#funny tho. bless x
sadlazzle · 5 months
oh my god nepheli im so sorry. i summoned her for godfrey for ~ the narrative ~ and after the phase transition cutscene he started running toward me for the grab but while i was running away nepheli ran straight into the grab n got launched into the stratosphere. spent the last half of the fight trying not to cry w laughter over it tbh
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astrxealis · 1 year
good morning my personality for the day is that i'm uncontrollably sobbing on the inside about ff9 and ff10
#⋯ ꒰ა starry thoughts ໒꒱ *·˚#RAGHHH FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL AGAIN....... feels unreal tbh lol whatever#i'm a tad bit sick which is worrisome and it's been raining a fuckton in the ph . thankfully i'm not affected#but my heart goes out to those who have :') you guys here stay safe okay!!#and HIII I HOPE YOU ALL ARE WELL <3 it's way too early for me in the morning i woke up at 5 holy fuck uh. i hope u all are well#anyway Not Alone and Suteki Da Ne and Melodies Of Life ..... i am ruined#the ending of ffx . the whole thing with Friendship in ffix.#yk the funny thing... ffx was my childhood it is and was everything to me and my first final fantasy but i still haven't finished it actuall#ik the story and i'm literally at the end but my spheres suck. i was not even 13 when i started playing okay.... on ps3 And ps4#:(( tidus and yuna are everything to me. the whole main cast is tbh. i love them dearly#ix i have not actually played yet hahaha i'm crazy ik but my twin has!! anddd i just love all final fantasies vvv much#ik some stuff abt ix but obvs it's nothing compared to. Actually Playing The Game#i did play a bit tho ^_^ until the#vamo' alla flamenco!!#oh i had to search it to make sure i was right in spelling and Bless. i actually was lol#honestly idk my fav in ix but x it is . tidus yuna rikku. can't pick! but yes i adore tidus he's everything#uhmm ix tho... freya? zidane? dagger? vivi? ya#awh. i love ff sooo much#still also very much in a xiv mood btw. uhmm raha themis alisaie hyth zenos zero my beloveds!#those r my top favs me thinks but i have wayyy too many :] lyse... magnai... fandaniel... venat... thancred... ryne... urianger... fordola#and etc. dhgjsbsj there is a Lot. my heart goes out to so many of them but i think my top favs are the ones i said first fr ^_^#funny daniel got demoted to a lesser fav i'm sorry luv LMFAO but maybe when i'm in a fandaniel mood again someday. yay!
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vlampe · 2 years
you may think i have other rarepairs in me, but i really am just that hung up on haurchefant and estinien having a moment. or several. or a thousand.
no im not going back to ship prison you cannot mAKE ME
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latinokaeya-moving · 2 years
shoutout to my brother for asking me unprompted the other day what genshin ships (particularly traveller ones) i like so he could send me edits/fanart that he sees on tiktok
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daeluin · 1 year
y'all fob girlies (gender neutral) getting actually pissed at the collab with tswift like growp up!!!! they've always been a pop band and taken every opportunity to do collabs!!!! specially with really popular pop artists at the moment!!! do you forgot about the demi lovato collab??? like girl please have fun!!!!! let the guys have fun and collect those extra dollars thanks to taylor
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captainfern · 1 year
Always chewing on your thumbs / nails and ghost getting onto you (cutely) and everyone is disgusted by it but you just alwaysss have something in your mouth and one night ghost gets like “fed up” with you hurting yourself by chewing on your nails so he is like “you wanna suck on something?” And you give him the sloppiest neediest head I’m talking tears and mascara streaks and the lewdest noises like just UGHHH
Damage, Inc.
Simon “Ghost” Riley x fem!reader
[“Damage, Inc” by Metallica]
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• summary - you have a thing for putting stuff in your mouth. ghost has something to put in your mouth too lol. • rating - 18+ • wordcount - 2.1k • warnings - fem!reader, oral [m!receiving], praise, degradation?? not rlly tho tbh, strong language
You couldn’t help it.
It started off simple. Chewing your nails out of nerves and anxiety eventually gave way to chewing your nails out of habit. You didn’t mean too, it just happened. It’s not that you did it on purpose, anyway.
But everyone else on base still made fun of you for it.
Then, things got slightly more complicated. Putting your fingers in your mouth when you were nervous, or concentrating— just pressing the tip of your thumb to your bottom lip, or rubbing the pad of your index finger against the top of your lower row of teeth. It wasn’t meant to be gross, or strange, or anything like that. You couldn’t help it!
Things kept ramping up. Soon, you found yourself absent-mindedly biting at lollipop-sticks for hours on end, the plastic rolling along your teeth and tongue and giving you something to focus on. Then, it was sucking and chewing on the lid of your drink bottle for literally fucking days during missions.
It was becoming embarrassing, especially when the boys commented on it, joked about you acting like some teething fucking animal. It made you immediately spit out whatever it was in your mouth, and draw back within yourself, face burning. You didn’t mean too.
Gaz and Soap, bless their hearts, joked about it like teenagers. They didn’t mean it maliciously. They were idiots. You didn’t dwell on it too much.
Price tried to help. He noticed the chewing of the nails, first. Noticed the red, raw ring around your fingertips.
“Just dip your fingers in hand sanitiser. You’ll hate the taste.” He suggested.
You gave him a look. That’s not going to work, Price, oh my god.
He laughed. He seemed to understand you the most, though. On base, he carried toothpicks in his pocket, and would roll one across the table to you during rather tedious or nerve-wracking briefings. You’d twist them around in your mouth until you could taste the wood.
On a couple of occasions during missions, he’d hand you an unlit cigar if he had one to spare. You didn’t like the actual smoke inhalation that came with smoking, but the look of it always intrigued you. So, Price would hand you a cigar and you’d happily roll your lips around it, not binding the bitter taste of tobacco. Sometimes, Price would place his hat on your head while the cigar hung from your lips.
Soap liked to do this thing— he’d enter the room after Price gave you a cigar and his hat. He’d act shocked, looking between the two of you with his hands either side of his head in an expression of shock.
“Two Price’s?!?!?!?!”
It was funny, you had to admit.
But, the one person you couldn’t quite crack about the matter was your lieutenant.
He noticed your fixation. Of course he did. Ghost noticed everything.
But he didn’t act weirded out, making jokes like Gaz and Soap. He didn’t even try to offer help like Price.
He’d just make small remarks to you. Sometimes they were somewhat helpful. Sometimes you felt your body grow hot with embarrassment.
Chewing on your nails?— he’d tap you on the head as he walked past you.
Fingers near or in your mouth?— he’d yank your arm away with a shake of his head.
Sucking on the nozzle of your drink bottle for a bit too long?— he’d grip the back of your head and pull your mouth off of it.
Each action made you feel humiliated, to say the least. But, each action also had him speaking to you in ways that made your stomach flip.
Tap on the head = “Quit it, sergeant.”
Arm yanked away = “None of that, thank you.”
Head pulled away = “Don’t make me ask you again.”
Did some of his whispered words make your core throb? Maybe. Was that a problem? Also maybe, but who cares?
This entire thing came to a head one night in base. Price, Soap and Gaz were off doing god knows what, leaving you alone in the rec-room. You found yourself running a finger against your teeth as you stared into space, your most previous mission replaying in your mind.
You didn’t even hear Ghost come in. You also didn’t see him until he was looming over you, a hand clamping around your wrist.
You squeaked in surprise.
“You just don’t listen, do you?” He tutted softly. “You’re hurting yourself. I’ve told you to quit it.”
You looked up at him. “I don’t mean too, sir, I mean it. It just—”
“I don’t care,” Ghost said simply. “Stop it. I’m fed up of seeing you putting shit in your mouth. You’re not a dog.”
You rolled your eyes. “You don’t understand—”
“I don’t understand?” He blinked down at you. “I don’t understand? I understand perfectly. You just want things in your mouth, right? That’s what you want, eh?”
You frowned. “You’re making it weird.”
He had a hand on his belt now. When did he do that? It made your stomach flip.
“You want to suck on something so bad? You want something in your mouth?” He was unbuckling his belt before you could reply. “Come on then, naughty girl, open your fucking mouth.”
You gaped at him as he let his belt hang either side of his hips and place one of his gloved hands to his growing bulge.
“Well?” He prompted, imprint of his cock right in front of your face. “Come on, sergeant. You want to put things in your mouth, right? So go on. Suck my fucking cock. Open wide and let me stuff this mouth with my cock.”
I mean, you weren’t complaining.
But oh.
He peered down at you between long, blond eyelashes. You swallowed thickly, his stare making your entire body grow hot. His eyes seemed to grow darker and despite the skull balaclava, you could imagine his expectant expression.
“On your knees.” He whispered, bringing a hand to cup the back of your head.
You did as you were told— clambering off of the couch and sinking to the floor. His hand was still heavy on the back of your head as you propped ourself on your knees. He pushed your head forward, and you caught yourself by placing your hands on his thick thighs.
“Come on, pretty girl. I don’t have all night. Take my cock out.” He mumbled, pressing your face closer to the obvious bulge in his jeans.
He lightened his grip so you could lean back. With shaky hands, you unbuttoned and then unzipped his jeans. You opened them and proceeded to push down his boxers, letting his hard cock spring free.
“Good fucking girl. Now take it in your hand,” Ghost hissed. “Wrap your hand around it— ah, fuck, there you go.”
You grasped the base of his cock firmly, making him curse under his breath. You squeezed it gently, stroking lightly, and he hissed out, the hand on the back of your head tightening in your hair.
“S’enough of that,” he tugged at your hair. “Open.”
You looked up at him, eyelashes fluttering. He looked down, cocking a head slightly to the side. Tentatively, you leaned forward and, still maintaining eye contact, pressed your lips delicately to the reddened tip of his cock. The pressure was featherlight, barely a peck, and when you pulled back, you had a small smear of precum on your lower lip.
He grunted, the hand at your head tightening so much that it made you choke on a whine.
“Quit the fucking teasing,” Ghost grunted again. “Naughty girl you are, eh, sergeant?”
You kissed the tip of his cock again. This time, you darted your tongue out like a fucking lizard and swiped it along the sensitive slit across the head. A deep, gravelly sound emitted from Ghost’s throat.
His other hand came down to your face, and he forced a thumb into your mouth. It was cottony against your tongue, his glove tasting like the smell of him. He kept his thumb pressed to your tongue, his other hand gripping the back of your head. His cock was still directly in front of your face. A dribble of pre leaked down the fat shaft of it.
“What’d I just fucking say?” He growled, thumb pressing down harder. “Quit fucking teasing. You don’t want to listen to your lieutenant, eh?”
His thumb on your tongue was making you salivate so much that strings of it dripped from the corners of your mouth. You whined, embarrassed, as your body flared hot with humiliation.
Ghost chuckled, low and dark. “Messy girl.”
He finally shifted his thumb, hooking it onto the bottom row of your teeth, the rest of his fingers holding your chin. With this, he forced your jaw wider, pushing your head closer with his other hand.
