#pleasee i need moots
yepthisiskay · 1 month
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♡ Hello lovely ♡
Welcome, this blog is overwhelmingly chaotic with various interests all clashing at once. I wanted to make a new intro post because my old one was bland.
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About me; my name is Kay, I'm 16 years old, I use they/them pronouns mostly but I don't mind she or he; I enjoy various activities that include but aren't limited to. Drawing, writing, reading, editing, playing video games, writing essays, watching video essays. If you wanna find out more about me just dm me or scroll through my page ^-^
Interests; I enjoy many different things and I'm constantly getting into new intrests or getting into old intrest again. Currently I'm super into,
moriarity the patriot (mtp)
Genshin impact
Varian and the seven kingdoms (vat7k)
Newsies (livesies, 92sies)
Bungo stray dogs (bsd)
Class of 09'
[ If any of these things intrest you dm me or comment on this post ]
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Boundaries; these are very important to me, I'm a minor (16) so I try and stay as safe as possible on the internet. I don't have very many boundaries except for if your 18+ don't make weird comments towards me, I'm willing to chat but not anything else. If your weird towards me your blocked no second chances. If you do sonething I don't like and I inform you yet you disregard it your blocked no second chances. Stay safe!
Socials; I have a lot of other social media's I'll link them here.
Ao3 Twitter writerblog altblog insta
That's all :3
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vixxensvoid · 23 days
I am in love with you
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edit: HELO I MEANT IN LOVE WITH @wingamy24
I need more community and six of crows moots so bad y’all TRUST that I’ll thirst over anakin BUT PLEASEE I NEED VARIETY
I literally love media YALL pls 😢😢😢💔 hunger games, I’ll yap about coryo, community, six of crows, the bear, etc
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cloudcountry · 1 year
HI AUBURN!!!!!! dunno if we’re close enough moots for me to req this but could I mayhaps enter in Ashi for your 1.8k event?? 😳 (WHICH LIKE. GRATS BTW!!!! THATS CRAYCRAY POP OFF)
🤔 there’s this certain rewrite w her concerning Ghost Marriage so I was wondering if I could get a rewrite where
1.) when Ace barges in, he stops the marriage between her and Eliza instead of Idia and Eliza (and Ace gets EXTRA pissed)
2.) Ashi and Ace playing around w the ghost ring and a fake one
—Ashi cross dresses and shoots for Eliza right before the final group enters to try and woo her over (cuz she sees all the guys fail and she’s like “yyyeah. watch me pull this ghost lady better than y’all)
—she succeeds actually!!! she woos Eliza over w her W rizz and allows Idia to escape
—Her and Ace previously fool around w the ghost ring; causing a real and fake to get mixed up
—so guess what. she accidentally uses a fake ring instead of the one actually needed 😔 banishing no more
—NOW ASHI’S TRAPPED AND BOUND TO MARRY ELIZA!!!!!! (and Ace is left to blame)
ALSO JUST TO CLARIFY!!!!!! <333 I’d like it to be like....... besties but mutual pining yk 🙏 cuz they’re just besties so far at this stage (Ace is in denial)
AAAAA dont worry ashi!!! your oc page is very detailed so i think i can write her right!! at least i hope so ^^" THANK YOU THANK OYU <3333 AAAAA!!!!!!!
thast literally so goofy i love ALL of this LMAO (mutual pining...rubbing my hands together evilly I GOTCHA!!!)
i read that thing about him calling you cherrypie and i think thats the cutest thing :(((( but he calls you goober here since that was on yuor oc page and i thought taht was funny LMAO
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Ashi isn’t sure how Ace acquired it (although it most likely came from a visit with Sam) but the grin on his face melts away her concern and leaves a giddy mischief in its place.
“Doesn’t it look just like that ring the Headmage wants to use to send that bride back to her realm?” Ace laughs, twirling it around the tip of his finger, “Can you imagine what would happen if someone were to switch out the rings?”
“Ace, c’mon!” Ashi shakes her head, giggling along with him.
