#please remind me to write vega fluff
lemme-just-oops · 2 years
If your requests are open, could we get the boys with a spell gone awry? Soulmate!au where a red string of fate leads you to your soul mate with reader?
Thank you either way! I'm thrilled to see an AT writer. ♡
(I guess I will write the spell gone wrong?)
Alpheratz: This man was put under a lot of practice when he was young. You can imagine how many mistakes a kid makes, right? His fingers were fish for an entire week, he tried cooking them. Sometimes he still makes mistakes but immediately manages to correct them. Can make flowers grow, but his dandelions have thorns instead of petals.
Arcturus: Since spells for living creatures are risky, he never tried them. Most of his mistakes come frol history classes, where he tried to translate a text into an ancient language and accidentally summoned quite a few demons. After the initial freak out, he gave the demons sandwiches and somehow became their friend. Anyone harming Arcturus is already an enemy of demons.
Pollux: He is forbidden from mixing potions, so he tried to create potions through spells. Luckily he said that out loud and Spica ran into his room just as Pollux was almost drowning in green fog. Turns out, trying to artificially make ingredients is a very dangerous act and he could have messed his health up permanently. He mastered the art of creating cookies though. His illusion skills are pretty good sometimes, but he daydreams a lot and might show everyone his weirdest daydreams.
Sirius: He was not born mastering thr art of transformation, it takes a lot of biological knowledge. Transformation mages have great chances of becoming biologists, because it takes so much knowledge. Sometimes he pranks others by acting like he accidentally transformed his eyes to that of a fly. But his most horrific mistake was to try transforming into a mythical creature. It made him completely horrendous to look at and he became known as a cryptid creature in human terms. When he transformed back, his body refused to act as such and kept having random transformations. His eyes were stuck being golden for a week, hair kept falling out. Sometimes he randomly became a old lady.
Spica: He pretends to not know of any mistake, but his student file is filled with accidents. The stereotype of pulling a bunny from his hat interested him, but either he drew out a pigeon or a miniature Sirius. "Pick a card" tricks ended up with him showing you a pig. No one knows why he fails those so hard, but that is why he usually does not show his magical powers off.
Vega: When he first started his lessons, he tried to find a way to return to Mid-Eartheim. His eager mind did not stop for caution, he just tried everything. This created portals to fictional worlds, but not his actual world. He definitely trapped himself in a loop of where he travelled through time and kept changing the future. His mistakes led to some horrific memories of fighting and eventually hurting different versions of himself, and he had no one to talk to about this.
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The Great Outdoors
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Dr. Spencer Reid x Reader
Words: 1275
Summary: In an attempt to relax and leave the stress of your jobs behind, you convince your boyfriend to come with you to a cabin in the Black Hills. 
Notes: Okay, I spent a weekend in the Black Hills and I couldn’t resist. Since the last two were really dark, I thought this little bit of Spencer fluff would be fun. Plus, writing steamy Spence is really fun. (Ha, get it?)
Warnings: A whole lot of *suggestive* material and a sprinkle (more like a bucket full) of fluff. 
More Spencer: HERE
You held the two plane tickets up with a wicked grin on your face. You’d been waiting to surprise him all day, but he’d been filling out paperwork and you had to get the vacation days approved by Hotchner. His reaction wasn’t exactly what you’d expected. 
“South Dakota? Why would we go to South Dakota?” 
“I rented us a cabin up in the Black Hills. I already got Hotch to give us the vacation days, so don’t worry about that. I figured we could just get away for a while. Away from serial killers and D.C. and everything else. We can just be out in the woods and forget about everything but each other.” You draped your arms around his neck and pulled him in for a kiss. Spencer pushed back with a confused expression. 
“You want me to stay in a cabin for a whole weekend? Out in a forest?” 
“I’m not asking you to scale a mountain or anything Spence.” You laughed. “I just thought getting out into the great outdoors would be good for both of us.” Spencer just gave you an uncomfortable look. Morgan walked by with a stack of files he had to work on. 
“Why don’t you take Morgan?” Spencer blurted. He stopped walking, having no idea what he just got dragged into. “He likes mountains and camping and trees, right Morgan?” 
“Uhh, sure?” 
You put your hands on your hips. 
“Well I can’t have hot hot-tub sex with Morgan, now can I?” You snapped. Morgan smirked. 
“You can sure try, sweetheart.” He wiggled his eyebrows at you and you smacked his chest. He laughed and went back to his desk, eyeing the two of you with an amused smile. You turned back to your reluctant boyfriend. 
“Come on, Spence, please? I used to go up there all the time when I was a kid and I really need an escape right now.” You pouted your lips, imitating the puppy-dog look he was so good at. “Don’t make me go by myself.” You used the most powerful tool you had- guilt tripping. And it worked. 
“Okay, okay just stop doing the sad face with the eyes and the lips!” He surrendered. You squealed happily and threw your arms around him. You whispered in his ear. 
“I’ll make it worth your while, I promise, Dr. Reid.” Your voice was low and seductive and when you pulled away to finish up some last minute paperwork, his face was turning red. 
Spencer walked slowly to his desk, keeping a calm exterior when on the inside he was dying to grab you by the shoulders and kiss you in a way that would make even Morgan blush. Packing up his bag, he looked up to see his coworker shaking his head. 
“Man, that woman has got you eating out of the palm of her hand.” Morgan chuckled, making a whipping motion with his hands. 
“Very funny.” 
“I’m serious. If my girlfriend tried to drag my ass to a cold and dreary cabin, I would have made her work a little harder. Y/N barely even begged before you caved.” He teased. Reid knew exactly how to wipe that smirk off his face, even if it was a little out of character for him. 
“Don’t worry, Morgan.” He closed his bag and smiled. “This weekend, she’ll definitely be begging for something.” 
He walked away, leaving a flabbergasted Morgan gaping at his desk. You joined him at the elevator. 
“What was that about?” You snickered, lacing your fingers with his. While you hadn’t heard their conversation, the look on Derek’s face was a strange combination of proud and mortified.  Spencer just blew out a content breath and smirked. 
“Remind me to tell you at the cabin.” 
Spencer’s enthusiasm could not be more forced as you unlocked the door of the cabin. He rushed inside to escape the frigid air, trying to keep his teeth from chattering. How you were still so warm and chipper, he had no idea. His little Los Vegas body was extremely uncomfortable with this environment but you seemed to be thriving in it. The freezing wind made your cheeks and nose a reddish pink color and your bright smile only grew as you explored the inside of the cabin. 
“This place is so great!” You gushed. “The kitchen is amazing, there’s a huge fireplace, and the hot tub is just outside.” 
“Do you have any idea how many germs are in that thing?” Spencer shuttered. You just rolled your eyes.
“Buzzkill.” You shed your giant coat and plopped down on the sofa, watching snow outside the window. It was beautiful- the snow covered trees to the endless hilly horizon- it all made you forget the horror of your job. Spencer saw the way your eyes sparkled and couldn’t help but feel guilty about being such a downer about all of this. 
He sat down beside you, draping his arm around your shoulders. You cuddled up beside him and he lifted your lips to his. When you pulled back, you were grinning. 
“What was that for?” 
“I haven’t actually said thank you for doing all of this.” He said. Your grin spread wider. 
“Is this a good time to say ‘I told you so’?” You bragged. Spencer rolled his eyes and pulled you closer, deepening the kiss and slowly laying you back on the couch. You smirked against his lips and wiggled out of his grip. 