“You want to put things in your mouth? Want to be a dirty girl?” Ghost let go of your head briefly so he could grasp his cock. He brought it forward and ran the sensitive tip across your lower face, smearing your saliva. He shuddered an exhale at the sensation. “Come on then. Let me put my cock in your mouth. Let’s see how dirty you can be.”
He kept your jaw open like a vice as he pulled his cock back and then proceeded to push it into your open mouth. You gagged immediately as he rammed the tip into the back of your throat with a groan.
“Yeah, that’s right. Gag on it,” Ghost groaned. “Fucking gag on it. S’too big, eh? Fuck, I know, pretty girl. But you love putting things in your mouth, don’t you? I bet you love this.”
Tears were welling in your eyes when he removed his thumb from your mouth. He kept a hand on the back of your head, guiding you to take more and more of him.
He was grunting and groaning quietly above you, your cunt throbbing at the sounds. Meanwhile, you continued to wrap your lips around his girth and keep up with the way he was fucking your throat.
He was heavy on your tongue. Velvety smooth, with veins you could feel and drips of precum that you could taste. You moaned around his cock, and he bucked his hips deeper into you, making you gag again. Tears slipped from your eyes and down your cheeks.
“That’s it, take it,” he muttered, the fat head of his cock slamming into the back of your throat. “Take it all in this slutty little mouth. Listen to these noises, too. Such a filthy fucking mouth.”
The noises were slick and wet. Your saliva, dribbling down your chin, pooled in your mouth as he fucked it. It was sloppy and messy. The sounds filling your ears made your stomach twist in both mortification and excitement.
Ghost was fucking his cock into your mouth like a madman. His thrusts were desperate while he kept a firm grip on your head. He watched you as you took his cock down your throat, grunting at each suctioned drag, eased by the amount of saliva.
His breaths were now coming in pants. “You’re not gonna put your fingers in your mouth again, okay? You want something to suck on, then you come and suck on my cock. Got it?”
You whimpered around him, desperately trying to hold more gags at bay.
He was still grunting and groaning deep from his chest as pleasure built within him. “M-fuck. M’gonna cum down your throat and you’re gonna take it all, pretty girl.”
You whimpered at him again. Your core was throbbing so much you thought you might die.
The grip Ghost had on your head tightened even more, forcing you to take more of his cock until your nose was flush to the thatch of hair at the base. You whined and gagged and it prompted Ghost to whisper your name and cum down your throat.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” he babbled as he emptied his load into your mouth. “Fuck, yeah, take it, pretty girl. Don’t waste it… don’t waste it.”
He rutted his cock a couple more times before he pulled out. He blinked down at you lazily as you stared up at him, cheeks puffed out with a mouth full of his cum. Cheekily, you poked your tongue out a few centimetres, some of his seed oozing out and dripping down your chin.
“Holy fuck—” He caught himself moaning. “Just— fuck, swallow it.”
You did, and he moaned again. He pulled you up towards him, urging you to your feet by still holding your head. Then, he kissed you, shoving his tongue into your mouth to smother the noise of surprise you made.
When he pulled back, he breathed deeply, massaging the back of your neck gently.
“I’m serious, by the way. Stop chewing your nails and sucking on your fingers… please.”
You smiled at him. “I’ll try. As long as I can distract myself by sucking on your cock instead.”
“O’course you can, pretty girl.”
bruh this sucked i’m sorry 😭
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mybelovedwoo · 4 months
yunho as boyfriend, please 🩷🩷
The long-awaited yunho boyfriend headcanon is here!!!
jeong yunho as your boyfriend - headcanon
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headcanon, romance, fluff, smut
reader x bf!atz
wc. ~ 0.7k
an: i know this took soo long to write, but I actually had a really busy time since I last posted one of these TT but as summer is here now I'll hopefully have more time to write
you can request headcanons if you want to!! if you want to be tagged in any of my fics you can apply here <3
- the funny golden retriever boyfriend, who never fails to make your mood better and to make you smile (it's his personal goal in his life, to make you the happiest, and he really does)
-just as to everyone, he is your sunshine, your happy pill, the reason you smile every single day
-he is also the  "college boyfriend" kind of vibe, who is the love of your life and will be your husband in the future
-he always texts you no matter what, if his phone is in his hands, then he's most definitely chatting with you. also if he can't say anything else, he'll send you memes (it's one of his love languages)
-loves treating you with gifts, would most definitely bring you flowers on date nights, but don't forget about the bag of snacks and chocolates he always brings you on the first day of your period (he even tracks it on his phone, so he can be prepared)
-he's a gamer boy, so it's no surprise he loves it when you make interest and ask about his game, not even talking about when you ask him if you can play with him
-lots of inside jokes
-he is a big act of service guy. absolutely loves cooking for you or making you coffee before you wake up in the morning
-he never lets you pay for anything, even if you beg him. he thinks it's a gesture he is supposed to do as your boyfriend (at least that's what his father taught him)
 -gets embarrassed very easily when you compliment him, he gets all shy and giggly, sometimes you do it on purpose, just to see his flustered face because it's the cutest
-he communicates problems so well, that you barely ever fight
-carpool karaoke dates, blasting your favorite music and don't care what other people think of you
-this man has endless energy, so he's never tired of doing anything for you or being with you. when you call him, he's right there just for you
-holding hands 24/7, even if it's too hot outside and your hands get all sweaty, he just doesn't care
-he loooves it when you pamper him, with kisses, or caress his back
-he asks for your opinion on everything, if you don't like something then he doesn't like it either. your opinion is the most valuable thing for him
-goofy nicknames that don't even make sense but you can't help but love it
-somehow always knows what you're thinking about. when you feel uncomfortable in a situation, he's right there for the rescue, tho you didn't give him any specific sign, he just knows you too well. or when you come home from work, you haven't spoken yet, but he knows by just looking at you that you had a bad day and ready to cuddle you all night long
-idk he gives off shy kisses vibes with lots of giggles, but when it's really intimate he just holds your face in his big ass hands
nsfw +18!!!
-okaay hear me out, he is probably a switch, but mostly a bottom. he just loves it when you take control, it's his favorite thing
-he would prefer the good old cowgirl position, but anything, where you're on top is his "favorite", at least that's what he says
-but there are times when his dominant side comes out and ohh boy, you are so blessed to experience it
-when he's in that mood, he just rails you with no mercy. he has to let out all the tension and there's no better place than in the bedroom
-he does magic with his long fingers, takes you to heaven then brings you right back to earth
-he likes doing it in a chair with you on top, of course, he likes the closeness and loves holding you during it
- sex with him is anything but boring, yeah it's really sweet with a lot of emotions, but it's also really passionate and sensual. he would recommend new positions and toys all the time, he likes experiencing
-for places, I think he's a traditional in-bed kind of guy, he likes to stay comfortable 
-holds your hand and whispers sweet nothings into your ears, he talks you through it (with a really low and raspy voice)
-you have sex max three times a week, especially after a date night it's an essential
-his libido is quite high since he's a dancer, he can go multiple rounds in one night
-he likes to cuddle after, holds you in his arms. after a couple of minutes, you both just fall asleep right there and then
taglist: @dinossaurz (you can message me if you want to be added or removed)
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zombvic · 4 months
TINDER IRL PART one (harry lewis x reader)
summary : in which y/n gets invited to the sidemen tinder irl (usa edition) and meets a certain brit and their instant friendship slowly progresses into something bigger
face claim : no one right now (kendall jenner later)
notes : reader is like a 2019 ICON like disstracks against the paul brothers, ricegum etc.. now STILL doing youtube but on a much more lowkey basis. also im sorry but i had to add that the reader is an f1 fan IM SORRY (im locked in as an f1 girlie) 😵 yall im not american or even close to a native english speaker (#slavicstruggles) but i tried making the readeramerican cause i tried to do the american la gf x british bloke bf xx god bless 'merica RAAAAAH. also i used lines from like all the videos and made my own cause the lines from this video were insane.. last also, don't be a ghost reader 🧟‍♂️🧟‍♂️
pairings : harry lewis x reader , sidemen x platonic!reader , all the other youtuber in the videos x platonic!reader
warnings : drugs (ketamine joke)
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You got invited to the SIDEMEN Tinder In Real Life youtube video. You are acutely aware to what the Sidemen are and you've seen their videos before. Now to be fair, the genres between your channel and their channels were pretty different. The Sidemen were known for football challenges, those 100$ vs 100,000$ challenges and other things with a similar vibe. You on the other hand, you did vlogs, lifestyle hack and tips, in your time you've achieved some disstracks and occasionally broke down some formula 1 grand prix weekend.
The moment you saw the instagram dm from the Sidemen official account you weren't sure how to react. Should you be excited? scared? worried? yeah.. all. It was the Sidemen, Logan Paul, Mike and George (idk who Mike and George but who cares).
Eventually you accepted the offer and waited till the day you had to be "picked up" by kinda random men for 5 minutes straight. The day came, you got dressed for the video shoot, they made you wait with the other girls until they called your name and then you walked in.
"Hi, I'm (your name). I'm 24 and i'm from Newark, New Jersey" (go devs go) You've practiced that line like 50 times before you left, not because you wanted to come out of this video with a new man but because you didn't want to embarrass yourself lmao.
"Hi, I'm Vikk. I'm 26 and are you from Tennessee, because you're the only ten i see"
"Would've been funny if i hadn't just said im from New Jersey dude, no sorry"
"Hello, I'm Logan-"
"No. Complicated history" you said as you swiped left.
"One chance please"
"Alright, BUT u gotta watch it tho"
"Okay. SO. If i were a pizza delivery guy, i'd be giving YOU the tip"
"Ew no sorry lmfao.. that was weak as fuck"
"Alright wow, Hello, I'm Tobi. I'm 31 and they say that kissing is a language of love, so would you mind starting a conversation with me?"
"Sure go on.. yes. I love that"
Hello, My name is Ethan and let only latex stand between our love.
"Yeah thats funny.. alright, go on"
"Yo, I'm KSI. I'm 30 and you know how they say skin is the largest organ on the human body? Well.. Not in my case."
"Lmao, yes go on"
“Hello, I'm Mike. I'm 37 and girl, you don't need no vibrator when you got this Pickled Dick.”
"Jesus Christ. No, get out"
"Hi, My name is Simon and.. Simon says you want to swipe right"
"Lmao. I love that, Yes"
"Sup, I'm George and I’m peanut butter. You’re jelly. Let’s have sex"
"Jeeesus, that’s crazy bro... no"
"Hello, My name is Josh and I find your lack of nudity disturbing"
"No, I'm so sorry" (guys i love freya sm i couldnt do this)
"Uhm, Hello. I'm Harry. I'm 26 years old and what do ketamine and your underpants have in common?"
"I don't know" you said looking at the blonde-ish man confused.
"I'd like to sniff them both."