His grin turns wicked, and before Ashi knows it he’s snatched the real ring right out of her pocket. She shrieks for him to give it back, hurling vicious insults such as “meanie” and “stupid,” but Ace doesn’t relent.
“Where is the real ring? I bet you’ll never guess.” he smirks, holding out his closed hands.
His eyebrows are doing that irritating thing he does when he’s feeling a bit too smug.
“You’re a cheater! I bet it’s in your pocket.” Ashi lunges for him, digging her hand into his pocket as Ace jerks away, trying to get her off.
Sure enough, she pulls out the ring with a triumphant “ah ha!” Ace rolls his eyes and makes a big show of huffing about it, but his eyes linger on her radiant smile as she sticks her tongue out at him.
“It’s not like you play fair either, you goober!” he cackles, jerking his arm out to snatch the ring from her hands.
As their hands collide, both rings go soaring through the air and clatter to the floor. Ashi and Ace look over in the direction they landed, only to come to the sinking revelation that neither of them knew which one was which.
“Can you tell which one’s the fake?” Ashi asks, tilting her head.
Ace removes himself from her to confidently saunter over to the rings, scooping them off the ground and flashing them with a smirk.
“Don’t worry goober, I got it. You almost messed things up there, huh? This is totally the fake one.” Ace mocks, flicking Ashi’s nose when he’s made his way back to her and places the real ring in her hand.
“Oh quiet you!” she pinches his cheek, face heating up at the teasing.
Ace rubs his pink cheek and glares, but the glare holds no malice.
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Ashi watches in amusement as Idia is thrown to the side, totally blown off by Eliza. Ashi kneels before the bride, arms outstretched as if to accept her. Eliza squeals, rushing towards her “groom” with stars in her eyes. Ashi takes her hand, gently, and gives Eliza the most affectionate look she can.
“It’s an honor to be wed to you, my lady.” Ashi grins, a dazzling smile that makes Eliza swoon in her arms.
The ring slides onto her finger, and...
Nothing happens.
Ashi looks confused but quickly schools her face. Eliza doesn't notice the way her smile falls, and instead swoops Ashi up into her arms and calls for her attendants.
“Please, escort Mr. Tamadai to the dressing rooms! I await our wedding, my darling!” Eliza giggles behind her hand, waving Ashi goodbye.
Footsteps pound on the stone flooring outside the room and Ashi looks at the door with hope. The door flies open with a loud bang, causing all the ghosts to jump out of their nonexistent skin.
“Stop the wedding!” Ace yells, pointing an accusatory finger at Eliza, “You! Bride lady! We gotta talk!”
Eliza scoffs, all warmth in her deposition gone as Ace storms up to her with fire in his eyes. Ashi tries to go to him, but the ghosts are keeping such a harsh grip on her arms that it’s starting to hurt.
“Ace!” she yells, and he whips his head around at the sound of her voice.
He turns back to the bride with a clenched jaw and a furrowed brow.
“Listen here, all of you! You can’t just force someone to marry you! Relationships don’t work like that! Ashi doesn’t want to marry you at all! Aren’t the rest of you ashamed? You’re just enabling your princess into feeling even lonelier as the years go on because you’re not letting her let go! You all sound like useless retainers to me!” Ace yells, “Let go of Ashi right now!  I’m gonna get this ring on your finger and send you off once and for all!”
“You don’t know what you’re talking about! Mr. Tamadai was quite sweet in his courting! He even answered all my questions correctly! He's perfect!” Eliza insists, voice breaking as she speaks.
“Uh, news flash princess!” Ace snaps, “You shouldn’t be picking your prince based on a few questions. How about picking someone you can laugh and cry with? Someone you can share everything with?”
He looks over at Ashi and pauses.
“Someone that makes you feel like you can be something. Even if you know you’re a stupid troublemaker.” he says, voice softer for just a moment before he turns back to the princess, “Have your retainers taught you nothing? It’s embarrassing that I have to spell this out for you, seriously!”
