#please vote Antigone
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grimalkinsquill · 1 year ago
Copy pasting my own propaganda from Discord:
It's not the point of Doofenshmirtz's character to literally be tragic; he is comedically tragic in the same way One-Punch Man is comedically strong. They're only tragic (Doofenshmirtz) and strong (OPM) when it's funny for them to be. Every time Doofenshmirtz brings up a new faucet of his "tragic villain backstory", it's a punchline. Every time OPM beats somebody, it's a punchline (well, until the show and manga jump the shark). They're comedy characters at their core. You can analyze them with a serious, non-comedy lens, but it's not their natural habitat or intention to be thus
Phinease and Ferb is a fun show to have on in the background, because by design, it is very easy to identify every character and what they're doing, because the creator very intelligently sat down and made everyone extremely unique and dynamic, both in visual design and in voice design. He wanted every character to be able to be drawn, so every character is subtly based off of a basic shape to be drawn by children (some being letters as well, to help with writing development). The voice direction was handled similarly, with every character actually having a voice actor that is extremely distinct and easy to follow, especially for kids (which is why Doofenshmirtz is so beloved; his VA is friendly and extremely distinct)
But like. At the end of the day, Doofenshmirtz is part of an animated sitcom running B-plot that got elevated to main cast member, one who has a consistent punchline that is a subversion of modern "tragic villain backstory" tropes that makes a running tapestry that results in something that, if I did recount it to you, barely makes consistent sense (ala: he was raised by ocelots, so the secret agency that Perry the Platypus works for says Doofenshmirtz is legally an ocelot and cannot be punished by human law)
The ocelot thing is just one thread in that tapestry of comedic punchlines, it's just the one I remember most staunchly because...well, it's *funny*
Like: when I promote Antigone for this, this isn't me raising my nose and going "Ugh, ancient literature is better than children's media", it's understanding the assignment and looking at both sides and going *"I see the argument for both, but Antigone is sincerely a tragedy character to her core, with every line and action, while Doofenshmirtz is a comedy character who is designed to subvert tragic sexy villain backstory tropes at every turn, including being fake divorced to his wife just for benefits while also being legally an ocelot and thus unable to be punished by human law, despite literally being human"*
Both have depth, it's just one is freshwater and the other is saltwater and this is a freshwater fish tournament, so I am voting for and promoting the freshwater fish 😂
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spiritunwilling · 1 year ago
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sexiestpodcastcharacter · 1 year ago
Sexiest Podcast Character — Scripted Bracket — Round 3
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Peter Nureyev (The Penumbra Podcast: Juno Steel):
His character is the reason the term "Homme Fatale" became a thing
Homme fatale, living by the mantra of be gay, do crime. V secretive and just the right amount of flirty. Also I love him
He’s a slutty master thief who slept with a detective he went on 1 date(murder case) with and then fell ass over tea kettle in love. Literally can’t think of anything sexier
Antigone Funn (Wooden Overcoats):
An extremely agoraphobic mortician of a local funeral home who has every disease. Nervous wreck. Makes noises when stressed. An artist at heart (her embalming fluid is imbued with the fragrance of cinnamon).
she's the goth gf of your dreams. she's an undertaker, a romance novelist, a hot air balloon pilot, and she has interiority for days
It's antigone or unfollow me
please, everyone, antigone deserves this. she ghost-wrote a wildly successful erotic novel and then faked the death of the fake author. she didn’t leave her house for 17 years except to go see horny french films every thursday. she accidentally ended up in a love triangle with a hot domme lesbian circus ringmaster and her own employee. she broke up with a doctor after one date because he didn’t respect her career (and also his parrot hated her). she experienced years of carnal yearning for her professional rival only to finally realize she was actually okay on her own. she drinks embalming fluid. she thinks of funerals as an art form. she was diagnosed with depression as an infant. she wanted to be a clown when she grew up. her hero is a historical female scientist who has a statue with her tits out. she’s been attacked by owls. a bunch of children thought she was a forest witch. the rest of the village thought she was dead. she has committed multiple counts of breaking and entering. she designed artisanal chocolates that put you in a temporary coma. she can’t eat her own chocolates because she’s allergic to everything. she attracts shadows like a magnet. she’s a woman in STEM. if you have any love in your heart for goth weirdgirls you’ll do the right thing. ANTIGONE SWEEP
Considering committing voter fraud for Antigone. My girl 😔
Vote Antigone because do you understand how narratively satisfying it would be if she won??? Season one? She could barely go outside her mortuary. Season four? Modeling for a sexy calendar. THE CHARACTER GROWTH!!!!!!! Nothing more sexy than that.