You backed away from the couch with a mischievous sparkle in your eyes. You motioned for him to follow you, slowly unbuttoning your blouse. 
“Where are you going?” Spencer gulped, his eyes following your fingers. You just giggled and took off down the stairs, leaving a trail of clothes in your wake. 
You winced, feeling the hot water against the cold skin of your feet. Taking a few seconds to adjust, you sank down into the jet-stream water, feeling all of the tension still trapped under your skin melt away. You ran your fingers through your hair, letting thoughts of serial killers and gruesome deaths vanish from your mind. 
“That’s so unsanitary.” Spencer complained, appearing in front of you. He was still fully dressed, but he was shivering in the below-zero weather. 
“You know you won’t be so cold if you just get in.” You crept towards him, the bubbling water concealing your body but still leaving little to the imagination. Spencer shook his head. 
“Do you know how many germs are probably-”
“Spence, I made sure that there’s plenty of chlorine and that the water was switched out before we got here, okay?” You started with the puppy dog face again. 
“That’s not going to work this time.” He crossed his arms defiantly, but you could tell you were wearing him down. He just needed a little push. 
You stood up, the freeze breeze contrasting with the hot water dripping down your bare skin. Spencer’s eyes widened. 
“I told you that I would make this trip worth your while, Dr. Reid.” You untucked his shirt from his dress pants and lifted it over his head. You watched his eyes darken as his long fingers traced up your sides and over your arms to tangle themselves in your hair. The sound of his shoes hitting the deck was lost under the sound of the jets. 
Spencer stepped into the hot tub, pants and all, sinking down into the water with you. The trees created a perfect wall around you, the snow silencing the world’s noise. With you in his arms and your lips against his, maybe he could get used to being an outdoors guy.
General Tag: @rae-gar-targaryen; @takemepedropascal; @childhood-imagination;  @mylovegoesto; @yellowbadgergirl; @itmejado; @suckmyapplejacks
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anonsservice · 4 years
Wake Up!
|Prompt: Nightmare Comfort | request fill | Jade West x Reader | gender neutral!Reader| Jade, and Reader go to a sleepover at Tori's house prompted by Cat, and You have a nightmare. Jade comforts you. | fluff and a tiny little bit angst | 
    You had been getting night terrors since you were little. Anything would set them off back then. A stranger on the passing sidewalk who looked at you for a moment too long, the ladybug who had one too many spots, really, everything could have sent you down one nightmare after another. It got better in your teen years, but they still happened, still jolted you awake in a cold sweat, crying nine times out of ten. This is why you were reluctant to accept this slumber invitation. You really almost said no, but Jade had convinced you to go. After all, who would say no to an honest 'please' coming from the normally stone-cold gank.
    Jade would have said no as well and just spent the night with you instead, but Cat was tearing up and going on a long-winded speech about how senior year was almost over and how college would separate you all. All of which led up to this moment. You were packing your small overnight bag. Clothes, deodorant, hairbrush, toothbrush, toothpaste, etc., etc. Jade would pick you up and the two of you would face this horrid night together. You did in fact like spending time with Cat and Tori, but your nerves got to you and all you could think about was 'what if I have a stupid nightmare? Like a child! Wake up crying and ruin it for everybody.'
    This is what caused you to stare at your shoes the whole ride over, only looking up when forcefully brought back to earth by Jade.
"What were you thinking about?"
"It's nothing, Jade. We should go in now, better get it over with-"
"Y/N were not leaving this car unti-" She was cut off by Cat bounding over from the front door of the Vega's house and over to your passenger side door.
"Hiii!" Cat yelled while twirling a strand of her hair around her finger.
"I tried to stop her!" Tori yelled while following after her, panting.
    Jade rolled her eyes and pointed her finger at you.
"We're talking about this later, Y/N. Now let's go, I got your bag."
    Jade, You, Cat, and Tori all walked in together. Jade holding both of your bags. (whipped? more likely than you think.)
    Cat was the first to jump onto one of the couches, sitting on the right couch, Tori followed her and sat next to her. You and Jade took up the left couch, you laying your head on her shoulder. And every time Cat or Tori sent an 'aww' look your way she snarled.
    "So! we should start off with hmmm- oh oh I know! Truth or dare!" That was Cat, and she was buzzing with excitement. You could practically see the happiness seeping from her tone.
    "What are we? Ten? No, Cat."  Jade hated truth or dare, or well most times she did. It was only fun when it was in her favor of looking for gossip or stirring up drama.
    You, however, were open to the game. Having played it growing up to pass time you didn't mind the small request from the red-headed girl.
    "Cmon' Jadey! Please-" Cat tried to speak but Jade cut her off.
    "No!" The one word Jade said multiple times a day. It seemed to be her only reaction to things.
    You didn't want to see Cat sad or hear for that matter. Cat would start to cry and then all hell would happen, so you took things into your own hands.
    "Jade, don't be rude! It's a sleepover! Just play the game, please. For me?" You sat up to look her in the eyes right as you said please. Crossing your eyebrows a touch and only slightly pouting your lips. A look you've perfected to get the girl sitting in front of you into a puddle.
    Jade grumbled a 'fine' and the four of you played for an hour. One of the 'truths' being asked by Tori to Jade was "Is it true your whipped for Y/N?". It took you and Cat lots of tiring effort to pull Jade off Tori.
It was two hours since the game. You four were now watching a movie and poking fun at the cliches, well you guys were until Jade reminded you all that every single one of you guys fit into one or another cliche. After a movie or two, you guys ate dinner and just talked until the time came for sleep. Tori slept in her bed, Cat, You, and Jade played a human game of Tetris and managed to fit on the floor
    You tried to sleep, you did, but you just couldn't. So once you thought that everybody was asleep you grabbed your phone and scrolled endlessly through Twitter. An hour later and your eyes were getting more and more sensitive to the light, your arms slowly let go of your phone, and you fell asleep.  
You woke up in school, you heard nothing but your ragged breath. Everything around you was blurred, and from what you could see there were thick layers of fog. You could make out the familiar bright student decorated lockers that lead you to find out you were in the school. You stepped forward but all you saw was the fog. You walked the familiar way to your favorite acting teacher's room. You walked forward through the classroom door until you almost tripped over something on the floor. You knelt down to get a closer look, but you wished you hadn't. You had thought you just tripped over a chair or miss placed item, but what you tripped on was far worse. It was jade. A bloody Jade. A dead Jade. Your heart stopped, and you stopped. All you could do was stare. You wanted to scream, to run, to hug her, to help her. But all you could do was stare. Eventually, it stopped. You leaned forward and grabbed onto Jade's shoulders.
"Jade?!" Your voice echoed as if in a cave.
"Jade!" You shook her and screamed and cried.
"What happened? Jade? Fuck! No no no!"
    Her lips, looking both pale and blue but also a blood-red moved slightly, saying something.
Tears freely flowed down your face as you leaned in.
"Jade? What is it? Jade!"
No response.
You held her body close and cried, just cried. Although you heard a voice that only got louder.
"Wake up."
"Wake up!"
You felt as if there was an earthquake and shut your eyes.
But once you opened them all you saw was black and blue hair that you knew to be Jade's. The same Jade that was just dead in your hands. Your arms flew around the familiar body and you held her close while your body shook in tears.
"cmon, Y/N. Up." She gripped your torse and helped you up from your makeshift sleeping bag on the floor to the living room.
