#pll tp season 1
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Pretty Little Liars: The Perfectionists 1x09: Lie Together, Die Together (aired by May 15, 2019) - p. 1/2
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plldaily · 5 years
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thebestplltheories · 5 years
Freeform, please please PLEASE read this
Well, this is why I have been so silent since the finale... I knew the future wasn’t bright so I knew not to waste my time.
All I have to say is: Freeform, you made several big mistakes. I could take the “fuck you” route, and my anger and disappointment tempt me to take that route, but I’ll keep it civil and constructive. In the one in a million chance that anyone at Freeform reads this - I’d like to offer my constructive feedback as to why cancelling The Perfectionists after just 1 short season was non-sensical decision.
Unfortunately, the majority of fans were not satisfied with the ending of the original PLL. If you could not see this in 2017, you were incredibly out of touch with the fans and your PR team needs a serious restructure. Having a biased set of eyes gets you nowhere in this industry. You NEED to know what the fans are saying, and the fans hated the PLL ending. Because of the poor reception to the ending, there was NOT an overwhelming demand for a continuation of PLL. Yet, you not only decided to make a spin-off, but you even put Pretty Little Liars in the title. This did you more harm than good: you were preaching that the poor writing of the original series will continue into this series. This meant that fans of the original series were disinterested from day 1. Also, you struggled to capture the attention of new viewers, as putting PLL in the title gave the impression that this is a sequel to PLL - and if you haven’t sat through 7 seasons of the original show, you could not understand this new story. And finally, the name was too long. People had no idea what to tweet. PLL? PLLTP? TP? How do you expect to trend on Twitter when everyone is using a different hashtag? (I mean, take a look at my hashtags for this post right here... what a drainer typing all that out.) “The Perfectionists” is a name that can trend, and is a name that does not imply spoilers from the previous series AND successfully separates it from the stigma of the previous series. Your marketing was enough to send this show to the grave, yet you hammered the nails on the coffin with a poor supply system. Again, if you think Hulu is a better provider than Netflix, you are incredibly out of touch with how your audience consumes media in 2019. I know that Netflix is the more expensive partner, but sometimes you have to spend money to get money. I can’t believe I, the psychology student, has to give a basic marketing lesson. Also, your international fans literally had to rely on pirating because you didn’t provide it on basic services that you had for your prior series, such as iTunes. Ouch. Sorry to report the illegal activity for many people (not me, btw).
With poor marketing and a silly supply system: how could you expect success? Your expectations were unfairly high for a show that was destined to fail because of YOU, Freeform. I don’t need a marketing degree to say that. I’m genuinely shocked that no one in your offices could see the issues and therefore devise some corrections to implement in a second season. You’ll never know what could’ve happened if these issues were corrected. PLL The Perfectionists will be the show that could’ve been a sleeper hit, but YOUR tendency to turn a blind eye to reality stopped you from getting the next big hit.
I now know not to tune in to any other PLL related show, given the history of spinoffs being cancelled (Ravenswood and now this). I guess I’ll see you all for the PLL reunion in a few years! I hope The Perfectionists characters can pop in then! I’d love to see what Caitlin, Ava and Dylan get up to.
To the everyone who worked on the show, you deserved way better. I hope you know that the cancellation of your show has nothing to do with the quality of your show - it is entirely the result of poor management. I mean, the fact that you had low ratings from day 1 episode 1 - when it is not even possible for people to say “this show is shit” because the story hadn’t even started yet - goes to show this isn’t an issue regarding the quality of your show. It was a great show with shit management. Thank you for 10 really amazing episodes. I wish the world got to see that lessons were learnt from the original series and the result was 10 really juicy episodes.
Again, see you all for the PLL reunion! Hopefully it’s sooner rather than later!
Freeform, I hope you regret this decision which was clearly based on a lack of knowledge.
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soul-music-is-life · 5 years
But if Emison is dead, what did Shay film????????????
