#pls no one @ me for the one fic for a fandom i don't even know
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seventh-district · 3 months ago
Dying Star
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In the back of your mind, you recall something you once heard, something about light, and time, and distance. Space. Something about... how you can still see a star that's already burnt out, because its light hasn't reached earth yet. The ghost of a star that's already died. Only still perceptible thanks to time, and distance.
You remember Sam's words, once whispered to you on this very roof.
"Whatever your choice is... I'm not gonna live forever. I made that decision a long time ago."
You think about dead stars.
You think about time.
- - - - - - -
Sam’s words have been weighing heavy on your mind ever since you discussed your shared future and the various forms it could take. You didn’t realize just how heavy they were until it all came spilling out of your tired mind on a late night spent together beneath the stars.
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Pairing: Sam x Darlin' / Reader
Word Count: 4,053
Contains: [angst] [a dash of humor] [a hint of chubby!Sam bc i like 'em strong and soft] [crying] [cuddling (dub-con cuddles with Quinn in the past & consensual ones with Sam in the present)] [emotional hurt/comfort] [implied/referenced dub-con sex (nothing graphic) (in the past between Darlin' and Quinn to be specific) (refer to my Ao3 notes for further explanation)] [mentioned Quinn] [not quite Dissociation i guess but Darlin' does zone-out/get lost in thought more than once] [pet names (Darlin' (obvs.) and honey)] [Reader is Darlin'] [Sam wears a cowboy hat bc i said so] [some passive suicidality from Sam if you squint (hell, maybe you don't even have to squint)]
A/Ns: Well, well, well, here I am, the person who said they wouldn't write any Redactedverse fanfic. I recently felt a mighty need to expand upon the blurb I wrote in this post, and I'm braving my fandom anxiety by sharing it here. pls be nice 2 me abt it
Timeline-wise, this fic takes place sometime after the ‘Talking About the Future With Your Vampire Mate’ audio but sometime before their presumed eventual departure from the house that William gave Sam, given that they've already had the 'turning' discussion but are still on the same roof in this fic.
This is a songfic, inspired by and quoting verses from 3 songs. Those being:
‘Dying Star’ by Ashnikko feat. Ethel Cain
‘Fix What You Didn’t Break’ by Nate Smith
‘No Plan’ by Hozier
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The roof of Sam’s house is far from a ‘cushy’ place to relax. But as you lie here next to him under the stars, a knowledge settles within you that you wouldn’t trade the rough shingles beneath you for the softest mattress in the world. Not if it meant there’d be anyone other than him lying next to you.
Some people might counter that it’s an easy thing for you to say, given the number of nights you’ve thrown a balled-up shirt onto one end of a worn-out couch and called it a bed. But some people don’t know you as well as they think they do.
You’ve known luxury. Quinn might’ve been just as content taking his fill on a seedy motel bed as he was wrapped in silks at a Hilton, but he knew how to play up the luxe when it served him to do so. And in the early days as he worked to lure you in, it did. Plush sheets and expensive drinks helped to soften the preordained blows and dull the imminent pain that your nights with him held.
Once you’d latched onto the bait though, he let the act drop one piece at a time, like props collapsing on a stage. After all, what was the point in all of those frivolities when you both knew what you really came to him for? It wasn’t to be wined and dined, it wasn’t to be dressed up and shown off, and it wasn’t even to be slowly stripped of it all, laid out across the rolling clouds of a pillowy mattress.
It was to be used. Tranced. Restrained. Bitten. Drank from. Choked. Hit. Edged. Denied. Made to writhe and whine and bleed and plead. Plead for more, for less, for nothing, for anything. Anything to quiet your mind and fill the ever-expanding void inside you where you suspect love was supposed to live.
That’s what you both really wanted.
At least, that’s what you told him you wanted.
That’s what you told yourself.
You only got what you asked for.
To your right, Sam stirs, stretching gently with a yawn. The soft noise he releases as he does so reminds you of where you are, and you trace back through your thoughts to find how you got so lost.
…Right. Luxury.
While your relationship with Quinn certainly changed over time, you never forgot what it felt like in the beginning. 
You remember nights laid next to him, body sore, mind quiet. Quinn’s idea of aftercare was lacking to say the least, but you had nothing better to compare it to at the time, and you’d take what you could get. At least your head felt empty, and the bed was soft. Exhaustion would pull you under soon enough.
The mattress, sheets, and pillows enveloping you were likely worth more than you even made that past month. ...Or several. You found that display of luxury hard to be impressed by though, when it wasn’t the type of comfort you’d been seeking.
As Quinn shifted in his presumed sleep, pulling you in tighter, you didn’t fight it. You found yourself unwilling to fight anything he did, like his mere presence was enough to drain the fight right out of you. You told yourself that you were okay with that. Because you wanted it.
Lying there with your head on his bare chest, you took a deep breath and told yourself that you liked the stench of cheap cologne, poorly masking the cigarettes and alcohol on his breath. You silently told yourself that you liked everything. You liked the pain that he chased with hints of pleasure. You liked the loss of power, the way you couldn’t fight back if you wanted to once he looked you in the eyes. You liked all the things he said, no matter how much the truth might hurt.
He was right, you supposed. Your desires, the things you craved, the depravity that you so enjoyed, wasn’t normal. It was uncommon, unusual, and in the eyes of some, unfathomable. To possess such dark desires, there must be something truly broken inside you.
How lucky you were, to have found someone willing to indulge you. Someone that could give you everything you wanted, and be so kind as to keep it a secret too. He promised that word of the things he did to you, the things you let him do, would never get out. You remember the way he held your hand as he told you, falling for the guise of sincerity in his eyes. You remember his warm smile, and his razor sharp teeth.
You remember seeing that exact same smile on his face through one-way glass as he sat across from Sam and told him everything.
You stood in that room and thought back to those nights of luxury. To the feeling of his nails ghosting over the freshly healed punctures in your neck. To the way he held you against him. You remember laying there, lifeless, feeling like prey playing dead. Afraid to move, afraid to disturb him. But why? He hadn’t threatened you. He never told you that you had to stay. He never said that you couldn’t move, or pull away. So why did you feel that way?
As you stood, helplessly witnessing hours of his slander in that interrogation room, you understood. Your rose-tinted glasses had long since shattered, and you saw that smile for what it was. It was the smile of a man playing a dangerous game, brimming with satisfaction, thinking he’d won.
The radio near you begins to crackle, static obscuring the hosts voice as they announce the upcoming song. Sam doesn’t even open his eyes, just raises a hand and reaches out, blindly adjusting the antenna of the old device.
You’ve teased him for holding onto it for so long, as he is wont to do with damn near all of his possessions. But as you watch him deftly extend and angle the antenna with practiced care, the response he once gave you proves itself true once again.
“I don’t wanna replace it, Darlin’. It’s not broken. It just needs someone who knows how to make it sing again.”
The static clears, and music flows through the radio’s old speakers once more.
You watch Sam return his hand to its prior position beneath his head, acting as a makeshift pillow of his own. The way he’s lying has his hat pushed forward, and it’d be doing a damn good job of shielding his face from the sun if it weren’t somewhere around midnight at the moment. Still, it suits him somehow, despite its lack of any practicality. All he’s missing is a stalk of wheat between his teeth and a tree to lean against and he’d be the spitting image of the cowboy he swears he isn’t.
His other hand rests on the soft curve of his stomach, rising and falling again as he breathes. He’s the image of peace in moments like these, and you’re drawn to it like a moth to flame. Maybe one of these days you’ll find some of your own, but for now you’re more than content to bask in his.
As you admire him, he takes a slow, deep breath and you mirror it on instinct. The grounding practice helps you leave your mind and return to your body, if just for a moment. In doing so, you realize just how tense your ruminations have made you.
You relax your hands, releasing the blanket beneath you from your iron grip. You brush your palms over it, worried that you’ve torn the fabric once you realize that your nails had halfway shifted to claws. You don’t fret much over damage to your own possessions, but this blanket is Sam’s and you’d hate to ruin it. Though, you suppose he doesn’t prize it too much or he wouldn’t have laid it out here across the roof in the first place.
“If I buy somethin’ it’s because I wanna use it. Now quit frettin’ and get over here.” You recall what he told you earlier as he patted the blanket next to him in invitation, and you smile.
Doing a small stretch of your own, you release the tension in your shoulders, turning your attention back to the stars above you. For a while, you let the soft music wash over your tired mind.
“I asked him not to kill me politely. He drained my magic core, bottled up at the source. I washed up on the sea glass shores. I’m nobody's captive.”
In spite of your best efforts to relax, you’re still subconsciously futzing with the loose threads of the old blanket beneath you.
You’re made aware of it when Sam reaches a hand down, gently laying it over yours and effectively stilling your anxious motion.
“Burning like a dying star, invasive weeds rooted in my heart, set in a crooked trajectory. The journey here was hard, I was almost pulled apart. Trying to leave his orbit took what’s left of me.”
You flip your hand over beneath his so you can hold it properly, lacing your fingers together.
For reasons beyond your understanding, emotion tightens your throat, the threat of tears pooling in your eyes.
…You must be more tired than you thought.
As minutes pass and one song fades into another, your gaze dances across the blurry, scattered points of light in the dark sky.
“You were the star in the pitch black, shine the way on the way back. Out of nowhere, answered all my prayers.”
Sam’s always been so much better at identifying stars and finding constellations. But as the music plays, you begin to see one of your own.
“Picked up the towel that I threw in, took in a heart that was ruined. Showed me the past ain’t a tattoo, loved me even when you didn’t have to.”
“Sam.” You squeeze his hand to get his attention.
He squeezes back in acknowledgment. “Hm?”
“I want you to look at something.” You swallow back the emotion that tries to seep into your voice, but it catches his attention all the same.
He leans up and lifts his hat from his head, setting it aside near the radio. He then reaches to turn a dial back, lowering the music’s volume to give you his full attention.
You release his hand, raising yours up as he turns back to face you. You don’t say anything at first, nearly too lost in your own mind to realize you need to actually voice your developing thoughts.
"What—what're you pointin' at Darlin'?"
Your hazy focus is trained on the brightest star visible in your line of sight, arm stretched out to the sky above you. "That really bright one, to the... to the left."
Sam does his best to follow your less-than-specific directions of 'to the left', your pointed finger doing little to help given the difference in perspective. Luckily, after all these years, he knows this stretch of night sky like the back of his hand, so it isn't hard to locate the brightest one. Ghosting his fingers up along your exposed wrist where your sleeve had slipped back, he takes your hand in his again and brings it back down to earth. "Okay, yeah, I see it now. What about it though?"
"That's you." You say, matter-of-factly.
"That's me?" He questions, humor in his tone.
"Mhm." You nod with finality, blinking slow.
Sam considers the odd statement for a moment before gently correcting you. "I'm uh, I'm pretty sure that's Sirius, actually."
You scoff. "I am being serious."
Sam stifles a laugh. "No—no I mean—like... what's another name for it... Oh, it's also called the Dog Star."
"C'mon Sam, at least call it the Wolf Star if you're trying to turn this around on me..."
He shakes his head and readies himself to explain further, but you cut him off before he can start. "But no. No, this isn't about me. That's you."
He decides to play along, finding something endearing in your overtired nonsense. "Okay... then would'ja be so kind as to explain to this confused old man just how, or why that star is me?"
Your frown is audible in your voice as you latch onto the wrong part of his sentence. "You're not old, Sam. ...Do I need to tell Asher to kick the jokes down a notch?"
He smiles at your over-protectivity. "There'll be no need for that, now. Was just a joke, honey, I promise."
You huff, but begrudgingly shift focus back to the prior topic. "It's... I dunno. It's just you, Sam. It's... bright. Light. Something warm, out there in the cold dark. Standing out amongst all the rest. Calling to me, stealing my attention.”
Sam’s brow furrows as you continue to explain, realization setting in that you really are being serious.
“I... I didn't come out here looking for it, but there it is. ...And there you were. In the dark. The only bright thing I'd seen in... fuck, in years. Years of chasing fleeting warmth, tripping over myself in the pitch black, falling into... places and people that I shouldn't have. You were the light in that darkness. Even there, at Wonderworld, surrounded by the ghost of him. Your warmth, your presence, your aura—even with all of your walls up, you outshone it. Your warmth didn't hurt. I didn't have to squint when I looked at you. You weren't the blinding sun. You were the brightest star I'd ever seen. You guided me home."
