#please send help idk why im even writing this.
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comicwritesstuff · 10 months ago
Is it bad that instead of doing all the inbox requests i'm getting, or working on the literal book i'm writing. I'm writing a love fanfic about the two homophobic boys in my class...would anyone read it if I published it?
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ywuji · 11 months ago
Omg so like I want to hear your thoughts on perv!Megumi like finally after so long of Gojo teasing him for being in college for two years at this point and being single, he’s finally procured a pretty girlfriend who’s unfortunately (for her) so naive and sweet??🩷💕 Idk I got shy but I know you’ll do something good with this lol
ik i told u id post this after my wips but i started on it n i couldnt stop i liked the idea too much LOL im sorry for being so confusing D; tysm for the ask though!!! :o i rlly enjoyed writing this!!! (n don’t be shy ahjwhs you’re so lovely T_T♡)
perv!megumi !!! please i feel like he’s the type to be a pervert that’s kinda embarrassed n self aware about himself—especially bc gojo kept teasing him all those years n he was kinda just jacking off to whatever x-rated video that came up first (i feel like perv!megumi is highkey into hentai too but he’s taking that to the grave!!)
n when gets a pretty little girlfriend who acts so cute and who he loves so much, when he gets hard he can’t help but let some of that side of him slip out from time to time...
i think he’s also the type to take lots of pictures,, like pictures while you sleep, peeking through your door while you shower, in clothing store changing rooms while you change, upskirt pictures… he’ll make you his little model!! some of them you know about but some of them you don’t, he’s so lewd.
it’s not just pics of you he takes, it's some of himself too. i feel like one of the things he’d love to do to you is when you tell him to come with you to some random uni event, n he’ll randomly disappear in the middle of it, only to go to the bathroom to take pictures of his hard leaky cock to send you with some casual caption like he didn’t just do that ?!?! he’s crazy (more under the cut)
it’s not megumi’s fault he’s so in his head about you, he still just doesn’t really know how he managed to get someone as pretty and doting as you are as his. 
he sometimes feels guilty for being so obsessed with you—your body clad in pretty little outfits that you show off to him with a twirl, the way you’ll always show him your shiny new sparkly nails when you get them done, how he’s always the first one you’ll pick to talk to about something new you’ve found to love—it’s all that seems to be on his mind recently.
maybe it was gojo’s accidental doing, those feelings of guilt. unintentionally planting a little growing seed of shame in him the first few times he started teasing him for not having a partner yet at his ‘big age’, borderline lecturing him with the ‘when i was your age’ stuff—maybe that was the logical reason why he felt so attached to you, the reason he couldn’t help getting fully erect even when he only saw as much as a pair of your flung-away panties lying at the edge of your bed when coming to your room one day.
but when he recalls back to those nights where you’re innocently cuddled against him, watching whatever movie, a quiet ‘megumi?’ leaving your lips as a sign to tell him you’re falling asleep, and he finds himself shifting in his seat, carefully adjusting your head to let you rest comfortably on him, pressing a soft kiss to your hair as he strokes it and tells you a ‘sleep now, angel’, he knows that’s not the reason.
nevertheless, he’s always been worried about it, thoughts of ‘am i doing too much?’ or a ‘would she not like this?’ clouding his mind. but for every single thought like this he has, he’ll always have two more memories where he’s coming up to you, his sweet-faced little girlfriend, waiting for him with open arms and open heart. and to him, it means more than the world.
and as his cheerful sweetheart girlfriend, you’ve never really minded of course.
you know he’s at least a little perverted, asking to take those pictures of you trying on your new swimsuits, or bras, or skirts, or those times when he pulls out after spilling his load into you, and the first thing he does after making sure you’re okay is to go face-to-face with the trail of cum seeping out of you to snap a few photos.
honestly, you’ve gotten used to it at this point. you just take these moments, seeing what you do to him, as a way of reassuring yourself that he really does just love you that much. and he really does. really!! :(
no matter how innocent or dirty the context, he’ll let you know whenever he gets that warm little feeling in his chest.
“i-i love you,” he pants, head coming up from sucking marks on your neck, languid thrusts coming to a gentle stop as he peers up at you with flushed cheeks. it feels like he’s admitting it for the first time again.
when you stare at him with his same love-drunk look, brows furrowed and eyes pleading, whispering out an “i love you too, gumi”, he’ll pause a moment to study your expression before gently raising you further up the bed, hooking his hand under your leg and repositioning it around his waist.
he’ll drop down to press a kiss to your cheek before resting his chin on your shoulder and picking up the pace again, now only determined to make you cum.
when he thinks of times like these, despite what you’re doing together, it’s innocent in his head.
a time where that’s not so much the case though is when you persuade him to come with you to some uni exhibition event, looking up at him with hopeful, doe-like eyes and as many ‘pleeeaaase, gumi’s and ‘please, guuuum’s as you could muster—cause it’s not like he could say no to that, right?
at first he put up an act of feign stubbornness. but eventually he agreed—only when he knew you’d excitedly hug him and press your soft chest to his as a thank you for it though.
he’d tour the hall with you, watching you gaze in awe at everything with your cute, simple curiosity, occasionally pointing out little things in the pieces he liked. before the artist began their talk though, he got up from his seat, pressing a quick kiss to your cheek before muttering a “‘m g’na go to the bathroom.”
in an empty stall, he’ll sit atop the lid and pull down his jeans, freeing his stiffening cock from his underwear. he quietly groans as he pumps himself a few times, a slow trickle of translucent white leaking down from his tip.
he silently curses, throwing his head back, thinking about how you let him flip up your pretty skirt before you left, letting him take a peek at your cute ass in the frilly panties he bought for you.
he reaches for his phone, fumbling to send a picture of the sight to you, adding a casual caption of something like ‘hi pretty girl’ or ‘u look so pretty today, angel’.
he pauses, realising that maybe you won’t see it for a little while. he’s imagining you so obediently listening to the artist speaker to notice the ping of his notification—he enjoys that thought too, but he can’t say why.
he’s careful not to thrust up into his fist, not wanting to make too much noise, but it’s futile—he’s too hard staring at the lewd shots of you saved in his secret hidden album—the way you act so innocently, the way you have no clue what the true extent is of what you do to him. he can’t help but let a few breathy whines slip.
he won’t let himself cum though, thinking he’s too good to be letting himself release over some scrunched up, bathroom tissue when he’s got his own pretty little girlfriend waiting for him a few halls down.
he sighs. cleaning up and tucking himself back into the band of his briefs, leaving the stall and washing his hands, walking back out like nothing happened.
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imjustdreamingig · 2 months ago
Isn't that sweet, I guess so
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Part 1, Part 2, Part 4
pairing: Steve Harrington x fem!reader
summary: The secret's out, Steve's proud of himself, and you can't seem to keep your mouth shut
A/N: chat there is no way I put out 2 fic in the past week, this has never happened to me before! yay everyone cheer. again, i have no idea where this story is going how far im gonna go, i def want to try writing other stuff and idk if this is the best place to put and end to whatever this series is but again, we shall see i guess. thank you all so much on the love on my last two works you have no idea what that means to me! please please PLEASE send me asks or comment what you'd like me to write next or if you want a pt4 i need help people
warnings: sfw, swearing, fluff, idiots who like each other
Facing your fears is tough. No matter what it is, no one would actually choose putting themselves through a situation in which they know would cause them extreme distress. For some that may be going on a rollercoaster, interacting with a clown, going into a dark forrest alone, it could even be making a phone call by yourself to schedule a doctor's appointment (which is a valid fear to have, thank you very much.)
And here you were, facing your fears: being sat in your living room with Steve Harrington 3 feet away from you for an extended period of time. It's only been about 15 minutes, where no talking has happened since minute two.
You hope you can get to 30 minutes without fainting.
As you attempted to focus on the book in front of you, Jane Austen's words, who usually kept your focused for hours on end, were not being absorbed by you in the slightest. How could they, when Steve fucking Harrington was in your house.
Steve is the type of guy who Jane Austen would write about, you thought, eyes flickering towards him as he hunched over his book, face crinkled in concentration, trying to understand said author's musings.
The swoop of his hair, the two moles near his neck, his deep, beautiful, chocolate eyes, his gorgeous smile, and my god those arms? Yep, Jane would be absolutely obsessed with him.
"God, why did I agree to do this book?" You are snapped out of your daze at Steve's words. "What do you mean?", you replied. He gave you a look that can only be described as "seriously?"
"I mean, that I can barley understand what any of these characters are saying half the time, and honestly, it's a bit boring. I thought you would have better book recommendations," he said, running a hand through his hair to push it out of his face.
A scoff left your mouth before you could stop it. "Excuse me, are you actually hating on Pride and Prejudice, the best romance story of all time, the romance story, period." You leaned over and snatched his book. "I mean, come on! You are literally only 6 pages in, you can't just judge it that quickly, you haven't even gotten to the good parts yet!", you exclaim.
Steve watched you with an amused look on his face, unbeknownst to you, who kept rambling on, trying to convince Steve this book was worth continuing.
"— and Elizabeth, she is just funny, like actually hilarious. There is one part where she basically tells someone that I'd rather not be wasting my air talking to someone like you, like please, how did she even come up with that? Also, I'm just obsessed with this proper English style of speaking, or writing I guess, because they're basically talking shit but covering it up with fancy words! And when—"
"You talk a lot, don't you?"
You look up from the book and towards Steve, eyes widening slightly, realizing you had indeed been talking too much.
"One of my greatest faults, some may say, and by faults I mean my mom, but she only tells me this when we're arguing, so..." You glance away from Steve's face for a little reprieve. God, he's so hot.
"Well, like a good partner," you continue. "I'm trying to help you get some of this project done, and maybe if Robin were here, she could've helped," you defended yourself, crossing your arms, "which I'm still confused about, by the way. You said something about her telling you earlier how I invited you guys and some other people to work on the project together, but then she doesn't show?"
Steve leans back in his chair, also crossing his arms. You glance down for a quick second and send a quick thank you to anyone who's that Steve is wearing a tight shirt that beautifully enunciates his biceps. Or maybe you should be mad at them, you don't know yet.
"Maybe it's the fact that she noticed, like I did, that it's been a month since this project was assigned and we haven't even started," Steve countered, "which is unlike you, you usually want to get stuff done ASAP."
You look at him in confusion. "How the fuck do you know that?"
Steve smirks, "I also happen to know that you don't have a sister, thanks to that lovely dinner with your mom." You shake your head in disbelief, mentally making a note to yell at your mom later.
"Isn't that what you said one of the many times I asked you to work on the project?" Steve looked so amused with himself, all cocky and proud that he had uncovered your lie. Your brain tried desperately to come up with a realistic enough explanation, but nothing was coming up.
You throw your hands up in defeat. "Ok, fine! I lied! Is it just so hard for you to believe that maybe, just maybe, not everyone in that high school wants to spend time with you outside of it?" Oh my God, why the fuck would you say that, you screamed internally.
Steve stared at you for a second before letting out a chuckle. " You know, I did think of that actually, but only for a bit." He reaches out for the book and grabs it from your grasp, flipping to a random page.
"You can only run away from a guy so many times before he catches a hint," he peers over at you, " and I mean literally, you're a fast runner, did you ever do track?"
"Yeah, in middle school," you answer quickly. Steve lets out a hum of agreement before placing his attention back on the book. You open your mouth, about to quip about being careful to not rip the pages when he speaks again. "I know I'm dumb, but I'm not an idiot, ya know?"
Your gaze snaps to his face. "Steve, I don't think you're dumb." He doesn't look too convinced. "Eh, I think you do. But you're interesting, you took me a lot longer to figure out than the others since girls just typically throw themselves at me."
You make a face of disgust, "Ok, you sound like a total prick, you know."
"Yep, heard it after I said it, but that's not the point here." He point his finger at you, "You have a crush on me."
You splutter out a sound of indignation. "Hello, what?" In your head, fire alarms are sounding. It's a code red, all hell is breaking loose. "Pfft, no I absolutely do not."
Steve raises his eyebrows. "Then how else do you explain the running away when you see me anywhere at school? You always have an insane excuse why we're not able to meet up to start the project, which some are hilarious," he admits, "but you've got me complaining about not doing homework, look what you've done to me!"
At this point you've gone silent, mouth agape with an excuse stuck in your throat refusing to come out. Steve's expression has changed, his eyes bore into yours with earnest, almost as if he's anticipating a certain answer, hoping for it. "So?"
You muster all the courage you have left and just when you're about to respond, Steve interrupts you again for like, the 15th time.
"Anyways, I've to get going, have some things to do and whatever." He gets up, shrugs on his jacket and then places his books in his backpack. You get up too, having absolutely no clue how to tell him not to go, that you want him to stay. "Steve, what do you mean?"
He glances over at you, "Nothing, I just have to go. I'm a busy guy." He starts making his way to your front door, leaving you behind in the kitchen, trying to understand what the fuck just happened. First, he accuses you of having a crush on him, which you do, and then he just thinks he can leave?
Oh, absolutely not.
With a new wave of determination, you catch up to Steve just as he's finishing putting on his shoes. "Say thanks to your mom for me for dinner, it was great," he says as he grabs the door handle. You don't let him continue with whatever stupid thing he was going to say next.
"Listen Harrington, I don't know what the fuck just happened back there, but the fact you think can just, leave after dropping a bomb like that is ridiculous," you say, glaring at him in annoyance, and Steve's just staring back at you with that stupid, stupid, smirk that has not left his face since the moment he stepped foot in here.
"So what if I did like you, huh? What if I did have a crush on you? Because I do, but that, quite frankly, is none of your business, none of your concern, actually, so... yeah." Steve is looking at you and you're looking at him, a little out of breath after your declaration. You don't have the energy right now to fully process what you just said.
All of a sudden, Steve seems to break character, the smugness gone, replaced with subtle endearment. He leans down and presses a swift kiss on your cheek before whispering, "Well, it's a good thing I like you too." He straightness back up and says, "I told you I knew you were different, you're a mystery. You're lucky running away seemed to work on me, by the way. I don't think it would for everyone else," he says while you stare at him in shock. You've been rendered silent once again, with nothing but the thought that Steve likes you back, repeating over and over again.
You clear your throat before speaking, "Well! Um, yay?" You truly have no idea what to do right now. Steve chuckles at your reaction, like he can't believe his words have caused you of all people, who continuously talk and talk and talk, to not have anything profound to say for once. He's kind of into it.
Steve grabs your hand and encases it with the other. "Come over to my house tomorrow after school, I'll drive you. We can work on the project and you know, talk, if you want." You nod fervently, "Yeah, yeah ok."
He smiles and drops your hand. "I really do have to go though, I wasn't making that up," he remarks as he opens the front door. "Oh, sure, that's fine," you reply. You hold open the door for him and watch as he descends the steps and makes his way towards his car. You watch him, holding onto the door for dear life.
As Steve gets into the car, he looks over at you and waves, "I'll see you tomorrow!" You wave back and yell back, "Yeah, tomorrow!" You don't go back inside until the car is out of sight. As you shut the door, you press your back against it, trying to wrap your head around what exactly happened in the last few hours.
Holy shit, you though, Steve Harrington likes me. Steve fucking Harrington. You let out an involuntarily squeal of excitement and immediately regret doing it as your mother calls down from upstairs. "Mija, are you ok? What happened?" Hearing her voice reminds you of her involvement over the events that transpired tonight.
Putting your happiness on hold for a moment, you start to storm up the stairs. "Mom!", you yelled, "How could you embarrass me like that, asking him to stay over for dinner, you know how I feel about him, I just about fainted 5 times throughout the night, how does that make you feel!? You almost killed me an—"
You would thank your mom later, because ultimately she helped, but for now, you'll stick to this.
