aizawa-emma @yikes-a-bee @redfreckledwolf @thesuninyaface @bookbinderbitch @archermightbegay @littlewildflowerkitten @scheodingers-muppet @hallucinatedjosten @ellietheasexylibrarian @anne-bennett-cosplayer @cinnamon-mushroomabomination @bestwifehaver @xxfiction-is-my-realityxx @oldwitcheshat @nightmareglitter @tinyplanet95 @novelnovella @jonesn4coffee @slowandsteddie @awkwardgravity1 @steaddie-on
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Our day as a Pilgrim on Camino Frances
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It’s now day 17 of our French Camino. As you know we started in the Southwest of France in a small village called St Jean Pied de Port. Same place that my favourite author Paulo Coelho also started his Camino.
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In Spanish, Camino means The Way. There are many different Caminos but they all end in Santiago De Compostella.
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By now, there is a sort of a routine that we have set.
On most days Archana is up at 5:30am and after a quick shower she does her exercises, stretches and a set of InnerEngineering Yoga (Shambhavi Mahamudra).
Patrick is up by 6:45am to do his stretches and exercises followed by a shower.
We have both realised that this early wake-up is an essential to have a good start. As we say, well begun is half done!
Usually by 7:30am we have our bags packed and brought down to the concierge so they can be picked up by the baggage transport service by 8am.
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We then have a breakfast, an essential request to FTC (Follow The Camino - Irish booking agency) when we made the bookings through them. Most offered a fantastic buffet breakfast, one hotel even had champagne included!! However, some have only offered a limited choice and one in Logrono only offered a glass of Fresh Orange juice, a pastry and some tea or coffee. In Quintallina del Monte, we stayed in a Rural home & the breakfast was really limited to couple slices of cheese, Patrick had some scrambled eggs and Archana just a toast (stale baguette toasted) with butter and jam. Fortunately we were carrying our own muesli, so requested some milk and yoghurt. For the amount we walk daily, we do like the full breakfast as usually on the way there are limited options and we need to ensure sustenance. On that day Patrick walked 40 km.
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Between 8:30am to 9:am we usually leave the accommodation and start walking the Camino. Depending on the size of the town it could be a few 100m to 2 km plus (at times) until we get out of the town and start waking on the trail.
The longer the trail the earlier we try to leave so we are in the next town before it gets too hot around 3-4pm.
Arriving into a town is always exciting, as you navigate to the hotel, you discover some of the sights.
In most places when we reach our bags are waiting for us.
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The routine is to check-in, unpack, have a good shower to relax the body and then do some stretches and have a snooze (Spanish siesta time is between 2-4pm) until the outside cools down a bit. Surprisingly the showers (water pressure and hot temperatures) have been perfect, except one!
If we need to do the laundry (usually every 3/4days) we go to the nearest coin laundry as a priority. Some hotels do offer a cheap price for a bag wash however they also use a dryer, which we don’t prefer, as we are kind to our clothes and the environment. Once the laundry is sorted we then cover the town, usually the church or cathedral and other interesting monuments.
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By 7:30-8pm it’s time for dinner. We have opted dinner inclusion in most places especially if we are staying only one night, to save us hunting for places that could offer us special menu, since I am a vegetarian by choice however Patrick does have a mammalian meat allergy that needs to be managed. The dinner includes a pilgrim’s menu - 3 course meals including water, wine and bread. They aren’t very inventive with their vegetarian meals though, so most nights Archana gets a mixed salad for starter and a pasta with tomato sauce (freshly made) for the mains….. usually there is a carafe of wine, sometimes a glass but some places have given us a whole bottle (750 mls) at times.
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If our package doesn’t include dinner then on those nights, we usually settle on Tapas or Pintxos and sangria or wine.
It’s usually an early night, around 10pm as we have to repeat the cycle again the next day. The wine here is really cheap, €1.8 to €2 per glass (from AUD $3 or ₹150), the wine is always excellent, easy drinking and so far never given us a headache or hangover as no sulphites added (given the wines here have no sulphites added unlike many wines in Australia)!
The Camino is obviously one of Spain’s major revenue earner - Religious tourism!
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We booked through an Irish Company called Follow the Camino #followthecamino. Along with the baggage tags we also received a guide and app from them to assist us during the Camino. So far we had a great selection of hotels, monasteries, B&B type accommodation ranging between no rating to 5 star rating. Similar to the breakfast it’s been a mixed bag experience. Some average experiences and others absolutely splendid surprises! Like in the Tom Hanks movie, life is a box of chocolates……🙏🏽
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gadgetrevive · 3 months
From the Archives: Unboxing the iMac Pro FINALLY!Hey guys, it's Josh here, and today I have a super exciting unboxing video for you. Before we dive in, I need to apologize for the makeshift setup. We’re house-sitting right now, so I don’t have my usual equipment. I’m filming this with a mirrorless camera, no microphone, no tripod, and no professional lighting. But I couldn’t wait to unbox this beauty any longer, so let’s get right into it.Why I Chose the iMac ProThis isn’t just any unboxing; it's the iMac Pro, and I’m thrilled to share this moment with you. A little backstory: I purchased this from Newegg. If you’re not familiar with Newegg, it’s an amazing electronics website where you can find everything from computer components to TVs and other consumer electronics.I was specifically looking for a refurbished iMac to save some money. When I stumbled upon this Apple-certified refurbished iMac Pro on Newegg, it was a no-brainer. The deal was incredible—23% off the original retail price. To give you some numbers, a brand-new base configuration iMac Pro would set you back $4,999. Thanks to Newegg, I got this one for $3,849. Even better, Newegg didn’t charge sales tax, unlike Apple’s official refurbished section, which had this model priced over $4,000 plus tax. So, I managed to save a significant amount of money, which is always a win.Unboxing the iMac ProAlright, enough about the backstory—let’s get to the unboxing! The packaging is top-notch, with a sturdy foam box to protect the contents during shipping. I remember my previous iMacs having pictures on the box, but this one is all about minimalism, featuring just the serial number and specs on the side.As I peel off the Apple tape and open the box, the first thing that catches my eye is the keyboard. It’s a sleek, dark color, which I love because it won’t show dirt and grime as easily as the white ones. Plus, it has a number pad—a must-have for me. Alongside the keyboard, there’s the Magic Mouse, also in black. While I appreciate the aesthetic, I actually prefer using a Logitech thumb-ball mouse for ergonomic reasons.Now, for the main event—the iMac Pro itself. The packaging here is interesting; instead of the usual foam, it's housed in a specially molded cardboard, ensuring a snug fit. The power cable is neatly wrapped, adding to the overall premium feel.First Impressions and SetupBreaking the seal and pulling out the iMac Pro, I’m reminded of the old saying, “A thing of beauty is a joy forever.” This machine is stunning. I’ve been working with underpowered computers for far too long. My previous setup was a 2012 MacBook Pro, and in 2019, it just couldn’t keep up with my needs anymore. Prior to that, I built my own Windows machines, but always on a tight budget, so they were never top-of-the-line.Setting up the iMac Pro is going to revolutionize my workspace. I have a TV and an external monitor ready to go, plus some audio monitors that I plan to get stands for. This setup is going to be a game-changer for my productivity and creativity.Final ThoughtsUnboxing this iMac Pro has been a thrilling experience, and I can’t wait to start using it. If you enjoyed this video, please give it a thumbs up, and don’t forget to subscribe for more tech content. And if you’re ever in need of phone repairs or tech advice, I highly recommend Gadget Kings PRS. They are the best in the business for phone repairs. Check them out at Gadget Kings PRS.Thanks for watching, and I’ll catch you next time!
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fabdante · 11 months
16, 26, 30 and 31!
for this ask list! (thank you for the ask!! i finally got to my laptop to answer!)
16) Want any tattoos? What of?
Oooo, I love tattoos but have been taking a really long time considering what I want asdfghj. Plus a lot of my favorite artists are tattoo artists, as a lover of line art. If I could travel the world, I would probably have a lot of tattoos because of this, just collecting flash designs from my favorite artists dfghjkl.
Other then that, ideas that stick the most from my own head are some dandelions on my arm where I can see them. I've thought about getting some sentimental handwriting there to. And maybe little tributes to Treasure Planet and the reboot as well.
26) What are some seemingly childish things you like? 
I love dolls! Especially fashion dolls! I finally caved in and started collecting them a few years ago. I try to be selective about it because like, I don't need a ton of dolls in my house and I don't want to be one of those collectors buying up all the dolls so kids can't have them.
I also love plushies. My biggest weak spots are anything crab shaped, Pokemon starters I've had, and any Cubones I will cry if I see a Cubone plush in the wild.
30) What are you looking forward to in the near future?
First and foremost, my non art job either laying me off when the season is over or being able to renegotiate my contract if they want keep me on post season dfghjkl. It brings me great comfort to know there's an end in sight there.
I'm excited for ZK week coming up, of course. I have a piece I've been absolutely dying to show people, so I'm really excited to finally share it because I've been sitting on it for like...A While Now. I also figured out an extra idea that's different then what I normally do which is fun and exciting to me. In general I have a lot of art that I've been excited about and look foreword to finishing!
There's a lot of mundane things, honestly. I have some very belated packages that I can finally (comfortably) afford to send in the mail so I'm excited to get those finished up and mailed off. There's an art show near me for some friends of mine that I'm really excited about! I've also been excited to write things lately. For a while I was only managing a few words a night but I've gotten back some love for some old WIPs and I'm excited to work on them a bit. There's also some artists I'm planning to buy some stuff from soon which is always fun for me. Also I will probably get to see my great aunt next month, and I always love seeing her!
This a little longer then I anticipated but it's is a very good question because my non art job has had me down in the dumps and honestly, it's good for me to think about all the good things I have going on in the next month or so that aren't waiting to know if I've been laid off asdfghjk
31) What are you looking forward to in the distant future?
Doing more conventions and art markets! It's an avenue I'm excited to explore with my art and see what happens! I'm also excited to try and launch Alice in Grungeland next year online. It'll be cool to get that project out there!
I'm looking foreword to the time I can support myself with some sort of art job. I know it'll take time and work but I am very eager for the day that either I can get An Art Job tm or I can be an independent artist and support myself. Or, or, I can go back to school and get enough education that I can teach in a college setting. Because I enjoy talking to people about art and helping people with their art in that type of setting, I just can't afford to go back to get a higher degree then I already have right now. But one day, maybe. Like, all and all I've had a really lucky year as an artist where I was able to support my household for a few rough months (albeit on strings) via my art but it has left me a bit hungry to do it full time.
Also one day purchasing the Samurai Champloo vinyl collection. I want the soundtrack vinyls. I want all four of them. I want to make this happen for me sdfghjkl.
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lisacatara-actress · 2 years
Almost Lisa: Pt 8, “Laughable... Almost”
*I retain all rights to my photography and story, story details, biographical information, fashion designs, art work, and anything and everything I have posted which is my own creation*)
You're still thinking about it, aren't you? Why I haven't dated an 18 years. It does sound pretty incredulous, bereft of the story behind it. No, I’m not crazy or have unrealistic expectations. Well, I do NOW. And life is just too damn short for bad company, bad sex, bad coffee, or fake relationships . The funniest ignorant comments men make to me are that they're surprised “nobody scooped (me) up yet”. As if I would relinquish that decision or fall into the arms of any man who wanted me. As if I OWE that to someone because simply having standards isn't enough for me to remain single. I want and deserve to be attracted and inspired, too.  And honestly, I seldom meet someone who excites me in the ways I find attractive (intellectually, spiritually, and yes, physically).
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Fathers / Daddies,
Hug your baby girls. As often as you can. If they don't learn what non-sexual touch is from you, they will have nothing to compare it by moving forward. Sex will feel like respect and appreciation when it's not.
      Sincerely,   A woman who learned this the hard way.
Once I moved to LA, I apparently developed attractions (and tolerances) to grown-ass man-children. My ex (yes, 18 years ago) had terrible mommy and daddy issues, was a pathological liar, and had at least three personalities (that I counted). He was also a kleptomaniac and stole a substantial amount of money from me (and a couple of his friends), just after cheating on me. Total package, obviously, lol. After that experience- which culminated in about a year of my life spinning out of control, dropping down to 105 lb because I just couldn't believe I didn't see signs of his illnesses- I eventually took a few lovers. But always unfulfilled and with unwarranted drama. One such arrangement lasted nearly seven years, on and very “off”. He was another (older) grown-ass man-child with serious Daddy issues. But wait! There’s more... He was also a narcissist, an over-compensatory control freak, and a very angry human who threatened to commit suicide every few months right about the time he knew I was going to leave him. But dang, if he didn't get the soft part of me that wanted to help him heal from his own trauma. Some people can't. So why did I stay?
Sex.  Literally, that's the reason. I was completely focused on my career and wasn't in a position to have a more committed or permanent relationship. Plus, he had an adorable little dog. It was- I thought- a mutually agreeable arrangement. But once he sexually and psychologically abused me, I was gone. Permanently. You get to a point in your life where you realize how valuable time is. When I say I no longer make time for bullshit, I mean it. That dude- by the way- later acquired (I've chosen this word on purpose) an industry award. Hollywood is full of - and too often celebrates- bullshit. And it’s hardly difficult to find in an industry that attracts hurt and broken people, looking to find themselves. Sadly, many believe what The Biz tells them is true. And others support those lies to further their own careers. I’ve witnessed many a colleague completely lose themselves, desperate to fill a gap in their lives. Few actually find the “Happily Ever After” of Hollywood success. And of those who do, there is most often a price.
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There are 2 reasons people do things: 
               1) the desire to experience Pleasure,
               2) the need to avoid Pain
A few years ago, while still living in "The Valley” (CA), I’d frequent cafes (as I am right now- quel suprise) and edit photos for the books I self-published. Joan's on Third was a favorite stomping ground. At the time, one of my neighbors was (is) a famous name actor being dragged by the media (and rightfully so) for a slew of disgusting accusations which surfaced. He would deliberately position himself where I had to glance in his direction, then stare me down until I looked his way. He’d invite himself to join me, looking over my shoulder at what I was working on, lavishing compliments, trying to win my favor. Then- manically- complaining about everything and everyone. He wasn’t nervous, just pissed. As if consequences were so...like...annoying.  A few years later, He was back on the film grind with a new show and more in the pipeline. Everyone stopped talking about his indiscretions. This happens A LOT in Entertainment. The next public outrage comes along and the old one is forgotten. When I worked in public relations (damage control and marketing), we'd tell our clients that Time was a friend. For this reason.
Hollywood runs on false power and real control. Piss off the wrong player and you'll find your climb up the ladder is greased and missing rungs. To succeed you must - to some degree- be a “Team Player”. Not only where booking jobs is concerned, but out in the field. The general public has heard and become familiarized with some of the behind-the-scenes debauchery over time, but they really cannot grasp that its REAL, and how DEEP the rabbit hole goes.
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In my early days in the Biz, I was invited to countless industry parties and events. Some, I actually went to. It was common (for me) to dance with celebs and share booths at exclusive clubs. There were also copious organized events which were more private, where celebs could “let their hair down”, away from the medias gaze. It was around midnight at one such party in The Hills when a large bouncer approached me and my host and explained that we were welcome to stay, but that the party was “going in a different direction”. I got it, immediately, and got up to leave. JUST as a certain celebrity’s naked ass went running up the stairs, chasing a bevy of young, star-struck, spandex-clad 20-somethings (something they were known to do). Lisa, OUT. I never believed I had to sell myself to achieve success. I had the “it factor” then, was talented, smart, and professional. Surely if I kept studying, auditioning and improving my craft, success would be inevitable.
I was wrong. Truth be told, playing the Game can be... helpful.
Everything I’ve accomplished has been done with my integrity intact. There were many opportunities to advance by other means. I couldn’t. Or wouldn’t. Though through the years, I watched several colleagues chose to go the route of hotel meetings and “favors” to shortcut their careers forward. It often ended in tears, protests, pleas, and even blacklisting. I’ve lost at least a few colleagues to suicide or substance abuse along the way. If you don’t have solid people who care about you and keep you grounded, Hollywood is a dangerous playground.
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La La Land gets a rep for being a meat market and playground for soulless opportunists and pedophiles. I wont pretend they aren't in the mix. But there are infinitely more good people than bad. Unfortunately, often bad ones are gate keepers and decision makers. It’s not as if depravity and abuse run rampant across the industry. It’s there, but you generally find it by looking for it. I learned to recognize trouble and mastered getting out of uncomfortable situations before they became confrontational / "icky”. Though not necessarily unscathed.
Case in point: I’ve worked in The Biz for nearly 20 years and have around 160 or so credits to my name. But you probably never heard about me until you read this Blog.
         (to be continued...)
(PS If you like what you're reading, I welcome contributions to the efforts via Venmo @LTarantinoDesigns)
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shiny-jr · 2 years
why are you in my apartment? (II)
Warning: Yandere. Gender-neutral reader.
Characters: Jamil Viper, Kalim Al-Asim, Epel Felmier, Rook Hunt, Vil Schoenheit, Ortho Shroud, Idia Shroud, Silver, Sebek Zigvolt, Lilia Vanrouge, Malleus Draconia.
Summary: Everything was supposed to be better when you got your own apartment to call home. So when you got home one day, why was was there some weird guys in your home?
Note: I know I tend to leave the relationships up to interpretation and not divulge into it too much, but know that Ortho’s part is NOT romantic. His part is purely platonic, more like he’s seeking another sibling relationship/dynamic. Whenever I wrote for Ortho, it will always be platonic, it will NEVER be romantic. [ Added ] FINALLY. It’s finished. I feel like it’s way longer than the first part despite there being the same amount of characters and trying to keep the content amount the same. On google docs it says it’s about thirty-four pages. Please, I really hope you guys like this one because I worked hard on it and it took a while. Plus I kept getting stuck on parts. 
Previous: why are you in my apartment? (I)
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You worked and saved to be able to live in a spacious apartment in the downtown area. The buildings had decent security, the apartment itself was in a low-crime area, and there were a bunch of stores nearby for the basic necessities, not to mention you worked from home half the time and the other time work was just a few blocks away. Everything was perfect...! Until it wasn’t. Your seemingly perfect life was thrown completely off balance when you returned home and found your door unlocked.
Like any reasonable person, you were worried. Were you just forgetful this morning or had someone broken in...? Not wanting to call authorities right away and make a fool of yourself if you had forgotten to lock your door today, you carefully proceeded inside, with your phone gripped in hand and your makeshift key weapon in the other hand. Steadily you crept inside, looking left and right, your heart rate accelerating as you noticed a few things out of place. A remote controller not on the coffee table, a blanket you forgot to fold now folded neatly-- Just then, you heard voices and footsteps, and when the strangers entered your line of vision, you screamed as they jumped in surprise and exclaimed,
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Incense...? Why did your apartment smell like lit incense and expensive perfume? You didn’t leave any incense and you didn’t have whatever type of perfume made the place smell nice–– The room was cleaned. On the living room table was a golden tray filled with neatly packaged and wrapped snacks and even a small box of golden accessories. It almost looked like a greeting gift someone left... If someone really left this, that would explain the whining and scolding coming from further inside. When you heard the voices and footsteps grow louder, a white-haired young man wearing lots of accessories appeared from the kitchen.
Coming face to face with a stranger in your own home was certainly a shock.
It was more of the negative kind of shock when you saw this white-haired stranger smile brightly and their eyes widen as they ran towards you with their arms wide open as he exclaimed with such pure excitement, “Ah–– It’s you! You’re finally here!! I’m so excited to meet you! I’ve wanted to see you forever––”
Of course, any logical person would not be as happy at this guy was. Stepping back, you held up the sharp end of your keys and reached back for the door––
A hand firmly kept the door shut, and before you could even think of swinging or screaming, there was another firm but gentle hand on your arm to prevent you from using those keys to slash at anyone. This second man must’ve appeared when you were distracted.
He had long dark hair and wore a hoodie. Whoever he was, he seemed to sense you distress, because he sent his companion a look. “Wait–– sorry about him scaring you. Can you lower those keys, please? I’ll explain everything.”
One game. You downloaded one game, Twisted Wonderland, on a whim, and now this duo of students claimed to be from the Scarabia dorm from that very mobile game. It was incredibly difficult to believe, almost impossible, if it weren’t for their striking resemblance to the characters and the magic they were able to conjure with their pen. What was more of a shock? They claimed to know you as the player. Of course before they knew nothing of your looks or true personality, but now here you were in your divine grace, the real deal right before them! You can be sure that they will take advantage of your kindness as you allowed them to stay until they could find a way to return home. But really, why want to go back when you were here? 
Oh, but you want to know how it’s like living with the Scarabia gang, hm?
Jamil Viper 
If he can handle not just the dorm but also duties at home including his normal responsibilities with Kalim, he can take care of you and your apartment. 
What’s he usually doing in the apartment? Well, to be fair, he is the one mainly keeping the place together. But when he isn’t busy, he’s taken a great interest in the dances and locations of this new world. Really he seems to enjoy learning about this world firsthand by exploring. 
It’s not rare for him to join you. In fact, you welcome it. Jamil is great company, and he’s always there to save you and Kalim from your own mistakes. Anywhere you go, Jamil is there to accompany you to help, he insists, but it might just be because he actually enjoys your company more than he’d like to admit. 
Funnily enough, he’s been offered various jobs by restaurants but refuses them all. Apparently they had a taste of his cooking and now want him to be a cook for their business. Although it is kind of funny to see Jamil repeatedly turn them down but accept their free dishes only for him to give them to you and Kalim. When asked why he won’t accept one job, he says it’s because he’s already busy enough as it is. But Kalim guesses its that Jamil doesn’t want to give up any free time he could spend with you. 
That’s right, Jamil does so much. He can do practically everything from cooking, to cleaning, the laundry, the dishes, buying groceries–– but there’s one thing he can’t do. Whatever you do, do not ask him to get rid of a bug. He’s probably more scared of it than you are. A bug got into the kitchen once and a mess was made by him trying to get away from it. Then all hell broke loose when the insect started flying. 
Oh, but don’t believe he’s all “good guy” playing the role of househusband. Huh, that’s so weird... the apartment owner just informed you that your rent was lowering. Just yesterday when you went shopping with Jamil, the store clerk gave you a huge discount. And last week, that annoying boss of yours suddenly gave you a promotion. But they all had this empty look in their eyes and spoke in monotoned voices... When you confronted Jamil about this, he calmly claimed to know nothing about those instances. 
Of course he missed you, but he isn’t as openly desperate as others may be. Did he miss you, you ask? He’ll smile and reply cooly maybe. Yeah, he totally missed you. Why do you think the house is spotless now? He was trying to take his mind off you through chores again. 
Yes, your vessel, Yuu, was a pawn he could use in the beginning. Well, he was right about one thing, about you being a diamond in the rough. There was really no one else like you in Twisted Wonderland. 
Seeing you before him, the true you, was nothing less than a shock. You, who’s vessel he used and tormented and eventually came to treasure, were here. For now matter how much his heart was picking up speed and now many thoughts raced through his head, he had to keep calm for you. 
When he heard rapid footsteps and Kalim’s eager exclamation, he warned himself to prepare for what lay ahead. Ignoring the calm feeling this strange space brought him, he immediately appeared in the scene of the commotion. Deep down, he held hope, he had a feeling, an idea of where he may be. All his worries seemingly vanished when you came into his line of vision, and he relaxed. It was you... and you weren’t a threat. A tiny bit anxious, really excited, even confused, there was so much going on but he forced himself to remain level-headed and he quickly approached you and held you back from attacking. It was you, really you, so real he could touch you! Hold on–– he had to keep calm and hold up appearances. This way he could be a trustworthy figure in your eyes. 
“Did you need something? You know I’m at your service... Hm? You want me to take a break? There’s no need. Besides, I’m used to doing this much, but I appreciate the sentiment. Now then, I couldn’t help but overhear you complain about a rude neighbor to Kalim. I can divine a solution to this... thorny problem if you just tell me their name.”
Kalim Al-Asim 
Woah, what a small place you got! Is this really comfortable? Even his room back home was bigger than the whole apartment! Don’t worry, he’ll make this place fun and comfy! 
What’s he up to at the apartment? Well, besides sticking to you 90% of the time, he’ll do anything you ask or copy you. Cleaning? He’ll help! Watching TV? Ohh, can he sit next to you? Going out for the day? Cool! He’ll get Jamil and all three of you can go out together! 
Like we just established, Kalim will follow you anywhere! Doesn’t matter if it’s just stepping out to the vending machine or going several blocks away, he’ll gladly keep you company. Plus, here in your world, he’s not known as the heir of a fabulously wealthy merchant family, meaning no one’s trying to harm him and Jamil has more free time too! 
While he may not be the best at chores like Jamil, he does really try his best...! Well, he has his other uses. He’s not just the heir to the Asim family name for any old reason. Believe it or not, Kalim is surprisingly good with money. That means he pays the bills, for gifts, for supplies, etc. And not even out of your pocket! He had on so much gold when he got here, he happily sold a piece or two to pay you back for your hospitality and now you don’t have to pay a thing for months! How much was that stuff he sold even worth...? Wait a moment, when did you get these expensive portraits on the wall and these brand clothes? 
You know how I said he’s beside you almost 24/7? Yeah, when you’re not working from home, those are the worst days for him. Jamil has to always keep an eye on him because if not, Kalim will march over to your office for a “surprise visit!” But when you get home after your shift, you’ll be greeted by the warmest smile from him as he practically jumps on you for a hug. 
Local “good boy,” too. The neighbors adore him because he’s just so sweet and kind. Even the kids seem to love playing with him, so he’ll be on the playground with them as you and Jamil sit on the benches. It’s because of Kalim that you met nearly every person living in the apartment complex, and somehow you got their favor because of the sunshine guy that’s your roommate. Also he’s the “bug handler,” meaning he cheerfully picks up any bugs that snuck in and bids them goodbye at the window or door. 
Kalim misses you way too much when you’re not home. It’s why Jamil is in charge of holding the phone, because if it were up to Kalim, he’d have you on call nearly your entire shift. But just know that even though he doesn’t like you having to go to work, he knows it’s important and he’s really proud you’re working so hard! 
Are you kidding? Your vessel, Yuu, is one of his best friends! He’s taken good care of them! Have you noticed? He loves your vessel, but he loves you way more! 
All logic went out the window as soon as he saw you. Immediately he became overwhelmed by emotion, he felt so much joy and utter excitement come bursting forth! All he could do was express his pure delight! 
Truthfully, Kalim hadn’t expected to see you! He was oblivious to where he was, unsure what would happen. But when he saw you–– all uncertainty and confusion disappeared. Immediately he threw his arms open wide as a large beaming smile broke onto his face, his eyes were practically glimmering with such excitement as he eagerly exclaimed any words that came to mind. It was you, it was you, it was you! He was just so so happy, happy didn’t even being to describe it. Words couldn’t explain the pure amount of glee he was feeling, it was practically oozing out of him in waves as his heart beat rapidly. His heart beat just for you, beating against his ribcage as if it wanted to reach you too, just like how he wished to embrace you! 
“You’re home!!! Ahah, I missed you so much!! How was work? Are you tired? Are you hungry? You must be hungry! Let’s eat now! I helped Jamil make dinner today, and your favorite tea! Hold on, I got your coat and bag! Jamil, they’re home!! Tell us everything! I’m so happy you’re back, I could just kiss you!”
As a whole...
Scarabia always makes sure to spoil you rotten, and they’re only two people so it’s not overwhelming. On one hand, you have one more level-headed roommate who would do anything in the world for you, one the other hand you have an easily excitable roommate who will give you anything in the world! Expect gifts and feasts galore from them, even welcome home parties after a simple day at work. The day could be calm and peaceful or it can be fun and activity-filled, just tell them what you want. Whatever you want, whatever you may need, they’ll happily give it to you. For your hospitality they’ll pay you back tenfold with material items, their time, and their affection. You trust them, don’t you?
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Perfume...? Why did your entire apartment smell of expensive perfume and scented candles? Was that the smell of lavender and apples...? You didn’t even own any candles scented like that. All your coats were hung neatly, the shoes you left by the door were organized, it looked like someone had just cleaned your apartment. On the living room table was a basket of shiny red apples, as if someone left it behind for you. All of this would explain the talk coming from another room. There were light footsteps, you couldn’t tell if they were getting closer or walking somewhere else, until a figure appeared from the hallway–– A short and pretty young man with lavender hair and big blue eyes stopped in his tracks. 
Upon seeing each other, you both froze seemingly in shock. You were horrified that some stranger got in your home, he seemed thunderstruck for some other reason you didn’t know. 
Shaking off the shock, the young man lifted his hand towards you, his blue eyes wide with disbelief as he muttered, “It... I... You... Hah–– They weren’t kiddin’... You’re actually real? This isn’t some cruel little dream or curse? You––”
Leaning back to avoid his touch, you held up the sharp end of your keys as you eyed him warily, “B-Back off pretty boy, I’m armed...! I–– Oof...!”
That... That wasn’t the door behind you. Your wrist wielding the keys was gripped firmly but gently, and you shrieked in fright when you looked up to see a blonde man behind you. When did he get there...?!
His green eyes peered down at you but his smile on his expression broke into surprise at your reaction as he used his other hand to make a shushing motion. “Shhh, shush, dear one, there’s no need to fear! Please wait, calm yourself. Forgive us for the intrusion!... Ahhh, it’s truly an immense honor, it’s a blessing from the heavens above, to be in your presence! Forgive me...! I’ve wanted to observe your grace ever since the moment I began to worship you...!” 
Worship? Wait... was this guy tearing up? “Are you... crying?”
