#plus i don’t even find him all THAT attractive i just think he’s funny
frizzdotbizz · 2 months
ppl ask why im into gortash sm and the truth is that im so sick of conventionally attractive looking characters at least gortash (and the rest of the dead three’s chosen to an extent) looks and acts like a freak and i can appreciate that
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moonstruckme · 1 month
hi, love! i have a silly request for james or sirius. there are a lot of wonderful fics out there where reader or the love interest confess their feelings when they’re loopy from drinking or being sick and whatnot, but i think it would be quite funny for reader to just, completely sober, get fed up one day by how lovely he is. She confesses but she’s so angry that it doesn’t even register as a confession at first.
Thanks for requesting lovely!
Sirius Black x fem!reader ♡ 1.4k words
Sirius is braver than you are. You’ve always known it, but you think he likes to remind you by doing things like this, sitting on the edge of his building’s roof with his legs dangling off the edge. You don’t have nearly enough trust in yourself not to lean too far forward and go toppling over, so you’ve got your legs drawn in close to your chest and have situated yourself a few inches back from the edge, watching Sirius as he tempts fate for his lungs as well. 
“I sort of knew he was going to end it tonight,” he says, smoke billowing out from his mouth into the darkness. 
He’s melancholy but trying to hide it, looking off into the distance instead of at you. Your heart aches for him. Sirius likes to pretend that these little rejections don’t phase him, that he’s only dating casually and having fun, but he gets attached quickly; when things don’t work out, he hurts. 
“How did you know?” you ask. 
“He said he wanted to talk over dinner.” 
You wince. “Yeah, that’s never good.” 
“No.” Sirius smiles wryly, the cherry of his cigarette flaring orange as he takes another drag. “But I suppose I can hardly blame him. He wanted something easy, and I’m hardly the easiest person to be around.” He laughs. It’s not a happy sound. “I really make you work for it.” 
“Sirius,” you chide, already exhausted. 
This, unfortunately, isn’t uncommon. Sirius’ heartbreaks, big or small, always come with a horrid bout of self-deprecation hidden under the facade of humor. Even hearing about his dating life isn’t so bad as this; you’re somewhat jealous of the people he finds attractive enough to date, sure, but what you really want, most of all, is for Sirius to be happy. You’re fine with it if someone else is the key to that. But hearing him like this, using jokes to paint himself as worse than he is, is agonizing for you. 
“Don’t say that. It’s not work to be around you.” 
“Oh, but you would say that.” If there’s some bitterness in Sirius’ voice, you know well enough that none of it is for you. He turns to look at you with one eyebrow raised, unable to keep himself from flirting even now. “You’re the sweetest thing on this side of the equator, babe. We can’t expect everyone I go out with to have your saintlike patience.” 
You level him with a stern look despite your heating face. “Stop.” 
“M’just saying,” Sirius goes on, unaffected by your remonstrance, “it’s not like I’m bringing tons to the table.” 
“Don’t say that. You don’t have to bring anything to the table, it’s not an exchange of goods.” 
“But that’s sort of how it starts, isn’t it? And what do I have to offer? Fucked up ideas of intimacy?” 
“You have plenty to offer.” 
“Right. Like a cold, bony shoulder for them to lie their head on.” 
“I’m careless, and impulsive, yet unbearably clingy,” he’s really on a roll now, laughing at himself as he talks and brings his cigarette back to his mouth, “and Evans is always saying I’m arrogant—”
“Plus the anger issues I suppose, and altogether that’s really not—” 
“Oh, would you quit!” Your voice climbs to a shout. Sirius turns to you in surprise, and you snatch the cigarette from his mouth, putting it out on the ground. His eyes follow the movement. 
“My cigarette,” he says bemusedly. 
“Fuck your cigarette!” You’re seething, his words nettling you worse than insults against yourself, and Sirius looks at you like you’re something new and unexpected. Good. Maybe he’ll listen. “You are not difficult to love.” 
“Now, I’m not sure I quite said—”
“No, shut up!” You pin his stare with yours, vehement. “You are smart, and kind, and brave, okay? You are impulsive, but it’s because you’re brave. And you’re not clingy, you just care, Sirius, I—” Your voice grows fraught, and you have to fight past an intrusion in your throat, blinking away some dampness in your eyes. “I don’t want to be a part of your pity party if it’s just going to be you shitting on yourself. You’re a good person, and you’re easy to love, and for those of us that love you, it’s—for all of us, that love you, it’s awful to hear you talk about yourself like you’re not. You’re great to be around. It’s not work.” 
Your voice gets softer at the end, squashed defeatedly under the weight of your emotions. Sirius’ brow pinches. 
“Okay, okay.” He holds up his hands like he’s surrendering, then like he’s reaching for you. “Message received; I’m the shit.” 
“You are,” you insist tearily. “You can’t say it like you’re joking.” 
A little laugh stutters out of him. “I’m sorry. C’mere, babe.” 
If there was ever a time to hold out on going into Sirius’ arms this would be it, but you’re not sure you’ll ever have that much willpower. He folds you into him with one hand, using the other to brush away the still-hot cigarette butt before pulling you closer. 
“And your shoulders are nice,” you whimper, pushing your cheek into one to prove it. 
Sirius chuckles again. “Thanks, sweetheart.” He rubs tentatively between your shoulder blades. You feel bad that you’d met up tonight so you could comfort him, and somehow you’ve made it the other way around. “You’re too good to me.” 
“I’m not just saying that because I’m good to you.” You pull back from him, wiping under your eyes. “You’re a thousand times better than you say you are.” 
“I…” Sirius’ expression looks somewhere between confused and disbelieving, but there’s a caution there you know enough to be wary of. “Did you mean what you said about loving me?” 
Your heart stutters. “I said all of us that love you.” 
“No, but before that,” he presses. “You said those of us, and then you changed your mind, but it seemed like you were talking about you.” 
You shut your eyes, mortified. “That wasn’t the point.” 
“You did mean it, didn’t you?” Sirius’ voice isn’t gentle or pushy, just full of pure, bald curiosity. He sounds mystified. “You really feel that way about me?” 
“Sirius.” You keep your tone measured. “I realize you’re having a shitty night, but please don’t make fun of me right now—” 
“Hey.” Sirius sounds so genuinely wounded that you open your eyes. Once you look at him, his expression gentles. “Hey, I wouldn’t. I’m just surprised.” 
You give him your best attempt at one of his wry smiles. “Well, you shouldn’t be. I’ve just finished telling you about how lovely you are.” 
He laughs again, a breathy, startled sound. And beyond your humiliation, you can still appreciate the rare privilege of seeing him like this; shocked into his truest, most genuine self. 
“Yeah, but you’re only supposed to tell me nice things to make me feel better,” he says. “You’re not supposed to start believing them.” 
You decide to give him a pass on the self-deprecation, but you shoot him a half-teasing irked look. “Thin ice, Black.” 
“Fair enough.” He’s smiling an awful lot, his real one, pretty and dashing at the same time. It keeps coming back like he can’t hold it at bay. “I’m in love with you, too, you know.” 
Your heart can’t decide whether to be in your throat or your stomach. You feel like you’re choking on air. “Don’t fuck with me.” 
“I’m not fucking with you,” he laughs. 
“You are not in love with me.” 
“I am! And who are you to decide? You don’t get to tell me everything about myself, you know. I can know some things.” 
“But,” you’re shaking your head, bewildered and still looking for the trick, “why haven’t you said something?” 
Sirius shrugs, the first hint of that feigned nonchalance making its return. “I didn’t think you’d want to hear it. I do make you listen to me whine about all my woes and heartaches, after all. It can’t be very attractive.” He shoots a look at you, sizing you up. “Why haven’t you?” 
You sigh. Your voice comes out quiet. “I was always hearing about all your woes and heartaches. With other people.” 
Sirius makes a low groaning sound, but he nods. “Sort of shot myself in the foot there, I suppose.” He offers you a little smile. “Maybe we both ought to have given ourselves a bit more credit.” 
You rub your lips together, grinning despite yourself. “Maybe so.” 
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I love your fics omg you're so talented
Can you make an adult world fic? Alex obviously. Like reader is working with him and Alex keeps pushing vibrators on her skin and laughing n stuff. Then she's sick of his shit right so then she goes to the back and does her thing out there but Alex keeps teasing her and he goes out back with her and he starts to like rub himself on her and put her hand on his boner. Stuff like that. Kinda non con but the reader likes it she just doesn't want to admit it.
Can you make Alex make the reader give him head too? If it's too much just do the teasing. Luv u <3
i tried my best to make this fit your request i hope i did alright, i’ve never really written anything non con i don’t even know if this fits as the category lol but either way hope you enjoy :)
The Late Shift
Alex (Adult World) x f!reader
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warnings: smut, unprotected p in v, slight non con, oral male receiving, sex toys (not used for sex tho), pretty rough sex tbh, lmk what else if i missed any
summary: as you and alex are doing your last work for the night, things take a different turn than what you expected…
word count: 2.2k
You’ve never been big on sex. You like it of course. But you’ve never been one to experiment with sex toys or watch a ton of porn. So how you ended up working for a sex shop is a mystery. You were desperate for a job, and Adult World happened to be the closest, easiest place hiring. It’s been an easy job, for the most part. Except for one thing.
Your manager.
Alex is a good person, he’s funny, kind, and when you’re confused on anything he’s a great help. The only issue is how fucking attracted you are to him. You swear he’s the most beautiful person you’ve ever seen. His dark curly hair, dark mysterious eyes, he’s perfect. You’ve never wanted a guy more than you want Alex. It makes working with him hard, but so far, you’ve managed. Barely.
Right now, the two of you are unpacking new sex toys for the store. You talk casually, but you focus more of your attention on the crazy shapes and sizes these dildos are. Alex must notice your surprise.
“Would you ever use one of these?” He asks, holding up a glass dildo with patterns on it.
You chuckle. “I think that thing would tear me apart.”
“I’ve seen girls stick way crazier things up their pussy’s, like food and shit,” Alex replies with a laugh.
“So that’s what you jerk off to? Good to know,” you tease.
“Yeah, I bet you wanted to know. Just so you know, ff I go searching tomorrow night and find a video of you sticking a cucumber up your pussy, I’ll cum so hard.”
You feel your cheeks go red at his comment but keep your composer. Sometimes Alex says things that make you a little uncomfortable, but you know it’s all jokes so you don’t care too much. Plus, it gives you hope that maybe he has the same feelings for you.
“Hey y/n, get a look at this,” Alex says.
Before you can look you feel the vibrations on your skin. You flinch and push Alex’s hand away, but he keeps putting the vibrator on you. He’s laughing, you’re not. You don’t find his distractions entertaining right now. After a few seconds of this you slap the vibrator out of his hand and glare at him.
“Stop Alex, I’m trying to work,” you snap. He keeps laughing and with each second that passes you become more annoyed.
“It’s just a joke calm your tits. I’m the manager dude it’s not like we’re gonna get in trouble for talking,” he replies.
You huff. “Just, stop okay.”
“How about you stop being such a buzz kill,” he mumbles under his breath.
You ignore his comment and continue to unpack. Things are calm for a few minutes, before Alex gets his hands on another vibrator. He presses it against your cheek this time. You immediately slap his hand away again, but this time you stand up and try your hardest not to lose your cool. He looks up at you, about to speak, but you cut him off before he can.
“I’m gonna take this box out to the garbage,” you say, picking up an empty box that once contained a number of dildos and walking to the back door without listening to his reply.
You wonder why he’s being so difficult tonight. He typically talks a lot during your shifts together, but this is different. Usually, his jokes and comments aren’t too bad, why’s tonight different? You get to the back of the store quick and stuff the box into the dumpster. When that’s done you lean back on the brick wall, a sigh escapes your lips at the silence, it’s nice not hearing Alex’s voice. You grab your phone out of your pocket and start to text your friends back.
Sadly, your peace is interrupted after only five minutes. Alex calls your name from the door, telling you to come back in and help him finish before you guys have to close up. You silently curse but follow his instructions. You feel a bit bad; you know he’s not trying to make you upset, but he just is. You promise yourself you’ll try your hardest to tolerate him, after all you only have an hour left till the store closes. You can suck it up.
You’re walking down one of the aisles when Alex appears in front of you. You give him a small smile. You feel worse looking at his innocent face. Maybe you were overreacting.
“Sorry for walking out, I’m just tired and I want to go home,” you apologize.
“I get it, I’m sorry if I was being annoying, I really like making you laugh. Sometimes I try too hard,” he replies with a small laugh.
You smile. “That’s sweet.”
“You think so?”
You begin to walk toward him, toward the last unopened boxes. “Of course, I’m very flattered you enjoy my laughter. But anyway, how about we speed through the last of the boxes and go home early? You think they’ll notice?”
“Probably not,” he answers.
You’re close enough to him that you expect him to move aside so you can go to the unfinished work, but he doesn’t. Instead of moving he simply stares down at you, a strange look in his eyes. You know that look, you’ve looked at him like that. He wants you. If it were any other day, you’d be ecstatic. But right now, all you want to do is finish the tasks and go home. You look around him, trying to signal that you want him to move. He doesn’t.
“So, let's get this shit over with,” you say, clear as day about what you want.
He still doesn’t move. “You know y/n, you’re more fun when you aren’t taking this job seriously.” He steps closer to you, only a foot now separating the two of you. “I want that version of you right now.”
You laugh awkwardly. “Come on Alex, I just want to go home.”
“I’ll be quick, but I assumed you wanted something that would last longer.”
He puts his hands on your shoulders and backs you up against a shelf. Your heart rate quickens, is this real? You stare into his eyes, a confused expression on your face. You’ve had dreams of this happening, but in all of them you wanted it, right now you don’t exactly want it.
“Alex...” you say. “What are you doing?”
“Don’t play coy, I’ve seen the way you look at me. I know you want this too,” he answers, his lips curling up into a devilish smirk. He presses his body against you and you feel how hard he is, it makes you gasp. “I want it really bad.”
You don’t know what to say. Part of you wants to push him off you and run out of the store, but another part of you wants to see where this goes. You feel him start to rub himself against your leg, it makes you feel paralyzed. He’s too strong to push away, you think. It would be useless to try. So, you realize your fate lies with what Alex chooses to do.
He leans his head down, softly pressing his lips against yours. You can’t deny how long you’ve wanted this to happen. You just wish it wasn’t happening right this second. Nevertheless, you kiss him back, your mind adjusting to the knowledge that this is going to happen. You let him grope your breasts, squeezing and massaging them through your shirt. You even let him scoop you up in his arms and carry you to one of the desks in the back office. Though, you didn’t have much of a choice to start with.
He lays you down on a desk, his lips moving feverishly with yours. You can’t keep it together. His lips are moving so aggressively, they’re so soft. He bites down on your bottom lip and you groan into his mouth, the pain making that feeling between your thighs grow. He pulls his lips away and starts to kiss down your neck, leaving hickeys behind as he takes your delicate skin into his mouth. You throw your head back and moan, he pushes your knees apart and fills the space with his body.
“Alex... are there any cameras back here?” You ask, your breath ragged as he sucks a spot near your collar bone.
“Course not,” he answers in a hushed tone.
“Are you sure we should be doing this? What if someone comes in?” You’re second guessing this, maybe you should’ve protested more. The last thing you want is to have a customer come in and catch this.
“Just be quiet y/n it’s fine,” he responds.
You’re about to speak again, but that’s when he starts to rub one of his hands up your thigh and right between your thighs. You moan again as he starts to rub you through your pants. He knows exactly what he’s doing and it makes you feel like your body is floating.
He trails his kisses back up your neck until he catches your lips again. You kiss him hard, your arms wrapping around his neck and pulling him closer. You buck your hips; you need more pressure. Alex understands this and presses his fingers harder on your jeans right over your clit. You’re so wet, you need him. You’ve never felt such desire for another human being.
“I want you to do something for me,” Alex says against your lips.
“Anything,” you reply without thinking, you’re too wrapped up on how good he’s rubbing you.
He pulls back and you open your eyes, he’s unbuckling his belt. You sit up on your elbows and watch as he pulls down his jeans, his hard cock very noticeable. He grabs your hands and pulls you forward till you’re off the desk. You’re confused until he pushes you down onto your knees, his crotch right in front of your face. You look up at him, he brushed a hand though your hair.
You don’t really want to suck his dick, but you’re too afraid of him forcing you that you don’t object. Instead, you pull him boxers down and stoke him gently. He sighs in pleasure and continues to brush his fingers through your hair. You don’t waste any more time. You start by slowly swirling your tongue around his tip, enjoying the way he whispers your name. After that, you lick down his shaft, you don’t like when dicks are dry down your throat.
Soon enough you’re deepthroating him, practically gagging on his dick. He’s a moaning mess, both his hands tangled in your hair. You don’t mind it as much as earlier. You even enjoy certain parts. Like how when you move your tongue as you suck, he’ll praise you, or how when you tighten your lips around him, he groans. With each sound that leaves him your panties become more and more wet.
When he’s close to cumming he pushes you off him, telling you to take your clothes off and lay back down on the desk. You do exactly as he says and before long, he’s back between your thighs, leaving wet kisses all over your body. You can’t handle how much you need him. The heart beat between your legs is all you can think of, and when he brushes his tip between your soaked folds you almost moan.
You grip his shoulders, your eyes locked on his. “Alex just fuck me already.”
“Someone’s needy,” he mumbled, his tone sending tingles throughout your body. He positions his tip at your entrance and leans down to connect your lips. “But your wish is my command.”
With that, he begins to fuck you. Your eyes roll to the back of your head, your nails digging into his shoulders. He thrusts at a pace that makes your toes curl. It’s so hard, so deep, so perfect. The desk rocks so hard you think the legs might break. You don’t even care. All you care about is that Alex doesn’t stop, not for anything.
He does though, but for a good reason. He pulls out of you and before you can even question it, he grabs you, flips you, and bends you over the edge of the desk. He resumes his thrusts, and you can’t help but moan loud enough that anyone in the store would be able to hear. You almost scream when he grabs your hips and pulls you back, his dick hitting right on your cervix over and over again. It’s almost too much for you to take.
He leans down after a few minutes and whispers in your ear, “You feel so fucking good y/n, it’s so hard not to cum.”
“Alex,” you moan.
“Are you close baby?” He breathes.
“Yes, please keep going,” you answer.
In minutes you cum so hard you swear you see stars. You moan Alex’s name so loud you’re sure everyone in the building next door can hear you. It’s the best feeling of your life. Your legs give out, Alex has to hold you up. Your nails dig into the desk, your whole face turns red, and you feel those orgasmic pulses throughout your entire body. He cums soon after you, pulling out and spilling his seed onto your back. You’re grateful, you forgot to tell him you weren’t on the pill.
“Well,” he says as you’re both still trying to catch your breath. “That was definitely better than unpacking those boxes.”
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remuswriting · 1 year
Atsumu, Bokuto, Hinata, and Sakusa are invited to Buzzfeed to read thirst tweets, and they recognize a certain user. (plus the aftermath)
TAGS: Thirst Tweets (sexual); Not Beta-read; OOC probably; Male! Reader
WORD COUNT: 2,247 words
NOTES: This a part two to this post. This part is a mixture of writing and smau. I will say there is slight Atsuhina in this, but it's Atsumu pining essentially.
Translation for something Hinata says "Desde o primeiro momento que te vi, não consigo parar de pensar em você." From the moment I saw you, I can’t stop thinking of you. (I got this from a website, so please tell me if this is incorrect)
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If Atsumu is going to be completely honest, he’s excited to read these thirst tweets.  He knows some people (Sakusa) find that weird, but he finds thirst tweets to be more funny than anything else.  Sometimes, the more deranged the better.  He and Osamu read thirst tweets while drunk at Onigiri Miya, so it’s not like he’s going to be wide eyed and stuttering about them today.  That’s probably why Kousaka, MSBY Black Jackal’s PR manager, put him in this; Buzzfeed Thirst Tweets.
“Have any of you watched these before?” Kousaka asks as people put light makeup on Atsumu.
“I have!” Shoyo says with a bright smile. “Kenma and I watched some after hearing about this.”
“Sakusa-san?” Kousaka asks, and Sakusa slowly nods.
“Yeah.  I’ve seen clips on TikTok,” Sakusa says, which it’s news to Atsumu that Sakusa even has TikTok.
“I’m not even going to ask you, Atsumu-san,” Kousaka says, not even looking at him. “Bokuto-san?”
“Nope!” Bokuto says, and his smile is just as vibrant as always, just like his volume being just a little too loud. “I know what thirst tweets are, though.”
Kousaka nods. “Alright, good.” He reaches over and picks up a bucket off of a stool. “This bucket has all the thirst tweets.  You’ll all take turns reading them, which means you may not read ones for yourself.” He hands it to Sakusa, who places it to be on the edge of his knee. “Do not start until after they’ve started filming and you’ve introduced yourselves.”
“Got it, Kousaka-san!” Shoyo says, and Kousaka smiles a little before taking a deep breath and gently releasing it.
“Let’s hope this goes well.”
Only 10 minutes later, everyone is situated and ready for filming.  Atsumu loves PR, which Kousaka knows and drags him around just about everywhere.  He’s not great with people, but he can be charming enough that it works out for him.  Kousaka doesn’t understand it, but he uses it whenever they need some PR.
“Behave,” Kousaka says, and then they’re filming.
“Hello, I’m Miya Atsumu.  Setter for MSBY Black Jackal,” Atsumu says with a smirk, and he’s not sure if he’s supposed to introduce himself like that.  It seems like a fun way, though.
“I’m Bokuto Koutaro! Wing spiker for MSBY Black Jackal!” Bokuto says, a little too loudly from excitement.  Kousaka puts a finger to his lips behind the camera to remind Bokuto to calm down a little.
