#pls twst it would be so funny
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qq-quartz · 4 months ago
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bros got the little lad outfit now we just need her royal cuntiness vil
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kabumisun · 11 months ago
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they think everythin a fuckign game
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nekoyawn5 · 6 months ago
Now his name is revealed kiddo name is Skully J. Graves. And wdym this 16-year-old kid almost reach 200 cm? What are his parents feeding him with?
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Leaked Twisted-Jack Unique Magic (p.s. this is just a joke).
So there this new twisted-fication of Jack Skellington (tho he might be mixed from different characters from Nightmare before Christmas).
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squiddy-god · 5 months ago
Hello! I saw the Twst post you did the other day another Anon asked for about the golden retriever bf and Savanaclaw, and I adored it! It was adorable, so I was hoping for some other Twst characters (of your choice) to put with a golden retriever bf!
Hehehe more golden retriever bf as per request, i decided to do some that feel like they would be fun and silly, i'm really happy that i've been getting so many male/masc reader requests, it feels really good 
Malleus, divus, Floyd, vil
♥︎request open♥︎
Additional edit : the way I genuinely struggled to pick a picture of vil because he's to pretty
Cw : fluff, golden retriever reader!, male/masc! Reader. Reader is yuu/mc/you but is a beastman
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 Oh he thinks you are just the cutest
Real sunshine x gloomy pair here because he is so in love with you
It always makes him chuckle that you are so eager to please and spend time with him, practically tackling him with a wagging tail when he visits ramshackle
His tail also wags when he happy to see you 
Finds himself patting your head often, like hes always giving you head pats because your floppy golden ers are just too endearing  for the dragon to resist
Still calls you child of man but he begins to rethink the name in favor of beastie because you are his cute little beast 
Love it when he ruffles your head and and your tail wags because it makes him so so special
He gets a bit jealous when others pet your head, but hes quick to come to your air if people touch you without your consent or if they make you uncomfortable 
(whos the real gaur dog lmao)
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Obviously in this one you are a grown adult and not a student,,,more like working as a teacher's aid or janitor 
I could not resist writing for him
Hes so perfect for this prompt because you are his adorable sweet puppy
He likes to gift you outfits that match your hair,fluffy ears because style will always be priority
The man absolutely calls you darling and good boy exclusively. Your name? Haha that's funny.
He is delighted to see that your world has/is exclusively beastmen, it means that you will have a slightly easier time adjusting with stuff.
Matching accessories all day every day, he’s particle to dalmatians obviously but he keeps a little keychain on his phone with a little golden retriever on it to remind him of you
Trust your ears and hair will never have a better hair cut, truly this man is a wizard (hahaha) with those scissors 
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Still calls you shrimpy but he alternates between shrimpy and pupppppppyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy said exactly like that 
Whos kicked puppy expression is more powerful?you or floyd? You because ironically unlike you, floyd has a biting problem 
I think he likes to play fight/wrestle 
Like out of nowhere you get tackled and now its a fight lmao
He also likes if you bite him with affection because he bites with affection too 
Teases you relentlessly about how much your tail wags when you see him but will also get so pouty if you see him and your tail isn't just going crazy 
You are his good luck charm for basketball 
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Pt two of perfect ears and tail 
He wont have you just walking around looking like some mangy hound, you are his good boy and he will have you looking your best
I think he would be really into those pet safe hair/fur dyes- here me out he really like when you two match purples, or any color you want because ofc 
Maybe he dyes little hearts/ a cute little poison apple on one of your ears (if you want) 
I also like to think that when you do really well at something he cant help but give you the headpats you rightfully deserve 
I think vil gets very stressed, usually it boils over at small things, you see a lot of the “behind the scenes” vil, even more thank someone as close to hims as rook, and you de-stress him a lot, petting your ears and being aloud to relax with cuddles is a good way to relax him.
Vil with those longer sharp acrylic nails and he gives the best head scratches (this is a call form inside the house i need this pls)
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fairestwriting · 3 months ago
I'm so happy that one of the first writers that I followed since the first day I enter the Twst fandom has made a come back 😭😭😭
And um for the req then can I have like a headcanon for Vil with a reader is just like appear so mature and introvert on the outside but with close one or sometimes the slipped or sth they're more silly and oblivious to their surroundings and like dumb and silly things (ex: Pepe Frog, Kriby the baby Elephant or some really hairy yet not hairy cats, etc). Maybe both of them are still and the crushing and pinning state.
Thank you 😭😭 And I'm so glad that you're back. Pls take care 🫶✨️✨️✨️
IM BACK AND DOING REQUESTS INDEED!!! tysmm anon you take care too <33
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Vil Schoenheit
He would never admit it, but it constantly takes him off guard. Even as time passes and you two grow closer, it's like he can never fully get used to it — That's not really a bad thing, though.
Vil knows, maybe better than anyone, that a person's more "eccentric" traits aren't something that take away from their value. I mean, he has Rook as his vice leader, he's not going to really judge you for being a little silly. If anything he finds it endearing.
At the same time, though... he still can't fully get used to it. You two will be having a conversation, getting deep into the topic, your words all well-articulated and informed... and then you take a moment check the time on your phone, and your friend sent you some silly meme, and you can't stop giggling. He doesn't really know how to react.