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collectoroflovelythings · 9 months ago
Tagged by @dapper-nahrwhale thanks sm
rules: put ur five fav character into a poll and let people vote and tag five people to do the same
I hate doing this cause I will judge your answers and get bitchy no matter who wins
Tagging: @audiodramatist @petrosapian (please open tumblr pretty please) @butchmechanism @rabbitmotifs @geekeryisafoot
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greatest-greek-games · 2 years ago
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In case you didn't want the long rambling post-mortem on how she killed him, have this collage of all the notes on the poll instead.
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Creon: By all means, Creon is a decent enough king. Heracles's (first) father-in-law, caretaker of Thebes in the absence of its rightful king as long as it took, and graciously gave the throne to Oedipus when the time came. On the other hand. On the other hand. After Oedipus fucked around and found out, and his sons did much the same, Creon is the one who refused to give Polynices a proper burial, choosing the law of man over the law of the gods and fucking over his entire family in the process -- wife dead, son dead, absolutely ruined. Should you feel bad for him? Maybe. Maybe not. That's up to you.
Antigone: The dutiful daughter of Oedipus, Antigone is fiercely loyal and full of honest duty to her father. Voted number one weird girl by her submitters, Antigone's fate is tragic, but she meets it with a proud countenance and justice in her heart. She will not be swayed by the law of man -- she follows the law of the gods, and she's not fucking afraid of anyone.
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weekend-whip · 1 year ago
Ayo where’s this poll I’m hearing so much about
If you mean this one, it's a redo for Antigone vs Lloyd for Most Tragic Character due to some drama/suspected cheating/bad sportsmanship, and thus is an unrebloggable, unrepliable poll that is only able to be spread via word of mouth. It's only lasting 24 hours, so people are running at the speed of light to get their vote in! (Buuut I think we're losing ahaha. We had a nice start tho)
Orrrrrr maybe you mean this poll where Legacyverse (a story/series I just so happen to be the author of) is up against a story/series from DC for "Best Fanfiction" (of the moment). Right now we're not even aiming to win, just aiming to close the gap and get to 40%, so that way when if we lose it's not by an entire landslide djhgfdfghd. But it's been a very wholesome competition so far that I'm honored to have been apart of, and I'm pleased by all the support!!
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youraveragedirtclod · 1 year ago
I feel like being apart of the whole Lloyd/Antigone thing is actually my peak. Being apart of Tumblr history is all I have. ANYWAYS EVERYONE PLEASE GO VOTE IN THE FINAL POLL!! LLOYD NEEDS TO WIN!!
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catboy-pentheus · 1 year ago
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p2ii · 1 year ago
Istg one day I will write a full paper on Lloyd garmadon y'all don't understand how important he is just cause hes a lego. he is everything actually
anyway please vote lloyd on this random poll (no pressure)
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corgicon · 1 year ago
please go to most-tragic-character-tournament and vote for my boy la lloyd garmadon in the rematch against antigone because it would be so so extremely funny if he won
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greatest-greek-games · 2 years ago
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After several false starts and doubles, I've finally created the final bracket! If you see any doubles or mistakes on this, please tell me -- I think I've included all the enemies and submitted characters, but I'm still just the one person.
Voting will begin as soon as I can source good images and summaries for all the characters -- expect it to be within the week, hopefully sooner.
Full bracket under the cut in plaintext in case you can't read my handwriting.
Starting from the top left.
Electra versus Chiron.
Menelaus versus Phineus.
Paris versus Sinope.
Helen versus Alciabades.
Clytemnestra versus Cassandra
Hegelochus versus the Vultures That Eat Prometheus's Liver.
Agamemnon versus Homer.
Iphigenia versus Hippolytus.
Achilles versus Socrates.
Danaë versus Eurydice.
Ariadne versus Minos.
Asterion (The Minotaur) versus Theseus.
Aeneas versus Orpheus.
Heracles versus Hecuba.
Jason versus Medea.
Atalanta versus Aeolus.
Starting from the top right.
Antigone versus Creon.
Orestes versus Andromache.
Psyche versus Cadmus.
Diogenes versus Oedipus.
Icarus versus Daedalus.