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seuonji · 1 year ago
彡 things they left with you before leaving for tour.
notes ๑ gift giving! headcanons. reader and svt member does not live together!
genre ๑ fluff
warnings ๑ none
word count ๑ 1k
from aya: please reblog if you enjoyed! feedback is always appreciated<3
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seungcheol left you the key to his home.
you’re free to go there whenever you want but he mainly gave it so that you have access to his closet!! it’s also to allow you to see kkuma.
whenever you’re there you always send him a selfie to show how the house is doing. he especially loves the photos that contains you and kkuma on his bed.
yn: [photo attachment]
yn: i changed kkuma’s hairpin today, doesn’t she look cute?
cheol: you both look adorable♡
jeonghan left you tons of his oversized shirts.
tons as in it could probably last you until he comes back. but he leaves the ones that hold some type of meaning.
he’d totally give you a whole presentation while unpacking the clothes on why he’s giving it to you.
he left you the shirt that he wore on your first date. he left you another shirt that you complimented. another one he left was one that you described as, ‘looks very comfortable.’ another was in your favourite colour while another was in your least favourite colour,, he asked you to send him photos of you specifically in that one.
he gave them with the intention that though he’s not there, you won’t feel alone at night.
he loves it when he calls and sees you wearing them!
joshua left you countless of letters he wrote.
just in case he’s not on his phone enough, to keep his presence with you, he wrote different letters. one for you to read when you’re sad, one for when you felt doubtful, another for when you felt scared.
he wrote letters for any feeling you may feel while he’s gone whether it was sorrow, anger or joy.
one day you were missing him, a lot. so you opened the letter that had ‘read when you feel alone.’ written on it.
‘yn, you’re feeling alone? cause im not there, right( ˊ̱uˋ̱ )?‘ he joked with you even through writing. ‘i know it’s a long wait but i’ll be back soon and we’ll be in bed watching movies together. i’m always thinking about you. i may not be one call away because…what if i’m on stage? but you’re still my number one priority, i hope you know that.’
it’s just long texts of reassurance that he loves you and suggestions of things you can do while you wait for him and honestly, as you read the letters, the more it felt like he was actually there.
jun left you a polaroid.
he aswell provided the films but the films were the same amount as the number of days he’d be gone.
he asked you take a picture of something everyday whether it was the scenery or something you were doing. you could either label them or keep it in a photo card binder. he wants you to talk about it with him when he comes back.
total plus if you like journaling/photography!!
soonyoung left you a heart locket necklace.
it had funny pictures of you and him on one side and the other side had a picture of you two cuddling.
he has a matching one of course! his one has so many scratches because of how much he kept opening it.
notably, he left you a cute tiger plush that was almost your size.
“think of him as if he’s me.”
“that’s weird youngie…”
idk why but initially i imagined he’d leave you a body pillow with him printed on it.
wonwoo left you his console so that you can help him keep up with his games. just kidding.
if you like reading, he definitely leaves you some books he’s collected over the years. he’d even buy books that are of your taste if his isn’t your style. he gave it so that you’d have something to preoccupy your time.
if you aren’t too into reading, he left you things that supports the hobbies you do. if you like art, he buys you paint, if you like knitting he’d buy you yarn. he finds joy in your passion.
jihoon left you a usb filled with movies and shows on it. he even provided snacks!
he loved hearing your opinions about shows/movies he liked. since you two were going to be apart, he thought you’d have more time to watch them.
when you did watch the said movie/show, he’d instantly call and listen to your opinions intently. he might end up falling for you all over again! but also it could end up in an endless banter—
“what did you think of that character?“ he asked excitedly but there was a touch of tiredness in his voice.
“they were okay,” you casually answered.
“just okay!?” suddenly the tiredness was gone.
“i said what i said!”
seokmin left you a jar filled with origami hearts, cranes, airplanes, stars and even some of your favourite animals.
as you unfold them, there’s small messages written in them. it had messages of affirmations to song/food/movie recommendations.
he looks forward to your response to the letter you opened that day.
“the one i opened today was a good one,” you said smiling.
“really, what’s wrong with the other ones? why aren’t they as good?” he asked in a whining tone.
“the one i opened yesterday said ‘listen to aju nice by seventeen.’” you recalled monotonously.
“what’s wrong with that?”
“anyways the one i opened today said to ‘eat pizza while thinking about me.’” you brushed off the previous topic.
“ah, that’s a good one, even i’m jealous.”
“you wrote it?”
“still, why would you have pizza without me…”
also, he made tons of it lasted even until he came back.
mingyu left you a cookbook of things he usually cooks for you.
the first few pages were your favourite meals hes cooked for you. they’re key parts are highlighted in your favourite colours and he even places in affirmations in free spaces. the middle pages are random meals you don’t necessarily like but,, he needed to fill in the pages. the last few pages are your favourite deserts!
minghao left you the experience of having permanent bracelets with someone.
he brought you to the store and you got a bracelet in his in his favourite colour as he got one with yours. you both spent hours just admiring the way it shined and he couldn’t stop taking pictures of it.
“now, no matter the distance, you’ll still have a piece of me that’s always with you,” he said.
seungkwan left you a self care pack.
there was skincare products, your favourite snacks and cds of your favourite films. they were each labelled with tags of why he gave those specific items.
‘you’ve always liked these, enjoy them.’ labelled on the snacks.
‘please use this, take care of your skin okay?’ labelled on the skincare.
‘don’t get too bored just cause im not there.” labelled on the cds
it’s as if he was taking care of you without because there.
vernon left you a pet fish (?)
questionable but at least you’re not completely alone. also he got consent before he bought it so, it was okay. but he also left you some of his jackets and beanies but if it was summer he’d leave you baseball caps. yknow, the sensible gifts.
it’s the thought that counts!
whenever he gets the time he’d call you to check on the fish.
and you as well, of course.
chan left you a box full of snacks.
he’s bringing the same snacks with him in his bag. he plans to call you every night so you two can talk about your day while eating the same snacks so that it seems like you two are together.
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t3ag3rs · 10 months ago
i loved your bakugo headcanons omg, the joy i feel when someone writes for characters and actually includes their canonical personalities lol idk if you write for any other characters, if you don't then you can just ignore this, but if you do then could you write similar relationship headcanons for Kirishima or Shinso? :3
hi! im so glad you enjoyed my Bakugou headcannons! I hope this kirishima one fits to your liking! sending lots of love <33
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i definitely think kirishima first ends up seeing you talking to mina on a random day. you and her are just talking about dance when you two are suddenly interrupted by the outgoing redhead inquiring about who you are.
he suddenly realizes that you had went to junior high with them but had never really hung out with the popular group due to having a close circle of friends- one of whom is mina.
"actually? I never saw you..!" he chuckled rubbing his neck with a slight blush, you just wave it off with a quick smile, "nah dont worry bout it.."
well fuck... now at least kirishima knows what exactly he likes the most about you. your gut wrenching, heart pumping, adorable ass smile.
would immediately try and get mina to help him out with you in every. single. way.
"mina, whats her favorite color? And chocolate? To add to that thought- flowers as well. god mina I sound desperate!"
poor baby is so whipped for you he actually cant even manage to hide it in front of you.
kirishimas the type of person to rant to his friends about you with absolutely no knowledge about his surroundings. so much so that he doesnt realize you can hear him occasionally..
do you mind? of course not! its not like you dont have a small- okay fine. major thing for the red head as well...
"kiriiiii..!" groans mina, "stop obsessing over her and just confess goddamnt!" she exclaims frustrated while throwing her hands in the air.
"tell who what?" you grin overhearing their conversation.
you look at the two confused before mina starts, "you see y/n, kirishima here has a-" until you see a hand slapped over her mouth.
"nothing!" grins kirishima quickly. you nod slowly before you see mina side eyeing him with a knowing glance. "fine.." sighs kirishima dropping his hands.
"as i was saying.. our little man over here has a fat crush on you" she says nonchalantly, shrugging her shoulders. you immediately break out a shit eating grin, "oh- yeah i kinda know.. he isnt very good at hiding things..." you chuckle.
"why didnt you say anything!" whines kirishima, "you couldve saved me so much time and effort!" completely forgetting that you hadnt given an answer to his confession.
"because i thought it was cute.." you admit with slightly flushed cheeks. you look away to avoid making eye contact before you feel kirishimas hands wrapping around your torso.
"so you like me back then right? please say that means you like me back.." he exclaims happily into your neck.
you just smile and wrap your arms back around him to give him his answer.
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princesssmars · 11 months ago
i'd love just about anyone, so why was it you?
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a victoria neuman x reader
your talent for singing is finally starting to take you places in the city of lights. so why did it have to introduce you to a woman who might ruin it all?
wc : 10.248
contains : fxf relationship. readers hair and skin aren't described. fluff. angst.nsfw including sex and language. the french. barely proof-read.
a/n : i cant believe there are no fics for this fine ass woman yet but i am nothing but a pioneer idk. in my daydreams this was like mafia au victoria but i literally never write or dream of those so i opted out lmao. go watch gen v. everyone always talks about how good the cover is but nonante-cinq by angele is a beautiful album so i recommend listening to that for french vibes. enjoy <3
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it was the most stereotypical and overplayed song ever, but damn did you love la vie en rose.
just the concept of the song was romantic to you. to live every day like it would be magnificent, like you could know a day would be your last and look back at it and not regret a single thing. it meant looking at the world with a positivity that these days was mostly faked or artificial.
after the life you've lived, the things you've seen firsthand, you need that positive light in your life more than anything else. especially right now, as your manager is hounding you over the phone about your next gig.
now you loved your manager, nancy, you really did. she took you in and was honest when no one else would be, stood by you when no one else wanted to give you a real chance. but sometimes it felt like she didn't really believe in you. obviously, she believed you had talent, or else she would have 'left you in the dust for the rats to pick apart,' in her own words. it was almost like she couldn't fathom that what you had was real, like you didn't truly deserve all the things that were coming to you.
but as long as you were paying her, she didn't bother to speak up on it.
you were listening to her drone on and on into the speaker from your phone, holding the object up to your ear with one hand as you hold a menu to order something from the cafe waitress who's waiting beside you.
"ill have an uhhhh... le marie antoinette, and a coffee with sugar and cream please," you hand the menu to the waitress after she writes down your order, heading back into the cafe with a smile. this cafe was one of your favorites, nestled below an apartment building in one of the inner city arrondissements so you could sit outside beneath an umbrella and admire the city before you. "nancy, i don't see why i can't just...politely turn it down? it sounds like it's a glorified pin-up girl gig, le bellevilloise is offering for me to sing there exclusively for three months-"
"no, that's what im trying to tell you if you'd let me finish." you can hear nancy's telltale sigh through the phone. she had a short temper when she was stressed, something you sadly had in common, and you could hear her clicking a pen through the receiver. "this is an international gala slash fundraiser, attended by the one percent of the one percent. billionaires, senators, diplomats, everything. the event organizer asked for you specifically, so turning it down is a bad look. aka, you're doing it. go out and get a pretty dress. ill send you more details later."
the phone shut off and you let out a huff of air, crossing your right leg over your left beneath the table. once you have your meal and bite into your pastry you can't help but close your eyes at how good it tastes; the combination of the crunch of the macarons, the near-overwhelming sweetness of the cream, and the savory juice that leaks from the raspberries never gets old.
you don't know how you feel about this whole gala thing. sure its a great way to make connections and earn a fat stack of cash that will probably last you few weeks, but you've learned before that the people that you most admire, celebrities, politicians, even superheroes, can't be trusted. and being in a room full of them to perform wasn't at the top of your christmas wish list.
but like everyone else in the world, you were finding money hard to pass up on. just by the lowball nancy told you, you'd be able to comfortably pay the next month's rent and fix up your electric scooter, maybe even enough to save up for that beautiful flat you saw online with the grand windows and nice floor plan.
it'd only be a few hours of singing and kissing up to a bunch of snobs and you'd be done. easy peasy.
finding a dress wasn't to hard. your modeling connections from before you started to focus on singing gave you access to a few, good quality clearance pieces for your picking. you figure that the people you were performing for would prefer something classy and elegant, so you picked out a sleeveless black dress with black opera gloves, accessorized by a diamond necklace and earrings. one of your stylist friends, alex, who you asked to help do up your hair told you 'you're definitely gonna shag a rich man looking like this, just ask them if they have any friends for me!' and after a quick 'please don't wish that upon me' and a spritz of perfume you were ready.
the hours before you got on stage were nothing short of both nerve-racking but exhilarating. you rode in a standard taxi, your slight jitters noticed by the slightly balding man in the front. he eyes you pretty oddly when you got in the car before using you if you were a model, telling you that his daughter would like an autograph if you were. you felt slightly flustered when you had to tell him you weren't, but gave him some tips to tell his daughter if she wanted to pursue it. after around twenty minutes of driving through the city the car stops and you're escorted by a crew member into a grand building, those types you pass by and dream of getting the chance just to step into.
after that its a rush of meeting the event planner who gives you another run down of the evening and then meeting with the band members, a nice group of jazz players who you had heard about on the news for their blends of old and new methods of performing music. they played you a piece on their instruments in their dressing room, and it felt like hanging out with old friends listening to tunes as one twirled you around and the others laughed and the air felt warm and fuzzy.
later its time for your set, where you'll sing as the guests come in and take occasional breaks to save your breath and let whoever is hosting this talk. so you get up on your mini stage, make sure you look alright and you're in tune with the band, and then you do what you do best.
you've never felt better than how you do while you sing. every time you do so you tell a story, tales of success and tragedy and love and heartache. while you sing your favorite thing to do is to admire the crowd. when you were younger it gave you horrible stage fright, but as you grew up and saw just how much people loved your voice it made you confident, if not the tiniest bit narcissistic.
as you look out at the guests of tonight you see what's expected. important and powerful men donned in suits, their wives standing on their arms in glamourous gowns, you swear that you even see some fairly famous celebs in the mix, and they were all listening intently to you and your voice.
and that's when you saw her. near the back of the room with a glass of red wine in her hand, dark hair flowing over her shoulders, and darker eyes trained on you. in this profession you get used to people staring at you for hours on end, but something about this woman unnerves you slightly.
a short while later your set is over and after a round of applause the organizer tells you to enjoy yourselves, and that you're free to indulge in whatever food is left. after a brief touch-up in the dressing room and making sure you look presentable, you head out to get yourself something to eat. you keep getting stopped by people telling you how beautiful your performance was, how they'd love to get in contact with your agent to book you for future events, and your regular dose of creepy old guys hitting on you. but besides that things were going pretty well.
some servers were waking around with trays of champagne, but you figured since everything was complimentary you would treat yourself to something stronger. you head to the bar and order yourself a strong cocktail, and as soon as you finish your order a figure sits on the stool next to yours.
"get me a scotch on the rocks, thanks."
you glance at them from the corner of your eye and feel your heart beat faster when you see
it's the woman from before. from this close distance, you can admire her entirely, and god is she gorgeous. she looks so put together, not a hair out of place, and wearing a perfectly tailored suit that makes you guess she's some kind of wealthy businesswoman.
after not so secretly checking her out, she turns her body towards you and looks at you with a smile.
"im sure you already know, but you have an enchanting voice."
you look down bashfully, thinking the same about her. she speaks like she's so sure of what she's saying like there's no room for debate or argument.
"thank you. no matter if i know or not, it doesn't take much to make me a little nervous every time i perform."
the bartender brings over both of your drinks and she tilts hers to you.
"trust me, theres no need. you're nothing but a natural, one of the best singers i've ever heard."
"ah, now you're exaggerating. is there a reason you're complimenting me like you're being paid to do so?"
she shakes her head, setting down her glass of liquor with a clink. "not anything nefarious, if that's what you're thinking. just glad i get to talk to a beautifully talented woman."
jeez, she was laying it on thick. normally this was coming from some fifty-year-old man with greasy skin and weird teeth, but it felt nice coming from her. she was obviously gorgeous, leaving her body language open in case you wanted to decline and she would walk away in a moment's notice.