Ashi squirms in the ghost's hold, her cheery smile fading into a frustrated grimace. The rare sight makes Ace’s breath hitch, and his anger only gets more intense.
“Don’t listen to him, princess!” Puffy yells, taking his place next to Eliza, “How dare you say such things! I would fight the world to make sure the princess is happy, you—!”
Ashi gnaws at her lower lip before slipping one of Ace’s stupid cards out of her pocket. Sliding it between her two fingers just like he taught her, she flicks it at Eliza.
The card reaches its mark.
The ghosts restraining her rush to their princess as she yelps out in pain and Ashi beams. It's funny how Ace’s tricks were useful in situations like this, even though all he ever used them for was to target Riddle.
“Princess!” she yells, running towards her, “Wait!”
Eliza shakes off her hovering attendants to gaze upon her groom, a sour pout on her face.
“Listening, I’m not actually a guy. I was dressing the part because my and my homies were trying to save Idia over there.” she points to the boy in question, watching as he shrivels up again at the attention, “But I think you should totally marry Puffy! He seems to really care about ya! And just like Acey said, you’re supposed to find someone you can laugh and cry with right? He was about to fight this whole room for you!”
Eliza stops as if considering what Ashi just said. Ace’s hand circles her wrist, as if ready to run and find cover if the ghosts actually do attack. His subtle concern warms her heart.
“Oh Puffy...I think I’ve finally figured it out.” Eliza turns to her ghostly companion and smiles, eyes full of love, “You’re my prince! My true love!”
“What?!” Ace squawks, but Ashi presses a finger to his lips to shush him.
“Princess...all I’ve ever wanted was to see you smile.” Puffy murmurs, cheeks turning blue, “It’s my dream...my lingering attachment...I just want you to be happy.”
“Oh, Puffy!” Eliza swoons, kissing him without a second thought.
“What just happened?” Ace blinks, absolutely baffled by the display in front of him.
“I dunno, but we should get everyone else out!” Ashi beams as the sound of groans and complaints reach their ears, “It sounds like the curse has been broken!”
As Ashi runs off to help a whining Floyd, Ace puffs up his cheeks and stares.
She looks really pretty in that suit.
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lovvecherrymotion · 3 months
pleasee keep writing essays i love reading everything 🥹 and the bojere treat… i’m gonna cry i miss them sm :’))
i posted the jance fic back in likeee august, so if you’ve read everything from that time maybe you’ve come across mine as well 😳 i am not sure which fics are yours, but if you’ve written jance before tavastia 2.0 time there’s a chance i did read it (tavastia 2.0 rekindled my bojere heart and i’ve only read fics with them ever since 😭)
oooh 911 was one of my shows in law, a lot of my moots were watching it and for a while i was invested if those two guys were gonna be canon or not, i have no idea what happened to them now :)) the show itself isn’t really my thing so i never got to watch it myself
- 💌
i miss them too i can't believe it's been a month since they started the tour in helsinki??? i need them to hang out again as soon as possible
and since we're talking about bojere... i'm assuming you also listen to kä? if not, feel free to ignore the questions, but if you do - favorite song(s)? and have you seen him live as well?