You two sat on the couch, you were still crying, silently this time. And Jade was holding you. Long arms wrapped firmly around you, rubbing the small of your back. You weren't sure how long had passed since you woke from the horrible dream. but finally, your tears had dried and you pulled away from Jade.  
"Wanna talk about it?"
You didn't. Not one bit. But you knew she would be ever so worried if you didn't. So you pulled it together and nodded.
"It was um a dream- well no- a nightmare."
    Jade merely nodded along with every few words you said.
"I get really bad um nightmares, ever since I was little, that why I was in a bad mood when we arrived. Scared of doing what I just did."
"So what was this nightmare about?"
"I was uh in school, there was a fog, and uh I went to Mr.Sakowitz's room. You were there on the floor-" You started to tear up again. The image of your girlfriend on the floor flooding your mind once more.
"It's okay, Y/N."
"You were there on the floor... bloody, blue, and dead. And I wanted to scream I wanted to do something but I couldn't. All I could do was cry silently and stare. It was horrible Jade! Horrible!"
At this point, you were full-on crying again.
"Here how about this, you go wait in my car, I'll grab our things, and we can go to my house. Okay?"
"But I don't wanna impose- Cat was so happy for this."
"If you don't want to stay you don't have to, if they say anything about it I'll cut em up with my scissors. Okay? Now go," Jade fished through her purse that was thrown on the couch from earlier and handed them to you.
You took them and walked as quickly as you could to Jade's car that was parked out front.
After Jade climbed into the car and drove you back to her place, she made you tea, got out chips and other snacks, and took you down into what she likes to call her 'demon lair'.
You slowly sipped the hot tea while you pushed your body as far into Jade as it would go. You watched a silent film and slowly fell into a dreamless sleep.
Jade took your tea cup and put it on her side table, tucked you in, and held you close to her.
    The next morning you woke up to Jade staring at you. "You watching me sleep, spooky lady?"
She shook her head at you and pressed a kiss into your cheek. "Morning,"
You tried to kiss her on the lips but she pulled back. "Morning breath, Y/N!"
Your own face scrunched up and you sat up.
"Sorry," With that you went up the stairs and into the bathroom to brush your teeth.
Jade took the time to call Cat, who she assumed would be up by now.
"Hi, Jadey!"
"Don't call me that, Cat"
"Don't baby talk me either Cat!"
"Anyways. I was calling to say I was sor- sorr- I can't do it- I just- we left early because Y/N's mom needed her and I drove her home. I just didn't come back because it was my chance to escape."
"Okee Dokie! Is Y/N's mom okay?"
"Yeah just, bye."
Jade hung up and turned round to see you smiling at the foot of your bed.
You and Jade ended up meeting back up with Tori and Cat for a day out.
A/N: Woah! me updating- at a semi-decent time? Who knew that was possible, I didn't. I also completely forgot the men in this show existed for a hot second and forgot to write them in. Oops? I only went through this once so- do with that as you will. That is all from me! 
-tooth >:)
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Reader and Erik take a bae-cation after Reader has her baby. She is having breast pains from breastfeeding so Erik suggests soothing her.
Warnings: Smut, Fluff, 
[Side note: Writing this made me so horny....]
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Baby girl and her Baby Daddy decided to stay in a fancy hotel in Vegas for the weekend while her mom, Miss Pam, watched their handsome baby boy Omari. Omari was a 9lbs 10oz baby with a head full of shiny jet black curls, droopy cheeks, and fat arms and legs that reminded you of the michelin tire man. Erik made her put in a two week notice with her job in medical billing and coding because he wanted her to be home with their son. He had enough money to take care of all three of them. Y/N didn’t like that at first but she eventually agreed to it. She was actually very happy that she did. Taking this bae-cation with Erik for the weekend was already hard since she couldn’t be near her son. Currently, Y/N and Erik decided to hit up the casino so Erik could play his blackjack. He’s so good at it that he played in a few tournaments and won a lot of money. He was known in that casino for his skills. Y/N knew he was going to win every game so she went off on her own to play at the slot machines. Erik has all the luck while Y/N doesn’t. She lost every game at those slots.
“Fuck this, bruh,” She got up from the cramped seat, adjusting her denim skirt, “This is some bullshit. Let me go get Baby Daddy because I’m hungry for some wings.”
Y/N began to walk away but an elderly lady that was seated next to her kindly taps her on the shoulder. Y/N smiles at the woman before approaching her chair.
“Sugar, did you recently have a little one?” She asks in a smooth tone that reminded her of her grandmother.
“Yes, ma’am,” Y/N smiles with her dimples, “A boy, his name is Omari.”
“I bet he is very handsome. I’m only asking because,” The Elserly woman lowered her voice to almost a mumble. She didn’t need to, the casino was very loud, “You look to be leaking from your breasts-“
“OH MY GOSH,” Y/N began to panic, covering her aching breasts, “Is it bad?!”
“Sweetheart, calm down,” The elderly lady laughs lightly, “It’s alright baby, it happens, do you have a jacket?”
“I do,” Y/N left it with Erik, “It’s with my boyfriend.”
“Where is he located?” The elderly lady got up from her seat, standing at about 4ft.
“One of the blackjack tables,” Y/N takes the elderly ladies offered hand.
“Let’s go find him and get your jacket-“
“You don’t have to ma’am, honestly-“
“No, but I insist,” She was persistent just like her nana,” “Come on sugar, I’d like to meet this young man.”
Once again, Erik wins. He ignored the jealous and vengeful looks from the other men whose whores huddled around them with their arms draped over their shoulders. The Experienced Table Games Dealer gathers all of Erik’s winnings, instructing him to take it to the Cashier. With his winnings stored away, Erik grabs Y/N’s jacket, ready to head for the slot machines but he spots her with a little old lady dressed in outrageous floral patterned clothing. She was hugging the front of her breasts with one arm while the other was being held by the little old woman. Confused, Erik walks you to them, giving Y/N and the elderly lady a smile.
“What’s going on here? How are you doing,” Erik held his hand out for the elderly lady to shake, “I’m Erik.”
“Dorothy,” She spoke with kindness that warmed Erik’s heart, “So this is the handsome father of your son Omari?”
“Yes” Y/N smiles, “This is him. Did you win, baby?”
“You know I did,” Erik held up his winnings, “I was just about to come get you so we can cash this out and get something to eat. So, what’s going on?”
“You’re lovely lady here had a bit of an accident,” The elderly lady discretely points to Y/N’s breasts, “I noticed at the slot machines and decided to walk over with her. She needs a jacket, young man.”
Erik’s eyes traveled towards Y/N’s arm draped over her breasts, “Baby, you didn’t put the pads in like I reminded you to?”
“I did.”
“Okay,” Erik places his winnings on his seat, grabbing Y/N’s jacket, and helping her put it on whole his chest was close to hers so no one would see, “Thank you Miss Dorothy-“
“Yes, thank you so much, you didn’t have to do this for me at all,” Y/N hugs Miss Dorothy close, “You are so sweet Miss Dorothy.”
“Anytime sweetie,” Miss Dorothy squeezes Erik’s hand, “Take care of her, handsome? She’s a good one I can tell.”
“Oh, I know, I got her, Miss Dorothy,” Erik gave her a charming smile filled with dimples and shiny teeth with a little gold, “You take care of yourself, okay?”
“I will! I need to head back to my friends before the bus leaves,” Miss Dorothy waves one final goodbye, “Tell Omari that Miss Dorothy says hello!”
“We will!” Y/N waves before turning back to Erik, “she’s such a sweet lady, baby.”