"im glad i get to talk to you too, miss?"
"victoria. its a pleasure to talk to you, miss y/n."
for around an hour or two the both of you sat at that bar, blocking out the fake laughs of investors and boisterous noises of people who got a little too friendly with the free champagne. she was so attentive to you. asking about what got you into singing and what brought you to paris by your non-native accent. you normally kept the finer details of your past a close-guarded secret, but you figured there couldn't come any harm from telling this attractive stranger a few things about yourself before never seeing her again.
"you're telling me at only sixteen years old, you flew to paris by yourself and made a living for yourself? you've got balls on you, sister."
"yeah yeah, but im nothing special. i just got tired of all the bullshit in the u.s., y'know? the greed, the cynicism, the-"
"superhero bullshit?"
you giggled while she smirked, observing your smile and how it made your eyes squinch.
"well i wouldn't put it like that but...superheros? really? its just, they make it so american, in a really really annoying way. i just couldn't deal with that being a reality. and where better than paris? it seems like voughts all but forgotten about it recently, thank god.”
"i understand. and i know we just met, but it does suit you. 'beautiful runaway finds passion, life, and love in the city of lights'. best cliche there is."
"and what a damn good cliche it is to be. although i haven't been that lucky on the love front."
her eyebrow raises and her nail traces around the rim of her glass.
"im sorry but i simply cant believe that. someone like you would have people lining up for a chance to talk to you, let alone date you."
you dryly chuckle before taking another long swig of your glass of champagne, dancing just on the edge of being intoxicated. you understood why everyone else was drinking this, it was sweet but strong.
"people have tried, of course. but sadly most of my escapades end in tragedy. very melodramatically. but enough about me, I'm guessing this isn't gonna go my way and you have someone waiting for you at home?"
"im offended you still think so low of me. but no, there was someone but it didn't work out. now its just me and my daughter."
god, she was a milf. if there was a god you prayed he would let you get lucky tonight.
"well, im sorry to hear it didnt work out."
"are you really?"
she looks at you with a smirk on her face.
"no, im not."
that was all she needed to ask you to come back with her to her hotel.
and not just any hotel, she was rich enough to be spending two weeks in the damn ritz. asking again what she did for a living didn't get you very far, the only hint you got being that it helped her change the world. ominous but whatever. it had to be legitimate if she was invited to that gala.
the cautious and common sense side of you is snuffed out for the night the moment she set her hand over the covered skin of your thigh in the car, the feeling of her hand on your lower back leading you through the pristine lobby of the hotel, that same hand helping you take off your dress and take you apart slowly over the rest of the night.
when you wake up the sun is peeking through the curtains, the softness of the sheets your laying on calling you back to sleep before you get up and look around.
you only got a few seconds to admire the room last night before victoria was on you, and now in the light of day you could truly take everything in. you find a note left by the woman, letting you know she had to leave temporarily for an important job thing and that she'd be back my lunch, inviting you to call up room service and enjoy the room intil then.
you were expecting for her to tell you to pack your shit up and go, so despite the oddness this was a nice surprise. besides, there was no way you were gonna pass up on ordering a five-star breakfast you didnt have to pay for.
after indulging in a meal brought by room service and finding ways to pass the time, you text your manager after she happily lets you know that your night was a success and that your payment should be cleared shortly. while you're in the middle of wondering if you should answer her query about the host wondering where you wandered off to last night, the sound of a door opening makes your head jerk towards the small entry area, victoria coming in through the doorway dressed in a tan suit and carrying a large black briefcase on her arm.
"ah, youre still here!,” she sets her bag on a glass table near the door and strides into the room, eyes connected with yours the whole time. you weren’t feeling nervous before, but under her gaze you wonder if maybe you should have taken that free meal along with some tiny soaps from the bathroom and headed back home.
“yeah, figured i’d stick around for whatever. besides, i had to stay and blame you for my manager thinking i got kidnapped.”
“i’ll make sure to apologize and send her an edible arrangement. besides, i hope to take up more of your time in the future.”
your eyes bulge so hard you’re sure you look like a moron. you cover it up by getting up to get yourself another cup of coffe from the tray the food came in on.
“well i should’ve guessed this was more than a one night stand when you allowed me to order up breakfast. but now i have to admit i’m slightly scared you’re actually plotting to traffick me.”
"trust me, that wouldn't be good for business. id just like to see you some more, if that would be alright with you.
was that an actual question? after the night you had and the way she’s been treating you, you didn’t see much of a choice except to say yes.
she tells you that a few hours later she has a flight back to america, but that she wouldn't mind spending the day with you if you're free. you agree to get a little bite to eat and it turns into a whirlwind day of showing her around the city you call your home. she has to wear giant sunglasses the whole time and have a mysterious security detail not too far behind, but you wouldn't change anything about it.
at the end of it all, she bids you goodbye in front of your taxi, admiring the cute outfit she bought for you so you wouldn't have to go home in your dress from the night prior, promising that she'll keep in touch with you once she gets settled in back a new york, jokingly telling you she'll send you a postcard. as you sit in the back of the taxi, your heart inflates a little as you take in the events of the last day. you never liked to mix business with pleasure in this way, partly because most of those business people were gross perverts and also that it could damage your career beyond repair, but with victoria you can't help but think that it was worth it.
eventually, a few days pass by, and the only calls you've gotten are from friends congratulating on what they heard was another great performance. and as nice as all the praise and the new gigs you started to get felt, the longer you heard no word back from victoria, it started to eat away at you inside.
back at your favorite cafe you sit with two of your oldest friends, jamie and chloe, as they ramble about the details of their changing lives and jobs. you don't know when you zoned out but eventually, chloe's manicured finger lightly pokes at your cheek, giggling when you make a playful motion to bite it.
"where'd you go just now? take me with you before jamie keeps talking about his new lover."
"hey!" jamie pouts, "you're just jealous because i've been regularly having passionate sex allll night long while you're still vying over your boss." you hear a shocked gasp behind him and you all turn to see an elderly couple looking at jamie like he's said the most blasphemous thing they've ever heard.
"really classy, james." you snort.
"what the hell! you're supposed to be on my side! everyone has noticed how you've been in a better mood since that gala. alex told us how they checked up on you afterwise and you showed up a day later with a new outfit and a hickey on your neck."
"that is- god, that’s so intrusive and so like them,” you rolled your eyes. you knew as soon as alex saw you that morning that they’d be gossiping to everyone about the state they saw you in. “and i don’t kiss and tell like that. at least not in public like this.”
“ok, so we’ll stop by your place tonight with some wine and talk all about it tonight. agree?”
“what? no-”
“agree!” chloe beams and shakes hands with jamie across the table, blowing you kisses before leaving her share of the bill on the table and leaving with some excuse of having to be somewhere. you glare at jamie as a warning before he gives you a kiss on the cheek and does the same. you grumble before biting into your muffin.
a few hours later you’re sitting on your soft sofa with jamie’s head in your lap and chloe on the other side, talking and laughing about old stories from your jobs. you take a sip of merlot right before jamie brings up what you were hoping they’d forgotten about by now.
“ok ok, enough chatter. seriously, chlo, you cackle like a seagull. y/n, when are you going to tell us about this mystery lover of yours? do you need another glass of wine to start talking?”
“don’t even think about pouring me another glass. look, there’s not much to say, ok? i was singing, she was staring at me from across the bar, we flirted a little, that was it!”
they stared.
“you want more?”
“how could we not? we haven’t seen you like this with anyone! not since we took you on that tourist tour on the seine!”
that…that took you for a spin. you remembered it clear as day, them tugging you along when they’d heard since you came to paris you’d been focusing on building up your image and working. it was more a joke, but the lights of the boat, the sky and the lights made you feel like you were in the most perfect moment of your life. hearing them compare that to how you looked now had a nervous feeling building in your gut.
“we spent the night together. and it was…good. really good. she let me stay while she went out, bought me a new outfit then said she’d be in touch.”
your friends are silent. way too silent. you’re afraid they’re about to laugh and judge you before they’re squealing and tackling you, pulling back when you groan after you almost spill your wine on your clothes.
"god, why are you always the lucky one? this isn't fair! at all!" chloe groans while dramatically resting her head on your shoulder, jamie still giggling as the wine clearly starts to take an effect on him. "please, please tell us what happens next before i scream."
"no thats- i mean, thats it. so far. for now." you stutter along your words as your friends' faces go blank yet again, except this time without a hint of a chuckle or smile.
"what the hell do you mean 'that's it.'? she ghosted you?" jamie gasps.
"no, she didnt ghost me-"
"sweetheart, im sorry to say this but you have been ghosted. in a really dickhead way."
"its not like that! she's a busy person with a serious job and a kid and responsibilities!"
you briefly hear chloe snicker "milf?" before you roll your eyes.
"she's gonna contact me. and even if she doesn't, maybe it was just a nice one-time thing! everyone knows I'm great at those."
jamie snickers before chloe smacks his shoulder in a second.
"why? why did you laugh?"
they share a look before she smacks his shoulder again.
"would you stop? i have pains, you know this. but y/n, we know you. we love you. but your latest stints haven't been...the most successful. or left you in the best headspaces."
"he's right, honey. remember the last girl, hannah? one of the worst situationships i've ever seen. you told us you would be alright when she broke it off and then we found you at that lousy bar at eleven in the morning..."
you start biting at your lip. there was nothing you hated more than when they told you the truth about how you could act. it wasn't your fault that all the time your relationships got messy, or that you got attached a little quickly. people didn't understand but a life like yours could be lonely. standing up on a stage and performing for people who want you to do just that and only that: sing and look like a glamourous pin-up doll. most of the time its the other performers who even bother to ask if your throat is alright after singing for hours.
so yes, sometimes you rushed into relationships. and you might have done it again in the dumbest way possible.
"i just...she let me stay after, y'know? and she came back and brought me with her again. why go through that effort just to leave me behind like trash?" your friends pouted before closing in to comfort you, rubbing your back and giving you small affirmations.
for a month you go into a rut. unless it's performing or going to the dentist for a checkup you don't leave your house. you become pretty good acquaintances with the grocery delivery boy, benny, who started panicking when he realized he forgot one of your items until you assured him it was fine. it wasn't the first time you'd grown so oddly attached to a romantic prospect, and it wasn't the first time you'd gotten hurt by it. you spend your time moping on your couch and binge-watching your favorite show for the third time when your phone buzzes from beside you.
nancy schmancy : call me.
you rolled your eyes. she could have just called you in the first place, but no. she had to be extra about it. you press the call button and don't have to wait even five seconds for her voice to ring in your ear.
"do you want to know what mister barbier just emailed me?"
"i think you already have that answer for me."
"he said, and i quote, 'tell y/n i send my best wishes. her performance last night was hauntingly beautiful, and i'm hoping it was one of her greatest acts yet.'"
"if you ask me, it sounds like i did a pretty good job."
"it sounds like he thought you were singing your damn suicide note!" she groaned, and you could hear her face scrunching from over the phone. "i don't know what is going on with you recently, and i don't want to sound insensitive, but if you can't manage to keep your work and personal life separate, even i can't help you make it far in this business. clients may say they want you to be expressive but they only mean so far. unhappy music means unhappy customers, capeche?"
"i understand, nancy. ill send a personal apology to mister barbier."
"good. ill call you soon to let you know about any new gigs. take care of yourself. seriously."
the line clicks and you toss your phone onto the couch and take another sip of sauvignon blanc from your rose-shaped wine glass. it pained you to admit it, but nancy had a point. if you kept letting yourself mope in your feelings you'd run out of people who wanted you to sing, and if the point came where you were out of gigs...you didn't even want to think about it. if you weren't singing you weren't living.
only a few hours after that call you manage to get back to normal. you go out and get your own groceries, deciding to indulge yourself and buy the ingredients for some recipe you saw online months ago. one of your clients cries at your performance, ecstatically telling you they'll be in talks with your manager to set up a stable contract. things really start to look up. two weeks later you even manage to get the number of a cute girl, elise, a tall woman with dyed hair who reached for the same vintage music box as you at an open market.
you're smiling as you look down at the messy ink on a slip of paper, the numbers and tiny smily face distracting you as you enter the hallway to your apartment. so distracted that you nearly trip over a object on the floor, looking down to see...a bouquet?
a really gorgeous bouquet you notice as you bend over to pick it up. its a collage of dusty blues and off-colored ivories, and when you brought it closer to your nose for a whiff you felt a sense of bliss. you bring it into your apartment with a skip in your step before you spot a piece of paper among the flowers, plucking it from the collection and reading it over.
upon closer inspection, you can see its a postcard, the cover a flattering shot of the statue of liberty with text that reads "love from new york city!". you try to calm your heart down at the location and the 'love' part, but you've already gotten your hopes up when you turn the card around to read the message:
sorry for the wait. i'll make it up to you, angel.
you'd never felt so conflicted as you did in the past five seconds. half of you was vindicated that yes, this attractive woman didnt leave you high and dry and did actually have a deeper interest in you, but the other part was angry. and embarrassed that you were angry, because again, you spent less than a day with this woman, she didn't owe you anything. but also yes the hell she did.
before you could get yourself together you were harshly tapping the number into your cell, biting at your lip as the phone slowly rings.
"y/n, is that you?" echoes from the line, victorias voice sounding and running over your head like soft silk. no, no, stop it. focus.
"howd you know it was me? im sure you have other people who'd be calling you this late."
"certainly not anyone with a phone number from paris. besides, i was hoping it'd be you."
"well, i would have been flattered two weeks ago but unfortunately i dont think your words could phase me right now."
she sighs and the line goes silent. you feel bad for being catty for a few seconds before you brush it off. she's the one who played with your emotions and promised to call you but never did. she had this coming.
"im sorry, really i am. i've been busy with things at work and my daughter-"
damn it, she pulled the kid card again.
"i just...dont like being lied to. or led on. maybe its my fault for beeing too clingy-"
"no, no. dont apologize. if it means anything youve been on my mind for weeks now."
"yeah, same here. except my thoughts havent been all that nice." you laugh.
"deserved. and id like to make it up to you."
"oh yeah? let me guess, this time we'll spend two nights together?"
"close. how about two weeks. in new york."
you don't know if you should laugh. you feel like you should, so you do. but she isn't.
"you...you're being serious."
"im being serious."
what do you even say? what do you even do? of course, whatever higher power there is would make your life stable and steady for the past few months then throw this in to shake you up. you really should have been expecting it, considering...
you shake yourself back to the present. victoria is still waiting on the other line, unwilling to rush you into a decision, apparently. you'd applaud her for her chivalry if you weren't so stunned.
"victoria, come on. we've only met once, and while it was nice it was brief. now you want me to upend my life and career to jet off to america? it sounds crazy."
"you make me a bit crazy, honestly. besides, you were telling me in bed you haven't been in the states since you left, i have a feeling you miss it more than you let on."
you shuffle in your spot, reminded that you're standing in your cold-ass kitchen and you haven't changed out of the outfit you wore out today. but half of your uncomfortableness is from a feeling gnawing at your chest because she's right. at this point you can barely remember the night you left your childhood home, but you know it was rushed. you wanted to forget everything.
"i think you're also forgetting that i have a blossoming career here. are you gonna pay my definitely going to be pissed off manager her wages? plus i was supposed to be first pick for this really good gig-"
"i'll pay for everything, i promise. dont forget that i have connections. in two weeks they''ll be singing you praises across the globe."
you close your eyes and take in a breath.
