#plumede black clover
the-black-bulls · 1 month
Hello again! How about headcanons you hate for the rest of the Vermillions? Fuegoleon and Kirsch? Thank you
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seeing a headcanon you disagree with and it kinda pisses you off
Last batch of this ask game, thank you for your patience ^^
- that he's undeserving of the captain title, or that mereoleona is more deserving of it than him... fuegoleon IS a great captain, not nearly as freakishly strong as mereo, sure, but you need more than strength to become a good captain and fuego has demonstrated many remarkable qualities as a leader (in fact, he's written as the ideal captain in asta's eyes)
- overall, I don't fw his slander which is annoyingly common in apps like twitter or reddit, even if I agree that he's been done dirty
- that he's a bad brother... kirsch can be described by many negative words but being a bad brother isn't one of them
- this goes for both him and mimosa: I find it annoying when people tie them to either the silva or the vermillion, but not both families??! likewise, kirsch is so ignored sometimes in "royal" posts I can't help but feel bad for him :(
Nacht: (@nachtssexycloak tagging you for nacht ^^)
- no, nacht doesn't hate yami, he hates himself, and he doesn't hate the bulls or doesn't care about them either; he's projecting because he sees himself in them, but he did attempt to motivate them back into getting stronger to save yami
- speaking of the bulls, nacht was absolutely being an asshole who's projecting his own self-hatred and past self on them, no they didn't need to hear that (seriously, the last thing grey needed is to be told that she shouldn't look herself if she doesn't want to be judged), no half his points didn't make sense (like c'mon, how being an ex-noble is gauche's fault? he was a literal child!), and no, the bulls shouldn't prove themselves to him because they've already grown beyond the flaws he tried to shove back into them... so, seeing fans mischaracterize his character or use him to slander the bulls is always annoying and make me question people's reading comprehension
- his relationship with his devils... like, YEAH, I also tend to go with the positive vibes behind his interactions with them in the manga, but every so often I'm reminder that they're technically his slaves, (which is canon but correct me if I'm wrong) and I wish more people explore this twisted side of the bremen devils
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ritterdoodles · 3 months
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certainmusicchaos · 9 months
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Not gonna lie, they look adorable with those pajamas on!
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goffilolo · 2 years
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Nacht's knowledge that devils are in fact devils and not house pets VS Asta's desire to give pets and scritches to any smol critter
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baka2asta · 9 months
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loosesodamarble · 5 months
Hi I am in love with your work!
I would like to ask for Nacht just being with his partner like doing anything. You can write it however you want and do whatever. Please and thank you.
Thank you for your patience on this request~! And I hope you don't mind that I made it a part of my Nacht birthday post surge.
Nacht Faust x Reader Daily Life
You and Nacht were dating, simple as that. His position as vice captain didn't matter to you same as how Nacht didn't care what job you had as long as you felt fulfilled doing it.
After a long time dating, Nacht asked if you wanted to move into a shared home.
You asked if he just wanted to get out of living with the Black Bulls. Nacht did admit that it was part of his reason for asking, but he genuinely did want even more time with you.
With a laugh, you agreed to move in. From there, you and Nacht slowly developed a shared routine.
Your day would begin with you and Nacht waking up in bed together.
Some mornings, you two were cuddled up close. Or at least you would be clinging to Nacht. Other days, you'd wake up nearly half off the bed while Nacht was perfectly centered on his half of the bed, unmoved like a corpse.
Both of you were late risers. Nacht because he often worked late into the night. You because your circadian rhythm was never functioning apparently.
Nacht was the one to lay out clothes for the both of you and toss your rumpled sleepwear in separate hampers.
"C'mon Nacht, I can do our laundries together," you said once only for him to hide his dirty clothes from you for two weeks. Guess you needed to date a little longer before you were allowed to wash his undergarments.
If either of you had troubles brushing out your hair, you helped each other.
You were in charge of prepping the morning coffee. You'd tried Nacht's roast once and swore it left you unable to taste anything but bitterness for two days.
