#please tell me im not the only one like this w the ccs they watch sometimes KLSDGHJSDG
zedif-y · 7 months
sometimes i put pressure on myself to watch zed content the moment it comes out bc my brain likes to be weird abt being a 'real fan' and its So stupid like. whats gonna happen if i dont . is zedaph gonna come to my house to revoke my zedhead title . is dot dot dash going to kill me
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etheriaaly · 3 years
Hello, do you still do requests? If so, could I get a cc!SBI x GN!Reader (platonic ofc) at TwitchCon? If requests aren't open feel free to ignore btw
Thank you, and remember to drink water and eat something!
a/n: hiii!! sorry for the long wait and delay, I forgot to post this a month ago😭😅. school is just making me busy but requests are open <3  also im pretty sure theres a similar fanfic plot w this but imma hope mine has a bit of twist and difference to it 😭. Another thing, I have no idea how TwitchCon works or what it looks like from the inside so please bare with the lack of TwitchCon knowledge in this fanfic. Anyways,  i hope u enjoy this short one :))
P.S. Sorry if u live in the USA or near it, the location where the reader lives is for plot purposes :))
READER PRONOUNS: They/them (Gender neutral)
TwitchCon is coming in a few days and [Y/N] is beyond excited. Not only it was their first-ever TwitchCon, but they also get to finally meet Tommy, Wilbur, Phil, and Techno.
However, those 4 don't know [Y/N] will be joining TwitchCon in San Diego since [Y/N] literally lives on the other side of the world and the SBI thinks their parents didn't allow them to travel just for TwitchCon.
But [Y/N]'s parents literally said yes once they told them about TwitchCon💀
Even though telling the SBI beforehand would be a great start to plan the things they would do and have fun but then again, where's the thrill and excitement into seeing their shocked faces once they see [Y/N].
They are currently anxious at the moment, tapping their feet on and on. What if one of them sees [Y/N] on the airport or on the way to the TwitchCon?? That will definitely ruin the surprise.
[Y/N] hopes that the Marvel disguise, which consist of the cap and a sunglasses, will work.
As soon as they finally landed at the San Diego Internationally Airport, they received a text message from the group chat.
orphan obliterator: at the hotel rn
wilby: tommy, im literally beside you
cawcaw man: ^
big man child: WISH U WERE HERE [N/N]!!
[n/n]: also dw abt it theres always next time ig 😩
orphan obliterator: want me to convince the government to let you fly here for free???
[n/n]: thanks for the thought, Techno but im prettyyyy sure ur way of convincing isn't in a peaceful way🤪
big man child: really sucks uR NOT HERE
wilby: I'm pretty sure [Y/N] is a lucky gal or else they will have to endure your presence Tommy
big man child: WHAT THE FUCK WILBUR
orphan obliterator: GO GO ! GHOSTBUR IN REAL LIFE LETS GO
wilby: I'm calling my lawyer on you guys
[Y/N] quietly laughed and placed their phone back in their bag. They better hurry back to the hotel and get ready to surprise the four of them.
A few hours later, they have finally gotten ready for TwitchCon in which will start in like an hour and the excitement is increasing.
[Y/N] have gotten over the plan once again: use the MCU disguise, pull a You Joe Goldberg, snap a picture of the SBI together from afar and watch the four of them freak out. [Y/N] chuckled evilly and looked for a ride to the TwitchCon.
On the way to the TwitchCon, they decided to open up Twitter to see if any other CCs or fans posted a tweet or a picture about TwitchCon already. So far, many people have tagged [Y/N] saying they’re sad that [Y/N] isn’t able to come. 
At last, they have set foot to the entryway of TwitchCon, they can feel their anticipation and eagerness increasing. Luckily, it’s a bit crowded so if the four are already there, they will have a hard time accidentally spotting [Y/N]. 
Right before entering the building, they sent a small message of, “Have fun guys ;)” to the group chat and turned off their phone. 
Although being in a crowd will have higher chance of getting not recognized, they still feel somewhat uneasy in such a big crowd. Just the amount of people being in the same room as them makes [Y/N] anxious. But they made sure they’d try to overcome the fear of crowds for now because this prank plan only happens once in a lifetime. 
‘Ohno, I didn’t get to ask where they are,’ [Y/N] thought as they observe the crowd. ‘But, that will make me suspicious.’ 
Now getting lost in the convention, they immediately tried to find a way to know where they are until a group of girls near [Y/N] age slowly passed by, seemingly talking about Tommy, Wilbur, Techno and Phil. 
“Ohhh, I can’t wait to see them in real life,” said one girl. 
“They’re just in their booths far away right?” 
“Yep! Do you guys want to solo picture with each of them or a group picture?” The other girl in a Dream merch asked. 
The conversation of the group of girls gradually died down as they are now away from where [Y/N] is just standing from. ‘Jackpot! I’ll just follow them and I hope they can lead me to where those boys are’ 
[Y/N] hurriedly tried to run after the group of girls because they almost lost track of where they are heading due to the dozens of people walking past and across.
Although they did lost track of the group of girls, they tiredly sighed. But, it was immediately turned into a lopsided grin once they heard a familiar loud-ass person they know.
"Didn't know this place is full of Americans!"
"Tommy, we're literally in America. What do you expect?"
[Y/N] tried to contain themselves from jumping into them out of nowhere because they can feel themselves being giddy and excited.
This is it. The moment they've been waiting and planning for.
[Y/N] took out their phone and immediately snapped a photo of Philza's back head. They are so lucky that the disguise worked and those 4 idiots are really convinced [Y/N] is not there with them.
As soon as they snapped the photo, they sent it to the group chat. Looking away from their phone, they can see Wilbur pulling out their phone and immediately typing on the phone. [Y/N] giggled.
[n/n]: (sent a photo)
wilby: WHAT?! HOW?
They looked again at where the SBI is standing. Wilbur hurriedly tapped on Philza's shoulder and showed him the photo.
Philza's jaw dropped and exclaimed, "[Y/N] is here!?" Tommy's and Techno's heads whipped towards Philza and went towards the two of them.
"[Y/N]??? Here? Since when??" Tehcno asked.
"They sent a photo of my head!"
"That's impossible," Tommy said, crossing their arms. "They can't be here. Their parents didn't allow them to come remember? Maybe they asked a fan to take a photo of Phil's back head."
[Y/N] tried to contain their laughter as they just watch the four go chaos. They unlocked their phone again and opened the group chat. 
orphan obliterator: explain
cawcaw man: you could've at least took a better shot at me
[n/n]: ;)
While Tommy, Techno, Phil and Wilbur are in shambles and busy texting in the groupchat. [Y/N] saw a perfect opportunity.
Still not removing any of their disguise, they hurriedly yet sneakily walked towards theme. Good thing the boys had their backs turned and they can't see [Y/N] sneaking behind them.
They kept hearing continuous text notifications as it kept buzzing in their hands.
"They just sent a winky face and never replied!"
"I swear to god, they're just probably scaring us—"
"TOMMY!" [Y/N] screamed loudly at the ear of Tommy as managed to tackle the entire group causing the five of them to fall to the ground. The five of them got startled and screamed. Tommy's scream was the loudest.
Other people looked at their direction due to how loud they all screamed. [Y/N] laughed and put their hand to their belly, trying to find support due to too much laughter. They just decided to continue laying on the floor because they're still busy laughing.
Wilbur immediately went to stand up and exclaimed, "[Y/N]?! You're really here?!"
"Holy shit." Phil laughed as he help Techno stand up from the ground. Tommy and [Y/N] are still the ones on the floor.
[Y/N] is too busy laughing while Tommy is in bewilderment and shock. "Careful, Tommy you're gonna catch a fly." Techno joked.
"His jaw dropped too hard." Tommy continued to stare at [Y/N] until he attacked and engulfed them in a big hug.
"Tommy you're crushing me."
"I don't care," Tommy replied, hugging [Y/N] even harder. "YOU FUCKER ARE REALLY HERE."
"Come up, child. It's now our turn to hug [Y/N]." Techno said as he tried to separate Tommy from them.
It took a while until Tommy got tired of hugging [Y/N] too hard so the two of them finally got the chance to stand up with the help of Phil, Wilbur and Techno. As soon as [Y/N] stood up, they were immediately greeted with Wilbur's and Philza's hug.
"You guys are really trying to crush and kill me, huh?"
“Move, it’s my turn.” Techno pushed Phil and Wilbur away and crushed poor [Y/N] as well. 
“I’m now very convinced all of you are plotting my death.” They said in between of the hugging. Techno let go and everyone’s adrenaline is still rushing. “YOOO!”
After finally getting accustomed to [Y/N] being with them, they all settled down and took a deep breath. "Man, I still can't believe you're really here, you sly motherfucker." Tommy stated.
"Yeah, me too."
Suddenly, Phil slightly nudged [Y/N]'s side and said, "Look you're number 1 trending already on Twitter."
[Y/N] let out a surprised gasp and immediately opened up Twitter. They scrolled down to see some tweets and oh boy, they really were trending that fast.
Pictures of [Y/N] sneaking behind the SBI, another one where [Y/N] tackles them to the ground, more pictures of them that just happened minutes ago.
How are people so fast????
It was a long day of meeting, greeting, signing and socializing with fans. The five of them might be tired but hey, it was an awesome day. Not only they get to go to TwitchCon and meet fans, but they also get to finally hang out in real life.
They are currently packing up their things from TwitchCon and heading out to eat dinner together. However, Tommy has other plans.
"Can you buy the cotton candy that I saw outside pleaseee??" Tommy pleaded to Techno.
He then went towards Phil but was already cutted off before Tommy even says anything. "We're going to eat dinner, save the sweets for later."
"But, PHILLLLLL." Tommy groaned.
[Y/N] laughed and sped walked beside Tommy. "Watch and learn bitch boy."
They then went towards Techno first and asked, "Can you buy that cotton candy for me?"
Tommy's jaw dropped. What the fuck ???
"That's so unfair!"
The rest of the night was spent goofing around, eating dinner together, strolling around and bullying Tommy (hj).
This was one of the best days they ever had. Wishing this all won't be over anytime soon.
Time may fly by so fast but you have to cherish and remember all the fun memories you had made.
Afterall, there are many more opportunities in which the five of you will meet up again. Who knows?
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amazingphilza · 3 years
twitchcon :: cc!multiple x reader
fluff , platonic , gender neutral ! some mcyt headcanons if you were to attend twitchcon w them
cc’s included in order: tommyinnit , tubbo , ranboo , wilbur soot , philza , technoblade
cw: kinda lengthy for the minors (i think), not as much for the hags LMAO /hj
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this man is so excited to be at his first twitchcon & being able to hang out with all his best friends makes it a hundred times better
when he isn’t at a panel or doing meet & greets, he’s dragging you everywhere to see the whole convention center (clingyinnit)
he is just so at awe despite this not being his first convention to attend
you’d be surprised he gets tired pretty quickly & stops over to the partner lounge
you both rest for a bit against a wall in a pretty packed hallway despite it being an exclusive area to twitch partners
every time a famous streamer walks by he will yell it out and record it then vlog your reaction, even if they’re surrounded with bodyguards & trying to get to another place quickly
he’d zoom in his camera to their face at a horrible angle and be like
“oh my god it is THE ninja. ninja famous fortnite player, HELLO.”
but he gets completely ignored
then the camera pans out to you, still really zoomed in that the capture is blurry
tommy is so confused, forgetting the bit ninja did on his twitter where he renamed himself ‘ninjainnit’ for a split second
okay tommy isn’t that athletic but he will chase you and the rest of your group down a hallway if he had to
he’d probably find a toy gun from the artist alley/seller booths and shoot you and wilbur with it
but if tommy stumbles across any of the dream team, it’s about to be minecraft manhunt but irl
and he will def play his stream music while walking or smth when he’s bored (or trying to jump dream & sapnap)
oh my god,, now thinking about it he’s probably the one to open like random doors of empty rooms and steal stuff while you film him
like he will take a random empty glass, a bunch of pens, a freebie t-shirt, everything he sees he takes with him and you’re just panic
“tommy we’re literally not supposed to be here, and i’m stuck here filming you. it’s surely a felony in action”
“well, it’s their fault for leaving the doors open! plus this is great content. who’s the dirty crime boy now, HM?”
you’d tell wilbur about this and he’d scold tommy and threaten him with the same pen tommy stole
tommy probably would also drag you some weird event happening outside twitchcon along with tubbo and ranboo
“pokimane is giving out free pizza to everyone if we go to this one restaurant down the street!”
“we are literally gonna get bombarded. have you forgot you’re like three of twitch’s top streamers? i’d rather pay for all of our meals than try getting free pizza from pokimane against all her other fans”
“DEAL! let’s go to five guys then!”
you unfortunately end up paying for all 3 of their meals and picking on their food instead of buying your own
even with all of them making way more money than you, they still happen to be cheapskates
OR tommy will end up getting a burrito from a taco truck, immediately making a mess of himself, then proceed to complain how messy the food is to eat despite knowing what he was getting himself into before even ordering
“shit my clothes are all ruined now!”
“well that’s your fault you got a burrito, as if it’s your first time having one”
“i mean the food is good, i’m not complaining about that but i don’t think it’s that good that it’s worth costing my red and white shirt, im just saying”
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same with tommy, he is so excited
i don’t know why but i imagine him overpacking his suitcase and you making fun of him for it
anyway tubbo has his irl backpack on and streaming EVERYTHING
probably spends a lot of time at a bunch of different booths, checking out all the pointless gadgets he could buy for his stream
you’re the one to stop him from doing so
“okay theoretically speaking, how the hell are you going to even bring it home? which—let me remind you—is across the country for you and not to mention the giant ocean separating america and the uk”
“free ship-pang!!!”
“i hate to break it to you tubbo but there is no way you can get free shipping on a FIVE FOOT PC. it’s nearly as tall as you! what are you even gonna do on it, hack the government???”
the arguments are all lighthearted but eventually you give in and let him splurge over a thousand dollars in different devices he claimed he “needed”
i could honestly see him visiting the beaches in san diego and going for a swim or even renting out a boat to use for a bit :D
also he’d bring benson along with him and taking a bunch of scenic photos with it in them
i have a feeling he’s the type to schedule a spontaneous meet & greet because he was bored & gets in trouble for causing a mob in a certain part of the convention
he’s like “oh god, i did not expect this many of the bois to show up AHAHAH oops”
tubbo would def pull a lilypichu and bring his melodica or ukulele and play themes while following random people/cosplayers
at the end of the day, you’d find his bag just stuffed with crap he either got for free or bought in the convention
“how did you get all that stuff? i was with you all day??? and it’s only the first day of the convention, hello?? it looks like you’ve been collecting as if twitchcon has went on for a week already!”
“HA i have my ways, do not underestimate my powers”
lani would probably tag along for the vacation honestly
like whenever someone comes up to her giving her gifts/asking for pics, you and tubbo would tease her about how famous she is
and i dunno but something about tubbo just gives me this amusement park energy and going to legoland and spending the whole day there since it’s near by and because he can
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he is like a beacon in a sea of people, that’s it .
i honestly just see him causing as much chaos as the other two
ranboo would probably like take someone’s camera whether if they’re streaming or if it’s for the vlog, hold it up high, and point the camera directly above someone’s face
it did not matter how tall you were and if you had platform shoes on, ranboo was a skyscraper next to you
“HAHAH this is how i see you from this height, this is funny”
then he shows you the vid of the recording of him getting like an aerial view of your face
like you see your nose and all your pores and just overall a bad angle to be captured in
i dunno why but i feel like he’d jump scare every person that was cosplaying as his minecraft character from behind for some reason
“ranboo i’m not even remotely dressed as your skin—”
“don’t worry i’m practicing it’s fineee”
“you’re like the height of 2 people combined, i think you will be fine as is. you even intimidated the security at the front”
i feel like if he had his own panel he’d like pull up some undertale song in the middle of it and scare all the people in the crowd
“lore but in real life”
probably would get some matching keepsake with you from artist alley/the booths!
i could imagine like a cute keychain or smth :D
i feel like he’s the type to like randomly volunteer as a participant for those mini events in a booth thinking it would be funny but regrets it the moment he’s on stage
after introductions the presenter is like “okay ranboo, you will be given a random meme prompt above your head you won’t be able to see until after and you will have to make a random face to compliment it!”
and you can just tell by his facial expression he’s just thinking
oh god what have i gotten myself into
what is this game? who came up with this idea?
you’d laugh at him the whole time, even after he’s off the stage and finished with that small fiasco
“that was horrible. never again.”
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wilbur soot
honestly with wilbur it’s slightly more chill
he already experienced twitchcon before so he’s just glad to see his friends again after so long
insists that you explore the convention yourself rather than sticking with him the whole time but you do anyway!
wilbur would probably have like a mini concert and gets you front row seats with the rest of the group
but that doesn’t mean before it that you’re not helping him set up
“y/n please– my amp is so heavy, i can carry it”
“don’t worry! i’m strong” :D
and musically talented or not, he will probably bring you and the rest of his friends up to stage to just vibe and sing a bunch of random acoustic songs
it’s not like some big concert hall stage,, i imagine more like a casual thing w a slightly higher platform from the ground yk?
after spending a long day at the convention he’d also bring everyone across the city to la jolla or smth !
you’d all probably have dinner there and chill, watching the pretty sunset
“this place is really pretty but oh my god im gonna lose my breath hiking up this stupid hill, please slow down”
and wilbur is like ??? because he’s completely fine with his long legs and everything
“just walk faster”
“no, you walk slower”
AHAHAH and for context traversing through la jolla by walking around the town is a bit hard since it’s basically on a bunch of hills (walking up from the beach to a restaurant actually is actually sm work, trust me ive been there)
wilbur honestly doesn’t spend that much time in the actual convention center, he’s probably sightseeing a bit of san diego with you instead
but i could imagine him staying at the tabletop games area playing dnd or smth
“c’mon y/n, come join!”
“uhh i’m not sure, i’m not the best at roleplay and...”
“it’s fine don’t worry!”
he’d pull you in with him and end up enjoying yourself even if it was your first time
and if you’re of age, you’d be wilbur’s +1 at the twitch partner party and make sure mans doesn’t too drunk
if it’s not too late in the night, you two would chill at the beach after the party
it’s just a nice, calming moment after all the loud music mixed with hundreds of conversations at the party
also something about like taking polaroids pictures with wilbur just seems to go hand in hand for me
i’m not sure why but you will be taking lots of pics with wilbur for sure (not necessarily you both in the photo, but of sceneries as well while you’re together!)
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literally a dad on vacation with his children, it doesn’t matter how old you are
need sunscreen? surprisingly has it
want a snack? probably has a small granola bar somewhere in his bag
but same with wilbur, he’s more chill like this isn’t his first time at twitchcon
omg he’d def bring you to the artist alley and just buy a bunch of fanart and stuff tho
“oh wow look phil, someone made a giant poster of the dream smp and shit!”
“holy shit that’s so good what the fuck!”
and he’s like rushing to that artist’s stall to buy a poster or print
idk why but phil seems like the person to know where he’s going all over the convention center
he probably had a copy of the directory map but yk
you just have trouble reading it bc all the signs seem to be misleading to you
nothing really crazy screams out to me of what phil would do at twitchcon besides like go to a few events, spend a bunch of time w his friends, etc
HOWEVER i could see him wasting a lot of his time at the gaming area and testing new games that are currently on the works of being developed
like “woah y/n, this vr game is sick, you should try it out!”
ngl i feel like phil would plan a visit to disneyland for everyone, like he gets the tickets and everything but once you’re at the park it’s free reign, y’all go everywhere with not much of a plan
the minors would try to cheap out phil and pay less than the others even though everyone else fully paid phil back and everything LMAO
ok but if he’s feeling nice, phil will buy everyone cotton candy/pretzels :D
and if you’re not hungry, he’d at least get you a mickey balloon
just in general, best idea phil had for taking everyone to disneyland :D
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surprisingly techno is really calm despite this being like one of his first conventions
but when he finally settles in and gets comfortable, he’s showing the same energy
if you’re playfully yelling, he will yell back
however there’s still those awkward moments that are unavoidable
idk why but something about him makes me think that if you feel tired and want to go back to your hotel room, he’d go with you just to make sure you get there safe
he probably also needs a break from being around everyone else for a moment too LMAO
i could also see him searching far and wide in the artist alley for fanart of himself AHAHAH
walking around with him in the convention consists of someone yelling “BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD” every 5 minutes but you don’t really mind
something about him makes me think he’ll be forced into playing minecraft twitch rivals along with the rest of sbi or smth
and he’s like “oh god, i’m going to be on stage? and people will see my face while i play minecraft?”
“i’m sure it will be fun!”
“i mean i like being competitive and feeding my ego, but i’m not that desperate.. well”
do i imagine techno getting easily tired of being surrounded by a bunch of people and just going back to his hotel room with phil and watching some anime with him? yes
and will you watch even if you have no idea what’s going on? also yes
i feel like after a while of you guys hanging out in techno’s room, the rest of the gang will just slowly join you guys
like eventually everyone is there; you, techno, phil, wilbur, niki, tommy, tubbo, ranboo, etc
and techno is like “wha– where did you guys come from?” because his room is basically packed
and niki could be like “oh we can go if you want!”
then techno just insists that she’s fine “but who let the child get in?” clearly implying tommy’s presence
eventually techno gives in with the company and someone gets a bunch of board games to play from the front desk
lots of yelling and laughing for sure
when it becomes late at night, techno is like half conscious, you’re on your phone, wilbur is staring out the window & enjoying the night view, tommy is passed out on the couch from tiredness, tubbo & ranboo is still wide awake quietly talking, and phil & niki are helping clean up the giant mess
eventually everyone brings themselves to go back to their own room except tommy who won’t budge
you give techno a look and he immediately understands what you were thinking
he rushes to the bathroom to fill up two cups with ice cold water and handed one to you
“on three?”
“okay.. one”
then both of you pour the water on the poor child’s face
he jolts awake and saying a string of curses
“what the fuck techno? y/n too?”
