#Emison asks
jihyocentric · 7 days
ngl the office mohyo setting is sending me back to my supercorp days because that ship was how I was first introduced to the concept of wlw ☺️
sometimes i feel like i'm the only lesbian that didn't watch these gay ass tv shows or stanned little mix/5H growing up... i literally had to google supercorp. but momo is very supergirl coded from what i've seen 🙂‍↕️
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cabeswaterdrowned · 7 months
Emily being called the weakest of the liars/ Spencer and Alison the defacto leaders being weak for her does something to me.
Yeah and I think this puts an interesting perspective on late s3 when Emily acts as the defacto leader while Spencer is in Radley. And that’s also around the time she has that hypno dream of killing Alison which is a recurring thing for Spencer so the idea that comes with assuming leadership role in some capacity is tasty.
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soul-music-is-life · 1 year
I re-downloaded tumblr just to let you know that your stories on ao3 about Emily and Alison are the only things giving me LIFE right now. Thank you for sharing your work!
This is...honestly...this is just the sweetest thing. And it made a hard day better for me, so thank you. I'm glad you're enjoying the fics!
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capn-charlie · 10 months
reminiscing on the emison days and i just want to say your fics were such a highlight of it like i’ve been part of so many fandoms and nothing compares
Thank you so much for this! I love getting messages like this one, and hearing that people still think about my stories. I appreciate you and everyone who allowed me to make content for this wonderful fandom. 🥹
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inlovewith-icecream · 2 years
uno reverse pll for the ask game!
favorite male character: Wayne. No other man deserves this spot.
favorite female character: Emison tie baby!
least favorite character: Tie between Wren (News of Alex killing him was music to my ears) Wilden (Charlotte just doing God’s work here.). Shout out to Jason, Ezra, and Jessica (but Jason isn’t a guy I think about a lot and I think Ezra and Jessica would be great if made villains)
prettiest character: Emaria tie.
funniest character: Hanna gives me life.
favorite season: S6!
favorite episode: 6x10!
favorite romantic ship: Emison
favorite family ship: Emily and Pam
favorite friend ship: Paily! Not meant to last but they were still good to each other!
worst ship: I have a personal vendetta against Jaria because people gonna go hate on Ezria THEN ship her with the guy who filmed CP yeah NOOOOO
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crazychicke · 2 years
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snixx · 7 months
Emison and Kanej for the meme :)
ooh thanks for the ask bestie
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sergeantpixie · 14 days
how about all Alison x liars ships (including Mona) for the meme <3. If you don’t want to do all then I’m actually most curious for your thoughts on Emison and Spalison and ik you’ll want to talk about Arison so by all means
Thank you for asking! I'll definitely answer all of them lol! I will start with Alison though.
Whether I ship it or not: Yes of course, I frequently go insane about them, as you know! They're almost always in my top 5 if not top 3 ships ever.
Why I ship it or not: I just think they have a fascinating dynamic! Aria being the liar Ali has the least contentious relationship with and also the one she clearly admires and views as an equal is never not interesting to me. I also think Aria understands Ali in a really unique way, like through stories and myth-making, which is Ali's bread and butter.
My opinion on their canon potential (chemistry, canon interactions, etc): I will go to my grave maintaining that canon Alison had/has feelings for Aria and while it's all subtextual I do think there's a ton of evidence for that interpretation. It gets a little harder to argue Aria returns her romantic feelings but I don't view it as impossible - Aria's preoccupation with villains - especially her not wanting her villain to lose before she even knows about Ezra - definitely suggests a little ambiguity in her taste.
My opinion on fanon interpretations/fandom around it (Favorite widespread hcs, pet-peeves, etc): There isn't really a ton of fanon on them, which is a shame. If anything I wish more people shipped them, they have so much potential. My favorite headcanon is that Alison and Aria were hooking up pre-canon.
Whether I ship it or not: Yes but definitely not as intensely as most people do.