Every time, he can't help but ask what it is that got your attention, and every time you show him, he feels all those... mixed emotions. That stern part in him wants to scold you, just a little bit, but he doesn't really have it in himself to actually do it. Plus... what is there to complain about? You're just having fun. His lecturing instincts are just a little too strong.
It's just both fascinating to him that you find all those things amusing, and he can't even begin to understand why you'd feel that way, despite your similarities. Maybe it'd genuinely bother him if it was harmful in some way, or if you were being inappropriate, but if it's all silly fun...
Maybe a part of him kind of hopes that the silliness will rub off on him. Only in private, of course, and it'll likely take forever, but as you get closer it all just starts to feel increasingly endearing to him. So you might actually get him to crack a little smile at a picture of a funny looking cat with you someday.
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acracana · 2 months ago
//twst book 7 ch.12 spoilers
My Word Vomit on Ch. 12
I had a feeling with how they kept bringing up how much Silver has been using his um (over 20 times now) in the last chapter that there would be some type of repercussion for him. After this chapter, I’m 99.9% sure that they’re building up to it.
Idk what the repercussions would be, though. Maybe he just won’t be able to use his um for a while and his magic is depleted (though Ace’s um might solve the dream hopping part if that’s 's the case). There’s a chance he overblots ig but I doubt that’s the route the game takes. Silver reawakens his curse and falls into a deep sleep again? Weird turn but sure, I could see it happening under the right writing.
we also still don’t have Silver ssr card for book 7 (malleus and silver better be getting cards). I feel like we’ll be wrapping up book 7 soon. Hopefully, it’ll be less than like 50 more chapters. It’ll be interesting to see how they incorporate “knight of dreams” and “king of the abyss” for them. I sorta want to see them clash as a parallel to their parents, but I also think they should also just hug it out and talk about their feelings about Lilia leaving them. In the end, I feel like Silver understands Malleus’s feelings the most because they are losing the same person.
Ace’s discovery of his UM was so well executed. He’s having his character development guys 🥹. I didn’t think it would happen this quickly after his dream though—I thought we’d get a couple of more chapters without it. It’s very op, but I wonder if he needs to have a similar magic pool for him to completely use the other person’s UM. If not, then there’s the trump card for defeating Malleus but I really hope it’s not that easy.
I have a feeling that now that Ace has his um, it’ll play a big part in the fight against Malleus—whether he uses it for Malleus’s magic, Silver’s magic, or even someone else’s, but I hope that, in the end, the main conflict is between and resolved with the diasomnia members. For a book whose main themes revolves around them, family, and their lack of communication, the message has kinda been pushed to the back burner as they hopped between other characters’ dreams.
ALTHOUGH, I think Riddle’s Dream is good to tie back the book’s theme of family (maybe even its theme of forgiveness, but idk). Riddle obviously cares for his parents, and I don’t doubt that he still loves his mother despite everything. I feel like the fandom treats Mrs. Rosehearts as a one-dimensional villain (she’s a horrible mother, don’t get me wrong), but she acts as she does because she genuinely thinks that is what is good for her son and his future. But she ignores/dismisses her son’s attempts to communicate his wants/needs to her, which I feel is the main issue. I could draw some parallels between her and Lilia’s parenting methods, but I’ll open that can of worms on another day.
Ok, rant done. This chapter was so good, and the cliff-hanger is also *chef’s kiss*. I’m so excited for the book to be coming to and end soon. I still hope they go to crowley’s dream just because it would be funny (lore drop pls).
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italoniponic · 1 year ago
this reminded me of Jamil's look at Aladdin and Jasmine lmao
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He sees the beautiful painting of Sleeping Beauty and notes how lively the celebration was. He wonders then that if he were living in that moment, would he have been invited as well? Because if he wasn't...
He might just fuck them up real bad by casting clouds of destruction and fly away after a beautiful, beautiful parting gift of curses.
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twisted-king · 11 months ago
Hi! Hello! I was wondering if you wrote any platonic hecs in twst? If you do, can you write gn!mc always finding a away to mention/talk about her home world? Maybe add a little bit of homesickness for angst👀.
Platonic hcs with the first years pls:>
Btw I really love you writing style!♡
AAAA oh my gosh thank you so much! I have no idea what im really doing aha...
Absolutely!!! here's a key:
Epel Ace Deuce Sebek Jack You
First year friend group + Reader who talks about home
They love you
they REALLY do
But this is excessive.
"Back at the farm we used to drink hot cider after a long day out in the snow, actually one time we-" "Heh.. like how my mom and I used to..." "Used to what?" "Oh its nothing... Just a tradition. We'd get together every Tuesday and go for bubble tea" "Oh..."
Epel understands feeling far from home, and he wants to try and relate with you but he doesn't know about half the stuff you're saying.
"hahah I got a higher score than you this time. Mayeb you shoulda studied a bit harder like lil ol me~" "Shut up Ace! It's a difference of like... two points!" "Two more points than you!" "oh you-" "My friends and I used to compare scores all the time, she always asked for help studying but.. haha she always got better grades than me."
They feel SO awkward when this happens
Deuce almost feels like he's showing off in some kind of way. He wants to be an honor student AND a good friend to you, so he's trying to creatre new memories with you, he's just having some trouble.
