#pll deleted scenes
jaggedwolf · 2 months
PLL 2x02 deleted scene
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countess-of-edessa · 5 months
the deleted season 1 pll scene where ezra and aria are in his class and she says "the author was writing from an adult's perspective about things she remembered when she was a kid...things she was passionate about" and he says "do you think it's fair to apply that insight in retrospect?" and she says "yeah why not?" and then they have an innuendo-y conversation about children and adults' ability to express their feelings, and ezra is framed in such a way that the only words on the board behind him are "adult v. children".....like are you telling me this was not purposefully made to be a psychological horror. the way she is aligning herself with the child version of the narrator and the things the narrator experienced as a child with their romance. the fact that in a just world one day she would look back with an adult's perspective on this relationship she had when she was a kid and see it for what it was. the fact that he asks her if it would be fair to look back on the passions you had when you were a kid as an adult. the fact that this is the shot because it is literally adult v child.
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and they did this by mistake???? this was supposed to be sexy???? and not on purpose?????
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phantomoftheorpheum · 3 months
some last minute thoughts (PLL Summer School finale edition)
Hey guys, I already made my big predictions post a couple of days ago. I just wanted to get a few final thoughts in before the finale tonight. Inevitably I know I'm gonna be wrong about a lot of stuff, but I'm hoping that in the midst of that somewhere, I have speculated about the correct thing. A lot of these following thoughts are either some really far fetched stuff that crossed my mind and I just want to mention I've thought it on the off chance it's correct, but some of these are things I just forgot to include in my original predictions post. This is my final post pre-finale (unless I'm answering asks), so see y'all on the other side!
*Spoilers for PLL Summer School 2x01-2x07 + some social media possible spoilers.
Some of the concept art features Tabby's image on TV screens. This is image is taken from season 1 when Tabby is sneaking into the boy's locker rooms. I always thought it was weird that they dropped this storyline, particularly given the major themes of sexual violence and consent on the show. I went back to make sure I was not forgetting anything, but as far as I can tell, Tabby's mom yells at her about this, but then Tabby tells her about her assault, the conversation shifts, and the videos are never brought up again. There is a scene shortly after this where Tabby deletes the videos, but I did notice that she puts them in the trash on her laptop, but does not empty the trash, then is interrupted by Tyler's father showing up at her house. So... those videos could definitely still exist somewhere. I wonder, considering the concept art, if this will be used against her.
Principal Clanton - honestly I thought I'd just missed something (did I miss something?) and maybe he was dead or something because the show only ever talks about Archie and not him, but is he still around?? is he just in jail?? IDK. I guess he's in jail?
Tom Beasley - It did occur to me that Sheriff Beasley could be another "surprise, they're not really dead!" character, because much like Chip, he had a believable reason to fake his death. And he also has a direct connection to the Waters family. However, he looks legit super fucking dead in the shots we get of his "death," so that feels cheap to me, so I hope it's not this.
Deaths - I forgot to include Wes on my list of "most likely characters to die, regardless of whether they're good or bad," which is a huge oversight, because I actually think he is the most likely to die out of everyone. I fully believe he is either in on the BR plot (so very likely to die), or being framed for the BR plot (also likely to die). Also Dr. Sullivan. Good or bad, I think her days may be numbered.