Why I ship it or not: Mean girls and the girls who love them are just always going to be interesting to me.
My opinion on their canon potential (chemistry, canon interactions, etc): Obviously they are an endgame ship that gets divorced so that answers that. I will say I'm not crazy about how they became canon - it seems very clear to me that the show runners were not thrilled with them as endgame so I think they're written rather cruelly.
My opinion on fanon interpretations/fandom around it (Favorite widespread hcs, pet-peeves, etc): I don't really like the "Alison is only bisexual for Emily" headcanon that I see often. It's just kind of boring to me.
Whether I ship it or not: Oh definitely!
Why I ship it or not: The doppelganger vibes alone are *chef's kiss* I will never not ship doppelcest, but also Hanna being the "nicer" version of Alison is a vibe unto itself. "It used to be easier to tell us apart" LOSING IT
My opinion on their canon potential (chemistry, canon interactions, etc): I maintain that all pll female characters are a little queer but I'm also willing to admit I'm a tad biased. I do think Ashley and Sasha hav good chemistry though!
My opinion on fanon interpretations/fandom around it (Favorite widespread hcs, pet-peeves, etc): Another ship I don't see a ton of people shipping, unfortunately! Ship Alison DiLaurentis with more women!!!!
Whether I ship it or not: Another one where I definitely ship it but I think more people are into it than I am.
Why I ship it or not: "You deserve a decent sister, Spence," Ali says, and then she proceeds to be the worst sister this side of Charlotte Drake. What's not to ship?
My opinion on their canon potential (chemistry, canon interactions, etc): This is one that I don't necessarily want in canon, I just wanna watch them interact forever. Oh also "Practice is always better than the real thing"!?!??! AND THE SLOW DANCE, that's gay, girls!!!
My opinion on fanon interpretations/fandom around it (Favorite widespread hcs, pet-peeves, etc): I will admit I am not as into rivalry ships as some people, which is probably why they don't hit quite as hard for me.
Whether I ship it or not: Honestly I think the answer is yes for all of these ships, there's very little I don't ship amongst the female characters in pll.
Why I ship it or not: I mean, Mona tried to kill Alison, helped her fake her death and run away, and then she built a whole new Alison in the form of Hanna...how could I not I ask again!!!
My opinion on their canon potential (chemistry, canon interactions, etc): On the Mona side I definitely think it's real. They are extremely married and dysfunctional in the perfectionists too! Maybe my favorite thing about the existence of that show is that it makes the argument for Alison having feelings for Mona too very well.
My opinion on fanon interpretations/fandom around it (Favorite widespread hcs, pet-peeves, etc): People don't talk shit enough about the fact that the best derogatory nickname Alison could come up with for Mona was Loser Mona - compared to Hermie and Pigskin it's downright affectionate and I think that's hilarious.
Whether I ship it or not: Oh most definitely, an incredibly underrated dynamic imo.
Why I ship it or not: Their interactions in the pilot are some of my favorite, it always feels like two girls mourning their first love which is a Vibe as a ship imo.
My opinion on their canon potential (chemistry, canon interactions, etc): Unlikely in the sense of they were never actually gonna let all the girls be gay but all of the girls were gay and in love with each other so!
My opinion on fanon interpretations/fandom around it (Favorite widespread hcs, pet-peeves, etc): I do see that the general consensus is that they are underrated and I'm glad because they are! I like to headcanon that Aria had a girlfriend in Iceland and is very nonchalant about the whole thing, so much so that she forgets to come out to her friends and Emily gets mad when she finally finds out that this whole time she thought she was the only queer one lol.
Whether I ship it or not: Yes, definitely!
Why I ship it or not: I think they have great banter and it's so fun to watch, lol
My opinion on their canon potential (chemistry, canon interactions, etc): It's the same every time, compulsive heterosexuality forces me to say no when the answer really should be yes!!!
