manchestereyes · 8 years
Of Wands and Waltzes
Title: Of Wands and Waltzes
Drabbler: @outerspacehowlters
Doodler: @purpletiips (art coming soon!!)
Beta: @skywalkerswift
Warnings: none
Summary: Hogwarts AU in which Hufflepuff!Phil and Slytherin!Dan sneak off from the Yule Ball for some much-needed alone time.
Word Count: 858
A/N: Wow! This is my last of 4 plp fics for this round and I have to say, I’m really proud of this one! It may only be my first Hogwarts AU, but it’s already left me wanting to write more. Huge thanks to my fantastic beta and artist, I couldn’t have done this without them! I hope you enjoy!!
Stepping into the newly transformed Great Hall, Phil felt as if he was just subjected to a Jelly-Legs Jinx. The space had been embellished into a winter wonderland, complete with ice sculptures and pristine white tablecloths covering the many round tables circling the room. Dress robes of every colour and style transfigured the hall into a kaleidoscope of light. But sixth year Hufflepuff prefect Phil had his sights set on one person. He scanned the room, hoping to catch that bit of brown fringe that had been haunting his dreams for weeks. Just when he was about to give up hope, though, finally, a figure in robes of deepest green turned around. There was the face he had spent so many classes dreaming of touching, kissing, anything. Perhaps it was the butterbeer still warming his insides, but something pulled Phil over to Dan’s secluded corner as if Dan had used a Summoning Charm on him.
“Well, don’t you look stunning!” Phil drawled in an undertone, leaning in just close enough so Dan could hear him over the cacophony of excited students and the Weird Sisters’ music. A shiver ran through him that had absolutely nothing to do with the chill in the air.
“Phil!” Dan hissed, jumping back sharply. “Not here! Not where people can see us!” Eyes darting around the room, he whispered, “But thank you,” and dragged Phil out into the even colder weather with adorably flushed cheeks.
It was a most unusual relationship, that of Dan and Phil. Who would imagine a sixth year Hufflepuff, and a prefect at that, to be spending nearly all his free moments with a troublesome Slytherin fourth year? But Phil knew that behind that tough exterior lay a heart of pure gold--and even prefects weren’t always perfect. Ever since that first detention where they had initially met just two months ago, polishing the countless banisters throughout the castle, Phil found himself zipping through his homework to conjure up yet another excuse to go see Dan. But now, Dan was dragging his sleeve over to a secluded patch of snow-topped trees. Phil’s heart jumped in his throat.
Suddenly, Dan’s face was just inches away, breath warm on Phil’s nose. “Much better,” Dan smirked, tongue flicking across his lips in a most seductive manner. Traces of music could still be heard floating out of the castle.
“Hey,” Phil breathed, “I love this song!” It was a slow one that sounded quite romantic. He stepped back to extend his freezing hand out to Dan. “Would you care to dance?”
Dan merely intertwined his fingers with Phil’s own, a soft smile floating across his face as he moved his other hand up to Phil’s shoulder. Phil dropped his own hand to Dan’s waist and the two boys waltzed through the outskirts of the forest, careful not to crunch the snow beneath them. Breathy giggles filled the cold air between them and once the song finally ended, Dan gazed deeply into Phil’s eyes with a most puzzling expression.
“I’ve been waiting for this moment all day, you know. Black really suits you, Phil.” Dan’s lips tickled Phil’s neck, sending tiny thrills coursing throughout his body.
“Why thank you, Dan. You’re not looking too shabby yourself. Forest green is a good colour on you.”
“I know,” Dan smirked and then his lips were on Phil’s, soft and hard all at once, and it was all Phil could do to keep himself from tackling Dan onto the snow and ripping off those pristine dress robes. Breathing heavily, Phil’s heart banged against his ribs until Dan finally pulled away, leaving the Hufflepuff desperate for more.
“I’ve been wanting to do that all week. Merry Christmas, Phil. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I believe we both have other affairs to attend to.” He squeezed Phil’s shoulder for just a second before gliding off, leaving Phil frozen on the spot. A few seconds and a sharp head shake later, he finally came to his senses and chased after Dan.
“Dan! Dan, what do you mean by other affairs? I wanted to spend this Yule Ball with you and only you!” Phil was breathless by the time he caught up with Dan, still far away from the front of the castle.
