#plus it strengthens your ankles and legs
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I made an adult purchase.
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Best 5 Yoga Poses to Help You Lose Weight Fast!
Are you looking for a fun and effective way to lose weight? What if I told you that you can do it by simply striking a few poses? Yes, you heard that right! Yoga, an ancient practice that connects the mind and body, can help you shed those extra pounds fast. So, let’s dive into the world of yoga and discover how it can be your best friend in the journey to losing weight.
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Why Yoga for Weight Loss?
You might be wondering, why yoga? Isn’t it just about stretching and breathing? Well, yoga is so much more than that. It’s a powerful tool that not only helps you relax but also works wonders for weight loss. Yoga boosts your metabolism, builds strength, and improves flexibility. Plus, it’s like a friend that supports you through your weight loss journey, making it more enjoyable and sustainable. Follow our 5 Yoga Poses to Help You Weight Lose Fast !
The Magic of Combining Yoga and Diet
Now, let’s add a little bit of spice to the mix. When you combine yoga with a healthy diet, the results can be magical. Just like peanut butter and jelly, yoga and a balanced diet complement each other perfectly. While yoga helps burn calories and tone muscles, a nutritious diet ensures your body gets the right fuel. Together, they create a powerhouse that accelerates weight loss.
Pose 1: Downward-Facing Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana)
How to Do It
Start on your hands and knees.
Lift your hips towards the ceiling, forming an upside-down "V" shape.
Keep your hands shoulder-width apart and feet hip-width apart.
Hold the pose for a few breaths, then release.
Downward-Facing Dog is a great full-body stretch. It strengthens your arms, legs, and core while boosting circulation. This pose also helps to calm the mind, reducing stress and anxiety, which can contribute to weight gain.
Pose 2: Warrior II (Virabhadrasana II)
How to Do It
Stand with your feet wide apart.
Turn your right foot out 90 degrees and your left foot slightly in.
Bend your right knee so it's directly over your right ankle.
Extend your arms out to the sides, parallel to the floor.
Hold for a few breaths, then switch sides.
Warrior II is excellent for toning your legs and core. It also improves balance and stability. By engaging your muscles, this pose helps to burn calories and build strength.
Pose 3: Boat Pose (Navasana)
How to Do It
Sit on the floor with your legs extended.
Lean back slightly and lift your legs, forming a "V" shape with your body.
Extend your arms forward, parallel to the floor.
Hold for a few breaths, then release.
Boat Pose is a fantastic core workout. It targets your abs and back muscles, helping to flatten your stomach and improve posture. Plus, it’s a great way to build endurance.
Pose 4: Bridge Pose (Setu Bandhasana)
How to Do It?
Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor.
Lift your hips towards the ceiling, forming a bridge with your body.
Clasp your hands under your back for support.
Hold for a few breaths, then release.
Bridge Pose strengthens your glutes, hamstrings, and lower back. It also opens up your chest and improves spinal flexibility. This pose helps to tone your body and boost your metabolism.
Pose 5: Plank Pose (Phalakasana)
How to Do It
Start in a push-up position with your hands directly under your shoulders.
Keep your body in a straight line from head to heels.
Hold for as long as you can, then release.
Plank Pose is a powerhouse for building core strength. It engages your entire body, from your arms and shoulders to your abs and legs. This pose helps to burn calories, improve endurance, and enhance overall fitness.
Combining Poses for Maximum Effect
Now that you know these five amazing yoga poses, let’s talk about combining them for maximum effect. Creating a yoga routine that includes all these poses can help you lose weight faster. You can start with Downward-Facing Dog to warm up, move into Warrior II and Boat Pose to engage your muscles, and finish with Bridge Pose and Plank Pose for strength and endurance.
Imagine your body as a car. Yoga poses are like different gears that help your car run smoothly. By shifting through these gears, you can accelerate your weight loss journey and reach your destination faster.
Yoga is a wonderful way to lose weight, improve flexibility, and enhance your overall well-being. By practicing these five yoga poses regularly and combining them with a healthy diet, you can achieve your weight loss goals quickly and effectively. Remember, consistency is key. So, roll out your yoga mat, strike a pose, and watch the magic happen.
Question 1: Can beginners do these yoga poses?
Absolutely! These poses are suitable for beginners. Just take your time and listen to your body.
Question 2: How often should I practice yoga for weight loss?
Aim to practice yoga at least 3-4 times a week for the best results.
Question 3: Do I need any special equipment for these poses?
All you need is a yoga mat and comfortable clothing.
Question 4: Can yoga really help me lose weight?
Yes, yoga can help you lose weight by burning calories, building muscle, and improving your metabolism.
Question 5: What should I eat to complement my yoga practice?
Focus on a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains. Avoid processed foods and sugary snacks.
Read More: Exploring the Health Benefits of Ayurvedic Herbs & Spices
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sethwarren · 1 year
Boost Your Brain Power, Fitness, and More with Bike Riding
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Cycling is not just a mode of transportation or a weekend hobby—it's a holistic fitness regime with myriad benefits for your body, mind, and overall well-being. And while most of us are familiar with the muscular legs of avid cyclists, the advantages of getting on the saddle go well beyond toned calves. As an enthusiastic cyclist, Seth Warren often seen traversing New York's scenic trails, including the Cayuga Waterfall Trail and the Adirondack Trail.
Supercharge Your Mental Well-Being
Perhaps the most surprising benefit of cycling is its effect on our brainpower. Cycling facilitates greater blood flow to the brain, nourishing our grey matter with essential nutrients and oxygen. Over time, this improved circulation can lead to better cognitive functions, heightened memory, and reduced risk of neurodegenerative diseases. Plus, much like other physical activities, cycling releases endorphins, those feel-good chemicals that combat stress and depression. When you’re slicing through the wind on an open road or trail, it’s not just a physical workout—it's mental therapy.
Rev Up Your Physical Fitness
At its core, cycling is a cardiovascular exercise that does wonders for your heart and lungs. But it’s more than just a cardio blast—it offers a full-body workout. Pedalling strengthens leg muscles like the quads, hamstrings, and calves, while the need for balance and posture engages the core. And let’s not forget those uphill battles, which demand explosive power and result in a higher metabolic rate even after you've parked your bike.
Another amazing aspect of cycling is its low-impact nature. Unlike running, where every step sends a jolt through your joints, cycling offers a smooth motion that minimizes strain on the knees and ankles. This makes it a go-to exercise for those recovering from injuries or individuals seeking a joint-friendly workout. Moreover, the improved stamina and cardiovascular health reduces the risk of chronic ailments, such as heart disease, obesity, and type 2 diabetes.
Enhance Your Daily Living
Beyond the physical and mental boosts, cycling seamlessly integrates into daily routines. It's an eco-friendly mode of transport, helping reduce our carbon footprint. Switching from four wheels to two for daily commutes can also save you money on fuel and parking, all while sneakily fitting in a workout. And for those who think cycling is a solitary pursuit, think again! The global cycling community is vibrant and inclusive. Group rides, charity events, and races provide opportunities to connect, making new pedal pals and sharing in the joys of the journey.
Final Thoughts
The allure of cycling lies in its simplicity. No fancy equipment, no gym membership, just a bike and the open road. As you embrace this two-wheeled wonder, you’ll find that cycling isn’t merely about getting from point A to point B—it’s a journey to improved mental clarity, peak physical fitness, and a richer, more connected life. So, pump up those tires, strap on your helmet, and embark on a ride that rejuvenates your mind, body, and soul.
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fitnessstorekuwait · 2 years
Home Treadmill vs. Outdoor Running
Why should you choose treadmills rather than outdoor running? a question that everyone thinks about. A simple answer is that it is the best alternative to running outside. How?  Let’s understand the benefits of a treadmill and how it acts as an alternative to outdoor running.
What is a Treadmill?
A treadmill is an exercise machine that consists of a continuously moving belt on which one can run or walk. Running or walking is a great form of exercise that everyone opts to do. They are mainly used for cardio training. It is an excellent piece of fitness equipment for strengthening your muscles, particularly your glutes, thighs, and calves. With so many features such as flexibility, safety, and many more, treadmills can act as the best alternative to outdoor running.
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Plus Points Of Treadmill Over Outdoor Running
Convenience: running on a home treadmill is more convenient than outdoor running. You can even track your workout progress and adjust your speed as needed. The treadmill also helps you track your heart rate, monitor your distance covered, calculate your calories burned, etc. Also, having a treadmill at home is convenient if you have children to look after.
Treadmills with modern technologies integrated into them, such as iFit, provide you with HIIT classes, running classes, walking classes, hiking workouts with a personal trainer, and endless class varieties such as motivating classes, global interactions, and studio classes, which make your workout time more live.
Ease on your joints: People prefer running outside in the fresh air to avoid boredom and enjoy the natural sites. However, it can put strain on your leg joints. On the other hand, a treadmill is easier on your joints. It puts less strain on your ankles and knees since most of the treadmill comes with shock absorption and a better cushioning system, which protects you from the impact of repeated steps and helps you avoid injuries like muscle tears.
Suitable for usage in any situation: it is not possible to go outside to walk or run if there are unfavourable weather conditions, such as a rainy day. It also keeps you away from uneven and slippery surfaces, which can be hazardous to your health. Treadmills are useful in such conditions. Moreover, if people are opting for a quick workout, treadmills are a good option.
Comfortable: you can use your treadmill enjoying your favourite tv show in your comfortable outfits. Here, nobody is going to judge you in any case, and you can make your workout sessions better.
Affordable: Using a home treadmill is more affordable than taking out a membership at a commercial gym. A treadmill is a useful long-term investment, so it is always worth your money to keep one with you.
Gives you more environmental control: you have complete control over your workout environment. You can view your progress and adjust the working mode of your treadmill. And it's much safer and more comfortable to exercise in your own space. And it gives you the correct directions on how to manage everything, so you will never get lost.
A treadmill at home has another bonus: it has additional features like a water bottle holder to keep your water bottle. It keeps you hydrated at all times, on the other hand, carrying your essentials while running outside is difficult.
A good option to stay fit if you have injuries: since treadmills provide a steady, smooth, and even surface for your workout, they are the perfect piece of equipment to try if you are recovering from any sort of injury. This is because you are fully in control of your training environment.
Consistent training: regardless of the weather or your fitness level, they allow you to train comfortably at home and assist you in maintaining consistency.
These are the major reasons for you to add a treadmill to your home gym. Now let’s check how they benefit your health.
Weight loss: treadmills aid people in losing weight. This is the most convenient method for losing weight. They help you lose weight efficiently and quickly. The longer and faster you exercise on a treadmill, the more calories you burn, and the easier it is to lose weight. Running or jogging burns more calories because your body has to work harder. That leads to the activation of more muscles, which contribute to lean muscle, which helps you lose weight.
Cardiovascular health: treadmill exercises are popular for cardiovascular fitness as they can significantly improve heart health. They increase your heart rate throughout the workout. Cardiovascular activities raise the heart rate, allowing oxygenated blood to flow to the brain. These are very useful for people with cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, etc. This also encourages you to do more exercises, which helps you achieve your fitness goal faster. As you work harder, your heart pumps more blood and supplies more oxygen, which strengthens your heart and lungs.
Activates muscles: treadmill training will activate your leg muscles, abdomen, back, and buttocks. The simple action of swinging your hands gives you hand exercises too. Thus, it trains multiple muscle groups, which means your muscles are being built. Including treadmill exercises with other lighter exercises will also help you achieve a full-body workout.
Improves your mental health: Running or walking can significantly improve your mood and make you feel happier and healthier. When you run, endorphins, the happy hormone, are released and keep you happier. A treadmill at home is the easiest way to get rid of depression and anxiety.
Improves sleep quality: cardiovascular activities increase the release of melatonin, which aids in getting a good sleep at night.
Maintains joint flexibility: Walking or running on a low-impact surface can be beneficial to your knees and joints.
The Bottom Line
Treadmills are a convenient and affordable piece of fitness equipment. They are gentler and safer on your body when compared to outdoor walking. You can create your own work space in accordance with your time and comfortability. You can work out regularly regardless of the weather or any other factors. Therefore, it serves as the best alternative to outdoor running.
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odisomii · 2 years
This Abs And Glute Kickback Workout Will Boost Your Butt!
Working out your abs and glutes is a great way to get a toned and strong body. But if you're looking to really give your booty a boost, then you need to add a glute kickback workout to your routine. Glute kickbacks with a band are an effective way to target the glutes and help you achieve the shapely backside you desire.
What Are Glute Kickbacks With Band?
Glute kickbacks with a band involve using a resistance band to target the glute muscles. To do this exercise, you'll need to loop the band around your ankles and then stand with your feet hip-width apart. Bend forward slightly at the hips and lift one leg backwards, keeping your back straight. You'll feel the tension in your glutes as you kick back with your leg.
Benefits of Glute Kickbacks With Band
These glute kickbacks with band are a great way to target the glutes and get a stronger booty. By using the resistance band, you can really target your glutes and help shape and tone them. This exercise also helps to strengthen your core and improve your balance and stability. Plus, it's a great way to warm up and get your glutes ready for other exercises.
How To Do Glute Kickbacks With Band
To do glute kickbacks with a band, you'll need a resistance band and an exercise mat. Start by looping the band around your ankles and standing with your feet hip-width apart. Bend forward slightly at the hips and lift one leg backwards, keeping your back straight. You should feel the tension in your glutes as you kick back with your leg. Do 10-15 reps on each side. You can increase the difficulty of this exercise by adding more tension to the band or increasing the number of reps.
Tips For Glute Kickbacks With Band
To get the most out of your glute kickbacks with band, there are a few tips you can follow. First, make sure you keep your back straight and your core engaged throughout the exercise. This will help you get the most out of your workout and make sure you're targeting the right muscles. Also, make sure to use controlled movements and keep your legs straight. Finally, make sure to take breaks when needed and don't push yourself too hard.
Glute kickbacks with a band are an effective way to target the glutes and get a stronger booty. This exercise helps to strengthen your core, improve your balance and stability, and shape and tone your glutes. Just make sure to follow the tips above and you'll be well on your way to achieving the booty of your dreams.
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poridyydd · 2 years
The Best Glute Kickback With Band That You Will Ever Try
When it comes to toning your glutes, nothing beats a good Glute Kickback with Band. This Resistance Band Workout is simple to follow and will help you achieve the booty-ful results you desire. For a complete Glute Kickback workout, be sure to also check out our other Resistance Band Workouts – such as our 3-Minute Glute Bridge and 34-Second T25 Glute Bridge. By incorporating these workouts into your routine, you will see maximal results in minimal time!
How to Do a Glute Kickback With Band
If you're looking for a great glute workout, look no further than the band kickback. This exercise is perfect for targeting your glutes and will help you tone and strengthen them in a very effective way. Here's how to do it: 1) Position yourself on all fours with your palms flat on the floor and your knees bent to 90 degrees. Place one foot in the middle of the band and extended outwards, so that it hangs down over your ankle. 2) Bring the other leg up so that it’s perpendicular to the first and place it behind your body, close to your hips. Keep your upper body stationary, ensuring that both feet are planted firmly on the ground. 3) Now use your abs to pull yourself towards the toes of the standing foot, until you feel a resistance against them. Hold this position for one second before slowly returning to starting position. Repeat 10 times per side.