My opinion on fanon interpretations/fandom around it (Favorite widespread hcs, pet-peeves, etc): I honestly don't see a lot about them which is a shame, they're very fun together! I wish more people vibed about the possibilities between Aria and Hanna re: Hanna being Alison's designated doppelganger!
I answered this one here!
Whether I ship it or not: Oh my god, yes!
Why I ship it or not: I think Mona deserves to find out why Alison picked Aria, bc it's gay and Mona deserves to be gay with all girls, especially liars.
My opinion on their canon potential (chemistry, canon interactions, etc): Once again compulsive heterosexuality is ruining the vibes!!! Let Mona Vanderwaal kiss girls!!!
My opinion on fanon interpretations/fandom around it (Favorite widespread hcs, pet-peeves, etc): I think we all agree that they are tiny menaces who should kiss, and that's good.
Whether I ship it or not: The answer is a resounding yes.
Why I ship it or not: Hanna being offended that Emily isn't attracted to her is one of the gayer scenes in the show tbh. Also Hanna asking Emily what it was like to come out. God so many of their interactions are gay.
My opinion on their canon potential (chemistry, canon interactions, etc): I think you can argue Hanna has a thing for Emily, even fighting against the compulsive heterosexuality. They have some of the heaviest subtextually queer moments too, like I said.
My opinion on fanon interpretations/fandom around it (Favorite widespread hcs, pet-peeves, etc): I love that we all know Hanna wants to kiss Emily. They should've let her tbh.
Whether I ship it or not: Yes! One of my favorite dynamics in the show.
Why I ship it or not: They just give off extreme married couple energy. Also their fight when Spencer scares Alison off in season 4 is a shipper's dream tbh.
My opinion on their canon potential (chemistry, canon interactions, etc): I think Spencer's (second) gayest interactions are with Emily! (gayest is Alison, ofc!) Compulsive heterosexuality is a blight on this show!!!
My opinion on fanon interpretations/fandom around it (Favorite widespread hcs, pet-peeves, etc): I guess I realized I've seen very little about them in fandom which is a shame, they're very gay and underrated.
Whether I ship it or not: Oh absolutely!
Why I ship it or not: Emily is to Alison what Mona is to Hanna and that makes them ridiculously shippable in my opinion. Mona being the worst version of Emily, for better or for worse.
My opinion on their canon potential (chemistry, canon interactions, etc): I don't think they spend enough time on the parallels between them imo. But yeah canon won't let us have any fun.
My opinion on fanon interpretations/fandom around it (Favorite widespread hcs, pet-peeves, etc): Again, we are not focusing enough on their similarities and that is a CRIME.
Whether I ship it or not: Oh unquestionably, might rival Spencer/Emily for my favorite Spencer ship.
Why I ship it or not: The fact that they're the only ones who stayed and are still friends in the pilot! And Hanna telling Spencer that not everything has to be about Melissa, which is a very "Hanna is the nice version of Alison" moment because it's something Alison has tried to convey before with her "You deserve a decent sister." moment but Alison is all teeth and claws about it, Hanna's version is so much more effective.
My opinion on their canon potential (chemistry, canon interactions, etc): Again, compulsive heterosexuality is a blight, a scourge, a disease!!! Let women be gay together!!!
My opinion on fanon interpretations/fandom around it (Favorite widespread hcs, pet-peeves, etc): People should be more insane about them, actually.
Whether I ship it or not: Oh hell yeah!!!! tbh they are right under Alison/Aria for me in this fandom.
Why I ship it or not: "Alison was gone, but you wanted her back, why?" "to think we were this close to our first kiss" I COULD GO ON!!!! Mona doing insane shit for Hanna is one of my favorite tropes on the show. ALSO SHE HIT HER WITH HER CAR??? I love them, okay! OH AND WHEN THEY WALKED DOWN THE HALLWAY HAND IN HAND POST MAKEOVER??? GAAAAAAY.