Myth. Debunking…
There is no proof or confirmation that she filmed anything.A lot of false information has been spread around about that (people can doanything with photoshop). But she’s not in it. I would bet on that. They can’t even use her likenesswithout having to send a check (ie: why you can’t see her clearly in any photosin the show). Shay has shown no interest. I would be willing to bet she hasn’t even watched the show (maybe The Pilot). But she’s moved on to other things.
They’ve wrapped season 1. Straightup, they are over, my friend. Shay hasn’t filmed anything for PLL: TP, andI’d attest to that in court. Besides, it would be horrible storytelling to be like, “we’re divorced!” and then havelike 30 seconds of Emily being like, “We’re good. Love you.” Not to mention that if Marlene had something like that up her sleeve now would be the time to use it for publicity, because she’s steadily losing her audience. And given Sasha’s complete 180 on hope for the couple I’m going to go out on a limb and say they knew they needed to address it because they have nothing in the cards for Emison.
What really happened (and I know I sound like a broken record) is that they tried to use the ship forviews and it back-fired tremendously on them. Now they’re trying to do damagecontrol because they’re stuck with what they’ve already filmed, though I stilldo believe that if there is footageof Emily (from PLL days) it will only be aired if the show is canceled so they can put Emisonback together.
Long story short: don’t set yourself up for disappointment.Ripping the band-aid off…Emison ain’thappenin in TP, dawg. Watch for the noobs or don’t watch at all. Simple asthat. Because there is nothing good for Emily and Alison on the horizon. They aren’t even a thought at this point. You can see that in the show where they’re doing more “telling” than “showing”. They’ve had to say in interviews “she facetimes her kids” and “she loves them very much” but from what I’ve heard none of that has been shown and we’re halfway through the season. “Show…don’t tell” is screenwriting 101.
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themarinaalexis · 5 years
“If I could ask Marlene King just one question, it would be why she so enjoys half-naked men in Santa hats.“
My new recap of PLL: TP episode eight, “Hook, Line, and Booker” is live!
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Pretty Little Liars: The Perfectionists 1×09 - Lie Together, Die Together (aired by May 15, 2019) - p. 2/2
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plldaily · 5 years
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plldaily · 5 years
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thebestplltheories · 5 years
Why is #RenewThePerfectionists trending on Twitter?
Are people actually scared we won’t get renewed? If they renewed Famous in Love with similar ratings, they’ll renew PLL. They’re not going to let this ship sink that easily. They’ll give it a second season and if they’re smart, they’ll make a LOT of marketing changes to actually try revive it. They’ll be absolutely stupid to just renew it and carry on normally. Clearly, something isn’t clicking with the general public, so they need to renew it and make adjustments.
I won’t be that person who demands action and provides no potential solutions so I’ll give a couple ideas:
Stop competing with Riverdale. That show is in its third year and it has a dedicated fan base. Freeform, air it on a different night.
Get rid of Pretty Little Liars from the title. Just call it The Perfectionists. Some people aren’t tuning in because they didn’t watch/finish PLL and are scared they can’t jump into this because they won’t understand it or because of spoilers. This needs to be its own standalone show. Make the link to PLL known by spelling out The Perfectionists with the iconic, cursive PLL font. Make the link to PLL known visually, rather than by shoving it down people’s throats with an excessively long title. This way, people may feel it’s safe to dive into The Perfectionists because it’s different to PLL rather than a sequel to PLL. Also, having Pretty Little Liars in the title confuses people on Twitter. People don’t know what to hashtag. We can’t trend on Twitter because a fifth is tweeting PLL, another fifth tweeting PLLTP, another fifth tweeting TP, another fifth tweeting Perfs, another fifth tweeting PLLPerfectionists. Make it simple: The Perfectionists. Trend on Twitter with #Perfectionists. Simple! (Trending on Twitter is necessary to gaining viewers. When the trend appears in people’s explore tab, they’re more inclined to check out that show that’s gaining attention. Hence why I actually care about twitter attention.)