The Benefits of Doing a Glute Kickback With Band
When you do a glute kickback with band, there are a few benefits that you can experience. The primary benefit is that it will help to activate your glutes more effectively. This will result in better overall fitness and strength. Additionally, doing this type of exercise with a band will help to improve your balance and stability. This is because it will help to counteract the natural tendency for your body to move towards instability when working out on its own.
If you are looking for a glute kicker that is going to give your booty a serious workout, then you need to check out the Glute Kickback with Band. This machine not only targets your glutes, but also works other muscles in your body as it helps you tighten them up. Plus, there is no need for any additional equipment, which means that it can easily be integrated into your current fitness routine. Give this machine a try and see just how effective it can be!
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asanayoga · 2 years
The Seven Most Effective Yoga Asanas For Weight Loss
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Image Source: FreeImages
Asanas are the poses that you perform in a yoga class. They’re also the poses that you see in almost every picture of someone doing yoga. If you Google “yoga asanas for weight loss,” you will find lots of articles listing poses like the happy frog and downward dog as good options for burning fat. But which poses can actually help you lose weight? And more importantly, do you need to be able to twist your body into those positions to experience the benefits of yoga? This article explains why some poses are more effective than others at burning fat, reducing stress, and improving your general health.
Most globally recognized organizations that certify Yoga instructors in Thailand are Yoga Alliance. ULU Yoga is a popular Yoga instruction school that can assist you with any queries you have about these organizations, as they are one of the few schools that offer round-the-clock customer support.
Tadasana (Standing Position)
Tadasana is the standing position. This is a good pose if you’re just starting out with yoga because it teaches you how to stand and breathe properly. It also improves core strength, posture, and balance. But does it help with fat loss? The short answer is yes. Whenever your body is under any kind of stress (physical, mental, emotional), the sympathetic nervous system kicks into overdrive. This causes the release of cortisol and adrenaline, two hormones that make you store fat. But building strength through yoga can reduce stress and prevent the excess release of cortisol. Tadasana is also known to strengthen the digestive system. This is especially useful if you are suffering from acid reflux or other digestive disorders. You can also do this pose in different ways to target specific areas of the body. For example, if you want to relieve pain in the hips and lower back, try rotating your feet outward.
Utkatasana (Chair Pose)
The chair pose, or Utkatasana, is a standing pose that also works your core and arms. It’s a great pose to do if you want to get a good full-body workout in less than 15 minutes. In addition to being a good weight-loss pose, the chair pose also helps with stress and anxiety. The balance required to hold the pose will make you focus on what you are doing in the present moment. This can help to reduce anxiety and improve self-esteem. The chair pose is also great for improving digestion. If you suffer from digestive issues like acid reflux, indigestion, or irritable bowel syndrome, this pose can help. The chair pose also strengthens the legs and ankles, making it a useful pose if you want to prevent ankle sprains.
Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward Facing Dog)
The downward facing dog pose, or Adho Mukha Svanasana, is a full-body stretch that improves flexibility and strength. Adho Mukha Svanasana is one of the most well-known yoga poses. It’s often featured in yoga magazines, on yoga mats, and on Instagram. The pose is great for toning and strengthening the arms, shoulders, back, and core. Plus, it improves blood flow to the brain and helps to relieve stress and anxiety. But does it actually help you lose weight? The short answer is yes. Adho Mukha Svanasana burns around 195 calories per hour. It also improves your digestion by stimulating the release of digestive enzymes.
Baddha Konasana (Bound Angle Pose)
The bound angle pose, or Baddha Konasana, is a sitting pose that targets the abdominal organs and stretches the hips and thighs. Baddha Konasana is a sitting pose designed to calm the mind and stretch the hips, thighs, and abdominal organs. It’s also commonly used to treat digestive disorders like acid reflux, irritable bowel syndrome, and abdominal cramps. But does it also help with weight loss? The short answer is yes. Baddha Konasana helps to reduce stress, which can prevent the excess release of cortisol. It also improves circulation to the abdominal organs, which can help improve digestion. Baddha Konasana is also known to reduce pain in the back and knees, making it a useful pose for those with arthritis. It can also be helpful if you have sciatica or are experiencing pain in the hips or pelvic region.
Matsyendrasana (Half-folded Frog)
The half-folded frog pose, or Matsyendrasana, is a sitting pose that opens the hips, stretches the back, buttocks, and legs, and improves digestion. Matsyendrasana is a great pose for people who spend a lot of time sitting down. It can help to prevent diseases like heart disease, metabolic disorders, and certain types of cancer. But does the frog pose also help you burn fat? The short answer is yes. The frog pose tones the abdomen and helps you to lose belly fat. It also improves your digestion by stimulating the release of digestive enzymes. Matsyendrasana can also be done while lying down. This pose is especially useful if you experience digestive issues like acid reflux. It is also helpful if you have sciatica or other lower back pain.
Virabhadrasana II (Warrior II)
The warrior II pose, or Virabhadrasana II, is a standing pose that stretches the legs and hips. Virabhadrasana II is a challenging pose that is great for toning your arms, legs, and core. It also increases strength in the thighs, knees, and ankles, which can help to prevent injuries. But does it help with weight loss too? The short answer is yes. Virabhadrasana II is a full-body pose that increases blood flow to the legs and core. This helps you to burn more calories throughout the day. The warrior II pose is also known to improve digestion by stimulating the release of digestive enzymes. It can also be helpful if you suffer from digestive disorders like acid reflux, abdominal cramps, or irritable bowel syndrome. The pose can also make you more flexible, improve your mood, and help you to focus on what you are doing in the moment.
Ardha Chandrasana (Half Moon Pose)
The half-moon pose, or Ardha Chandrasana, is a balancing pose that targets the hips, thighs, and abdominal muscles. Ardha Chandrasana is another challenging pose that is great for toning the thighs, buttocks, and core. It can also improve posture, strength, and flexibility. But does it help with weight loss? The short answer is yes. Ardha Chandrasana helps to burn calories and strengthen the core, which is often the area targeted by weight-loss programs. This pose is also known to improve digestion by stimulating the release of digestive enzymes. It can also be helpful if you suffer from digestive disorders like acid reflux, abdominal cramps, or irritable bowel syndrome. Additionally, the half moon pose increases blood flow to the abdominal organs, which can help to reduce bloating and improve digestion.
Yoga is a wonderful practice for both your body and mind. While yoga is traditionally known for being a stretch pose, there are also many poses that can help you lose weight and lead a healthier lifestyle. If you’re new to yoga, don’t be fooled by a picture that shows someone in an advanced pose. Beginners can perform all the same poses as long as they are able to keep their balance. If you are interested in getting the most out of yoga, start off with the basics. Once you feel comfortable with your poses, you can start trying more challenging ones.
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megumitski · 3 years
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hi hi this is just something to track all the hq fics i’ve read recently! this really seemed like a lot when i was putting this together but most of them are less than 15k. this has a LOT of kagehina, plus some kuroken, bokuaka, iwaoi, tsukiyama, and a few other random pairings. favorites are marked with a ✨!
✨ his weight in marigolds - karasuno013 (11k)
Tobio imagined that the petals were soft, orange, perpetually messy locks of hair, and his fist clenched around the bud involuntarily.
Oh, no.
Please Kiss Him Instead! - Bird_Of_Dreams (6k)
Recently, Kageyama has been receiving what appears to be countless confession letters. The Karasuno volleyball team reacts appropriately with surprise, jealousy, and bemusement (depending on who you ask). But no one is more surprised than Hinata, who is confused and more than a little hurt that Kageyama never told him about them. But is that the real reason behind his conflicted feelings?
As It Should Be - gghostnebula (7k)
Based on a request I saw on Tumblr that someone send fanfics where "Hinata is bullied without the team knowing and then they find out." I like the idea of everyone (including Tsukishima) enraged and vengeful. So I. Did that. I'm so sorry. I'm also really really sorry that the 'ungrateful second-years' aren't really in this because I wanted them to be but I couldn't find a good place for them, since this focuses so much on just Kageyama and Hinata.
Five Plus One - Xachyn (1k)
Five times other people thought they were dating and one time Kageyama wondered if they were.
The Crown and The Crow - Yuu_chi (9k)
Somewhere out there is your forever one wearing your Mark on their skin; it's just a matter of finding them.
✨ In Transit - Mysecretfanmoments (5k)
Hinata finds that he likes standing close to Kageyama on buses and trains. It doesn't mean anything--probably. Maybe.
four times hinata and kageyama almost kiss (and one time they do) - spaceburgers (2k)
When it happens, it’s not romantic. Things between them have never been romantic, after all. They’re too stupid for that.
spoiled - buu (2k)
It's the Kageyama that gently takes Hinata's hand when they're walking together, or rests his head on the top of Hinata's when they're watching TV, or pulls Hinata into his lap when he complains about being cold. Hinata struggles at first, confused and thinking Kageyama's making fun of him or something, but he slowly starts to realize that, beyond all belief, Kageyama is the Doting type.
Thaw - peppermint_wind (40k)
Kageyama Tobio just wants to get through the day. He hates winter, he hates most people, and he really hates getting up for an 8:00AM class. That's when Hinata Shouyou, bright and obnoxious, literally comes running into his life at full-throttle and changes everything Kageyama thought he knew.
Basically, the College AU where Hinata and Kageyama meet by Hinata literally knocking into him and spilling hot coffee all down Kageyama's clothes.
touch - buu (3k)
Hinata doesn't notice it at first, really. It's small things, natural things, like when they sit together at lunch and Hinata ends up hooking his ankle over Kageyama's and he doesn't move away; in fact, he seems to not notice it, and go on eating his lunch like nothing's different.
✨ Routine - someonestolemyshoes (29k)
Kageyama Tobio has a routine. Up, shower, dress, breakfast, classes, practice, work, dinner, laptop, show time. Hinata is a well-known cam boy, and Kageyama is his biggest fan.
✨ Acceptable Risk - Mysecretfanmoments (46k)
Tobio braced himself and stood, gathering Hinata’s warm body close. Hinata’s weight settled against him, strengthening the impression he always had at these times: that he was collecting a part of himself, severed by some weird circumstance. In these moments he couldn’t help feeling that Hinata belonged to him, and as long as he didn’t talk about the impression out loud it harmed no one. As it was Hinata mumbled a little, curling into him the way he’d anticipated.
(Kageyama and Hinata navigate living together at university while not dating. It's hard—the not-dating part, that is.)
hot - buu (6k)
Hinata should not be this hot. Kageyama shouldn't find his short stature attractive, shouldn't have problems with his eyes lingering a little too long on Hinata's smaller frame, the way his shirts hang just a little too big on him sometimes.
Oh God - orphan_account (6k)
No, class distinction had never held much meaning for Kageyama. Until the day he met Hinata. One-shot Omegaverse! AU. Smut is heavily present within this story. Mostly PWP, but there's plot, if you squint.
operation: find out if hinata has a hot bod - day (2k)
Kiyoko compliments Hinata's body. It turns into a chaotic mess where the team (aka Tanaka and Nishinoya) tries everything in their power to get a glimpse of Hinata shirtless.
Hinata is oblivious and Kageyama is stressed out.
well, maybe i’m a crook - aruariandance (7k)
The thing is-- Hinata is in love with Kageyama and everyone knows it, including Kageyama.
5 times Kageyama purred + 1 time he didn’t - orphan_account (3k)
No one at Karasuno had ever heard Kageyama purr, but that was normal. He wasn't exactly the most expressive on the team, and no one really minded.
Hurt - someonestolemyshoes (27k)
It’s alarming, Kageyama thinks, how quickly things can go downhill.
One minute Hinata is fine, at the top of his game, spiking left and right and everywhere in between and the next he is crumpled in a limp, lifeless heap on the gym floor and the resounding crack of his head hitting the wood is still echoing in Kageyama’s ears.
knock knock - writedeku (6k)
“I don’t need telepathy to win,” is the first thing he says; nearly shouts it, to be precise. “We can play it without me being linked.”
One by one, the teambonding practises stop as they all turn to Kageyama to gape. Play volleyball without telepathy? It’s not that it’s not possible, but that would put them at such a major disadvantage it’d be like having a team full of one-sided Kageyamas.
the hedgehog’s dilemma - drunkonwritting (17k)
So when he comes to Karasuno, Tobio expects more of the same. He won't make the same mistakes again, but he doubts anyone on the team will like him—Tobio's grown used to his solitary existence, to the point where he can't imagine what it's like to have people around all the time, people who actually want to spend time with him outside of school or practice. He's resigned himself to being alone, because no one in his life has ever decided they want to get to know him or spend time with him or even like him as more than a casual acquaintance. Tobio's tried time and time again to change that and failed over and over—he doubts it's going to change anytime soon.
But when he sees that orange-haired shrimp staring at him from the gym doors, eyes wide and betrayed, he feels a vague sense of premonition.
Don’t Make Me Walk When I Want to Fly - MissKiraBlue (24k)
"I don't want to leave without an apology"
After Hinata rushed from their fight he ended up in a car accident.
But when he wakes up he's not dead and he's not in a hospital either.
Hinata has to live the same day – the day when he and Kageyama fought – over and over again until he finds a solution where he could get out of the time loop.
he may suck at beer pong but he slam dunked my heart - Authoress (9k)
After a while, Kageyama kind of just...forgets how angry the floral snapback makes him. It becomes a companion, almost. It's seen him through many a late library study session, through feeding planaria and wrestling bean beetles into petri dishes. He feels something close to affection for the ever-present hat.
Oh no, Kageyama thinks. I'm attracted to a douchebag.
(The AU where struggling college student Kageyama meets and very unfortunately falls in love with his frat boy lab partner, Hinata.)
room to grow - Mysecretfanmoments (6k)
Third year Kageyama is considerate, careful, doesn't grab Hinata's hair. Hinata's still trying to figure out how he feels about it.
Dare - majesticartax (10k)
“W-wait! Kageyama! What—hold on!” Hinata cries, kicking his legs, flipping around in his setter's strong arms and struggling uselessly, scrambling.
“Can’t we talk about this!?”
Wish You Would - longleggedgit (7k)
The title of this document was just jealouskageyama.docx so that pretty much tells you what to expect.
"If you don't want me to go out with him," Hinata says, lifting his eyes to meet Kageyama's, "then give me a reason not to."
Right Here All The Time - longleggedgit (5k)
"You were flirting," Kageyama says, sounding bewildered, almost accusatory. His chest is heaving under Hinata's hands.
Hinata laughs. "Yeah, and it worked."
Immolate - Marks (2k)
Kageyama balls his hands into fists at his sides and grits his teeth as want builds up in his stomach and sets up camp. It's not the first time he's felt like this around Hinata, but it's the worst every time and he wishes he could just will it away.
come on closer - skeletalparade (6k)
Kageyama shifted uncomfortably on the bench, fingernails scraping against the plastic of his water bottle. He was trying so hard not to stare at Hinata, but it was difficult. Hinata was a good vice captain, but he was ruining Kageyama’s life.
2-Player Mode - medea_azyungele (5k)
Are you ugly or something?" Hinata asks, with his usual lack of tact.