"can you make my ticket first class?"
one thing you didnt miss about america? just how...much everything was, all the time.
your flight was quiet. victoria didnt hesitate to book you an expensive ticket, almost taking offense to your request for a nice one and scheduling you for business class, sending you a text to get lots of rest in the ultra-luxe beds on the plane. it was probably one of the best nights sleeps you'd had in months.
when you got off the plane there were two tall escorts holding a sign with your last name on it, taking the suitcases from your hands before you could say anything and leading you into a sleek black car. a voice in the back of your head starts screaming but you ignore it. for now.
the men in the car give you some basic rundowns, how they'll constantly be hovering over you during your stay for your "protection", and that they'll be taking you to settle into a hotel until victoria makes contact, and the little voice starts freaking out again and telling you that you've slept with and are fraternizing with a mob boss. at least it's more exciting than your last few flings.
the car goes silent after that, and you put in your earbuds as you watch the city go by. you weren't from new york, but you loved watching movies set in the bustling cityscape. the buildings really are humongous, and you see so many different types of people it sets your brain on a whirlwind.
you look back down at your phone after the fifth 'the seven' advertisement in one block.
yet again you're led into a clearly extremely expensive hotel, breezing through reception before you are led to a luxuriant hotel room, the bodyguards ignoring you as you giggle and flop onto the bed, waving them off when they tell you they'll be posted outside.
the sheets feel heavenly on your skin, and with the soft sunshine from the window beaming down on you and the gentle hustle and bustle of new york outside, you think you could fall asleep in a minute. but, begrudgingly, you peel yourself form the bed and open your suitcase to start putting your clothes away before taking a quick shower in the giant bathtub.
just as you exit the shower and wrap your body in a towel, your phone starts ringing and as soon as you read the 'v' in the contact name you push answer and bring it to your ear.
"hello? vic?"
"hey, hon. eager to talk to me?"
"you called me. and 'hon'? really? we've moved to petnames already?"
"figured id start making up for those weeks with no contact. and id like to do so again tonight. i wanna bring you somewhere."
your mouth quirks up in a smile as you re-adjust the towel around your body, the phone nearly slipping from its quick placement between your phone and ear, "id really like that. i hope its out to dinner, i didnt care to eat any of the plane food."
“yes, it’s to dinner. but its up to you if you want it to be fancy or casual. i know its tacky but there’s this pretty cute french place near where i live...”
“that vaguely sounds like an invitation to your place, but ill let it slide. are you gonna pick me up or are your special agents going to escort me everywhere for the next few weeks?”
“special agents? what agents?”
a bead of water drips from your neck down your back and it feels like the tip of a knife. a pressure builds in the back of your throat and your fingers grip the fabric of your towel. “what…that’s a joke, right?”
her laughter rings in your ear and you are seconds away from hanging up the call.
“sorry, sorry. i sometimes have a weird sense of humor. you'll get used to it.”
“i doubt it.”
“and i'm hopeful. i'll let you go so you can get ready, i'll be by in under an hour.”
you hang up after a sweet goodbye and gently sit on the toilet. your brain is rushing to catch up after the conversation like your body goes on autopilot when you hear victoria's voice. its terrifying and its thrilling. and you don't know why a part of you likes the feeling.
after you brush your teeth, do some quick skincare, debate over shaving just in case, and spend twenty minutes picking out a cute outfit, you finally hear the gentle knocking on the door while you're double-checking over the content of your purse.
rushing to open the door, you're greeted with the sight of a smiling victoria, her hands tucked into the pants of her clearly expensive pinstriped pantsuit. you're admiring the look of her hair tucked back into a ponytail when she's reaching forward and pressing a soft kiss to your cheek.
"you look perfect. come on, i made us a reservation."
and it turned out to be a perfect night. she did end up taking you to the french place, allowing you to order whatever you wanted. that place was weirdly empty, only a handful of other patrons inside. you were pleased to see that the waitress was french herself, having a small chat about the customs and foods she missed while she praised the authenticity of the food at the restaurant.
only a day and you had already forgotten how forward the people back home could be, because the waitress throws a subtle look at victoria and compliments you on finding such an attractive woman. when she leaves vic just smiles.
“ok, id say at this point we’re doing pretty good with the communication thing, right?” you ask, taking a sip of the pricey wine your date ordered.
“yeah, id say that.”
you finger the rim of your glass, the nerves getting to you before you ask your question. "i want you to tell me what your job is. your actual job, not some vague ass title. you have security following gus around, so i feel like i should know."
"no, no, you're right. i just didnt wanna scare you off. or have you think differently of me once i told you." she sighs, thumbing the napkins on the table. "i work in the government. i'm a congresswoman, to be exact."
you don't doubt she's a politician for a second, because she shows no hint of nervousness at your lack of emotion.
"are you...a good congresswoman?"
"i don't really know how to answer that." she laughs.
"i'm sorry. i knew you were important enough to be at that gala, but a politician is...tricky."
she reaches across the table and lays her hand palm up, smiling when you rest yours on top of it. "look, i get it. i should have told you sooner but please understand why i didn't. i wanted to get to know you as normally as possible, without all of the press and politics in the way."
"normally as possible, huh? that includes sleeping together on the first night?"
you're trying to show your acceptance of the situation with your humor, but you can tell victoria can sense your uneasiness at the situation. here you were thinking you had found some under-the-radar millionaire to dote on you and instead, you'd roped in someone whose job was entirely in the public eye that could be put in danger at the flip of a switch.
"how about we finish up and take this back to my place? i'll tell you everything that you wanna know about me. no matter how personal."
you stare into her eyes for a few seconds and decide that she looks genuine, getting confirmation that her daughter is staying with a friend before ending your meal and following her to her place.
for the amount of money she's ready to spend on you, you're surprised to see that victoria lives in a chic but quaint townhome only a twenty-minute walk from the restaurant. she gently takes off your coat and instructs you to sit with her on the couch, pressing on a remote to turn on her fireplace.
after a few hours and two more glasses of wine, victoria had opened up to you about nearly everything in her life. the mysterious death of her birth family, being adopted by a man who helped pushed her to go into a political career, her polite but loveless marriage with her ex. she even shows you a picture of zoe that she has in her wallet, taking the chance to gush over her daughter. she seems like such a sweet girl.
maybe it's the wine or maybe it's the way vic is opening up to you so freely, but you decide to tell her more about your past. how you always wondered why you barely stuggled moving to another continent at such a young age, or the fact that you dont even remeber why you had the drive to leave your parents home in the first place. you didnt even remember the last words you said to each other.
and throughout it all she's nothing if not attentive, she doesnt ask questions unless you give her permission too, keeping her eyes on you and gently placing her hand over yours.
you feel a turning in your stomach when she moves a stray hand of hair behind your ear. you told yourself to try taking things slow this time, but your body is starting to feel fuzzy and shes looking at you like she wants to devour you.
she decides to indulge you and gently brushes her lips against yours, smiling at the way your breath staggers. your head moves forwards to finaly get her to kiss you but she jerks her head back.
"i want you to tell me what to do."
god, your stomach feels hot. this is new, but a really arousing style of new. the last time you both slept together she had taken a careful but unwavering charge, unraveling you with a steady hand a sweet smile.
"cmon just...please?"
"no. tell me what you want me to do."
you sigh and bite at your lip. "i want you to lay me down and fuck me. right now."
so she laid you down and she did. there were no words to describe how much you enjoyed that night on her couch, the way she could read your body like a book and brought you to ecstasy again and again and again...
and when you wake up a soft blanket is draped over your body, a brekfast of coffee and some crepes set in front of you.
the days after are a whirlwind. discreetly as possible victoria takes you on a tour of new york city, to more expensive restaurants and hidden jewels that most tourists skipped over.
youre lounging in your hotel room when you decide to inform your friends of how your trip is going. while slightly hesitant they seemed more than happy that you were enjoying yourself with someone who took a genuine interest in you.
until you told them her job.
"my love, are you insane? a politician?"
"an american politician?" chloe gasps, continuing off of jamies shock.
"hey, im american too dont forget!"
"of course you are, but please, you understand why this is not good, no?"
"you know how fishy they are, especially with all the supe business going on. that place is getting more dangerous by the day, and i dont think you should be seeing someone whos contirbuting to that."
it pained you to admit it but jamie had a point. the three of you would always laugh in amused horror at how badly things were going on in your birth country, and the politics...it was less than pleasant.
not to mention the supe business. every corner of the world had to deal with the annoyance that was vought and their "products", even france. but so far you'd just had to deal with a few perverted looks from traveling supers and talks of some stupid theme park a few miles out of the city. meanwhile, it seemed like every day a new superhero was being introduced to the American public. it unnerved you.
"i understand. i appreciate both of you looking out for me. trust me, i'll be on my guard for now on." you mumble, picking at the material of your sleeve.
"of course, songbird. we'll call again soon."
the call ends and drop your phone on the nightstand. you look at the eiffel tower cutout in your phone case and your heart aches.
the next morning you're eating a a breakfast of coffee and fruit crepes when your phone rings, dragging your atttention away from the trashy dating show you were watching on the bedroom's tv. when you see nancy's name you hesitantly answer the call.
"nance? is everything alright?"
"everything is great. i'm just here to check in about your next gig."
"my next- nance, im on vacation. please tell you didnt forget and booked me for a job when im across the ocean."
"no, im not that stupid, hon." she sighs. "i didnt even arrange this job, victoria did. im just the messenger."
you blink once. then twice. you remember vic saying something about helping you with a job but you honestly just thought that was bullshit to get her to come stay with you.
(or get in your pants. but you don’t think you’d be too upset about that now.)
“ok. thank you, nancy. tell me the details.”
it’s a lot more extravagant than you expected. victorias friend, an actual senator, was holding a fundraising event for some government program he and vic were both involved in. nancy wasn’t told what the program was, but that you would have to go through a security debrief before being told you'd be given a team to help you prepare. and picking from a selected closet of dresses. fun.
you ignore the feeling of nervousness that’s building up in your gut. because while all of your gigs were important, they were never this important. you push it down as you call victoria and thank her endlessly, when you tell your friends the minimum amount that you can tell them, and when victoria picks you up from outside your hotel twelve hours before the event even starts.
she pressed a small kiss to your hand, laughing at the grumpy and tired mumble you let out when you sit in the car seat. it only passes once she gives you a coffee she picked up, the caffeine waking you up and putting a smile on your face.
the content feeling turns into shock when you enter victorias' place and see zoe, vic throwing a short explanation of “busy babysitter” over her shoulder as she heads into the kitchen.
its a bit awkward at first, sitting on one couch as she plays on a black nintendo switch on the other. it helps when you ask her about whatever she’s playing, the girl diving into a rant about the farm game she’s playing and how she’s trying to catch a certain type of fish.
victoria comes back with a tray of breakfast for the three of you before asking her daughter how school is going, how her friends are, etc. its nice to get a glimpse into victories private life during the morning, the close bond she has with her daughter. you notice some tension but decide not to bring it up.
the morning goes by too quickly, zoe being picked up to be dropped off at a friend's house after giving you a sweet goodbye and you getting rushed upstairs as the team comes to the townhome to help you prepare. its a nice change, having other people doll you up instead of having to worry about trying to do everything correctly and by yourself. and its a perk you don't have to spend your own money to do it.
the team members are nice but punctual, finishing your hair and makeup in record time with not a second wasted. you barely get time to notice yourself in the mirror before you're ushered into a gorgeous gown, soft fabrics and a chic and elegant style.
when your finished you’re finally allowed to observe yourself while your transportation and is prepared, and it feels like you’re looking at a dream version of yourself.
as you admire yourself in the mirror vic comes up next to you, clearly enjoying herself as her eyes slowly drift up and down your body.
“you look…ethereal.” she whispers, pressing a small kiss to your cheek after you turn to smile at her.
“only because of you. i don’t know how i could ever make this up to you, vic. this is just…”
“trust me, you’ve already done enough.”
while you knew there would be some press at the event, you didn't expect over two dozen paparazzi to quickly start flashing their cameras in your direction as soon as you got out of your ride. questions about who you were wearing, the relationship you had with vic, etcetera etcetera. you would've buckled from the sudden pressure if it weren't for victoria’s steady hand on your waist, the press of her arm through her red pantsuit.
the venue is downright insane, so grand you start to wonder if you're in one of those gilded age mansions you used to read about in new york magazines. climbing pillars and art on the ceiling of the main hall, which you don't get to admire since you’re yet again whisked away to get ready.
after a few more touch ups you aren’t afforded a minute to prepare, guided to the edge of the performance area. the sinking feeling is back in your stomach. the biggest moment of your life and you feel like you’re going to be sick.
the lights dim and you glide onto the stage, able to see the shadows of the guests faces from the flickering table lights. it’s eerie, the amount of them staring up at you with eyes you can’t even see.
you were given a set list a few days prior, only a couple of songs for the payment you would apparently receive after this. the songs piqued your interest, a collection of classical melancholic pieces from around the fifties. vic told you her friend was a vintage nut, but you didn't know why he chose these for you to perform when the event seemed to have an uplifting aura.
either way it felt…different, singing this time. the spotlight was on you and you’ve never felt as beautiful as you did in this moment. everyone was watching you, so hooked on the melodies escaping your body that you could see the emotions brining some people to the edge of their seats.
you don’t let it show but you grow a bit anxious at the sight of supers in their uniforms in the crowd. you don’t see anyone from the seven, but you do notice a woman you recognized from some commercial about climate change and earth preservation, the green of her dress and the nature motifs in her outfit give you a clue as to what her power was.
just when you feel yourself about to slip, dangerously close to hitting a note at a weird pitch, you see victoria, getting deja vu at the sight of her staring at you from the bar like the first night you met. she's looking at you like she's never doubted you for a second, like you're an angel sent from above that's blessed her life.
you hold her gaze when you sing. noticing the soft smile on her face when you sing a lyric about how the feelings in your heart feel so intense you fear you're going insane.
when the first song ends the lights come back on and you're met with a polite yet thunderous applause, the smile on your face so wide your cheeks start to hurt. the presenter comes back on stage, praising your performance with a swipe at his eyes before telling the guests that the host would be on shortly, and after he gives a short speech you'd be back to sing some more. with a gentle nod and wave, you step off the stage.
you feel like you're walking on air, with no doubt that was one of your best performances yet. your emotions got a little intense there but nothing you couldn't manage, and everyone seemed to like it anyway.
you're able to send a quick text and a picture to jamie and chloe before you hear the sound of the door to your quaint dressing room open, not able to turn around before you feel hands around your waist and plush lips on the side of your neck, the sight of victoria wrapped around you in the mirror making butterflies swarm in your stomach.
"i take it you liked my singing?"
"like doesn't even begin to cover it," she mumbles into your neck, raising her head slightly to be able to hold eye contact through the mirror. "i'm so lucky i found you, y'know that?"
you playfully brush her off, telling her you have to freshen up for some mingling before you get back on stage. she gladly helps you with your makeup, and while you weren't expecting her to be so touchy tonight you definitely aren't complaining, especially when her hand starts to drift closer to the space between your legs. it takes an embarrassing amount of mental strength to deny her, promising you'll continue once you go back to her place.
once you're finished getting ready she leads you back out to the hall, introducing you to numerous business people, politicians, celebrities, etc. you try not to fangirl when you meet a singer whose songs you've been obsessed with lately and when she asks you to perform at her cousins wedding. victoria just smirks when she leads you away and you let out a tiny squeal under your breath.
once the networking is done you're able to take the time to sit down and eat some of the catered food, almost moaning at the tastes of the food. you sometimes forget just how good food could be in the states, and these rich people pulled out all the stops. you try not to eat too quickly or impolitely as victoria talks with her tablemates, some people from her job apparently. after the first introductions and praises they gave you you mentally tapped out of the situation. she luckily covers for you when they question your mood, laughing when she tells them you've had a long day of being treated like a singing barbie doll.
everyone in the room quiets down when the hos taakes the stage and starts his speech. he introduces himself as robert stendham, and you feel a little embarrassed that this man gave you the chance to sing here and you didn't even know his name. you're thinking about how odd it is that you weren't introduced before this when he mentions something about the program and you perk up.
