#pls excuse the constant self-deprecation
little-peril-stories · 5 months
Blood Garnet - WIP Intro
it's a working title leave me alone
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Aka: WIP Wednesday / Vaguely Summarized WIP / I'm Desperately Trying to Get This Dumb Story Out of My System
DISCLAIMER: this stupid story is a silly, self-indulgent mess that would require a lot of hard work to make it, um, fit for human consumption. It was my little brain break between finishing The Queen of Lies and restarting The Court of Rogues. It may not ever get finished. 🤷‍♀️ So, uh, you're forewarned. 😇
OPEN TAG for WIP Wednesday, Vaguely Summarized Plot, or both 😊- there's a lot of nonsense in here so I feel bad subjecting even more people to it 😂
Let's use this cheeky lil post for some recent WIP Wednesday tags: Thank you @kaylinalexanderbooks and @sleepywriter00 for the tags! Posts here and here (same post chain).
Rules: Pick a WIP. Post something about it. On a Wednesday. Or whenever! It can be literally anything! 😊 (It does NOT need to be extra as this😅.)
Mood Board
don't anyone say anything about how there isn't a single gemstone on this mood board
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What's It About?
Take a drink every time you see an element Kate's used before in other stories. 😅
Evyn, a schoolteacher, impulsively embarks on a journey in an effort to escape the chokehold of her small village, overbearing uncle, and inevitable (and unwanted) fate as someone’s happy little wife. It’s risky, of course: wild animals roam the woods, and she still doesn’t know the source of the mysterious lights that gleam through the darkness at night. However, she gets more than she bargained for—the forest is not what it seems, nor are those mystical yellow lights.
The Fae, creatures of legend, are real.
And they’re coming for her.
Vaguely Summarized Plot
Also using up another tag here! Thank you @mysticstarlightduck for this one! Posts here and here. The tag is kind of perfect for this seeing as I don't know much of the plot myself, so I have no choice but to be vague. :)
Rules: Summarize your WIP in 15 2-5 word bullet points (as if you were trying to summarize it in 15 seconds). (I didn't stick to the limit at all.)
✨ “So the forest's been kind of glowing lately? And no one but me seems to have noticed? Ok. Coolcoolcool.”
✨ “Get married? Me? Never!” Evyn Edition: Simply Not Interested But I Must Be Lying Because All Women Want to Get Married, Amirite?
✨ “Get married? Me? Never!” Jonathan Edition: Very Not Straight But Try Telling That To My Religious Zealot of a Father
✨ Jealous twin will NOT let his sister win control of their clan like she wins everything else, damn it (footnote 1)
✨ Emo loner who can’t go home (on pain of death) just wants these weird dreams about some random-ass human to please STOP (footnote 2)
✨ “I’m going to pursue independence! In another town! On a time crunch! By walking through the woods! At night! I’m a schoolteacher with no survival experience! This Is A Good Idea!”
✨ Grumpy grandma re: pesky human: What is her deal?
✨ “Hello yes hi I’m the emo loner. I’m unrealistically attractive. I saved you for reasons I won’t explain. But also I don’t talk to humans. Or Fae, really. Or. Like. Anyone. Not often anyway. What’s talking again?”
✨ “So, like, you're kind of hot … but you’re, uh, my enemy?? But I haven't figured that out yet?? And also, do we, like, have weird sexual tension, haha, or is it just me? Hahahaha! … But seriously, do we?”
✨ "Hey I know you have breathing issues or whatever, so you don’t like dusty or dirty or humid places, but … wanna take a shortcut through this super duper cool underground cave system?���
✨ “Haha, what? No?! There’s no reason I’m avoiding this area of the forest! Nope! No reason at all!”
✨ YOU get a betrayal! And YOU get a betrayal! And YOU get a—
✨ “Who is the monster and who is the man?” (footnote 3)
✨ This asylum makes the one in TQOL look like a vacation! (footnote 4)
✨ Sexy villainess gets to emotionally torture one MC and then physically torture another. AND psychologically torture them both! Hell, maybe she’ll even kill one of ’em too! Fun for the whole family!
(4) Technically the whole asylum thing happened in this story first, like, 2 or 3 years ago. That version just lives in a purple notebook that will never be seen by any eyes but mine. So, really, TQOL stole the asylum setting from BG, not the other way around.
Character Vibes
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Evyn, human, orphaned as a child and raised by her aunt and uncle. Now a schoolteacher who sees yellow lights no one else can see.
“My heart cannot be captured. I intend to die an old maid, surrounded by papers and books. Good afternoon!”
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Jonathan, human. Evyn's cousin, a clerk. Just truckin' on through a life he finds endlessly tedious and unsatisfying.
“Cecil’s a soggy piece of tree bark in a hat,” he said before he could stop himself.