“She is,” Erik rubs Y/N’s shoulder, “Let’s get back to the room so you can change.”
Erik wraps his arm around Y/N’s shoulder as they walked to the Cashier so he could cash in his winnings before heading to the hotel.
“That’s a lot of winnings, baby.”
Y/N watches Erik handle all the money, 10 thousand dollars of it.
“I could have won more but those motherfuckers needed a break from the ass whipping I gave em’.”
Y/N was standing in front of a wall length mirror near their hotel closet. She was currently adding the padding to her nipples to help absorb the milk that flowed from her heavy breasts.
“You need some help, Baby girl?” Erik spoke while stretched out on the bed, twirling a single dread, “You liked how I did it the last time.”
“Yes, please,” Y/N stops, looking through the mirror watching Erik get up from the bed, shirtless and sexy as he walks over to Y/N. Her large breasts still leaked a little so she grabs a rag to dab it gently. Erik stood over her short frame from behind, taking the pads in his hand, and reaching around to lift one of her generous breasts so he could have a good eye for where to place the pads.
“Ouch,” Y/N fusses when he lifted her breast, “Baby, they’re still sensitive...be gentle.”
“I’m sorry, love,” Erik loosened his hold, “Better?”
“Mhm,” She watched as her milk spilled onto Erik’s hand, “Erik, be quick! It’s leaking more.”
“Calm down, and relax,” Erik places the pads, “Now pass me some of that hospital tape.”
Y/N hands Erik some of the skin safe hospital tape.
“Thank you,” Erik accepts pieces of tape from Y/N while he placed them around the padding to keep it in place, “Okay, let me do the next one,” Erik looked over Y/N’s shoulder, slowly lifting her breast and watching as little droplets of milk spilled on his fingers. He adds the pads, quietly accepting the tape, and securing the pads. She was all finished.
“This is a lot better,” Y/N takes her bra from off of the ironing board that she used before they went to the casino, “Thanks, Daddy.”
“Anytime, love,” Erik kisses her jaw, “You wanna get something food?”
“Wings!” Y/N shouts.
“Okay,” Erik trailed his kisses to her neck, “You still smell like Omari.”
“I’ve been attached to his chunky butt for months now. I can’t get his smell off of me.”
Omari smelled like peaches and cream.
“Mmm,” Erik hums before backing away, he looks down at his fingers still wet with milk.
Erik sucks on his fingers before sitting back onto the bed. The taste was creamy and sweet on his tongue. Like custard. He licks his lips, thighs swaying back and forth on the bed because his dick was growing in his jeans. He’d never tasted Y/N’s breast milk. So this is what Omari was receiving all the time like a starving child? Erik already feels left out. Y/N’s breasts once played an important role in the sexual relationship that they both shared. Now that she is breastfeeding, Erik feels as though her breasts are off limits, or no longer a part of that sexual relationship. Erik feels that Y/N’s milk-filled breasts are now reserved for the relationship that she shares with Omari, and that's something he doesn’t feel part of. He just wanted to feel included and not jealous Everytime he looked his son in his grey eyes while he sucked on his mama.
“After we eat, can we swim?” Y/N missed going to the beach and the pool.
“Yeah, Thats fine with me, baby, anything for you.”
Y/N had Erik’s attention while they sat in Hooters eating. Her breasts were resting on the table since she had to lean over to eat her wings. Erik could see why she was sensitive and in pain. Deep veins could be seen peeking through her skin. They were engorged more than he remembered them to be. Over abundant with milk supply. He wasn’t drooling from the siracha wings he was munching on. He was drooling because he wanted to taste her sugary milk again. It reminded him of the milk after eating a bowl of sweetened cereal for breakfast.
“What?” Y/N couldn’t ignore Erik’s eyes as they watched her, “Do I have blue cheese on my face or something?”
“Nah, You’re just beautiful that’s all. What? I can’t stare at my baby, hm?”
Y/N blushes, “You can, Daddy. I like it when you look at me.”
“You should have worn a different shirt,” Erik’s eyes traveled down to her cleavage poking through her shirt, “You know them breasts got bigger they can’t fit in your shirts like they used to.”
“Why do you think I wear all your t-shirts? I have to go shopping again.”
“I should beat your ass for showing off like that,” Erik smirks while chewing.
“They’re yours so why does it matter?”
Erik leans forward on the table, “Because, I don’t wanna have to gauge a niggas eyes out for looking.”
“Daddy, don’t be violent,” Y/N spoke in a sweet voice.
“You make me more violent when you dress like that.”
Y/N sat back in her chair, straightening her back causing her breasts to poke out more. Erik had a few things in mind that he could do to those breasts. Take his hard dick, some body oil, and her big ass titties, squeeze his dick between and coat it with the oil so he could fuck her titties. Then there was the desire to be breast fed. Erik is so turned on by Y/N’s lactating and sore breasts. He couldn’t ignore the sexual fantasy that involves breastfeeding. Erotic lactation and adult breastfeeding was a new kink of his. He wanted to take Omari’s place and suck on Y/N’s breasts while she ran her fingers through his hair and whispered things like:
There you go, baby, that’s it, suck on mamas breasts.
Do you want some more? You’re so greedy.
Look how much of my milk comes out! You make me lactate more, I love that.
If she could say things like:
Daddy, the more you suck, the more my titties will milk and it’s already too much.
It may hurt when you suck on them...you suck harder than Omari...they’re so sensitive.
Daddy...Omari needs some milk too. You can’t be stingy like that...
His dick was iron hard. Erik wanted to unbutton and unzip his pants so his dick could sprang free. All the blood in his body felt like it rushed to his dick. If he squeezed it, there would be resistance for sure, his dick feeling like a pipe covered in flesh.
“Are you not hungry anymore?” Y/N grabs a siracha wing for herself, “You usually eat everything. Something must be on your mind.”
“I’m just thinking about going back to that hotel with you. You need to take care of something for me.”
“And what’s that?” Y/N looked up through her lashes at him.
“You’ll see. Let’s take this shit to go.” Erik looked around before spotting their waiter, a pretty brown-skinned girl with a bright red weave, motioning for her to come over.
“Anything else for you guys?”
“Nah, can we have some to-go boxes?” Erik pulled out his wallet.
“Sure! I’ll be back,” She walked away with a sway of her thick hips.
“Can we still go swimming?” Y/N asks while eating one more fry.
“Yeah, but not for long though.” Erik wanted to rip that top she had on right down the middle, pull down the cups of her bra, snatch those pads off, and go to town on her nipples. He imagined himself thrashing his tongue before sucking softly. He envisioned her milk dripping down the sides of his mouth and to his chin.
“What’s taking her so damn long? I only asked for boxes not another fucking meal,” Erik complained.
“Why are you acting like that? She’s coming,” Y/N rolls her eyes before throwing a French fry at his chest, “Big meany.”
The Big Meany in my pants is suffering, Erik thought.
“Finally,” Erik spoke with exhaustion as he spots their waiter walking over with a few bags and to-go containers.
“Thanks, girl,” Y/N accepts it.
“No dessert?” The waiter looked at Y/N and Erik expectantly.
“Can I have a slice of cheesecake, please?”
Erik’s jaw tightened.
“Sure! Just the one?”
“Make it two. He likes the Oreo cookie one. I’ll take the original with extra whipped cream.”
“Okay, I’ll be right back.”
Erik wanted to fuss but he knew he would want that cheesecake later.
“Pick your lip up, Daddy, your pouting,” Y/N giggles, “You must be horny.”