"...extend a personal thank you to general jameson for finding the time to escape his duties to fly in and be here with us tonight, and a special thanks to director neuman for helping me with this project and finding the beautifully talented y/n to perform for us tonight."
there was a brief few seconds of applause, victoria looking around and giving out smiles while you wondered what the hell she was the director of.
"as you can see, we have a few supers with us tonight. people like hazelwood, whose efforts against climate change have lead to over a dozen organizations plating millions of trees and clearing millions of pounds of trash for the ocean. because that's what supers are supposed to do-protect us. not act like degenerates who get to do what they want because of their abilities."
your eyebrow twitches, sensing the slight anti-supe propaganda from the end of his speech. well, not anti every supe, just the ones who act like gods among men, which you could understand. but you still felt an uneasy feeling rising in your stomach. you feel vic's palm rest over the top of your hand under the table.
"which is why im incredibly honored that director and congresswoman neuman has extended a hand to me to invest in the federal bureau of superhuman affairs, and to further extend that hand to you to help participate in this monumental institution..."
everything is a fog and your brain taps out once he starts talking about what this burerua does, how they closely monitor supes and jail the ones who've caused public harm. your head feels hot and your chest feels cold, and you can't stop your body from going on auto-pilot and excusing yourself to the bathroom before finding some balcony on the higher floor.
the cold air of new york shocks your body back into normalcy, but the pounding in your head persists. it feels like a panic attack ut so much worse, like your fight or flight has been activated without anything even happening. had you rushed into all of this? chasing a girl and a dream like you were a teenager again?
yet again the door opens behind you and someone comes to stand next to you, able to tell who it is by the scent of brown sugar and the glimpse of dark hair blowing with the slight breeze.
"you alright? mr. brandon from the tech startup was asking about you, tried to make me invest in some room light plant grower hybrid-"
"why did you bring me here?"
you cut her off and the air is quiet, save for the sounds of cars and the city and the wind. it's weird, standing in a tense silence like this with her.
"how are you feeling?" she whispers .
"are you- " you turn, nearly giving yourself whiplash with the speed at which you turn to look at her. the look on her face, like she's just observing you and how you're reacting. it only upsets you more. "are you being serious?"
"yes, i am. tell me."
"no, answer my question first. why are you avoiding it?"
she sighs, brushing a few strands of hair away from her face before reaching to grab your hand, which you hesitantly let her hold.
"as you heard, im part of a buereau that monitors supherhumans, keeping track of them, making sure they cant use their powers for harm. so far we've only had to deal with supes here in the states. until one day, this couple comes in that believe their daughter has used her powers on them."
she reaches for something in her pocket and your grip tightens. she pulls out a polaroid and holds the picture up for you to see. you feel like you're going to vomit when you see you, smiling, standing with your parents in a backyard.
"what...what is this? how'd you get this?"
"the couple gave me this picture, and told me how weird the least few years have been. friends and family asking where their daughter went, how she was doing, a daughter they didnt even remeber having."
you bring a hand up to your head, hopelessly trying to dissipate the splitting headache that's forming.
"but then they said the memories started coming back. glimpses of a child running in the grass, birthday parties, graduations, talent shows-"
"stop, please just stop." you gasp, hunching over as good as you can with the restrictions of your gown. it doesn't even feel like the world is just spinning, it feels like its being played in some celestial game of pool. "so what, you're saying...you're saying i did that? to my parents?"
"yes," she reaches for the side of your face, guiding you to look up at her. "and you can do so much more. you already have."
this can't be happening.
"why do you think people react so emotionally to your singing? you think its just because you're amazing? that's not even half of it."
your breathing is picking up again.
flashes of memories start appearing in your vision. so many happy times with your parents that you forgot, friends that you left behind. how your parents didn't support your half-thought-out plan to become a singer, how you made them forget. made yourself forget.
"i don't want you to think i did all of this just for what i want. i didn't. i care about you, and i want you to help me. but you need to trust me."
the blood is rushing back and from your head, and you think about how weird her eyes look against the backdrop of the city before you pass out.
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finally. FINALLY. ong i wrote like 1k in the past day because i said just get this shit over with but its done! 5 months later! hope you enjoyed :)
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starkeynation · 2 months ago
Hi, pookie !!🎀 could you maybeee write something like mean!rafe being rough rough when doing it, taking all his anger out on us but it becomes too much and it hurts way too bad that we have to say the safeword (doesn't matter what word) so he immediately switches from mean!rafe to soft!rafe (lmao idk how to explain this very well sorryy) pls pls? Btw I luh ya lovey dovey pooks୨ৎ
english isn't my first language lol so I'm sorry if there's any grammatical mistakes in what I said😭🙈
HIII IM SO SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG. I wasn’t planning on to accept request since I’m only confident to write by my own ideas and just like this one, i’m scared I will procrastinate so much that it will take me too long to start writing. But since this is my first request and we’re mutuals so why not🤩 So THANKYOU SM for sending one and I appreciate you sm! Hope this meets your expectations and im sorry if it dont🥺
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Safe word : Red
It is 3AM on a Friday night. You had fallen asleep on your couch while waiting for Rafe to finish his work. He promised to come to you straight after taking care of his business but he didn’t say he was gonna be late. Suddenly, you’re jolt awake by the loud slam of the door.
“Rafe..?” You murmur, blinking in confusion as you stare at the silhouette that just enters your dim lit living room.
“Shit…sorry, go back to sleep” Rafe says, as he walks down to your kitchen.
You take a glance at the clock hanging on your wall and follows Rafe to the kitchen. He is rummaging through your fridge, looking for god knows what. “Rafe, what are you doing?” you ask, looking at him as he continues making a mess.
“Im just trying to make a sandwich,” he replies. The way his voice blurs and the way he’s struggling to stand straight, you know he’s drunk. “It’s past 3, Rafe,” you say, your tone sounds a bit annoyed and confused as why your boyfriend is back home late and wasted.
“What? Can’t i make damn a sandwich at night?” He says, his eyebrows frown and his voice irritated. That’s not what you meant, you thought. But, you know you can’t have this talk right now cause he’s really out of it.
You sigh, “just…go sit okay, I’ll make the sandwich,” you murmur, grabbing the bread from his hand.
“Aww you will? You’re so kind baby, thank you,” he says, and proceeds to place multiple kisses on the back of your head, your temple, your cheek and now down to your jaw and your neck. “Mmmph…i need you baby,” he whispers, still dropping sloppy kisses all over you.
“You’re drunk.”
“Please baby,” he murmurs, grabbing your chin and pulls you in for a kiss. The kiss slowly starts to deepen and become intimate. You know you should tell him to sleep, get some rest, but the way he’s biting your lip, and how he taste so damn good even with the mixture of alcohol, you just couldn’t resist.
You wrap your hands around his neck, he grabs your waist and lifts you up. Your legs wrapped around his torso as he carries you upstairs to your room without breaking the kiss.
He drops you on the bed, helps you take off your nightgown and harshly push you to lay back. You gasp at his eagerness. He starts undressing himself and his lips crash onto yours again. The kiss is now rough and fill with desperation. He breaks the kiss and latches his lips onto the sensitive skin of your neck, the gentle pressure quickly turning into a heated suction, leaving a faint blush on your neck that slowly turns into a dark purple mark.
“Baby can you suck me?” He asks, as he pulls away from your neck. He gives you that slight pouty and doe eyes look. Again, how could you resist. So you nod to him as a yes and sits on the side of your bed as he stands up.
You start stroking his hard dick and place some kisses on his tip. After a few licks and teasing, you take his bulge into your mouth.
Rafe rolls his eyes in ecstasy, “fuck…yeah princess just like that,” he growls. He grabs your head and forces you take in all his length. “Good girl, who knows your pretty little mouth could take daddy’s huge cock so well huh,” he smirks. Your eyes start to become teary as you try your best not to gag while he deepens his cock in your mouth. At this point, he’s practically fucking your throat.
But he isn’t done. He takes out his dick and pushes you back on the bed. As he gets on top of you, he flips you around making you lie on your stomach. He then reaches his palm to your mouth, “spit,” he commands. You do.
He wipes your saliva on your entrance and takes you from behind. He thrust you without a warning making you moan out loud.
“Shit you’re always so tight,” he groans. He starts picking up the pace and each thrust are so deep in. As his hip clasps against your butt, he spanks it twice, harshly, leaving an immediate red mark on your ass. “You like this you dirty whore?” He murmurs, his voice deep and low.
Then, one of his hand wraps around the back of your neck and the other firmly grips your wrist. He’s harshly pressing down your neck while maintaining the pace making a tear escapes your eye and stings as it settles on your cheek.
The way he bury his cock in your throat, calling you a whore and fucks you so roughly, you know he’s angry and had a bad night. As a good girlfriend, you thought you could just let him take out his anger on you and help him take the edge off. But, it’s starting to hurt really bad now.
“Rafe…stop,” you whine.
“Stop…” he still doesn’t listen.
“Rafe! Red! Red!” You shout, your voice strained as you beg him to stop. Red is the safe word you and Rafe agreed to use way before this if the sex ever get too much, though, you never had to use it until now.
Rafe finally comes to his senses and realises that you’re in pain so he stops immediately. “Shit, baby are you ok? Fuck I’m sorry,” he says as he gets you off and looks at you full with concern.
You turn around, revealing your teary eyes and you push away his chest, “What the fuck Rafe? That hurts,” you sobs, your voice cracks.
“Im sorry, I’m so sorry,” he says as he wipes off your tears and cups your face. “Shit I don’t know what i was thinking..I shouldn’t have done that while i was drunk,” he continues. He pulls you in for a hug next. You try to break loose but he wouldn’t let you go.
“Please sweetheart, I’m so sorry. It’s just- i had a bad night, but i know i shouldn’t take it on you,” he apologises again, “God, I’m such an asshole..please forgive me.”
“Yeah, good that you’re aware,” you scoff. He grabs your shoulder and break the hug. “Please baby, I swear it won’t happen again..i love you, you know that…I’m really really sorry,” he says, his tone sincere, you know he’s telling the truth. “Look at me please,” he says, placing both of his hands on your cheek.
Eventually, you look at him in the eyes, in your dim dark room you still manage to see his crystal blue eyes. Of course, you could never stay mad at him. “I forgive you Rafe. But promise me you won’t crash out like this again,” you say, your voice slightly trembles from the cry you had.
“Yes! Yes, i promise,” he replies, pulling you back in into his arms. He kisses your forehead then to your temple, “I love you baby,” he whispers. “I love you too Rafe,” you say as you melt into his arms.
“So…you wanna talk what happened today?” You ask, breaking the silence. He lets out a soft sigh, “it’s just my dad again…but, I don’t want to talk to about it tonight. Let’s just go to sleep hmm?” He murmurs.
You whisper okay for a response and cuddle him to sleep for a comfort. Maybe tomorrow you’ll know the reason why he’s so stressed out.
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Dividers from @rafeyscurtainbangs
Another A/N: honestly guys idk if im good at smut..i prefer to stick with angst but my sex tape is almost at 1000 notes so who knows🤓
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lilg05 · 10 months ago
Please me
Pov: paige helps you destress after a long day of assignments.
Warnings: Fingering swearing idk
“Fuck.” you grown as you finish up your last assignment for psychology.
“What’s wrong ma.” paige asks as she walks up to you wrapping her arms around your shoulders.
“I can’t finish this psychology essay i don’t know what to fucking write my minds all over the place.” you say sighing in defeat.
“When is it due?” paige ask softly while rubbing your shoulders.
“Next weekend.” you mumble.
“The why don’t you come lay down with me and you can finish it tomorrow?” she asks with uncertainty.
“Okay,” you agree “but only because im tired.”
As you close your laptop paige grabs your hand and pulls you towards your room. Shutting the door softly paige looks at you with a subtle smirk before she grabs your next and starts to kiss you. The kiss starts out slow and patient, until you decide you want more and start to pick up the pace. Paige leads you to the bed placing you on her lap. A sigh of relief passes through your lips as paige starts kissing down your neck.
“Fuck Paige.” you whine out softly.
“That feel good ma?” you reply by nodding fast as your hips start to slowly grind on Paige the need for her becoming more apparent in your underwear.
“Please Paigey” you grunt “need you so badly.”
“Yeah baby what is it you want” she kisses your chest “need to know baby only way i can help you.”
“your mouth P fuck i need you so bad.” you let out an exaggerated moan.
Paige brings her two fingers up to your mouth “Suck slut.” Paige demands.
Paige watches as you start to slowly take her fingers into your mouth as you stare at her with intense eye contact.
“Such a good girl, making sure my fingers are nice and wet.” you let out a needy whine as a response.
You let her fingers out of her mouth with a pop “please paigey need you.”
“What is that you need baby” i stare into her eyes “need my fingers my mouth come on ma you gotta talk to me.”
“need your fingers” you beg “need them so bad please fuck me please.”
Paige trails her hands down your toned torso and hover over your wet cunt. After a few seconds she starts to play with your clit earning a few moans and curses out of you.
“Fuck your soaking ma” she laughs “all this for me?”
You nod your head eagerly and start to grind yourself against her fingers. Paige’s breathing starts to pick up as she watches you fuck yourself with her fingers. Paige takes this as her opportunity to plunge her fingers into your pussy.
“Fuck yes paige just like that” you gasp “oh shit please don’t stop.”
“Wasn’t planning on it.” she says while snaking her other arm up to your neck knowing that turns you on even more. Your eyes roll to the back of your head as she squeezes your pressure point softly.
“Fuck p i’m close.” you moan out.
“Yeah baby you gonna cum all over my fingers?” she asks curling her fingers into your g spot.
“Oh shit! Fuck fuck fuck i’m cumming paige fuck!” you moan out almost pornographicly.
“That’s it cum on mommy’s fingers.”
“Fuck.” you gasp as she curls her fingers once again.
Paige pulls her fingers out of you and cleans them off. “Did so good for me baby let me go get a rag and get you all cleaned up okay?”
You nod exhausted from the work out you just had. You watch as paige comes back from the bathroom with a wet rag and cleans up your sensitive pussy. Once she’s done she gets into bed with you pulling the covers up to her chest. You snuggle into her chest and kiss it softly.
“Thank you baby i’m sorry I couldn’t do anything to help you.”
She looks down at you “Hey don’t ever feel obligated to make me cum too okay I chose to do this for you my love.”
“I love you paigey.”
“I love you too, ma.” paige reply’s softly while snuggling into your warm embrace.
Hey chat this is my first story please don’t hate🤪🤪 Please send requests cause i definitely need inspo!!
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inmyheaddd · 7 months ago
in denial - averyjameson
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a/n: thankyou sm for the req! my first time writing for averyjameson, idk if i did them justice 😭 wc: 1k
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avery awoke to the dim light filtering through the curtains, her head pounding, and throat aching. she tried to swallow, but it felt like sandpaper scraping against her raw throat. she sighed and sat up, she’d just act normal as always, she didn’t want to be a burden. not today. she looked to her right, seeing her boyfriend's sleeping figure. jameson looked so peaceful. he deserved it; he’s been acting strange ever since prague, always chasing a lead for something. 
dragging herself out of bed, she stepped into the shower in a futile attempt to shake off the dizziness. it didn’t help. she made her way downstairs, and the smell of freshly brewed coffee hit her, momentarily lifting her spirits.
in the time she was showering, jameson must’ve gotten up. he sat at the kitchen island, his tousled hair falling into his eyes as he scrolled through something on his phone. he looked up as she entered, his eyes narrowing in concern.
“heiress,” he said, his voice laced with worry.“you feeling okay?” he stood up and walked up to her.
“i’m fine,” avery insisted, forcing a smile. “just a little tired.”
jameson raised an eyebrow, whatever he was going to say, he let it go. “right," he said, clearly not buying it. "well, maybe some breakfast will help."
before avery could protest, he started whipping up something in the kitchen. he was a good cook, it was one of many things she loved about him. when he placed a plate of food in front of her, she barely managed a smile.