"Oi, dumbass! I'll let you know that-" but he couldn't finish because Hinata interrupts him: "Let's turn on the webcams!"
Suddenly, a square icon pops up in a corner of his monitor.
Oh no he's hot.
I like the way your clothes smell - Mysecretfanmoments (75k)
Power outages, ghost stories, and the presence of a certain orange-haired boy lead to bad decision-making on Tobio's part. He'd planned to keep his crush a secret; the universe has other plans.
a first time for everything - Mysecretfanmoments (4k)
He rolls away from Shouyou, his breathing just a little fast. His body has been weird today, more like when they first started dating. It happens sometimes—mostly when they’ve been on the court together, or they haven’t had time alone—but it feels just a bit different than usual.
((Kageyama bottoms for the first time. established relationship, iltwycs-verse but can stand alone.))
✨ Color Theory - kageyamz (41k)
That’s right, he thinks I’m straight. Kageyama sighed in relief at the answer then tensed up, the gears turning in his brain. Wait, I am straight, right? Kageyama wants a simple time at university, but life has other plans for him.
cheater, cheater (pumpkin eater) - teddy_or_something (7k)
Closets hold many things, one of which being skeletons. In Hinata's case, there was a person where there should've been a vibrator, and that was definitely enough to wilt his erection.
Song fic to Lying is the Most Fun a Girl Can Have Without Taking Her Clothes Off by P!ATD.
✨ change in pressure - viscreal (37k)
Kageyama couldn’t for the life of him guess what he’d been doing to get so goddamn beat up, but it was there, and the guy wasn’t even taking care of any of it. The pain was making it hard to concentrate during class, making it hard to think at all, and that plus the boy’s overenthusiastic emotions were putting Kageyama in a particularly sour mood, so he really couldn’t be blamed when he snapped something sarcastic at the teacher and got detention in response.
alternatively titled: in which kageyama, an empath whos still just as socially inept as ever, ends up having a gay crisis because hinata cant stop getting hurt.
seventy-thirty - viscreal (4k)
Hinata was the first one to bring it up.
reddit boyfriends - NeverNothing (4k)
Lev goes on reddit to talk about his senpais and accidentally goes viral. Yaku helps.
✨ you’re the break lines failing (as my car swerves off the freeway) - ghostpot (15k)
Kenma thinks that Kuroo looks ugly with his head bent against the arm of the couch like that. Then Kenma thinks that he wants to marry him, and is promptly thrown into the 5 stages of grief.
✨ the galaxy is endless (i thought we were, too) - cosmogony (31k)
Kuroken AU where the last words your soulmate will say to you appear on your skin when you turn 16, and how Kenma and Kuroo learn what this means over the course of their lives
✨ Best Friends - Mysecretfanmoments (6k)
Every evening they walk home together, Kuro smelling of salt and suntan lotion, Kenma’s hands sore from scooping ice cream all day, and it feels nice. Peaceful.
He’s glad Kuro came, after all.
((During the two weeks he spends manning his uncle's ice cream booth on the coast, Kenma decides that maybe he likes his best friend back, after all))
tea-stained polaroids - dalyeau (6k)
“I'm gonna date that,” Bokuto declares solemnly, and Kuroo throws a plastic spoon at his head.
cookies and cream - norio (6k)
Some people might tell Akaashi that he couldn't bake his worries away.
But some people haven't dated Bokuto Koutarou.
Komorebi - OwlBeDamned (8k)
When his thirteenth birthday comes, Akaashi should be elated.
Instead, he is worried.
✨ Upstairs - yoogiboobi (16k)
For about a second, a heartbeat, he's met with a pair of dark, piercing eyes, with what is probably eyeliner, looking back at him. It really is just a split second before his hand knocks down three cereal boxes that hit him square in the head, effectively making him break eye contact and drop his groceries to the floor.
In which some of the first things Bokuto learns about his upstairs neighbour are the colour of his eyes and the sound of his moans.
steam - orphan_account (8k)
bokuto: why is he so hot bokuto: why am i so gay kuroo: LMAO you mean your vice captain right bokuto: yeah
kuroo: i got this bro bokuto: what bokuto: wtf does that mean
Bokuto started to panic.
heavy heart, a love apart - drifloon (7k)
(802): Our sex has gotten so much better since we broke up.
✨ It’s Tradition - MelissaWritesStuff (4k)
Every year, without fail, on Oikawa's birthday, Oikawa has somehow gotten a kiss out of Iwaizumi.
lips like sugar - ohhotlamb (8k)
Hajime is offered to learn the art of kissing from a true professional, one Oikawa Tooru. It's not as bad as he thought it would be.
darlin’, your head’s not right - aruariandance (14k)
'“Our wedding,” Oikawa says by way of explanation, tapping his finger against his magazine more emphatically. “What colors should we use? Color scheme is important, apparently.”
Iwaizumi feels his lifespan shortening.
Oikawa teases Iwaizumi about a childhood promise he made to marry him when they were older, except suddenly it's not really a joke at all.
✨ Bet On It - originalblue (13k)
Hajime knows exactly how shitty Oikawa's personality is, and has no scruples whatsover about betting Oikawa six thousand yen that he can't be nice for an entire week.
Something Borrowed - rageprufrock (16k)
In which Oikawa and Iwaizumi have always been a foregone conclusion to everyone else, but a massive, unanswered question to one another.
The PDA jar - orphan_account (10k)
“What is that thing for?”
“I’m glad you asked, captain. This… is the Public Display of Affection jar. Or PDA jar for short.”
“Now whenever you do something that may hurt our children’s innocence, you’ll have to put money in the jar as a punishment."
✨ stumble into the sun - sunsmasher (4k)
“So,” Hajime says, as he peels off his uniform shirt, letting it fall on top of his gym bag. “Have you guys ever heard of like, someone being turned on by people saying nice things to them?”
Matsukawa slams his locker shut. “Oh my god,” he says.
by chance - crossbelladonna (62k)
When Iwaizumi Hajime meets Oikawa Tooru, suddenly everything bursts into color. The only problem is that for the other, it doesnt seem to happen the same way.
the world is black and white until you meet your soulmate au
by any other name - parenthetic (5k)
A Concise Guide to Dealing with People Asking if your Best Friend and/or Crush is Single:
Panic Lie Run
Do you see what I see? - honeydragon (1k)
Three times Tsukishima wonders what colour Yamaguchi's eyes are, and the one time he finds out.
The Great Yamaguchi-Tsukishima Split (Capitalization Necessary) - WyYeuw (2k)
"But no, the current situation isn’t normal. This situation requires the full attention of the team. No, what’s really concerning this time around, is that Yamaguchi is the one ignoring Tsukishima.” Yamaguchi confesses. Tsukishima fucks up—like, really fucks up. The volleyball club notices and loses a week’s worth of practice.
Baby, this is how it all goes down - psych0tastic (7k)
In the midst of revising for a class test over at Yamaguchi’s place one night, Tsukki suddenly spoke up and said, “I'd like to bottom the next time we have sex."
Rewards Program - surveycorpsjean (8k) - bokuroaka
Akaashi enjoys his normal life, as a normal grocery checker, at a normal grocery store.
Of course, it all goes up in flames when two hot as hell college kids dump their items on the conveyor belt.
Donuts. Glue. Donut holes.
And that's only the beginning.
Edelweiss - ostentatiouslyrealistic (6k) - semi/tendou
Hanahaki Disease (n.) An illness bred from unrequited love, where the victim suffers from coughing up flower petals.
Sympathy From a Lost Boy - meraki_drabbles (11k) - ushiten
The figure was hollow-cheeked and gauntly, with prominent eyelids bulging out under thin raised eyebrows, casting a shadow over irises that Wakatoshi couldn't decide the colour of, but rather processed them as a strange mix of crimson and ruby and scarlet dripped against a mahogany canvas.
"Sorry, am I intruding?
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Fic: A New Beginning
Forever Starts With You (Frankie x chubby!Reader) masterlist
Rating: Explicit
Fandom: Triple Frontier
Ship: Francisco "Catfish" Morales & You (chubby!female reader)
Tags/warnings: Fellatio, fingering, Fool For Frankie, enough sap to sustain a forest the size of berlin for a year.
Summary: Third and last part of Chubby!reader's first night with Frankie. May there be many more. (Part 1: A Good Start and Part 2: A Strong Finish)
Notes: I've been asked why I chose the term "chubby" for reader instead of, for example, plus-size. It's just a personal preference. "Plus-size" makes me think of models, you know? Big, yes, but in a way which caters to society's standards of beauty: hour-glass shape, no double chins, thin arms and ankles. And obviously there is nothing wrong with that kind of body! But for me, "chubby" offers a wider definition of largeness in a body, which is why I wanted to go with that term. I hope nobody is offended by my choice.
Thank you, readers!
Time moves so slowly in the night when you can’t sleep. And yet, it can move so fast.
Frankie snores lightly beside you, a heavy but welcome presence in your bed that for so long has been only your resting place. You’ve grown to love the space that’s been consecrated for you and you only, but now that Frankie is there, it feels right as well.
You can, however, not sleep. Partly to blame is your excitement about the night’s events, but the truth of it is simply that you’ve slept by yourself for so long, you just can’t sleep with someone next to you. It’s not just the snoring – it’s not even bad, just the occasional snuffle with an inhale – it’s the presence. The heat he radiates. The scent of him, of both of you, of your earlier physical activities. The delicious burn between your legs, your delight and exhaustion battling it out. You did fall asleep soon after Frankie had pressed an almost shy kiss to your temple and mumbled a faint Good night, querida, before promptly descending to dreamland. However, you didn’t get more than an hour of rest before you woke up, the strangeness of his presence nestling itself into your dreams and pulling you out of them. After that, you catch only a half hour here and ten minutes there. It's infuriating, but in a peculiar way… you like it. You like being awake to watch the dark shape of Frankie next to you, hear him breathe. It feels a little pathetic: the stereotypical good woman staying awake in silent adoration of a man who snores away, oblivious of her worship. You tell yourself it's okay for one night.
And the truth is, Frankie deserves at least some degree of worship. Granted, you don't know him that well yet, but you just know that he's a good one. You're three dates in with him and difficult topics have been touched upon, if not delved into. You know about his military background and that he lives with some ghosts from that time, but they seem to have made him more aware of his humanity, strengthened his empathic abilities. You get the feeling he's always been like this, but that his good qualities only grow stronger with time. And he has a great sense of humour, something you really appreciate.
And he thinks you're beautiful. You could have worried that it is all just about some kind of big girl kink, but the way he touched you, how he asked before touching you, shows you beyond doubt that he respects you as a person. A person with a body he happens to be attracted to, no matter its size and shape. You had your qualms about revealing your naked body to him, but he made it so easy, made you feel secure, sexy, wanted. That doesn't happen with just anyone.
So you don't mind this one sleepless night. He can have it, as a gift from you.
You must've slept a little after all, because the next time you blink, morning light is seeping through the fibres of the curtains. A little heavy-headed and disoriented, you take a moment to adjust to being awake, here, now, your gaze softly hovering somewhere close to the ceiling as you try to decide whether you should just slide back into dreams, or attempt to wake up properly.
"Good morning, querida."
The low, gravelly voice startles you. How you managed to forget Frankie is beyond you, but you blame your sleep-deprived brain for the lapse. Turning your head to face him, you find him on his side, one arm folded under his head, sleepy but smiling eyes fixed on you. His hair has reached a new level of messy, and you long to pass your hands through it. But you're suddenly a little shy. You had him between your thighs last night but now, in the light of morning, naked and sleepy, the intimacy is almost too much.
"Morning," you smile back tentatively. "Did you sleep well?"
"Like a baby," he yawns with obvious satisfaction. "I haven't slept this soundly in a long time."
"Glad to hear it." You really are, because you indulge yourself in the idea that it's you who has that effect on him.
"What about you?"
You hesitate. Tell him the truth, which will most likely make him feel bad, or pretend like you slept just as soundly as he did? You find yourself not wanting to lie to him.
"Not great," you confess. "I'm used to sleeping alone."
Immediately, Frankie's soft morning features contort in guilt and distress.
"Ah, fuck, I'm sorry," he murmurs. "You should've kicked me out."
"No, Frankie, don't worry!" you rush to insist. "I don't mind. It was... nice to have you here." You roll over onto your stomach, coming closer to him.
"Just... nice?" His attentive, brown eyes watch you with a little hesitation but also a healthy dose of mirth.
"Really nice," you elaborate, feeling unusually ineloquent. "Lovely. Wonderful."
"Even without sleep?"
"Now you're just fishing," you tease him with a laugh, but decide to humour him. "Yes. Even without sleep."
"Hopefully you'll sleep better next time," he says, extending his hand to trail a finger down your back. Goosebumps form in the wake of his feathery touch, and his words chase a dreamy smile to your lips.
"Next time?" you query softly. "You mean there's a next time?"
"There is absolutely a next time," he promises you with conviction, his fingers stopping briefly as he checks himself. "If you want to?"
"Are you kidding me? No one has ever made me cum like you did last night," you grin, realizing in the same second that you made it sound like sex was the only thing you were interested in. "I mean... the sex was amazing, but what I really enjoyed was - " chewing at your lower lip, you search for the right words " - what I mean is, you really showed me I'm more than a body. I'm worth more. You respect me for me."
You fall silent, a little worried you might have overshared. Frankie's brown eyes are unreadable and his hand has stopped still and is resting heavy on you, sending out the occasional little spark of electricity that you just don't know how to interpret yet. It's like every time he touches you, your body starts to buzz.
The silence drags on and you become uncomfortable, lowering your gaze to the mattress, wishing your pompous words could be unsaid. Just like you to be too much, to say the wrong things, to speak your mind…
"I may not be the smartest of guys," Frankie eventually tells you slowly, "but I know a treasure when I see one. You, querida, are a treasure. And I don't want to fuck this up by not treating you as one."
You look up at him, almost expecting him to crack up and go Gotcha!But he’s watching you solemnly and with a lot more confidence than he’s showed so far. It’s like out of all the things he’s said and done to you since last night, this is the one thing he’s certain of.
Your brain scrambles for something to say.
”You don’t need to,” you come up with. ”Just treat me like a person.”
”Okay.” Frankie’s face breaks out in a brilliant smile. ”My favorite person.”
He leans over and kisses you, soft-lipped and sweet.
”Should’ve known you’d say something like that,” he whispers against your lips as he slowly slides one arm over and around you, and scooting closer.
”How d’you mean?” You turn onto your side so that he can fit himself against you easier. His hand spreads jolts of happiness and desire as it caresses down your lower back and stops, almost politely, just above your ass cheek.
”You have the confidence of someone who's worked a lot on herself and won’t stand for anyone trying to objectify you, even if it is out of worship,” he tells you, every word carefully pronounced, like he’s weighing it before use. ”You’re confident but not arrogant. You respect other people and demand that same respect for yourself.”
At first you barely recognize his words about yourself, but then your self esteem kicks in and you know he’s right. You’ve spent years building yourself up and you know you deserve only the best, but this is the first time anyone has ever told you this precise thing, straight to your face.
Frankie being the first person to say this out loud tells you that Frankie is, in fact, the best.
”How did you end up here?” you ask hoarsely, afraid your voice might crack. ”With me?”