“I am,” Erik shakes his head at her, “It’s your fucking fault.”
“Aww, I’m so sorry, Daddy.”
Erik’s mean mug made Y/N explode with laughter, her breasts smushing into the edge of the table. She winced, little whimpers escaping her mouth while she cuffed her breasts.
“They are so damn sore,” Y/N complains, “I just want to take this bra off and let my titties free.”
“Shit,” Erik spoke, “They that filled up, huh?”
“Yes. Omari will have a lot from me when we get home.”
Me too, he thought.
They pool was empty enough for both of them to enjoy but Erik was too busy watching Y/N swim back and forth. She made Erik take a few pictures of her in her swimsuit for her instagram since she’s a famous plus size Youtuber. She does clothing halls, hair, and makeup. They had been down there for only 40 minutes but it felt like five hours.
“Baby,” Erik called out to her, watching her float with her breasts poked out.
“Why aren’t you swimming?!” Y/N splashed him, “You are a party pooper.”
“Because Daddy is horny and he need you to take care of him right now.”
Y/N swam to the pool ladder, climbing out, water dripping from her body. She walked over to Erik, grabbing their towels.
“Let’s go then. You’re lucky I want some dick.”
Erik stood up, grabbing the towel from her, “You we’re gonna give me some puss either way so don’t say that.”
They made their way back to the room, Y/N keying in, flicking on only the hallway light while everything else was dark. This was the only light they really needed. Erik grabs their towels, tossing them in a wrinkled pile in the corner near the door, and wrapping his arms around Y/N’s waist. She giggles, one hand coming up to cup his cheek.
“You feel so good on Daddy’s dick, baby,” Erik murmured, “Touch Daddy’s dick so you can see what I’m talking about.”
Y/N reached behind her, a gasp escaping her mouth when her fingers ran up the length of him.
“That’s all for you...this dick is what nutted in that phat pussy...got all my nut in there...and look at you, gave birth to my son. He made you look even more sexier than you already were. Thicker...ass phatter, titties bigger,” Erik grinds his hips onto her ass, “These big ass titties filled with all that food for my son...Omari probably miss his mama titty in his mouth.”
“Damn, Daddy,” Y/N was super wet, “You’re nasty self.”
“Too bad I got mama all weekend. Now both titties gon’ be in my mouth.”
“Jealous?” Y/N teased.
“Fuck yeah. Daddy is jealous, baby. Omari gets all the milk and sucking while I get nothing? Ain’t fair, baby.”
“Erik...Daddy...you want some of my milk?” She was astonished.
“It taste so good.” Erik French kisses her neck, “so sweet. I liked it off my fingers earlier. Mmm, yummy.”
She could feel herself lactate.
“You gon’ let that milk drip on my tongue?”
“Fuck,” Y/N whimpers.
“Can mama breast feed me too?” The way he asked that caused Y/N’s nipples to harden.
Y/N thought about all the benefits to Erik sucking on her titties while she breast feeds him. Y/N is so sensitive to breast or nipple stimulation and she can’t help but to experience sexual feelings while breastfeeding. Breastfeeding Erik could bring about an unexpected and enjoyable aspect to their sexual relationship. Then there was the factor that the additional stimulation and removal of milk at T/N’s breast can naturally trigger her body to make more breast milk. Erik would have a much stronger suck than Omari and he could help drain her more and prevent the pain she feels.
“Yes...I’m in a lot of pain when it’s so heavy and I can’t drain them since I’m not home,” Y/N’s eyelids fluttered shut, “I can breast feed you, Daddy, but you have to be careful, okay?”
Erik grunts, his eyes in slits while he removed Y/N’s swimsuit top, “I promise I’ll take real good care of you. Damn, I just want it so bad. My dick is so hard, baby, fuck, can you suck it for me?”
Y/N didn’t say a word as she turns around, getting in her knees, pulling Erik’s trunks down. His dick was indeed hard. Deep veins fat with blood under the brown skin of his dick. The tip of his thickness so swollen and purpled from all the blood. Balls tight like he was ready to cum. Dick thicker and longer since the sight of her on her knees turned him on. He just wanted it sucked so damn bad.
“Come on, ma,” Erik grabs the back of her head, “You taking to long for me.”
Y/N wraps her lips around him, Erik’s head falling back. His ass clenched when her lips went back and forth tightly on his dick.
“Fuck fuck FUCK.” He held her head in place so she wouldn’t move away.
“Mmm,” She moaned with his dick deep in her mouth.
“I’m so fucking hard,” He hisses, “Suck it like that, baby, fuck.”
She had him seeing stars.
“Keep sucking on me and watch how much cum I make you swallow you nasty bitch.”
Y/N went faster.
“Oh? Oh yeah? Hmph, yeah?”
She slurped and gurgled around him.
“SHIT.” Erik could feel himself ready to erupt, “Fucking yes, baby, mmmm, please Daddy, yessssss, Mhm, fuck!”
Y/N’s nose pressed into Erik’s groomed pubic hair while he explodes down her throat. Erik pulls his dick out slowly, his eyes staring down at his shiny it is and still very very hard.
“Let me suck on you. I’m hungry.”
Y/N got up from the floor, Erik grabbing her neck to kiss her. She sucked on his bottom lip, earning a smack to her ass.
“Get in the bed right fucking now.”
Y/N went to lay on the bed, her breasts splayed out for him and him only. Erik walked up to her, crawling in the bed to rest between her legs. He gently removed the pads and tape from her nipples. Once she was free, he could already see her milk spilling. It rolled down the sides of her breasts since the fell off to the sides from being so damn heavy. Erik picks her left breast up, Y/N whimpering.
“Daddy, please be gentle.”
“I promise, I promise,” Erik took in a deep breath before opening his mouth, his tongue dragging over her entire areola and nipple. Y/N moans, her eyes closing while her chest pushed further into his mouth.
“So sweet and tastes yummy, girl,” Erik sucked, “fuck, yes.”
Y/N could not stare at the erotic sight, watching Erik’s full lips suck on her sensitive nipple and his thick tongue drag over it so desperately made her reach between her legs to rub her clit.
“Daddy, you’re making them feel better,” She bites her bottom lip, “Umph, Daddy that feels so good.”
Her soft spoken voice and the taste of her milk had Erik’s dick leaking with precum.
“Daddy...please...suck on me,” Y/N moves his head so he can show the other breast some attention.
“I got you, baby girl,” He gave her the same pleasant torture that had her pussy dripping to the bed.
“Mmm, My pussy is so wet,” She licks her lips while watching Erik lightly suck on her, “Daddy, my pussy is so wet.”
“You want me to put my dick in you, huh?”
“Please,” Y/N’s legs went wider.
“If I do that I’m cumming in you deep. I want that puss messy. Gon’ have all my cum swimming in there fucking around with me. You want this dick I’m impregnating your fine ass again.”
“Yes!” Y/N could feel Erik’s dick spread her pussy lips. Her hand left her clit, both of them cumming up to grip his shoulders.
“Remember how I got that ass knocked up? I fucked the pussy just like this didn’t I? And you still remember to keep them legs wide for Daddy, mm, girl.”
His dick slid into her tightness. Pussy still tight even after pushing out a 9lb baby.
“Ooooo, this shit is super wet,” Erik looked down at his dick, “you making a big mess on Daddy,” His lips went back to her titties like they never left, “Make a big mess in Daddy’s mouth too with all this milk.”