The love triangle - It just very much feels like we don't have the full picture of this. They spent too much time highlighting how often Jen lies and steals for that to be nothing, imo. They spent too much time intentionally making Shawn super sweet/supportive/oblivious to just have that be "but then he punched a wall, so now he's bad." I think one (or all) of these things has to happen to close out this arc- 1. Jen is "bad" in some way, whether she is actually a villain who targeted Noa and is working with BR or even if she does really love Noa, but was paid to get back in Noa's life for some reason, her having a big secret/betrayal would make a lot of sense. 2. Shawn is dying and they want the audience to care and for this to make Noa feel extremely guilty about what she did and what terms they were left on. 3. Shawn is "bad" in some way (seems less likely than it did earlier in the season, but not impossible) is seeking revenge against Noa and/or unwittingly sold her out at some point. 4. Shawn & Jen are both "bad" and have, for some reason we do not yet understand, been in on this thing together the whole time. Jen was constantly trying to undermine Noa and Shawn's relationship because the two of them see it as a "competition" of sorts, they have a weird rivalry/working relationship. This feels very far fetched and I would be legit very surprised if it happened, but it is about the only scenario (Jen and Shawn working together to manipulate Noa) where Noa comes out of everything looking like the most innocent party. 5. Noa dies in the finale (likely due to a betrayal by one of her love interests). Again, this doesn't seem likely, but since the show keeps teasing that there's going to be the biggest PLL death ever, that would certainly qualify. ANYWAY, I think at least one of those things, if not several, feels necessary to get some closure on this arc, because right now it just feels like an open ended disconnected mess.
THE BIG DEATH - Like I said, they keep teasing this big major death of a character that has been "in Millwood" since season 1 (the phrasing of which also feels like it could be intentionally misleading). The way they're hyping it up, it sounds like they want us to think it's one of the girls. I'm not sure they actually have the guts to do that, but we'll see. I'm not going to speculate too much on what they mean (I already talked about 'most likely deaths' and even about the off chance it could be Noa, if she's betrayed by a love interest), because honestly if it's for shock value or because an actor is moving on, it could be anyone. I think there are characters it makes less sense for than others, but IDK. I'm going to stick with my death predictions based off of their role in the story, not based off of shock value or social media hype.
Anyway, can't want to see how things play out!
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Re-watching this deleted scene strikes me differently now that I know the truth. I wish they had left it in, because it gave us a little more insight to how Mona was watching Charlotte during those five years and was really trying to get to the bottom of whether or not she'd gotten better. 
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hq-screencaps · 4 years
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Pretty Little Liars Season 2 Deleted Scenes ↳ DVD logofree screencaps Zips
Pretty Little Liars Season 3 Deleted Scenes ↳ DVD logofree screencaps Zips
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I noticed something on my rewatch of PLL.
We know the original plan was Wren was A. Marlene even said it herself.
So all these clues lead up to Wren being A in the first, second, and third seasons.
Then they switch the A lair to an apartment for Ezra but he doesn't wear the kind of suits that are in the closet or shoes for that matter but Wren does.
Just a fan theory but maybe Ezra found the A lair and decided to set up his writing board there. We all know Marlene loves placing red herrings when the real answers are out of reach.
This is marlene doing another red herring because Wren was unavailable for shooting. And they wanted to milk it for seven seasons to get money because it could have been wrapped up in a nice pretty bow that made sense in season 3/4 with Wren being available for the A reveal and story of him being Mary Drake's son and his whole FUCKING MOTIVE.
Also, it was confirmed that in the series finale, when Mona says "I never would have guessed it was you." She was talking to Wren, but that doesn't make any sense when they had that strange interaction in season 4 when she gets locked up in Radley again and he shows her the drawing of Mary Drake - if she worked for him, why would she say that, unless of course she didn't really know it was him behind the hoodie? Just another inconsistency.
Yes, i'm still pissed about it. Yes, i will talk about this for hours because we got jipped out of the BEST A reveal/finale/ending of a series that would have been so good if the actor was available and if they would have just cut out such unnecessary bullshit and plot lines that went nowhere and just stuck with the original plan that they wanted. But instead they had to milk it and damn near destroy everything about the show that could have made it amazing in the concept of making more drama/being unnecessary.