”Because you asked a stranger if he was okay.” Frankie presses a kiss to the tip of your nose. ”And when he said he was, you knew he was lying, but you didn’t press it. You started talking about the weather, you offered him water, you did everything to redirect his attention from how bad he was feeling.”
”I was just nervous,” you giggle, remembering the day you met. ”I had no idea how to help you, Frankie. I just figured you needed someone.”
”I did. And that’s why I’m here.” He places another kiss onto your forehad. ”But most of all I’m here… because you decided I was good enough for you.”
”You are!” you exclaim immediately, because there is something in his voice that suggests that he himself doesn’t really believe it. Your conviction steadies your voice. ”Frankie, I… I don’t know what you’ve done in your past, but I’m not stupid. I know what soldiers do. But I just want you to know that I think… I know you’re a good person.”
You touch your fingers softly to the patchy, uneven beard sprinkled with grey. This wonderful, weird fuzz that grows how it wants to – or not at all – and earned him the name Catfish (”Ugly as one, too,” he had unfairly joked when explaining his nickname to you): you adore it. It’s not ugly at all, quite on the contrary: you find it quite sexy how uncontrollable it is. Besides, it gives his handsome face even more character.
”And you are good enough for me.”
He breathes out a sigh at your words, his lips parting when you brush your fingers over his mouth.
”You barely know me,” he points out, but you can tell his walls are collapsing. It’s so beautiful to see: Frankie does wear a part of his heart on his sleeve but there’s something very raw and vulnerable in his eyes now. You’re not sure anyone has ever looked at you like that before.
”Gonna have to remedy that,” you smile, and now your fingers travel lightly down his neck, chest, and stomach. He sighs again when you find him, soft and limp, underneath the covers. ”Gonna have to get to know you.”
”I didn’t mean in the biblical sense,” he murmurs as your touch makes the blood rush to his cock, making it grow stiff.
”Frankie, I’m trying to do something nice for you here,” you tell him with pretend exasperation. ”Just shut up and let me do it.”
”Yes, ma’am…”
You nudge him to make him roll over onto his back. Without taking your hand off his cock, you kiss him, mingling your morning breath with his, not giving a fuck about the slightly stale taste.
”There was an awful lot of focus on me last night,” you muse as you trail small kisses down his neck.
”I like being of service.”
”Oh, you served me, all right…”
”Three orgasms,” he hums when your lips give his earlobe a little pinch.
”Oh, so you’re keeping count?” you tease him.
”Damn straight.”
”You had… two, right? So I owe you one.”
You cup his balls and give them a careful squeeze. Frankie startles and a gasped moan escapes him.
”Sorry,” you let go immediately and slide your hand along the little trail of hair up to his navel, where you tickle him lightly. ”Too hard?”
”No,” he swallows and wets his lips. "Just unexpected."
You hum to let him know you have taken this into consideration, and move your hand back down to his cock. Frankie sighs softly when you start to carefully work him a full erection. You like that he's uncircumcised, you enjoy the rub-and-tug action on the foreskin, it feels so erotic. Holding him firmly, you lower your face and kiss the exposed tip before your tongue darts out to give it a soft lick. Your taste the musky salinity of last night's orgasms on him and lick again before kissing down the length of him, keeping him upright with your hand. You glance up at Frankie's face and find him staring at you, mesmerized, with his mouth open. You give him a little smile as you release him and cup his balls again. You drag your tongue along his length again, pressing it up towards his stomach, and you make sure you have eye contact with him when you take him into your mouth. A tremble travels through him and he groans deeply, passing his hands over his face and resting them against his scalp.
You haven't done this in a while, it has to be said, and you don't know if you're particularly good at it, but you do your best. You try to remember what you've read about it, what you've done in the past, but then you remember that Frankie is a communicator. You release his cock from your mouth and stroke it softly with your hand as you address him.
"Is this good?"
He nods, breathing a deep sigh.
"It's good."
"Is there anything in particular you want me to do?" you ask carefully. He looks surprised, eyebrows rising toward his forehead. His full lower lip is sucked between his teeth in hesitant thought.
"I like it when you touch my balls," he eventually says, his voice ragged. You smile and use your other hand to fondle his balls, making his breath hitch.
"Like this?"
"Yeah," he groans. "That's... I like that. I like your hands on me."
"My mouth, too?" you purr, your tongue darting over the tip of his cock. The sound he makes is something you've never heard from any man and it gives you an enormous boost of confidence.
"Please," he begs you. "Don't stop." His raspy voice and the abandon with which he puts his pleasure into your hands makes your cunt ache. For one fleeting moment, you almost regret starting this - god knows how long it's going to take for him to cum and now you're horny, too - but then he moans again as you close your fingers around his balls, and you realize you love this. You set your mouth to work, licking and kissing and sucking, humming low in the back of your throat to add the vibrations of your vocal chords to the sensation. Once in a while, you glance up at Frankie, who's praising your every effort with a moan or a good girl - fuck, that makes your pussy sopping wet, you want to be his good girl so badly. He has his eyes closed and one hand is fisting into the sheets next to him, the other has found your backside and is holding onto whatever he can grab on to: right now it's your ass cheek. You find yourself wishing he'd slide his fingers just a little further, to your wet folds, but you are sure you'd be unable to perform if he touched you there. And you really, really want to do this for him.
Your nervousness about being able to keep this up was unwarranted: he doesn't seem to be able to last long. His balls are tightening and you reach your fingers behind them, pressing at the perineum as you remember an ex who liked to have it massaged when you gave him head. Apparently, Frankie likes it too because he exhales with a sharp grunt of your name, his legs twitching. You decide that if this relationship moves forward, you're going to bring up ass play, maybe he'd be into that. As for now, you can taste the salt of his precum and it makes you salivate all over his cock, you make a wet slurping sound as your lips reach his tip and swirl your tongue around it before taking him again. Your pussy is clenching around nothing as if you're climaxing together with him, which of course you aren't but his reactions definitely give you the satisfaction of knowing you're doing a good job.
With a strangled fuck! he spurts hot cum into your mouth and for a second you almost panic and gag before you remember how to do it, how to breathe and swallow while still softly sucking him. The potency of the taste and stickiness of it: one of those things you had forgotten during your long time of fucking only yourself. But you manage it, and you discover that it's not that bad after all.
You end with a wet kiss to the tip and a fondle of his balls, and sit up, wiping your lips with the back of your hand. Frankie's breathing heavily, staring glass-eyed at the ceiling, the muscles of his neck strained, chest rising and falling noticably along with his breaths. He's gorgeous in his post-orgasmic state and you can't help but preen a little. You did this to him. You have completely undone this strong man with his ridiculously broad shoulders.
The feeling is powerful, and you feel even more accomplished when he finally focuses on you with adoration in his eyes.
"Querida..." He licks his lips and draws a deep breath. "That thing you did with your fingers, that... was intense."
"You liked that?"
He moves his hand up your back and beckons you to lay down next to him, and you comply. He seeks out your lips immediately and his kiss is so all-consuming it reminds you of how your pussy is throbbing for him. As if he physically felt the pulses, he directs his hand between your legs and you gasp in surprise.
"Frankie, you don't have to - "
Oh god, yes, he has to!
"Is this from sucking my cock?" he groans against your skin. "I can't leave you like this."
You moan and roll over onto your back, spreading your legs open wide and pulling him in for more kissing. His hand begins its ministrations and it doesn't take him long to push you over the edge, you're almost embarrassed at how quickly your body surrendered. It's insane, this can't be real, Frankie can't be real.
He's real, he's nuzzling your neck and kissing your jaw, murmuring sweet nonsense to you.
"You unevened the score," you say when you find your voice again, and it makes Frankie laughs.
"You can get me next time."
"I like the sound of that," you smile at him. "I... I really like you, Frankie."
His brown eyes are soft as he meets yours. "I like you, too."
You share another kiss and it's full of promises and you feel yourself fall for him all over again. It's on the tip of your tongue, I'm falling in love with you, Francisco Morales, but then his belly rumbles loudly and the moment is gone as he chuckles at the interruption.
"Breakfast?" you suggest, even though you could live on nothing but his kisses for the rest of your life.
You're already making your way out of the bed, desperate to be practical, afraid you'll say something that's going to ruin this, it's way too soon.
"I'll just use the bathroom and then you can shower if you want to, I'll leave you a clean towel," you babble as you wrap your bathrobe around yourself. You wash yourself in the bathroom, brush your hair and your teeth, take out the towel for Frankie and call out to him as you go to the kitchen to put the coffee on. He disappears into the bathroom and a few moments later, the singing of the pipes tell you that he's in the shower.
When he emerges, towel wrapped around his hips, the coffee is ready and you're boiling eggs and toasting bread.
"I don't have anything fancy, just toast and eggs," you tell him and turn to the fridge in an attempt to try not to stare too blatantly at his naked chest. "Do you want orange juice?"
Frankie's hand lands on your shoulder and makes you turn around. You look up at him, into those gorgeous eyes of his.
"I think... I know... I'm falling in love with you," he tells you in a low but certain voice. "I'm sorry, I don't want to be pushy, but I had to tell you."
You stare at him with your mouth open as you process his words. He waits, face painted with apprehension, for your reaction, and when you finally find your voice you manage to give him the dumbest answer imaginable:
"I can't believe you beat me to it!"
You can barely hold back a giggle. The relief you feel is making you giddy and you have to give him a quick kiss.
"I'm in love with you, Frankie," you tell him. "I'm so happy I met you."
His face lights up with a broad smile that stretches the corners of his mouth upwards, and he gathers you into his arms and then his lips are on yours. He sucks your lower lip between his teeth, carefully, before dragging his tongue over it and sliding it into your mouth for a short taste, withdrawing it just as quickly and just pressing his lips to yours, humming softly. You hum back, butterflies in your stomach - Jesus Christ, could you feel any more cliché? Butterflies?
"I wanna spend the day with you," Frankie lets you know. "If you don't have anything else planned?"
"I don't," you tell him immediately. "What do you want to do?"
Frankie shoots you a wicked grin, and it sets you right on fire.
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dubersbutt · 3 years
I have a couple ideas for the poly fic
1. Telling them you love them like when you first told Leon or whatever?
2. Stealing their clothes?
3. Them taking care of a hurt you?
Words: 1.4K
Warnings: none - all fluff
1) Telling Leon you love him
One of the first things Leon learns in your relationship is that you have really bad periods. He feels his heart ache every time he sees you curled up in bed or on the couch. Especially when you manage to lift your head long enough to ask for water and he can see the trails of tears on your cheeks. He and Connor have done extensive research into alleviating period cramps, but nothing seems you help you.
They keep a heat pad plugged in behind the bed so you can roll over and grab it during the night, but in the day you usually prefer to have one of them lay on your stomach - kinda like a weighted blanket.
Leon's sitting with you in his lap on the couch, your legs are wrapped around his waist tightly. He can feel your breath against his neck as he runs his hand over your back.
"You okay?" he asks after you haven't moved a muscle in about 10 minutes.
"Sometimes I manage to orient myself and my uterus calms down," you say, voice soft, "I'm afraid if I move I'll anger her."
He kisses the top of your head, settling deeper into the couch as he realizes he'll be there for a while.
"I'm sorry," you say, "If you want me to get up I will."
"Don't apologize," he says, "I'll stay here as long as you need me."
He meant it. He'd be your cuddle post as long as you wanted him to be there. Plus, if you were sleeping on him then Connor would have to be the one who has to go grocery shopping in -30º.
"I love you," he almost doesn't hear it, how softly you whisper the words, "And I'm not just saying this because I'm emotional. I-i've been wanting to say it for a while."
Leon's not a super emotional person, but he legit feels like crying.
"I love you to," he responds, "And I'm not just saying that cause you look like you're on your deathbed."
You laugh, lightly swatting him on the shoulder.
"Can you tell Connor to pick up cookie dough on his way home."
Connor has much less finesse.
Leon's watching him dance behind the wheel to some godawful country song you don't let him play when you're in the car. They're high off a BOA win, but they're both positively exhausted.
"I love you," Leon says once the song ends.
He laughs when Connor's eyes go wide as he processes what was just said. His fingers tighten around the steering wheel as the panic takes over his face.
(If Leon hadn't known Connor so well he would've been scared he fucked everything up. You had even warned Leon in advance that Connor would probably be....extremely awkward at best. Connor had told you he loved you first, but not verbally. He bought a cake from the grocery store and a little tube of icing that he used to write 'I love you'. He didn't even tell you what he had done, just let you find the cake in the fridge after dinner.)
Connor clears his throat, "Cool."
"Cool?" Leon repeats, amused, "I just said I love you and that's all I get."
Connor coughs again, "Yup."
"Okay," Leon says, but rests his head against the car seat and closing his eyes.
A few moments later, Connor grabs Leon's hand and holds it on the gear shift.
"I-uh," Connor starts.
"You don't have to say it back," Leon says, rubbing his thumb over his hand, "I just want you to know."
"No-uh," he starts, "It's not that. It's-you know - I, uh. Feelings make me uncomfortable."
"Really?" Leon says sarcastically, "I never would have guessed."
The car ride is silent the rest of the way home, but not uncomfortable. Only Connor's atrocious country playlist keeping Leon from passing out.
When they finally pull into the garage, Connor shuts off the engine and closes the garage door before looking at Leon.
"I- uh, love you too," he stutters out, "I just- feelings make me feel icky."
2) Stealing clothes
"(Y/N)!," you hear Connor yell from the top of the stairs.
"Yes, Con," you yell back
"Where is my black OVO hoodie?"
"I don't know, babe," you respond, still yelling and knowing full well you're wearing the exact hoodie he's asking for.
"It's not in my closet but I did my laundry last night," his voice is quieter now as he turns the corner of the kitchen where you and Leon are eating sandwiches.
"You did your laundry?" Leon asks between mouthfuls.
"Leon did my laundry," Connor clarifies with a roll of his eyes, "Thank you, Leo, I love you, Leo. You're the best boyfriend in the world, Leo."
"I know I am."
"Then why are you asking me?" you say, waiting to see if he'll notice what you're wearing. Connor was oblivious to both the massive hoodie that drapes your frame, and also Leon's smirk as he realizes what you're doing.
"You take my stuff all the time," he says, stealing a bite of Leon's sandwich.
"Not this time, Con," you reply, trying not to laugh.
"It was there last night, and poof it's gone," Connor's face wrinkles in thought, "I don't think I wore it last night."
"I'm fairly certain you were naked most of last night," Leon pipes up.
Connor turns a deep shade of red, "Shut up."
"Aw," you say, stretching on your tippy toes to kiss his cheek, "I love that you get embarrassed talking about sex with the two people you have sex with."
"You're not funny," he says, trying to steal another bite of Leon's sandwich.
"Get your own," Leon exclaims, pulling away.
"I'm not that hun-" he stops short, narrowing his eyes at you.
"You turd!" he says pointing at his hoodie, "You're wearing my hoodie."
"Turd?" you exclaim, unable to control your laughter, "What are you 13?"
"You stole my hoodie and then didn't tell me you we wearing it," he says, exasperated, "That is prime turd behaviour."
"I want it back."
"Yeah," you ask, arching an eyebrow, "Come take it from me."