Stop copying and pasting storylines from the original PLL. Blonde dead girl isn’t dead and is scared of her mother? Getting run over by a car? Calling the enemy A? Animal in the trunk? Let it go. These aren’t cool throwbacks, they’re cringeworthy because it shows an inability to create new storylines that can outdo the original series. The aim should be to top PLL, not to copy PLL. Little one liners like “I’m from Rosewood” and quick references to Mona being A are cool but relax with the literal copy and paste of storylines. They’re turning hardcore fans away rather than retaining hardcore fans because it’s making this show seem like a cheap downgrade of the original series and that’s not what hardcore fans want to see. Hardcore fans are here for new stories and to try solve a new mystery. Again, throwback one liners are fine, copy and pasting of old storylines is not fine.
Probably the most important is to get the show on Netflix. I know this is easier said than done (lots of paperwork, licensing, money, etc) - but it has proven success. Riverdale aired all of season 1 on Netflix before season 2 began and the day season 2 aired, everyone was caught up and ready to watch live. Boom, the season 2 premiere doubled their ratings (and was their highest rating episode to date, I’m pretty sure). Heck, in worst case scenario and the season 2 ratings aren’t a dramatic increase like Riverdales, at least we’ve got the millions upon millions of people tuning in on Netflix. Pop the show in the “NEW!” tab and put a pretty thumbnail of the cast - bam, millions of viewers guaranteed. That leads to a social media presence, which leads to Twitter trends, and the cycle goes on and on.
Freeform, you’ve got a high quality show on your hands. Don’t let this ship go down that easily! Fight for it, defend it, and you may get another hit on your hands. But not if you keep going the way you are now :)
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thebestplltheories · 5 years
I think tp will get canceled so I don’t want to invest now. If the series is finished after this season I will binge watch it when it’s done. Same if it’s finished after a second season. I just don’t want to fall in love and have it not conclude. That happened to me with The Lying Game and I’m still sad about it
I am 110% confident that it’ll get renewed for a second season. Freeform dishes season 2 to almost all its shows. It needs to be a complete and utter flop to not get a second season. Heck, The Bold Type got that magical double renewal. During season 1, it got renewed for a second AND third season, despite similar ratings to TP. I’d love a double renewal. Even if we do get renewed for season 2, remember that these seasons only have 10 episodes. Season 1 + season 2 would only be 20 episodes… that’s not even the same size as PLLs first season. Hence why I want a double renewal (up to season 3), so we can at least say we made it past season 1, if that makes sense. Like, hypothetically, let’s say we make it all the way to season 10... that’s only 100 episodes. Just because we make it to season 10 doesn’t mean we beat PLL’s 7 seasons (160 episodes). Does my concern kinda make sense now? I care about how long the show lasts because the longer it lasts the more in-depth the stories go and the more we can theorise. Even 2 seasons is not a lot of depth for the story (because 2 seasons is not even the length of PLLs first season).
But yeah I’m super confident we’ll get a second season. They’re not going to let this show die that easily. They’ll give it a second season and make a few changes, like NOT AIRING THE SAME NIGHT AS RIVERDALE. They’ll try revive it. They want it to do well. They wont just accept defeat that easily after 10 underwhelming episodes! (In terms of ratings)
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soul-music-is-life · 5 years
I'm kind of with you on the lackluster Pilot episode of "The Perfectionists". I don't know whether or not I'm into it either. And not because of Emison (I'm more of an Emaya fan myself). I just thought it was cheesy and boring. I don't know if I should keep watching. What about you?
I have actually gotten several asks about whether I plan tokeep watching and why/why not. So I’m going to answer it here and just referback to it if it keeps coming up.
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I don’t mind the asks at all. I love conversing, but because of the volume of asks about thisparticular opinion this is another long driveling post, and I’m sorry. You can mute my ass if you’re sick of me. I get it.