“None of this will do! The whole wardrobe will need to be replaced, furniture will need to be bought, and groceries will be purchased for the refrigerator and pantry. How could anyone live like this? They deserve better! Especially for––” Another tall beautiful blonde man in heels came from the hallway, but his rambling stopped and his amethyst eyes widened once they landed on you, his breath hitching. “...You...” He appeared at a loss for words and he slowly stepped closer, afraid of scaring you off. Carefully his touch grazed over your cheek, apprehensive, as if the slightest contact would shatter you and you’d be gone. Snapping out of his self-induced trance, he retracted his hand quickly and added, “I apologize sincerely, my dear, you must be terribly confused. Please, allow me to explain.” 
One game. You downloaded one game, Twisted Wonderland, on a whim, and now this trio of students claimed to be from the Pomefiore dorm from that very mobile game. It was incredibly difficult to believe, almost impossible, if it weren’t for their striking resemblance to the characters and the magic they were able to conjure with their pen. What was more of a shock? They claimed to know you as the player. Of course before they knew nothing of your looks or true personality, but now here you were in your divine grace, the real deal right before them! You can be sure that they will take advantage of your kindness as you allowed them to stay until they could find a way to return home. But really, why want to go back when you were here?
Oh, but you want to know how it’s like living with the Pomefiore gang, hm?
Epel Felmier 
Just to even be allowed to stay with you has made him incredibly happy, so he’ll do everything in his power to help out! You can rely on him! 
What’s he up to in the apartment? Actually, he’s usually out. After completing chores, he’ll go out. He doesn’t like staying cooped up inside all the time, so it’s normal to find him trying to work out in the nearby park or with the garden he made on the roof of the apartment complex. Also, he’s interested by this world’s sports, especially American football. Look at all those strong guys playing a tough sport!! 
Epel is a bit of the jealous type, so he greatly treasures any time alone you spend with him and he tries to keep it to just you and him. His favorite activities with you are working on his garden, making goods from the products he grew by hand and proudly presented to you, and taking you when Vil and Rook are distracted to ride around town on this motorcycle! Yeah, don’t ask him where he got a whole motorcycle from.
He knows he doesn’t have much to offer to pay you back, so he does what he can. Making deliveries on his motorcycle, selling his garden’s products, maybe even winning bets by secretly racing, plus he begrudgingly joins in on Rook and Vil’s... work, whenever he can get paid from it or when Vil pressures him to do it. But, at the end of his day, all his handwork’s earnings go to you. Just take it, he’s not going to let you refuse! 
Really, he just wants to appear responsible and reliable in your eyes, that’s why he willingly does a lot of chores too. No task is too big or too small! Leave him a grocery list and he’s off to go buy and carry everything back himself! You mentioned how you wanted to clean the rooms, so he took it upon himself to deep clean the apartment! What else do you want him to do? 
Don’t let his adorable looks fool you. He’s a bit protective of you. Well, the other two are as well, but Epel is more openly hostile about it. He knows when to keep up appearances though. If he can guilt trip harassers or creeps with his looks alone so they stop bothering you, great. However, if that doesn’t do the trick, well... Let’s just say that he nearly caused a scene by sucker-punching a rando who cat-called you on the streets once. You two managed to get away but Epel was absolutely fuming. He wasn’t scolded by you or Vil because he defended you, but he was still mad he couldn’t “give ‘em hell.” 
Oh, he misses you fairly often. Like mentioned before, he gets jealous. Don’t your coworkers realize how lucky they are, getting to work with you all day? You’ll hear him mumble complaints like that often, but he won’t say anything out loud unless you prompt him to do so. Ease him into a good mood again by simply holding his hand, he enjoys holding onto you like this whenever you let him.
Do you know how annoying it was to be your vessel, Yuu’s, friend after you already befriended members from four other dorms? It was so frustrating trying to keep your attention when they’re all vying for it! 
Of course the first thing he felt about seeing the true you was pure disbelief. This couldn’t be real, could it...? Was this some sorta dream? If it was, he never wanted to wake up again. If this was a dream where he could stay with you, he’d be content with staying in an eternal slumber. 
When he walked out of the hallway and saw you standing there, he was starstruck. Pinch him, because this dream was too good to be true! Immediately once he came within a few feet of you, he felt that heavenly grace only the player wielded, he knew it was truly you. It wasn’t the puppet you played with and controlled back in his world. You were so... so... amazing? No, that wasn’t it, words couldn’t even describe it. You looked normal, your home was normal, you seemed average at best, but at the same time.... you were wow. It’s as if your entire being had him spellbound. At first, for a brief moment, he felt stiff before getting worked up, eager but anxious at the same time. When he tried to open his mouth and speak, he could only fumble over his words. C’mon, just talk, damn it! If this was a dream, he never wanted it to end. 
“Hey! Over here! Heh, surprised to see me? I got out when Vil was busy on the phone. I figured that maybe you’d be tired after workin’ all day so what better then to drive you home on my motorcycle? Hop on. What do you say we make some detours and stops along the way? We can stop at some scenic spots if you want?” 
Rook Hunt 
Ah, what a lovely nest you have! So this was your temple, the very grounds where you lived. As your loyal follower, he will care and defend this sacred place. 
What’s he up to at the apartment? Well... it’s hard to tell sometimes. Although he is extremely fascinated with your world, he wishes to learn and “see all the beauty in the world that is home to the divine player,” whatever that means. Exploring and being generally curious seems to be a big hobby of his. 
The guy is a real enigma. Wherever you are, Rook is sure to follow and even when you don’t see him, most of the time you get the feeling you’re being watched... He offers his assistance at every turn, he accompanies you everywhere and anywhere. Sometimes it’s a little creepy how he’s always there, but his smile is nothing but kind and his words of praise are loving. Not to mention he’s a very good listener, he’ll listen to any rant or simple chat, as he admires you with a lovestruck smile. 
From what you’ve gathered, Rook is from a fairly wealthy family. So immediately he offers his assistance. How does he do it? Where does he even get the money from? How? It literally makes no sense, it’s a real mystery. For all you know, he could’ve sold some priceless antique or something he had on him, which seemed extremely unlikely but how else did he get that kind of money? When you ask about it, he merely smiles at you and places the money for rent and bills in your palm as he assures you to not worry a single hair on your pretty head. He’s fairly affectionate too, embraces are welcome and if you’ll allow it, he enjoys giving you forehead kisses as well.
Rook also does his fair share of chores, but his main responsibility he’s placed upon himself appears to be your security. Your safety and comfort are of the utmost importance! He, like the rest of the trio, is protective of you, but he isn’t as hostile about it as Epel may be. Usually a warning and his presence with a mere ominous smile is enough to ward off any unwanted guests. 
Speaking of unwanted guests, not only is he your personal security but he also manages to find the time to be the apartment security. No one is going in or out of the apartment complex without him knowing, he even keeps watch of the outside apartment grounds. Ever since Rook arrived, there’s been a lot less break-ins and reported stealing. However, you have caught him cleaning his arrows way more recently, that leave the cleaning cloth a little red... Yeah, you know that he knows that you’ve noticed, but you’re too nervous to ask about it. 
Yes, he missed you dearly! It’s not very common because he’s always lingering whether you know it or not, but he clearly expresses joy whenever he can see you again. If you ask, he’ll deliver heartfelt words as he describes the pain of being apart from you for even a second! 
Ah, sweet precious Yuu, your treasured vessel. Believe him when he says that ever since he first laid his sights on your vessel, he sensed you, and was captivated by your presence flowing through Yuu! 
Oh, to meet the true you, was nothing short of a miracle! A miracle he may be undeserving of, but was something he desired deep in his heart. There was so much he wished to know, so much he wanted to say, so much he wanted to do–– all for you! 
His sharp hearing picked up on the sound of the front door with unfamiliar footsteps quickly. Immediately his heart rate began to pick up speed as if he were feeling the adrenaline of a hunt, but now he felt as vulnerable as the quarry, not the hunter. It was this feeling, your grace, that made him feel so... exposed. As if laying all his secrets bare. When he saw you–– he could easily sneak up on you seeing as you were distracted with his underclassman. When you accidentally bumped against him and he had to hold your wrist, he felt such a feeling of euphoria course through his nervous system. He couldn’t help but smile–– until you screamed. Swiftly he attempted to calm you, he couldn’t bear to be the source of your distress! It’s true, he shed tears because he was just so happy to meet you...! All he wanted to do was bring you joy and worship you. 
“You summoned me, mon dieu? Say the word, and I shall make your wish a reality... Heh, but of course I heard you! This loyal huntsman is forever at your beck and call! I implore you to tell me what you desire so that I may carry out your every command!–– Hm? You merely called upon me to see if I were present...? I see! Then if I may, may I be so bold as to offer you my company?” 
Vil Schoenheit 
Dearest, there’s no more need for fretting. He, Vil, the fairest one of all, will now handle everything from here on out. So just accept his affections and offer to help. 
What could he possibly be up to? Lots of things actually. He spends time both inside and outside. Of course he’s no pig, he does his own share or chores and helps keep the apartment clean, but he also spends a lot of time out. 
Watching movies, going out for lunch or dinner, simply taking a walk, or even going on a shopping trip. These are all things Vil enjoys to do with you and the others. You choose the movie; you buy whatever you wish to eat (he’s keeping an eye on your diet); and whatever outfits you choose to buy he’ll pay for, and more! 
Wait a moment, how the hell does he have over millions of followers on Instagram already? It’s only been a week! What–– what does he mean he’s inviting you to come along to a photoshoot and audition for a huge movie role he has? Yeah, somehow Vil becomes popular almost instantly, maybe it’s because of his looks? He’s practically doing everything he used to do in his world, now here. Movies, modeling, advertisements, he’s got it. What’s more? He’s getting paid handsomely to do it all, and where does most of that money go? To you of course! 
With the money he earns, he uses it to spoil you like crazy. Since Rook and Epel already covered the rent and bills, he pays for the luxuries. Luxury furniture; brand clothes; expensive jewelry; is that a painted portrait of you with Vil, Rook, and Epel, hanging on the wall inside a golden frame...? Your whole apartment is getting refurbished. He’d love to rent you an entire condo but if you insist, then he has no choice but to stay here in this one with you. 
Because of his elevating status, not only can you live in luxury but you also get to rub elbows with celebrities. However, that and when his fans target you, tend to be when his protectiveness shine through. It’s why he has Rook always watching you. Vil will constantly keep an arm around your waist when encountering fans or stars. Oh, and he isn’t afraid of snapping back venomously. You witnessed how on one occasion, his new manager subtly insulted you and in response, Vil both insulted him and fired him on the spot. From what you’ve heard, that guy has had miserable luck in the industry ever since then. “Any slight against you, is a slight against me,” Vil claims. 
Of course he misses you! If he wasn’t so busy while you were at work and he were left alone with his thoughts, he may have not been able to handle it. He has suggested you quit your job and allow him to take care of you, or if you wanted to work so badly you could just work with him somehow. It was a nice suggestion but you had to politely turn him down. It’s fairly common for him to kiss your cheek when he gets to see you after a long day, which leaves a lipstick stain on your skin.
To be frank, he did not care much, if at all, for your vessel, Yuu, at least in the beginning. However, that changed as time passed and he grew close to Yuu then learned the truth. Eventually he deemed himself responsible for helping your vessel and maintaining their health. 
To see you stand there before him in all your perfect glory... it left him stunned, you literally took his breath away. Here you were, your true self, your perfect self, before his very own eyes. All his work and effort into perfecting himself, caring for your vessel, and improving his underclassmen in Pomefiore into their best selves–– everything he did was for you. 
Now he understood how his fans felt when they were so starstruck that they couldn’t breath, couldn’t move, couldn’t even speak until their mind registered what was happening. When he ended up here and realized where he was, he got straight to work which meant feverishly cleaning and making immediate plans to improve your living environment. However when he saw you and realized it was truly you, his legs started moving on their own, drawn to your presence. Everything he was focusing on before seemingly vanished, as all he could think about now was you. When his fingers grazed over your flesh, he shivered, relieved that you weren’t cold and artificial like your vessel–– you were warm, and you were real. He was in such a state of bliss because you were here–– until he realized how confused you must be. Scolding himself, he prioritized your perfect self above all, so he would first calm you before proceeding to care for you and love you. 
“I had the manager set a seat for you right beside the director and the snack bar is stocked with your favorites. All I ask is you don’t indulge too much in the snacks, I scheduled a dinner for us to meet Rook and Epel after I film this scene... What’s the matter? Don’t you want to watch me work?... What? One of the cast members degraded you?... Alas for her. Who dare insult you? Reveal her name!” 
As a whole...
Pomefiore is another dorm that spoils you, proven by your new life of luxury with the company of these three who lovingly adore you and are fiercely protective of you. You have a pretty lavender-haired sometimes brash roommate who’s sweet to you, an eccentric blonde hunter who’s obsessed with you, and a beautiful blonde model who adores you wholly and wants to care for you for eternity. What more could anyone ask for? The trio is one of the more affectionate and direct with their feelings, so there won’t be a moment when you will feel unloved. Whether that’s a good or bad thing with them... who knows? You’ll continue to let them pay you back for your hospitality by caring for you, won’t you? 
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Fire…? Oh god, you didn’t leave the stove on, did you? Or was someone here messing with the microwave or oven? There might even be a fire starting in another apartment in this complex! In your rush to see where the source of the smell was coming on, you failed to notice the new tablet and remotes sprawled out over the living room table. Someone had been here and left these devices. Hurriedly you rushed inside the kitchen, but there was no sign of anything having been left on. Checking the apartment group chat that gave notices and news for the complex, there was no news of a fire and the smoke detector hadn’t turned on. Wait… there were noises coming from a room connected to the hallway and that seemed to be where the smell came from too. Just as you were about to exit the kitchen, someone entered the same space. It was… the figure of a young robot boy with a mop of flaming blue hair…? 
“Aha! My scanner was correct! I did detect a familiar life force entering the complex grounds! I’m so happy to see you! Ah, wait––”
He stopped once you backed away, you eyed him warily as you held up the sharp end of your keys to warn him. Although you weren’t sure how much damage the keys would do against his metal body if it came down to having to defend yourself. Plus, you’re sure his blue fair hair, however that worked, would burn badly. Before you could ask or demand anything, he continued just as cheerfully, 
“Your heart rate is accelerating at a concerning rate, and so is your breathing pattern–– These are clear signs of fear. Don’t worry! Ah, this is so exciting! I thought I’d never see you like this!” Like a child who just can’t sit still, he practically danced, floating around you, seemingly not caring for the keys in your hand and he didn’t appear to be a threat. Instead he took your hand in his metallic palm, tugging you along towards your room as he insisted, “Come on, you have to see him! Let’s surprise him!”
See who? Surprise who? Your unspoken questions were answered when you were pushed into your home-office where you stored files and your laptop from when you were working at the apartment. There, you could smell the source of the fire, a long messy mane of blue fire that acted as lengthy locks of hair. 
Right now he had yet to notice you. He was far too invested in what appeared to be… building? There were parts and tools all around him as it appeared he had connected your laptop to various PCs and monitors. “What a cheap set-up they had… How can anyone do anything on one monitor? Tsk. This should make it more efficient. Their wi-fi speed is trash, so I gotta fix that too. Hah… Ortho, did you find whatever made that noise––? Uh…” As soon as his eyes landed on you, he froze like a deer in the headlights. His glowing yellow-eyes were wide as he gaped, dropping the piece for the computers in his hands. There was Ortho with the brightest eyes, radiating pure joy, and right next to him was… was… “Y-You–– T-This isn’t what it looks like…!” 
One game. You downloaded one game, Twisted Wonderland, on a whim, and now this duo of students claimed to be from the Ignihyde dorm from that very mobile game. It was incredibly difficult to believe, almost impossible, if it weren’t for their striking resemblance to the characters and the magic they were able to conjure with their pen. What was more of a shock? They claimed to know you as the player. Of course before they knew nothing of your looks or true personality, but now here you were in your divine grace, the real deal right before them! You can be sure that they will take advantage of your kindness as you allowed them to stay until they could find a way to return home. But really, why want to go back when you were here? 
Oh, but you want to know how it’s like living with the Ignihyde gang, hm? 
Ortho Shroud 
Do not worry! He already helps care for his big brother, he can care for you too! He’ll take good care of your home! 
What’s he usually doing at the apartment? Actually, he’s the one that goes out more often, besides helping keep the place together. In this new world, he finds everything interesting. Please teach him about your world, he wants to know as much as he can! 
Whenever you go out, Ortho is always the one to join you (he goes unnoticed thanks to the custom-made upgrade and hat his brother made him). When you go out for groceries. According to his scanners, these are the ripest and juiciest of fruits! When you go out for clothes. Here is a hologram and program he and his brother created to let you see how outfits would look on you without trying them on! When you want something specific. He’s searched the stock of every store within a 25 mile radius for the item you were looking for, and he’s located five stores with the item! Shall he call and have them reserve it as he leads the way for you? 
He’s a very kind and optimistic kid, so he’s won over a lot of the neighbors, meaning he gets a lot of little gifts he likes to give you. The elderly folks say he’s just the cutest kid, the adults think he’s such a well-behaved boy, and the other children seem to think he’s cool. If only they knew how down right mischievous, almost to a concerning level, he could be. He’s going to vacuum the apartment–– with a wind power blaster on max! Haha, just kidding~! If he did that then he might destroy this whole floor of the apartment complex! 
Although he is very responsible. Keeping the apartment clean, vacuuming, doing the laundry, washing the dishes, dusting, organizing everything, handling any mail whether it be digital or written, he even orders takeout and it’s actually good healthy food (half of the time)! He does it all despite you telling him he doesn’t have to, but he wants to! He would do a lot of this stuff for his older brother, so it’s no hassle. Although he would be really happy if you played games with him after! 
The only time he isn’t doing something for you or his brother, is when there’s a forecast of heavy storms with lightning. There was a huge crack of thunder followed by his scream down the hall. He’s deathly afraid of the thunder, hiding himself away in your room if you’re away. However, if you’re there, he’s clinging to you like a lifeline and won’t let go until the storm has passed. You and Idia are the only ones he feels safe with during a storm, so comfort him. 
Yeah, uh, Ortho isn’t entirely innocent though, he can actually be rather destructive. It’s rare, but he too has his moments. Take for example, when you were scared of the huge spider that ended up in the closet. No, wait, Ortho, don’t use that giant blaster––! Or how when your landlord mentioned he was raising the cost of rent and you complained, he later came back to retract that statement all while nervously avoiding innocent little Ortho. Ortho also acts as security, he has motion sensors that detect movement all around the complex grounds. It’s so effective that he was able to confront a would-be thief by the park and stop them from doing anything bad! Hooray! Wait a moment, you wonder… What happened to that pretty tree in the park? Why is there only a burnt stump left…? 
Yes, he missed you so much! Everyday while you work, you’re getting texts and the occasional call from Ortho. Please don’t be mad, he just really misses you! When your shift is done, he’s always there waiting at the lobby, swinging his little feet as he sits and waits. He visibly brightens up when he sees you, eagerly running over to hold your hand and take you home so his brother can see you too! 
In the beginning, he just wanted a friendship with you (through your vessel), him, and of course his brother. He just wanted to be your friend, be in your company, just like how everyone else smiled with you and spent time with you. Can’t he be your friend too…? 
He detected your presence far before you detected him. So when his suspicions were confirmed, he was over the moon! It was you, his friend! This was his dream come true: the real and authentic you, him, and his brother, all together in one place and living together like a big happy family! Just like in his favorite movies! 
As soon as he detected your presence, he had to wait and contain his excitement. He wanted this to be a surprise! When Idia asked him to go check the source of the commotion, he nyoomed right over to where he detected your presence on his scanners. He was so so happy to see you–– he didn’t care about the keys you were holding and he was certain his own flames were increasing. Oh, if he had a heart, he was sure its heart rate would surpass yours! It wasn’t that Ortho was oblivious, it’s just that he was so overjoyed that he didn’t mind your initial fear. You’d get over it quickly, he knows it. How could you continue to see him as a threat? You’ll recognize him soon, just as he recognizes you, then you’ll be happy too! Afterall, didn’t humans say joy was supposed to be infectious? 
“Happiness gauge has reached 100%... Yay, you’re here! Hi! How are you feeling right now? How was work today? Do you want me to place a take-out order or place a reservation at your favorite restaurant? I’m sure if you ask my brother to join us out to eat, then he’ll say yes! Hm?... How’d I know what time you got off of work? Hehe, I know your whole schedule for your convenience!” 
Idia Shroud
Ah, this was so nerve-wracking being away from his own room. Well… it’s not that bad since you’re here. Just leave him in your home where he can be comfortable.
What’s he doing at the apartment? You’re not completely sure but he does stay inside practically all the time. He’s almost always on some type of device, and will not-so-subtly try to linger around you if you let him. 
It’s rare to see Idia go out, especially by himself. However, if you ask him and you seem very eager to go out… well, he’ll impulsively say yes but he’s anxious the entire time. He’ll wear caps to hide his flaming hair and jackets or coats to cover himself. If you take him to someplace like an arcade or merch shop, he’s lightening up and actually enjoying the trip outside. 
Your work from home office? Yeah, that’s basically his office now too. Don’t worry, he’s set up a partition of shelves filled with a mix of your office supplies and the merchandise he buys. His side is all dark and lit by the screen light from devices, the room filled with scattered comics, video game cases, and appliances used by Ortho. Apparently he codes things, programs stuff, creates and sells, because every week there’s a transaction notification from your bank account. It’s Idia wiring you more than enough money for rent and bills. 
It’s fairly normal to see Idia shuffling around the apartment, sometimes forgoing the comfort of his bed or office to be in the same room as you. He doesn’t do much of chores–– he is a bit messy but at least he keeps it to his area. If you ask him to clean though, he’ll tidy up. But… don’t ask him to cook. He can’t manage that. If you do ask him, you’re getting served those really expensive fancy instant ramen. It’s the thought that counts…? 
You’ve never actually seen Idia get angry. But you have heard a loud and audibly frustrated Hah? from his room/office once when you texted him about some negative experiences. According to Ortho, Idia has turned red at times after hearing about your negative experiences. And he means literally, like his calm blue hair had flared into an angry red. Whoever caused those negative experiences whether it be harassment, bullying, or anything else, you won’t be hearing from them ever again. 
Even if it doesn’t seem like he does much, he does a lot. Creating personal service and wifi so you don’t have to pay companies, upgrading all your devices, connecting appliances to your phone like the lights and locks of the apartment and such. He wants to spend time with you, but he’s far too nervous to ask you… Which is why Ortho is always bringing you together. Sometimes if Idia has enough courage, he’ll call you instead of text you or purposefully leave something in your space so you can go to him later. He’ll help you out though. He’ll slow down or shut down the computers of your co-workers so it looks like you’re doing more work and you get a promotion. H-Huh…? N… No… He didn’t hack into your laptop’s camera or the surveillance tapes from your workplace just to watch you… 
Yeah, he missed you, but why would someone as great as you miss someone as miserable as himself…? Why do you think he’s always watching you through screens when you’re not around? If you mention missing you to him, he suddenly looks very nervous. Great, he’s been found out. Now you must think he’s some creep… as if his constant texts throughout the day don’t give away the fact that he longs for your company whether it be with your actual presence or conversation online. 
Ah, right, your vessel… Honestly, he didn’t like Yuu at all at first, but that changed later. They weren’t… that bad. Your vessel was really something special, in some ways it bested his own work on Ortho. Your vessel could be warm or cold, it had a heartbeat, it functioned like a normal human. Perhaps that growing fascination with your vessel was what drew him closer. 
When his gaze landed in you, the flames of his hair grew in heat and size, simmering dangerously high as he attempted to keep his cool–– but he couldn’t! You were staring, probably judging, forming negative thoughts already. Any step closer and his hair might flare up, hot enough to activate the sprinkler systems of the apartment. 
When Idia connected the dots, realizing where he was, he very nearly went into shock. How was this possible? Why was this happening to him and Ortho? No, wait, it’s not like he was upset. This was like a one in trillionth chance. Something lucky finally happened to him! But at the same time, he was freaking out badly. Breaking into a cold sweat, feeling his nerves spike 100%, he felt sick but at the same time he was so eager he could scream! The two things preventing him from breaking down under the weight of all these emotions, was his little brother and seeing the state of this place. What’s with these simple appliances? No offense but your wifi sucks. Oh god, what kind of PC was this? How do you even play any games on something this simple? This was real beginner tutorial level stuff. Seriously? Don’t you have anything better? Which is how he became so engrossed in improving everything he could get his hands on. He was so focused on improving your things that he didn’t even notice you were here, and so when he did finally notice you, he was right back at square one with the flood of emotions rolling back in. 
“Someone will get hurt? Nahhhh. I mean, you know, it could happen. The probability is there. Stuff happens, that’s life, isn’t it? N-No, that doesn’t mean I’ll do anything to them… Anyway! You don’t owe anything to those normies. Seriously, why do you even care about your coworkers? It’d be so much better if you just always worked from home. They just try to boss you around, unlike me and Ortho. Tsk. They’re so annoying. Especially with how that one loser told you to get him a coffee. Huh? H-How do I know that…? Um….” 
As a whole... 
Ignihyde is probably the most vigilant of all the dorms. They’re always watching, even when you think they aren’t. You’re kept under 24/7 surveillance, but it’s not like you know that. Plus, it’s for your safety! Don’t you know how many creeps are out there? It’s okay though. You have a young and powerful robot boy who looks up at you with nothing but respect and admiration, and an intelligent introverted shut-in who’s obsessed with you but sometimes far too nervous to approach you himself. Not just anyone could get close to this brother duo. You’ll have a lot of fun with them and they’ll be sure to keep you entertained. They consider you family at this point, you know? You’ve offered them your hospitality and company, surely you think of them as family too, don’t you? 
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Flowers…? The fragrant smell of nature permeated through your apartment. Quickly you found the source of the aroma, which came from some flowers in a vase in the living room. Flowers which you never collected or were gifted. It was a bouquet of mismatched plants, made of some poppies with missing petals, crumpled daisies, red roses so dark in shade they were almost black, and strangely enough there were even thorns in the bunch. Everything was neater than when you left it. No dust, no stray blankets, everything was orderly. The distant sound of chatter filled your ears, coming from somewhere within the kitchen. And with that– Oh god, what was that stench? Was something from the kitchen burning? Were the people here trying to burn down your apartment with the stove?
“I will be the one responsible to check! If I cannot even do something as simple as ensure the safety of the player’s abode, then I have no right to even serve them! For––” The man stopped, halting his marching as he exited the kitchen and came face-to-face with you.
You froze in fear, warily eyeing the tall with light-green hair slicked back. Not only were you frightened of this man who was obviously much stronger than you judging by his build, but this guy had also been talking to someone. There were bound to be others. As his yellow-green eyes widened and his mouth opened, you were struggling to swiftly take out something that may help you. In one hand you held your phone, in the other your keys. Just as you decide whether to call someone for help or try to defend yourself with the sharp end of your keys, the man does the unthinkable––
He starts bawling. This grown man who looked so intimidating and stronger than you, just started sobbing for no apparent reason! Too stunned by what was occurring, you failed to act as he got up close immediately. Yet he didn’t touch you, but he peered down at you as he furiously wiped away the tears in his eyes. “Wait!!! Please… Please, forgive me!! N–Not only have we barged in on your sacred dwelling unannounced, but I–– I must’ve alarmed you!! It’s merely–– I’m honored beyond belief to finally be in the presence of your true self!! How could I be so lucky? What good deed did I do to deserve this opportunity?!”
What? It was safe to say that you no longer felt threatened. Just… bewildered, and definitely still uneasy.
“Sebek, why are you–– Oh…” Right then, another figure emerged from the kitchen. A calm sleepy looking man with silver hair ambled into the room, but his eyes widened upon landing on you. Slowly he approached, gaze fixated on you, as if in a trance. Yet… he wasn’t very threatening. He had this peaceful air around him. You were still hesitant, but you had your phone and keys at your disposal. Upon getting closer, he lowered his head as if bowing while he spoke, “I apologize for the fright he must’ve given you. Father said this was the moment we had all been waiting for but I didn’t believe he meant… this.” His tone was monotoned, but he smiled, his expression showing his happiness but his voice didn’t match. “I’m so surprised… but so happy too. Ah, Father must be waiting to see you then…!”
With little to no room for arguments, the two men flanked your sides, and hurriedly escorted you to the kitchen. The closer you got, the heavier the smell became. Oh god, it was so bad–– Inside you saw a mess near the oven. There were bowls, cups, spoons, flour, and a tall leaning to the side abomination that could’ve only been a cake only discernible by the recipe page beside it. There was… no one here? Wait… Looking up, you were surprised to see a short guy dangling from the ceiling like a bat–– how was he even doing that?
When your gaze landed on him, he gave a grin, revealing tiny fangs. He lowered himself a bit so dangled upside down in front of you, his black hair with magenta highlights shifting with his movement, his large deep red eyes peering down at you. Judging by the oven mitts on his hands, he was likely the culprit for the mess and the cake as well as the smell of smoke most likely from the oven. But he didn’t seem to care too much for that right now, instead he was focused intensely on you. “There you are! You finally came! I was wondering when you were going to return. I’m sure these two youngins gave you an enthusiastic welcome! As you can see I’ve baked you a cake as a welcome gift from myself. Don’t worry too much about the mess, I’ll clean that up and you can try my cooking! Ah, don’t be so scared~” He floated down from the ceiling until he was standing upright in front of you. The short man was odd, there was something off about him, but he merely patted your head as the over mitt floated off his hand. “Surely you must recognize us by now. So, you know that there’s one more person waiting for you, don’t you?”