My opinion on their canon potential (chemistry, canon interactions, etc): Babes they are canon, just because the show runners were too cowardly to make them endgame doesn't mean they're not in love.
My opinion on fanon interpretations/fandom around it (Favorite widespread hcs, pet-peeves, etc): I love that we all know this is The ship of all time, because it is.
Whether I ship it or not: Definitely!
Why I ship it or not: Mona trying to drive Spencer crazy to get her on the A-team is...visionary, insane, exactly like courting, no I won't be taking questions.
My opinion on their canon potential (chemistry, canon interactions, etc): Compulsive heterosexuality I am in your walls!!!! Let them kiss!!!! In Radley!!!!
My opinion on fanon interpretations/fandom around it (Favorite widespread hcs, pet-peeves, etc): Definitely think other people vibe with them more because of the rivalry aspect but I still think they're a fun ship!
Send me a ship!
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jaggedwolf · 5 months
pll rewatch 1x09-1x10
tornado warnings and glamping, we've arrived at the end of Season 1A!
two kinds of people the night before the SATS: (1) Spencer, Hanna, and Aria quasi-studying and bantering at Spencer's place (2) Emily, very distraught and muddy, runs into her bedroom, apparently only owning one pair of sneakers
"Emily, very distraught" is the subheading of 1x09
Spencer does not want to be thought of as scary, which is very funny of her
also very funny is Hanna trying to push Aria/Noel by asking Aria if she doesn't want "someone you can scratch n sniff"
A underlines GREAT EXPECTATIONS in the text they send to Emily, just to make sure Emily understands it's a book reference
When Emily lies to Wilden that she was with the girls studying the previous night, Aria is the one to back Emily up while Hanna and Spencer look confused
did A solely send Spencer the text SEEMS LIKE YOU'RE ABOUT TO LOSE EMILY? is A also responsible for the way Spencer is about Emily?? though we'll also get a non-A example of that later this season....
Mentions of Rosewood specifically being in Delaware County, which tracks
oh god why is Aria singing I had no memory of this, at least we immediately go into an Emison flashback
Ali really does flirt/toy with Emily via quoting Great Expectations lmao - Ali's finished the book by this point, Emily hasn't
Every Ezria scene remains terrible, and I laughed at Aria dramatically saying "you told me at homecoming you got a haircut for me!"
flashback!Emily is such a pushover and holds herself smaller too, you understand why the other liars are so shocked whenever she gets snappy with them
Alison was as a awful in the locker room flashback as I remember. Poor poor Emily, not even getting the meager dignity of running away from her humiliation
Emily's letter to Alison that Wilden grabs wasn't a love letter, but a letter expressing how angry she was with the way Alison treated her. Can't underestimate Emily's anger, even back then.
Forgot Veronica's lumpectomy reveal was in this episode
Spencer is so shaken by that, naturally, but also by the fact that her mom never told anyone in the family. such is life in The Last Dynasty of Rosewood
Veronica approves of Alex btw
Pan to Lucas's muddy shoes, DUN DUN DUN
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look this town is too fancy for any teen to not own multiple pairs of shoes. okay, maybe one teen, but we haven't met him yet.
Spencer getting groomed by creepy field hockey coach Ian is the flashback she's seemed the most bullyable in, with Ali taunting her about it (was Ali's reaction jealousy, given what we learn later?)
I know that field hockey team was cursed freshman year, we'll come back to that later
every other episode Spencer turns to a member of her family and goes "do you still love me/can you tell me the truth?" and they are always like UGH FINE I GUESS IF I HAVE TO
this episode it's Melissa's turn, as Spencer tries to set up Melissa/Ian again to make up for her sins that aren't really her sins
the FBI...are here....
i have no memory of this, i guess Veronica successfully scared Wilden away
the FBI also believe in talking to minors and showing them creepy videos without their guardians present
god how much money do Mona's parents make, looking at this glamping party
you can tell I'm an adult on this rewatch because I'm also saying Ashley, I know you want as little to change for Hanna as possible, but maybe the two of you should downsize from this giant-ass house to an apartment, given the financial situation?