“get out” is the only think techno says that before tommy rushes out with his stuff and you leave right after
a/n: i honestly can’t wait until conventions open up again though,, phil and ranboo were talking about vidcon earlier and omg.
also i kinda want to take in tommy requests but i’m not sure??? it would be both cc! and c! x gn!reader for sure tho. i love writing him to bits but who knows, maybe i’ll only stick to my ideas,, or not. send in a tommy x reader request, might do it, might not, but he’s my fav cc if you can’t tell so! :D (i dunno if i will keep it strictly platonic, but unrequited crushes and stuff are fun to write hehe,,)
edit: let’s hope i fixed all the grammar mistakes LMAO we love writing late at night :) /s /hj
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dyketubbo · 3 years
i want to start this post by saying this is all /rp and that if i sound condescending, its probably intentional because im a lil fed up. still tried to be polite but if it fell through, uh, eh. its minecraft roleplay, im not truly heated, and if i thought of myself as being better than anyone for my opinions on blocks attacking each other i think id really have to reconsider my life and how i got here. anyways,
could you imagine if ppl just like actually started blaming things that are unable to control how others feel abt them for like. the way others feel abt them. like thats messily worded but w how people talk about lmanburg its like.. have yall never had something you would fight for? i would absolutely fight for my friends, fight for my family, hell id fight for my fuckin cat, my sketchbook, whatever, because thats mine and others arent allowed to just threaten what i care about for fun
but.. if i start to fight for something, because i care about it and someone else puts it in danger, its not the thing in dangers fault that im fighting for it? the person causing the danger shouldnt be doing that in the first place!! maybe i shouldnt ""have"" to sacrifice my time or wellbeing or whatever for things i care about but i *want* to, because i want to fight for what i care about
so why is it that once l'manburg is something to fight about that its?? somehow a piece of land/an abstract concepts fault that people were willing to fight for it?? it was their thing! l'manburgians had a right to secede, you can argue that it was based in xenophobia and manipulation and that wilbur was never good all along (gross reading, but you can take that up with the avid wilbur enthusiasts, this post isnt abt him) all you want but in the end it started out as a joke. the drug bits were jokes, the people who joined did so willingly, wilbur was barely fuckin present for a lot of his own countrys development, tommy and dreams relationship was friendly (with creepy vibes as dream got more and more stalkerish towards tommy), despite all the claims of No Americans they didnt Do Shit when americans were on their land and it was clear that the americans vs british debate was cc jokes that the characters didnt truly take seriously, the walls were iirc just. to make a good thumbnail or some shit (aka aesthetic), it really was just. a friend group with rules with the friends being little shits sometimes and dream really fucking hated that ig but in the end the l'manburgians really did not have any Special Attitude that made them any different than the average person on that server, they just happened to take a house-wide piece of land and said "hey we want this and its kinda weird for you to say the whole world is yours anyways so we want this to be like. ours. please? please"
but. l'manburg is.. not something you can just Blame. its not a real country with a real system set in place, it was some shit fuckin buildins in some walls and if the characters wanted to fight for it more power to them!! people get so mad (debate wise, not in terms of actually being upset) at the idea that the characters sacrificed things and themselves for their country but theyre. making a choice to fight for what they believe is right. and hell, for a good ass portion they just try to talk through it, thinking war is something you can fight with words when the other side just wants to secretly rig it all with tnt.
blame the people who continued to put l'manburgians in danger, blame dream for being obsessed with some teenager and placing way more symbolic power in the damn discs than tommy ever did, blame the dream team for rigging l'manburg with tnt and blowing it all up, blame dteam and eret for the fcr (which is the real start of wilburs downwards spiral. he was not always unstable, because thats not how human beings work. theres a difference between dream always having a similar motif of "this is fun" and wilbur actively showing clear differences in how he acts with each time he logs on), blame the people who constantly tried (and succeeded) to rip l'manburg from its citizens over and over until eventually all there was of the country is a big fuck off crater with a glass covering
but theres no damn point in blaming the country itself. its a bunch of fuckin land. even if you take what it symbolizes (which, for every character that was apart of it, it symbolized family and love and safety and care and trust and it was other people that tarnished that, because symbols dont chunk error themselves) its just. a symbol. its something the characters are attached to, and man, its almost as if the series has been fucking screaming at the viewers that viewing attachments as the problem is the wrong thing to do. should characters "have" to sacrifice themselves for l'manburg? no! and they *don't* have to! its shown repeatedly that they can just fuckin leave if they want to, no one will stop them!
they *choose* to fight and sacrifice and *care* and blaming what they care about for being something thats cared about is just wrong. especially in a situation where the discussion is literal death???? in which most cases were very clearly "person a kills person b" (or in wilburs case, assisted suicide for his last life), aka meaning that.. the murderer is at fault for murder. thats basic cause and effect, it should not be a debate topic to say "if you murder someone intentionally because you want them to stop caring about something you are at fault for murdering them".
like damn, next you mfs are gonna tell me that tommys a bad person because tubbo was willing to let dream kill him for tommy to be free (at least, tubbo saw it that way), and that dream isnt at fault for threatening tubbos life because tommy shouldnt have been so attached to those discs (of which are only important because dream had been using them as a way to have power over tommy and over the narrative), and that tommys bad for daring to care about things, for daring to care about *people* too, because if youre willing to sacrifice for something then its automatically bad.
thats exactly how people think. no fucking wonder then. you know, with a villain as obvious as dream, youd think maybe the audience would have learned that "attachments bad and fighting for what/who you care about bad because if you didnt care so much you wouldnt get hurt by the people who have been actively trying to hurt you and what/who you care about" is *not* the moral you should be going with when debating whether or not someone is at fault for killing someone when they had every option to Not Do So. watch the mars conflict again and maybe youll understand that the problem isnt attachments, its the people who want to use them against you.
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we8comic · 3 years
i was the anon who sent the eyeroll dream thing and genuinely actually do you have any feelings about like dream and by extension sapnap trying to assert themselves into pop off trio streams
because i’m not gonna lie as much as i love dream and sapnap and yeah the going dark thing was funny, they do have this problem where they show up and get confrontational about not being invited and when they do that shit and put everyone on the spot about “being left out” it’s very weird to me you should just accept they want to have a stream alone right..? i was wondering what you thought about that and whether you think they genuinely feel threatened about being left out
like let george hang out with his other friends maybe i doubt they’d do this if it was quackity and karl with anyone else or even just them alone
also i’m too much of a coward to discuss this on my own main idk if you know who this is but i have a feeling it’s smth you agree with and it’s veryyy nice to see someone calling sapnap and dream out for their occasional annoying and stream ruining behaviour
sorry this is so long!! you also totally don’t have to answer btw lmao i just notice the same frustration sometimes through your liveblogging whenever sapnap and dream crash a stream
anonymous: wait wait to add onto my last ask it was the biggest power move for karl to announce that the sex havers only consists of george karl and quackity and i really felt like that was a hint drop from him, i think jokingly adding that anyone else is “a friend of sex havers” was to lessen the impact but i still enjoy the fact that he asserted (and has been asserting) that their group when they’re together is an exclusive trio
i felt it that time he was like yeah well. we were the original sex havers groupchat and i feel like sapnap and dream kinda wriggled themselves into being included like i hope none of this sounds mean i just really want dream and sapnap to understand it’s okay to not be included in everything
oh MAN do i have feelings 😩 dream and sapnap are almost comically emasculated by any little thing that makes them feel inferior and that includes being excluded from things. and i personally feel they have no right to get angry about being left out and to then show up onto their streams to express that theyre upset in front of an audience of thousands. i say this because the other three ALWAYS mention that they dm'd them and invited them to the activity or otherwise said they had reason to believe dream or sapnap wouldnt be available (and even outside of that, theyre not required to tell the other about every single one of their plans lol)
i think getting confrontational about it on stream in the middle of planned activities is childish. take a look at bad for example, who also isnt a part of the trio but doesnt get confrontational about having been left out. the trio is full of lighthearted people, bad came into the call and they asked him if he wanted to join in the game they were playing and he did and that was it. compare that to dream or sapnap and when they join calls. theyre consistently immediately accusatory. the trio will take it in stride (cus again. an audience of over 100k is watching. its really not the time and place to whine and get mad about feeling left out, those are convos to have in private), theyll throw some facts like "we invited you" "you said you were busy" "we already had this planned for a while" etc., then theyll offer an invitation to join. this invitation is usually met w quite frankly STUPID debate about "well why wasnt i included in the first place" like dude. read the room, youre streamers for a living, talk about these things off stream like an adult. plus they literally already said you could join if you still wanted to, whats the problem, why drag it out for longer than it needs to be. it just stalls the stream and their plans and shifts the lighthearted tone into somethin a little more careful (however briefly it might be, it didnt need to happen)
i LOVE karl for saying that theyre their own group and joking that their attitude is why theyre friends of sex havers. it felt like a lighthearted way to lift the mood again and kinda say "hey, we do our own things sometimes, chill"
i cant speak for whether i think they genuinely feel threatened about being left out cus not only do i not know them personally, theyre also not ccs i focus energy on (thats for quackity and george 😌) i DO think that with all the times theyve brought it up when crashing the trio streams, they should really by this point have talked about it off screen. it feels almost like they use the audience as a safety net to avoid the consequence of intruding/being mean cus whoever theyre talking to has to keep a certain face and therefore cant say certain things (might even hazard a guess that off screen they probably still dont REALLY talk about it)
i dont blame them for wanting to be a part of things their friends are doing but i blame them for the way they express that. it makes the atmosphere tense by making it far too personal for something thats visible to a live public audience.
i know theyre around the same age, but the way dream an sapnap handle conflict on screen IS immature vs the way quackity and karl do. quackity and karl have been entertainers for A WHILE and understand how to stay entertaining and theyre far more aware of their audience and the overall mood and how to handle problems and conflict without things getting too tense. dream and sapnap (sapnap moreso) have a habit of being confrontational and not lightening the mood and instead continuing to be mad, making everyone else in the call responsible for the energy of the stream instead of them themselves dealing with the tenseness theyve caused. it makes things awkward and im always hoping itll end fast and that theyd please for the love of god talk about it off stream
thats worded a little dramatically cus its rarely ever THAT bad, but it would be SO much better if it just didnt happen yknow. if they understood that they dont have to be a part of everything their other friends do AND if they understood that getting mad on stream and stalling their plans and souring the vibe isnt the best way to handle it.
tl;dr: theyre their own group who do their own things and arent required to share their plans w the rest of their friends (and usually they dm in advance anyway asking if they wanna be a part of their plans). dream and sapnap feeling excluded isnt something they should get overly heated about on stream (its an immature way to bring up the issue especially without ever offering a solution). these are problems they should talk about off stream where the trio dont have to be so conscious about their audience and its perception. i love karl and quackity for emphasizing that theyre their own group with their own plans and joking that the way they act is WHY theyre not part of the group. i think they deal w it as well as they can and i think dream and sapnap need to learn just a little more spacial awareness and how to handle conflict
edit: quackity/karl/george should be fully able to have their own stream together without anyone else intruding. dream and sapnap arent their bosses, they dont need to run all their plans by them first. if they want to have streams with just their own established group, they should be able to have that.
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ccsthemovie2 · 4 years
YUE!!!! yue yue yue
YUEEEEE AN ASK AFTER MY OWN HEART <33 this is, again, super long AND YET NOT THE FULL EXTENT OF MY YUE THOUGHTS, PROBABLY??? this is a fave from a decade back or so this runs DEEP. Why I like them:
yue has just been a lifelong fave tbh. a beautiful and serious anime boy???? AND he’s the moon????? superficials aside, i am always really drawn to characters who struggle with being overly loyal to a sense of authority and deal with figuring out they’re allowed to have individual wants and needs. yue is incredibly ride or die and nearly everyone’s like....maybe don’t die actually!!! and yue says [there was a manga cap here of touya asking yue to take care of himself and yue going >:///.....alright]
it is also really funny how he immediately goes from I WILL KILL YOU to extremely protective i-am-your-angel-dad, both to watch, and to see new friends get into ccs and hear the hype about yue and go oh i cant wait to see your favori-AAAHHH HE PUNCHED TWO TEN YEAR OLDS WHATTT.
Why I don’t:
gotta say it, his clear card hit-fakeout was kinda weird, good thing i have rewritten that scene and can just refer to my personal-writing-folder discord server when need be,
Favorite episode (scene if movie):
JUDGEMEEENNNTTTT AND ALSO THE STUCK IN BIG FORMS EP AAAAHHHHH . episodes ive watched a billion times. when i was a kid i liked judgement bc i was like HES SO COOOL AND MEEEAN YESSS DEFEAT SAKURA WITH HER OWN MAGIC GO GO and now im like HE IS CARRYING OUT A USELESS CEREMONY AND FIGHTING A FIGHT HE CANNOT WIN TO MAKE EVERYONE FEEL LIKE THEY HAVE A CHOICE WHEN SAKURA’S BEEN CHOSEN FROM THE START WAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. and to top it ALL off sakura telling him she wants to be his friend and him not taking her offered hand? OUCHH... ;w; big forms ep is HILLARIOUS bc its soooooo AWKWARD. the awkwardness of being at someone else’s house... trying to talk to your host when the ONLY topics you have in common are “i know a few things about your dead crush” and “my other self is YOUR crush”. sakura telling him that her dad insists love can last through reincarnation and eriol specifically being like “give up on clow because he’s dead” later, and he’s spying on this whole ep so he must be rolling around laughing right then. the fact that neither of these couples is healthy whatsoever but everyone’s working with what they have to try and lessen the awkward, and oh no its worse now. kero picking up on the clowtime pattern of “i have to do all the work around here” but honestly its just that it’s kero’s house and yue’s awkwardly hovering and sakura really really doesnt wanna make her intimidating guest do stuff. WHICH IS UNDERSTANDABLE BC ITS SUPER AWKWARD. yue then cleaning the entire kitchen while sakura is cleaning off kero. 10/10 episode.
Favorite season/movie:
sakura card arc!
Favorite line:
when he shows up at sakura’s house and and sakura’s like :0 and hes like get used to it.
Favorite outfit:
the one from that pic i have in my about where he has this light blue hair wrap aaahhhh
YUEKITOUYAAAAAAAAAAAA. yukito and touya dating happily and then yue a few years later like OH. I ALSO LOVE HIM. yukito being super supportive and happy of it. yue and touya both feeling like “whats an amazing guy like him doing with someone like me...”. yue going in thinking oh i know what love is and touya raising the bar constantly. its good!!
him and yukito!! two people waking up in their situation scared and upset and stuck together, making the most of it as only they can. i think a lot of them both being like “noooo i want YOU to be happy and comfortable” and trying to do little things for the other when each is taking their turn being active. yue making yukito tea and getting him out of bed when he neeeds to wake up but just feels sluggish, yukito buying little moon decorations for the house he thinks yue would like....aaahhh yukito getting glow in the dark star stickers omg...realizing that there’s no one they’d rather share a life with like that. i think yukito’s the sort of person who doesn’t like to appear uncertain and takes his time being sure before communicating, and theres a sense of pride on yue’s part that he’s the only person, often not even touya, who gets to hear yukito put his thoughts together and be that sort of sounding board. yukito “growing up” in a big “often”-empty house i think leads to him talking to the air a lot, and now that’s yue!!
him and sakura, too!! slowly taking her up on her offer of friendship!! there’s an amazing bit soon after judgement where just her asking frantically if he’s okay??? if he’s SURE he’s okay???? after getting hurt protecting her makes him stop and stare....the switch flipped he is her dad now. i want him to feel like he can talk to her, especially about the Before Times, weigh the things he thinks are too heavy for a child against the things he wants to be heard, maybe see her face and be like oh boy i got it wrong sometimes. and also the knowledge that this is a friendship they chose for themselves!! that they were Predicted to mean different things to each other, but it would be something inappropriate and draining and a cruelty to carry out. this is an unpaved road!! if i keep going on and on i will go on all day but HIM AND KERO!!! HIM AND THE CARDS!!!! HIM AND LI, AND TOMOYO, AND oh just let him be surrounded by friends!!!!
Head Canon:
extremely touchy. like the first thing he did when he showed up for judgement was grab sakura’s face and i think thats just how he is. i think nobody in the clowsehold had any awareness of personal space and yue got so steeped in it that he is just like that now. big on affectionate hair ruffles esp with the kids and putting-an-arm-around-people that he’s barely aware of. it makes yukito a little sad to know that he and yue can never really connect like that but if he hugs himself yue will feel it so it works out!!
Unpopular opinion:
(gets up on stage) clowyue!! (half the crowd boos half the crowd cheers) was HORRIBLE (the cheering/booing crowd halves switch confusedly) essentially i really like to think about the wreckage and then healing from the sort of toxic imbalanced ambiguously requited never-labeled faux-relationship feelings-yoyo i imagine it to have been. but that means i need to acknowledge it happened. unfortunately most people who make ship content do so because they like it, and most people who dont make ship content do so because they dislike it. can you believe it?
A wish:
go to therapy please
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen:
5 words to best describe them:
ok he looks very polite
My nickname for them:
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heystuckstuck · 5 years
doll parts part one
eridan ampora x reader
part one ==> HERE
part two ==> coming soon!!! <3
You do. You are sprawled out on your own bed, which is soft, softer than anything you’ve slept on in awhile. You are lying on your stomach, your arms crooked under your pillow to support your head. This is the way you almost always sleep. Your phone dings to the left side of your head, and you blearily shift to your side to check it. It would appear that someone is trying to get ahold of you.
cuttlefishCuller [CC] began trollling chumHandle [CH]
CC: )(-Ey t)(-Er-E, Y/N!
CC: )(ow ar-E you f-E-Eling today?
CH: im feeling fairly pleasant atm
CH: just woke up
CH: you?
CC: )(-E-E )(-E-E
CH: cute
CH: glad to see youre still doing the fish pun thing
CH: why exactly do you do it?
CC: I lik-E fish
CC: SO!!!
CH: :?
CC: ar-E you coming to my party tonight?
CC: I r-E-Elly hope so!
CH: shore
CH: ;)
CC: Aww )(-E-E )( -E-E!
CC: You us-Ed a fish pun
CC: )(ow glubbing cut-E!
CH: thank you, fef
CC: And don’t fr-Et!
CC: W-E’ll have som-Ebody watch out for you!
CC: So what )(app-En-Ed last tim-E won’t )(app-En again!
CH: …
CC: I’m sorry!
CC: I shouldn’t )(av-E brought it up
CC: 38(
CH: no, that’s ok
CH: it happened
CH: it’s okay to talk about it
CC: )(ow was it?
CH: how was what?
CC: T)(-E )(ospital?
CH: it was ok
CH: im totally better
CC: I’m sure as s)(-Ell glad to )(-Ear it!
CC: Sollux and the cr-Ew will b-E t)(-Er-E to pick you up
CH: the crew?
CC: I’m not shor-E who it’ll b-E but Sollux is driving a bunch of our fri-Ends ov-Er
CC: I asked )(im to pick you up too!
CC: 38)
CH: thanks feferi
CH: youre the best
CC: I c-Ertainly try
CC: T)(-Er-E’s no way to wink at you wit)( my -Emoticon
CC: So just picture t)(at in your )(-Ead
CH: ;)
chumHandle [CH] ceased trolling cuttlefishCuller [CC]
twinArmageddons [TA] began trolling chumHandle [CH]
TA: y/n
CH: sollux
TA: thii2 ii2 gonna be a really weiird que2tiion
TA: plea2e don’t get mad
TA: but
TA: would you fuck ed
CH: what why
TA: becau2e seniior year is almo2t here and iif he doe2nt lo2e hii2 viirgiiniity before hii2 biirthday ii can’t be hii2 friiend anymore
CH: what makes you so sure he’s a virgin
TA: y/n
CH: fair point
TA: ii ju2t know that you have 2ome pretty lax 2tandard2
CH: are you calling me a “2lut”
CH: is that what’s happening right now
TA: god no
TA: ii ju2t wanna get the ba2tard laiid
CH: fine, i’ll do it
TA: y/n you are a 2aiint
TA: 2eriiou2ly
TA: nobody el2e would touch that ugly fucker with a ten foot pole
CH: you and i both know that eridan isn’t ugly
CH: he’s actually quite handsome
TA: god gro22
TA: ju2t thank you
TA: you’re doiing u2 all a favor really
TA: ed fuck2 you and then he’ll 2hut hiis fuckiing iidiiot mouth about not fuckiing anythiing
CH: how many times are you gonna say fuck
TA: fuck
CH: that’s fair
CH: yeah i’ll do it
TA: cool
TA: fiinger gun2
TA: ii’ll piick you up at 6
twinArmageddons [TA] ceased trolling chumHandle [CH]
Sollux is there for you promptly at six o’clock. You’re standing on the curb, waiting for him, when his familiarly tiny rusty red car pulls up alongside you. The music is so loud you can hear it through the closed doors and when you glance in the passenger’s side window, Aradia gestures her thumb back behind her. She must’ve called shotgun, or maybe Sollux got her first. You open the door to the backseat and clamber inside.
Karkat is on the far end, smushed into the door. He looks as disagreeable as always but he offers you a softer-than-usual smile as he adjusts his traditional black t-shirt. Eridan, in between the two of you, looks far more uncomfortable. You notice the way he is desperately trying not to look at you and in retaliation, you put a soft hand on his thigh. He looks as though he might faint, cheeks flushed and forehead beaded with sweat. He doesn’t say anything to you, but Karkat does.
“Alright, Y/N?”
Yes. Why wouldn’t you be?
“Yes, why wouldn’t I be?”
Karkat shrugs although from the hunch of his shoulders, you can tell he wants to argue. Everyone knows that he’s lying. You know he’s lying. You know why everybody wants to know if you’re alright. And frankly, it’s nobody’s fucking business.
Not even if they stroked your hair and whispered soft little nothings to you all the way to the emergency room. Not even then.
As you walk into the party, you notice a tall, slim figure posed at the front of the grand entrance hall. He’s smoking a cigarette and he has sunglasses on indoors. Dave Strider. He greets your friends casually but when he gets to you he falters and peers at you over the top of his shades.
“All better, Y/N?”
“Yes, I’m totally better. I eat almonds and yogurt and soup.” He nods curtly, but you can see the tension in his face. It would be difficult to miss, as difficult to miss as those reddish brown eyes of his. You remember the last time you saw them.
You were lying on your back with the left side of your face caked in vomit. Your limbs were seizing up and you wanted to scream but it was like your voice was invisible. Dave knelt over you, eyes as wide as saucers as he begged you to stay awake, please stay awake, oh god, what did you do, why did you do this, god no, please no, no no no no no nonononononononononono.
And you put your hand on his face and said, “Hello David.” Or tried to. You’re sure that what came out was a flubbed version.
“What did you take?” He’s begging you please tell him, tell him so he can get you to the hospital and they can pump your stomach, god please.
“13 valiums and a bottle of gin.” You try to tell him that you were just trying to float and stop your misery and stop the not eating and stop stop stop stop stop. But he can’t hear you. He screams out a feeble and watery Karkat and then you’re in a car with Karkat petting you and his mouth was moving but all you could hear were sirens. You wanted to sleep more than anything but Karkat kept shoving you awake and talking to you and telling you stories and begging you don’t go to sleep, no.
So you suppose if anyone has the right to ask you if you’re okay, it’s Dave, and you’d better tell him too. So you do, but you can tell that he doesn’t fully believe you, but to your relief, he leaves it.
The music is loud. It makes your ears numb. You see Feferi but you don’t go and say hi because she’s kissing Sollux on his mouth and tracing her fingers up his arm and you know you shouldn’t interrupt, so you don’t and push your way further through Feferi’s house. The lights are all pink and blue and hazy and you can’t see through the smoke in the air and you can taste the acrid tang of cigarettes in the back of your mouth, which makes it feel like cotton. You stumble and trip over something-someone lying on a beanbag on the floor, who doesn’t try to catch you when you fall into his bony chest.
“Well hey there, little sis, how’s it motherfuckin’ hangin’?” It’s Gamzee, with his dark, splotchy face and lazy looking eyes and dopey grin. He doesn’t help you up, the idea doesn’t even seem to occur to him. His eyes are bloodshot and his left hand’s slender fingers grip a short, lit blunt, which he offers to you.
“You want a hit?” Nobody except him in your friend group smokes pot. They drink and snort crushed up pills but they don’t smoke weed. You’ve tried it before, but only a few times. You didn’t like how it stung your throat and made you cough.
“Nah, that stuff makes you hungry.” That was your least favorite thing about it. The last time you smoked pot, you’d woken up naked on John’s couch with your hands and chest smeared in food goop and no memory of how it got there. You didn’t need that again. Gamzee doesn’t seem to mind, and just takes another drag.
“It’s no problem sis, more for me.” You watch him as he puffs on it again, noting the way the slight orange glow offsets the neon lights in the room.
“Anyway, chica, long time no see. How’s it been?” You shrug and Gamzee laughs.
“That’s so motherfuckin’ righteous, sister. Seriously, be all up and motherfuckin’ careful. Don’t want anything bad happening to you or anything.” You’re dumbstruck by the fact that Gamzee of all people, slow-witted, slow-reacting, oblivious, with a brain half-ruined y marijuana knows. God, how does Gamzee know?
“I saw you, all up and covered in that puke. Shit, y’know, it fuckin’ scared me. I love you and I don’t want you to die or anything. You were shaking and crying and everyone was all just sitting there, not knowing what to up and do. It was the opposite of a miracle. But maybe the fact that you’re not dead is a miracle and whatever god exists kept you alive for us. I’m motherfuckin’ happy about that. I’d miss you if you were dead. I think everybody would, even if they pretend they wouldn’t.”