“I’m Sakusa Kiyoomi.  Wing spiker for MSBY Black Jackal,” Sakusa says in a monotone voice.  He’s said he doesn’t want to be there, but Atsumu knows that Kousaka doesn’t force people to do things they don’t want to.  If Sakusa told him no, he wouldn’t be here.
“And I’m Hinata Shoyo!  Wing spiker for the MSBY Black Jackal!” Shoyo says with a bright smile.  He’s also someone Kousaka drags around for PR since he actually is good with people.  Atsumu is also always better when Shoyo is there as well. “And we’re here at BuzzFeed to read your thirst tweets!”
“Do you ever see thirst tweets online?” someone behind the camera asks.  Kousaka covers his face with a hand, which makes Atsumu and Shoyo laugh a little.
“Course,” Atsumu says, laughter still in his voice a little. “It’s what happens when you’re this attractive.”
“More like what happens when you look up your name to see if anyone is talking about you,” Sakusa says, and Atsumu rolls his eyes.  Sure, that’s exactly what he does, but he’s not going to admit to that.
“Do not.”
Sakusa narrows his eyes at him, and he’s not wearing a mask, making it easy to see his frown.  He’s just about always frowning, so Atsumu doesn’t take it to heart. “Then show us the last thing you looked up on Twitter then.”
Atsumu’s eyes go wide. “I don’t have to do that.”
“So you’re admitting you do it?” Sakusa asks, and he sounds so smug.
Atsumu opens his mouth, but Shoyo grabs the bucket from Sakusa’s knee and pulls a piece of paper out. “Please @bokutomsby I am but a hole for your using.”
“A hole?” Bokuto asks, processing what he just heard.  His eyes widen. “Oh! Thank you, but that doesn’t sound very enjoyable.”
 Atsumu rolls his eyes as he chuckles a little.
“How many tweets do you think will mention them being a hole?” Shoyo asks casually before looking up at Kousaka. “Where do I put this paper?” Someone quickly puts a trash can near them. “Thank you.”
“Too many,” Sakusa says.  He leans away from Shoyo—away from the bucket more like it.  If he’s acting like that now, then how will he act when the tweets start actually getting dirty?
“My turn,” Bokuto says, and Shoyo hands him the bucket.  Bokuto pulls a piece of paper out. “User sakukiyo says: I’d let Sakusa Kiyoomi fuck me on every surface possible and spit in my mouth if it meant I got to see those thighs up close and personal just so I could thank him.”
Sakusa cringes. “No thank you.  I think I’ll pass.”
“Sakusa-san,” Kousaka says, and Sakusa rolls his eyes.  Atsumu has seen this interaction a hundred times before.  Kousaka gets onto Sakusa and then Sakusa stops being such a stick in the mud. “Also, Bokuto-san, you don’t need to read out the username.”
“Oh, sorry,” Bokuto says, looking a little guilty, but a simple smile from Kousaka erases the expression.
“I want to read another,” Shoyo says, and Bokuto hands over the container to him. “Miya Atsumu needs to rail me disrespectfully. Please, I know how to beg,” Shoyo reads out, but it doesn’t sound like he’s just reading it.  It sounds like he’s saying it with his own words.  Atsumu’s heart is in his throat.  He cannot get horny during an interview.  Kousaka will murder him.
“Good thing I know how to be disrespectful,” Atsumu says, trying to sound seductive.  Shoyo laughs beside him. “Hope all of these are that good.”
“Well dailyln only gives the best thirst tweets,” Shoyo says, and Atsumu wonders if they’re going to bleep out the username.  A lot of Y/N’s followers will already know which tweets are his, even though Atsumu doesn’t.  He’s seen the tweets, but he doesn’t remember who tweets what. “I wonder how many of his tweets will be in here.”
“Hopefully only one,” Sakusa says. “Atsumu’s already cocky enough.”
Atsumu rolls his eyes as he takes the bucket from Shoyo. “I want Hinata Shoyo to smash my skull between his thighs like a watermelon,” Atsumu reads.  All of them look at Shoyo’s thighs.
Shoyo flexes his thighs, and Atsumu has to remind himself that he’s not allowed to get horny in an interview. “I don’t know if my thighs are that strong,” Shoyo says, and he tilts his head. “I’ve never even tried to smash a watermelon before.”
“You should try!” Bokuto says, and Atsumu can’t wait to hear the end of this. “Last New Year’s I did it because Akaashi dared me.”
Atsumu doesn’t know Akaashi super well.  Osamu knows Akaashi far better than he does, but Atsumu knows Akaashi is just a little weird.  Bokuto either doesn’t know it or ignores it.  What Atsumu is getting at is that it’s so believable that happened.
“Did you take videos or pictures?” Shoyo asks, looking at Bokuto with wide eyes over Atsumu’s shoulder.
“Yeah!  I’ll have to show you them later!”
“Boys,” Kousaka says.  He always has to remind them to stay on task when Bokuto comes along.  Atsumu looks at Sakusa, who grumbles slightly as he takes the container and gets a piece of paper out.
“I never know what Hinata Shoyo is saying when he speaks Portuguese, but fuck does he sound good,” Sakusa reads off, not sounding entirely monotone but not putting his all into it.  Atsumu feels like he could’ve ghost written that.
Shoyo grins at the camera, but it’s a little feral.  It’s one of Atsumu’s favorite smiles on Shoyo.  It’s the one he has after a really good spike. “Really?” Shoyo asks, and Atsumu knows he’s about to be fucked. “Desde o primeiro momento que te vi, não consigo parar de pensar em você.”
Shoyo’s voice deepens slightly when speaking Portuguese, and Atsumu grips the side of his chair.  He’s so gay.  Fuck.  He is so gay.  Gay panicking in public should be something he’s used to by now, but he’s not God’s strongest soldier.
“That one was also Y/N,” Sakusa says as he leans over to throw the piece of paper away. “Just in case you wanted to know.”
Sakusa leans over Shoyo to hand Atsumu the bucket to hand to Bokuto.  Shoyo leans back a little, and it’s a simple exchange.  Bokuto takes the bucket from Atsumu with a smile as he pulls out a piece of paper. “Oh, to taste tsumu’s thighs as they’re wrapped around my head like earmuffs. Finally, some good fucking food,” Bokuto reads, and Atsumu’s thirst tweets seem to rival Sakusa’s in being slightly cruder.
“Glad I’m being appreciated for the meal I am,” Atsumu says with a grin, and he’s trying to ignore the way Shoyo is staring at him.  It’s his hungry stare, and Atsumu can only handle so much before he has a gay breakdown.
“I feel so bad for those who have terrible taste,” Sakusa says with a soft sigh, as if to make it more sympathetic. “Hopefully, their taste buds are fixed soon.”
“Oh, fuck you,” Atsumu says, but there’s no real bite in it.  Honestly, he finds it a little funny with how Sakusa said it.  He should be upset, but part of him can’t be from the comedy of it.
Sakusa simply rolls his eyes before extending a hand for them to give him the bucket.  He’s quick with pulling out the paper.  Atsumu only saw two left when he briefly looked as he passed it on.
“My ideal weight is Bokuto on top of me,” Sakusa reads out, and he looks over at Bokuto, who is laughing.
“If I lay on you, then I may crush you,” Bokuto says, which Atsumu can believe.  Bokuto is mainly made of muscle and weighs the most out of the four of them.  He’s just built thick.
“I think that’s what they want Bokuto-san,” Shoyo says, and Bokuto nods.
“Then I guess I should lay on them, shouldn’t I?” he asks, and Atsumu watches Kousaka close his eyes and let out a deep breath.  He should’ve expected this when he brought Bokuto to this.
“I think they’d love that,” Shoyo says, and Bokuto grins.  Shoyo turns to Atsumu. “Atsumu-san gets to read the last one!”
Atsumu takes the bucket when it’s passed to him.  He hopes it’s something filthy.  That’s probably a strange want, but he’s having a little fun.  He’s having gay panic, but also having fun.
“I need to see what Sakusa Kiyoomi’s wrists are capable of. Please I’ll be so good, just give me a chance,” Atsumu reads aloud, and Sakusa rolls his eyes.
“What are your wrists capable of, Omi-san?” Shoyo asks, and some would think he’d ask it innocently, but he doesn’t.  Atsumu hears the plotting in it.  Sakusa and Shoyo share a look before Sakusa is bending his wrists to where his fingers comfortably press against the skin of his wrist.
“I guess they’re capable of this,” Sakusa says, and it always amazed Atsumu that Sakusa’s wrists are that flexible.  He’s watched him stretch them every day at practice, but still.  It’s unnatural.
Shoyo turns to the crew. “Isn’t there another one?” he asks with excitement. “One that’s just awful?  You gave one to Dylan O’Brien.”
Apparently, Shoyo hadn’t been lying when he said he watched some of these with Kenma.
Kousaka shakes his head a little. “I don’t know if that’s the best idea, Hinata-san.”
Shoyo pouts. “Please,” he says, dragging out the word. “If it’s too bad, I won’t read it aloud.”
Kousaka nods, and someone gives Shoyo a piece of paper.  He holds it close to himself so Atsumu can’t read it.  His concentrated expression melts, and he’s laughing.  He’s full on cackling, and none of them know why.
“Definitely can’t read that one aloud,” he says as he crumbles it and throws it in the trash. “But it was good.”
They say their goodbyes and are back in the car.  Curiosity keeps eating at Atsumu over what the last one was that made Shoyo laugh like that.  He’s not sure he’s ever seen him laugh like that before.
“What was so funny about the last tweet?” Bokuto asks for Atsumu.
Shoyo looks up from his phone at Bokuto. “I don’t know if I’d say it was funny.  It was more like laughing was the only way to respond to it,” Shoyo says with a shrug. “But it was basically about an orgy between that person and us.”
If Atsumu had been drinking something, he would’ve spit it out all over Sakusa’s face. “They included something like that?” Atsumu asks, bewildered.
“Well, I had to ask for it, so it wasn’t really included,” Shoyo says with a small laugh. “It was detailed, though.  I didn’t know someone would think that hard about something like that.”
Atsumu nods, trying to get his mind around someone tweeting that.  The tweets they read aloud weren’t terrible, but that one is something else.  Eventually they’re talking about the upcoming game against the EJP Raijin.  Everyone has people they want to beat, and Atsumu is ready to take down Suna.  He imagines Suna is thinking the same thing about him (hopefully).
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twopoppies · 9 months
Hi Gina , Do you have a category for reread fics?How can I find them
Meaning fics I’ve read more than once? I don’t think I’ve ever made one—let me see what I can do.
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Danger I Can’t Hide by CelticSky (E, 227K) This one’s got all the tension and drama you’d expect of a World War II story—life and death high stakes, friends and lovers unexpectedly torn apart, battles and heroism, plus the added stakes of classism and homophobia—then add a slow burn, high risk, scorching love affair spanning years. If you want a story that’s complex and fantastically researched, plus lovers to root for, read it. It’s long. But I couldn’t put it down. When I did, I immediately picked it right back up and read it twice more.
Hats Off To My Distant Hope by orphan_account (E, 21K) This was such a pleasure to read. The writing feels so effortless as the fic explores the deep emotions of these two characters. They’re stubborn and inarticulate and gentle and passionate and finally, finally open up to each other. I really wish I knew who wrote it because I’d love to read more of their work.
Walk That Mile by purpledaisy (E, 150K) I’ve read this one multiple times and still love it. Their bickering is so realistic, their resistance to their attraction to each other is perfect, the way the author portrays all of their weird quirks and differences but still makes it believable that they’d fall fo reach other is such fun to read….I love this fic.
my heart is breathing for this moment in time by usedtothebeach (E, 160K) Probably my absolute favorite time travel fic. I’ve read it more times than I’d like to admit, and every time I love it more. One of the things I like most is how organically the author weaves in canon events…every little moment is an easter egg without it being so obvious that it pulls you out of the fic. Anyway, this one is so moving and so absorbing, I hope you like it if you give it a try! There’s an 18K companion piece to it as well, but you’ll see the link at the appropriate time when you’re reading the main fic (and when you read the scene that breaks your heart –– in the best possible way –– come and scream at me. You’ll know which one I mean).
Our Lives, Non Fiction by @indiaalphawhiskey (E, 114K) this is, quite literally, the best fic I’ve read in years. It’s so well written, clever, funny, emotional, and sexy. Its draw you in immediately and you’ll end up falling in love with these characters before you know it. Don’t miss this one.
Never Never Never Stop for Anyone (Sheylinsonverse) by aimmyarrowshigh, spibsy (E, 10-work series, 439K)Yes, here I am again, putting this series on a list. Probably 10 people in this fandom like it as much as I do, but I don’t care. I have read all 440K words more than once, and will likely do it a few more times. Yes, it needs editing, but even so…really well written, super sexy (if you like reading BDSM and can handle Larry + someone else), and such interesting character development. One of my favorite things about this fic is how the authors differentiate between the ways the different characters inhabit their Dom and Sub personalities.
Make Your Words A Weapon by HelloAmHere (E, 36K) I love everything this author writes. This one just really hit me hard for whatever reason. Maybe it’s the way they explore Louis’ anxiety and coping mechanisms and pain and the way he pushes people away and protects himself, but also wants someone to push back just a bit and love him despite all of that. And the way Harry is the perfect foil for all of it, while also feeling like a fully developed character himself. Yeah, it’s probably all of that. Plus soul marks!
Pull Me Under by zarah5 (E, 140K) One of the very first fics I read when I came into this fandom…and I’ve read it multiple times since. Zarah’s fics hold up every time. This one has it all, great pacing, ot5 friendship, banter, super sexy smut, etc etc. Plus, Louis being super jealous of Harry’s best friend.
Into The Blue by zarah5 (E, 117K) honestly, I love all of this author’s fics, but I think this is my favorite of theirs. Louis as a flirty scuba instructor? Newly single Harry who just wants a fling? Boys living on other sides of the world who only have a few weeks together? Heartbreak. Hot af smut. OT5 friendship. Please….give me all that shit.
Faking It by TheCellarDoor (M, 46K)This one is so sweet. I loved Harry's internal monologue... his insecurities and thoughts that he'd made Louis uncomfortable because he liked, him made me cry. Louis is so soft and supportive. It’s just a lovely fic.
Remind Me Again by momentofclarity / @gaycousinlarry (E, 29K) Every sentence in this fic is so effortlessly beautiful. I love that the miscommunication between them is done in a totally realistic way. The fight and make up like real people do and that makes the angst more painful and the making up more emotional. One of my favorite authors.
And Touch Me Like You Never by runaway_train (E, 36K) I really enjoyed how this author handled Harry’s confusion and growing attraction and eventual sexuality crisis. That, along with the angst and very sexy smut, made it a really good read.
may we all have a vision now and then by momentofclarity / @gaycousinlarry (M, 4K) This author is one of my favorite writers in this fandom and everything they do is infused with so much delicacy and tenderness. I literally cried through this fic because of how wounded Harry’s character feels. Read it and then treat yourself to their whole AO3 catalogue.
Seeing Blind by zedi (E, 47K) I really liked the way this author gave a twist to both Omega Harry and Alpha Louis’ characteristics. It’s a whole lot of smut and miscommunication and, of course, a happy ending.
Shake Me Down by AGreatPerhaps12 (NR, 209K) this fic will run you through the wringer, but it’s really a great read. I really like the way the author took the boys from enemies to friends to boyfriends, and how we got to see how protective and supportive Louis became towards Harry.
smell the sea, feel the sky by @lightwoodsmagic (E, 16K) This is the perfect summer pining fic. I love that they’re adults and still the same horny, pining fools for each other and it still works. It’s just very sexy, light, and fun.
we can take the long road home by @pinkcords (E, 46K) This was absolutely gorgeous. And it made me cry, damn it. Seriously though, the writing is so beautiful. I loved the characterizations and the way they both showed their vulnerability. I loved the slow pace and the hot smut. I loved this fic.
smile in slow motion by istajmaal (E, 24K) One of my favorite Daddy kink authors, this one is lighthearted and funny while also being super sexy. Plus it’s got great Zouis friendship.
all my love was down on a frozen ground by navigator (E, 16K) This is an old one that I didn’t have bookmarked for some reason. But it’s a favorite and I love everything this author wrote. This is one of those quiet, soft fics with a bit of angst and a lot of internal monologue and gentle conversations. I don’t know, there’s something so touching about it.
Thought The Song Was Sung by 100percentsassy (E, 13K) This is both a famous/not famous and a dating app AU. Plus, older Larry. Plus an author who writes great fic. And this one is just sweet and charming and I really like this one.
the way the storms blow by rbbsbb (E, 22K) What would happen if you walked in on your best friend in the midst of an orgy? Louis finds out and it’s pretty damn hot.
we can take the long way home by eleadore (E, 27K) this one is a canon divergent future fic where Louis is a “carrier” (basically, he would be able to get pregnant) and it’s just SO good. It’s beautifully written (like everything this author does), so well-paced, and I just find the way their developing relationship is written to be so touching and realistic.
The light to guide me home by Star_Henderson / @tommosgun (E, 65K) I don’t know what it is about this fic but I’ve read it so many times and I just really love the instant chemistry, the smut is stupid hot and fuels the character growth, and even with the angst, the whole thing is just lighthearted and sexy.
Speaking of Marvels by navigator, quitter (E, 101K) This was one of the first fics I read in this fandom, but I read it again recently and had forgotten how really wonderful it is. The writing is so lovely and the characters feel so well developed. I especially loved how the authors explored how differently the two of them would respond to their relationship given the different stages of life they were in. It made the romance and the attraction and the angst feel really real.
Constant Debauchery by Blake (E, 19K) Yes, yes, I know. I’ve probably recommended this 10 times. But have you read it yet? Anyway…Edwardian setting, uni ABO (Alpha/Alpha) fic. Gorgeous mood setting, I’ve said before that it reads like an Merchant Ivory film looks…just gorgeous. There’s a similar sense of repression and uncertainty about flouting societal expectations, and a character who appears one way on the surface, but underneath is quite different. I love this one, I’ve read it a number of times.
Lightening Strikes Twice by @dinosaursmate (E, 106K) It’s not often that I read a 100+K fic multiple times, but this one is worth it. It’s one of my favorites from this author, and a favorite all around. It’s an epic love story spanning decades and massive life changes. It’s sexy and well-written, and so touching, and so fulfilling in many ways.
precious little thing by mercutionnotromeo (E, 21K) I’ve read this one so many times…it’s got it all. This time the phone sex operator is Louis, and subby Harry is just beginning to realize his daddy kink.
Good Enough to Eat by objectlesson (E, 7K) This author always does such a good job with depicting young, queer love and the way their characters experience the overwhelm of realizing they’re not straight, realizing the’ve met their Person, pining, and giving in. I love a lot of their fics, but I think this is my favorite of them. Link is to a download.
One day to believe in you by mediaville (E, 8K) another author who always hits it out of the park as far as I’m concerned. This one is super funny and then super sexy. Louis gets cursed and has to tell the truth. No matter what Harry asks him. Read it!
like a bastard on a burning sea by vashtaneradas (NR, 21K) Heartbreaking, perfect writing. So well-written that the fandom hated real-life Harry for a while after this was posted. 😅
These Roads We Stumble Down by onewasturning (E, 18K) I adore this author’s writing and I’ve read this particular one multiple times. It’s just a little melancholy and very sexy and one of those fics that reminds me why I can read about the same two people falling in love 46372 times and never tire of it.
Empty Skies by green_feelings / @greenfeelings (E, 13K) I just started re-reading this the other day and it holds up so well. This author is always a pleasure to read. Their fics just are well plotted and the characters are nicely fleshed out. I loved Perrie as Harry’s bestie, the bitterness and angst is PAINFUL, and the ending feels well earned.
Wild and Unruly by 100percentsassy, gloria_andrews (E, 124K) One of the OG classics in this fandom. If you haven’t read it yet, you’re missing out. It’s just a great, original story. Plus, cowboy Harry, city boy Louis, bad guys to hate, nail biting drama, hot af sexual chemistry and smut, and a super satisfying ending.
Love Is A Rebellious Bird by 100percentsassy, gloria_andrews (E, 135K) Everything about this fic is glorious. I’m always struck by how well the characters are fleshed out, how their behavior lines up with their backstory, how ridiculously hot the chemistry is, and how agonizing the angst is. So yes, no shocker, I cried buckets. Thank god for a happy ending.
Unbelievers by isthatyoularry (E, 137K) High school Au, footie, enemies with benefits, so much sexual tension (and just tension), and really well-developed, complex characters. Most of the conflict in this (and in the companion fic from Harry’s POV) is straight up lack of communication. But, given the age of the characters, it’s forgivable (although sometimes frustrating).
In Dreams by dolce_piccante (M, 24K) This actually might be my favorite of this author’s fics, although I know it’s definitely not the most popular. It’s just soft and romantic and sweet and I’m a sucker for tattoo artist Louis winning over slightly uptight Harry.
Your Name Is Tattooed On My Heart my mcpofife (E, 87K) I reread this one recently and it's truly delightful. The characterizations are so well done. Harry is so endearing (I cried over his heartbreak). And the smut is both hot and really emotional. Love this one.
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steddiealltheway · 1 year
!!!!! Tw: faked suicide not by Steve or Eddie. There are ⚠️⚠️⚠️ before and after the most graphic parts which can be skipped without needing too much context. I tried to be vague but it can still be triggering. !!!!! (Thank you everyone tagging it as such)
A sort of different type of TikTok Modern AU…
Eddie Munson is a famous rockstar and honestly doesn’t post much on TikTok, but he occasionally finds himself scrolling though the app which is how he finds Steve.