If Nacht had a day off or simply stayed for more of the morning, you two made breakfast together.
"What're you putting in the eggs?" Walgner asked while perched on your shoulder one morning.
"They're called spices," you stated before elaborating. "They make food taste even better by giving the flavor more depth."
"So are they all spicy like the 'hot sauce' stuff that Master doesn't like?" the devil questioned.
"Not at all! Some have a kick of spice but others are earthy. And others have a sour flavor."
"What's that one there?" Walgner pointed to the bottle in your hand.
Before you could answer, Nacht plucked Walgner off your shoulder. "That's enough, little one. Let them cook in peace."
Walgner let out a shrill sound like a hiss mixed with a bird's warble. Which, while you didn't really understand devils, felt appropriate. Nacht began to scold Walgner more which made you clap a hand over your mouth. You, like most people, thought devils to be incarnations of evil. But there Nacht was, chiding the devil who was small enough to fit in his palm as though the creature were a mischievous child.
On days where the two of you had work, you and Nacht parted with a gentle "see you later" or "take care."
Goodbye kisses felt like too much, even after all the time you'd spent together and the kisses you'd already had. So you two settled with parting words.
While you were at work, you'd sometimes see the head of one of devils poke out from your shadow. They were checking up on you and you'd silently wave to them as to not get distracted at the workplace.
The Black Bulls knew of your existence. You'd even been invited to a party with them a few times before. But Nacht still didn't speak about you too much with them.
"I'd hate to flaunt my successful relationship in front of you folks," Nacht would taunt. That or he'd say "I can't share too much or else you'll try to steal them away from me."
It wasn't malicious by any means but the Bulls were a little annoyed that Nacht resisted every attempt they made to make him talk and bring out the sweet boyfriend side that you claimed Nacht had.
You also kept the relationship on the down low. After all, talking too much about Nacht could arouse unease with people who didn't understand the Black Bulls or devils.
Even so, your co-workers knew you had a sweetheart and complimented you on finding a good partner.
After the work day concluded, you and Nacht tended to meet either at a park or the marketplace near your home.
If you met at the park, you two would unwind with a stroll and discuss your days. You envied Nacht and all the adventures he went on. But you weren't the type to be a Knight so you were content to live vicariously through his retellings.
If the market was the meeting place, you two would shop for any necessities like groceries, cleaning supplies, or perhaps new home decor.
"We don't need to worry about your, uh, pets...?" You cringed and felt yourself heat up, unsure of how you came off with the term.
"Yes, let's go with that while we're in public," Nacht whispered back to you. "And what about them?"
"If we get carpet or curtains..." You were eyeing a curtain set with a charming vine pattern but weren't confident enough to buy it. "We don't need to worry about them chewing or scratching up anything, right?"
"Snrk! Ah ha..." Nacht threw his head back. "Ahahahahahaa!"
You reeled back and gazed wide-eyed at Nacht. Even months in the relationship, more than a year even, you'd yet to hear Nacht make a sound like that. Sure he laughed, but it had always been one of those controlled, gentlemanly chuckles. His smile, too, was brand new to you.
"N-Nacht?" Now you were burning up. But not in embarrassment. Rather, you were blushing from awe. Your normally handsome but icy boyfriend was looking radiant like a full, silver moon. "Are you-?"
"Ah ha!" Nacht suddenly doubled over and wiped the corner of his eyes. "Oh dear, no worries! It's fine!" He held your shoulder, beaming at you like a fairy tale prince. "It's... They're house trained." He exhaled heavily and blinked a few times before his face showed confusion. "What?"
Shaking your head, you looked away. "Nothing!"
You two would return and dinner would be prepped.
Cooking with Nacht was a pain sometimes because half the time, he forgot to let you know when he moved an ingredient or tool for him to make use of. And so you'd flail for a bit looking for a bottle of oil or the edge of the cutting board only for Nacht to pass it to you using his magic.
But you preferred working together over cooking alone or simply watching him cook. Doing it by yourself was overwhelming at times, even though cooking for two wasn't that bad. And watching Nacht cook was... He couldn't innovate in the kitchen at all and so watching him glance between a recipe card and the actual food gave you secondhand embarrassment.