Hanna is really trying to be a good kid ;_; she's still selling off her stuff, she refuses going shopping with Mona and even tries to beg off skipping school because Ashley disapproves
the other three have their parental complexes (oh boy @ emily almost coming out to her dad while her mom stares at the photos A sent of Emily and Maya kissing) but none of them are as of yet concerned about being a financial burden
and then Ashley robs an old lady. Ashley, you're gonna have to launder that cash!
Aria has an honest conversation with Ella about Aria's reaction to the Alison wearing Toby's sweater news - they do strike me as a mother-daughter pair that would be very open with each other, if it hadn't been for BYRON MONTGOMERY and EZRA FITZ
Speaking of Toby, my boy's PR continues to be the worst. He's officially wanted for Alison's murder, creepily rises from the backseat of Emily's BEAUTIFUL TOYOTA, and then scurries off into the woods before getting arrested at The Church (is it Sean's dad's church?)
Did one of the girls call the cops on him? Unclear
Emily and Maya cuddling on the bed but I'm worried that they were wearing shoes while doing so. SMH what kind of Asian household is this.
Forget Emily running in with muddy shoes, Pam Fields has so much to clean as it is, no one's running into her house with any shoes, I reject canon on this.
Spencer is so, so happy to be hunting down clues to A, she would love an escape room. It's enrichment for her.
Sparia vibes beginning to rise these episodes, with Aria going "A little" to Spencer whiningly asking if she's scary and also going "You're a freak and I love you" about Spencer remembering the exact number of steps to where they found the Alison bracelet
My favourite A message of these episodes was: YOU'RE AS IN THE DARK AS JENNA. LOOKING FOR ME IN ALL THE WRONG PLACES.
no one can be normal about the blind girl. who is incredibly not-normal about her step-brother. that's the rosewood ouroboros for ya.
Spencer repeatedly mutters "looking for me in all the wrong places" while making a smore and the unnamed girl next to gives her the best wtf look.
Sorry Spencer, all other kids definitely think you are scary. Probably your teachers too.
Aria's dedication to wearing her hat even under the CAMP MONA hoodie: respect it.
Aria kissing Ezra again: do not respect it
Hanna had to see that too, Hanna did not ask to see all her friends kissing! She's minding her own business when this happens
And then she gets hit by a fucking car for her trouble, literally rolling across the top of it
Hope the Marins health insurance isn't shit.
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7evenmoon · 2 years
harumatsu fics
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• jealous ⤳oneshot, 704 words, fluff/angst, jealous matsuri, established relationship
• needy ⤳oneshot, 390 words, catgirl!matsuri, fluff
• cold ⤳oneshot, 399 words, fluff, established relationship
• cuddle me? ⤳oneshot, 564 words, fluff, comfort, established relationship
• i got you ⤳oneshot, 1,168 words, fluff, smut, established relationship
• deal with the devil ⤳oneshot, 1,462 words, smut, light dom/sub, bratty matsuri, overstimulation, established relationship
• sweater weather ⤳ oneshot, 1,016 words, smut, g!p harumi, friends with benefits
• you just have to ask ⤳ oneshot, 1,610 words, canon universe, angst, feelings realization
• i'm yours already, don't break me ⤳longfic, work in progress, omegaverse, unplanned pregnancy, alpha harumi, omega matsuri, smut, angst, idiots in love, college setting
qingguang fics
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• cigarette duet ⤳oneshot, 2,259 words, modern setting, smut, keqing is stupid, ningguang is annoying, beidou and keqing are friends, crack
• up no more ⤳oneshot, 1,311 words, modern setting, fluff and smut, ningguang is down bad for keqing, established relationship