"Hey! I uh- I learned out to make one of Trey's tart! The one from the unbirthday party you liked so much?" "Oh thank you Deuce! It's kind of funny actually-" oh no,,, "My sibling and I used to bake for each other to say sorry."
Ace on the other hand is curious, but he kind of wishes you could be with the group sometimes.
"And then Lucius was like-- On top of Deuce- get this- while he was STILL sleeping" "No way..!" "Seriously?" "Hah- how pathetic, I NEVER fall asleep in Trein's... admittedly dull, lessons." "I used to have a dog, he could sleep anywhere"
And suddenly, it's quiet again...
Jack tries to keep your mind off things
He takes you out on relatively silent runs, he invites you to track meets, you can join or just watch him and Deuce! You've been looking a little down recently so, this makes sens to Jack, Deuce enjoys having you watch him run too, his friends give him extra motivation to beat his last personal best!
But... now you're crying?
Ace, Epel, and Sebek are on their way too, they wanted to do something nice for you and suprise you and -oh no...
They drop everything.
Your friends rush toward you, maybe you're hurt? you like... NEVER cry around them.
And suprisingly, Sebek can get you through the worst of it
"You're sad. and far from home. and that is hard. Especially for a pu ny huma-" "Sebek!!" "Right, uh... But we are here with you now. And we care for you."
"You're our best friend, I don't think anyone would be 'round here if it weren't for you."
"I don't feel as alone, riding solo just... wasnt it."
"'Sides, class isnt nearly as fun without you in it?"
"We really care about you, Prefect. You're our friend."
They gather around you, peacefully letting you cry after they let you know how muhc you mean to them.
"I just... I miss home so much..!"
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hisui-dreamer · 2 years ago
can i just request tickle headcanons of any twst boys of your choosing pls and ty!
may I have your attention?
Characters: Dorm Leaders (Riddle, Leona, Azul, Kalim, Vil, Idia, Malleus)
Synopsis: Your lover isn't paying attention to you, so what better way to get their attention than a tickle attack?
Tags: tickling, fluff, bot proofread
Word count: 1.6k+
Notes: This is my first ask, I'm so excited!!! Thanks for asking <3
Part 2 ✧ Masterlist
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ticklish rating: 7/10
was probably studying when you attacked him
full on yelps like "what are yo- aHAHAHAHA"
you’re lucky he’s not in public or else he’ll get mad, probably collaring any witnesses
he wants to be mad but he can’t get mad at you
especially when your laugh is so cute
also feels kinda bad for yelling at you, even if it was just a bit
is kinda happy you wanted his attention
but please do it in other ways
please never tickle him in public, he’d be so embarrassed
be sure to comfort him with cuddles and kisses, instant forgiveness
he’ll be blushing so hard you’ll worry about his heart rate
but it’s okay he really enjoys it
"What was that for?!" he demanded, feeling extremely vulnerable. His cheeks were flushed and his hair was in disarray. You took in his dishevelled appearance eagerly; it’s not always you see the strict Heartslaybul Dorm Leader in such a state.
"You... wanted my attention?" Riddle shook his head, feeling a mix of emotions he couldn't quite place. He knew he should be angry at you for breaking his concentration, but a part of him couldn't help but gleam at your affection.
"Sorry, my Rose. I just...I don't like being caught off guard like that," he said, his voice softening slightly. "Shall we take a break? I bought some new tea leaves that we can share together."
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ticklish rating: 4/10
see this man isn’t ticklish
except for his ears
probably sleeping in the botanical garden as always when you attack him
immediately squirms and flinches away, hissing like a cat
he’s glaring at you and he’s so caught off guard
"Oi, why the hell d’ya do that herbivore?"
he’s mad at you now
couldn’t you have woken him up from his nap normally
grumbles and complains, but his hand reaches for your waist, pulling you into his embrace
well your punishment is to sleep with him now
you can’t see it because he’s hugging you so tightly but he’s smiling into your hair
Leona scowled, "I'm not a cat, and it's not cute. That wasn't funny," he grumbled, his glare is so intense anyone would start trembling and apologising, but it’s you and you know he’s not being completely serious.
His eyes sparkled with mischief as he huffed, "You’ve got some nerve toyin’ with a lion." With that, Leona lunged at you without warning, trapping you in his arms and holding them tightly. "This is your punishment. Now, stop wigglin’."
As you give up and start to relax into his hold, he attacks your sensitive spots as revenge, delighting in your flushed face and gasps for air.
"Heh. What's not fair?" he teased. "I thought you liked tickling."
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ticklish rating: 8/10
resident octopus is sensitive to touch since he always has his gloves on
he’s sitting in his office working at the contracts some poor unfortunate soul signed
too concentrated to notice you getting closer
he gets so flustered "w-where are you touching???"
you swear his glasses got foggy
tries to look unaffected because he wants to save face
but he’s squirming and shivering until eventually he’ll burst out laughing
and while you’re cheering in victory he’s pouting
he’s so embarrassed you saw that ungentlemanly side
snuggle him and give him kisses and he’ll cheer right up
don’t let the twins see him like this, or else your man’s gonna be short staffed every time they blackmail him with this information
since that tickling session, he’ll be more careful than ever, always on the lookout for any attacks
"Okay, okay, you win!" he gasped between laughs, his glasses crooked. "I'll take a break."
