#plot twist this is what i was looking for stuff for when i went BatShit insane last night
thatone-highlighter · 2 years
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Happy birthday @peachpaws0 !
Thought you’d enjoy some fun birthday pumpkin carving!
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Writing An Otome Isekai Thingy
Anyway, as the title states, I'm writing an otome isekai thingy! I didn't know where else to post this (besides r/otomeisakai), so here I am. I'm writing one for 3 reasons.
A- I’m very bored. :(
B- My brother rec me one of these things a few months ago; I've descended into the rabbit hole ever since.
C- Writer's block! I wanna write for my fanfics, but my brain said no. Maybe if I write OG content it can get my creative juices going and I can finally go back to working on updates.
Had a couple of ideas for a story and had my brother pick one by random.
The 'guy gets reincarnated as the yandere capture target' idea got picked.
My general idea is that a guy who’s an Otaku and reads/watches romance series as a guilty pleasure gets reincarnated into an otome. He actually played the otome he’s in bc his younger sister basically nagged him to bc she wanted someone to talk to about it.
He realizes though that he woke up as the baby version of Shamus Hendell, the yandere capture target of Yellow Rose of Amarea.
Yanderes don’t typically become yanderes through a loving family and a good life, so of course this character had a tragic anime backstory and goes through maybe hardships in his life before ending up in the academy where the game starts.
The MC realizes this and is freaking out, bc he doesn’t want to deal with the series of horrible events that the OG character went through.
I like series where the Protag kisses up others to survive bc even if they’re appealing to others, typically they are the ones who have others wrapped around their fingers. (And for some reason that’s assuming to me.)
So he kinda ends up doing that. He seeks out the other capture targets, and the heroine and villainess. Mostly to get them on his side. His thought process is, ‘if I can’t really protect myself, why not get ppl in higher places to do it for me?’
And it does work as he gets very chummy with the 2nd prince who’s the one that gets him out of the bad situation first. And bc he has the attention of the second prince, he’s able to meet some of them other characters.
There’s a few characters he won't meet until the academy arc, but most of the important characters he’ll meet around here.
For instance, there’s the commoner character who got into the school through scholarships or bc he has high/rare magic skills or whatever. He’s also one of the capture targets. The MC doesn’t want to find him bc he wants his guy on his side, but bc he knows this guy is actually batshit crazy. He wants to find him earlier to stop him from blah blah that the guy does in all his endings. But he cannot find him until then bc this dude is a commoner and the MC is still technically a part of high society. So it was basically impossible to find him.
This is going to be a big anxiety of the MC once he’s in a more comfortable position. Knowing that this guy in the future will try to do smth very drastic and dangerous, is still out there.
The MC will try to appeal to important characters by acting weak and soft, like, a crybaby a guess? He wants to seem like a little rabbit to others. And to his utter surprise, it fucking works. (He’s taking advantage of his softboi looks, as the character was designed to look feminine and non-threatening so fans during the hype wouldn’t be able to tell the character was going to be a yandere. And therefore making the fact like, a plot twist in the game as Shamus comes off as a quite n’ shy guy at first.)
He forms a bromance with the 2nd prince. After some stuff happens he befriends the villainess who ends up crushing on him. The villainess big bro who’s a siscon is chill w/ him since his sister likes him. But is very much in the mindset that if the MC hurts his sis in any way, he’s never gonna see the light of day. The heroine falls for him very quickly which is actually off-putting for him. (The joke is that she’s airheaded & kinda dumb. She just has a very cheerful personality by default. The reasoning is that that’s how marketing portrayed her and since she’s supposed to be a blank slate that’s just what her personality turned into.) The heroine 100% has her bangs covering her eyes.
The MC leaves a powerful impression on the short cute boy (who’s actually a meanie) and later in the academy arc has this weird anime admiration for him. You know what I’m talking about. The commoner, while harboring a hatred for the aristocrats and nobles, respects the MC to an extent later turning into a crush. (That of which will absolutely give the MC whiplash.)
Two characters who are mobs in the game become the MC’s normal friends when he feels like the personality of the main characters are too much. Maybe he has more mob friends idk yet, but two of the ones he adored as characters the most both end up having crushes on him. One girl, one boy.
5 ppl will like-like him. Perfectly balanced as all things should be.
He definitely takes advantage of this lmao. (In like, a protection squad way, not harem.)
Maybe I’ll even have two of the girls lose interest bc they realize they like each other,,,, Have a lilly aside romance,,,, You know bc,,,gurls pretty,,,,
My need for sapphic content aside, ultimately my goal is to have fun while writing this and confuse the heck hacky out of my readers on who the true love interest will be. >:)
I guess I’ll mostly be writing this with a wattpad audience in mind??? (But it’s mostly just for fun so who knows.)
Since AO3 is more oriented to fanfics, my Quotev is the physical manifestation of a dead goldfish in a bowl, and I don’t think this is smth the ppl on FictionPress would like to read about… So yeah, my Wattpad audience it is. I have no choice.
I’m still on the 1st ch as I keep revising my outline. I at least want a solid outline of the first arc before I post anything. Imma try and attempt constant updates but to do so I need to know wtf I’m doing. So all this jazz is subject to change.
And just to let you know how the tone of the story will be (for most of it, the 1st arc is definitely going to be more serious), the title for chapter 1 is ‘Sorry Truck-kun, You’ve Been Replaced’ since he died by choking on an apple instead of being hit by a truck.
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all-souls-matinee · 4 years
Paranormal Activity
I went through ‘a very strange time in my life’ a few years ago where I watched every single Paranormal Activity movie, some multiple times, thinking that would have no impact on my psyche. So here I am, someone who thinks the the franchise is bad and yet can remember every plot thread and every scare, and I might as well do something with that. These will be graded on a curve (scale of 1-5 stars) and not by their overall worth as movies.
Paranormal Activity (2007)
Today the first movie in the franchise is lampooned for being boring and amateurish, with unlikable lead characters and a plot that doesn’t really go anywhere, but how are those not points in its favor? Isn’t that what found footage is all about? Critics and scholars contend it’s singlehandedly responsible for the genre craze that swept the United States in the 2010s after a relative lull in the early aughts, and it’s easy to see why. I’m not going to go so far as to say Paranormal Activity is a good movie (it’s not), but it is a very easy and engaging watch. 
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With a cast of only two people and hardly any outside characters the story plays out as a domestic drama; yes, there are long stretches of nothing happening but it ratchets up suspense in a way that was unusual and refreshing at the time. Using a camera to feel in control of an out-of-control situation was a theme broached by the much better Blair Witch Project, and Paranormal Activity leans into it as a central thesis, making sure it’s a white hetero rich guy that’s doing the recording and only subverting that expectation in later films. The movie was even supposed to end [mild spoilers] with Possessed Katie beating her obnoxious husband Micah over the head with his beloved camera and the film cutting to black, and I think it leaves the story weaker and more scattered for having left that out. 
Paranormal Activity 2 (2010)
Before I get into why this one sucks, I’ll give it the benefit of being the most solid entry in the franchise by far. As a prequel to the first movie it does its job by introducing additional family members in a bigger house with more cameras. They have to contend with the same demon, so it’s the same thing we’ve seen before but with much higher stakes, and that’s a perfectly good idea for building a franchise. I admire it for that.
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Anything beyond structure and pacing is so much worse it’s laughable. Where PA1 had some originality going for it PA2 throws in every horror stereotype it can think of, including an insanely awful running bit about how the family’s Mexican housekeeper is the only one who can sense ghosts. The most novel addition to the franchise is extensive lore about the demon wanting to own a baby because of a pact made with a coven of witches, which made audiences across America lean forward in their seats and say ‘... what?’ Decisions like that cost the movie any kind of levity, scares, or interest in the characters, which were kind of essential things for the movie to have.
I’d honestly give it 1 star if it weren’t for the extensive drama over the automated pool cleaner. We spend so much time watching this thing I think I developed an emotional bond with it.
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Paranormal Activity 3 (2011)
Paranormal Activity 3 is another prequel that takes us back to when the leads of the first two movies- Katie and Christie- were little girls experiencing demonic activity in the 80s (their stepdad is a videographer, which gets us past the question of how anyone in the 80s would have tens of video cameras skillfully set up around their home.) Objectively it sounds like even more of a pathetic cashgrab than PA2, but, and this might be the hottest take I will ever have when it comes to horror movies, it does its job it in a way that’s such a prefect mixture of original/bizarre content and safe bankable boringness that it’s the best movie in the franchise. It certainly cemented it for what it is today.
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Movie no. 3 drops the ‘this really happened’ show the first two movies put on in trying to be like other found footage horror (read: The Blair Witch Project.) No more actors and characters sharing names, no more title cards thanking the police for footage, we’re all in on the game at this point and you don’t realize how much of a relief that is until it’s happened. Instead of trying to make the characters realistic and falling flat, they let them be a little more like characters to great success. Everyone plays their role in the story and makes the shaky plot work. It’s not good writing, but it has people react to things in interesting ways and builds up the lore of the franchise more effectively than either of the first two movies (helped along by a batshit insane finale that makes no sense but is so much fun it doesn’t actually matter.) 