I would also love to see A footage. Like Wren being filmed in the black hoodie with Mona. Toby's A stuff. Spencer's A stuff. Aria's dumb so i don't really give a shit about her in all honesty. But more little snippets of A planting evidence and actually seeing them in the black hoodie. Like they could have put it in deleted scenes and had it be released on the dvd box set. They did that for Toby/Caleb/Paige in season 2 with Toby's reveal working for the A team. They could have easily done a shot with Wren and not release it until the deleted scenes/actual ending of season 7 that could have been like "Alternate ending if the actor wasn't in a prior engagement" or some shit. They had time. He was on set.
Just going to watch Wren is A videos on youtube and read some fanfic because I'm still so fucking disappointed in this show's ending. Troian's an amazing actress but the whole twin thing was screaming "we just came up with this three seconds ago and are hoping the audience doesn't notice."
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nicolebonnet · 3 years
🌻 a gif tutorial by: me! 🌻
i know there are so so many WONDERFUL tutorials out there, but i can’t say no to a very kind anon so!!!  here we go.  hopefully this is helpful for someone out there!  if anyone doesn’t do well with picture tutorials and would find it more helpful for me to do a video, i would also be happy to try that too!!
this is definitely not the fastest way to do it, i’m sure, just the way i’ve always done it and i’m bad at learning new things so ldkjfoiw also i’m using photoshop cc 2021 (tho this method should work for any version of photoshop i think) and i use video frames to layers to gif just as an fyi
step 1: get whatever media you’re giffing!  i use torrents and direct downloads.  that’s how i’ve always giffed, i’ve never tried capping so i can’t help with that.  sorry!
step 2: make clips of the scenes your fc is in!  i have a folder dedicated to the character the fc is playing and keep all my clips in there.  when i do movies, i typically only do about 12 clips at a time because it just feels less overwhelming for me.  when i do a show, i only clip one episode at a time for the same reason.  i use quicktime to clip, but i know some people use VLC and i’m sure there are other options out there to try, too!  again, this is just what i’ve always used so i’m comfortable with it and know how it works.
when i clip, i try to start the clip a few seconds before the scene my subject is in and a few seconds after just to make sure i’m getting every single frame.
step 3: import video frames to layers!  so once you have photoshop open, go to file > import > import video frames to layers
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then go to your folder where you have all your clips saved and choose the one you want.  i took this one out of my trash because the rest of the gifs i have to do in this episode are in the dark and that was gonna be too annoying to me lkdjfkslofw so i’m just re-making one i already did a few days ago.  i’m giffing sofia carson and you can see that my clip starts on someone else’s face so i can make sure i have every frame of hers!
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step 4: select the range for your gif!  just like with clipping, i try to get a few frames before and a few frames after of the fc i’m working on so that i don’t miss anything.  if you aren’t interested in giffing them in every single second (which is totally fine, i know a lot of people prefer not to!) then you don’t need to be as concerned with it
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because i’m using a direct download, i’m not going to limit my frames to every 2.  it’ll be really fast and choppy.  if you screen recorded, i would suggest limited to every 2 frames and then going through and deleting each duplicate frame (when i giffed via screen recording, i found that every 6 frames or so was a duplicate).  this will make sure your gif is smooth and exactly the same as one made from a direct download.  it IS time consuming though, so i recommend doing a direct download/torrent if possible!  if you ever need help finding downloads or need something torrented and converted for you, please feel free to message me and i’ll be happy to help!!
step 5: delete the frames you don’t need!  this is the time to delete any extra frames at the beginning, end, and any duplicates
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step 6: set your speed!  you can do this later if you want, but i like to do it as soon as all my extra frames are deleted.  my personal preference is typically .06 seconds for most of my gifs.  if they’re on the shorter side (under 35 frames), i’ll do .07-.09.  i know some people have very strong feelings on gif speed lskdfjpwe i do not.  it’s all about what feels best for you!  .06 is where i feel my gifs feel the best, but there are plenty of beautiful gifs that are slower or faster!