He’s gorgeous. Exactly Eddie’s type with luscious, gravity defying hair, a sharp jaw, pretty lips, and he bets if he had a closer look, Steve would have the most charming eyes. It’s a shame the camera is so far away from him, and Eddie almost wonders why until Billy Hargrove is in the shot.
Eddie’s stomach sours at the sight of the man. Yes, he’s attractive, even Eddie could admit that, but there was something about him that made Eddie feel uncomfortable. Plus, there were a few scandals surrounding the tiktoker regarding previous racist Tweets and comments which he has responded to with a thrust trap to “Nobody’s Perfect” by Miley Cyrus / Hannah Montana.
So yeah. Eddie didn’t particularly like him and the stuff he got away with just because he’s hot.
He tunes back into the video which has him holding his finger to his lips, and Eddie is already rolling his eyes. The caption says, “Pranking my boyfriend, Steve 🤣😱” and Eddie can already tell it has to be fake with all the dramatics that Steve just happens to not see.
But then Billy carefully sneaks behind the couch where Steve is sitting and dumps a bucket full of water and ice onto him which has the man yelling and standing up in shock. He stands still for a minute and then yells, “Why the fuck would you do that, Billy??”
The tone and overall reaction has Eddie actually wonder if the video is fake or if Steve is just a really good actor. But he watches it again and notices that the man doesn’t look toward the camera once and something about that makes him feel really uneasy.
Eddie has to reason with himself, if the man is dating Billy Hargrove then he must not be a great person, and maybe he deserved the bucket of ice water. But Eddie still closes out of the app and tries his best not to think about it.
He opens the app a few days later, having forgotten about the whole incident until he comes across another video by Billy and the word “prank” in his caption catches Eddie’s eye. He sighs wondering why it’s on his for you page, but right before he swipes past it, he catches the gist of the prank.
Billy fills a syringe with mayonnaise and injects it into a donut, and then it cuts to him giving it to Steve from a camera that once again seems to be hidden although Billy keeps glancing at it with a smirk on his face and evil in his eyes. Steve, on the other hand, doesn’t glance toward the camera, but his face lights up with glee when he’s handed the donut. “You got this for me?” He asks in an awe filled tone as if the donut means the world to him.
“Yeah, why don’t you take a big ol’ bite of it for me?” Billy asks, voice low. Eddie watches as Steve shifts uncomfortably and puts the donut down.
“This isn’t another prank, is it? You know I don’t like them,” Steve says which honestly surprises Eddie. His tone is entirely genuine, and he feels like he’s peering in on a private moment.
“Of course not baby. Told you I’d stop,” Billy replies with a big smile.
Eddie can’t help but click on the caption: “Simple prank makes boyfriend storm out!” With a shit ton of hashtags that Eddie doesn’t bother reading.
Sure enough, Steve bites into the donut and immediately spits it out. He doesn’t say a word, just shakes his head and storms out of room.
Billy laughs loudly, “Oh, don’t be like that, babe! You know that was funny as shit!”
Eddie opens the comments, and is surprised to find people actually defending the prank. There are some people who comment shit like, “date me instead! I would never get mad at your pranks 🥵”
There’s only one comment that says, “Don’t really find this funny.” But it’s swarmed with hate comments from Billy’s fans that has Eddie scoffing as he scrolls onto the next video. He watches for a few seconds before scrolling back up when he realizes something. He looks at the date of the TikTok and realizes it was posted the previous month which means…
Eddie sighs realizing that him looking through Billy’s videos will only give him more attention and views, but he needs to know how long this has been going on for. And he really needs to find out if Steve is in on any of it or at least had gotten Billy back.
He begrudgingly clicks on Billy’s profile and scrolls through. He finds several videos with the thumbnail being of Steve mid reaction to a prank, and Eddie notices that every time, the camera is far away, and there doesn’t seem to be a single video of him up close.
The whole thing doesn’t feel right to Eddie. But what can he do about it? It’s not like he can report the videos. He could simply just block Billy and try to forget it all.
He scrolls back to the top and accidentally refreshes the page. He’s about to block him when he notices a new video pop up, where Steve looks like he’s in the middle of a panic attack. Eddie immediately presses on it.
Billy smiles at the camera, no shirt in sight as he laughs, “This is my biggest prank yet. Steve should be home in less than a minute. And look,” he holds up his phone and shows a bathtub filled with red water that almost looks like blood.
Eddie’s shaky hand covers his mouth. He wouldn’t.
Billy laughs and continues, “I sent him a text that says ‘I’m sorry’ and a picture of an empty pill bottle, and he’s been texting me non stop for the past few minutes. Shit, he’s on his way now so it’s time for me to hide my phone and make this look as real as possible.”
Eddie watches as Billy puts his phone on a shelf and seemingly stacks towels up to cover his phone and hold it in place. He looks away when Billy takes out a bottle of fake blood and stages a suicide. He practically shakes with anger. Steve has to be in on this. He has to just be a good actor.
Eddie’s stomach drops when he hears Steve yelling Billy’s name rushing through the house. He bursts through the door and falls against the wall in shock. “Tell me this is a damn prank Billy. Billy…” he gets closer and shakes him. “Billy!” He yells shaking. “Shit. Shit. No no no. Fuck. What the fuck…”
Steve sits next to the tub and puts his head in his hands having a panic attack. Billy’s eyes open and he winks at the camera before grabbing Steve’s shoulders and yelling, “Boo.” He starts cackling loudly as Steve confusedly looks around trying to catch his breath. “I got you so good!” Billy yells through laughter.
Steve shakily gets up, tears streaming down his face and runs. Billy gets out of the tub and makes his way to his phone. “Don’t worry, I’ll make it up to him later,” he says with a wink before the video ends.
Eddie sits as the video reloops. He’s shaking with anger. He doesn’t think as he duets the video and mutes the other audio. “This is the most fucked up thing I’ve ever seen. These ‘couple pranks’ are stupid enough and not funny, but to fake a suicide and call it a joke… you have to be an extra type of fucked up asshole. There aren’t enough words to describe how evil of a human being you have to be to do something like this to someone you love. I don’t care if this is staged or not. This is not okay. And fuck you.” Eddie quickly censors Billy’s half of the video with a note of “watch at your own risk.” He doesn’t care if his manager is pissed or if his account is filled with Billy’s fans hating on him or whatever. He presses the post button and turns off his phone. He needs fresh air.
He grabs his keys, a hat, and sunglasses, and makes his way out of his apartment. Hopefully the damn paparazzi back the fuck off today. He makes it down his street and walks quickly, fuming with anger. He weaves in and out of people and curses the busy LA streets.
He turns the corner and rams right into someone walking at an equally fast rate. He holds onto the stranger to steady himself and keep them up. “Sorry,” the man chokes out and Eddie is about to brush it off when he realizes he recognizes him.
“Steve?” He asks. He knew Billy lived in Los Angeles but he didn’t know he lived so close. The thought makes him kind of sick to his stomach. He thinks he might punch him if he ever saw him in person.
Steve wipes at his face and narrows his eyes at Eddie. “Sorry, do I know you?”
Eddie glances around before lifting up his sunglasses and hat, waiting for Steve to recognize him enough to gain his trust. Instead, Steve just stares at him blankly.
Eddie’s heart races. This has never really happened to him. He puts on the hat and sunglasses sheepishly. “Uh, I’m Eddie. I know you from Billy’s TikToks.”
Steve just tilts his head in confusion. His eyes are red and puffy. He wonders if Billy posted the video so soon after his prank and if Steve is currently in the aftermath of it. “Um,” Steve says and clears his throat, “Was I in the background or something? He told me I wasn’t in his TikToks.”
Eddie’s heart drops. He opens his phone and goes to Billy’s TikTok, ignoring the way his own TikTok is blowing up. He turns his phone to Steve and picks a less traumatizing prank to show him.
Steve grabs his phone and his eyes widen. A look of confusion crosses over his face that slowly turns into realization and numbness. “He’s been using me for views after promising he wouldn’t, isn’t he? I even asked if the pranks were somehow stupid content but he said they weren’t. He…” he trails off and shakes his head. “Sorry, I don’t mean to be unloading all of this onto you.”
Eddie shakes his head. “No, no. It’s okay. I’m sorry that I told you.”
He watches as Steve numbly nods and scrolls presumedly through Billy’s profile. He looks down at the screen and back at Eddie. “Is this you?” Steve asks hesitantly as he turns the phone back to him.
Eddie confusedly looks at his phone and sees that Billy has apparently replied to his TikTok already. Then, to his left, he hears a bit of commotion and sees some cameras flashing. Fuck. “Do you trust me?” Eddie asks.
Steve looks at his phone and back at Eddie.
Yeah, that’s a lot to ask of him. “Okay, how about this? You keep my phone, and we run back to my apartment around the corner and talk in private before we both end up in shitty magazines?”
Steve tilts his head and glances toward where a few people with cameras make their way to them yelling, “Eddie! Eddie Munson!”
“You’re not a famous serial killer or something, right?”
“Musician,” Eddie says and holds out his hand. “One who hates Billy Hargrove.”
Steve looks down at his hand and takes it running alongside Eddie who tries not to think about the stories that might come out of this. Gosh, he thought his biggest scandal would be when he came out as gay.
He makes his way back to his apartment telling his doorman, “Paparazzi! He’s with me!”
Hopper just nods in response and opens the door quickly. Eddie sighs in relief when he makes it through and to the elevator. Steve looks at him and asks, “How offended are you that I don’t know you?”
Eddie laughs. “Mildly, but it’s a relief really.” He realizes that isn’t the biggest concern in the moment and changes the subject. “Are you okay?”
Steve sighs and runs a hand through his hair. He opens his mouth but the elevator dings, and Steve almost looks relieved. Eddie doesn’t press it as he leads him to his apartment. “Make yourself at home. Do you want water, coffee, tea, soda, or anything?”
Steve numbly shakes his head, so Eddie grabs two bottles of water and two cokes from his fridge. He puts them down on his coffee table and sits on the couch, watching as Steve kind of hovers in his living room with his arms crossed. “I won’t bite, and I certainly won’t pressure you to do anything. But you can sit on the couch if you like.”
Steve eyes him and asks timidly, “You’re not in on anything with Billy, right?”
It breaks his heart seeing and hearing how on edge these pranks have made Steve. “Fuck no. I promise on my guitar I have never had anything to do with Billy and I never will. Well… unless you count me calling him out on his shit on TikTok.”
The words seem to get through to Steve who sits down on the couch next to Eddie while keeping his distance. “So… that’s why you were on his TikTok.”
Eddie’s heart hammers. He nearly forgot that Billy had apparently dueted his own video. “Yeah, but it has to be really new because I only posted mine literally a minute before I ran into you.”
Steve looks down at Eddie’s phone still in his hands. “Why?”
“Why what?” Eddie asks genuinely confused.
“Why did you call him out?” Steve asks, not sounding angry just… curious.
Eddie shifts and play with a string on one of the rips of his jeans. “His most recent video with the faked suicide. That wasn’t fucking cool, man. None of the pranks he’s done have been okay. And I’m sorry that you were put through them - especially this last one.”
Steve’s face turns almost white. “He posted that? Was I… was I in it? Like… my entire breakdown was…” he trials off as Eddie slowly nods. “Fuck,” Steve says burying his face in his hands. Eddie is about to apologize or go on a rant about how much he hates Billy Hargrove when Steve asks, “Can I see the video you made?”
Eddie’s cheek flush red, but he replies, “Yeah, uh, I don’t exactly remember what I said because I kind of went into a fit of rage and posted whatever came to mind. But yeah, my password is 051599.”
Steve types the password into his phone, and stares at the screen blankly. He looks at Eddie and asks, “I’m not on social media… ever so… could you show me?”
Eddie nods and slides over until he’s a few inches away from the beautiful man, and he does his best to try not to think too hard about how attractive he finds him as he goes to his profile and presses on his recent video. His nose scrunches up at the sound of his own voice, but he doesn’t disagree with anything he said. Billy Hargrove is a dick.
“Can I see the comments?” Steve asks. Eddie nods and clicks on them.
“Woah,” Eddie can’t help but say as he sees blue checkmark after blue checkmark. The top comments are from @ ronancetheromance with the couple saying: “Only an absolutely vile person is capable of such a fucked up prank. #SaveSteve”. Another from @ willthewise: “remember to comment on here instead of the original video so it can get less attention!! #savesteve”. Several of the rest of the streamers who call themselves “The Party” reply to Will’s with the hashtag “SaveSteve”.
“Who are these people?” Steve asks as he scrolls through the comments. He comes across one from @ billyfan4everandalways saying: “Watch Billy’s new video and stop being so quick to judge!!”
Eddie clicks on the replies, and the top liked one - having more likes than the original comment - is from @ ericasinclair: “that ugly mullet man’s explanation is bullshit and everyone knows it. let Steve talk for himself or I’m not buying it. #SaveSteve #CancelBilly”
Eddie nearly follows the girl, but realizes that Steve had asked a question. “Most of them I don’t know personally honestly.”
“Then why are they defending me? I’m nobody,” Steve says as if it’s a common fact.
Eddie turns off his phone and puts it down, properly facing Steve. “I know I don’t know you well, but you are not nobody. And these people are defending you not only because Billy is a dick, but this prank stuff is abusive and shouldn’t be normalized especially with the following he has. Nobody should go through that.”
Steve turns slightly red and looks away before asking, “Can we watch his reply?”
Eddie shudders a bit at the thought, but turns on his phone and goes to his page. “Are you sure? I haven’t seen it yet either, and I’m a little prone to getting pissed at him.”
“I’m sure,” Steve says and even reaches over to open the video.
Billy still has fake blood on him and is scrubbing it off with an angry look on his face. He looks at the camera every so often, and it’s clear that he’s staring at himself in a mirror. What a fucking asshole. “These pranks are harmless, and even my boyfriend would agree with that. He enjoys them and he makes sure to show me how much once the cameras stop rolling and his shock has died off,” Billy says so with a smirk on his face that sends chills down Eddie’s body. “So, stop making assumptions about me and my boyfriend and keep making shitty music instead asshole.” The video ends with him flipping off the camera.
“Charming,” Eddie comments, pausing the video so it doesn’t endlessly loop, and turns to see Steve’s reaction. He runs a hand through his hair and shakes his head.
“He’s lying. I’ve been begging him to stop for weeks. Even slept on the couch in protest. But that last one was the last straw. I just… don’t know where to go,” Steve sits back against the couch and mumbles, “Fuck.”
Eddie shifts and looks at him. “Do you have any friends or family that could take you in?”
Steve laughs humorlessly. “My parent disowned me when they found out I was dating Billy. Didn’t want a bi son ruining the family image. I had to move in with Billy, and he used to be sweet really. Well… I thought he was for the first three months. When his TikTok career took off he moved to LA, and I felt like I had no choice but to go with him. I grew apart from the few friends I had before the move, and I was just stuck with Billy here. And I… I don’t know,” Steve sighs and puts his head in his hands. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to dump all of this on you. I just… haven’t really had anyone to talk to.” The man lifts his head, his eyes are tired and filled with unshed tears. He’s gorgeous really, but that’s the last thing Eddie needs to be thinking about.
Eddie takes a moment to consider things. Steve seems like a good guy. He has plenty of extra room in his too big apartment and money to spare that he doesn’t know what to do with. Honestly, he’s not meant for this lifestyle and never has been. He’s happy that his uncle Wayne is retired and living comfortably off his too big income, but it’s lonelier than he imagined it to be.
And with that thought Eddie tells Steve, “Then live here for a while. No pranks. I won’t use you for clout or whatever. I have a guest bedroom with its own private bathroom, and I usually never have visitors. And I hate parties, so you don’t have to worry about that either. I may be writing songs in the middle of the night, but my music room is fairly soundproof. And trust me, I would appreciate the company or feeling like my money is going toward something important.”
Steve stands up and shakes his head. “It’s okay, man. I don’t want your charity. You’ve already done enough.”
Eddie stays on the couch and says, “Please, Steve, stay a week or just a few days. If you hate it here, I’ll help you get on your way. But trust me when I say you’ll help me too. It’s…” he sighs and runs a hand over his face, “It’s lonely in LA.” He cringes as he quotes the title of his favorite song that he’s written. It’s also his least popular one, but it’s the most honest thing on any of his albums.
“Reminds me of that song,” Steve says with a small smile.
Eddie’s head snaps up. “You know it?”
Steve hums the chorus of Eddie’s song and Eddie joins in. Steve stops to ask, “You know it, too?”
Eddie huffs a laugh. “I wrote it.”
Steve looks at him for a few moments longer with a combination of shock and hesitation. Then he surprises Eddie by asking, “You really wouldn’t mind if I stayed?”
“Not at all. Unless you ended up doing something really drastic like trying to murder me.”
Steve snorts, and Eddie finds it endearing. He tries to shake the feeling away. He can not fall for this man when he’s a guest in his house and especially not after everything he’s been through. But then Steve gives him a real smile and holds out his hand saying, “It’s a deal.”
And when Eddie takes his hand and feels how warm and nice it feels in his, half of him wants to argue that it’s just because it’s been a while since he’s actually had a genuine conversation with another person. But the other half is quick to accept that he’s absolutely fucked when it comes to this stranger that he feels like he’s inevitably going to fall in love with.
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wildemaven · 1 year
Sweet Creature: Chapter Five
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Pairing: Dieter Bravo x F!Reader
WC: 5129
Warnings: 18+ blog; mentions of food, language, sexual innuendos, two dumb dumbs who lack communication skills, working on sobriety, failed relationships, loneliness, references to hookups and bad dates, I think that’s it but like always please let me know if I missed anything.
A/N: Reader gets her nickname!!!!! This was a fun one to write! I got stuck in parts of it, but over all I’m so happy with it. I don’t want to give too much away by setting anything up. Big thank you to my dear @gnpwdrnwhiskey for her constant support and beta reading through this whole thing! She’s a gem! Everyone who’s been reading, reblogging, commenting, liking, lurking— THANK YOU! 💕
Series Masterlist / Playlist / Main Masterlist
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“So, I take it things are good then? You both seem to be pretty, chummy with each other lately.”
“Yeah, since our talk, things have been—good.” 
“Yeah, Good.”
The waitress stops by your table, refilling each of your water glasses, the clinking of the ice filling the silent break in your conversation. 
“Thank you.” Diem’s sickly sweet voice offers gratitude to the waitress before the young girl is carrying on about her work and then Diem redirects her gaze to you, her overly generous smile morphing into a questioning smirk, accompanied by a cocked eyebrow. 
“What’s that look for?”
“Uh yeah, that’s what I said.”
“So, now that you and Dieter are good, as you say, we’re just going to pretend what you said didn’t happen?”
“Would mind clueing me in on the conversation that’s happening right now, ‘cause I’m so fucking lost.” 
“That night at my house, what you had said about Dieter.”
“Ugh, Diem! We’ve already hashed this shit out. Plus, Dieter and I’ve been on good terms for a couple weeks now, let’s just not discuss what I said that evening.” 
“No, I’m not talking about that— the other thing you said that we have not discussed at all since you said it because the two of you were, and frankly might still be, idiots.”
“Oh my god, Diem! When I told you I was into edging, I didn’t mean like this— for fuck sakes woman, spit it out!” Grabbing for your glass of water, you take a sip to cool off your annoyance that is starting to simmer. 
“The part where you said my brother was attractive—“
Diem doesn’t even get a chance to finish the rest of what she is saying because you nearly choke on your drink, water spraying from your mouth back into your glass at the remembrance of what you had said. 
“Are you okay?”
“Y-yeah, I’m fine.” Wiping the water droplets with your napkin. 
You had honestly forgotten about it. Forgotten about what you said, not about the thought— honestly, it still rang true. 
The more time you spend with him, even if only for brief periods of time as you both got to know each other, you undoubtedly found Dieter Bravo attractive— he was caring, sweet, funny, and his almost chaotic personality only added to your growing attraction for him. 
“I don’t even know how to answer that.”
“So you do then— find my brother attractive.”
“Sure, whatever.” You hope your nonchalant response is enough to outwit the surge of questions she’s hurling at you. 
“You know, for someone who works with kids regularly, you’d think at some point you’d learn how to lie better than them.” 
“Fine! Yes, I think he’s attractive. There I said it, are you happy now?” 
The check is dropped between the both of you, your hands quickly grabbing for it to avoid the back and forth on whose turn it is to pay this time, you place your card in the designated slot and place the receipt book on the edge of the table.
“You know this means I have to set you two up, like it’s my duty as a best friend to you.”
“You do it, and your best friend title gets revoked! Do not say a word to him, I am begging you! This isn’t middle school, I don’t need you playing matchmaker. Plus, we’ve just barely started talking, so just leave us alone.”
“You’re no fun. I’m sure he’d be into you though, I can always ask—“
“You are insufferable.” You chuckled, signing your scrawled signature on the receipt. “Seriously though, please don’t. I’m good with just being his friend and getting along like we are— we don’t need to throw feelings into the mix.”
She nods in agreement, but the scheming look she is giving makes you think she’s plotting something. 
“Oh, I just remembered— I won't be able to bring Wren, something came up so Dieter is going to be bringing her to art class this week.” 
“What something?” 
“Something— when I figure out what it is, I’ll let you know.”
“I hate you!” Tossing your crumpled napkin at her, Diem’s laughter rising as you roll your eyes, grabbing for your to-box and purse. 
“I love you too!”
The chorus of a slow ballad hangs in the air of the empty gallery room, the euphonious melody sandwiched between poetic precision, eliciting a longing for a tangible moment you weren’t sure you would ever experience. 