That was how you found yourself trapped in a room with one of them. The three you met were so excited to meet you, but they were just as eager for you to see the final fourth one of them. You found him wandering your study, admiring the objects and furniture but not touching, as if he were appreciating the priceless displays in a museum. That is until you, the most precious treasure of all, appeared in his vision. You get it now, you understood why people were nervous around him. He just had this air of elegance and superiority. The tall and extremely intimidating man with the black hair looked down at you with his green eyes, at first surprised before he smiled such a soft smile that quickly became a more menacing looking one. Although he may have just been excited and he might have not meant it to look menacing. Then, he spoke, “It feels like I’ve waited an eternity for this moment with you… I’m uncertain if it was by one of my attempts, mere chance, or by what I hope was your longing to see me as well, that called me forth and brought me and my companions to your world. I’ve dreamt of this moment countless times, ever since you first graced me with your presence through your vessel in my world. Although, I realize I am undeserving, that there’s the possibility I may have arrived here by mistake, but I am determined to make the most out of it. So, please grant my wish, I wish to stay beside you for an eternity. If you accept me, I’ll be forever grateful and remain loyal until the very end of time.”
One game. You downloaded one game, Twisted Wonderland, on a whim, and now this group of students claimed to be from the Diasomnia dorm from that very mobile game. It was incredibly difficult to believe, almost impossible, if it weren’t for their striking resemblance to the characters and the magic they were able to conjure with their pen. What was more of a shock? They claimed to know you as the player. Of course before they knew nothing of your looks or true personality, but now here you were in your divine grace, the real deal right before them! You can be sure that they will take advantage of your kindness as you allowed them to stay until they could find a way to return home. But really, why want to go back when you were here? 
Oh, but you want to know how it’s like living with the Diasomnia gang, hm? 
Sebek Zigvolt 
Worry not, he will serve you just as he serves the young master! He, Sebek, will wholeheartedly dedicate himself not only to being of assistance to you but also to defending your abode!! 
What is he doing at the apartment? Serving you, of course! In everything he does, he does for you. Cleaning, cooking, shopping. You actually have to command him to do something for himself, or else he’d be taking care of you non-stop. 
Sebek is one of the clingiest members by far. You going out shopping? Say no more, he’ll carry all the bags! You want to take a stroll? He shall accompany you and hold your umbrella to protect you from that wretched sun! The sidewalk is too crowded? Everyone move aside, make room!! It’s terribly embarrassing sometimes, so you have to remind him to try and not attract unnecessary attention. If you ask him why not do something he enjoys for once, he immediately responds with “But… I enjoy serving you…!” 
Yes, Sebek enthusiastically does many of the chores and he takes care of the cooking with Silver. Don’t underestimate his dedication to fulfilling your every command. He’s loud so if you ask him to be quiet for a moment, he'll stay absolutely silent until you give him permission to speak again. If you mention having issues with someone at work, he’s marching straight over and only you can stop him before he gives that poor person a multiple hour long lecture mixed with scoldings and praises of you. Say you’re hungry, and he’s immediately in the kitchen starting to cook a whole buffet. There’s nothing he wouldn’t do for you, you know. 
Speaking of food, like mentioned previously, Silver and Sebek handle the food meaning they make your lunch. If it weren’t for Silver placing some restrictions, Sebek would be giving you enough food for everyone on the floor you work on. Still, he makes sure you have more than enough. He’s packed a healthy appetizer and a good main dish paired with a side dish! Oh, and here’s a portable mug with freshly brewed tea! 
He says goodbye at the door when you’re leaving for work but it’s a long goodbye because he’s following you through the halls, down the stairs, all the way towards the street. No, no, he cannot follow you this time. Annnnd he’s still following. You implemented a rule for all four of them, they are not allowed to enter your workplace when you’re busy. Before the rule was implemented, Sebek tried barging in more than once. After the rule, he tried to get a job as a security guard for the building. Thankfully, he was rejected because he just wanted to guard one floor which was the one you worked on. He takes matters concerning your security seriously, you must text him at least once every thirty minutes so he knows you okay! At the very least, you haven’t seen him hurt anyone just to keep you safe. And you’re sure he hasn’t harmed anyone… right? 
If it’s not obvious by now, Sebek probably has the hardest time when you leave. You haven’t seen it, but since the large portrait he’s commissioned to have placed in his room is not complete yet (he also asked for one of Malleus), he keeps a locket with your picture around his neck. Every once in a while when you aren’t around, others will catch him gazing fondly at your image. The second your shift is done, he’s somehow already in the elevator waiting for you. If the others manage to convince him to wait at home, you arrive to see him standing rigidly at the front door like a soldier waiting to be given commands. He has the brightest smile as he greets you loudly and enthusiastically. Give him a head pat for his good work. 
Ah, yes, your vessel Yuu. He’s proud to report that he served your vessel as well!! Although every time he recalls how he used to view your vessel as a mere human of no significance, he scorns himself. If only he wasn’t so blind, if only he realized your importance earlier he could’ve spent much more time in your graceful presence!! That’s the only regret he has concerning your vessel. 
Oh, the pure joy he felt upon seeing you––! The overwhelming feeling of your grace washing over his entire being filled him with such bliss! Why, he was simply so thrilled, so shocked but delighted that he was moved to tears!!  
When Lilia requested that he guard the front door, he immediately did so. How astute of sir Lilia, he was right, the door had to be guarded in the case that someone arrived! Sebek volunteered to do the job, wishing to take the task instead of Silver. That way he would be the first to see who came through the door! What he didn’t expect was for the player he practically worshipped to be there! Why, it sent him into such a shock, making his jaw drop! That’s when he burst into tears, awestruck by your presence that overwhelmed him!! All his time that he devoted to training in combat, learning from various classes, teaching himself useful skills, it was not just for the young master Malleus but also for you––! You were the only other person he could hold in such high regard!! 
“My liege!!! I welcome you home!! I apologize for not being present today to escort you home! I envy my companions who were able to bask in your wonderful presence while escorting you here safely…! Tsk–– However! I’ve spent my time wisely. I’ve cleaned the entire apartment while everyone was absent! Additionally, I’ve prepared everything necessary for dinner! Thank you for working hard today once again!! I sincerely hope that my measly efforts are able to lift some responsibility off your shoulders!!” 
Ah, so this is your home… It’s very nice. He will do his best to protect it. Please, rest assured, he will defend you and your home until his last breath. 
What’s he usually doing? Well, when not volunteering to do chores, he’s sleeping. Silver being classic Silver. He tries really hard to stay awake but your home is just… so comforting. And your presence is so relaxing, how can he not just… be lulled into a… deep sleep…
Silver is probably the best person to have with you. He’s calm and manages to charm everyone without even trying, not to mention he’s the only human in the group. He’s grateful whenever you allow him to go with you. It gives him an opportunity to learn more about you, your homeland, and the humans around. Like the rest of the group, he sometimes has difficulty understanding human customs despite being human. Forgive him, he was raised by fae. Please, teach him? 
Believe it or not, it’s Silver who’s the most beloved by the neighbors. They’re all crazy over him, especially the women. The old ladies love to pinch his cheeks because he’s such a gentleman, the mothers wish their sons were like him, the younger women all try to flirt with him all the time, even the children adore him because he’s just like the prince in their fairytale books! Whenever they give him gifts, which is often, Silver doesn’t mind sharing with you. In fact, he actually prefers it if you had the gift. 
Ah, the animals. Silver really is like a magical prince. For some reason, animals just flock to him. On more than one occasion, you’ve caught them helping Silver with chores. Birds moving wet clothes to dry on the balcony, squirrels helping him sweep up dust, etc. How does he do it? You have no idea. While you were at work once, a pair of pigeons delivered you a bouquet of flowers with a note simply reading: To my beloved. From, Silver. Knowing Silver, it probably wasn’t even his intention to be romantic. He probably just saw some pretty flowers he wanted to give you. 
Yes, he’s very chill and it’s difficult to tell how he feels by his expression. In fact, you’ve only seen him get angry once. It was at a cafe, seated at a small table as you awaited your orders to collect the food and meet the others elsewhere so you could have a picnic. You had placed your purse on the back of your seat as Silver sat nearby, dozing off a bit. You weren’t paying attention as you waited for your order number to be called, when a stranger strolled by and reached for your unattended bag–– Never before had you seen Silver snap fully awake so quickly before. Nor had you ever seen his face contort into anger as he gripped the would-be-thief’s wrist before he could even touch your belongings. The situation ended peacefully from what you remembered. But when you weren’t listening, Silver made sure to inform his Father and Master Malleus, which led the two to properly punish the thief without you knowing. 
Yes, he did quite miss you… but he doesn’t want to bother you when he knows you are busy. He’ll only act clingy if you allow it and if you spare time for him. To him, it doesn’t matter what you’re doing. You could be looking at another person, but as long as he’s in your presence, then he’s content. Although… he wouldn’t deny any attention you do decide to give him. 
Yes, he knew your vessel Yuu. Just as he was training to be a knight worthy to serve and protect Master Malleus, he would also do the same for your vessel. In his eyes, you were like the royalty a knight should devote themselves to. 
Of course seeing the true you for the first time would put a smile on his face. Do you realize how difficult it is to actually get Silver to visibly smile? If this was merely a fantasy formed by his desires in his dreams, he never wanted to wake up again. 
When the sound of Sebek’s loud sobs reached his ears and when Lilia gave an amused glance at him, Silver took both of these as a sign to investigate. He and Sebek had no idea where they were or what was going on, but Lilia and Malleus seemed content, even absolutely delighted to be here. Wherever here was. If they were so happy to be here, then perhaps he shouldn’t be so worried. Then he saw you in front of his crying companion, and it all made sense. They had sensed your presence and knew you would be here. Right then, it felt like he was having an otherworldly experience, just by seeing you. It felt like this couldn’t be real, like this was far too good to be true–– yet here you were. His legs moving on his own, immediately drawn closer until he found himself bowing and smiling up at you. 
“Thank you for allowing me to escort you to work today. I’m very happy right now… Hm? I don’t look happy? But I’m smiling? Oh… am I not smiling? Apologies. Please know that being beside you with the privilege of being your protector is everything I’ve dreamed of. If I were to get injured or worse by defending you, I would not mind. I would risk every part of my being just to see you safe and smiling… Ah–– that’s both sappy and concerning you say? But I’m only speaking how I feel…” 
Lilia Vanrouge 
Oh, don’t fret, little one! Lilia is here now. Not only will he keep all these young ones in line, but he’ll be sure to care for you and love you. 
What’s he up to around the apartment? Honestly, you’re not sure. You rarely see him cleaning, but somehow he keeps the apartment spotless. When up to his own devices, he seems greatly intrigued just by the things of his world so he usually explores and shows you his finds or new knowledge. He mentioned something like the unknown making him feel young again. 
It’s like having a dad all over again, but a very fun laid back kind of dad. This includes lovingly teasing you for almost everything, embarrassing you by pridefully showing you off whenever the opportunity presents itself, and the talks that include wisdom from a very ancient fae. You’re still stuck with his horrible cooking though. 
Lilia probably fits in the most, which is strange considering he’s a fae with a vast past. People don’t seem to look twice at his ears because they assume it’s a prop or they’re hidden by his hair. Not to mention the highlights in his hair combined with his attitude and how he takes a liking to grunge/punk clothes. If you’d pass him on the street you’d have no idea he was from a magic world. Additionally, he seems to get along with most people. It’s very weird to see this short guy wearing edgy fashion and somehow relating to the elderly war veterans in the apartment complex. Although you don’t mind, since he has their favor and they give him extra supplies for the apartment. 
He makes sure you’re loved. Cheek kisses, head pats, checking in on you after a long day, willing to do whatever it takes to cheer you up. He’s easily the most openly affectionate out of the group. If you’re tired, he’ll hum or sing you a lullaby if you ask. He can be surprisingly gentle and soft. Once after a full day out with all of them, you promptly passed out upon returning home as your head lay in his lap and he gazed down at you with nothing but eyes filled with adoration. Malleus was nearby, his fingers weaving through your hair as he felt content at seeing you so peaceful. Meanwhile the bickering between Silver and Sebek had stopped, both had fallen asleep on the other couches too. It was a picturesque scene. 
Lilia prefers that you don’t see a certain side of him, however, he won’t scramble to hide it. If you find out then you find out, but you’ll still have him. Lilia can be rather… cruel. That’s probably something to be expected of a fae who’s seen war and experienced so much. Any threat to you is quickly snuffed out. He’ll give a firm talk to co-workers who treat you badly, he’ll hunt down creeps who tried to take pictures of you or touch you in public, and if someone ever dared try to mortally wound you? May whatever higher being there may be have mercy on their soul once Lilia gets his hands on them. 
Oh, Lilia missed you deeply. In fact, it’s fairly common for him to try to guilt-trip you into working from home today just so he can be with you. Sometimes it’s hard to say no to his cute face and crocodile tears… When you do go and return, you immediately are greeted by a warm hug as he asks to hear about your day. 
Ah, your cute little vessel Yuu. Yes, he knew them well. Ever since day one, you had intrigued him greatly. In his several millennia long lifetime, he had never once met someone like you. You were truly one of a kind, and he wanted to know you better. 
As soon as he appeared, he realized almost immediately that he was in a place dear to you. Although it was faint, he could feel your presence, meaning you had been here. Well, what an unexpected turn of events! This was not how he expected his day to go! In the meantime, he’d prepare something sweet to welcome you with. Let’s see here, what ingredients were in the kitchen… 
Of course he knew it was you at the door! It was why he sent Sebek first then Silver, wanting the two to see you first before he could later keep all your attention and coo over you. Ah, he was patient as it came with age, but he hadn’t felt this impatient in a long time. He put a lot of effort into this… cake, for you! He truly hoped you liked it. Now to surprise you! And it certainly was a surprise to see him floating from the ceiling, and he relished in your reaction, and your presence–– oh, your sweet grace! He can’t ever remember a time where he felt this happy to see someone before. He just can’t wait to take you under his wing, fret over you, and just spoil you silly! 
“Good morning, my little bat! Breakfast is almost–– hm?... You’re already about to leave for work? My, my, is it really that late in the morning already? How time flies. Are you not working from home today? Oh… but I planned to spend time with you during your break. I even saved so you can spend at any cafe we pass by… Of course, it’s fine, I know you’re busy and you work hard. But everytime you go, I get so lonely I can c-cry… Oh? Last minute change of plans? I see! Heheh, I’ll be sure to spoil you with whatever you want on your break then!” 
Malleus Draconia 
So this building is your residence?–– No? Only these few rooms and the rest belong to others? Ah… but you deserve much more. Shall he, Malleus, ward off the rest of the humans and demolish this complex to have a castle built in its place? No? As you wish, he’ll leave you to reside in this apartment since you find it satisfactory. 
What could he possibly be doing in your apartment? A majority of the time, you have no idea. He’s just following you endlessly so long as you allow him to. You never really see him do chores, perhaps because his retainers do it for him or he does it when you aren’t looking. Really anything you want to do, he’ll gladly join you. Although you’re not certain what he does when he’s not with you… 
As mentioned before, he’ll always try to follow you simply because he does not want to be apart from you. At first it was a little unnerving but you quickly got used to it. He’s able to go out with little to no trouble, since most people think his horns and ears are some strange prop, plus you made him and the others promise to not use magic in public. One good thing about his presence is he always scares off unwanted company. Even if people don’t know who he is, he’s intimidating enough with the way he carries himself. 
Malleus believes you deserve the world and more. So he covers all costs. Will this pile of gold from his treasury do? What is he thinking? You deserve much more than this puny sum! No, you insist, that’s more than enough. As to how he even got his treasures here, you have no clue. All he asks in return is for your company. He truly does care for you possibly more than anyone, so he’ll gladly give more gold just to spoil you. If you bring him with you to shop or any simple outing or invite him somewhere, he’s over the moon with joy. 
Although it’s hard to believe it since he acts so refined and elegant. You think he’s an enigmatic being, maybe a little peculiar, and he always keeps his cool but in actuality… he’s weak for you. Even if he seems calm, any moment with you sends his heart fluttering. Every glance, every smile, every touch, every word, every gesture, it fills him with so much unbelievable ecstasy that makes his heart beat wildly. Who would have thought that such a peaceful simple domestic life would satisfy a prince like him? 
Everything you say, everything you do, even what you think matters. He teased you and such, but never to the point of upsetting you, just because he cannot resist seeing your range of emotions and reactions. One day when he nearly exposed magic to a passerby when attempting to impress you with his skills, leading to you becoming worried and upset, he was absolutely devastated. Malleus believed you were cross with him, how could he do such a foolish thing and anger you? Next thing you know, there was suddenly a nasty storm with powerful lightning and thunder despite the sunny weather five minutes ago, unconsciously formed by his immediate regret and immense guilt. Yet as soon as you spoke to him as he apologized profusely and you explained you weren’t angry at him, the storm quickly cleared upon comforting him. Needless to say, he was not about to make the same mistake twice. 
You seem to have no worries recently. Of course he and Lilia handle each little matter stressing you. If you stop, you might actually notice the way your rude boss shivers upon seeing the fae waiting to escort you home from work. If you turned around to see Malleus, you might’ve seen the way he glared down at the shop owner that scammed you as said owner nervously gave you much more than you paid for. Oh, you’re scared of going out at night because of creeps? Fear not, for he will be beside you the entire time. Besides, he and Lilia already weeded out all… potential threats in the area. You will be safe as long as he is around. 
You know, he’s actually much worse than Sebek when it comes to clinginess. You just never notice Malleus. If you think you’re alone… you’re not. If you feel like you’re being watched when you leave all four of them at home… you’re being watched. The fae prince never truly leaves you alone. He tells himself it’s to keep you safe and content always, but it’s partly for himself too. He’d feel far too lonely if he actually left you for over five minutes. Maybe his lingering presence, even when you don’t know it, explains some little things. The coffee you left cold at your desk is pleasantly warm when you come back, when you turn around the mess of papers is suddenly an organized stack, that coworker you had a fight with suddenly went home sick and didn’t return for nearly a week and when they did return they seemed… scared. 
Malleus likes to believe he knows your vessel, Yuu, better than anyone else. Afterall, he met you early on, he even accidentally helped you. He knew you were a strange one in the beginning, but he had no idea how special you were until later on. 
Like Lilia, he was quick to realize where he was. At first, he was shocked, in pure disbelief. This must be some kind of miracle or a cruel joke––! Lilia was quick to keep Sebek and Silver busy, while he was left to his own devices. So, he explored, but never daring to touch anything, as if even the trashcan in the corner were sacred since it belonged to you. 
Of course he felt your nearing presence. It felt like time was longer than ever now, like every second was an hour. When he heard Sebek sobbing followed by Silver’s voice, he felt his heartbeat quicken. It was happening. You were almost here. Soon, you would come to see him. When he heard the distant voice of Lilia in the kitchen, he felt nervous for the first time in a long while. The moment was coming when he would see you finally, but the moment didn’t seem to come fast enough. Part of him was worried you would fear him. After all, this was technically like a first meeting, so if that were the case–– he’d simply do everything in his power so you warm up to him. You meant far too much to him, he would not allow you to leave him alone even if you tried. He wanted this, you, or something with you, far too much, more than anything he’s ever desired before. Then he heard the door–– it was happening! His gaze landed over to you, immediately transfixed on you. This was it. He was finally meeting the person he adored and coveted, the very one he sought out. 
“You’re relieved to see me after a long day? Hm, as am I to see you… Why am I smiling so ominously, you ask? Heh. Well, because I’ve reunited with you, and because I was thinking of the others who were not blessed and have not seen you. Diasomnia was fortunate enough not only to bask in your presence but to live beside you. I merely find it amusing to remember the countless times others within the college had not invited me to see your plaything Yuu, and yet here I am in the company of the true you. I wonder if they realize, if they know, or even see me here alongside you now. It’s a shame I cannot see them writhing as they wallow in their own sorrows and regret.” 
As a whole... 
Diasomnia adores you wholly, in their eyes you can do no wrong. They both revere you and adore you. For you, they’ll do anything, they’ve told you as much. If you asked, they’d even tear this world apart and mold it into how you see fit. You assure them that you never want that, that the most you usually want is help with chores and stuff. Still, they do carry out your commands, even if it’s not anything major. You have a dedicated green-haired half-fae eager to please you in any way, a sleepy young man that keeps the calm and peace, an ancient fae who dotes over you, and a fae prince willing to bring this society to its knees should you ask. With these four, they’re practically like family at this point. An overpowered, obsessed, and overprotective family… They treasure you very much, I hope you realize that. You’ve offered them your hospitality and company, surely you won’t think of ever getting rid of them, right?
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merrellholland · 2 years
Silent and Tired → t.holland
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A/N: Hey everyone! A little late to the party, but decided to do an angsty one-shot for Tom's birthday hehe.. enjoy
Word Count: 2.5k
In just five days, Tom Holland the famous Spider-Man actor would no longer be 25 years of age, but instead 26. You’ve known Tom for almost six years and counting. You first met him at an after party of the Spider-Man Homecoming premiere, and from that moment on you two just instantly clicked. But over the years, you’ve realized that you have developed feelings for the British boy. Everything about him was just perfect. But of course before you even got the courage to tell him about this, he had already started to get into a relationship with his co-star, Zendaya. 
Now you had nothing against Zendaya, she’s beyond gorgeous, has a great charisma, smart, kind, and an absolute Goddess. Ever since Zendaya got casted to play the role of Peter Parker’s love interest, MJ, everyone had started to ship Tom and Zendaya. Everyone could see them dating and making each other happy and content. After a while, you had decided to ignore your romantic feelings for Tom and hide them deep down where nobody would ever get a hint. 
The situation has been like this for approximately two years, when Tom and Zendaya had decided to put their relationship out to the public. They definitely did break the internet, everyone was happy, even you. If you truly loved someone, you would want them to be happy. Seeing Tom with Zendaya was heartbreaking at first. But you’ve learnt to be happy for them, your feelings for Tom shouldn’t get in the way of him being happy. Whenever Tom’s with Zendaya, you’ve noticed that his mood always brightens like she was the sun to his universe. 
Zendaya wanted Tom to have the best birthday party, so she invited everyone who was close to Tom and made you a co-planner with her. The two of you would order many decorations on various websites and have six different packages on the front of Tom and Zendaya’s apartment. Tom was still in Berlin so he wasn’t aware of the packages. Planning Tom’s birthday with Zendaya was extremely fun and exciting and you couldn’t wait for Tom’s reaction to all of the preparation. 
Finally after three days, Tom had arrived in L.A and unlocked the door to his shared apartment. The second he entered the apartment, Zendaya dropped the book she was reading and set down her coffee mug and ran up to Tom, engulfing him in a hug. Tom started laughing, almost crying as it was an emotional moment. 
“AHHH I missed you so much!” Zendaya said to Tom. 
“I missed you too darling” Tom said to her while laughing. 
They laughed at each other and shared a long awaited kiss, both of them happy. 
Back in your apartment, you were aware that Tom had reached L.A but decided not to say anything to him yet. You wanted him to relax a little and spend some time with just Zendaya. Plus, you had a tinder date. 
You tried to put yourself out there, tired of feeling lonely and wanting to have someone love you and have late night chats with. But all the dates you’ve been on always went in three directions. 
One: Since you were considered a Youtube celebrity, with over ten million subscribers, people would only go on dates with you for the clout. So that they could be in your videos and have a sprinkle of fame. 
Two: They were a complete douche bag who just wanted to have meaningless sex with you so that they can tell everyone they had slept with a Youtube star. 
Three: They talked about themselves for the whole entire date, making you just sit there in the restaurant, nodding your head and silently eating your meal. 
You were hoping that this date would be different, not a repeat of the last previous 15 dates, yes you were counting. You got ready by putting on your makeup, fixing your hair, and you had decided to wear a long elegant black dress with a slit. 
Thirty minutes later, you arrived at the restaurant and took a seat at your reserved table. You started off with an appetizer, bread and olive oil, while you were waiting for your date, Tyler. On his profile, he looked like the typical frat boy but you didn’t want to judge a guy based on what he puts on a tinder profile. You waited for approximately another hour and forty minutes for him, but still no sign of Tyler. 
The manager of the restaurant had taken pity on you, and decided not to charge you for the bread and olive oil. You thanked the manager and left the place, you felt like your cheeks were burning from the amount of embarrassment you were feeling. 
As you drove back to your apartment, you immediately took off your heels and tied your hair into a messy bun, not caring about the delicate curls in your hair that took you hours to perfect. You walked to your bathroom and quickly wiped off your makeup with makeup wipes, attempting to bottle up your emotions so that the tears from your eyes wouldn’t spread the mascara to other places on your face. You changed into some sweatpants and a random shirt you found sitting in your closet. 
As you came out of the bathroom, you entered the living room. Like always, it was pin drop silent. The only thing you could hear was the cars driving by your apartment complex. You decided to turn on the T.V in order for some sound to be produced, but it doesn’t feel the same as having some company. You ended up sinking into the couch and let out all your emotions. 
You didn’t control the sobs coming out, the tears streaming down your face making your vision blurry, your breathing becomes uneven. You were sick of having to come home to a silent environment, you were just tired of it all. 
You slowly wake up, the sunlight shining on your face. You’ve noticed that you are still curled up on the couch, as you slowly get up from your fetal position. Your bones start to crack and your head has a massive headache. As you adjust to the lighting of a new day, your phone starts to ring. You pick up your phone, seeing that Zendaya was calling you. 
“Hello?” You ask as you answer the phone. 
“Hey Y/N! I’ve taken Tom out on our lunch date and all the decorations are in my closet at our apartment so if you could use the spare key and decorate everything? So that way when we come back it will be an ultimate surprise!” Zendaya said in an exciting tone. 
You glance over at the clock hanging on your wall, the time was 11:30 AM. You then stifle a yawn, “Yeah I can come over, I’ll use the spare key you gave me and then just text me when you're on your way back. Don’t worry Z, I got everything under control.” You respond . 
“Great, I'll see you later then!” Zendaya said. 
“Yep, see you later” you say and then end the call. 
You slowly get up from the couch, making your knees pop. You slowly walk towards the bathroom to freshen up. You look at yourself in the mirror, the oversized shirt engulfing you while your eyes were puffy and bloodshot, your hair equivalent to a bird's nest. You sighed and turned on the faucet to wash your face. You then brush your teeth and take a warm and relaxing shower. After that, you comb out your hair, gently getting two strands of your hair from both sides and pinning it to the back of your head. Finally, changing into some black mom jeans and a black short sleeved shirt.  
You then left your quiet apartment in order to go to another apartment filled with silence. The only difference was that the apartment that you were going to was temporarily silent while yours was almost always silent. 
You finally reached their apartment and unlocked the door with the spare key that Zendaya gave to you. You looked around, observing how the apartment looked. You set your stuff and your gift for Tom on the kitchen counter. 
As you were walking around the place, looking for the bedroom, you couldn’t help but start to feel a pang of jealousy as you looked around. Wait-what? No, you can’t be jealous of them. Tom’s never going to like you in that romantic way, there’s no sense in envying their relationship. You have to be happy for them, you must be happy for them. This is what everyone wanted, for them to be together.  
You looked down, trying to avoid tears spilling on your face. You put your finger out in front of your face and caught a single tear drop that would’ve fallen on the floor if you wouldn’t have caught it. You then looked up, trying not to let anymore tears come out. After you composed yourself, you finally found the bedroom. 
You entered the room and walked in the walk-in closet. You saw a big cardboard box labeled, “Tom’s special day <3” You assumed that this was the box containing all the decorations. You carried out the box from the closet and as you were leaving the room, you couldn’t help but notice the framed picture on the bed side table. The picture seemed to be a film picture of Zendaya kissing Tom’s cheek while they were in a trailer, pressumbily for a Spider-Man movie. The both of them seemed to be happy around each other, the joy in Tom’s eyes was a sight for sore eyes. 
That’s what did it for you. Your heart starts to break, the feeling of your stomach dropping, your eyes getting watery yet again, the insecurities getting to your mind. You bit your lip while looking at it one last time before leaving the room. 
You set the box down in the middle of the living room and opened it up. There were banners, balloons, birthday paper plates and cups, and much more. So there you were, setting up their living room with every single piece of decoration that was inside the box. 
Once you were done with decorating the place, you decided to text everyone in the group chat that you made for Tom’s birthday to come over to the apartment. After around twenty minutes, the first couple of guests had arrived, Harrison, Tuwaine, Harry, and Sam. They were visiting from London and obviously couldn’t say no to Tom’s surprise party. You welcomed them inside, informing them that Zendaya and Tom were out on a lunch date and that they would come back soon. They nodded and set down their gifts on the kitchen counter, next to yours. 
Soon, more and more guests arrived and were getting ready to surprise Tom. As the anticipation of Zendaya and Tom’s arrival was increasing, you got a text message from Zendaya that they were in the garage of the apartment complex. 
You took a deep breath in as you looked at the text, you then announced, “Alright everyone! They’re going to be here any moment now! So everyone put on the party hats and turned off all the lights!” You exclaim to everyone. 
They all nodded and started to gather up at the center of the living room while you made sure to set up your phone somewhere so that you could get Tom’s reaction on video. Finally all the lights were turned off, and the apartment was pin drop silent. But you liked this silence, knowing that there were people surrounding you. 
You then heard the keys jingle as the door was slowly unlocking. As the lights turned on, you all yelled, “Surprise!!”
Tom flinched but then his eyes widened in shock and awe, all the people he loved in one place. “O-Oh my– Wow this is just– wow I have no words!” he says, still in shock. 
Everyone started to laugh, then Tom turned to Zendaya, “Did you do all of this for me?” he asked with joy in his eyes. 
Zendaya laughs at him, “Yes I did, but I also had Y/N help me.” She says while pointing in your direction, as you were front and center in the group. 
You laughed, “I’m just glad I caught this all on video!” you said to them with a smile on your face, even though deep down inside you felt like the opposite of a smile. But you did a pretty damn good job of hiding it. 