Azul turned in his chair to face you, still catching his breath, his cheeks flushed , "I can't believe you just did that." His eyes were swirling with confusion and disbelief, as if you had betrayed him.
He chuckled and shook his head. "You're impossible," he said, reaching out to pull you close. "But I suppose I can spare a few minutes to talk about my latest plans."
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ticklish rating: 10/10
he’s super sensitive to tickling
he’ll be spacing out on a study date
and once your attack begins, it’s full-on cackling, like "AHAHAHAHA sto-"
he’s a giggling mess, wriggling all around trying to inch away
but you’re persistent and by the time you stopped he’s panting and his sides are still tingling, even his turban has come loose
he pouts a bit after, but he melts instantly when you hug him
how can he stay mad at you?
smiles so widely and snuggles closer
what? you tickled him to get his attention?
rest assured his attention is fully on you now, he’s physically attached to you at this point
you better help him retie his turban, or else jamil’s got more work to do
jamil just stares at you two in disapproval; idiots
Kalim laughed and shook his head. "You could have just called my name, you know. But, I have to admit, that was pretty effective, ahaha!" he said, still chuckling.
Kalim wrapped an arm around you and leaned in for a kiss. "You're always on my mind, even when I'm distracted," he said, grinning. "Even if you are a tickle monster, haha!"
"Hey, do you wanna go on a magic carpet ride?," he said, eyes wide full of excitement.
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ticklish rating: 6/10
he’s not that sensitive, and he can pretend pretty well to be unaffected
he’s super focused when he’s applying makeup
he laughs a little but his scolds you half-heartedly, "Stop it, darling!"
if you persist, he’ll continue squirming and lets out more laughs
he’s a bit upset you’ve messed up his appearance
but he secretly enjoyed you vying for his attention
turns back to the mirror, makes sure there are no creases or any imperfections
once he’s sure he looks perfect he turns his attention to you
scolds you lightly for disturbing his work of art
but once that’s over he’ll be teasing you about how you couldn’t keep your hands off him
hugs you and tickles you for a bit
when he pulls away, he taps your nose teasingly, promising revenge later
Vil tried to regain his composure, straightening out his clothes and checking his makeup. "You know, laughing can cause wrinkles and ruin my makeup by making creases," he scolded you, still trying to look regal.
Vil huffed at your compliment and stood up to admire himself in the mirror. "Of course I’m beautiful, I suppose you have a point," he said, grinning at his reflection. "Flattery will get you nowhere, however." Vil said, as you laid your head on his shoulder. "I’m simply extenuating my features."
"You know I love you, right?" he said with a soft smile as he turned to give his lover a kiss. "I’m sorry I don’t always have time for you."
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ticklish rating: 9/10
he’s not used to people, he’s extremely ticklish
he’s busy trying to beat a new rage game, mumbling curses every once in a while
you take him off guard completely, he lets out a burst of laughter and snorts
he tried to squirm away but to no avail
"OMG, stop! I can't breathe. You're like a raid boss with that tickling!"
his hair is flickering wildly like a flame in the wind
he’s left gasping for air in your arms
honestly your distraction really cheered him up
that stupid game was getting on his nerves way too much
melts into your hug and nuzzles into your neck
you’re his recharge station now
eventually he’ll get back to the game, determined to be one of the firsts to beat it, relishing any opportunity to show off to you
please never tickle this man in public, his poor heart would burst
"LOL, you're really getting me with those tickle combos. I think I need a potion to recover," Idia joked.
"You totally caught me off-guard; it was like a sneak attack. Maybe I should level up my tickle defense skills." He rolled his eyes playfully.
Idia grinned into your embrace. "You’re like, a pro at cheering people up. It's like your superpower or something." He nuzzles into you more.
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ticklish rating: 2/10
okay hear me out; he’s a dragon, they’re reptiles, they have tough skin, he’s definitely not ticklish
he’s completely immersed in a book about gargoyles
so you try to get his attention through tickling
unfortunately, he’s not affected like you had hoped
"Child of man, what are you trying to do" with bewildered expression on his face
Okay that plan failed
well, there are of course other ways to make him squirm
so you leaned in to place a kiss on his cheek
leaning back, you took in the sight of his dazed eyes, flushed cheeks and surprised expression
congratulations, you’ve succeeded in making the great Malleus Draconia speechless
once he’s regained his senses, he’s like a puppy dog leaning in for your touch
give him more kisses and he’ll be a good dragon boi, ready to lay the world at your feet
Malleus looks at you, his expression slightly confused. "Tickle?" he repeated, as if he didn't understand the concept. "I don't think I understand," he said, his brow furrowing slightly.
Malleus reaches out and takes your hand, his grip firm yet gentle. "You don't have to tickle me to make me gain my attention, Child of Man. You’re always on my mind," he said, his voice sincere.
"I may not be ticklish, but you still manage to fluster me," he said, his voice low and husky. Malleus looked at them with a small smile on his face, "How curious. I find myself longing for your touch."
Part 2 ✧ Masterlist
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writingforatwistedworld · 2 years ago
just thought of something random — shower thoughts. So, you know how even if you score 0 on twistunes it still counts as “clearing it”? Imagine you doing that with a self aware au. to make it funny, how about riddle, Vil, and Sebek
Self-aware au
I do not take any responsibility for you reading this no matter which age group you are from!