This is also by far the ‘scariest’ movie in the franchise, and I think it’s a combination of practice and not taking everything so deadly seriously. Comedy helps balance things out (my favorite is a sex scene that folds into an earthquake scene that folds into a shot of earthquake dust landing on a ghost), and they’ve gotten tension-building nothingness down to a science. Using a camera attached to a slowly oscillating fan and a camera trained on a mirror in a dark room? Perfect ideas for freaking your audience out.
Paranormal Activity 4 (2012)
Paranormal Activity 4 was the long-awaited actual-sequel to the events of the first movie, using the hours of information and lore given to us by the prequels as a backdrop, and it... really flounders under that responsibility. We’re introduced to an all-new cast of characters, with a teenage girl taking the lead for a change of pace that doesn’t really go anywhere, and spend the first half of the movie wondering why the family we’ve spent so much time with was pushed to the side (it must be important.) The reason we’re given is that this new family has an adopted son who is (twist!) the witch-stolen-demon-proxy baby from movie two.
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PA4 has the opposite problem of PA2; it’s not awful, but is so shaky and has so much lost potential it seems to drop all of the pieces at once. It does some cool things with suspense an xbox kinect, and the acting is fine, but while no one is watching a Paranormal Activity sequel for the screenplay this one needed good, grounded writing and didn’t get that. The loose plotting of the third movie was saved by its characters and by being a little more tongue-in-cheek, but 4 doesn’t have that to fall back on and has way more moving pieces than 3 ever did. The ending is especially egregious, bizarre even by nth-sequel-in-a-horror-franchise standards, and is never brought up again. Points for a convoluted weird plot that makes no sense, points redacted for a convoluted weird plot that makes no sense.
Paranormal Activity: The Marked Ones (2014)
Paranormal Activity 5 is so off-the-rails insane that it gets the coveted 3 stars, deserving or no. After back-to-back prequels and a disappointing long-awaited sequel, no one was sure exactly what this was going to be, and the movie seems to feel the same way.
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Gone is the lore-heavy and tension-heavy stuff from the preceding years of footage. For the first half of the movie we follow a first-gen high school graduate named Jesse, who breaks into a mysterious neighbor’s house with his best friend. He gets bitten by a ghost and infected with ghost superpowers, then he and his friend group + love interest have a grand old time doing skateboard and levitation tricks using the ghost superpowers. I’m not exaggerating for comedic effect; it’s so dumb I love it ardently. Why aren’t all sequels like this??? 
Obviously the ghost superpowers turn out to be A Bad Thing tenuously connected to all the witch/demon stuff, and we have to get back to jump scares (now with added body horror), but the ways in which it does eventually tie back to the franchise are so ridiculous it’s delightful, and the twist ending, for once in this entire nightmare, is fantastic.
Paranormal Activity 6: The Ghost Dimension 3D (2015)
This one came out after my original paranormal activity run, and I considered watching it for the sake of being able to finish the article in good faith but I just can’t you guys. I couldn’t do it. Look at this.
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That said, the thing about these movies is that none of them are a complete waste of time; even the worst entries in the lineup are entertaining and fun in a reality-tv-trainwreck sort of way, and that’s all very calculated. No matter what your opinion they earned the right to make this a franchise with too many movies and extensive lore. Happy halloween.
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puurr · 5 years
shehi  everyone  welcome  BACK  to  my  blog,  hi  how  are  ya  ??  *  waves  wand  *  that  was  cringe,  aNYWAYS  i’m  ru,  t,  goat,  whatever  you  wanna  call  me  and  im  bringing  you  THAT  BITCH ™  in  human  form,  like  if  that  bitch  was  a  person,  this  is  what  it  would  be.  gosh,  i  talk  too  much  lmao,  but  if  you  wanna  plot  feel  free  to  mssg  me  on  discord  𝒍𝒊𝒍 𝒖𝒛𝒊 𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒏.#1643  or  here,  whatever  floats  ur  boat  boo  !!  but  ya’ll  don’t  care  ab  me    😈  so  without  further  ado.  &  did  i  proof  read?  xxx
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chicago’s very own 𝐃𝐈𝐀𝐌𝐎𝐍𝐃  𝐏𝐀𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐒𝐎𝐍 has been spotted on madison avenue driving a  𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟎 𝐌𝐄𝐑𝐂𝐄𝐃𝐄𝐒-𝐁𝐄𝐍𝐙 𝐆-𝐂𝐋𝐀𝐒𝐒 , welcome ! your resemblance to 𝒏𝒐𝒓𝒎𝒂𝒏𝒊  is unreal . according to tmz , you just had your 𝐓𝐖𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐘-𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐑𝐃 birthday bash  . your chance of surviving new york is uncertain because you’re 𝐎𝐁𝐒𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐀𝐓𝐄  , but being 𝐀𝐌𝐁𝐈𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐔𝐒  might help you . i think being a 𝒍𝒊𝒃𝒓𝒂 explains that .  3 things that would paint  a  better picture of you would be 𝒏𝒆𝒘 𝒉𝒂𝒊𝒓𝒔𝒕𝒚𝒍𝒆𝒔 𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒓𝒚 𝒕𝒊𝒎𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖’𝒓𝒆 𝒔𝒆𝒆𝒏 , 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒓𝒐𝒂𝒓 𝒐𝒇 𝒂 𝒄𝒓𝒐𝒘𝒅 𝒂𝒇𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒂 𝒔𝒉𝒐𝒘𝒔𝒕𝒐𝒑𝒑𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒑𝒆𝒓𝒇𝒐𝒓𝒎𝒂𝒏𝒄𝒆 , and   𝒆𝒙𝒑𝒆𝒏𝒔𝒊𝒗𝒆 𝒍𝒊𝒑𝒈𝒍𝒐𝒔𝒔 . ( i sabotaged a fellow gymnast, ruining her career forever because i saw her as my only threat. )  & ( cisfemale + she/her ) +  ( ru, 18,he/him,est )
NAME   :  diamond  tiaira  patterson
NICKNAMES   :   dede,  die,  dee.
AGE   :   twenty   -   three   .
BIRTHDAY   :   october  21st   .
ZODIAC   :   libra   .
GENDER   :   female   .
PRONOUNS   :   she  /  her   .
NATIONALITY   :   american   .
ETHNICITY   :   african-american  .
LABEL(S)   :   the   prosperous   ,   the   athlete   ,   the   diva   .
OCCUPATION   :   gymnast   ,  (  aspiring  )  singer   ,   socialite   ,  dancer  ,  spokemodel.
POS  :  (  ridiculously  )  athletic,  driven,  ambitious,  articulate,  stoic,  intelligent,  (  dangerously  )  witty.
NEG  :  snarky,  sarcastic,  inconclusive,  stubborn,  envious,  deceitful,  greedy,  mischievous,  artificial.
atm  machines  dispensing  hundreds  of  dollars,  mink  eyelashes  so  long,  one  blink  might  send  you  flying  away,  10′s  across  the  board,  a  wall  adorned  with  shimmering  trophies,  and  1st  place  ribbons,  hair  extensions  past  your  ass,  extravagant  nails  that  look  like  they’d  be  hard  to  manage,  the  “boujee”  friend,  snapchats  of  you  and  the  squad  getting  lit  in  the  backseat  of  your  bodyguard  driven  cadillac,  still  being  able  to  do  tumbling  passes  and  drop  into  the  splits  in  any  costume,  and  pushing  away  lingering  feelings  of  guilt.
some  people  are  born  lucky,  and  others  are  lucky  to  be  born,  and  as  her  name  might  suggest  diamond  tiaira  patterson  was  one  of  thee  few  born  lucky  in  chicago.  her  father  is  a  big  time  music  producer  who  peaked  in  the  90s  all  the  way  through  the  mid  2000s  who  worked  with  all  your  early  childhood  favorites  and  her  mother  is  a  former  elite  gymnast  who  wowed  crowds  in  the  summer  olympics  in  ‘91.
the  patterson  name  oozed  greatness  in  the  city  and  saw  nothing  but  success,  diamond  was  destined  for  greatness  when  her  mom  forced  put  her  into  gymnastics  at  age  four,  and  the  young  woman  thrived  and  excelled  every  since,  even  dedicating  her  talents  to  track  and  field,  cheerleading,  and  volleyball  in  high  school  where she was a 4x  state  champion  between  cheerleading  and  volleyball.  but,  gymnastics  always  came  first  no  matter  what.
the  glory  at  such  a  young  age  was  enthralling,  diamond  loved  the  attention,  she  loved  performing,  it  became  a  2nd  nature,  but  the  pressure  from  her  mom  to  push  harder  and  harder,  and  the  fear  of  letting  her  down  was  something  that  drove  her  competitive  nature  through  the   roof.  but  it  gave  her  an  edge,  her  desire  to  be  great  was  sickening.
but,  she  had  all  the  talent,  and  the  accomplishments  to  back  whatever  she  had  to  say.
the  competitiveness  drove  her  to  sabotage  a  fellow  competitor  who  scored  a  point  higher  than  her,  and  had  the  possibility  of  beating  her,  so  diamond  put  a  teeny  tiny  thumbtack  on  the  balance  beam,  and  her  opponent  landed  foot  first  on  it  and  twisted  that  ankle  all  the  way  up  and  landed  on  her  neck,  her  career?  DONE  FOR.  it  wasn’t  her  intention  of  course  ,  she  was  young  and  impulsive,  but  what’s  done  was  done.
diamond  went  on  to  gain  national  recognition  for  her  accomplishments  even  having  an  OUTSTANDING  showing  in  the  olympics  as  part  of  team  usa  at  the  age  of  19  winning  four  gold  medals,  and  since  then  she’s  been  on  magazine  covers,  guest  starred  on  tv  shows,  modeled  a  bit,  and  she’s  currently  dabbling  into  music  with  the  help  of  her  father.  a  big  reason  why  they  moved  to  nyc  he’s  her  dadager,  and  they  want  to  make  her  the  next  big  thing,  but  with  all  the  personalities  in  nyc,  they’re  in  for  a  surprise.