In the back of your mind, you recall something you once heard, something about light, and time, and distance. Space. Something about... how you can still see a star that's already burnt out, because its light hasn't reached earth yet. The ghost of a star that's already died. Only still perceptible thanks to time, and distance.
You remember Sam's words, once whispered to you on this very roof.
"Whatever your choice is... I'm not gonna live forever. I made that decision a long time ago."
You think about dead stars.
You think about time.
"...-lin'? Darlin'?" Sam's calloused hand squeezes yours tight, his urgent tone pulling you out of your thoughts. "There you are. Think I lost ya' for a minute there... you good?"
You look up at Sam, concern creasing his features, faint shadows cast across his face from the light of the dying stars above him.
You reach out, pulling him down into you. He falters for a moment at the sudden proximity, but quickly embraces you in turn. Burying your face into his collar, Sam's concern grows when he feels it saturate with tears. A human might struggle to hear your words, muffled against the thick flannel, but his hearing catches them just fine.
"Don't burn out too quickly. Please. I still need you here. I don't—I don't wanna be left in the dark again. Please, please Sam. Don't leave me here. I'm not selfish enough to ask you for forever, but please. Not yet. Not yet. Not yet."
The words feel like a weight being lifted from your shoulders, but with it comes a flood of emotion they’d been holding back. You cry harder into him, and as much as it pains Sam to witness, he lets you feel it, for as long as you need.
Your fear of losing him manifests itself physically, nails curling and sharpening again. When he feels them prick his skin through the fabric of his shirt, he calls your name but doesn’t pull away. Instead, he leans further down into you, letting his weight ground you. ���Darlin’, I am right here. I’m not goin’ anywhere.”
As you eventually cry yourself out, enough wherewithal returns to you to realize that you should probably release the poor man from your grasp, and the awkward position you pulled him into. When he pulls away enough to see your face, you notice a string of snot running from your nose to his shirt collar. Quickly batting it away out of embarrassment, you cringe, voice thick as you apologize. “Eugh, gross. Uh… sorry. About that.”
He shakes his head, laughing good-naturedly as you wipe at your nose with your jacket sleeve. “It’s completely fine, honey. After all, I’ve been covered in plenty of your, uh… various fluids before. When you come from my line of work, this is child’s play.”
He leans to his right, reaching back and pulling—of all things—a handkerchief from his jeans’ left back pocket. You laugh at his words, and at the sight, but with how congested you are it turns into more of a hacking cough than anything. Accepting his offering, you blow your nose into the black patterned fabric.
As soon as you can speak somewhat clearly, you can’t stop the teasing remark that slips out of you, gesturing with the wad of fabric in your hand. “You know, you really aren’t beating the cowboy allegations with stuff like this.”
He rolls his eyes but his soft smile remains. “It’s a practical thing to have on me, ‘allegations’ be damned.”
You shake your head with a smile of your own, but don’t disagree. As you’re visibly unsure what to do with the dirtied fabric, he takes it from you, setting it aside. “I’ll toss it in the wash when we go back inside. Along with my shirt, and…” He eyes you for a moment. “…that jacket of yours too, given how long you’ve probably been wearin’ it.”
Normally you’d argue that it hasn’t been that long, but come to think of it, you actually can’t recall when you last washed the thing.
Reaching up and rubbing your temples, you already regret your crying fit as a headache begins to set in. “Fuck, Sam... I’m sorry for… whatever that just was. I don’t know what came over me.”
His expression falls into something serious again. “You never need to apologize for feeling. And it certainly seems like… you needed to feel that.”
You nod quietly, but don’t elaborate, prompting him to question you gently. “Darlin’. What was that about? The—the askin’ me not to leave. Are you… afraid that I’m gonna leave you?”
You close your eyes, weighing out your response. “…Not in the sense that you’ll break up with me or something, no.”
His gaze narrows and his head tilts as he rolls your answer over in his mind. “If it ain’t that, then—” He remembers how you mentioned ‘forever’ and cuts himself off as the puzzle pieces start coming together. “Oh. …Oh, Darlin’, no.”
You open your eyes to watch as he shifts from leaning next to you, moving to sit up beside you. “Is this about what I told you, when we sat up here and had our uh… turning discussion?”
You hate to admit it, but you nod in confirmation. “…It’s your choice, Sam, and I never want to take that away from you. I shouldn’t have said what I just did, I—I don’t want to make you feel guilty, or like you have to stick around for my sake. But I’d be lying to you if I said it hasn’t been playing on my mind. The thought of you… leaving. Like that.”
He reaches up, running a hand through his hair. “I… think I maybe should’ve been a bit more clear, when I said that. Because I wasn’t talking about any time soon. I didn’t want to give you the false impression that I plan on sticking around for centuries, but… I also wasn’t trying to imply that I’ve got plans to do it next week either.”
You bolt upright, voice cracking. “Next week?! I sure as shit hope not!” You grab your head, pain flaring and suddenly dizzy from the quick shift in position.
He places a hand on your shoulder to steady you. “I’m not, honey, I’m not. Did you catch the rest of my sentence? I’ve got no plans to leave this world any time soon. I promise.”
You groan, head pounding. “I heard you, I did, I just—fuck, I don’t even wanna think about you leaving so soon. Here I am, stressing, thinking I’ve only got—I don’t know—some odd years left with you, and…” You sigh, trailing off.
Sam stays quiet for a minute, letting the crickets sing.
Eventually, he interrupts their chorus. “…Can I get closer to you?”
You nod. “…Please.”
He closes the gap between you, carefully wrapping a strong arm around your curled shoulders. “You’ve got way more than a couple years. I promise you that.” Your tension begins to ease a bit as he clarifies. “You… you’ve helped me find a life that I actually feel like livin’ again, for the first time in a long time. And I want to experience it with you for as long as I can.”
“…Really?” Your voice sounds so small, so unsure, so… unlike you when you question him that he wants to kick himself in his own ass for the role he unintentionally played in making you feel this way.
“Yes. Really. I mean—” His voice takes on an edge of humor. “If you decide to set your sights on the year 3,000…” He shakes his head. “I don’t know about that. But as far as the 21st century is concerned? …I think I’d like to see it through. For as long as you’re there to see it with me.”
His words cause fresh tears to well up in your eyes, and you sniff in an attempt to hold them back. The sound catches his attention, and he leans forward, thumbing across your warm cheek. “…I’m makin’ you cry again…”
You shake your head, clearing your throat. “No—No, it’s okay. It’s good. They’re… they’re good. It’s… relief.”
He breathes out a relieved sigh of his own. “Yeah?”
You nod, leaning into him. “Yeah.”
As you rest against each other, breathing in the cool night air, you nudge him with your shoulder. “Can we… lay back? For a bit?”
He squeezes your arm in gentle confirmation. “Of course.”
He twists and reaches back to straighten the wrinkled blanket beneath you, before laying out across it himself. The radio crackles as he turns the volume back up a bit. Watching him with tired eyes, you smile at the sight of him patting his chest in habitual invitation.
“Sit in and watch the sunlight fade. Honey, enjoy, it’s gettin’ late. There’s no plan. There’s no hand on the reign. As Mack explained, there will be darkness again.”
Curling up against his side and laying your head on his chest, you release a heavy sigh when his hand comes up to rest on your shoulder. As his fingers press rhythmically into the tense muscle beneath them, you breathe in his scent. Black coffee and wildflower honey… he smells like home.
“Your secret is safe with me, and if secrets were like seeds, when I’m lyin’ under marble, marvel at flowers you’ll have made.”
You reach your hand out across his broad chest, slipping beneath his open flannel and sliding down to rest on his waist. He sighs, relaxing further beneath your touch.
“My heart is thrilled by the still of your hand. That’s how I know now that you understand.”
Yeah, you’ll take this over ‘luxury’ any damn day.
“There’s no plan. There’s no race to be run.”
Laying there with him, listening to the low hum of the radio, the moment grows so comfortable that you almost hesitate to break it.
“The harder the pain, honey, the sweeter the song.”
“…Sam?” You whisper into the night.
His hand sweeps across your back before returning to your shoulder. “I’m here, Darlin’.”
“There’s no plan. There’s no kingdom to come.”
You smile. “I… I’d like to be there, to be here, to see it through with you, too.”
It takes him a moment to recall exactly what you’re referring to, but when it hits him he hums a low understanding tone, clearly pleased. “Then let��s see where it takes us, yeah?”
“But I’ll be your man if you got love to get done.”
He presses a soft kiss to your temple. “We’ve got plenty a’ time.”
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A/N: Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed. You can find my extensive notes and commentary on this fic right here on Ao3. My Sam & Darlin' Playlist My Sam Playlist My Darlin' Playlist My Sam & Darlin' Moodboard My Sam Moodboard My Darlin' Moodboard Header Image Credit: Gage Smith on Unsplash
#redacted audio#redacted asmr#redactedverse#redacted sam#redacted darlin#redacted fanfic#redacted fandom#sam collins#samuel collins#redacted tank#fanfiction#fanfic#my writing#one of my last Redacted posts didn't make it into the tags. which wasn't a big deal since it wasn't something important#but i spent some real time and effort on this fic so if tumblr yeets This post into the void i Will cry. and then painstakingly repost it#i've got big feelings about Sam and y'all r gonna see it whether u like it or not /lh#anyways hey this fic was unexpected. and much like Midnight Hour the production time was relatively fast thanks to the power of Fixation#i was gonna post the next chapter of Heaven in Hiding and then work on a Boothill oneshot and then maybe the [N]MbD New Year's fic#but i've been feeling Some Kinda Way lately and i guess i needed to project it onto Sam. so this fic took precedence#i humbly offer my first contribution to the Redacted fandom. pls don't attack me if they're OOC /hj#i'm out here doing my best to walk the line between canon compliance and self-indulgence#also i know that bright thing in the header image i used can't be Sirius. it's gotta be like. a planet i think? not sure which one tho#i've never even seen a planet that bright but my sky isn't all that dark so maybe they Can look that bright in some places#idk. the image description on Unsplash doesn't say. but 'planet' is in the tags so that's my guess#the only thing i've seen be that bright in the night sky 'round here is military flares. but maybe it's to do with how the photo was taken#a n y w a y s point is. the star Darlin' sees isn't That bright but the photo was too fitting not to use
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decaflondonfog · 3 months ago
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in a past life we were both blessed to share, my beloved friend bee used to post a little weekly/monthly list of fics. well. it's been a very long time since then but i think bee is very cool, so i'm stealing their idea :) sorry/thank u, bee! ily!!!!!!
here's what i read this week, in case you're feeling uninspired, overwhelmed by choice or just too tired to scroll through your marked for later/many opened tabs!
[❣️ marks a personal favourite, 💦 a particularly hot one, ⚡ is for when you want your heart kicked, and ☁️ for a soft and gentle hug]
a full feast (over 40k)
❣️💦⚡ out to get you (to get you) by iliacquer [mdzs, wangxian, E, 41k]
In order to kill the Demon of Yiling, assassin Lan Wangji pretends to be courtesan. Falling in love with Wei Wuxian is an unfortunate complication. (Or: the courtesan-but-actually-assassin!LWJ fic)
☁️ Emergency Contact by @justlookfrightened [omgcp, zimbits, T, 49k]
Bitty had not spoken to or heard from Jack since they had broken up six months earlier. Until he got hurt, and discovered that he had never updated his emergency contact form ...
a nice long meal (over 10k)
💦 Pivot Tables by rainbowninja167 [9-1-1, buddie, E, 26k]
“You think we should have sex?” Eddie clarified — still in that slow, deliberate tone, like any sudden movement would cause the ceiling to cave in around them. Buck rolled his eyes. “I mean…not for real.” “Okay. So you think we should have fake sex." “Yeah, like reading Our Bodies, Ourselves isn’t the same as watching porn, right? It’d be educational sex.” “Well if it’s educational sex...” Or: Buck learns that Eddie's never had a prostate orgasm. Clipboard sex ensues.