lmao i posted my first jance fic back in july? (before that i'd posted bojere back in may to cope with the heartbreak 😭) so if you posted yours around august, i've probably read it 👀 even tho in august i was in japan and didn't get to spend as much time on ao3 as i usually do
also i totally understand!!! god, tavastia 2.0 was just... i'm so glad i got to experience it live but i, somehow, still cannot process any of it?? the nordic tour feels like the wildest fever dream. i really flew all across europe to see two grown men hug wtf is my life (and it was one of the happiest moments of 2023. honestly, probably ever 🥺)
they're still not canon but i have high hopes. the clowning never stops, no matter the fandom 💀💀
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idyllic-affections · 9 months
HI MAHAL this may seem a bit sudden but im feeling very affectionate today and needed to find someone to SMOTHER WITH LOVE AND THE FIRST PERSON WHO CAME TO MIND WAS YOU <3 so i js wanted to say……
I LOVE U SO SO SO MUCHHH!!!!!!!! 🫶🫶🫶 WAHHHH i appreciate u so very much and even tho weve only been moots for four months iT FEELS LIKE ITS BEEN SO MUCH LONGERRRHRHRH!! tysm for listening to what i wanted to say to you and for putting up with all of my bs LMFAO IM SO GLAD THAT I MET UUUUU 💕💓💝💝💖💕💝💓💞💘💕 talking with u always brings me so much joy RAHHHH 😭😭 I LOVE EACH AND EVERY INTERACTION OF OURS EVEN IF ITS FOR A BRIEF MOMENT AND IT ALWAYS PUTS A BIG SMILE ON MY FACE WHENEVER I LOOK BACK!!!! you’re very funny sweet caring and friendly AND I JS WANNA HUG U AND CLING ONTO U VERY TIGHTLY i dont plan on letting go anytime soon hehe :3 hope ure okay w that <3333 i dont want our friendship to enddd!!!! 🫶💖💘💓💕😭😭🫶💝💘💕💗💗💓💞💘🫶🫶 OH OH AND IM SOSOSO PROUD OF U!!!! URE DOING ABSOLUTELY AMAZINGGGG AND U MATTER A HELL OF A LOT TO ME MWAH MWAH‼️‼️‼️
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if addi has a million fans, im one of them. if addi has one fan, im that fan. if addi has zero fans, im no longer alive HEHE 🫶
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LILIIIII SOBS..... NOT ME BEING THE FIRST PERSON TOC OME TO MIND????? I LOVE YOU TOO WTF /P there's NO way we've only been moots for four moths, it feels like it's been way longer than that pleasee.... i am convinced i've known you for more than 16 weeks. that is such a short amount of time!!!
hsjnskdskhsjksh for me it has NEVERRR been "putting up with you"!!!!! i love talking to you and listening to the things you want to say!!!!! my response time may be slow sometimes but it never has anything to do with you <333 it is just the neurodivergent brain i think. words are not always easy!
i do my best to be very kind because i think there is not enough kindness in the world lately! so i always want to remind people that kindness does still exist. if i, as a trans and chronically ill liberal person living in the modern usa, cannot beat the darkness myself, then at the very least, i can be a light that helps other people through it. you know!!! spreading kindness where it is needed!!!!
of course, you are welcome and encouraged to stay in my life for as long as you would like to <33 BUT THANK YOU..... i am also very proud of you!!!! you are wonderful and lovely and you're doing great!!!!!
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petrichoraline · 1 year
Mahogany, Yellow, Red, Ruby, Violet, Green aaaaand Blue
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kali pleasee hahaha love that i'm both a happy and sad moot, my posts do tend to be as moody as me lol
mahogany is mwah, I thought of sending you that one as well <3 however, I'm not sure my playlists would be to your liking and I'd be anxious over it the entire time, probably stopping after three songs and handing over all dj rights 😄
stop it, im unworthy of your love although nonetheless appreciative of your affection <33
we both need the grass touching big time, a picnic with music and a shutting up make out session it is
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baynetta · 1 year
i need more moots :(( i swear i’m super funny and sexyyy pleasee let’s be besties
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exlelellzasapples · 5 days
this song IS Remus to Sirius in My Only Sunshine by Loua29xx (the fic is so so sooo good and so so sad)