Ah, Jonathan Garnet. A man who gained a single speck of favour with his impossible-to-please father…and promptly hurled it into the wind.
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Dharan, Fae. Exiled from his clan years ago for murdering another Fae.
The Fae leapt up, standing straight and bending his knees as if to run—or perhaps pounce. One hand hovered over the stolen knife on his belt; the other, he extended to her.
He looked away from his foe to meet her gaze, uttering a single word:
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Rennith, Fae. Heir to his clan but competing for the title against his twin sister.
He was a man, it seemed, but those eyes bespoke something much more ancient—of man, but not man himself. Silver hair, an impossible shade, framed a face sculpted into sharp angles, as cold and pale as if it were made of ice.
A Fae creature forged in primordial fire, carved from gold, silver, and mother-of-pearl.
For the Whump People Here:
Whumpy Things I've Managed to Squeeze into the First 13,000 words
Humiliation/embarrassment (minor)
Hyperventilation, dyspnea
Angst (minor)
Grabbed in the dark
Restrained (but make it magic)
Magically forced to obey commands
Chin grab
Whumpy Things I've Got Planned But Haven't Written
Angst (major)
Various fight-related injuries I won't know till I write them
Betrayed by someone you trust
Drugged/knocked out
Humiliation/embarrassment (major)
Taunted by the antagonist
More magic restraints (but turn it up to eleven)
Tortured (but make it magic)
Desperation, hitting rock bottom
A death fakeout or two or three
If you made it this far, you deserve a medal. 🥇
23 notes · View notes
tiaragqueen · 5 years
a yandere sub jimin pls? its all i want 😔 really gentle smut if that’s possible
Off The Deep End
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✂ Pairing: Yandere! Park Jimin x Reader
✂ Word Count: 1,5k
✂ Trigger Warning: Negative thoughts, mention of suicide, self-deprecation, swear words
✂ This story is fictional and for amusement only. I don’t believe any of the members would do this in real life. As always, thank you for reading and I hope you have a good day!
Donot re-upload my writing to another website or use it without mypermission.
Like Salem the Cat said: “And let’s give a big warm welcome to sadness.” So, here’s my poor attempt at being angsty.
If you like mywriting, please support me on ko-fi!
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“The way I act don’t seem like me. I’m not on top like I used to be. I’ll give in when I know I should be strong. I still give in even though I know it’s wrong, know it’s wrong.” Guess I’m Dumb [Glen Campbell]
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The mirror reflected Jimin’s shivering figure as he squeezed his eyes shut, trying to ignore the persistent voices. They reverberated around the room, while in reality they only existed within his head. Jimin whimpered when they began to mock his pathetic attempt to counter them with positive thoughts. Their volumes increased as they kept jeering and bringing up his past insecurities. The insecurities that he had buried deep in the crevices of his brain.
“Do you think she loves you? What a fucking joke.”
“Look at you. Crying like a snotty baby you are.”
“I bet she’s only dating you because of a damn pity.”
“What a weakling. You don’t deserve to be near her in the first place, let alone dating her.”
Jimin wasn’t sure how it happened. One day, he went out to buy a present for your birthday, when he suddenly became uncertain with his choice. He wasn’t sure what you’d like, even though you had repeatedly reassured him that you wouldn’t mind anything he bought. Regardless if it was a mere snack or simple shirt.
But Jimin was a perfectionist. Everything had to proceed smoothly, otherwise he would go crazy. He only wanted the best for you, and he always treated you like a queen you were. Therefore, he refused to buy anything that wasn’t up to your taste. He didn’t want you to fake a smile at him as you received his poor excuse of a gift. He wanted you to leap in joy and, possibly, cry from happiness. He wanted you to hug him and express how lucky you were to have such a perfect boyfriend in your life.
In the end, you got a beautiful silver necklace with his initial. It wasn’t really expensive – something that you didn’t care much considering that you’d still accept anything he gave you – and beamed at him. However, he had mistaken your act of gratitude as one of those ‘fake smile that people only do when they receive something that they don’t like, but feel obligated to do so’. And from that day onwards, those voices from the past had begun to haunt him again.
“Who the fuck do you think you are, huh?”
“She deserves better.”
“You should rot in a gutter instead. Better yet, you should kill yourself right now. It’ll ease her burden.”
“Nobody wants you.”
Jimin gripped his head with both hands as he gritted his teeth. “Shut up, shut up, shut up.” he muttered, desperately praying for them to just leave him alone.
“You’re just robbing her from her happiness, you know?”
“There are a lot of men in this world that want her. Don’t be so fucking greedy. They’re more interesting than a weakling like you!”
“Stop being delusional and break up already!”
“It’s your fate to die alone. Just accept it and move on like you’re supposed to.”
“You are, and will always be, a lonely man.”
“Shut up, shut up, shut up!” he yelled at nothing in particular, the loud sound echoing in the otherwise quiet apartment.