💦 sloppy seconds by @nanatsuyu [aftg, kandrew, E, 12k]
"Will it wipe that frown off your face?" "Will what?" Kevin grunts. "Will you stop pouting if I blow you?" (Or: Kevin's never been on a good date, but Andrew is always there to clean up somebody else's mess.)
tea and a handful of biscuits (over 1k)
❣️☁️ the last rewind by @annawrites [aftg, jeanrenee, T, 3k]
Jean works at the world's last surviving video rental store with his cryptid coworker and maybe-friend Neil, suffers the presence of customers, and nurses a terrible, horrible, no-good crush on aquarium store employee Renee, all under the watchful eye of the Kevin Day standee in the corner, a box of dubious Halloween decorations, and, unfortunately, Andrew Minyard.
⚡ chapters 1 to 7 of Little Gods by @the-starryknight [hp, drarry, M, 4k]
The Ministry claimed that the restrictions on magical education were for the good of wizard-kind, but it doesn't feel like that when Harry works his dull machinist job. With a new mission and the advent of a snowy winter season, Harry and his compatriots might find a way to keep their underground organization alive and plan for future teachings one banned artifact at a time.
☁️ Wardrobe Strategy: A Scattered Showers Story by @mrskrementz [carry on, snowbaz, E, 5k]
This work was inspired by Cutekilla's hot Baz-in-a-turtleneck artwork, as well as the cover art for Snow for Christmas, the Snowbaz short story in Rainbow Rowell's short story compilation, Scattered Showers. Simon is spending Christmas with Baz's family and things (turtlenecks, too much wine, stolen specs) happen!
bitesized nibbles (micros and drabbles)
☁️ days 1 to 8 of kevaaronmas by @billdenbrough [aftg, kevaaron, ratings vary, 100 words a day]
☁️ days 1 to 6 of kevaaronmas by @vykio [aftg, kevaaron, ratings vary, 100 words a day]
just dessert (art)
❣️ lemongrass and sleep, apple juice and peach by @emry-stars-art [aftg, kateaaron, G]
💦 d/s by @/picabutts [trc, pynch, M]
⚡ yi city arc papercraft by @yutaan [mdzs, songxuexiao, T]
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crowned-clown-rising · 2 years ago
Honestly I think we as a fandom are... pretty entitled.
And I'm including myself in this, really it's a group dynamic thing, but yeah it's always been "They should have done this" or "It's so wrong that they did this..." instead of the normal, commonly used by a fan "I wish..."
Like we have opinions, cool. Most of the complaints have a point don't get me wrong, but I've never seen a fandom more entitled to the creators work. I mean we don't move in fanon, we straight up try to change and debate canon like it's ours. This probably comes from the game being a small business compared to other media with more traction.
(And yes, I could talk about reasons beemov is greatly responsible for that and how they could have avoided such drop, but then again... case in point)
Like, we are allowed not to like stuff. We really are. And to express it. But there's this attitude hovering over us in which we talk about the characters and the story like it's ours. Like our take on the story counts as anything other than a player's opinion. No one there really owes nothing outside of common courtesy and legal handling of the purchase systems. I mean what they give is what we get and that's it. We can ask for stuff, sure. And they might just comply if they can and want to, but they don't have to. Yes, we are the ones playing the game and our feedback is important but... we are not their boss? but it feels like that sometimes?
And I say this as someone who is literally overwriting the story to my likings as a fanfic, and even then I'm still taking almost everything from the canon so far. The main plot, entire dialogues... If that's not entitled idk what is.
So yeah, there's that. I don't mean to prosecute or defend anyone, I just wanted to point that out.
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szqnxi · 4 months ago
Hi hi hiiiiiii can you do a katsuki x popstar reader fic?? I've seen a prompt bout Katsuki x popstar reader like Sabrina Carpenter but I really haven't seen a single fic bout it so could you pleeeeeeassseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee 🥺🥺
Since anon asked nicely (for the third time in my inbox lol), I'm gonna make this a multi chap fic.
Here's the sneak peek!!
Your number 1 fan
Katsuki Bakugo x reader
Summary: You had always been a fan of Katsuki Bakugo, even before he rose to the Top Hero Charts. All that's left for you to do was to make your existence known to his. Little did you know that he had already been watching you long before your fame in the music industry — not in a typical fan way, but through a separate dedicated fan account devoted just for you.
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Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Masterlist /⁠ᐠ⁠。⁠ꞈ⁠。⁠ᐟ⁠\
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Note: If y'all see a fic that is quite similar to this one, please tell me. Thank you 🫶🏻 and as y'all can see a lot of Sabrina Carpenter reference will be in this fic (I haven't really listened to all of her songs but I think this is my sign to do an extensive research and join the fandom lol) so bear with me on this one. This is such a fun fic idea so I thought why not give it a try.
Also, my request box is open, pls pls pls drop someeeeee. I'd also appreciate anon comments/interactions so don't hesitate to reach out!!
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cowboylikeyouu · 5 months ago
@bl0ssomized asked for some winterhawk fic recs & i took that as my sign to finally sit down, go through my 500+ bookmarks and provide y'all with my fav fics <3 if you end up reading/enjoying any of these, PLEASE make sure to leave a comment on ao3, the authors deserve all the nice words in the world!!
about this list:
most of these fics are pretty popular in the fandom, so this list is more directed at new fans just joining the winterhawk paradise!! (there's a lot on here tho, so maybe you find one you haven't read yet)
mika/bee asked for little to no smut, so i'm not gonna rec any pwp works here (with a few exceptions). if you want smut recs, hmu tho, i got y'all
there's obviously still smut in many of these fics, but i tried to tell you if it's important/skippable or not. if you don't mind smut i obviously recommend reading it bc GOD these authors just know their shit, but i think nobody should miss out on the amazing long fics just bc they don't like smut :)
i put a "notes" section for every fic where i just yap about it and/or my feelings towards it for a bit bc i literally can't shut up about these two guys.
alright, i think that's all, let's go!! pls tell me if i messed up the links somwhere :)
50k+ words 
Lucky In Love by dr_girlfriend 
words: ~60k 
important tags: no powers AU, oh my god they were roommates!, friends to lovers, mutual pining 
notes: every time i give winterhawk recs to a new fan i start with lucky in love, bc even tho it’s an AU, it has soo many of the typical winterhawk tropes i love so much. PLUS: roomates. and lucky. and every chapter is titled “aw, [something], no” and i find that way too funny to not mention. idk it’s just one of that fics that gives me the warmest & fuzziest of warm fuzzy feelings and i think everyone should read it. 
smut: even tho it has the wonderful, wonderful tag “not gonna tag every sex act just trust me there’s plenty”, there’s actually not that many. in my opinion, the perfect amount for a 60k, 21 chapters winterhawk fic. it’s quite a slow-burn, so they’re only in the later chapters anyway, and the build up to it is soOoo good. this is one of the fics where i know exactly where to find the smut scenes so feel free to hmu. 
Like Real People Do by Kangofu_CB
words: ~67k 
important tags: “i actually just wanted to watch these two idiots fall in love in a secluded cabin ok”; civil war fix it 
notes: no one, NO ONE  gets me like this fic, it checks like every single one of my boxes. perfection. not lying when i say it’s my favorite fic of all time. it doesn’t have a special premise or anything, but that’s the good thing about it. it’s just so… cozy. comfy. feels like home. i can’t even remember if like real people do is my favorite hozier song because of this fic or if it’s my fav fic bc like real people do is my fav hozier song, but i know that i never cried as hard as i did when i heard lrpd live and could only think about this fic. nothing makes me feel as good as re-reading this story, i want to eat it.
smut: yes, but only like 2,5 scenes. hmu and i tell you the exact fucking paragraph number or smth, this fic is literally engraved in my soul. thank you CB. some day i’ll leave a 2k words comment on every single chapter. 
The Other Man out of Time by sara_holmes 
words: ~97k 
important tags: time travel, falling in love, clint barton centric 
notes: okay, objectively speaking: this is the best winterhawk fic in existence. not my absolute favorite bc it makes me cry too much, but definitely top 3. no other winterhawk fic made me sob this hard, no other winterhawk fic makes me wanna curl up on the floor and cry for an hour every time i think about it. that being said: IT HAS A HAPPY ENDING!!! and a lot of stuff in between is SO sweet as well. premise is basically: clint travels back in time and fights in wwii alongside bucky and they fall in love. and then bucky!canon happens. you get it? you get it. it’s- UGH it’s so good. jesus. i’m crying. 
smut: a few short sexy scenes i think, but no SMUT smut, and it’s definitely definitely DEFINITELY not the focus of the story. can’t emphasise enough how much everyone should read this 
Hipsters get Remembered, Legend’s Never Die by sara_holmes
words: ~90k 
important tags: millennial bucky barnes, awesome clint barton, recovery 
notes: millennial bucky is one of the most entertaining things fandom came up with, and this fic is the epitome of that trope. love love LOVE. plus, clint’s really fucking awesome in this. 
smut: yes, but only like two or three times in 11 chapters, easily skippable
Puzzle Pieces (series) by sara_holmes 
words: ~446k 
important tags: steve/tony, kid fic, emotional hurt
notes: if you don’t like stony this one isn’t for you, just skip to next one :) if you like stony: GOD pls read puzzle pieces!! the first 200k words fic is stony focused and has only pre-slash winterhawk, but even tho they don’t get together in this one yet it’s literally one of my favorite clint/bucky portrayals of all time, no one gets them like sara, it’s perfect. the stony/kid fic storyline is SO amazing as well, so if that’s your cup of tea, check. it. out. after that they’re a few longer winterhawk instalments, and while some of them are really angsty and painful, there’s always a happy ending. god i need to re-read this entire thing. it makes me wanna cry and throw up in all the good ways. 
smut: some, but you can definitely skip it.
I’ll keep you safe here with me by sara_holmes 
words: ~110k 
important tags: kidnapping, PTSD, mind control aftermath & recovery 
notes: ngl i haven’t read this one in a long time, but everything by sara is perfect and this one’s one of the most kudo’d winterhawk fics, so it’s basically a must read. everyone needs to read a good clint & the winter soldier fic at least once
smut: it’s rated mature, so no really explicit smut. can’t remember if they don’t get a bit horny tho.
A Heart Worth Loving by Kangofu_CB 
words: ~82k 
important tages: soulmate AU, no powers AU, modern bucky barnes, forced cohabitation 
notes: GOOD FUCKING SOUP. soulmate au AND they were roommates????? beat that. it takes them ages to figure out they’re soulmates, which makes this equally amazing and frustrating, but it’s all so so worth it 
smut: yes, at the end of it. you CAN skip it, although i recommend skimming through it and read the dialogue parts and stuff. 
if you were a mythical thing by Kangofu_CB
words: ~75k 
important tags: teachers au, kid fic, werewolves 
notes: quick story time for this one bc i remember it so so well lmao: winterhawk olympic bang 2022, most authors had started to post their fics except for CB and i KNEW she had written one, and i was literally checking my emails every hour for days. and then she finally posted it and i already started screaming when i saw the taylor lyrics as a title, and then i read those three tags and literally had to sit on my floor for 20 minutes to calm down bc i was so excited. i remember posting like 20 stories on my private insta that were just me keysmashing lmaoo. idk but teachers + kid fic + werewolves is just such a BONKERS combination, and i can promise you’re in for a treat, it’s so so fun. 15/10. 
smut: yes, but it takes some time to get there and it’s skippable
Adventures in dogsitting by Call_Me_Kayyyyy 
words: ~53k
important tags: friends to lovers, dogsitting, pining 
notes: another olympic bang fic, thank you. cute, fun, lots of lucky content :) good soup 
smut: NO SMUT
Under My skin (series) by finely honed 
words: ~360k
important tags: Steve/Tony (the “main” instalment is stony focused), PTSD, Life after the army, AU - Tattoo Parlour 
notes: the “first” instalment is a stony fic (one of my all time favs honestly) but with a lot of amazing side-winterhawk, and there’s a winterhawk spin-off, that’s a prequel to the stony arc, so you can just read that first if you want. it was one of the first english winterhawk fics i’ve ever read and it always makes me wanna cry when i think about it (in a good way).
smut: they’re quite horny in both big instalments, but i would say the smut is skippable. it’s not un-important for both the winterhawk and the stony dynamic tho, so i wouldn’t recommend doing that
This is Not a Date, it’s a Kidnapping by sara_holmes 
words: ~50k 
important tags: Fake Kidnapping, also real kidnapping, Bucky Barnes recovering, fake relationship 
notes: all sara_holmes is good sara_holmes, but this one’s one of my favs, it’s just so fun. GOD i miss winterhawk olympic bang 2021, this was such a blast to read when it first came out!! 