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step 7: crop it!  as you can see above, i set my W x H ratio to 268px x 170px.  this is a size i really like, but you can make yours smaller or larger.  i do suggest using the W x H ratio setting to set it to your specific pixel measurements because it cuts out having to resize after cropping.
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also, i have a few hundred frames in this one particular gif that i’m going to cut down in the next step.  however, i know that she remains pretty much in the same place throughout the frames which is why i’m cropping them all at once.  if it’s a gif where you get a few hundred frames that you’re going to turn into multiple gifs and the person moves around a lot, definitely only crop one gif at a time!
step 8: delete the frames you aren’t using!  everyone has a different way of deciding how many frames their gifs are.  for me, if they’re talking, i actually go and watch the segment i’m giffing to see what they’re saying, read their lips as i go through each frame, and crop it there.  it’s a little more time consuming i guess but i feel like it gives me the best results.  totally optional, though!  if the person is NOT talking, then i typically just try to make it between 60-80ish frames and base it on facial expressions or body language.  sometimes it’s more, sometimes it’s less!  again just comes down to what your preference is.
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step 9: convert to timeline!  basically just press that lil highlighted button down there next to the “forever” and convert to timeline.  pretty self explanatory
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step 10: sharpening!  this is where i use my sharpening action which is linked right here.  i’ve been using it for a while now and i really love it!  i’ve tried other sharpening actions since i made it and they just don’t make me as happy as this one lol
hit play on your action:
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for my action, i get this popup twice and just hit “continue” and it keeps going through the steps with no problem
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step 11: COLORING!!!  get your psd and slap it on!  i have different one base psd that i use for almost everything and will edit it to fit whatever scene/show/movie i’m working on.  i’ll also save different versions of it based on the media i’m giffing.  for example, the lighting on liv & maddie is SUUUUUPER different from the writing on pll: the perfectionists.  so i have a “liv” psd and a “loralie” (name of my char that i use sofia for, idk why i named the first psd after liv and not my char but whatever ldkfjsoi) psd.  same base, same layers, just different levels.  i also will often combine psds!  i’ll put my base down and then add layers from other psds or create new ones to fit whatever scene i have going!
step 12: save your gif!  go to file > export > save for web (legacy)...
people use different settings for saving their gifs, too.  these are my personal settings.  i really like them and feel they work for my gifs.  feel free to copy them or play around with your own settings!  just make sure it’s always on the 256 colors
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step 13 (optional): preview!  i like to hit the preview button just to make sure i like my gif before i save it.  if i don’t like it (coloring looks off, too fast/too slow, feels like it cuts off in a weird place) i’ll hit cancel and undo everything until i’m back to wherever i need to fix it.
step 14: save your gif, yay!!  YOU DID IT!!!!  save that beautiful gif and feel so proud of yourself!!
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step 15 (optional): if you’re making multiple gifs from the segment you imported, go back and cntrl/cmmnd + z everything until you’re back to having allllll the frames again.  delete the frames of the gif you just made (in this case, it would be 52) and start again from step 8!
i hope this made sense and was helpful for anyone!  please let me know if there’s anything you need clarification on!!
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spencerjills · 7 years
i wanna say I'm surprised we got no spoby deleted scenes or bloopers...
but you know what, I'm not :-) used to being treated like crap by the producers!!
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cocainekvrla · 7 years
ok but if I don't get a scene of Emily fields jumping for joy and having a victory dance cause the woman of her dreams that she never actually believed would love her back ACTUALLY loves her back then wHAts ThE fUckING POINT???????????
