#and especially on an incant run like this where in order to b at peak performance-
sadlazzle · 2 months
tbh i sincerely hope none of u here r elden beast apologists. i don’t wanna hear shit abt it ‘making sense for the lore’ for there to be no torrent elden beast is a boss MADE for torrent. this last attempt i only managed to hit this massive space cunt twice, the rest of the time i spent catching up to him, and every time i did he fucked off to the other side of the arena again. arguably the worst boss in the game which rlly sucks bc it’s the final boss and tbh i expect better frm fromsoft and i dont think im wrong to. elden beast rlly doesn’t hit the mark the same as any other final bosses for me, though i will say it’s only marginally worse than soul of cinder, but for completely different reasons, and not even SoC being from ds3 can save elden beast frm this unfortunate ranking
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