Tom laughs and smiles at you, causing butterflies to erupt in your stomach. “I literally don’t know what to say Y/N, thank you” he says genuinely while giving you a tight hug. 
You cherished this moment, his hands wrapped around your waist while your hands were trapped around his abdomen. You treasured this moment that you had with him, as he hugged you in a friendly way while you hugged him like your life depended on it. Because you were sure that this was probably going to be the last interaction you’re going to have with him in some time. 
Hours passed, the party was slowly dying down and everyone was starting to leave. Tom had just finished opening up his gifts and thanking everyone for attending. You decided to stay a little in order to help clean up the place. 
The three of you were cleaning up the place, then Tom approached you, holding out a garbage bag so that you could throw in all the plastic red cups that you collected. He smiled at you while you smiled back at him. 
You throw the cups in the bag, “Thanks for the gift by the way” he says.
You smile at him, “Of course, it seemed like the perfect gift” you say to him. 
You gifted Tom the official Spider-Man golf balls, you knew he would love it and you were right. 
“I didn’t even know that these existed, I’m definitely going to be using them on the golf course” He says to you with joy in eyes. But you knew that it was joy from the platonic relationship between you two. 
You smile again at him again and start to gather all of your things since the living room was all clean. Zendaya came back from the bedroom as she was taking all the decorations down and putting them back in the box and storing them in the closet. You bid your goodbyes to both Tom and Zendaya and then left their apartment.
As you walked to your car, you couldn’t help but notice that you longed for a relationship like Tom and Zendaya. If you would’ve just admitted your feelings towards Tom, things could have possibly been different. Maybe it could have been you who shared an apartment with Tom, the one who took him out on a lunch date. You were sick of being alone and always being the third wheel to everyone. You just wanted something special like what they have. Maybe one day, you think to yourself.
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triplexdoublex · 4 years
Pairings: Colson x Reader
Warnings/Tags: rough sex, anal sex, face fucking, gagging, spit, spitting in mouth, slight bondange, golden showers, pissing in mouth, slapping across face, being filmed.
A/N: Shout out to Shawnie ( @heytheregreeneyes) for always letting me use her as my OC and being my best friend. Also Colson isn’t MGK in this, just a pornstar so his personality isn’t as cocky as he usually is. I know I’ve mentioned it before but the sex in this is loosely based off my fave porn star Small Hands AKA Aaron Thompson. Hope this was worth the wait. Lemme know what you think! “Open it, open it!” Your roommate and best friend Shawnie stood before you with a gift bag in hand, shaking it excitedly.
“My birthday’s not even until this weekend,” You laughed taking the bag from her. “You sure you don’t want me to wait? It’s only a few more days.”
“ No please, I’ve kept this a secret for long enough, it’s killing me! Just open it!” She exclaimed. “Plus your gonna need time to prepare.”
“C’mom, just open it, open it, open it!!!” She was far too excited. You wondered what it could be that she was so eager to give you. But what you pulled out of the bag just left you with even more questions. 
“Thanks???” You said confused, holding up a sexy red lace bra and matching g- string that tied at hips. 
“That’s only part of it,” she assured you. “What’s your biggest wish?” She tried to clue you in.
“Ummm paying off all my student debt?” You answered still puzzled. “Did you get me a job as a stripper?” You laughed.
“Okay, maybe ‘wish’ was the wrong word to use … hmmm—oh biggest fantasy!” She corrected herself. 
“Oh to fuck my favorite porn star Huge Hands, AKA Colson Baker. You know that — wait … no, no way!”  You exclaimed as your friend started frantically nodding her head yes. “Shut up!!! What? You’re kidding. Like how?”
“Look in the bag . There’s more!” 
You reached into the bag and pulled out a pass of some kind and read it aloud. “Huge Hands/Colson Baker : Exclusive Access, Porn Star for a Day pass” 
“They were super limited, I have no clue how I managed to snag one, but I’m so happy I did! The look on your face right now is priceless!” Shawnie laughed. “It’s probably because you’re the only one I know who’s  crazy enough to actually go through with this.”
“I-I don’t even know what to say. I have no words… thank you.” You expressed your gratitude, still in shock. “I’m really about to have the best sex of my life this weekend! On my birthday yet! Have you seen his fucking cock, it’s huuuge!”
“Yes, many times,” Shawnie chuckled , entertained by how pumped you are. “Or did you forget about all the links of his umm ‘work’ you’ve sent me?” Shawnie wasn’t big on porn herself but she was always willing to take an interest in your latest obsessions, no matter what they were. That’s what you loved most about her. “Turn it over, it tells you more about what’s included on the back.”
You did as she suggested, turning the pass over to read more. “Half hour zoom call day before to privately discuss details, and needs/wants of scene; hair and make up; up to one hour of shooting time; and keepsake autographed DVD recording,” you listed off. “You know I’m gonna watch that everyday for the rest of my life, right?” 
“I’m assuming you’re gonna make me watch it at least once too, knowing you,” Shawnie laughed. 
“Yeah probably,” you laughed as well. “ I got no shame!”
You’re stomach was in knots as you waited for the zoom call to begin; you’d never felt so excited and  nervous at the same time. Shawnie was there with you sitting just out of frame, when the ‘bloop’ of the call came through your computer's speakers. 
“Hi, Y/N?” Colson questioned.
“Yeah, hi. That’s me!” You did a timid little wave.
“Ok good, just wanted to make sure I got the right person before we get started here. Imagine that … Awkward!,” he laughed, and you instantly began to relax; you could tell he was going to be easy to talk to. “Well, obviously you know what I do , but I’d love to hear a little about you. Says here on your forms you’re a college student?”
“Wait, what forms?” You asked.
“The ones you filled out online with your info and kinks and things you wanted to include in our video when you purchased the Pornstar for a day package,” he answers slightly confused. 
“Ohhh, my friend bought me this for my birthday, she must have filled them out.” You responded. “She’s right here. Say hi Shawnie!”
“Hi!” She giggled leaning into frame. 
“Hello. Wow this must be some “friendship” he joked making air quotes. “Because this is a very detailed list. You gotta hear this.” He smirks. “Written in the section about what you hope to include in our scene says— and  I quote: I want Huge Hands/ Colson to absolutely destroy me. I want him to fuck my throat, my pussy and my ass. I want him to slap me around, and spit and piss in my mouth, and anything else he wants to do to me, I’m all for it.”  He choked out a laugh pulling dramatically at the collar of his shirt “Whew, I’m the pornstar here and that’s even got me blushing!”
“Oh my God, Shawnie!” You covered your beet red face.
“What!?, did I lie?” She laughed.
“I mean no, but still. Damn, to hear it out loud like that.” Your eyes bulged. 
“So it’s true then?” Colson asked slyly.
“Yeah, that pretty much sums it up,” you hid your smile behind your hand, shaking your head in embarrassed disbelief.
“Aye,  no need to be embarrassed, we’re gonna have fun tomorrow, I can tell,” he smiled. “I’m especially excited that your interested in Anal. It’s kinda my favorite. I’m assuming you’ve done it before?” 
“Yeah,” you answered simply.
“Do you enjoy it?” He asked.
“Tell him what your ex said!”  Shawnie blurted out. 
“Oh, boy. I gotta hear this,” he chuckled. “What’d the ex say?”
You inhaled deeply before speaking, “I do enjoy it, probably more than regular sex, if I’m being honest,” you admitted. There was no use trying to be coy now. “Uhhh he actually said I could be a pornstar since I can take a hard anal pounding so well.” 
“Nice!” He exclaimed. “Girl, after my own heart.”
“Jesus Christ, this conversation has me sweating already,” you chuckled standing up to pull your cardigan off. 
“Is that a little tattoo I saw there, peaking out of the top of your jeans?” He asked. 
“Yeah, you wanna see?” You unzipped your jeans without waiting for a response and lowered the top of your underwear just enough to show him. 
“ The Playboy bunny, huh? How fitting,” he teased.
“What can I say, it was my first tattoo,” you giggled “Seemed like that’s what everyone was getting at the time.”
“What else you got going on down there?” He lifted his head as if trying to see more. “Is that a landing strip?” He asked referring to the thin dark stripe of short curls just  barely visible above the band of your lowered underwear. “Can I see?” 
“Yeah, sure,” you lowered them further exposing yourself, your inhibition long gone at that point. “This is just how I normally like to groom. I can shave it completely if you prefer?” 
“Nah, it’s perfect,” he smiled. “Well, I think I have a pretty good idea now of what you like and what we’ll be getting ourselves into tomorrow. Do you have any questions or anything else you want me to know, before we end the call?” 
“I don’t think so,” you said. “Shawnie pretty much laid it all out on those forms,” you laughed. 
“That she did!” He produced a chuckle as well. “I meant to ask earlier, but, since she knows so much about your kinks and what not, have you two ever —“
“ No, just best friends, I tend to overshare, I guess.” 
“Yeah it amazes me sometimes, the things women  share with their friends, but yet guys are always the ones who are known to kiss and tell and brag about their conquests. Females can be just as bad, y’all just keep it on the low a little better,” he stated. “Well, I look forward to working with you tomorrow. Take care, and I’ll see you soon.”
“Can’t wait!” You responded. “Bye.”
You felt oddly comforted and at ease after the call, no longer a ball of nerves or embarrassment. He made you feel like there was no shame in enjoying the things you did. He was very professional despite the nature of the call; it didn’t feel sleezy or overly salacious; just two consenting adults having a mature conversation about their sexual desires. 
When you walked out of hair and make-up and onto set, you saw Colson waiting for you on a red leather couch. He was clad in only black dress pants; shirtless — his tattoos on full display. He smiled seductively when he saw you, beckoning you over with a pat to his thighs. You undid your silk robe they had given you and let it slip from your shoulders to the floor, revealing the red lacy set Shawnie had bought you, as you made your way over to him. You suddenly became very aware of all the cameras and other people in the room, as you sat on his lap. Somehow it has slipped your mind that they were all a part of what went into this.
“You get used to it,” he said softly , remembering the way he felt his first time in front of the cameras. “Just pretend they’re not even there— only me and you, okay?” He said brushing a finger along your thigh. “Unless, Shawnie forgot to mention you’re an exhibitionist too, then by all means enjoy them watching us fuck,” he joked, making you laugh. “Don’t forget, if you need me to stop at anytime for any reason, just give me three quick taps,” he demonstrated, tapping your thigh. “Don’t worry about the filming, they can always edit and piece things back together if needed. This is all for you and I want you to enjoy yourself. Oh and happy birthday by the way! It’s today right?”
“Yeah,” you smiled. “Thank you.”
“Ok, so we’ll just start the scene with some kissing and light touches, and when I feel you’re ready I’ll signal the camera man, he’ll call action, and then we'll be recording.”
“Sounds good,” you nodded your head. He had made you feel so comfortable and relaxed the last bit of nervousness you chalked up to just being slightly star struck; You never thought in a million years you’d get this opportunity.
“Ready?,” he pressed his forehead to yours, staring directly into your eyes, the corners of his mouth turned up into the most alluring devilish grin. 
“Ready,” you echoed back, biting your lip trying to suppress a needy whine. God you were always such a sucker for his killer eye contact in his films, and now you were the one his eyes were soul fucking. You’re heart pounded with excited anticipation as Colson’s face drew nearer to your own. He lightly held your chin as he pressed his lips to yours, parting them to introduce his tongue. It was a welcome greeting, cut short by the breathy “oh fuck ” that involuntarily slipped from your lips.
“”You good?” He laughed softly, a small puff of air the only thing separating your mouths; your foreheads still touching. 
“More...than good,” you spoke in a short choppy sentence trying to compose yourself. 
“That’s what I like to hear,” he smirked against your lips, continuing to kiss you. 
You melted into his kisses— slow and gentle at first,  increasing in intensity as he carried on. When he nipped at your bottom lip with a low groan, you lost all innocence, shifting positions to straddle his lap. You gripped the back of his head, as he kissed you and rolled your hips against him, demanding more. And that’s when he knew … that you were ready.  He quickly signaled to the cameraman with a thumbs up, and “Action” was called. 
His hand slipped down from your chin, settling on the highest part of your neck just under your jaw, his fingers squeezing at your pulse points on either side. Roughly he turned your head to the side with a push of his thumb and his mouth began mauling your neck with an appetite for lust, leaving blooming raspberry patches along the descending path of flesh that lead to your breasts. With one hand he expertly undid the front clasp of your red lace bra and took in the sight of you.
 “Perfect,” he whispered into your flesh with a growl, taking one breast  in each hand as he licked between them, keeping his eyes locked on yours. You slid the silky straps of your lingerie over your shoulders, letting it fall, as he took turns going back and forth between each breast treating each of your nipples to light suction and a pleasurable nibble. You let out a moan at his actions and again rolled your hips in his lap, pressing yourself against the hardening bulge inside his dress pants. “Needy are we?” He teased swiftly  spinning you around so your back was to his chest. He dug his chin into your shoulder peering over it as he snatched up the crotch of your panties roughly, tugging the material up between your lips . You canted your hips up chasing after the friction of the coarse fabric against your clit. “You like that, huh?” He pulled them harsher. 
“Mmmm, yes” you squeaked out, nodding your head.
“Yeah, I bet you do,” he growled nipping at your neck. “Look at this pretty pussy,” he shoved the material to the side exposing you, letting his fingers explore your folds as he pleased. “You want my cock right in here huh?” His voice was so gravelly and low as he slipped a finger inside you, only to quickly pull it back out, teasing you. “Taste yourself,” he brought the finger to your mouth. You wrapped your lips around it, as he slid it further into your mouth, his long fingers slipping down the back of your throat. “Oh, god, yes!” He exclaimed impressed by how you didn’t even gag. “Tell ya what—“ he paused to add a second finger to your mouth, continuing to talk as you sucked “If you can suck my dick as good as that—“   he then pulled them back out of your mouth. “I might just have to fuck you right in here too,” he shoved his spit slicked fingers into your ass.
“Yes, fuck, please!” You whined, wiggling your hips, wanting his fingers deeper.  
“You like that? Huh. You dirty little anal whore!” He grabbed your neck with his free hand, keeping you pinned back against him, the fingers of his other hand still moving inside you.
“Yes, yes! I am,” you strained to speak. “Please, please fuck my ass!” You whined impatiently with pleasure. You never heard yourself sound so needy and desperate in your life.
“You sound you pretty when you beg, but you're gonna have to earn it first,” he demanded pulling out his fingers,  leaving you feeling empty. Quickly, you dropped to your knees in front of the couch as Colson got up standing before you. You waited impatiently while Colson unbuckled his belt above you. Once undone he yanked the belt free from the loops with a satisfying ‘whoosh’ that made you pulse between your thighs. You desperately clawed his pants and boxers  down his legs like a feral cat in heat as Colson brought the tip to your mouth, still holding onto his belt in the other. “Open!,” he demanded. “Goooood,” he growled in praise as you did what you were told. You reached up to grab it but ,“no hands!” he smacked them away, and then secured them behind your back with his belt. “Let’s try this again, open!” He spoke harshly. You obliged, opening wide. “Tongue” he barked.  You let it hang from your mouth with anticipation; eager breaths rolling down it like a panting dog eyeing a steak. He teased you, slapping his cock against your tongue before shoving it fully into your mouth. Your eyes prickled with tears as you fought your gag reflex, taking him down your throat. He held your head in place with one hand , the tip of your nose pressed flush against the coarse hair of his pelvis, as he hunched his body forward over yours untying the sides of your G-string. It slipped from your body leaving you completely nude. Colson smacked your ass, then gripped it harshly, making it jiggle for him before finally standing straight up and pulling his hips back to let you come up for air. 
“Huuuuuuhhhh,” you inhaled sharply gasping for breath, letting oxygen penetrate deep into your lungs before Colson stuffed your mouth again. Mascara ran down your hollowed out cheeks as you sucked. You started pulling back out of instinct when you began to gag but Colson held you in place. 
“No, keep it in your mouth,” he instructed condescendingly, looking down at you. “Just a little longer” he promised. You tried your best, Colson letting out a throaty moan every time your raw, used throat constricted around him as he fucked into it. “Mmmgghh,” he groaned, pulling out of your mouth “Goooood girl,” he praised with a smirk, before bending down to give you a sloppy kiss, swapping mouthfuls of saliva. Just as he pulled away he let a long string of collected spit slip from his pursed lips and into your open mouth, where you eagerly accepted it, moaning as you swallowed it down. 
 You let out a breathy “awhhh” as you opened your mouth again, wiggling your tongue enticingly. 
“Such a dirty, fucking whore,” he bent down again and spat directly in your face. He smeared it all over your face with his hand before grabbing you by the neck, pulling you to your feet. “Turn around,” he ordered. You did as he said and Colson undid his belt from around your wrists. Before you even had a chance to soothe your sore wrists with a rub, Colson spun you around and pushed you down onto your back on the couch, your ass teetering on the edge of the red leather cushion. “Spread yourself for me,” he instructed, as he pumped himself. Again you did as you were told; you pulled your legs up, wrapping an arm around each thigh, holding them back as you parted your opening with your fingers.  “God, you’re so fucking wet.” He teased the head of his cock through the glistening mess on display for him. 
“Fuck me,” you said in an inpatient huff, staring into his eyes. 
“Awhhh, yessss,” he groaned out, slack jawed as he sank into you
“Ohhh, shit,” you screamed out , face twisted in pleasure, your eyes slipping shut, at the feeling of him burying himself deep in your cunt.
“Open your eyes. Look at me!” He spoke harshly, cupping your face in his hands as he thrust. You opened your eyes, trying to focus on his, but your vision was  spotted by the intensity of it all. “Feel good?” He pressed his forehead to yours just as he’d done earlier , starring directly into the windows to your soul as he fucked you. You nodded the best you could, but that wasn’t good enough for him. “Words, I want words. Say yes!”
“Yes.. yes,” you responded breathily, biting at your lip.
“Yeah, Mmmghhh, that’s it. Fuck, I like it when you use your words”  he moaned , shifting himself to be more upright. He then spit on the tips of his fingers and brought them to your clit and began rubbing it furiously, his cock still destroying you.
“OH Fuck!” You cried out, wiggling and bucking your hips. 
“You gonna fucking stay still? He roughly grabbed your face, squeezing your cheeks. You nodded your head, trying your best to calm your body’s erratic, pleasure driven movements as he thrust. “Words!” He spat, his hand letting go of your face only to connect it to your cheek again with a quick, yet harsh slap.
“Shit! ...Yes!” You corrected yourself once again, Your body was  loving how aggressive he was getting the longer he fucked you and he could tell;  spitting at and striking your face again.
“Turn over!”  He ordered, abruptly pulling out. “Hands on the back of the couch.” He roughly assisted you in turning around , and you placed your hands where instructed. You arched your back and pushed your ass out waiting for him to re enter you from the new position. “This is where you really want it, huh?” He teased his cock over your asshole. 
“Yes!,” you remembered to use your words this time.
“You’re a dirty little fucking anal whore, aren’t you? He asked, he question sounding a lot more like a statement. “Let me hear you said it.” He applied pressure to your hole with the tip, as he yanked back a fist full of your hair.
“I’m a dirty little fucking anal whore!,” you repeated desperately pushing back against him.
“Mmmghh!, That you are!” He confirmed with a groan, snapping hips hips forward, quickly entering you. 
“Uhhhhh, Oh my God!” You exclaimed at the feeling. You never fully understood why you enjoyed anal as much as you did, perhaps it was the pleasurable fullness, the taboo aspect, the fact that you were one of the few woman who were into it, or the way so many men were obsessed with it , and the look on their face when they found out you were more than willing to take it up the ass, but you absolutely loved it, and this time was no different. Every jack hammered thrust brought you closer and closer to the edge, especially when Colson reached around to between your legs adding the friction of his fingers to your clit. The sensation of your ass being stuffed combined with his  touch was the perfect recipe for orgasm and you felt it building every time his cock slid in and out. 
“Yeah, cum for me,” he could feel you tightening around him. His words perfectly in sync with the  jolt of pleasure boiling over in your abdomen and ripping through you with vast intensity. A series of explitives and sounds you’ve never heard yourself make, flew from you lips as your body went boneless under Colson. He quickly pulled out, turned you back over and came across your face with a few pumps of his hand. He collapsed to the side of you briefly, before tugging you off the couch and onto your knees. “I’m not done with you just yet,” he spoke out of breath taking his softening dick in his hand. Your eyes lit up, you knew what he was referring too— the only thing on your list of wants he hadn’t included yet. “Say ahhh!”
“Ahhh,” you echoed the request, letting his golden stream fill your mouth, splash off your tongue and dribble down your chin and body. You giggled, piss spilling from your smile as you looked up at him, all your fantasies now fulfilled. 
“Annnd cut!” Called the director. A few stage hands scrambled to bring you both a towel and small refreshments. “Almost done, just gonna get you guys a little cleaned up, rehydrated, let you catch your breath a bit, and then film the little quick, post scene interview. 
“Ok,” you both answered.
Colson tossed his towel over his shoulders and reached out his hand to you “You, good?” He asked with a faint laugh , watching your hand shake as you drank your water.
“Yeah,” you answered letting him pull you up onto the couch. 
“You were amazing,” he said, rubbing your back. He knew the come down from the adrenal rush of scenes could be taxing, especially from rough ones . “You —“
“Ready,” the director interrupted, cutting him short, and immediately pressing record. “So how was it?” the director focused the camera on you first. 
“Oh my god.. mind blowing,” you answered , still out of breath, adjusting your towel. 
“And you?” The director turned the camera to Colson.
“ Absolutely amazing. She was a natural. I’d love to work with her again.”
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boldlyvoid · 3 years
Sugar, Honey, Ice Tea | Chapter 5-9
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1Summary: Fix-it-fic: Dr. Y/L/N and Savannah Hayes have been best friends since their medical internship at Bethesda General. When she receives a frantic call that Derek's best friend is being transferred to the prison she works at, an unlikely friendship bubbles.
Eventually falling head over heels for the innocent man.
Warnings: Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-con, Prison, Prison Violence, Assault, Blood, Depression, Murder, Self-Hatred, Hurt Spencer Reid, Canon-Typical Violence, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Drug Addiction, References to Drugs, Drug Use, Idiots in Love, Mutual Pining, Romantic Tension, Forbidden Love, Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Strangers to Lovers, Requited Love, Falling In Love, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Slow Burn, Eventual Smut, past abusive relationship, Implied/Referenced Sexual Assault
Word Count: 14.3K
1-4, 5-9, Epilogue
Chapter 5
Spencer agreed to a Thursday night game night in her office sometime last week, and she’s spent every day since then planning it out for him.
Learning that he really loved Tandoori chicken, making it from scratch at home and packaging it into a couple containers to bring into work. She followed a recipe from Pinterest, hoping it bared any resemblance to what he was used to, only changing full chicken to boneless bite size cutlets, because he couldn’t use a knife in the prison.
She got a chess set at the store, as well as a deck of playing cards for the Vegas boy. Rushing out her door early Thursday morning so she could stop and get a coffee and one of his favourite doughnuts too.
Deciding that she wasn’t going to tell him how she felt any time soon, just wanting to show him friendship and support until he was finally out of prison. Vowing to uphold her oath, he was a patient in her care, she would care for him as such until he wasn’t.
She carefully placed her lunchbox and the chess set on the security desk, letting them look through it as she waited. Taking out all the food from her bag, looking through the plastic to ensure she wasn’t sneaking in anything.
“It’s just my lunch for the next 2 days, I promise,” she smiled.
“I know, but I have to look anyway,” the nice man smiled. “Have a good day today Dr. Pat.”
“Thank’s, you too, officer Kyle,” she smiled, picking her things back up and heading past the gates.
Spencer was turning the corner towards the infirmary as she walked towards the door. Officer Wilkins holding him in handcuffs as he roughly walked Spencer to her office.
“Hey, hey, hey,” she stopped, looking at Wilkins like he was an idiot. “Un-cuff inmate Reid, he’s not a threat. Plus, he can hold some things for me.”
“Whatever,” he huffed, roughly taking the cuffs off Spencer's wrists before leaving. Not saying another word.
“What a dick,” she mumbled as she handed him the lunchbox.
“Good morning Spencer,” she changed her tone to match her growing smile.
He sighed, smiling back as he rubbed his wrists. “Good morning to you too, Y/N.”
She opened the infirmary door, walking past all the sleeping men in the care area. Unlocking her office before inviting Spencer in. “Sorry I was almost late,” she said softly, taking the chess set and a brown paper bag out of her purse.
She set it on Spencer's desk along with the coffee that was in her hand, “for all your help this week,” she smiled.
Spencer placed her lunchbox in her fridge, laying a hand on her back as he walked past her towards his desk. “You’re too kind to me,” he was bashful as always.
“I have something I wanted to talk to you about,” she closed the door softly, making sure the blinds on the doors window were closed as well.
“That doesn’t sound good,” he tried to joke as he sat down.
“I asked to help with your case, maybe give a fresh opinion, so Penelope sent me all the files but I haven’t opened them yet,” she sat on the edge of her desk. Trying to read his body language as he took out his donut.
He liked the pink frosting off his finger, nodding as he followed along. “Why not?”
“I wanted your permission,” she pressed her lips together in an awkward smiled. His eyes raising to meet hers, innocent as ever.
“You’re very reserved, you have rules about what you share, I don’t want to break the trust we’ve built by looking into something so intimate,” she explained her thoughts. “It’s not fair for me to learn about the worst thing that’s ever happened to you, without you being the one to tell me.”
“What do you know already?” He asked softly, blinking at her as he patiently waited.
She smiled at him softly, grateful that he understood. “I know the 3 charges that you’re in on, and that you’re being framed.”
“I think I would prefer it if you read the file and just asked me questions. I don’t think I have the mental capacity to recite it all back to you today,” he was honest. Taking a sip of his coffee and looking away from her.
Giving up so much of himself to her so early in the day, she felt like he was finally comfortable with her.
She found the key to his thoughts and it opened just right, she could see the hurt that flowed through him, but she could also see the happiness. The side of him that he was afraid to bring out, in fear it would get him in more trouble.
“Okay,” she agreed. Sitting at her desk and finally opening the email form Penelope.
She read through his tox-screens, his drug history, his mental state. His first-hand accounts, witness statements, clues and findings his team had made. It all felt like the plot to a bad movie about revenge, possibly even female rage. But for what?
“I finished reading,” she said softly, brows furrowed as she chews the inside of her cheek. “Do you know anyone other than this Mr. Scratch guy who you’ve put away, wronged, lead on, or just pissed off?”
“Why?” He asked, clearly attached to the idea this was all Mr. Scratch’s doing.
“It feels like revenge, but very well planed. Like a women is mad at you so she found your weakness, I’ve done mean shit to exes in the past but this is insane. They knew you’d do anything for your mom, they knew your drug history, and the fact you might get schizophrenia one day, they wanted to drug you and make you think you did all this.”
Spencer stood then, listening to her words as he scrunched his face. Thinking as hard as he could, “can you call Penelope?”
“Yeah,” she nodded as she dialled her number, putting her on speaker phone.
“Well hello there, Love Doctor,” Penelope teased as she answered.
“Um hi, Spencer wanted to talk to you,” she panicked.
“Oh, sorry, how are you Spencer?”
Spencer looked so confused, “I’m good… Y/N and I were looking at the case files you sent-”
“Good, did you find anything?” Penelope cut in, eager to talk to him.
“Have you looked into everyone I’ve ever encountered on a case? Specifically women?” Spencer asked. “I told my lawyer and Emily that I remember a woman being there and helping, she must know me from a case too, like the other prison escapees he’s helped?”
“On it pretty boy, any specifics about her that you remember?” Penelope asked over the sound of her keyboard clicking away.
“Long brown hair, but it’s probably different now,” he added. “Everything else is dark, I didn’t see her face or any other features.”
“Alright, call me anytime Spence, I miss you,” Penelope said softly, changing her tone to a more sensitive one. “Take care of each other, my loves.”
“Love you,” they say at the same time. Looking at each other awkwardly after she hung up, leaving them to sit with their words alone.
Spencer was leaning so close to her she could feel his body heat radiating off him. Spencer placed his hand on her shoulder as he stood straight, towering over her as she looked up at him.
“I have patients to talk to, but I brought chess for you to teach me later,” she smiled up at him.
“Can’t wait,” he beamed a smile back.
She felt his hand rub the back of her blue scrubs lightly, pulling away as he walked back around to his desk. She watched him with careful eyes, wishing he would have stayed longer.
Normally at 4:30, Y/N would bring Spencer a tray of whatever the kitchen was serving her patients for dinner that night. Tonight, however, she walked into her office at 5 pm on the dot, closing the clinic for the night and putting all her attention on Spencer.
“So,” she smiled as she leaned against her office door, excitement radiating out of her. “A little birdie told me that you really like Indian food, Tandoori chicken to be exact…”
“No way?” He gasped as he turned around in his chair.
She nodded with a cheeky grin, “homemade so I could sneak it in.”
She took her lunch box out of her mini-fridge, opening it up to show him the 2 Tupperware containers. One for him, the other for her. She took the lids off and dished it onto 2 plates she keeps in the cabinet above the fridge.
Spencer grew more and more excited as she warmed it up, filling the room with a familiar smell. He was so happy, “I don’t know how to thank you for everything you do for me?”
“Come here,” she said softly, watching him walk towards her carefully.
She wrapped her arms around his middle, holding him in a hug. He carefully placed his hands on her back, holding her against his chest as he snuggled his cheek into her hair again.
“I’ll take hugs as payment from now on,” she pulled back from him as the microwaved beeped.
Taking a plastic spoon from the cutlery jar, she opened the microwave and handed him a plate. “Did you want to stay in here or go to the break room? I never use it cause I don’t have any co-workers, but it has a couch and a coffee table?”