“I mean we have other friends who are bound to be wondering about us. Or at least, I do. I don’t know about you. I think it’s best we end this here--for now, anyway.” Dan’s voice had suddenly grown as cold as the air outside, softening only the slightest bit at those last few words.
Phil’s heart felt like it was shattering, but he forced himself to agree. “Alright. But this doesn’t end here, alright? I promise, we will see each other again.” He locked eyes with Dan and noticed his chocolate eyes melt just a little.
“Yes, we will. Just not tonight. Merry Christmas, Phil,” Dan repeated, then slunk off into the night, leaving Phil utterly lovestruck and desperate for their next secret rendezvous. Dan was a mystery, no doubt about it--but Phil had never yet met a mystery he couldn’t crack, and Dan was certainly no exception.
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jewelphan · 8 years
Hotter Than Coffee
Title: Hotter Than Coffee
Drabbler: @jewelphan
Doodler: @sexyassphan
Beta: @softnerds
Warnings: None
Summary: In which Phil’s a famous actor and Dan’s just a small town barista
Words: 490
link to doodle
Dan didn’t particularly enjoy working in such a big brand coffee shop. He didn’t enjoy writing down orders day after day. He didn’t enjoy dealing with picky customers. He didn’t enjoy any of it, but sometimes, such as today, he didn’t mind it so much.
Not because there were significantly fewer customers than normal or because this was his last shift of the week, but because today Phil Lester, one of Dan’s favorite actors, had just walked through the door.
Dan was taken aback to say the least. He wasn’t expecting the lead role of many famous movies to just waltz into the shop as if it were nobody’s business. Dan knew the man lived in London, but he never thought he’d get the chance to see him, let alone meet him.
He had seen all of the movies Phil was in, even the one’s where he played minor roles. Phil had been in all genres of movies, from romance to horror to comedy. Nearly everyone knew who he was, and Dan wasn’t any different.
Dan didn’t have much time to gather his thoughts before Phil was standing in front of him with only the counter separating them. Phil’s eyes were beautiful, Dan mentally noted, more so than in pictures.
“Ahem.” Phil coughed awkwardly, snapping Dan to attention.
“Right, yes, what can I get for you?” Dan muttered awkwardly, grabbing a cup to write the order down on.
“A caramel macchiato, please,” Phil said casually while Dan swiftly wrote it down on the cup.
“Name, please?” Dan asked, though he was perfectly aware of what Phil’s name was.
Phil raised his eyebrows. “Not to seem full of myself, but I’m pretty sure you know it.” He chuckled lightly.
“I-um, yeah, of course,” Dan stuttered, averting his eyes to floor, slightly embarrassed that Phil had caught on to his not-so-hidden fanboying. “Anything else I can get for you?”
“I wouldn’t be opposed to getting your number,” Phil stated smoothly.
“What?” Dan spluttered, choking on the air around him.
“Your number,” Phil said again, dragging out the words.
“Sure,” Dan uttered quietly, scrawling his number onto the cup before telling Phil the total amount of the drink and leaving to make it.
After a few moments of stumbling around and filling Phil’s cup up with his desired drink, Dan finally finished and went to give it to him.
“Here you go, one caramel macchiato,” Dan stated, passing Phil the coffee.
“Thanks, I’ll be back, no one could pass up the opportunity of great coffee and cute baristas,” Phil voiced, winking at Dan before heading towards the door, turning around only to give a few last words. “Oh, and, it’s always nice to meet a fan.”
Then he left, leaving Dan a blushing and stuttering mess.
The next morning, Dan got a text from an unknown number saying just one word:
Coffee? xx
And all Dan could do was smile.
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Christmas Miracle
Summary: Posted for the Phandom Little Pop 2017!
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Warnings: mpreg? (but not really), body image Words: 550 Drabbler: realityisnoplacetolive Doodler: @avaz40 Beta: @awesomesockes
“Ugh.” Struggling, Dan moved his arms behind him and attempted to push himself upright off the sofa, but merely fell back against his boyfriend. “Phil,” he panted out. “I’m so fat.”
“Don’t say that,” Phil chided, patting his partner’s growing belly. “It’s just the baby.”
“But I’m huge,” Dan whined.
“Maybe, but you’ve never looked more beautiful to me.” He bent forward and kissed Dan’s rounded stomach.