Narcissus versus Hyacinth.
Perseus versus Medusa.
Bellerophon versus Hippolyta.
Dolon versus Odysseus.
Asclepius versus Philoctetes.
Penthesilea versus Autolycus.
Penelope versus Arachne.
Neoptolemus (Pyrrhus) versus Ascanius (Iulus).
Hector versus Diomedes.
Sisyphus versus Telemachus.
Eurylochus versus Patroclus.
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sexiestpodcastcharacter · 1 month ago
Sexiest Podcast Character 2024 — Scripted Undefeated Bracket — Round 2
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Michael Walters (WOE.BEGONE):
He walks around his cold Latvian apartment shirtless to show off his chest scars even though the only other person to see them is his younger self
He confidently gave his younger self a pep talk about how to shoot correctly, and then missed the bottles he was shooting at
He is often described as a sheep dog or a guard dog, ready to lay his life down for his loved ones at the drop of a hat
His cowboyness convinced the mad British scientist who was torturing him to rebel against his shitty job and become a cowboy himself
He flirted with a cute boy by lifting up his shirt in public and showing him the stomach wound that almost killed him
He cried when his younger self moved out of the apartment because he was going to miss him
Almost drowned but was more upset over losing his cowboy hat
Offered himself up as a hostage and then had to be hog tied and carried out of his prison by his new boyfriend
Mod Note: This is specifically about Michael Walters, who beat out Mike Walters in the preliminaries.
Antigone Funn (Wooden Overcoats):
Amazing character arc/growth; shadows follow her around; afraid of the sun; methanol is her drink of choice; is often told “I thought you were dead” despite a complete lack of evidence other than her deathly paleness; the morgue is her personal sanctuary; absolutely hilarious character; demanded to be co-owner of Funn Funerals with her brother rather than allowing him to continue running the business alone;(spoiler) decided NOT to get with her frenemy who she had been doing a will-they-won’t-they thing with the entire series!; writes smut in her free time
Art of Michael Walters courtesy of @dracolichen.
Additional propaganda below the cut:
Michael Walters (WOE.BEGONE):
He's a cowboy he's a bear and he's in his 40s what else can I say
Emotionally stunted cowboy. Kills other versions of himself with no problem. You wouldn't think he's hot from that description but he is, trust me. He has perfect eyebrows
He‘s a rugged old cowboy, who would kill and sacrifice himself to save the people he cares about.
#michael is sexier period.
#michael i miss you every day
Michael my love
Antigone Funn (Wooden Overcoats):
#antigone!!!!!!!!! #i just need one chance with her #she's perfect
*Cracks knuckles* Team Antigone is back and ready to do some damage. #antigone sweep year 2
#Antigone sweep #!!!!
#thrilled to participate as always
This is propaganda for all the female characters. Voters please remember how pretty all women are and factor that into every single vote you make. Thank you.
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edettethegreat · 4 years ago
in honor of the end of high school, here’s a short summary of every book I had to read over the past 4 years:
9th grade
A Separate Peace-
Finny: Hi Gene!
Gene: *pushes him out of a tree*
Finny: Ouch. *dies*
Great Expectations-
Pip: I hate Estella
Pip: nevermind she’s pretty
Pip: I like Estella
Pip: but she doesn’t like me!
Pip: she was leading me on this whole time!!
Estella, who constantly told Pip she doesn’t like him: I was what now.
Lord of the Flies-
Ralph: we need to keep order on this island
Jack: but what if we didn’t
Ralph: ok you do you and I’ll do me
*after at least 2 people die*
Ralph and Jack: where did we go wrong
Alice in Wonderland-
Alice: huh wow this sure is a weird land I landed in
The Tempest-
Prospero: Here’s my elaborate revenge scheme on my brother
Prospero: it involves my daughter happily marrying the man she loves
Prospero: and then we all happily return to Italy
Prospero: with my brother facing minimal legal consequences for banishing me.
Prospero: REVENGE!!
Driving Miss Daisy-
Daisy: hi I’m racist
Hoke: but what if you weren’t
Daisy: huh. I never considered that. Thanks.
Higgins: I think I’m going to mildly abuse this kid called Eliza
Eliza: huh that sure would suck 
Higgins: sucks to be you then. This wouldn’t be happening if you spoke proper English.
Eliza: that doesn’t sound entirely right, but I don’t know enough about proper English to argue.