WARNINGS: Yandere themes, self-destructive behavior, violence, abusive behavior, unhealthy lifestyle, murder, religion, obsessive themes
Riddle Rosehearts/Vil Schoenheit/Sebek Zigvolt-Scoring 0 whilst playing Twistunes
Here you are, our (perhaps) determined twistunes player, usually (or maybe not) trying your best
And that is fine and dandy and lalala happy happy
The TWST cast, however, doesn't see the twistunes as rhythm mini games though
For them, you are guiding them in some sort of task, not hearing the huge orchestra that appeared out of nowhere
There is always your guiding hand, reassuring that things go right even when a certain feline (*cough* not looking at you Grim*cough*) decides to act all high and mighty
Until, one day, there you are not helping anymore
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Another splendid day to do your most splendid bidding... in the form of baking a cake
Yeah, I know, what daunting task you have layed upon him!
But he know he doesn't need to worry. After all, you are there to help him (not like his magic could do that for him in one second I mean come on there has to be a spell to crack some eggs and spill some milk ISN'T SLEEPING BEAUTY CANON OVER THERE??!)
He picks up the whisk... and nothing
Ok... maybe you just weren't looking! So he puts it down and then picks it up again
Nothing… Aren't you funny! Messing with him like that… (No pls help he is dying on the inside has he broken a rule? He followed rule 199 perfectly, wear blue if you need to whisk eggs)
One second later and he is panicking
This is a test, right?
If you could look through the coding on the other side you would see a panicking riddle who is this close to setting the kitchen on fire
At least that is the case until Trey finally steps in and decides to help his childhood friend out
After everything is finally over, Riddle is panicking
He has lost your favor, you didn't help him with this mighty task: shoving dough into an oven
Riddle will without any question learn how to bake cakes
Heartslabyul will eat salty snacks after dinner for a while but ok, unlike other things Riddle has done in your name this is rather tame
That does not mean he is kind to himself though
He will deprive himself of anything that makes him happy. Whether that is cake or his precious time with his friends
Sooner than later he is once more the red tyrant on his throne, “chopping” heads off all the time once more.
But everything but imperfection for you
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Vil was just practicing dancing for that competition again
He took great pride in being guided by you
After all, who could say they were being taught dancing by the personification of perfection itself? (Although he was surprised that you knew modern dances, most of the time you were pictured in more traditional and old-fashioned settings)
Until suddenly you didn't guide him anymore
And thus, the floor and Vils face became very good acquaintances (You could hear Rook screaming from somewhere "Pas le visage!")
On that day Vil learned that your guidance had one up and downside
The up was, he always danced perfectly. The down, he forgot how to do it on his own
Now, we are talking about mister I-have-at-least-500-Thaumarks-on-my-face-in-makeup
So of course he is going overboard immediately
"Oh how nice, Vil Schoenheit is practicing"- No. This guy has gotten a warning from his doctor that he needs to stop because otherwise his legs could sustain damage from so much training
Epel? Well Epel is living in hell right now. Poor little apple gets the full brunt of his frustration
Overall, Vil gets toxic, and I don't mean just toxic but toxic toxic, but what about his more private life?
Well, he is just miserable, and horrible to himself, but most of all miserable
He turns back to his self before his overblot, being unnervingly perfect, having absolutely no chill when it's about being his best self
But there has to be a reason why you have abandoned him. You are his muse, the reason why he forced Epel into a routine that can only be described with "uh... help?"
But enough excuses! He had his salad and now he needs to train. His doctor? Well his doctor doesn't want to achieve being close to you so what does he know
(He got send into the hospital with a broken leg later that day. Talk about self-destructive behavior)
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(ouch, my ears)
Let's assume that Sebek gets a twistune in which he practices his skills with the sword
He thought you were proud of him, you helping him to become stronger so he could fulfill your bidding (well-seasoned yandere readers what I mean)
Then, he felt your guidance slipping like the sword now sticking dangerously close to his foot in the ground
Many screams, one description: panic
When Lilia heard the not so crocodile-y crocodile scream bloody murder on the outside he thought that someone just didn't speak fondly enough for Sebek about Malleus
So wannabe Batman was more than surprised when he learned that you just “abandoned” his student
This leads to now, Sebek sitting in front of the small altar he has in his room (a trademark of Valley of Roses students)
Seek isn't Malleus (I know, shockers) so there isn't gold
But what if there is something different he can offer you? You left him when he was using his sword so could you want… (No Sebek, no, stop it)
Suddenly disappearances happen all over the school
Weirdly, they seem mostly from Sunset Savanna or the Shaftlands… the two places where you are least seen as an alrighty ruler/God and more as an inspiration
Such a shame that the officer hired to look into this was also from the Shaftlands. Guess that adds to the pile of disappearances
All whilst this is happening Sebek is busy cleaning his clothing and sword. Can't be dirty when he prays to you
With hope in his voice he tells you about his deeds but why aren't you coming back? Is it not enough? It's not.. enough…
This world is filthy, he says. This world needs to be cleaned of the pests that don't show you the loyalty and respect, he says.
But what do you say? Exactly. Nothing.