The whole room fell into a laughter, you included. "Yes"
"BUT I GET A NO?" Logan exclaims. "What a scam"
(NO : Logan, Josh, Mike, Vikk and George)
"For Logan i think we left this in 2019 and rightfully so. For Josh i dont really know tbh, i just thought his line couldve been better. Mike, i think you know why i said no. Vikk.. Im gonna be honest i dont even remember what youve said but im sure i had my reasons and George, you couldve been waaaaaay smoother mate.. tough luck"
YALL. this is part one because i cant be arsed and put it all right here right now 😁😁😁
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isadollie · 2 months
hi anne! i wanted to request boyfie x fem!reader headcanons for daichi and kuroo from haikyuu?
btw loved your recent bokuto hubby drabble 🥺 you've really blessed us 🥺 i wanted to include bokuto for the ask but you wrote him so well in that drabble! 🤧 you can still include him in this request if you'd like 👀 might be fun hehe 🤭
thank you! 🤍🤍
boyfriend! daichi, kuroo, bokuto headcanons (separate)
★ hello anon! tysm for requesting<3
★ and omgg, i'm so happy you liked my little bokuto drabble! 🥹🥹 i included him in the headcanons here as well cause it's never too much bokuto am i right or am i right
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★ super protective like omg
★ i feel like he loves to hold hands at all times
★ the sidewalk rule.
★ is veryy serious about your relationship
★ already plans your future together and loves to talk about it
★ always asks for your opinion though
★ "my love, when we get married, do you want to get a cat? a dog? maybe a hamster?"
★ can be a bit too serious sometimes tbh
★ like, when you guys are out with friends, sometimes you have to nugde him and be like "that person was joking btw" cause he just doesn't get itttt
★ that type of man that your family would love
★ might get late to the meeting with your family and then enter with a cute smile and be like "i'm so sorry, i met an elder lady on my way and i had to help her with grocery shopping"
★ he's that type to read every single book you said you liked, and watch all your favorite movies
★ always insists to pay for everything
★ acts of service allll the way
★ will stop in the middle of your walk to kneel down and tie your shoe
★ loves to show you off in front of his teammates
★ ALSO OMG imagine you two go shopping cause you wanted to get some new makeup supplies
★ he'll carry your cart and when you want to see how would a lipstick, eyeshadow or anything else look on skin, he offers you his hand so you can try out all the shades on him hehe
★ and then when you two walk out of the store both of his hands are covered in blush, lipsticks and other stuff but he doesn't care tbh
★ (now i kinda want to write a drabble abt it)
★ (let me know if i should)
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★ would probably do anything you asked of him tbh
★ he's that type of boyfriend to also be your bestie ykwim
★ "they broke up?? no way! give me all the details rn"
★ skincare routine is his favourite activity with you, he's just so glad you got him into that
★ then he goes to practice and talks to his teammates like "don't you guys see how i'm GLOWING??"
★ pretty random but i hc that he can fall asleep literally anywhere and that he loves naps
★ kinda... like a cat...
★ and oh he SNORES
★ loves to tease you sm
★ especially abt your height, let's be honest
★ asks how's the weather down there and thinks he's funny
★ i feel like he really cares about kenma's approval of your relationship
★ introducing u to kenma was more important for him than introducing you to his family atp ��
★ so stressed abt it too it's honestly funny
★ but kenma said you seem cool so kuroo can already go look for a ring
★ sends you reels of cats cuddling and says "us"
★ loves to carry you and always looks for an excuse to do so
★ would switch his shoes with yours when your legs start to hurt
★ looks good in your heels and i'm telling you, he walks in them better than u do
★ just smirks and says that he can teach you to be better lol
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★ lowkey an introvert's nightmare
★ probably took ages to confess tho
★ cause he's just too afraid to mess up, and he doesn't want to ruin your friendship:(
★ asked akaashi to help confess
★ also, asks akaashi with help with ANYTHING
★ like in my head, bokuto doesn't really have any previous relationship experience
★ so he doesn't really know what to do sometimes and you're very important to him so he wants to do everything right
★ therefore he asks akaashi for help. all the time. all. the. time.
★ like let my man akaashi rest 😭
★ asks him what to get you for your birthday, how to apologize after a fight, anything you can think of tbh
★ so clingy, the definition of clingy actually
★ wants to hang out 24/7
★ if you asked him to move in with you on the very same day you two started dating, he'd agree without hesitation
★ also texts you whenever you can't meet up
★ sends the most random shit, especially on tiktok and ig
★ he's that type to, when he plays a match, before he makes a serve, points at you and is like "this one's for you" and then completely misses
★ will talk your ear off
★ says the cutest things when he's sleepy
★ he'll just cuddle up to you and start rambling abt how much he loves you
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drysdalesworld · 9 months
ducks, ducks, ducks
jamie drysdale x fem!hughes!reader
social media au set before injury & trade! (still salty about it)
y/n.hughes just posted!
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liked by adamfantilli, uoregon, yourbestie, and more
y/n.hughes: ducks, ducks, ducks 🦆
tagged: yourbestie, anaheimducks, uoregon
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yourbestie: ducks!!
userone: the best duck there is
usertwo: fr!
userthree: who? jamie or y/n?
userone: y/n 100% userthree
trevorzegras: i’m still petty over the fact that you didn’t hug me first
y/n.hughes: i would’ve if you didn’t take forever to leave the locker room
jamie.drysdale: you were too slow z
trevorzegras: ☹️
userfour: trev being petty over the fact that he wasn’t one of the first people to hug y/n after the game has me ROLLING 😭
userfive: fr!! i love how jokingly possessive he is over the hughes siblings. it’s too funny
usersix: esp over jack and y/n. it’s hilarious 😂
yourroommate: how much sleep did you get this weekend?
y/n.hughes: none ☺️
yourroommate: babes
yourbestie: she literally brought her suitcase to the party so she could immediately go straight to the airport afterwards
userseven: stop!! that’s so cute!!
y/n.hughes: worth it tho
jamie.drysdale: loved having you at my game baby 🤍
jackhughes: is that why you ignored my facetime earlier 🥲
y/n.hughes: yes. i had other priorities
jackhughes: wow. so your older brother isn’t a priority? i see how it is 😒
y/n.hughes: dramatic ass
jackhughes: i’m telling mom!
usereight: y/n knows where her priorities lie lol
_quinnhughes: hope you had fun sis!
y/n.hughes: i did! thank you quinny <33
lhughes_06: take notes jackhughes
jackhughes: i’m being attacked at all sides aren’t i
colecaufield: when are you going to visit 😖
y/n.hughes: bake me your moms homemade cookies and then we’ll talk
colecaufield: done ✅
anaheimducks: the best duck we know!
markestapa: visit us next!!
tyler_duke5: on my knees begging
alexturcotte: hope oregon’s treating you well girl hughes!!
y/n.hughes just posted!
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liked by trevorzegras, rutgermcgroarty, and more
y/n.hughes: why do i have to be such a studious gf that’s pursuing her college degree and not a stay at home gf 😫
tagged: jamie.drysdale
( loading comments ! )
trevorzegras: just drop out. problem solved
userone: that’s not
jackhughes: are you encouraging my sister to drop out of college z 🤨
trevorzegras: just saying j. it’s an easy fix
lhughes_06: that’s what you get for double majoring in english and communications with a minor in political science girlie
usertwo: did luke just refer to his sister as girlie?
userthree: yes, yes he did
y/n.hughes: at least i’ll have a degree in my name & not just on the back of a jersey
y/n.hughes: same goes for you trev
userfour: oop
jamie.drysdale: because you’re a smart and hardworking girl baby ☺️
y/n.hughes: awww jimmy!! i love you so much ❤️❤️
userfive: are we just going to brush over the fact that y/n is a double major with a minor?? babes is getting NO sleep
y/n.hughes: ZERO
y/n.hughes: sleep is for the weak!
usersix: praying for your health & sanity bbg
userfive: get some sleep girl!! it’s important for your health!
yourbestie: get that degree babes!! be the most studious wag ever!!
yourroommate: FRFR
anaheimducks: getting the jack ready rn
luca.fantilli: the smartest hughes
lhughes_06: offense taken
y/n.hughes: thank you luca <3 speaking the truth fr
rutgermcgroarty: speaking of the smart hughes, can you help me with my essay y/n.hughes 😖
y/n.hughes: ofc rut! i’ll call you at 9
rutgermcgroarty: bless thank you 🙏
elhughes: so proud of you baby 💚💚
y/n.hughes: thank you mama!! i love you so much 🤍
jackhughes: the smartest sister i have
_quinnhughes: she’s the only sister you have idiot
jackhughes: okay and ???
userseven: the pic of jamie tying her shoe 😭😭
masonmctavish23: the most studious person i know!
trevorzegras: idk why but i feel offended
y/n.hughes: babes, we all know you practically have an iq of a grape
jackhughes: she isn’t wrong z 😂
y/n.hughes just posted to their story!
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caption: last date night with lover boy until thanksgiving break jamie.drysdale :(
trevorzegras replied!
finally! i no longer have to deal with you and jimbo’s lovey dovey grossness 🤢
jk! love you 🫶🏼 you make jimmy more tolerable
jamie.drysdale replied!
i’m going to miss you baby! :( study hard & take care of yourself lovey 🤍
lhughes_06 replied!
since when were you NOT coming home for turkey break??! 🤨
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lady-ashfade · 8 months
The trio
Day 11 of celebration marathon
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Platonic!Trio x reader
-£ ask: Can you do something about how Percy, Annabeth and Grover would be meeting a new mortal friend after the quest? Like Annabeth having her first friend outside camp and maybe having all the awesome kid moments she missed ie sleepovers, movies, school dance... stuff like that. Grover making a friend he isn't trying to protect or save and can just be himself. And Percy making a friend with the confidence he got from knowing he's different but not broken. (I loved tonight's episode and can't wait for season two! I hope your enjoying the books they were my favorite when I was 12) @poemfreak306
-£ Warnings: fluffy friendship, hcs, me just going with what my brain comes up with, I haven’t slept since yesterday.
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It’s funny how you were so excepting of their situation. Of course you were confused but you got over it pretty fast.
you had watched them defeat a monster on your way home from school and hid while they took care of it. You actually thought you were losing your mind.
They were just surprised as you when you went up to them, a normal human. I mean humans could see through the fog before but you were different.
“So…you actually have goat legs?” You point down at Grover as he blushes and nods.
You took them to your house and offered them a place to stay for the night, or some meals at first since they didn’t want to stay around you to long.
Annabeth likes to talk about things she feels like she can’t around anyone at camp, like girly things. Maybe you teach her a new hair style? Or show her a new teen magazine with cutes boys, then show her new movies she might like.
(I have a feel for wound either love or hate legacy blonde and you can’t convince me otherwise)
She likes when you gossip about your regular life and the problems you have, she likes to live through you. She also likes to teach you things to if you ask.
Grover is so happy to have you. He doesn’t feel the pressure. Not that it’s a problem with the other two but he likes to chill in your room. He’s a sucker for laying down in your room while you listen to music and play with his hair. Also, teach him videos games and battle him. He likes to visit you all the time to complain or rest up. You are his battery charger.
Also, Grover loves you because you always prepare snacks for him. He eats anything, Tin cans and random things he could find but you take the time to make him something. Makes him feel loved and cared about.
You are a blessing in Percy’s eyes. The other kids made fun of him for his whole like. But here you are, not a care in the world. You do scold him if he gets hurt and about being more careful tho he enjoys that. He had a kinda normal childhood with his mom so he knew a lot of things like you did so it was easy to bond. You got all his references!