“Ugh, Phil, don’t.” After two more tries, Dan finally succeeded in getting himself off the sofa. “This is all your fault by the way,” he moaned.
“Yes, yes, I know,” Phil said dismissively, but he grinned anyway. “You’ve told me.”
“What are you smiling about? Do you think this is funny?”
Phil looked confused. “What? No. Just, it’s kinda cute when you-”
“Cute?” Dan retorted. “Now you think my pain is cute?”
“Huh? Dan, that’s not what I meant-”
“But it’s what you said, wasn’t it?” His voice sounded thicker than usual, and he turned away from Phil as he spoke.
All traces of the smile disappeared from his boyfriend’s face and he got up from the sofa. “Wait, are you… crying?”
“What? No!” Dan said, a little too quickly. “Why would I be crying?”
“Oh my god, you’re crying. Aw, I’m sorry…”
“I am not crying,” Dan said indignantly before wiping his nose with the back of his hand. “You’re crying.”
Phil just rolled his eyes. “Dan…” he sighed.
“Don’t you ‘Dan’ me!” he shot back. “You only use that voice when you think I’m being irrational. Well I’m not irrational and before you say anything, it’s not hormones, okay? You just… You… ugh! You don’t get it!” He turned again, ready to walk out.
But before he could get too far, Phil put a hand on Dan’s shoulder. “Hey, c’mon. I’m sorry - I shouldn’t have laughed. Now, what’s wrong? Does it hurt or something?”
“No.” Dan let out a sigh. “It’s just… do you know what it’s like to be chronically uncomfortable? Like you can’t fix it. You can’t exist anywhere because everything just feels wrong. Do you know what that’s like?”
“Hm, that does sound rough…” Phil sympathized. “So is there anything I can do to help? More pillows? Fix you a bath maybe?”
Dan perked up at that. “Cheesecake?” he suggested.
“Cheesecake.” Phil blinked. “Are you kidding me?”
“What?” Dan said innocently. He shrugged. “The baby wants it.”
“Dan, cheesecake is only going to make it worse.”
“Oh, so now I am fat?!”
“Now hold on, I never said-”
“First you say I’m not fat, then you say I shouldn’t have cheesecake. Which is it, Phil?”
Phil groaned in frustration. “I never said you were fat. I only mean that cheesecake is not going to help with your Christmas food baby.” He glanced back at Dan’s full stomach.
“Yeah, a food baby you caused, asshole,” Dan complained. “Why the hell did you make us so much food? We’re two people, not a fucking army.”
“I never made you eat it all in one sitting though.” Phil giggled a bit. “You look five months pregnant.”
Dan grinned back and lifted his shirt up to show it off. “Actually, it’s six. And where’s your baby?” He eyed his boyfriend’s middle.
“Right here,” Phil patted his own stomach, “but it’s still in the first trimester.”
His boyfriend looked hopeful. “So there’s time for cheesecake then?”
*10 minutes and half a cheesecake later*
“Phil.” Dan hiccuped. “I think it’s twins.”
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sin-n-city · 8 years
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Title: The Promise of Forever Drabbler: Sin-n-city Beta: sadplanet99 Doodler: panic-station-drones Warning: implications of smut Summery: There has always been the promise of forever (past lives).  Notes: part of the Phandom Little Pop 2017. Thanks to everyone for helping with this! Sorry it’s a bit late, but better late then never!
It’s so vivid when his eyes are closed. The sand trails between his fingers, the breeze catching it before it touches the ground. The ocean whispering as it crashes to the shore. The warm heat of the sun caressing his skin as the water nips at his toes.
The hand that grazes his own momentarily, and the warmth that flows through it, stronger than anything the weather could make him feel. He sees it, those piercing blue eyes that practically illuminate. The way his black hair blows with the breeze and feels his heart with the sensation that he somehow knows he has felt forever.
He watches as his companions hand trails lazily amongst the sand, drawing swirls and syllables. Etches nothingness into the grains beside them.
And when he wakes up there is a small part of him that can still feel the breeze.
Sometimes he feels as though he and Phil just click too well. That there is centuries of backfill behind his laugh. Like he's heard it a thousand times.
When his eyes are closed. He can hear the laughs bouncing off the walls. The glimpse of Phil fills his mind, sitting on a chair, rocking back and forth and he clenches his mind. The warmth of the fireplace directly behind him, fillling the room with the same sense that fills his heart.