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mochinomnoms · 7 days ago
hi mochi !! apologies in advance for the long (and maybe messy) ask. i'm a silent reader so i haven't love mailed your fics as much as i should have soo i guess i will now hehe
firstly, thank you sm for your fics omg,, i first found you on ao3 with floral inconvenience ages ago (i love all of them sm but vil + absolute bastard bestie ace was my fave, esp with all the vdc gang cameos <3 AND THE ENDING,, 😳🫣.... no one truly is immune to vil schoenheit....), then later on with ptm (i didn't even know it was the same author at first but both of those series gave me such intense brainrot so ur one of my fave authors now). i've yet to read your other series but i know i won't be disappointed when i finally get to!!
i just love the way you write sm?? especially character interactions. i think you really make them feel alive and thats why i enjoyed both of those fics! not to mention how spot on your characterization is. not a single person from the twst cast feels ooc to me honestly so i have sm respect for you 🫡
i really did latch on hard to ptm though, even if i'm not a jade liker,, like the concept is just funny as hell to me. you really cooked and SERVED with the fic so it's been a real delight to read (and reread ,, the whole thing over and over 🗿) !!
additionally, i think i really like ptm bc i like reading your take on the next year and events in nrc. i haven't read much fics that do (understandable, considering our 3rd years are off campus), so it felt refreshing to me! expanding on the worldbuilding even just a bit also makes me 🫶. also big fan of ramshackle being filled with students, even if they're technically borrowed lol. imagine the shenanigans in there?? i love your ocs... aspen might be my fave. as much as he maybe might hate it. i would absolutely love reading an entire chapter of just ur ocs if u ever felt like doing that honestly!!
++ NURSE GOETHEL :((( can she just adopt ramshackle duo when they graduate pls 😔
ANYWAY. because i brainrot about ptm too much. i got curious so i have a question. (if you don't mind answering!)
yuu so far has been hesitating to say anything about their telepathy + specifically knowing jade's feelings because of it due to 1) that shit's so embarassing. theyre dying just from listening 😭 2) afraid of his reaction especially considering that it's Telepathy (esp now that yuu has a taste of some of the ob boys' reactions in ch6...)
if yuu had been,, i guess,, more brave? ??upon realizing jade likes them romantically (not just sexually), then decided that they'd confess and just be honest rather than lead him on because they don't like him like that [yet 👀]...
1) would jade be as freaked out by the fact that they know his private thoughts like jamil/azul/idia had been in ch6? or more chill but still unnerved, only because he was fine with yuu knowing him?
2) would jade still pursue them and try to woo them over? even if yuu says they don't like him like that but still hoped their friendship isn't ruined despite the rejection and the telepathy thing? i've read some of your ptm asks before and you've mentioned jade is somewhat more of a sensitive soul to these things despite how he looks (i hope i'm not mistaken!). is this enough to dishearten him? especially since yuu's only reason for a rejection would be because they "don't know each other that well" when asked by aspen and tony.
again, so sorry for the rambly ask and i hope it made sense!! ty for reading all of That and you don't have to answer especially if it spoilers whoops,,
just know i love u and ur fics and i will patiently wait for your next updates, tysm and i hope you have a nice day <33
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thank you omg i'm sobbing i've been re-reading this ask for ages waaaaaah!
I'm happy you found me through my first event! Looking back at it I can definitely see a difference between my writing then and now, which is kinda cool to see! I hope if you get to my other series that you also enjoy those!! I am hoping to have at least PTM and 2-3-6 done before starting my next one but we'll see teheee
I'm glad that you like my character interactions! It's always a bit of a worry if the interactions between the cast feels organic, as I kinda based them and the dialogue on how me and my friends interact. I'm glad that overall people get a kick out of it tho! ^^
AAA and worldbuilding is one of my favorite things to do!! It might be cause of my anthro brain but I love making the world feel more alive! We have a limited amount of information about the world of TWST outside of what we know from the cast, so I like to add things that I think help the characters and the fics themselves feel more alive!
Aspen is def a fan favorite from what I've gathered lol. I'd love to write a few things for just the PTM ocs because I have so many thoughts and feelings, but I know people are mostly here for x reader stuff so I really haven't hehe
(also we love and cherish nurse goethel in this household)
For you're questions about Jade knowing at the beginning that Yuu has telepathy, I'll go one by one!
Jade absolutely would be extremely distressed that he knows that Yuu knows. I do think that Jade likes to "perform" and present himself a certain way. He has a reputation that he likes and wants to keep; having someone know your deepest, most intimate thoughts. I think it would be worst knowing that the love of your life knows those thoughts, but you don't know theirs.
Saying that though, he's also very adaptable and IS sensitive at heart (people can fight me on this). It's also a thing that Yuu does reciprocate, they just don't realize because they've been through a lot over the past year so their focus is elsewhere. A good way to think about it as that Yuu/Reader is a bit of an unreliable narrator. I think Jade would ask that Yuu not make a decision right here or now, but to wait and allow everything to take it's natural course. It will be difficult for both parties, Jade still has his thoughts (that he is now hyper-aware of) and Yuu is still extremely flustered by them (and him), but it allows for the relationship to develop in a different way that can be a lovely way for the friendship first to blossom, making the foundation for a beautiful romance as well.