Percy likes it when you listen to him rant on about his problems, about how camp is, or how he killed some monster. He enjoys how excited you get when he tells his stories. You call him and the others your hero’s.
Movie nights are always fun with them. Either you and Percy are showing them a movie you watched or you show them something.
If it horror. Grover will be watching intently while eating popcorn unlike what you thought the first time, he likes it. Annabeth is screaming at the tv how they are messing themselves up and somehow ends up rooting for the killer, (she never will admit she yelps at times) and Percy is in the middle. Sometimes his curling up and turning away, or laughing at the screen.
They get to be kids and enjoy a sleepover, eating snacks and throwing them around, laughing so hard they cry, staying up “all night” and then crashing.
Everytime they return to camp they have a new photo of you to hang up. Even as a mortal you are their best friend and they wouldn’t change it any other way.
taglist: @maria699669 @purplerose291 @itzmeme @ravenmedows
-£ this was edited poorly so many mistakes are made because I’m having a hard time keeping my eyes open.
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hanjisungslag · 4 months
attack on titan headcanons #11
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synopsis: when aot characters get drunk🍺
characters involved: eren, mikasa, armin, jean, connie, sasha reiner, bertolt, annie, levi, erwin and hange
notes: exams are finally over and its SUMMAA so i switched up my theme, rip coquette hanjisungslag u will b missed x
☆ eren jaeger
loves a strong bow and a corona on a warm summers day x
is a lightweight
one beer and he is off his rocker
gets hyper in several different ways, happy, giggly, angry etc.
passed out by 22:00
☆ mikasa ackerman
she’s a cider girlie!!
loves a rekorderlig & kopparberg (strawberry & lime and mixed fruits specifically)
tries some people’s gins and vodkas and it ain’t for her
she’s a lightweight too
she’s so shocked how hard it hits her
she’s a lot more chatty and giggly
goes red in the cheeks > <
☆ armin arlert
he tries beer. doesn’t like san miguel. hates stella.
will take a corona on a sunny day though…
but he likes a cider!
he looovveesss any fruity drinks
he’s not a lightweight or heavyweight, good middle ground
gets sooo chatty
the type of drunk to info dump on you / talk about their special interests
☆ jean kirsten
drinks mostly everything. strongbow, cider, maybe be cheeky and have a rum!
also tequila tbh
he’s a bit of a lightweight tbh
but he refuses to admit it 😭
he’s a chill drunk, he’ll sit and chat and drink
but bro is RAVENOUS like he will eat a fuckin buffet and a half afterwards.
spends more money on food than actual drink
☆ sasha braus
her, ymir and historia deffo get some refreshing, fruity pitchers between em all.
they’re literally just girls… 😖
she’s a lightweight duhhh!!
she’s 100% busting a move on the dance floor
there’s also a liability.
and she is that liability. she is constantly running off
☆ connie springer
he gets sooo drunk
like i’m talking running away with sasha, doing karaoke, dancing, chatting to EVERYONEE
THE no 1. yapper when drunk
by the end of the night he was 10 new best friends, invited to three weddings and several after parties.
he’s deffo the one who ends up being sick but he’s so ready to drink afterwards😭(don’t let him)
☆ reiner braun
he starts off with ‘man’ drinks like san miguel, stella etc.
HOWEVAA i know this man loves a voddy and coke and gin.
i just know when this man is pissed and wants another one he is getting his bloody pink gin
he’s rizzing people up sooo hard like reiner stawp 😜
he’s so sweet and pookie when drunk like he’s just chatting and hugging all his friends
☆ bertolt hoover
actually loves a san miguel
everyone’s so surprised by this?
he’s also a heavyweight
he’s tall ok, more of him to get drunk
when he’s drunk HES A TALKERR
it’s like it’s all been built up and now he’s exploding with words and conversations
deffo says way too much for his liking and regrets it deeply in the morning.
expect an apology message in the morning (even tho he has nothing to apologise for, bless)
☆ annie leonhart
heavy weight
this girl is on vodkas with lemonade hmk x
when she’s drunk she’s soo red
she’ll find someone to just sit and chill with
doesn’t want to embarrass herself or bring attention to herself.
she’s so funny when she’s drunk
pulls out ALL the stops when it comes to jokes
she’s always giggling at everyone doing some dumb shit
☆ levi ackerman
heavy weight!
he doesn’t drink much anyways
but if he is, its whiskey or tia maria in some coffee
he’s usually the one watching everyone, not getting too drunk
making sure no one is dead x
but he always ends up tipsy at the least
although he’s supposed to be baby sitting
he cant help but slightly smirking at anything anyone says.
☆ erwin smith
heavy weight once again
doesn’t like to get too drunk
he’s an old man now cmon
my man is drinking wine like merlot, pino, etc
he’s so elegant when drinking
but by the end of the night his hair is messed up baddd
he says loads of stuff and regrets it.
obviously it’s nothing too extreme but just him being silly
gets super sleepy though. wine drunk 🙁
☆ hange zoë
literally adores shots
just goes crazy on them tbh
after an hour, they’re buying shots for EVERYOONNNEEE
definitely broke by the end of the night.
has to start giving themselves a limit every time they go out
ANYWAYS an absolute party animal
hitting up the clubs
hitting the DANCE FLOOR DUH!
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leclercsainzz · 1 year
hello love:)
i absolutely love your social media au stories! <33 i was wondering if you could please do a lando norris one with the song “bad idea” by olivia
PAIRINGS: lando norris x ex fem!reader
TYPE: social media au
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liked by oscarpiastri, lilymhe and 610,720 others
yourusername: camera crumbs ✨
view 6,164 comments
user: the prettiest
user: she’s literally glowing!! 😍
user: those two shirts are a MUST
oscarpiastri: my mom says i’m cool too 🤪
↳ yourusername: 😎😎😎
isahernaez: HOT
↳ yourusername: that’s youuu 😘
↳ user: carlando exes >>>
landonorris: orange still looks good on you 😉
comment has been deleted
user: missing my favorite wag hours 😔
user: body goals 😩
user: waiting for the *liked by landonorris*
charlottesiine: the prettiest 😍
↳ yourusername: right back at you;) 😘
user: did you love making lando cry? 🤣
↳ user: i was sooo confused by your comment until i saw her shirt on the last post lmao
user: gorgg 😍
user: orange??!? for lando?!?? 👀
↳ user: they broke up, get over it!
user: your smile is the prettiest smile ever, i swear 😍😍😍
user: so pretty wtf 😩
user: missing you in the paddock, queen 😭😭
user: idc what anyone says she’s ✨GLOWING✨
↳ user: she’s always been gorgeous but the post break up is hitting different lately!!!
user: missing my fav girl 😩😩😩
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liked by landonorris, carlossainz55 and 602,818 others
yourusername: 🍃
view 5,047 comments
user: there it is, “liked by landonorris”
user: not lando liking this post 😭
↳ user: my man is still down bad, idcc
user: STUNNING 😍
user: my eyes have been blessed, omg 😍
user: i’m not imaging lando liking this right?!?!?
lilymhe: you’re so photogenic, i can’t
lilymhe: hOT 😮‍💨
↳ yourusername: 😘😘😘
↳ user: ya’ll try to make a big deal out of everything, i swear! can’t exes be friends?!? smh
user: *liked by landonorris* ngl that took me out 💀
↳ user: he’s reappearing after a whole month lmaoo
↳ user: he’s desperate 😭😭😭
user: omg, you’re truly soo stunning!! 😩😩
alexandrasaintmleux: 😍😍😍😍
↳ yourusername: ❤️❤️
user: pretty girl!!
user: lando liked now we’re waiting for a comment 🤣
oscarpiastri: answer my text NOW!!
↳ user: please, this is soo funny 😭
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liked by francisca.cgomes, oscarpiastri and 617,936 others
yourusername: i know i should stop, but i can’t 🤷🏻‍♀️
view 8,947 comments
user: stop what, queen?!???
↳ yourusername: posting pics, babe
↳ user: nOOO!! I LIVE FOR yOUr POsTS
user: 😍😍
oscarpiastri: i don’t like that caption 🤔
↳ yourusername: meaning??
↳ oscarpiastri: noo comment …
user: SLAYYYYY 😍😍😍
carlossainz55: that caption is insinuating something, isn’t it?
comment has been deleted
user: her outfits are always 😍
user: did anyone else see carlos comment?!??
↳ user: wHAT COMMENT?!?? WHERE?!!?
↳ user: he deleted it 😭😭 but it said, “that caption is insinuating something, isn’t it?”
↳ user: wtf does that even mean?!!??!?
↳ user: lando, maybe?!?? idk 😭😭😭 it might not even mean anything, i’m just delusional lmao
↳ user: if it didn’t mean anything, why delete it tho?!??
user: idk about ya’ll but carlos deleting his comment seems sus??? like what does he know?!??
user: mother is slayin’ 😌
user: i wish i had her style
user: everyone’s freaking out overs carlos deleted comment but what about oscar’s comment?!?? what did he mean by “i don’t like the caption” and the “no comment” comment?!???
↳ user: i’m tELLING YA’lL, thEre’s something they know thaT WE DON’T!! 😩
user: yn and lando are definitely fucking around, i just know it! that’s the whole reason for carlos and oscar’s comment, there’s no other explanation
↳ user: ya’ll are so delusional 😭💀💀 LMAOO
user: she literally responded to a comment saying, “posting pics, babe” when asked about the caption, hello??? ya’ll just love to insinuate things
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liked by carlossainz55, oscarpiastri and 784,629 others
landonorris: carlando podium!! 🏆 🏆 thanks @mclaren
view 7,520 comments
user: mY CARLANDO HEART!! ❤️🧡
oscarpiastri: 👏🏼
user: don’t let carlando distract you from that last post
carlossainz55: ❤️
user: smoooooooth operatorrrrrr
maxfewtrell: 🤩🤩🤩
user: is that yn?!?? someone please confirm 😭😭😭
↳ user: i don’t think so, they don’t even follow each other
user: you’re telling me my man is seeing someone?!? and it might not be yn?!!?
user: it’s literally carlos in a wig, ya’ll
↳ user: i thought it might’ve been oscar tbh
user: patiently waiting for the *liked by yourusername*
↳ user: im waiting for her to comment
↳ user: it’s not even yn
user: p1 & p2 baby!!! ❤️🧡❤️🧡❤️🧡 #carlando
user: that ain’t yn, ya’ll! we gotta accept that they broke up and move on, as much as it hurts 😭
↳ user: nah, that’s definitely yn!
user: i don’t think it’s yn tbh
↳ user: then who could it be?!?
team_quadrant: 🍾 SMOOTH
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liked by landonorris, carlossainz55 and 620,184 others
yourusername: bad idea, right? ohh well 🤷🏻‍♀️
tagged: @landonorris
view 7,520 comments
user: nahhh 💀 this has to be a joke or sum
user: yn, babe, this is definitely a bad idea 😭
user: scReaming, wtfnalalslfsma
user: not lando reclaiming my wife 🙄
oscarpiastri: “we won’t catch feelings”
↳ yourusername: oops? hehehe 🫢
user: i kNEW IT!! i CALLEd IT
maxfewtrell: 😏
landonorris: hey, you 😍😍😍
landonorris: see you tonight? 😘
↳ yourusername: you got it;)
user: nahhh 😭😭😭😭 yn you’re better than this
↳ yourusername: sorry, bestie 🤷🏻‍♀️ i couldn’t help it
carlossainz55: dios mío
translation: my god
alex_albon: oh my god, no way 😳😳 who would have thought???!??