literally every single lyricccc if you’ve read it PLEASEE i need someone to talk abt it with
(also i’m so inactive on here but if you wanna be moots 😈😈)
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kirafesmaichuu · 21 days
does anyone wanna be giyuu or sanegiyuu moots. please. i finished all the ao3 fics i could find and im not stepping into pixiv. i need to consume contenr please PLEASEE
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ichigomikoo · 3 months
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siren-serotonin · 11 months
i think there's @grungepuppet but that's pretty much it lol
(sorry for the tag btw)
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mrskodzuken · 2 years
Ella! Ship your moots w haikyuu characters, pleasee
Ahaha aight aight~ but will do some of my moots. here we go— no hard feelings /j + i may go a bit biased here 😂 also i suck at explanations so bear with me guys 🙇🏻‍♀️ /gen
@mitsuyaya - Tsukki + Yams. Such a cute cute cuuuuuuuute poly couple, these three 🥰 Tsukishima would annoy Yumi lovingly (but catch him quickly look at them with a lovesick gaze 😂); Yamaguchi, on the other hand, loves holding Yumi’s hand wherever, whenever ♥️ and would sneak on sweet hand pecks that will make Yumi go \(//∇//)\
@bokuroskitten - Bokuto + Kuroo. See explanation on that ask I’ve sent to you about selfships days ago 🥰
@rosesandtoshi - Ushijima. They’re a package deal, do not separate. A perfect couple 💜 need to say more? :))
@haikyuufairy - Osamu. Imagine that memorable pottery making scene in the movie “Ghost”, feat Demi Moore and a topless Patrick Swayze... but it’s Jacks and ‘Samu making some onigiris at 6 in the morning before shop opens, and Unchained Melody starts playing in the background... 😳😳😳😳😳🥵🥵🥵🙈🙈🏃🏻‍♀️♥️
@atsuminthe - Oikawa + Atsumu. Another cute and balanced poly couple ♥️ Oiks would probably spoil the heck outta wifey with gifts and stuff imo, while Tsumu would help Minty in accomplishing simple household chores or tasks, and then treats them with some 🍙 c/o Onigiri Miya 🥰
@omiishii - Sakusa. Omi’s made for Junie, and Junie for him—wdym >:-O Whenever one of them is down and sad, the other would comfort them and tell them ‘it’s alright’ until they feel better ☺️
@laineeey00-ontherun - Hirugami S. STFU they’d look so good together 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺♥️💕💕💕💕💕 sorry, Kita-san, Iwa-chan 😔🙇🏻‍♀️
@korathefairy - Coach Ukai Jr. He would (really) take good care of Kora, especially their mood swings /gen.
@ara-mitsue - Akaashi. Coffee buddies imo 🤔 their daily, if not weekly (depending on their work schedules), cafe dates would result in numerous receipts and a few year-end/annual? journal notebooks ☕️
@justanawolf - Bokuto. They’ll be lovey-dovey 24/7 ♥️💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕 Bo will never let go of Ana (aka muscle hugs... more like tiddie hugs 🥴) else he pout (ㆀ˘・з・˘)
@rae-naka-hara - Kenma. Hmm... they would be great game buddies + Rae would probably trash-talk him and eventually beat him at Mario Kart 😂
@ryesei + @sunarent - Suna. I imagine the three of them living under one roof... and chaos ensues 😂 /j they’ll go on late-night walks and konbini raids, or something like that 👉🏻👈🏻
@luvvmamaia - Nishinoya. Hmm idk but they have the same chaotic/funny vibes and would get along with each other well ☺️ parang tropa lang ganern 😆
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formulaonedirection · 2 years
ohh love notes? 💌 pleasee <3
Bestie <33 I love you so much you are one of my most beloved Daniel moots. I trust you with Daniel/McLaren takes more than most people. I love that you tolerate my Lando girly crimes and my one time carl derangement. You are on of my fav gifmakers on this side like you just get what we need to see. Every time I see Daniel butt in a gif I’m like this has to be Franziska and I’m usually right. And you are a tall girl icon to me, your short friend that you'll have to help get things for from the high shelves <3
put a little 💌 in my askbox for a love note
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bellesowl · 3 years
ohh maybe you could just tell us your fave moots or blog requests for your 200 followers then!
also, can i be ☯️ anon?
oh sure! and ofc you can!