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jaggedwolf · 3 months
PLL 1x19 deleted scene
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the love of my life ❤️ today is my birthday plss could plls serve me some angst with a dash of smut (its ur choice if it's more or less) cause I have lost all my hopes in AO3
aaaaaaaaaaaaaa happy birthday!!!!!!!!!!! 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉 tbh i havent been feeling very inspired for smut lately but i do love me some angsty smut and i had been thinking about that Hades/Persephone inspired au i mentioned some time ago?
so THAT. i think about their goodbye sex when Alec is about to leave Edom, just the both of them so desperate and hopeless and sad. Magnus is crushed but he doesn't want to show because he doesn't want Alec to feel guilty or bad about it because it's not his fault, and Magnus doesn't want to hold him back, to make Alec feel obligated to him :)) and Alec is also crushed but he holds it back, too, because Magnus has it worse, and Alec is supposed to take care of him, and he can't be overcome by his feelings now. Once he's back home and alone, they'll both break down, crying and screaming, but right now they're trying to be strong for each other and enjoy the time they have left, and each other
and Magnus leaves red marks on Alec's back from holding unto him so hard and desperately, like if he clutches to him hard enough maybe he won't go and the thought makes him sick, too, makes him want to cry because how can he want to condemn Alec to this hell too?
and Alec is so gentle, he always is, even in their most dommy scenes there's always so much softness at the edges, on the way he holds Magnus, kisses him, looks at him. and when it's goodbye sex it's all turned up to eleven, even as he's franctic, he touches Magnus like he wants to commit him to memory (and he does, because every time he gets back, he realizes Magnus is even more beautiful and perfect than he was in Alec's memories), holds him close, chest covering Magnus' back like a blanket, like a shield, his arms around his torso, hands touching and grabbing his tits, running around his body, kisses on his neck and shoulders and shoulderblades and whispers of promises that he'll be back soon, that he'll get Magnus out of here, he won't give up on him, he promises, he promises. and Magnus is just moaning, doesn't say a thing other than his choked out i love you toos when Alec says i love you, because he can't talk or else he'll cry, and he can't cry
and Alec holds him and fucks him slow and deep, trying to keep him as close as possible and convey all his love to Magnus in the way he touches him, feverishly reverent and loving, making him come and fall apart slow and hard so many times, like he wants to make up for all the time he won't be able to. rubs his clit slowly, runs his hands over Magnus' thighs and whole body, so loving, so warm, so good. he leaves hickeys and bruises all over Magnus' body so Magnus remembers he was really there, and Magnus later magicks them so they fade away slower
and then eventually he's gone and Magnus is left alone in his dark sheets and the terribly dry edom weather (how had he not noticed it was this dry before?) and he finally, finally cries, feeling alone and abandoned even if that makes no sense, wishing for all in the world that things could have been different, and wondering how long it'll take for Alec to grow tired of this and stop coming
and then there's the reunion sex too, which is happier but still angsty, because Magnus can't really believe he's there, every time, and like I don't want this arrangement to last too long because Magnus deserves his happiness okay, but like, at least 3 years dudhdudh. and he needs Alec close too, needs to make sure he's real and hasn't left him. and Alec needs him close too, because he couldn't relax when they were apart, he needed to know Magnus was at least relatively safe. and so Magnus jumps on him and books his legs on Alec's waist and kisses him deeply, and this time he does cry, because he's so relieved. And Alec kisses his tears away and covers him in kisses and love bites, tells him I'm here, Magnus, I'm finally here, I will always come back for you, I promise. And it's intense and desperate and fast and so very good
and then there's the welcome back sex when he does get Magnus out of Edom of course, which is just tearful and joyful and Magnus is laughing and crying and holding to him, thank you, Alexander, thank you, thank you, I don't know what I'd do without you. and his sheets are golden and there's sunlight hitting his face, Alec looks rested for the first time in how long, and he's smiling, covering him in kisses, giggling happily and being silly and Magnus had forgotten how good and lighthearted sex with Alec used to be, and he cries harder, because he's home
and that's all I've got cuz i need to go help my parents and my internet is lagghing and Tumblr keeps deleting my sentences while i write them but anyway HAPPY BIRTHDAY i hope you like this
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mugiwara-lucy · 5 years
Do you ever get the feeling that the Bellas had some sort of disdain for Emily? Like they didn't care about her performance with the new Bellas, acted bitchy to her when she tried apologizing for not being clear and even excluded from the USO Tour. The Bellas always seemed to treat her like she was nothing but a burden to them idk.