↳ yourusername: we get it, you know things 🙄
georgerussell63: guess i owe you @maxverstappen1
↳ maxverstappen1: pay up, mate
user: this was so NOT on my 2023 bingo card, wth
user: does that mean my fav wag is back?!?? 🤩🤩
francisca.cgomes: oohhh?? 😏
user: you’re so 😍😍😍😍 and then there’s him 😬😬
user: not my wife getting back with him 😑
user: count your days, l*and*
↳ user: please 😭😭
user: this makes me so happy, idc
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liked by yourusername, oscarpiastri and 776,859 others
landonorris: good idea, right? (swipe for a surprise) 😌
tagged: @yourusername
view 7,946 comments
user: thE CAPTION, HELLO?!??!?
user: they’re back together, that’s all that matters 😭😭
yourusername: hey, you copied my caption …
yourusername: you’re cute or whatevaa 😉
↳ landonorris: right back at you 😉
user: idk if i should be happy or cry
user: nOt him making her smile 😩 that should be me
user: i would’ve gotten back with her too, i get it, lando
oscarpiastri: okay, this is cute … i guess
↳ landonorris: you guess?
georgerussell63: 😏
user: they really hard launched their relationship just like that
carlossainz55: where’s the surprise?
↳ yourusername: 🙄 this is why i’m taking lando back from u
↳ landonorris: technically, you’ve always had me 😏
maxverstappen1: from friends, to lovers, to exes, to fuck buddies, to lovers again … cute
↳ user: does this confirms these fuckers never stopped seeing each other?!?? 😭😭
↳ user: nOt max exposing them 💀
↳ user: max, you’re telling me that these two have been hooking up even after they broke up?!?? 🤔
↳ maxverstappen1: 👍🏼
user: that last post is cute tho 😩
user: i NEEDED this!
user: ynlando nation rise!! our favs are back together 😌
maxfewtrell: get it 😉
user: i still cannot believe this is real
user: i guess this technically confirms they ended on good terms when they broke up the first time
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990 notes · View notes
starryeyedstray · 15 days
my thoughts on dbh as someone entering the fandom in 2024
so just got into the dbh fandom like in aug 2024. i have watched too much gameplay, read the wiki extensively, read an obscene amount of fanfics on ao3, and am in the process of writing my own. here are some of my thoughts (that no one has asked for):
every fanfic writer who started in 2018 and is still updating their works in 2024 are literal saints and some of the best damn writers i ever did saw and the dedication is fucking unreal. one fic had almost 2 million words??????? like BRUH. some are still ongoing and updated this year?? the dbh fandom in ao3 is not thriving as much as it was in 2018 (i say this purely as someone who's looking at the hits/kudos/comment ratios on older v. new works) but they are still alive!!!!
i am puzzled with the obsession with gavin reed. there are like a million fics that feature him and rk900. i am confused bc he did not seem like a redeeming character at all in my opinion and idk, i think he's just an asshole. i like the redemption arcs some ppl write for him but i just can't with him. i mean you ship who you wanna ship but i am not a reed fan and i am confused how he became so popular when all he did was bully our poor boi connor.
i personally don't ship hank x connor bc they give strong father-son vibes in the canon. however, i am obsessed with how jolli_bean writes the pairing on ao3 since its usually a canon divergence or an AU so the pair meet later in life. there are some fics that follow the canon and do a pretty good job with the pairing, but i just tend to keep it familial between them in my head. (but like i said, ship who you want to ship)
i am glad there's a vague consensus that we all wished alice stayed a human bc i feel like that lends itself to a more interesting narrative post-game. tho i guess her being an android is fine bc now kara, luthor, and alice can live as one happy family in canada forvever lol
i am literally obsessed with bryan dechart's acting as connor. like if you haven't seen him play connor in real life for the interactive #detroit2038 premiere event, then you gotta watch some of the live stream. like he doesn't break character the whole time and his physicality just screams connor and i just really appreciate how much effort he put in as an actor to really embody the character. just so impressive and i wish there was more bts of him acting as connor bc its just so nuanced and ugh *chef's kiss* if they ever made a live action dbh it would be impossible for anyone else to play connor
i love the 28 stab wounds meme. when i watched that scene for the first time it was so jarring lmao
i also love how everyone is like yes, we all know connor likes dogs but he also likes fish bc of that one fish you can save in the very first minute of gameplay hahahah. (his name is dewey and it is vitally important you save him). i also appreciate how the "i like dogs" line will undoubtedly find it's way into every fic possible lol
i think the love for simon is very good and well and amazing but i think josh deserves more love in fics too
it bothers me that when north tells markus "i love you" at the church, MARKUS DOESN'T SAY IT BACK??? LIKE BITCH SAY YOU LOVE HER BACK DAMMIT DON'T JUST WALK AWAY
i love how the fandom just latched onto rk900 and rk800-60 and fleshed out their personalities and i love reading ppl's interpretation of these characters and how they incorporate them into their stories. it's funny they only show up like one time and ppl just ran with it and it's so fun and creative and i love it.
i love the hc that chloe deviated when connor chose not to shoot her. that's the best hc. like it's canon in my heart idc
bless all the fic writers who have mastered the art of explaining how androids mind and bodies work bc there are so many gaps and possibilities left open in the lore and it's incredible to see what ppl come up with or interpret based off the canon. (i still feel 50/50 about when they make deviants feel pain cause like androids not feeling pain is such a big part of the canon and yeah i'll give it a pass if the fic does it for the whumps and the angst but i prefer when a fic finds a canon-compliant reason for deviants to feel pain, even if its just like they got a chip or software installed that makes them feel pain or something)
every pairing that i find in this fandom, i tend to be like... "yeah i can see that." (with the exception of hank x connor for reasons i stated in #3). i'm still like ehhh on reed900 or even gavin x connor bc i just don't think it makes sense in the canon but if it's written well i just shrug and say yeah i guess i could see that. some rarepairs i ended up absolutely adoring were chloe x north and rk900 x north (i realize they're both north but she has such good potential for character dynamics)
idk if it's just me bc i specifically look for fics centered around connor, but i feel like there's not a lot of love for kara at least fic-wise. ig it's cause she kinda just leaves so it's easy to not include her. tbh, i am quite well-versed in markus' and connor's stories but i haven't really explored a lot of kara's. i plan on playing dbh with my partner when i see them again in a couple months and i wanted us to take turn playing different characters and i wanted to play kara's storyline so i've been avoiding it for the most part so i can be surprised with my options. plus, in my wip fic, kara is in canada so she's not really relevant to my story which is why i have in depth knowledge about markus and connor and less on kara.
the music in this game fucking SLAPS. 10/10 kara's theme makes me wanna cry.
okay, there is a common trope in the dbh fanfics where connor loses his memory and that shit gets me everytime. i'm always bawling and anxiously waiting for him to fucking REMEMBER and i hate and love it and eat it up every. single. time. usually, the memory loss happens early in the fic and it's pretty expected but sometimes i get blindsided and i'm like FUCK not this shit again but i can't stop reading it and the angst is so palpable.
i think it's so interesting how ra9 is just like this mystery in the lore that never gets entirely explained in the game. it's like something you can totally kinda ignore but it does have interesting lore implications if you decide to really think about it.
i adore all the characters in dbh equally except for connor who is the certified best boi and my absolute favorite (no one is shocked by this declaration). and the characters on my shit list are zlatko, todd, and sometimes reed.
this is an obnoxiously long post and i apologies. i haven't been on tumblr in years and i just had so many thoughts about dbh and i have no friends to talk to so i decided to dump it all here. i still have more thoughts but those are the ones that come to the forefront of my mind.
tldr: i love dbh and its fandom and i have many specific thoughts about it and you should just really read my post if you care about any of it
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milaisreading · 1 year
Hello~ Just want to tell you that your blue lock manager series is absolutely amazing! Feel that my life have became better since I found your blog. I already dropped some requests in your ask box, hope that was ok. x) and I definitely wanna read the part 2 about y/n's time with Bastards. I can imagine that Kaiser and Ness both want her attention (Ness is happy at heart that she likes him more that Kaiser and Kaiser wants go get her attention for himself finally) and Noa warm up for her too and now wants her to stay as official Bastards manager (poor real official manager, omg x)).
Oh, sorry, I can't be short not only in requests, which seems like a headcanons, not like requests, but also in my thoughts and messages. x)
Bless your blog! Wish you lots of inspiration! And feel free to talk and rant about bllk or manager to me if you want.
Author: Here ya go! They would all three honestly be a mess right after she leaves😭 it's funny to think of it tbh. Hope u enjoy this one tho!
Warnings ⚠️ : reader uses she/her. Requests are open
⚽️Blue lock belongs to:Muneyuki Kaneshiro and Yusuke Nomura⚽️
Basically a continuation of this
'This is just like the first day at Blue Lock... I am about to throw up...' (Y/n) gulped as she nervously played around with the hem of her new uniform. It felt weird to be wearing the Bastard München one, when for the past months she had been wearing the one of Blue Lock.
'Is this what butterflies in the stomach feel like?!' (Y/n) thought as she waited for the coach to walk out of his office.
'Can't believe I will ne working for THE Noel Noa for the next 3 weeks! Should I ask him for an autograph for Isagi? No, that would be creepy! Haaaa I think Ego-san in the beginning was less stressful.' (Y/n) gulped as the door finally opened and the white-haired man walked out.
"Ah, you are here already. Pretty early too, I thought you won't be here until 8." Noa said, sounding genuinely surprised that (Y/n) was there earlier, since it was only 6.30.
"I always start earlier back in Japan. Sorry."
The girl said, sounding a little panicked that the man might find it weird.
"No need to apologize, it's good to that you did come earlier. It will give me now more of a chance to show you around. Come." Noel said as (Y/n) followed after the man.
'So cool!'
The tour around the stadium lasted for about an hour, with Noel giving her some introductions where certain places and rooms are, as well as what her role will be.
'Essentially I am doing what I did at Blue Lock, just for a professional team. I can do that!' (Y/n) perked up as Noel called out her name again.
"If Kaiser says something uncalled for, tell me. He can be quite a handful." The French player explained as (Y/n) nodded her head.
"Thank you Noel-san, I will keep that in mind. I just wanted to know what the training plan was for the next 3 weeks? And if I can have a list with all the players? I want to be able to write the progress the players make during my time here."
"You won't be needing those, as I said you are just doing what you did in Japan-"
"I actually do that."
Noel blinked down at the girl as she felt her face turn redder in embarrassment.
'I shouldn't have said that?!'
"Ego makes you do all that?" The coach asked as the girl shook her head.