10th grade
To Kill a Mockingbird-
Atticus: in conclusion, this man is undeniably innocent
Jury: Atticus have you considered that this is the south and he’s black?
Jury: *unanimously votes Guilty*
Atticus: literally what is wrong with you.
The Merchant of Venice-
Shylock: in conclusion, I have a legal contract stating I can stab the guy who’s been committing hate crimes against me for years now
Portia: Shylock have you considered that this is 14th century Italy and you’re Jewish?
The court: *forces him to give his possessions away and convert to Christianity*
Shylock: literally what  is wrong with you.
The Count of Monte Cristo-
Villefort: In conclusion, you’re clearly innocent and someone’s framing you
Villefort: but have you considered that you now have evidence that my father committed treason and if I don’t send you  to jail you might tell someone?
Villefort: *gives Edmond a life sentence in the Chateau d’If*
Edmond: literally what is wrong with you.
11th Grade
My Antonia-
Jim: welp I’m an orphan now so I’m gonna move in with my relatives in Nebraska
Jim: *does that*
Jim: welp Nebraska is full of fields and farms.
Jim: guess I gotta learn some farming now.
Fahrenheit 451-
Montag: what if I read a book?
Everything: *goes very wrong*
Montag: oh no.
Twelve Angry Men-
Everyone except for 8: the kid’s guilty
8: but get this
8: what if he’s not
Everyone: *is angry*
Witches: you’ll be king!
Macbeth: ah so I have to kill the guy who’s currently king?
Witches: ... literally when did we say that?
Macbeth: ok he’s dead now.
Huckleberry Finn-
Huck: hey Jim let’s leave this place together!
Jim: ok
Huck, 20 chapters later: I don’t know what’s happening but I have at least 10 aliases now
Twelfth Grade
The Longest Day-
The World: hey guys who’s up for a Second World War?
Everybody: no please no
The World: oops too late
Beowulf: I’ll fight all the monsters!!
Everyone: yeah!!
Beowulf: oops a dragon bit me and I’m dead now
Dicey: wow it sure sucks that our mom abandoned us
Dicey: if only we could find a functional place to live
Dicey: actually yeah I don’t know what I was expecting- no one can afford to take in 4 children in this economy
Raison in the Sun-
Lena: Here’s all the money we have
Lena: be very responsible with it- we need it to buy a house and send your sister to medical school
Walter: oops I lost it all to my sketchy friend who turned out to be a scammer 
Lena: literally WHAT DID I JUST SAY??
Antigone: I’m gonna go bury my brother
Creon: ok then I’m gonna go murder you
That one guy: actually if you kill her everything will go very wrong
Creon: I’m gonna kill her anyway.
Everything: *goes wrong*
Creon: If only someone would have warned me!!
the ghost: go kill your uncle. Avenge my death.
Hamlet: ok
Hamlet: *responsibly verifies the facts*
Hamlet: ok NOW it’s murder time!
Hamlet: *kills the wrong person*
Hamlet: whoops.
The ghost: you had ONE job!!
Death of a Salesman-
Willy: I wanna die
Everyone: ok.
Willy: *kills himself*
Everyone: if only there had been some way to prevent this tragic outcome! 
Long day’s Journey into Night-
Edmund: dad I’m dying
James Sr.: hi dying I’m dad
Edmund: that’s not helpful. *proceeds to suffer*
King Lear-
Lear: I’ll divide up my kingdom according to who loves me the most
Goneril and Regan: that would be us
Lear: well since lying wasn’t invented yet I’m going to believe that wholeheartedly.
Pride and Prejudice-
Elizabeth: I hate Darcy
Elizabeth: plus Wickham says he’s the worst
Elizabeth: oh wait Wickham was lying
Elizabeth: oh wait Darcy’s really rich and hot
Elizabeth: nevermind I like Darcy now.
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skybluesocks · 1 year ago
VOTE LLOYD PLEASE! The lego ninjago writers LOVE making this poor boy suffer. Like, just in season one he was just abandoned by his mother at a school specifically for evil children where he was bullied so bad he ran away, he has no one to look up to but his evil dad but he sucks so bad at being evil he's generally laughed at for it, it a literal child who ends up releasing a race of snake people he accidentally found who manipulate him, he joins the ninja but then gets kidnapped by the snake people and held prisoner, forced to do various dangerous tasks for them, almost dies in lava, becomes the green ninja with a massive, destiny on his shoulders he doesn't know how to live up to, his dad is back and they bond a little but his dad is still evil and leaves him again. Thats ONE season. Out of FIFTEEN! Vote Lloyd. Only so much tragedy can be contained in one play, and only so much tragedy can be contained in one 15 season show, but those are not equal amounts I assure you.