more info ♡
about me: i'm a twenty years old woman. i'm a big fan of horror movies, i like playing calming video games like animal crossing and stardew valley but ironically i don't really like horror games. i spend most of my time watching movies/shows and reading fics. i mostly read angsty fics with toxic relationships and fucked up characters but if you've read my fics you'll notice most of them are fluffly. the reason for that is that i use writing as a coping mechanism so i prefer writing about cute moments for my ships. also it takes a lot of energy out of me to write really angsty fics but sometimes i'm in the mood for an emotional rollercoaster lol. i'm currently battling with an opiate addiction, which is why i haven't put out a lot of content but lately writing is really helping me cope so yeah. but still, please be patient with me i don't have a schedule for writing and as i've said life is rough at the moment
rules: honestly i'm open to anything on this blog. you can ask me about my fics, tell me about your day, ask questions about me (obviously not personnal information like my adress or boob size 😭), give me fic recs or send me your fics i will be happy to read them! ideas, shows and movies,etc. we can discuss anything really, there is no need to be shy and there is an anonymous option in the ask box for those who are really shy <3
ships i love: harumatsu, qingguang, kokoyae, kokoeimiko, kaebedo, dainkae, tamber, harlivy, emison, jikook/taekook/vminkook (only in fiction, i don't ship them in real life), namo/sanayeon/samoyeon (same i don't ship irl),
ships i like: kokoei, eimiko, jeanlisa, ninglan, mira harberg x laurie, choni, beidou x ganyu, posie, shenhe x yun jin, haleb, spoby, aria x men her age 🤨
ships i'm curious/would like to read about: chilumi, zhongli ships, lisa x la signora
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sansalicents · 2 years
For the ask game, a few PLL unpopular opinions
- The later seasons were better than the earlier seasons.
- I like Emison, Paily and Spoby, even if they’re not too healthy.
- Charlotte is my favourite -A.
- Wren should not have been Charles. (Tho AD!Wren is chefs kiss)
- The Spaleb argument is essentially just ‘Spencer V Hanna’ which is dumb.
- I feel bad for everyone in the Spaleb/Haleb love triangle because it’s a complicated situation even though bad decisions were made (well except by Spencer, poor girl).
i had this in my drafts for so long and forgot to post it i'm so sorry 💕
1. disagree, i'm all about s1 and s2 but i still really like the later seasons. love the chaos lol
2. agree. i was indifferent about emison but they've grown on me a lot (mostly thanks to you <3). paily is overhated, they were cute. early spoby is my forever fav but i still have a soft spot for later spoby.
3. disagree (basic take but mona as a >>>>) but i love this take
4. agree
5. agree. and caleb gets none of the blame ofc. no matter how you look at it, he screwed up here and deserves most of the blame
6. tbh maybe it's my annoyance with hanna/haleb stans and this whole girl code bs and calling spencer a boyfriend stealer or whatever but i only feel bad for spencer (and i'm always team spencer did nothing wrong here <3). i'm super biased tho, spencer is my fav and i'm not really a fan of either hanna or caleb in the later seasons.
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pretty little liars for the ask game :)
ooh, i never get pll questions :)
favourite male character: caleb rivers
favourite female character: hanna marin my beloved
least favourite character: ugh paige
prettiest character: emily fields (the shay crush is strong)
funniest character: hanna marin
favourite season: six i think? i need to rewatch but I really like the time jump
favourite episode: idk... maybe choose or lose i think?