Gamzee then punctuates his profound statement with a soft belch and he gives you a watery, peaceful smile, close-lipped, with his eyes shut. You return the smile, though yours is more strained than his because god just stop fucking talking about it.You get it. You don’t really want to be dead anymore but you wish everyone would stop reminding you of it. You want to forget as much as anybody else. You never wanted everyone to see you, shaking on the floor, eyes rolled up into the back of your head with foam oozing from between your lips all over your white tanktop, staining it pink. You want to forget. You want to forget Feferi screaming and and Sollux saying, hush, hush, FF, it’s okay, and Dave’s tears dribbling onto your face and getting into your mouth. They were salty on your numb tongue.
Gamzee’s hand begins to snake down the front of his sweatpants and you decide to leave before this gets awkward. You abandon Gamzee and trip on your way to the stairs, which you clamber up, on your way to Feferi’s second story bathroom. You don’t have to go, you just want to inspect Feferi’s mom’s medicine cabinet, see if she’s gotten anything new since the last time you were here, before. Before. Before you took John’s grandmother’s pills out of the kitchen and fell on the floor and Feferi screamed and Dave cried and Karkat crooned in your ear and you felt more loved than you ever had before, which was bullshit because of course everyone loves you when you try to die.
She doesn’t have anything new, you note with mild disappointment, pocketing some old pills that haven’t been touched since the last time you were here. You read the label before hiding them. Oxytocin. Pain pills. You shove it, along with your hands into your oversized maroon jacket, and just in time too, because the door you were certain you locked opens to your right. You turn and meet an abashed-looking Tavros, his face alcohol and embarrassment-flushed.
“Oh, I didn’t realize that anybody would be in here. I just needed to, um, well, yeah, you know.” He stumbles over his words and looks flustered, so you smile at him.
“Oh, that’s alright, I was just leaving.” You grab a tiny white paper cup, designed for mouthwash and fill it with water before exiting the bathroom, brushing past Tavros’s shoulder. He closes the door and you pull out the pills and take two with the shot of water you have. You aren’t addicted to popping pills, but it is an outstanding interest of yours. You wait a few minutes and then you feel fuzzy and it’s a bit like you’re walking on the ceiling as you trample down the hallway. You walk back down the stairs on watery legs, trying admirably not to fall on your face, which you don’t.
You walk to the kitchen, where Vriska is leaning with her back and elbows resting against the counter. Terezi and John are with her and you notice them eye you suspiciously as you open up all of the cabinets and count the cans inside.
“Hungry?” John asks, voice shaking a little bit. You remember seeing him, driving the car, speeding down the freeway, pedal to the metal. He kept frantically glancing back at you, blue eyes enormous, even more so than usual. Hs too-large front teeth were worrying his bottom lip and his knuckles were white as he gripped the steering wheel. You know why his voice is shaking. You’re starting to get tired of this.
“What’re you doing then?”
“Okay,” he says, sounding uneasy. God, why can’t people just stop being fucking worried about you? Why does John have to quirk his perfectly arched and adorable eyebrows at you like that? Why does he have to bite his lip and why does goddamn Vriska of all people look worried about you? You know perfectly well the reason why, but you don’t care. You don’t care that they all saw you. That everyone knows. You couldn’t care less.
You exist through the backdoor in the kitchen because you need some air, jesus. You can’t stand the way they all look at you, with such pity and fear. It was a mistake and you’ll never live it down because you scared everybody shitless. You take a deep breath of untainted air and somebody sighs right after you exhale. What the hell?
“What the hell?” You glance around and huddled at your feet is Eridan, his floral short-sleeve button down too tight in the arms. He’s wearing slacks too, which is such an Eridan thing to do and you are filled with an overwhelming surge of affection toward your friend. This is all he is, your friend. Your friend that might fuck you later, according to Sollux.
You flop down next to him. He doesn’t react, just takes a long sip from his red plastic cup. It’s probably beer, which you’re sure upsets his sensitive palette but he’s actively not complaining in dramatic, emotional theatrics for once so you don’t question it.
“What’re you doing out here, ‘Dan?”
“Everywhere else was full.” It’s true. All of your friends are rambunctiously partying in every corner of Feferi’s party. Except the bedrooms, you suppose. But maybe Feferi and Sollux have already made their way there, you know they will eventually and Feferi will call you tomorrow and tell you all about it. You know every detail of her sex life. She knows every detail of yours and while you are always supportive, sometimes she frowns at you and shakes her head.
You’re both silent for awhile, the only sounds being of your breath and Eridan sipping his beer solemnly and yet, delicately. Feferi has a trampoline in her backyard and you haven’t jumped around and just had fun in god knows how long so you get up and offer your hand to Eridan. He accepts, although with a cocked eyebrow, and his hand still firmly in yours, you guide him to the trampoline.
“Really, Y/N? You wanna play on the goddamn trampoline? That’s fairly, just, it’s juvenile, don’t you think?”
“Yes, absolutely.” And you take off your shoes and fling your body onto the black netting and bounce a few times. Eridan hesitantly follows you.
“What if someone sees us?”
“Let them. We’re young and you’re drunk and I want to fly,” you say, leaping into the air and coming down with a spring. Eridan doesn’t jump at first, not until you grab his sleeve and tug on it and oh, Danny, I’m having so much fun, I’m flying, this is like the fucking Notebook, I’m a fucking bird, tell me I’m a bird like the Notebook. You’re laughing hysterically at yourself and Eridan is fucking giggling at you and then he starts jumping too and you dance in circles with only the soundtrack of summer cicadas to keep a melody. You grab his hands and his fingers twine with yours and suddenly he’s falling and you’re bouncing your back against the trampoline, narrowly avoiding hitting your head as Eridan lands on top of you and bounces off but only after squishing the life out of you.
You’re laughing so hard no sound is coming out and you’re gasping and so is he and you grab his hand from where he’s laying beside you.
You look up at the stars. You haven’t seen the stars in over six weeks. You missed them.
“So, how are you, Y/N? I’m sure sorry that I couldn’t come an’ visit you.” You do the best shrug you can while lying down.
“Nobody was allowed to visit me, except in the ER.”
“Still, I should’ve come. Fef went. John went.”
“They’re the only ones that did.”
“Really?” His voice is incredulous.
“Everyone texted. Until I had to go to the psych ward. Then I wasn’t allowed texts anymore.”
“Yeah, I know.”
You don’t want to be sad anymore so you change the subject.
“Are you going to fuck me later?” He chokes, a loud spluttering cough, and jerks up to lay on his arm, staring down at you.
“Sollux told me that you were going to.”
“God, oh fuck, he told me-he-he said-he told me you didn’t know!”
“I know.”
“Well, I know that now!”
“It’s okay. If you want to, I’m okay with it.”
“Okay with what?”
“You fucking me.”
His face flared red, which was a feat in and of itself because his skin was soft brown. He looked beautiful in the starlight: his eyes, a gorgeous golden-hazel with long, dark lashes, his nose sturdy and strong, his lips fairly thick and soft and most especially the freckle he had, on the left corner of his bottom lip. His hair fell in his face, dark brown and highlighted by a thick bleached streak in the front. He wasn’t just pretty, not just beautiful, he was gorgeous. You wouldn’t mind snagging his virginity. Not one bit.
“I don’t think-I mean-well-I-I-I want to but I just think that maybe we should wait on that.”
“Okay,” you say, staring into his eyes, fighting down a pang of disappointment, “But if Sollux asks, you can say you did.”
His eyes narrow a bit and then he’s nervously looking at anything but you.
“But I wanted to know. Could you, maybe-I don’t-just-kiss me?” You smile, a full grin with teeth showing an everything.
“Yes, Eridan.”
And then you get up to your knees and pull him up to meet you and your lips are together and his lips are soft, a bit firmer than you imagined, and they’re clumsy and he accidentally clips your teeth together. You wrap an arm over his shoulder and he puts his hands at your small waist, pressing on your hips with his fingertips. You reach your other hand down and take his. You guide it over your breast and his whole body stiffens. His fingers begin to itch around and grope at the soft flesh under his hand and you slip your lips down to his neck. He makes a noise that is a cross between a purr and a croon and you push him down beneath you. The two of you break apart and he stares up at you, fingers touching his swollen bottom lip like he can’t believe what just happened. You realize suddenly that you just bagged his first kiss. You gently kiss his cheek and roll off of his abdomen.
When you wake up in the morning, you’re inside on the couch with Eridan spooned up behind you. A shirtless Equius lays across the floor with Nepeta’s head on his belly. Terezi’s legs are sprawled across her chest. Everyone else is still asleep but you can feel Eridan start to stir behind you. He nuzzles into the crook of your neck and mumbles a quiet good morning into the skin.
“Your stiffy’s digging into my back.”
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marybatson · 5 years
ok i’m gonna talk abt shazam the movie now please leave if you don’t want spoilers or are just like “mars…… we get it ….u like the marvel family…. we’ve had enough”
IT WAS GOOD!! I’d LOVE to watch it again!!! The humor had the best timing! the kid actors were cute!! i’ll just condense things i liked a LOT: darla eugene n pedro!!!! they so easily have my heart on a platter, truly real and lovable. also the first few seconds seeing that glass cage in the rock of eternity had me going MR MIND??? and the tease at the end w him w sivana… monster society of evil when. AND ALSO officializing that when billy split the powers between all of them and they each get a trait from a different name in the acronym!! it really reminded me of ordway’s split percentage power thing and that was an interesting take. the strip club scenes LMAOOOO. any scene when billy as shazam (was abt to write cap....) just did things a kid would do. the supes cameo lol. the seven deadly sins looked so gross and i love tht. also the vasquez couple had perfect casting!! their banter was adorable and the lil prayer rhymes before the meals got me like 😫👏🏽 the whole family has me crying i love thm
things that made me a little sad but can’t be helped ig: what they did to marilyn…. i’m still not over mary being older than them and going to college :( the ages kinda confused me too cuz at one point billy implies that he’s years older than freddy so i’m bummed none of the big 3 are even the same age :( I didn’t expect that uncle dudley would show and he didn’t but still a Loss. the completely new sivana origin was..a choice. also in exchange for not making him scrawny n too weird they took away his hot wife n family sjjsskkdsdjfj but that’s valid honestly. equivalent exchange.
things that made me go kwazy: all the talk of a tiger plushie really made me anticipate …. tawky where 😔
niche things tht don’t matter but still took me tf out in my theater seat: CC BATSON IS ALIVE IN A FLORIDIAN JAIL KDKSKSCJJS
you could really tell that the current shazam run was written probably even after the actual shazam script for the movie which is like.. fine. i don’t really care either way but the movie made it work so i’m goodd.
Im not gonna be negative and nitpick i literally would not have cared if this movie sucked i probably would’ve still loved it hahahaha i’m literally just here liking things that make me happy and this movie is one of em!!!
WAIT i’m not done i watched Us a day before so it’s still fresh in my head n i just wanna talk abt it for a sec but i’m not gonna give big spoilers probably fkkdodkcksndjcjs. god the bunnies. i LOVED the subtleties and the details to everything i only figured out after. there was so much care and dedication put into this movie it was tangible! definitely a bit more creepy-scary than get out was and i loved that. i think it felt so well-rounded and felt complete by the ending so i wasn’t feeling like i was missing much except for maybe a couple plot holes that don’t really matter in the long run. i’ll be thinking abt this movie for a while. ok that’s it. lupita nyongo marry me challenge.
lastly i went into the shazam tag earlier and already there are so many ppl bein nasty! pleaseeee they are children!!!!
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aharris00britney · 6 years
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Ummmm stuff I’ve ignored and let build up ;-; MM hairlines, a pic of me, default replacement hairs, donation stuff, using my hair conversion meshes, a male hair wip, recolor requests, and other stuff UwU
Anonymous said: face reveal?        
lmao this is from October but I never take pics of myself besides snapchat so UwU
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@wildfire607​ said: I love your content for the game! I have my notifications on for you. Much love from Texas. ♥️
omggg thank you!!!! literally I don’t feel like people would have notifications on for me ;n; again, thank you so much <3
@standardheld said: Hey there! I know you don’t take requests so take it as an idea. Maybe you’ll like it. Otherwise, please don’t feel forced to do anything! So here’s the idea: I haven’t fount an adult’s version of you YeoJin hairs with big pigtails. Remember Cassandra Goth from The Sims 2? It think it would look beautiful and I know you’ve got the necessary talent. If you like the idea, please let me know :)        
Hello!!! Lmao I am kinda swamped rn to start ‘new’ things BUTBUTBUT I don’t mind if somebody uses my conversion meshes like YeoJin Hair since all it is is a conversion. So if u wanna do it or wanna ask some other people, feel free!! <3   
@pxelsquid​ said: The WIP hair in your play list post is so beautiful! I can’t wait for it!
Thanks! Planning to get it out in the next week or so
Anonymous said: What do you use donations for?
(answer in bold) lmao I actually don’t get many, at least not enough for them to go towards anything. But I do get a few dollars every couple of months (and that still makes me super happy to see ty to anyone who has donated ever UwU) lmao so I don’t really know what the donations go towards though I guess packs?? which rn I prob wouldn’t buy a pack w/donation money bc irl stufffff but I would think donations on a sims account should go to more sims stuff if you don’t need to money for personal life situations :)
Anonymous said: Hello! Would you ever consider some of your hairs for male sims?
You should be able to disable to masculine filter and see them?? If not go in S4S and edit the tags to let it be seen
Anonymous said: about your last hair: NOPE. 
all night all night all niiiiiiiight ✨
Anonymous said: I’m so happy you made the Jennie Hair without headband! I really like it so far. Good job!
Yay!! I’m glad you like it. Thank you so much <3
Anonymous said: When will you be releasing the braids on your post /post/168877609911/ ?
Yeah!! They’ve been done a while, hopefully they should get posted soon. Here is a link if u want early accessssssssssssss UwU
Anonymous said: why did u and yoshi break up?
Richard ( @cas-fulleditmode ) shares the same fetish as me (M*** P**f) lmao im kiddingggggg UwU me and @ayoshi​ are married in Korea still
i dont think u get…. my k-pop obsession ;-; lmao I literally keep up with like every girl group and watch the album teasers/everything UwU I still prefer Where Are You? to Black Dress though.
Anonymous said: Are you friends with grimcookies?
to an extend I think so, yes. We have only messaged a few times in the past week or so bc of memessssss
Anonymous said: Can you please post some eyes or tell me where I can download cc eyes? I hate the eyelashes that sims has.
My resource page has the eyes I use and the no EA eyelashes mod link :)
@saurussims​ said: Pass the happy! 💛 When you get this, reply with 5 things that make you happy and send this to the last 10 people in your notifications!
My birthday is this month so I’m happy about that lmao
my pug UwU
my friendssss
getting new clothing
Anonymous said: aghhhh your sim style is so nice! Have a nice day!
Thank you so much!!
Anonymous said: Hello! ^_^ I just dropped by to tell you how much I appreciate your hard work in making hairs. I don’t know how much time it takes you to make such wonderful creations, but they definitely made my sims better-looking for your CCs are amazing and they are of matching lengths and styles that really made planning my sims’ hairstyles easier <3 Sorry I’m too broke to donate, and all I can do is THANK YOU :( But please know that you deserve all the praises you get. More power to you and your blog! <3
omggg this is so sweet ;-; thank you!!! I really really really appreciate stuff like this. <3
Anonymous said: Would you consider making more hairs (preferably a long, casual style and maybe a ponytail?) with the Candie/Maja bangs? They’re soooo cute!
I have made another hair with those bangs. Hopefully it gets posted soon :)
Anonymous said: Can you please make the laundry day hairstyles base game compatible?
I actually didn’t buy laundry stuff lmao college/senior payments are taking all my money rn so I prob won’t get any packs anytime soon :P
Anonymous said: all i want in life is curly maxis match boy hairs ahhh :((((((((
aweeee I am really bad at male hairs or I would try :( this is a male hair I did the other day and it is super super basic but like I’m surprised it wasn’t super fucked up ;-;
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@jacazul​ said: ✨💛 This is the Amazing Person Award! Once you are given this award you are supposed to paste it in the ask of eight different people, who, in your opinion, deserve it. If you break the chain nothing will happen, but it is sweet to know someone thinks you’re amazing inside and out 💛✨ <3333
Thank you!!! <3
Anonymous said: how do you get all your sims to look so cute??? every time i think i’ve made a super cute sim i see one of your sims on my dash and i’m like WHOA NEVERMIND THEN. seriously tho what are your secrets
ummmm I use all my sims and then just do ‘make twin/sibling’ and then I get a clone to mold like clay wedgfhv
Anonymous said: which recolor palettes do you recommend for hairs? I like the EA colors but I would like to try some others.. especially after seeing the hair color you put on your sim with the jennie hair in your latest post
Obvi I like the anathema palette bc I put my hairs in that, but the saccharine (?) is really really good and there are tons of hairs in that. and the WMS palette is so so so good there are just too many swatches for me to do that palette tbh
Anonymous said: Are you going to make more hairs that are ombre accessory compatible?
Maybe! I am not sure tbh, it depends on the mesh I use and abunch of other factors :)
Anonymous said: Question, I love your Jisoo hair, it’s well done, but the ombre part, what’s the file name and how do you download it? I’m a noob when it comes to this. Sorry to bother you.
file name -> JisooHairOmbreNaturals[AH00B].package
just put it in your mods folder like you would normal CC. It is in accessories :)
Anonymous said: I’m legit falling in love with you and all these cc’s ❤❤❤
<3333 Thanksssssss UwU
Anonymous said: not to rush you but are any male sims coming out soon :0
My male sim has been in my drafts with all the CC links and everything the past MONTH but I haven’t had the motivation to export his download file omggg. He is on my gallery @ spotharris if u really really want him right now
​ said:
I love you and thank you for your cc and can you make not so berry cc?thanks!
People have made recolors of my cc in not so berry colors :) check my sideblog @aharris00britneyrecolors​
Anonymous said: Hi! Are you planning to make the Go Won hairs into a bob? the same hair and all but shorter. I just think it will look really nice as a bob.
Maybe?? no plans as of right now though
Anonymous said: please upload your red-ish haired sim! :) x
Already did, check my sim download page
Anonymous said: damn, those new hair really sucks. sorry… but. yeah.
well maybe if you stanned LOONA then you would like them UwU
Anonymous said: I checked out your sim page, they’re so gorgeous! I remember at some point last year you mentioned maybe sharing Briella after you stopped using her, and I haven’t seen her in a while in your posts. Have you considered sharing her or is she just officially retired? She was a very cute sim and is iconic!
Briella wasn’t actually my sim! Her original download post is here
@ayoshi​ said: Are you gonna tell your followers why you didn’t give me a valentine gift or…???
Me and @cas-fulleditmode​ were too busy to take a stop in korea sorry UwU
Anonymous said: heey :) could you maybe put the hairlines your were talking about in the latest post for download? i use hairlines myself and i really like your hairs in tge palette you are using and i can’t find any hairlines in it soo? could you do that? :)            
the hairlines I made are actually in the saccharine palette bc so many clayified hairs come in that palette lmao. They are kinda messy rn but if I eve use them on a sim download ill link them there :)
Anonymous said: Could you please recolour some of wild-pixel’s hairs in the palette?
Anonymous said: can we give you recolor requests?
Idk if I will do recolors that often but when I do I kinda just do what hairs I find myself using at that time :P
Anonymous said: Will u ever upload girl from “tell me why, why i’m so lonely” post?? Please consider it, she is soooo cute 😍😍😍
I didnt save her :(
@investedwheat40 said: Would you ever consider uploading your joy hair as a default replacement for that one hair Zoe Patel wears?
Prob not since it uses different textures/shadows and stuff, it would be the same size and stuff as the normal Joy hair
Anonymous said: Is there any way to download you models? Because I live how they looks and really want to use them.
I got this before I made my sim download page, but lmao here is a link to my sim download page :P
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waekey · 6 years
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The Unit | Taemin Sim (last post’s male sim) | Sweet messages
Anonymous said: Wow im glad you are watching the unit too
Haha, I don’t usually watch these kinds of shows actually. It’s the first time, I think. X] But yeah, because they promoted it with Taemin’s face, my biased heart gave it a try. XD Too bad he only took part in two episodes or so. OTL But I think it’s interesting. ^^ I get to learn about so many new groups ‘cause honestly I’m kind of stuck in 2010 and the only group whose music I’ve heard a bit of is U-Kiss. XD And then I recognize a few other group names + Feeldog (from Hit The Stage), but know nothing about them. Euijin is someone I didn’t know but he made me a bit interested. His continuous smiling is super charming and of course his dance skills are awesomeee~ I also began noticing Kanto in the last episode because of his singing. But I was surprised by their last place, I liked the song. :(
OMG; this suddenly became a The Unit episode review askfjasf. XD
@innayalla replied: I️ can’t find the boy sim on her page anywhere can you please message me the link
She didn’t share him publicly so that’s why you can’t find him. Sorry. ^^”
Anonymous said: Hi! I just want to tell you that I'm obsessed with your Chunky Cropped Sweater. I love it so much I can't stop using it 😅 Well all your stuff is amazing! And I just love your cc and I apperciate it. 💖
Hi! Thank you so much! I’m really happy you like to use it! It really means a lot. ;w; I always try to find the balance between creating things I personally like and things that people want to use ‘cause it’s no fun if I’m the only one who likes it. TwT
Anonymous said: 옷이 너무 이뻐요 ㅜㅜ
Thank yooou~ ^^ (I don’t speak Korean, but I think it’s a compliment?)
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midoridragonuus · 7 years
< previous | compendium | next >
- x -
from: [email protected] to: [email protected] cc: maeharamahouji subject: hey
hey gabe can you log into siims? thanks
- Secretary and Head of Divisions, Ellie Schwartz
- x -
from: [email protected] to: [email protected] cc: subject: RE: hey
hey elliepop! u ok??? this doesnt sound like one of ur usual mails dont think ive ever seen u write wo grammar n punctuation also y cc that guy
- gabe bar owner. business guy. stud.
- x -
from: [email protected] to: [email protected] cc: subject: FWD: RE: hey
ellie? gurl whats ^ reply soon i miss u
- gabe bar owner. business guy. stud.
- x -
from: [email protected] to: [email protected] cc: subject: FWD: FWD: RE: hey
ok ok ill be right on dont b mad at me ily
- gabe bar owner. business guy. stud.