I have to disagree whole-heartedly with this.
Disdain for her? I know they loved her as much as the rest of them. (They actually remember her name unlike Ashley and Jessica XD)
I wouldn’t say they didn’t care about her performance with the New Bellas as they did go to her performance thinking that they would be singing with them and I don’t think they were being bitchy to her since they DID stay for her whole performance when they could have left and even clapped for her (despite not sharing her happiness XD) but the effort does at least count and even before then they tried urging that they weren’t mad at her (even if their smiles were forced XD) but it’s the thought that counts! Not to mention, the deleted Lullaby scene you could say was the writer’s way of making up for that failed Bella song scene in the beginning of PP3.
And when she apologized, the Bellas were more or less just half-heartedly agreeing with Chloe and weren’t being bitchy to Emily, IMHO.
And about the USO Tour thing, I admit I thought it was weird at first but people explained it to me better and I realize the Bellas were just unsure if she could actually make it since she was still a College student in school and they obviously wouldn’t want to get in the way of that for her. I highly doubt they just let her in because of pity or felt like they had to. I can see why you’d be confused, even I was by the way Beca said, “Okay then I guess Emily’s in then!” but they were all cheering and seemed excited to be touring with her rather than moaning or groaning about it so it wasn’t like they were excluding her to be bitches or cliquey to her.
It’s not like…I’m sorry to use this as an example….they treated like like how the PLLs treated Mona. That’s the way you’re making it seemed like the Bellas treated her with disdain and treating her like a burden like you said.
Sure they may have been taken aback with her at first (”Let’s not be dicks about it!” XD) but they all cheered and celebrated when Chloe announced she’d be joining the Bellas, all listened and let her audition when given the chance, let her go with them to the car show and even gave her a sex talk (Amy in a deleted scene XD), let her participate in their pillow fight, allowed her to come with her to Aubrey’s retreat and even reassured her that she was more than just a Legacy to them, used her “Flashlight” song in Worlds and even did the Initiation for her than she wanted to do and were ecstatic when they saw her again in the beginning of PP3 along with her and her other Bellas and even Amy tried saving her (and the other Bellas against her father though she was ready to sacrifice Jessley XD). If they only really tolerated her while not liking her, all the other mentioned scenes wouldn’t have happened.
And as for treating her like a burden they never did so, even when she flubbed that Riff Off for them but even then only Chloe was mad at her while the others (mainly Beca) seemed impressed with her song.
Whereas compare that to Mona and the Liars who would always get pissed off whenever she was in the same proximity with her, made up excuses to never hang with her and would often get pissed with Hanna if she brought her around whereas when Emily was on them on the USO Tour, they weren’t getting all pissy or bitchy with her (Except for Amy but that’s already been talked about X)
I’m sorry for bringing Mona into this but that’s how you were trying to make it sound especially with how you make it seem like they treat her shitty when no one (except for Amy in mainly PP3) was mean to her.
All in all, I’d say Emily has a pretty good relationship with the Barden Bellas (Old).
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thebestplltheories · 5 years
PLL The Perfectionists - 1x08 Hook, Line and Booker - LIVE thoughts
I decided to do this week’s post live again! Sorry if they’re not in order and if my writing is hard to follow. Again, it was live and I didn’t want to be on my phone the whole time.
Mona calling them bitches... cmon, a bit dramatic and unrealistic, they’re students!
“Thank you Spencer” was cool. A bit forced but I’ll take it!
Damn, they’re casting suspicion on Jeremy quite early. I would’ve loved a plot twist to come out of no where that revealed he killed Nolan. But no, the fact they’re making it an official emphasised storyline means it’s too obvious and therefore not true.