smut: NO SMUT
Freedom’s Reach by dr_girlfriend 
words: ~68k 
important tags: arranged marriage, western/historical AU, slow burn 
notes: aaaand another  winterhawk olympic bang 2021 fic! pretty sure this one was my fav during the bang, like i remember hitting up a friend of mine and screaming at each other for like an hour every time a new chapter dropped, we were SO invested. very good soup. 
smut: yes, but it’s a sloooow build, so it’s only in the later chapters. pretty sure it’s easily skippable 
ghost in the machine by squadrickchestopher
words: ~75k 
important tags: fake character death, heavy angst, ghosts, loneliness 
notes: UGHHHH clint “dies”, becomes a ghost and only bucky can see him. touch starved clint final boss basically. amazing shit. painful shit. (happy ending tho) 
smut: it’s rated explicit and it’s by squaddy, so i’m like 99% sure there’s smut, i actually can’t remember tho lmao 
Barton’s Halfway House for Ex-Brainwashed Assassins (series) by Kangofu_CB 
words: ~90k 
important tags: the slowest burn, the mcu reimagined completely, accidental baby acquisition, found family, kid fic
notes: this one’s an ongoing series, and it’s such an amazing one, you can feel all the love that’s been put into this. you have to go through like 60k of slow burn before winterhawk actually happens, but it’s soooo worth it. plus: kid fic. kid fic’s always good. 
smut: yes, but only in the 3rd part and the short pwp oneshot. easily skippable
something magic, something tragic by squadrickchestopher 
words: ~55k
important tags: supernatural elements, vampire bucky, enemies to lovers 
notes: VAMPIRES!!! that should be enough to convince you to read this fic!! and it’s by squaddy, it literally can’t be bad if it’s by squaddy.
smut: ughhh not entirely sure, pretty sure the mature rating is mostly for violence, but, again, it’s squaddy, so it’s very possible there’s some sexy stuff hiding in there.
Sweet Home Was Home by there_must_be_a_lock 
words: ~110k 
important tags: “i sorta made my own franken-canon”, christmas fluff, soft feelings
notes: i found this one on accident once when i wasn’t really expecting to find another PERFECT long ass winterhawk fic i haven’t read yet, and then i binge-read it in one night, and it’s honestly one of the best i’ve ever read, it’s so so soft and… healing. for both bucky and clint and myself. it’s really not as popular as it should be imo, definitely worthy of a place on the first page of the ship tag!! highly HIGHLY recommend checking it out!! 
smut: yes, but skippable 
10k - 50k words 
Starving for the Light by thepartyresponsible 
words: ~45k 
important tags: magic AU, soul bond 
notes: jesus christ i wanna eat this fic so bad. definitely my favorite 2021 winterhawk olympic bang fic, it’s just THAT good. need to re-read it entirely to make sure, but i think it’s in my top 10 if not top 5 fav winterhawk fics of all time. clint’s just so… beautiful in this, idk how else to describe it. and idk, it has a such a unique premise and setting, i love everything about it. 
smut: yes, but skippable. 
Historic Features by flawedamythyst
words: ~19k
important tags: ghosts AU, homophobic violence 
notes: oooohhh my god, don’t make me think about this fic i’m gonna cry. it’s actually pretty fun and cute and fucking awesome, but clint & bucky’s backstory in this?? i’m ugly crying, leave me alone. premise is basically: they’re ghosts and haunting the apartment they died in years ago, scaring everyone who tries to live there out of it. then steve and tony wanna move in. it’s fucking great. 
smut: NO SMUT 
Call It What You Want To by Kangofu_CB 
words: ~48k 
important tags: modern bucky barnes, sugar daddy
notes: clint becomes bucky’s sugar daddy on accident without realising and it’s the funniest fucking shit i’ve ever seen, god i love him so much. plus, again,,, millennial bucky barnes. gimme all the millennial bucky barnes.
smut: 3 or 4 scenes i think, starting as early as chapter… 2??? i think??? pretty skippable tho, as long as you read like the foreplay and everything.
A Thistle Cannot Grow by ccbytheseashore
words: ~12k 
important tags: kid fic, developing relationship 
notes: AHHHSDJGHSKJDHG. enough right?? i’m always a sucker for some good dad!clint & soft!bucky content. this one’s so so sweet it’s one of my main comfort fics, can’t recommend it enough if you love kid fics! 
smut: yes, but it’s literally only like 500 words of frotting, you know when it’s coming and you know when it’s over :) (it’s amazing tho) 
Attachments by Lissadiane 
words: ~22k 
important tags: high school au, mother hen bucky barnes, clint barton needs a hug 
notes: i KNOW many people don’t like high school AUs and i don’t fucking care. teenage winterhawk has so much potential, i love them to death. which is exactly why you should read this ;) 
smut: NO SMUT
Outnumbered by sara_holmes 
words: ~18k 
important tags: kid fic, triplets, no powers AU, bucky comes home to new york 
notes: another single dad clint fic, but give him 3 boys this time!! —> chaos. amazing chaos. + amazing bucky. good soup. 
smut: NO SMUT 
Once Lost (now found) by Teeelsie 
words: 40k 
important tags: hurt clint barton, on the run, self sacrifice 
notes: hurt clint barton final boss. this was written for whumptober, so you can imagine how bad it gets. SO worth it tho, even if you don’t really love that kind of stuff! 
smut: NO SMUT (pretty sure clint’s too hurt to have any kind of sexual thoughts <3 stupid stupid stubborn man. i love him so much)
The Best Worst Thing (that hasn’t happened to you yet) by sara_holmes
words: ~48k 
important tags: enemies to friends to lovers, rescue missions 
notes: if you’re into comic winterhawk and read their tales of suspense run, you should definitely read this fic. if you haven’t read tales of suspense, go do that now and then come back to the fic, bc it’s basically a rewrite that gives us the bucky/clint & nat dynamic we fucking deserve
smut: don’t think so?
skylines and tan lines by flawedamythyst
words: ~33k 
important tags: no powers AU, coronovirus lockdown, long distance flirting 
notes: this was literally my fav fic during lockdown, i’m not lying when i say i read this at least 20 times in 2020/21 lmaoo. it’s just such a fun concept; bucky’s living with peggy/steve, and their dynamic is so enjoyable. 
smut: there’s quite a bit of sexting & phone sex, plus a smut scene at the end. doesn’t take up the entire fic tho, and the rest is worth it as well. 
Behind Bars by sara_holmes and Behind Bares (On The Other Side Remix) by flawedamythyst 
words: ~32k (sara), ~25k (amy)
important tags: prison AU 
notes: sara’s fic is the original, amy remixed it and wrote if from clint’s pov (with quite some changes). i love both fics, but i definitely read the remix more often and prefer it, but i highly recommend reading both, they’re amazing!! clint & bucky are cell mates!!! and it’s angsty!! a little bit!! 
smut: can’t remember what it’s like in sara’s version, but it’s only rated mature soo... there’s definitely one or two smut scenes in amy’s fic, but easilyyy skippable, only like a few handjobs or smth i think.
What do you mean we left Clint on Mars? by sara_holmes 
words: ~25k 
important tags: outer space, falling in love, clint feels 
notes: a classic. falling in love long-distance is soo fun, and i love it when author’s touch-starve clint, so there’s that <3
smut: NO SMUT
A Christmas Miracle: Getting Lucky by Lissadiane
words: ~11k 
important tags: christams, hallmark fic 
notes: LUCKY!!!! i read this every single christmas. you should too. you’re welcome. 
smut: NO SMUT 
Dear Super-Secret Diary by flawedamythyst 
words: ~16k 
important tags: christmas fluff 
notes: clint is bored and gets a diary (and the guy). a christmas must-read, it’s fun and cute and fluffy!!! one of the few times i will accept first person narration bc, well, it’s a goddamn diary 
smut: NO SMUT 
winterhawk punks in love (series) by 1000_directions 
words: ~19k words 
important tags: punk au, amputee bucky, deaf clint, ptsd, emotional hurt/comfort, recovery 
notes: punk!winterhawk is so important to me I NEED MORE OF IT!!! this one’s such a perfect mix of happiness and angst and comfort UGH it just hits that spot. 
smut: yes, but the fic’s still amazing if u skip it 
Apple Of My Eye by flawedamythyst
words: ~40k 
important tags: clint barton’s farm, found family, domestic 
notes: FARM FIC FARM FIC FARM FIC!!! bucky, clint and wanda basically start an apple business on his farm, and it’s just soo comfy and awesome.
smut: NO SMUT
Alone in the Bitterness by Lissadiane
words: ~16k
important tags: no pwers au, nurse bucky, disaster clint 
notes: nurse bucky nurse bucky nurse bucky nurse bucky!!! do i have to say more?? 
smut: NO SMUT
Team Spirit by Noxnthea 
words: 17k 
important tags: case fic, enemies to lovers lite 
notes: noxnthea is such an underrated author it’s a literal crime. i normally don’t love case fics that much, but this is a ghost hunters case fic AND their banter is so fun that it really doesn’t matter for me this time 
smut: NO SMUT
Reach Out by Kangofu_CB
words: ~11k 
important tags: 5+1, a lot of sex tags, porn with feelings, feelings realisation 
notes: CB’s smut always hits different, and idk, the +1 of this is just sooo funny and adorable, i love it to death. read this more times than i’ll admit. 
smut: basically pwp, big no no if you don’t like smut. 
Storms Within (Bridges Rebuilt) by Kangofu_CB 
words: ~11k 
important tags: star wars setting, force sensitive bucky & clint, crack treated seriously 
notes: guys you can’t imagine my excitement when the notif for this fic popped up in my emails. luke skywalker is one of my top 10 all time fav fictional characters AND HERE HE IS INTERACTING W MY FAV BOYS IN THE ENTIRE WORLD!!!! it’s so so good, if you’re into star wars you’re gonna love it!! (even if not, it’s by CB, impossible to not enjoy)
smut: NO SMUT
Draw, Breathe, Fire by FestiveFerret
words: ~15k 
important tags: falling in love, flirting, banter 
notes: haven’t read this in a long time, but i’m pretty sure it was like a perfect little bucky-recovering-and-falling-in-love-with-clint-while-living-in-the-tower-fic. he learns archery!! pretty sure they also adopt a ferret or something???? good shit
smut: NO SMUT
Hoist a Black Flag by Kangofu_CB 
words: ~11k 
important tags: pirate au 
smut: yes, but skippable
Cupid’s Arrows by flawedamythyst 
words: ~14k 
important tags: office AU, valentine’s day 
notes: clint dressed up as cupid, bad pick up lines, shenanigans. haven’t read this in quite a while, but i remember i enjoyed it A LOT a few years ago and re-read it multiple times!! 
smut: NO SMUT
The Best Thing since a Double-Shot Expresso by sara_holmes 
words: ~11k 
important tags: coffee shop AU, misunderstandings, getting together 
notes: friends to lovers final boss. they’ve been best friends (husbands) for years and literally live together, and it takes them an insane amount of jealousy and steve’s ass to finally get together. such a fun read, highly HIGHLY recommend 
smut: NO SMUT
Habits of My Heart by Kangofu_CB
words: ~18k 
important tags: Fuckbuddies to Lovers, no powers AU, grindr 
notes: fuckbuddies to lovers with loads of pining will always be THE most realistic winterhawk depiction for me, sorry not sorry. this one’s extra fun bc steve and nat have been trying to set them up for months, but they’ve been already hooking up for months. it’s great. 
smut: yes, but easily skippable.