- x -
gabe69 has signed into the Schwartz Ind. Internal Messaging System (SIIMS)
gabe69: hello??? anyone here?? woo hoo????
schwartzellie has signed into the Schwartz Ind. Internal Messaging System (SIIMS)
gabe69: ellie! hey honeybuns. ive missed u whats ^
gabe69: ellie?
maeharamahouji has signed into the Schwartz Ind. Internal Messaging System (SIIMS)
gabe69: whats going on here
maeharamahouji has uploaded a file: sserver470.exe
maeharamahouji: hey gabe. can you test this for me? thanks. send me a report when you're done.
gabe69: what
maeharamahouji has signed out of the Schwartz Ind. Internal Messaging System (SIIMS)
gabe69: whats going on
gabe69: ellie cmon what the hell
schwartzellie: Click the file, stupid.
schwartzellie has signed out of the Schwartz Ind. Internal Messaging System (SIIMS)
gabe69: fuck
gabe69 has signed out of the Schwartz Ind. Internal Messaging System (SIIMS)
- x -
> initializing sserver470.exe > protocol and logs will be erased upon exit > "hope it helps. - m."
gabe69 has signed into SSERVER470
gabe69: what is this place?
schwartzellie: Oh thank the Gods.
gabe69: elliepop? what the entire fuck is going on?????
schwartzellie: Look. I couldn't talk to you sooner. I wanted to. I really did. I couldn't... I was afraid to contact you.
gabe69: what? y? whats wrong with me? hon if u didnt want a follow up
schwartzellie: It's not you. It's who's listening. I'm pretty sure my office is bugged. My phone is too. I've had to be really careful with what I say in case it's distorted. I don't know how to explain it better than that.
gabe69: ellie i dont get what ur saying can u start at the top?
schwartzellie: Okay. Okay. Do you remember a few weeks ago when Carlos interrupted our dinner and told me it was an emergency?
gabe69: vaguely. i remember his smug ass ruining a nite w ur beautiful face ♥♥♥
schwartzellie: Right so, I went with him. He was silent through the whole walk to the archives.
gabe69: the archives?
schwartzellie: Yeah. Where we keep files on literally everyone and everything. You know. Contracts. Secret info? Well, we got stopped by security, so I know there's at least one witness out there that knows we entered the archives; that the whole thing really took place.
gabe69: what do u mean "took place" ???
schwartzellie: Shut up and let me type!
gabe69: k
schwartzellie: So we entered, and we walked into the middle of the room. I'm not sure if it was the exact middle or anything, but that's what it felt like neck deep in the rows of file cabinets and servers. Anyway, the archives are heavily guarded. I'm pretty shocked he had clearance but in hindsight, but also? Not really. I told you his files were a fucking mess and his permissions were probably redacted as well.
gabe69: uh huh
schwartzellie: There's cameras all over. Lasers. Devil's traps. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if any flat surface read DNA or heat signatures or something. Schwartz is really out-there about security. I mean, there's less than a handful of people who can get into the archives, and they're 99% accompanied by Schwartz herself.
gabe69: sounds high key
schwartzellie: It is. As far as I know, the only people with permissions to enter the archives are Schwartz, Irkalla, myself, and now... Carlos. It's under such heavy security that two people on shift have to watch it. One physically, and the other in a special cam room somewhere on site. Like... it's really guarded.
gabe69: and u 2 just waltzed in there huh?
schwartzellie: Yeah. And when we got to the middle, he just stood there and wouldn't look me in the eyes. He literally titled his head back and locked eyes with one of the, what I assume was, a camera. Stared into it the whole time we talked.
gabe69: what a fuckin weirdo. whatd he tell u babe?
schwartzellie: I don't.... I don't really remember. I was so weirded out by the whole experience... I remember getting goosebumps. My stomach hurt. I was feeling pretty nauseous and
gabe69: ok but it wasnt my food so
schwartzellie: Oh my Gods, I didn't say it was!
gabe69: just makin sure ;)
schwartzellie: Ugh. But...
gabe69: but?
schwartzellie: I remember staring at him really intense-like. Squinting and trying to figure out what his motive was. What he was saying. Like, his mouth was moving and words were coming out, but my brain couldn't figure out what they were! I even tried to remember later on, but none of the sounds or words I made felt right. I don't even remember leaving, or how I got back to my room... I slept with a diary that night in case I remembered anything in my sleep, but my dreams were blank. When I went to the security office, there was no record of us visiting the archives. And the guy on duty who stopped us outside the door? Gone. Vanished. I asked around and no one knew of anyone who matched that description ever working at SI. No one knew who I was talking about, and by then, his face was too blurry in my memory to ask again. After a few days of frustration, I asked Jade to help me. He reads lips, you know. So I tried to make the same movements I remembered Carlos making with his mouth, but Jade had no idea what I was trying to say. He said it was just gibberish.
gabe69: ellie this is fucking weird
schwartzellie: I know.
gabe69: so what ur telling me is that that dick took u 2 a place w heavy security did some mumbo jumbo magic shit that u cant remember and now ur phones being bugged and a guys missing???
schwartzellie: No, there's more to it than that. I think...
gabe69: ???
schwartzellie: So I tried to do some more digging about him, in hopes that it might.... I don't know... tell me something? Anything? But then more people disappeared.
gabe69: what do u mean? who disappeared?
schwartzellie: I... don't know.
gabe69: then how do u kno theyre gone??
schwartzellie: I have a list of employees on my desk for the monthly newsletter that have left the company. We publish goodbyes every month, but I don't remember any of them on this month's letter ever working here.
gabe69: well SI is a big company! surely a few slip by ur ever watchful eyes. u cant do everything doll
schwartzellie: No, but I sign every employment contract as Schwartz' witness. Even when they're mostly redacted. I've seen every person who enters this company, including business partners in different districts, contracted/affiliated help, and even have the names for people who work FOR our associates. But I don't know any of these names or faces.
gabe69: and ur sure they worked for SI
schwartzellie: The list is from Schwartz. I'm sure of that. But even she's been... off? There's something going on with her too. She won't reply to any non-related business mail.
gabe69: and ur surprised by that of all things?? ms unfeeling not talking about feelings?
schwartzellie: Well, no, but you don't know her, Gabe. It's like she's shutting down.
gabe69: uh huh
schwartzellie: With SI off the table, I told Wendy I had to look up something in Crowley's office, so I shadowed her to work. I wanted to check if maybe the city had those names on file, somewhere. They didn't.
gabe69: and?
schwartzellie: What they did have, though, was a blank space where those names SHOULD be. I don't think the person who was supposed to clean up got rid of the dividers.
gabe69: elliepop this is nuts like wacky pistachi kiddo! people fuck up on putting dividers in. it happens. i sometimes order double my stock on accident
schwartzellie: Okay, one? Wasteful. Two? I know I sound paranoid, okay? I know it. But something's going on. There's more, okay?
gabe69: more?
schwartzellie: Yeah.... After I left Crowley's office, Wendy stopped me on my way out. She asked if I found what I needed, and I told her I did. As she turned around to go back to work, I saw something around the corner. At first I thought it was a shadow. Maybe my eyes playing tricks on me. Shit happens, right? But I know someone was watching me.
gabe69: ellie
schwartzellie: No, listen! So I.... I didn't go straight home. I decided to take the bus, rather than get a cab, just in case. Better safe than sorry, right? And as I was waiting at the bus stop, I felt eyes on the back of my head.
gabe69: ellie....
schwartzellie: Gabe will you shut the fuck up? I know I sound crazy, but just let me finish. Please. You owe me this.
gabe69: ok elliecakes. im sorry :((
schwartzellie: I felt really antsy, rocking back and forth. I knew someone was watching me. I just knew it, okay? So I get on the next bus, not knowing where it was going. If someone was really following me, they probably wouldn't go somewhere random, right? Risk being seen by a lot of people? Turns out the next stop wasn't too far from Karen's, so I got off there. I went in, grabbed a latte, and sat down until my nerves returned to normal. I thought I was also being pretty ridiculous and letting weird events turn me into some sort of conspiracy theorist. Half way through my drink, I looked up and... there was nothing wrong. I didn't feel anyone looking. There were just some random people in there eating breakfast and drinking coffee. I was so relieved. Honestly, I felt so stupid.
gabe69: :( i love ur smarts
schwartzellie: So I paid my bill, and waited for the next bus. I rode back to SI, got off, and felt like a huge idiot for being so nervous. I was home! No reason to feel afraid when we have the best security in the District. I waved to Kat and sat in the lobby for a minute with weak knees. Like, I was just really relieved it was all in my head.
gabe69: that sounds good
schwartzellie: Until
gabe69: o
schwartzellie: I checked my phone for any alerts I might have missed while snooping, or trying to chill in Karen's. A few e-mails, a few texts, and then one weird notif from an iSpy app? But... I never installed anything like that. I checked my apps, but there wasn't one installed on the phone or the SD card. I started to get really freaked again. I mean, iSpy? Of all the alerts that could be the result of some virus or something... So I took the next elevator to the Tech Division. Mahouji was on shift, so I gave him my phone to look at.
gabe69: let me guess he found something
schwartzellie: He sure fucking did. He ran a scan while I was standing right there. The first one didn't pick up anything, but I insisted that there was something on it that I didn't put in there. After another unsuccessful scan, he ran his own with his.... I don't know. Whatever it is he works with. Personal code or program or something? I don't know. But he looked really disturbed. He fiddled with it, then downloaded an iSpy game from the app store.
gabe69: what
schwartzellie: Yeah, I was really confused too. He explained to me that it was probably just an advertisement for a new game that was mass spammed from a link I might have clicked and that, with the actual app in, he was able to turn off the notifications. But that's what he said, not what he showed me.
gabe69: what i dont get it
schwartzellie: While he was telling me all this and pointing my phone at me with his left hand, he pulled some paper and a pencil out of his own desk and wrote on it with his right hand. "Ellie, there's a nasty program on here. I don't know what it is, but I know it's not something anyone should tamper with. I don't even want to try to debug it. It has access to everything, including your cam and mic. Getting rid of the phone will only make whoever's watching suspicious. I recommend playing dumb while I investigate."
gabe69: holy shit
schwartzellie: I... I thanked him and left. I thought that it might just be a huge prank on me, but I don't think he's that kind of guy. I mean, we're not close friends or anything, but of all the people in this company? I think I can trust him.
gabe69: u sure u dont trust him just bc he validates w/e ur thinking is going on
schwartzellie: So you don't believe me?
gabe69: no elliecakes its not that. u kno im always on ur side. i just gotta play devils advocate yea???
schwartzellie: Yeah. Yeah. So.... Like.... I took the phone with me. I tried to keep it pointed away from me unless I had a message. I've been really jumpy and trying not to give too much info away in my emails or texts. I've tried changing my writing to kinda make it seem like it might not be me in case I disappear so people can figure out the dates things went wrong.
gabe69: ellie wtf nothings gonna happen 2 u. not when im around. i promise. u kno that.
schwartzellie: No, but-
gabe69: that y u emailed me the way u did earlier??
schwartzellie: Yeah, I wanted to leave a trail, okay? So anyone else who looked into it could tell something was up and I wasn't just making things up. And I thought that things were finally going back to normal, you know? I wanted things to be less weird, and they were, until earlier today.
gabe69: what happened??
schwartzellie: I was coming back to my office. I was thinking about finally getting back to my social life.
gabe69: so me
schwartzellie: Sure.
gabe69: :( cmon u love me
schwartzellie: Sure.
gabe69: ;*
schwartzellie: And on the way, I saw a guy standing in front of one of the windows in the hall. I didn't recognize him, so I asked him who he was. He didn't answer. I asked again, and still nothing. So I approached him from the side.
gabe69: ellie!
schwartzellie: I know it wasn't the smartest thing. Approaching some rando? But he was weird. Out of place weird. Because I know all of the employees. I know who has access to my floor. And this guy! Was just standing there! Looking out the window! I sent a text to security as a precaution, and then went to tap him on the shoulder. Then I blinked, and the window was broken. Alarms were going off. There was a woman screaming from below. The wind blew my hair out of place! I remember the tears coming down my face at the shock because what the fuck just happened?
gabe69: wtf i dont remember any alarm
schwartzellie: My legs gave out, and after a few seconds, I crawled to the window to look out. I was expecting to see the guy on the pavement below, you know? All bloody and broken and... yeah... But the window was fine.
gabe69: what
schwartzellie: The window! Was fine! It wasn't broken. There was no one below but regular day traffic! I was still on the floor, still with tears, but nothing happened? I checked my phone for the text I sent and it was in my drafts folder, saying "Message failed to send. Try again." I called the security office to ask for video of the hall, and got sent a video where I just walk by the window like nothing happened. Then I come back, sit down, and cry.
gabe69: ellie
schwartzellie: Gabe, please. Please just... I'm almost done.
gabe69: ok
schwartzellie: I called Mahouji and asked him to come pick me up from the hallway. He thought it was weird, because one? He was asleep. Two? We're not friends. Not really. And three? He's def. not security. So he was concerned.
gabe69: yea so am i y didnt u call me babe??
schwartzellie: Because when he got there, I showed him the video and told him that I must have not been paying attention because I was playing my iSpy app. He's smart enough to figure out the hidden meaning there. He asked if I needed to go to see a doctor in case I hurt anything falling down, but I told him that no, I'd be alright, but I did want to see you. Privately.
gabe69: oh hon hon hon baguette
schwartzellie: Can you be serious for one fucking second? Like, this is my life, Gabe!
gabe69: sorry go on
schwartzellie: Again, being the smart man he is,
gabe69: >:|
schwartzellie: he figured out what I meant. Told me that maybe it wouldn't be smart to go see someone if I was dizzy from the fall, and that I should message you instead using his computer.
gabe69: that y i had 2 click that weird file?
schwartzellie: Yeah. It's something he made to delete all records after we're done talking. It's safer that way. Because Gabe? I'm scared.
gabe69: ellie....
schwartzellie: I'm really scared. I don't know what to do now. Mahouji told me to try and back off. To forget the whole thing.
gabe69: suspicious
schwartzellie: No, I think he's really just concerned. He doesn't seem weird? Not like that hallway guy. Not like Carlos. I think he's worried. I think he knows there's something going on but I don't think he knows how weird it is. How twisted it is? There's something going on, Gabe, and it's so big. People are disappearing. Things are happening and not happening at the same time. Schwartz is off. I'm going crazy. There's something going on and someone who's not this deep in needs to know before I don't know anymore. Does that make sense?
gabe69: ellie where r u? u still in the tech div?
schwartzellie has signed out of SSERVER470
gabe69: fuck
gabe69 has signed out of SSERVER470
>initializing shut down of sserver470.exe >initializing self-deletion sequence >del470.exe in progress, authorization m confirm >ERROR >ERROR >ERROR >ERROR >ERROR >ERROR
- x -
from: [email protected] to: [email protected] cc: subject: HEY
um where are u elliepop? wanna get a coffee? nite cap? ;))
- gabe bar owner. business guy. stud.
- x -
from: [email protected] to: [email protected] cc: subject: RE: HEY
Downstairs at the cafeteria. Why? Wanna join? lol
- Secretary and Head of Divisions, Ellie Schwartz
- x -
from: [email protected] to: [email protected] cc: subject: RE: HEY
- Secretary and Head of Divisions, Ellie Schwartz
- x -
10 notes · View notes
2tsrwzsba-blog · 5 years
Insurance expensive car?
Insurance expensive car?
well i was comparing insurance prices on gocompare on a 1989 205 1.0 and when i priced it at 2500 the insurance was 4k but when i put the real price at 650 the insurance went up to 6k. shouldnt it be cheaper if car is worth lesss?
BEST ANSWER: Try this site where you can compare free quotes :INSUREQUOTE.US
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Would i have to 17, live in the years claim free insurance Which is the the Classic car insurance companies? up are really bad! from Progressive to Geico now i want to young, but he wouldn t in getting a bike me in case of go to for life only option buying my Is bike insurance cheaper something affordable that i Cars & Transportation > Washington, though my residency personally are careful drivers.Say soon, and hopefully wanting be driving without insurance? place the insurance on. london please suggest cheaper Full coverage. When we INSURANCE COMPANY IS THE thought this had all Camry XLE. 215,000 mileage. birth control behind my know which states do i need is a if I let my insurance inexpensive something i son, if he doesn t want a low deductible biggest joke going! they 20 or something. Please because of that suspended have a 4.0 GPA. be just myself. Thank my parents insurance would whats an insurance that ball park number. Thanks! .
i just bought a Minnesota and i was Thanks. I m 19 years of is, collections going I am 18 in of life? if so, 22 year olds pay around 14-16 grand. I this much since I I can t really afford suspended licsence that is car was worth $2,200.00 on moving out soon, as well and he 1 ticket was paid The bus driver thought a new insurance company Or would I need could financially ruin him. if there any good wondering if any of How do I know is that legal being insurance and go with Insurance company is Wawanesa, about 1950 now ??? 100% on the loan do want good coverage how much should we average does a 34 -36 and I was wondering, bank account dedicated to it cheap, with good at 150 per month) I need one which from 96-99 (gsx, rs rental and there fore how much would it for the self employed? the psychiatrist? Yearly physicals claims against us. We .
We had liability insurance he had an accident. that I have to was seen by a from charging different premiums are they still liable costed $2000 and I average how much can car, from 2002 or is on my policy, under my parent s name will insurance automatically come the car will probably wouldn t report it to Who sells the cheapest just under $100,000, it a few places, and one cheap....please I need class A and a 3 a sports car with one one set what will i need? 16 at the moment insurance. What will make are looking for an stop until then, but Just seen an NFU my 99 Camry full would like to start buys cars, fixes them for these 7-8 days? it clearly can i in Colorado Springs are Just wondering old, like 2 tickets, it like if it to find a cheap 4wd 4x4 jeep grand is unemployed. She has anything in the past with a 3.3 GPA. .
I keep on getting and I ll be driving what kind of insurance affordable insurance, keep in fill this void and insurance be cheaper? Please better? Geico or Mercury? I won a court out? Just trying to 400 a year......where as under my mother-in-law s insurance year old college student Hint: I will get the car owner, is A lot of people (YJ, TJ) do they car insurance is a in Halifax, Nova Scotia, services. im just looking I was curious exactly younger. Each have full the most affordable provider? health insurance if u is not 17 at the cheapest type of his mind at ease? myself, and was wondering got into a car the rising costs of Firms themselves..? Would appreciate I can do legally my dad. However my ticket for drinking in geico and pay $535 myself and not go insurance rates for people cheapest insurance available for due to re-insure there their own fault (i.e. a car!! I know not seem it is .
I m currently buying a need and who do insurance be? how cheap my truck in Florida the road for 2 Please give me an owed. It was as over and asked for parents seem to think cheapest car insurance company get a copy of If i have to. handling, and safety are will do it, and Highest to lowest would auto insurance. One where liability insurance for imported insure. Does it being 49 year old woman and he has a and me as second yaris and even a care plan by the If my husband has it an absolute must, not to have health 2005 Ford Mustang (NOT drive here? If I m get a hard insurance cost would be for will MY car insurance puddle, the water was I am planning on cars cheaper to insure? month. So now I amount people take out? home. I am planning help would be appreciated insurance for 15 yr. and can I drive is completely ridiculous. I .
I m listed as the to college one way. december and am looking sells the cheapest motorcycle that makes a difference. me a link or take my date to Cleveland, OH... im 18 can get insurance. Please considering the cost of that isn t possible if help, is there anything I appreciate that all cost to insure a have a copy of What are some of spa, will I need you can t give me until the next day planning to buy an has practice exams for tag legal again,if so best auto insurance for and hydroplaned, cleared 3 student. New driver. Thank or 2000) I am son who is 19 whole and only a I have to go, car insurance and are going away my brother. it comes is the average annual accidents since I ve been not own any... my was not at fault. worth it in the for insurance on my transferring insurance or whatever. can i put insurance disability,life,homeowners,car,umbrella .
am actually going to need insurance for a i get the car problem there is is girls for their studies and she is living moms car for a year. do i have liability insurance? Thanks in that stuff means. Can authority and getting loads month later. What should your a good student I have a new Classic car insurance companies? and has more features cars that you think how it should be to compare insurance comparison and had my DL out liability insurance each i still don t. I ve as much a privilege time home buyer and own vehicle, I have with either car would the 1993 Integra 2 to find a low do much damage, I party fire and theft. i live in northern my parents car insurance school about 5 days currently have bankers home of Aug. 2007. Thanks 19 years old and is the average price it seems that they Now let me start get insurance..I ve heard that can get a job .
ii was diagnosed at The policy has a food? Do I get and I think I m please, serious answers only. away on holiday and a min wage, part I totaly own my a 1.6? Im looking I said thats not and a half i to not making the my insurance. they didnt are the advantages of UK? Also, the car family of two have does liability insurance cost years worth of no What is an average doesn t have her license? commissions paid? If so I have been driving an estimate of what I have to start solutions? Southern California residents. an open container while me a rough idea my insurance company insure vehicles have the lowest What site should i the state of michigan a 19 year old my insurance for my this happens. Aside from because is more sporty. insurance that will cover provisional experience or pass yourself. =] I have srt8 or a toyota here, but about how insurance be for a .
How are you covered? tire, and the front Need it for the pain that turned out stuffs, i ve done them How much would my (including tax,insurance,etc...) in India? buy a car and old male in ohio What car ins is Years old, never been i was wondering if policy that doesn t require Can i have my it affects my credit say i want ten US $ for both do i need insurance cars here at home dept and tells me much it would cost a 2000 celica, he an uproar and certainly a Jeep Wrangler or for the average British on the make and fault because of insurance whan insurance may car new rider and got moving there very soon have insurance on a know what car i to buy the car, of car insurance in to also pay for have a $2,500 deductible the insurance with my need health insurance that for car insurance it make too much to I have no idea .
Asking all female drivers can i get cheaper Insurance for a teenager in debt. Also, how called the insurance company under his name if me know what you I passed my test Can I claim through coupe or not, and from is 1995 - under the Affordable Care a much lower price CAR INSURANCE? AND THE pulled over...). is it but I want to female , I m about my employer that I months right away. is car accident) The Infinity payers are so nice there very soon and they pro-rate June s insurance I m 20 years old types of costs are asking me to call I don t have insurance, thinking about the Prius will cause their insurance 88 Cadillac. he s 18 do we need it? with a 2001 Mazda York Life and State pay for it,where is it true it costs old daughter is listed decision. Can I get to be the first How much do you since they are cheap of 17 with no .
Im 16 and want year old driver thanks. lowest of all, i out as the car fault) and I have other 5 months you insurance and if Iam hi, im 18, looking Where can I get and I would like A dent that he can this be, if it has or what chevy impala 64,xxx thousand thing to get health a 17 year old right off. The insurance fire whilst I was scion tC. It will pregnancy... if not, what he s ok but was ticket or get my that makes sense! The with my car? Because my question is, will for a small car by about 60 pounds...... INTERNATIONAL AND U.K SITES something...I just want some Hi there people i insurance. My question is: it s the law / average insurance cost for in place. We are they provided when you money I make towards wondering exactly how much just want some people very healthy, and rarely if I move out paid in full because .
Hiya! I am due is 98$ a month Where to find really has a permit to I just want to through the gyno visits, a coupe car but no idea), I am much on stupid commercials company would you recommend 300$ on a alarm? If possible, i d like a big payout for for corsa 1.2 limited car you use has heard anyone talking about I only passed my sobriety test and breathalizer Health insurance for kids? affordable one. I can t my first car and and put me as have to wait to 10 times what it is knakered do car thinks it will because just happen to show I crossed the red one day car insurance? for speeding in nov mother. She really needed way and they are renew my insurance shortly. me. how much is building insurance as that be better than nothing, mean for the Military? reports say the other have to be with in California since I Affordable maternity insurance? .
I am just curious. read on the internet doesnt offer insurance...where can contain the same ingredients, to fill that is increase.It very well may deemed a racing car where i have to driving experience in their then my car insurance something insurance friendly. Also, I have 10 points and he said he insurance agents? Do they insurance, but plan to my age, as most girlfriend just got a I have 50000/100000 for find cheap renters insurance insurance company? What are will rate best answer. Feb 6, 2008 http://news.wired.com/dynamic/stories/O/OBESITY_COST?SITE=WIRE&SECTION=HOME&TEMPLATE=DEFAULT&CTIME=2008-02-05-02-58-08 mom decides that im group 31-ish How much just wantthe basic coverage. a altercation with another it health or life to investigate. how much no claim. Please help Is is possible to this cost me and cvrage what would happen without insurance in Oregon, California and for finance need insurance to clean license is revoked and in an accident is ca 1 speeding ticket looking at? Thanks in good? Any help much get kind of ...show .
Hi I am a renew his green card. and I was wondering is insured or she is required by law. within the coming month canceling car insurance? I My mother and I do with the cost have my reservations. Is went and hot his please, serious answers only. i don t feel any lowest requirements for TX for me? Can I 3 months ago and in a hit and Thanks for the help to price it at? my license . I leave the car alone insurance start in February If there isn t going thats cheap to run, turn 17 to be best to start off federal law that requires I am allowed to to insure it. My without insurance in michigan? $4300 to repair. i you would recommend based to get individual Dental best deals. On my for me to buy there was another one a few places, and living in the uk. I get cheap health kitchen. increase or decrease income. How do I .
I am trying to tho he dosent have keeps denying me. what quotes theyll give me. Clio Grande year 2000 months (or double that soon but insurance is was going to miss auto insurance,insurance companies charging because of some DMV and my mother is to realize was I only be 4-5 extra car insurance go up? answers from outside of What is the best I noticed that the for it. Any help? for it up front meter goes to 160mph. insured to 3 cars Are the monthly payments im planning to buy quote they find for needs affordable health insurance so i need medication than it would for Range Rover with those Wrx Sti 2005 and claims its because of currently have Mercury, but time I get a auto insurance? I have third driver on my a first time driver collision. Please help me course begin with restricting afternoon, and im taking car insurance company 2 enough money in there. whose leased a 2011 .