Erik moved his tongue over her nipples so good her body shivered, that didn’t include the way he beat her walls up. He was up in a push-up position with all his strength as his dick drilled in and out. He was fucking her pussy so hard that Y/N felt her body bouncing. He was really horny for her. She could do nothing but moan and gasp while Erik sat up with a milk covered chin. He used his hands to hold the back of her thighs while his dick went in and out...in and out with just the power of his hips. Y/N’s toes curled. She could see her breasts lactate while Erik fucked her.
“I’m fucking that pussy, baby?”
He had the nerve.
“Look at you, creaming on me,” Erik swiveled his hips inside of her, “And I feel that pussy, cum on me while I bust this phat pussy open!”
He seemed to go faster and faster each time. His dick was damn near a blur. Y/N pushed at his chest, her eyes shutting and mouth unhinged as she squirted and orgasmed on his dick. Her lungs burned with the deep breath she took. He was still going, another orgasm hitting her suddenly. She thought her pussy wouldn’t be able to work like this again after pushing out Omari but boy, was she wrong.
Erik sucked on her breasts before licking milk from his lips, “You just keep leaking. My dick is deep in here, baby, and my balls ready to empty all my nut in this phat puss.”
“Fuck, Daddy, fuck,” Y/N’s thighs shook, “Daddy, I love the way you suck on my nipples...I love the way you fuck me.”
“You beautiful, bitch,” Erik was cumming, “I’m forever gon’ be your Baby Daddy. Have all my kids. Give me all the milk I can have.”
“Yes! Yes!”
He growled, his nails sinking into her thighs, Y/N’s hips lifting off the bed. Erik’s dick made her pussy spread wider because of how thick he gets when he is about to cum. Like a present, Erik gifted his Baby Girl with more of his seed. He still stroked and Y/N could feel just how thick and veiny he is because of her wet pussy and all his cum. She could even feel the shape of the head of his dick as he slowly stroked her phat cunt to empty all of him. He was so textured and big. Her eyes rolled shut, Erik not helping by leaning forward to suck on her nipples. His dick made her pussy jump around him. Y/N pouts, pushing at Erik. He didn’t move. He still slow stroked.
“Don’t push me again,” He spoke through clenched teeth.
“Daddy, my pussy can’t take no more.”
“You gon’ take me. Got these big ass titties spilling milk and this pussy creaming. Ain’t no way Daddy finished with you. Just wait, watch how you end up pregnant.”
Y/N was in for a long ass night.
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maluminspace · 4 years
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Genre: Fluff
Pairings: Michael Clifford/Female Reader 
Prompt: Person A goes to in costume to a Halloween party, to find no one else is really dressed up except Person B
Word Count: 3k
Content: mostly just cute Halloween fluff, Michael in drag, there’s also a bit of side lashton, 
Trigger warnings: Alcohol, strong language, references to sexual activity including public sex (nothing too explicit)
A/N: Okay, so this is my second attempt at writing something for this collab. My first one turned out huge and not really very halloween-y so I re-assessed and this is what I came up with! I hope you guys like it <3
Please check out the masterlist and support/show some love to all these amazing writers.
When your best friend in the entire world, Luke, had first invited you to his new boyfriend’s Halloween party, you’d taken it as the perfect opportunity to blow off a little steam. Work had been busy lately and you hadn’t had much chance to relax. Furthermore, Luke had told you that Ashton (the new love of his life) had a couple of hot single friends, so you’d figured your costume should be on the sexy side.
You’d spent weeks deciding on the perfect outfit before finally settling on a black cat outfit that was just the right side of tasteful. The bodysuit was figure-hugging, showing off your curves perfectly. The elegant velvet ears and tail matched it well and you finished off the look with some cute whiskers painted on your cheeks and a red choker with a little gold bell on it.
Luke let out a low whistle when he met you outside the house he’d given you directions for. “I wish I could say the same for you!” You huffed, surveying your friend’s very lackluster costume, if you could even call it that. “Where’s the pirate costume I helped you pick out?”
A slightly guilty expression coloured Luke’s pretty face as he scratched the back of his neck awkwardly. “Well, I mentioned it to Ashton and he kinda hinted that he didn’t like tacky costumes so I went for this instead.” He shrugged awkwardly.
“And what exactly is this supposed to be?” You asked, gesturing to the plain white shirt and black jacket. “You just look like you’re about to go to work at the office, what the fuck, Luke?”
“Wait…” He said, his face brightening a bit as he pulled on a wig that you hadn’t even noticed he was holding. “I’m Vincent Vega!” He announced.
You rolled your eyes, fully disappointed in your best friend’s decision to side with his new squeeze over you. “I preferred the pirate costume, you’d have looked super hot.”
“I’m sorry to break it to you, buddy…” Luke giggled, “but you’re not the one I want to impress tonight.”
You clutched your chest in fake pain and shock. “And here I thought it was me that you wanted to fuck you senseless whilst a huge queue forms outside for the bathroom we claimed.”
An embarrassed blush rose in Luke’s cheeks as the memory of the specific situation you had described filled his tiny, horny brain. “We were drunk, and if he’d whispered in your ear with that sexy, gravelly voice to tell you how beautiful you looked in the new shirt he’d bought for you, you’d have begged him to drag you to the nearest bathroom, too.” He huffed as he started off up the driveway, his ridiculous wig almost falling off with the force of his dramatic head toss.
Suppressing a giggle, you followed your friend to the front door. “You’re forgetting one important detail there, Lukey.” You reminded him with a smirk. “I’m not as big of a slut as you.”
“That costume begs to differ.” Luke replied, raising an eyebrow proudly. “Calum is probably gonna pop a boner after just a glimpse of your ass in that tight suit.”
“And Calum is one of the hot ones?” You asked, remembering Luke’s declaration of Ashton’s stupidly handsome best friends. 
“Yeah, he’s the one with the cute dog and swanky apartment near the beach.” Luke explained as he opened the front door. “Michael’s probably a bit more your type, through. You have about the same mental capacity as each other.” He snorted.
Choosing to ignore the weak jibe at your own intelligence and that of the as yet unknown Michael, you focused on Luke’s lack of manners instead. “Shouldn’t we knock?” You asked. “It’s rude to just walk in to someone’s house, even if they do ‘rearrange your insides like no one has ever previously managed’.” You added, taking a great deal of joy in quoting Luke back to himself.
“Keep your fucking voice down!” Luke hissed. “I told you that in confidence!” He shook his head as though to clear it (probably from another X-rated memory) before he answered your question.
“Ashton told me we could come right in. So stop worrying about stupid stuff and get in here!” He laughed.
For the second time in the few moments since you’d met him outside, you rolled your eyes at your best friend, but this time the exasperated gesture was accompanied by a small laugh.
Your merriment soon died away when Luke led you into the main sitting room, which was already packed with people…people who were not in Halloween costumes. People who were very much giving off a sophisticated air as they sipped their wine and stood around talking to each other comfortably over the music that was playing at a much too sensible volume for a party.
In your peripheral vision you noticed Luke tear off his wig and hide in the oversized vase he was standing next to before any of the other guests saw him wearing it. Without that ridiculous little prop, Luke would probably blend right in. You, on the other hand, were going to stick out like a (very scantily clad) sore thumb.
“I thought this was meant to be a Halloween party, Luke.” You hissed, offering awkward smiles to the few people nearest to you, who were regarding you with ill-concealed smirks.
Your best friend gave an awkward laugh before ushering you towards the kitchen.
A few spiteful glances and giggles followed you as Luke pulled you through the crowd of people. 