In Which Peter Is Everyone’s Favourite Avenger by DestroyedConscience 
words: ~25k 
important tags: Twitter, everyone is gay, gen z humor 
notes: look, this is an unfinished, non-winterhawk-centric twitter fic, but as a fellow winterhawk twitter fic author i just HAVE to recommend it. if u like this kind of thing, go check it out, it’s so fun :) 
smut: NO SMUT
Look What The Cat Dragged In by flawedamythyst
words: 22k 
important tags: Bucky Barnes is a cat lover, domestic fluff 
notes: i haven’t read this in years, but i KNOW it was great. at this point just go check out amy’s account and read all of her winterhawk fics, she has over a hundred and they’re all great!! but this one has them co-parenting alpine, so it’s extra great!!
smut: NO SMUT
My Heart Will Be Your Home by dr_girlfriend 
words: ~49k 
important tags: soulmates au, single parent clint barton
notes: soulmate au plus kid fic guys, i repeat, SOULMATE AU PLUS KID FIC GUYS!!! BY DR GIRLFRIEND!!!! GOD i miss winterhawk olympic bang 21/22 this one was such a blast to read when it first came out. 
smut: yes, but skippable 
Chrome Plated Heart by dr_girlfriend 
words: ~20k 
important tags: pacific rim fusion
notes: i’ve never seen pacific rim and i still had a blast reading this one!! (she put a basic explanation for it somewhere in the story notes, so dw about it!!). it was SO nice to read a fic where they’re not heavily traumatised and just have a chill, easy getting together. really sweet stuff
smut: NO SMUT!!
Know When To Hold ‘Em by flawedamythyst
words: ~11k 
important tags: exes to lovers, no powers au, cambling 
notes: UGHHH i need more fics like this one, it’s so so SO good!! flashes back and forth to the time when they were first together and when they meet again and skjdghlksdhg my heart just hurts so much for both of them. (happy ending tho dw, clint’s just so sad in the present and it hurts my soul)
smut: yeah, the part in the present is basically just one big smut scene but it’s soOoOoO emotional and i always love me some emotional smut
Christmas in Colour by mariana_oconnor 
words: ~12k 
important tags: soulmates see in colour, christmas fluff 
notes: SOULMATES SEE IN COLOUR !!!!! *swoons so hard she falls to the floor* top 3 best soulmates tropes i dont make the rules i love it so much. ESPECIALLY when it’s with a character like clint who usually has a colour he loves SO SO much. a christmas must read :) 
smut: NO SMUT
Chaos By Another Name by shatteredhourglass 
words: ~13k 
important tags: dimension travel, time travel, friends to lovers 
notes: DIMENSION-HOPPING TIME-TRAVEL ADVENTURE GUYS!!! why wouldn’t you wanna read it??? 
smut: yes
I Still Choose You (The Public Domain Remix) by mariana_oconnor 
words: ~14k 
important tags: soulmates at first kiss, fake/pretend relationship 
notes: have a fic with two of the best tropes ever, you’re so very welcome. plus plus PLUS: demisexual bucky. as a demisexual/asexual/still trying to figure it out lesbian, i’m always ALWAYS here for any kind of ace spectrum winterhawk, so yeah. 
smut: NO SMUT
the road rising up to meet me by veryrach
words: ~24k 
important tags: pining, sexual reawakening, chaotic slutty clint barton 
notes: MORE DEMISEXUAL BUCKY!!! AND HOT CLINT!!! no other words needed. read it. 
smut: i’m so sorry but i can’t remember if it gets SMUTTY smutty. but there’s definitely a lot of sexual themes i mean look at the tags lmao
Showdown by shatteredhourglass 
words: ~14k 
important tags: fake/pretend relationship; fluff 
notes: breaking my silence: fake dating might me my fav trope of all time. in this one they’re pretending to date for the sole purpose of annoying steve and tony and i think that’s the best thing ever. 
smut: NO SMUT
Light the Spark by dr_girlfriend
words: ~26k 
important tags: fake/pretend relationship, mutual pining, enemies to friends to lovers
notes: aaaand the next fake dating fic >:) the enemies arc is like 0.2 seconds, blink and you miss it, but whoooo cares, we’re here for the fake dating & pining guys!!!
smut: yes, but you can skip it!
-10k words 
Wine and Pine by feathers_and_cigarettes 
words: 6k
Important tags: Touch-Starved, Fake Marriage, pining!clint 
Notes: this is one of those fics i always come back to without realising and it always hits that spot. like i said, fake dating is my favorite trope, and MISSION fake dating???? i'm in heaven
smut: there’s quite a bit of smut, but it’s at the end and even if you stop reading after they kiss it’s really worth it. 
Over Easy by Lissadiane
words: ~9k
important tags: hook up gone awry, awkwardly crashing the birth of a baby 
notes: need y’all to know that this has one of my all time fav smut scenes, i kinda know it by heart. don’t quote me on that, this is our secret. this one’s just so so SO much fun, i’m having the time of my life every time i read it (which is at least like once a month) 
smut: yes, and it’s kinda the best part, but everything else is so fun as well that i really wouldn’t wanna miss out on it
The Love You Deserve by flawedamythyst 
words: ~8k 
important tags: unhappy family holidays, homophobia, family issues, jewish bucky barnes 
notes: another must-read christmas fic for me; clint goes home for christmas to an uncle of his or something but they all turn out to be homophobic assholes or something and then bucky shows up to save the day <3
smut: NO SMUT 
what you really, really want by Noxnthea 
words: ~8k 
important tags: pining, misunderstandings 
notes: *blurts out* THEYVE BEEN IN LOVE FOR AGES AND THEN WANDA HEXES THEM SO THEY THINK THEVE BEEN DATING FOR YEARS!!! this is SUCH an underrated fic, it doesn’t even have 200 kudos like wtf??? SHOW IT SOME LOVE!!!
smut: NO SMUT
The 300 Club by Noxnthea 
words: ~10k 
important tags: no powers au, scientist clint & bucky 
notes: there aren’t enough scientist winterhawk AUs so HUGE THANKS noxnthea for feeding us. i will literally haunt you if you don’t read this one, ITS SO UNDERRATED!!! AND SO FUN!!
smut: NO SMUT
For Everything There is A Season by dr_girlfriend
words: ~9.7k 
important tags: crack fic, secret service agent!bucky, small business owner!clint barton 
notes: crack fics are always gold and this one especially, it’s such a ridiculous idea, how could you not love it? always a very fun read! 
smut: NO SMUT
Background Noise by Reremouse 
words: ~8k 
important tags: modern au, deaf clint barton 
notes: MILLENIAL BUCKY!!! clint is bucky’s upstairs neighbour and extremely loud bc he’s well… deaf. lol. and bucky’s a night shift worker which really isn’t a good combo on first thought. but on second thought, these are clint and bucky, so OBVIOUSLY they’re gonna make a great combo out of it. it’s fuckign amazing. plus bucky & sam friendship!! good shit guys, good shit.
smut: NO SMUT
you didn’t hear that by jedusaur 
words: ~2.6k 
important tags: roomates, eavesdropping 
notes: super self-indulgent rec, i always read this one when i need some cheering up lmao it’s just so fun and they’re kinda nasty and UGH. love. it explores the range of bucky’s super hearing. do with that what you want. 
smut: yes. it explores the range of bucky’s super hearing in every way ;)
one more time by squadrickchestopher 
words: ~4k 
important tags: touch starved, hurt clint barton 
notes: i don’t even know why i love this one so much, but it holds SUCH a special place in my heart. it might be my undying love for touch starved!clint who finally gets his well-needed hugs by bucky. there’s also an amazing podfic by flowerparrish for it, make sure to give kudso to them both!!! 
smut: NO SMUT
the salt on your lips by veryrach 
words: ~9k 
important tags: kissing, an absolutely ridiculous lack of communication 
notes: exactly what the tags say. it’s a 5+1 as well, WHAT ELSE DO YOU NEED IN LIFE???? 10/10. i remember waiting for months for the last few chapters and it was SO worth it!!
smut: NO SMUT
Love Potion No. 10 by Kangofu_CB 
words: ~8k 
important tags: love potion/spell, not actually unrequited love
notes: i won’t say anything about the story bc i don’t wanna spoiler it, but i’ll say that i re-read the second half of it at least once a month, it’s just THAT sweet. 
smut: NO SMUT
There’s No ‘I’ In Denial by flawedamythyst 
words: ~5k 
important tags: truth spells 
notes: clint gets hit by a magic truth gun and can’t lie anymore. such a fun & cute read every single time.
smut: NO SMUT
The Name of the Game by squadrickchestopher 
words: ~6k 
important tags: competition, trash talking, feelings realization 
notes: this one’s just so so fun, it has allllllll the winterhawk banter anyone could ask for. and i always love me some competitive idiots in love
smut: NO SMUT 
Full Barton by aw_writing_no 
words: ~6k 
important tags: no powers au, cop!bucky, human disaster clint 
notes: what the tags say. clint embarrassing himself in front of bucky who enjoys it a bit too much gotta be one of my fav tropes. 
smut: NO SMUT
one more little mistake by shatteredhourglass 
words: ~3k 
important tags: clint barton wears glasses, bucky barnes is horny for clint barton 
notes: these tags are basically the entire fic lmaooo. it’s great, i love nothing more than HOT HOT HOT clint barton and bucky realising how hot he is 
smut: almost lmao (they get interrupted while making out) 
my hands no longer an afterthought by shatteredhourglass 
words: ~3k 
important tags: getting back together 
notes: i have a sweet sweet SWEET spot for winterhawk getting back togethers if handled well, and this one handles it soo well. 
smut: NO SMUT
Five Lies People Believe About Clint and Bucky by EVVS 
words: ~1.5k 
important tags: established relationship 
notes: this is one of those fics i always go back to if i have a few minutes and need some (bitter)sweet fluff. it’s exactly what the title says, some lies are fun, some are painful, and all of them just hit that spot 
smut: NO SMUT
My Sausage Brings Alll the Boys To The Yard by flawedamythyst 
words: ~1.7k 
important tags: bad flirting 
notes: this one’s so stupid it probably shouldn’t be on here but i remember how i was reading this in class for the first time when i was still in school and i was almost pissing myself bc it made me laugh so hard. very fun, go read it >:(
smut: NO SMUT
bonus for the freaks:
Filthy Porn Fridays by squadrickchestopher 
there’s 18 works so far, it’s smut smut smut aaaand - you guessed it - smut. if you wanna see the boys fuck nastily, this is your place to be. 
(delicate tension is the best fic of the series, it’s actually a roadtrip AU and not just smut, highly highly recommend) 
alrightyyy, i think that's it for now :) this took me quite some time so i'd appreciate some reblogs or whatever!! we need to spread some winterhawk love guys!!
all my love goes out to every author i mentioned here, and every other author who's ever written winterhawk. you guys are my heroes, idk what i'd do without you. literally ripping my heart into a thousand pieces and giving every single one of you a tiny part 💜
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greensagephase · 28 days ago
Hi, guys
Before you continue reading, I ask that if you disagree with my sentiments mentioned below, you refrain from sending/leaving hateful responses.
I will not tolerate that.
Be mindful.
Be compassionate.
Be respectful.
Be a decent human being.
Today is over a month since I was last here. I'm sorry for disappearing for the entirety of January, but I haven't felt mentally nor spiritually well to be on social media, even tumblr, which is realistically one of the very few apps I use.
I didn't plan on taking this break, which has been (I think) my longest break from this app by far.
I had originally planned to take a few days off to rest after the holidays and looked forward to getting back on the app a few days later, but as the days went on, I found myself with a feeling of impending doom.
I know it's probably not easy to tell through a screen, but I'm the kind of person who tries to remain positive and strong in the midst of hard times. I always try to be uplifting and/or offer comfort as best as I can to myself and those around me; family, friends, and even acquaintances and complete strangers, who strangely feel compelled to share with me the difficulties they are going through sometimes.
However, I've found it difficult to remain positive and strong these past few weeks, but especially the last few days. Some of you may know, or maybe don't, but I'm located in this country: 🇺🇸.
I won't go into detail, but there's a lot going on rn and so much of it has been affecting me emotionally, and it's the reason why I've been trying to avoid social media; to balance my consumption of news/updates. I've found myself throughout the days feeling an array of emotions: sadness, worry, anger, disbelief, disappointment, heartbreak, helplessness, surprise...
Although I've been experiencing pretty much every negative emotion possible, I'm trying to regain my strength, positivity, motivation, and hope. It's much easier said than done, but I'm trying not to let myself sink further into this negative bubble.
I debated taking a few more days off, but I've genuinely missed being here and I also didn't want those of you who care to keep up with my shenanigans to wonder about me and think that I'm abandoning the fandom, or something like that.
I'm still here, very much loving on our fav Spider-Man. I will continue to write -- something I haven't done since my last fic update in December, to be completely honest, but definitely looking forward to doing again -- and share it on here. I'll also try to be more active and catch up on notifications over the next few days at my own pace.