3) You being hurt
"I can't believe you broke your ankle tripping over Bowie," Leon says, shaking his head as he fluffs the pillow that's elevating your leg.
"First of all, it's a fracture," you say, "Second of all, your dog has no manners. He walked in front of me when I was bringing in the big delivery box -which you ordered ,we don't need patio furniture, it's winter Leon - and I didn't want to step on him."
"Don't blame my son," Leon says, indignant, "And the furniture was on sale."
"You make 8 million dollars!" you exclaim, "You can pay full price for some chairs."
"Connor," you call, using your pleasing voice, "Can you pretty please make me an iced coffee."
"Sure," he says, getting up from his spot beside you.
"Connor, no," Leon says, "She needs to start moving around, doctor said."
You pout at Connor, "But it always tastes so much better when you make it."
You're not even lying, for whatever reason Connor's always tasted so good even though he didn't do anything differently.
"Connor," Leon says, voice commanding, "you're coddling her."
"It's an iced coffee, that's hardly enough exercise to strengthen her ankle," Connor replies, pulling out your favourite Starbucks cup from the cupboard.
5 minutes later you wink at Leon as you take a sip of your perfect iced coffee.
"You have the audacity to say I'm coddling her," Connor exclaims in disbelief, "I made her an iced coffee. Look at you!"
So you had asked Leon to carry you from your office to the bedroom, but you probably would've done it even if you weren't injured.
"We have a lot of stairs. She said her foot was hurting," Leon shrugs, continuing his trek to the room, puppies trailing along behind him.
"Don't be jealous, Con," you call from over the railing, "Leo will carry you up the stairs too, if you ask nicely enough."
Connor just shakes his head, following you up the stairs. Leon lets you down on the soft carpet of your room and you hobble your way to the closet, ready to change into pyjamas. When you return to the master, Connor and Leon are already snuggled in the bed. You make your way to the bed as fast as you can.
"You little liar!" Leon exclaims, "You told me your foot hurt too much to walk up the stairs."
You shrug, taking your spot in the middle of the bed, "I stretched the truth so my strong, hot boyfriend would carry me. Sue me."
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romewritingshop · 4 years
I’m a Dad
Fandom: Choices, Open Heart, AU
Relationship: Dr. Ethan Ramsey X F!MC (Name: Alyssa Brooks)
Warnings: Fluff, slight angst, mentions of birth complications, Alan is okay no need to panic 😅, anxieties of fatherhood, slight injury (nothing gruesome).
Rating: 12+ Word Count Total: 3209
AN: This is a birthday commission for @tsrookie who wanted a fic of dad!Ethan. I hope this is what you wanted and enjoy. The song that inspired this was Michele Morrone’s Dad (Accoustic Version):
I wanted to portray the significance of Alan in Ethan and Alyssa’s lives. It was emotional writing this 🥺.
Rome’s Birthday Celebration Masterlist 2021
Tagged: @eleanorbloom @juliafranquet @me-and-my-choices @drethanramslay @choicesficwriterscreations @queencarb @miss-smrxtiee @melaninnntae @they-callme-ami @openheartfanfics @mvalentine @starrystarrytrouble @drariellevalentine @nikki-2406 @caseyvalentineramsey @kiara-36 @choicesreal @sophxwithers @brightningstar @tsrookie @gryffindordaughterofathena @arnikki-2406 @mercury84choices ​@theinvisibledreamergirl @stygianflood @ethansramsey
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A blissful silence settled in the room as Ethan tossed his house keys onto the kitchen countertop. Flicking the switches as the lights turned on in his house. A large suburban white painted house that he and Alyssa bought a few years ago. Ethan’s eyes wandered around the living room, taking in the quiet. Alyssa wasn’t home yet which gave Ethan the time to head to his study. Clambering up the stairs and going to the first door on his left, a spacious room with forest green walls. A metal case of shelves with wooden baskets filled with stationary, was diagonally placed in the corner to the door. Directly opposite the door was a mahogany table with a cushioned wheeled office chair.
To the left of the door, was a red and green small plastic table and bench. Crayons and pencils were scattered on the table and floor, there were sheets of coloured papers with indiscernible scribbles. The furrow in Ethan’s eyebrows relaxed as he slipped off his black cashmere jacket and hung it on a hook to the left of him. Crouching by the small kids table and glanced at the drawings, noting the curved shapes to be attempts at writing. Writing what exactly? He wasn’t too sure. 
Nathan and Savannah were the smartest kids he knew. Why wouldn’t they be though, since their parents were the acclaimed doctors of Bloom Edenbrook’s diagnostics team. Ethan put their drawings in a woven basket which had a label of ‘kids’, he held onto all the crayons and pencils and placed them in their respective labelled pots. Placing the pots in their woven basket and placing their basket on top of the shelf unit. Alyssa probably didn’t have time to tidy up their mess because they were spending the afternoon and evening with Alyssa’s friends.
Maybe now was a good time to get started on his project as he pulled out a basket and took out a few sheets of thick matte paper and an envelope. Bringing them over to his desk and seating himself, opening a drawer in his desk. He took out a few ink pens and placed the pens next to his paper, his eyes darted to the wooden picture frame of Alyssa and their three kids: Allison, Nathan and Savannah. He still couldn’t believe that he was theirs, and they were his. It was only yesterday, when he and Alyssa were in the reception, treating for a thoracotomy and now they had a house and kids.
Ethan knew what he had to do as soon as he brought his pen to the paper, the words flew right through him as he wrote. The memories of his kids flooding his brain with a warm familiar glow.
“Out of the way!”
Ethan rushed down the stairs, shoving past nurses and doctors before slamming the corridor door open to the maternity ward. Sienna was hot on his heels as he growled and grimaced at people, his eyes went to the pager as a message from Naveen popped up. ‘4cm dilated’. Ethan was close as he weaved through a never ending maze of Edenbrook’s corridors. In the distance he spotted Naveen, his dad Alan, and his daughter Allison were looking into the window of one of the maternity rooms.
“Ethan! There you are!”
His crinkled grumpy face relaxed at the sight of Allison. Five years old with a knack for mischief and a carbon copy of himself. She had his eyes and ears but Alyssa’s nose, lips and hair. Alan was taking care of Allison while Ethan and his wife were working, however, Alyssa’s contraction pains strengthened and her constant lavatory needs indicated that she needed to be checked in. Naveen came up to stand beside Ethan; who took Allison into his arms.
“Naveen, how is she?”
“Well the contractions are hurting and I have a feeling the babies are coming now. Dr. Delarosa is in there with her. Are you ready Ethan?”
Ethan gave a nod as he turned to Allison, a calm gentle smile reserved for her.
“Time to get your new siblings. You okay to wait here with Uncle Naveen and Grandpa?”
“Yeah! Uncle Naveen is buying me chocolate!”
Ethan quirked a brow at his mentor, who in return stuck with a confident grin before Ethan placed Allison down. Naveen clasped his hand around her tiny hand and led her to the staff break room, whilst listening to her ramblings about her new siblings. Ethan took a deep breath as Alan stepped up to rest his hand on his shoulder.
“I’m proud of you, son.”
Ethan smiled and was about to step into the room, when something held him still. His buried nerves leaked through his wall as memories of Dolores seeped to his front. Alyssa was pregnant with twins, that alone carried several complications in terms of the positioning of the babies, possible post partum haemorrhage. On top of that she was one week late, twins born post due date carry risks to the mother and the babies.
A flash of baby Ethan in the NICU drained the warmth from his face and he felt like he was drowning. He couldn’t breathe as he pressed a hand against the door ledge, bowing his head as Alan stood beside him. Alan could tell Ethan was panicking. His shoulders shook as Alan gently probed.
“What if something happens?”
“Boston’s famous doctor is worried about a twin birth? Ethan, you’ve done this before. You know what to do.”
“It’s different. Alyssa is in there. She’s the patient. What if I can’t make the right decision?”
“Ethan Jonah Ramsey. You are a diagnostician. A famous one at that. You look at the possibilities before you make your decision. You have it in you son. Plus she’s a fighter. She won’t back down. But she needs you. Be brave and if you can’t be brave, be brave for her. She needs your support.”
His father’s words felt like a warm wash of life as he inhaled the air, exhaling his anxieties and giving a steady nod. Ethan smiled at his father before pushing open the door to step into the room, stepping into action to help make Alyssa’s labour as easy as possible.
“Daddy! When is Twilight Sparkle coming?”
“In a bit. If you finish your lunch, then she’ll come.”
“Daddy! Will she bring a lot of presents for us?”
“An average amount, Nathan.”
Ethan pinched the bridge of his nose as he watched over the several little kids munching on their mini pizza slices and tater tots. It was the twins’ birthday today and the two of them invited their whole class to celebrate, the sun was shining as the kids sat on picnic blankets. The Ramseys’ had a spacious garden which could hold for nearly twenty five kids and several adults. Bryce, Jackie and Elijah were keeping an eye on the kids as Ethan slipped away to the kitchen where Alyssa was sat on a breakfast stool with her foot in Sienna’s lap. Aurora was beside them as she carefully tapped a finger against the swollen skin near her ankle. Jenner paced on his paws with nervous energy as he whined at his mom, Alyssa.
“Alyssa has sprained her ankle … Ethan.”
The friends still had a difficult time addressing Ethan by his first name but he paid no heed to it as Alyssa tried to come off the stool, trying to brush off the pain.
“It’s nothing, I’m sure I’ll be fine as long as I don’t walk on it.”
Ethan sighed rather exasperatedly as he folded his arms at his wife. That motion alone made Alyssa meekly smile and remain in her seat. Aurora handed her a cool pack for Alyssa to use for her sprain. She knew that she needed to rest her ankle but the twins would be so upset.
“Fine. But how are we going to solve the entertainment issue?”
At that moment the front door opened and closed as Alan strode in with a confident excited gait. He had a white cardboard box in his hands as he hummed and placed the box on the table, unveiling it to reveal a My Little Pony cake with ‘Happy 4th Birthday! Nathan and Savannah’. Alan’s brows sagged at the sight of his daughter-in-law.
“What happened?”
“I … fell.”
Ethan resorted to pinching the bridge of his nose before explaining the story. The children were showing off dance moves and there was a little girl who was showing off her gymnastics ability. Alyssa thought she could show off her talent by demonstrating a cartwheel, unfortunately her cartwheel was aimed the wrong way and Alyssa landed awkwardly in a bush with her legs askew. Alan smiled at Alyssa as he realised that there was an issue of entertainment since Alyssa was planning to dress up as the kids’ favourite character, Twilight Sparkle.
“I guess that means Alyssa can’t be Twilight Sparkle.”
Sienna gave a nod and spoke up.
“Aurora, Jackie and I would do it but I don’t think there’s enough time for any of us to learn everything about My Little Pony. The kids are gonna see right through us.”
“It’s a conundrum.”
Everyone took a moment to think before Alan’s eyes twinkled with an idea.
“I have an idea. Sienna, start watching some My Little Pony, I’ll stall the kids. ‘Lyssa, where did you keep your guitar?”
Alyssa’s eyes twinkled as she informed Alan of the guitar, to which Aurora ran up to search for it. It seemed everyone knew what to do, everyone except for Ethan, who placed his hands on his hips, turning to his father.
“Would you mind clueing me into your plan?”
“A little singing will have the kids distracted while Aurora, Alyssa and Sienna get ready. The kids will love it!”
At that moment, Bryce popped his head through the glass garden doors, there’s a slight line of sweat near the crown of his neck as he nervously glances back.
“The kids are going rabid if Twilight Sparkle doesn’t come in the next five minutes.”
Aurora rushed back down and handed Alan a brown varnished acoustic guitar, a gift from Alyssa’s patient Remy. Alan hung the strap over his shoulder and strutted outside to where all the kids shrieked and yelled.
“Okay kids! Who’s gonna sing the My Little Pony theme song?”
Ethan went out and noticed all the kids sitting at their picnic blankets, bopping and singing while Alan strummed the tune of the My Little Pony theme song. Ethan and Rafael took the time to begin cleaning up the rubbish whilst Bryce, Elijah and Jackie kept an eye out for Sienna, Aurora and Alyssa. All the kids and the twins were enraptured, even Jenner was happily panting to the music. Alan was going through a list of songs going from the My Little Pony Theme Song, to the lime and coconut song and to  the rhinestone cowboy.Not long after, Alan got a thumbs up from Bryce and Jackie to which Alan smiled and announced.
“Now children! There is someone who’d like to wish two special children a Happy Birthday!”
Nathan and Savannah jumped up with excited shrieks as Alan strummed the music of the theme song and out came Twilight Sparkle. It was Sienna donning a purple sparkly dress, wings protruding from the back and a dark wig flowing off her shoulders. Her unicorn headband was fixed into the wig and her purple make-up shone in the sun as Sienna skipped towards the kids, tossing bounds of glitter.
Aurora and Jackie were helping Alyssa settle on a deck chair as the twins hugged and cried at the fact that Twilight Sparkle had come to their party. Ethan and Alyssa sent a thankful smile as Alan returned their smile, everyone’s faces warming at the twin’s excitement.
Ethan used the back of his hand to wipe off the sweat on his brow as he pushed the front door of his apartment open. Baby Allison happily chewed on her yellow teether while bouncing in the baby sling, strapped across Ethan’s chest. Alyssa was working at the hospital after spending four months at home and it was Ethan’s turn to stay home with Allison. He was glad he opted for a loose linen shirt and khaki trousers as the Boston heat was slowly racking up. Ethan had gone out to buy some ingredients for their dinner: stir fried tofu and broccoli. 
Alyssa would need some good comfort food after going back to work and he knew that Chinese would delight her. He unclipped one arm strap, pressing a palm to hold up Allison before unclipping the other to carry his daughter to her high chair in the kitchen. Allison was teething so he handed her a teething ring to help Allison improve motor skills. His daughter smiled and babbled at the sight of her dad as Ethan pressed a kiss onto his daughter’s forehead.
Allison was a daddy’s girl since she would whine and cry with Alyssa, but when it came to Ethan, Allison babbled and laughed. Alyssa was sure that she would say ‘Dada’. Ethan grinned as Jenner padded into the kitchen, bringing himself up to stand on his hind legs beside Allison. The dog was protective and loving to Allison as she tried to swat at Jenner’s nose.
“Jenner, keep an eye on her.”
Jenner barked as Ethan began taking out utensils and the shopping to get started. Draining the water from the tofu and breaking up the broccoli into florets. Every so often, his eyes would wander to his little girl on the high chair. Ethan still couldn’t believe the fact that he was a father. A living breathing child was in his care, one he made with the woman he loved as his eyes glistened at the memories of her birth. Despite expecting for children to not be in the cards for him, life had a way of telling him that it was always the case.
As Ethan stared longingly at his daughter, Jenner could smell something faintly burning; turning his head to hear a loud crackle and pop. Jenner barked furiously which had Ethan snap out and realise the onions and garlic had burnt in the wok, the broccoli was charred beyond recognition as Ethan turned off the induction hob. The loud barks caused Allison to startle and little beads of tears streamed down her face.
His heart lurched as he immediately stalked to his daughter to take her in his arms and get her to settle down. It was the first time in a long time that Ethan burnt dinner as he exhaled at the time on his wrist watch. Alyssa would be home in an hour and it was too late to restart. He didn’t have enough ingredients and he couldn’t whip up something else in time for Alyssa to sink her teeth into.