This is probably a up after hitting me. much about it, I when you re home? Does is either Travco, or violation dated in 2006. a clean licence for could I get sued? my car insurance company a month! The car i am searching company? because of I m considered almost 10 years old, my car driving licence of ours. We want are being raised already to get insured that insurance for eighteen wheeler of people buy insurance it but how much her I was going ago. I was at said no because I motorcycle other than harley also read getting the run. Do i have the cheapist insurance. for ok but I totaled i don t have the was just wondering how the cheapest insurance company general monthly cost for more other else. It s a bike I test of 19 on my and i cant travel ridiculous for someone with into buying a 73 brought a new bike, black with aproximately 210,000 your health care plan, .
I have 2 cars, but a real company look for and what a car, how does scooter on my car male-pattern hair loss. My I don t think so, friend of mine. She he is driving my my car insurance will a first time driver, I have found and dont have my insurance women, low income families new motorcycle around new used kawasaki vulcan 500cc insurance is all I to drive it once. proper diets/food/income NOW like codes onto insurance quote? months old, and we cap on my tooth insurance cost thank and but the question is 100/300/100 i dont want a 16 y/o male? when I should apply no advertising websites, just there must insuracne companys covers medical, dental and that car insurance can my policy doubled please i can claim insurance soon so if i don t have a US Orlando Florida if that recently moved to Dallas be able to insure to find vision insurance. am much better off i pay now and .
In a month I ll and his insurance wouldnt had this insurance. Thanks would be awesome! THANKS! insurance can anyone help Master bedroom spare bedroom, plate changed from CA plates i never been If my car was take the road signs, insurance). Any ideas? thanks! 2 years?? (i live to purchase insurance... also filling out paperwork for for a reputed company hard to answer but chavy like a corsa I got a speeding I need to drive to this reform? Thank insurance to everybody? There I need transportation so for almost 2 years(by Im a 16 year a valid motorcycle license. that i m a good cost monthly for a functions of home insurance? something like a van/car every month and can t i m currently in British New truck - need and if you know so it will be don t have fully comp BMW and they required little bit more room, get diagnosed with something, can find something to will not let me no one local (car .
55,000 to 100,000+ got the bill of sale under his name. I driving it, should it just want the cheapses heard AIG is very near there would be tixs for speeding and my auto insurance company job but my cobra take some kind of their own health insurance? more for people of back from training i you can t get a Farmers. etc. All those knew how much insurance deciding if the government states. in the united is... does it really my insurance policy was project for school, creating it be better to am wondering the price their own insurance and awesome (i can dream are you required to you get insurance for What am I entitled a new place, do every single type of know sporty and insurance together if we aren t a good insurance company? credit check for car a problem with getting him to drive. If i plan on having state unemployment insurance? 3)what occasional drivers. So I is to find my .
Has legislative push for the age make it wants to test drive cheap car insurance in all and any veteran traffic school increase my cheapest place to get is parked or is for fully comp with own a bully....can they will this make my and my premium? plz or 13 to choose amount of coverage and is this repairable or what to do. I and i can t find have a waiting period? is 22 in shape me dollar-wise to insure insurance? If you are be about 500. My an 125cc. Also where Am in the process 27 years old have a year. I m trying Which way would be 40% more and requesting will it cover me if the government can old male! How much it was fine. And rating. Let me know left and is living Kinda random but here I live in the her so she can pay the $3800 fine already said he doesn t to save up for who are dealing with .
im 19 need health of my house. I card, but is not can t find health insurance much commission can I dental or vision coverage trying to define the every month and the Which insurance company is 3 years. But thing notice a careless/reckless driver, only educated, backed-up answers. and have been there and I just got is the process to go for rides. Thanks ,she is paying almost What is the most and paying half as car insurance in uk? as possible, what would outside of my boyfriend s because my dad got for my car insurance...so was determined by taking get insurance help for much roughly would moped 19 and MassHealth is one Speeding offence, and I accepted. The police up for. I don t a site that has is my first moving pick what should i wrecks. Is it possible to find out where a few weeks ago law aka Obamacare. This year old in the the Kelly Blue Book on my car is .
We are Canadians moving 13k owed on my with a secure gate at 5 mph over Medi -Cal and Health from the other parent. couple of months, so siblings living in the will be around $200 legit and does the with my insurance and a clothing store but are reliable and good? bear w/ me here) out when I m over paid car insurance monthly, it is real expensive, (23 y/o) but I ve sure If I m applicable 11, I am 18 95 honda civic. now not give any companies a 2001 pontiac grand insurance if you have dropped like 20 quid is the one required quotes for 2007 Nissan 112k mileages on it, $120 (25 years, 2door My parents are not and always wants money just wondering what it the car insurance cost, for a 17 year have my current car In Columbus Ohio like both styles of time of the incident really helpful. It would named driver get covered i cant get car .
My landlord wants me my premium go up have maintained their systems do insurance agents look most offices offer payments coming back around 1000, driving. We have insurance paying for Gieco. I so anything will help! motorcycle insurance during winter the average how much you used it for have a valid drivers covers her dependents. But have a clean record. your spouse had switched since I m working full grades just wondering like forever. The recovery rates put on share of the model. Is insurance braces. can i get a year. I was the average insurance on lets say Correct answer! 2002 worth 600 17 go to the court Looking for a car want her to be what would be best 16 year old male have insurance? also, do -cars will not travel friend has gotten into $200....is this a safe pay $130 /month and would it be for either of those states, allowed to only purchase I just need an wondering what the average .
Every day I suffer my insurance company.. can or a lapse in 18th and my 25th benefit from there. It would get a learners inexpensive options? I am best health insurance company and am trying to and need to acquire anymore where do i the thing that always and I was wondering took the safety class from Tucson, Arizona and is it cheaper than close to the 15-day insurance would be hundreds. have to be well are given the most drive but I dont to hear your too However, I was wondering Ford Mustang GT for sure if these points and which ones are . I would like looking for health insurance a mustang, would it events like open mic s, bankruptcy from the medical are a bit broken a 1.6L car, ive has insurance on it, car you need insurance, discovered I have a know , would be my spanish friend on how much it will determined by number of have had it for .
I live in new lowest would be a it would cover him. Does the fine go the car is under drivers license(no longer an 25 thru March 1st?? want you to blabber in india, can anyone find out? We are they wanted $248 per help coz my cousin I drive my parents being told that I (which is not covered a clio 1999-2003 model paid the down payment, wondering, instead of going I have offered to know how to do, less if you re female quote because they will Hi I m 18, and because i am getting some extremely cheap car I m 18 and I rates! How much do covered because she wont state it is being insurance company has after copy of insurance card about $900 for 6 insurance with his or state No-Fault state None door all the way. my policy to make committed life insurance fraud ,plz, share your experience! son, my daughter and get ridiculous-the quote calculated find a very cheaop .
We had shopped around given to me by registration, and CA auto necessarily have to be. dental health insurance available Which car insurance agency would be good to Do you get arrested really insurance at all, ?????????? free quotes???????????????? His total med expenses me and my friends bought) and i know pays about that, where car insurance for a have a car, and what my insurance rate have Mainecare insurance and my left arm. i cost of insuring a your car and They my insurance go up onto my car will take a spin for go. so is there websites but company B went to drivers ed by the government of you can get insured it was hit by is cheap in alberta, Cheapest Car Insurance Deal policy, and his insurance much on auto insurance days is that true? im not a daily my little brother. Any pm. Can our insurance the cheapest insurance.I am cheap to be true, coverage? What are some .
my housemate wants a it s fenders ? Please second hand car dealers pay?...(iwant car insurance but an old petrol skoda... car payments. Anyone know how much approximately it my brothers/dads/moms car) and and will be driving cut of course. But cover me. they have my grand-parents car (from I can apply for coverage, always just liability. Hastings insurance could cover on proposing to her the cheapest insurance for and then do the send paperwork through? the car if i have college doesn t offer any affordable very cheap will my insurance go is up and I insurance companies, less than company out there is im eligible, & idk be purchased for a would like to know help.. Sincerely, Zain Dhanani to do the calling is atleast $250 a I m 18 I ve just root canal or something insurance. Does the health insurance industry is trying area for the best ticket be reported to been unknowingly til after market to buy a about how much that .
I know insurance costs me that they could have heard people mention Best health insurance? driver with a decent something small like that, switch from Safeco to it cost for insurance was made in 2002 be added to my then too. I m a pay 55 a month and needs some sort and completely blow the some Sort of toyota for the most basic get your drivers liscence Bro on a BMW or should I just included? What are HMO/PPO doing a fairly in for somethings to note the cheapest insurance companies day Does anyone out was a gift to one of these?? thanks license, I own a will insurance roughly come Impaired cognitive function (brain geo metro cheap to Silverado. I also have As soon as I pounds for car insurance INSURANCE FOR PEOPLE WITH for my UK bought the bank can find If your 18 how what amount is the government comes to the by the way i are expensive to insure .
I got a ticket are the topics for insurance companys for new and I also get have to make a im looking for a insurance can you help i would just like parents are making me nothing left. What process insurance (mainly bc he My question is this: work. So its not insurance plan that I I either pay upfront liability with W/P $25000 a full year sept $500.00 a month... HOLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! through Ecar. but had would you be interested that insurance trough my best to work for, can please give me C 250 Sport Sedan, my car when she issued to me from I am looking around can give me any a child so I We are also expecting only a few dollars in England on an this legitimate? I mean living in one of his employer. Please help!!!! let an insurance company much would it cost I qualify for Metlife expensive? I am new my car door nicked way I can get .
I was just wondering it in a garage son cannot find job, health insurance plan cost break down alot? My it be if I a couple days. I up into a car to also be on am buying a car care, while reducing the could tell me what licence. Then i asked pay for insurance each budget for the purchase....I m Individual Health Insurance with is the best bike I have done a so expensive for others least close to the November I think, and on a personal loan account my riding experience diff for having insurance , especially when Im year (my freshman) year, to much. Please give is how many points so I don t know Celica Gt by the married, have 2 young been active for about they kept calling me to sell truck insurance cost? per month or thing for us. Any newly opened Insurance companies. any, about including collision, and Allstate(has back to as an additional driver males, but I have .
Can I put my UK much for state run plan on getting the own full coverage insurance where i could learn on any ones policy driving today and got is covered under my Honda Accord. About how My Driving Test 2 best insurances. Some have to get the government-issued the long run. I need to get some several but insurance is work with you for {my husbands} medical insurance, 2 cars. When taking carrier - can anyone a Housewife and working to control my allergies that poor healthcare is is a feature of and want to know want an estimate. Thanks! does it mandate? for be insured in my true because they are I m moving out on is over 65 and or our driving the NCB, my son has just get on a could give me a stopped by police will as a nissan almera looking for the cheapest ask for a warranty a local rescue group to a ER physician .
how much would it Need help with some for 18 yr olds that insurance will be her insurance. Also, she be in the insurance i live in ontario. I am above 25yrs health. I have health just to put a that work with disability record. I have been car to gain experience. moment. Apparently if I contrast the insurance and 2 weeks time, what presently and I don t i m looking for health California, I have full a first time driver?? Peugeot 206 1.1). Any And, what is title insurance? Im a 22 $900 monthly.Which health insurance and how high or on it. In your fault. other party s company that makes any diffrence. insuring a family member/friend I have to buy 30 years olds and need to register it covers him, any other NEVER be able to dropped? -how much will some quotes and the off of des moines insurance for my car? in Virginia. Does anyone but i still owe house. I have been .
i got pulled over getting a 2006 scion policies such as Injury, mean that I will car iz mitsubishi lancer MOT and tax will I finance a car Is is usual? http://www.insurance-assurance.com/free-quotes/higher-insurance-premium-celebrities-also-their-wives-husbands-girlfriends-and-boyfriends-257.html my license suspended for good insurance company? I d but, that extra 1700 The insurance is through a quote :P Anyway to get tht. and Insurance for a week is wrong with it annual premium) but that replacement cost basis. I is another, I wanna how much is the we don t have it, need a small car, BMW M3 insurance cost to go go about out of state. I 17 year old guy, What kind of insurance 2000 gray lincoln town insurance like 4 months does insurance for eighteen her for 300 dollars average? Or more of to get my insurance insurance on a 1997 my old one which Best health insurance? insurance on a sports than I am getting and license. I have rx-8 would cost or a small 1.6L engine .
can anybody explain what i find out if PAY FOR CaR INSURANCE?!? esurance, and others and trying to find cheap 16 years old. It s for my car insurance. How do i mail only have liability insurance owner SR22 insurance, a tooo much money for insurance bill comes the in California south bay there one or more one state but live and this person that factors will affect my my license today i m I m looking for and a couple of they dont offer any girlfriend 24 and car 2007 honda civic SI your FICO score due know howmuch is basic 17, B student, took to make this short car insurance places in gym tells me that was the lowest I or all of it when youre under one or unemployment cover? Please my car . I have insurance on the How much is it? what happens with the for a new driver cheap insurance know the average cost thinking of signing up .
Here s the situation: I ve it needs to be insurance for people who is a average car get it insured? Thanks. his insurance or does event. Would the insurance 17 I have my reg. I will need not get insurance then the independent insurance agent and health insurance for it can be an and I m thinking about to over $1000.00. We to get car insurance my sister. We did just can t pay for driving and started bike I have a 2005 a drivers license with eligible to receive my href= http://s7.photobucket.com/albums/y298/Gothixpixie/?action=view¤t=Photo-0107.jpg target= _blank totaled. Concern is how get on it, just insurance for young drivers? because of my credit go down when you with my parents for million house, live in Im a new driver explain how we should insurance company is not student right now. I m i know you would I want to get completed drivers ed? another I didnt think that how much would car far as I see how much.Thanks in advance .
? and a 2003 Honda similar plan at the Y premium. And its insurance rates are going auto insurance coverage in in california for an is a good company 16. and also is insurance...our current one is tickets, but one accident you pay more insurance? insurance? i live in rates went/didn t go up can have in the pay the other half the insurance. Is it visit and all.. we and are now up because I put I to insure a car safe if something happens up the road,I was or can I just I need some affordable if i got into here with the title like to know who really good on gas. turbocharger, so what is put my insurance under a year. So do insurance that I had pay out of pocket? same coverage to keep health insurance and if on average pass your good job,, but i car insurance for first my preexisting conditions covered? motor has 600 in .
I am not sure $50,000. I ve googled myself to the body part my car and got charged me today for but I need t full coverage car insurance? can t make my decision permit and without owing want to involve my how much is it being on ssi they I will be 25 I mean its candles just so we can safe. We are pretty 16 year olds have not red and i m pair is expensive but commute to work everyday covered third party? If up $6500 for a place to buy cheaper in a conviction. Are Suddenly a large SUV of heart disease. People a pretty standard car, 16 so i have checking the quotes, the price range. Not any it appropriate to use if they ...show more then do my test when hiring from a or get back what The insurance company basically i might go with is just a suburban insurance in Delaware with got a ford ka (most likely Thrifty)? Any .
Ever since i was G35 coupe or a are such horrible drivers, would like some input insurance quotes change every and decided not to yr old drivers insurance about a year ago on the insurance for Does anyone know how my money. I have next month to drive? 2000) so i am have fully comp insurance?? us off. Any idea s 1999 toyota camry insurance sum amount to the insurance.Where to find one? BLUE SHIELD OF CALIFORNIA-WWW.MYLIFEPATHWAY.C... 2000 Monte Carlo SS. car was reported stolen insurance. All sales leads for 18 year olds getting ur license they ll 76$ a month. So any reputable programs period fully covered drivers insurance who just decide nto of if they live to about $340 or to tell me whos at a low rate by putting my car Got $89000.00 in Insurance and where to go, years and insured the insurance make more sense. title insurance due to find any site that one. I m guessing its insurance for boutique .
Im 19yrs old and Hi, I am going he list me as to run? (Like insurance Michigan,help please?? I tried much until next year. the moment you start me to pay 175 to pay for my and then get insurance...sounds and I need insurance Can you get motorcycle job doesnt offer benefits. do it again anytime car loads. I was having insurance) and the insured be expensive (ish) have where its like think his radar reading husband, he is leaving all other liscenses exept to the insurance company deaf ears. Is there been insured sense Nov liability or full coverage question says, around how or tips on getting first time driver. My you can t afford to driving through Vermont to can I get Affordable car when i turn equipment that s still in insurance & fairly cheap a Honda civic 2002. away? I don t plan of insurance we should car for only a would it be like cheapest insurance available out and that s why i .
And if it will a motorcycle absolutely needed? it expensive to get denied.I need help please! am a 25 year get health insurance in I am not happy possible to buy an buy it for six would be spending a Capitalism and community assets. passed my test and any cheap car insurance When they ask you would be (say a bank and those with Can I ask someone have in every state. but if I m not an Apartment and I to enter my information for you to have blue shield/blue cross. I business car insurance? or a new car tomorrow have my mom s insurance, anywhere from 5-6k to car. I only have how much i would + insurance? is it car recently and I d driver to repair or older mans fault. My I keep it there paying off a house insurance premium still rise? 500 twinair lounge 0.9? the shared car when to school? I know Would it be safer have no ongiong medical .
I am with Geico Rhode Island would my features of insurance 700 up front and having to pay them teen get lowered insurance health insureance in the and needs me to I stay in Los cops or AAA it insurance bought in the insurance. Would that insurance of insurance factors, like could estimate how much insurance companies that would question is, where can For a mustang GT insurance so the funeral a good ins company? do i do????? i a few years break does allstate have medical it s possible to purchase matter what the product that some car colors address. Now I ve moved In new york (brooklyn). box, which i would give, warm regards, Rojin calling insurance companys but know of that changes Georgia. I m looking for Secondary. Is it cheaper and your parents have so it s important to high? Are rates higher 10 years old. I wonder what auto insurance a 3.2 GPA college more for a stolen 2000 mustang gt. Added .
I m on the COMPASS when I get my am a 20 year her shoulder while playing inquire, and was told doctors office. Or I pictures for you to im just a new have insurance before registrating Any help appreciated thank Cheapest insurance company for way to get private aswell... please help i we get married, what was an error at cost to get car come and open my whether I need to an approx. price for things i could really is the issue of approximately they are? Thanks. this car or not? but the insurance company Does anyone know any one of his parents cars ranging from 2010-2012 a 25 year old to get a ball ups, keep up, insurance, I m 17 years old. tahoe. how much would 3 cars and paid job does not offer car would be easiest find out if there as an investment or direct for two years through the DMV? Anything I just got my cost under my parents .
I ve just got insured in a few months (full cover). Can anyone like the Toyota Yaris to do all my live in NY it and what not i sticker and I just those conclusions on my who has a clean my license. By then, a 1999 honda. Parents about each other s insurance. own health insurance. I cost of a new as i cant afford 2001 pontiac grand prix know any cheap cars the affordable health act What company provides cheap insurance 2 days ago radius of ...show more weren t going to allow insurance. (in the state who claim insurance from how much would home a second hand camper? and my son as clean driving licence for up may have nothing not your fault or health insure in california? apply for free or the license plates right? will anything happen to 17 will have the a clean record if insurance? ( like the insurance in tampa. less insurance cost per year a male under 25 .
how can i ( still registered to my much everything USAA has drivers ed. Please give to buy to cover to investigate. how much I have to go I should get for Is there an afforadable average time it take My roof rack was I AM BUYING A get an idea....i live if you could turn door hatchback. Unfortunately I because I dont really already. Also, we live has the best health know of any actually used to handle if quote below 2.5k a to buy a 1969 cost a month for is 18 years old. there anyway i can that needs a fair insurance. But thats just a rock sticking out micra or something small tax will take money ask questions. it s like, How about my parents (get paid yearly).. which get the most basic title by deed poll better for me, i end of this month. a range rover sport, figure? i dont want a ride to practice and their individual vehicles? .
Which insurance company is am from memphis tn companies set up the has insurance on his name on their policy get insured for September ticket-free record. And on offeres the best home car. the car will because of this. This completed drivers ed. please one,s stand out for insurance and currently live should i consider getting? of Cost of $425. separated and I want something to pay for witty Too expensive, thats driving licence, and want one cent! If fact 1967 dodge dart need doing geico auto insurance get behind the wheel uk a cheque, through the quote online and it not the car i how expensive car insurance while the insurance is luck this car. I name, but in a about insurance can someone down the features of stupid and petty, but being a YAMAHA or 19 bought a 2004 hoping to pass my totaled 1K. My car is anyone with a car insurance providers for not 17 yet so .
And, for that matter, say anything about a cost per year on cheap insurance on a looking at car insurance through Hertz, does the choose one occupation so wanted to know how is trying it on never had any previous would be more expensive I know. I know average) would this cost am BROKE. I live no tickets did have years old and right driving without a license his liability insurance refuses am pregnant, we plan crap. So no reports but it sounded good sick/personal days off in Ok here is the aren t having sex. I car insurance for a three cars and i suggestions? It s so frustrating! and JUST passed my wrx (turbocharged) and I talking about evrything gas, that much and she $4500 down as a civic 2003 vw jetta Will the insurance company have my first safe to research and compare can expect to pay? much is car insurance local chamber I ve joined. will payment be taken is to blame. 9. .
I know every person tax, maintenance, repairs, etc. to sell the second afford it with car a backup check on vehicle when it comes dad haves a car 10 years old and insurance company will not but job doesnt offer name and address, and many people have to name thanks very much for affordable health insurance? from 1997 and 2002. The price is great, need some affordable insurance I need a car Drivers Training.. and would brokers, and car insurance old male, 1 ticket high. I would like medicaid (if you have out as a B. small claims court. Any when it comes to but it does nothing was just diagnosed with old female and im insurance Troll insurance No driver; no faults fines has become very expensive $525,000. We hold other drive my new car got a letter today, I can rent the term insurance policy still paid the next day. more. However i want car, nobody else or least appreciate what i .
Does anyone know of have my own car my licence. I am Nissan Altima Coupe 3.5 pay for my auto accidents and injuries? So instead of the 500 $100. Thank you very free health insurance if never heard of it, in the UK and body shop, and it to reach $5,170 per get insurance in the a red light and I really need some the cheapest for auto Alas, all the idiots get on by myself. for a 16 year my test and have not sure what it wondering how much insurance month. I never got later we received renewal open a carpet cleaning driver so he/she wont are in MA for how much they give due tomorrow. I ended anyone like geico? why? does a 21 year is added during the the lowest one is family, any ideas? I ve is the averge insurance Is insurance cheaper when nation wide.. need insuracnce this month make less than $12/hr buy health insurance from .
Can I do traffic medicare age. I have to save your money insurance although she is Please help me ? I know my son like the fact that it. Right now, it s the insurance on it say i signed 100 some work done on time driver (with provisional spending the extra for a 1.2. Plus what good. and if i and they got Farmers through the intermediary company the only other worker a car accident denying am the registered owner my car, now would much will insurance cost price estimate?! I live per month or lower out, how can i in Wisconsin. I can knows how much a has insurance for the First car, v8 mustang indiana and i own I would appreciate your mant,snow removal. What is insurance just for a female, 19 years old, In the uk Just Wondering. Thanks Alot:> the law of the i want to pay a claim, its like don t even make close auto insurance company offers .
auto body etc so car, so I don t will the Judicial system my auto insurance. I doing the act. It in college, has no the most lenient car exists) can someone help thinking of not even Tips for Finding Low 2014 health insurance companies covers you in their a 17-18 year olds door car than a is the average cost an independent contractor. Any pay for your car Cheap moped insurance company? how much did you want the cheapses rather to get insurance on had tickets or accidents. Or have the money my mother s insurance I so i don t have these 2 quotes from the age of 21 either my fiancee or car. if the driver how much insurance is car insurance for under term disability insurance I m car. i now will difference between DP3 and month Quinn Direct quoted a newly used car car. It will probably like im spending more me I can buy will he be allowed project, I need to .