Thank you for reading this update. I hope you guys are doing well and taking care of yourselves.
Pls stay safe out there
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theangelcatalogue · 11 months ago
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★ - Romantic or Platonic(?)!
★ - Gender Neutral reader!
★ - One shot!
★ - Before we start: Idk why i did this, but i saw fics of him, and people going crazy over him, so why not?? I don't even write for that's not my neighbour, but i love the game! So let' go! Also sorry if is confusing! My mind is kinda tired and idk why i wrote this at 1AM(Is i wrote this at 1AM, remade some parts and posted it at 2AM) (Pls check Tw before reading it! <3)
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   ˚๑ ✦ Y/N!!! ✦ ๑°
・・・ ★ ・・・
︶ ꒷ ︶ ꒷ ꒦
Just a normal day in work!
This work is not that bad, i mean, i have to focus in every single neighbor, check some papers and be careful because some of than can be actually doppelgangers that will kill me and the persons that live here? Yeah-
But is guess i am getting used to it! And some neighbors are really nice! And others are just weird and rude! But what i can do? People are like that!
It's kinda weird that no one is showing up now, but i can have some time to rest now! Just me, a good coffee and my jornal/book(it can be a jornal or a book!)
Now i am just reading, waiting for anyone, i mean the today's list is short today! Lucky me i guess? I get kinda focused in the reading, the content is kinda depressing and boring, but is what i have for now
" Hello Y/n. "
I heard someone saying, Oh! I can't forget this voice!
" Francis! Tired as always? Well, let's see if you are in todays list! "
I said not taking the eyes of my jornal/book, i am lucky that Francis is the one who showed up! He is kinda nice! Just a tired guy but hey! He is a hardworker!
" Sounds good for me. Here is my entry request and ID "
I could notice him giving the papers, now i notice his hand is kinda dirty and his voice is kinda off, more tired than usual...
" Oh! Thanks- "
I respond him finally taking my eyes of the book, now i can see Francis better let's say, he is covered in a red liquid with a weird smell
It is what i am thinking? Oh yeah! A doppelganger! But i never thought a doppelganger would commit a error like that, why blood...? Some are a missing eye, others just say peach and others are a long neck and etc, what if is not a doppelganger...?
" What's wrong Y/n? Something wrong about the papers? "
He says noticing that i am kinda nervous, i just pick the papers and the clickboard as usual, first thing to question?
His looks.
" Francis! What happend? You are corvered in...what is that? Can you explain? "
Francis just looks at his outifit and then back at me, the same tired look, but something about the way he looks at me is different, i can't tell what is
" Oh this? It's a new milk! Scarlett Milk! It's a Milk with Red coloring, and Yes, it's food coloring! Not used in clothes... "
" Really Francis? So tell me! How did you got corvered in...Scarlett Milk...? "
He was getting tired of me questioning i guess, okay, i have three options!
1. It's really a milk with food coloring
2. It's a doppelganger
3. Francis is a killer or just got crazy
Please let it be 1-
" Accident at work. Just that, can i go in? "
He asks me looking at me deep at the eyes, i feel like he is judging all my sins, i break the eye contact and look at the Red button and then at the phone
Should i call the police or my boss?
" Look Y/N, i am really tired, just let me in, so i can go take a shower and rest. Maybe after you are done, you can go to my room, drink some coffee together! I heard is your favorite drink, what about a coffee with milk uh? "
He says to me, i think he is getting impatient
" I- "
" Come on darling. "
He gets closer to the window, supporting his one of his arms in the glass
" Let. Me. In "
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✦ - NOTES!!!
✮ " Sky wtf was that? " I DON'T KNOW LOL ✮
✮ The fandom go crazy about him gosh ✮
✮ Okay should i write for TNMN??? ✮
✮ Anyways have a good day my loves! <33 ✮
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fluxweeed · 3 months ago
hi i'm a grouchy old hag muttering to myself in my hut in the woods
1. not everyone finds it hurtful to find out that people are discussing their fic in private discord servers or on tiktok, actually. i for one passionately don't care that people aren't only mentioning my fic where i can see it. ofc i'm curious when one fic gets a sudden unexplained boost in kudos for a few days. am i HURT that i don't know exactly where the new readers are coming from? am i upset that the boost in hits/kudos isn't accompanied with a flurry of praise? am i sad that i can't jump into the discussion? i am not.
2. the messaging of "okay but you wouldn't post the fic if you didn't enjoy validation" makes me want to delete my ao3 immediately kasdjhfg. people post things for all sorts of reasons thank u!! my personal motivation is i'm trying to make myself feel better about making imperfect things!! the idea that by posting fic i'm inherently coming across as seeking praise makes me want to throw up. (since this discussion started, i've considered disabling comments on my fic for this reason – but i'm worried that move is so non-standard that it'll end up coming across even MORE that i want attention 😭)
3. i also pretty firmly disagree with "commenting on fic builds community!" personally i feel the community spirit when i'm in a server discussing which weasley has the biggest dick (percy). i don't feel it when people are being nice to me in my fic's comments. i'd almost go as far as to say community CAN'T be built when one person is praising another bc there's an inherent imbalance. sure, writers can mutually read and comment on each other's fic and become friends/community co-members that way, but what if u don't write? who's in YOUR comments telling u how great u are? idk about anyone else, but when i am in a community space (like a discord server) and someone starts being nice about my fic, i feel awkward; the focus shifts from a shared enjoyment onto something inherently UNshared, because one person is the creator and the others are readers. that's not to say that these interactions shouldn't happen, but imo it's disingenuous to say that's the core of fandom community.
4. i really can't stress enough how crazy it makes writers when they're writing for praise/validation. i've had conversations with very well-known drarry writers where they've been genuinely upset that nobody is reading their fic (the fic in question had hundreds of comments). i've had conversations with people who take part in fests, only to continually sort the works by stats and feel awful that theirs isn't at the top. i've had conversations with people who have had multiple devastating life events happen to them so they're struggling to write, and the lack of New Fic Comment Validation makes them feel 10x worse. i can't help but feel like if you ARE posting for feedback (or "recognition" or however you want to package it), it's genuinely not good for your brain.
5. obviously there's nuance to all of this! it's a big topic! i'm sure everyone experiences this differently! but notice how we're talking about it on tumblr, not in ao3 comments. it would probably be even more productive in a discord server. in a voice chat. you know – fandom community spaces like that.
6. can y'all keep the next round of discussions to like 700 words max pls lmao i have stuff to do
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thestarstoasun · 11 months ago
Some of my PJO ships & why
Percabeth (Percy/Annabeth - They invented love)
Clarisse/Chris (*I do not know their ship name, my bad - The Labyrinth, need I say more?)
Silena/Beckendorf (*Idk if they ever had an official ship name - They were so tragic)
Clarisse/Beckendorf/Silena/Chris (Polycule, bc multishipper really)
Jake Mason/Michael Yew (I have a thousand reasons and I don't think any are canon)
Conchell (Connor/Mitchell - THE FANFICS PLS, but some of them need to remember these are minors pls)
Connor x Malcolm Pace (I saw really cute ship art 1 time and I was sold)
Connor/Mitchell/Malcolm (I think they'd be really cute together and I don't care if it's impractical)
Luke/Lee Fletcher (Lukelee - Honestly, its more of a crack ship for me, but some people on Tumblr have me considering how much)
Luke/Ethan Nakamura (Lukethan - I can't be alone in this, pls)
Theyna (Thalia/Reyna - They would make an awesome QPR, and I thought this even before Reyna was revealed to be aroace. They flirt endlessly if only to enjoy the confused looks on their friends faces)
Tratie (Travis/Katie Gardner - Is there anyone who read the books in the 2010s when the fandom was like super big that doesn't ship them? It's big now, but like, still.)
Tyson/Ella (They deserve the world)
Solangelo (Nico/Will - Tbf, I shipped them since The Last Olympian AS A CRACK SHIP, but A WIN IS A WIN)
Grover/Juniper (Just yes)
Sally/Paul (The King that our Queen Sally Jackson deserves)
Shelper (Shel/Piper - The plot twist I didn't know I needed)
Valgrace (Leo/Jason - When I read The Lost Hero, I just thought "these two idiots could definitely work well together.")
Jasper (Jason/Piper - It isn't my favorite, but I think they're cute together. I hate that their relationship was built on the Gods interference, because neither of them deserved that. I would probably like it more if it didn't start because of Hera.)
Ethabaster (Ethan Nakamura/Alabaster Torrington - The fandom is the reason I ship them mainly tbh. I ship Ethan with Luke more, but Ethan honestly deserves better)
Jercy (Jason/Percy - I have read a single Jercy fanfiction and its kind of growing on me)
Cecil/Lou Ellen (They are literally the idiots in love that annoy Will until he gets with Nico {personal hc}, Love them)
Sherman/Miranda (I didn't think I would like this as much as I do, but its in so many fics I've read I'm low-key a little attached. Like, yeah Sherman show off, get your girl)
Damien/Chiara (I couldn't see them with anyone else tbh, but honestly could possibly change that one day, they will always hold my heart as #1 together though)
Frazel (Frank/Hazel - They are one of the sweetest pairings in the series)
Jason/Percy/Annabeth/Piper (Yes, another poly ship. I've seen this in a few fics and honestly, I think the way its written has grown on me.)
Castor/Will (Literally, because of a single fanfic. They were probably each other's first crushes and didn't even know it)
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atinyniki · 10 days ago
파이팅 해야지
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my mooties ! (in no particular order) pt. 1 || pt. 2
@mjailene15: hehe i don't think we interact much either but i looooooooove your reblogs ! from what i know, i think you're multi-fandom ! it's so cool to see other fandoms among our little kpop community on tumblr hehe <3
@extrhotjne: jane... your reblogs... so fucking yummylicious i find soooooooo many twt links on your page lmaooo, pls stay freaky and never change <3
@tujhe-chaand-ke-bahane-dekhoon: aaa hi ! i'm pretty sure we met through koko, and i'm not even quite sure if you're a part of this fandom lol, but i hope we can interact again soon <3
@becomingmina: minaaaa ! lord im literally in love with your fics. you are such a talented fucking writer and i love the way your writing is so like... neat idk how to explain it. either way you're literally amazing at what you do, hope to see you back after your break <3
@ashxxgyu: ashhhh hehehe :3 i love your works they're literally soooo amazing and i def have to go through your masterlist soon ! the first kiss series actually changed the trajectory of my life js so yk <3
@soullostinspaceandtime: hehhwhahahah... i don't think we've spoken to eachother since like kylei or wtv, but you're genuinely so fucking hilarious i love you so much <3
@oddinarylani: fuckk your angst is so inspiring... i remember crying over your fics/scenarios when i first read them, and even now i still go back to them from time to time. you are genuinely such a talented writer, i love you <3
@xpeachesncream: hehehhahah i think we lowkey have like the same name or something but your drabbles are so augh... you're so cool i literally love you pls never stop writing your fics are my lifeline <3
@mnwrld: kana !! i think you've gone offline too, but i miss your fics :( i'm pretty sure you've deleted them all to but omgggg i loved them ! i hope you're doing well now <3
@vanillacupcakefrosting: lordd i'm pretty sure we first started interacting through reblogs but i've just recently read one of your fics and i loved it ! glad to see you're still around love <3
@2miniverses: aaa hi :3 i don't think you're too active rn, bc i'm pretty sure the last thing i saw from you was like a month ago... but i hope your writing career here goes well ! excited to see what you put out <3
@vixialuvs: kjhewgfukjwf idk if you write anymore, but holy shitttt your smut is so fucking good. i think you went on a little break around the same time as me, but omg i still go back to your fics every now and then. they're soooo good <3
@bangchansgirlsblog: i remember reading your little series 'my biggest regret'. i loved it soooosososso much but i'm honestly just a sucker for angst lmfaooo </3 but omg it was sooo good ! i hope we can interact again soon <3
@minhosbitterriver: aaa miss you so much ! i was way too scared to reach out over discord, but your fics are absolutely phenomenal. i don't even know how someone can write that well uwegfiowilf omfg. but all that aside, i hope life is treating you well <3
@maximumkillshot: omg we've been mooties for sooo long honestly it's hard to remember how we first found eachother ! i love the entirety of your skz masterlist it's soooo good ! hopefully we can interact again soon <3
@linos-kitten: eugfuwfi aaaaa omg i miss you so much :( i'm pretty sure you're only active as a reader rn but your fluff is so heartwarming and i feel like i'm genuinely going to melt whenever i read it hehe ! i hope you can get your spark back soon !