First of all OP, thank you for not ripping into me about notliking it. Also, Emaya had my heart. I loved them, too. Maya deserved better.
Second, this is a full-scale look at the show from a critic’svantage point. I watched the first episode twice because I thought maybe I hadn’tgiven it a fair shake the first time because I was in a weird mood. But even onthe second viewing I found a lot more that I disliked than I liked. Lots ofpeople are going to disagree, and that’s fine. Just don’t @ me. I’m legit notlooking for that. I’m just a girl (cue NottingHill music) standing in front her ask inbox asking those askers to love her.
Will I keep watching? I doubt it. Given that it only got a10-episode order and The Pilot wasn’t that interesting to me, I don’t see myselfsitting through it for 9 more episodes. My reasoning is two-tiered. Part of itis disinterest and the other part is the creative aspect of it in the media. Saddleup for my “truths” (I can’t remember who said that. Marlene maybe). I gave it afew days and considered it, and what I ended up with was this:
1) I’m just not into it. For the same reasons you (OP) stated.But I’ll also add that for me…it was predictable. I called the twists longbefore they happened. If I’m already doing that in The Pilot I can guarantee I’dbe doing that as the show went on. I’m like 93% sure I know exactly how it’sgoing to end this season. I tend to do that to myself. Being a writer suckssometimes. Because you see the way things are going to go from the beginning. You just have to decide if you want to go on the journey anyway.
2) While the characters were likable (I was surprised by howmuch I liked Ava), they are a bit one-sided and kind of bland (except I foundNolan’s duality extremely intriguing). There is the argument that can be madehere that they will grow, and I do agree with that. But when I watch a show’sPilot I need to care about at least one character to see what’s going to happenand where they are going to go (In PLL it was Em/Aria for me). None of the characters in TP did that for me (noteven Mona and Alison, which surprised me, because I’ve been super-hype for thisshow not only for them, but for the newbies, too).  
3) The plot (so far) just feels like a rehash of everysingle YA mystery novel/TV show that is hot right now. And I am aware that thisis based loosely on exactly that (Sara’s series), but I think maybe I’ve justbecome desensitized to the same cheesy soap-opera-y murder mystery plots. Or perhaps I’m just desensitized to this particular kind of storytelling. It doesn’tfeel new and different to me and it was very strangely paced with too muchgoing on and not enough time to care about it. It just felt disjointed. Everythingabout the first episode just fell flat for me.
4) And lastly, yes, I’d say there is a tiny part of me…likemaybe…6% that doesn’t want to watch because I’m not about that off-screenEmison drama. I knew it was going to happen and I’m not mad about them beingsplit. I’m disappointed (hears “that’sjust ‘mom speak’ for mad!” echoing somewhere) that the marketing team isusing it for ratings. When you have decent writing you don’t need to play games like that to try andget viewers. It would be one thing to be decisive about what happened toEmily/Alison (Split them. Don’t split them. I don’t care. Just make a fuckingdecision because you’re creating a war between fans and you know it). It’sanother thing entirely to draw it out because you need people to watch and talkabout it.
I am also particularly bothered by hearing the excuse (several times by MK) that “Shay was busy”because Marlene literally planned the spin-off in season 6 (confirmed by bothher and Sasha). It. Was. Planned. I say this as a critic and not an Emison fan: Everything about the way they’ve tried to use Emison to generate buzz was underhanded. And saying shit like that opens the door for people to hate on Shay, and that’s really not cool.
Personally, I think it speaks volumes that the producers felt the need to addthe off-screen drama on top of the really decent plot they already had. Theycould have kept it unproblematic with simple writing choices and less inflammatorycommentary. They could have left the PLL drama in the PLL-verse and given thespotlight to the new drama. I don’tagree with creating old off-screen drama with zero chance of satisfactoryresolution all in the name of ratings. I hate marketing shit like that. It’s acheap amateur tactic and it turns me off.