Relationships never really seemed to work in your favor, not for a lack of trying on your part, you just seemed to always find the ones who never really wanted to advance into the seriousness that comes as relationships progress. 
You still kept your mind open to the possibility of finding someone who had the similar interests and desires as you, never really closing the door on relationships as a whole. Dating gave? you great conversations with potential partners, and hookups satisfied that carnal itch your vibrator couldn’t touch. 
You threw yourself into your work at school and your art to keep your mind off the fact that it had been over a year since you were last in a relationship, or had sex for that matter. 
Settling into a new town, it was intimidating to put yourself out there, every one of your dates had been disastrous setups that ended before the dinner checks ever came. 
For now, you were relying on fate to decide whether you were destined for a lifetime of solitude or not. 
You sailed through setting up for an evening of painting. Brushes laid out next to a plastic tray filled with tiny squares, dried chalky pigments begging for thirst and attention. Dense papers, laying neatly on top of two family style tables, waiting for imaginations to spill over onto its textured surface. 
Every class was a mixture of locals who were looking to further their own skills, tourists trying to immerse themselves into the happenings of the town, and a few who were convinced to be there against their will not realizing they would be leaving with a new hobby. 
The attendees slowly started to meander in. A few browsing the art on display as they enter the front of the gallery, a tell-tale sign they are the tourists of the group this evening, while the others don’t hesitate to find a seat pulling out their own personal art supplies and setting up their space. 
“We’re here! We’re here!” Wren zooming in like a tornado , little voice echoing off the cement floor of the building as she announces her arrival. 
“Hi!” Dieter trails in behind her, a shy wave and gleaming smile directed at you. 
The nervousness you had felt when Diem said he would be taking her spot tonight, now replaced with something more substantial, an awakened warmth penetrating through every wall you had built up over the years. 
Your breath catches as he makes his way closer to where you’re standing, his smile shifting into a toothy grin, suddenly making your knees increasingly weak with every step he takes— what is he doing to you?
“Hey!” You manage to croak out. 
“So wild to see it like this.” He looks around the open room, as if to recall all the memories that had been etched onto every wall over the years. “It was a general store growing up. My buds and I would scrounge up enough change in the summer for ice cream cones and a coke. Then we sat out front on the curb, planning what kinda trouble we wanted to get into.”
You can see it too. 12 year old Dieter, all gangly limbs with his wavy dark locks a tousled mess. A buoyant young soul, not knowing what it’s like to be broken and blue. You know though that 12 year old Dieter would be proud to see how hard he’s worked to be where he’s at right now. 
You’re looking forward to seeing this side of him tonight, Dieter the artist, to observe the way he’s able to construct a visual representation of what ambles about in his mind. 
“Looks like you got a good turn out tonight, this should be fun.” He says as he looks around at the now filled seats. 
“Y-Yeah. Don’t be fooled though— Betty and Marilyn,” Casually pointing to the two older ladies, all set up and straight faced waiting for your instruction. “They take these classes way more seriously than blackout bingo. No one’s allowed to talk or ask questions, otherwise you’re on the receiving end of their threatening glares.”
“Huh— Well, tonight’s gonna be interesting then.”
“Uncle Dude! I saved you a seat by me!” Wren shouts at Dieter, her hand frantically smacking the table, indicating the vacant seat next to her. 
“I guess that’s my cue. I’d say good luck, but I don’t think you need it.” He seals it with a wink as he gives your arm a squeeze, the gesture has become a sort of regular thing for him. 
“Fuck!” It’s barely a whisper as you turn your back to everyone, mentally putting yourself in check.
This budding friendship between you and Dieter was refreshing, and the last thing you would have expected. The both of you had become so intertwined, mostly through the connection of Diem and Wren, but you both were beginning to thrive while in each other’s orbit. 
You just needed to get a grip on these spontaneous feelings, before it was too late. 
“Welcome friends! I see we have some familiar faces, as well as new ones tonight. For those who are new, tonight is a basics in watercolor. I’ll show you some techniques for the first half of the class, then in the second half you’ll be able to paint freely using the techniques. If there are any questions at any point in time, don’t hesitate to ask.”
Your eyes quickly scan over everyone’s faces, taking in the varying degrees of excitement, but lingering a bit when they land on Dieter. His head cocked to the side, attention undivided, taking in every word that fell from your lips. 
“We’re going to prep our paper first.” You grab a larger brush, dipping it into a cup of water. A few swift swirls around before lifting and allowing the excess water to flow back into the cup, then placing the brush directly onto the stark white paper. “This is a soaking method, not required, but it helps prevent buckling of the paper— some will soak longer, but this will do for tonight.”
As instructed, everyone sets out to prep their papers, drips of water litter the table’s surface as brushes move about. 
“Umm, ma’am? I have a question.” Dieter’s hand raised, stone face as he awaits to be called on. Betty and Marilyn’s brushes halt for a moment, side eyeing Dieter, before continuing the sweeping motions. 
“Uh, yes. I’ll try to have an answer for you.” You can’t fully read his expression, but you sense a playfulness in his voice. 
He takes a quick glance over to the two old women, then back to you. His movements calculated, forearms rest on the table as he leans forward, his question primed and ready. 
“In your opinion, do you find allowing more time to prepare and properly produce a precise wetness, helps with the stamina of the— paper?” Drawing his lower lip between his teeth, his focus never wavering from where you stand. 
The question so flagrantly sexual in its delivery, you assume a fluke with the way he asks it so flippantly. But you don’t miss the way his words unlock a needy appetite for more. Your body’s tragic lack of foreplay halted, now buzzing with enthusiasm at such an erotic statement. You do your best to control your heady thoughts and not allow his words to affect you in the slightest. 
“Well, I guess that would be dependent on if it’s worth being quick and simple, or whether the job requires to be drawn out and deliberate to get the desired results.” 
Dieter is surprised at how quickly you counter your response— touché. He has to avert his eyes, looking down instead at his hands as they fidget with the dry paint brush, fighting back the urge to laugh. 
“Now, we want to load up our wet brushes with pigment and you can play around with brush strokes. Smaller strokes, known as stippling, the paint will stay in place and pool up. Longer strokes will drag your paint around the surface of the paper, leaving a wash of color from dark to light. The results will also vary depending on the pressure you use, so feel free to mess around with them.”
You give a few examples of the different ways pressure can affect the flow of paint and the proper ways to angle the brush against the paper, everyone eagerly waits to apply the same techniques to their own work. 
Swirling your brush in the water to clean off the remaining color, the pigment suspended within the clear liquid. Blotting the brush on a towel, you take a few seconds to breathe, your face still warm after Dieter’s earlier comment. 
“Ma’am! I have another question, probably a silly one.” 
You bring your hand to your mouth to stifle the choking laugh that tries to escape your throat. You hold the brush in both hands, rolling between your fingers as you turn around to see Dieter’s hand raised yet again. 
“I’m sure you know this, but there’s no silly questions. Please, let’s hear it.” 
Your encouragement provokes annoyed huffs from Betty and Marilyn. 
“Yeah— so these, uh, strokes. Are we talking like long, steady strokes or— hurried and—“
The brush you were holding, now in two pieces. 
“Okay! I think that’s plenty of time spent on the basics. Go ahead and get started working on your own thing, I’ll be available if needed.” 
Tossing the now broken brush in the nearest trash bin and wiping your sweaty hands on your jeans, you make your way back to the tables. 
You make a point to stop and admire what each person is working on, commenting on their progress and giving assistance when needed. 
There’s a weird wave of emotions that overcome you, thinking about how this will all come to end with the closing of the gallery. Sure, there were other galleries in town, but none of them offered classes or had the space to do so. But, you were grateful to have been able to share this space with others who were just as excited about art as you were. 
Another reminder that you also don’t have a single thing ready for the final gallery exhibition, your own showing— mentally noting to start brainstorming ideas. 
Dieter and Wren were still working away as you made it to their end of the table, the best for last in your opinion. 
“What are you painting Wren?” Trying to decipher the colorful blobs sporadically placed, her little hands diligently picking up more paint than needed. 
“It’s flowers, see.” She picks up the sopping wet paper to showcase her work, the upright angle causes the paint to run downward resulting in endless drippy hues puddling onto the table. “They’re poppies!” 
“Oh! I see it now. Poppies are my favorite flowers too.” 
“I know.” Wren, clearly more observant than any other 6 year old you know. 
“Well, it’s beautiful. Your mom is going to love it!” 
Shifting your attention over to Dieter, your breath hitches at what he’s been able to execute in a short amount of time, but your heart nearly stops when you really focus on what he had painted. 
His brush stills, hovering over the inky black and white portrait. 
“You like it?” 
“Dieter, is that— me?”
“Umm, yeah. Sorry, I was just watching you up there and you were talking about everything— I could see this light in you, I don’t know, just felt really inspired by it.”
You’re speechless at his admission. 
“I— I don’t even know what to say. It’s incredible.”
“Thanks. I’ve never tried watercolor before, only ever used oil and acrylic paints. This was fun though.”
He feels slightly embarrassed, hoping he didn’t make things uncomfortable between the two of you. 
“Well, I think it’s beautiful. And would have never guessed this was your first time using this medium.”
You place a hand on his shoulder, a soft squeeze letting him know you’re touched by what he did. 
Once the classes have commenced, supplies cleaned and put away for the next time, you wait by the door to thank everyone and bid them goodbye. 
Dieter and Wren hung back a bit until everyone had left before making their way over to where you’re standing at the front of the building. 
“You two outta here?”
“Yeah, this one’s getting hungry, best get some food in her before she gets angry. Sorry about Betty and Marilyn earlier, they seemed to leave in a hurry too.”
“Don’t worry about them, they’ll be back next week.” You wave off his apology. “Thanks for coming tonight, I know it’s not anything special—“
“No, it was great. You could see how much everyone enjoyed it. Makes me miss when I used to paint regularly.”
“I have some extra things at home. I could throw together a little kit for you if you’d like.”
“You’d do that?”
“Of course! What’s your number? I’m just realizing I don’t have it.”
He recites his number for you, you promptly enter it into your contacts and save. 
“Uncle Dude?”
“What? What else am I supposed to call you? Friend?”
“Uh, Dieter…”
“Eh! Kind of boring.”
“Yeah, that’s boring Uncle Dude!” Clearly her ears work better than any other 6 year old too. 
“Okay, give me your number then, it’s only fair.”
Keeping the screen hidden as he types it into his contact list. 
“So, am I worthy enough of a fun name or not??” You playfully push at his shoulder.
Turning the phone around so you can see the screen, you see your number placed in the appropriate location and where your name would be, a nickname instead. 
“Yeah, like your favorite flower.” 
Diem’s sitting at the counter, enjoying warmed leftovers, when Dieter and Wren walk through the front door.  
“We’re home! Birdie’s starving, insists she could eat the? a? whole restaurant.” 
Wren runs into the kitchen and climbs onto the counter height chair, dramatically lowering her upper body onto the counter. 
“Mama! I’m so hungry!”
“Here baby, eat this.” Diem slides her plate of pasta to her, her hand smoothing over her messy head of caramel colored hair. “Did you have fun at least?”
Dieter grabs a plate for himself, listening to Diem and Wren chat about the class, noticing Wren already peeking up after a few bites of food. 
“Lots of fun! We painted this time. I’m going to be the flower girl at Uncle Dude and Poppy’s wedding!” 
“Uncle Dude and Poppy’s wedding? Who’s Poppy?!”
“You know Poppy, Mama. She’s your best friend!”
Confused by what Wren is saying, Diem blinks in confusion in Dieter’s direction, he shrugs not having a single clue as to what Wren is talking about. 
“And why do you think Poppy and your Uncle are getting married?”
“Because! They did that thing that people do in the movies!”
Dieter eyes widen as he nearly chokes on the noodle he’s eating, his fist covering his mouth as he coughs loudly to hopefully change the subject away from you and him. 
“And what— t-thing would that be?” 
“They talk and look at each other a lot. You know, the way they do in the movies when they’re in love— duh!” 
“Hmm, well— that’s not how that works baby. Your Uncle and Poppy are just friends.” Trying to not break Wren's heart over the fact that she won’t be anyone’s flower girl at the moment. 
“But after you're boyfriend and girlfriend, you get married.”
“Technically true. But Wren, baby, Uncle Dude and Poppy aren’t boyfriend and girlfriend either— they’re just friends, that’s it.”
Wren tilts her head ever so slightly, her brows furrowed in contemplation. 
“But they have each other's phone numbers, like boyfriend and girlfriend’s do.” 
This is not what Dieter had expected when they arrived home, he had plans to relax and catch up on a show he had started recently. Instead, he’s listening to his niece conjure up wild stories about a nonexistent impending marriage and being romantically linked to you— yet the more he listens, he realizes you’re someone he could see himself with.
At first he only thought of it as a normal attraction towards you. From that first day at school, he was drawn to your beautiful smile, how you instantly lit up when your students waved their ‘good mornings’ as they entered your class. 
And if Dieter is truly being honest with himself, that night in the kitchen didn’t stall how thoroughly mesmerized he was by you. The more he thought about it, he realized you were the only one, aside from his sister, who called him out on his bullshit, something no one had done for a long time. 
After talking with his Sponsor and really taking the time to sit in his feelings and reflect on the situation. And the only conclusion he could come to, and the only one that made sense, was he needed to figure out how to make it up to you. 
He was thankful that you were receptive to the idea of still being around him, the amicable morning ‘Hello’s’ at school, fleeting glances from across the room during movie nights, tiny moments cementing these feelings for you. 
When you shared your past and reasoning for being so put off by him, he knew that was a turning point in the mending process between the both of you. Coming from two very different backgrounds, yet your upbringing’s weren’t all that different from each other. 
Tonight, watching you so absorbed in your element of teaching something you love, Dieter knew he needed you in his life anyway he could have you. 
“Okay, but friends give each other numbers too. Doesn’t mean they’re in a relationship, just friends.”
“Then why did Uncle Dude paint a picture of her in class tonight?”
“Okay, I think it’s bedtime for you little miss. Go brush your teeth and I’ll be in for story time in a minute.” Wren’s shoulders dropped at that, but Diem took Dieter’s silence for mortification and decided it was best to put an end to it. 
“Night Uncle Dude!” Wren shouted as she ran off to prepare for bedtime without any hesitation or arguments. 
“Night Birdie!”
A lull hung over the room. Dieter now leaning back against the counter edge, head down and arms folded over his chest, nervously chewing at his bottom lip. Diem still seated in her chair, glancing up at the ceiling, letting all of what Wren had shared settle for a moment. 
“How long?”
“How long, what?” His gaze shifting up to Diem, a line appearing between his brows as he waits for an explanation. 
“How long have you had feelings for her?”
“I don’t know what—“
“Dieter! I’m not dumb, and definitely not blind. It didn’t take a 6 year old stating the obvious to see how much you like her.”
A grin forms as he shakes his head and laughs, of course his sister would pick up on something like this. 
“I-I don’t know. I guess awhile at this point. Don’t know exactly when to pinpoint the time.”
“You should tell her.”
“Well, that’s not happening. Why? So, I can look like some fuckin’ idiot who’s been secretly falling for his sister’s best friend— yeah, I’ll pass.”
“Wait— Dieter, are you in love with her?”
“I, umm. Fuck! I don’t know— I think I—“
An incoming text message saves him from revealing exactly how he feels about you. 
Dieter pulls his phone from his pocket to see your name along with a message, up on the screen. The way his stomach flips, smiling from ear to ear, completely affected by a simple text message from you. 
Poppy 💐 - I hope this isn’t too late. I found those paints I mentioned earlier. Bringing them over, I’ll leave them on the porch. 
Uncle Dude - Not too late, just finishing dinner. Text me when you get here. 
“That’s her, isn’t it?” Diem’s smile mirroring his. 
“Mind your business.”
Poppy 💐 - Here!
“Gotta go, not a word out of you about any of this! Got it?”
“Okay, okay!” Diem’s hands thrown up in comical fashion heading for Wren’s room, then tossing one last punch before rounding the corner. “I’ll start looking for my Maid of Honor dress tonight!” 
Pushing off the counter in pursuit of the front porch, his eyes rolling at Diem’s lighthearted comment, Dieter finds you waiting for him— armed with a box full of tiny tubes of paint in every shade imaginable, paint brushes in an array of sizes and shapes, all curated by you for him. 
“Hey! Sorry again— I was just, excited to get this all together for you.” You say as you lift the box towards him. 
“It’s fine, Diem was just getting Wren into bed when you text. You didn’t have to do this, you know.” Grabbing the box from your extended arms, scanning over the contents, noting that you took the time to intentionally choose every item. 
“I wanted to. If there’s something you need that’s not in there, just let me know and I can check my supplies.”
“No, this is perfect. Thank you.”
He takes a good look at you as you stand before him, deciding there isn’t any lighting that doesn’t look good on you, the moonlight being his favorite so far— even in the twilight, you’re the most stunning thing ever. 
“I have an extra easel too. I just have to pull it out of the attic, but you’re welcome to use it.” Your fingers pick at the cuffs of your sweater, feeling flustered and warm as you try to remain calm, but the way Dieter is looking at you makes it hard. 
“I can come by whenever to grab it.”
Another notification comes through Dieter’s phone, placing the box down on the ground, he fishes his phone back out of his pocket. 
It’s an email, one he’s shocked to be receiving, his reaction baffled as he reads through it. 
“Is everything okay?” You can’t get a good read on his hushed state. 
“Umm, yeah— Yeah, everything’s fine. It’s from my agent. He said a director sent him a script, asking for me specifically for an upcoming project. Said he’s going to be sending over the scene lines for me to read over.”
“Oh my gosh! Dieter, that’s amazing!!” 
Your body launches at his, arms thrown around his neck, pulling his solid body against you. 
Instinctively, his own body begins to relax into yours, his hands slowly moving around and up your spine, taking a mental note of how perfect you feel against him. 
“Y-yeah, I guess it is.” He murmurs, but his response sounds less than thrilled. 
“Are you okay?” You pull back, still wrapped in each other's arms, so close, studying his features in a way you hadn’t done before. 
He thinks he is. Dieter had planned to be here, in his hometown, for a few months. Take the time to enjoy his time here with his family and lean fully into his sobriety. He thought it would be months, maybe a year, before he would hear from his agent about any potential parts, let alone be a top pick for a role and be sent a script. 
This was all supposed to be temporary, short lived and then move on with his life. 
That was until he met you. 
“Yeah, I’m okay.”
It’s the drag of his upper lip down the column of your neck, your head angled back to allow the slow pleasing movement. Brief pauses allow his tongue to delicately dance about, taste the warmth of your dewy skin. 
“Dieter—“ His name soft as  it falls from your lips. 
His large hand settles at the base of your neck, pulling you head back upright, thumb dragging across the apple of your cheek. 
Your body is buzzing, an ardent energy building through Dieter’s stimulating and capable advances. 
Dieter’s pillowy lips crash into yours, his tongue sweeping your bottom lip, begging for more of you— you oblige, licking into his mouth with earnestness. 
A tingle runs down your spine, gradually turning into a throbbing sensation that settles at your core. Needy and breathless, grabbing off anything you can reach for. 
Your hands clutching loose cottony fabric, your grip never faltering as you try to ground yourself in this mind-blowing moment. 
“Dieter, please!” A throaty whine carries through the air, a plea for anything to help careen you towards a blissful peak. 
No movement. 
Fleshy desires abandoned. 
The jolting sound of your alarm blares from your nightstand, you shoot up in a panic. 
Your room, your bed, alone. 
Your body depleted, pulse racing and chest heaving as you try to catch your breath, you fall back into the wall of pillows. 
The third night in a row this dream, nightmare, has plagued you. 
One minute he’s there, with you, surrounding you in an all-encompassing manner. 
Then he’s gone. 
That night he got the email about the potential job, you were so happy for him, truly. Instinctively, you wanted to praise him, tell him how proud you were of him. There was a moment, a stillness, between the two of you. A spark, a flicker of something— gone when Diem’s voice called out for his help.
The truth was, Dieter is going to get this job, and then he’ll be gone. Back to his movie star world.  Enveloped in the same world that created the demons that he’s fought so hard to keep at bay. 
And you’ll be here. Alone. Like always. 
Throwing the covers off your sticky body, you pluck yourself from the comfort of your bed. Mindlessly, you find your way over to the chair in the corner of your room, your hands grabbing for the brown fuzzy coat that’s been draped over it for the past few weeks. 
You pull it on, nuzzling your face into the fluffy fabric, his musky scent still vibrant and sharp as it hits your nose. 
The floor is cool against your bare feet as you pad your way down to your sunroom that doubles as your art studio. 
Finally having inspiration for your exhibition.
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ghostlygeto · 1 year
pairing: sakusa kiyoomi x fem!reader
warnings: mentions nsfw things (“suggestive”?), so MDNI, mentions the same dildo from the last scenario lol, reader nd sakusa are drinking, first kiss moment, i dunno. same universe as the last sakusa thing i posted (shocked pikachu emoji), omi kind of pines hella hard
wc: 1.5k
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“you should tell me a secret about yourself, kiyoomi,” his first name rolled off your tongue as if it lived there, you couldn’t remember the last time you had called him anything else. “and it has to be a real one, not something stupid!” you laughed slightly and took another drink of whatever alcohol the two of you had been sharing for the night.
“don’t you have to tell me a secret about yourself as well, then?” sakusa asked. he was thankful that his cheeks were already tinted pink from the alcohol, he didn’t have to worry about you noticing his blush from the use of his first name. “it’s only fair isn’t it?”
“you already know a big secret about me,” you remind him, rolling your eyes as he raised his eyebrows as if asking what secret. “remember? ‘tsumu doesn’t so lovingly call me dildo girl for no reason.”