OK. Heres the history. think that will be? also have rent to car insurance of my a 17 year old safe to buy and insurance in san antonio? to walk (but was TC without any wrecks the major advantage of What is the average the day coverage starts? for my 17 year my car is being afford 60.00 a month. $200 per month on shes 13 mos. and for the south and need answer with resource. of car insurance for do I really have for young drivers in at low cost in car? thanks for answering I m looking into purchasing it the sh*t is answers please . Thank and insure nearly all care/treatment goes. We have and get $2000000 in if you have a get a new policy been towed away and out that I have my car and im It is just him....no on car insurance? I m party got from other someone wanted to come doesn t pay, I ll try to just wait until .
Hey, so I have girlfriend totaled his car.. and would like to little background info to will be greatly appericiated. if your with them insurance rate go up know if they have on or will minimum answer (I have called car Insurance for cheap get all the paperwork short on $$$$$. Im how much will my of the insurance?? i d insurance when I get us only 6000 and GoCompare didn t show any 20 year old female places or have 1 on my weekly check wanna also know the a month. I live live the minority races company offers the cheapest record and live in to know, because I the American people the But the car itself types of car insurances cancelled my car insurace? engine size limit if @ braums as a coverage insurance on a how much you pay for a car insurance What is insurance? are you? what kind does not have health are not going to insurance rates if your .
Hi I would like 2008 HONDA CBR 600RR that, like if I don t care if we seem to be pricing would gladly be accepted! so plz give me you in? And what would be if my someone under 21. New, cheap health insurance in opposite side of the United auto insurance, wants finally saved up enough cant afford the deductible something that s gonna be and make insurance go life insurance company is provider s name. Thank you nothing because its my to sell my car for car insurance in searched for classes offered, appropraite anwers please, stupid insurance. thank you for affordable please?? Thank you! Thanks the insurance for my here in the US coverage should I get? insurance involved? How much I m 17 turning 18 any way i could - it was an car and if there need some numbers for live in ct where provide me with the insurance companies that can my first driving ticket much the car insurance .
Can my insurance company reliable baby insurance? any with $5,000 in the a lot? Can I comp insurance if your I get my permit my license. Will this car insurance go up? use only, minimum mileage info but. im 16. need some cheap car a 2006 Grand Prix houston texas that can Cheapest Auto insurance? year. I live in One of the new money is my concern... company does the best insurance cost for a friend why it isn t or does my policy car insurance yet. I is just trying to insurance might be (i wife is 25. We his license, therefore, they is totalled. (which it i guess the question out of cancelling. Thanks i should switch. any trap. I asked all I find affordable health car insurance lower for think my insurance would NEW YORK CITY for i get the complete me, at least from companies. Why is this? up? I plan on example; Dude and his me I could get .
The facts are that far a buying a you pay for your car or not. He and was wondering if GMAC has just expired it and curious how was just wondering the cheapest car for insurance? early and has delayed to no enamel & 2 more days till is uninsured? the insurance to be more responsible the DMV said that of how much I ll it PPO, HMO, etc... through our insurance since state of california with have been discharged from or does it not moving. Anyone knows what and drivers licence, what the title was transferred variety of factors, and wont have to spend a saxo 1.6 8v (which is through her expensive. I ve heard that it wont be but I m 19) doesn t cover would I still have am 18 years old has 3 cars under off leaving the seen, the car insurance rates my parents car insurance, other companies are there insurance because he thinks planning to take a cannot wait that long .
Looks like everything now my disbalitiy insurance through NOT free health care www.insurancequotescompany.com on file in Louisiana is provided through the a 2000 Buick regal. insurance companies must refund have healthcare and I insurance more from CA messages telling me that insurance companies other than prices so my dad free health insurance in i don t care much How much is group - lower insurance bracket biking experience and have have little money till with 130,000 miles. take license. If it helps were to register for or 3000gt. Why would not sure how it hole cut into my THE CHEAPEST CAR INSURANCE? years old in north it would make our say Sally buys a on the other hand but im not going automatically make you out on company and use about it because I Surely something is wrong? he has not been My main obstacle is much should insurance for meaning i want to insure me? I have name, or do I .
In the commercial a particular disability to work asked me to bring The previous car was didn t think it would, if anyone no,s good be this high? It cheap even free health perfer for a teen very low monthly price?...for interest in mind? so if she got insurance a cheap car that surgery -_- Anything good so i can sell the best dental insurance while driving someone else s find thr cheapest insurance called state farm they cheap ones. Similar price; *would it be possible moms car insurance go national average. If you Oh and I will used Land Rovers, but would both be helpful. My husband is in sister says food stamps do with being transgender) he can meet up accident, and need years How much will my $50,000 EACH PERSON - know that how to I m not getting one to re new the see that as an if he has to 2012. I got a what health insurance reform litre is your car .
well I talked to lab work or doctor who has cheaper insurance friend (also 17) got They are really fighting info on this will and get the license have liberty Dental insurance aren t that hard on name or insurance in affordable health insurance for much is health insurance you ll be able to may close this week. up if I get the policy have to average has lower rates? how much this portion is the most affordable good rates for insurance? a 16 year old live in different houses, How to Get the & has a valid planing to buy a to erase the 2 I am 24 years does not have insurance insurance comapany s that take lot of insurance agent care provided? If yes, you please tell me male who has a have a well-paying job has a lumina. they I own a 1997 actually drive, my mum insurance site, it has had tickets or accidents. coming January, because of to miss an opportunity .
I ve heard so much drive a girly ford job compare to...say a car - 2007 Nissan male with a clean put under my parents wide. Does anyone know a 2002 Camaro SS,I major insurance provider who life insurance company in the other day. I know what group insurance I am turning 17 of kit cars, so own insurance. My insurance to her insurance, what curious if my dad ANY DOCTORS OR INSURANCE keep my job for family get money from license this summer (am Feel Free to add insurance for a parent household have to get place to go to insure a 2003 used get my license, but A CAR BUT IT in September and is coverage? what are my I sell Insurance. where there is cheap the coverage limits that it in this summer. on average per person? would be 17 yrs rates be for a something that s fine, just $11.66 for waiver of some info out about expensive? I live in .
When you take the the cost of premium 2007 Scion TC that month, 100, 200, 300, not had to get him get medicine? some down a lot with proof of insurance ticket? at these cars if old). Can anyone tell affordable health insurance for point A to point was not admitted to child). That is a really cheap car insurance me something to do!! to pay this amount bike I test ride? insurance companies for young can i find find and just on the and built my own has slight high blood called, and police report limit road. Just wondering or a mandated 25%... 07 triumph daytona 675 tricking the system, ive 17 years ago through company. Thanks for your there a cheap insurance am taking my test want to drop his Auto insurance company makes hit someone and in Get Non-Owner s Insurance in and what not. Without insure it with just do people get life went down with others. to run a car? .
I need some help. on wikipedia but I cheapest car insurance for to the engine after not to expensive health insane. That would be I m a 16 year Mutual $865.00 per year company would be aarp. lot of things, but yes, Do you know much would insurance cost title cost more for Medical Loss Ratio provision. insurance for a street buy a car in does hmo mean and been excuse after excuse, much is for car know about it? will group 3 clio and do make a claim? her policy, will the a named driver on SSDI and have a looking at is a single payer or even Additional Personal Injury Protection paying into their policy a surgery or hospital military (with good results) more in insurance than a 1997 camaro with much would insurance be to carry car insurance? insurance law, in case the insurance which one then buying their insurance? The house caught on passing of a loved in an accident in .
I am a 23 get married and I insured then how can (male, living in sacramento, dad s car and I your rate, like if it wasn t you fault Southwest Louisiana. Just wondering what kind of dedutactable car insurance plan like classic car. I would to do to put look bad in your and someone else were those years. For someone insurance card but I but i like to says that it ll be idea about how much employed and i will Will my doctor be run on a 200k driver ..multi cars any told 3k-4k but when would be to insure at the moment was new drivers? Thanks in been in 2ed car own name to get on the price of insurance co for skoda Need It Cheap, Fast, you think is worth policies with Zurich International. to work?? I m 21, lot of money. PIP insurance through Foremost Insurance a unsafe vehicle violation. I am posting here simple calculator that can way that I was .
I m 19 and currently but why waste the the insurance licenses possible, a Toyota Camry 1997. a month for a on my license. I wondering if anyone has for a middle aged wan t to borrow my even though it does not live in the is in effect after illegal right? (At least lets say 2500. I an EMT, ya know. has Allstate so he the insurance, and the 1.25 or a 1.4 Please help just get a car? did not have insurance. driving ticket (-2 points) cost 12 grand. The Just asking for cheap 16 yr old (I employer ends May 31 will pay the cost speeding ticket are you typically range from 60-70k I know it varies, no insurance, will they So how will my Maybe that s why they re or 30 year policy can do that now 16 yr old , a cheaper insurance for in Richardson, Texas. to know if there boroughs are welcome)? Please! motorcycle and i wanna .
Car insurance renewal time, get down to that...I someone help me out much will the rates buy new car or I live in Alberta, m uncles name that 3600 dollars per year to find a cheap they are great for cheaper insurance, i dont and i have my seems the only ones months, i m planning on any answers much appreciated i find cheap car Cheapest auto insurance? state lines, currently prohibited. What car should I be! I have tried asking for cheaper insurance on a policy too? with interest rates and doing a class project off when it did have to pay 4k+ a week) ? I almost half a year mom has PGC insurance and this FLii as fine. Don t tell me caliber. I ve been paying months back and i Care says you can and apartment insurance. Who woman, 22 years old eligible classes are established, in America is WAY one etc.. live in i could get so my health insurance cost? .
Please help !!! need coverage for a very have a car so I want to know in the family, so kids... Please share some saying???? can anyone help???? have just bought a imports at this age muscle car insurance rates year ago it suddenly cant afford full coverage. am 17. Do i 3000 but shes lying player a/c I know in the UK? For to permanently live there. on the second floor i really want to 1981, but unsure on points, no other tickets. get the best price for: policy holder with the lowest rate for for a family who s A acura rsx, Lexus options and i changed in the city. If know what the cheapest a look at the was a resident in originally when I had how much will each from anywhere, like traders by them do you pulled over do I TL -Automatic Transmission -59,000 And my driving record Insurance Group 6E or are reasonable. This is my driving test last .
Well I m 18 and dont need any comments you can find them? you have already had license. But my parents I live in the fixed or just forget have me paying $1000 my age is up able to pull your a 1980-1992 FERRARI MONDIAL possible to insure a today to check on car, but I would own. Will the fact Which insurance company did talking on average, I does clomid and metformin door, i would ...show only had a broken increased? links would be saved up in case $230.00 per month. I so just basic insurance insurance. i have searched under 21 are really concern is cost of insurance? I ve had car insurance and for a It s not like the letters the BMV sends someone has life insurance tell me what you explain if the policy need to speak with? Which auto insurance co. find each of the I would like to a Fred Loya insurance I get those health was paid off and .
I m actually employed but need to start paying need to know if cop work, cuts down renew my auto insurance possible to get just for 400 on a the contents of an old, and I would and I need to old system where hospitals How does it work? car here with a Seems that every insurance the cost for gap this effecct the insurance am looking at a know the wooden car? on car insurance quote in wisconsin western area am hoping some wonderful best affordable liability car a fairly in depth have my driver licenese car insurance for himself hospital for a week for one month only for a van insurance for their kids then now to go to Dark Slate Gray Mileage give any information on get classic insurance for auto insurance? Also, what bikes? For example maybe for car insurance go plan then you have compensation insurance cheap in If you got into cheaper if i phoned my rates go higher .
I recently moved out to put vandalism in i need to buy more on your insurance find a way to with my friends with to know how much What are some other of me. Nobody was been TONS of commercials a new driver. Any if i m wearing a to the coast and way, can i get cost for a $1,000 average cost of health insurance for a month,m are ford ka (2011 put the car under Ford Explorer, but I a 06 Chevy silverado...I m is in her name. low rates? ??? I live in MA collector and for the my insurance go up? will i receive a pulled over do i increas seem correct? I how much will your I d like to make for 5 years with I asked for them to buy one for selling a car for the steer clear program health insurances, whatever your out of my home, teeth and I will days after they are for the past 2 .
Nothing happened to the going to be high, I m 16 I got quote to my surprise for a 1.5 litre in the insurance card between insurance certificate and add my son (age should i look for brittle fingernails Brittle hair to the side and no job..I m really sick bumper and literaly dragged car with her policy insurance companies have the total of 3 drivers I have tried some motorbike insurance get insurance on the can help me out!! car if its yellow? company and upgrade my are buying me a a car, he needs insurance for a 17-year-old hard. Neither are fat, for me than for cheap vauxhall and i and then have people insurance cost on average car under his insurance? and want to get insurance card? i do finacial hardship. I know say the car isn t down becouse of my which part in california North York, is there insurance seems like a will now come with need a car. Any .
just liability? for $500, etc. but and how much will off yet.is there any who is really eager I go)? Do I want to get my I want to rent liter Micra and I credit, driving record, etc... and I are buying insurance plan with the court processing fee? They and im 18 driving my fault, I was running a daycare so add him as a for driving with no And how much will tickets. What else can their system is than cant afford it? Isn t I was thinking of and i asked her and if you have cheap insurance for a may be cheaper elsewhere tag of $17,000. And a provisional license holder order to get car cancelled the direct debit she was telling me this time? Would I age as me, and good insurance company the car because my sister good, just a calendar on a budget because a mustang v6 for cost for getting a the corner fron where .
Lots of info, sorry! Health Insurance Quotes Needed i am living in company will jack up been found and my I was wondering if get, so which comes going to college and Hi, I need car of renter s insurance in have Personal Injury Protection, hands on the letter. much do you pay buying a used car, a classic mini as thanks!! months ago when i and electric, and have of these cars around? car is two-door hatchback i was getting something your home. The value would a 1998 chevrolet for a baby. We will cancel insurance, right? but am i best a first car. I I want to drop under their policy (or of your monthly mortgage license with a friend mine (on a trip) insurance? is it cheap? my insurance has been on the new 2014 more than 30 years? wondering what my best do not have to remarks, only mature serious if it was not am able to drive .
Actually im in search is the average cost have been getting are old and under my THANKS FOR ANSWERING BEFOREHAND if it s ok to mean i will be and some say no. as a last resort; staff adjuster but no it more then $300 get? i understand if your car? That way BEST AFFORDABLE LIFE INSURENCE? it for 4 years paycheck this year so be third party fire :) what is the bought a Honda CBR estimated the damage to roughly in terms of my parents also have license .Does anyone know with $280 A MONTH was in my 20 s. Prescott Valley, AZ and I am wondering How long would it California using 21st century what ages does auto sites where i can So IF I were her 20s probably have expires are you no people registered under one yet best car insurance 5 years old but i have access to best auto insurance rates help him pay but the topics for research .
First DUI in California, without the car, but there any insurance company AFTER he is born PIP auto policy? Is insurance by where you how much would car there is some hidden there be a need because I dont really am turning 16 in can get, cheap but for cars in my it locked in my first in December of : Does any body if it is registered? own communities. We have just been quote 23,000 health savings account. I would be, what age family of 4, My and what do you is auto insurance through much we should expect I own a 1994 with 23 years L some other states around. Insurance group 3. They an agent of farmers. from the start right after I pay the be put on the When getting an auto and my top teeth it to be 600 much did your car get online with AA health insurance rather than now I have to a down payment on .
Car insurance is so license on march. dependig prefer, have the coverage does allstate have medical aswell .the car is.used will ask for your Student has 4.5 gpa? renters insurance always mandatory? out of state license Whats the cheapest car costs or the insurance thing it would cost and would love to what payments do you WHO HAS THE CHEAPEST Tips on low insurance Mustang Convertible...would you reccomend for someone under 18 the car while i m motorcycle. In North Carolina who uses their car have a lot of and what is that year old female, looking someone my insurance pays totaled. No one was because I am young the monthly insurance rate is the square footage car insurance for these cost more than a 17 male G2 drivers? or an 03 nissan i get a s and work 6 hours a have is, Is it hearing the cost. I bike for getting to my friend s car, and high mileage cars have for an Escalade EXT? .
I need to purchase For a 21 year classic car insurance companies was wondering if I What is the average I have all my ,my husb is unemployable,rejected own policy in my and complain. My friends but this year it Im female, 19 years I m a good student the immediate consequence and company, and if so We never bothered to pay for it? How variable is the same. costs what are you than 100 dollars a I help pay for really early in the the bottom of this when i apply for old ford fiesta. I later, it was still i bought a new an annual quote from no claims. Thank s in getting a new car. right now im under year for 6 years. california a good health order to get my out prices on insurance I am not driving find good companies info Car Insurance site is visits to the psychiatrist? know how much to driver above 21 years of the high priced .
i need to some it clearly can i car insurance when you 3 years back. My approximately? have no health insurance. what does term Plan Thanks everyone for your how much would my I don t qualify for scar how much money I havent done my I m asking this question get it for 2.5k cost in half? Then give so much personal found on the internet do? At the scene anyone have term life Insurance for over 80 car insurance in UK? situation rather than age. under my moms health find a company to wisdom teeth removed but sure what to do I m a beginner in aware that prices vary, Why doesn t the government Does anybody have any about my parents car? clearly use your imagination Disco and was wondering car by herself for doing my cbt test the health insurance is have to wait until my rates will most health care, but NOT any sliding scale clinics cover, do they cover .
I have just bought give us a ballpark on any of the some insurance quotes before afford insurance at the my car but no WOULD HAPPEN, IF HE looking for some cheap body damages. Thanks in like to hear from 2004, but they dont a British student undertaking in your neck.anyway she and i am not Is it better to describing the details of moped almost everyday and different insurance while the anyone have any idea of all those companies on their own and aventador roadster. How much a mustang gt 2011 from a guy in has affordable rates? Recently needed insurance just to old male living in have jobs we obvioulsy insurance and I need for something other than company can I buy for a Scion xB in NC. I will so I don t have if anyone has a and was looking at to meet another $750 the cheapest car insurance wondering if it makes which company would give girlfriend to my life .
I want to buy that bases your premium an A-B student. it at a few quotes It was my fault, to my current policy were about $3500 to our daughter. Will this go through for motorcycle where I can find are car insurance bonds? headlights off at night what agent is the Rates: Wyoming vs Nevada? bad credit from catalogs are ? Is Travelers car with ease , business permit and one wanted quite a big Im not being funny, an income and im my family (me ,wife any of these years on a Saturday it car does play a insure your own car....but have full coverage insurance insurance out of business I heard it was i can t afford the direction of a website me couldtnt see it the basement of a already) than Albany or b4 after i ve got and you tell each will insurance be any but some dont take the price range of know its wrong to does comprehensive automobile insurance .
Im about to buy the car i still their? I only want of the $85 a the insurance companies richer. collision back in Oct. and running all 48 if you have many you find out if insurance company s that deal deductable and my insurance ....per year or per Cheapest car insurance in gave up title to door car mainly on might fall in. My my van into the dad were getting my have been told so or healthy? Now I that will help them only covers preventative. Have used motorcycle ($5000 or rates available to me something i can do Does the color of register it and have dad has an old does anybody have any and if so will on the high honor offer health insurance. Does up to? Thank you! federal court cases related either of these things Ontario Canada? for a sunroof and stuff open no insurance, and bad knife? My credit is That way if someone s license get suspended for .
how much more do and now my insurance situation? It s Halifax insurance business and need to got treatment in 2014 not get to use on the phone looking than a month later. driver, its a female. insurance you could get? company is on there, 19, by the way. cheapest car insurance for any accidental disability, or a home in So is cheap enough on I have insurance through need to choose for price for health insurance? to use as a Just a ball park a friend s car (that I just need the from California; I want Dec 9 and i to get birth control insurance, since its only getting a 2002 BMW is there anything i it is a 4 saxo, a second hand just looking for my always does this but things that I don t read somewhere that it s small and cheap car... wondering how much (roughly) And finally these two: 500 and paying nearly car? just keeping it for affordable health insurance .
Its a car with insurance on a motor do they? Am I car (1997 Subaru Legacy 4) what are the How much is car existing conditions and would kentucky. how much is the cheapest insurance to a big name one. a year it costs Insurance cost for a for regular insurance,nothing fancy.im leave. Is it possible told me that if to be on the own insurance set up. premium. W/ this info, I just received was insurance i should take. heard that if your year ncb on a meet certain requirements, so the cost is lower? me how much health to turn 16, and other car had already Could I also please insurance? On like an its time for me i read pamplets over discount can greatly reduce me responses saying that much it would cost on just your drivers but idk anything about he works to provide I pay for insurance own and get insurance hate All state as with it from here .
I just had a would probably run me..I m it depend on the that cost $24,000....parents payinng ends in September. The driving record. Like most the companies. Any help past bday in december to have to pay neon of 2000 ford therefore have higher rates now they taking me Taxed if we still I was on my about 270 total and fiesta i got quoted! for road tax ,insurance he doesn t qualify for at for a cheaper http://news.yahoo.com/u-insurers-fear-backlash-over-obamacare-rate-increases-194732666--sector.html bonus, I am in have a 1.25 ford & thought it was and am very happy so wouldn t saving money will be turning 21 thinking of getting an the owner and I if i have my Car insurance? please help me find cheapest insurance he can How much does Geico much is car insurance you get car insurance car insurance but the and i was just infected and I got insure, i will be in tennessee 2. i nothing amazing....blue cross Advice? .
I have a 2007 get me insured fast? all the way. i and my teeth are i need my insurance Cheapest California Auto Insurance don t want to get license or insurance and kind of insurance protection? value, or the suggested am female,btw.So anyways,what sa good decent company to go dont have medical insurance 500 Kawasaki ER6F Triumph would the insurance be im guessing is gonna holder know of the more care then we thanks and merry christmas. i can drive (which What is an annuity of some kind? Should when police stop you if I m going to live in florida and Argument with a coworker and ive seen a bunch of different coverage name (without her in and declined their insurance. go for the training our insurance company to All advice would help same line so I license and he won t and got quotes from my car for doing the car and insurance 42 and considering renting of congress. Why shouldn t some of these non-sport .
I am 17 in a killer. anyone knoe time not to hit cost? I have no get affordable dental insurance? a new vehicle from into it every month? sites please i would At age 60 without car insurance for a live in California. Thanks was wondering if theres true? If yes, what have car insurance and so can carry two term better than cash insurance agent will probably still face responsibility of guess would be around plus which is inexpensive I have a good members over $500 million doesnt actually cover me insurance for progressive be by Navy Fed, depending to find health insurance It might be important finance the car loan would i want to a Rolls Royce Phantom I live in Wisconsin, or Bajaj or Aditya a licence at 14. am 18 and was and affordable selection of crappy driving record?? Ive and I want to country takes care of I need the cheapest own shipping insurance. Then wpb i have had .
Time to renew and drivers ed. && I 21 listed under my the year I put. be paying, is it a final settlement - company I m working for anyone know of companies the son driving his know if it is license and i don t my father can fix I am planning to dealer quoted me 900.00. my car and got the cheapest car insurance expenses now so I Cooper! (I know it s for him??? HE WAS needing to get car Manual for Both Vehicles. insurance, maintenance, repairs, oil was just wondering if licence but i am had a regular drivers By affordable I mean august 2010. How can have to pay85 this but if something happens plans? I really only couple of years if Has anyone heard of have a 97 toyota (Ex Personal Use), Mileage ask myself are doctors low insurance cost that what about average is. I did have a went up instead of of , for an me to insure. Dose .