Ever since you two moved in together, Nacht insisted on doing dishes on his own. Or rather, to leave the job to him and the devils. Apparently all their time together in Spade (and before) taught them at least how to do some chores together as a unit.
You peeked at them during the task once and it was the cutest thing you'd laid eyes on.
Nacht always had a mug of tea before bed, a bit of a ritual for himself. And while he sipped tea, you'd be soaking in the tub to ease your body in preparation for sleep.
Nacht did have to save you from drowning a couple of times. But that was because work had been especially tough those days so you were really out of it.
You two got into your pajamas and then settled down in bed together. Nacht typically brought a book or packet of paperwork with him, keeping himself occupied until the end.
Your favorite nights were when Nacht didn't have anything with him and you could reach your hand out to hold his. Although his skin was always cold to the touch, you felt comforted when your fingers intertwined with his at night.
Days where both of you had off from work didn't occur too often but when they did, you and Nacht took advantage of that time.
Usually, you two would use Nacht's Shadow Magic to whisk you off to another town to enjoy the sights, sounds, and flavors of a new place.
Nacht happily took advantage of his magic that way. You'd spent your whole life in one city and now he was letting you explore the kingdom.
"Maybe one day I can take you to another kingdom," Nacht suggested.
"Wouldn't that be a big strain on your magic though?" As much as you appreciated Nacht's effort, you didn't want him to do that much for you. "Besides... I'm starting to feel bad that I can't do anything as grand for you so..."
Nacht sighed before saying your name. You looked up at him with tears in your eyes.
"I'd really prefer it if you didn't do anything grand for me. Besides, my teleporting ability isn't something remarkable to me. It's just something else that I can do to make you happy, like cooking together or brushing your hair."
Nacht then leaned over and pressed a kiss to your cheek.
"Maybe what I can do with my magic feels like a blessing to you. And similarly, being with you is a miracle for me. So just continue to love me and continue letting me love you."
You and Nacht locked eyes. His gaze was gentle, enough to make the tears in your eyes finally fall, though with a feeling different from what made them initially form.
"I love you..." You whispered suddenly. You didn't know why but the words came to you and you had to speak them.
"I love you too..." Nacht’s voice was full of love.
Slowly, you two leaned in for a kiss. A shy, tender kiss that silently repeated the emotion you two had just spoken. It was a reconfirmation of what you both knew and wanted. To love and be loved. By each other.
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aspenflame-song · 3 months
Gimodelo, Plumede, Slotos, and Walgner: Master, we're hungry! Nacht: *desperately trying to fry a bottle of ketchup over the stove*
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blackcloverdatabase · 2 years
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Black Clover x Pokemon: Nacht Faust and his... Pokemon? 
Another edition of Black Clover x Pokemon, this time featuring Nacht Faust! As a spy who stays hidden in the shadows, he’s particularly fond of ghost type Pokemon. However, it’s hotly debated whether Gimodelo and the others are really Pokemon at all
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whackdreamer · 5 months
Move aside BC shipping fans. Hot new ship just dropped. /j Well this is actually just me and my gag ideas so I'll go along with it.
Plumede: (staring at Rouge) Rouge: Meow~ Plumede: So beautiful… Gimodelo: That's just a cat made from magic. Snap out of it!!! Plumede: That's my soulmate right there.
Asta: Oh, hey. We have a kitten in the base! (picks it up) Vanessa: Weird looking cat. That's not from my magic. Noelle: (Cute cat!) Probably a stray got in. Asta: Is it normal for stray cats to have horns? Plumede: Don't touch my baby. Asta: (puts it down) Okay…. Wait, did you say baby!? Noelle: Hey Vanessa? Why is Rouge affectionately licking that horned kitten? Plumede: That's also her baby. Asta & Noelle: HOW IN THE WORLD!? Vanessa: I guess fate can find a way? I don't even know. I'm sober right now, am I? Oh dear. Rouge and Plumede? Gimodelo: HOW DID YOU HAVE A KITTEN WITH THAT MAGIC STRINGS CAT!!! Plumede: I told you she's my soulmate. Also our kitten has a name. It's Noir. Rouge: (Meows in agreement) Plumede: Yes. Our child is lovely. Gimodelo: DUDE!?!?!?