"Not really! I do it on my own freewill, I like keeping notes and analyzing." (Y/n) explained, which made Noel nod his head and then pointed at a nearby bench.
"You can wait over there, I will get you those things."
(Y/n) sighed in relief as she did as told and Noel went to his office to get the requested items.
'I wonder how the player here usually are. I know they are good,monsters more, when they play against other teams, but watching them train will be so cool!' (Y/n) thought, not realizing that two figures were approaching her, until...
"Ah! Ness, your little girlfriend is here." Kaiser exclaimed, putting an arm around the girl's shoulder.
"Kaiser, please leave her alone." Ness said, sounding a little annoyed as the girl looked at them both.
"Where did you two even come from? I didn't hear you."
"You looked lost in your thoughts, maybe that's why you didn't hear us. We came a little earlier to greet you." Ness explained. (Y/n) nodded her head, blushing a little as he smiled and removed Kaiser's arm from her. The blonde tsked a little as the two talked, still not over the fast that a girl picked Ness over him.
'Well I do have 3 weeks to change her mind.' Kaiser thought as he watched the duo talk over some random things.
"Good job you two. That was a pretty cool trick." (Y/n) said as she handed the duo their water bottles. It was the 2nd day by now and (Y/n) had made out a plan on what and how to do things. Noel was positively surprised how well she adjusted to the team and by the notes she had taken in the two days. Ness and Kaiser would act as her translators if one of the senior staff members told her something or to go to the store.
"You are doubting the great Michael Kaiser now?" The blonde wondered as Ness clapped a little.
"Well, the bar for you is low, so whatever you do will be interesting." (Y/n) said back, and to Kaiser's surprise Ness said nothing. He would usually attack anyone who offended Kaiser, but he couldn't bring himself to be the same with (Y/n). Something about the girl just warmed his heart, and he couldn't deny the small bit of satisfaction that she had picked him over Kaiser back then.
"Is that so? Then you will be in for a ride. Better keep your socks on unless you want me to knock them off."
"So you finished the papers I gave you?" Noel asked at the end of the first week, surprised with how fast she had done the job. He expected her to need the whole 3 weeks to finish, but here he was holding them.
"Yeah, Ness and Kaiser helped me out with the translations and I got this ready too."
(Y/n) said, handing Noel the notebook she had been using for the past week. The man quietly started reading as a knock was heard and Kaiser barged in.
"Noel, is (Y/n) done yet? Ness and I are hungry!"
The man looked up from the notebook and looked at the blonde in confusion.
"What does she have to do with it? Just go and eat."
"She owes us food for being her translators." Kaiser argued as Ness peeked inside.
"This was Kaiser's idea."
Noel sighed and nodded his head, telling the three they are free to go. Once Ness and Kaiser pulled (Y/n) out, Noa kept on reading the notes, amazed with some of the things that caught her eyes.
"We are going to that food stand!" Kaiser announced as Ness stayed quiet while (Y/n) looked at it in confusion.
"Here? Alright, I would have expected you two to prefer some fancier place." (Y/n) commented as Ness patted her back and Kaiser handed her a piece of paper.
"I wrote down what you should order, now don't make my hours of teaching you German go futile."
"It was more Ness teaching anyways-"
"Technicalities. Now go." Kaiser said as he pulled (Y/n) along while Ness simply smiled along.
The 2nd week started off with the club having their day off, so Kaiser and Ness decided to use the opportunity to bring (Y/n) to some famous places in Munich. It was a rather cold day and while she wanted to refuse at first, Ness kept on asking so she caved in, to which Kaiser was a little offended.
"Are you still mad I told you no?" (Y/n) wondered as they ate breakfast.
"I am more offended that you told me no, while not even 3 minutes later saying yes to Ness." Kaiser argued, sending a side glare to the magenta-eyed eyed boy.
"I think those are skill issues on your part." Ness said, earning a laughter from (Y/n).
"Also, Ness was less aggressive about it." The girl blushed as she sent a few glances at Ness, who was flattered by the attention. Kaiser cleared his throat and leaned against his chair.
"Lovely, you two make me want to throw up-"
"Anyways, I made us a plan where we can go. We are in luck that today is less of a crowded day..."
With narrowed eyes, Kaiser stared at Ness and (Y/n) as the boy started explaining everything to her. It was honestly annoying how she was looking at him and hanging onto every word of his.
'Meanwhile she is pretending like I don't exist or isn't taking me seriously. Do I have to act nice around her to get some attention?'
"What...are you doing exactly?" (Y/n) asked as she walked into the storage room to get the equipment for the day. Kaiser turned around as he held the big box, surprised that she was here now.
"Why?" (Y/n) wondered, never expecting the blonde to pick up a box for her.
"Because I want to help you while you are still here." Kaiser answered simply and the girl nodded her head. His voice was a lot softer, making his words sound a lot more genuine than usually.
"I...uh thank you." (Y/n) said timidly and looked at her feet, a sight that made Kaiser stop and stare at her for a moment.
"Nothing worth mentioning." He smiled and (Y/n) followed after him, still in shock from his genuine words.
"Today's practice has left me a mess. I can't wait to sleep." Ness muttered as he leaned against the wall of the stadium, both him and (Y/n) waiting for Kaiser to finish changing.
"Really? I didn't notice it on you. You seemed to enjoy yourself a lot." (Y/n) spoke up as the magenta-eyed boy nodded his head.
"I did, football and playing with Kaiser makes me happy... a lot. But the day was just too tiring. Thanks for being here and helping us, I think it would have been a lot harder otherwise." Ness said, genuinely happy the girl was here with them, with him.
'I really wish I was in Blue Lock sometimes.'
"It's really nothing, I like helping you guys." (Y/n) grinned.
"Say.... why did I catch your attention of all people?" Ness suddenly spoke up, his face turning as red as (Y/n)'s was.
"I like your charisma...and the way you play football, it really looks like a magical performance."
'Also your smile is adorable!' (Y/n) finished the last part in her head, not daring to sat it out loud.
"Oh... I didn't think my play was that special. But thank you." Ness said with a soft smile.
"(Y/n), did you put up all the equipment?" Noel asked as the girl looked up from some papers the man gave her.
"Yep! I asked the assistant coach for some help though. Also! I finished writing down the plan for next week and I made an analysis diagram of the past two weeks. Kaiser went up with his speed and Ness became a lot swifter with his dribbling."
Noel looked at the said items again as (Y/n) continued speaking, the out of the blue patted her head.
"H-huh?" She stopped and looked up to see the man smiling softly at her.
"Great job. I will bring these to my office. Thank you."
"No... problem..." (Y/n) watched Noel leave with a flustered expression as Kaiser approached her with a pout and put a towel over her head.
"A bird pooped on you! Let me wipe it off!' The blonde said.
'Damn you,Noel.' Kaiser thought, glaring at the back of the man's head.
It was the third week now and Noel was nervously on the phone, waiting for Ego to answer.
"Yes?" Came the man's bored voice from the other side.
"I will cut to the chase. How much money do you want for (Y/n) to transfer to us?"
"Nothing, she is coming back to Japan this week. You all have a manager already. We need (Y/n) back here."
"Please Ego, she does a way better job than our manager did while he was here. Understand me too." Noel groaned, already dreading the day the man comes back. He wasn't bad or lazy... he just lacked the enthusiasm for the sport.
"I understand, but I do not care. (Y/n) is coming back this week." With that the man ended the call and the Frenchman sighed.
"Maybe she will have a change of heart in a month or two."
"Here! These are for you two." (Y/n) said, handing Kaiser and Ness two boxes. Confused, the boys took the boxes and observed them, one was blue and the other one was a light purple shade.
"What are these?" Kaiser raised an eyebrow as Ness kept staring at his with a lost look.
"I made some chocolates for you two, as a gift for helping me out these past 3 weeks."
With a red face, Ness started saying it was nothing and how they did just a normal thing. Kaiser felt his own face heat up a little bit too and he cleared his throat.
"It was nothing..." The duo looked at Kaiser, surprised by his soft tone.
"But why are you ficing us these now?"
"Huh? I am leaving for Japan tomorrow morning, what other time can I give them to you?"
"Tomorrow morning?!"
"And you didn't tell us anything?!" Ness and Kaiser asked in shock as (Y/n) raised her eyebrow.
"I thought Noel-san told you two..."
The two stopped talking and thought over her words, remembering that the man did mention something related to (Y/n), but they zoned out right after he said her name.
"Well, let's spend the rest of the time we have left with you." Kaiser said bitterly, pulling (Y/n) by the sleeve of her jacket.
"Yeah, let's make the best of what we have left." Ness added putting his arm around her shoulders.
"Do you two have to be this close though?" (Y/n) asked with a flustered face.
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peterparkersnose · 1 year
Dragon Rider
pairing: Aemond Targaryen x Stark!reader
word count: 5k
warnings: helluva flirting, so many sexual references that its not even funny, bantering, nothing too bad, angst perhaps or just tense moments that made me melt while editing this
a/n Perhaps Aemond is a bit more outgoing in this fic then usual, apologies if I didn’t capture his potentially flirty side correctly. I started watching GOT in October and ended it in March (took a hiatus from Jan-March tho) and I watched HOTD in like a week after that :)
dragon? yeah dragon these balls
I am in no way claiming I am an expert in this, the world george rr martin created is so complex I truly think he is the only one who understands it all.
summary Y/N takes a ride on Aemonds dragon...
join the tag list
read time: 18 mins 24 seconds
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Reading in the presence of the gods was one thing Y/N enjoyed doing on occasion. She would pick her favorite book and seemingly sit there for hours at the Godswood, appreciating the sounds of nature along with the calm winds that often blessed King's Landing.
Today she was reading a book about the arts. Not many words, but beautiful images filled the pages and seemed to enchant her. She was so involved in the book that she didn't notice Aemond as he entered the courtyard. He took a moment to appreciate her beauty as she read. The complete innocence of the sight made his heart warm.
Her outfit was simpler than usual; a light dress with no undergarments besides the essentials. It was nothing near the clothes she usually wore. Thick winter dresses were her usual attire in the North. It felt strange being in such a light dress. Even with the dresses she usually wore around the Red Keep, this dress was nothing as she had ever worn out of her bed chambers. It was a scorching day in King's Landing and she couldn’t bare the thought of going through a day with a corset on.
She heard footsteps as he entered her line of sight. Her heart rate increased. She didn't even have to look up to recognize his figure.
"Reading again, are we? What is it this time... hopeless romance novels? Or historical texts that could actually do you some good to read." He asks cockily. She didn't look up from her book, but a slight smile spread on her face. She could see his figure towering over her in her peripheral vision.
"I suppose," she replied, trying not to let her emotions spill out onto her face.
He took another moment to take in her beauty before he spoke. "W-How are you?" he stutters, his hands fidgeting together as he tries to crack his knuckles. It was a strange change of topic. He didn’t expect her voice to sound so sweet, he didn’t expect her to hide her grin. It caught him off guard almost. He couldn’t care less about the book she was reading anymore. It wasn't often that Aemond Targaryen was nervous... and it was very rare that he let his guard down. Especially in front of her.