The familiar voice always brings him out of his trance, “Dan?”
The smile the lingers on Phil's lips is fond, and Dan can't help the echo the same.
The sweat on his skin tingles, breath leaving his lips is jagged and shallow waves.  His head is nestled in the familiar nape between his neck.
He can hear the groans leave their lips, almost in sync as their bodies move together perfectly.
After, when Phil’s body is nestled between his, back against his chest and the moonlight glows, it feels as if he’s finally home.
His favourite dreams are the ones that involve Phil. Sometimes changing, yet always similar. The dreams are so vivid at times. Semi-lucid almost. It’s strange, it feels comforting, just like he’s been there before. He can’t put his finger on it, because sometimes it’s so real, it’s like he re-lived it before.
Sometimes he is sailing the seas on a boat aged with time.
Sometimes he is in a cottage filled with wooden furniture and dated curtains where the light shines through from all angles.
Sometimes it’s raining and cloudy, sometimes he’s crying and sometimes the birds a chirping so loudly it’s like they are right there with him.
But every time, without a fail. Phil is with him.
When their lips touch right before Dan goes to sleep he knows, that there has always been a promise of forever.
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mindtrip · 8 years
Swing, Swing, Sh*t
written for PLP2017
by: @mindtrip
beta: @phoegirlonfire
doodler: @marianathehypertiredgirl
Summary ~ Dan is definitely not afraid of ferris wheels… except when they’re planted on a wooden platform overlooking the Pacific Ocean. 
warning: swearing
“Let’s go on that!”
Dan peers up at the giant mechanical monstrosity of the ferris wheel towering over him and Phil, he could see the sun’s rays peeking through its spindles that look akin to toothpicks supporting teacups on a string. He whirls his head around and faces his fiancé in disbelief.
“Are you insane?”
Phil just grins back at him, eyes crinkled and sparkling.
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“Why, what’s wrong, Dan?” He teases and hooks an arm around the younger man’s tense shoulders. “Look, the sun’s going down. I hear ferris wheels and a setting sun are the perfect ingredients for a romantic date.”
Phil continues to stare off into the open ocean whose waves ripple towards them in a steady fashion. Dan snorts at him. The dork is totally shitting on every modern romcom ever, and he doesn’t blame him.
“Alright, Nicholas Sparks, let’s get in line then,” Dan challenges with a haughty laugh, nose perked in the air. Phil just rolls his eyes in return, pink lips upturning slightly.
They make their way out of the sea of people to queue up for the ride and surprisingly, the line isn’t as long as Dan expected.
However, upon sidling up to the ride, a lead’s weight of disappointment drops into his stomach when he realizes just how tall the ride actually is. They are definitely going to die, yep, this was it. California’s cursed land of earthquakes is going to snap the pier in half. For god’s sake, the wood beneath him feels like he’s being supported solely by popsicle sticks. They would be at the very top and then they’d fall to their death into the ocean - which probably has sharks. And the earthquake? What if it causes a tsunami to come sweep them into the deceivingly beautiful Pacific, and then what? What if-
Subconsciously, Dan must have reached for Phil’s arm as he is now hooked around it like a frightened child, his grip growing increasingly tight as brown doe-eyes glance worriedly from the ride, to the floor, and over the ocean.
Phil just sighs fondly and wraps an arm loosely around Dan’s waist, comforting him.
“You know, we don’t have to go on it if you don’t want to,” Phil offers lightly while the last round of patrons are being released from the alarmingly thin constraints. Dan swears those measly metal bars are the same circumference as his pinky.
Dan’s eyes skate past Phil’s blue ones, the same color as the ocean that taunts him.
Dan crosses his arms, “Nonsense! Of course we will, come on. Sun’s setting after all!”
Phil, warm with amusement, doesn’t protest when Dan drags him to the next available seat.
The ride begins, and Dan’s okay. No, he isn’t worried at all. Instead, he plans to train his eyes on two things: the sky, and Phil. Because honestly, the view down south is overrated anyway.
The ride slowly shifts upward then stops.
He sputters when the momentum of their weight causes their booth to sway.  
“Wh- fucking hell, we’ve got to wait until they’ve loaded people on haven’t we.”
Phil casts his gaze over the man beside him, who is visibly trying very hard not to move.