“Okay,” he smiled. Taking the plate from her and waiting for her to warm up her own meal before taking a bite.
He was ever the gentleman.
Y/N reached back into her lunch box, taking out the package of naan bread, seeing Spencer’s eyes basically roll into the back of his head. “You thought of everything?”
“Bread is my life,” she laughed.
When her food was ready, she placed it on top of the chess box and led the way down to the break room. Spencer holding every door for her.
She flicked on the lights in the break room, watching them strobe before making that awful powering up frequency. She groaned, putting her food on the table before turning on a few lamps instead.
The room went from bright and anxious to relaxed and personal, the amber glow bouncing off the cream walls, it was nice. As nice as it could be in a prison. She never thought she’d be having a date at a prison.
That’s basically what this was, a date.
She made him dinner, they were going to play games, he was going to sit right beside her, close enough to kiss. She really wanted to, she’s thought about it a lot, his pink lips were perfect and she just wanted to see how they’d feel between her own.
But she wont.
“Dig in honey,” the name rolled over her tongue like it was always meant to.
She felt his eyes on her right away, realizing that she called him honey in a situation where he wasn’t crying, where he wasn’t vulnerable. She said it as a term of endearment, she couldn’t stop the embarrassment form settling in her veins.
She sat beside his softly, picking up her dinner and pretending it didn’t happen. “Thank you,” Spencer cut into the awkwardness.
“You’re welcome,” she said softly. Feeling like she could flip inside out at any moment.
From the corner of her eye she saw him take the first bite, closing his eyes as he appreciated the moment. His shoulders settled as he chewed, she could swear he almost moaned as he ate it. She has had the food in the cafeteria before, she understood his reaction.
“That good?” She asked, teasing him softly.
He nodded, silent as he took it all in. He took another bite, and another, she felt like he was going to get the hiccups at this rate but it was too cute to stop. He was like a stray dog eating inside for the first time in months, it made her happy and then a little sad.
He stayed quiet the whole time. Crossing his legs as he sat on the couch, the plate pulled in close to his chest as he shovelled spoonfuls of food into his mouth. She sat there admiring him as he did so, falling more and more every time she glanced at him.
“That was delicious,” Spencer said as he stood, placing his plate on the counter across the room. “Are you done?” He asked, taking her plate as she reached it out to him.
“Yeah, thanks,” she watched him carefully, always wanting to help her in whatever way he could.
He didn’t sit on the couch when he came back, instead, sitting on the floor on the other side of the coffee table, taking the chess set out and beginning to set it up. Not wanting to miss a moment of the freedom he felt when he was with her.
“So, chess is pretty easy to learn,” he said, looking up at her through thick eyelashes as he spoke. “Do you know any of the rules yet?”
“Um, I know where they all go, I know that you can’t go through other pieces and the horse gets to jump?” She tried to remember all the way back to grade 4, the last time someone explained the rules to her.
He was so soft with her, explaining the rules and showing her what to do. His hand would lightly brush over hers occasionally, eventually, he’d just guide her hand over the pieces that she should move. It was so nice to just be alone with him, knowing they were both allowed to be happy.
The room was mostly silent, only the sound of Spencer's advice and her giggle as she still wasn’t grasping the concept of the game.
“I just like, don’t care about the rules?” She couldn’t stop giggling at the fact she wasn’t picking up on anything he said.
Spencer laughed, it was deep and hearty, right from his soul, “then how do you want to play?”
She picked up the queen and moved it to a random spot, “I want to put this here and fight your guy. That’s why I don't get this, what is my XP? What are their skills? I was raised on Pokemon, honey.”
He made his way back to the couch, sitting closely beside her. “Well sugar pie, do you have any other games you want to play?”
She couldn’t stop herself from leaning in and pressing her lips against his. His hands wrapped around her waist on instinct as they connected.
It was everything she imagined. Soft, gentle, refreshing. Like a cold glass of ice tea on a hot summers day. She wanted more, never letting up as she kissed him.
Spencer was the one to pull off first, “shit,” she whispered, covering her mouth with her hand as she stared at him, horrified.
He laughed, smiling at her softly. “It’s okay,” he promised, “I’ve wanted to do that for a while.”
She doesn’t stop him from pulling her back in, holding her hand on his cheek as he kissed her again. Hungrier than before, Spencer’s tongue was on a mission. He tastes like dinner, but with his own Spencer difference.
Kissing him felt like a fairytale coming true.
She forgot where they were, his hands on the back of her scrubs and her hands in his hair as their mouths clashed. She started to lay back on the couch, pulling him down on top of her.
“We can't,” he pants against her lips. Regretting it as he pulls away from her.
“Sorry, this was unprofessional I know,” she tried to play it off.
Spencer pulled her back in, flush against his chest once more. “No, I don’t regret it. It’s just, I’m not ready.”
“Oh,” she says softly. Then it clicks, “oh, oh my god, Spencer I’m so sorry I forgot. I didn’t mean to push you into anything,” she worries, running her hands over his arms softly.
He shakes his head, “you didn’t. I want to, believe me, I just don’t think I can handle the after part…”
“I cried for 3 hours after I had sex again, after everything,” she told him in complete honesty. Not even Savannah or Derek knew that.
“You don’t have to-“
“I want to,” she assured him. “You shouldn’t have to be the only vulnerable one here, I want you to know about me.”
“You don’t have to tell me the details, I don’t want to think about someone hurting you,” he whispered, his eyes innocently studying her face for how she was feeling.
“Okay, so here’s everything else,” she was still holding his face in her hands. Rubbing her thumb over his cheeks. “I had 2 moms and a little sister, and I was raised in Boston. I met Savannah in 2004, I worked with her until a few years ago. She’s my best friend, Derek is like my big brother.”
She gave him the basics, “I don’t have a dad, my mom used the same donor for me and my sister, so I’ve never really felt safe around men because I never knew many.”
“Understandable,” he smiled softly. “what’s your mom like?”
“She died when I was 26,” she pressed her lips together awkwardly. “I haven’t talked to her wife since then, my other mom, she remarried not long after. I think she was cheating on my mom when she was going through chemo.”
“I’m so sorry,” Spencer whispered.
“I can relate to a lot of the stories I know about you already. My mom was my world, I don’t know my dad. I’ve been hurt by people, I’ve lost a lot of myself while trying to help others,” she brushed her nose against his softly. Letting him know she wasn’t pulling back any time soon. “Who you are is not what you did, or what you’ve been through.”
He kisses her again softly. Breathing in through his nose lightly, his hand on her back pulling her in closer and closer. He didn’t want to let her go, and she was more than happy staying in his embrace forever.
He pulled back softly, “I lied to you.” He whispered against her lips.
“When?” She asked, scared to know the answer.
“I do remember you from Derek’s wedding, he told me about you a long time ago. I told him I was ready for dating again when you told him about Mark,” he couldn’t look at her.
“That’s not a huge lie,” she smiled softly. “I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t looking at you all night, with that little blond boy. You two were so sweet, Mark got really mad at me for staring at you actually.”
“Derek told me when he hurt you, he came to my apartment right after so he wouldn’t go and kill him,” Spencer’s voice was so low she had to stare at his lips to understand him. “I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be,” she shook her head softly, kissing the tip of his nose. “Thank you.”
“I don’t want to go back to my cell,” he whispered as he pressed his forehead against hers.
Breaking her heart in the process.
She kissed his cheeks and his lips a few times, peppering kisses to his soft face to make up for it. “We can’t do this again until you’re free,” she whispered.
“I understand.”
“So you better think long and hard about this woman you remember so I can track her down and shove her in that cell instead,” Y/N’s stern voice made him smile.
“Thank you,” he replied again, hugging her the way he promised he would thank her from now on.
For being 9 pm on a spring night, it was rather warm in the Vermont parking lot. She left the prison a while ago, not able to leave Spencer’s gravitational pull yet as she sat there, staring at the prison thinking about him alone in his cell instead of pressed against her chest for the rest of the night.
Thinking about the feeling of Spencer’s hands on her body and his tender lips. Her hand over her mouth as she remembered how his bottom lip ghosted over her own, the anticipation was enough to light her on fire.
She took out her phone and called Derek, knowing he would put her on speaker if they were already in bed for the night. Really needing her best friends right now.
“Hey kick-ass, how are you doing today?” Derek’s voice was overly cheery, “Hey!” Savannah added in the background.
“I’m in love with him.”
Chapter 6
She barely slept anymore. Waking up at 6 am every morning without her alarm clock, her heart physically aching to return to Spencer's side after a night without him. She felt like a love-sick school girl, wanting to be with him all day even if they had nothing to say. Just looking at him was enough to make her happy.
A few weeks passed. Weeks filled with smiles and laughter, singing and reading, inside jokes and shared jello cups. She was so madly in love with him, hugging him every morning when he arrived and every night before he left. Keeping her word, kissing him on the cheek every so often instead.
She started a routine of picking up a coffee and a donut for Spencer every single Thursday, worried that he probably thought about his case all night, yet again. Which only kept her up worrying all night about him, wondering if he was doing okay all alone.
Only getting sleep when she remembered that he had a photo of her, his mom, Derek and hank with him. He’d be okay.
She walked into the infirmary to find Jerry and Mike waiting for her with a guard. Mike bleeding all down his face while Jerry held his clearly broken hand.
“You two are going to be the death of me,” she sighed. Putting all her things in her office before coming back to care for them.
She excused the guard, telling him she had it from here. They wouldn’t put up any more fights with her, they looked up to her like a momma bear, and they were her terrible cubs.
“It is 7:33 am, who the fuck did you have to fight this early?” She whisper yelled at them. Not wanting to wake Leo in the care ward, “who is worth this?”
“You don’t want to know,” Mike said under his breath.
“Well clearly he’s not here, is he dead or in violent crimes? If you two fucked up our plan of me helping you during parole next year, I’m going to be pissed,” she tried her best to entice the answers out of them.
“It was Shaw,” Jerry said softly. “He was planning to hurt the new guy, he’s all fake buddy-buddy with him.”
“Excuse me?” She panicked.
“He’s been talking to Milos at night in the locker room, Wilkins lets him out of his cell and into gen-pop,” Mike carried on the story as she tried to clean the blood off his eyebrow.
“What are they going to do to Spence?”
“Spence?” Jerry teased her, poking her side. “I didn’t know he had a nickname already. Why haven’t we met him yet?”
“I’ve kept him locked away to be safe, I’m going to find a way to keep him here at night,” She said softly. “He’s best friends with my brother, I can’t let him get hurt.”
“So you knew him in freedom land?”
She nodded, “a little.”
“All you need is a bandaid,” she changed the subject as she reached into her kit. “And Jerry I’m going to have to set your fingers back in place, if you scream in my face, I will kick you in the nuts.”
They laughed at her fake tuff guy act, never actually being able to hurt them. They were her buddies, giving her a big hug after she finished with them. Getting them both a pudding and telling them to stay put for the day if they wanted to.
Spencer found her in the lab when he arrived, she knew it was him when the door opened, no one else had a passkey to get in. She was writing down some numbers on a chart when he wrapped his arms around her from behind.
She dropped her pen and turned around in his grasp, holding his face in her hands immediately as she pulled him into a quick kiss.
“I thought you said I couldn’t do that again till I’m free?” He asked softly. Kissing her a second time as he finished.
She smiled against his lips, “you’re free when we’re alone.”
He kissed her harder. His hands around her waist as he picked her up slightly. Twirling her around as they kissed, she laughed against his skin. Unable to stop herself from smiling as she held onto him.
She kissed him one last time as he put her down on the floor, “I have a coffee and donut for you in my office.”
“You’re too good to me, Sugar Pie.”
“Anything for you, Honey Bunch,” she bit her lip as she smiled at him again. So absolutely overwhelmed with love for him.
“I actually have a serious question to ask you,” his tone changed, making her concerned.
“What’s wrong?”
“I’m still trying to figure out more about that night, and I think I want to try exposure therapy,” he explained. “I was wondering if you’d help me get high, so I can remember what happened in the same mindset.”
“Okay,” she nodded softly. “I can book you in for the night here, say you’re under observation, and I’ll stay here with you.”
“Are you sure?”
She kissed him softly again, looking up at him with a smile after. “If you’re sure about it, I’ll help you. But we need some ground rules.”
“Of course,” he agreed. Letting go of her as she stepped back, leaning against the counter now.
“No kissing, nothing like that, we’ll do it in my office so you can be alone and then later you’ll sleep in the observation room. Leo is in there, he’s harmless and sleeps all night on his morphine anyway,” she explained. “I’m not going to take advantage of you, I don’t want you to regret it. It’s going to be hard to sober up again once you get a taste of euphoria in here.”
He nodded along as she set the rules, “those are good. Thank you.”
“They drugged you with heroin, and while I know where to get some, I’m not letting you do that,” she laughed. “I have Dilaudid in pills and liquid morphine.” Letting him pick his poison.
“The pills will be fine,” he said softly.
“Alright,” she smiled. “And if you want, when you get out I can take you to a meeting? You’ll need to talk to someone other than me, someone who gets it.”
“You’ll stay with me after all this?”
“As long as you let me,” she felt her heart grow 3 sizes at the way his puppy dog eyes stared back at her. “Go have your breakfast and I will come to see you soon, okay honey?”
His smile was glorious, she could feel the love radiating off him as he looked at her. It felt wonderful, knowing at that moment her feelings weren’t one-sided. That he wanted her just as bad as she wanted him. He was going to be good to her.
She had mike and Jerry help her move the couch from the break room and into her office, allowing them to meet Spencer, finally. It was awkward at first, two big muscle men telling him how much they also loved their Sugar.
“Should we tell him?” Mike nudged Jerry.
“What?” Spencer asked softly, sitting at his desk on the other side of the room, really not enjoying their alpha energy.
“Shaw, Milos and Wilkins are all secretly buddies, they were planning to hurt you and so Mike and Jerry beat Shaw up in the yard,” she scrunched her face as she explained it, not ready for his reaction.
“After they cut that kid's throat, they wanted to get you to run heroin for them. But you ended up in here, we heard them in gen-pop last night saying they wanted to get you,” Jerry explained as he played with the bandages on his hand. “He won't be out of the violent offender's infirmary for a while.”
“Thank you,” he replied to them with a pressed-lipped smile. “I need to call my team about the case.”
That was their queue to leave, Y/N patting them on the back for the help, telling them they could stay with Leo or go back to the yard, she didn’t care. They just couldn’t be in her office for this.
Spencer looked a little pissed off. “I didn’t ask them to do that,” she said, defensively.
“I’m not mad at you,” he shakes his head softly as steps into her space. “You’re the only person I can trust in here.”
She placed her hand on his chest softly, “call Penelope. Take your time on the phone with the team.” She handed him her cell phone, “FaceTime them if you want. See their faces, it’ll be okay.”
He hugged her, a silent thank you. She ran her hands over his back as she pressed her face into his neck. Holding back every instinct to tell him she loved him as she pulled away.
“I’ll be back soon, okay?”
“Okay,” he smiled. Taking her phone, “how do I?”
She couldn’t help laughing, “here,” she dialled Penelope’s cellphone number and hit the FaceTime button.
Seeing her beautiful, bright and bubbly face smile as she answered. “Hey! Oh my god, hold on,” they watched as she got up and ran down a hallway.
Spencer was instant giggles and smiles, a side of him she’s never seen before. True, pure love. This was his family, these were his people. She could see herself fitting into his little world one day.
“Guys! It’s Spencer!” She yelled as she ran into another room.
“What’s wrong?” “Is he okay?”
Suddenly she turned the phone sideways to show all his co-workers. “Hi!” He waved to them.
“Spence!” Emily and JJ cheered, “oh you look so good.”
“I feel good, how are you all?” He asked softly, taking her phone and sitting down at his desk.
She watched him softly from the door, slipping out when she saw his attention was fully on his past life. She walked down the hall towards the lab, hearing his laughter through the walls.
She placed 2 pills in a plastic cup, taking an apple juice and jello from the fridge for Spencer. She placed it on his desk 20 minutes before his shift ended, giving him a little space to decide when he wanted to. He told her that he get’s cold when he comes down from a high, so she leaves a fluffy blanket and a pillow on the couch before slipping back out of the room.
She returned to the care unit, looking over Leo as he got ready for the night. Administering his meds and wishing him a good night. She closed his curtain, so when Spencer eventually went to bed he wouldn’t be disturbed.
When she finally settled into her office for the night, Spencer was in the dark. Sitting on the couch, wrapped in a blanket. “Hey,” he said softly.
“How are you?” She asked softly. Closing the door behind herself. Locking it and making sure all the blinds were closed.
“It’s going to hit soon,” he said softly. Suddenly embarrassed and closed off, hiding from her as he laid down.
She didn’t want to bother him, sitting at her desk with her reports. The light from the computer is just enough to see what she was looking at. She glanced at him every few minutes to make sure he was okay.
He enjoys it at first, a blissed-out look on his face as his head is tossed back against the couch. She knows the exact euphoria he’s feeling, she understood perfectly why someone would want to escape like that.
Then his face changes as he starts to hate it, he mumbles to himself with his eyes squeezed shut, she could see him gripping the sheets as he tries to force himself to remember.
She’s uncomfortable watching it, feeling like an intruder. She tried to only focus on her work, flipping through emails and Twitter, scrolling through Facebook for the first time in months to preoccupy her mind.
He was like that for at least an hour.
She could hear his teeth chattering as he came down, just like he said would happen. “You okay, honey?”
“Y-yeah,” he tried to speak through the shaking. “C-can we cuddle?”
“Yeah,” she whispered, turning on her desk lamp before joining him on the couch.
She pulled him up into a sitting position, sitting where his head once was and letting him settle into her lap. She ran her hands through his hair, combing through the locks as she shushed him. Running her hand up and down his back in a tender motion, he snuggled into her leg.
“I’m not that high anymore,” he says softly.
“I know, it’s okay if you are. I’m not going anywhere tonight.”
“I love you,” he whispers.
It makes her stop. Her whole body stills at the words, he wanted to clarify so she’d know it wasn’t a spur of the moment thing. She closes her eyes and squeezes them shut, biting her lip as she tries not to burst into tears.
He felt it too.
She swallowed the lump in her throat, “sit up.” She instructs him softly.
She laid down against the couch then, waiting for him to snuggle into her side. Wrapping the blanket around them both as they found the most comfortable position.
“Sorry,” he whispered against the crook of her neck.
“It’s okay, it just feels wrong for me to say it back right now. I feel the same, believe me, Spencer.” She wanted to assure him to the best of her ability. “But you’re still an inmate in my care, I can’t. Not yet.”
“You don’t have to,” he pulled back to look her in the eyes, his own still droopy from how tired the drugs made him. “I’m going to love you regardless.”
She broke her own rules. Kissing him softly, holding him close to her, under the blanket where both their body heat was trapped. She had never felt safer in her entire life.
Spencer only crawling into that bed in the care ward when he woke up to her alarm the following morning.
Chapter 7
There’s someone banging on her office door just a little after 8 am. She was in the middle of putting a new pair of scrubs on over her long-sleeve undershirt, the banging on her door doesn’t stop until she opens the door.
“What?” She yells at them.
It’s Officer Wilkins. “Where is inmate Reid? We have a visitor for him.”
“No one is scheduled to see him today?”
“There is now. Where is he?” The man towered over her. Trying his best to intimidate her.
“Care ward. I’ll get him. You can go wait in the waiting room,” she pushes past him. Watching him stumble as he hits the wall.
“He’s not worth dying over,” he whispers under his breath.
She doesn’t leave Reid’s side as Wilkins attempts to escort him to an interrogation room. Y/N stands in the observation room as Spencer waits, cuffed to the table. Looking through the mirror at each other, only he couldn’t see her. He just knew she would be there.
“Mom?” Spencer’s shocked voice breaks her out of her thoughts as she sees Diana walking into the room.
A dark-haired woman she’s never met before escorting her in. Y/N whips her phone out to take a quick photo before running back to her office as quickly as she can.
Y/N: I need you to check on Cassie, Diana’s nurse. Someone I don’t know just brought Diana to the prison.
She attached the photo she took, setting her phone down to looking through the visitor's logs on her computer. Wanting to know the name of the woman accompanying Diana.
“I’m sorry,” the familiar voice says from her doorway.
She looks up at him from her desk. Wilkins is stepping into her space with a look of guilt, taking his baton off his belt.
“You don’t have to do this,” she backed up against the wall, trying to keep as much distance from him as possible.
“I have to,” his tone changed. Like a personality switch, his eyes darkened as he charged at her.
She ran around the desk, watching him follow. Punching her in the face, causing her to fall back against the couch, she didn’t want him to get on top of her. Dropping to the carpeted floor as he dove onto the couch.
She crawled on the floor towards the door as he tried to get up. Standing as fast as she could, roundhouse kicking him in the face with a grunt. Her foot hit his jaw at just the right angle, rendering him unconscious.
She reached for his cuffs as soon as he hit the floor, “Leo!! Help!” She screamed down the hall.
She heard bare feet running down the hall, followed by the sound of rubber on linoleum. “Sugar??” Mike and Jerry yelled as they followed.
“Watch him,” she insisted once the cuffs were on him. “Hurt him if you have to.”
She took the second pair of cuffs off Wilkins's belt before running out of the room, her lip busted and bleeding down her neck.
She ran down the hall towards Spencer, busting into the room and knocking the nurse to the ground. Struggling to get her onto her stomach, “stop struggling, who the fuck are you?”
“Get off me!” She screamed in return.
Y/N cuffed her and pulled her to her feet, pushing her against the stone wall.
“What is going on?” Spencer stood up, cuffed to the table so he couldn’t help.
“Wilkins just attacked me, Diana wasn’t supposed to be here,” she said over her shoulder in Spencer’s direction. “So I’ll ask again,” she whispered in the woman's ear as she pushed her against the wall harder. “Who, the fuck! Are you?”
“He knows me,” she spat out.
Y/N ripped her off the wall, making her look at Spencer who was shocked, speechless as he tried to remember her face. “Who is she?”
“She told me Cassie was fired, she’s been with me all morning?” Diana tried to explain, slightly freaking out.
“I sent her photo to Penelope, I need a guard,” Y/N said, hauling the unknown women into the hall with her.
The prison was put on lockdown as they tried to figure out this security breach. Wilkins and the nurse being held in prison custody as they waited for the BAU team to fly in.
Figuring out that her name was Lindsay Vaughn, Spencer remembered as much as he could about her. How he tried to save her dad, losing him to his carnal need to kill. Lindsay following closely in her daddy's footsteps.
Diana sat at Spencer’s desk, Mike and Jerry stand watch at the door. Y/N was sitting on top of her desk in front of Spencer, it was his turn to run alcohol over her cuts. Holding her face in his hands as he cared for her.
“I'm sorry,” he mouths the words at her. Not wanting his mother to overhear them.
She nods in response, unable to smile as the cut on her lips stings. All things considered, she could have been in a lot worse condition if it wasn’t for Derek and her training.
She wants to kiss him, she can tell he’s looking over her shoulder at his mom. Waiting to make sure she’s not looking before he leans in a little closer.
Pressing their lips together as silently as possible, his eyes still on her’s as they did so. It’s the most tender kiss she’s ever had, “I’m okay Spence,” she said softly as he pulled back.
“I’m still sorry you were dragged into this,” holding her against his chest softly.
From where she was sitting on top of her desk, she placed her head on his chest, holding him as close as she could, his cheek resting on her head. She wrapped her legs around him, not wanting to let him go, ever.
Needing the comfort he brought her, now more than ever.
When Derek and she started training again it was mostly to help her feel safe. To know what to do if it happened again. She didn’t ever expect it to, thinking it was a once-in-a-lifetime thing. That she’d learn from it and then she wouldn’t be in this situation again, being punched in the face by a man.
She started to cry, the throbbing pain in both her face and her foot taking over as the adrenaline dissipated, she was too overwhelmed to do anything more. He let her cry against him, rubbing his hand on her back as he kissed her forehead.
She couldn’t wait for him to get out of here, and she was going to leave with him.
Derek is the first to burst through the door. Wrapping Spencer up in the biggest hug she’s ever seen him give. Rocking Spencer back and forth in his grasp as he kissed Spencer's cheek a few times.
He pulled back, holding Spencer's face in his hands. Smiling so he didn’t cry, “they’re dropping the charges.”
“You’re kidding?”
“Nope,” Derek shakes his head adding, “You’re free.” Expecting Spencer to hug him again.
Instead, Spencer turns to Y/N and pulls her into a kiss. She’s startled at first, eyes wide open as Spencer’s hands find her waist and pulls her right up against him.
She can't help but settle against him. Holding his face in her hands as she kisses him back. He picks her up slightly, spinning her around with his face buried in her neck as she yelps.
Everyone in the room watching him celebrate with her in shocked silence.
He placed her back on the ground, kissing her one last time. “You did it, Spence,” she smiles at him.
“We did it.”
She hears someone clearing their throat. Both of them turning to see the Warden as well as the entire BAU team standing in her doorway. But they don’t pull apart, Spencer’s hand stays on her side as they wait to get yelled at.
“I quit,” Y/N said before he could say anything to her, “and I might sue.”
“I’m suing for sure,” Spencer added.
“We’re terribly sorry for the condition of your stay Doctor Reid. And Doctor Y/L/N, I’ll never be able to make it up to you. I’m incredibly sorry for what Wilkins did,” the warden tried to cover his ass from a bureau lawsuit.
“Too late for that,” Emily added. Stepping into the room more. “Doctor Reid will be leaving with us, now.”
“Understood,” the Warden hurried out of the room before any more damage could be done.
Everyone took a turn hugging Spencer then. A handful of them even hugging Y/N as well.
Emily wrapped Y/N up in a hug, rubbing her back the way she would all those years before. “Thank you, you have no idea what he means to us.”
“I think I do,” she laughed against her. “If that’s not weird?”
“Not at all,” she pulled back, looking at Y/N with her big beautiful eyes, her bangs pushed out of the way so she could take a good look again. “You two are good together.”
She smiled, “thanks Em.”
“We need to fill him in on everything, will you stay with Diana?” Emily asked.
“Of course, I’m just going to be packing up some things anyway,” she said as she turned to Spencer. “Have fun with your friends, honey.”
“Thanks, sugar,” he kissed her on the cheek before walking out. Everyone whistling and hollering at the boldness Dr. Reid had developed in prison.
They all filed out after him, she watched the door with a soft smile as they wandered down the hall, Spencer taking them to the break room so they could chat.
“Thank you, Y/N,” Diana’s small voice came from Spencer’s desk.
“Oh, Diana,” she smiled. “Can I give you a hug?”
Diana nodded as she walked over to her, wrapping her up in a hug, much like how Spencer would. She can imagine Spencer’s hugs once feeling like this, imagining him small and shy, holding her slightly. Unlike his more beefy, relaxed form since being in prison.
“He means the world to me too,” she says softly as Diana pulls away.
“You saved him, if he didn’t have you he might not still be my soft and sweet little Spencer,” Diana patted her shoulder. “Thank you.”
“Thank you for making him,” she laughed slightly. “He’s a wonderful man, I have a feeling you played a big role in that.”
Her smile was just like his. The smile of a mother, someone who was going to love him forever, maybe she’d love her too. Y/N felt a little emotional, this could be her family one day.
Chapter 8
There was a lot of information to process as she sat at the BAU round table.
Learning the entire plot of some women’s revenge against Spencer, just how much Wilkins and Lindsay were involved, the crazy scheme they planned and how terribly it would have ended if she wasn’t there.
Spencer, on the other hand, was visiting this Cat person in prison. The one who orchestrated it all, the one who was obsessed with Spencer, the love of her life, to the point she might be having his baby. He had some things to settle with her.
He was on edge before he left, going with Derek and JJ while Y/N stayed back with Diana. David Rossi had even offered to let them all stay at his guest house later that night, seeing as Spencer’s apartment was a crime scene.
Lindsay murdered Cassie, leaving her dead body on Spencer’s apartment floor. Ruining the place he was so desperate to return to.
She was a little out of it. Trying to think of everything that happened and everything she would have to do in the next few days. Compiling a list in her mind as the anxiety bubbled in her gut.
She needed a new job and a new place to live. First, she’d have to go back to Vermont to pack, and she’d have to find a way to support her boys on Parole. And Mike and Jerry.
She put her hands over her face and rested against the table. Overwhelmed with everything, her face still hurting, the lights were too much, she was tired.
Then she was crying softly.
“Hey,” Emily rubbed her back softly. “Shhh, it’s okay, what’s wrong Y/N?”
She sat up and wiped her eyes with a small laugh, embarrassed that her kinda ex-girlfriend was comforting her. “I’m stressed?” She answered, not even really sure herself.
Emily smiled while she nodded, looking so different now than she did back when they first met. Older, but in a beautiful way, gracefully becoming who she was always meant to be. “I get it, believe me.”
She remembered Derek saying she ‘died’ once. How they buried her casket and how pissed they were when they found out she was actually alive. Y/N only knew Emily re-born, as they called her.
She was always caring, always wanted to comfort and make people happy. It was the way she coped with hurting them all, but it carried on past the team. It carried on to strangers, victims, sometimes even unsub’s.
And most definitely Y/N.
There was a part of Y/N that wonders what loving Emily would have been like; if it would have felt half as good as loving Spencer. Or would it be better? She’d never really know, but she could imagine it would have been nice.
“How can we help?” Emily asked, still as wonderful as ever.
“I need a new job,” she laughed. “Can Penelope use her mad skills to find a reputable business in need of a doctor around here?”
“Are you moving back to Virginia?” She smiled at the thought.
“Yeah,” Y/N nodded, a smile growing on her face. “I’m kind of attached to Spencer now.”