@kybabi - yes, i do love her. does she really need an intro? i’m sure you’ve heard of her or have read something she wrote already. her works always make me cry & she’s just such an ... interesting person also congrats on 5k 🤓
@rintaroll - obv i have to say my wife 🥰 yes her truth or drink is my fave thing ever & her other works are equally as amazing
@hajimine - hot girl lex 😍 yes their head cannons are very amazing & the characterization is 🤯
@omisluvr - zura.... one of my first mutuals 😩 yeah ... they’re very very talented & amusing but also one of the most supportive people you’ll meet (or not meet ... idk HAHWBAH)
@kei7ime - chloe is literally hilarious PLEASEEE my fave iwa simp 😻 she’s very talented & one of the easiest people to get along with PLEASEE
@miyamore - ardendenden yes the hottest person ever 😍 my fellow atsumu simp, i’m sure y’all already know how talented they are, they’re also literally the one of the funniest people i know (i’ve said this for like everyone but they’re all funny okay 😿)
@u-make-my-heart-tsumtsum - ree is THE sweetest person i know and literally SO TALENTED BYE!! her tsumu fics are some of my favorite & i love reading anything she writes
@luvnami - all my friends are talented and ai is no exception!! she’s slightly chaotic but def not as much as ki which makes the server so much more fun!! also knows what to say like all the time JAHABA idk i love u
@kurooskult - mila gives off such mad hot girl vibes it’s insane. we haven’t really talked much hi ily but she’s so talented pLEASEE!!/& also a very take no bullshit type and we love to see it 😻
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nocteverbascio · 6 years
Watolock prompt 52 pleasee i love your writingg 💞💞💞 (“So you guys are dating or?”)
HI~ so i may or may not be assuming that you’re new to me and my writing so WELCOME (because ive just literally started writing watolock for the last couple of days) and funny enough my stuff i’ve been writing has been based off the prompt list but i have kind of deviated from it a bit so you’re probably not going to see the exact quote but idea is all there…anyway
closest thing to datingSummary: Sherlock observes Shibata and Wato at a crime scene. It’s obvious they’re dating each other. Wato thinks Sherlock needs to do more research to sharpen her observation skills. Sherlock thinks Wato needs to do more research to understanding what dating consists of.
ao3 link
Sherlock is inspecting the scene, listening to Shibata go on about the case, while Wato looks over the body and relays her findings. There’s an unbridled glee as she checks every inch of the exhibit. A killer mummy? How interesting.
She peers into the empty sarcophagus, hearing Shibata go on about how everything was seemingly normal and the team that worked on the mummy can confirm it was indeed dead. There was no chance it could come to life; it’s an incredible occurrence that’s captured Sherlock’s interest.
“They say the tomb has been cursed,” Shibata goes on ominously. Even he is interested in this case moreso than others. “Anyone who has disturbed the resting one will be put to rest.”
Sherlock scoffs in disbelief. “A curse,” she mocks, eyeing the sarcophagus up and down and reaching in.
“Ah! It’s like that movie, The Mummy, right?” Wato chimes in playfully. “The men who take the mummy’s relics are hunted down and sucked the life out of.”
“Yes, yes!” Shibata agrees enthusiastically. “It’s a great movie! It’s been so long since I’ve seen it. I thought about that when we first heard about the case.”
“Oh, it was a great movie growing up,” Wato converses cheerfully as always. “The scene where the scarab crawls into the man’s flesh kept me up for weeks after seeing it. Just thinking about it still makes my skin crawl.” She lets out a giggle and Shibata laughs along with her.
Sherlock clenches her jaw, listening to their inane conversation about the movie. “A movie isn’t an accurate depiction of Ancient Egyptian practices. There are no such things as curses,” she deadpans, standing up straight to face them.
“Just because you don’t believe in curses, doesn’t mean they aren’t true,” Wato argues. “There are plenty of things that can’t be explained.”
Shibata agrees audibly to which Sherlock glares.
“What?” he defensively asks. “I’m not saying this particular case is cursed, but there are things that science has yet to prove. Wato isn’t wrong.” Wato smiles, pleased at his defense.
There’s a strange sensation in Sherlock’s chest as she observes the two of them. Wato stands inches beside Shibata. Wato looks different, Sherlock notices. Wato is wearing a less sack looking shirt that hides her figure and has opted for a portofino button up that she’s tucked comfortably into her slacks underneath a new jacket that she mentioned getting last week but wasn’t sure if she was going to wear it. Her hair is also different, half up half down and with her bangs grown up, she looks beautifully mature. And there’s a thin layer of concealer.