@babybreadddd: i've only read one of your fics i think, but it genuinely has me in a chokehold. i love the way you write angst so much, it's genuinely so perfect ! i'm not sure if you're active anymore either, but i'll always miss our interactions on here <3
@astraysimp: aaaaaaa hehehaha your cutie little fics omgg ! i love them sooo much and even tho i honestly don't know how much you write anymore, your fics are still better than everrr ! sooo cute hehe <3
@skzstannie: i honestly don't know how long it's been since we've spoken to eachother, but i honestly love your fics ! especially your angst hehe :3 i'm glad you're still active here hehe <3
@ihrtsimi: waaa omg i love your fics omggg especially the smut ?! say less. i know you haven't been too active recently because of school and mental health stuff, but i hope you know you always have a place here <3
@laylasbunbunny: layla aaa holy shit i missed you ! honestly you were one of my first moots ever, and even tho you don't write much, the things you write are amazing ! hope to see more from you soon <3
@number1jeonginstan: aaa hiii omg i miss you ! your fics are so incredible and honestly they inspire me to be a better writer myself hehe :3 i always go to your account when i need something to read, i hope you come back soon <3
@felixvsp: hehe i'm pretty sure you mainly reblog, and i'm not rlly sure if we've interacted much aside from that, but i hope we can talk more soon ! you seem so sweet hehe, glad to see you're still active <3
@jazziwritesthings: aaa jazzi ! i know you don't write much for skz but i loooove your fics sm regardless ! i'm pretty sure you reblog a looot of good fics too so thank you for that hehe ! hope we can talk soon <3
@linocvp1d: hiii hehe ! i know you don't write but i honestly think you're so cool... i'm just way too shy to talk to you haha... hope we can interact sometime thooo <3
@gyustarzzi: aaa omg i'm pretty sure you've gone offline too, but i love your fics ! your entire blog is just soo cute and i love your little headcannons/scenarios, i hope you can come back to us soon <3
@onmykneesforstraykids: your audios holy shit. don't even play i literally listened to like 5 this morning i can't even lie to you. i'm deadass pretty sure we became moots today but aaa i hope we get to talk more <3
@panthresss: i also think we literally became moots this morning but you are sooo cool and i love the things you reblog ! i’m not even sure if you read or write but your posts are honestly so relatable lol <3
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tamelee · 1 year ago
pls bottom naruto is disgusting stop drawing this ooc cringe
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Eh? And it hadn't even been a full day.
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Anyway, do you know what this means?:
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It means… that I don’t give a damn about your whiny gibberish about this top/bottom bullshit, because it sounds incredibly silly. (And wrong because I draw both?)
It’s fine to have a preference, good for you (I have one too!), but if all you care about between a character-dynamic is the single notion which establishes a rule within a fandom that demands only this particular dick in only that particular booty and nothing else, while dividing yourselves between "us and them" while seeing the people who like the same exact characters as your "enemy" and treating them as such— well, 
I have nothing to say to you, I couldn’t care less what you think about me and I don’t know you. 
But for the sake of other creators who are often a target also, some which I know quit because of this… there is a little something I'd like to say about these servers:
You don’t think I (we) know what is said in there and by who? 👀 That your rules of "what is said on here stays here" with a bunch of people online that you don't know, is actually respected? Why do you think I never join any. And bet your ass that I'm not the only one. This constant fighting between NS/SN is such an embarrassment for this fandom, seriously. I hope you realize that.
Because, instead of encouraging a (new) creator to share something about the characters you claim to love (for fucking free) you go off chastise them for not “doing it right”/“your way”, pretending it's some unspoken commission no one knew of or was paid for. Instead of being happy there’s still so much creative contribution for characters from a story that ended years ago, you go complain under fanfics and dishearten writers, often grinning away with your little server-“friends” and make fun of work someone poured their heart in. Or, you huff, puff and breathe fire as you make plans to cancel them out of pure bitterness, to the point (especially new) creators are too scared and dispirited to ever share anything again. It's easy to do anonymously, aye? And if you think that doesn’t affect their lives and sends them right back into a crestfallen pit of dark hell because it prevents them to do/share the single thing in life that gave them a bit of joy, then...
Congratulations; you’re a heartless bastard.
And you, as a fan, did yourself dirty too.
Do you know how many people don’t want to share anything at all for this fandom because you people leave comments, tags, asks, tweets constantly complaining about an incorrect portrayal of the (in your opinion) only acceptable dynamic, like a bunch a brats? Do you? Because I’ve talked to quite a few of these discouraged creators, they have to hope for the best and pray they’re spared from your scrutiny. I receive it from both sides every now and then.
Again, congratulations: you’re the reason there’s less chance of you getting what you want in the first place. 
Do you... really not realize?
The more you squabble with "your enemy" (lol) the more it affects the "us" you care about while the rest of us just bask in the glory that is SNS/NSN and couldn't care less about what you think/have to say. So, keep everyone else out of it and go mope elsewhere.
But, between you and me? There are better ways to share what you think is right. Make something yourself, because what's stopping you?
You’re perfectly capable, it doesn’t have to be art or a fic, maybe there’s just something in the story that you really enjoyed— write about it. Make a meta. Post the panel, show the moment that determined your undying love for this single dynamic and why— whatever.  Because, wouldn't it be nice having someone encourage you to create something you like? 😬 Especially because you and your server feel so strongly about it? And then you don't have to depend on others either?
Wouldn't it be nice?
Try it, ffs.
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envy-of-the-apple · 11 months ago
Hey!! The ask you answered about some satosaugu fic recommendations kinda made me curious if you got any other fics to recommend. Pretty please? <33 (Also, I love your fics so much, been so fascinated with them ever since I found them. Please keep up the good work <3)
considering op didn't specify which fandom they wanted...I'm gonna go ahead and link every single one of my favorite fics mwahahaha
His Savior (geto suguru x reader)
Takes place right after Suguru kills the village and adopts his daughters. Reader is a non-sorcerer but is still able to weasel into his heart! For now its slice of life, super super cute
The Things that Lie beneath the Sea (Mermaid!OchaIzuKatsu x reader)
Reader is hinted to be recently divorced and decides to spend a year isolated on an island and meets three merpeople that are a bit too interesting. Even though im no longer in the mha fandom, i still go back to see if the author has added any chapters. Really really good! And it has a (sort of) language barrier!
Fight Night (MMA fighter!Sukuna x reader)
Reader gets tangled up with MMA fighter sukuna???? Yum???? it's like 80% smut buuuut the plot and they way they both bond is super cute too!
Zero day (Ghost x reader x Konig)
To avoid jail time, reader joins Task Force 141 as their tech support. Super interesting plot! I don't think it's being updated anymore:( but this is one of my favorite COD fics of all time!!!
Simple Math (Poly! Ghostsoap x Nurse!reader)
Soap and Ghost try to flirt with their oblivious nurse...despite soap being currently hospitalized
Bird Song (Jake sully x human!reader x neytiri)
Reader gets taken hostage by the Na'vi and becomes Neytiri's and Jake's babysitter. Yall its such a cute poly fic iloveitiloveitiloveitsosomuchhhh. Technically not completed but i think it ended perfectly!
Something (just like this) (Izuku x reader)
Reader gets hired to make pro-hero izuku a comic book based on his life and they bond! So so so cuteeeee ahhhhhh!!!!
Undone (Squid Game salesman! Kuroo x reader) (noncon)
Reader catches Kuroo with his latest victim player.
It's a vanasha fic. You already know it's gonna be amazing
Love, Death and Circuits (Android! YoRHa!Gojo x reader)
Reader wakes up ten thousand years in the future where humanity now lives on the moon. It's Android's gojo's first time meeting a human and they learn what happened while the reader was asleep.
THIS is the fic that got me into the nier automata hyperfixation for like three months. You do not need to play the game to understand this. It's a super sweet fic:) Yan gojo is there too as a treat!!!!
The Ostensive Fumblings of Being Human (Connor DBH x reader)
Post revolution. Androids and humans are trying to coexist. Reader is part of an organization to help ease this process along. Connor learns what it's like to fall in love
How many times have i reread this???? I'm not gonna answer that. It's so gorgeous. The author perfectly encapsulates a deviant connor. He's so lost and unsure but the way he keeps moving forward is so inspiring! And the mc and connor's blooming relationship is super cute to see. The world building the author is able to make from Cage's chicken scratch is amazing too! And philosophy!
I have like two thousand more but this is already long enough teehee. if yall read any pls pls pls give the authors a kudos/bookmark/comment!!!!
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gimmeyourlovepls · 2 years ago
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paring: earth 42! miles morales x reader
warning: cheating, gaslighting, basically not a cute fic
summary: you find out miles is cheating on you, and with a heavy heart, decide to leave him, but he's not letting you go.
a/n: hey! sorry this is the first thing im contributing to this fandom, i have a really long story in my drafts that im still working onnnnn this piece of work is inspired by a fic i either saw on here or ao3, pls tell me if u find it so i can credit them ;-;
Cariño = Honey
¿Entiendo? = Got it?
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"Thanks for coming, have a nice day!" The cahier said as you walked out of a bakery with a box full of cupcakes, along with some chocolates and other snacks you bought earlier. You were basically bouncing with joy, a massive grin present on your face.
Today was you and Miles' 2 year anniversary, and although there had been a couple of bumps on the way, you were happy that both of you were still together. You looked at your phone to check the time and saw that Miles texted you back.
Mi amor <3
You: happy anniversary!
You: i have a surprise for you but its not ready yet
You: I'll text you when its done then you can come over <3
Mi amor <3: aight see you soon princessa
Giggling, you walked over to Miles' apartment building and walked through the hallway towards his room, already searching through your pocket for the extra key he gave you in your bag. As soon as you found it, you opened the door as quiet as you possible could, which was hard as hell with all the stuff you were holding.
You pushed the door open with your feet and walked slowly, and it seemed like Miles didn't hear, you, because you heard no footsteps coming for you. Putting your stuff down on a couch, you walked around trying to find him.
As you neared his room, you started to hear noises that sounded like Miles and something else, you couldn't really tell. You still wanted to surprise him through, so you slowly pulled open the door.
"Miles please..." A girl who had never seen before was on YOUR man's lap, pressing kisses on his face and slightly grinding against him. "Calm down, cariño, I'll take good care of you soon," he said as he held that girl's hips and grinded her hips down with a groan.
You didn't even realize you were crying until you brought your hands over your mouth. You slowly walked backwards and slammed his door, knowing he would be able to tell he got caught, grabbing all your stuff, leaving his extra key that he gave you on a table and running.
Your legs carried you all the way home, though it was a far distance. You couldn't even feel the burn with how sad you were. As soon as you got to your house, you locked all the windows and doors, knowing Miles would try and get in. You just wanted to lay in bed and cry, but you knew you had one more thing to do.
Mi amor <3
You: dont fucking text me anymore, be happy with that girl.
You: by the way, happy anniversary :)
Scrolling on your phone, feeling sorry for yourself, and eating the snacks meant for you and your now ex was not how you thought your night would go, but the occasional funny video made up for it. You changed out of your nice outfit and wore your most comfortable pajamas (apart from Miles' shirts), stuffing chips into your mouth when you heard banging on your window. Your mom was home and asleep, but she wasn't that heavy of a sleeper, so you went to your window and pulled back the curtains.
"Ugh," you groaned as you saw who was standing behind the glass-pane. "I'm gonna keep knocking if you don't let me in." His voice was muffled, but you understood enough to unlock and open the window for him.
"Hey look-" He started, but you were NOT listening to his BS. "No Miles, you look. I have dealt with you for the past TWO years. Every time you have stared, flirted, or even made out with another girl, I have ignored it and forgiven you. I have NEVER cheated on you, I have even ignored all my male friends for you because you get so jealous. I'm tired Miles, and I can't with you. Please leave."
"Cariño-" Miles pleaded with you. "Don't call me that. That's what you called that girl you were smooching earlier. Go back to her and never talk to me again." You started pushing him towards the window, desperate for him to leave before you either started crying or beating the crap out of him.