“Well, yeah. Those people up there-” he nods to the swinging cars above them, “-don’t get to go on twice. Obviously”
Phil is smirking at him when Dan realizes at some point they’re going to be at the peak of the wheel.
“Shut up.”
The ride ascends briefly, then stops again.
“Dah duh,” Phil sings the Jaws theme.
“Fuck off!”
Phil breaks into laughter whilst placing his hand over Dan’s, knuckles white against the useless metal contraption as their only form of security keeping them from falling to their death.
“What is wrong with you?” Phil jokes, chortling. “We went on the Manchester eye! This is so much smaller.“
"Yeah, but Manchester eye wasn’t being operated on top of a bloody ocean, Phil!”
At last, the ferris wheel is filled with new pier-goers and soon they are set in motion. Phil watches as Dan’s eyes follow their descent that overlaps the pier’s edge, the sparkling water below seems as if it’s going to swallow them. At this, Dan practically scoots into Phil’s side for safety.
So this is what Dan’s on about, how could Phil forget? Dan wasn’t afraid of heights, he was terrified of possibly falling into the ocean’s depths.
“We’re not going to fall into the ocean,” Phil begins calmly. “Actually, it might be preferable than diving into the ground.”
“Okay, but what if we do fall?” Dan’s voice is trembling when he speaks, Phil can see where his muscles are taut with anxiety.
“We aren’t exactly average sized people. We have so much leg.”
“It’s okay, Dan. Look, focus on the sunset. Isn’t that what we came here for?”
There’s silence for a moment, and when Dan doesn’t answer, Phil takes a glance up and discovers that Dan is preoccupied with the ocean below them, biting his lip anxiously.
Phil sighs and takes his hand, clammy from hanging on so tightly.
“Dan, you’re alright nothing’s going to happen.”
Phil squeezes his hand reassuringly, prompting Dan to look at their joined fingers. Something warm settles into his chest when he looks into the eyes of the man before him, gaze soft and comforting.
Dan seems to relax, “Yeah, I know…”
Before they both know it, the ride comes to a complete stop.
At the top of the wheel.
Phil already sees it coming.
Suddenly Phil’s lips find themselves pressing into Dan’s in a tender kiss, warm and soft. Faintly, he can feel his fiancé smiling as he does so, and Dan - though he is 100% done with the stupid ride, the pier, and the ocean - melts against him completely. God dammit.
Phil pulls back slowly, watching as Dan’s eyes flutter open, a dazed expression masking his features.
He giggles smugly, “Better?”
Dan harrumphs, trying and failing to hold back his smile, “And fuck you, too.”
Thank you for reading! Please show some love to my wonderful beta and artist as they helped piece this drabble to life. Hope you enjoyed~
- Adam
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phandomlittlepop · 8 years
that’s a wrap!
we’ve officially reached the end of our 3rd ever round of the phandom little pop! thanks so much to everyone who participated and everyone who supported and encouraged our drabblers, doodlers, and betas <3
to read the plp2017 drabbles, click here! 
to see ALL plp drabbles, including those from past rounds, click here!
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phanfic · 8 years
What does plp2017 mean?
it’s fics that are from phandomlittlepop
- tori
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manchestereyes · 8 years
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Title: Wedding Rings and Cherry Blossoms
Drabbler: @outerspacehowlters
Doodler: @dantlers +link to playlist!
Beta: @eschatalogical
Warnings: none
Summary: In which a sleepy Dan and Phil discuss their favorite parts of their Japan honeymoon so far. Mountains of fluff and giggles lie ahead.
Word Count: 600
A/N: This is my first phandom little pop and let me just say, I had so much fun with this! Thanks to Alx for helping me whip this into shape and to Gray for the wonderful art and playlist! (Seriously go listen to it, there’s some v quality tunes on there) I hope you enjoy!!
“Hey, Phil,” Dan yawned, propping his arm on the plump pillow beside him, blinking in the midmorning Japanese sunshine. “What’s been your favourite part of this honeymoon so far? I mean, I know you’ve said you love everything but what’s been the absolute, all time best, the part that you’ll be raving about to your kids someday?”