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rayroseu · 1 year ago
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I think the reason why Rollo can't attend Alchemy Class is because of Grim since he never has a buddy before...✨
So I have this headcanon that for the 3 years this game existed without Grim Buddy/Alchemy Class, I'd just imagine theyre taking introductory class or some Prerequisites for Alchemy😂📖🐈‍⬛ since Yuu is from another world-- I love to think that TWST's science won't be the same as ours since its coupled with Magic-
THOUGH its really funny that its Rollo that's Grim's first Buddy,😆 the one who's probably had the least time to get to know Yuu and Grim‼️😂 rather than Ace Deuce or Malleus... KDJWKJDJDJS
Although I know Yuu and Grim actually attends Alchemy as shown in Leona's Lab Story though~~~~
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My Yuu, Citrine would love this guy, she likes cleaning, perfect for the dilapidated mansion ‼️and he cleans the Bell and Gargoyles consistently right??? OKAYY new cleaner for Ramshackle 👌👌👌✨✨✨✨
I know we're just taking Rollo on a tour in NRC and not yk trapped in Ramshackle with us because anywhere in NRC is filled with magic,,,,, but its funny how he's calm with Yuu (when with everyone else he dislikes talking) because theyre the only Magicless person here ✨😂 The true Yuu stan.... omg? ✨✨‼️
I actually love that he duos with Grim. They stayed true to his character✅ and didn't force him to duo with any nrc student (he tried to kill them??? i dont see him using magic with them AT ALL??) since his whole character heavily states he FREAKING DESPISE MAGICIANS🔥🔥🔥 Or.... maybe I just want a real HATER from this series... (pls never change rollo) XD
these are tombstones I'm referring to-
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I think the most memorable part he did was when he plunge us to the tunnel... like WOW FINALLY?? A TRUE EVIL IN A VILLAIN STORY AJDJJA (but i feel like OB Jamil who catapult us to the ends of a dimension is more evil though, I dont know how WE survived that 💀)
i just know Malleus would never forget that falling moment🤺 so upon hearing the news that he's grouped with Grim and consequently Yuu....
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And next thing you know, Sebek and Silver are frequently visiting Ramshackle and Deuce and Epel stays a bit longer than usual!!!
Lilia is glad his children are finally hanging out with other people often!!! ✨ and Ace is just confused why Deuce and Epel are iffy about this visiting churchboy, isnt he just another strict "shorty" ???
(Rollo you might be 170+ cm in info but for me youre Riddle-height😭 it fits more✨👌)
Rollo stans are so strong, to be able to make TWST release an SSR of him....🙌✨ I like his pre-groovy art more thoughhh the evil smirk... and his intricate bell staff 👌💖💖 congrats rollo nation✨✨✨
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overfeeding him with all the honeys ✨✨✨✨✨✨
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alexglitches · 1 year ago
how funny would it be if I took ash ketchum, genderbent him, then shoved him into twst where the running gag with her is that the only thing I changed is her gender, and NOTHING ELSE, so everyone thinks she’s a guy and anyone who ends up finding out is in denial lmaooo
like, for real, the only difference is that ash is a girl, and everything that happens in canon happens, and NOTHING CHANGES AT ALL
I came up with the idea then I laughed and a whole bunch of ideas came afterwards and now I’m already making a fic, but pls tell me that I’m not the only one who’d laugh at this 😥😅
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violetlunette · 6 months ago
Twst spoilers for the 2024 Halloween event
So, it looks like we're getting the NBC event, which I'm pleased about and a little sad because it would have been so funny if after all this build up it was just a trick. XD
Moving on, I wonder what the story will be and who the players. (Silver, Silver, pls have Silver!)
Story wise, Since we didn't see Oogie or the Trick or Treaters , I'm guessing they won't be in this. (Shame, as Oogie's a super fun villain.) And since only Jack was shown, the plot will focus on him. The set up is that the cast will be having fun with Jack, but Jack is numb to the fun as it's an everyday thing for him. Therefore, he'll try to spice it up by using something dangerous, only to have it backfire. Thus, the Twst boys must save the day, which they do. Near the end, there's a soft moment with Jack and everyone goes back to having fun.
Or, that's my prediction anyway. How about yours?
Btw, Does anyone else think that Jack's art is different than past twst works? I can't explain why, but it just is. It's not bad. but it feels like a slightly different art direction.
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I think it's the brushes. but I can't be sure... Oh, still looks good. I like the sunglasses.
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thehollowwriter · 8 months ago
Okay I mentioned the idea to a few moots, and I decided "You know what, let's post about it"
*ahem* The current day in twst is between 2020 and 2024 in my mind, with more advanced tech due to magic. Therefore, it was the 70s when Morrigan was at NRC, which therefore means
✨️sparkly 70s outfit for Morrigan performing in his VDC✨️
Frills, sequins, capes, spandex, bell bottoms and high heels, he absolutely slayed the fit.
I mostly have Mamma Mia's costume designs in mind ngl, both the movie and the theatre production
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And also the many funky outfits of Bobby Farrell from Boney M
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Idk man the idea of Morrigan having the time of his life singing and dancing for the VDC has taken over my brain. He absolutely adored how bright and fun the clothes were.
There's also the fact that his parents would have a heart attack seeing wear and do stuff like this which is a bonus for him XD
I think he and his group won that year's VDC and I think it would be SO funny if Vil used the tape as an example of how yes, it is possible for you guys to work together and win. Finn isn't part of the VDC group but he is Vil's friend and he's absolutely shook by this new revelation about his dad lol.