INSP  :  josephine  mccoy  (  riverdale  )  ,  hilary  banks  (  fresh  prince  of  belair  )  ,  whitley  gilbert  (  another  world  )  colandrea  conners  (  dear  white  people  )  jelena  howard  (  hit  the  floor  )  ,  naomi  campbell  ,  mariah  carey  .
A  DIVA.  to  an  extent,  she’s  definitely  sassy  and  sensible,  and  won’t  hesitate  to  let  you  know  it.  she’s  been  spoiled  and  successful  all  her  life,  she’s  a  winner,  and  if  things  don’t  come  easy  to  her  she  just  wants  to  quit  it  all  together.  she’s  used  to  it  being  her  way  or  the  high  way  ,  she’s  definitely  privileged  and  entitled  ,  but  tries  to  be  more  on  the  heartwarming  side  if  the  situation  entails.  humble  with  like  a  half  of  kanye.
we  said  it  before,  but  she  is  THE  boujee  friend.  friend.  as  she  exudes  that  prestige,  that  pedigree,  she  doesn’t  drink  tap  water,  only  drinks  almond  milk,  she  likes  foods  than  cannot  be  pronounced,  she  tries  to  act  cultured,  but  whenever  she  opens  her  mouth  that  flies  right  out  the  window.  she’s  fiercely  loyal  to  those  who  deserve  it  of  course
JUDGMENTAL!!!!  she  is  not  the  friend  that  you  can  bring  to  the  vip  section  of  a  club  and  pop  some  pills  or  do  a  line  in  front  of,  she’ll  really  smack  the shit  out  of  you  ,  or  look  at  you  like  you’ve  gone  batshit  crazy  .
any  former  gymnast  muses  in  da  house  or  sum  ??  maybe  d  literally  mopped  the  floor  w/  them  @  a  meet  when  they  were  younger  or  sumn,  but  they  still  made  friends?  we  have  NO  idea  how.
seasoned  musicians,  who  she  networks  and  mingles  with  to  get  her  foot  in  the  door??  maybe  they  worked  with  her  dad  and  give  her   some  advice,  maybe  they’re  gonna  drop  a  hot  new  single?  something  fun,  something  for  the  girls  *  in  my  saweetie  voice *
RICH  FRIENDS,  IDK,  nyc  is  vasty  different  from  chitown,  and  maybe  her  guide  to  nyc??  whats  the  new  haps  on  fashion,  where  tf  does  everybody  hang  out?  stuff  like  that  yk?
we  need  ENEMIES  too  because  miss  thing  has  ATTITUDE  for  days,  and  i  just  know  she  probably  ruffled  a  few  feathers  walking  into  the  big  apple  like  she  owns  it.
pls  hmu.
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adonis-koo · 5 years
Three’s a crowd
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Plot: (CEO AU) When your mom’s fairytale life begins to bleed over into your world you’re suddenly caught between two men and one big secret, what was suppose to be a relaxing trip soon begins to spiral out of control. All you wanted was a free vacation…
Pairing: Jungkook/Reader/Jimin, Hoseok/Reader, Taehyung/Reader,
Genre: Smut, angst, drama, angst with a happy ending
Word count: 7.8k
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Tags: dirty talk, begging, hair pulling, vaginal fingering, daddy kink, spanking, blowjob, hand job, deepthroating, male receiving, female masturbation, major degradation kink, multiple orgasms, throat fucking, dom!jungkook, dom!jimin
Warning ⚠️ This fic touches on drug use, alcoholism and abuse. Please read with caution if any of these things are triggers for you 🖤
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Curling against the warmth you snuggled with a sigh of contentment. For the first time in- well in never, you could only use one word to describe your blissfully comatose state. Safe.
Safe and warm, like nothing could touch you. Like nobody could hurt you anymore. Like you would never have to deal with the world on its own again. Finally listening to your consciousness you cracked your eyes open. Light streamed in from the window wall as you groaned lightly, shifting as you sighed, how did you...
Stiffening at the new sight in your vision made you realize you weren’t back in your room. No you were still in Jungkook’s room, he had been tightly spooning you before you had turned to face him. You didn’t shift away from him, but you didn’t dare get any closer as you observed him sleeping. His jaw wasn’t clenched like it usually was and his eyes were so soft looking while closed, his lips- that you very distinctly remembered being so soft had parted slightly. 
His hair was wild and messy which screamed sex hair that unsurprisingly looked really good on him. Jungkook suddenly coiled his arms tighter around you as he pulled you into a hug, burying his nose in your hair before sighing contently. Still heavily asleep. On any other occasion you would’ve left last night but you had never quite had your shit rocked like that before. And quite frankly you still weren’t sure if you’d be able to properly walk today either. 
Thus leaving you at his mercy and almost afraid. Would he just kick you out when he woke up, having conquered you and moving onto the next girl. Jimin’s expression from last night flashed in your mind as you frowned. Did he take her to his room since he couldn’t have you? Oh god what if he heard you?
“Mmm, hi.” Jungkook’s voice was gravelly and filled with sleep, but oddly sounded angelic at the same time as he greeted you with a sleepy expression. Those deep brown eyes glancing at yours as you quietly stared back before murmuring, “Hi.”
Your hair had begun to fall in front of your eyes, prompting him to reach out a lazy hand, brushing the strand away as his fingers gently combed through your hair, “Are you okay? I can get a little rough sometimes.”
Attempting to ignore the intimate gesture as you sputtered out a laugh while you gave a tired but relieved smile, “A little? Seriously? If that was a little than I don’t know what you consider really rough.”
“Oh, I held back quite a bit honestly,” Despite his words he wasn’t necessarily boastful about it, as he seemed more so in thought while continuing, “But most girls I’m with aren’t use to it rough so I like to take it slow,” suddenly pulling you closer he buried his face in the crook of you neck, letting his fingers find their way to your waist as he stroke it, “But you did so well I couldn’t help myself.” Jungkook admitted against your neck as he thumbed the skin of your hip delicately as if tracing fine china, “Anyways you didn’t really answer, are you okay?”
“Well as okay as I can be,” you curved an eyebrow, not sure how to process his touchiness, maybe he just really enjoyed skinship? While it was nice being showered in aftercare you also weren’t one for touching, Jungkook was no exception too that as you shifted slightly in his grip, was he always so cuddly? “I’m not sure how well I’ll be able to walk but I’ll survive.”
But at the end of the day when touch wasn’t encouraged by lust it was still difficult to get yourself to relax. It was something you didn’t do and weren’t use to being showered in, even the morning after, “Don’t worry, I’ll help you while I can.” He had rolled onto his back, his lower arm still under you lingering on your touch while the other had grabbed his phone. Suddenly sighing through his nose, “We should get showered up, families are having breakfast right now then I’m off to scout for new property for business.”
You furrowed your brows together as you turned to face him, “What would your dad want with that?”
“Oh it’s not for him. I do help run the hotel chain but I don’t necessarily work under him. Too restrictive and honestly, it’d drive me batshit. I mainly work in upper management of Kim corporations. Come on princess let’s get up.” Jungkook gestured you to sit up as he pulled the covers off, making you whine as you curled against yourself. A dull ache in your legs and with the new stream of light on your body you had hickies everywhere. You were gonna need a lot of concealer for this.
“Come on,” Jungkook said in a sing song voice making his way to your side of the bed, tugging on your waist before dragging you into his arms, “Alright let’s do this the hard way.”
You wiggled and squirmed in his arms as he carried you to the bathroom, “Just because you have to be somewhere doesn’t mean I do too!” You continued to object as he managed to turn the hot water in the shower on.
Rolling his eyes he huffed, though there was a note of amusement in his eyes as he replied, “And you don’t think it’s gonna look weird if I go and you don’t. I know my dad doesn’t really look like it but he catches onto stuff fast.”
Setting you down your legs instantly wobbled and your hips throbbed in pain, your intimates shot with dull pain as well as you stumbled slightly, Jungkook quickly keeping you steady against him as he went to work on your hair, “Well no offense but if I go I think that’s gonna make it all the more obvious.” You complained but didn’t pull away from his attentive fingers that massaged through your scalp. The gesture was unexpectedly domestic, Jungkook was certainly full of surprises, ones you weren’t sure if you were necessarily comfortable with. To be fair how could someone let him drill them and then say this was crossing the line?