“please eat, heiress” he said, sitting across from her. “cant have you fainting on me.” he looked her in the eye intently, “it’s a different story if you want me to catch you, though.” he continued with his signature smirk.
avery rolled her eyes but couldn’t help the small laugh that escaped her lips. “i’m not going to faint, jameson.”
“i would hope not,” jameson said as he nudged her to keep eating. “but hey, if you do, my arms are ready and waiting.” he winked, and even after over a year of being together, it still sent butterflies right to avery’s stomach. 
she took a bite of the food, and her stomach started churning. she felt so guilty. he cooked for her, and she could barely even eat it. she was already ruining his day, and it wasn’t even 9am yet. halfway through her mind-spiral, she felt the room start to spin. she tried to stand, but her legs gave out beneath her. jameson was at her side in an instant, catching her before she hit the ground.
“that’s it, you’re going back to bed,” he said, his tone leaving no room for argument, placing her back on her feet.
“that desperate to get me in bed, huh?,” she tried to joke, to convince her boyfriend that she was fine. but she ultimately failed when instead of retorting something like he usually would, he simply looked at her, sending her a “really?” look. 
“jameson,” she tried to prove herself ,“i swear not sick, im just-“ 
she was cut off when jameson picked her up swiftly, bridal style.
he laid her gently on their bed, and she mumbled, “you don’t have to do this.”
“i want to,” jameson said, brushing a strand of hair from her face. she could hear the love pouring out of those 3 words. she could also see it on his face. “besides, it’s not every day I get to play the dashing hero.” he quickly reverted back to his witty self, along with that charming smile of his.
she only managed a weak one, “you do enjoy being the center of attention.” 
“that’s why i play the hero every other day. today was my off day, but i don’t mind picking up an extra shift for my lady.” 
he never failed to make her laugh at his stupid jokes, but this time, instead of coming out as a laugh, avery started coughing on repeat.
“hey, hey, hey,” he quickly put a reassuring hand on her shoulder, and brought her closer to him. he didn’t care about getting sick himself, he just wanted his girl to feel better. 
avery was now sitting up, engulfed in a hug with jameson. 
“you’ll be okay in no time,” he mumbled into her shoulder as he rubbed her back reassuringly. 
“i am okay, i swear.” she managed to croak out.
“avery,” he said, ditching the nickname, “i know you, i know you’re not. you can let yourself relax. you can let yourself be taken care of.” 
“i just have a little cold, it’s not a big deal.” there was no point in denying she was not sick anymore. 
“avery.” he pulled back from the hug. “what’s wrong?” 
“nothing, i swear,” she shook her head.
she couldn’t lie now; she had to tell him what was up. “its just, i don’t want to be a burden on you, you’re already so stressed with whatever happened in prague, and the devil's mercy, just —everything. i don’t want to annoy you.” 
she exhaled, “and im clearly not doing a very good job at it, because insisting i'm fine didn’t help, like at all. i’m sorry.” she laughed, looking down, but nothing was funny. 
she brought her eyes up to meet jameson’s, he was looking at her so intently. 
“heiress, you should never, ever, ever, and i mean, ever, feel that way. ever.”  
“ever?” she tried lightening the mood by joking, she could tell jameson felt somewhat guilty, even though he shouldn’t be. 
he smiled, but it faded just as fast as it appeared. “heiress, i mean it. you’re the only thing that matters in my life. damn it, if anything, everything else is a burden because it keeps me away from you. you don’t have to be strong with me. i want to be there for you, i want you to confide in me.” 
his words lingered in the air for a moment before she whispered, “okay.” she couldn’t think of anything else to say, her brain was a fog, and the only thing she could see was jameson.
 “okay,” she spoke up, louder this time. “i’ll never, ever, ever, and i mean ever, even think like that again. ever.” she joked, recalling his words from earlier.” 
“ever?” he grinned.
“ever.” she smiled and wrapped her arms around him once more.
“how about you get some real rest now, yeah?” he murmured into her ear. 
he spoke again before she could even think about arguing. “you can’t say no, it’s the rules.” he whispered the last part before pulling back to meet her eyes.
“will you lay with me?” 
“you don’t even have to ask.” 
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poorgirlinpoorworld · 5 months ago
Ideas for gally fics
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Pls use them as you please and tag me if you can, im dislectic and english is not my first language so i really cant write but i love to read them - im new to the fandom so pls send help send love and send nud-
- gally and you are together for some time, you didnt announce it but everybody knew. That day u noticed that boys are smirking in your direction all day, joking under their noses and then looking away. First u tried to ignore it, but one time u catch one of the gladers after looking at you, looking in the direction you knew well - builders working station. And then you saw him… gally, choping wood without a shirt. It wasnt anything new, but when he turn around so u could see all his back you felt as your face started to become red end hot from embarasment. On his back were very visiable still fresh red scraches from last night you spent togheter… and everybody saw them. And something about y/n going to tell him to cover up but he started smirking liking that other boys could see them
- i would love to read gally pov or third pov idk about moments after y/n and thomas with boys left glade to search for exit, when he stayd but couldnt imagine to live without y/n something like i watchd them leave, watchd her leave but i was just standing there looking at the doors i dont know how long hoping for dont know what. Others who stayd with me started working organazing cleaning anything just to do something but i couldnt, i was just standing there. But when i heard screams, my body moved without thinking, just bolted straight through the doors, through the maze. I felt pain in my legs in my lungs in my stomatch.. but the worst pain i felt in my heart with every scream i heard. I didnt know where i was going but i had to find her to tell her im sorry, that i love her, that i want to be with her forever And then he saw a griever got stung and the rest everybody knows
- i love true or dare in glade fics y/n was sunshine of the glade, everybody loved her, some like friend but some more. She was always smiling and laughing, she was warm to anyone and would help anyone in glade. So ofc even the most grupmy gally fell for her. One time on bonfire night some gladers were playing true or dare, small group of friend - y/n, newt, fry, winston, zart, clint, jeff and minho who came up with the idea of playing. Others either were already asleep or were watching ring, in witch gally was curently fighting Ben. After some time of playing it was minho turn „y/n true or dare” he said looking at y/n. „Dare” she said with wide smile, „I dare you to choose i person from our group to kiss” minho said with a smirk on his lips. Y/n was stunt for a sec but then she said „you didnt presice from witch group i can choose soooo in reality i can choose from all group of gladers?” She knew what he meant, he wanted her to choose from players of the game but there was only one boy she wanted to kiss so if she have to bend the rules a little bit so be it. Before Minho could object y/n was already walking toward the ring. „Gally can you come over for a sec?” y/n said looking at the builder who just won a fight. „Yeah, whats up?” he said trying not to look to happy that she was talking to him. When he came over to stand in front of her she said „can you bend over a little?”. He gave her questioning look, but he was a lot taller than her so he did as she askd. Just as his face was just centimeters from her she said almost wispering „i hope you wont be angry at me”. „Why would I-„ but before he could finish she stood on her toes to close the gap between them and then kissed him. And here i see two endings, 1. She said to him it was dare but that she likes him and always wanted to kiss him, he is happy so happy he hugs her swirl around and the live happy ever after, 2. She said to him it was a dare but before she could explain to him that SHE choose him bc she likes him he gets mad, he asumes that was some sort of a joke kiss the grupmy and then lough at him he screams at her, she cries then he leaves, some time later someone help him realize what really happen and he tries to apology to her, he says to her hat he always liked her but he is insecure, she forgive him, then they kiss again and live happy ever after
- last one and here i put warning: torture and suicide Its like at the end of Scotch trials (movies) when wicked takes minho but they take y/n instead or they take both idk, they dont put her with everyone else but with berg the fly her straight to last city and starts experiments on her right away. When she expirence the tortures of seeing deaths of her friends day after day after day she was capable to find a „loop hole” in simulation, just sec after they put her in state of halucination, just before she was about to see another death she would commit suicide which would crash simulation. But wicked still tried every day for months, so all this time every day she would commit suicide in all sorta of ways. And here i would see gally with his new group being caught by wicked or something like that, he would be transporter to cells by guards and when they pass someone olso being transported by guards he could not believe, it was… her. But she looked like ghost of herself and it broke his heart. Then i would put some history how the escape with someone help and how gally rescured her. But at base they wouldn’t just have happy ending together. She was destroyed by months of killing herself… and because simulations were so real to her she would constantly have panic attacks that she still in lab and tried to kill herself to stop simulation. And only Gally would calm her down. after two or three months Thomas and others would come and story would continue
It’s my first time writing anything in english so dont hate
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legendofmorons · 2 years ago
Hi! Im new to requesting here so i hope im not late or sending you something thats against your rules. I also hope something like this hasn't been requested before.
Could i request some semi-romatic chain x reader (platonic for Wind because he's baby) where the reader needs to go do something (example: shopping, hunting, scouting, etc) and they need one of the links to come with them because they aren't the best at fighting/aren't familiar with this hyrule. So the way they get their attention is by calling for their "Pretty boy". Bonus points if the chain(again platonic for Wind) had a crush on reader!
Idk if you've seen that tiktok audio/video where someone goes, "Pretty boy, with me I say!" "..." "..." "Oh! I'm pretty boy?" "Yes! That came out a bit too quickly-" "...pretty?"
All i can think of is basically reader accidentally calling the link for you choice "pretty boy" subconsciously. The reader could either play it off and the link could tease them or reader can go all in and continue calling said link "pretty boy".
Hopefully that makes sense and/or isn't too much? Also if possible could you make the reader gn? If you don't do it already? Also if doing all of the chain is too much you can just choose specific one's, i dont mind who you pick. Anyways thanks for even reading my request and i hope you have a good day!
I'm happy to do this! This is such a good idea and I'm excited to write it. If I didn't do it the way you hoped let me know!
I went for vague crushing vibes on all of them, but Wind's. If this isn't what you had in mind please let me know!
-In alphabetical order and names are in bigger writing than the story parts
Pretty boy (chain)
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Pairing: Chain x reader (separate), Wind & reader
Rating: T
Summary: you call the boys 'pretty boy' these are the results
Warnings: None
Other: -In alphabetical order and names are in bigger writing than the story parts
You don't necessarily love going shopping. You don't hate it either, but it's not your definition of fun. So obviously you want someone to come with you.
Four is always fun to have around. He's sweet, and he's surprisingly good at haggling down prices.
"Do you need anything else?" Time asks you, eyeing you over and counting off your weapons for self defense.
"Not really." You say, turning towards the path.
You observe the dirt road before turning your head and calling over your shoulder, "Come on, pretty boy, let's go."
The entire group goes still and silent. They're all staring at you.
Why are they staring?
You replay your words. Oh- shit. You called Four pretty boy.
Well- he is a pretty boy but still!
You turn back to the group, taking in their confused expressions before your eyes land on Four.
Well.... You might as well commit.
"Well? Are you coming, pretty boy?" You ask, flashing a smile to show the playful intent behind the question.
Four blinks a few rides. And then points to himself slowly.
"Me?" He asks.
"Yeah, c'mon, pretty boy."
Four gives a little half fought off smile. "Pretty boy?"
"Do you not like the name?"
"No- I like it."
"Good. Come on then, I could use the company." You say.
Four follows you. It's hard to miss the little giddy pep in his step when he seems almost inclined to giggle.
You'll have to call him pretty boy more often!
"You should take someone with you if you're going to the dungeon. It's better with help." Time says evenly, "And take plenty of faries and potions. Okay?"
"Okay." You say, "Let me grab my things and I'll bring Hyrule."
"Good idea."
You go to your little space in the clearing, grabbing your bag and making sure you have plenty of equipment. You don't like having to rely on other people all the time. No one does.
You finish getting yourself ready before you turn to Hyrule, "Come on Pretty boy, you're with me.
"Did you just call Hyrule 'pretty boy'?" Legend asks, a sly look crossing his face.
"No!" You defend, face flushing as embarrassment crawls up your spine.
"It's okay!" Hyrule assures quickly, his own ears tinging with a blush. "I like that name!"
"You do?"
You smiles a little, glad he isn't upset about it. "Well... good!"
"Soo.... you think I'm pretty?" Hyrule asks, and his grin is anything but innocent.
"I knew it! I'm definitely your favorite."
"Good god." You groan, but you can find it in you to really be upset.
If only they weren't all teasing you the rest of the day. Oh, well.
You find yourself stuck on middle watch, which is the Worst. Capital W and all. Like for first watch you stay up late, last you wake up early.
But middle watch? You get woken up and then get to try to go back to sleep later.
Maybe someone is awake?
You scan the group, finding what is to be expected at this point.
Time sleeps as still as a log, hand one over the other on his chest.
Warriors sleeps like a solider, light and still but heavy enough all at once.
Wild, Twilight, and Wind are all in a tangled bunch of limbs. Though to your surprise they managed to pull Four and Hyrule into their cuddle puddle tonight.
Sky sleeps all sprawled out and half out of his sleeping roll.
Then you land on Legend- who seems to be trying to get comfortable. Is he awake?
One way to find out.
"Hey! Pretty boy!" You stage whisper at him.
You don't know what possessed you to call him that. But you did, and you don't think you're wrong.
He actually sits up, looking to you. "What?"
"Oh good, you're awake!"
"No shit. What did you call me?"
"Uh-" you pause, having hoped he would either not care or not notice. "Pretty boy?"
"That's what I thought. You got a crush on me?"
"I can think you're pretty without having a crush!" You hiss out, face flushing with embarrassment.
Maybe he is right.
"Bummer." Legend says, "Here I was thinking you had fallen head over heels for me. Since I'm your pretty boy.c
"Oh my god. Just forget I said it."
"Nope!" Legend says.
"Whyyyyy?" You groan.
You are over again pulled into upkeep chores that the quest requires. Which, whatever but you wish you weren't stuck on laundry today.
Laundry sucks with only the river, soap, and sun to do it.
Thankfully, you have Sky to help you. He's such a sweetheart that you really do appreciate his help.
So you settle at the river with the pile of clothes and some soap and resign yourself to the repetitive chore.
You cast a look to where Sky is and call out within much thought. "Come on, pretty boy! Might as well get started."
Sky and Twilight both go still before turning their eyes to you. Both looking fairly bewildered.
Oh. You said the 'pretty boy' part out loud. Whoops.
At least it's just Twilight and Sky here. They're not too bad about holding things against you. Usually.
"Me?" Sky questions, looking fairly confused but maybe just a little flattered.
His ears have a hint of pink on them.
How cute!
"Yeah?" You say, but it comes out a lot more like a question then he'd like.
"I've never been called that before."
"Real? Like- not ever?"
"Never.... I like it, though. Please keep calling me that?"
"Sure, if you like."
"I would."
You smile softly, bit your eyes go back to the laundry. "Well come on, pretty boy. We still have laundry to get done."
You'd ask why you're the one who's always in charge of day to day things like groceries, supply runs, socializing, and all of that.... But you've seen the others try. Some are better in these aspects then others- but you are still the best.
So you're in charge of it.
You've already split the work and have the group gathered around you to hand out the assignments.
"Alright, Four, Warriors, and Sky, you're on weapon inventory. Wild, Hyrule, and Twilight's, you're on market duty. Wind and Legend, you're on laundry."
The others all share looks with their task partners.
"Where am I?" Time asks.
You give a smile when you speak, though you swear the nickname is an accident! "Your with me, pretty boy."
Complete and utter silence.
You said that out loud.
"Did you just-" Time starts.
You cut him off with a tight voice, "Can we please pretend I didn't?"
Warriors just laughs at you, the ass.
"I didn't say I hated it." Time says simply, though you can see the shit eating gleam in his eyes.
"Great. Well, Time, we're on dishes. "
"I thought I was your pretty boy."
You feel your face heat up, but you can even care. Why does he have to tease you? Your heart can't take it.
He's so handsome when he's being a menace. Which is a big problem.