“Good, maybe Derek can help you find a place, he has like, what 7? Right now that he’s fixing up?” Emily threw out ideas. “You’ll get the ball rolling soon, it’ll all be fine.”
“Thank you,” she said softly. “For not giving up on him, I know you would never but, I was worried he had lost all hope and you never did. Thank you.”
Emily hugged her again, not saying anything. Y/N knew there was nothing to thank her for, this was a family. They would kill for each other if they needed to.
“Let’s go see Penelope,” Emily replied as she pulled away. Standing and extending a hand for Y/N.
The BAU offices were so interesting, many people running around to get jobs done before the end of the day as the main team chilled. It was like any other office she was in; controlled chaos and hierarchy.
Diana was sitting with Penelope in her office, flipping through a scrapbook while eating a jello cup. It made her smile to see it ran in the family.
“Hey,” Penelope cheered as she noticed them.
“I was just going to ask for some help with something, I see you’re busy,” Y/N awkwardly commented on the situation.
“Oh, we’re not,” Diana said. “I was showing her photos of Spencer. Would you like to see them?”
“I’d love to, um while I’m here, Penelope would you be willing to help me search for a good job?” She asked a lot mousier than Spencer would have if he was asking her for something.
“Of course, what are we looking for?” She wheeled to her main computer, cracking her knuckles as she got ready to look.
“Um, anyone hiring a GP close to here, I’m willing to go all the way to DC for work,” she explained. “I just want a place where I won't get punched again,” she tried to laugh at the trauma.
“The sanatarium is hiring, they’ve got good ratings and not a lot of patient complaints, they’re looking for a physician to care for the elderly members of the program,” Penelope explained as she clicked through screen after screen of info.
“That would be nice,” she smiled towards Diana. “Did you like the one you were at?”
“Oh yes,” Diana mused. “I had many friends there, I miss them and the social aspect. For a bunch of loons, I really loved the company.” She laughed at herself.
“I send the link to you,” Penelope smiled. “Now let me see his little baby bum again that one is my favourite, he’s so funny,” she leaned back in close to Diana.
All the pictures were priceless. Seeing Spencer grow up, page after page, every award and accomplishment displayed proudly. It made her miss her family, the love that a mother could bring to her life.
She got a little emotional, trying to nonchalantly wipe the tear off her cheek as she watched Diana flip a page.
“Are you okay?” She asked softly.
Y/N laughed, “yeah I just miss my mom.” She scrunched her nose so that the tears stayed in, waving her hand in front of her face as she tried to blink the tears back.
“Where is she?” An innocent question opening the floodgates.
“She had cancer,” Y/N cried softly. Not noticing as Emily and Penelope left the room. Giving them a space to bond.
“She died when I was 26,” she explained.
“I’m so sorry, sweetheart,” Diana placed her hand on Y/N’s back as she rubbed her softly. “Do you have any other family?”
“My moms are gay, well. After my mom died I stopped talking to her wife, yes she raised me but she hurt my mom too much for me to love her like a parent,” Y/N unloaded her trauma onto Diana, it must be genetic to find comfort in the Reids.
“Spencer never had a father either,” Diana related to her. “After William left it was just us, and Spencer stepped up to being the man of the house. He’s always been thrown into situations where he has no control but he needs to make the decisions. You’re probably the best person he could be with, he doesn’t have to take care of you.”
“Cause I baby him,” she laughed as she wiped stray tears off her cheeks. “He’s pretty wonderful, you did a fantastic job. Both of you did, look at the love you have. This is a perfect family.”
She gestured to the book of photos, seeing the love beaming off Diana’s face as she held a 12-year-old Spencer in her arms. Braces, on his face, thick glasses, long hair. He was adorable.
“You’re welcome to join,” Diana offered softly. “I’ve always wanted a daughter.”
“Why didn’t you?” She asked softly.
“Why have more when you can stop at perfection,” she smiled, the same wonderful smile Spencer had.
“That he is,” she agreed. “Thank you for him.”
“Thank you, I mean it when I say you saved him,” Diana’s serious look making Y/N cry again.
“I know,” she cried. “And I’d do it again.”
In a heartbeat.
Rossi had 3 rooms ready for use in his guest house. Only 2 were ever used during their stay. They spent a few nights recovering together, helping Diana into a new routine for a few days while trying to just spend as much time as possible together out in the real world.
Rossi’s property was huge, never-ending even. He had lake access, ponds with ducks, fields and fields of long grass topped with flowers. It was like a dream getting to explore it together.
Happiness hit her like a freight train, smacking her in the chest and knocking the wind out of her.
She blinked and suddenly she had been waking up in Spencer’s arms for a week straight. Going on adventures together, waiting for him with a coffee outside his NA meetings, holding him all night long.
He had a hard time adjusting to a real bed again, it was too soft. He spent most of his time with his head on Y/N's chest, letting her rub his back slowly as she kissed his head, helping him drift off to sleep every single night. Causing her to fall deeper and deeper in love with him.
Every day beside him was a blessing, no longer was he a dog trapped in a cage. He was free, running with her through the fields like wild horses.
She woke up with him still snuggled into her, arm around her waist, legs tangled together, his face right in the crook of her neck. His hot breath on her skin being the thing that finally woke her up.
Absentmindedly running her fingers through his hair, eyes still closed as she woke up. Snuggling her cheek against the top of his head, causing him to pull her in tighter. Both of them slowly coming alive again.
“I love you,” her voice coarse from sleeping with her mouth open, dry as she licked her lips. It was the only thought that came to her mind. Not even realizing it was the first time she’s said it to him.
Spencer kissed her neck softly, “I love you.”
She couldn’t believe the happiness she was feeling, almost positive that even in her saddest moments she still loved him just this much. He was everything, even under all the scares and trauma, he was the most wonderful person in her whole world. And she was beyond blessed to be holding him in her arms.
The sun was barely up yet, having fallen asleep around 10 pm last night, they were up way earlier than they expected. It was so nice, the deep orange light of the morning sun creeping through the window behind the bed.
“Do you want to go watch the sun come up?” She asked softly.
“Yeah,” he nodded softly. Sitting up with her to get ready.
They put on track pants and sweaters and shoes, grabbing a few blankets and heading outside. A few minutes of walking behind Rossi’s house led them towards a beautiful little pond, they laid out 2 blankets over the dew-soaked grass before cuddling on top of it.
The birds were performing for them, the clouds were cleaning into the most beautiful morning blue sky she had ever seen. She couldn’t help herself from holding him tighter against the blanket.
The sun shined on the water, casting beautiful pinks and oranges across the surface as it stretched into the sky. A few ducks followed their mommas in the May morning breeze, quacking in agreement as they swam across the pond. Playing a game of following the leader.
It was a dream, she was sure of it. It was all too perfect to be real.
Including Spencer, he laid there softly underneath her, holding her against his chest as she appreciated the world around them. His attention only on her, even after being locked up for 3 months. He would always choose her.
“I’m so happy,” she said softly. “You make me so happy.”
He kissed her on the forehead, pushing her back against the blanket so he could kiss her whole face as she laid there. Smiling as she held his sides, letting him smother her in affection.
When he finally stops kissing her, he brushes her hair behind her ear. Cupping her face with one hand as he looks at her. The sun casting a vibrant glow on the both of them as they appreciated each other for a moment.
“I don’t know how I made it so long without you,” he finally speaks. “But I never want to do it again.”
“Move in with me?” She replied without a second thought. “I need to find a place here anyway, and I doubt you want to go back to your apartment.”
“I already asked Derek for the place he was fixing on Wilmont, it’s close to the sanatarium, mom wants to be social again,” he filled her in on his plans. “We just have to sign the lease.”
“We?” She teased him.
“I love you,” he reminded her.
“Good,” she smiled as she pulled him into another kiss. “Because I love you, too.”
Spending time with Spencer was intimacy in its purest form. It was a relationship built on trust, respect, and mutual love. It was the first time in her life she felt truly in love, not mesmerized by the idea of it.
She trusted him when he said that he loved her. She believed him when held her when he talked to her about his day or the most random things his mind could conjure. When he’d just hold her, enjoying her presence without wanting anything more than just her.
Chapter 9
They arrived in Vermont early on a Saturday morning, heading to her apartment to pack everything up. It was just the two of them this time, flying in together, half asleep at the break of dawn.
Only bringing 1 bag with her essentials for the next 2 days, hoping to pack her whole life into a truck and pray it arrived in Virginia okay.
And she got to show Spencer her space. A personal side of her that he had no idea about. He knew her mind, her feelings, her trauma, but he didn’t know what her personality was really like outside of loving him.
He was surprised by the amount of stuff she had. Wandering around her apartment quietly as she started taping boxes into shape.
Rented white walls enclosed the space when she moved in, not being able to paint them or anything felt wrong to her. So she covered them in photos, artwork and posters. Bringing the space to life with a touch of colour.
Mostly neons, having an affinity for green and purple accent pieces. Not a single shade of blue to be found, getting enough of that at work over the years.
She had plants everywhere, an old record player and a million different albums spread across the living room. Her bedroom was a mess, the closet was even worse. The kitchen would be easy to pack, it was the stuff on the walls she was worried about.
“I’m probably not getting my deposit back,” she laughed as she started taking the paintings down.
“I didn’t know you went to Harvard?” He points at her medical degree on the wall as she takes it down.
“Yeah, let me guess you’re a Yale guy?” She teased him.
He scoffed, nudging her arm lightly. “CalTech and MIT actually, Yale was my safety school.”
“Mine too,” she smiled.
Spencer stood beside her and watched for a minute, “what should I do?”
“Pick an area and pack the way you would if this was your place, I trust you won't break anything.”
“Okay,” he nodded, beginning stacking all her books on the kitchen table.
They worked well together, they knew that already. She put on music, they moved around each other freely. Occasionally singing the words and dancing around to the good ones. It was a lovely day to just open the windows and clean.
Hours passed, pizzas had been ordered and destroyed, boxes filled every corner of the space as her personality was completely ripped from the room. Soon it was just them, a couch and the record player.
She got up and walked into the bedroom to change, feeling sticky and gross from the day. Not expecting Spencer to follow and sit down on the edge of the bed.
“Who knew packing boxes for 7 hours would make you so sweaty,” she jokes as she peels the shirt off her back. Standing in front of him in just her sports bra.
He turns away from her, making her laugh slightly. “Spencer, it’s fine.”
“Are you sure?” He asks as he turns back to look at her.
She nods softly, “do you want to shower with me?”
He’s speechless for a moment, staring at her with an open mouth, “yeah, yes sure.”
She can't help herself from laughing, taking his hand and pulling him into her tiny bathroom. She makes sure they both have a few towels, seeing him awkwardly stand by the door like he’s not allowed to move.
“You don’t have to if you don’t want to,” she reminded him. “Go as slow as you want.”
“I want to join you, but just to clean,” he made his decision.
“Alright, I have 3 different shampoos you can choose from,” she smiled, opening her cupboard and letting him pick. He smiled, appreciating how easily she made it a strictly business situation.
She took off her pants, watching him get undressed out of the corner of her eye. They had been much more intimate with each other already, getting naked in front of him shouldn’t have been as nerve-racking as it was.
She turned on the water, making sure it was the right temperature with her foot. She took a deep breath and just took the sports bra off, freeing her boobs after a long day felt amazing, replacing the fear of Spencer seeing her for the first time. She dropped her underwear to the floor and stepped into the shower, waiting for him to do the same.
Before she knew it, he was standing in front of her, naked. She didn’t know how to act, just laughing and smiling at him. He did the same, it felt kinda crazy that they were standing in a shower, butt naked as the water pooled at their feet.
“You have to pull the thingy up,” she pointed at the bottom of the shower behind him. “It might be cold when it hits you, here pull it up and hide in the corner, like I do.”
He followed her instructions, pulling the small silver plug up to redirect the water from the tub faucet to the shower head. Cowering into the corner with her, their chests pressed together as the cold water hit his back, making him gasp as she laughed.
She wrapped her arms around him, leaning against the shower wall as she held him against her, “hi,” she whispered through her smile.
He kissed her quickly before backing up under the stream. She watched the water cover his hair, making it darker as it spread through the long locks. She watched it drip down his body softly, her eyes travelling down as it did.
He had a scar on his neck and all the bruising on his chest was long gone. His skin was so pretty, he only had a small amount of chest hair, but it was the collection of freckles all over capturing her gaze the most. She reached out and rested her hand on his chest, seeing his eyes open as he ran his hands through his hair.
“Sorry,” she pulled her hand back.
“It’s okay,” he laughed slightly. “Here,” he reached behind her for the bar of soap, “if you want to touch me while I wash my hair?”
“Yeah,” she smiled. Reaching for the loofa on the tap behind him, standing directly in his space as she did so.
They switched sides, slowly turning so he would be out of the spray of the shower head. He put shampoo in his hands and rubbed it through his hair while she watched quietly for a moment.
She rubbed the bar of soap against the fabric of the loofa, watching it foam up and fill the small space with a soft cucumber scent. Running it over his chest softly as he massaged his scalp. She was so soft with him, mesmerized by how lucky she was.
He was beautiful and soft. He wasn’t big and buff like Derek, he was just a normal man with a love for chocolate donuts and jello. She ran the loofa over his tummy as she smiled, loving everything about him.
Loving every part actually while trying to avoid both eye and physical contact with specific sections of him. Not knowing if he was okay, wanting to respect his space, and appreciating that he was doing the same with her.
He laughed when she ran it along his side, ticking his armpit as he tried to wash his hair, soap dripping down onto his eyebrow. She reached up and wiped it off his face so it wouldn’t go in his eye.
“Thanks,” he smiled.
“Switch?” She said as she guided him back under the water, his eyes still closed from the fear of getting soap in them. Scrunching his face up in the cutest way.
The water cascaded over his body, washing the soap down him as she watched, her hair not even close to being wet enough to wash yet. She just wanted to watch the show, to look at all of him and appreciate the moment.
He opened his eyes once all the soap was gone, his hair longer than ever as it laid flat behind his ears, he looked so funny without a big curly mop of hair on his head, remembering he said it used to be like this at one point.
“Your turn?” He offered, taking the loofa from her and reapplying the soap to it. “Can I?”
“Of course,” she answered as he slowly ran the material over her.
He was so gentle, she watched his face as he washed over her. Biting his bottom lip in concentration as he covered her chest, arms and stomach, “um,” he tried to speak, she knew what he wanted.
She took the loofa from him and replaced it with a bar of soap, “rub it in your hands for a sec, and then use them it’s easier.”
He did just that, lathering up his hands before he placed them directly on her breasts. She let out a sigh, bordering on a moan, as he held them in his hands, massaging the soap in carefully. Thumbs rubbing over her nipples as he made sure to not miss a spot.
She was in heaven, tossing her head back against the shower wall as he ran his hands over her more. Exploring her as she leaned against the wall.
Down her stomach, past her belly button, washing her hips before dropping to his knees. Using the bar of soap once more to wash over her legs as she stared at him, amazed by the bravery he was showing.
The water getting in his eyes down there, he stood and pushed his hair back out of his face as the water dropped to the floor, “turn around?” He asked softly.
“Yeah,” she replied, turning to face the wall.
He ran his soapy hands all over her back, over her shoulders and arms. Paying special attention to her butt, which made her laugh, she was only a little ticklish there.
She was covered head to toe in bubbles, Spencer looked at her with a big grin on his face as he noticed his job was done. Helping her under the water to wash all the soap off.
She lifted her arms to run the water through her hair, feeling her boobs perk up as she did so. Spencer's attention being completely switched to her chest as he watched. “Pass me the gold shampoo bottle?”
“Y-yeah,” he said, grabbing it from behind himself and handing it back to her.
She stepped into his space, pouring the soap into her hand and rubbing it in. “They say if you lather it up it’ll apply easier,” she explained her little life hack as she rubbed her hands together.
Finally running her hands back through her hair in Spencer’s personal bubble. Her boobs pressing against his chest once again. He was breathing heavier as she watched him, hoping soap didn’t make its way into her eye and ruin the moment.
When she finally stepped back to wash the soap out of her hair, Spencer followed, pressing them together once more. Holding her by the waist as she continued to get the soap out.
Once the water ran clean, she rested her hands on Spencer's shoulders. Staring at him as the water ran down her back, his eyelashes covered in water droplets as he stared into her eyes.
He was beautiful like this, just himself.
“Are we ever going to be like a real couple?” He asked softly.
“What do you mean?”
He ran his wet hands over his back as he thought about it for a moment, “I would like to be with you, more than this, but-”
“You mean sex?” She smiled softly, trying her best to not tease him. It was a serious moment, but she loved him too much to see him struggle.
“Yeah, I just don’t know how I’ll react,” he admitted.
“Honey,” she cooed, rubbing her nose against his softly. “Sex doesn’t make us a real couple, first of all. And second, we have all the time in the world, so you take it as slow as you want. We can start little by little, I don’t mind waiting.”
“How do you mean?”
She smirked at him, “have you ever masturbated in the same room as someone else?”
He swallowed sharply, shaking his head softly, “no, have you?”
“No,” she whispered. “But it’s a small step. You can sit beside me, we touch ourselves, nothing overlaps unless you want it to. Ease into it. It would be another easy way to be comfortable with your body around me.”
“Okay,” he agreed.
She reached behind herself to turn the water off, tapping the silver plug with her foot to release the pressure, and stepping out of the shower finally.
They dried off, getting into their pj’s before laying on the couch in her empty living room. Listening to the Hozier album that was already sitting on the player and cuddling while their hair dried. Just enjoying each other's company, he was so soft and he smelled amazing, it was so nice to have him in her space.
“Did you still want to?” Spencer cut into the moment.
It made her smile against him, lifting her head off his chest as she went to stand up. “Come on,” she took his hand, helping him to his feet.
She pulled him in close, kissing his lips softly. Only planning to kiss him once, being drawn into his mouth as his hands wrapped around her back.
She held him in return, slowly making her way into the bedroom as they stayed connected, laughing as her back smacked the door frame and then at the way he fell into her bed with her on top.
Her music softly travelled in from the living area, they kept the lights off as they stripped out of their pants and got under the covers.
“How did you want to start?” She asked, turning to face him as she laid against the pillow.
“Can we just kiss for a while?”
“Absolutely,” she smiled, placing a hand on his cheek and leaning in.
She was laying slightly on top of him, holding his face in her hands as she kissed him. His tongue was soft, swirling with hers as they made out softly. He was very handsy, wanting to touch every single part of her once again like he didn’t get enough in the shower.
She spread her leg between his, sitting on his thigh as she rubbed against him. He bit her lip, squeezing her skin at the feeling. “I think I can do it,” he said softly.
“No,” she whispered, kissing his neck before getting off him. “I don’t want to hear I think. It’s a yes or it’s a no.”
“Okay,” he managed to bring reason back into his horny brain.
He took his shirt off, only in boxers beside her, tenting in them slightly. She took off her shirt as well, laying back against the pillow. He watched her breasts the whole time, licking his lips as he leaned on his side.
She ran a hand over her side, cupping her breast and tossing her head into the pillow more. “I’m starting without you,” she teased, her other hand slipping under the band of her underwear.
He laid on his back, bending his knees as he slipped his boxers off, she looked over at him with careful eyes. Genuinely curious about how beautiful he would look rock hard and begging for it.
She didn’t move her hand, just resting it under her underwear to entice him to start. She watched as he stroked himself softly, returning his attention to her smiling face.
She pushed her shirt and underwear off as well, scooting in closer to him so she was pressed against his side. Bending one knee so she could ghost her fingers over the folds as he watched her.
“I want to touch you,” he rushed the words out.
He reached his left hand over, resting it on her hip before resting his hand on top of hers. She slipped it out from under his grasp, guiding his fingers to her clit as she stretched her legs further apart.
“Yeah, like that,” she encouraged him.
“W-would you?”
“Finish the sentence,” she instructed him. “Tell me exactly what you want.”
“Stroke me, I want it. Yes.”
She wrapped her fist around him, feeling his fingers swoop down to see how wet she was. “Oh,” she jerked her hips against his side, not expecting him to loop the wetness back up and rub her clit again.
He groaned as she stroked him faster, both of them staring at their own handiwork. She was fascinated with how big he was, being able to stroke up and down him so gracefully it was like she was always meant to. She licked her lips as she saw the pearl of precum drip out. Gathering it up with her thumb as she slid back down his length.
He was panting, trying to hold himself back as she kept jerking him off. Lightly touching her clit as all his attention focused on not cuming so soon.
“It’s okay honey,” she whispered in his ear.
Straddling his thigh then. His hand resting on her clit still as she ground down on him. “Is this okay?” She asked.
He nodded, “yes,” biting his lip so he didn’t explode right then and there.
He felt amazing on her, every time her hips ground down her clit rested right between his fingers perfectly to gain the perfect amount of friction back and forth.
She let herself go, bucking her hips and moaning as she stroked him with one hand. Resting the other behind her neck so he could look at her boobs perk up again, sending him so close to the edge he almost jumped out of his skin.
“Fuck,” he gasped. “C-an I?”
“Cum baby,” she gasped. Following her own instruction as she watched the cum burst from him, shooting up over her fist as she stroked him through it. Grinding against him as she whimpered, “fuck, I love you,” leaving her mouth.
Letting go of his dick as he started to whine, she dropped down against him with her face nestled into his neck.
She kissed him, over and over again. Peppering them against his skin for the best orgasm she has ever had.
He wrapped his arms around her, holding her close against his skin as he came down from the high. His chest heaving as he tried to calm down, only picking up again when she heard the sob.
“Shhh,” she whispered against his skin, letting him hold her tighter against him as he cried. “I love you, honey, it’s okay. I’m here for you.”
She felt the tears welling in her own eyes, overwhelmed with her feelings for him. “I love you so much Spencer,” she cried against his skin, the tears dripping down his neck slowly.
His hands ran over her back, they held each other while they cried.
Everything from the last week finally catching up with them both. They hadn’t taken a moment to talk about any of it, the fact he was even in prison or what happened after. They just moved on, pretending it was fine now.
“I’m sorry,” she whispered finally.
“Me too,” he pressed his hand onto her cheek, freeing her from his neck as she sat up a little.
Both of them still gross from the sex, pressing sweaty foreheads together as they took a moment. “I’m so sorry,” she emphasized, “are you okay?”
“I’m wonderful,” he laughed at the absurdity. “I’m crying because I love you so much.”
“Really?” She laughed too.
He nodded softly. Kissing her nose as she pulled back to look at him better. “I want to touch you but,” she laughed at the mess on her hand and where she rested it on his chest. “Can we pause for one sec?” She couldn’t stop smiling.
The two of them continuing to laugh at the situation as they cleaned up in the bathroom, laughing even harder as she sat to pee like they had been married for a million years already, laughing the hardest when it came out in dribbles from all the laughing.
Going through every emotion in the book as they coped with the insanity together.
Once they were clean they crawled back into bed. Resuming almost the same position as she sat down on his lap, holding his face in her hands like she wanted to. Rubbing her thumbs on his cheeks as he pulled her in closer by her hips.
“Tell me what you’re feeling?” She whispered.
“I’m happy, you saved my life and I can’t believe I get to do this with you,” he explained softly, moving his hands on her back. He talked with his hands, not able to say anything without them moving.
“You’re the best person I’ve ever known, Spencer,” she reassured him.
“Why?” He asked softly. “not in a pity party sense, I just want to know how you feel. You haven’t really told me, I’ve been waiting for you to open up, I thought maybe you were just like that because it was your job, but I want to know you more.”
“I’m sorry,” she whispered as she bumped their noses together. “I don’t normally talk to people, even with Derek I’m really closed off. But I do trust you, and I want to, I just wanted to experience you when you’re free. I wanted to see if this overwhelming ache in my heart would dissipate as I was allowed to love you.”
She didn’t want to cry again. Blinking so the tears rolled back behind her eyes, licking her lips as her head tilted slightly. She just stared at his honey eyes, glossy and blown out. So absolutely beautiful.
“It got worse,” she laughed slightly. “I realized that now that you’re free you don’t have to see me every day, luckily you want to. But, now I think about losing you instead of keeping you safe.”
“Never,” he shook his head, face still cupped in her hands. “I’m never leaving you, you’re going to need a restraining order if you want to break up.”
She laughed, pushing the tears out, finally. Spencer kissed her cheeks, wiping the tears away with his lips. “Okay,” her voice broke as she tried not to cry anymore.
“I love you,” Spencer whispered. “You’re brave and kind, incredibly smart. You’re willing to do whatever it takes for the ones you love, you’re the only person I want to talk to every day.”
“I was going to say that about you,” she pressed their lips together finally, pushing him back against the headboard.
She laid her head on his shoulder, cuddling into him as she sat in his lap, “I have never loved anyone like this.”
“Me either,” he admitted as he pressed his cheek to her head. “Not even with Maeve, or Derek I know he told you.”
“And your mom,” she smiled. “She actually welcomed me to the family, said she always wanted a daughter. It’s nice to have a mom again.”
That broke him, he finally dropped the tuff boyfriend act he was putting up to hear her feelings, crying at his mother and the love of his life being close. She could tell he was a mamma’s boy, they had a bond Y/N wished she could have with someone. The closest she had to a Diana was Derek, as funny as that was.
She let him cry, not prying into it at all. Letting him take control of his emotions and the conversation. She ran her hands up and down his arm, soothing him softly as he held on to her.
“I was so scared,” is all Spencer says.
“I can imagine.”
“No, I mean about my mom,” he corrects her softly. “I thought the second she got her diagnosis that I ruined everything for her. She was going to forget me before I could even find a person to marry, let alone give her grandkids.
‘She was going to forget me,’ echoed in her mind as she wrapped her head around what he was saying. He was more terrified of losing his mother and missing time with her than he was about being in prison. He really put every ounce of his love into his family, it was beautiful.
“I applied to work at the sanatarium,” is how she answers. “They needed a GP and I need a job. This way I can see her every day, and you can go to work or teach or do whatever and know she’ll be okay. And old people seem nicer than cops and criminals.”
“I love you.”
She laughs, kissing his neck softly. “She’ll be okay, we’ll get her taken care of and who knows, maybe we’ll have more answers before a grandkid rolls around.”
It’s a risk, joking about having kids with him already. But she was ready for a life sentence with him, willing to stay in that god-awful prison as long as he was there. Including if he lost his case.
“You’re too good to me.”
“I try,” she smiled. “You’re pretty fantastic yourself, I didn’t just fall in love with your pretty face, sure you’re helpful and do what I say. But I love you because of what’s in here,” she ran her hand over his chest.
He just held her, silence encapsulating the room finally. The record stopped playing in the living room, no one was on the street at this time of night, the world stopped as she laid in his arms.
The Sunday morning sun was going to start coming up as she stayed up in his lap, both of them settling more against the pillow. She had no plans to get off him, he had no plans to separate from her loving embrace.
a/n: still working on an epilogue idk when it'll be done
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maxburnett · 3 years
fool in the rain, Chris Evans:
pairing: fem!reader x Moms Best Friend!Chris Evans
Written for Chris's 40th Birthday!
genre/warnings: Fluff/Romance/Smut This fic involves smut! If you are under 18 please do not interact with this fic. Age gap (Chris is 40, reader is in her 20s), slight innocence kink, fingering, unprotected sex, creampie, cockwarming after sex.
words: 1,591
summary → It's Chris's 40th birthday and a massive storm has halted his original plans. You decide to bring the party to him.
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It was a horrible storm. The fierce, howling winds had already taken down a limb of an old tree in front of Chris' house. It now laid across his front lawn. The rain was pelting down, lashing against the windows and bouncing off the pavement of the road by his house. This was the worst storm that Boston had had for years, and sadly it coincided with his 40th birthday.
It was a quarter past four that afternoon, but with how the sky was filled with dark clouds blocking out the sun, it seemed so much later. So when he saw the flicker of car headlights in the driveway, he watched in disbelief as a black Volkswagen pulled up into the driveway.
"You're insane! You shouldn't be out in this weather," he shouted aloud as he opened his front door to his house.
"Mom said you had texted her and said that you felt alone this year. So I decided to come over, Mr. Evans. Plus, you only have a birthday once a year, and I'm not going to let you just mope around the house all day with nothing to do," You called out as you dashed from your car.
You ran up the porch steps and scurried past Chris. Your (Y/H/C) hair was drenched and hung limply over your shoulders. You were wearing a red nylon jacket, which was also soaking wet.
"I thought I told you," Chris said as he walked up behind you, placing an arm around your waist. "Call me Chris, Sweets," he said with a smirk as you were taking things from a bag and shooed him away.
You walked towards the kitchen table. In your hands was a birthday cake in a plastic cake carrier. The cake was coated with white frosting, with blue flowers around the edges. Written in red frosting on the top of the cake was "Happy Birthday, Chris!" Over your shoulder hung the strap of your purse. Dangling from your left wrist was a white plastic bag, which obviously contained something. You dropped it and your purse onto the table.
"Happy birthday, Chris," you said as your eyes met Chris' blue eyes as you turned from the kitchen table. Then, you walked towards him, wrapping your arms around him as he smiled down at you and lifted you up, and placed you on the edge of the kitchen table.
You and Chris had been seeing each other behind your mom's back for about a month. Nothing had happened up until that point but a few heavy makeout sessions. He and your mom were friends in college, and he had been close with your dad before he and your mom got a divorce. He never showed an interest in your mom, but he had always flirted with you when she wasn't around. Of course, you could always come over, and your mom wouldn't suspect anything.
"Happy birthday, Chris," You said as your eyes met his, and he leaned down and brushed his lips roughly against yours for a moment before he pulled and leaned his forehead against yours as one hand stayed around your waist. His other touched the icing of the cake, which he brought up to your lips.
"Thanks, Sweets, but I never really expected you to come out during this storm. But, unfortunately, it's not safe." He said.