“My favourite part? That’s so hard, Dan!” Phil giggled softly, ramping up Dan’s heart rate even in his early morning delirium. “Everything’s been so wonderful because you’re here. I’m serious!” he pleaded, glimpsing Dan’s fond eye roll. “Ever since the wedding last week, my happiness hasn’t dropped a single inch. Japan is beautiful don’t get me wrong, but it wouldn’t be half as gorgeous without you here.” This time, it was Phil’s turn to roll his eyes at Dan’s fake gag. “But all that being said, I think the best part was just landing here and seeing all the cherry blossoms in full bloom, just like last time.” Dan grinned down at the slightly rumpled bedsheets, remembering how Phil had gripped his hands so tight they tingled from the lack of circulation. His face had shone brighter than the brightest stars in the galaxy, nearly rivaling his expression when they had read their vows just a couple days before.
“That really was beautiful,” Dan sighed. “But what about that train ride where we got to see all the beautiful countryside? And the Shiba Inu farm?”
“I think that last one was your highlight, doge boy,” Phil chuckled, reaching out to poke Dan’s dimple. Dan merely shook his head, still smiling, feeling a rush of appreciation for his best-friend-turned-husband.
“Okay, fine. I know you loved all the nature and the red panda zoo, you wouldn’t shut up about it!”
“Hey, you loved it too!” Phil shoved Dan’s bare chest, tongue poking out ultra-adorably.
“Yeah of course I did–because I got to see your stupid face the whole time. I don’t know what it is about animals that makes you act like a five-year-old, but I love it.” Dan’s voice grew soft now, taking on the tender tone reserved just for Phil.
“Awww, Dan. You know I love you more, though.” Phil’s eyes took on a challenging glint.
“Not a chance, Lester.”
“Oh, that’s what you think. But hey, how about the Tokyo days we’ve got right in front of us? The best memories are still waiting to be made! Come on now, how about some breakfast?” Phil leaned over to grab the room service binder from the bedside table beside him.
“Oooh yes!” Dan agreed. “Hey, how about some miso soup and Japanese pickles? Hmmmm?” Dan reached his long fingers over to tickle Phil’s snowy white ribs, making Phil grab his wrists with a sneaky smile.
“No, Dan! I think I’m fine with my waffles and pancakes, thank you very much. The same for you, I’m guessing?”
“You know me too well,” Dan sighed, shaking his head and musing, “Another day in Japan. I, for one, can’t wait to see what it will bring us.” And he finally sat up in bed, heart jumping with the prospect of exploring what was quickly becoming his favourite country with his favourite person in the world. How had he have possibly gotten so lucky? The answer may have been beyond him, but Dan wasn’t about to question his success. Right now, he was perfectly content to remain here with Phil for the rest of eternity, and then an eternity more. Japan was his oyster and today, he wasn’t about to take a bit of it for granted.
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phandomlittlepop · 8 years
plp: posting guide!
hey there little poppers! hopefully y’all know when you’re posting now (posting schedule), so next is how to do it. we have a few different options for how you can do this:
1. post the drabble with the doodle imbedded in the post
the best way to do this is probably by posting the drabble as a photo post or else imbedding the doodle somewhere in a text post. here’s an example:
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(you can imbed the doodle at the top of the fic, bottom, middle… whatever works with the story)
2. post the drabble with a link to the doodle
you’ll need to do this if a) your doodler would like to post their doodle on their own blog and provide you the link and/or b) if you’ll be posting your drabble on another platform than tumblr (ao3, wattpad, fanfiction.net… etc) and only linking the fic here. probably the best way to do this would be by making your fic a text post, like so:
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regardless of how you’re posting, every fic needs the following to be AT THE TOP OF THE TUMBLR POST:
summary (optional, but recommended if your drabble is over 100 words):
(also please remember to use a ‘read more’ in your post if your drabble is over 300 words!!)
once your drabble is posted, you’ll need to submit the link to that post to the phandom little pop blog. your link submission will look something like this:
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let’s review! on your assigned day, you will:
post your drabbles and doodles following one of these methods
make sure that your doodle is either incorporated in the post or is linked in the post!
credit your teammates (beta and doodler) at the TOP of your drabble post
submit us a link (we will then REBLOG the fic from your blog to the plp blog, NOT post the link submission)
if you have any questions regarding posting, please feel free to ask us. can’t wait to see your creations, everyone!