"No, we aren't doing this shit." He pushed you backward until your back was against the bedroom door. "Miles, don't-" Your insults dissolved into air as he started to kiss you, the way he did at the beginning of your relationship, when you thought he still loved you. "I ain't leaving you, and there is no way your leaving me, ¿entiendo?"
You wanted to say no, but your heart still longed for him desperately, so you melted into his touch. He noticed your response and pulled back to pull you into a passionate kiss.
It didn't matter what you did, you were trapped, and Miles certainy wasn't letting go.
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hey yall i was feeling silly and decided to writeeeeee hope u at least semi enjoyed it and that u have a good day/night :))))
(also if ur waiting for a part two, dont hold your breath, im literally having the worst writers block ever and can not. HOWEVER, if you have requests, please send them in so i can write thank youuuuuuuuu!)
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olderthannetfic · 4 months ago
This feels kind of dumb but I just haven't been able to get over it so.
Some time ago I made a post that was like a drabble/notfic, got some likes on it, a couple "someone write this pls" comments, the usual, and went to sleep. Eight hours later I woke up to another writer for the fandom - one I knew of but haven't really read anything from - in my comments telling people they would write it, and a bunch of others asking to be tagged when they do.
Hours later I was scrolling the fandom tag and found out that they did write it and posted it on AO3, just a short thing that followed my notfic pretty closely and copied a bit of the dialogue (duh). And like, they linked back to my post but in the fic and their own post of the fic, but something about it keeps rubbing me the wrong way?
I don't know. I have a blanket permission in my AO3 bio for anyone who wants to create stuff inspired by mine, as long as they tag me in it when they do - which this writer didn't but they may not have even noticed I had an AO3 account - so it's not like I'm against this happening in general. I guess I just expected to be more involved in the conversation if it ever did happen?
I'd have said yes, but it still bothers me that they didn't ask? And it's kind of taken the excitement out of the post for me because half the notes I get on it are people still asking that writer to tag them.
Sorry for venting in your inbox, I just don't know what to do with this ball of feelings.
It's always annoying when someone steals one's thunder.
What would being involved in the conversation look like though?
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eye-may · 3 months ago
idk if you even read fanfiction lol but do you have any recs from the cats fandom, i love your headcanons so i trust your judgement lol
originally I had two paragraphs ranting about how mad I was at my past self for not bookmarking some of the fics I wanted to recommend, and how categorically worse than useless google is in times of crises, but I'm happy to report that I did manage to trundle through enough digital ether to eventually find the elusive yarns. I did it for you, anon.
so yes btw needless to say I do occasionally partake.
anyway, I have extremely unregulateable, tunnel-visioned interests, so these are all at least somewhat mistoffelees or tuggoffelees centric.
after deliberation I have decided to confine this list to longform bc I am too indecisive to cherrypick which oneshots/shortforms to include and tumblr simply does not have the character capacity for me to log them all. might just have to make a whole separate ass post for that.
this list is incomprehensive and in no particular order. fuck it we ball?
I think all my ducks are in a row but if one of the links turns out to be wrong or smth pls lmk, I will fix it and then call the police on myself
I Call Out Your Name, But You Don't Call Back by Anonymous - COMPLETE / 43.8k words
Misto wakes up thinking he was kidnapped by Macavity. Luckily Tugger is there to assure him it was just a nightmare.
a good long look at some quite literal psychic damage wrought by Macavity. really delves into how his sith mid tricks fuck with Mistoffelees, who struggles to discern what's real and what's not. I love how this fic focuses on the depths of Macavity's ostensible hypnotic powers and how well it grapples with psychological fuckery via the pov in a literary sense. and also it has tugger being devoted and comforting. I could hardly ask for more. (also it includes cool art).
Curiosity Killed the Cat by StarFar - INCOMPLETE / 222k words
Munkustrap and Tugger's relationship had never run smooth, mostly thanks to their very different personalities, but when Tugger takes an interest in the newly arrived nephew of the esteemed Bustopher Jones things get complicated. Quaxo himself has little interest in making friends. All he wants to do is to look after his twin sister and keep his magic hidden, he didn't think that was too much to ask. But things get even more complicated when even more new arrivals show up, this time with links to the long banished Macavity. Despite this the Rum Tum Tugger is a curious cat who just can't help but get involved, and it turns out Munkustrap isn't so different to him after all. And we all know what they say about cats and curiosity.
first of all, yes it's incomplete, BUT I honestly think it leaves off in a satisfying place. as you can see by the word count it is VERY! long, so it's hard to describe it succinctly, but I will try lol. it's dark, it's dynamic, and it expands extensively on two relationships that I hold dear: tugger+mistoffelees, and macavity+mistoffelees. and it also runs a wider gamut of varying, fully-realized relationships(i.e., Mistoffelees and Bombalurina having an intriguing, and sometimes funny, friendship). this fic deals a lot with an abusive false imprisonment and shows a lot of self-sacrificiality on Mistoffelees's part, as well as his attempts to both endure, and outsmart, Macavity. and in that vein, it explores moral ambiguity and the Batman/Joker trappings of the infinitely juicy Live Long Enough To See Yourself Become The Villain web of drama. amidst which is a lot of focus on the specificity of Mistoffelees's powers, his limitations, and shows how he evolves with (mostly coerced) practice and training. also it contains some of the most extensive and unapologetic whump and angst I have seen in any CATS fanfiction, and a luxuriously long recovery section. the fic is not without levity however (the BEEF between bustopher and skimble is so fucking funny to me)...suffice to say it contains multitudes lol. starfar...you have done the lords work.
A Different Kind by TheGirlWithBrightEyes - COMPLETE / 52.2k words
Quaxo is a cat with powers - and a lot of problems. When he escapes from his new owner's house in an act of desperation, he finds himself brought into a tribe of mostly stray cats and has to come to terms with his new life and the loss of his family. At the same time, Quaxo's powers that were not under his control from the start are quickly spiralling out of control making him a danger to the others. He needs to gain control fast before anyone gets hurt - including himself.
A really heartwarming "origin story" with an ADORABLE explanation for how Quaxo came to adopt the name "Mr. Mistoffelees." including a wide variety of soft, fluffy friendships and an intriguing interpretation of the difficult journey Mistoffelees had to take in order to ingratiate into the junkyard and get his powers under control. incidentally contains really cute friendship moments between Mistoffelees and Alonzo, which is a pairing I wish to see more often. and the most hilarious and believable depiction of Tugger I think I've ever read lmao
Kidnapped by the Fire by Anubis44 / INCOMPLETE / 39.6k words
"They all stood there. Dead silent. Nobody was moving a muscle. Only thing heard was a faint growl. The unconscious body of Mister Mistoffelees was hovering just above the ground right next to The Hidden Paw himself." Macavity desides to torment the Jellicle Tribe (and his brothers) as revenge for the Jellicle Ball and leaves everyone hurt in one way or another.
evidently never going to be finished, but what's left to us is marvelous. unambiguously Evil Macavity and lots of whump to go around if you're into that lmao. pretty much everybody amply suffers, as promised in the author's summary.
Gold Rush by millenari / COMPLETE / 174.7k words
In the aftermath of his bout of heroics at the Jellicle Ball, Misto finds himself with a newfound -and unwanted- popularity brought on by his and Tugger's performance. After one too many incidents from which Misto escapes his new fans by the skin of his teeth, Tugger informs him that he needs to change things up. The plan they end up hatching in order to do so is unconventional to say the least. But brought to the end of his rope by his new admirers, dreading the approach of the yearly heat season, and busy tending to his sister in the aftermath of her own abrupt transition into adulthood, Misto figures that pretending to be mates with his best friend since kittenhood couldn't possibly make his life any more harrowing. And it's not like such a small lie is going to actually hurt anyone. Right?
my fav. slice of life! expansive glimpses into the banalities of Jellicle culture! angst! levity! contains some of my favorite descriptions of Mistoffelees struggling to understand and wield his own magic. and what if I told you that the most relatable, accurate, meticulous, sensitive, and believable depiction in writing of neurodivergence and social anxiety I've ever encountered can be found in a longform tuggoffelees fanfiction? what then??
Catalyst by FlyingFritz / COMPLETE / 47k words
There's a shift in the air. Quaxo can feel it. A strange, alluring presence taunts him in his dreams despite his attempts to ignore it. The more he tries to push it down, the more insistent it becomes, leading to explosive, dangerous results. Meanwhile, Tugger tries to puzzle out the enigma that is Quaxo and learns that there is more to this cat than meets the eye. Misto/Tugger
first of all this took me HOURS to find. ig it's not on ao3 or if it is I can't find it on there. but anyway! this was one of the first CATS ffs I read and it has a really neat take on the quaxo-eventually-embodies-and/or-becomes-Mistoffelees pipeline. ik there's a handful of fics out there that grapple with the concept, but I particularly enjoy how this one interprets the separation (or lack thereof) between the two personas. I want to get it into it further but am gallantly restraining myself to avoid spoilers. also: tugger kind of bumbling through the entire convoluted series of events is funny and cute. AND you get a lot of good pounce and tumble.
He's Always Wide Awake! by Maliex / COMPLETE / 14.7k words
The Jellicle Cats are settling down again after the intense Ball where Grizabella went to the Heaviside Layer. Important conversations are had, and Mistoffelees adjusts to his new power levels and position in the Clan. But he knows - a storm is brewing on the horizon, one that he will have to be in the middle of.
again!! I searched for HOURS!!! I was so mad at my past self for not having bookmarked this fic for whatever god foresaken reason. hopefully my devotion to hunting it down is a sufficient indication of the impression it left upon me lmao. before I continue, it's worth noting that this is a part of a series, but this is the only installment of the series that I've read. so I can't speak to its predecessors or how worthwhile it is to read the entire trilogy in succession. idk do w that information what you will.
anyway, this fic has one of my fav interpretations of magic and the ways in which Mistoffelees and Macavity differ regarding their relationships with it. the author also has an infinitely interesting and juicy take on Macavity's backstory and why he is the way he is...and the ways the characters and their interpersonal dynamics evolve are riveting. also this version of Mistoffelees is really curt and just like...Done With All Bullshit Ever and I think it's funny lmao. btw if you're into Deut Family Dynamics (tm)...plenty here!
okay that's enough *for now* ig. shout out to fanfiction authors...yall are really out here providing hours of entertainment for FREE?!! all of you are amazing.
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greensagephase · 5 months ago
I hate to make this post, but I must say something. This isn't me trying to be problematic, but I'm just like 🥴 -- it's rubbed me the wrong way.
I received an ask from a silent reader this morning concerning one of my fics, asking when the next chapter is dropping and that they'd like to see a specific thing included in it later on. I've decided not to answer it and I have deleted it to not put the person out there since they weren't anon.
The thing is, I've never seen this person support the fic even by liking the posts/chapters. I've discovered over the last few months that there's people who will read fanworks, but they never engage with the posts in any way, not even by doing the most basic thing you can do to support a writer: leaving a like.
That's fine. You don't have to like, comment, and/or reblog my works.
What's rubbed me the wrong way is that out of curiosity, I've checked this person's blog and see they have no issue engaging with other writers' works from various fandoms, including ATSV.
To the sender, I'm happy that you're supporting fellow writers because there's sooo many talented people on here and they deserve ALL the love and support!!!! And of course, it's your blog and you have a right to support what you want, but to see that you don't engage with my work even by leaving a like is weird when you seem to have no problem engaging with me in other ways, like asking me when the next chapter is dropping and telling me that you'd like to see a concept/trope included in my writing/fic.
Like, my pookie in Christ, the least you can do is leave a like if you're going to be doing things like that 🥴 this isn't me being mean but I hope you understand it feels a little like a slap in the face that you feel comfortable to ask/demand things when you can't take 2 seconds to even double tap my writing posts.
Now, you probably meant to send that anonymously, but forgot to and now we're here. Kindly, if you don't feel comfortable or encouraged to support my writing by even leaving a like for whatever reason you've decided not to, then please apply the same energy when it comes to asking/demanding things of me!🙂
Also, I seriously hope that you're not doing this to other writers anonymously because that's an icky thing to do.
As a friendly reminder, if you enjoy a fic whether it's a drabble, one-shot, or multipart series, or a writer's writing in general, pls let your writers know and support them. If you're not going to support us, at least be respectful.
So, reader, think about this and reflect on it. Have a good day/night.
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