Luckily the kitchen was pretty much deserted, with just three people huddled over by the microwave. You only recognised one of them. Having met Ashton a couple of times previous to this evening, you had no problem identifying his muscular form and the sweater/jeans combo outfit he favoured at the moment, even though you could only see the back of him. 
The second man had a very handsome profile. He was wearing a pair of black skinny jeans and a white shirt, with very few of the buttons done up as far as you could tell from this angle. He looked kind of athletic, with strong, muscular arms and thighs. His curly black hair was styled neatly to perfectly frame his face.
Ashton and Muscles were mostly obscuring the third person from your view. But you could tell by the tone of their voice that they were not at all happy about something. “- cannot expect me to stay here like this!” 
Unsurprisingly, Luke gravitated to the little knot of people, dragging you along with him until you finally got a glimpse of the irritated man leaning against the counter. 
Suddenly, your own embarrassment at your chosen costume vanished. In comparison to this guy, you definitely weren’t going to be the center of attention.
The third man was dressed in a long blonde wig, albeit a very cheap-looking one, styled into high pigtails. His cute, unshaven face was painted in badly-applied makeup. The tight white dress that he’d squeezed into left you with no doubt of who he was meant to be dressed as, and the realisation pulled a snort of laughter from you.
Luke failed also to suppress a giggle as he let go of your hand and instinctively curled into Ashton’s side, as though the slightly older man was some sort of magnet. “Wow, you sure as hell didn’t get the memo about the ‘adults drinking wine’ vibe either, huh?” 
The angry ‘Baby Spice’ glared at Luke with what you just knew were usually very pretty green eyes. “Don’t you start, lanky!” He huffed. “I’m already this close to ending your boyfriend.”
“Hey!” Ashton interjected, his voice calm and smooth in comparison to his friends’. “First of all, don’t talk to Luke that way or I’ll be the one ending you. Secondly, it wasn’t me that tricked you into dressing as a Spice Girl.” His last two words were accompanied with a snigger and it only made his angry friend’s face get redder.
“I swear I’ll rip your-” Baby Spice began before Muscles cut him off.
“Now, now, Michael.” Muscles smirked, “don’t you think that’s a bit too much.”
You were apparently the only one to pick up on the reference as your burst of laughter sounded much too loud in the otherwise quiet room.
For the first time Muscles’ and Baby Spices’ eyes snapped up to meet yours. Their reactions upon noticing you properly for the first time were at opposite ends of the scale. 
Muscles became instantly flirtatious, his brown eyes lighting up with a charming smile as he greeted you with a smooth. “Oh! Hi there, beautiful…”
Baby Spice on the other hand, looked as though all of his nightmares had come true. The fear and embarrassment on his face were unmistakable as you focused on him over his friend. “It looks like you’re in the market for a new best friend too, Baby Spice.” You smiled gently, hoping to ease his discomfort a little. “I’m looking for a replacement, too.”
There was something about the genuine look of surprise in his green eyes that really endeared this stranger to you. Now that you were standing closer to him, it was easier to see the handsome features that the untidy lipstick and foundation were covering. 
“Yeah…” Baby Spice laughed awkwardly, all of his anger vanishing as he tried to adopt a more casual stance. “My ex-best friend thought this would be funny.” He said, gesturing to his outfit, that up-close was much worse than you’d originally thought. His hairy chest, arms and legs protruding from the cheap costume dress made for a comical sight, but you fought back your amusement, intent on befriending this man so that both your night and his might take a turn for the better. “I’m guessing Luke pulled a similar prank on you, too?”
“Actually, he didn’t.” You explained, shaking your head. “Believe it or not, this is what passes for a Halloween costume in Luke’s tiny, dumb brain.”
Luke’s offended noise was lost beneath his replacement’s beautiful laugh as you stepped forward and offered Baby Spice your hand to shake as you told him your name.
He took it, still smiling bright enough to make his emerald eyes sparkle. “I’m Michael.” He confirmed. “And I’d be more than happy to be your new best friend.”
In the following couple of hours you made two amazing discoveries;
Alcohol consumption was the best cure for embarrassment.
Michael was fairly close to being your actual ideal man.
Despite the fact that he was obviously gullible, most of Michael’s other qualities were very much to your liking. In the short time that you’d known him, Michael had proven himself to be kind, funny and incredibly easy to talk to. What’s more, as the night went on and more and more of his makeup wore off, you’d found out he was even more handsome than you’d originally thought he was.
“So did you mean what you said to Calum just now?” Michael asked, suddenly looking a little nervous as he dropped his gaze to the bottle of beer in his hand. “About not being interested in him, I mean.”
A couple of times, Calum had wandered over to the corner of the kitchen that you and Michael had claimed as your own, trying to flirt with you. On each occasion, you’d made it perfectly clear that you’d formed an alliance with Michael and that sneaky ex-best friends were not permitted to flirt with you under any circumstances.
If you were reading the signals right, Michael was a little jealous of his friend. That was understandable; Calum was conventionally good looking and was as charming as they come. On a normal night, you’d have been more than a little tempted to see if his smooth moves translated into decent bedroom skills, but tonight your attention was completely focused on Michael.
“Yeah.” You shrugged. “He seems nice and all, besides screwing you over on the costume thing.” You giggled. “But he’s not really my type.”
Michael looked mildly confused. “I’ve never heard a girl say that before.” He admitted. “I thought he was just everyone’s type.”
“I can recognise that he’s hot, but I like my men a little softer and my number one turn on is someone who can make me laugh.” You replied honestly. 
A light blush rose in Michael’s cheeks as he apparently realised you’d been describing him. Judging by the shyness emanating from him, people admitting they were attracted to him didn’t happen all that often. You couldn’t understand why; he was absolutely beautiful.
“C’mon, Baby Spice.” You smirked, “Lets get another drink and then you can show me some of your best dance moves.” 
“Oh, I can’t really dance?” Michael confessed, his blush deepening a bit as he headed over to the counter where numerous bottles of alcohol were laid out.
“I find that very hard to believe!” You gasped in fake shock. “I mean it’s easy, isn’t it? You just slam it to the left, shake it to the right.... Y’know, go round…” You smirked.
Michael rolled his eyes. “You’re gonna have to stop right now with those Spice Girls lyrics, kitten.” 
The pet name made your insides dance excitedly. It could have easily sounded like a cheap, tacky term of endearment from anyone else but Michael’s cute mannerisms just made it sound adorable. “Yeah, okay.” You teased, nudging his arm playfully. “I don’t want you to have to say goodbye, my friend.” 
Michael let out a reluctant laugh as he surveyed the drink options. “I can tell you were a huge fan, I’m flattered.” He said, playing along easily.
“What’s with the past tense, Bunton?” You continued. “The Spice Girls are timeless.”
Michael nodded as he continued to stare at the bottles of alcohol as though he couldn’t decide which to go for.. “I agree, I always had a bit of crush on Posh…”
“That’s basic!” You reprimanded him. 
“Rude!”  Michael scoffed. “Who’s your favourite?” He asked, raising a hopeful eyebrow.
“I’ll tell you if you hurry up and decide what you want; I’ll be sober by the time you pour a drink at this rate!” You laughed.
Michael shook his head, smirking a little. “Don’t rush me kitten, I need to weigh up all of my options.”
“Oh, come on Michael!” You scolded when he still hadn’t made a decision a moment later. “Just tell me what you want, what you really, really want so we can continue getting trashed.”