At that moment his phone rang as Ethan reached into his pocket to rest the phone between his ear and shoulder, while bouncing a teary Allison in his lap.
“Ethan Ramsey.”
“Ethan.” The corner of Ethan’s lips curled upwards at the recognition of his father’s voice. “I’m just about ten minutes away from your home. Alyssa invited me to have dinner, do you need anything?”
Ethan glanced at the mess behind him, a low exhale left his lips.
“Can you please pick up some Chinese on your way here?”
It wasn’t long when Alan arrived with several bags of Chinese take out from Xing-Fu’s Restaurant. Ethan took the bags from Alan and set up the dining table while Alan took the time to talk and play with his granddaughter, Jenner wagged his tail rapidly as he watched Alan and Allison. Not long after the kitchen was clear and the dinner table was set, Alyssa had entered the apartment with a smile on her face.
She took a moment to freshen up before joining the Ramseys at the dinner table. Her eyes sparkled at the array of side dishes as she pecked Ethan’s cheek before digging rather ravenously into the food. All the tension from the day melted under the spicy heat of duck and the softness of lotus buns. Ethan and Alan share a knowing smile as they too get stuck into their meal, Allison smiles and babbles in her high chair next to Alyssa. Glad to have her mother with her.
The memories faded as Ethan lifted his pen from the letter, a soft nostalgic smile brushed on his face as he pushed the frame of his glasses up the bridge of his nose. A faint sound of the front door opened as excited chirps and barking fluttered into his study. The kids, Jenner and Alyssa were home as Ethan smiles at the incoming thunder steps, spinning his office chair to the direction of the door. The twins come tumbling in and launch themselves into Ethan’s arms, not giving a chance for Ethan to pay attention to their chatter. Jenner is sitting at the entrance of the door, while Allison stands behind him with her hand scratching the top of his fur. 
“Nathan, Savannah! I cannot understand your rambling.”
“Yeah, they had a lot of pastries. Aunt Sienna made a lot of cakes and biscuits.”
Ethan shook his head with a teasing grin at the twins. The two of them hid their mouths as Nathan denied.
“No we didn’t. Ally did!”
“Liar, I saw you two take two slices of the chocolate fudge cake.”
“No! You’re dreaming Ally.”
Ethan raised an eyebrow at his troublesome twins but pressed long kisses into their hair. Savannah leaned over his shoulder and noticed the pen and paper before pressing her two palms on Ethan’s face, forcing him to look directly at her as she asked.
“Are you drawing without us?”
Ethan shook his head as he explained.
“I’m making a gift for grandpa.”
“Are you gonna give it to him tomorrow?”
Before he could answer, Alyssa appeared at the door with her hands on her hips, dressed in a green cotton dress and brown knee high boots. Her mom voice was coming through as she moved her eyes between the troublesome twins.
“Nathan and Savannah. Time for bed. We’ve got to wake up early tomorrow if you want to spend the whole day with Grandpa.”
“Do we have to?”
Ethan stood up and held on to the twins as he smartly urged.
“Come on if you get dressed for bed, you can stay up late tomorrow.”
The twins gasped as they scrambled off Ethan’s arms and rushed to their bedroom to get into their pyjamas. A small smile curled up on Alyssa’s lips as she turned to the eldest Ramsey child.
“You too, Ally!”
“But Mom!”
“Come on.”
Ethan steps up to the doorway and sweetly kisses his wife as she cupped his cheek.
“You coming?”
“Just finishing up.”
Alyssa gave a nod and led her daughter away to her bedroom, Jenner obediently bounding behind them. Ethan returned to his desk to read over the last words he wrote.
Look at me now. I’m a dad.
Thank you for making me the man I am today.
Dr. Ethan J. Ramsey
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Kevin and chronic pain
(part one maybe ?)
kevin and chronic pain (maybe implied kevaaron):
-so kevin has chronic pain in his hand from where r*ko broke it but i’m going to talk about his chronic hip pain that i’m projecting onto him
-even after they beat the ravens kevin, neil, and andrew still have night practice just maybe less often
-after a few weeks kevin starts to notice that his hips are hurting after practice, he thinks nothing of it and just ignores it
-it starts getting more persistent until it starts bothering him during regular practice
-after being punished for any weakness in the nest, kevin doesn’t tell anyone about the pain. it gets so bad that it starts bothering him everyday while walking around.
-he thinks he’s being subtle until aaron pulls him aside one day and basically asks him what the fuck is wrong
-honestly they’re both a little confused as to why aaron reached out, they aren’t friends per se… just the two left over when andrew and neil are off doing whatever they do and nicky elects to hang with the upper classmen
-it goes something like this
-aaron: what’s wrong with your hips
-kevin: nothing i’m fine
-aaron: okay neil don’t complain to me when you can’t walk
-that’s where they leave it for now. a few weeks later kevin has a bad flare up, he can barely stand up. kind of sheepishly he finds aaron before practice and asks for help.
-aaron agrees (he’s still not sure why) and they head back to the dorm. they go to aaron and matt’s dorm, not wanting to run into andrew or nicky.
-kevin lays down on the floor and aaron kneels beside him. it’s… awkward, but aaron’s hands are clinical and don’t leave his knee and ankle.
-aaron finishes moving kevin’s leg about and asking when it hurts.
-aaron: i’m fairly certain you have some tears in the connective tissue in your hips but i couldn’t be sure without an mri
-kevin: i’ll think i’ll take your word for it oh great doctor, what do i do now
(i recommend going to an actual doctor but it would be too long)
-aaron: honestly, there’s not much you can do apart from rest and surgery
-kevin pales at both of these, he hates hospitals. (rest then says aaron), kevin hates the idea of rest even more. he makes this abundantly clear to aaron
-aaron: calm down, summer break is starting soon you won’t miss any games, plus i think it could be good for you to find a hobby that isn’t exy or drinking
-kevin: like you care
-kevin knows that’s a lie, but aaron doesn’t argue with him
-summer starts and aaron goes to colombia with his brother, cousin, and neil and kevin stays with his dad and abby. kevin and aaron had told abby about kevin’s hips and she offered to help him with stretches
-it’s weird not playing exy but it’s nice in a way, with exy kevin feels the weight of his past, his legacy, people’s expectations on his shoulders. now, reading about history, sketching, playing cards with abby and wymack, he can just relax.
-his hips are getting better, they hurt less often and only after he goes for walks. (i’ll spare you the gratuitous descriptions of strengthening and stretching)
-he and aaron have been texting back and forth; kevin complains about his hips and shares facts from his art history books, aaron complains about andrew and neil and shares facts from his medical textbooks.
-midway through the summer, kevin receives a package, he opens it to find a stuffed pineapple (?) the note on top was from aaron
-it read:
this is a heating pad, it’ll help with your hips. i saw it and thought of you bc you have the same spikey personality.
- aaron
(-wymack: why are you smiling?
-kevin: none of your business and no i’m not)
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cl-01-kestis · 4 years
My Little Rebel - Inquisitor!Cal Kestis x Female Rebel!Reader | Part 14
Summary: After getting a new leg installed, you travel into the depths of Coruscants night life and find yourself in a surprising scenario.
Warnings: hints of nsfw, alcohol consumption
(Keep in mind Cal is aged up to 19)
Quick note: This original post had an nsfw scene in it, I’ve taken it out because I feel like it doesn’t fit the story well at all. I’ve still implied that something happened, but you can perceive it however you want.
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The sounds were so deafening, silence flooded your mind and you hated it. High pitched ringing rattled around your ears and pierced your ability to hear for a while after it stopped. You can’t remember the last time you opened your eyes, the light slid through your lashes and you felt like you might’ve been something other than alive. You could still feel your heart beat, you still sucked in weak breaths of air through your nose.
The first thing you smelled was metal, thick stench of silver varnish, polish and gasoline. You wanted to gag but something about being it seemed to calm you down, you felt like you were back on Yavin again but you knew you weren’t. Your fingers twitched and you opened your eyes slowly, immediately shutting them back over when you tealised two big bright lamps were bent over your still form which seemed to be lying on a leather made bed, a medical bed.
You weren’t in the Mantis, that’s for sure. The last thing you remembered was falling down after getting your leg cut clean off, after that everything was black.
“She’s waking” You heard a foreign voice speak, clearly there was people in the room spectating you as you slept. You attempted to open your eyes once more and squinted them instead of closing them over, your arms moving beside your waist to push yourself up and regain full consciousness.
As soon as your eyes adjusted to the light of the lamps looking down on you, they focused on the brand new shiny leg, replacing the one that was cut off. Only then did you realise just how much of your leg you lost, the metal started right at your v line and was attached to a metal brace that was wrapped right around your hips.
“Where am I?” Was your immediate response to your surroundings, shifting your position so your legs dangled off the bed and you held your head to avoid getting a headache due to how quickly you had woken.
“Hiding in the lower levels of Coruscant” Cere’s soft voice called out, the sound of chair legs scraping against the concrete floor before her face appeared in front of you. Cere was slightly lower than you due to how tall the bed was, looking up at you with her beautiful brown eyes and trying to avoid staring so much at your new leg. Processing her words, you let out a soft hum in response and blinked a few times to adjust to the light.
“We were lucky enough to find a mechanic who fixed you up, the leg should take a few days to get used to” Cere informed you in a serene voice, resting a hand on your knee on your real leg and reaching out her other one to hold your hand. You nodded your head at her words and looked up to find that Merrin was fast asleep in the corner, sitting on a chair with her arms folded and head tilted slightly to the side.
“Everyone’s asleep, the time’s 10 at night, I’d get more rest if I were you” You turned your head to meet the eyes of a young man, around the age of 18 with scruffy, curly hair and a face that was patched with oil and polish. Clearly he was the one that fixed you up.
“Thanks” You smiled at him, watching as he wiped his hands with a clean cloth after rinsing them under a tap which was in the corner of the room.
“It’s no bother, just don’t walk around too much just yet, this’ll take a while getting used to” The young mechanic said, chucking the dirty rag somewhere random and walking up to tell you more about your new metal leg.
“It’s made of Alum, commonly used for Mandalorian armour so it should stay intact for a few years. You can move it around, it’s attached your nerve endings to the legs so it shouldn’t be too difficult to find your way around it” He explained calmly, getting down on one knee in front of you and holding your ankle.
“If you may, I’d like to test the flexibility” He offered with a kind smile, earning a blush from you as you nodded your head and let him do what he had to do.
He stretched your leg out as if it were your other one, his hand holding down the robotic legs knee as the other one cupped your ankle, strething it so it was level with your hip and making sure he wasn’t going too far. You felt strange, it was as if you felt his fingers ghost on where your ankle should be, you never knew what it felt like to have a fake limb but here you were. Recklessness got you here and taught you a valuable lesson.
You were surprised you weren’t as shocked and as heartbroken as you should’ve been, you were pretty laid back about losing a leg, that says a lot about you. But you’re a Jedi after all, Jedi shouldn’t be scared and that’s one thing you aren’t. So you blame it on that.
Plus, it looks cool as hell. When people notice that one of your legs isn’t natural they’ll probably stay away from you, which is a good thing. Intimidation might be the way to go through to restoring the Jedi temple, you want people to avoid you and this was the first step of doing so. But still, a part of you felt pissed off because your real leg was sitting around somewhere in the holocron vault.
“How does it feel?” The mechanic asked, stretching it further. You felt strange around the area where your ham strings should be, he did say he wracked your nerve endings with the legs ones so it made sense as to how you could still feel everything.
“It feels normal, not sore” You replied, wriggling your robotics toes and rolling your ankle to test it’s flexibility.
“That’s good! If you’re ready, try standing up” He got off his knee and stood up, dusting his trousers off and reaching out for your hand.
You were reluctant to take it at first, your eyes flickering to Cere who nodded at you in encouragement. “You can do this” She smiled.
Taking his hand, you lean forward and hike yourself up onto your feet. Instantly, you crashed down onto the floor and thankfully landed on your hands instead of your face, saving you a few other instalments.
“Thought that might happen, it’ll take some time to walk straight” Cere informed you, looking at the mechanic who nodded his head at her statement and helped you back on your feet, this time holding your arm whilst Cere held your other.
“This is so weird” You sighed, closing your eyes briefly to gather your thoughts and gain the strength to take your first step on your new leg.
“It will be, dear” Cere assured you softly, rubbing your shoulder before helping you sit back down on the bed you woke up on, patting your back before leaning down and pressing a motherly kiss on your head. You smiled at her gratitude and squeezed her hand before letting her go back to sitting down beside Merrin who was still fast asleep.
Some time had passed and it was coming up to 11:30, Cere was asleep and so was Merrin but you were wide awake, getting used to walking around with a new leg and having the support of the mechanic who kindly gave you a crutch if you were to ever fall over.
You paced around the workshop for some time, using the crutch and waddling about till the pain in your leg went away and the nerves got comfortable enough to let you walk around without any trouble. Sleep wasn’t something you craved at that exact moment so you decided that sneaking out and finding clues about your past would be useful.
“Hey listen, have you seen a lightsaber around here?” You asked the mechanic whilst walking up to him without the crutch but still holding it in your hand, watching as his expression changed from emotionless to surprised.
“You’re the owner of that thing? Here I was thinking the Jedi were extinct!” He exclaimed with a delightful tone, grabbing your lightsaber from his workshop table and chucking it to you from a fair distance, a far enough distance that required you to reach it with the force.
“Not all of us” You replied with a smirk, bringing it up to your gaze and widening your eyes once you realised there had been a few changes made to the lightsaber.
“I noticed it wasn’t in very good condition when you came in, decided to patch it up... might be useful” The man said, walking up to you and pointing to the hold at the opposite end of the hilt.
“Double blade...” you whispered to yourself in amazement, looking back up to the mechanic with big bright eyes and bringing him in for a tight and unexpected hug.
“Thank you for this” You mumbled in his ear, squeezing him before letting him go and bringing your attention back to the saber. The mechanic cleared his throat and smiled, trying to suppress the blush spreading on his face as he watched you further inspect the newly improved saber.
With the click of the button, your lightsaber burst into life and a matching blade appeared on the other side. You felt so emotional looking at it, this would strengthen your combat skills enough to take down a full Inquisitor, it made you happy to see it. You’d heard so much about different Jedi who wielded double sided lightsabers, they were only used in advanced combat so it was never common amongst most of the Jedi. Only the most skilled could wield one.
Testing its movement, you adapted quickly to the new model of lightsaber and spun it skillfully around your body. You adjusted to the heaviness of the model and made sure it didn’t hit any parts of you as you made the saber come to a still once more and turned it off, the blades sheathing back inside the hilts.
“This is perfect” You beamed, nodding in approval at the mechanic who bowed his head in gratefulness and let out a relieved chuckle.
“That’s good to hear” He replied, turning to his workshop table once more and leaving you to get ready to wherever you wanted to go. But you were lost for directions at the moment, you’d never been to the lower levels of Coruscant before so of course you’d get lost without some advice.
You didn’t want to pester the mechanic further, so you approached the bed you woke up on and placed the crutch on it, dusting yourself off and grabbing your combat trousers which had been taken off for the procedure for your synthetic leg.