favourite romantic ship: surprise surprise it's haleb
favourite family ship: emily and wayne or aria and ella
favourite friend ship: hanna and emily or hanna and aria
worst ship: paily... or emison... or ezria lol
send me a show/series/film :)
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cabeswaterdrowned · 7 months
emison, jackieshauna, percabeth
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Emison — I kept shifting them around because nothing felt totally right and it’s a ship my mood varies on but they’re definitely more compelling to me than not. If we’re talking about flashbacks Emison I’d put them on the same level as Percabeth just in the don’t make sense side (as in they shouldn’t be together probably most likely) those flashbacks are good and compelling. If we’re talking about 4b-5a I’d put them higher than Percabeth bellow Jackieshauna that was a great era for them… if we’re talking about post jump they tip towards the doesn’t compel me side of the chart I do not like their storylines at that point at all. Book Emison (as in both Emily/evil Alison and Emily/Courtney and how they played off each other) was generally at the placement I actually put them at, more compelling than not but didn’t make me crazy. So if you average out all of that this is where they go on the chart, but at their best they are really compelling to me and they probably are my favorite canon pll ship or at least tie with Emaya for that (I pretty obviously tend to favorite noncanon femslash when it comes to pll). Percabeth — I love them, I don’t have a lot to say about them rn because I’m not in a pjo focused headspace anymore.. But Percabeth was formative and they have a very good arc and are a blueprint in a lot of ways. Jackieshauna — incredible ship with an incredibly potent narrative. Zero hesitation in putting them high up there when it comes to compelling content. In some ways it’s what Emison should have been to me although I also think they share tons of dna with Spalison… I wasn’t totally sure where to put them in terms of making sense because one of them is dead and her being dead is pretty important to the narrative but like. the narrative makes sense. so I put them in the middle there.
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soul-music-is-life · 10 days
hi, i just wanted to tell you i just caught up on your emison fic seasons of love and i’m obsessed! to be honest, i liked to save this fic for particularly bad or long days so there’s at least one bright spot in it.
i really enjoy the domestic emison moments, the friendship between the girls, and the twists and turns with this mystery. i especially appreciate how well you write charlotte and flashbacks, and i can’t wait to see where this new lead goes with charlotte’s boyfriend. have you read the pll books? they kind of give me ali/nick vibes.
i didn’t mean to ramble, but I’ve recently been on such a pll kick and just finished rewatching 7B which left me wanting more emison and the liars as adults, but with a better mystery. so glad to find seasons of love. thanks for sharing and still writing emison in 2024, i don’t think i’ll let them go anytime soon.
i hope you’re having a good day! 💕
Thank you for all your kind words! I know I've been behind in my updates lately, but I have been working on it. I'm editing the next chapter right now. There are more flashbacks and more intricate looks into the past coming up!
I have read the PLL books, though it's been a while. I remember the Ali/Nick plot though. Sara Shepard did such a good job with the villains in her books. The idea of two evil characters working together is awesome.
I'm glad that my writing gives you something to look forward to! That's something I aspire to do. If I can make someone's day a little better then I'll keep at it.
I don't think I'll ever let Emison or PLL go either.
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userlaylivia · 8 months
for the ask game : Pretty little liars?
I'm assuming this is the one you mean bb <3
otp: hanna/caleb
favorite canon pairing: ezra/aria, spencer/toby
worst pairing ever : spencer/caleb
guilty pleasure pairing: mike/mona
a pairing you want to see more: mike/mona, wren/spencer because I shipped them so hard at the start and I still do tbh!
that pairing everyone likes but you're like "lol no": literally nobody actually likes them but spencer/caleb lol I actually ship emison just prefer emaya/paily otherwise I'd say them lol
favorite non romantic pair: spencer/aria, hanna/emily, spencer/hanna, the liars
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inlovewith-icecream · 2 years
top 5 pll characters? 😇
My insane murder comfort show
1/2. Emison
I couldn’t choose between the two. Ali has such a crazy story (getting buried alive, going on the run, secret brother, etc) while Emily is just…Emily. Nothing else needs to be said, she’s amazing. Period.
3. Mona
Deranged person, still a fascinating character, and TP!Mona my beloved.
4. Aria
Overhated, I maintain. I’m not a huge fan of lots of her storylines revolving around Ezria (my beloathed) but she’s cool. At least to me. Love her.
5. Hanna
She’s such a dumbass, and I love it.
put “top 5” anything in my ask and I will answer
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