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inthegroundontime · 5 years ago
Title: The Garden Rules | [inspo] Rating: K Summary: A game of hide-and-seek amongst the headstones starts a life-long conversation between two boys. 
The game of hide-and-seek in the sun-dappled graveyard began mid-way through the Carlton funeral. Though the Trevor family had brought their other children, only Victor played with the Funn twins this afternoon. Only Victor dared to break with the propriety his family demanded of their children. Rudyard, as he elucidated the rules for the hundredth time, loved Victor for it. Most people wouldn’t think that playing a game of hide-and-seek was a brave thing to do, but Rudyard sometimes thought he’d never met a braver person than Victor. 
“ - And remember,” Rudyard continued, “Absolutely no peeking. If you’re caught cheating, you will automatically be disqualified and any points you have earned will be evenly distributed among the remaining players.”
“There aren’t points in hide-and-seek!” Antigone, his sister, protested with a sniffle. Her allergies made her terrible at hide-and-seek. If ever she tried to hide in the bushes or a tree, she would have the worst sneezing fit and be found easily. “Honestly, Rudyard-!” 
“There are points!” he protested. “For every person you find, you get a point. Two points if you find them within the first ten minutes-”
“Christ,” Antigone said. “Victor, please explain to my brother that there aren’t points to hide-and-seek-!”
Victor was silent for a long time. For all that Rudyard admired Victor’s bravery, Victor admired the determination in Rudyard’s dark, glittering eyes and the confidence with which he spoke. If he said there was a points system in hide-and-seek, Victor just might believe it, even if it was to earn a rare smile from the other boy. He made a soft, noncommital noise.
“Not… traditionally,” Victor said. “But it adds something to the game - a goal to strive for.” 
“Yes, exactly!” Rudyard clapped his hands together. “That’s two-to-one. You’ve been out-voted, Antigone!” 
Antigone mumbled irritated swears under her breath - or at least the boys thought they must have been swears. They didn’t care to ask. Instead, Rudyard announced that he would count first and he shut his eyes, faced the wall of the mausoleum and began to count to one hundred. His voice rang out across the cemetery as Victor and Antigone scattered across the verdant lawn, ducking behind headstones. Victor settled along the edge of the cemetery, where wildflowers and brush encroached upon the manicured lawn. He lay very still, feeling the thudding of his heart knock against his suit. He lay on his belly, chest to the ground and blue eyes searching the cemetery for his friends. Antigone had all-but disappeared and Victor thought it would take Rudyard much longer than ten minutes to find her. He hoped Rudyard would find him quickly and they could look for her together. He didn’t mind if it garnered Rudyard an extra point and forced him to be the next seeker. It was a lovely day and he wanted to spend it with his best friend. Not even the death of a cousin could spoil the afternoon. He listened and from where he crouched, Victor could hear a few birds singing in the ancient willow tree, punctuating Rudyard’s sharp counting with sweet song. Above him, the blue sky stretched endlessly. 
Meanwhile, Rudyard counted. Eyes shut, he saw none of the wonders of the cemetery, but he knew it well. This was his domain in the same way the more popular kids claimed the playground or the football pitch as theirs. The only son of the island’s only funeral director, Rudyard knew where each denizen of Piffling Vale was buried, the square footage of each family plot. He knew which hills were the highest and provided the best views of the cemetery - whether it was of the lake that no one else seemed to notice, the spire of the church, the direct view of the village square (and thus, his home at the center of it all) or just where his sister and best friend had hidden. He didn’t need to look to see it in his mind’s eye. He wondered where Victor had hidden. Antigone was so good at hiding that she often won the game, which was why Rudyard had implemented a points system for the seekers. As he called out the numbers, Rudyard listened for movement, but only heard the song of a lark in the distance. He tried to decipher it but found it unuseful to his purpose. 
“-98, 99, 100!”
He set off in search of Victor and Antigone, wandering between headstones, careful not to step on any bodies - the disrespect of walking across a grave had been impressed upon him at an early age. Weaving between them, Rudyard scanned the grounds. In the distance, he could hear Reverend Wavering conducting the service. 