“oh.” was all sakusa managed to get out, somehow forgetting about the incident that brought you two together in the first place. “but that can’t count, everyone masturbates, y/n. it’s normal.”
“but you saw the dildo! with your eyes! and according to ‘tsumu he like, swung it around and stuff!” you shouted playfully, cheeks and ears flushing red at the memory, “i still haven’t used it. and it was expensive, too. you guys should feel bad.”
“i don’t have to feel bad for anything,” sakusa shook his head, finishing his drink before grabbing both of you another one, “i didn’t do anything. i told him not to open the box.”
you huffed, grabbing the drink from sakusa (who kindly opened it for you, since you always struggled to on your own) before taking a big sip of it. “you should, i asked you to get the package and protect it with your life. you did not do that.”
sakusa laughed, not just a small chuckle but a real, genuine laugh. sometimes he felt like you were the only person that could get those out of him. “i don’t think you asked me to protect it with my life, but whatever helps you sleep at night i suppose. i’m sorry i didn’t protect your precious package with my life,”
this was probably your favorite side to kiyoomi. the alcohol in his system made him more laid back than usual, he’d feel comfortable laying his legs across your lap or draping his arm across the top edge of the couch, his hand barely ghosting your shoulder. plus he laughed a lot. little giggles, chuckles, and sometimes full blown belly laughs. he was a completely different person with you (and with the alcohol).
“so what’s your secret?” you ask, shoving his shoulder, “tell me a secret, kiyo. i want to know everything about you.”
something in your words gave him butterflies. everything about him? he wondered if you really meant that, if you wanted to know all the reasons he is the way he is, the color of his childhood bedroom or the name of his pet hamster when he was seven. or if you just wanted to know the things that all the other women wanted to know about him. his workout routine or how many women he’s slept with or how long his-
“kiyo,” you called him out of his thoughts, a concerned look on your face, “y’know if you keep your brow scrunched like that all the time you’re going to get wrinkles. and then girls wouldn’t find you as pretty anymore. are you gonna tell me a secret or do i need to kick you out of my apartment?”
“maybe i should keep doing it then, i don’t need women to find me attractive.” sakusa rolled his eyes, but thought for a second about a secret to tell you. he thought it only fair to tell you one equally as embarrassing as yours (even though yours was mostly funny and not really embarrassing). “i’ve never been kissed before.”
you tried to hide the shocked look on your face, “what? never? like not even once when you were a kid as a dare or something?” you didn’t mean to make him feel bad, but somehow you couldn’t believe a man as attractive as kiyoomi would have never have kissed someone before. “why not?”
“i was never interested in it,” he shrugged, taking another sip from the bottle in his hand, “and i’ve never met anyone worth wanting to kiss, y’know?” he didn’t ignore the shocked look on your face, giving you a small laugh in response. “you’re surprised, knowing what you know about me and you’re surprised i’ve never kissed anyone before?”
“i think it’s more surprising to hear you say you’ve never met anyone worth kissing before. i mean, you see bokuto, hinata and ‘tsumu on the daily. if i got to see them i’d want to kiss one of them for sure.” you teased, “maybe you just don’t like girls?”
“i’d die before kissing any of them, especially atsumu,” sakusa shuddered before shaking his head at you, “i know that i like women, y/n. it’s just a matter of finding the one that doesn’t disgust me.” he hesitated for a moment before sighing, “and it’s hard to find someone that wants to know me. not sakusa of msby, but me. like…”
“someone who wants to know kiyoomi,” you finished his sentence. you didn’t know how to tell him that’s how you wanted to know him. you wanted to know kiyoomi, not sakusa. and to an extent you do know kiyoomi, you’re one of the few people he’d ever let see him like this. but you still worried that he’d never fully open up to you. why did you deserve to know him like that? just because you’re his neighbor?
“right, someone who wants to know kiyoomi.” sakusa’s eyes fell to you, and you pretended to not feel his stare. “but how do i trust that the people i’m surrounding myself with want to know me? and not him.” it was a genuine question, sakusa didn’t know how to tell the difference between the two. that’s why he didn’t have any friends outside of the volleyball team.
and you.
“what about me?” you asked, eyes meeting his. if it weren’t for the alcohol in your system you likely wouldn’t be so bold, “do you trust me?”
with everything. he wanted to tell you, though thankfully he had enough control over his drunken words not to. “i do.”
“do i disgust you?”
“not even a little.”
he hadn’t realized it before, but sometime between him confessing about never having kissed someone before and right now, your faces had gotten much closer. he wasn’t sure he had ever been close to someone like this before, aside from maybe the one time atsumu got far too drunk and tried to kiss him (it took days for sakusa to feel clean afterwards). but this was different. it felt different, he didn’t mind being this close to you. nor did he care that he could feel your alcohol ridden breath on his face with every rise and fall of your chest.
“yes y/n?”
“can i be your first kiss?”
sakusa answered by closing the distance between the two of you, unsure of what to do when your lips had actually connected. his eyes were closed, he knew that much, but what was he supposed to do with his hands? was he supposed to move his head at all?
“kiyo, you can breathe,” you laughed as you pulled away, a smile spread across your face. “you’re as stiff as a board, if you’re going to be kissing women you need to learn to be a little looser.”
sakusa knew you wanted to know everything about kiyoomi, not sakusa. “i’m not going to be kissing women.” he grinned, leaning away from you now. “i think i need to be a little more drunk, though.” he tried standing up but you stopped him.
“more drunk? kiyoomi i think you’re plenty drunk,” you giggled, holding onto his wrist, trying to tug him back down onto your couch, “drunk enough to kiss me, that is.”
sakusa wanted to tell you that he didn’t need to be drunk to kiss you, it just made it easier. but he didn’t, he just sat back down next to you and turned his attention to the tv. “was i bad at it?”
“kissing?” you giggled again, “it wasn’t the worst first kiss i’ve ever had.” you shrugged, tracing the outline of his side profile with your eyes. you were pretty sure if angels existed on earth, kiyoomi would be one of them. “what did you think of it?”
“well i don’t have anything to compare it to,” he replied, “so i think it was nice.” sakusa didn’t know how to tell you the only reason it was nice was because it was with you.
not pictured: atsumu spamming you with snaps the next morning, freaking out over the fact that you sent him a video of you and kiyoomi kissing (you had to beg him not to mention it to omi)
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reblogs, comments, nd likes appreciated ;3
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lovedrruunk · 3 months
What TikToks I think overwatch characters would post pt 2! (>ᴗ•) !
Part 1 !
Rein, don’t know if u guys know that liver king guy but he’s literally just rein if he took steroids. Posts tons of like gym core/culture videos yk BUT HES ONE OF THE GOOD ONES!!! Ppl in the community love him bc of how positive he is even though he’d give rlly bad advice “EATING THIS RAW TESTICLE INCREASED MY TESTOSTERONE LEVELS BY 9%!!!!”
D.va, this can go 2 ways. #1 in all her Korean celebrity realness posts vids doing trendy dances while using crazy whitening filters and doing aegyo. #2 goes by a fake name and trolls the fuck out of people. D.va being a hater is such a strong head canon of mine like I love her being a toxic bitch like yes slay or whatever so relatable! Replies to streamers she secretly hates like “Wow your mom’s basement looks so clean!” “My left toe can get better plays.” “Bet even your keyboard hates being touched by you.” basically meowbah or wtv her name was but less weird more cunty
Ana, she replies to reins TikTok’s telling his followers NOT to do anything he says, but other than that I can see her posting cooking vids (as every Arab mom does) but she’ll be talking sweetly in English and then suddenly start cussing something out in Arabic and it’ll be so off topic and it’s rlly funny “and then you add 1 cup of flour! ‘I told my lazyass lgbtqia daughter to pick up some earlier but of fucking course she chose to disappoint me again. Ever since the day I birthed her she has been disappointing me over and over again.’ A pinch of salt!”
Hanzo, DEPRESSION CORE SLIDESHOWS LMAOOO some “when the nice guy loses his patience… the devil shivers.” ass shit, bio is probs something stupid like “family betray, women cheat, Hennessy cures.”
Ashe, CONTROVERSIAL QUEEN !!! People forget she’s southern like please you cannot tell me she doesn’t have some crazyass takes. Will post borderline ragebait in like her car or something. “My gun identifies as a PLUNGER. Beat that Biden.” “BIDEN CANT TAKE MY GUNS, I KEEP THEM UPSTAIRS!!!” “Bidens oldass will probably find a way to outlive my OMNIC butler.” She’ll say all this stupid shit with a straight face and I just think that’s so funny. On rare occasions she’ll actually have a rlly good progressive take and ppl will be like okay hold up let her cook…
Tracer, kinda like junkrat where she's only famous cuz ppl lowk make fun of her and she hasn't caught on yet... I LOVEEEE Tracer she's my fav character but CMONNNN "Cheers love!" SHES NOT SURVIVING TIKTOK!!! ppl in the comments will be mocking her accent and she'll just think they're british too... ppl make fun of her NOT cuz they hate her but because she's just ummm eccentric that's the world plus she's british so that's rlly the only reason why ppl make fun of her like not in a mean way but just for funsies yk...
Pharah, being arab and being a lesbian I am 100% qualified to say this but she's such a fucking lesbo ykwim like 'hey mamas' type, she's also really whitewashed like thinks shes a white stud or something. Ellie Williams wannabe makes thirst traps in stained white wife beaters and expects every lesbian in a 100 mile radius to want her (they dont). Thinks playing basketball makes her the shit and she's just rlly desperate and lame. horny on main. Ana found one of her thirst traps once and it led to a really awkward convo
Kiriko, she's only there to post cute videos of her adventures with her gang and fox like shes just there to have a good time ykwim. And she's like popular bc all her fans r girls and her vlogs and stuff r just so nice to watch plus she's funny and rlly cool!
Baptiste, the anti-andrew tate. Hes so attractive and like confident that people can't help but like him ykwim like he makes little straight boys piss their pants with his bazillion level aura. He'll just post a random vid in his car maybe eating chipotle or something and he'll have men and women alike confessing their love for him in the comments. Lesbians love him.
Any character I haven't mentioned i just can't see posting or having tiktok!
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k1ranishf4 · 1 year
Honestly, I think it’s extremely obvious that those four dudes are Dio’s sons.
Like, I take a look at these bitches and go “yup, they got the slut genes.”
(I would’ve loved to see a glimpse of 25 year old Giorno, even if for just two seconds but well :’))
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Giorno and Rikiel have the Boob Window™ (which Giorno started out of the Brandos), Donatello is showing off his collar bones and has a semi-Boob Window and Ungalo’s out there tryna stab a priest while wearing a really really short crop top that would show his underboobs if he just stretched his arms.
Pucci would’ve died immediately if he had been a good Christian priest and saw the manwhore clothes all of them wear. Dio says no to generational trauma but he’s definitely pushing the generational sluttines agenda.
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Aside from the fact that I find him very attractive and am a Dio enthusiast, he’s displaying the crotch for everyone to see and his top doesn’t even cover his back, like??? It kind of bothers me when fanartists don’t include the fact that his back is also out for everyone to look at. He’s definitely wearing latex, no one can convince me otherwise.
Plus the earrings?? When did bro have the chance to pierce his ears? That wasn’t a thing in Phantom Blood. I actually don’t know if the other three have any kind of piercings, but Giorno definitely got his earrings after he saw that photo of his father.
It’s so funny to me, actually. Like, Dio was born in the Victorian Era, when it was inappropriate for a lady to show her ankles and even men were basically covered head to toe.
What in the name of Jonathan’s head did Enya tell this man💀
I love mudad a lot, if you couldn’t tell, and I’d keep talking about them for hours. Especially how all four of their personalities equal one whole Dio Brando (well, like 50-60% of Giorno’s personality + the others but-)
My new headcanon that I’ll be taking from this is that Rikiel would look up to Giorno and that he’d try to be like him if they were all raised together. They’d definitely match one way or another. (Tell me Giorno and Rikiel are your favorites without telling me Giorno and Rikiel are your favorites)
I have three or four mudad drafts that I still need to finish writing, yet here I am fueling my mind with even more ideas💀
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Adoration — kinkvember 2022
✦ pairing — roommate!Lip Gallagher x female!Plus Size Reader
✦ word count — 1.5k
✦ prompt — cheating.
✦ additional warnings — nsfw, slight angst, mentions of beverages, mentions of holidays, making out, dry humping.
You could see his lips moving and he could only possibly be talking to you. Lip often cursed at the TV for various reasons, but you could see on his face he was relaxed. Besides, the TV was off.
Tilting your head, you dropped the towel you were using to dry your hands onto the counter. “Sorry, didn’t catch the last part.”
He gave you a funny look as though he could see through you. Nodding upward, he asked, “What’s up with you today?”
You almost smiled at the question. Almost. “Nothing.”
“Was it Patrick?”
Lip always thought your boyfriend did something wrong. They barely interacted so you always assumed they just needed to get to know each other to get over their ridiculous suspicions. You had heard so many insane things from both, accusations so unfounded you worried you were going crazy and hearing them wrong, that you stopped counting.
“It was my sister,” you confided to him, hoping the explanation would ease his worries. Lip was convinced Patrick wasn’t good enough for you, whatever that meant. He furrowed his brow, staring at you and expecting you to elaborate. “I had lunch with mom today and the topic of the upcoming holidays came up… she said we wouldn’t do anything this year because I’m on bad terms with my sister.”
Amused, he motioned for you to go on with his hand. “And what did you do?”
“I called her, asked her to meet up and we kind of talked. Everything is supposedly fine for the family's sake, but I can tell she wanted to get something out of her chest.”
He pushed his tongue against his cheek, nodding as he walked behind you to reach a mug. “Maybe you should hear her out.”
Turning around so you could face him, you squinted. “You don’t mean that.”
He placed the empty mug on the counter and gazed into your eyes. “I hate when you fight with her, you get mopey.”
You twisted your mouth. “Mom’s ecstatic we’re cool now. I’m guessing you’re too? Oh, she said you’re invited, by the way.”
His semblance shifted, mood souring. “I hate third-wheeling.”
“Pat’s not invited,” you assured him. “You gotta find another excuse.”
Patrick could be invited, you were sure, but he would never attend. You were only dating and there was no reason for you to spend any holiday with his family or vice versa. It would have been sweet, but you had never talked about it even though you openly discussed your individual plans all the time. It didn’t help that your dad didn’t like him that much.
“It’s not an excuse,” Lip quickly defended himself. “ I like your family.”
“They like you too.”
“Too bad you hate me,” he teasingly said, taking the mug and moving it near the drip coffee maker.
You stuck your tongue out at him, making him playfully roll his eyes.
“You know I adore you, right?”
Lip was one of your favorite people in the entire world, you wished you had met him earlier in your life even though he insisted you would have disliked him back then.
“Yeah, yeah,” he jokingly dismissed your reminder. His hands rested on your shoulders as he added, “You know it’s mutual.”
This time you did smile. He gave you a short smile of his own and his eyes didn’t leave your face for a while. Eventually, you started to suspect he wasn’t really looking at you or at anything in particular.
Waving your hand in front of him to get his attention, you couldn't help but laugh. “What are you thinking about?”
“About fucking you into the couch,” he said, as though it was a normal occurrence.
As though he knew there were times you had found yourself wishing Patrick's hands were his. You loved your boyfriend, but you weren't blind, Lip was attractive, 'just your type' according to your sister, whatever that meant.
His voice made your skin warm in the mornings and at first, you blamed it on being used to his presence after almost a year and a half of living together. But as he said that, as he admitted he thought about fucking you —for whatever reason, a reason you didn't want to know, and perhaps not even entertain— his voice did more than warm your skin.
Your hands burned at the desire to touch him, to trace his shoulders and bury your fingertips in the dips of his body. More than that, your skin tingled, yearning to be touched by him.
You hated that you could see it clear as day, Lip pinning you to the couch, holding your arms to your head as he plunged in and out of you.
“What are you thinking about, huh?” he teased you.
“About you fucking me into the couch.”
Saying it loud didn’t make it less real, or shameful, and his lack of answer told you he wasn’t expecting that. He always had something to say, except when you needed him to talk, of course, except when you needed him to be reasonable and leveled about something both of you were old and mature enough to control.
You rushed to say, “We wouldn’t go through with it—”
He interrupted you with a smothering kiss, hands grasping your face. The shock wore off, perhaps too quickly, as you brought a hand to lay on his shoulder while the other rested at the base of his neck. Trying to match his intensity, devouring his mouth for a moment before relinquishing power, you found that going through with it was pretty easy.
Kissing him was easy, so fucking easy in fact that you should have done it sooner if only to scratch the itch.
Heat radiated from his lower body and seeped into yours as he pressed himself to you as his hands lowered to grip your plump waist.
He guided you away from the kitchen, forgetting about the coffee maker he never got to even plug in. You both clumsily moved into the small living room, lips still attached and hands holding onto each other as though the body underneath your hold would disappear if you were to let go.
Slipping your fingers into his hair, you found that it was softer than it looked which prompted you to tug on it. He groaned against your mouth, pushing you onto the couch.
You broke the kiss, looking up at Lip in a trance as he hovered over you. He gazed into your eyes, expectant — you wished you knew what he wanted from you, that he would outright say it. Instead, Lip crashed his lips against yours again.
Leisurely, he dropped his weight onto you, making you feel every ripple of his muscles as he shifted to a comfortable position, overwhelming your senses in every single possible way.
Lip humped into you with soft rolling motions, rubbing you through your leggings and thin panties with his hard cock. You wished he wouldn't, you wished he would try to be rougher, to make it hard for you to think this meant something different.
You bucked your hips, desperate for more friction, grinding into your roommate at a frenzied pace. Lip's hands gripped at your hips, squeezing hard, meeting your movements by grinding against you almost in a rush.
Every shared kiss was sloppy, short and breathless, with teeth clashing in between in attempts to keep groans and moans in. You didn’t know whose hands wandered first, but your skin was set ablaze when his cold fingers slipped under your top.
Delighted with the feel of his bare back under your fingertips, you pulled Lip closer to you, pushing his cock to poke your thigh. You whined the exact moment he groaned, pulling away from your needy kiss with a thread of saliva still connecting your mouths.
His blown pupils as he slowly brought his eyes up to meet yours were more sobering than anything else he could have done. His lustful gaze, turning his sparkly eyes into a deep blue you couldn’t afford to get yourself lost in, made you shiver.
“We shouldn’t,” you panted.
He hummed and gave your body another squeeze for good measure.
You suppressed a moan, afraid you would cross yet another line if he did it again. “I have a boyfriend.” The reminder hung in the air and no matter how long you tried, you just couldn’t let it settle, not between you and Lip, and not within yourself.
“I don’t give a shit about your boyfriend,” he simply stated. You didn’t even pretend to be surprised. “‘m not forcing you, though. I’ll stop if that’s what you want.”
Squeezing the back of his head, you admitted, “I don’t know if I want you to stop.”
“I’ll stop, then.” He kissed your forehead. Your hands dragged down his body, almost in slow motion, as he pushed himself off you.
You stared up at the ceiling, chest heaving up and down as Lip walked away from the living room and into his bedroom. The door closed behind him.
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itsyassbitch · 1 year
✈︎A plus one✈︎ Chapter II
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Chapter I
Summary: Bradley has always been the single friend of all of his friend groups. However he’s tired of everyone trying to set him up with random women until one day he asks you to be his plus one to his friends marriage so they stop bothering him about getting a girl. What happens when you both start liking this lie you’ve been telling people? Warnings: None at the moment; probably smut, alcohol consumption, a little bit of angst, cursing, ...
Chapter Two
In that bathroom’s shower, you were questioning all your life choices. How you, Lieutenant Y/n Y/l/n, at thirty-three years old stable woman, accepted the childish task to be your coworker fake little girlfriend? What has gotten you to even accept something like that? Of course, Bradley Bradshaw wasn’t someone you’d be ashamed of daring. He’s lovely; funny; and very handsome. That is exactly what the problem is, he’s your friend, a really good friend, but he is also a very attracting man and the fact of sharing a bed with him for a whole week wasn’t really soothing.
You are sure that you are going to over-think everything that happens during this week. Not because you want him to be attracted to you but by the fact that you are scared that seeing that side of you will make him underestimate your qualification to do your job. You still are co-workers, and you’d say that the Navy more than any job is a very competitive environment. You have always done your best to be as professional as could -even with your teammates- so what could happen if your aptitude of judgement is doubted because you’ve left someone from your work milieu have access to the real you?
You were so lost in your thoughts that you didn’t hear Bradley knocking at the bathroom’s door. “Viper, are you good in there? I’ve tried knocking several times, but I didn’t get an answer from you. You’re in there for almost one hour already and I really need to pee.” “Oh yeah, shit, give me one minute and the bathroom is all yours” you utter while leaving the shower. You dress up very quickly, so you don’t have time to dry you hole body, making some parts of you pajama shorts stick to you tights, same with your belly. Your hair is dripping wet, so you wrap it in you towel and open the door.
“There you go, sorry I didn’t hear you, I’m just exhausted.” You tell him, feeling embarrassed that he almost peed himself because of you. “Don’t worry, I’ll survive. You should go to sleep now; I’ll try my best to not make any loud noise and wake you up” he replies entering the bathroom and closing the door. You go to bed still drying your hair and you feel how chilly the weather actually is, so you decide to take a pair of socks and a hoodie to warm yourself up a bit.