“You have any idea where I can find a popular club around here? It’s not what you think it is, I’m just trying to get in touch with someone” You turned around to the mechanic whilst fitting your new leg into the leg hole of your trousers, slipping it through and then getting your other one in.
“Why a club?” He asked with confusion, screwing on a gadget to a droid which was out of power, he was clearly trying to regenerate it.
“It’s busy, clubs are usually full so it’ll be a good place for me to blend in” You replied with reason, earning a fair nod from the mechanic who put down the screwdriver and wiped his hands.
“I’ll write down the navigations for you, look out for a club called the Outlander, that’s one of the most popular on the top level. But if you’re looking for something more on the lower side, go for Club Kasakar” The mechanic said whilst scribbling a bunch of messy handwriting in Aurebesh, your second language.
Not many people knew, but even though you were born on Coruscant, long before the Jedi found you, your mother and father were from Corellia so your first taught language was Old Corellian. Only when the Jedi found you did you start speaking Aurebesh.
“Here, this should help” He said, walking up to you and handing the piece of paper with a smile. You took it graciously, thanking him silently before looking over his handwriting and studying the navigation to both of the clubs.
“Also, one more thing,” you looked up to the mechanic who looked at what out were wearing.
“Turn up at a club like that, they won’t let you in... no offence” He warned you with a small ghost of a smile, making you blush and look down at your attire before clearing your throat.
“Thanks” You mumbled, bidding him a farewell before turning around and finding your way out of the workshop, clipping your lightsaber underneath your poncho and keeping it well hidden.
You arrived on a small landing platform that was stretched out into a large pot hole that went so far down, you couldn’t see the bottom. This was all the lower levels of Coruscant, vehicles of every kind drove past, carrying either locals or visitors, maybe even tourists. You skimmed over the large space to check if there were any taxi’s floating about whilst also making sure neither Merrin or Cere were looking around for you. You needed time alone.
You looked down at your wrist, a holowatch was wrapped around it and you were surprised to see it was in good condition after all you went through. Flicking through your contacts, you stuck your tongue out and frowned as you searched for the one person you needed to see most.
Clicking on his name, you waited. The sound of dialling rung out in the air around you and it took half a minute for the other end of the line to pick up. Some rustling was heard but you didn’t waste any time in getting the message across.
“I don’t have much time, save all your questions for later. Meet me at the Outlander club on Coruscant at midnight, don’t let anyone see you” You spoke clearly, checking your back to see if anyone unwelcome was listening in and realising who you were speaking to.
“I’ll be there” Cal replied.
“Good” You said sharply before hanging up and waiting on the platform for a taxi to come and pick you up. You had a long night ahead of you.
It was cold outside of the Outlander, busy to say the least, but waiting in the cold made you look like your date stuck you up. You made a stop at one of Coruscants designer shops and bought yourself a black mini dress and a pair of cheap silver heels. You weren’t going to waste your time on anything flashy so you went with the most basic option you could get. You were freezing though, you kept your poncho on due to the dresses lack of material.
You wish you had looked at your options before picking the most simple thing there was. In terms of comfort, the dress you were wearing had nothing towards it, instead it was for showing off and had the sole purpose to catch everyone’s attention. You felt embarrassed as strangers walked past you, looking you up and down like a piece of fresh meat before entering the club. You watched people go by opposite from the entrance with one leg bent, heel against the wall as you held your poncho close to your shivering body. Your legs were on show and had a wet look to them due to the dampness of the area and the fact it was lightly raining. The neon lights illuminated your figure and made you vulnerable to the naked eye.
You turned your head at the sudden shift in the force around you and felt your heart squeeze in your chest, looking over in the far distance to see a flash of red hair. You lifted yourself from the wall, eager to see if it was Cal as you walked a few steps forward and leaned on your toes.
Cal emerged from the crowd of people he was hiding in and searched around to find you, gold eyes shifting from body to body as he stuffed his hands in his black trouser pockets after adjusting his black blazer. You swooned are the way he looked, noticing the all black suit he had on and noticing he took your advice in making sure no one noticed him. He blended in perfectly.
“Cal!” You yelled out to him, waving your arm in the air to catch his attention which worked immediately. His eyes snapped to yours and his face lit up like a Life Day tree, picking up his pace and eventually crashing with your body. He wasted no time and swept you completely off your feet, spinning you around and setting you back down to kiss you passionately. You smiled in the kiss as he held you tight and used one hand to cup your cheek, his thumb stroking it softly as you tangled your fingers in his hair.
“I’ve missed you” He whispered as your lips departed, pressing his head against yours and closing his eyes as you hummed in response.
“You look amazing” You said to him, leaning away and taking a step back to inspect his outfit to which he blushed and waved your comment off bashfully.
“It’s nothing, I didn’t want to be noticeable so I went for the most simple thing” He said with a shrug, taking a joking spin which made you smile and let out a soft chuckle.
“But you... wow” He gasped, eyes noticing your dress underneath your poncho. In response, You unwrapped the poncho from your shoulders so Cal could see the rest of your dress, twirling and trying not to freeze to death as the cold enveloped your top half once more. Cal breathed out a sigh of amazement.
“Wait a minute” Cal stopped and frowned when he noticed your leg. The light shone against the Alum leg and caught Cal completely off guard. Any sign of happiness to see you was replaced with anger and confusion.
“Who done this? When did this happen?” He asked eagerly, taking a step towards you again and holding your hands delicately with his.
“I had a run in with an Inquisitor, it’s nothing” You brushed off his curiosity, trying to avoid telling him the fact you stole holocrons and almost got yourself killed.
“Maker (Y/N) you could’ve been killed!” He exclaimed, huffing to himself as you rolled your eyes and shook your head.
“Not trying to sound big headed, but I’m a Jedi” You smirked, causing Cal’s frown to slip off his face and replaced with a small ghost of a smile. He nodded his head awkwardly.
“Fair point, but let’s not forget you still have much training to do” Cal offered you his arm which you gladly took without hesitation, strolling in with him into the club as your other arm held on to your poncho. You two received many looks as you walked in the Outlander, feeling the bass of the music in your feet as you walked over to a high table and stood at either side of it, facing each other with smiles on your faces.
“Of all the places I thought I’d next see you, this is not what I pictured” Cal joked, earning a giggle from you as you leaned your elbows on the table, the neckline of your dress hiking down slightly and revealing your cleavage.
“Even so, no one will find us here... it’s just me and you now” you said coyly, tapping your fingers on the surface of the table as Cal flashed you a mischievous smirk.
“Last time you said that I had you pinned down on a bed” He replied, immediately causing you to blush and look away, fighting back a chuckle as he leaned on the table and placed his hands over yours. You bit your lip and looked back up to meet Cal’s flirtatious gaze, he winked at you before a waitress approached your table with a bright smile.
“Hi folks! Welcome to Outlander, what can I get you to drink?” She said in a speaker voice, holding a tray against her chest as she looked at the both of you.
“You speak Old Corellian?” You asked her in a quieter tone, seeing her furrow her brows before managing a smirk and nodding.
“Mimmin doko” I do. She replied, earning a smile from you as you leaned up and cleared your throat.
“Ihn spelulo de Coruscant visci Fho Uhl sinioro Il Ihn spelulo de Corellisi vin Fho mi” A glass of Coruscant whiskey for the gentleman And A glass of Corellian wine for me. You said effortlessly, seeing the waitress nod as she scribbled down your order on a small holopad, smiling as she finished and nodded.
“Coming right up” She chuckled, turning around and making her way back to the bar as you turned back to Cal who had a more than shocked expression.
“Where the kriff did that come from?!” He asked in amazement, whistling to himself as he looked you up and down seductively, intrigued by what he heard.
“Corellian parents, kinda cool right?” You simpered, stroking Cal’s forearm which made him raise a brow at you in amusement.
“Cool? It’s hot as shit” He said lowly, making you laugh and tap him playfully as he leaned in close to you, your heads almost touching.
“Why’d you speak it to the waitress anyway?” Cal asked curiously, looking around to check once more if anyone was looking at either of you as you smiled and cleared your throat to pass the time.
“Hidden identity I guess, to cover up our tracks so no one knows who we are” You said.
You and Cal chatted for a bit and waited for your drinks whilst listening to the music blasting around the club, people dancing at all corners as you two blended in and looked like everyone else, normal. Cal occasionally touched your arm and intertwined his fingers with yours, knowing fine well he wouldn’t be able to do this with you around people for a long time after. The thought made him sad but you understood how he felt, the two of you were the most dangerous people in the galaxy according to the Empire and Rebellion. You were destined to destroy one another, but at this exact moment you could be with each other without anyone knowing. Now that thought was calming.
“Here’s your drinks!” The waitress from earlier returned with your order, lifting the drinks and placing them on the table effortlessly.
“Lui mia kar” Enjoy my dears. She smiled before walking away and leaving the two of you alone once more. You looked at your drink and then to Cal’s, noticing he had glowing blue whisky which made him look at it as though it was a foreign object.
“Care to tell me what you ordered for me?” Cal asked in a sultry tone, picking the whisky glass up and inspecting it before taking a chance and trying it. His lips met the rim of the glass and he tilted it up, the blue liquid reaching his mouth and making him hum as the whiskey poured on his tongue.
“Coruscant Whiskey, it’s a drink my friends and I got drunk on a lot when we all started living on Yavin” You chuckled, watching as Cal’s face twisted in different emotions. At first he was skeptical about the taste but he raised his eyebrows and smiled.
“It’s not that bad actually, pretty sweet” He commented, setting his glass down and smiling at you.
“It is, Coruscant offers sweet whiskeys but some can be a bit too sweet. Corellian wine on the other hand, any type of wine from there is perfection” You smirked, picking up your own glass and taking a sip from the ruby red liquid inside. Cal watched you closely, noticing the way you licked your lips after you finished sipping. He couldn’t stop his eyes from looking down below your neck, noticing the way your breasts were held in tight against the material of your dress. Cal took note that you weren’t wearing a bra considering the dress had extremely thin straps and would look rather strange with one on.
You noticed Cal looking and leaned your head down so you were blocking his view, earning a blush from him as he quickly looked away and took another shy sip of his whiskey, shrivelling up at the taste for a second before getting used to it once more.
“So... how goes the Inquisitor work?” You couldn’t help but ask, watching as Cal frowned and pursed his lips, it was clear the question had damaged the mood slightly.
“It’s... boring, nothing too important’s happening” He said in a more than melancholy tone, avoiding your gaze as he looked at your hands, almost as if he was studying them.
“Trilla- The second sister, she’s frantic about catching you” He added.
“Am I really causing such a stir? What’s next, Darth Vader knows about me?” You scoffed. Cal stayed quiet.
Your heart twisted when he didn’t reply, he only swallowed and looked down at his whiskey in guilt. You leaned back slightly and felt a lump growing in your throat.
“Well shit” You chuckled, not out of amusement but rather fear, just to shake the tension off your shoulders.
“Does anyone know you’re here?” You asked. Cal shook his head and returned his gaze to yours after what seemed ages. You sighed in relief.
“At least that’s something...” Your gaze shifted over to the bar which was shaped in a hollow circle in the middle of the room, many customers sat at the counter and ordered drinks of all kinds, some others were selling death sticks. You watched in interest and skimmed the room until your eyes landed on the bathrooms in the far corners of the club. You noticed couples either going in or coming out, making you blush and look away before picking up your wine and taking a few big gulps of it which made Cal’s eyes almost bulge out of his head.
“Careful! Don’t get drunk on me just yet” He scolded you playfully, bringing the base of the glass down on the table as you still kept a firm grip on the body.
“Need something to shake me up, it’s been a stressful day” You said, hinting at your leg which made Cal nod his head in an understanding manner, his eyes lingering on it for a few seconds longer before clearing his throat and reaching his hands up to his collar to loosen his tie and undo a few buttons.
You couldn’t stop yourself from looking at his pale skin underneath his shirt, you could see a muscle in his neck flex which made your heart flutter, unable to take your eyes off him. He took notice to this and smirked, walking around the small table so he was next to you and wrapping an arm around your waist.
“You know, i don’t mean to sound provocative, but I wouldn’t mind taking you somewhere more private” He said in your ear as you sipped slightly at your wine, trying not to choke on it as your face heated up and you looked at Cal with wide, surprised eyes.
“And for whatever reason would you want to do that, Mr Kestis?” You toyed, hands reaching to Cal’s tie and pulling on it to bring him closer to you, your lips inches away from each other as he let out a low chuckle and grabbed your hips.
“I’m sure you know why” He whispered, using his other hand to grab your chin and tilt it up slightly as he peered down at you with his bright golden eyes. You didn’t look away, you felt impelled to kiss him right there and then but you were around so many people. It took a lot to fight the urge off and Cal shifted around your thoughts out of curiosity, a cocky smirk growing on his face as he pulled you closer to him and smashed his lips onto yours, almost knocking the wind out of you.
At this point you didn’t care about the embarrassment of people watching, you kissed Cal back and didn’t hesitate to open your mouth and grant him access to taking it a step further. Your hands tugged on his hair and you felt his fingers dig deep into your hips, his other hand shifting from your chin to your ass which made you yelp in surprise.
“Maybe somewhere private doesn’t seem so bad” You breathed out as you separated your lips from his, feeling his hot breath tingle on your face as he pulled away and nodded his head. He was flushed in the face, licking his lips as he grabbed his whiskey glass and finished off whatever was left in it, cringing at the taste once more before grabbing your hand and taking you away from the table. You didn’t have time to finish your wine but you managed to quickly leave a few credits to pay for both of the drinks.
The air was thick as the two of you approached the entrance to the bathroom, but neither of you thought anything about what you were doing. You received strange looks from people who were nearby the bathroom, knowing fine well what you two were getting up to. You laughed as Cal looked behind his shoulder and cracked a smile, pulling you close and kissing you once more before leaning into the bathroom door and taking you with him.
You and Cal stood at the bathroom sinks beside one another, flushed with heat as you washed the sweat off your faces with water from the taps. You had messed up his suit and he ruffled your dress, the hem hiked up more than it was supposed to. You both kept replaying the events that just took place in your heads, side eyeing one another and letting out the occasional giggle which was muffled by the music outside of the bathroom.
“We should probably get back to the club, it’s starting to heat up in here” Cal said, turning to face you and reaching over to your shoulder to fix the strap of your dress. You nodded your head, clearing your throat and taking his hand so he could lead you out of the bathroom, eyes linked to yours a second longer than necessary before he turned around and started walking towards the door.
The two of you returned to your tables very suspicious looking, ordering another round of drinks and looking to one another with great blushes on your faces. You could definitely say you spent this night well.
86 notes · View notes
Tamaki x Fem! Reader
Tamaki with a s/o who is afraid of lightning
🐙 It was Saturday and you were studying with Tamaki in his room. “Nejire and Mirio are supposed to be here. Have they responded to your texts?”, you asked, turning to see Tamaki staring right  back at you before turning away, his face bright red. 
🐙 “N-no. M-mirio isn’t picking up his calls either. Y-you can go back to your dorm if you want, I know I’m not the most interesting thing in the world.”