Jimin collapsed on to the floor with tears streamed down his flushing cheeks like a small, seemingly never-ending, waterfall. He sobbed against his palms, chest heaving in each inhale he took. In his meltdown, he failed to notice the thundering footfalls that rushed into the room. He couldn’t hear anything, except the sound of his labored breaths and a constant coo.
A pair of arms wrapped around his trembling body and brought him close to someone’s chest. The warmth of a loving hug faltered his cry slightly as he buried himself deeper into the person, seeking the comfort he’d desired. Delicate fingers stroked his cheeks, wiping away any trace of tears that glistened on the reddened skin.
“Shush, it’s okay. Everything’s gonna be okay.” you murmured in his ear, patting his shuddering back. You patiently listened to his blubber and kissed the blond locks.
“You can’t even deal with your own problems and have to drag her into these? You truly are pitiful.”
“So now you want her attention, huh?”
“Once an attention seeker, always an attention seeker.”
“[Name]…” he choked on his sob.
“You’re such a burden, you know that?”
“Am I…” Jimin inhaled shakily, blinking away the tears that stung his pupils. “Am I a burden to you?”
“Hell, yeah!”
You frowned, the corner of your lips curled downwards. “Of course not, Jimin. Whatever made you think that way?” you answered, feeling both concerned and confused with his sudden question.
Since when did he start considering himself like this? And most of all, why did you find out now? To think that you’d finally gotten to know him better, and worked on easing his insecurities. It seemed that the ‘voices’ had only given him a respite before they returned, strong enough to break him down. You could count on one hand the times where he cried, but never this loud and until he had to yell at himself.
“They… they said I’m a burden to you, and that I should just kill myself to ease your burden.”
You unconsciously gripped his petite body as you ground your teeth in silent indignation. “Well,” you huffed, trying to form the right words so he wouldn’t end up misunderstanding you. “You’re not a burden to me, okay? You’re not, and will never be. And no, I won’t let you kill yourself. You’re too precious for me, you know that? Life would be meaningless without you.”
“She’s lying. She only said that to make you feel better. She didn’t say it because she loved you or something. Don’t get your hopes too high.”
“Bet she’s secretly tired from comforting you all the time.”
“Life would be meaningless without you? Ridiculous!”
“Yeah, you’re too precious alright. For a moment, that is.”
“Do you mean that, [Name]?” he asked softly, hanging his head down as if he was a criminal being caught red-handed.
You smiled and caressed his jaw. “Of course, I do. I’ve never lied, haven’t I?”
Jimin mustered a weary smile and looked up through his wet eyelashes, observing your serene face. You were crooning his favorite song, although normally you were too shy to even him in front of him. There was a certain anxiety and fear that came from performing before a professional singer, knowing that your skill was still far from theirs. You knew that Jimin would never judge your voice, no matter how bad and off-tune it sounded, because he himself didn’t have much confidence in his own voice. Still, he had and was still trained in singing. While you? The furthest thing you could do was belting out the ‘la la la’ part from his songs.
“Look at her. She’s a goddess, and you’re just a dirty little peasant. You’re staining her beauty.”
“[Name],” Jimin sighed when he heard you hum in response. “I’m scared.”
“Scared of what?”
“I’m scared that you…” Another tears prickled his bloodshot eyes as he tried to even his breathing. “That you would leave me someday. I’m scared that you would stop loving me like you used to. I-I know I’m a cry-baby, a weakling, and an attention seeker, but I love you. I truly do, with all my heart. I… I don’t think I can live without you. So, please. Don’t leave me, [Name]. Don’t abandon me. I need you, so much I can go crazy.”
There was a short period of silence that sent his heart into a thumping disarray. Maybe he shouldn’t say that. He had been coming on too strong to you – what with all the crying and sobbing – and you clearly hadn’t been prepared for that. He had scared you, and now he had to deal with the consequences. Jimin could only hoped that you didn’t choose to break up with him, because he wouldn’t know what to do if such scenario arise.
You exhaled; the act only served to increase his anxiety even more. “Jimin,” you spoke up, breaking the tension between you.
Gulping, Jimin prepped himself up for the upcoming punishment or whatever decision you’d bestow upon him.
“I know that I’m not really good at expressing my feelings but…” you slowly unbuttoned the white shirt that didn’t cover his chest very well and glanced up. “I want to show you just how much I love you.”
Jimin’s pupils dilated at the lust and affection that reflected on your half-lidded eyes. That was certainly unexpected. He had thought that you were upset by his statement and prepared to leave him. But, as always, you never failed to surprise him.
Pushing him down slowly, indifferent to the coldness of the floor that crept like vines around his bare upper body, Jimin watched you open your own shirt with a shy yet gentle smile.
“Tonight is all about you, baby.”
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