"I am doing just fine, Aemond. I see that you stuttered there—do I make you nervous?" she asked him playfully, wishing he would sit beside her against the large tree trunk.
"Perhaps," Aemond said, with a light smile on his face. He chuckled a bit at her remarks as he leaned against the trunk. A playful look came over him as he began to look somewhat flustered. "You never answered my question,"
"What question?" she asked, closing her book and looking up at the mysterious man.
"What are you reading?"
She turned her book so the cover was facing her and read off a false title.
"It's a tutorial novel, in fact. Called 'How to get men to let you read in peace'." she chuckled. Aemond bent down and sat next to her. "I suppose the tricks you've read about haven't worked for you yet?" he smirks.
"I suppose not."
Aemond let out a small sort of sigh. "You do look quite beautiful today."
She looked at him from the side of her eye as she set down her book in front of her. "Your too kind sometimes, my Prince. I miss when you would tease me."
His brows raised. "Tease you?" he asked inquisitively.
"Is that what you'd like?"
The pit in her stomach lit up like a fire. The tone this man used was unreal. He knew how to rile her up and read her sensitivity, even if she tried her best to hide it.
"I'd certainly enjoy it. I've been told I can be quite a brat," she teased, looking at his sharp facial features instead of keeping eye contact. She turned so her body was now facing his.
"Is that so?" Aemond said with a laugh. "Well, you are very much definitely that."
She was taken aback a bit that he replied to her tease with such ease, agreeing with her bratty ways. "You tease." she muttered, taking her bare foot and pushing it against his crossed leg. It was his 'punishment' for agreeing with her statement of being a brat.
Aemond flinched as her bare foot touched his leg. She just knew how much he absolutely hated feet.
"...Ow..." he said sarcastically, his hand rubbing his pant leg where her foot had just touched.
"Have I hurt the strong Prince Aemond? Is he going to send his dragon after me?" she says dramatically, placing a hand on her chest.
"I'm not afraid to bring him out... I'll do what I have to do." Aemond charmingly remarked. "I'll let your insult to the royal Prince pass for now."
"How big is that thing anyways...?" she asked playfully. His eyebrows rose at the question. “Your dragon?”
His voice became hushed. "Very big," he assured her. "Do you want to see?"
"Your dragon?" she asked quickly again, following his question up with hers.
"Yes, my dragon. I would be delighted to show you my dragon," he said, bowing his head and grinning. "Perhaps up close?"
It was becoming very obvious that this conversation was not about Vhagar.
"I thought Targaryen dragons didn't have a fondness for others of houses? I'm sure your dragon would absolutely destroy a Stark like I."
"Destroy you...?" he asked with a brow raised, his voice mixed with a toxic amount of curiosity and mischief. Passion burned in his eye, daring her to resist him.
"It would devour you. In one... single... bite." he whispered, his voice dripping with seductive passion. As each pause came off his lips, it shook her core, leaving her wanting more.
"Oh really? I'd like to see it try. I can be... convincing." you played back, squinting your eyes. His gaze upon you felt hotter than the air in King's Landing that day,
"Convincing?" he repeated her words. He stared down at her with a look that only came once in a lifetime. He had a tantalizing grin on his face.
"Are you just going to repeat my words, or are we going to go see your dragon? Where do you keep that thing anyways? Perhaps in your chamber… do you cuddle it every night before bed?" she asked, brushing off her dress as she began to stand. She steadies herself against the tree. He looked up at her. He had never seen this view before; he usually towered over her. Her hands rested on her hips as she awaited his response.
He let out a laugh. "Is that what you think I do?"
She shrugged, offering him a hand to help him rise from the ground. He accepted her touch, smiling when she struggled to help lift his weight from the ground. "No."
"I want to see it," she begged. "Please, Aemond?"
Her begging unleashed a violence in him that he hadn't felt in a long time. So pretty she sounded, her voice begging to see his prized possession. 
"Follow me then," he said in a hushed tone, a hint of mischievousness still lingering.
"Where are we going? Will I need shoes?" she anxiously asked, following Aemond out of the courtyard. He chuckled to himself at her question and answered, "You won't need shoes. Just follow me," he said, his eye widening a bit in response to her questioning.
Her stomach began to clench in fear as the large facility came into sight. She thought perhaps they would go to his chambers... oh, how she was wrong. They had finally reached the dragon pit. As they entered, she noticed how far up the circular ceilings rose and how dark the pit became after each step down the stairs. She sensed Aemond's presence next to her and wrapped her arm around his bicep.
Aemond let her hold on to his arm, and he gave her a reassuring smile. His eyes looked down at the dim light that showed over her face. They had to see the woman he loved so much holding on to him for comfort. "There's nothing to be scared of," he tried to assure her. Aemond's comforting words just made her hold on tighter to his arm.
"Why is it so dark?" she asked him. The facility was silent as much as it was dark. "I can barely see you anymore."
"Don't worry," he assured her, handing her the lantern he had been carrying. "This should help."
He shook off her grip but took her hand immediately after. "We're close to his lair," he announced.
"Am I in any particular danger being down here? Not being of Targaryen blood and such... I've heard they can smell who is a Targaryen and who isn't." she asked quietly, her voice tinged with a mix of caution and intrigue. The dim light danced upon her face, revealing a flicker of concern in her eyes. Aemond let out a laugh that bounced off the walls with what seemed like a never-ending echo. "No, they cannot smell your bloodline," he reassured her, squeezing her hand a bit. Her absurd question was one he found much humour in. "You are completely safe with me."
His presence seemed to calm her a bit, but her anxiety rose as they made their way toward Vhagar's pit. Aemond motioned for her to set down the lantern and stay quiet with a finger to his lips. He raised his hand to her, signalling for her to stay in her place.
Aemond yelled confidently in High Valyrian, something beyond Y/N's sense of knowledge from the North. The dark abyss became alive as if the words were the spell to unleash the devil.
Vhagar's eyes shot open as they heard his rider approach. The large dragon raised its head from the entrance of the pit and aired out its wings from where they were folded against its body. Vhagar let out the loudest roar Y/N had ever heard. It was enough to make her hair flow behind her face as the dragon's hot breath reached her skin. The floor shook with a danger that scared Y/N to her core.
Her eyes widened as she beckoned backwards. She lost her balance after trying to take in this magnificent creature and tripped on the lantern. Luckily, it stay lit.
"Are you alright?" Aemond asked, rushing to her side. The dragon watched the pair. The movement of his head let another rush of air escape. Aemond seemed panicked, worried this had been a bad idea. Perhaps she wasn't ready for this.
"I... I-"
She was genuinely speechless, looking at this mysterious dark creature that lurked before her. The dragon was quite large; sure, she expected the dragon to be large. But not quite this significant size. This was bigger than any ship, perhaps any castle she had ever seen in her life. He seemed as if he could pick the Red Keep up with his claws and fly away. However, that might have been an exaggeration, but it seemed real to her in this moment.
Aemond shook his head and recognized her fear. "She's... big." Aemond breathed out, reaching out his hand for her as she did for him in the courtyard earlier that day. "Bigger than any dragon I've ever seen, that's for sure." he followed up his statement. She took his hand, and he pulled her up with ease.
Without warning, Vhagar lets out a breath of fire directed toward the ceiling of the pit. The fire edged the structure with a beautiful haze. It wasn't anywhere near close enough to reach the two of them. It seemed as if Vhagar was showing off, playing as Aemond's perfect wingman. Almost literally.
Vhagar's flames disappeared as he watched them reflect in Y/N's eyes. Vhagar turned and began to approach the two of them. Its overgrown claws clipped at the stone floor with the dragon's booming steps toward them. Y/N held on to Aemond, almost as a shield. "I-Is it going to hurt us?"
Aemond chuckled. "Hurt us? She seems to like you. I think Vhagar wants you to approach her."
Y/N looked at him with a truly shocked look. "Me?" she asked, tilting her head. She looked back at the dragon. Vhagar lowered its head about twenty feet away. Y/N was curious to know if the creature was about to roll on its back like a lazy dog or charge at the two of them.
"Yes, you." Aemond said with a softer tone, trying to encourage her. He placed a hand on her lower back to comfort her.
"Why me?" she asked him, looking between his gaze and the dragons.
"Why not you?" he asked, wrapping his hand from her lower back to around her waist. His fingers give her a comforting touch as they lay on her waist.
The dragon began to inch its way closer to the pair. Its golden eyes blinked, seemingly changing color in front of her eyes. As each claw hit the ground, it shook, giving her an uneasy feeling and a reason to return to above ground.
"Go on... stand up straight, do as I say, and stay still. Do not have any rash movements. Do you hear me?" Aemond instructed her, letting her go from his grasp with a tiny push. It was physical, and yet also an emotional push at the same time. "Trust me."
She walked slowly towards the dragon until she could feel the dragon's calm breaths hit her skin. She wished she could turn around and run, but then she surely would have ended up as Vhagar's afternoon snack.
"Now," Aemond said calmly but urgently. She listened to the Dragon Prince, not daring to disobey his orders. "Place your hand out."
"What?" she called back, not questioning his orders but shocked at them. "Do as I say, Lady Stark. She won't eat you." he ordered her, chuckling at his cruel comment. Her whole arm shook as she held her palm to the dragon as a peace offering.
"Eat me?" she whispered, looking behind her and finding him standing there with a stupid grin. "Keep your gaze on the dragon now," he advised, his tongue sharp. "It won't harm you at all. Not with me here,"
Vhagar stood Y/N down. She couldn't help but feel like this could be the last moment of her life. As the dragon moved closer, it had a surprisingly soft touch as it touched its ginormous snout to her hand.
"Just relax..." Aemond said from behind her. Watching the woman he loved interacting with his dragon was enough to send him mad. Vhagar was the most important thing in his life, but perhaps now she sat right next to the dragon on his list of importance. Aemond slowly began approaching her side. He touched her arm, making her jump slightly. "You can stroke her," Aemond suggested. She looked over to Aemond with fear in her eyes. "Are you sure?" she whispered. He shook his head up and down slowly, with a confidence that drove her wild. "You realize, if I die, Cregan will declare war. Correct?"
Aemond smirked. "You won't die. The dragon won't allow that," he said with a grin, his eyes locked on her.
"Are you still afraid, Y/N? Vhagar seems to like you. She wants you to come closer." Aemond said, placing his own hand on his scary dragon as it seemed docile. "She wants me? For what?" Y/N asked, her hand moving slowly over the rough skin of Vhagar, following Aemond's actions. The thick black skin covering the grand dragon felt weird and gritty under her hands as the hot air from its huge mouth blew into her face again. A deep purr-like rhythm escaped from the dragon's throat.
"Just for the both of you to get to know each other. It's not often a dragon takes so kindly to a stranger." Aemond added.
She let out a long-held sigh of relief, which she seemingly had been holding a breath she didn't even realize she was holding. She smiled as the dragon let out another low, guttural purr.
Aemond looked endearingly at his woman, proud of the progress she had made. He had a smug look on his face with a sense of absolute faith towards her. She got along with his dragon. Any other girl in the realm would have left terrified by now- but she was different. She cared enough to see his dangerous interests and perhaps risk her life for his satisfaction. She truly cared. It warmed his heart, even though he would never let this be known to any other living soul.