Taylor referred to her mother as Claire instead of ‘mum’. Here we go... secret sibling storyline incoming! Taylor isn’t Claire’s daughter!
Even though I love to hate Booker, I did get sad when she revealed her backstory (about her sister committing suicide because of bullies). That will never not be sad, no matter for who. No one ‘deserves’ that. But lmao because Mona showed no sympathy and went on to shade Booker.
Isn’t it funny that sometimes we become the thing that we hate. THATS A GREAT LINE! Mona can relate from her A days (about bullies) and yet she’s insinuating Booker is a bully too.
“Who killed your kitten?” omg I love Ava’s wit.
Finally more Nolan! That’s what’s been missing since the pilot!
“I’m exactly where I wanna be” ... where have I heard that line before?? Is that a Spoby line? My original PLL brain is slowly deteriorating.
Zac went from hating her to seeing potential to now being super extra keen by waiting for her to go to class and now liking kittens... okay slow down there mate.
And people say Marlene is homophobic... Gabriel literally didn’t even blink when Ali said “ex-wife”.
I love how Ali said “I’m not judging”. That shows she has a kinder heart than me because lmao I was judging. Sorry but that’s weird. You have a wife. Don’t go around dancing and kissing other women.
Anyway, whatever. Each to their own. But I can hear the Emison fans screaming already. I loved this mini story with her and Gabriel. I don’t know if Gabriel will be a recurring character (I’d be fine with that) but they achieved their goal: showing that Alison can still love and that she’s moved on from Emily. They achieved that beautifully with this mini story. No it wasn’t filler! Don’t look at the face value: Alison danced. Yipee. Who cares. Nooooooo. Look at the meaning behind it all!
I KNEW that Dylan staged that conversation with Booker! They already went through a story arc of the Perfectionists fighting/not liking each other. I didn’t think they’ll do that again (which would’ve happened if Dylan legitimately turned them in). I KNEW that there was a mic there, the whole time. I loved it even more when Mona came out of hiding too.
Of course Jeremy has to take his phone outside. This is poorly written. He’s gone from the innocent perfect boyfriend to shady and secretive literally overnight. This should’ve happened progressively.
Earlier I felt a bit disappointed that they’re emphasising Jeremy’s unknown intentions so early. But hey I like it now. That’s such a dramatic way to destroy a computer lol
Im obsessed with Sofia’s laugh! That’s actually a part of Sofia’s personality that the writers are giving to Ava and I love that!
I’m getting major Ali-season-1 vibes with the Ava and Nolan flashbacks. Seriously, he was such an ass to everyone yet he’s an angel to Ava in these Christmas scenes.
I loved that little flashback montage of how the Perfs became friends over the past 7 episodes. And I ship Ava and Dylan (as friends) so much. They’re my new Sparia.
I see the way Taylor is looking at Ali! I’m interested to see where this storyline will go.
Zava is really gonna be a thing now huh. Never saw that coming.
I’m calling it now: Alison will go behind Mona’s back and give Taylor the evidence that proves Booker is corrupt. In the finale, there will be a plot twist that Taylor can’t be trusted (who knows why) so Taylor will delete the evidence. Mona will say I told you so. They’re back to stage 1 with nothing. It’s only season 1. There’s no way this all ends in 2 episodes. Something has to happen to prolong it.
MONA OMG OMG OMG. I’m not one to go crazy over the romance side of PLL but that final scene had my jaw on the ground! I guess it’s because we just never really see that side to Mona in the original PLL. All we ever really saw is the occasional cute scene with Mike. But it was just that.. cute. This was steamy! Something totally new for Mona! And I’m starting to come around and like Mason’s character.
Wow the promo for next episode looks amazing! I’m hooked y’all. Don’t care what the ratings say. This is a great mystery.
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hq-screencaps · 4 years
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Pretty Little Liars Season 4 Deleted Scenes ↳ DVD logofree screencaps Zips
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