#plum plays elden ring: holy hell
sadlazzle · 2 months
honestly im losing my mind w these npcs and enemy npcs in elden ring. where the fuck do they get off on making vyke and sellen so hot
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sadlazzle · 2 months
tbh i sincerely hope none of u here r elden beast apologists. i don’t wanna hear shit abt it ‘making sense for the lore’ for there to be no torrent elden beast is a boss MADE for torrent. this last attempt i only managed to hit this massive space cunt twice, the rest of the time i spent catching up to him, and every time i did he fucked off to the other side of the arena again. arguably the worst boss in the game which rlly sucks bc it’s the final boss and tbh i expect better frm fromsoft and i dont think im wrong to. elden beast rlly doesn’t hit the mark the same as any other final bosses for me, though i will say it’s only marginally worse than soul of cinder, but for completely different reasons, and not even SoC being from ds3 can save elden beast frm this unfortunate ranking
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sadlazzle · 2 months
i only currently hav 1 somber ancient dragon smithing stone left .. should i use it to upgrade the godslayer’s greatsword ? cause i kinda like this weapon
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sadlazzle · 2 months
oh my god nepheli im so sorry. i summoned her for godfrey for ~ the narrative ~ and after the phase transition cutscene he started running toward me for the grab but while i was running away nepheli ran straight into the grab n got launched into the stratosphere. spent the last half of the fight trying not to cry w laughter over it tbh
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sadlazzle · 2 months
brb gonna go get into a fight with some guy frm bristol and his cat
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sadlazzle · 2 months
the fact tht i can pretty much hav a crack and win against most bosses in this game without buffing or a physick (bar malenia almost exclusively) but maliketh is almost impossible to me without one rlly grinds my gears. maliketh is literally a fuckin toddler his favourite activity is jumping and babbling about something incomprehensible
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sadlazzle · 2 months
jst died to godskin duo for the first time ever. cant believe i died to the easiest boss in the game :/
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sadlazzle · 2 months
tbh i think the holy hell run has rlly benefitted frm me never having done a proper faith build before. it’s rlly forced me to explore all my options and experiment with all kinds of different incantations, seals and faith-based weapons
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sadlazzle · 2 months
i actually remembered to get all the mending runes this time round so i actually hav quite the choice of how i fuck this world up now
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sadlazzle · 2 months
oh dude i think i might hav pushed past 300 hours in elden ring now !! not the game i hav the most hours in by far but it’s climbed up the ranks mad quick
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sadlazzle · 2 months
honestly i hate black knife alecto so much im sorry. the black knives r cool as hell but this bitch specifically can sidestep off a cliff holy fuck. she was so EASY the first time i fought her now i jst bluescreen every time i enter the fight i swear
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sadlazzle · 2 months
i am once again dreading the juno hoslow invasion bc ive realised he’s a lot easier when ur a melee build. he’s not dreadful if u use sorceries but it jst seems to b the way of things that a lot of faith based magic casts a hell of a lot slower than int based magic
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sadlazzle · 3 months
man i am rlly struggling w rennala this time around. idk what exactly im doing so differently but her second phase is absolutely handing my ass to me
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sadlazzle · 3 months
ive decided all three of my elden ring characters are sisters. we’re now playing as the youngest of the three, leonnis
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sadlazzle · 2 months
might jst start the strength build i wanna do tbh. im jst gonna get angrier and angrier w eb right now so it’s best to just step away. i kinda wanna be more involved in the whole co-op thing tbh, but i don’t rlly know anyone else who plays. i think it would be fun to jst kind of catch up n fuck around in some areas w friends as i go thru the game again cause why not
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sadlazzle · 2 months
u know what no shame anymore. everytime i get to radagon/elden beast now im jst summoning some guy with a name like ‘let me solo them’ cause ive had an absolute gutsfull of these grade A arseholes
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