Well also the whole he's being a menace thing. That's a bigger problem.
"You're just being mean to (Y/n)," Twilight says helpfully.
"How? I'm just asking why I went from pretty boy to Time."
You just groan, pulling your hands to cover your face.
This is going to be a long day.
Why you're left to babysit the stubbornest Links is still beyond you, and yet here you are for the umpteenth time- babysitting them.
Twilight, Warriors, Legend, Wild, and Wind are scattered about the clearing in groups of one or two.
Thankfully, Wild and Wind are on opposite sides of the area and not collaborating to cause trouble.
Unfortunate you hear trouble before you see it. The rustling of branches and the silence of the nature is a warning you shouldn't ignore.
"Fan out, get low! Pretty boy with me!"
They all turn to look at you as they drop into crouches.
Oh good. You called Twilight pretty boy. And no one knows who you meant. Great.
You groan because that's easier than dealing with feelings.
"You uh, were looking at me when you said- that name.... am- Am I pretty boy?" Twilight asks, and his voice is a little too thick to be played off.
"Yes. Now get over here we don't have much time."
Twilight does, quickly making his way to your side.
He gets there in time to throw a shield over your heads when the arrow start falling. What a gentleman!
When it's all over you can already feel his eyes on you.
"So uh... I'm pretty boy?"
"Yeah, guess you are." You answer him.
"You think I'm pretty?" Twilight asks, and it's both hopeful and heart breaking to hear.
How can he not see that?
"Of course I do. I have eyes." You say, playing off any and all other emotions.
"So... I'm your pretty boy then?"
You just sigh. At least he's having fun. "If you like to be, sure."
You actually don't mind going to town to grab supplies, what you do hate is picking who goes with you. Sometimes there's no problem, but sometimes the others get pouty if they don't get to go.
Somethings about socialization? Who knows.
But as you're in Warrior's hyrule, he's coming with.
"Alright, pretty boy, let's go." You say as you turn to look at the captain.
Oh, you said that out loud. Shit.
Maybe he missed it?
"What did you just call me?" Warriors asks, and he looks half confused half endeared.
"Uhhhhh-" You blue screen with nearly no idea what's happening.
But you do register embarrassment blooming.
Warriors takes on a smug look as he asks, "You called me pretty boy, right?"
"Yeah. So?" You ask, failing miserably at keeping your cool.
"You think I'm a pretty boy?" He asks, and you swear his ears are tinkered pink.
Why are his ears pink?
Is he- flattered?
"Yeah... You're pretty. You're a boy. Seems pretty straight forwards."
"That's not usually a name I like."
"Oh. Then I'm sorry I called you that."
Warriors shakes his head and gives you a soft look. Earnest and hinging almost on smitten "Actually- I like when you say it."
"Well, come on then pretty boy." You say, flashing a smile.
"Lead on, (Y/n)."
He links his arm through yours easily.
You find yourself watching Wild as he crouches and waits patiently for the perfect shot. You've been running low on meat lately and you're out here to aid his hunt.
Does it usually take so long?
You can't tell.
But you would like to have a break from squatting a little behind him.
"Wild." You whisper just barley audible.
He doesn’t seem to here you.
No answer.
"Link?" You call again.
He still doesn’t respond.
So you try again, "Pretty boy?" You say, words falling out of your mouth without thought or permission.
He stiffens, head whipping around. "(Y/n)?
"Are we even seeing animals to hunt?" You ask softly.
"No- wait- what?"
"How much longer are we going to sit here? It's been like two hours."
"Twenty minutes. And did you call me pretty boy?"
"Oh- yeah, I was hoping you wouldn't notice."
"Oh... Why?"
"I was thinking we should move to a better place to hunt?"
"Oh... Okay."
"Any ideas on where?" You ask.
"Uh- maybe a hill.... Why did you call me pretty boy?"
"It just slipped out. I won't call you that again though, promise."
"No... Uh- I like the name.... I just don't think I've been called that before."
You have a harder time believing that. Wild really is pretty, has he ever seen his own face?
"That's surprising. "
"It is?"
"Yeah. It is."
"Well.... I like the name, at least from you." Wild says again, his ears tinged pink and a barley hidden smile present.
"Yeah? You don't want Legend calling you that?"
"Not really."
"That tracks, pretty boy. Come on let's move to a better vantage point."
"Okay." Wild says, and you swear if he were a hardened hero and traveler, he'd be giggling.
You don't mind being put on foraging duty, especially not when the sailor is your companion. Wind has always been so fun to be around. The kid is like a brother to you almost.
He's a few feet away, digging through a mess of greenery that seems pretty weird to you, but he seems happy. And that's good.
"Hey, (Y/n)?" Wind asks, turning his eyes to you.
"Yeah, kid?"
"Are these those poisonous berries Wild showed us?"
You squint as you scrutinize the purple berries Wind holds up. They definitely look similar.
"I'm not sure. Better leave them alone to be safe, though."
Wind sighs, "I thought you'd say that."
"Then why even ask, pretty boy?"
You don't know why you said it, but you did, and he's a cute kid. So whatever. It's honest, at least.
"What part are you confused about, kiddo?"
"Why did you call me pretty boy? Is that an insult?"
"No, Wind, it's not an insult. Not from me at least."
"Oh. Good!"
You bite back the laugh that bubbles up from your throat, trying not to he overtly rude. His fave is definitely one you'll remember.
Wind looks pleased, and maybe a little embarrassed. But the glee behind his eyes is genuine.
"So, I'm your pretty boy?"
"Sure kid." You say, trying again not to laugh.
He's cute, in that kid way with the too big grin.
"The others are gonna be SO jealous!"
You do laugh this time, warm and bright, and glad to see him happy.
"Be nice, Wind."
"Never!" He calls as he starts foraging again.
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blue-jisungs · 5 months ago
hi its me again infesting your inbox like a leech ᕙ(⇀‸↼‶)ᕗ
ANYWAYS im lowkey craving some jiseok fluff rn SO i was thinking something like:
reader n' jiseok are classmates + school ambassadors but barely talk to e/o and then BOOM suddenly they're paired up tgt to tour around some families n stuff and ppl think they're dating or smth IDK 😭😭
change it up if you want obviously BUT GAON <333333333 !!!!!!!!
(also i've read your xh like 20 times EACH omfg theyre so cute AAARHRHEHSHS)
[ axe's memo ! ] iim sosososo sorry i got to this so late, i was busy n then sick sigh... hope this is gonna meet ur expectations hehe and dont ever feel guilty abt spamming abt heroes, i love them sm!!! and i dont get to write for them that often so i really aprreaciate it hehe<333 also i decided to add a lil bit of ur another req since i didnt wanna be repetitive:(
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highschool crush jiseok UGHWRGRWGOGIJ HELLO?! he's more like a hallway crush though, always busy with his friends or practicing with his band. you knew each other and there were no hard feelings - you just never really talked too much to each other. once or twice he'd ask you for homework or you'd always say hi whenever you saw each other. but nothing more.
that was until, with you both being the school ambassadors, you got paired up to welcome an important guest in your school. some kind of professor with media staff: so an important task indeed, you had to showcase the best traits of your school.
so you and jiseok started hanging out more to prepare everything you wanted and make a plan. he was sooo silly, easily bringing you out of the shy shell you were in. you started talking more, he even invited you to one of the band practices. even though you found him playing the guitar extremely attractive, his friends noticed how nervous he was (and all the small mistakes he made due to that. but they ignored it, having in mind his slowly growing crush on you).
when the day came, you and jiseok decide to wear matching sweaters in representative colors of your school. it all goes smoothly, you send each other encouraging looks and nods. the professor seems pleased, happy with your presentation. at the end, you take a picture with him and jiseok.
you hoped it would stay that way after it ends – you’d stay friends with him. and luckily, you do. everyday you wait for the material to drop and when it does, jiseok runs up to you in the hallway.
"y/n, look! the wrote and article and posted a reel about our school!" he said with a grin and showed you the video. you smiled upon seeing your faces on the screen and then opened the comments.
and your heart sped up upon reading them. 'omg they look like a cute couple!', ‘that was such a genius choice to make such a sweet couple represent the school!'
"what’s wrong?" he asked and glanced at the phone. your cheeks were a blushing mess when jiseok read the comments too.
"they think we’re dating…" you mumbled and saw the tips of his ears redden too. not wanting to make it more awkward, you ran away with an incoherent squeak.
the next days were quite awkward, you tried to avoid jiseok. you were thinking how to approach him, how to act normal around him.
and once, after class, jiseok ran up to you before you could leave. your eyes widened when you saw him place a box of chocolates on your desk.
"i figured… i’d say thank you. you know, for helping me with the presentation and everything. sorry if i made you uncomfortable… you’ve been avoiding me and i don’t know…" he mumbled and your heart melted upon the sad pout on his lips. you grabbed the chocolates and let out a small gasp.
"how… how did you know those are my favorite?" you asked quietly.
"i mean, wouldn’t it be weird if i didn’t know the favorite chocolates of the girl i like?" he scoffed, trying to look nonchalant. but in his mind he was screaming at his own stupidity, why– why did he say that? he was supposed to approach you calmly and–
"what?" you stood up, eyes glued on him "you like me?"
"yeah, woah, i… who said that?" he joked, rising his hands. but seeing how serious you are, he just sent you an awkward smile "i… do… well, it hit me when i was reading all the comments saying we look like a couple and i don’t know…"
you fought back a smile and took a deep breath.
"even my friends thought we were dating at one point but… now that it’s out, i don’t want to push you into anything or–" he started stumbling over his own words when you scooted closer, putting your hand on your arm. he looked around nervously, eyes wide "what?"
"i’ve had a crush on you for a while as well" you mumbled "that’s why i was avoiding you lately, im sorry"
you leaned in and pecked his cheek. blushing covered his whole face – from ears to neck.
"let’s go on a date after school, hm?" you asked, tilting your head. jiseok was nodding energetically, unable to mutter a single 'yes'. before he could react and realize what happened, you already left him behind <3
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m. list
taglist. @primoppang ,, @mon2sunjinsuver,, @eternalgyu ,, @haecien ,, @slytherinshua
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theangelcatalogue · 11 months ago
⭑ Romantic!
⭑ Gender Neutral!
⭑ Characther and Fandom: Mandy - Totally Spies
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★ -> Mandy is manipulative, jealous, controlling, possesive, attention seeker and maybe flirty and delusional? Anyways she is a pain in the ass
☆ -> Let's start with jealous, she is jealous of most people you talk to! God help you if you are Clover's, Alex's and Sam's friend
★ -> Yeah, for her any friend of yours, maybe anyone who talks to you but it's not her, it's a loser
☆ -> Attention seeker, maybe kinda delusional and clingy, she wants you to praise her and hang out with her most of the time, she carrys you around like some toy and always talk with you about everything, and sometimes she talks bad about people you talk to
★ -> And when you say to her to stop, she always looks confused like she did nothing wrong or says to you
" Yeah? Okay! " *Walking away*
☆ -> She calls you for so many dates and random hang outs that most of your time in school and out of school, Mandy is with you!
★ -> If any boy or girl haves a crush on you, she will make sure to humiliate that person, and everytime you and her(In case Mandy) are talking and plan to hang out, Mandy will look at that person that haves a crush on you with a smirk, like some sort of villain
☆ -> Of course she does that while you not looking or when you in the place, even if you got her doing that, she will make it again and make sure you don't got her(Again...)
" You really think Y/N really likes you? That they would hang out with you!? OMG THAT'S FUNNY!!! "
★ -> She keeps you away of your friends, sometimes she just go where you and your friends are and just leave with you
☆ -> And when you ask why she is doing that, she just give some excuse or just says something like
" Look Y/N! You don't understand! Im just doing because i want the best for you! I love you and you know that right? "
★ -> Resume: guilty trip and manipulation
☆ -> And she even uses her two friends(that it don't remember the name-) to help her and convice her, of course one of them already tried to talk to Mandy about this behavior
" Mandy don't you think you going...to far? "
" What!? Of course not! Why? Do you think i am crazy or something!? "
" No i just- "
" So do what i asked you to! "
★ -> She always tries to impress you cause guess what? Yeah she wants your attention, she just loves it when you praise her
☆ -> And when you not impressed or maybe even stand up by yourself, she gets angry and confused, you don't love her!? You not impressed!? She is pretty, rich, (don't) haves a wonderful personality, everyone loves her and finds her amazing!
★ -> She won't give up of you! She always got what she wants!
☆ -> And she wants you!
★ -> And it will have a point that she won't care anymore if you hate her!
☆ -> Love her or Hate her
★ ->  Both are in hers favor
☆ -> if you love her, she will always be in your heart!
★ -> if you hate her, she will always be in your mind
✦ - Surprise songs! -> 🍬 🕶 👯‍♀️
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✦ - NOTES!!
✮ I love Totally Spies ✮
✮ Idk what to say, just a random hc ✮
✮ Who loved the Shakespeare quote??? ✮
✮ Anways my birthday is close :3 ✮
✮ *Sends a virtual hug for you* Ily you guys! Ty for reading <3
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ambrosialdesire · 1 year ago
idk if you’re comfortable with nsfw so you could ignore this if you want…
but what kinks do you think the aot men have as yanderes… 😏
lmfao anon, most of my fics are straight nsfw or have implications of nsfw in them, it's alright to send in nsfw reqs/messages haha (this is not me being mean, im saying this in a joking tone hehe) and sorry this took so dang long to post, i decided to make this my blog's anniversary post LOL
since you didn't mention anyone specific, imma do reiner, eren, levi, zeke, and jean. you already know i'm always gonna put reiner in LMAO eren and levi and jean cause i kinda already have a feel for them in yandere writings, and zeke cause idk why not lol
i'm kinda doing main kinks? 4-5 of them for each of them but idk, i'm just writing whatever works for them in my perspective even though any of the kinks can work for either one of them in certain situations lol and i'm terrible at making long headcanon lists so it's just me blabbering and trying my best to describe the scenarios 💀
NGL THIS IS PROBABLY A REALLY UNPOPULAR OPINION but i don't really like when headcanon lists are like one sentence long and they never go in depth about it or when they make each bullet point a sentence that correlates to the previous point IDK WHY IT IRKS ME SO BAD AND SOME PEOPLE MIGHT LIKE IT THAT WAY AND THAT'S FINE LOL
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pairing(s) : reiner x fem!reader, eren x fem!reader, levi x fem!reader, jean x fem!reader, zeke x fem!reader tags + warnings: general yandere and obsessive themes, unhealthy relationships, explicit sexual content, violent themes, dubcon/noncon implications, breeding, size kink, praise, dom/sub/switch dynamics, rough sex, edging, dacryphilia, marking, blood mention, cannibalism mention, muzzling, exhibition, voyeurism, quickies, pussy worship, forced feminization, knife kink, choking, slapping, collar/leash use, cockwarming, wax-play, forced domestication, humiliation note: please keep in mind of the tags above and do not proceed if triggering or uncomfortable, especially if you are a minor!! do not read my or any other writers' dark content if you are underaged. this is a fictional work and does not reflect irl morals, do not believe this is how a real romance works or functions.