Wato looks at Shibata happily and Shibata looks back at Wato with the same level of affection.
Sherlock eyes carefully. The strange sensation actually starts to twist inside of her. It bothers her, making her blood boil and heart rate rise. They laugh at some inside joke they share. And Sherlock feels–
“If we are not talking about the case, then what’s the point of you being here?” Sherlock interjects, trying to focus on the task at hand. She was in such a good mood and now it’s turned sour all of a sudden.
“Sherlock,” Wato scolds with a warning look.
“It’s fine, Wato,” Shibata keeps his composure, even shooting her a gentle smile. “I’m going to talk to the medical examiner.”
Sherlock feels a pang in her chest. “Good,” Sherlock snaps encouragingly. “We need a full report for any possible foreign agent or toxins in the victim’s blood stream.”
Shibata nods and gives another look to Wato that has her smiling before he steps away.
Instead of lingering, Sherlock whips back to sarcophagus to continue her investigation. “Good riddance,” she mutters, tilting her head into the supposedly ancient sarcophagus.
“What was that?” Wato asks pointedly, hand grasping her elbow.
Sherlock’s concentration doesn’t break because she knows Wato isn’t trying to distract her; she wants Sherlock to know that she’s nearby though. “What?” she mutters, running her finger along a dip near the head of the sarcophagus.
“You were mean to Shibata for no reason,” Wato points out like it’s the most obvious thing.
“We are conducting an investigation, not having small talk over movies,” Sherlock lets out rather derisively. “Even if you are dating, there’s a time an place for leisurely conversation.”
“Eh?” Wato exclaims loudly. Sherlock shuts her eyes at the sudden loudness. Wato looks around at the officers in the room apologetically. She rubs the back of Sherlock’s bicep. “What’re you talking about?”
Sherlock rolls her eyes as she rounds the sarcophagus because Wato’s hand touching her becomes too warm. “You and Shibata,” she deadpans. She clenches her fists unconsciously at the thought of two of them.
Wato follows after her. “Sherlock, you are being ridiculous,” she declares. She bumps into Sherlock when she abruptly stops at the desk and has to grab onto Sherlock’s arms to steady herself.
Sherlock has gotten used to it and pays no mind as she turns her head to look at Wato briefly. “How am I being ridiculous? It is quite elementary, Wato.” The twisting sensation she has in her chest still lingers and it only seems to pronounce itself whenever Sherlock mentions them. She looks back towards the papers littered across the table and continues observing.
Wato doesn’t seem to let go of Sherlock. She just steps to the side of her and leans in to speak to her more privately. “I think your observation skills need sharpening,” Wato points out with annoyance. “Shibata and I are not dating.”
“Is that so?” Sherlock hums, ignoring the lightness in her chest at Wato’s apparent denial. She shifts a few papers to read them thoroughly. “Your sudden wardrobe change and attention to your appearance says otherwise. It’s comparable to animals that have flashy and attractive assets they put on display to attract a mate.”
Wato hooks her hands around Sherlock’s arm and leans in with a tug. “Sherlock, I’m not some animal!” she grumbles with annoyance. “A mate sounds so–”
“It is accurate, we are animals. Mammals in fact and we have our own mating rituals that are just shaped by modern society that we live it, but it isn’t all that different,” Sherlock goes on. Despite her discourse related to the fact that Wato is putting on a display for the likes of Shibata, the fact that Wato is currently holding onto her isn’t bothering her at all. “It makes sense for you to date. Between working cases with me and the clinic, your parents have a growing concern that you won’t find anyone to married and produce offspring.”
Wato cringes and exhales shaking her head. “Do you hear yourself speak?” she asks in disbelief. “How do you even know what my parents are saying?”
Sherlock hangs her head to look at Wato with a questioning look. Honestly, Wato should know better by now.
“Tsk, I’ve talked to you about eavesdropping on my conversations–”
“You speak very loudly while I’m in the room.”