“You can’t hide forever!” Rudyard called out. “I know you’re in here somewhere!”
He snickered to himself softly. He liked to sound imposing and serious, but this game delighted him until the realization that Victor and Antigone might have disappeared altogether struck him. He began to check frantically among the hanging branches of the willow and behind every headstone until he saw Victor laying prone in the grass. A smile split Rudyard’s face. Descending upon him with a laugh, Rudyard poked Victor’s ribs.
“A-ha! I knew you couldn’t hide forever!” he crowed triumphantly while Victor laughed and squirmed at being tickled. “That’s seven minutes and twelve seconds - two points! Ha!”
They wrestled in the grass for a breathless moment, both laughing and rolling towards the iron fence. They stopped short of hitting it but disappeared under the wild tufts of lavender peeking through the bars. Soon, the game of hide-and-seek fell to the wayside. There would be no finding Antigone, anyway, and from the shady spot beneath the lavender, Rudyard could see swatches of blue peeking through the branches and sunlight dappling Victor’s skin and hair. 
“-I just wish it could be like this all the time,” Victor said, folding his legs in towards his chest. “I wish I could stay here… with you. And Antigone, of course.”
“Mmm.” Rudyard tilted his head. “When we grow up, maybe you can move here. Buy a cottage overlooking the sea, close enough that I can walk to you.”
“I’d like that. Being close to you.”
Rudyard smiled and he put his hand atop Victor’s, which rested upon his knee. Victor startled and turned to face Rudyard. Rudyard’s bright eyes darkened with an unfamiliar look that made Victor feel hopelessly adrift in them. He wanted to stay lost in Rudyard’s gaze forever and he didn’t know why. At twelve years old, he’d never known such a feeling before. It terrified him. 
Rudyard traced Victor’s lips curiously with his eyes. They looked soft and gentle, much like the rest of his friend, but he wanted to know for sure. He’d never before kissed anyone and had always thought the impulse to press your mouth to another person’s mouth was - at best - unhygienic. Now, however, he felt deep stirrings of curiosity swell within him. Maybe he understood why adults did what they did. Maybe he didn’t. He was young still - just twelve - and he didn’t know much about love. What little he did know boiled to this: he loved Victor. 
Experimentally, Rudyard cupped one of Victor’s cheeks in his hand. He felt Victor’s breath catch. He was warm and soft and temptation sang like a symphony in his chest. Then, leaning over, Rudyard planted a kiss upon Victor’s opposite cheek. Beneath his lips, Victor’s skin warmed. When he looked, Victor’s skin flushed a deep red. It made Rudyard, in turn, blush. 
“We should find Antigone,” Victor mumbled, looking away shyly. 
“Forget Antigone,” Rudyard said. “Victor, I-”
Rudyard peeked out from between the branches and saw his father gesticulating angrily at his watch. At his shoulder, Rudyard’s mother, sour-faced and serious, scanned the cemetery for her children. The Trevors still congregated amongst themselves and did not call for Victor. 
“We’ll continue this conversation,” Rudyard said. He darted out of the brush, but not before pressing one more, quick kiss to Victor’s cheek.
Victor watched him go. He touched his fingers reverently to the place Rudyard had kissed twice and as he watched his best friend receive chastisement from his father, he thought of the things his own father would say if he knew what had just transpired. A shudder wracked Victor’s thin frame and he remained hidden until the Funns found Antigone and the four of them walked away. Then, slowly emerging from his hiding place, Victor inspected himself for mud and grass-stains before trudging back to his parents. This conversation - “conversation” - was far from over.  Not for the first time, Victor thought he couldn’t wait for the next family funeral.  
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rudyardfunk · 2 years ago
Wooden Overcoats (non-season-finale) Episodes Bracket: Round II
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Round II of voting is going live now! If you want more information about the bracket, here is the origional post. If you vote on a poll, please reblog to spread it to more people.
Here are this rounds polls:
The Bane of Rudyard vs Flowers For Chapman
Georgina and the Waves vs The Race for Piffling
In the Buff vs A Match Made in Piffling
A Funeral House Divided vs The Big Cheese
Rudyard Makes a Friend vs Rudyard Takes a Hike
The Loneliness of the Short-Tempered Rudyard vs The Bodysnatchers
Antigone in the Spotlight vs The Sweet Sweet Taste of Death
Undertakers Underground vs The Sunshine Treatment
Edit: here is the current round
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