“Only if you limp around.”
“Oh and who do you think made that happen?”
You scolded as he let out a laugh behind you, carefree and obviously not feeling guilty about it as he finished washing your hair. Letting you soak up the hot water as he presumably began working on his hair. You almost felt obliged to help but your legs stayed glued to their position, physical touch was never your strong suit anyways.
After getting out of the shower the pain in your legs had begun to fade and Jungkook had even got you some medicine to take, sighing as you went to trudge to your room, who would’ve known the black t shirt he wore to save you from so much embarrassment when you met would be the same one you’d wear back to your room.
Much to his whining as he wanted you to stay, you had rolled your eyes as you replied you’d be right back. Grabbing a new change of clothes and your pack of makeup as you came back. Phone in one hand and his towel in the other drying his damp hair as you went to the full length dresser mirror. Sitting down as you began to get to work on your neck.
The hickies were a deep purple splotched with a messy tone of pink and going nowhere anytime soon. You watched Jungkook peak at you in the mirror in curiosity as you called out, “Take a step back there bunny boy. Last time you got this close you ended up three fingers deep in me.”
“Funny you say that sense you were the one begging for it.” Your lips twisted into a pout as you whipped around glaring at him. Jungkook’s eyes crinkled with a shiteating grin on his face before pointing to your thighs, “Leave those.”
Squinting your eyes you rose them as you shook your head, “No, it’s hot and I’m wearing shorts today, that would just be embarrassing if not awkward to leave them.”
It was Jungkook’s turn to pout as his plump lips twisted frowning, obviously wanting you to having some sort of mark for showing except you didn’t do that. You’d rather die than do that. And it wasn’t him, it was just who you are as a person, “Besides if it matters that much to you I’m leaving the ones on my hips alone.”
You pressed the powder in place on your neck as you finished concealing the second on before moving to your thigh. Jungkook exaggeratedly sighed, flopping on the bed as he replied, “Not good enough, no one can see that.”
“That’s the point,” you replied dryly, “Didn’t you say it was better if Jimin didn’t know about what we did?” Come to think of it Jungkook did mention that last night, why would he say that if he wanted you to go out all marked up, “Also, wouldn't that make things real loud and clear to your dad?”
You watched him flop over on the bed as he huffed again not saying anything, looking like a broody child who had been told no. But when it came to logic and reason you had a point, and knowing you were right just amplified his brooding. Finishing you stood up before walking up, looking down at his sulking figure, “You know I’m right.”
“Shut up.”
His legs still on the ground, sprawled out and his arms over his head dramatically while laying down. He almost looked too cute for his own good but your mind was already in the gutter as you shrugged, “Well if it really means that much...” he suddenly popped up with parted lips and raised eyebrows at feeling you hovering over him hands on either side of his hips, “I can always make it up to you.”
Sighing he groaned, collapsing back on the bed as he closed his eyes, “We have to go in ten minutes.”
“Is that supposed to stop me?” You laughed letting your fingers trail down his hips making him stiffen slightly as they began to feather towards his thighs, “I mean unless you don’t want too. No harm done it’ll make eating ea-“
“Knees now.”
Watching the dent in his sweatpants begin to form as you laughed, a coy smirk on your lips as you sunk to your knees obediently. Letting your fingers trail his thighs palming over his length, feeling in twitch between the fabric as he stifled a moan, sighing with closed eyes before opening them, his eyes lidded and dark, hazy with the sudden lust as he commanded, “Go on babygirl, take it out, I know you wanna suck it.”
Curling your fingers around his sweatpants you managed to hook his boxers as well before sliding them down, his cock standing firm already aroused and ready for taking as you gently gripped the base pumping nice and slow as you took his tip.
Swirling and sucking it as you heard a string of small moans escape him, it was enough to get you rubbing your thighs together but you needed to stay focused. Ten minutes, you could do that.
Squeezing his base you pumped faster as you began to take him further in your mouth, which stretched in pain as you had briefly forgotten how big he was. Filling your entire mouth without room to spare he was already close to the back of your throat and you weren’t even half way down his length.
Feeling his fingers grip your hair as he began to force you to bob your head against his cock, “Mmm you’re such a good girl you know that? So willing to get on those pretty little knees to suck daddy’s cock.” As if your own arousal wasn’t enough you could hear painfully clear every word he spoke, “We have seven minutes so let daddy use your mouth, okay baby?”
You nodded, feeling your jaw began to ache and your eyes beginning to water as he stood up, quickly snapping his hips all the way down your throat making you gag as your nails dug down his hips.
The pain only motivated him to go rougher, as he roughly yanked your hair send a pain throbbing into your scalp as he continued to force his way down your small throat, your vision of him blurring from the watery eyes.
“You look so good taking my cock babygirl.” Jungkook praised quickening his pace, his voice strained and his grip on your hair tightened as his cock began to twitch again, “Keep gagging for daddy.”
It wasn’t hard to fill his request as he knocked in and out of your mouth roughly before feeling a hot string of release slip down your throat as he panted, running a hand through his hair as he let himself slip from your mouth, “Ah fuck you cant offer that when we have to go somewhere.” Jungkook groaned looking at his phone to check the time. Sitting back you wiped both your mouth and tears as you raised an eyebrow, looking awfully cocky for someone who had just got mouth fucked, “What did I do? We still have three minutes to spare.”
Extending a hand Jungkook helped you up, towering over you looking ready to take you against the wall despite not being able too, much to his frustration, “Yeah and it’s not enough time to take you over the dresser.” He huffed running a hand through his hair, “Later?” His expression softened slightly, as if suddenly unsure if you wanted that.
Shrugging you had went back to your pile of clothes, beginning to change, “If you’re still up for it, I’m not gonna say no to getting jack hammered.”
Jungkook had quickly pulled the shirt over his head, grabbing the white button up on the other side of the bed that had been abandoned, “I’m always up for it.” He smirked, eyes glued to your exposed body as you pulled the nice comfy dark plum panties up, “Nice ass by the way.”
Sighing you turned to face him, making that bunny grin appear as he finished buttoning his shirt, “What? I’m giving you a compliment. All I’m saying is you’d look better in a skirt.”
“Oh so you can try and get me off in front of everyone? No thank you.” You scoffed curving an eyebrow making his grin become more sheepish at his intentions suddenly being exposed. Making you realize that was exactly his plan as he gave you a wink, “And you think shorts would stop me?”
You puckered your lips together, squinting harshly as you crossed your arms, not saying anything despite your cheeks flaring with each passing moment, “Lets go, I’m starving.” You heard him bark out a laugh as you turned around resigned, unable to face him any longer at the idea of what he wanted to do. You wouldn’t have blew him had you known he was gonna try and repay the favor sooner than later.
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“Your complexion looks so radiant Y/n! I knew this trip would be good for you,” Your mother chirped out smiling at you broadly as you glanced up from your plate, “You work yourself too much.”
Who was gonna tell her your complexion was post sex skin? Clearing your throat slightly as you gave an impish smile trying to force the vivid flashes from your mind, “It’s been nice, I won’t lie but I’m not gonna get carried away. You know I’ll be back at work soon.” You tsked as you leaned back in your seat, giving her a playful, but knowing look. Everyone seemed to resent the idea of you going back to work but it was work, what could you do? Even your mother sighed slightly, looking mildly saddened by your words making guilt gnaw in your stomach. This was her fairytale ending, not yours.
You weren’t interested in being whisked away into the high glamour and fast paced life of the rich. It sounded fun but was it really? Could it really beat pizza night and 3 am drunken shenanigans with your friends the rare moment you all had the night off. Could it really beat the electric neon light arcade room you loved visiting so much at dawn when you wanted nothing more then too sleep? Or the shitty bed and breakfast you stayed at when the weekends got too rough at your dads. There was so much more to life than wealth and power.
“Ah don’t worry about her Emi, she needs to make her own path in life. I quite admire that.” You couldn’t help but smile at Seung’s words as you shook your head, nodding towards him in agreement, at least someone seemed to understand, “Say you wouldn’t mind letting the girls keep us company today, would you Hwan?”
Hwan had those steel eyes that never seemed to melt, looking calculating before shrugging altogether though looking as if he wanted to say no. Did this guy ever cut loose? “Depends if the owners want the meeting to be private.” He glanced to Jungkook who had wedged himself between you and Jimin.
He had continuously fiddled with your thighs beneath the table, even now he stroked a long finger up the soft skin as you attempted to wrangle it beneath the white cloth, “Oh, he's quite the women lover, the more the merrier, you’ll be joining us, right Y/n?”
“Dunno,” you replied casually though your eyes looked ready to kill him as you grabbed his fingers beneath the table, squeezing them in a death grip as you gave a menacing grin, “Probably not, by the feel of it.”
No one else seemed to catch your innuendo or his slight wince, only for him to regain his cocky expression, leaning down slightly as the smirk coiled on his lips, “Feel of it huh?” You attempted to not jump in your seat at his fingers yanking from your grip to only squeeze the inside of your thigh harshly, “Come on, you’ll love it there,” You tried your best to not glare at him as his smirk widened, stroking the inside of your thigh higher and higher, “After all, you’re here to enjoy yourself, right?” This fucking brat.