I think the show could have been something special had theynot marketed it as PLL. But they did, so of course there was a certainexpectation. And of course there is some backlash. Because there are these twoworlds that have nothing to do with each other and so far I don’t feel likethey’ve blended it together well. For me, it was like watching PLL, but with less magic and less chemistry. If I had to describe it I’d say it feels alot like a recipe where you’re just throwing a bunch of ingredients into a bowlwith no idea what you’re making and you’re just hoping it’ll be edible by theend. Rather than focusing on the new universe the marketing team chose to focuson Ali/Mona’s new world and the drama that comes with them. And to me that almost says they don’t have faith that TPwould have been able to stand on its own without the PLL universe. Part of methinks I’d be more interested if this had been a completely fresh start. I wasactually more compelled by the newbies than I was Alison/Mona (though I adorethem, too).
That being said, I really wish the best for the cast/crew. I’llcontinue to watch the behind the scenes games/cast antics. I’ve been a fan ofSasha since I discovered PLL (everything about her seems very sweet and genuine andjust positive all around). And Janel as Mona was one of my favorite castingchoices of all time. In fact, I think my very first PLL post here was praisefor Janel. I’ve been following Sydney since she was a smol lil bean on theDisney Channel (and loved her in Tia’s Mowry’s show “Instant Mom”). Sofia seemslike a sweet girl, and I have enjoyed her other work. And Eli honestly justseems like he’d be a cool dude to kick back and have a drink with (is he evenold enough to drink? Jesus, they’re all babies). I love them all. In fact, I’veenjoyed the fun behind the scenes stuff more than I enjoyed the show. I’dwatch a reality show of them all day. That’s where I’ll get my fill. Watching them being goofy.
Final verdict: No, the show will not be getting my views. I’llprobably just watch the absurdity of Riverdale instead. Cheryl is fucking wild,y’all. And I’m kind of living for mean-dark-snarky Betty. And Sweet Pea is like…myfavorite character ever. My dumb asshole child.
As far as whether or not youshould watch it, I have no idea. I have a lot of people asking me my opinion onthat (which, I’m like the worstperson to ask, please don’t give me that responsibility. I don’t even likebeing responsible in the real world. I literally had a cookie and Cocoa Puffsfor dinner). I will say that if you’re only watching for Emison then I’d changethe channel. Because guaranteed it’s just going to make you rage. You’re not going to get anything out of it. Fill yourevenings with something more pleasant and positive for you.
And be nice to others on social media. At the end of the day, it’s only a show. You like it or you don’t.
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thebestplltheories · 6 years
why cant writers just write what THEY want, its their job not the fans, scream had a similar storyline i dont see fans talking smack about that show. honestly dont people find it tiring being all !!!!!! about everything. i used to be like that but not anymore its just immature imo
Because at the end of the day, they wouldn’t be anywhere without their fans. If the fans aren’t liking the show, they won’t tune it, and if fans don’t tune in, the network cancels the show. I really do understand that perspective because no writer wants to only go for 2 seasons (unless it’s designed to be a mini series of course). Every writer wants some form of longevity and the only way to stay on the air is to keep the fans coming back by giving them what they want. To be completely honest, I’m glad PLL went for 7 seasons instead of 2 seasons, which is probably where PLL would’ve ended if Marlene and co didn’t listen to the fans’ wishes (like keeping Toby alive for example - I think his planned death would’ve lead to people boycotting the show.)
But there’s a problem with this, and this is where I completely agree with your view that writers need to just write the show they came here to write. In the beginning, the PLL writers wanted to be on the air for a while, and fair enough, so they started off listening to the fans. It was a friendly relationship in the beginning like “You ask, I deliver!!” - but as time went on, the fans got used to this. Some fans started feeling a sense of power over the writers. Some fans felt that they are a part of the writing team and some fans felt like they DESERVE to be listened to; like it’s their moral right to have their say and get it their way because it’s “my show”. (I’m mainly talking about the Twitter Emison fans here… you know, the ones that send Marlene death threats whenever Emison was slightly unstable.) This is so dangerous to the integrity of the show’s story because sometimes the fans don’t know better than the writers. Shocking isn’t it - that the writers know better than the fans!! The fans kept demanding and demanding that Emison get together “NOW NOW NOW” without even taking a moment to realise Emison’s past and the amount of deep discussion between Ali and Emily (which never happened!) that was required in order to get there. I have no problem with Emison being endgame - I wish I could proudly support it - but not in the way it played out, for a range of reasons beyond the scope of this topic.