"She likes you," he says with a teasing tone, placing his hand around her waist again. "I can tell," she replied, mimicking his tone.
She leaves his side and brushes her hand along the rest of the dragon's large face as it rested on the ground of the pit.
"What are you doing?" Aemond asks. He wasn't mad that she was testing her limits with Vhagar, just simply annoyed she left his embrace. "Just stroking it a bit," she teased, looking over the scales' rough details.
Aemond let out a small chuckle, his eyes darting to the floor as he followed her. He kicked his foot on the ground, making a few stray rocks bounce. "Stroke it some more... you seem to like to stroke it, don't you?"
Her head turned back to look at him. She had a passion in her eyes that drove Aemond wild.
"I can tell she likes you a lot. So much... that if you were to stop, there would be some consequences indeed."
He could feel his pants growing tighter. All the teasing she had done that day was enough to last him for a lifetime of private moments in his personal chambers.
"I have to stop sometime, you know. I cant pet a dragon for the rest of eternity," she says with a realistic tone, not teasingly at all. Aemond wouldn't lie; her practical mindset disappointed his fantasies. His encouragement was helped back up as she asked him a follow-up question. Perhaps she could sense his disappointment.
"How do you even ride this thing, anyway?"
Aemond walked over to the side of the dragon. She could just see him behind the wing. "This," he yelled to her confidently and held up a rope. "It's connected to the harness."
"Tell me, have you ever ridden a horse before?" Aemond asked with a curious tone, raising an eyebrow now as he kept his eyes locked on her, and he let the saddle strap back down onto Vhagar. "Many times, yes." she answered him as he made his way back to her side.
"Mounting a dragon is a very similar, yet different experience."
She turned to him, cocking her head. "Y-you want me to mount Vhagar?"
"Perhaps we could take her on a small ride? I know how badly you want to ride a dragon, dear." he sweetly suggested, brushing his hand against her cheek.
She looked dauntingly into his eyes. All the banter had boiled up to this point. She wanted to kiss him terribly. The yearning look she gave him begged for his lips on hers.
"You think I have what it takes to ride a dragon?"
"I know you have what it takes to ride a dragon, love."
He took her hand and slowly walked with her to the saddle strap.
"Aemond," she says, standing a few feet behind him. He expected her to follow his lead. He turns back, loosening his footing on the dragon. "I'm no Targaryen... I'm not a dragon rider. It's not in my blood,"
He slowly reached the ground with his feet and begins to walk towards her. Aemond outstretched his hand, cupping her cheek and looking down into her eyes. "Are you suggesting that it takes more than just a little courage to ride a dragon? You know I won't let anything happen to you. As long as you are with me."
She closes her eyes for a moment, enjoying this intimate moment with Aemond.
"It takes a whole bloodline that I do not acquire,"
A slight smirk rose to his face as he looked down at her. Her silly question made his stomach churn, knowing that he wanted to make her a Targaryen more than anything in the world.
"Nonsense," he whispers. "I have seen children half your age ride dragons before-"
"-But those are Targaryen children, Aemond." she cut off his sentence. He would be pissed at the usual person for doing so, but she gained the pass for disrespecting the Prince.
She placed a hand on his chest. "I am a Stark. I have no Targaryen in me,"
Aemond had to try to hide the grin he yearned to display on his face. He winced a bit, trying to keep his thoughts pure. Evidently, they were not.
Not yet. Oh, my love, not yet.
"I'd say that you're wrong," he concluded, placing his hand upon the hand she had placed on his chest. "There is plenty of Targaryen in you."
He playfully interlocked his fingers with hers.
"I am purebred Stark, unfortunately." she sighed, not a disappointed sigh but what seemed to be a sarcastic one.
"Unfortunately?" Aemond asked her as they began to walk slowly, hand in hand, near the beast.
"Shall we leave Vhagar to rest?" she asked, changing the subject. He could sense her tense demeanor as they got closer and closer to the dragon.
"Rest? Vhagar looks like she's ready for an adventure!" he says playfully, grabbing her other hand and dragging her towards the saddle rope.
She rolls her eyes and follows his grasp. Without asking or with a warning, he picks her up by her waist and mounts her up on the dragon's back. She let out a small yelp, not prepared for his intimate touch.
Vhagar began to squirm as she waited for Aemond's instructions. "Get on, will you?" he yelled playfully to her, nudging her leg in the right direction. "I'm right behind you."
She grabbed the rigid girdle and hoisted herself up onto the leather saddle. Vhagar began to stir. He stood up and took a step before Aemond could successfully hoist himself up on the saddle. Y/N yelled his name out and outstretched her hand. He grabbed her hand and yelled something in High Valyrian to the dragon.
"Hold on, my love." he said to her. Y/N wrapped her arms around his torso as he held on to the harness and began shouting more at the dragon.
The dragon began walking out of the pit. Vhagar let out a large screech, one that was louder than the last roar she had heard from the dragon previously. If she wasn't holding on to Aemond for dear life, she would have fallen off from the absolute jump scare it was.
As Vhagar let out another loud roar, the ceiling began to open. The hot skies had turned gray and overcast. She couldn't be holding onto Aemond any tighter than she was. As the dragon took flight, a rush of wind swept through Y/N's hair, tousling it playfully. The ground below grew smaller, the dragon pit almost becoming a speck of dust in her vision.
Her chin rested upon Aemond's shoulder as she anxiously held on to him. The refreshing scent of oncoming rain calmed her. The dragon could sense her newfound ease on her back and took its first swoop through the air. As Vhagar did this, Y/N let out a terrified scream, but the fearful tone soon turned joyous. Y/N's eyes widened as she watched King's Landing disappear beneath the clouds.
Her cheerful cries satisfied Aemond. She had finally gotten to experience the flight of a dragon. The times he had tried to explain this feeling to her in the past were no match for the real thing. Aemond's heart swelled with a deep sense of pride, a feeling always there, but it seemed to expand with her holding on to his waist.
With every beat of the dragon's wings and each breath of wind brushing against their faces, Aemond wished he could see her facial expression. He imagined the feeling of freedom in her, the same feeling he had many years ago when he first tamed Vhagar.
Her laughter was music to his ears.
The dragon ride represented more than just a thrilling adventure. It was a glimpse into the potential future they could build together, filled with shared experiences, trust, and an unspoken understanding. She was willing to take on the risky Targaryen lifestyle, even if it meant riding him or the dragon. Her ambition was the right one to match his. He had trusted her with something he had never trusted anyone else to do, not even his own brother. How she honored his house and their traditions were enough to make him fall off the dragon and mush into a pile of bliss.
Vhagar screeched and let out a breath of fire. Y/N's stomach dropped as the dragon dived straight into the ball of fire and hid her head in Aemond's shoulder. He laughed gregariously at her fear, grabbing her hand around his waist and interlocking their fingers. The heat didn't burn the two, but a rush of hot air pummeled around the two of them. The exhilarating feeling of adventure filled her, and she begged for more.
With each beat of the dragon's wings, Y/N's fears dissolved being replaced by a profound sense of freedom. She laughed and cried out with ultimate joy alongside Aemond. Her sweet words to him were carried away by the wind and unheard by his ears. Aemond didn't need words to know the exact feeling she was attempting to express to him. The world became a blur of colors and sensations, an exhilarating rush that filled their senses.
Rain began to fall. It drew down heavily on them since they were so high in altitude. Aemond spoke to his dragon once more in High Valyrian. Vhagar seemed to calm her sharp swoops and cries out and find his way back to the hill upon which the Dragon Pit sat.
Y/N was speechless as Vhagar landed. It was a bumpy landing due to the ground. It was now muddy.
Three men dressed in robes came out screaming in High Valyrian at the dragon. Aemond balanced himself on Vhagar's back as he reached out a hand for hers. She took it and swiftly slid down the dragon's back as Aemond pushed her ahead of himself.
She stumbled on the ground and fell to her bottom. Her dress was dirtied due to the dragon's soot and the fresh mud. It didn't matter anyways. Her dress and hair were already soaking wet. She watched as Aemond gracefully slid his way down the dragon. His Princely traits are shown brightly. He smirked at her as the wind blew his long, wet hair behind his shoulders. Vhagar complimented his aura as the dragon let out a long roar behind him. She was almost lost in his enigma.
As if he walked in slow motion toward her, he reached out his hand to help her up.
"Not bad for your first time," he stated, pulling her up and straight into his embrace.
Vhagar screeched from the back as the robed men guided her back into the Dragon Pit.
She steadied herself in his embrace, grabbing both of his arms. Her dress clung to her as it was soaked. Y/N pulled at it; she hated feeling it against her skin.
Her eyes met his gaze as he smiled, almost cruelly at her. He didn't care anymore; Aemond let his gaze fall down to her chest and below, taking her beautiful sight in.
"A beautiful girl who just rode on a beautiful dragon. My beautiful girl, my beautiful dragon." he said, pulling her closer. Their bodies were practically touching. Thunder cracked behind them. She smiled, touching her forehead to his.
"We should get back before the storm gets bad,"
He hated her realistic talking. Oh, how he loathed her responsibility just as he admired it. He had to stop these words... he had to shut her up.
"Shush," he whispers in his raspy, needy voice.
The rain created a symphony around them, the soft droplets pelting them softly as they stood together on Dragon Pit's hill. Aemond closed the distance between himself and Y/N with a soft and determined gaze.
She tasted of rain mixed with sweat and adrenaline. Something that made Aemond just crave her more and more with each second passing. His hands made their way around her, embracing her with a firm grasp around her waist. The rain seemed to shield them from the rest of the world as they stayed embraced like nobody was watching. There was no care in the world at that moment, just the two of them standing sopping wet in the storm.
As they finally parted, she struggled to catch her breath. Her lips still tingled with the remnants of their kiss. Her heart raced, looking back at the face of the man who had just given her the most sense of freedom she had ever felt, along with the most sense of fear. With a shaky exhale, she felt all of her anxieties and doubts go away about her relationship with Aemond. At that moment, she knew he was the one for her; the only one in the world fit for her. He could meet her adventurous needs, as he also aspired to the same ones as her.
"My dragon rider," Aemond declared softly, still close enough to feel her breath on his. The nickname sent chills down her spine. Aemond was proud to claim her as his with this new name. It was one he knew he would be calling her for the years to come. Aemond would never forget this special day. He would yearn to relive it for years.
"My Prince," she declared, smiling and looking up again to meet his eager gaze.
With that, Aemond and Y/N walked back to the Red Keep without a care in the world. They were sopping wet, but they were in love. They didn't care what the guards would think or his mother's spies she had placed strategically around the castle.
Vhagar was not the last dragon she would ever ride. As a Stark, she knew she could never own her own dragon. The man who gently held her hand and looked down at her with an undescribable lustful look would have to do.
tag list: @dani5216 @uwiuwi @alohastyles-x @mandoloriancookie @maddieinnit0 @alexxavicry @scoliobean @avengersfan25 @nyotamalfoy @milly-louise @mxtokko
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