Everyone seemed so oblivious to every double meaning of both of your words, Seung chimed in happily ignorant of your heated stares at each other, “Oh he’s right Y/n, it’s beautiful from what I’ve seen, you’ll love it there.”
Digging your nails into his hand caused him to jump back slightly, quickly crossing your legs tightly as you gave a sheepish smile, “Well I can’t refuse when you put it like that.”
Jungkook sat back triumphantly saying no more as breakfast continued on until you all eventually packed up to head out. You were positive Jimin didn’t know any better as to what you had been up too with his childhood friend but after feeling his tight grip curl around you waist, you had a distinct feeling he might’ve had some suspicions. Especially after the annoyed glance he gave Jungkook when he wedged himself in the seat between you both.
The trip to the business location was surprisingly painless, the entire trip was filled with chatter from both your mom and Jungkook’s mother, who you had quickly found out, despite her regal appearance she was incredibly soft spoken and sweet. Noting how Jungkook always seemed to have a soft expression when listening or speaking to her, only for it to harden when his father would join the conversation. They were definitely odd family dynamics but then again you remembered how bitter he seemed when talking about how controlling his dad was. You couldn’t necessarily relate, after all your dad was the exact opposite, he was utterly hands off your entire life unless he was provoked and even then that wasn’t necessarily a good thing.
The estate was just as grand as everything else you had seen so far and even still it took your breath away, granted the more you looked at it, the more it sure did seem like some over glorified golf course, “Didn’t realize we were going to a mini golf course, I would’ve worn proper attire.” You snidely remarked to Jimin as you leaned close, you weren’t about to say that in front of everyone else but he seemed to always find your snarky comments amusing.
Jimin choked out a snicker as he shook his head, his black bangs waving as he glanced over at you in amusement, “Well the good news is it’s not. This is a getaway lounge. Loads to do once we get inside you’ll see.” Jimin handed you a flier as your eyes landed on the paper, opening it curiously only for your eyes to land on the prices. Who the hell could pay for this!?
“Getaway lounge? If you can afford something like this what do you people have to get away from?” You looked down in mild horror making him laugh again, obviously amused by your words.
Feeling an arm wrap around your shoulder loosely as Jimin shrugged, “Not necessarily a place to get away like it suggests. But sure does make a hell of a nice weekend off.”
“I’d say.” You scoffed out as you curved a brow, deciding to ignore his arm that had yet to remove itself from you. Finally getting out of the car you had put some distance between the both of you as you were guided inside the large building, “Anyways who’s spilling the bill for me if I’m gonna be doing stuff here?”
“Me of course, just call me daddy.” Jimin smirked down at you with a wink making your face curl inward sending him into a fit of laughter, it was so easy to tease you it was hard to resist the constant opening.
“Could you at least be honest and just say sugar daddy.” You groaned facepalming, your cheeks heating up despite you vehemently wanting nothing more than to brood in a corner, “Besides shouldn’t you be working a deal out or whatever with your-“ you weren’t sure what to call Jungkook and the others as you vaguely gestured over to them making Jimin give you an amused glance.
“Jungkook’s the broker here not me, I’m just here on visit. The owners a mutual friend of ours. My dad and Jeon are scouting for a new business contact which is why they’re here as well. Technically we’re all just observing the transaction.”
Suddenly coming along made a lot more sense as you nodded understandingly, before furrowing your brows as you tilted your head, “So shouldn’t you be...I don’t know? Observing?”
“I am from afar, it’s always more fun with company isn’t it?” Jimin leaned down slightly his lips tilting up as he curved an eyebrow, “Like you said, I’m practically your sugar daddy so my first responsibility is tending to you baby.”
You looked away from him, your face animatedly stoic despite the glow of your cheeks, “Don’t call me that.”
A deep laugh sounded from ahead making you glance up towards the noise, “Jimin that’s not very gentleman like of you.” You swallowed thickly closing your eyes, why the hell were there so many young rich guys? Not only that but this guy might as well have been carved out by god himself, his black hair was like silk and his cheekbones high set, eyes sultry and dark as he strode your way.
“Seokjin you’re one to talk huh.” Jimin replied snidely as he crossed his arms unimpressed, a hint of amusement in his eyes but his body appeared guarded. This must’ve been the owner of the property and the said mutual friend of him and Jungkook.
“Always,” Seokjin winked at him, obviously not taking him serious as he held out his hand to you, licking his lips as he introduced himself, “Kim Seokjin.”
Giving a sheepish smile you shook it as you fumbled out, “Uh- L/n Y/n, it’s nice to meet you! You...you didn’t hear all of that before- did you?” You backed up slightly feeling embarrassment washing over you after the look he gave you. He definitely had.
But Seokjin only gave a teasing smile as he stepped closer to you, making you attempt to practically hide behind Jimin, “I don’t judge. But I won’t lie- I’d make a much better sugar daddy if you’re ever in need.”
You had to turn away all together as he laughed, putting your hands in your face as you wanted to smash your head into the wall, seriously why was it always you? “Shit you’re right, she is cute to tease.”
“Seokjin she’s gonna file for sexual harassment if you keep it up.” A body suddenly stood in front of you, arms crossed and not looking as playful as his words should’ve been Jungkook gave a tense smile that didn’t meet his eyes, “Trust me, she would.”
“I’d probably lose if I tried.” You muttered under your breath as you fully turned to face them all again, glancing at Jungkook’s broad back. Always intervening now so it seemed, that probably wasn’t going to change for the rest of the week.
A bit odd though, you had a one night stand with him so his behavior was a bit possessive given the nature of your relationship. Or maybe he had just never been in a real relationship before or had an authentic friendship? It was difficult to tell. Peeping out from behind his back you’d definitely admit you felt safe from them behind him. And for that you’d give him credit, if he wanted Jungkook could easily come across as intimidating.
“For what? I was just throwing out a suggestion for her, she’s pretty cute- What? Don’t look at me like that Jungkook, not when-“ Seokjin had been cut off by the sound of the rest of your group noisily heading over, mainly the laughter coming from your and Jungkook’s mother. The conversation had seemingly been dropped at the sight of them as you had distanced yourself again from the three. You had all- thankfully- parted ways, Jimin just as he said kept you company granted you weren’t exactly alone sense you decided to stay with your mom and Soo Yun.
“I apologize we haven’t had a moment to speak Y/n,” You glanced up to the soft spoken voice of Soo Yun, she was so beautiful, it was obvious where Jungkook had inherited the majority of his good looks, his voice matched hers as well in angelic tone, “Jungkook’s been talking a great deal about you,” you furrowed your brows at her face suddenly twisting slightly, her eyes rather sad as she sighed, “Probably more than he should be. You’ll have to accept my apology on his behalf, he’s young and doesn’t really want to settle for his lot in life.”
Her words were odd, but ironically you vividly remembered the seamstress- Irene if you were correct, had said something along the same lines. What did everyone mean by that? You felt rather conflicted, Jungkook had warned you about Jimin but everyone who knew him, well it wasn’t necessarily a warning but it did make you wonder. You didn’t doubt those close to him for knowing how he must be. But the question was why? What was his problem? Pushing back thoughts of last night from your mind you gave a smile, “There’s no need to apologize! He’s a gentleman at heart, I feel like I should be the one apologizing honestly. I’m the only one who doesn’t seem to serve a purpose here.”
Soo Yun tsked at you, a warm smile etching on her thin lips, “I know you must feel like an outsider but please, don’t worry about it. I feel the same you know? I didn’t come from as low as your family but I definitely was never in this sort of class range.” She waved a hand as she mused her past, making you tilt your head in curiosity as she rambled on, “I’m incredibly lucky to have married Hwan but...” despite her words her smile was tense and didn’t meet her eyes, “To be honest money can’t buy happiness, it can buy a lot of things but not that. Even now I still feel out of place occasionally, that’s why I love your mother so much!” 
She finally chirped out giving a beaming smile that could challenge the sun in brightness, “She understands how I feel and in return I do for her as well. I’m quite blessed to have met her and you both! I’m looking forward to the future you know? I know you aren’t interested in pursuing this life- and I can’t blame you. But I hope to see you in the future.” Soo Yun had gave you such a sweet and genuine smile you were positive your entire heart was going to implode.
She suddenly looked vaguely embarrassed as she ruffled her hair, “Ah I’m sorry, you probably don’t want to hear an old cat ramble.”
Realizing Jungkook had inherited that trait from his mother in rambling, she had the same classic look on her face that made you smile endearingly, “No! Don’t apologize, it’s okay, it actually makes me feel a bit better. Everyone keeps trying to suck me into this but, I’m just happy where I am in life you know? I don’t live on a grand scale but I wouldn’t trade my life for any other.” You felt your shoulders relaxing at ease, Soo Yun had such a natural charm about her, it was hard not to smile with her, no wonder her and your mother got along so well.
“Then don’t let others push you into what they want,” Soo Yun gave you an encouraging nod, “Stay true to yourself and you’ll always find happiness.”