“Well then you should at least listen to the whole conversation,” Wato argues.
“Your family affairs have nothing to do with me,” Sherlock automatically holds up her hand as a shield before pointing towards one of the other Egyptian displays. Wato nods and moves with Sherlock, still holding onto her.
“My family affairs don’t have anything to do with you,” Wato concedes just to placate Sherlock. “However, my affairs–meaning my work and our work–has to do with you.”
“Huh?” Sherlock sounds while looking up and down the Egyptian text carved in the stone before reaching in her pocket for her phone. “Me?”
“We work together and live together,” Wato points out. “We share most of our time together; what possible time would I have to date? And honestly, why would you even consider me dating Shibata? We are good friends.”
Sherlock huffs. “Your body language and behavior is obvious,” she feels like she’s repeating herself for the umpteenth time. “If you’re trying to hide it from me, it’s moot.”
“Moot?” Wato parrots in disbelief. “Ah! Why are you so frustrating?” She grips Sherlock’s arm more securely to actually get her attention. “I’m not dating anyone. The closest thing I would have to dating is you.”
“Ah? Me?” Sherlock’s attention shoots to Wato suddenly. She is actually shocked. Dating? Dating Wato? Her mind tries to wrap around the course of their conversation to find out when it went sideways. She feels a tightness, this time in her chest because her heart seems to be beating very noticeably. “Why would you say such a thing?”
Wato returns the same look Sherlock had given her not too long ago. She tilts her head with an unsaid Really?
Sherlock laughs at how absurd the path of the conversation has gone. “That is not logical. I’ve read enough about dating and love and all of it’s absurd societal expectations along with its inevitable outcomes to avoid being a victim of romance.”
“Romance and dating have changed since you’ve read about them,” Wato argues, “and I’ve learned from working with you that companionship and intimacy can be defined in many unconventional ways.”
Sherlock tilts her head and covers Wato’s mouth with her hand before she can continue speaking. “This requires further research. Please don’t speak anymore of this; your opinion does not dictate the facts.” To her surprise, she can feel Wato smiling underneath her palm and she lets go.
Wato has a cheeky smile on her face that is infectious enough to make Sherlock smile. “I’ve surprised you, haven’t I?”
Sherlock shakes her head in disbelief. “Dating! How absurd, Wato.” She starts to walk away before turning around and walking backwards. “I’ll prove to you what dating is and solve this case simultaneously.”  
After her thorough sweep of the scene she heads out while Wato lingers to apologize profusely to the curator for Sherlock’s harsh criticisms of the exhibit security.
Sherlock looks up from her phone and sees Shibata standing in front of her. “Ah, you’re still here?” Admittedly, she’d forgotten about him in a few minutes after he left her sight. Now that he was back, she felt that coiling sensation inside of her again.
Shibata looks around Sherlock briefly. “Where’s Wato?”
Sherlock huffs. “She’ll be out in a second.”
“Ah,” Shibata nods in agreement with an impassive look on his face. “Listen, we’ve come a bit of ways, you and I.”
“What do you want?” Sherlock retorts with annoyance.
Shibata laughs to himself. “This is why I need Wato around, so you’ll be nicer to me.” Sherlock moves to walk away when he stands in her way. “Look, I’m not trying to get in between you two because I know how possessive you are of Wato.”
“What?” Sherlock reels back at possessive.
“But Wato is one of my good friends. She’s much kinder and more compassionate than you are, so I obviously like her more than you,” Shibata points out with an annoying grin, “but I know you and Wato are dating. I support you two.”
Sherlock’s eyes widen in complete shock, but she recovers quickly. There’s a bubbling sensation in her chest and warmth running up and down her back. Sherlock feels the need to get out of there. “What’s with you kids?” she grumbles to herself. “Do you even know what dating is anymore?!“ She shoots a glare at Shibata and shakes her head in frustration as she walks away. "Absurd!”
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kalliyen · 3 years
I’m very very lonely and I want moots PLEASEE
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