"You think I'd miss my boyfriend's birthday? You only turn 40 once." You shot back. He smiled at the mention of the word boyfriend.
"Happy Birthday, Chris," You leaned towards him and kissed his lips again softly, and moved your hands up into his hair.
You pulled a box from the white plastic bag. The package was wrapped in red tissue paper. Tied around it was a white ribbon, and it had a blue bow stuck to one corner. You presented Chris the gift, a beaming smile on your face.
"Happy Birthday!" Your voice was full of excitement and a tinge of apprehension.
Chris sat down on a chair at the table and gave the box a shake. He heard nothing rattling inside. You laughed as you watched him. He carefully tore the bow from the gift and placed it on the table, and then finished tearing the paper off and pulled the top of the box open to see a pair of red lingerie.
"Is this in my size?" Chris asked with a smirk as he looked up at you. You playfully slap his arm and sit down on his lap and place your lips against his.
"I can't wait any longer, and I can't think of a more perfect time than your birthday," you say against his lips. "I know this all happened kinda quick ... but I love y-." Chris cut your talking off by grabbing ahold of your face and roughly kissing your lips before pulling you onto his lap.
"I love you to Sweets," he murmured. "So much," he said before sitting back and looking up at you.
"I'm going to go change," you smiled and pecked his lips. "In the meantime, open the other gift." You smiled and rubbed your hand over his erection before taking lingerie and headed into his bedroom to undress and place the lingerie on. You smile as you look at yourself in the mirror. Finally, you walk out with a smile seeing Chris holding a pair of red furry handcuffs with a smirk on his face as he looked up at you.
"Have you been a naughty girl?" Chris smirked.
You giggle.
"Yes. Very. Don't you think I have?"
He ran his hand up the inside of your right thigh. You gasped and smiled, then spread your knees further apart on the couch. Chris's hand slid up over your ass as he slowly began to tug the lacy panties down your thighs and off your legs. Your ass looked perfect. It was curvy and smooth. He ran his to your core and smiled as he pushed them inside your folds.
"You're so wet," he said and gave your ass a slap with his other hand. You flinched.
"Yes," you moaned.
"What caused that?"
"I was thinking bout you all day," you murmur.
He gave your ass another slap. It rang out, and you moaned. You lowered your head to the arm of the couch, and your hair fell around your face. He brushed it back so he could see your expression.
"What were you thinking of, Sweets?"
"I was thinking about fucking you," you said.
"You're a naughty girl, Sweets," he slapped your ass another time.
"I know. I can't help it. I like being naughty," you moan.
He slapped your ass hard again twice, making you groan, then he quickened the two fingers that were inside your cunt, causing you to squirm on the couch. He moved them effortlessly and hit that spot inside you that left you squirting against his fingers. He smirked as he pulled them out of you and placed them into his mouth, and licked and sucked them clean. Pulling you onto his lap, he pulled the red lacy top off and began to suck your nipples, and gently took each one into his mouth. He stood walking you to his room, and he laid you onto the bed as he placed the handcuffs onto each of your wrists and onto the headboard. He stood and looked down at you, his eyes filled with pure lust as he undressed and took his cock in his hand before giving it a few strokes. He pushed his hips forward effortlessly, supplying you with his cock causing you to moan as he pushed into you. You were tight, and he smirked, knowing you'd never had anyone his size before.
"That's my girl taking my thick cock like it's nothing," he murmured. "I'm going to fuck you so hard that you won't be able to walk afterward. Might wanna tell your mama you're gonna stay the night," he said as he moved, so he brushed all the way into you, pulling your hips up a bit, he maneuvered you, so your legs were over his shoulders, his hands on your waist as he found the perfect rhythm with you.
"Chris, you feel so good," you finally get out. "Feeling me so fucking good," you say as the storm's raging outside, but all you care about is Chris filling you completely with his cock. At first, it kinda was uncomfortable, but the feeling didn't last long. Then, when you felt him slapping your ass as he began to pound into you, sweat beading down his chest and down your forehead, you knew you wouldn't last long, and you dug your fingers into the sheets.
"Chris, I'm gonna," you get out, and before you can get the sentence out, your orgasm hit just as a clap of thunder filled the sky. Chris groaned and grunted as he filled you with his cum, and he laid above you, staying that way for a few minutes before undoing the handcuffs and kissing at your wrists as he pulled out of you. Then, finally, he laid beside you, his hands gently rubbing over your soft skin as you melt into him.
"Happy Birthday, Baby," you murmur as your head lays against his chest.
"Best birthday ever," Chris says as he lazily kisses your forehead and holds you close against him. His hands continue to rub over your skin as he has you close, and he smiles down into your eyes. "I love you,"
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gadgetrevive · 3 months
From the Archives: Unboxing the iMac Pro FINALLY!Hey guys, it's Josh here, and today I have a super exciting unboxing video for you. Before we dive in, I need to apologize for the makeshift setup. We’re house-sitting right now, so I don’t have my usual equipment. I’m filming this with a mirrorless camera, no microphone, no tripod, and no professional lighting. But I couldn’t wait to unbox this beauty any longer, so let’s get right into it.Why I Chose the iMac ProThis isn’t just any unboxing; it's the iMac Pro, and I’m thrilled to share this moment with you. A little backstory: I purchased this from Newegg. If you’re not familiar with Newegg, it’s an amazing electronics website where you can find everything from computer components to TVs and other consumer electronics.I was specifically looking for a refurbished iMac to save some money. When I stumbled upon this Apple-certified refurbished iMac Pro on Newegg, it was a no-brainer. The deal was incredible—23% off the original retail price. To give you some numbers, a brand-new base configuration iMac Pro would set you back $4,999. Thanks to Newegg, I got this one for $3,849. Even better, Newegg didn’t charge sales tax, unlike Apple’s official refurbished section, which had this model priced over $4,000 plus tax. So, I managed to save a significant amount of money, which is always a win.Unboxing the iMac ProAlright, enough about the backstory—let’s get to the unboxing! The packaging is top-notch, with a sturdy foam box to protect the contents during shipping. I remember my previous iMacs having pictures on the box, but this one is all about minimalism, featuring just the serial number and specs on the side.As I peel off the Apple tape and open the box, the first thing that catches my eye is the keyboard. It’s a sleek, dark color, which I love because it won’t show dirt and grime as easily as the white ones. Plus, it has a number pad—a must-have for me. Alongside the keyboard, there’s the Magic Mouse, also in black. While I appreciate the aesthetic, I actually prefer using a Logitech thumb-ball mouse for ergonomic reasons.Now, for the main event—the iMac Pro itself. The packaging here is interesting; instead of the usual foam, it's housed in a specially molded cardboard, ensuring a snug fit. The power cable is neatly wrapped, adding to the overall premium feel.First Impressions and SetupBreaking the seal and pulling out the iMac Pro, I’m reminded of the old saying, “A thing of beauty is a joy forever.” This machine is stunning. I’ve been working with underpowered computers for far too long. My previous setup was a 2012 MacBook Pro, and in 2019, it just couldn’t keep up with my needs anymore. Prior to that, I built my own Windows machines, but always on a tight budget, so they were never top-of-the-line.Setting up the iMac Pro is going to revolutionize my workspace. I have a TV and an external monitor ready to go, plus some audio monitors that I plan to get stands for. This setup is going to be a game-changer for my productivity and creativity.Final ThoughtsUnboxing this iMac Pro has been a thrilling experience, and I can’t wait to start using it. If you enjoyed this video, please give it a thumbs up, and don’t forget to subscribe for more tech content. And if you’re ever in need of phone repairs or tech advice, I highly recommend Gadget Kings PRS. They are the best in the business for phone repairs. Check them out at Gadget Kings PRS.Thanks for watching, and I’ll catch you next time!
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psychomeows · 3 years
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Happy Halloween! Have the Nightkiller family in costume lol. I wasn't going to write anything to go with this but I couldn't resist! So here's a little one shot!
Nightmare belongs to Joku Killer belongs to Rahafwabas Miracle belongs to me
It was Halloween, the nights were longer, it was getting colder, rain poured down from the heavens and the castle was fully decorated. The whole place already looked spooky but that didn't stop the Murder Time Trio from putting up fake spiders' webs and weird witchy things that made noises when you walk past. Jack-O-lanterns were placed around the castle as well, with battery operated candles since Nightmare couldn't trust them with real fire. Plastic bats hung from the ceiling; there was a themed wreath on every door and banners and paper chains on the walls. Nightmare couldn't go anywhere without seeing something Halloween. Even the cushions in the common room and library were replaced with Halloween ones and cutlery, plates and cups were replaced too.
It had been like this every year since the boys joined. At first Nightmare had been mad about it but as time went on he stopped caring as much. If it kept them quiet and out of his way then so be it, plus it did keep to his aesthetics. Things had been slightly different for the past few years though. As soon as Miracle was old enough to do arts and crafts and understood more about what Halloween was, little decorations made by the child were added to the 'bought' ones. Mostly it was drawings or paper cut outs but there were some things Miracle had made out of food packaging that Horror had saved for him. Spiders, pumpkins, witches' hats, etc. Nightmare couldn't help but be happy about that; his little prince was so talented.
Miracle loved Halloween. That wasn't really surprising with who he was raised by. The six year old was so excited about it that he'd come running into his parents' room on the first of October to shout about it and beg to start decorating.
Halloween day and night weren't what they used to be. Gone were the days where the Murder Time Trio played drinking games, watched 18+ horror movies and played 18+ horror games. Replacing that was child friendly games and cartoons. There was still the same amount of sweets and cakes but everything was made suitable for the child.
Another thing Miracle loved doing was dressing up. As much as Nightmare liked seeing his son happy, he always dreaded Halloween evenings. At least it wasn't something they did all day and kept it for after dinner but still! Nightmare cringed at the thought of the previous year where Miracle had wanted him to dress as an octopus with him and cried when Nightmare said no. Nightmare had tried to put his foot down on it but the crying wouldn't stop and the Murder Time Trio were already in their shark costumes… Even though Nightmare had told Killer no pictures he was sure that there were some… He just hoped they weren't shared; that would be so embarrassing! He had the reputation of a tyrant to keep!
He just knew he'd be roped into another costume this year as well. They'd just had dinner and Killer had taken Miracle to his room to get changed. Nightmare was always kept in the dark about what it was because Killer knew he'd try to say no. He was just waiting for it and dreading it as he read a horror novel by the fire in the library. He knew Miracle would come running in at any moment now...
"Daddy! Daddy! Look! Look!"
...And there goes his peaceful reading time. Nightmare slipped a bookmark into his novel, put it aside and turned to face his son. A small smile spread onto his face at his little witch costume. He had on his normal black shorts but had a dark brown long sleeved tunic with a thick lighter brown belt holding it closed. He had a different red cape from his normal one with stars all over it and a matching witch's hat with his crown put on over the hat. He was even carrying a little broomstick.
Miracle ran right up to Nightmare and jumped up onto his lap, his hat almost falling off in the process but he managed to catch it. Nightmare managed a little laugh; this wasn't so bad. It was normally matching costumes Miracle insisted they do and a witch's covenant was at least made of three witches. While a witch wasn't the first thing Nightmare would choose to dress as this wasn't nearly as bad as an octopus.
"Hello, Little Prince," Nightmare said as he made sure he had a good hold of the excited child. "Or should I say Little Witch?"
Miracle giggled and grabbed the end of his cape so he could hold it up to show it to his father. "Mama got me a really cool costume! Look, it has pretty stars on it!"
"I can see that, very cool," Nightmare said as he looked around for Killer. "Speaking of your mother; where is he?"
"Oh, I left him behind. He's still changing."
Nightmare sighed and playfully pulled his son's hat over his eyes making him giggle again. "Well, maybe we should go find him. I take it he's a witch as well?"
"Nuh uh," Miracle said, shaking his head as he fixed his hat. That caused a sinking feeling in Nightmare's metaphorical stomach. If Killer wasn't part of a witch's covenant, then what was he?
"Here I am!" Killer called happily as he teleported in. "And here's your costume, Moonlight!"
The black cat onesie was tossed in Nightmare's face as Killer stood in front of them with his hands on his hips and wearing the same onesie.
"Oh hell no!" Nightmare called as he looked at it. "I'm not dressing as a cat!"
"What else would accompany a witch?" Killer asked with a smirk. "We're the familiars!"
"Other witches," Nightmare said as he glared at Killer. From the look on his face it was his idea or he put the idea into Miracle's head. "There are at least three witches in a covenant! And we have a real black cat!"
"Yeah but Horror and Dust are the other witches," Killer said. "And Diamond looks like she's gonna be Horror's familiar since he's carrying around cat treats so she follows him. I think he liked the idea of having a real cat for his familiar."
"It's funny! She keeps trying to steal the yummies in his pocket!" Miracle giggled and grabbed up the onesie. "Please, Daddy. I want to have two familiars!"
Nightmare glared at Killer again. He was a King, the Guardian of Negativity, a deity, he'd killed thousands and made thousands more suffer… And he was being reduced to a six year old's familiar for Halloween.
"Come on, Babe," Killer said as he perched himself on the arm of Nightmare's chair. "It's just for one evening and it'll make Miracle happy, won't it Kiddo?"
"Please~ I'll be extra good! And do extra homework!" Miracle begged looking up at Nightmare with big eyes.
"He'll probably cry for hours again if you say no," Killer whispered, making Nightmare sigh. He really didn't have much choice unless he wanted to listen to his son scream and cry, which he very much didn't.
"Fine, but no photos of me!" Nightmare gave in. He knew there probably would be photos anyway but he would still make sure Killer knew he wasn't happy with that.
"Yay!" Both Killer and Miracle shouted as they hopped off and did a little victory dance before giving each other a high five.
Nightmare rubbed his eye and sighed as he grabbed the onesie and stood up. "Give me a minute to change and I'll be right back…"
There was no point in leaving the library to change so Nightmare simply went into another aisle. He scowled at the onesie as he held it up to look at it. "It's just for a couple of hours," Nightmare muttered to himself, "and it's for Miracle…" He'd never thought that one day he'd be dressing like a cat but if it'd make his Little Prince happy then so be it. Besides, he'd done really well on the last test…
With a sigh Nightmare pulled off his clothes and put on the onesie. It fit perfectly which was annoying; if it didn't fit he'd have an excuse. As it was he'd have to go out there and face his gang dressed like this…
It was best just to go for it so after folding his clothes neatly and putting them in the corner, Nightmare left the aisle and went back to his family.
"Mama! Look!" Miracle called out when he spotted his father coming over. "Daddy's wearing it!"
As much as Nightmare hated the costume, seeing Miracle so excited did make it worth it even though he still glared at Killer when he laughed.
"Looking good~" Killer said with a wink as he met Nightmare half way. "Just one thing…"
"Hey!" Nightmare called as Killer grabbed the hood of the onesie that Nightmare hadn't put up and pulled it up. While making sure to pull further so it covered Nightmare's eye.
"There, now it's purr-fect~" Killer said while actually making a purring sound.
Nightmare sighed again as he fixed the hood so it was on right just as Miracle came running up and giggling.
"Now I have my familiars! Can we go now?" Miracle asked as he bounced a little and looked up at his parents with big starry eyes.
"Of course we can," Killer said as he scooped his son up into his arms while being careful of the broom Miracle was holding. "Come on, Babe. This party will be lots of fun!"
Nightmare sighed. He knew there was no getting out of this so he might as well just go for it. He began to walk off with Killer quickly following behind him while encouraging Miracle to sing "Spooky Scary Skeletons." Nightmare just shook his head but couldn't help but smile; he hated his own costume but Miracle really was cute.
The common room was the most decorated room. Banners were stuck on the wall, balloons filled the room, the table was covered with an orange and black table cloth and filled with cakes, sweets and a cauldron filled with juice that would probably end up spiked when Miracle went to bed. There were Jack-O-Lanterns as well and more fake spider webs plus most of Miracle's decorations. Even the lights were dimmed, ready for the party.
Nightmare opened the door as Miracle stopped singing. He looked inside and spotted Horror and Dust wearing matching witches' costumes but while Miracle's was red; Dust's was purple and Horror's was green. Nightmare turned to Killer with a raised brow making him laugh.
"Found all this in a costume store. The witches' costumes came in different colours for adults but only red for kids. It was too perfect so I got 'em. At first I thought we could be witches but Miracle suggested we be the familiars instead so I swapped the adult costumes for the right sizes for Horror and Dust and got us the cat onesies."
"Of course," Nightmare sighed as he turned back to his friends.
Dust was laughing as Diamond tried to get into Horror's pocket. Even the cat had a little orange cape on. "Maybe you should just let her have the treats," Dust suggested as Horror dodged a grabbing paw.
"But then she won't follow me! I want a familiar too!"
"Never thought I'd see the day when you would refuse to feed someone."
"She's been fed! She just ate all the food in her bowl like an hour ago!"
"She's a cat," Killer said as he put Miracle down so the child could drop his broom and go running to the cat and gently pick her up. "She smells the food and wants it."
"Oh, hey guys!" Dust said as he quickly stood up and laughed lightly at the sight of his boss in a cat onesie. "You two look great!"
"Shut up, Dust," Nightmare said as he glared at him which only made him laugh more.
"I'm super kawaii!" Killer called out and lifted his arms to pose like an anime cat girl.
"Never say or do that again," Nightmare scolded Killer as he turned to him. "That is the cringiest thing you've done!"
"Aww but don't you think I'm super k-"
"Don't say that again! You sound like a weeb!"
"That's the point!"
"So, Killer's going to be hyper again this year?" Horror said as he watched Killer stick his tongue out at Nightmare.
"Looks like it," Dust agreed, "now he's the one you should be denying food to. He doesn't need a sugar rush on top of this."
Nightmare's and Killer's banter stopped when there was a little meow as Diamond rubbed herself against their legs in a greeting. It seemed she was distracted from the cat treats in Horror's pocket for now. Miracle giggled at the sight and pointed to his parents and the cat. "Kitties!" He called out and ran up to them. "All the kitties together!"
"...I've been reduced to a 'kitty'" Nightmare muttered as he watched Miracle pick up his broomstick again.
"It's just for one night, Moonlight," Killer whispered. "Once we put Miracle to bed you can change."
"I plan on it," Nightmare replied and he summoned his tentacles and slipped one around Killer's waist. "And I plan on taking you-"
"Hey guys, say cheese!" Dust called out suddenly making the three of them turn around.
Miracle giggled and lifted a hand to wave at the Polaroid camera that Dust was holding while Killer made his anime cat girl pose again. Nightmare just stared deadpan at the camera and before he had the chance to tell Dust not to take the picture, it was taken.
"Dust!" Nightmare snapped as he watched him take the print out and put it face down on the table.
"What? The costumes are cool."
"I only agreed to this if pictures weren't taken."
"Oh… Sorry, Boss," Dust said as he put the camera down and backed away from it.
"Don't worry, Babe," Killer said as he walked further into the room and picked up a chocolate eyeball to eat. "No one but us will ever see that picture. I promise."
"Make sure of it," Nightmare said with a sigh as he walked in as well and took a seat on the sofa. He really hoped there would be no more pictures with him in them. If the others wanted to take pictures of themselves that was fine and he knew Killer would want to take lots of pictures of their son.
Miracle looked really happy right now as he came running over to the box of games that had been put in the corner and placed his broom beside it so he could take out a game. Most of the games were normal party games with a Halloween twist. They had bean bag toss but with pumpkin shaped buckets, instead of pin the tail on the donkey Dust had drawn up 'pin the spider on the web,' Killer had set up an 'eyeball hunt' with eyeball bouncy balls and Horror had made a ghost piñata. There were also plenty of Halloween balloons to play games with.
The four adults watched as Miracle pulled out the bean bags and came running back to them. "Play time?" Miracle asked hopefully as he looked up at them.
"Yep," Killer said as he took the bean bag that was handed to him. "There are lots of games and lots of sweets to get through."
"Don't eat too many sweets," Nightmare said to his son as he ran up to him to give him a bean bag as well. "You'll get sick and be too hyper for bed."
"But-" Miracle tried to argue but stopped when Nightmare raised his hand to shush him.
"No buts, the sweets will last; you don't have to eat them all at once."
Miracle pouted but nodded as he looked to the table. "...Can I have the toffee apple now?"
Nightmare glared at the treat, (he really hated having apples in the castle,) but sighed and gave in. "You can, but because it's the biggest treat you can't have as many of the little ones now as well."
"Okay~" Miracle sang as he quickly gave a bean bag to his uncles and grabbed the toffee apple off of the table before he ran off to set up the buckets as he started munching into the apple.
Nightmare watched as the game began, taking his turn quickly and deliberately missing or getting the lower scoring buckets to make sure Miracle was winning and happy. The night was going to be full of joy and laughter but Nightmare didn't mind if it meant his son was having fun. He'd just have to work extra hard tomorrow.
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superhero--imagines · 4 years
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* There’s so many ways this can go
* But I bet you’d meet him when you moved into his apartment building
* It’s in this -for lack of better words- shitty building in Gotham
* But it’s the best you could do with your budget, plus it’s the only building with a gate
* Not that it means much in Gotham, but something is better than nothing
* (Also if you have a pet/dog, they aren’t charging a pet deposit)
* Jason is someone who lives on the same floor, either next to you or across from you.
* I’ve got two headcanons about neighbor!Jason
* He’s either a friendly neighbor who engages you in small talk whenever you run into each other
* Or he’s incredibly reserved, you hardly ever see him and when you do he enters and leaves his apartment so quick you can’t get a word in
* Overall you don’t really talk to him much
* Honestly you’re probably a little intimidated by him
* He’s like 6’0 and 250 pounds of muscle
* He’s also a beautiful man, so you’re also a bit intimidated by how you’re attracted to him
* Jason barely registers that you’re his neighbor tbh
* So many people filter in and out of these apartments he’s stopped forcing himself to remember their names
* He only notices you when Dick is with him at some point, helping him carry some things from Bruce’s mansion
* “I’m starting to think you’re pretending to need help so you aren’t suffering alone”
* “It took you this long to realize that?”
* You come back from work at this point, in your cutest outfit, you’d had a good day so far
* Riding the wave of confidence you wave at them before disappearing into your apartment
* “They’re pretty cute” Dick whistles, and Jason looks to where you stood
* “I guess” well you did have a pretty face, and every once in a while he can hear your music from his apartment
* It’s always lo-fi beats or something relaxing
* it’s kind of cute too
* “Do they live alone?” Dick asks, and Jason shrugs
* You’re pretty quite, not many visitors, he likes that. The less people around the better
* “I think they have a dog.” He recalls seeing you walk a dog early in the morning, slightly concerned, this is Gotham after all
* “So no boyfriend?” Jason raises an eyebrow
* “Please don’t date my neighbor Dick.”
* “Why, do you want to be their boyfriend?”
* He shoves another box into Dick’s arms to get him to shut up
* Jason notices you a bit more after that, he notices you when you’re at the mailbox getting your mail, or when you’re climbing up the stairs with bags full of groceries
* Unfortunately everytime he sees you it’s followed with “oh, it’s that person that Dick thinks is cute.”
* Which usually makes him grimace.
* One day though, as he’s getting mail he notices a few of the letters he has have your name on them
* Looks like the mail person got the unit numbers wrong
* He sighs, more human interaction he doesn’t really want
* He’s considering just waiting for the post office worker tomorrow so he can slip it in your box, when he sees you in front of your door
* “Hey, I got your mail by accident” he says, sticking out the package. You grasp it with both hands
* Jason can’t help but think about how small your hands are compared to his
* well, someone would surely find that a little cute
* He doesn’t realize he’s staring until a finger digs into the corner, ripping open the plastic.
* “Oh cool, I’ve been waiting for the book for a while, thanks so much!”
* The smile you give him should be illegal
* He can feel his face grow hot, as he nods
* “N-no problem” he mumbles, escaping into apartment.
* It doesn’t really bother you, you go into your own apartment, excited to start your new book
* The back of Jason’s head rests against his front door
* Okay he gets it now, yeah you are pretty cute
* After that things get a bit smoother between you two
* “Is that a new book?”
* “Yeah, I picked it up on my way home, I’ve been meaning to read it for a while”
* “That ones okay, but I like the one the author wrote before better.”
* Jason’s pretty well read, so you two end up mostly talking about books
* “If you want I can write you some recommendations”
* “Sure I would love that!”
* And here comes that smile again, Jason’s not a Virgin, so he doesn’t understand why every time you smile his face erupt into flames and he can’t think right
* “I’ll leave it on your door later”
* Talking about books turns into trading books
* “Hey, you wanted to read Murakami’s short stories right?”
* “Oh, Thank you! Also I got your mail haha!”
* Jason’s starting to wonder if the postal worker is trying to set you both up
* “Hey, are you feeling okay?”
* Jason’s really not
* “I’m just a little tired”
* Just then a cough escapes him
* God dammit
* “Do you want to come in? I have some tea that might help”
* Tea does sound good, but he shouldn’t, adorable neighbor or not he should keep some distance
* “I also have some whisky, if you’re a believer in the medicinal effect of hot toddy’s.”
* Aw hell
* Thats how Jason finds himself in your apartment, sitting on your couch, looking at your rather impressive book collection
* He knew you liked to read, but he’s still impressed
* “Here.” You hand him his hot toddy and a coaster
* He takes a sip and grimaces
* “Are you trying to get me drunk?”
* Your face erupts in flames, you honestly weren’t. In truth you were expecting to get rejected. So to see him here, at your apartment, petting your (dog/cat/bird/etc) is pretty surprising
* “I’m kidding” Jason says, noticing you blush “I like them strong too”
* You’re a little nervous that things will get awkward, but Jason’s a pro at the art of conversation (when he wants to be)
* “You like Scott Fitzgerald?”
* From there the conversation falls into books, to music, to things that are deeper
* “I don’t know, I just thought I’d be further ahead by now yknow?” You say, leaning back in the arm chair.
* Jason’s sprawled out on the couch, no longer trying to make himself as small as possible
* “Where did you think you would be?”
* You’re both drinking straight whisky at this point
* “I don’t know, I just never pictured myself spending all my time at a job I hate. Living in an apartment where the floorboards are coming out, and the paint is falling off the ceiling”
* It’s true, the paint does fall off the ceiling. One time the drywall fell off in a clump and landed beside him when he was sleeping.
* “And honestly, I thought I’d at least have a boyfriend”
* Jason’s head pop up to look at you
* He can be your boyfriend
* The words are dancing on his tongue, but what comes out is:
* “Relationships are over rated, I haven’t dated anyone since 2016”
* “2018 for me,” you grin “I can’t tell if that makes me the winner or the loser though”
* You both laugh, and for a moment Jason thinks that you’re just like him, lonely in your own way
* Maybe you can make each other happy
* But he extinguishes the thought as soon as it comes to life
* He doesn’t want to make you uncomfortable in your own home
* And as he takes another swig of whisky, he realizes he might be drunk
* So he lets himself laugh with you, excusing himself once it starts to get late.
* “Hey Jason, I realized I don’t have your number.”
* You give him your phone, and he has to try extra hard to make sure all the numbers are entered correctly
* “Cool, I’ll text you about what time is good for us to go to that book store you mentioned.” You say before closing the door behind you
* Jason doesn’t remember inviting you to his bookstore, but he still finds a grin curling onto his face
* You slide against your closed front door
* Your face is burning, and you feel way more embarrassed then you should
* He just looked so handsome when he was smiling, and he said he hadn’t dated anyone for even longer than you
* It doesn’t help that you had quite a few drinks, so you took a shot
* The worst that could happen was that you would have to laugh it off as wanting to be his friend
* Or wanting to know who his book supplier was
* Both were equally true
* You’re feeling even more embarrassed when you feel you phone buzz
* Jason: Do you have the weekend off? We could go then
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the-wee-woo-royal · 3 years
Birthday Excitement
I know you're not really in the Renegades fandom anymore but the characters are all I can write at the moment so bear with me.
I made you a lil something special inspired by this wonderful, creative and visually appealing drawing from a while ago. Now, this fic has two of my favorite of your old headcanons for these men (1. Simon being a fem manwhore -in the best way, I still think about this one sometimes lol- and 2. Hugh being a certified himbo -like that isn't common knowledge lmao- and Hugh being French and Simon being some type of Spanish speaking latino… I used google translate so be nice.) There's also a few callbacks from a few of your old stuff (i underlined em and there's a google doc at the end with it all. Yes, I did my work. Only the best for you.)
A small ittle trip down memory lane with a little royal touch to it (get it… cuz ‘royal’... I’m royal. I’m so funny)
Plus a little added surprise, your welcome (Will I probably not be able to read this later out of embarrassment? Yes. Yall can probably guess...😏)
Trust me, my friend, you're gonna want to read this.
Fic under cut—
Joyeux Anniversaire (Happy Birthday To You)
Feliz Cumpleaños A Ti (Happy Birthday To You)
I… just feel we need more… excitement.
I'm not following, Si.
Ya know… excitement.
It took Hugh getting a random drink of water at 4 o’clock in the morning to realize what Simon meant, but ‘excitement’.
When it came to Simon there was only one thing that would need changing in the excitement area. Not that either of them were… lacking… but a little change wouldn’t hurt.
Simon's birthday was soon, so Hugh waited until then.
Hugh’s been married to Simon for… 5 years now, known him for even longer. It's only right that Hugh knew his husband's favorite animal.
A cow.
The little black and white ones that were so adorable and heart stopping to Simon.
It brought a smile to Hugh’s face when they would have to drive in the mountains and see the cows littered throughout the hills. To see his beloved's wide eyes and adorable grin looking out the window like he’d never seen them before. And the passerby fairs that had a petting zoo. There was always at least one cow. You could bet that it took a lot of convincing to get him to move on when there was a baby cow that he could brush, pet and feed right in front of him. Simon even once tried to buy it from the owner, but was sadly rejected.