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YOU ALREADY KNOW THE BUSINESS WITH HIM reiner's kinks are definitely anything associated with breeding. mating presses, creampies, lactation, etc. he just loves claiming that way, pushing his cum in and leaving himself plugged inside to ensure that pregnancy is in the future. you belong to him and what more to show it than giving you a child. literally whenever he has sex, it's like he goes into a rut and his mind locks in that he must breed you. then when your milk starts coming in, seeing you leak unlocks something in him that makes him absolutely feral. he finds it so attractive and will spend hours sucking on your tits, esp if you're in pain and in need to help get it sorted out. ain't that kind of him? size kink. since reiner's pretty massive (hehe), he would always adores how much smaller you are. if you're shorter than him, it gives him the feeling that he has to protect you and it gets him so hard seeing you struggle to take him all in, cockhead bulging out of your lower stomach. if you're taller than him or roughly the same height, he does anything to make you feel smaller than him, pushing you down into the bed or making you go on your hands and knees to take in his dick in your mouth. reiner wants you to be weaker than him, to be completely dependable on him and him alone. he's not completely a dom though in my eyes tbh, he's more of a switch with dom-leaning tendencies (bc he first gotta set the control he has over you as a yandere). sometimes he wants to be dominated, wants to be the one begging to put his cock inside of you, and brought to tears from how good you're using him. he's vocal as fuck too, whimpering and moaning so loudly whenever you ride him and play with his tits (CAUSE OMFG I WILL CONTINUE TO SPREAD THE IDEA EVEN MORE THAT HIS TITTIES ARE SENSITIVE AND SO SQUISHY AND PLAYABLE BRUH). he'll always have a limit to how much control you have over him during sex so don't get too cocky cause he'll take over in a snap of a finger. it doesn't matter if he was a breathless mess that had been edged for hours and just came all over his stomach, he's gonna pound you until you're the one whimpering in overstim. HUGE PRAISE KINK, he loves giving praise and receiving it. he's complete putty in your hands if you praise him, makes him feel super good about himself when you say that he's fucking you so good and he loves to feel you clench around him when he says that you look so pretty for him or that you're taking him in so well. even out of sex, he whispers sweet little compliments in your ear just to see you get all flustered about it.
his yandere tendencies come out when he catches you with other men (cacoëthes you'll always be famous TO ME), even if you don't intended to be involved with them, and bro FUCKS like he's trying to prove a point. he's pushing deep into you until his tip is pressed flushed into your cervix and biting at your neck, leaving dark marks that'll last for days to come. he's growling into your ear about how no one and i mean no one can compare to his cock and the way he fucks you. he's literally carving the shape of his dick into you so you'll never forget it. if you try and run off with another man, he wouldn't and never will amount to reiner. that's even if you can ever escape him in the first place.
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this mf is into edging. eren loves to build you up and never let you get there, mostly because it makes you become desperate and so delirious to cum that you'd literally do anything to get there. even he goes CRAZY if he got edged for hours and he cums hard, like the shooting kind of cumming all over you. he's into that shit too, covering every inch of your skin in his warm stickiness. it's like a mark that you can't quite get rid of.
eren's a dacryphiliac, nothing gets him harder than seeing your tears stream down your face. crying because it's so good? stiff as a rock. crying because it's too much? oh my god, he's going to keep fucking you until you're a blabbering mess. he's also into that predator-prey thing, where you're desperately trying to get away from him but your stifled sobs always make it easy to find you and sooner than not, he's pounding you into the nearest surface while licking your tears off your face.
bites, hickeys, bruises, anything of the marking sort, he's into it. eren's known for being a biter, so any chance he gets and for him to be able to cum sometimes, he's sinking his teeth into your flesh. the taste of your blood makes him a little delirious (if this was the actual aot-verse, i think that he's and any other titan user that consumed a lot of human/titan blood is used to the taste (not armin cause he's only eaten bertolt i think) and it's like any other usual meal (they just have a hint of cannibalistic tendencies and you cannot take this idea away from me)). sometimes you'll have to take physical action to make him stop biting down so hard, you elbowed him hard one time when he literally wasn't letting go of your shoulder. the absolute terror that you felt when you looked into his eyes when he finally released you, your blood dripping down his mouth. it was like staring at a starving wolf in the middle of his meal.
because of this, sometimes you muzzle him. eren hates it since he likes biting you, but he's starting to like it a little more every day he gets to fuck you. bro's like a feral dog with it on, the cool metal pressing against your neck, and you could feel his drool drip down from how much he wants to sink his teeth in or because of how much your cunt is making him all hot and delirious. eren's probably the most vocal out of all of them, so you're going to be hearing every whine and groan that's coming out of him.
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that being said, he's into exhibition/voyeurism LMFAO like mutual masturbation kind of shit or he's in the closest watching you touch yourself while he's beating it. something about the thrill of it all gets him going, especially when he fucks you in places where you're definitely going to get caught if you don't stay quiet. the closet thing was an accident at first, he was in your room to ask you something but you weren't there and he started snooping a little too much, getting absolutely distracted that he almost barely heard you start to unlock your door. he hid in the closet, waiting for you to fall asleep but instead you started playing with yourself before you went to bed and that was the start of it all lmao AND you still don't know he keeps doing it.
quickies are jean's fucking passion, bro can fuck you in a short amount of time to make you both cum multiple times and he's a little too good at hiding the fact that the two of you just had sex from around the corner. slicking his hair back smugly while adjusting his clothes back to normal, watching your legs quiver and shake as both of your fluids drip down your thighs, it takes all his might not to fuck you once more.
pussy worshipping, he's definitely into that. he can spend hours knelt underneath you and eating you out, not caring whether his dick is begging for any sort of needed attention. i feel like out of all five of them rn, he has the number one spot of giving more to his partner than receiving it like he's absolutely locked in to please you (reiner is second bc i said so and it's totally not a biased choice 😈). even if you're crying from overstimulation, he's not gonna stop until he says he's finished eating you out.
domestication kink + forced feminization, even if you're the independent type who has a distaste for wearing skirts and dresses, he imagines there's a world where he could make you completely submissive and a dependent housewife. jean does things subtlety so he might slowly incorporate more feminine items in your routine or say something that may have you second-guess yourself, and without you even realizing, you're slowly becoming the woman he dreams of in his head. delusional king!
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for levi, i think isayama said one time that levi's kinda subby or sumn like that so fuck yeah i'm gonna incorporate that in a bit.
knife kink ofc, his handiwork has always been surrounding these sharp pieces of metals so how could i not add this. it's not the threatening aspect that he's into, he already knows that you know that you're always going to below him. it's the fact that he can carve his name into your fragile skin whenever he wants and you can't do anything about it, and watching the small rivulets of blood seep through makes him absolutely feral even though he doesn't admit it. idk how to really describe it until i actually write it in a fic lol
levi's definitely into choking, especially because it gives him absolute control of when you're allowed to breathe, giving up something so important just for him. he never goes pass the line where you pass out because he wants to watch you cum while you're breathless, gasping for air as you clench around him in shudders. he's seen a lot of people get choked out to death, he's even done it a few times, but he likes seeing it done the most on you. especially because you struggle to beg for him to stop, scratch up his arms like a poor little kitty cat and wriggle around in fear. levi swears nothing looks so much prettier than that.
slapping and he's damn good at it. he's slapped your face a few times to get your attention back, but he loves slapping your ass. he hits hard enough to leave his handprints, keeping you sore for days that you can't lay down or sit down right. levi bends you over his lap if you're being a brat and SMACKS until you're sobbing for him to stop but even so, he keeps on going until he feels like the punishment is enough. for being a good girl and taking his punishment so generously, he'll finger you afterwards, running his lithe fingers in-between your clit and into your dripping hole. you may say you hate it, but your pussy is saying otherwise. if you slap him, you are not walking for a week LMFAO
okay now im gonna go into subby levi hehe sometimes he doesn't want to be the one in control because his job is all about control and demanding others, so he'll let you fuck him (with limitations as well). like he'll lay in your lap and let you jerk him off as he sucks on your tits, letting you decide if you want to edge him or overstimulate him. it's a little strange at first being able to control your captain like this but you get used to it, letting him thigh-fuck you but never letting him enter your sopping pussy. sometimes he gets so irritated by being denied so often that he'll break the deal off and start taking back the reins.
levi's a collar and leash man, something about tugging it to direct your attention and getting tugged gets him going. he likes the way his name glimmers in the name tag, how pathetic you look as he sharply pulls it to make you look at him. he usually will only put it on when he's the sub, letting you pull it towards your pussy so he can eat you out. he doesn't force you to act like a dog, it's just the ownership of you that he likes.
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cockwarming, cockwarming, cockwarming. this man loves to keep you plugged up whenever he's reading or smoking a few cigarettes outside. he usually cockwarms you when he wants another way for relaxing and what more than to sink into your warm and tight pussy. zeke's so fucking nonchalantly mean about it too. if you try moving off him or trying to finally cum, he smacks your thigh hard or pulls your hair back to look at him, taunting you about how you're being naughty and naughty girls don't get to cum. so he'll make you stay on him for another few hours or so, then cumming on your ass or stomach and sometimes never making you cum either as punishment.
ZEKE'S ALSO INTO BREEDING BUT LIKE A TWISTED VERSION OF IT, LET ME EXPLAIN. of course, it's canonically known that he doesn't like the reproduction of eldians and wanted the extinction of them through genetic neutering (which was fucking insane btw how he thought his plan would be able to be possible when it was eren's world to control is so funny to me 💀💀). so basically what i'm thinking is that he is so disgusted with the idea so much that he's into it. like the idea of cumming into you and filling your womb gets him so unreasonably hard and he doesn't really know himself why it does. it always happens when he sees you treating a kid so kindly that they may as well be yours and then he starts fantasizing about a homely, domestic life with you with yours and his kids running amok. he never goes through with it of course but he gets close a couple of times, so very very close.
idk ig he kinda gives wax-play vibes. seeing you blindfolded and pouring hot drips of wax on your skin or nipples, twitching in shock from the suddenness of the vague burn amuses him. sometimes he'll tie you up and leave a candle to drip all over you for a few hours and see how many times you cum over it.
zeke's definitely into humiliating you because why would you ever have any sort of pride when your place is in his bed and being his obedient fuck toy? like he makes you roleplay as his subservient maid, buying the skimpiest outfits ever in existence, taking away your underwear and making you wear a skirt that you have constantly tug down, literally anything that makes you feel shameful of yourself. but he reinforces you into liking it by praising you while he fucks you in those fits, talking about how pretty you look with your pussy out just for him and how his stupid little maid is so good at pleasing him.
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lemonflavoreddishsoap · 1 year ago
Hello!!, I saw that you were accepting requests so I wanted to ask for a LS with a S/o who is a member of a punk band!!
PS: sorry for my bad english… I'm using a translator to send this:(
Since I already kiiiind of did similar headcanons for Formaggio and Risotto, I won't include them in these headcanons, I hope that's okay!!
La Squadra with an S/O in a punk band
He makes everyone and their grandma listen to your band. He's boasting about how good your music is, he's practically a living advertisement. If you don't want people to get sick of your band's music, please try to ask him to stop
If you're the singer of the band, he'll sometimes start singing your songs, hoping you'll start singing with him.
Hell, even if you aren't the singer, he'll do it.
Makes his way into as many concerts as he can - his stand comes in handy here as he sneaks in pretty damn easily...I mean I don't really know if he needs to but he does anyway?
Music-wise, it's not exactly something you two connect on, however, he recognises talent when he sees/hears it.
And while he may not listen to your band's stuff on his own time, he will never turn down watching you practice a song or an instrument either on your own or with your band.
Your sheer concentration and skill captivates and attracts him, he loves it.
If you ask for it, he's willing to give feedback when you play him works in progress - he's very fair with his comments, never too harsh, never too soft.
He is CONSTANTLY praising you. Number one fan all day every day, supporting your band as much as he possibly can.
I've said before that I think Pesci's music tastes are a bit of everything, so he has a good appreciation for the kind of art you make and you two can bond over music pretty easily.
He's very nervous about talking to any of your bandmates, but he always asks you to pass along compliments to them. Appreciation for everyone! aughghghg i love him
If he has the time, and you're okay with it, he loves to help with performances!!! If you need help setting ANYTHING, he is willing to help out
Also...be prepared for a very proud, mushy Pesci after any of your performances
"You've been playing together for how long? And your biggest inspirations are...?" idk why I just think he would like. Be a major contributor if you guys had like a wikipedia page or something. He's interviewing you and tippy tapping away (there's a post showing off how silly he types, I need to find it again)
He's asking about all the instruments, all the equipment - if you'd be so gracious as to possible teach him how to use any of them he will be thrilled.
He's just generally super curious about it all, he possibly asks too many questions...as in, you're wondering if he already knows the answer and just wants to listen to you talk.
Similar to Pesci, Melone spreads the appreciation all throughout your band!! No one's talent goes unnoticed to him, and in time he'd like to befriend the other members of the band.
Watching you perform does something to him. He's completely fucking silent and his eyes are GLUED on you. It's kind of scary from an outside perspective but to you it's absolutely adorable.
He's listening to your band all the time. Ghiaccio, at least in my thoughts, has such a deep passion for music and pays deep attention to how each individual in a group plays their instruments, how it all comes together to create a unique sound. Obviously, this is a million times more special for him listening to your stuff because well...it's you.
In previous headcanons, I mentioned that he blasts music into his ears when he listens as a sensory thing. With yours, he likes to close his eyes and imagine you and your band are right there.
No because now I can't stop thinking about it. Ghiaccio would love to have a musician s/o. He would love that so much holyshit?
You find him in heated arguments against random people in the comments of videos of your songs. Classic Ghiaccio.
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starmapz · 2 months ago
FUCKKK my dumbass WiFi deleted the whole essay i sent to you BUT IM TYPING IT UP AGAIN
trish im sorry i started sobbing after reading wyk it’s 2am i woke up my sister and she hit me 😭😭
and then the flashback to when sukuna said “some fuckin mother u got” and how it had an effect on choso….FAWKKKKK I can’t do this like that’s my baby 😭😭😫
it was even worse when choso was silent when reader picked him up from school w kuna…LORD I NEED U TO DO SMTH FOR ME 😭🙏🙏🙏🙏
and omg hiromi drop!!! the whole legal stuff filled me w so much dread like please im anticipating the next chapter so bad…ily but please be gentle on my heart
AND THE PART ABT TBEIR MOM. im pulling up w a glock if kenjakus bitch ass tries to pull anything in the court room it’s not even funny that’s my FAMILY wtf 😭 please im literally on the edge of my seat.
i just. can’t help but look forward to / imagine a part when all is clear and war is over and sukuna has less qualms abt reader and going after her? idt he’s looking for that as of rn but please the yearning 😭😭😭 i just can’t help but think maybe one day sukuna looks at how domestic she is w his brothers and just how much he likes her idk 😭😭 I can’t wait for soft sukuna that finally lets her in FUCKKK
im sorry if this ask is super unhinged but im sooo in my feels. like the way im crying over choso and yuji it’s like i popped them out of my own pussy like please be gentle trish 😭😭😭 you have my heart in your hands and if you break it I’m sending the bill xoxo
AASHIIII!! hi bb i hope you're doing well <33 your knight choso oneshot has such a hold on me omg something about a man SO head over heels for his princess :((( i love him sm
i swear i accidentally delete my posts just by accident and it's not even my wifi so i get that 😭 like who even put the delete and reply buttons so close in the inbox it's actually diabolical
AASHI AFSJKLJSAD NOOOO I'M SORRY omg forgive me for the tears 😭
they're all just little babies who went through so much together 😭 it hurt to write that flashback like i just want them all to be happy who even is making them go through this she's cruel fr 😪
i love hiro sm 🙂‍↕️ you should see my google search history though it looks like i'm about to go to court LOL 😭 i've been doing so much research and i just know the court scene is gonna take suuuuuch a long time to write since i wanna make sure i get as much as i can right
it makes me so happy to see how much you love their lil family, they're seriously my babies and i PROMISE i want what's best for them 😭 (least believable sentence ever written given the last chapter but i swear it's true)
i have so many scenes that i'm like dying to write for their future relationship it's KILLING me that they only exist in my head but I PROMISE eventually... it'll be so worth it, i want to write soft!kuna so BAAAD
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actual image of me holding your heart /jk NO BUT FORGIVE ME FOR THE TEARS and never apologize i seriously love your asks girl <33 i promise i'll make up for all the angst 😭🫶 ily bb i'm so glad you're enjoying wyk!!
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