Anyway, I do see your point. I really do. Writers should just write what they want, shouldn’t they!? Yes, they should, because the quality of the story can be so damn high - they can stick to the reveals they had been planning for ages, do big plot twists and not worry, etc. No, they shouldn’t listen to fans, because eventually fans take over for the worse. It’s a tough cycle! Hopefully we find a fine line with TP but I’m not holding my breath… I feel like the Emison twitter fans are going to retain their power over Marlene in this next show. If there’s one bit of improvement I just pray to god we see.. it’s the death threats. Those just gotta go, like from episode 1. Marlene is only human.
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thebestplltheories · 6 years
I dont think I can’t trust what Sasha and Janel say in interviews. A lot of what the cast said in PLL interviews didn’t happen. Or weren’t true at all.. it’s only natural that’s it’s be the same for TP..
I mean, you’re right that some PLL cast members lied… Keegan literally said that Big A dates back to season 1 yet we met CeCe in season 3, and Ashley also said that Uber A has been torturing the girls for “7 seasons”… yet it was only 1.5 seasons. But!! I don’t recall Sasha and Janel having a record of lying. Not only that, but so far, there just hasn’t been anything to even lie about, if that makes sense. So far, it’s all been just general statements like “it’s dark, it’s a bit of old and a lot of new, if you love PLL you’ll love this” etc. There’s nothing wrong with generic statements like that. It’s just general marketing. They do have to get the word out there somehow. They could be saying “OMG YOU’RE GONNA LOVE IT SO MUCH, IT’S BETTER THAN PLL!!!” But actually Sasha is taking a much more grounded approach, saying “I THINK fans are really gonna love it”. So I appreciate that kind of non-aggressive approach. They haven’t started giving actual storyline-specific details yet so I don’t feel like there have been any lies… yet. Everything they’ve said so far is very fair and believable. Key word though… “so far” haha
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thebestplltheories · 6 years
i hope the perfectionists is darker than pll, along the lines of scream. i enjoyed both shows because it was easy to love the story lines and characters. me and my friend managed to binge watch scream in three days. i'm looking for something similar because there aren't an awful lot of shows on right now that i enjoy, its either entirely for teens or completely the opposite of what i like, tvd, teen wolf, pll, scream. on a scale of 1-10 how dark do you think this new show will be?
Sasha said in an interview that TP season 1 is darker than PLL’s season 1 but before we get excited at that, let’s just remember that season 1 wasn’t very dark to begin with so Sasha isn’t saying very much. PLL didn’t really get properly dark until season 3B in my opinion. But judging from the promo, I think it will be quite dark and mysterious. I think romance will be limited to an extent, since Ali is with Emily and Emily isn’t even in the show. So there’s a starter... screen time won’t be wasted on romance for one of the main characters. Emison fans may be sad but since I like PLL for its mystery, I’m happy. I obviously want it to be 11/10 dark but I think they’ll start off at a 6/10. I think the pilot will be setting the mood, introducing us to the characters, their lives, relationships with one another, etc. If they give everything they’ve got in the pilot and go 11/10 dark then there’s no way to incrementally get darker as the seasons go on. I think they’ll hold back for a bit and then as we go on and get more murders and more lies, it’ll become really quite twisted. Well, that’s just what I think. If they can somehow go 11/10 dark in the pilot then by season 2 crank it up to 12/10... do it! But this is Marlene y’all. Is that likely?
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