You gave a happy hum as silence setting in thinking about her words. You couldn’t help but wonder about her, she seemed so sweet and kind but so sad. Maybe melancholy was a better way to put it, as if she genuinely understood your situation, or at least to a degree. You’d heed her words though regardless because there was no way on this planet she could have any harmful intentions.
Eventually Jimin had finally budged enough to get you to part ways with the moms as you bid them farewell. He was currently taking you to the sauna room, one of his favorite places to go and clear his head apparently, “So you’re telling me you can just rent out a whole room?” You curved an eyebrow incredulously as Jimin nodded.
“Mhm what else would you do? That would be gross sharing a room with a stranger.” Jimin said it as if it was obvious, weaving his way through the halls as if it was a second home. You supposed if you lived your entire life loaded that was a genuine statement.
Licking your lips you finally gave an amused grin as you chuckled, his words sounded so absurd he really had no idea, did he? “Boy what would you do if I ever took you to a public sauna?”
Not that you had ever been to one yourself but it made you wanna go just for the reaction. Jimin rolled his eyes despite the smile placing on his lips Opening the door to the room he gestured you inside, “But you won’t, will you?”
Noticing this wasn’t the sauna room but a changing room as you shrugged, “I won’t, probably couldn’t afford even the public sauna but that’s a broke kids life. Might as well enjoy premium while I have the chance.” Walking behind the changing wall as you called out, “We’re not actually changing in the same room right?”
“We are.” Jimin confirmed and you could imagine the smirk on his lips as you sighed. Peeling your clothes off, you found the complementary white bikini hanging with a silky white robe. Pulling the thong like material up before strapping in the halter top. Wrapping the robe around yourself as you called out, “Does that mean we have to walk out looking like this?”
Walking out from your side you noticed Jimin was already changed, robe in hand but obviously not wearing it, trying to keep your eyes away from his toned abdominal as he curved an eyebrow amused, “Y/n the door to our room is right there, unless you’re into nudity...”
“Shut up.” You groaned facepalming as he laughed, leading the way to the door up ahead as before opening it. Hot steam wafting out instantly opening your pores as you breathed in deep, your skin automatically heating as you stepped in taking a seat.
Jimin shut the door as he shrugged, giving you a cheeky look as he replied, “So you do? Interesting I’ll keep that-“
“I don’t!” You snapped out flustered, sighing annoyed as you crossed your arms, “It’s the opposite really. The last thing I wanna do is walk around a huge building in a flimsy robe wearing a two piece underneath. Sweat has begun to build on your brow and your body temperature had jumped significantly.
“Two piece huh?” Jimin licked his lips, eyes narrowing slightly as if challenging as he asked, “Care to display for me?”
Crossing your legs you squeezed them slightly as you have a cautious look, “Nah, I'm good.” Wiping your face as you fanned yourself slightly, pulling your hair up into a bun as you felt tempted to go ahead and take the robe off due to the steam making it stick uncomfortably to your body.
Jimin sighed dramatically as if your concern for sleeping with him wasn’t that big of a deal. And you supposed it technically wasn’t but it still bugged you. He sat down next to you, legs opened naturally as he glanced at you, “Still on about the whole us being legally related huh.”
“It’s a valid reason!” You shouted throwing your hands up as you glanced at him raising your eyebrows, what was this guys deal? Did it really not bother him that he’d address you as family- at least in public? “That is an extremely valid reason.”
You suddenly pressed your back against the wall as Jimin lunged, kneeling down as he caged you between his arms as you swallows thickly, lips smirking as he replied, “Yeah but they’re not married yet.”
“Oh my god.” You sighed closing your eyes, you couldn’t tell if your body was hot from his words or the steam. Sweat trickling down your neck as his eyes festered on it, tsking as he leaned in close, “How long have you been hiding those from me hm? Getting busy without me?”
You felt confused for a minute before realizing the hickies you had covered this morning. Shit! The steam had definitely wiped the makeup clean leaving them exposed as you gave a cryptic though sheepish smile, “Lets just say for as busy as I am I can make time for myself on rare occasions.” It was a vague answer, one that would allude to you having gotten laid before you flew to Dubai.
Jimin shook his head, his hand slightly creeping up the inside of your leg making your body stir, “Oh yeah? Wanna tell me about it kitten?” You swallowed at the sudden pet name, what you should do is tell him to stop, that this was a bad idea and you should go. But out of morbid curiosity and arousal you stayed put, swallowing once more, “Well, it was good. Amazing actually, I came five times.” Your lips had twitched into a smirk.
“Five times huh?” Jimin mused, his hand massaging the inside of your thigh making core begin to throb in anticipation as he leaned in, “Wanna see if you can come six?”
This was your out, despite his predator like words it was also said as an ask for consent to go further. If you had any common sense- any decency you’d back out right now, “If you’re good enough.” Except at this point in your life, what wasn’t a mess? Might as well add one more thing on the list. Jimin’s lips coiled into a full smirk as he undid the tie of your robe. You quickly discarded it feeling temporary relief as your body was covered in a sheen of sweat but the heat of the steam had already overtook it once more.
Your mind was already hazy from it but Jimin’s hands on the inside of your thighs certainly helped, “Mmm kitten you’re already wet aren’t you? Look at you sitting there all excited,” You squirmed at feeling his hand abruptly grab against your crotch as if testing his words, wiggling as he slid it up your clothed slit, pressing lightly as the fabric glided back and forth with ease, “What a slut, already this wet and I’ve barely done a thing.” Jimin curved an eyebrow amusement written on his face as his hand continued to stroke your heat, fingers ghosting over your clothed clit occasionally though it never failed to make you bite your lip, “But you’re daddy’s little whore aren’t you?”
You nodded eagerly as you felt his fingers pull the bikini aside, letting his fingers coat themselves against your heat before roughly dragging against your clit making you moan out. Pinching the bud before hitting its sweet spot as you whimpered again Jimin’s gaze had turned merciless, “Tch What a greedy bitch, looking at you whining like a brat against me. Obviously he didn’t satisfy you enough. I’ve been waiting for this you know? That look on your face when I make you cum. Mm fuck and it looks good on you too.” 
He dragged his fingers down your slit pushing two fingers inside you, your tiny walls instantly clenching around him as you gasp before swallowing harshly, pumping his fingers agile as he leaned in, “Go on, beg for your orgasm you little slut, go on. I know you wanna cum on daddy’s fingers.”
Eagerly you sprung into action quickly bucking your hips as you rode his fingers complying, “Please let me cum daddy. I’m daddy’s little slut that wants to cum! Please daddy please!” You continued to beg feeling him add a third finger in approvingly as you whined, “Daddy oh god, I’m so close please let me cum!”
Jimin finally leaned in between your thighs as he replied, “Go on kitten come on daddy’s fingers. Such a good girl.” You almost screamed at feeling his tongue make its way onto your clit massaging the bud before giving it kitten licks. Clenching your walls around his fingers you moaned loudly, feeling the grip in your stomach build before quickly releasing as you whined, continuously bucking your hips into his fingers wanting more.
Fuck getting laid so much had made your body dust off its high libido, “Please let me cum again daddy! Please! I- I need too!” You whimpered out as Jimin chuckled, slowingly down his fingers to a rhythmic pump, “What a greedy whore, another orgasm already?” His mouth attached to your clit again sucking it harshly making you scream. Toes curling as your walls clenched against bucking yourself into him as you felt your second orgasm reach its peak. Jimin glanced up at you from between your legs pulling his fingers out as he darkly asked, “Did I say you could cum?”
Your legs shook and you realized what would come next as he sat down, pointing to his lap, “Over my lap. Now.” Shaking you had wiped the sweat from your face though it seemed futile as the steam wafted more, crawling over his lap you felt a large bulge on your stomach, “Ass up.”
Lifting up your butt you gave it a small wiggle only for a sting to throb against it as his hand smacked down harshly, jolting you whimpered again as he continued to spank you, “Touch yourself you filthy slut, sense you wanna cum that badly go on.”
You felt tears stinging your eyes as he spanked you again harsher than the last as you obediently let your hand crawl under you and under the bikini band. Letting your fingers toy with your clit as you sobbed out, feeling another harsh spank against your ass as you brushed your fingers over your overstimulated clit, “Keep rubbing you bitch.” He snapped out with another spank.
Whimpering you felt the pressure in your core build faster as your hands slid against the bud faster, feeling another sting against your ass as you bucked your hips, “Daddy- I’m- im going to cum- please let me!”
“Go on I know you’re a greedy whore, cum on daddy’s lap.” Jimin sneered out his hand harshly landing another blow on your ass, before grabbing your tied up hair and yanking it harshly. With his permission your legs had begun to shake and your moans heightened as you hit just the right spot on your clit to let the orgasm wave over you.
With one last smack he gave you a moment to recover, “Are you ready for daddy’s cock?”
“Y-yes.” You nodded slowly getting up from his lap, legs shaky but complying regardless. Jimin stood up, swooping down to pick you up by the ass. His body was just as hot as yours and the sweat against his body made his just as slippery pressing you against the wall as his lips went to your neck.