- the mods (cecily, bethany, lein, & tori)
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manchestereyes · 8 years
Presents and Playtimes
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Title: Presents and Playtimes
Drabbler: @outerspacehowlters
Doodler: @gilove2dance
Beta: @fringegaps
Warnings: none
Summary: In which 6-year-old Dan and 10-year-old Phil exchange Christmas gifts, complete with plenty of smiles and giggles.
Word Count: 1000
A/N: Guess who’s back with yet another plp fic!! I actually had tons of fun with this one, it was really cute to imagine dnp as little kids! :) And of course, a huge thanks to my lovely beta and doodler, they both did absolutely fantastic jobs and I couldn’t have done this without them! I hope you enjoy!!
“Dan, honey! It's time to leave for the Lesters’, come on, we've got quite the drive ahead of us!” Mrs. Howell’s voice drifted up the stairs as 6-year-old Dan immediately tossed his Winnie the Pooh figurines aside to thunder downstairs. Finally! Dan’s mind zoomed with endless possibilities of the day ahead of him. Between 10-year-old Phil and his 16-year-old brother Martyn, the Lesters had all the best PlayStation games. Phil’s make believe games, too, always left Dan breathless from laughter and endless chasing, wishing he could come up with something just as genius and entertaining.
“Thank you for coming down so quickly. Now, you don't want to forget Phil’s presents, do you?” Dan’s mother gently reminded him, baby Adrian asleep in the slightly beat-up carrier slung over her arm.
“Oh yeah!” Dan exclaimed, dashing over to the Christmas tree in the living room to snatch up Phil’s gifts. Dan had picked out each item especially for Phil this year--a Zombie Art Studio set, a Tamagotchi, and the final few Star Wars figures to complete his collection--and he couldn't wait to see the delight in his friend’s face when he unwrapped them.
Dan felt like that car ride would never end. After hours of colouring, napping and countless are we there yets, the little black Honda finally pulled up in front of the Lesters’ familiar dusty yellow house and it was all Dan could do to keep himself from barrelling down the big oak front door. A soft doorbell chime and a few heavy footsteps later, the threesome was greeted by a beaming, chubby-cheeked face. The young boy wore a red vest over a white and grey plaid shirt and tan chinos, appearing to be positively bursting. “Dan!! You’re never gonna believe what I got as an early Christmas present from my aunt and uncle! Come on, I know you’re gonna love it!” The Northern-accented little boy grabbed Dan by his black coat sleeve, pulling him inside the warm embrace of the house. His mum stepped up behind him to welcome in Mrs. Howell and her infant son.
“Wait, Phil! I still have to give you your presents! I think you’re gonna really like them, I picked them out special!” Dan’s fingers trembled as he set down the carefully wrapped gifts, unzipping his coat and pulling off his big snow boots. “Oh that’s right! I have some things for you too!” Phil dashed upstairs to quickly return with his very own trio of boxes wrapped in candy cane paper. “You first,” he instructed, pushing them straight into Dan’s chest perhaps a bit too forcefully.
“Phil, Dan, why don’t you open your gifts in the kitchen so you can sit at the table?” Phil’s mum gently suggested and the two boys scrambled into the kitchen, climbing up into adjacent cushioned chairs.
Dan started with the top present, haphazardly ripping off the paper to discover--”A Tamagotchi! Cool! Thank you, Phil!” It was all he could do to keep himself from bursting out laughing, knowing what lay in one of the snowman paper-wrapped packages in front of his friend. The next parcel, slightly bigger than the Tamagotchi, contained a book about dinosaurs, complete with big, colourful illustrations. Dan’s entire face lit up. “Whoa! This is so cool! I can’t wait for my mum and dad to read this to me--and maybe I can even read it myself one day! Thanks, Phil!” Finally, he was down to the largest present, a thin rectangular box. Ripping off the candy cane paper and throwing it aside without a care in the world, Dan uncovered a Winnie the Pooh Monopoly game. “No way! I didn’t even know this was a thing! Thank you Phil, these are the best Christmas presents ever!” He leaned over to embrace his friend in a bear hug.
“You’re welcome, Dan, I’m so happy you like it!” Phil replied once they had pulled away, in the same tone Dan had often heard his mother use. “Can I open mine now?”
“Yeah, go ahead!” Dan grinned. “I think you’ll really like them!”