With that memory aside, it wasn't too hard to find something that would make Simon's special day. Neither were too particular men, and although Hugh didn't have the best taste in clothing, this was… well … this. Upon opening the package, he already could tell it would look great on him, even he knew that.
In honor of Simon's favorite animal Hugh got himself a cow costume that Simon would certainly enjoy. Among other gifts that were nice and meaningful, but this one was by far the most clever.
He has Kasumi, Tamaya and Evander take Simon out for a brunch. Simon had questioned why Hugh wasn’t joining, his best response was that it was unfair of him to have Simon all day.
Yeah, not the best.
Simon insisted and Hugh said he had some work, which got Simon mad.
Again, not the best.
They had made a series of unbreakable rules a while back to make sure work didn’t take over family time. One of those rules was not a bit of work was to be done on birthdays or holidays unless the world was ending (which had actually happened more than a few times, but they were in the clear now, so there was absolutely no excuse.)
This was why Hugh hated lying. He was so bad at it. For a self-proclaimed politician, he sucked at the lying and fibbing part. His excuses were always either outright dumb or outrageous.
It reminded him of a movie scene he’d watched it Adrian, (Play dumb.. NOT THAT DUMB…).
He eventually got an irritated Simon to go out to brunch alone with their friends while Hugh secretly set up a mini celebration in their Simon’s, it was all of theirs in spirit but it was Simon’s house that they lived in before they got the mansion. He and Simon, the last of the council to be in that house, moved out around 3 years ago, and surprisingly the place hadn’t been bought yet. The landlord did not allow rentals so Hugh he bought the place outright so he would ever have to see those sharks again. He doubted Simon would mind considering what this place meant to the both of them.
It was the first place that they lived together, they experienced everything there. There were so many memories here, one being Simon teaching Hugh how to bake a pie. Another where they talked about Simon's invisibility and that conversation leading up to how Hugh sometimes poops chromium. Also the place was close to one of their favorite parks where they would go on little short dates when they could get away during the Age of Anarchy. Everything about this place holds memories.
Toi Cent Dux (Your One-Hundred and Two)
Tu Ciento Dos (Your One-Hundred and Two)
Kasumi texted Hugh that they were almost done. She and the rest of them didn’t know exactly what Hugh had planned but just that it was a surprise. Simon, however, was oblivious. They could tell that he was a little angry that Hugh had to do ‘work’ on his birthday.
For a man that can be smart he was so dumb at times.
They did their absolute best to get any negative thoughts out of Simon’s mind, and they succeeded. He seemed so happy and they knew that it would only grow. Hugh may be a himbo, but he knew how to make Simon the happiest man in the world (he could upset him just as fast, not on purpose of course, but that isn’t relevant right now).
Simon tried not to sigh or let the fact that he would be met with a husband that didn’t seem to care about him today. He didn't even get a compliment on his outfit. He put on some nice tight pants that made his butt look big and plump and a crop top, plus his make-up was fire. He’d forgotten his jacket but it didn't take away from the fit.
Absolutely stunning, sex on legs… maybe even better… but nope, nothing out of Hugh.
They walked into the parking lot together, they had all parked together so they didn't need to split.
“Si, keys.” Evander said with a snap of his fingers.
Simon snorted, “Like I’d ever willingly let you drive my car.”
Evander grinned like an idiot, “Well you won't need it because that,” he pointed to a really fancy and expensive looking car that came into view, “is your ride.”
Simon looked between their friends and they all just smiled as they shooed him toward the car.
The very tinted driver rolled down to reveal Hugh. He got out and Simon was able to see all of him. He was wearing… his old cool-guy outfit from Highschool. It was a pink muscle-tee with jeans and a thick belt. The letterman jacket that was always a bit tight was thrown over his shoulder. He leaned against the car, “I was just driving around the neighborhood and spotted something very sweet.” He said in a low voice, tilting his sunglasses down, giving Simon’s body a seductive look.
Evander gagged from behind him, “OK, I'd like the keys now. I wanna leave.”
Simon didn't break eye contact with his husband as he handed them over.
Hugh held out a hand and Simon took it instantly and allowed himself to be pulled in close, “I thought you didn’t care…” Simon whispered, a bit ashamed he thought so lowly of his husband.
Hugh only laughed, “How could I not when you look like this.” He took the jacket and put it around Simon, “Sorry for hiding your jacket and making you forget it. I just really wanted you to wear this one. Like old times.”
Simon slipped his arms in place and his stomach erupted in butterflies.
Exactly like old times.
In the spirit of the past, Simon poked Hugh’s chest, “Since you're wearing the outfit, can you do the thing I've always liked?”
Knowing exactly what Simon meant, Hugh let his arms fall and stood straight. Rolling his eyes, he bounced his pecs a few times and Simon bit his lip.
Hugh stopped, earning a soft whine from the other, and made his way to the passenger door and opened it for his love, “Enough horniness, get in, we’re not done yet.”
Simon looked at him wide eyed, licking his lips, “ Ok, Pap-”
Simon giggled as he got in.
Hugh, mi vida, what do you have planned?
Bonne fête (Happy Birthday)
Feliz cumpleaños (Happy Birthday)
Simon would recognize this neighborhood in a cloud of thick fog. He would be able to tell where he was blindfolded just by the feel.
He knew that after the last turn there would be a pothole and only a few seconds after that the car would stop.
He saw his home.
The old one, the one where everything started.
Dos Mios, it was already great but this is…
No words could describe his surprise and happiness from just being near this place.
“H-how. Does no one live here?” Simon said, perplexed, getting out of the car. Hugh shook his head, “Nope… and nothing’s changed either.”
Simon stood in place while Hugh came around the car, “You went inside?”
“Well… I had to tour it to buy it.”
“Yea, that makes sen- Wait, what?”
Hugh smiled, “Left pocket.”
Simon reached inside the pocket and pulled out a key. He saw the initials he’d written as a kid.
His key.
He hid it under one of the stones in front of the house. He told everyone it was just in case the next owners wanted it but in all reality he just didn't want anyone else using it.
S.W with a n added ‘E’ that stood out against the other faded letters.
“Yeah, I added that. Felt right.” Hugh covered one of Simon’s hand with his own, “You wanna go inside now, baby?”
Simon all but ran to the door, unlocking it and going inside at record speed.
When he stepped inside, he instantly made his way to the living room, as Hugh predicted, where a mass of presents awaited.
Mon très cher DT (My Dearest DT)
Mi Querida DT (My Dearest DT)
Hugh watched as Simon finished up the slice of cake he’d been working on. He smiled at him and Hugh couldn't help but smile back.
“You like everything?” Hugh said, bring his plate to the sink. Simon let himself fall on the couch, “Of course! It's all perfect.”
“Well I hope you are not all birthday-d out ‘cuz there's still one more thing…” Hugh trailed, pulling one last gift from behind his back.
Hugh handed Simon the last gift, “Wait,” he interjected before Simon could open it, “Ima go to the basement, wait… one minute, then open it and put it on. Meet me there after.”
Simon raised an eyebrow and Hugh grabbed his chin lightly but firmly, “Only this.”
Simon nodded, his breath catching in his throat.
The minute couldn't have gone by any slower. The instructions rang in his head like a tempting bell.
Only this.
When he’d reached 60 in his head, he tore the wrapping off to find a nice, soft and flowy purple holographic skirt. Just the shade he liked too.
Only this.
It just covered his ass, it was merely an inch from showing. He did a little twirl to himself. It was pretty, the colors changing every so slightly.
Hugh’s words stayed true as he only wore the skirt. He wasn't an idiot, he knew what was about to happen. He waited another minute to give Hugh time to finish up whatever he was planning. He grabbed the letterman jacket.
Yeah, Hugh said only the skirt but Simon doubted there would be any bad feelings to him wearing the jacket.
“Oh Hubby… I'm coming down…” Simon called, when there was no response, he took that as an invitation.
No amount of daydreaming could've made him guess that the great Captain Chromium would be ‘w’-sitting on the bed dressed in cow lingerie.
They made eye contact, Hugh blinked at him with a tilted head and a sly smile taking over hip lips, “Moo.”
Simon walked forward slowly, admiring the sight. His eye caught on something familiar.
The corner of the sheet was pulled up, revealing the floral blue mattress they had way back when, “Is this the same mattress?”
Hugh followed his eye line, “Umm, I don't think anyone changed it.. So yes?”
Simon wiggled his eyebrows, “We lost our virginities on this mattress.”
It took Hugh a moment to remember but he mimicked Simon’s face when he did, “Then let's put it to good use once again.”
When Simon was close enough, Hugh reached out and pulled Simon to him, pressing small kisses to his bare chest, “You like the outfit?”
Simon looked down at him, stroking the side of his face. “I love it.”
He knelt on the bed to Hugh’s level and kissed him slowly and sensually. As they invaded each other's senses, Hugh grasped Simon’s bare ass from beneath the skirt, “Good boy,” he whispered, causing Simon to shiver in excitement. Hugh reached behind him and grabbed the mini bottle of lube he’d brought, “It's your birthday, let me pamper you.”
Simon nodded and Hugh took over his mouth, their tongues clashing together in an ongoing battle. There was a slight cold feeling at his entrance but it quickly turned to pleasure as Hugh pumped his fingers in and out of him.
Hugh added another finger after some time, then another, preparing him
When the time finally came Simon allowed himself to be bent forward on the edge of the bed and Hugh took over him. Lifting Simon’s skirt up, Hugh pressed the head of his dick slowly in Simon’s entrance. There was a labored breath from Simon and Hugh leaned forward, biting his earlobe, “Do you want more?” Simon whined in response and Hugh let loose a low laugh, “Words, mon amour.” Simon groaned, “Yes! Please! I want more… so much more… please.”
“As you wish.”
Simon fisted the blankets as Hugh pressed more of himself in him. It hurt a little bit, but the pain was worth it. The reward was worth it.
The low creek of the bed was arousing, the soft grunts from both of them as Hugh started slowly, building both of them up.
Hugh was pressing him deep in the bed, the friction on his own dick making him leak from his tip.
“F-Fuck” Hugh groaned as he hooked Simon’s leg in the cook of his arm and drove himself as deep as possible in his husband. Simon arched his back, his mouth parting letting loose a beautifully deep moan as his prostate was hit. Hugh pulled out half way and repeated the action, watching the way it slipped in and out, rhythmically.
The pleasure took over their bodies in waves. Pulling back, then coming back at them full force.
“H- Oh… Hugh?”
He slowed his thrusts to a stop, allowing Simon to breath and talk.
“Ca- Oh my..” Hugh started sucking on Simon’s neck. He knew exactly what he was doing to the man, “Speak, I can't promise I'll w-wait for much longer…” Hugh tried to play the tough dom for tonight, but the slight stutter reminded the both of them that Hugh’s body was for Simon.
For him to use anyway he pleased. Most assumed that Hugh was ‘in charge’, but more often than not, it was Simon who had Hugh wrapped around his perfect little finger.
“I wanna see you.” Simon finally breathed.
Hugh waited until Simon was situated on the bed before making his move, “Where do you want me, Love?”
Simon sent in a smile, his eyes full of arousal, “Still on top… please, Papi.”
Hugh wasted no time setting himself between Simon’s open and awaiting legs. Hugh removed the horned headband from his head and placed it on Simon, who tilted his head and mimicked him from earlier, “Moo.”
He captured Simon's mouth in a deep, rough kiss and took that as an opportunity to slip himself back into his husband. They both moaned at the feeling and the noises only got louder as their movements got faster and rougher.
Neither man liked to be handled delicately.
They were past the soft touches and hesitation. They left that stage of their relationship years ago. It was rough, now. Just as both of them liked it. Hugh couldn't be marked but it didn't stop Simon from acting like he could. Sucking and grabbing Hugh’s body to ground himself. Though it was him whose body was battered in the best way. Bite marks and hickey's littered Simon’s body. Being able to touch them the next day and have his body erupt in tingles at just the memory.
One of Hugh’s hands was on the headboard, and Simon would feel his back muscles working underneath his hands. The other was holding his leg wide open. Simon’s other leg was wrapped tightly around Hugh’s waist, allowing minimal space between them. And Hugh wouldn’t stop attacking his neck and jawline. Not that he wanted him to stop.
Anything but stop
Joyeux Anniversaire (Happy Birthday To You)
Feliz Cumpleaños A Ti (Happy Birthday To You)
“I'm guessing you're hungry right now” Hugh sighed into his husband's neck. He felt the slight laugh in Simon’s chest and he groaned, “for something actually edible, mon amour?”
“Boring… but yeah, kinda.”
Hugh got up and Simon admired the sight. He didn’t know when exactly their special clothes had gotten taken off, but wasn’t complaining. Hugh picked up the discarded costume, “Would you like to enjoy this a little bit longer?”
Simon bit his lip, “Maybe…,” he sunk into bed, pulling the cover up to kid his reddening cheeks.
Hugh chuckled, “Well then, give me a moment, this thing is hard to get on and I'd rather not me struggling be a turn off so I’ll be in the bathroom.”
Simon took his leaving as a sign for him to get up too. Stretching out his back, he spotted his discarded skirt and Hugh’s jacket. After a few minutes of mentally preparing himself to get out of bed, he put them on, not even asking Hugh if that's what he wanted. He already knew that answer, if he did ask, “Is that even a question, Amour?”. He could hear it in his mind perfectly.
When Hugh came back out his heart did a flip in his chest. They had just had sex like this but he couldn’t get over how damn sexy he looked.
They made their way back upstairs and Hugh pulled two bowls from the refrigerator and put them in the microwave.
When they came out Simon couldn’t help but laugh, “My favorite noodles!”
Hugh laughed with him, “It's your birthday, Was I not going to get them?”
Simon leaned over and kissed him, “Thank you for bringing me back here. Thank you for showing me love in so many different ways.”
“Anything for you, mon coeur.”
Happy Birthday
Tagging (plz dm/comment of u want to be added or removed): @dt-everwoods (ofc) @obsidianfr3sk @greenalmond @galaxy-creationz @deprivedmusicaljunkie
(think I got everyone. Lost my tag lost so I went with what I remember. Feel free to out me if you were forgotten -sorry-)
-The doc mentioned in the begining: here
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unknownbluekey · 3 years
This is my first posted work that I plan on making a series on here. Please give feedback, all types are welcomed.
Lucid Oceans
Optional bias X Reader
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Today was the day your amazon package should be delivered. You ordered a variety of items from crystals to a Tarot deck. It was your first time ever working with something like this, you’d always stray away from the “super natural” aka anything that wasn’t christian related because of your parents. You started biting on your nails, you absolutely could not wait for it to get here. The main purpose of you buying it was for your curiosity. You were impatient to learn the events of your future, so what better way to know than to read it yourself. Suddenly the phone starts ringing, It’s your friend,
 “Hey y/n, I’ve been meaning to call you since you first moved, how is it not living in the city?”
You smiled happily to hear a familiar voice, “It’s going well, it is so peaceful out here, the scenery is amazing!”
“I still don't understand what you saw in that old creepy house, it’s overgrown and in the middle of the woods, of course I’m going off the pictures you sent.”
“Key, it’s really not that bad, and it's not creepy!” you sigh a puff of air from annoyance “It’s really charming in fact, plus it was really cheap for a 3 bedroom house, the living room is big and so is the kitchen” You were getting excited for all the new possibilities “Plus it has a really nice porch and garden!’ you beam.
“Y/n you suck at gardening, every plant you ever tried taking care of has died.” Key deadpanned 
“Okay well no one has lived here for a few years, and they seem to be just fine on their own” you huff.
    Key was a good friend that you knew since childhood. Although they were very blunt you appreciate them for sticking around and putting up with your impulsiveness.
The door rings, “Hey Key imma have to call you back” you say quickly hanging up the phone afterwards.
Waiting for you once you got to the door was your long anticipated package. You squeal, snatching it and running to the living room. You had hand-me-down furniture from your parents and other family members. It's not quite your style, but you appreciate having a fully furnished house.
    Tearing open the box, you see your crystals, rose quartz pendulum, and your precious Tarot card deck. You’ve done the bare minimum research on the things you got, but at least you had a slight understanding. Grabbing the Tarot deck out of the box you read the title, “Lucid Oceans Tarot Deck”. You open the box and remove the guide book, then the deck. You shuffled the deck multiple times over, seemingly unsuccessful with any cards jumping out, like you’ve seen on some videos. You try for a little longer until one card pops out, Ace of Pentacles. 
    You quickly grab the guide book and flip to the page that you’re looking for, “Let this friendship show you the way to your better true self.” You think about what the card could mean, maybe you should spend more time with Key? While you’re off in a daze your bunny hops towards you, starting to nibble on the card.
“KOOKIE, NO BAD BUNNY!” You snatch the card towards your chest, he must be hungry you think. You walk towards the fridge, pulling out some green leaf lettuce for him to chew on, you notice that you’re a little low on food. Dropping off the lettuce on the floor for your bunny to munch on, you head to your bedroom to throw on some clothes so you could head to the store.
While shopping leisurely through the store, you had noticed some man following through 
The store. You had finally had enough and turned around.
“Can I help you?” you were already frustrated that you bumped into a creep, in your seemingly peaceful little town you had moved to.
“I’m sorry for following you, but I just didn’t know how to tell you that there’s something hanging out of your pants.” He points to your behind where you did in fact have something there.
But to your absolute horror, it was some racy underwear that might have been caught on your jeans when you slipped them on. You quickly snatch it and throw it into your bag, looking back to the man with embarrassment.
“I-uh… thanks!” you quickly saw, and rushed off with your cart of food, somehow you were going to blame this on Kookie. After your rushed checkout and race to the car, you were finally back at your cozy home. After placing your groceries in their respective places, you head towards the living room.
    Noticing the Tarot card missing from the spot you had placed on the table was missing. You search high and low, you search every corner of the house with the card still not showing up. You even go through the deck and it has still made no appearance, you decide Kookie has somehow gotten to it and eaten it. 
    You decided to go out and explore the garden, picking out the weeds, and seeing what's planted. After rummaging around and picking out the dead plants and excess foliage, you came to a conclusive finish to your hard work. You stand up stretching and popping your back,all of a sudden a figure catches your eye standing in the forest a few meters from where you stand.
    You quickly gather your things and run back in the house, locking the door behind you. You go throughout the house securing every lock. You try to calm yourself, assuming you had seen a bear. You take Kookie upstairs to your room, making sure he’d be safe. He wasn’t quite happy about moving from his loafing position, and made it known by thumping. 
“Kookie it’s either be up here or possibly be eaten by a bear, I chose the best option for you.” You say sitting on the edge of your bed.
    You have an unread message from Key. “Dude are you alive you rushed off the phone earlier and didn’t say why?”
“Sorry, I had to get my package then went shopping and did a little garden cleanup”
“Okkaaaayyyy and you couldn't text me back because….?” 
“I forgot, I was just caught up with getting settled in.” putting your phone down, you lay back on your bed. Suddenly you hear an absurd amount of thunder. It goes off again, this time sounding like an explosion, you look outside through your bedroom window, but there seems to be no storms clouds in the late evening.
    You shrug it off and head towards the bathroom, maybe taking a nice hot bath would settle your nerves. The handle squeaks as you turn it, surprisingly the water heats up pretty quickly. You’re quite excited and dig through some of your unpacked boxes, searching for your bath bombs and salts. Finding your ocean bath bomb, and lavender scented bath salt and dump them into your steaming bath.
    After undressing you slowly sink into the hot water, feeling more relaxed and at ease.
“You know what, today hasn’t been that bad.” you say sinking further into the water. You spoke too soon, the lights started flickering and the power turned off.
“Shit” you say not able to see your own hand in front of your face. You slowly get out of the tub, full of water you were barely able to enjoy.
You grab your bath towel that you luckily had placed nearby, thinking that you may have remembered packing a flashlight in your bedroom boxes. After feeling your way out the bathroom and into your room, you began searching for the flashlight. After not finding it on your bookshelf, you decided to search through the one unpacked boxe left in the corner of your room. Your eyes have finally adjusted to the darkness, so you could see a bit clearer.
    After finding the flashlight in the box, you decided to find the breaker box. Turning on the flashlight you wander through the house searching for the box. After what seemed like forever, walking back and forth throughout the entire house, you feared the worst. The breaker box is most likely outside.
“Fuck me” you wispered to yourself. You weren’t about to go outside in the dark wrapped in a towel. Instead you decide to search around the house, hoping you had packed some candles. After searching tirelessly, you finally admit defeat. You slip on your house shoes and head outside. Walking from the front door around to the left side of the house and found it. On the good side it was close to the door if anything went wrong, and on the bad side you would have your back turned towards the forest.
    You take a deep breath and begin working on the box. Another sound of explosive thunder goes off above you. You look up and search around you to make sure you are still in the clear. Coyotes start howling not too far from where you stood. You started fumbling the switches when the howling was cut off, and sounds of whimpering and whining followed suit. You started flipping the switches, and the power finally buzzed back on. You sigh a deep breath of relief, until you feel hot air go down the expanse of your back.
    You were frozen, absolutely terrified to move. “This is it, this is how I die, naked and cold outside.” You felt your body trembling, and when you thought things couldn’t get worse, you felt a wet, leathery large object poking your back, hard enough to nudge your whole body forward a couple of steps. You re adjust yourself, and finally gain your senses back. You bolt to the front door, slamming it behind you as you entered the house.
    “What the actual hell was that?” it’s hard for you to catch your breath. Locking the front door and peeking out the front window, you saw nothing. You take a deep sigh of relief, finally able to steady your breathing. You head back upstairs to your bathroom. The water in the tub was still hot to your amazement. Instead of letting good products go to waste you sink back into the tub. You hadn’t realized just how tense you were until your body fully emerged in the water. You close your eyes, slowly dozing off.
    Suddenly you were in the middle of a flower field, it was dark, the only thing lighting the area around you were fireflies. You hear a deep rumbling coming from above you. You couldn’t move, your body was frozen and you had no control. You looked up to see a giant creature above you. Your eyes widened, you couldn’t believe what you were seeing. It looks down and flies towards you. You shoot up out of the bathtub, what you just went through felt too real. It was a fact, what you had just seen was something out of fairytales, you had seen, a Dragon.
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chilly-me-softly · 4 years
Every Little Thing’s Gonna Be Alright Chapter 12
Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Chapter 5 - Chapter 6 - Chapter 7 - Chapter 8 - Chapter 9 - Chapter 10 - Chapter 11
"You're so cute. So cute and... perfect" Evelyn smiles looking at the little bundle sleeping in her arms. She still can't believe it's hers. She can't take her eyes off her, she watches her chest rise and fall regularly and thinks there is nothing more perfect. But then the little one moves slightly in her sleep, unconsciously clutching at her, and that becomes the most beautiful thing in the world.
"She doesn't look like him" she sighs suddenly, meeting Deb's gaze for a second, "I know it's still early to tell, but I was afraid she'd remind me of him right away"
"I can't judge without seeing him. Idea. Let me see him"
"You want me to lie to you? Because if so she looks just like you"
"You're... take my phone" she sighs checking the little girl in her arms again before accepting the phone and typing something on it. "Here"
"Girl you banged this guy?!" Evelyn laughs heartily at the girl's expression, before grimacing at the discomfort she feels.
"Don't make me laugh!" the girl puts on an innocent smile before Ben walks through the door with a vase full of flowers in his hand.
"What are you girls talking about?"
"Nothing" Deb is quick to reply turning off the phone screen making Evelyn giggle silently.
"Are those for me?" the girl decides to change the subject by pointing at the vase with her head.
"Yeah. From the team"
"Oh how cute! Please thank everyone for me"
"Sure. Oh come here little one, come to you uncle Ben" Ben is quick to approach the bed once he has placed the vase somewhere.
"Ben she's sleeping, please" she scolds him but he takes the baby anyway, sitting down on the chair next to the bed and arranging the cover wrapped around that little bundle.
"She can very well do that in the comfortable arms of her favourite uncle, can't she?! Yes, she can!" he cooed and she gave up, she thought she was the crazy one but her brother totally outdid her. Totally lost for that little girl.
"You're also the only one, it's not like she has a choice in the matter" Deb teases him while Ben opens his mouth wide in mock indignation before shaking his head.
"I'm the only one? I mean his family, have you ever met them?" asks Ben after a while and Evelyn shakes her head.
"No, it had been too short a time for the introduction to the families I told you. I think he has a brother, but for all I know he might not even have told them" interrupting that moment is the little girl who frowns slightly before starting to cry, obviously bringing everyone's attention back to her.
"There she is, my beautiful niece. Hi" Ben cooed distractedly running a finger along the little one's face, but she began to cry more and more determinedly forcing Ben to leave her in Evelyn's hands.
"I think she's hungry. Ben could you please leave for a sec?"
"Please, we took baths together when we were little"
"We bathed together when my chest was still flat, now please get out" she retorts rolling her eyes, stroking one of the little girl's legs asking her for a little more patience.
"Deb, where's Ben? Don't think he could be upset for earlier"
"Nah he's probably on the phone. He's too whipped to your daughter to be away for her" she commented sarcastically as she walked around the room with the baby in her arms, making Evelyn laugh. She hadn't seen him since she kicked him out of the room to breastfeed the baby, and it had been a while. She could already imagine him outside the door, peeking in every few minutes, impatient to get back in, but as always her brother managed to do the opposite of what she thought.
"I'll phone him anyway, let's see where he is" she murmurs, picking up the phone, but she doesn't have time to unlock it when Ben finally returns. And he's not alone.
"Mom?" Evelyn murmurs in disbelief as tears immediately cloud her vision and the woman in question quickly approaches her, wrapping her in her arms and bursting into tears as well.
"I’m late, I’m late. I'm so sorry"
"Mom, mom. It's okay"
"No it's not, I was so horrible and unfair to you"
"I love you" Evelyn holds her mother tightly stopping her rant, there will be a place and time to clear the air. Right now the important thing is something else.
"Do you want to meet your granddaughter?" the woman wipes away her tears as best she can, leaving a kiss on her daughter's forehead before nodding. And the baby in the meantime has gone into her grandfather's hands who has taken the opportunity to cuddle the newcomer without any hurry.
"My baby had a baby" she murmurs, the emotion evident in her voice as she manages to hold her granddaughter in her arms for the first time.
"What's her name?" it's her father's turn to hold her and kiss her and whisper how proud he is of her, which makes her emotional again on that eventful day.
"Cecilia, Cecilia Chilwell"
"Well welcome to the family, Cece"
She's finally alone after that long day full of emotions. No one would have wanted to leave, but Evelyn had played the 'it's my day' card and asked everyone quietly to go and rest. The nurse had taken little Cecilia to the nursery anyway and she was fine, plus visiting hours would be over soon so better to leave before they were kicked out.
And she should probably follow the advice given to the others and rest but she can't. She is still struggling to process everything that has happened, still excited and incredulous at having given birth to a small, defenceless baby girl. To have held her in her arms, inhaled her perfume, watched her sleep, felt her delicate skin in contact with her own. Her daughter has twelve hours. Just... unbelievable.
A knock on the door makes her shift her gaze from her belly, no longer the size of a balloon, and she is already ready to scold whoever it is that has returned when she sees who is there. A smile paints on her face before her hands go to cover her face.
"What are you doing here?"
"Uncle Ben was too excited not to let the whole world know he became an uncle" Jack smiles as he enters the room.
"You shouldn't have come, I'm not decent at all"
"Doesn't matter and congratulations, I hope you don't mind but I went to see her first. She's beautiful"
"Only fair" she murmurs as Jack pulls the chair closer to the bed and sits down.
"How are you feeling?"
"A little bit sore. Tired. Excited mostly. I have a little girl, I still can't believe it" Jack smiles sweetly.
"I brought you something" Jack leans slightly to the side, under Evelyn's disbelieving gaze, to pick up an envelope he'd placed on the floor when he'd sat down.
"Jack, you shouldn't have-"
"Shut up and open it" and she looked at him for a few seconds before finally deciding to open that package, finding a small blanket inside. A cot blanket. Grey, soft, just gorgeous.
"I don't know if you ended up buying it, but still, it's better to have more than one isn't it?"
"It's beautiful, thank you. I'm sure Cece will love it" and she goes to take the other one too, but it's heavier than the one she already took from the bag. And bigger too she can see.
"That one's for you"
"You bought us two matching blankets?" she asks incredulously, her heart beating wildly in her chest.
"Yeah like... so you know you two can match" he murmurs, embarrassment coloring his cheeks slightly.
"I... I don't know what to say. I'm not gonna cry" she chuckles before taking a deep breath and looking at him, "Thank you so much Jack, that's a very nice thought"
"Come here" Evelyn spreads her arms wide before her brain can kick in, and Jack is quick to catch on and wrap his arms around the girl's torso, gently, careful not to hurt her. Satisfying the silent desire of both of them.
"Mum came at the end" she states smiling as he sits on the bed carefully.
"I told you it would only take time"
"Well it's all but settled but it's a first step" Evelyn shrugs as their attention is caught by a nurse knocking on the door without adding anything else making Jack sigh.
"I should go. The nurse only gave me five minutes" he says pointing with a thumb behind him.
"You should have called, I'm sorry you came all this way for practically nothing"
"Well it only means I'll see you again soon then" he leans in to leave a kiss on her cheek before approaching the door.
"Jack?" Evelyn calls back to him and he turns around when he's already outside the room, his chest half resting on the doorframe. "Text me when you get home"
This is one of my fav till now and I really hope you’d like it too! Also this is the real turning point of this story so be ready for some more actiong. I have so much saved in my draft, so much to make happen and really can’t wait for you to read everything! 
Tag: @alexajanecollins @emwritesfootball
Chapter 13
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