🐙 Quickly, you ruffled his hair, scooting closer to him and putting your arm around him. “Are you kidding? I’m here to study, not party. And you’re perfect for that. You mind?”, you handed him your flashcards as he nodded, face red from how close you were as he got a flashback.
🐙 In the common room a few hours ago, when you all had scheduled a study get-together. “Dang it, I just can’t get it.” You yelled, throwing the book to the ground, getting Tamaki’s attention. You were never a violent or loud person, so what was your problem?
🐙 “Y/n! It’s not that hard! You need to move the x to the right to find the y, and then you divide by the y to get the x. Then once you get the x you can find the y.” Mirio grabbed your hands softly, using his hands to make yours write out the solution.
🐙 Tamaki couldn’t help but feel enraged by jealousy as Mirio touched your hand, had his arm around you, and was leaning his entire body on you. Such a touch so innocent yet so intimate made Tamaki angry, but what could he say?
🐙 He was such a coward, not telling you his feelings from the moment he had met you. So beautiful, so young, so powerful and confident. For his entire life, he had never felt such an attraction to human being before. Yet here you were, blowing his mind away with every movement you made.
🐙 “How about a study group?” Nejire asked, observing Tamaki’s face becoming red with anger. Tamaki turned to her, not understanding what she was doing. But Nejire wasn’t stupid, she could see what was happening in front of her. I mean, Y/n isn’t in our class but we could help her. I can’t count how many nights she’s stayed up with us, helping us ace our exams.”
🐙 Mirio nodded in response as Y/n sighed, agreeing. “Great! We can have it in Tamaki’s room in… an hour? Until then, boys? Remember how Present Mic asked us to go get the… boxes?” She lied, seeing the boys look at her with confusion but agreeing. “I can help if you want. Tamaki did hurt his ankle last week and-” Nejire put her hand over Y/n’s, quieting her. 
🐙 “He’s got it!” She exclaimed, trying to ignore Tamaki blushing and Mirio laughing. “Okay then… I’ll go get my stuff. See y’all in an hour at Tamaki’s.” She smiled at all of them, confused as why they were acting so strangely, before walking back to her dorm.
🐙 “Sweet, I need to help her with the equation that-” Nejire interupted Mirio with a smack on the head. “Oh no no no! Mirio! You are such a romantic you didn’t even notice! You know Tamaki likes Y/n, and you couldn’t keep your hands off her! Now I know you don’t like her, but Tamaki needs his moment. That’s why this ‘study group’ is going to be all about you two!”
🐙 Tamaki blushed, packing up his stuff and trying to avoid eye contact with his friends. “Nejire! What if she doesn’t like me? She’s the prettiest girl in school, have you seen how many people ask her out on the weekly??”
🐙 Mirio and Nejire sighed, realzing the truth in his words. It had become a routine for Nejire to walk with Y/n to behind the school where at least one guy would wait to confess their feelings for her. She had always rejected them though, even the hot, red-and-white haired one with daddy issues.
🐙 “Yes, but she has never said yes! Plus, you should see the way she worries about you. She could punch Nejire and I for days, but you once ran into her and she apoligized.” Mirio exclaimed as Tamaki thought it over. “Fine, just… don’t make it awkward. If I ruin my friendship with her I’m going to die.”
🐙 Tamaki had run off to his room, not knowing that Mirio and Nejire were making plans not to come to the study group. Tamaki had to make the first move on his own, or else it wouldn’t be genuine. Mirio and Nejire couldn’t help him with this part.
🐙 So here you two were, studying a bunch… alone. “What’s the definition for the muscle that connects the neck to the shoulder?” Tamaki asked, looking up at your beautiful face. You had taken off all your makeup, tied up your hair, and you were wearing a t-shirt and athletic shorts.
🐙 Of course this would have been a good thing if you had not been naturally breath-taking in your looks, and the t-shirt happened to be very see-through. 
🐙 “The levator scapula?” You asked before he nodded, smiling extra happily. “Yes! Finally! Take that Sensei Ectoplasm!” You jumped up happily, throwing the pillow that had been in your lap. “Again, remind me why you took Human Body science?” Tamaki asked, smiling as you giggled. So cute.
🐙 “I thought it would be an easy-A! My mom is a nurse after all, you’d think I know something!” You giggled as Tamaki bent over to talk to your short self. “The only thing you know how to do is-” BANG!
🐙 Tamaki looked outside his window to see a large strike of lightning in the sky as rain poured with it. “Huh, I didn’t know it was supposed to- Y/N?!” He exclaimed, seeing as you stood there, frozen. You stared at the ground, your eyes wide and filled with fear.
🐙 BANG! You ran to Tamaki, wrapping your arms around him. Blushing, he wrapped his arms around you slowly. “Y/n? What’s wrong?” He asked, feeling you shaking. “I’ve… I’ve always been terrified of lightning. I don’t know… I can’t help it.” You didn’t say it then, but Tamaki knew why.
🐙 Your father had a lightning quirk, and he had been your greatest enemy in life. He was beyond mentally abusive, screaming and threatening you from the moment you could remember to when you had run away from home a year ago. Luckily, that week you had gotten the dorms system in UA.
🐙 Whenever lightning striked, you could imagine your father’s screams at you as a child. A wave of toxic, abusive memories flooded your mind.
🐙 “Tamaki. Tamaki it’s going to hurt me.” You murmured, holding into his shirt with a death grip. “No, nothing is going to hurt you. You’re safe with me.” He pet your hair, trying to calm you. “No, he knows where I am. He’s going to find me, he’s going to hurt me. He’s going to hurt me Tamaki, you don’t understand, he-” In that moment, Tamaki swooped down to kiss you.
🐙 You didn’t pull away, and he realized how much you two were meant to be together. “He’ll have to get through me first.” You looked up at him, realzing how much you loved him. Had you ever gave your feelings towards him much attention? No, he was too shy to ever return them. But now…
🐙 “I love you Tamaki. I’ve loved you since that day you took care of me when I tripped in the rain and cut my leg. You gave me your jacket even though you got soaked, and you carried me to the nurses office. You stayed with me the entire time.” You smiled, moving the hair away from his face.
🐙 “Just like I’ll stay here the entire time.” He strengthened his grip on you, holding you tightly. “I’m right here.” You cuddled up against him as he moved you too to his bed, wrapping the blankets around you two.
🐙 BANG. You whimpered, sinking deeper into his hug. “Tama? Kiss me again.” You insisted as he nervously nodded, moving his lips down to meet yours. This kiss was more passionate as he moved his hand to the back of your neck to deepen the kiss.
🐙 “I love you kitten.” He murmured as you began to fall asleep to the sounds of his heartbeat, cuddled up against him. There would be time for studying later this week. Right now, you were focused on your top priority.
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Hello ma belle! Don’t answer if you don’t want to/have time but since you’re a dancer and (I assume) know a thing or two about flexibility and stretching, I was wondering if you have any advice on upper body strength/stretching for people who are super NOT flexible (like me!!). As a student (especially now since everything is online) I spend a lot of time in front of the computer and my shoulders and back often hurt at the end of the day, and I want to be a little kinder to my body. Thank you <3
Hi! I’m so sorry this took a while (I had a lot I wanted to include but I wasn’t sure how much I should include and then I wanted to get some videos too). Honestly I love talking about flexibility and training and stretching so never apologise for that!
Anyway, here's a little "spine reset" routine I like to do when I've been sat at my desk too long (I do it every 45 mins or so, but you can do it more or less). I kinda rush through it here but I recommend holding each position for at least 15 seconds. Honestly though if something feels good then you can spend as long as 90 seconds in it (after that your muscles kinda switch off and you can start to push too deep into a stretch and hurt yourself).
Written instructions below + another video and written instructions (this gets hecka long so it’s going under a cut)
1. Clasp your hands together in a prayer position, then kneel with your elbows on your desk. If it hurts your elbows, pop a cushion or a jumper underneath them. Push your chest to the floor. Neck stays neutral.
BONUS FOR ADDED DELICIOUSNESS (to build some strength in your upper back muscles/really target problem areas): Keep pushing your chest to the floor as you tuck your tailbone under. The goal is not to round your whole back, just shift the stretch more deeply into your upper back. If you do this right, you will feel your upper back muscles working!
2. Place both hands on your desk (or a windowsill/bookshelf/wall if your desk is too low - you can also do this kneeling or with bent legs). Push your chest towards the floor, then move side to side. For a deeper stretch, do one arm at a time, using your other arm to pull your lats towards the floor. Neck stays neutral.
TIP: DO NOT JUST JAM INTO YOUR SHOULDER JOINT, YOUR SHOULDERS ARE FRAGILE AND WILL NOT APPRECIATE YOU JUST RAMMING THEM TOWARDS THE FLOOR. Make sure you shrug your shoulders up by your ears (as if you were pushing your desk away) to help keep them protected and actively think about lifting your chest (like there's a sexy person opposite you and you're trying to show them your boobies).
3. Stand up, take your arms out to the side, stick your bum out and lift your chest to the ceiling (yogis often say "heart to heaven" or something; I usually shout "TITS TO JESUS" at my students). I like to move around a bit in this position as twisting your spine a little is good for opening everything out. I usually do this a couple of times. Head back in this one.
4. Clasp your hands together behind your back, bend forwards and take your hands over your head. I tuck my chin to chest in the video but it’s better to keep your neck neutral. Come back up and arch back like in the previous stretch.
5. Lift one arm, bend it behind your head and use the other arm to pull. For extra stretch, lean over to the side and try to touch your hip to your elbow. Keep your chin off your chest and your abs engaged, otherwise your lower back will once again do all the work when you want to be targeting your shoulders/lats. Make sure you do both sides!
6. Place your elbow and palm on your desk, hand in line with your elbow and elbow in line with your shoulder. From there, push your chest down. If you don't feel it (I never do but idk if that's bc my shoulders are hypermobile), twist away from the shoulder your stretching (I use the chair to help push me further into it). Make sure you do both sides! Neck neutral or looking away from the side your stretching.
Now for some floor stretches/strengthening exercises. I normally only do one set of any of these because I do them as part of my warm-up plus ADHD means I frankly do not have the attention span to do more than one set of anything, but you can do multiple sets (3 sets is usually good). You don’t have to do them every day but they’re good to add into your workout or to do as a mini-workout on their own (make sure you warm up though!)
QUICK LITTLE THING ABOUT BACK STRETCHES: when doing any back stretches, make sure you think about stretching your whole spine. Your spine naturally likes to bend in 1-2 places (for most people it's the bottom part, other people it's just below the shoulder blades) so really try to think about lengthening your spine and then trying to curl each vertebra individually (this is really hard to actually do, but thinking about it that way helps! Closing your eyes so you can focus on the feeling helps too). 
1. Body waves/spine mobiliser - Moving through child's pose, cow and cobra in both directions. When you lift up into your cobra, try to use your hands as a little as possible (this is really tough to start with but I promise you your back will get stronger!). Take it as slowly or quickly as you like. 2-5 in each direction
2. Back crunches - KEEP YOUR BUTT ENGAGED THE WHOLE TIME, like really think about pushing your hips into the floor. If this is really difficult you and put your feet under a sofa or pop ankle weights on so you can use your hamstrings to help. Again, try to think about curling up and using your whole back rather than just crunching from one part of your spine. Neck stays neutral. 8-12 reps
3. Cobra lifts - These are a little tricky, but they're amazing for building strength in your back. Clasp your hands together, SQUEEZE YOUR BUTT REALLY HARD, then slide your hands down your legs, squeezing your shoulder blades together to lift you up. You may find you don't get anywhere with this at first, but if you persevere your back will get a lot stronger! Neck neutral (I take mine slightly back in the video bc we do that in contortion training). 3-5 reps, hold at the top on your last rep for 5-10 seconds.
4. Supermans - I fucking hate these with a passion but they are good for your spine. Start on your front, then lift your arms and legs (and chest if you can) off the floor. If these are difficult, start by doing just your arms, then just your legs. If this hurts your hip bones, put a jumper/towel/mat underneath. Neck neutral (again I take mine back bc contortion training has me used to doing that). 8-12 reps.
5. Cobra stretch - always start at the top of your spine!! I see so my people just put their hands by their shoulders and push straight up and you miss out on SO MUCH upper back mobility by doing that! Start by curling your neck, then working down your spine one vertebra at a time. Think about pushing your chest forward, then curling round. As you walk your hands back, turn your fingers out to the side to help open your chest out. Again, you can think "heart to heaven" if that helps. Remember to breathe! Breathing is super important.
6. Cat stretch/puppy pose - kneeling down, arms forward and chest to the floor if you can (you can bring your chest more forwards if you find this difficult). Keeping your chest glued to the floor (or as low as you can get it), tilt your hips back and forward. Again, this is to help target your mid/upper back a bit more (if you do it right you'll feel your mid/upper back working trying to keep your chest down!)
ANOTHER LITTLE THING ABOUT BACK STRETCHES: Make sure you strengthen your core too! If you do the above workout, I recommend also doing some planks, dishes or crunches of some sort afterwards to reengage your abs/core muscles and keep your spine protected. You should also round out your spine the other way to reset it (happy baby pose and child’s pose are my faves for this).
I hope that helps! Good luck with all your studying and I hope your back feels a little better <3
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kenobion · 4 years
Hi! I just saw your post about doing yoga and I've been wanting to try it but I have terrible balance and I'm not really sure how to get started (I'm also poor so classes are not really an option) any advice on specific positions or videos for beginners?
Sure! I wasn’t the best at balance before starting either (I had issues with a crooked ankle), so that’s something that will definitely improve as you go along. I absolutely get you on classes not being an option as well, it wasn’t possible for me, plus it’s nicer to be able to do the practices flexibly on your own schedule anyway. 
I use this app called Pocket Yoga for all of my yoga practices - it has a variety of durations and difficulties and styles of practices, and it only cost $5 to purchase permanently. It’s nice cause it has those options and it has an image of a person to follow along to, so you can match the positions, and a voice that guides you through the pose transitions and the breathing and everything. There’s also a pose library so you can read about each if you like, and there’s a companion app that allows you to build your own practices once you know what you’d like to do too.
Unfortunately I don’t know of videos or youtube channels to recommend since I’ve stuck just with this app, but I’m sure at least one of my followers could suggest some. 🙂 
Here are a couple of common beginner poses that I’ve run across that are good ones to know (this is my non-official analyses of what these poses seem to do):
Box, cat, and cow pose - these are all related, and transition easily from one into the other, and the second two are great for your back
Wide child’s - often used for resting, at the beginning or end of a practice
Downward facing dog, downward facing dog bent knee - probably one of the most recognizable poses, seems to help arms and core a lot
Crescent lunge - improves balance, stability
Standing forward bend, halfway lift - good stretch for the legs, neck
Mountain, mountain (arms up), mountain (prayer hands), chair pose - all standing poses with different arm positioning, help stretch you out and subtly shift your balance
Sphinx, cobra - great for the back and shoulders, upward facing dog is a more advanced version
Warrior I, Warrior II - another recognizable set of poses, lots of variations on these provide different stretches and ways to strengthen your muscles
I hope this helps a little bit! Yoga has helped me a lot both physically and mentally (and is great for exercising where you have limited room or can’t go outside due to weather), so I heartily recommend it. 🙌🏻
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