When you’re done putting on your hoodie, Rooster comes out of the bathroom and goes to the living room, and you follow him. “Aren’t you going to sleep?” you ask him as you sit on the couch arm. “Yeah, but I’m a little hungry so I’m just looking for something to eat before going to bed. Do you want something?” “I mean, yeah, if you find something in here let me know” “I was thinking about ordering in room-service” “do you really think they make room-service at two am Bradshaw? “Why not? Were in Hawaii baby, you can have anything you want here” he says proud of himself while you were a little flustered with the new nickname.
Turned out they do make room-service at two in the morning, but you and Bradley had order a cold sandwich because the kitchen was obviously already closed so you took a chicken caesar sandwich while he took a tuna mayonnaise one along with two beers. You were both eating on the living room couch while watching The Vampire Diaries -He made you rewatch the episode he missed while he was sleeping.
“Do you realize that you’re eating while watching tvd at almost three in the morning right? You’re practically a fangirl already. You just need to drool at Damon Salvatore and your part of the fandom” you warn him while taking you beer and taking a sip. “Damon is the bad boy, right? I don’t know why you girls are so crazy about him, he’s just one more random white dude who looks like he’s horny 24/7” “Please, don’t disrespect Ian Somerhalder in front of me ever again or else you’ll suffer the consequences” you stare at him with a fake threat stare “Sorry ma’am, not doing it again” he says raising his hands “Good. And we like him because he knows he’s sexy and doesn’t try to hide it” you say shrugging and he only stare at you while nodding.
“I think we should try to sleep now. When do we have to meet your friends?” You asked while collecting the wrappers and beer cans and Bradley was cleaning the leftovers. “We are supposed to meet them for breakfast. I mean, if we wake up in time,  I’m drained from all of my energy right now”. “Do you want me to put an alarm? I’m probably wake up at seven. Or least try” “It’d be cool if you woke me up at the same time as you” “No problem!”.
As both of you went in direction of the bedroom, Rooster took out his hoodie and you couldn’t help but stare at his body. He really had a Greek god type of body, that you couldn’t deny. As soon as you realized that you were staring, you looked away disconcerted, cursing your own eyes for being so shameless.
The moment he realized what you were looking at and how embarrassed you, he quickly apologized “Sorry Y/n, I wasn’t expecting it to make you uncomfortable. It’s just that I didn’t have the chance to change since we arrived here”. He quickly reached for his pajama shorts. “I don’t usually sleep with a shirt on because I get really hot at night. But if you prefer, I can put a random shirt on…” “What? No, no, it’s okay. I just wasn’t expecting it. But really, get yourself comfortable, I’m not a young girl who can’t bear a shirtless man anymore” you said with a little grin. “Alright then, Lieutenant Mature Woman” he said laughing.
He then went into the bathroom to change and when he came back, you were already under the sheets, leaving him the window side. “I see madam has already chosen to let me get blinded by the sunlight for the hole week” he said while only your head was  sticking out of the blanket. “Don’t be dramatic, the curtains are blackouts” you say, already starting to fall asleep. “Night, Viper” he said laying down next to you. “Night Rooter” you answered, already half asleep.
The next morning -if you call it that, according to how late you slept-, you woke up thanks to the alarm you had put on the night before. Before you could get used to your surroundings, you felt a weight on your waist and something pressed against you upper back and as you tried to get up, you felt it pull you back to bed. As you looked behind you, you saw Bradley trying to hide his face from the sun against your skin, his arm wrapped around you as he held you closer. You felt his body warmth all over yours since he was spooning you, attached to one another.
He was still sleeping, and you tried to get out of bed without waking him, but he didn’t to want to let you go so you called his name softly. “Rooster” you tried a first time, but he didn’t seem to have listened to you, so you tried again “Bradley, we got to get up or we’ll miss breakfast…”. It is only then that he starts waking up, looking around until he sat up on the bed with a sleepy face and disheveled hair. While he stretched, he asked you “what time is it?” and you answered that it was 07:05 in the morning. “I’m going to go brush my teeth really quick and you can have the shower for yourself. I know you didn’t have time to wash because of me yesterday. Just try not to make us late” you informed him as you entered the bathroom.
A few minutes after, you exit the bathroom, leaving him room to take while you get yourself ready. You decided to something simple: white high waisted jeans shorts; a beige tank top; a green floral shirt over it and white converse and some basic jewelries and sunglasses. You opted to put only a little bit of makeup on since it’s still morning, only a bit of concealer, blush, mascara, and some cherry lip balm.
Once you finished getting ready, you sat down on the couch waiting for Bradley, also giving him some privacy to change. About two or three minutes later came join you in the living room, wearing khaki pants, a with plain t-shirt and one of his usual Hawaiian shirts over it. It was already 07:20 so he asked you “Are you ready?”. “Yep. I was just waiting for you” you answer as you stand up”. “Let’s go then” he says guiding you outside of the room before locking the door.
As soon as you arrive in the hotel restaurant, you can immediately spot his friends because they were all at one big table at the end of the room. A few seats were still available, so you assume you weren’t the last ones to get there.
As they spotted one of you, a blond girl stood up and came walking towards you. “Bradley! It’s so good to see you!” she says hugging him and then turning to you. “And you must be Y/n. Bradley talked a lot about you!” she hugged you the same way she did to Rooster, and you hugged her back. “He did?” you asked looking at him. “Of course! I’m so happy he finally found someone, you’re so pretty! I’m Kate by the way, I’m the bride.” She states smiling at you. “Thank you! You look gorgeous too. Congratulations for your wedding!” you say holding Bradley’s upper arm, trying to not make it awkward. “Thank you so much. I’m so excited! Oh, Thomas is at the buffet, he wanted some croissant, but he’ll be back soon. Meanwhile you can sit down and start taking your breakfast” she says touching Bradley’s arm and returning to the table.
You both sat at the end of the table, in front of Thomas and Kate, where you saw your names in little tags. Quickly, Thomas returned to the table and greeted you while presenting himself to you. While everyone small talked about nothing and everything, Kate caught you to say, “Luckily I saw the mistake on your reservation in time to change right?” she started, and you didn’t know what she was talking about.
“Sorry, what mistake?” you answered while glancing over Bradley, who was too busy chatting about some baseball game with Thomas and a guy named Theo. “Oh, you didn’t know? I saw on your reservation that you were supposed to have two single beds instead of a double one in your room. By chance, I always check the reservations before travelling to be sure and this time I did for all of you too” she replied seeming to be relieved that everything was working out well not only for her and Thomas but her guests as well.
You really wanted to be mad at her for taking a little bit of your intimacy always, but you knew better that to do so. She was trying her best to make everything perfect for everyone and obviously didn’t know that you and Rooster weren’t really a thing, so you simply said “Oh my god, really? That was so thoughtful of you!” while returning her smile.
 You must have answered a bit louder than you had done for the whole meal because it caught Bradley’s attention, who turned to you, placing his arm on the back of your chair. “What’s going on here?” he asked looking at both of you. “Kate was telling me she fortunately was able to change our reservations when she saw they’d give us two beds instead of a double one” you answered laying you hand on his bicep that was behind you, turning to face him and giving him a fake little smile.
“Well thank you Katie, it would be really odd to stay separated for so long” he tells her, smirking at you “Don’t worry Brad, I know how little mistakes like this are the worst. Plus, I didn’t want you to stay away from your woman that long” she replies and wink at you. At that moment you try something new to see if it will work. “Oh, don’t worry Kate. Even if he wanted, he couldn’t stay away from me. The only way for him to have a good night of sleep is cuddling little a little baby” you say while holding his face into your hand and making eye contact.
You notice that he’s blushing at the same time as Kate and she says, “Oh my god look at him blushing right now, that’s so cute!!” and you just laughed, turning to look back at him. He just stares back at you totally flustered and then he comes closer to you until his face is hidden behind your neck. At first you don’t know what to do until you feel his breath behind your ear, giving you goosebumps. You then decide to comb you hand through his hair while looking at Kate and smiling as she takes a photo of both of you with her disposable camera.
For the wedding, every guest received a disposable camera personalized for the occasion. During the week, everyone is supposed to take nice photos for them to make their weeding photobook. After taking your photo she said “Here, give me your phone so I can save my number on it and take yours too. You looked so cute, I had to pic, I’ll send you a copy if you want”. “Yeah, sure, I’d love that. Thanks!” you say as Bradley lifts his head, looking at you and then returning his attention to the boys.
After breakfast, you all agreed to explore the city. You were really excited by the beach, but you knew that there were a lot of beautiful spots too. You agreed to not stay too long outside because a lot of you were tired because of the flight. Bradley and you went up to your room so you could freshen up your makeup and change into something else.
Rooster decided to but jeans shorts with his white shirt with yellow flowers on it along with his golden chain that somehow matched his hair color. You chose to change into a white tank top and a long purple floral skirt. You also changed your hairstyle and decided to tie it up in a messy bun just so the temperature outside wouldn’t be to hard to handle. You also replaced your converse to white sandal, trying anything to be the most comfortable possible.
You both went down to the hall waiting for everyone since you were the first ones to be ready. He then asked you “Hey Viper, do you think we should like… hold hands? I mean, when we’re with them, maybe it would be suspicious if we didn’t” and you answered him “Yeah, it would definitely be weird if we didn’t. I mean we can also pay attention what they do while outside, so we don’t look like fifth graders holding hands awkwardly”. “We are awkward actually but yeah, if you say so, we should definitely do this” “Hey! I’m not awkward” you answered as if you were offended, and he laughed. “Yes ma’am, you’re totally right”.
Everyone gathered in the hall and were ready to go so he looked behind him searching for you, and he finds you he reached to take your hand. At first you looked at him and then at his hand. Taking a deep breath, you moved toward him and took his hand in yours giving him a little smile. He stared at you for a little while and asked, “Are you ready?” and you didn’t say anything, just nodding, giving him the green light to start your charade. You already know it’s going to be a long week…
I hope you liked it. I know it's still not perfect but I feel like it's already better written than the first one. Please don't hesitate to give me tips on how to improve this fic x) xoxo <3
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Could I request a skz reaction to their partner riding a motorcycle and loves working out?
You don't have to do this btw.
i’m obsessed with this omg
thank you so much for the request!! stay healthy <3
all the love ~ lunar
SKZ s/o Is A Gym Rat with a Motorcycle
Tumblr media
skz ot8 x gn!reader
Bang Chan
the first time chan sees you is at the gym
he gets there at the same time, and sees you pull up on a motorcycle
honestly he is slightly shocked when he sees you take off your helmet
love at first sight honestly
after that, he follows you into the gym, and sees you lifting
he honestly is thoroughly impressed with how well your form is, plus the weight that you are using (big boss moves)
he wont talk to you right away, honestly he is intimidated at first (if you’re like me, rbf is unaviodable at the gym)
he probably wont talk to you first, so you’ll have to make the first move
but once he gets comfortable talking with you, he cares for you like he does with the rest of stray kids
very caring and compassionate with you
thinks that you are such a badass, and wants to show you off once you two are dating (if he could he absolutely would)
knows that you can absolutely take care of yourself, though he might still try to baby you a little
every time he sees you he’s like “damn right, thats my partner”
loves everything about you honestly, and the fact that you are a gym rat is so attractive to him
asks if you can teach him how to ride a motorcycle
even asks for advice in the gym, especially on form, since yours is immaculate
asks so many questions on dates, like where you got the idea for a motorcycle, and what makes you want to be in the gym so often
gets nervous when you zoom off on your bike, he just wants you to be safe
overall, i think that chan would think you are literally the coolest person in the world, and wants to learn more about you and your interests
Lee Know
the first time lee know sees you, you’re pulling up to a cafe on your motorcycle
he’s not really intimidated, more so impressed
thinks motorcycles are super cool, though he doesn’t know enough about them to confidently have a conversation about them
I dont think he would be against talking to you, but at the same time, I don’t think that he would make a big deal out of the situation
until he sees you at the same cafe again, and lets his curiosity take over
once he does start talking to you, its probably something like “hey i think your bike is super cool.”
even after you two start dating, hes constantly asking you things about motorcycles because he wants to learn
after some time talking, when he finds out you are a gym rat, he thinks thats one of the most attractive things
he might even start going to the gym more consistently, so that he can see you more often
when he sees how strong you are, hes gonna start asking if you can lift heavy things for him (jokingly of course, even though you do it anyways lol)
he thinks that having a partner who is as strong as you is the coolest thing
low key gives him a confidence boost
like “yeah, they’re strong, and they’re mine” something like that
considers himself lucky that you even talk to him at all, though he wont admit this outloud
if he gets into an argument with anyone he would say something like “be careful, y/n would kick your ass for me” or something like that
he’s low key jealous that you are stronger than he is, he wants to be your protector, but he wont let that stop him from protecting you
no matter how long you two are together, he will never stop being impressed
having a strong partner is great for him honestly, like yes hes a protector, but having someone that others are intimidated by is so hot to him
low key the most intimidating couple, people secretly fear you until they get to know you
thinks its funny when yall walk into a cafe and people are visibly intimidated by the two of you
secretly, hes so soft for you, like even though you are stronger than he is, you’re his precious baby
overall, he is constantly impressed by you, and loves that you have the ability to seem intimidating, even if you have the softest most gentle heart
this man is in heaven omg
literally love at first sight
someone who is visibly a badass, plus a gym rat??
cupid really got him good
like chan, the first time he sees you is at the gym
though hes already inside, he sees you pull up on your motorcycle, and his jaw hits the floor when you take your helmet off
when he sees you lift, he becomes intimidated
though he would probably move somewhere closer to you, hoping that he catches your eye
also so that he can show off his own progress as a fellow gym rat
consistent gym dates when the two of you start dating
the two of you share different workouts together, and help with each others form on different lifts
even after the two of you are together, he might still be slightly intimidated, but he wont show it
likes that you can keep up with him, and match his vibe
asks you things about your motorcycle (might even consider getting one himself)
loves that you intimidate other people, even though you have a heart of gold
he’s in heaven when the two of you are able to connect on things other than the gym too!
knows that you can take care of yourself, yet he’s still your protector
refuses to let anyone hurt you, which you also do for him
truly soulmates omg
overall, yall would have a best friend type of relationship with the interests that you share, and he would be head over heels for you omg
the second he sees you, he is scared and intimidated at the same time
like he wont even look at you kind of thing
he sees your motorcycle, and your tones muscles, and just knows you could absolutely kick his ass
sees you for the first time at a coffee shop
after he orders his coffee and sees you, he spills the coffee when you make eye contact with him, which prompts you to help him clean it up
thats when he finds out you are a kind and gentle person
feels bad that he judged you for how you look, though he wont talk much about it
still wont talk much to you at first, he just doesnt want to say the wrong thing
even after the two of you start dating, he is highly intimidated
sometimes joins you at the gym, though he mostly just goes to keep you company (might join on some lifts, but not a ton)
you become his rock, he sees you as someone who protects him, and that helps him a lot, especially with his career path
people refuse to mess with him when they find out who hes dating, cause they also know that you could kick their ass
hyunjin loves the fact that even though you have a tough exterior, you are always so soft and gentle with the people you care about
he loves that you can scare others, but with him, you simply love him unconditionally
he becomes so comfortable with you, and feels like you protect him better than anyone else ever has (other than chan ofc)
he confides in you with all of his worries and insecurities, and literally anything that would be bothering him
paints and draws pictures of you, and is very detailed with them, including the tone of your muscles, and your bike
has a personal sketchbook of drawings of you, or drawings that he think somehow resemble you
could be a future tattoo that he thinks would look good, or even just your favorite flower, the whole sketchbook is dedicated to you
buys you things that he thinks would go with your bike, like if you put stickers on your bike (rare i know, but maybe lol) he’s buying all of them for you, and gives you a new one once a week
gets beyond excited when he heard your motorcycle pull up
the only time that anyone would see him excited to go to the gym is if he is going with you
honestly he just loves everything about you
overall, he would be really intimidated at first, but once he gets comfortable, he’s back to his normal self, and is beyond loving
Han would be so intimidated, but he wouldn’t let you know
the first time he sees you pull up on your motorcycle, his instant thought is “damn they could beat me up in a heart beat”
when he sees you take off your leather jacket, and he sees your toned muscles his next thought is “damn, they could snap me like a twig”
yes, he would be intimidated, but I think it would be in a more impressed sort of way ???
like he would just be drawn to you immediately, despite being intimidated
something about you is just so mysterious to him that he wants to know more about you
when he finally gets the confidence to talk to you, he finds out you’re an absolute sunshine and he’s thrown off of what he was gonna say
like his brain short circuits right then and there
after the two of you get to know each other more, he will go back to being his normal goofy self
he makes it his personal life goal to make you smile and hear your laugh
he just loves seeing you happy, but he also loves that you are intimidating as hell
the dualities that you have are so mesmerizing to him omg
would do literally anything in the world to make you feel happy
loves going to the gym with you, and asks you to teach him new lifts and techniques
like hyunjin, you become his rock
he comes to you with his anxiety and his insecurities
the two of you definitely build a relationship that is safe and comfortable, no matter what the situation is
100% the ride or die couple
asks you to teach him to ride your motorcycle
buys you a new one when he knocks yours over cause he thinks its beyond fragile and that he broke it
secretly now you have two and he can ride one of them lmao
takes the busted one though so you have a brand new one (cute)
overall, he would be hella intimidated at first, and his small bursts of confidence is what would get him to you, but once he becomes comfortable, its like dating your best friend
i think that felix would be very impressed
like I dont think that he would be intimidated necessarily, maybe a little shy
but his open mindedness lets him be intrigued in you without being intimidated
he just wants to get to know you :((
is immediately drawn to your aura, thinks you’re the coolest person the second he sees you
the first conversation the two of you have, hes probably asking about your bike, as if hes an expert already
really, that was his reason to talk to you, his curiosity led him to asking you questions, as well as three hours talking together lol
when he hears that you go to the gym, he asks which one
not because he wants to go, more so because after the two of you start dating, he shows up at the gym with flowers for you
he wants you to know that you can rely on him for anything, so hes always offering to take you places
honestly you end up driving him around on your bike instead lol
would for sure go to the gym with you, and hes your personal hype man when the two of you are there
when he breaks the walls you built up and finds out how sweet and caring you are he feels like he just won the lottery
literally thinks hes the luckiest man in the world to have someone as versatile as you
constantly invites you to the dorms, the guys dont mind either, they love you too
always has a fresh batch of brownies made (says they’re for the guys, but really he makes them for you)
takes you on the literal cutest dates
does not at all mind if you’re sweaty after the gym, he is latching to you and not letting go
would love it if you surprise him too with little gifts or things that made you think of him
he wants to be your rock, and he 100% is, but its also a mutual thing with the two of you
hes the one to hold your face in his hands and wipe away your tears, while trying to hold back his own
overall, the most loving relationship you could ever dream of. honestly it doesnt matter what you look like or what you drive, he loves you for you <3
minnie omg this menace
i feel like he would see you get off your motorcycle, and he would see your toned muscles, and no matter how intimidating you look, he would still say that he could kick your ass
doesnt make a big deal about anything
until he goes to the gym with you
when he sees the weights that you use, his jaw literally hits the floor
hes treating you like royalty for the next week
after about a week, hes back to being a menace
constantly teasing you regardless of the fact that you could easily knock him out (please dont lol, keep dandy boy dandy)
he never takes his teasing too far though, not because you intimidate him, but because he actually does have feelings for you
honestly, he treats you like a queen in the most nonchalant way
hes your rock. hes your shoulder to cry on, especially when he finds out how gentle your heart is
loves the tough exterior and soft interior kind of vibe
honestly he takes such good care of you
hes got no issues going to the gym with you, but hes not gonna lift or anything
honestly hes there to either sit in awe of you, or scroll through his phone
very supportive of you riding a motorcycle, though he still tells you not to drive like an idiot (his way of saying be safe)
gets secretly excited when people ask about you like “yeah they’re mine”
sneaks pictures of you on your bike or at the gym
the dualities you have drive him insane
like this absolute badass who has such a kind heart
basically worships the ground you walk on, but denies it when anyone says anything about it
overall, so chill once he gets to know you for you, but thinks that you are the most badass person hes ever met (big slayer hehehe)
this man omg
he would be in literal heaven
not intimidated in the slightest, honestly when he sees your bike, hes by your side before you can take off your helmet telling you how cool he thinks it is
and when he hears you are a gym rat ?!
hes immediately asking what gym you go to so that he can join you
honestly he would get so excited to have a badass s/o
like “yeah thats my s/o, best be careful, they could knock you out”
but what he loves even more is when he finds out you wouldn’t even hurt a fly
he loves your gentle caring nature
but also that you have the coolest vibes
constantly asks you opinions on his OOTD if the vibe is similar to yours
takes you shopping constantly
he just wants to pamper his baby :(
another one to nonchalantly worship the ground you walk on
like you are his baby hes not gonna let anyone talk bad about you whether you’re around or not
loves to cuddle with you, but wont tell anyone
honestly the guys get jealous when they see him cuddling you lol
hes your emotional support through everything
just wants to take care of you fr
loves that he can be himself around you
really opens up when he finds out the two of you have similar interests
offers to teach you his favorite games, in exchange for you teaching him about motorcycles
overall, the most carefree, go with the flow kind of relationship. like the two of you get along so well its too cute omg !!
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Practice date
Sho x Xena
Sho going all out to impress Xena.
Date night! Date night!
It’s currently 2am and I’ve been up since 7am, I half proof read it~ but also this might be nonsensical, but I just feel like Sho puts his all in his dates, he don’t fuck around.
“What are you writing?”
He was cleaning the picnic bench next to her as he prepared the shut down for the evening.
Xena glanced up as she tried to cover her page eyeing Sho suspiciously as he came slightly closer. His wind swept hair flowing with the breeze as he retucked his tie into his pocket, his blue eyes sparkling with curiosity as he grinned at Xena. He tossed the rubbish into the bin bag dropping it to the side for a moment before sliding next to her, leaning on his arm awaiting for her response as she sighed giving up on hiding her writings.