Gimodelo: This is so unfair. How come Plumede gets a partner AND A BABY!? (crying) Walgner and Slotos: (comfortingly pats Gimo's back) Gimodelo: What about me?
Charmy's wolf peeking out of its sheep skin: (sniff sniff)
I got inspired by this - And @hybridanafrost for enabling my Whack.
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iluvluvnutella · 11 months
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quick halloween doodle 👻😆
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nachtssexycloak · 23 days
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the-black-bulls · 1 year
[the devils having their first only-devils mission]
Plumedo: Alright team. Assemble.
Liebe: We’ve been here for like... 40 minutes.
Walgner: Well then, assemble better.
Liebe: Dunno how to do that.
Slotos: Dont be a wise devil, Liebe.
Gimodelo: I dont think he’s in danger of that.
Liebe: Hey, fuck you too Gimodelo!
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drmarune · 1 month
Gimodelo see ida for the first time and know she is he’s immediately as do the other Bremer devils
Plumede:you didn’t tell us you had something whit a human or more Lucifero how?
Walkner:exactly how did you pull this???
Gimodelo:I don’t know I didn’t know I had a child!!! I see her for the first time!!!!!
Sloto:did you had a pact whit a human bevor??? it’s can happen there
Gimodelo:No!!! The last time where hundreds of years!!!! How the hell get I a child whit like the worst!!!!!
Plumede:don’t know but hey the child is pretty and strong but I hope she doesn’t come after you personally like a kicked puppy but if I see the other parents I hope then more you personally a second Lucifero can’t nobody Handle Nya
Gimodelo:First of all fuc€ you!!!!! Second I hope this too but as long she seems come after a human child so fare „happy“…….
Walkner:just let’s looking after the child and if she turning bad we can handle her…..
Gimodelo:Hell No I don’t wants to do something whit this child!!!!I‘m too young too be a parent I will Die!!!!!
Plumede:well…..let’s see you don’t will die so fare it’s just a little child even it’s looking just human but is not
Sloto:ho oh ho
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certainmusicchaos · 9 months
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marune2 · 6 months
Johan Faust
Johan learning flying from the other devils cute baby shenanigans issues
(((I have this idea from @loosesodamarble she did write this a long time ago but I don’t finde her comment again)))))
1/2 years old Johan
Gimodelo:so you fly like this Johan kekeke“fly up and down
Johan:awwa flap flap hight!!!“flapping he’s wing’s he come a little up in the air
Plumede:good so little one!
Liebe:come make us proud
Johan:Ah hight falp!!!“fly a little higher up but flop down in a pillow
Gimodelo:you did well for so a small devil keke“laughing at Johan
Johan:uhhhh…..“looking irritated at Gimodelo
Walkner:stop gimo make fun of him or we have Lucifugus mate on us……..
Johan:papa!!! Go bo your!!!“scream happy
Gimodelo:ok ok get you point…..“a little scared
Liebe:ok little bean now fly again you can do it make it funny!!!“laughing and smile
Johan:uh!!!“ flapping he’s wing’s again and come higher up and get it to stay in the air
Plumede:you make it good!!!“smile
Walkner :he learning fast it’s the 4the time we do it whit him
Sloto:yes indeed
Liebe:so you papa will have a lot of fun“smile evil
Gimodelo:oh yes
Johan:Ah papa air flap high up“happy
In the same time whit Heinrich
Heinrich:so Liebe did take care of Johan? Whit the other devils?
Asta:oh yes!!! Liebe mean he like to play whit Johan today whit the other devils!!!!!
Heinrich:well Plumede is there whit walkner and Sloto they can take care of the other how worse can it be? More family play“smile
Asta:True!!!!“scream happy
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baka2asta · 8 months
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