Phil bounced up and down in his seat, eagerly tearing off the wrapping paper on the smallest parcel to reveal the same Tamagotchi he had given Dan. Both boys doubled over in peals of giggles. “Hey, now we can have twin Tamagotchis! We can call each other to say how they’re doing! They can be like brothers!” Dan exclaimed. Phil enthusiastically agreed. Moving on to the next present, Phil let out a mighty whoop that frightened Dan’s baby brother in the living room nearby. “Chewbacca and C3PO! These are the last two I needed, I’ve been wanting these for so long! Thank you, Dan!”
“You’re welcome. Now come on, the last one is the best part!”
“Really?” Phil’s blue eyes widened as he shred the wrapping paper from the final package, uncovering a grey box with a photo of a gruesome-looking zombie head and “Zombie Art Studio” written in a creepy-looking font.
“I thought it would be really cool to put together and then you could use it in your films! Do you like it?” Dan asked expectantly.
“I love it! This is so cool! Thank you so much, Dan!”  Phil leaned in for a tight hug of his own before quickly pulling away and adding, “Hey, I just got Crash Bandicoot 2 from my aunt and uncle and I’m already up to Level 15! Do you wanna try it?”
“Would I ever!” Dan exclaimed. And the two boys dashed over to the PlayStation, spending the rest of the afternoon gaming and chasing each other around in a game Phil called “Demons vs. Space Gods” until both boys were thoroughly exhausted and ready for bed. And so Dan crawled into his sleeping bag in Phil’s room that night with a smile on his face, feeling immensely grateful for this older boy with the kind soul and a genius brain and hoping beyond all hope that they would remain best friends forever.
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phandomlittlepop · 8 years
phandom little pop: 2 drabble days left!!
hey everyone! this is your reminder that the deadline for writing drabbles is this wednesday, january 25th. that means there are 2 days left of the designated drabble writing period for you to add the finishing touches to your story before sending it off to your betas and doodlers for them to work their magic.
additionally, we’ll be setting up the posting schedule in the next few days. if you are the writer of a drabble, you’ll need to fill out the form linked above indicating when you’d prefer to post your story.
now, maybe you’re thinking:
“oh shit, i totally forgot about this and/or have been hardcore procrastinating and i think i need to drop out”
no you don’t! please remember that this event has no minimum word count, so there’s just about zero reason to drop out. so you didn’t start your drabble yet? no big deal. you still have your summary that you submitted when you signed up, so all you need to do is flesh that out a bit, maybe throw in a few lines of dialogue, and send it off to your beta. it does not have to be a complete story - that’s the whole point of a drabble. we fully encourage you to half-ass this if need be.
so, your to-do list:
if you’re a drabbler: please finish up your drabble and get it to your team asap! they need time to fix it up and create your drabble, so please make sure they have that.
also if you’re a drabbler: please fill out this form letting us know when you’d like to post your fic. if you need some extra time to finish it up, request a later posting slot and we’ll do our best to accommodate you. 
(if you don’t remember your fic number, that info is here)
if you’re a beta or doodler: the last week of january is your time to shine. if you haven’t received your story by thursday the 26th, make sure you (kindly!) contact your drabbler to remind them that you’re rooting for them to finish and you’re ready to help
everyone: prepare for a an influx of new phan content starting in february!
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phandomlittlepop · 8 years
the phandom little pop has officially begun!!
get ready for an influx of new drabbles and doodles all throughout this month! we'll be reblogging all the plp fics here, so follow this blog if you don't miss any :)
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phandomlittlepop · 8 years
this is a reminder that if you’re writing for the plp, this is the final designated day for you to finish up your drabbles and send them over to your betas and doodlers! (betas and doodlers, if you haven’t heard from your drabbler by the end of today, please shoot them a (kindly worded!) message to see how things are going)
posting will begin on the first of february. if you’re a drabbler, please make sure you’ve filled out the posting date request form!
looking forward to your drabbles and doodles!
EDIT: if you need to know your fic number, that info is here!
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phandomlittlepop · 8 years
hope all is well!
it’s been 15 days since we revealed teams! hopefully you’re all in contact with each other and have your fics underway. (and if you haven’t yet, this would be a great time to start)
if you missed the reveal or forgot to contact your teammates, that info is all here. there’s been a few minor changes since we published, and those are all marked in yellow.
if you have any issues, please let us know!
-your mods
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