“It’s a bucket list…”O_O
She awkwardly fumbled for her notebook and clumsily shoved it in front of Sho’s face, in an attempt hide her embarrassed face.
Sho took it, his hands brushing against hers pausing there for a moment as he started reading through the list.
1. Skydive
2. Go on a good date
3. Throw a rager
4. Learn to cook
5. Get a thigh tattoo (over scar)
6. Find a cure?
7. One last Halloween
8. Go to the circus
9. Go to a festival
10. Go out with a bang
They all seemed pretty easy to solve…except for a couple, he gave back her notebook as he looked at her intrigued.
“You never been a date?”
He sounded surprise leaning on his arm again as he watched her hide the notebook in her bag. He couldn’t imagine no one ever asking Xena out?
“I’ve never been on a good date!”•_•
She tried not to sound too disappointed as she got up and started collecting rubbish from the other tables, Sho rolling his eyes at her obvious avoidance.
“Would you like to go on a good date?”
An obvious question with an obvious answer but he needed a way in as he grabbed the bin bag following her around as she cleared all the tables.
“It’s on the list.” •_•
She sighed in frustration, chucking an empty cup successfully into Sho’s bin bag.
Sho walked slowly beside her, he rolled up his sleeves as he casually put his arms over his head speeding up to her head of her as he spun around to face her. Trying to hide the grin spreading on his face as Xena’s face was dusted in a light blush.
“How bout I take you on a practice date~?”
Cheekily grinning at her as she froze in place, staring at him wide eyed as though he was speaking in an alien language.
“A Practice date?” •_•
She repeated, the words fumbling off her tongue as she tried to process the words. It’s not that she didn’t like Sho…in fact it was the opposite, he was strong, charming, smart, funny and insanely attractive to the point Xena is starting to think everyone’s wish was to be the most good looking person in this realm.
She hated to admit how much her crush on Sho had developed. The way he’s put his all into this food truck, his kindness, his smugness, the way he’s annoyingly perfect at everything and his humour; the butterflies that attack her stomach everytime she’s around him makes her want to challenge him in the pit, but she knows she wouldn’t win-another plus being that he’s insanely strong.
“Oi senpai, you with me?”
His hand was on her face, smirking down at her as her face practically had steam coming off it, even more so when she realised what was happening, she took a step back sitting on the bench behind her.
“Why would you want to go on a practice date with me?”
Why her of all people, she was usually known to be offputting and gruesome, her emotionless disposition apparently unsettled people, her quick temper causing more enemies than friends…yet Sho was here, sitting next to her as he leaned back glancing over at her in curiosity and amusement as he watched her slip into deep thought, she couldn’t decipher what his plan was despite it being so obvious even Alan could figure it out.
He nudged her grinning as she sharply turned to him, face still red as a tomato.
“Well how else are you gonna know what a good date is if you don’t experience it~?”
Her eyes widened before a small laugh spilled from her lips, rolling her eyes she leaned into him.
“Oh? And who made you the master of dating?”
She teasingly asked as he hummed in fake deep thought.
“Inspector Xena, I’ll have you know I’ve only ever received five star reviews on my dates, I’m the master the connoisseur, what can’t I do?”
He proudly exaggerates as he took hold of Xena’s hand giving it a chaste kiss on the back of her hand as he smirked down at her.
“Ohhh~ I see so the self admitted playboy only gets five star reviews? Sounds suspicious, you can be quite persuasive ya know~ how do I know it’s legit?”•_•
She jokingly said as Sho didn’t let go of her hand, instead clasping it with his own as he cackled.
“Hmmm~then I have to prove it to you Xe, worst comes to worse I’ll use my persuasion skills to convince you its the best da-practice date you’ve ever been on.”
He sounded so confident, once again kissing the back of her hand as he stood back up and pulled Xena up with him, leading her back to the food truck. Her heart hammering in her chest and she was 100% surprised her head hasn’t blown up from how much heat was exploding over her cheeks as she let herself get easily led back.
“I’ll guess you’ll just have to prove it to me then…”
She had never sweated more in her life.
Sho said it’s going to be a surprise, so she had no clue what to wear-Sho telling her whatever she wore would be fine.
She had her dark red bat shaped corset tank on with a long black skirt that slits on one side, big black boots to boost her height and a cropped leather jacket. Leo had given his approval for the outfit, rejecting the many other choices the two had been debating for the majority of the day.
Her makeup was light gothic, she didn’t want to go too heavy, wearing a red eyeshadow with black eyeliner and a dark red lip. She wore matching bat earrings and black gemmed rings, Her hair left loose as she clipped it back on one side.
He said he’d pick her up in ten minutes and she tried so hard to keep her face neutral but the excited grin seemed to take over her as she paced the room, checking on her plants as she tried to pass the time.
Sho was early, waiting outside as he saw shadows of Xena’s figure pass by the windows erratically, smiling to himself as he wandered to the front door, repeatedly knocking on the door and only being slightly surprised as he was met by the stunning image of a flustered and excited Xena.
He couldn’t help himself, obviously checking her out as he pulled her into a hug.
“You look amazing Xena…”
He whispered into her ear, snickering as she gently pushed him away, Sho was wearing a bikers jacket with a black and grey patterned shirt with a black t shirt underneath, wearing his signature bandanna and chains as he spun Xena around causing the girl to giggle as she held on tightly.
“I could say the same to you!”
She cringed as she said it way too loudly-clearly very nervous , Sho grinning as he took her hand and lead her to Bonnie, who was patiently waiting for them.
He handed her a cat eared mustard motorcycle helmet, one she had never seen before, he helped secure it onto her head, his grin widening even more as brown eyes gazed at him with pure elation. He knew she’d like this helmet, getting one of the other students to custom make it for her.
“Is this new! It’s a really pretty colour…”
She grasped around the helmet, she could peek through the visor a subtle blush on Sho’s face as he helped her onto the bike.
“I’m glad you like it Xe, it’s your helmet after all.”
He quickly turned and revved the engine, guiding Xena’s arms around him as he felt his heart overtake the sound of the engine.
“You made this for me?”
Hands tracing around him before he clasped her hands together around him, safely securing her.
He wasn’t prepared for how pretty she looked or how cute she was being, he was feeling almost giddy as he started driving off and out of their cage, glad he had time to resort himself before he has to face her once again.
Their first location was a neon Acropolis, an arcade at the top of a steep hill. The walls were covered in neon pink and purple jellyfish with flowers dancing around them, the place brimming with an eclectic amount of game that Xena was ready to absolutely defeat Sho in.
He held her hand and guided her to the entrance, getting them both a drink as they both excitedly chattered away darting into the main room.
“How about everytime one of us you loses, the winner can request or ask them to do something?”
He was rubbing circles on her hand and at this moment of time she was at 30% fluster, the ride there driving her crazy of the smell of leather and Sho’s cologne mixed with the beautiful sceneries made her very glad Sho couldn’t see her tomato red face, the cool air around them being the only reason it died down by the time they got there.
“Sure sounds like a deal, when one of us you loses I’m sure to be kind in my prizes.”
She grinned confidently as they arrived at their first game.
Basketball hoops, easy peasy…or so she thought.
She lost by one point, scowling at Sho’s smug grin as he spun the basketball on his finger.
“So mine will be…”
He hummed in thought, underhandedly throwing the ball and smirking as it went through the hoop without him looking.
“A question-how many other proper dates have you been on?”
She took a sip of her drink before answering, taking her time as she avoided answering, feeling awkward all of a sudden.
“Three…none of them went to a second date.”
She chuckled awkwardly as Sho linked his arm with hers, she spotted an air hockey table and lit up as Sho immediately lead them over there.
“Why’d they never continue?”
He questioned innocently, side glancing at Xena, getting completely distracted by how good she looked as he almost walked into the table, getting yanked back by Xena as she raised an eyebrow at Sho.
“I don’t know…I just never really, I only said yes I guess cause they wouldn’t let up otherwise??”•_•
Sho frowned at the response, Xena who never ran away from a fight giving in so easily.
“Don’t get me wrong I would’ve beat the shit out of them if I could, but friends of friends ya know, it was easier to have a disappointing time for a couple of hours rather than lose a friend.”•_•
She nodded to herself as if she said the wisest words in the world, Sho nodded still frowning as he went to his side of the hockey table.
“They don’t sound like the greatest of friends”
He murmured out, the words almost lost over the loud upbeat music that boomed throughout the room.
“Hmmmm-I guess not.” O_O
He sighed as she calmly responded.
“You don’t feel pressured cause we’re frie-“
“Not in a million years Sho, if I didn’t want to go today I wouldn’t have, it was different times back then…”
The mood lulled a bit as Xena cursed at herself for killing the mood as Sho mulled over her words, he easily picked up her crush on him and he hope she picked up his.
He was so distracted that he didn’t realise he was losing till it was too late.
“Oh my~ you’ve gotta keep your head in the game Sho if you wanna win.”
She sang at him as she came bounding over to him, Sho sighed as he smiled gently at Xena, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear as she went a bright red.
45% flustered now.
He took a sip of his drink as Xena reloaded.
“Hmm a question, how many dates have you been on?”
She asked curiously, intrigue sparkling in her eyes as she wrapped an arm around his, he relished in the way she was pressed up beside him, in the way she looked-smelled, even her voice was setting him alight as he realised this was his chance to not only a how her the best date ever…but to hopefully start the journey to many more after this.
He looked around locating the Mario kart as he dragged her over there, determined to win this time.
“I’ve been…on a few.”
He answered tentatively, he has had a bit of a history but nothing with much substance to count as an actual relationship.
Xena let out a low whistle giggling as she took a swig of her drink.
“That bad huh?”
He grinned sheepishly at her as he gestured for her to sit down, she grinned curtseying as she went to sit, Sho slotting next to her as the two begun their contest.
It ended up being a best out of eleven, Sho winning the last race as Xena groaned in despair.
“Request; you have to down your drink Xe.”
She sighed as she glanced at her half full cup, shrugging as she down the thing in one. Sho’s eyes widened in surprise as she dragged him to the bar; getting the two the same drinks as before as Sho quickly finished his drink.
Both were drinking beer, Xena’s a cherry flavoured one and Sho’s just a normal one, he thanks the stars that Bonnie is able to drive them around places without needing him to be at the wheel, his bribe of an all you can eat BBQ sandwich buffet paying off.
“What should we play next?!”
She excitedly asked, brown eyes glowing against the neon lights as Sho felt himself being sucked in by the whirlpool of giddiness dancing within her.
“Hmmm~how about street fighter?”
A confident grin spread across her face as Sho wrapped an arm around her waist as they waltzed over to the two player games.
They lost count of who won and who lost as they got distracted by the menagerie of games before them losing themselves as they bantered and bickered throughout their mini tournament, both deciding to make a request of the other as penance for losing track.
“You have to win me a teddy bear.”
Sho declared, Xena’s deadpan face coming back full force as she stared at the ugliest teddies she’s ever seen in her life.
“A teddy bear.”
She repeated in shock.
“The biggest, ugliest one you can find.”
They were three drinks in now, xena becoming more giggly and Sho more flirty as they continued.
She let out a cackle as she spotted a one eyed lime green pirate alien, the thing had a weird peg leg and alien parrot on its side. She took off her jacket preparing herself for battle as she grabbed the controllers, inserting the coins as she put her full focus on capturing Sho’s teddy bear.
It took till her seventh try before she debated giving up, turning to Sho as he leaned against the other machine mesmerised as he watched her focus.
“Don’t stop trying Xe, you’re so close.”
He tried to encourage her but his voice came out more strained than he meant it too. She looked so hot, her arm muscles flexing as his eyes traced the sight of her tattoo, the fire in her eyes as she fell into the zone, her top showing off her curves perfectly as it hugged her in all the right places. He was too busy checking her out to catch her frustrations but as she turned to him a scowl present on her face he glanced at the cursed contraption, catching sight of the teddy teetering on the edge.
He wrapped an arm around her, his thumb rubbing circles into her sides as he cooed comforting words to her as she tried to focus on capturing the teddy instead of the way she felt like she was about to combust as she reached 70% flusteredness.
She immediately caught the bear quickly grabbing it and turning to Sho stuffing it in his arms as she marched to the strength calculator. The butterflies getting too much for her as Sho made her brain feel dizzyingly fuzzy.
“My request is that you let me play this and don’t laugh at my score.”
Sho rolled his eyes chuckling as he trailed after her clutching onto his new friend.
It truly was the ugliest and biggest thing he’d seen, the eye that was on the bear was half sewn on, the lime green fur extremely soft yet the leg leg was weirdly hard.
He loved it.
He set the pirate to the side, checking the time nonchalantly, panic rising as he realised that they were running late for the second part of the date.
How had three hours already passed?
It was too easy being around Xena, time not existing as it feels like their own little world as they were at complete ease with eachother. Xena so easy too fluster making it even more fun, but the fact that the heavily guarded Xena was even letting him get this close both emotionally and physically to make her flustered was enough to set his brain into overdrive.
“Xe after this we’ve gotta leave if that’s okay?! There’s somewhere else I wanna take you!”
She grinned with elation nodding in agreement as she downed her drink, setting the cup to the side as she readied herself for her final knockout punch.
“Remember you’re not allowed to laugh.”
Sho nodded about to down his own drink as he prepared to leave, he was about to swallow his drink just as Xena swung at the hanging punching bag.
She put all her force into it, cheering as the the score loaded up on the device.
Sho nearly spat out his drink, choking as she turned to him preening at his surprise.
“Babe that was hot.”
80% fluster please seek immediate assistance.
Bonnie kindly drove the two plus their new recruit to the next location.
Sho nervously leading Xena through the dark greenery area the night sky making it so only their phone and the moon could help guide their way, a collision of trees and flowers interwoven between eachother as they approached a dome like building.
He’d never taken a date to somewhere like here before, Leo pulling some strings to get them their own room as he lifted Xena over a mud pile, she let out a light shriek of surprise, Sho cackling as she fake glared at him.
They had to leave captain pirate with Bonnie, who seemed to be happy to have the company.
She was half convinced Sho was going to murder her here, the small building seeming to have no inhabitants as Sho awkwardly knocked on the old wooden door.
The creaky door squeaking as an elderly man poked his head out the door glancing between Sho and Xena before sighing and opening the door even wider.
“You’re Late Mr.Haizono.”
Sho bowed apologetically, xena doing the same a she heard the old man chuckle at them.
“Please stand up properly, I’ll guide you to your room.”
Your room…?
He was definitely going to murder her…or…or
90% fluster has been achieved, system nearing overload.
She took a deep breath telling herself to get her head out the gutter, regretting putting her jacket on captain pirate as the cold night air wrapped itself around her.
She shivered as Sho guided her quickly inside, shuffling his jacket off and wrapping it around her as his scent surrounded her, she tucked herself further into his jacket, a happy sigh escaping her as she was enveloped in Sho’s scent.
“Thank you.”
She couldn’t help the shyness escaping her, Sho slotting his arm underneath his jacket and around her waist, seeming to be one of his favourite ways to walk with her.
He was surprisingly quiet as they approached the room, a lilac door decorated in a series of star signs. They entered and Xena’s eyes went comically wide as she realised where she was.
It was a planetarium.
She was in awe, the night sky highlighted above them as Sho rubbed the back of his neck. He guided her to the leaned back double chair, helping her onto it as she found it hard to speak, in a state of shock and overwhelming adoration.
It was so sweet.
She held out her hand offering him an assist as he gently took it sliding in next to her as they both laid back in the chair.
“Do you like it?”
She laid her head on his shoulder, accepting the permanent blush on her face as she fiddled with the chain hanging around his neck.
She thought she could hear her own heartbeat but as she snuggled further into him she realised it wasnt hers but his heartbeat booming into her ears.
“I love it…Sho this is insane-it’s beautiful, thank you.”
She leaned up pressing a kiss to his cheek as she quickly laid back down as the show started to begin, narrowly missing the way Sho’s face lit up like a Christmas tree as a deep blush overtook him.
Sho had a giddy smile on his face throughout the rest of the show, eyes repeatedly glancing and meeting Xena’s as they both immersed in the show and eachother-not being able to decide what was better to watch.
The show was based on the zodiacs, the chair made out of pure memory foam, it was the prettiest and comfiest thing she had watched. The room was decorated in an assortment of zodiac based items-paintings, statues, music boxes, sketches even tiny chess pieces glued to the walls.
It was truly stunning.
They exited the plannetarium, giddy and warm as they Practically skipped back in happiness to Bonnie.
Xena was about to take off his jacket and hand it back, swapping it for her own before Sho stopped her, greedily enjoying the sight of her swamped in his clothes.
“Keep it on Xexe, it’s so cold, I couldn’t bear you freezing to death on our first date.”
100% overloaded system reboot.
He could almost see the steam of heat burning off of her as she slapped her cool hands against her cheeks, attempting to cool them down as she glanced at Sho.
“Our first date~we’ve upgraded from just a practice then?”
She grinned as she tilted her head curiously at him.
He returned her grin, hands ghosting around her waist once again as he leaned into her.
“Xe~I think we surpassed the practice level and gone straight into expert level.”
She let out another giggle as he came close, Sho narrowing his eyes as she aggressively rubbed at his cheek.
“You have erm lipstick there, sorry.”
She smiled sheepishly as she tried to remove the stain, nearly winning against it as only a shadow was left. Sho pouted at her, eyes flickering from her eyes to her lips.
“What if I wanted a reminder of you on me.”
It was so cheesy and if anyone else said it to her she would cackle in their face, but right now she was folding and folding hard as her breath hitched as Sho brought his lips to hers, pulling her closer as the two shared a short and sweet kiss.
120000% flustered-Xena may never revive.
She felt like she was going to explode, Sho grinning looking slightly ridiculous as a red lipstick mark stained his lips.
“Hmmm it suits you.”
She giggled again as she gazed adoringly at Sho, who huffed out a laugh as he wrapped his arms around her, slightly shuffling them from side to side. He was about to kiss her once more , the moon above them shining down as the breeze settled down between them it was the perfect moment…until Bonnie loudly revved her engine, reminding Sho they had one more place to go.
His hands covered her eyes as he wanted to keep it a surprise for her.
He hoped Alan and Leo prepped the place, not even able to regret the favours he will now owe them.
He still hadn’t removed the lipstick, proudly owning it as the two fell into a giggly lovey dovey state as they made their way there.
He let out a sigh of relief as he realised they did set it up.
“Oh my~everything okay Sho?”O_O
Xena startled at his sigh.
“Hmmm wait just one more moment Xe, keep your eyes closed please.”
He stepped in front of her taking one hand and guiding her to the chair, she obediently kept her eyes closed as he quickly set out the cakes, two meringue clams with fresh cream inside and strawberries buried within it, he had finished making them just before he left, hoping that she’ll enjoy them.
“You can open them.”
Eyes fluttering open and widening immediately as she took in the sights around her.
They were in a greenhouse, surrounded by an array of succulents and flowers, sunflowers, azaleas and strawberries plants just to name a few, fairy light surrounding them as they appeared like stars in the night sky. A small waterfall stood tall beside them as gentle streams of water trickled beside her.
She gasped as she gazed around the place, a beautiful scene with some of her favourite flowers surrounding her. She couldn’t help herself from wanting to look at every single little thing, mesmerised by the beauty as she glanced at the moon shining over them, the night sky littered with stars as she finally met Sho’s gaze. Who had been watching her slightly enraptured as he soaked in the sight of pure delight enveloping xena, knowing he’s the specific reason for it.
“Sho you did all of this…for me?”
She asked gasping as her eyes landed on the delicious looking treat before her, Sho blushed as he took her hand in his own, rubbing a thumb lovingly over it as Xena looked at him shocked.
“Of course Xe.”
He answered her softly, tugging gently on her arm as they both stood up meeting eachother over the table as they shared another short kiss.
“We can look around after we eat this-if you want too?”
She was sparkling, feeling herself fall into a well of complete content as she felt like she was falling off a cliff as she realised maybe this crush wasn’t going to be just a crush…maybe it wasn’t even just a crush now.
No one ever done something this sweet for her before, the events of the day catching up as she blinked away the tears, distracting herself with a bite of the dessert, humming in delight as the delicious treat danced delightfully on her taste buds.
“That tastes so good.”
She choked out, Sho’s blush deepening as he himself took a bite in an attempt to distract himself as he felt himself become enraptured with her.
“Has this met your expectations?”
Her eyes glittered with happiness, beaming at Sho as she nodded.
“This was the best date I’ve ever been on Sho…you erm you went to a lot of effort and I-“
Sho interrupted her leaning on one if his hands as they both finished off their treats.
“Hmmm~ I don’t think it was quite the best.”
He hummed in thought as he watched her smile drop as she fiddled with her spoon, disappointment drowning her.
“I think we need to go on a couple more dates, keep going until we reach the best of the best and even then I don’t think I’d wanna stop.”
He grinned at her as her eyes light up, the previous worry expelling as she let out a short giggle.
“Oh~? I don’t know how we’re gonna top this?”
She gestured to the greenhouse around them, as Sho held his hand out to her.
“Well I guess we’ll have to keep trying don’t we.”
He pulled her closer to him again, his hand caressing her cheek as he leaned in once again, pulling her into a passionate kiss, they pulled away half lidded eyes gazing at eachother lovingly.
“Hmm shall we check out the rest of the greenhouse?”
Xena, grinning from ear to ear as she clasped her hand to his.
“Sounds Perfect.”