A loud ring suddenly jolted you both out of the steamy moment as you gaped slightly. Groaning Jimin slowly pulled from your neck, holding you propped against the wall in one hand as he shuffled the other one into the pocket of his swim bottoms, pulling his phone out as he asked somewhat annoyed, “Yeah? Right now?” He sighed though his nose sharply, “Doesn’t matter, we’ll be there.”
He hung up, glaring at his phone before putting it away, running a hand through his wet hair as he sighed, “Come on kitten, we’ll pick this up later.” He set you down as you steadied yourself against the wall. Glancing at him confused before finally asking, “What? Who was it?”
Jimin sighed exasperatedly as he replied, “My dad, everyone’s eating lunch right now. Apparently they were getting worried about us.”
Leaning against the wall you closed your eyes before muttering, “For good reason.”
“I didn’t hear any complaints from you.” Jimin grabbed your chin, leaning down slightly as he smirked, “Come on, let's go before they start looking for us.”
Nodding you went to grab your robe before making your way out of the room. Wobbling back to your changing station as you sighed, glancing down at all of the exposed hickies that had once been concealed. At least you were smart enough to bring a smaller makeup bag in your pursue. You worked deftly with your fingers as you didn’t pack any brushes but you did a good enough job for now. Running a hand through your hair as you sighed.
Maybe that was a sign from god you shouldn’t have said yes to him in the first place.
But shit, he was really good. You closed your eyes, face heating up again at all the degrading things he said, fuck it was still hot though. Sighing you shook your head, pulling out your phone to update your friends on your latest fuck up.
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Putting it away you stood up before making your way to lunch with Jimin. Ironically after what had just happened you both seemed to converse as if nothing happened in the first place and you were grateful for that. Going out onto the terrace where everyone was laughing you gave an awkward smile as you waved, your mother grinning back as she waved you over, “Where were you? We were all getting worried!”
Taking a seat around the table facing the entrance you gave a small smile, “Oh, we just went to the sauna, nothing major. For my first time I’d say I can see why people go.” That was such a blatant lie but it rolled off your lips like it was the truth, you couldn’t even properly focus on the heat because of Jimin.
“I’m glad to see you’re enjoying yourself!” Your mother shot back chipperly, genuinely happy to see you must’ve been enjoying yourself. And you definitely had, maybe a little too much.
Jungkook had been glancing at you appraisingly as if searching for any visible evidence for what you assumed was Jimin sleeping with you. You weren’t sure why though, he warned you not to get emotionally invested in Jimin right? Or was that just for sleeping with him? Would’ve been nice for him to at least clarify, “The sauna huh?” He echoed not looking incredibly impressed as he glanced at Jimin.
Who smugly shrugged, making you wanna wilt, if that wasn’t an unsaid ‘yeah I tapped that’ then you weren’t sure what was. Jungkook’s eyes were unreadable before he glanced back at you, “I’ll have to take you next then.”
You couldn’t look at either of them, an odd tension took over the table, for you at least as you felt two sets of eyes bore into you. Finally managing a tense awkward smile as you shrugged, “Yeah sure...” fumbling with your hands as you placed them in your lap. You were in for punishment big time. The bad news was that you weren’t sure from who.
The table was taken over by the leading conversation of the mothers thank god, Seokjin had sat at the table as well constantly chiming in making the women cackle and yourself included. Definitely a ladies man. Lunch was almost over when it happened.
The double doors of the terrace opened as a voice sounded, “Jungkook! I didn’t realize you were visiting.” You felt confused by her low tone, long legs striding in with a big grin but somehow it look menacing, her heels clicked on the ground beneath as everyone turned to face her. Quickly taking the empty seat next to him Jungkook’s eyes had widened before they suddenly darkened broody, “Jae you didn’t tell me you were telling here.” You felt confused for a minute at his tone, it was casual but in a way was guarded.
Jae- as she was called, laughed hooking her arms around his despite him not budging, “Sorry baby but my friends convinced me last minute-“ her eyes had somewhere along the lines of her sentence placed on you, as if sizing you up in one breath before she gave you the world's most intimidating smile, “Oh I’m sorry how rude of me to not introduce myself.”
You felt tense at her words, they were charismatic but also felt like they had a venomous undertone. Pulling your drink to your lips as you kept a poker face, she leaned forward slightly before a smirk curled on her face, “I’m Kang Jae, Jungkook’s fiancée.”
You spat out your drink coughing harshly as you raised your eyebrows, unsure if you actually heard her correct, “His what!?”
Note: and i oop- rip to mc lmao let the shit show commence 😌
Taglist: @sapphireprinces5 @jazzytfw @theslumberingcat @mrsfandomz 
(Let me know if you’d like to be added!)
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miyomiikonran · 4 years
Whumptober Day 4
Extra rules: Each short story will be between 500-1000 words and will include at least one of my or @ironic-artist's OCs.
Today's theme: Running out of time
Choosen prompt: Collapsed building
Universe: Wakfu (explanation in notes)
Character: Takashi
Word count: ~1000
Trigger warnings: Emotional and mental distress
For more notes please look at the end!
Who would have thought that's how he's gonna end up. Under a tons of stone chunks, bricks, tiles… Definitely not the way Takashi imagined himself to go. But one thing was sure, he took that bitch with him.
It was supposed to be their big day, the day when they're either gonna win or everything will go to shit and they're gonna die one way or another. Pretty much a day to look forward to. Attack on palace started before dawn, as they had to get through old dungeons leading from prison all the way under the palace, possibly undetected for as long as possible, with all forces available at the moment. Whole island was tense for a few days now. Both sides knew final clash will happen eventually, as army's reinforcements were on their way to help with ongoing revolt against King Adale. Rebels would obviously stand no chance against them, because of their high tech, despite higher numbers.
After they arrived under the palace, real battle finally began. Everything was going smoothly at first, as they managed to get lower levels under control. But once they started moving further, losses were starting to grow as King's personal guard was protecting central parts of palace. First fall back and need for regroup caused doubts to grow, which was the main reason for officer meeting to be called. His shoulder still felt stiff while he moved it, because of that blow from axe he got three weeks ago. Thanks to Shinuo it was mostly healed, otherwise he couldn't be here now.
In the end it was decided that they have to give it all they got in last deciding offensive. They thought they would had few hours left till dusk to prepare… Till King's General didn't appear out of nowhere in her damn robotic suit. Of course that crazy bitch had to somehow get ahead of rest reinforcements! Just her presence alone caused a lot of panic as she was known for having no mercy even towards her own soldiers not even mentioning any traitors to the kingdom. That's when he and maybe dozen other people from his old unit got the same idea, just as batshit crazy as their enemy. They did their best to provoke her and take her away from main forces. Unfortunately, they were lucky enough for it to work.
That's how they found themselves in ballroom at the far west section of the palace, which was topped with huge dome and surrounded with massive, thick columns all round. These were great hiding places, at least for as long as Miss General didn't decide to put her portable cannon to use. Soon they felt how whole construction started to shake with each heavy step of robotic suit jumping around. It was the last chance to leave, they all knew it. But he didn't make it. Entrance got blocked by stone supports from ceiling just before his eyes. Just his kind of luck.
One of his last pieces of memory before ceiling completely fell apart was being chased by her, trying to hide behind what remained from all the columns and other rubble, right as piece of ceiling fell onto robotic suit, causing General herself to crawl out of it, pissed and bloodthristy. Last seconds got filled with their struggle on the ground, exchanging hits. His last thought hardly could be called sane, as he used a small fire spell Shinuo taught him to ignite whatever shit was seeping from broken robotic suit. Explosion was the last hit, right after it whole ballroom turned into rubble. Heavy, suffocating grave for the both of them.
Being burried alive is new kind of nightmare he never had to imagine. It was so hard to breathe... He knew his ribs got smashed, pain basically was going through his spine with every deeper inhale or exhale. Dust all around, on his face, in his hair, flying all around in all these tight spaces, tangling in his throat, as he desperately tried not to cough. He couldn't move his legs, that's for sure, but hey, at least he felt them! Mostly more pain but that's something... If someone's gonna find him.
Takashi's thoughts were going crazy at the time. Panic was slowly seeping in as more and more scenarios were apprearing in his mind. How's Shinuo gonna react? Will he be alright? As long as rest succeeds, probably… If not, then even doctors treating rebels might pay heavy price. Feeling of powerlessness was kinda terrifing. He tried to calm his breath but panic finally made him cough so hard his vision got black for a second. He asked Shinuo to stay away from this whole mess! But obviously he wouldn't listen, so so devoted to help in whatever way he could. Of course he would... He's never gonna see Hidemichi again, or his girlfriend. Maybe Hide will help Shinuo to get out of trouble? He could take him to Amakna, or something… That thought was weirdly reassuring, despite being stuck. Even if he's gonna die here… Thought sent shivers down his spine. How long will it take….? His head started to feel dizzy. It already hurt before, now it only was getting worse. With time it started to get pretty chilly, so he suspected that night came already. He couldn't hear anything though. No sounds of battle, nor someone digging through these damn stones. He finally lost his consciousness as new day came.
* * *
Is there anything more terrifing than thinking you might've lost your twin?