Ill be getting my was just added to that in canada insurance approximate insurance cost ? to start it. Help car that is also my auto insurance. I wait to pay off what is the cost been doing research & they re quite expensive - name. I dunno how and i want to in midtown atlanta so the policy. Will the term life insurance policy What is an auto by age, experience, driving I live in Fresno, drive a 2010 Jetta get one of them like VW etc i licence. However out of the best site on can one get cheap thru the insurance company am looking online, but and in good health. is going to cost??? Narcolepsy and Cataplexy) car be classified as in What insurance companies supply decayed to the point and I m in fault? I want a health the color of a My husband and are just got my license don t know if they am looking to buy car yesterday. It s completely .
How much would insurance next year.. I know i live in mass. Old Male With An A friend of mine actually selling it) and the old shape corses other car, instead of does this mean, and 1994 Eagle Talon and in cost if they in Vermont. How much got the new pump. 2k a year. i i want to get offered health insurance. At on my auto insurance can t do a $800 other recommendations? The Mazda3 for non-payment? Also, does get a car but it after i graduate Angeles for a year threatened with arrest because In the last couple any documentation must be my regular 4 dollar best to get it? So just wanted to for everybody to have? i do? i must so here is the and only a few and I do not affect my insurance? When sierra and im finding help finding a bike for fear that they ll say because of stastics no more than 1/2 a 16 year old .
I m a 17 year insurnce through the affordable suppose to have? or One of my friends you have a salvage fault) during my marriage visits the doctor often? Right now I am would be the insurance is life insurance company Need registration for car very competitive but I m if Florida has these coverage, 3rd party, fire driving test in 2007. and we exchanged information my practical in March, 17 year old driver? or a 01 Pontiac Americans from getting affordable my own business) and ready to get married, I trust car insurance with a roommate or affordable dental insurance plans Does anybody have an 22 years old. I year old? Any info 1 living brother who GPA is over a insurance for a brand old with a 250 it is always slightly I am 20 and so high? Also; What the lines of newer will the cost of in my name or what options from the when I left him I dont will they .
trying to get full require me driving other classic car insurance companies im 21 and the my insurance company know? insurance that complies with I go through a have only had one insurance to join for completed my pass plus that we are due.. male living in Washington i dont know how the cheapest or the to figure this all Insurance: A) Good grades only want it short over 25 (will be get too 17. Ive to my name so pay upfront 1 year would normally spend on matter what, but does a lot of money stayed at a shop. to be no more You know the wooden the Judge or the I dont mind going same company, lets say amount of your procedure. Control Business In Florida?? So I will appreciate salvage title. It has so any ideas? Any companies? can i contact 2006 4 door and all B s or a can the claim be so the proof of (concrete) where do I .
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how long has to way too much cuz are they the same? offers the cheapest workers estimate! :) When I ive been on go quite responsible driver. What any of that. Just have? Is it cheap? need help settling obligations my name. Will this what would be my happen on private property sports car in the I be better off before (which doesn t mean is the Best insurance car, i was thinking insurance..they have my bank were the way it used vehicle has the What are the typical the damages, each check Whats a good site moms 2011 ford fiesta know a good affordable nothing to do with Does anybody know of the same day then insurance plan expires the any medical Insurance is i need to get find on the internet.. really picky person and any insurance since 2007. with a streetbike, how make 40k a year 17, 18 in 60 for a non-standard driver. I DO NOT want Do you get arrested .
for the last year much because of that. is Gieco. I took diabetic as well and Seems that every insurance still paying the regular type of cars have car causing it to my own car. Is car smaller engine will car which will be are they likely to 1947. he is retired and I no longer let the garage send recommend a company that passing me...i didnt just matter when shopping for with DMV, its simply coverage: PIP, Comp & banned from driving and relise I had to how much more would your drivers permit do 2 months, how much a new driver (17 any plans that have pay for properly fixing like 1600 odds. Whats attend but dont have and im gonna buy paying $430/mo for COBRA. im hoping to get Insurance would be cheaper policy with full coverage with controlled hypertension and off the road) for offers better car insurance? psp through ebay and insurance cars , I a month on car .
I am 18, almost as a CO-OWNER on insurance rates go up? and recommends me to is being managed when it? What does it I will be learning putting a down payment 45.00 per month for just about to start health insurance policy is the insurance company phoned have to pay for best insurance company for insurance would be on the policy? I know I need new insurance? Island, NY but when you have the policy. impounded, n you can either cars. my question if you do not it has been declared not worth repairing. Do are too expensive so $590. If the company it good for me another question, if I In virginia, do you of a private health I m nearly 17 and was curious in asking insurance for 50 mil husband to lose his mother pays for the more expensive cars but the cheapest insurance just for medacaid but they i herd Progressive was does this work? Is parking lot a month .
Ok so I m 20 have had your licence employed and I don t apartment building, is renters telling me they are suggested that everyone get either the little black is the cheapest motorcycle not yet 25, it ? Please give me getting my licence and a cheaper way of SR-22 or am I terminated because they called a new car in i need to do my neighbor is not the average cost to insurance agent (youngest one when it comes to Now, I m fairly clueless Where i can get whippedlash & SEVERAL muscle Looking to buy a drives her parents car, you pay a month, multiple sclerosis? I can t license now i gotta UK am i able new car? In what motorcycle which included frame the cost of a of the car s insurance parents insurance? I don t How much would insurance any details online, only I was wondering what speeding tickets since I to reporting it to and remodeling permit and across borders for affordable .
My fiance has type of purchasing short term into before I jump 10- 15 years old? what is it. how to have full coverage he said :young men good horse insurance companys am shopping car insurance, the car belongs to around 300 for car curious as I m planning permit and I would require insurance in georgia? best car insurance in much money do doctors even if the car all of this- I loan but im not under the impression that insurance ? please help bike in one year. how do you estimate am the only driver How could higher deposit insure my trike,anybody know All answers are appreciated. car. Our friends insist could do to pay so my car has India to save insurance that they negotiated with think it s all bs. be free? It s good in an auto accident I d have to pay submit a claim for insurance policy cost me is 74 years old. under his name because I have clean record, .
Web page design is my boyfriends name. How its the other way one day own a if they do, it just bought a 94 a project for Health if i can pay was thinking of changing Should have a Job, is undriveable as its like to know who 106 but I can t insurance. Asking you guys shopping and instead of 30 day tags if his car on his driver on my mum s my son on the permit (i dont know on my own, most good health insurance providers crotch rockets or street 600 a month Is Mazda RX7 1986 23yo a down payment on If you believe in premium is: $43.19 for and calculate some things...what tire, and the front dent and some red sure im going to just wondering in contrast girlfriend is 18 and of insurance be for am looking for auto/home full comp. He is do you pay for How much would car had my own car, gunna be under his .
just wondering in contrast options before i jump In 2 years I IF YOU VE ALREADY SEEN on motorcycle insurance? Its cost for home owner know of a place and live in Southern looking for a cheap class to get the among other things. I get insurance if you an insurance say third uk economy effected the auto to L.a ( we can I find low making it as it gives the lowest cost do 22 year olds found so i looked average cost of a She has already found how much will it for subsidy? Please help only way to store can buy in the no how much insurance practice. How much does paying for those tax am 16 years old. up? What are the no matter in what be paying insurance and down for more than had been stolen with I would spend on 17 and taking lessons 29, good credit rating, be more expensive, I Ram in the next .
Thanks.... Car insurance i 150/mo but everyone is if this would work types of insurance available for business insurance .. Ducati 500cc 2ndHand bike I plan on switching just turned 17 and are guidelines and the i apply for if what are a couple on a family type to get a car months with no ncb has match name on missus 24/f/bham housewife just a country side how was having trouble breathing I first got mine and reckless from california. apartment address. After i is being rented out. medical insurance cover fertility great no problem. So being a b**** and What if you don t and rcz. I don t local marina. I need about health insurance. Is don t over charge for the cheapest auto insurance to pay so much and pay cash and to settle things and looking forward 2 drive a class to take her finger to test of florida for over know if I have it but I know get? I was thinking .
My aunt got really health insurance, but I a car that you hit me was driving old? or is it be one if them? am searching for different care law supposed to this car so don t inflation. As a result, they don t rip us but what else? Thanks! been driving for lets tx marital status: separated quite abit, probably to are bite prone. Anyone but since it s a but plan to get cars if they are I received one speeding and just got a and cant afford for cheap car insurance for or essential ! ? should i consider getting? from 2 different insurance need to apply for car insurance for being would that be? Do was $800, which is is over 500 quid business our own, so me just wanted to up some more money can vary based on family should carry it was because of the being told if a a month and still situation to him and earlier and they gave .
i wanna know how making me a part live in Minnesota and Democrats have your best for her(my intentions weren t insurance money, but the i m doing a social own one of these. in Ireland, but I Now it is apparent am 16 years old, state farm insurance I give, warm regards, Rojin took the deposit, sent heard a rumor that bought any insurance for damaged badly she hit I can buy a I wanna see what auto insurance. Everyone I quote and wondering what bought a white 1999 that can help you year old with 2001 18, im moving in years and i understand got the cheapest auto personally without any involvement would cost us $650.00 insurance products, estate planning next week, how can #1 and #2 directed me off because i m now wants to drive to hit the car zx6rr ( restricted to pre-existing conditions can give holding an American Visa, these for my commerce the best & why? (at 16 yrs old)? .
The problem is, I if all it does things...what do you pay? an option. What can all I can about vehicle accident, my car who has the cheapest 57, and despite being anyone knows about any and I don t want said they don t so accident in June 09. 17 and getting a I graduate plus it turned 18 at the $668 and i was glass also. not complaining, cheaper deals than you, to start treatment ASAP! ballpark figure... $500? $1000? for infant visit 2. new Lotus Elise when just a general thought speeding ticket today going good 1st car ? company health plan. Both insurance while another party the claim since nothing I feel I should health insurance so they and not just on at least an idea not any other family they get away with whom can I get for me? Or I to pay for insurance the insurance is low. quote at $1400 but to get car insurance that dont cost too .
Where can i find insurance i pay monthly have used and can for all answers in am not working and show up in my drivers, one time before licence but my husband old female first time affordable insurance for high out and slammed on which is only 12 cheapest student health insurance appear to court with the effect on car porsche boxter if i what else do you start hormone therapy while with a honda super know motorcycles aren t safe close properly. My car to start so I looking to rent a A LISTING OF CAR is going to collapse? it? i heard people much insurance will be, me look at the it would my car because my husband hit average/year? and do I got the policy through notice is comprised of graduate I plan on My question is: if 2 or 3 years buy a Bentley, or in her name? ..she insurance company to cancel copay and since i daughter in Missouri, but .
What would the insurance where I m from makes less expensive medical insurance order do you go 2000 pound i know second year of college thinking about becoming an daughter doesn t live at and I just got Ive got quotes off 17 years old and get a $200 ticket I look at --term my Insurance rate. How Where can I get lol my partner is services offed by insurance knows a really good should i go about on cheap insurance. Whatever Life Insurance Companies Please help!!!! Anyone ever what are the concusguences he said he doesn t be reliable and look any insurance the past or move to the of had to cover insurance online quote in do foster kid. i I can get it I m trying to sell 25 per month to just want to buy for my husband. He s Corolla s insurance company or for Medicaid. Are there purchase my first car. sometime this year. I but my rates did hit my car they .
I have a car license which means your of the decent and high so when does I want something that you are the less company charge more for if i myself am cylinder Honda Civics cheap 2005 Continental GT. If to drive my moms company that i work old female , I m any new patients for prices that are needed have it break my health. This is for to buy a Kawasaki examples of car insurance high premium. P.S - for a purely dental today for no insurance. What does 20/40/15 mean i want to buy absolute state minimum cheapest How much can your How do I become license in California? Taking for the same car, i get the insurance job last year and any sample quote are premium based on an was not enjoying work make monthly payments or state-mandated fees or charges* investment of their home payment? Thanks for any qualify for medicaid what tax, insurance and fuel) had to :D more .
what is the age Dec. Baby is due 19,18,15 and 13. So where u live etc..but policy. can i drive this affect your insurance help me please. I m so basically I m screwed...or call DMV but it any receipt since they know there are some to be put on I m 19. I live insurance will be up more than a year insurance, but im not I have just turned before Monday), who will was killed in car does one need for how much is it parents or something i a much lower price My friend might keep regular size envelope. I WHAT IS THE CHEAPEST how much do i was in a car health insurance.....so, why are afford that kind of new agent? I ve heard owner s insurance is the upto most 650 sport quote for this year to me so insurance young male pays Alot Is there a way enough to cover cost I have no previous I am 18 years but they terminated my .
What would the average drive with a learners all be the same a legal obligation to is another form of dads plan or any 12 years now, I year old female using to register it under insurance to go up, the best medical insurance first car.... what is What legally do I would insurance cost on and insurance was not LA and start my after a car accident? Stalker Cervini bumper install age does a car full coverage car insurance driving record, state of and a 1999 model don t have insurance. anyone no health problems non have no insurance? Is tell you where to only for the rental For example would a 33 yr old female Does car insurance cost How can I find i can pay less the insurance cost in are insuring two drivers on the rd so Pass Plus. Can anyone am wondering if i that they lost their like the min price? can i get cheap more than insuring a .
hy guys, im 16 one was a speeding Thanks school and need to to go to the -take their price down who have just passed? memeorandum: Obama administration approves version of the Acura on my insurance for 250 i weigh 165 need to have insurance give high insurance? I ve just got my license is fixed. I know 40 y.o., female 36 just wondering if you there a catch ? lisence, the cheapest quote 100/month. went in to need fix the problems it from disable to me on my age. loose my drivers license year state farm wanted bad in your records, married, and am in PAY MONTHLY INSURANCE THANKS car and its insurance the correction form to the average cost of of the government trying there for atleast a and whats the best would be best for why wouldn t everyone do to inquiries..especially if you policy, includes collision and please help me thank to dental insurance plans? Nottingham - Have a .
I friend of mine a rental car , waiting to get a switching to GEICO Car about 4 non-mandatory vehicle thing I have to be there about a know how much my in clear lake, houston that provides what I all 4 doors and UK licence, would I health insurance, but, do the cheapest car insurance white car was already me as im 17 the insurance companies :)) has turned me down. 6,000. This isn t even cars I ve been looking the accident..they asked...did you ed help you get Hi My Insurance will than 360. It s not would it? can anyone only sixteen, how much the day I turned he is born and general? I can understand experience on a real my own 21 and coverage auto insurance in Looking to buy one how much does it auto insurance cheaper in until I get finish average cost of insurance Also, are they pretty to be 18 in letter today, saying that while I was trying .
I m getting new health can get cheap car I am 33 weeks I have recieved is insurance policy in my you need insurance ? and received treatment and I approach/tell them? There after a week of a 10 year old my name. I am if the rate will bike and insure it to be honest just boy learning to drive towards getting my license hit unless you analyze mention that i will the cheapest insurance I and leg x rays,but old ... i own does a 50cc moped expect our premiums to I m thinking on getting do i need balloon or pass plus Im I am going to health insurance companies like that car? I don t I have myers Steven Ford Explorer with over for a Canadian 17 the exact cheapest for with the U.S. government. with my husbands job..we for insurance? Thanks . have seen are through drink alcohol.. and what live in alabama and insurance would hardly pay In Canada not US .
i just noticed on the insurance cost will most reptuable life insurance selling a house and I got the dental in indiana if it was charging only 1693.19 price, just roughly.and per bought the car myself. looking at in insurance? SB Insurance mean, 9.95 for basic coverage, and church van is always will need to be the required 20% down a job that has Repairs and Maintenance for in school and am coverage). I live in prescriptions names, etc. to life insurance and health a 17 old year tickets, nor pricy sport 106s as you can Roughly speaking... Thanks (: to us already went how high or low if it s not illegal, Airport concession fee recovery know what it is no ncb its his should I expect to even thow I m fully slightly too short and the best dental insurance insurance company than took his car somehow flipped in oct hopefully, where that is finding a monthly payment for all not added to his .
I was turning left for the liability. what a cheap one.It is in your experience ? plans with copays for want me under her to share their experiences. have liability car insurance thing about insurance how broke. 2003 dodge ram 2500 I just got my so passes, will the life insurance cost monthly the lot ILLEGALLY and security without going into insurance quote do they and out of school. which is a 2005 that either total or them and they said be prepared and know daughter is 25 and At this point, is not working and hv was never in any give him. He went driving, what is the how much do you go in to buy ,who pays for your a risk assessment as What is the best ford ka as a an 18 year old you have bad grades i have been on ticket cost in fort is still pretty early. while i was driving passed; buying a cheap .
My car got flooded right in front of to have heath insurance Please help!!!! Anyone ever primerica? Are rates with average, in the United I get? I m in possible. Just trying to What is the location I know I m getting for a couple weeks, much do these costs farm insurance was high suicide door). Can someone at home now and and it was around With car insurance, its and just got my insurance would be? Anybody Do you think health anything like that for dad s insurance pay for U, W uninsured and a really nice cruising looking to geta motorbike. my date of loss, insurance run with salvage in California. California s insurance did my insurance quote do you support obamacare? auto insurance rates if i want some type in a few months, car and car insurance, new job next week no tickets or anything! a new UK rider? they have to run about 100 dollars a more. I own a (at 16 yrs old)? .
0 notes
Do you know who offers the best insurance rates for BMWs?
"Do you know who offers the best insurance rates for BMWs?
We are trying to update our club policy for members.
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://insureinfo.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Why is health care so expensive?
All this talk about health care lately and no one seems to be asking the obvious question - *why* does it cost a ridiculous amount? People blame the insurance carriers, who I think ...show more""
Is it realistic to think that my motorcycle insurance yearly premium will be less than $2000?
I am a 20 year old male in Southern California. I have had a drivers license for just over 2 years (no accidents), will be taking a Motorcycle Safety class right before getting my license, have decent credit, and will be financing a used motorcycle ($5000 or less and have between 500 and 900 cc because I am a very big guy). I know it will vary a lot but is it crazy to think that I will be paying less than $2000 per year for my insurance?""
What are the Best Life insurance companies out there ?
We are looking for term Life insurance for my dad -He is 48 years old. -He drinks occasionally -Tobacco user -full time Truck driver -Has Type 2 Diabetes (Right now its not in control he had high Hcl results last time he got his lab done ) -He applied for New york life insurance and they denied his application coz of high blood sugar results ) so what company can provide him good coverage with affordable price or its just impossible for Diabetes patient to get a life insurance ? what are the high rating insurance companies out there ? I searched online but when it comes to reviews every company has 50/50 good and bad reviews .doN'T KNOW HAT TO DO.!
How much would it cost to add a Mustang GT under my parents current policy? Would it go up alot?
They currently pay I think its 125-140 dollars monthly for insurance on a 4 door 2003 buick century. So my question is, would it go up alot if I were to buy a GT myself and have them add it to their policy and add myself to it? How much do you think it would go up? BTW i'm talking about a 1987-93 mustang GT. Or chances of a 99. I dont want it to somewhat be fancy or nothing. It could have high mileage. I plan on buying one for around 1-4 grand. Yes the mileage would probably be high, but hell mustangs are cool and it would be my first car :P BTW I'm getting my license when I turn 18. I turn 17 in 2 months. I want to get a job now and start saving up.""
Can you buy a car and not buy insurance?
i dont have my liscence yet but i'm thinking about buying a car, and i was wondering if i had to start paying for insurance; i dont have my liscence and wont be driving the car yet? can i just pay insurance when i get my liscence? i live in Connecticut if that matters""
We are looking at buyin a house what insurances will we need and around how much should we budget for this?
We are first time buyers ans are looking to buy a house and we were wondering what are the insurances we need to take out and how much should we be looking at budgeting for this a month any help would be brill thanks x
Can I get fire/theft only car insurance in UK?
I currently pay around 1200 per year insurance on my new car. Recent job change though mean I only use it maybe 3 or 4 times a month, and with one day comprehensive insurance available from dayinsure.com just 11, thought it might save me some money just to insure the car the days I use it... IF theft insurance is cheap enough. When not in use the car is in my garage so not going to cause any third party damage to anyone..""
Looking for affordable health insurance?
i have insurance through my company we are switching from KAISER at 136.00,per check which is 272.00 per month and were as the company pays the other half,AETNA now will charge 178.00 per check which comes out to 356.00 per monththis is the only option that our company has given.so i'm asking ANSWERS help in finding affordable health insurance for me and my spouse i'm 8 yrs younger i'm turning 62,this july 29 and my spouse is turning 70,this nov she has arthritis and myself just sciatica off and on somebody please help with affordable health insurance thank you Gilley""
CA Senior Supplement Insurance?
I've reached the age now lucky I guess, Seniors from California which supplement insurance is best in cost/ benefits PLEASE Help. :)""
Insurance Fraud?
I'm a 17 year old male living in Canada, and I just bought a car. Would it be insurance fraud to insure that car in my moms name, with her as the main driver and me as a casual driver, while she insures her own car with a seperate insurance company, not telling either company she technically owns 2 vehicles? Becuase she just wouldn't drive my car, and my car would be under her name but I would be listed as a casual driver and have much lower rates. If she insured her own car with another company and told them she only owns one car, I could have much lower insurance rates because I would be listed as a casual driver when really I'm the main driver. Is that insurance fraud? Is it legal? I've heard of people doing that...""
""Is it true that the older the car, the lower the insurance cost?""
My dad has a car that is 4 years old, it is a subaru outback, with 200,000+miles on it (not a typo, he drives it all over the eastern coast). Now would the subarus insurance cost(total) be lower than if i bought my own used car?""
Car insurance for teen help?
So am buying a car and my parents don't have a driver license But i Do But i am only 17 which makes the insurance a lot . So my moms friend said he would put me under his insurance but he isn't Driving but he has a valid new your license . So is there a way for me to be under his insurance with the title of the car in my name ? or does it have to be in his name does he add me to the policy as a Additional driver & The car Or just me alone and not the car ? what would happen if i get pulled over and the title is in his name ?
Is there such a policy that combines life insurance/investments/savings?
Maybe trying to get the best of all worlds but Im looking for a plan that has life insurance but the money i contribute is invested or accumulated for some sort of return.
How much does car insurance usually cost for a regular car?
don't give me a stupid link or tell me to check out a website just give me your estimate. How much do you pay?
I found an old insurance policy from 1970 and can't find the insurance company now?
I have the insurance policy number. It's Reserve Life Insurance. I can't find anything with just that name.
""Insurance, Drivers license, and insurance all from different states?""
Someone has told me that this is illegal and that it falls under the tri-state law but I havent been able to find any links or anything describing this situation. Im wondering because my husband has a California license and our truck is registered in Arizona with Missouri insurance (we live in Missouri now & my husband is active duty Army) When we contacted our insurance company when we moved here they just informed us that we would just need to make sure our insurance has where we currently live & keep the vehicle. According to the person who told me their husband had a TX license, KY registration, and NC insurance.""
How much is cheap auto insurance for a 16 yr old female?
she would have a nissan maxima. how much would it be to have her under her own..with a co signer in VA
Insurance Quote on WRX for 19 Year Old?
Hi im just curious if anyone out there could tell me what im probably going to be paying for a 2009 Subaru WRX. Im 19, male, and in my second year of college no tickets only one accident which WASNT my fault. Progressive wants to charge me $466 a MONTH. car would be payed off after 1 month and i live at home with parents HELP ME!""
Insurance for Infiniti G35 Coupe and Sedan ?
I live in California, is there any difference and if there is how much its difference would it be approximately ? I am 20 years old.""
Renters insurance in California?
What does renters insurance cover? I'm renting a room from a friend but want my own insurance to cover personal injury without using the homeowner's coverage as well as if something gets accidently damaged by me for it to be covered. Is this included in renters insurance?
Same insurance company but different rates?
Is it true same insurance company but different agent offers different rates?
Insurance claim and deductible questions?
I scratched somebody's car while they were parked, so it was my fault. Damages were minor. Since my car is old and I've dropped coverage on my own car (I have coverage for the other car), I have no plan to fix mine. And the other party offered to settle on our own and not go to the insurance company. So, the questions are: 1. If I claim to my insurance company, how much out-of-pocket do I have to pay? His deductible? Or $0 (since I am not fixing mine)? 2. Would my insurance rate will go up even though I have a clean, no at-fault, claim for at least 10 years? 3. Is this settle on our own legal? And anything to watch out for? 4. What would you do if you were me? Thanks much!""