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beautifultypewriter · 2 years
Paul Fluff Alphabet
Requested: No
Warnings: Vampires, mentions of drugs
Full credit to whoever created this template (I still don’t actually know who that is). Gif credit to the owner. Also, I changed the prompt for letter Q from quaint to quickstep.
Well here it is. I am so in love with him it’s not even funny. This is 4K words. My longest fluff alphabet yet.Also, a huge thank you to the like 2 people who were interested in seeing this. You’re the best!
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A = Attractive (What do they find attractive about the other?)
Uh, everything. No, really though, man loves everything about you. He thinks you are the most wonderful thing he’s ever seen, and he feels so lucky to be yours. He especially loves that you’re willing to go absolutely crazy with him and get into all sorts of trouble. That spirit of yours fires him up. If you asked him what he finds the most attractive about you he’d probably wink and say something like, ‘your butt, babe.’ Just smack him in the back of the head and he’ll give you a real answer.
B = Baby (Do they want a family? Why/Why not?)
Okay, so babies are not really in the cards for you two, considering Paul’s vampire problem (and yours one day too). That being said, he would have really liked to have kids with you. He would have definitely been the fun dad. Everything would have been a good time and discipline would not have been his strong suit, so it’s probably better that the two of you don’t ever have kids. He’s okay with not ever getting to have kids with you because you’re the only family he needs (and the boys) which he makes sure to remind you of constantly. Plus, you guys have Laddie and that’s good enough for him.
C = Cuddle (How do they cuddle?)
This man loves to cuddle. He loves it. He doesn’t have a favorite position, just so long as the two of you are pressed together and his hands are on you then he’s happy. Paul is a very touchy person, so cuddling is always heaven for him. Most of your cuddling takes place in the cave. It’s just easier that way. The two of you will press up against each other on the couch, Paul’s arms immediately wrap around you. Your head on his chest, your hands holding his or wrapped around his waist, his fingertips drawing patterns on your hip, your fingers running through his hair, he loves it all. He really loves pressing his face against your neck. You smell so sweet to him, so he will take any chance he can get to nuzzle his nose against your skin. When the two of you lay down in your nest for the day, you more often than not, end up facing each other, your foreheads pressed together, your hands playing with his hair, and his arms wrapped around you. Basically, just cuddle Paul whenever you can. He loves it.
D = Dates (What are dates with them like?)
Going on dates with Paul is a lot of fun because you never know where you’re gonna end up. He has a couple of basic dates, going to the record store, hitting every ride on the boardwalk, beach dates, and bike dates, but they never end the same. He’s keeping things fresh and looking for new spots to explore. Paul is always doing the absolute most and making sure that you’re having a good time whenever the two of you go out. You ride with the boys to the boardwalk and when you get there, Paul shouts, ‘date night!’ and the two of you peel off from the others. Paul really likes record store dates because the two of you will spend hours flipping through the records and tossing covers to each other of the albums you think the other will like. Whenever a good song starts to play, Paul looks over at you and starts mouthing the words to you from across the store. If you try to hide from him when he does then he saunters over and starts actually singing to you, his arms moving to wrap around your waist. Sometimes he goes over to the store’s record player and swaps out the albums to your favorites and no one says a word to him about it. Other times, he’ll grab your hands and dance through the aisles with you.
E = Everything (You are my ____ (e.g. my life, my world…))
You are the love of his eternal life. You are his family, his best friend, his babe. You walked into his life, and he would die if you ever walked out of it. Paul often talks about how you are all he needs. It’s whispered quietly in the early morning light before the two of you fall asleep, while his forehead is pressed to yours and his eyes are closed. He’s smiling as he’s telling you that you are everything to him. He would be so lost without you.
F = Feelings (When did they know they were in love?)
The moment he saw you? Really, though, the moment he truly knew that he loved you and, more importantly, that you loved him was when you saw his vampire form and didn’t immediately scream and run. It was a very vulnerable moment for a not so vulnerable guy, and he was very nervous in the days leading up to his big reveal. He had told you that he had a pretty big secret that he wanted to share with you and even though you had held his hands and looked him straight in the eyes as you told him that he could tell you anything, he was nervous. He had brought you to a secluded part of the beach and in true Paul fashion, he just jumped right in and transformed. He had put plenty of space between the two of you in hopes that it would help you feel safe, and he just stood there, waiting. You had stared at him, your eyes wide and your jaw dropped, but you didn’t move, and you didn’t say anything. Paul was crawling out of his skin. The silence was killing him, and he could barely stand still, but he knew he had to for you. Then you took a shaky step closer, and he couldn’t help it, he moved closer as well. The two of you met in the middle and your shaky hands moved to rest on his cheeks. He melted into your touch, his eyes closing. He knew then that you’d never leave him and he’d never leave you.
G = Gentle (Are they gentle? If so, how?)
Yes, at certain times he is. Paul is really loud and excited, and he loves to have a good time, so things can be rushed with him and with that rushing can come some rougher movements, but it’s never intentional. He just needs to slow down and if you tell him that then he’ll take extra care to not pull you so hard on the boardwalk or to slow his bike down a bit. Paul really cares about your comfort; he just needs some guidance sometimes. That being said, he does have his moments of gentleness that are entirely him. When the two of you first wake at night, he doesn’t want to get up right away, so he pulls you closer and presses soft kisses all over your face. If you whisper to him then he’ll whisper back, his eyes still closed as you start to stir. Before you get up, he presses one last gentle kiss to your lips.
H = Hands (How do they like to hold hands?)
Whenever the two of you are at the boardwalk, he is holding your hand. Paul is a wanderer, so he likes to interlock his fingers with yours. This ensures that the two of you don’t get separated and it also makes it easier for him to drag you along when something catches his eye, which is quite often. When he gets excited about a new ride or a new shop, he’ll squeeze your hand and pull you over to check it out. He’s been known to pull your interlocked hands up to his lips and kiss your knuckles. He smirks at you whenever he does. Paul loves holding your hand, so even when the two of you stop moving, he doesn’t let go. And if he does then his arm is around your shoulders or he’s squeezing your waist. Man has to be touching you at all times.
I = Impression (What was their first impression?)
Love at first sight. As soon as he saw you, he needed to know you. You were flipping through records in his favorite shop and if he had been breathing then he would have stopped right then and there. If his heart had been beating it would have sped up to an ungodly rhythm. He honestly had no idea what to do at first. Like he was so struck by you that he couldn’t just walk over and start talking to you. Marko and Dwayne had to push him over, his head was spinning. Then you looked at him and smiled and he knew. He plastered on his own charming smile and leaned against the table next to the two of you. Your smile grew bigger, and he felt a calmness wash over him and he started flirting heavily. As each second passed he moved in closer to you, that fuzzy feeling in his chest growing.
J = Jealousy (Do they get jealous?)
He really doesn’t. Because he knows that nothing compares to him. You chose to spend eternity with him, and he knows that there is nothing in the mortal world that could ever pull you away from him. He does get a little annoyed when someone continues to pursue you when it’d been made clear that you are not interested. Like don’t they see him standing there? Don’t they see his hand in your back pocket? They’re being stupid and it’s annoying him. Usually, you steer him away from the person before he can do anything crazy, but you better believe that he committed their face to memory and he will be making a meal of them later.
K = Kiss (How do they kiss? Who initiated the first kiss?)
Paul’s kisses are fast and messy. Definitely full of passion too. He loves kissing you, so expect a lot of lip locking when you’re with him. He’s capable of more gentle kisses, but he gets so excited that you really can’t expect them often. He does try, okay.
He did. He’s Paul. Of course, he did. It was your second date and Paul had taken you down to the beach to enjoy a bonfire. Something told you that he hadn’t built that fire himself, but you didn’t really care. It was there and the atmosphere was too good to go around questioning things. Paul was sitting impossibly close to you in the sand, staring at the side of your face as you looked into the fire. His fingertips danced across your bare shoulder and your head snapped to him, your eyes locking with his. He flashed you a charming smile as he moved in closer to you. You stayed where you were, a small smirk gracing your lips. Paul’s smile widened as he closed the gap between you two, pressing his lips roughly to yours, teeth clashing slightly. You responded immediately, your fingers tangling in his hair and his hands moving to grip your waist tightly. You pulled back, sucking air into your lungs quickly. Paul smirked and licked your cheek before claiming your lips again.
L = Love (Who says ‘I love you’ first?)
Paul said it first. The two of you were on the boardwalk. Paul was sitting on one of the railings and you were standing between his legs, your elbows resting on his knees and his arms wrapped around your shoulders. He had been pressing kisses to your neck and you were trying to ignore the heat rushing to your cheeks. You whined his name and he smirked, barely pulling away, so his lips brushed your neck as he spoke, ‘come on, baby, you know you love me.’ And you rolled your eyes and snorted, shaking your head. Paul pulled back further, ‘alright, you may not love me, but I certainly love you, sugar.’ Your head snapped in his direction and although he was smirking, his eyes were genuine. You crashed your lips against his, muttering your own ‘I love you’ between kisses. Kisses that Paul was only too happy to return.
M = Memory (What’s their favourite memory together?)
Look, he honestly loves every moment he spends with you, but if Paul had to pick one specific memory of the two of you it would definitely be the very first time he took you for a ride on his bike. At this point, you were still human, so you were a bit apprehensive when he straddled his bike and held his hand out to you. He could see the nervousness on your face, and he chuckled quietly, ‘come on, sugar, you know I won’t let anything happen to you.’ Your heart fluttered, he heard it, and you took his hand, letting him pull you onto the bike behind him. With a smirk, he told you to hold on tight and he immediately took off. To you it felt like you guys were going 100mph, but truthfully, Paul had been taking it slower than normal. That is until he heard your sweet laughter. With the wind whipping at your face and Paul’s maneuvering, you found yourself lost in the moment. Paul took the chance to go a bit faster and when you didn’t freak out, he went faster again. It was just the two of you and the wind and he couldn’t have been happier.
N = Nickel (Do they spoil? Do they buy the person they love everything?)
Yeah. He loves to spoil you with little trinkets that he gets with his five-finger discount. It’s never anything big or crazy, but he loves to give you gifts. You were eyeing a pair of earrings on the boardwalk? The next day you find them in your jacket pocket. You’ve been meaning to pick up a new book? Paul is tossing it to you before you can even leave the cave. Sometimes it’s just a pretty shell or some beach glass. Something pretty that he saw that he thought you would like. Your nest in the cave is filled with all manner of little charms that Paul has gifted to you.
O = Orange (What colour reminds them of their other half?)
Bright and passionate. Whenever Paul sees the color red, which is quite often, he thinks of you. He thinks of the fun the two of you have together. He thinks of flashing lights blurring by the two of you as you ride down the boardwalk together, your arms wound tightly around his waist as his bike picks up speed. Red is fiery like you. It burns and he loves it.
P = Pet names (What pet names do they use?)
Man has got a list of pet names. The most notable ones are babe and sugar. It doesn’t stop there though; he’s calling you every name in the book. Baby, girlie, baby girl, hot stuff, he’s got so many nicknames. He almost never uses your given name (unless the situation calls for it). He just has so much fun with the pet names, especially the ones that seem to make you all flustered. Make sure you dish them back to him because he dies when you call him baby or hot stuff. Just be prepared because as soon as one of those pet names passes your lips, he’s on you. He can’t help himself.
Q = Quickstep (How do they feel about dancing?)
Paul loves to dance, and he especially loves to dance with you. He will take any chance he can get to turn the volume on the rock box all the way up and dance around with you. He doesn’t care if it disturbs everyone else in the cave, he’s doing it. Paul will also dance with you if there’s no music around. All of you will be on the boardwalk, just standing by the railings, looking for your next meal and Paul will grab your waist and start swaying with you. It earns a laugh from you and an eye roll from David every time. Paul absolutely loves it though and will pull you closer and start singing quietly in your ear as he continues to sway.
R = Rainy Day (What do they like to do on a rainy day?)
Rainy days are cave days. None of the boys feel like going anywhere, especially with the bikes, so you all stay in and have a good time together. Paul breaks out his rock box and immediately starts dancing with you. The other boys watch on in amusement and Marko and Dwayne each take a turn spinning you around the makeshift dance floor as Paul rolls a few joints. You all settle down at some point and Paul pulls you into his lap and you share a joint. You and David talk about books while Paul and Marko wrestle each other as the music continues to blare. At one point Laddie crawls into your lap and asks for a story. As you’re telling him some fairytale you remember from when you were a kid, Paul looks over and smiles at the two of you. Marko takes advantage of his momentary distraction and slams him to the floor, proclaiming victory. You laugh quietly as Paul jumps up and tackles his brother to the floor. Dwayne rolls his eyes, and you go back to your story. Paul eventually makes his way over and lays his head on your shoulder, listening to the end of the story. As the night winds down, Dwayne grabs a sleeping Laddie from you and Paul doesn’t hesitate to lead you over to your guys’ little nest. He turns the music off before he lays you down and wraps you up in his arms. The two of you talk quietly as the rain continues to pour outside until you fall asleep.
S = Sad (How do they cheer themselves/others up?)
Paul’s not really one to get sad. He’s too full of life and fun to ever really let feelings like sadness get to him. He has had his moments though and before you came along, his brothers usually just left him to it, knowing that he would snap himself out of it eventually and be fine. You, however, really want to help him when you notice that he seems a bit down, so you turn on the rock box and sing along at the top of your lungs, dancing around the space as he watches you. It’s not long before he’s smiling and jumping up to dance with you, pressing a hard kiss to your lips. Basically, if you want to cheer Paul up all you have to do is something crazy that he’ll want to join in on. If Paul notices that you’re not really being yourself and you seem sad then he’s going to try his hardest to cheer you up. He can’t stand to see you upset, so he’s suggesting date night or a dance session. If you agree, then he’s dragging you out and showing you the time of your life. If you’re not really feeling it, then he’s at a bit of a loss. Doing something fun and crazy always cheers him up, so he’s not really sure what to do next. At that point he’ll just sit with you and hold you because that’s all he can think of. He’s always shocked when it works.
T = Talking (What do they like to talk about?)
Listen, he’s kind of a chatterbox. Like sometimes you have to yell at him to get him to shut up. It’s good though because you two are going to spend eternity together, you don’t want to run out of things to talk about. Paul can talk a mile a minute about anything. Music is probably his favorite thing to talk about honestly. Which bands rock and which ones suck, his favorite song, your favorite song, who’s a better drummer, anything to do with music. The one thing you’ve noticed that Paul refuses to talk about is his life before he became a vampire. If you ever try to get him to open up about his human life, he changes the subject. It’s a sore spot for him and he’d rather not discuss it. He does love to tell stories about the boys though. Like the time he and Marko broke a table at the local diner (like the tabletop clean in half) and had to hightail it out of there before David found out. Or about the first time they all went to that bridge. Paul has endless stories, and he loves telling them.
U = Unencumbered (What helps them relax?)
Paul is definitely a really free, unconcerned person for the most part. He doesn’t let a lot of things get to him, so when he needs to relax it’s because he’s overstimulated himself with his lifestyle and he needs to take it down a bit before he flies through a wall. A smoke and cuddle session is the perfect way to bring him back down to Earth before he hurts himself. Paul will be bouncing off the walls and all you have to do is sit down on the couch and light up one of his joints. He’ll immediately hone in on you and before he even realizes it, his feet have carried him over to the couch. You smile up at him, patting the cushion beside you. He’ll flop down and take the joint from your outstretched hand, using his other hand to pull you into his lap. A few puffs later and he’s melted into the couch, his face buried in your neck and his free hand drawing shapes on your skin.
V = Vaunt (What do they like to show off? What are they proud of?)
Oh, Paul is very proud of his hair. Can you blame him? It’s beautiful. He definitely puts a lot of care into it and it’s what people first notice about him when they see him. He loves that you love his hair too and he probably takes a little more care than usual now that you’re around. He needs his hair to be as appealing as possible because he’s just waiting for you to run your fingers through it. It’s the best feeling.
W = Wedding (When, how, where do they propose?)
Paul didn’t actually propose to you or at least not in any traditional sense. When he revealed his true nature to you, and you didn’t run screaming he took it as a good sign. Then when he asked you to join him for eternity and sleep all day and party all night and you said yes, it was an even better sign. In his brain, you saying yes to becoming a vampire was you saying yes to being with him. So a few weeks after you had fully turned, he asked when you wanted to have your “wedding.” You were a little taken back, but as the question settled, you realized that his train of thought had actually made a lot of sense and you wanted to do something special to commemorate your relationship, so you guys agreed to have your ceremony the next day.
X = Xylophone (What’s their song?)
I was Made for Lovin’ You – KISS
The second that Paul laid eyes on you he knew. He knew that the two of you were meant to be together. He could feel it in his vampire soul. Paul is totally convinced that the two of you were made for each other. Like he didn’t believe in fate or anything like before he met you, but once he knew you, he was sure there was some kind of divine power that brought you two together. He can’t get enough of you. Also, he sings this song to you constantly and is always saying, ‘it’s our song, babe.’
Y = Yes (Do they ever think of getting married/proposing?)
Yes, of course. Because just saying that you’re going to spend eternity together is not enough. The two of you can’t get married in the traditional sense, going down to the courthouse and getting a marriage license, but you can have your own little ceremony. This ceremony just consists of Paul grabbing both of your hands in his and pressing his forehead to yours. He calls you wifey and kisses you hard on the lips. When he pulls away, he promises to always be yours and you do the same. Then the two of you go to a tattoo shop on the boardwalk, he gets your initial on his left ring finger and you get a P on yours.
Z = Zebra (If they wanted a pet, what would they get?)
Paul definitely wants a big dog, but he is so not allowed to have one. He would be terrible at taking care of one and no matter how much you try to convince David that you’ll help, he still says no. Paul is bummed about it, but he appreciates you being on his side and trying to help him get his wish.
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quidfree · 11 months
i love the old married couple portion of your follow up to sober ii (melodrama)! outsider povs just tickle the brain, especially in tsh where the characters are so just disconnected from normal society. out of curiosity, have you thought any more about how students/peers/other people view francis and richard throughout that au?
i love that portion too i think the idea of them as this long established couple (for all intents and purposes, altho they may have deviated from certain aspects of a nuclear family monogamous relationship) is so funny & interesting. like sober ii already does so much legwork from canon and then the followup even further so by the time we hit middle age it’s a free country for what is allowed.
you’re right in that the tsh cast are deep weirdos to anyone normal interacting w them. i think they have naturally changed somewhat by the time we reach them in that portion bc for francis he’s now (gag) middle class and sort of domesticated / for richard he’s like.. in a long term relationship w a man (it’s funny they have reverse things to get used to) & plus yk there’s the whole thing where they’re both deeply troubled individuals with abusive childhood drama and bad relationship history so probably sticking it out together has done some healing / good down the line. so in some ways they’re a little more Normal mentally. but that said they are still weirdo murderers with terrible personalities who would both annoy and enable each other so not that normal.
talking abt how they go from sober ii to where we see them in their 40s is a separate post so in terms of outsider pov specifically i’d say they do kind of stick to themselves (codependent freaks) but like in the neighbourhood / on campus / in montreal classics circles they def have relationships and certain uhh reputations that go with them.
richard’s students are a fairly niche group so i think as a whole they tend to like him- if nothing else he’s genuine in his love of the material and he’s attractive and kind of reserved so he’s probably at his least annoying / cringe / questionable when teaching despite his inner monologue. he probs has bad timekeeping (cf his flop job at hampden) and pretentious grading but generally okay. we know he comes across much more sane and sound to people who don’t know him well (very tartt, we love). and then they don’t know francis at all apart from Maybe as f. abernathy the classics translator guy. so realistically to the students they’re actually quite a cool addition to the student rumour mill. i think over the years there have been random glimpses of them but never anything interesting until the fic incident, or similar ones that make it obvious professor papen has what seems to be a boyfriend. then everyone is ‘literally obsessed’. i don’t know if anyone ever IDs them as witnesses to the hampden murder-suicides on a true crime podcast and then gets excited about their tragic backstory and inspiring romance, but that would be fun.
professional peers see more of them obviously, but they do still keep to themselves a lot. richard’s colleagues’ opinions vary depending on how much interaction they’ve had with him and in what context, bc he definitely has beef with administration and some colleagues whose courses he doesn’t respect. he’s professionally respectable though. francis is a fairly lowkey presence in translation- he got initial buzz from the julian student clout but he only sporadically networks. he definitely has culture friends who gossip amongst themselves about him vanishing from boston so close to the wedding and no one hearing from him until his book got published. alex from NY wants to fuck both of them but finds them annoying as talents and good in small doses as friends. most of that author circle is at least a little jealous of them as a couple, maybe because they flourish when amongst people they can close ranks on.
in terms of other canon charas… some of that feels like its own post too. judy does not particularly get why richard is into francis but she thinks they’re a hot item and she overall likes them and their weird little bohemian* lifestyle (*misrepresented). she thinks they’re a good match. charles would not have very nice things to say. i think he’d think richard ‘fell for it’ with francis. his own complicated relationship with francis would predispose him to think they weren’t a genuine item. if he saw them down the line as an established couple he would probably just find it funny. and camilla… she’s sort of like “good for you crazy kids”. like it’s completely random to her but it tickles her nihilistic brain. later esp if she’s around them in person for some reason she’s just completely on board with it and has a strong fondness for their relationship bc it’s like, this one weird positive thing to have come out of the whole hampden disaster, AND it’s taken a lot of the strain out of richard’s relationship to her even though he never especially lets go of his camilla-shrine. richard’s naturally Very Embarrassed about being in any way datey with francis around her but it tapers off with age/habit despite his best efforts. francis on the other hand perversely enjoys making richard uncomfortable around camilla. guess which one she enables.
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