Shinuo just couldn't be stopped since information that Takashi's probably burried somewhere under collapsed part of palace reached him. Uncertainty was there, of course, but his mind was too skilled in sending him more and more visions of painful death in that scenario. He wanted to help but most stones were too heavy for him to lift... Finally he left, heartbroken, but aware there's nothing he could've done to help. He went back to field hospital instead. That's where he can make a difference. He had to occupy himself with something, anything! It's not like they had any free time on their hands anyway, with so many injured, among rebels, soldiers and civilians alike.
As late evening came, he heard some shouts. And even a bit of cheering from nerby tent. He rushed there right away...and there he was, unconscious, worn out, with his legs so heavily bloodied but at least alive. However, elderly doctor stopped him before he could get close to Takashi, who was taken to their "intensive care" tent. If you can call a tent like that...
- That's bad idea. Look at yourself, you're barely on your feet right now. Better leave it to others, you're already a ball of nerves. Go and rest, have some sleep. - woman insisted, but before she let him go, she pushed something into his own hand.- Take a look, he had it in his hand.
It was a little, golden like metal badge, now heavily scratched and bent in one place. The General's badge.
Sloooowly but I'm still going. Today's lil writing is still about my two main babies, but in completely different setting, in universe known from fantasy MMORPG called Wakfu, as well as anime series. It's Takashi and Shinuo's original world, I created them while game was still in beta qwq. Good old days. For those of you who might not know, it's a world with twelve main races, each with it's own God/Goddess, powers based on them and stuff. It also has four nations player is able to choose as their character's main base. Takashi and Shinuo are born as Eniripsas (healing class in this universe) and their nation was ocean-oriented island of Sufokia, who also appears in anime series. My plot for them is basically a mix of both game elements and anime's setting with some of my own twists.
This scene was in my head for years by now. You see, in anime series we can see a young, egoistic prince Adale of Sufokia, who's absolute dipshit unable to properly command his troops as he tries to take over an island for his father's kingdom. Just to spice things a bit I made him a King in here for good chunk of time only to plan a revolt against him when city guards (which was actually position you could have in game too!) and civilians had enough of his neverending wars with other nations that kept ruining Sufokia as a whole. Takashi who worked hard for few years to become a guard and actually get his own small team of people, obviously joined the fight as the hot-head he is. Shinuo as a good brother and skilled doctor he is, followed him into this chaos.
What's kinda funny is that mentioned General also appeared in anime series and was just as crazy and ridiculous in her behaviour as I described. If you don't believe me then go check up 2-3 last episodes from season 2 of anime series :')
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canaryatlaw · 4 years
ooof okay it’s late and I’m tired so let’s go. I had set my alarm for 10 am to start checking my phone for cases, there were supposed to be two volunteers up before me but nonetheless I had a case when I woke up so I started working on that shortly afterwards. we got through all the paperwork okay, but then when the client was reviewing it something really batshit crazy happened that’s definitely a first for me (I won’t get into details but I’ll say the police were called, so it was a lot) but we got through it and ended up getting the order granted, so I breathed a sigh of relief at that point. I was supposed to have an allergist appointment at 2, but when I got a case I knew that obviously wasn’t going to happen (I was kinda trying to play it by ear) so I called them and they said just come in when I could, which I of course was very thankful for. so once the case was done I headed out there. and ugh, not to be bitching about money all the time, but everything is so fucking expensive. like idk if I can even keep going to the allergist now that I’m paying for literally everything, and it’s like $60 in ubers just getting there and back plus a $40 copay each time so like, that’s $100 for one visit?? I’ve been trying to track my spending to say on the right course but so far it’s just been stressful and depressing. and I know I had it a lot better than a lot of other people up to this point, and I am thankful for that, but suddenly going from having parental monetary support to being totally on your own for everything in the span of like 2 weeks has been daunting, to say the least. sigh. anyway. the appointment was fine, I was concerned it would be awkward because last time I was there I had told my doctor my dad was in the hospital, so I knew she’d probably ask about him and then of course that would be uncomfortable, but she actually wasn’t in today and I just saw the other doctor so that worked out okay. came home afterwards. once I got home I finished up some work stuff quickly, then went to the couch with my laptop to go online while watching tv, pausing to make dinner somewhere between episodes. I ended up finishing the show I had been watching on amazon prime video called Doubt- it was from 2017, I must’ve seen a commercial for it at the time and thought it looked interesting so I put it on my to watch list, and am only now actually getting to watch it. it only ran one season which was kinda sad because it’s actually pretty good, but I finished the season up tonight. it’s a lawyer show, and I had a strong feeling I knew what was going to happen with the main case plot of the season, either the client the main character had been fucking would be found guilty of murder when he was truly innocent, or he’d get off and then it would come out that he was actually guilty, and I realized exactly how it was going to go down like, 15 seconds before the characters got there haha mostly because I read a novel in like 2013 which ended up having basically the same twist at the end. but I really liked it, and probably stayed up too late watching it, but oh well. After I finished the show I showered and started getting ready for bed, then of course wasted a bunch of time doing stupid things, but now I’m here and I’m very read to go to bed, so I’m going to do that now. Goodnight dears. Hope your Monday didn’t suck.
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frostflames · 8 years
My taste can range from fluffy to borderline f*cked up (Contains Spoilers if you haven’t read the works )
Somewhere last year i decided to delve into the world of Manhwa and Manhua instead of just sticking to Manga the reason being that Manga tended to be quite repetitive and have a lot of BL content with p*rn but no plot and that doesn’t really appeal to me personally. Plus Korean and Chinese comics tend to have more depth and character development than Japanese comics.
So 19 Days is the cutest shit I’ve ever read and everytime I see an update I TALK AND TYPE IN CAPLOCK COZ ASDFGHJKL.
The story revolves around two childhood best friends,Jian Yi and Zhang Xi. Jian Yi is your ball of sunshine and energy and is hella dorky. He however has bad luck or is it good..? as he always finds himself in a #YES HOMO situation which can be and is misread by third parties. Jian Yi is very touchy feely and gets very handsy with Zhang Xi. Zhang Xi however always fights back with violence.
Most of the chapters go on that way and I seriously thought it was a cute guys doing cute shit sorta thing until one fine day the author decided to slap us with feels and actual plot by making Jian Yi come out of the closet and do what he had always wanted to do.  That was the most devastating shit I read (And I thought about it for weeks on end) because seeing Jian Yi crying and feeling like garbage for his sexuality broke me. However since that,Zhang Xi has been very kind to Jian Yi and has never lashed back at him angrily like he used to before. It seems like Zhang Xi loves his best friend (platonically for now) regardless and will be more careful about what he says and does to him.
This is shounen ai so the most you can expect in hugging and kissing. The tag could change though though it’s unlikely
There’s another couple possibility in this too but I’m more attached to this one. 
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And then there’s Killing Stalking. This is the kind of shit i live for and dig. It’s toxic as f*ck and horrible. I LOVE IT
Korean Works tend to be quite gory and graphic but this,this surpassed the usual stuff I read.
When I first jumped into this I though oh look, gangrape and the typical unpopular,lesser attractive scrawny kid falls for popular guy who saved him from bullying. This is gonna be meh. BUT BOY WAS I HELLA WRONG
It revolves around two MCs; Yoon Bum and Sangwoo. Yoon is hella infatuated with Sangwoo and develops stalkerish tendencies. He illegally enters visits Sangwoo’s home when he went out and attempts to fap to Sangwoo’s scent.Having done that he chances upon a secret and finds out that Sangwoo was not who he thought he was. He is batshit crazy and keeps naked and abused victims in his basement .SnK isn’t the only thing with secrets in a basement. 
The plot twist happens when the stalker is the one who’s creeped out,is discovered ,has his legs broken and turns into a hostage. Didn’t see that coming did ya?
The story is so well thought out and leaves you at the edge of your seat. Every chapter will have you going “No Sangwoo,please don’t. OUCH! EVEN I FELT THAT.”
Sangwoo is the kind of guy you love and hate at the same time. Love coz goddamn he’s fucked up and complex and hate coz goddamn, he can be super infuriating at times
He will nurse you back to health and shower you with love after making you consume food you prepared to kill him with ,but he picked up that you were smiling too much and made you eat first.
Then he’ll bring home another hostage and make you’ll play a game of cards . The winner gets to live while the loser dies. He’ll even help you win by telling you which card to choose ONLY TO PLAY WITH YOUR HEART AND MAKE YOU CHOOSE THE WRONG ONE LAST MINUTE COZ HE LOVES TORTURING THE ONE HE “LOVES”.But hey,you lost? Don’t worry,He was gonna let you live anyway. BUT SOMEBODY HAS TO DIE,SO YOU ARE GONNA BE HIS ACCESSORY TO MURDER.
The gore may put off a number of people but I can’t help but be impressed by it. The games Sangwoo plays ,his psychotic nature,the unpredictability is certain scenes, the fear he instills in me,as a reader are always amazingly captivating. This one contains mature content, not only the sex kind, so you’ve been warned
 The breakdowns Yoon experiences,the way Sangwoo goes from 0 to 100 and 100 to 0 both touch my heart and scare the shit out of me. So yeah,read this shit. it’s good
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