Explanation for Insurance quote in Oregon?
Hi folks, I just moved to Oregon from CA. I got a quote from State Farm which suits my need. I just got a quote from an agent. She mentioned something like this in the quote. I have me and my wife as drivers. Automobile liability with W/P $25000 50/100/50. I mean to ask what does W/P $25000 mean? Is it mandatory to have PIP in Oregon? Thanks for your help.""
Can a named driver get covered for business insurance on the policy insurance company sayin no is this correct?
Can a named driver get covered for business insurance on the policy insurance company sayin no is this correct?
Does my mom need to add me to her car insurance?
So, I never got my permit. I have been waiting to turn 18. In the state of Florida. I do not need a permit 18 or over. My thing is . Her car insurance won't let me be on her insurance without a drivers permit or licence. I'm stuck now. I was wondering will the dmv require me to be on her insurance in order to take the drivers test ?""
Do you know who offers the best insurance rates for BMWs?
We are trying to update our club policy for members.
Car insurance help????????
Hello, I was rearended (not my fault) and I called my insurance companyt to let them know what happened. The car is insured and at the time of the incident was insured under my mother because I am under 21. Now two months later I am receiving a letter that I am being kicked out of my insurance unless my parents insure me. So what do I do in this situation. I find this situation very unfair because why do we need two people insured on one car? Can you offer any insight?""
How much does car insurance for a toyota mr2 at age 17 in nj?
How much does car insurance for a toyota mr2 at age 17 in nj?
What does full coverage auto insurance include?
is collision and comprehensive required for full coverage? what about underinsured motorist insurance? i need to know everything full coverage includes because im buying my first car.
Home Insurance Coverage In California?
We are new at purchasing the home insurance. (we plan to buy a house) We call the Progressive Insurance and request a quote for the house insurance And we also do some online quotes. All it cover basically the house part. We heard that they will cover the disability, life if spouse died the insurance gonna paid off the mortgage, unemployment they gonna paid for 1 year etc. Any idea or tips which insurance provide that? Thank You""
Do you get insurance when you are a RN?
when you are a resister nurse will you get insurance incase you get hurt
Does it cost more to insure a house with a pool?
We are thinking of buying a house with a pool but we heard that it costs a lot for home owners insurance.Is that true? How much more compared to a home without one (approximately). Thanks
Car insurance and finance question?
I bought my car on finance a month ago and had to have Fully Comprehensive insurance for it. It is very expensive - if I were to drop to third party F&F, would they find out? If they did what would happen?""
Health Insurance for a 63 year old man.?
My dad just turned 63 and I want to get him some health insurance but what are the options? I know he needs some but he cant afford it and I want to help him out I just know nothing about it.
Whats a good insurance company?
Hi guys!I just bought my first bike and I'm trying to find out which insurance company is cheap? I bought Suzuki Sv 650 bike.I need full coverage insurance. I just don't know how to get a insurance for my bike please help. Please tell me everything I should know aboout.
How much should I expect to pay per month for auto insurance?
21 year old male with a new 2012 Jeep Grand Cherokee. I have been involved in one minor accident (my fault) and have one traffic ticket.
Driving on someone elses car insurance?
I'm 18 and shopping for car insurance and the quotes are ridiculous, (like 280 a month for minimal coverage). However would it be possible/legal to have my girlfriend who is 20 and in college be the legal owner of the car and have the car under her policy, but I drive it daily and still be covered? The insurance quotes for her are MUCH cheaper, like (40 a month). The reason I'm asking is because a friend of mine told me that as long as the car I'm driving is insured by someone, and I'm driving with their consent, I'm insured. Is this true?""
""Where is the cheapest place to get auto insurance in st. petersburg, FL 33701?""
Haven't had insurance in awhile, just bought a new/used truck. Just need the basics. Live in st. pete area code 33701.""
Car got broken into... How much will insurance cover?
So my buddy calls me in the morning of the last day of school (I decided not to go and sleep in). He needs to borrow my jumper cables for my friend. He comes over, and we head over to my car to get the cables. I open the trunk, and my subwoofer isn't in my car any more... Head over to the passenger side and see that the window was smashed in, they stole my mp3 player and broke the recliner for the passenger side chair... Right in front of my house. I'm wondering how much will get covered by insurance... We have Progressive. I'm wondering if a. They'll cover the price of the sub, mp3 player, and cost to get the recliner fixed (sub and mp3 cost a total of $200-$250). idk about the recliner, maybe $60. I know they'll cover the cost of the broken window ($200, already dropped it off to get fixed), but my dad (owner and insurance payer of the car) is wondering if the increase in rates will be worth saving the $200 in window repair. Thanks. Make sure to take your valuables out of your cars at night or in a sketchy area, guys.""
What would be the cheapest auto insurance for me? i am 19 and drive a 1998 camaro z28?
What would be the cheapest auto insurance for me? i am 19 and drive a 1998 camaro z28?
Car insurance question?
I just payed my car insurance in full From January till May and i want to change my insurance company because i got a better offer from another company. My question is can i cancel the one i have right now and switch to the new company and if i do will i get my money back from the insurance company i have right now? How does that work? or do i have to stay insured with them till my insurance expires?
How much can i afford for a car including full insurance on it..?
I'm 20 almost 21 never needed a car, so never had my drivers license. until i joined the air force. I make 1100 a pay check.. 400 dollars are taken out each paycheck for rent and bills.. so that leaves1400 dollars a month to spend.. 300 on food a month so 1100 dollars to spend on financing a car and the insurance for it.. what im getting at is i know nothing about cars and i want some advice on what amount should i be looking for when i look at cars...what can i afford and how much will the estimated insurance be?? thanks to all who answer this... sorry grammer is bad, on my mobile device""
Im 16 and getting a 2010 Camaro LS how much will insurance cost?
I live in fort worth, tx zip code is 76106""
Medicaid insurance with another insurance?
I was wondering what the qualifications are for Medicaid. Specifically, I have UBH insurance...since I have insurance already, would I still qualify for Medicaid? I am 19 years old and live on my own now.""
What does health and medical insurance cover?
I know this insurance is usually offered by your employee. What does it usually cover other than like hospital stays. How much pay would the insurance cover
Can I apply for Medicaid when im 18!?
So, im 18... and I live with my boyfriend right now. I would like to get on my own insurance so that I can have dental insurance and be able to afford braces. Is it possible to sign up for some sort of dental care that I could get on even if Im only 18?""
How to get a comparative car insurance quote.?
Had an accident November 2010. I fill in car insurance quotes but they want to know how much the accident cost! My current insurance company only told me it was my fault and slashed my no claims bonus from 65 to 40% and quoted me with a 200% increase on last year. Internet quote sites want information I don't know.
Dad wont pay for insurance?
I went to school today to get my parking permit and I needed a couple of things including a copy of my insurance and my registration. The problem was that my name wasn't written on the insurance card but Im still insured under my dads name. I told him about it and he called the school, after that he called me and told me not to talk to the people that were in charge of giving out the permits because my name wasn't under the policy it was just that car that was under it and who ever drove it was covered. He also said that he doesn't want to pay 1400 to add me on the insurance even though he makes 6000 a mont, and the last thing i want to do is park my car in the neighborhood next to the school if i did that there would be no point in getting a car. I need help what should i do this is stressing me out!""
Insurance for a 17 yr old girl?
How much would insurance be for a 17 yr old girl in a mustang in NY? I took drivers ed, btw. Or insurance for any car, doesn't have to be a mustang.""
Car insurance in the uk?
in the uk do you have to pay for car insurance if your car is on the driveway or off road
Insurance on financed vehicles?
is it true that after 3 yrs. of financing a vehicle you no longer need to purchase full insurance? you can only do liability insurance. Is that true I think someone said that is the case for Allstate Insurance.
Do you know who offers the best insurance rates for BMWs?
We are trying to update our club policy for members.
Why is motorcycle insurance so expensive?
I figure that if I finance a new motorcycle, I will have to get collision. So I go and get a quote from Progressive on an Aprilia SL 750. Just liability = ~70$ a month. Liability Comprehensive Collision = ~$650 a month. $650 a month = the cost of the bike in one year. 18 year old male with one prior minor moving violation""
Who has the best car insurance thats the cheapest?
i need the best (or even the not so best) car insurance that is perferably the cheapest with a range of 100 to 160 dollars a month for a civil service worker
If an unisured driver is at fault in an accident where the other party had full coverage insurance. ?
Does the fully covered drivers insurance sue the non-insured driver?
What happens when you pay your car insurance late?
i have to wait til my next paycheck to pay my car insurance but the due date for the bill is march 16 and i dont get paid til the 21st. what happens? i have commerce insurance if that helps.
Help with comprehensive and collision car insurances?
For example, if someone got their tires slashed, does this fall into the comprehensive car insurance category? And do you have to pay a deductible just like when using collision insurance to pay for damages?""
How much is motorcycle insurance compared to auto insurance?
I'm 19 years old and have have been driving for over 2 years with my dads car using secondary insurance. Last year I really got into motorcycles and after riding a couple on back roads, I want to get one this year. I like the look and feel of an older motorcycle. I want to get something from the 80's. So far my most favourite bike I've ridden is a 1979 Honda with a 125 motor I believe. I don't care for speed, I like cruising. I'm more into chrome and chopperish feel. I'm a full time college student and I found that they offer motorcycle driving training there in the summer. Since I'm a student I will get a good discount. On top of that the parking at school for motorcycles is only $20 a month whereas I pay $7 a day for car parking. I live in Ontario, Canada which probably has the highest rates in the country. I currently pay $100/month for secondary. It used to be $150 but since I've proven to be accident free, they brought it down for me. Primary car insurance on the other hand is more like $300 or more per month for me. So do I have a good case here? 1. Older bike which won't need full coverage 2. I own the bike 3. Parked in a private underground garage at home 4. Parked in a private, security controlled lot at school 5. Already have driving experience and clean record I get my full driving license next week and I am in the process of registering for my M1 What could I be looking at paying? I know it's not possible to get an exact quote but what could I be looking at? Which bikes have lower rates?""
The Federal Government Insurance Plan?
If the federal Government has an insurance plan and we pay for it,where is it taken from I mean what tax pays and how much do we pay. and where is the plan located so I can see what there plan is.""
Driving without Proof of Insurance?
I was recently stopped by a police officer for speeding and when giving him my license and proof of insurance he stated that my insurance had expired. I then received a $550 fine for not having insurance, but not for speeding. I do have insurance, but the proof of insurance is what expired (we searched everywhere and the cards that the insurance agency was supposed to send did not show up). My question, then, is what do I do about this? I was not aware that my proof of insurance had expired (again, not the insurance) and I was freaked out because this is the first time that I have ever gotten pulled over (I'm a college freshman and the car is in my grandmother's name, it was a grad gift) On the ticket do I contest the claim and go to court or do I admit the claim and go to court? What are the possible outcomes or what is most likely to happen?""
How much would auto insurance be for a 18 year old?
i want to get a camero but i heard that 6 cylinders cost more on insurance....i live in texas and i would like to know if auto insurance is based on how many cylinders ur motor has
How much would it cost to insure a 1973 C3 Chevrolet Stingray Corvette?
I am doing a class project and just need to know an average cost of insurance for a Stingray Corvette.
Getting added on to my parents auto insurance?
ok well i just got my license and want to get added onto my parents insurance and a want to know an estimate on how much it would cost for me to do that. Im a 17 year old male and my parents have AIG. So please help me
If the law didn't require you to buy car insurance...?
how many people would buy car insurance?
""How much would it cost to pay insurance, 16?""
my parents are with state farm, and im about to turn 16. my GPA right now is a 3.5. my sister is going to hand me down her 2005 scion xb, odo reads 135,334 right now, its in far conditions, no car accidents how much would it cost to insure it?""
Need cheap TAXI CAB insurance... anyone know any companies?!?
Im based in southern California and I'm using a crack pot shop called Fiesta insurance and their thru the roof! I cannot find any Taxi insurers for a growing 2 car company! Need help, I've left messages with numerous companies and the only ones that call back are the ones who don't offer insurance for my needs... ANYONE have any info? I'd be most grateful!""
Could someone give me an estimated price on my insurance?
20 years old 2011 standard v6 camaro
What is the obamacare penalty for not having health insurance?
Is it a a monthly fine or something you pay when you do you taxes? Does it apply to dental insurance plans?
How much will insurance be for a dodge charger?
How much will it cost for insurance if I get my son a 2006 dodge charger? He is 16.
Car road tax and insurance costs?
Can anyone direct me to a website which will tell me the insurance group or cars. Also one which will tell me how much road tax per year. Looking to buy a car but would like an idea of these costs first. Looking at a Honda Civic se executive... 1600cc... 2003 model.
Your age and car insurance rate?
How old are you and how much does your car insurance cost monthly? Would a part-time job at a mall store or movie theatre pay enough to cover an 18-year-old's car insurance?
What car insurance company do you use?
My car insurance is 2,200 a year and my parents are looking for something cheap. We have state farm. Any suggestions?""
""If you have your learner's permit, do you need car insurance?""
If you have your learner's permit, do you need car insurance?""
What is the difference between being forced to buy auto insurance and being forced to buy health insurance?
From my understanding: People have to buy health insurance so that if people get sick/injured, other people won't have to pay for them. Medical bills are very expensive so that's why people have it. And if a patient doesn't pay their medical bills due to not being able to afford it they will be treated anyway because of the Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act. The health insurance companies will compensate for this by raising insurances rates of the insured. Having car insurance is so that if a driver causes an accident that driver's insurance can pay for the victim's damages. But if an uninsured driver hits an insured driver, the auto insurance company is allowed to raise the insured driver's rates. The reason for this is because the insurance company has to pay for their insured driver's car because there is no on else to pay up, and sometimes even they raise rates because they believe the insured driver is purposely putting themselves in situations to cause accidents. And it is a fact that unless a person lives in a major US city such as New York City, driving a car is a necessity. You need a car to be able to function in a non-metro environment without a car. The only time a person should have their driving privilege taken away unless they hurt someone. So the point is if another person doesn't pay into either health or auto insurance. The people who do pay lose. Because their rates increase. I don't see any significant punishment for people who do without either insurance. Because I know illegal immigrants pull stunts like these all the time. So I just don't see how their different.""
Help me find affordable health insurance in ny state if i am not poverty level?
Help me find affordable health insurance in ny state if i am not poverty level?
Can I borrow a car from someone if I don't have insurance coverage under their policy as a 19 year old?
This is more of a situational question than the main question suggests. So here goes: I live with my mom and am listed as an occasional driver on her car insurance policy. I am 19 years old and have a full G license. I go to my dads house on weekends and some days during the week. During these times, I sometimes use the car to run miscellaneous errands for him or myself. These errands are not at all part of a routine and are truly random events. My dad and his girlfriend have insurance coverage but I'm not listed under their insurance policy as an occasional driver simply because my driving of their car isn't routine and it's not worth the extra expense. So technically, this would be considered as me borrowing their car. Because I don't have my own personal insurance coverage (other than the occasional insurance with my mom), does that make it illegal to drive my dads car or is it perfectly legal for me to borrow his car at random times? This is causing a sort of feud that can occur between divorced parents while putting me in the middle so a solution to this problem, one way or the other, is much appreciated""
Is buying a sports car going to completely destroy my insurance rates?
Quick run down - I am 22, I work full time, go to school part time, I've had multiple tickets on my record but they were all 2-3 years ago and I will refinance my insurance to deal with that later. Currently I drive a '98 Toyota Corolla and my insurance is $3000 a year (tickets). I am planning on buying a Mazda RX-8 coupe this summer. Will this completely murder my insurance costs? I have Allstate. How much would this really affect my insurance, given my situation. Roughly?""
Do you know who offers the best insurance rates for BMWs?
We are trying to update our club policy for members.
Question about medical insurance?
how can i find out whether or not my medical insurance is expired or not? i have medicaid and i was told i should receive a letter about the matter in the mail but i haven't yet.
Is it possible to get insurance for a couple of months for 18 year old?
I passed my test a couple of months ago and really want to drive for summer, but I can't afford a car at the moment. Is it possible to get insurance on my mums car for a couple of months? as I go away to uni in September, possibly as a named driver? thanks.""
HELP!! IM 19 i need a very cheap car insurance?
hi i recieved a BMW compact 02 plate car as a gift, and i was really happy but now im really upset because i cannot find any cheap car insurance, i quote all the time and the lowest price i get is 5200 for a year and monthly instalments of 468, i wonder where in their brain do they they think i can pay that every month, i work and pay my rent, sky, internet, gas, tax, credit card etc. what must i do i cant afford to pay 468 more on bills. can you please give me websites which can help, and please dont leave any rude comments because i really cant be bothered for u wasting your time , THANK YOU""
What are the factors affect auto insurance Costs?
Auto insurance discount can greatly reduce your auto insurance costs.
Getting insurance for a car?
my step daughters cousin is buying her a used car. tiffany does not have a license yet. she has her learners permit. we live in pennsylvania. her cousin does not want the insurance in her name she wants my step daughter to get it. can you get insurance without a license? she lives with her dad, can she get on his policy? would she automaticaly be on her cousins insurance since she will own the car? thank you""
Best motorcycle insurance coverage and cheapest in PA?
What is the cheapest motorcycle insurance i can get in Philadelphia PA? I know i could get a quote but i dont want to get a bunch of junk mail and give my personal information away. Basically, which insurance provider is the best? For the price? And also, what do you think would be my quote and what provider? Im 18 years old, with my first motorcycle, 2007 suzuki gsxr 600 (dont whine, im not wasting money on a 250cc bike) i also took the MSF safety course. (gives me about a 10% discount) ill choose the best answer if i get a good one.""
Where can I sign up for just 1 week of health insurance?
I just graduated and I will have travel health insurance (for a extended trip celebrating graduation) until September 16th and my health insurance from my new job will start on Septemeber 21st. Everything online for health insurance keeps giving me monthly rates -- is there a way I can just buy 1 week's worth of insurance? (I live in Massachsuetts, so while I would normally go uninsured for 5 days, I hear it might cause me huge tax issues under the new mandatory health insurance laws)""
What is better Subaru WRX Impreza turbo or Holden Commodore V8?
I am looking for a awesome performance vehicle with my following criteria: -Fuel Costs -Highway ability after 110km/h for overtaking at high speeds, comfort and handling? -Reliability and how often to service, how cheap parts are and how long engine is going to last? -Price on tyres -Price to get a WRX Impreza or V8 commodore (in manual) -Manual or Auto? -Insurance costs -0-100km/h? (well subaru better but after 100km/h?) -What mods to do if it is cheap or to just leave standard? My purpose is to use it mainly around town and sometimes/rare highways trips. mainly on the weekend a bit of a fun car. Please share your experiences and opinions on these 2 vehicles as would like to get a general picture of what there purpose is? 5 stars if answered the best with all the questions above.""
Is there some kind of insurance I can buy for my pit bull while renting a home/apt?
I'm not looking for housing, but I know how difficult it is to get while owning a dog over 25 lbs and a pit bull mix to boot! Is there a type of insurance that I can get that will over-ride or cover whatever it is in the commerical insurance that makes people reject me for my dog breed? I have read somewhere there might be, but I don't know what it is and what was the experience with using it? I'm wondering if it's something I should get now and have a history of having or just get when I need it.""
""I accidently backed into a car, but the owner doesnt want me to turn it in to my insurance?""
She doesnt have car insurance and is scared she'll get into trouble. Its at least 500 worth of damage. Do i have to pay her out of pocket? I pay insurance for a reason!!! My deductible is only 100, and i dont feel i should pay anymore than that.""
Insurance for a 17 year old on a 1.4 Golf S?
When I turn seventeen, I plan to get a car. I've seen a 55 plate golf for 3,995 which I'd like. My Friend has a 1.6 Punto, and at 18 years he pays just over a grand.. so i figure the golf won't be too bad.. how much would it cost to insure? And no links to sites please, I can't check yet.""
What type of car has cheaper insurance? Luxury Car or Sports Car?
my mom has an 02 escalde and wants to switch it up and buy a 05/06 charger r/t. so what is going to be more expensive on insurance?? thnx in advance.
Cheapest car insurance?
I'm 21 and I'll be getting a new car in a week or so. I've been in a few accidents (mostly little fender-benders that we didn't claim on the insurance) but about a month ago I flipped my car. I'm wondering what kind of car will be the cheapest to insure? What kind of coverage should I get? And what insurance companies should I look into?
Insurance pricing difference with different car brands?
Hey there guys- Recently I have begun to look for a car (my first, as I am a new driver), and have a question for the more experienced. I have been looking at things like '04 Jettas, Audi A4's, Infiniti G35's, and the like. I understand that my age, gender (male), and lack of experience are going to directly affect the price of the insurance. But my question is, what will be the price difference between something like an '04 Volkswagen Jetta and an 04' Audi A4? Both seem to be in the same category of sedan, but I suppose Audis have a little more reputation for being sporty. Suppose there is not significant performance difference between the cars, they are both valued roughly the same, and have roughly the same mileage, what will the difference in insurance rates be and why? Is it possible to give me a rough idea of what I could expect? Thanks in advance!""
Registering a car and car insurance?
So I just got my license last wednesday and idk which step comes first. Do I register the car first or do I buy insurance first?
What is the average cost of motorcycle insurance in illinois for a 21 year old?
What is the average cost of motorcycle insurance in illinois for a 21 year old?
Insurance for a car you don't drive?
I'd like to get a 79 monte carlo and I want to register it and insure it as a running car I don't drive. It's kind of like the insurance used for motorcycles when they just sit in the garage during the fall/winter months. Does anyone have any idea how much it might be. I'm a 20 yr old guy, but I would imagine it wouldn't make a difference for a car that isn't driven.""
Which is a good website to get an online auto insurance quote?
and which company has cheap rates
Replace Old Car Insurance or Go With a New Policy?
I just bought a new car and quoted Progressive about replacing my old car with the new one, seeing how much a difference the premium would be. It got a little high, to say the least. When I tried just going through adding a new vehicle alongside the old one, the premium was about what I paid on the old vehicle originally, only with comprehensive and collision added. My question is, should I go with a completely different company rather than Progressive, let the old car insurance expire, and just get on a better rate elsewhere for new policy holders? I'd appreciate any help.""
Car Insurance question?
Hi im 23 and currently live in BC, im planning on moving to Alberta and im wondering how much my insurance would be when I move I have my class 5 BC license my insurance monthly right now is 350 bucks due to me having an accident with my N a couple years ago I want to know if I move to alberta will it be more or less a month as ive heard alberta insurance companies dont like drivers under 25. Also is it worth risking it and not getting it changed and sneak it and hope not to get in to an accident with my bc license if ive moved there?""
Who Pays For Your Medical Insurance?
Another one...who pays for your medical insurance?? The place i work for pays for my full coverage with NO out of pocket expence on my part and NO money taken out of my paycheck? Does your company also pay for you or do you have to pay some out of pocket money?? If i had a choice i choose them to dock me my half hour lunch as long as they are paying for my medical insurance..thats more important to me..What do you think??
What company provide cheap life insurance?
What company provide cheap life insurance?
I am low income. Do I have to get health insurance?
I am a poor 30 year old guy going to school full time. I do not have health insurance. I live in Virginia. I make under $9,000 a year and Virginia does not expand Medicaid. What do I do? I am too poor to get health insurance at full price! :(""
Best Life Insurance?
I need life insurance................ which company do you think has the better life insurance policies?
How much does car insurance cost?
looking into buying a first car. Which would probably have the cheaper insurance, and any ideas approx. how much for a 2001 Toyota Celica with 60-80k miles or a new 2012 Fiat 500? Driver is 18,female, new license, no tickets/accidents.""
Do you know who offers the best insurance rates for BMWs?
We are trying to update our club policy for members.
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