Also pls consider one of Morrigan's students finding a picture and showing it to him like "sir is this you" and Morrigan, with grey streaks in his hair and most of his singing being slow love ballads for Silas just being like "Uh... nooooo?"
He did make friends in NRC so I think it would be funny to make ocs based off Rosie and Tanya from Mamma Mia so they can perform with him XD it would be funny
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Tagging: @distant-velleity @br3adtoasty @rainesol @theleechyskrunkly @jovieinramshackle
@galaxies-and-gore @cyanide-latte @cynthinesia @officialdaydreamer00 @krenenbaker
@offorestsongs @kitwasnothere @elenauaurs @boopshoops @inotonline
@1dont-really-know @kazumify @minteasketches @elysia-nsimp @skrimpyskimpy
@casp1an-sea @offorestsongs @tixdixl @poisoned-pearls @the-trinket-witch
@ramshacklerumble @ghostiidasponk @thegoldencontracts @the-banana-0verlord @cloudcountry
@skriblee-ksk @twstinginthewind @lumdays @theolivetree123 @natsukishinomiyaswife
@authoruio @jewelulu @raguiras @honeynclove @moonyasnow
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boopshoops · 7 months ago
hiya!! for the ask thing can I ask for Food and Name for Jocia and Yuu Shi? tysm!!!
(also baby goats baby goats baby goats-)
Name: What does your twst OC's name mean? Why does Rook/Floyd call them [insert nickname]?
OH i have- lots of lil lore tidbits for this
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Jocia, according to my research waaaay back when I finally looked into her name (I deadass thought I just made it up at first), is typically associated with "joy!" Though Im sure that was obvious from the almost constant glare on her face /sar. It is also a different form of the name Jocelyn, a German name. I always pronounced it Jo-sha til I learned it was supposed to be- well, exactly as its spelled, Jo-see-ah.
Floyd calls her Barracuda! Initially I was going to have that be what he called Yuu, but the "catfish" pun was too good for me to pass on. So- what else could I do but hand over the title to Jo? Plus I think it fits her better :P Primarily due to how the barracuda is more known for how they hunt and fight.
They are known to be ferocious, attacking quickly and using ambush techniques (similar to a certain pair of tweels). They are also known to just straight up take fish from other species, even human divers- besides that, they don't really attack humans unprovoked. Barracudas also compete with moray eels for food/prey.
I feel like this relates back to how Jocia "handles" her anger- or- howshetakesitout on people around her who wrong her/those she cares about. She is ruthless and fearsome at times, but for the most part she prefers to just... chill. She doesn't purposefully go seeking out trouble when she's in the right place mentally.
Rook calls her "Reine des épices" (pls excuse any mistakes, blame the translator), which translates to "Queen of Spice!" This is honestly more of a personal reference. Me and my partner always used to joke that Jocia was kinda like a pepper- and would often use 🌶️ when joking about her. It's mostly due to her fiery, hot-tempered nature.
Yuu- is- well, yuu. I didnt come up with that, i just snatched it JFNDJDJ. HOWEVER. "Shi" can have many different meanings! I tried my best to go for something vague. I like the thought of having something that leaves you guessing what applies and what doesnt. However! It can actually also mean "you." Yuushi as a whole can translate to "hero!" (Another ironic take, I know)
Floyd calls her catfish bc. It's funny. I think it's funny and I'd bet $20 that he'd think it's funny. So it's catfish KFNDJDK
Besides the obvious- (pretending to be someone she isnt), catfish can live in almost any aquatic climate, making them rather adaptable. They have a large range of size and behavior, and are most well known for their stinging "whiskers." (Glances at shi's taser) They ALSO compete with eels for prey- as long as they arent a small enough species, then theyd become the prey.
Rook calls her "Reine du Rock", which means "Queen of Rock"- this one is just simple. She loves rock music. She plays it all the time, and it is what she most enjoys performing. Again i am not a good translator trust me i tried to learn another languagemybrainjustcant
Another fact, the twin's parents switched them around at birth on accident, and forgot who they named what initially. It's entirely possible that Yuu was supposed to be named Jocia, but they don't know :P they fight over who is older bc of this too.
Food: What is your twst OC's favorite and least favorite food? Why (optional)? Is there anyone they can share their favorite food? Is there anyone they can count on to take over the food they dislike?
I went into this a lil bit with Yuu in the past during different ask games! Here and here. And a lil bit for Jo here. (Their fav and why<)
Yuu Shi is partial to suggesting treats to Trey- whether he actually makes Bungeoppang or just uses Doodle Suit, it is currently her easiest means of getting it when she only had it a few times prior. So, sure, she'll share... sometimes.
Jocia- given she is partial to a barbequed dish, she could share it with Leona given his love for meat... but WOULD she? No.
Yuu Shi would never subject anyone else to caffeine even if they really enjoyed it, unless that someone is the sink drain.
As for Jocia... really, she didnt have too much against olives. They were bad, yeah, but not horrible. She hated the way they made her tongue itch, though... and then she figured out that they weren't supposed to do that. She's allergic. Yuu Shi used to take them for her, but there isn't really anyone who enthusiastically WANTS them either.
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