“That was your worst one yet.” Michael sighed dramatically. “I may have to disown you after that one, kitten.”
Excitement bubbled in your chest at the use of the pet name again, knowing it wasn’t just a one time slip of the tongue meant that it might stick and you couldn't put into words how much you’d like that. “Fine, just pour us both a vodka and lemonade so that you can show me those spicy dance moves.”
Michael couldn’t hold in the fond chuckle that rippled out of him as he obeyed your request. “So are you gonna answer my question about who your favourite Spice Girl is? Or do I have to guess?”
“Baby’s always been the one I crushed on the hardest.” You replied easily, deciding to forgo the guessing game.
“Yeah?” He prompted. “What attracted you to me?” He asked before panic flooded his features. “I mean her! Sorry...I wasn’t being-”
You cut Michael off with a giggle as you allowed your already tipsy brain to capitalize on the alcohol-fueled confidence you always seemed to develop after a few drinks. “I think it’s your terrible makeup skills, quick wit and those pretty green eyes that attracted me to you the most, baby.” 
You never really noticed how close you’d gotten to him until you felt the little puff of breath from his quiet “Oh…” ghosting over your own lips.
If there was ever an opportune moment to kiss him, that was it. Without any good reason to stop yourself, you tentatively wrapped your arms around his neck. “I can’t believe I’m about to kiss a Spice Girl.” You chuckled, loving the way his hands felt as they rested on your waist. 
“I hope I don’t disappoint you, kitten.” He replied, tilting his head to one side slightly so that you wouldn’t bump noses when the gap between your lips was finally closed.
It was you that took the final step, pressing a soft kiss to Michael’s lips. They felt every bit as soft as they looked and used them perfectly, kissing you back with just the right amount of enthusiasm. 
Usually, it’d take a lot more than a shy first kiss for a guy to fully win you over, but somehow you found yourself melting into Michael’s hold, prolonging the simple kiss for as long as possible. Michael didn’t seem to mind that at all, holding you closely as he parted his lips allowing you to deepen the kiss, sliding your tongue teasingly against his.
When the two of you naturally drew apart a few moments later, your head was spinning from more than just the alcohol. Michael was well and truly intoxicating in a very different way. “I’m gonna need a lot more of that to keep you on the top spot of my favourite list, Baby.” You said, trying not to let your voice sound too breathy.
“That’s definitely a promise I can keep, kitten.” Michael smiled, brushing a strand of hair behind your ear.
“Glad to hear it!” You proclaimed. “Now, let’s drink up so that we can move on to somewhere that our awesome costumes will be more appreciated!”
Michael raised a questioning eyebrow. “Leave Ashton’s party?” he asked. “Do you have somewhere in mind?”
Nodding, you picked up your drink and took a long swig, “My favourite bar always has an awesome Halloween event.” You confirmed. “I was gonna go there but Luke wanted me to meet his boyfriend’s friends so I came here instead.” 
“Well, I’m kinda glad you did, to be honest.” Michael said, his cheeks reddening slightly. 
You pecked another kiss to his lips before taking another drink. “I am too, but it’s time for us to be the life of a new party.” 
Michael nodded in agreement as he finished his drink in one go. That shouldn’t have been as hot as it was to you, yet there you were practically drooling over a man in the worst drag outfit and makeup you’d ever seen, wiping vodka and lipstick off his incredibly plump lips with the back of his hand. He reached out with the hand that didn’t have bubblegum pink smeared across the back of it and took hold of your hand with the full confidence of the drink he’d just downed.
 “So where are we going?” He asked. “I trust you, so don’t let me down and take me somewhere lame, kitten.” 
“Oh, don’t worry. This place is amazing.” You promised, smirking as your final Spice Girls joke of the night slipped past your lips. “It’ll really spice up your life, baby.”
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psychedellic-phase · 4 years
Fifteen (pt 5)
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A/N: I had a little mental block when trying write this one! I think it worked out in the end but better is coming ! I promise. Enjoyy :)
(Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3) (Part 4)
Word count: 3.4k
tw: none, fluff :)
Spencer didn’t dream about you. When he woke up, he was sweaty and disoriented and had no recollection of the dreams he had. He fell asleep next to the box fully clothed, his arm thrown across where you should have been. In those first few moments of morning when you aren’t quite sure where you are or who you are, he reached around for you and found nothing but emptiness. 
‘Emptiness? No that can’t be right. She was right here.’ 
Just as he thought it, the truth occurred to him. 
‘She was never here. Just the box. Wait, the box. Where is the box?’
He shot up quickly, getting a little dizzy, and frantically looked around the room. He saw that he had knocked the box over while he slept and the contents were scattered all over the floor. He groaned and went to pick everything up. His hands found all the items and he put them away carefully, not peeking. He didn’t want to ruin the surprise. When everything was put back where it belonged, he sighed and sat on his bed, staring longingly out the window. 
It was barely 6 am and the sun had risen, but he couldn’t see it behind the thick gray clouds that lined the sky. It was snowing. Not a rare thing to see in Virginia, but it was very appropriate for this day. You loved snow, wintertime, the holidays, all of it. You even tried to get him to go skiing with you a few times, which he refused to do. He is extremely clumsy in nature and would definitely hurt himself or someone else if he tried. It’s a miracle they even let him carry a gun. Besides, he’s more suited to drinking hot cocoa in the lodge by a fire. The cold is much less forgiving to him. Growing up in Vegas made him partial to the heat. Even though he had lived on the East coast for many years, he’d still complain anytime the temperature dropped below 40 and bundle up in a wool coat and scarf.  Your New England roots on the other hand, taught you to handle the cold much better. When he’d complain about being freezing, you would tell him that he had no idea what real cold was like, and when you would complain about the heat he’d return the sentiment. 
He left the box on the bed and took a shower. He needed to wash everything from the last day off.  It was therapeutic to just stand in the hot water and let it burn slightly, reminding him he could still feel. This had been so emotionally draining; he could barely remember the last time he cried so much. Today he just felt numb, barely bothering to put on more than sweatpants, but somehow mustering up enough energy to make a pot of coffee. He had a feeling he’d need the whole thing to get through the next twelve letters. Each one felt heavier in his hands than the previous did, and each cut a little deeper too. With a cup of coffee in hand, he fished around for envelope #4. 
“Spence, this next one is special. You’ll know why the second you pick it up. #4: The Book of Margery Kempe.”
He smiled and ran his hands over the book, his mother’s favorite. The spine was bent like it’d been cracked open many times, and the pages were worn and well read. He could tell it was your personal copy because of the dog-eared pages. You always did that, making him grimace every time you creased the corner of a page. 
“You could just use a bookmark, Y/N,” He’d say, earning an eye roll from you. 
“A book should look like it’s been read, that’s why I buy paperbacks and write in them! I want anyone who picks up something I’ve read to feel how much I loved it, that way they love it too.” 
That comment always made him smile, “Fine, just don’t do it to any of my books.”
“Don’t worry Dr. Reid, I only do it to my personal collection.”
The memory felt warm and inviting, but ended quickly. Instead, he grabbed the book, the letter, and his coffee and sat at the chess table he had pushed against a window. He wanted to see the snow while he read, just to feel closer to you.  
“I bought for our flight to Vegas, the trip where I met your mother for the first time. You mentioned Kempe was her favorite, and I so badly wanted to impress her. I know she’s...well she’s her. But you’re her pride and joy, Spence, I didn’t want to disappoint her. Or disappoint you for that matter. Remember when you asked? 
“I’d like you to come with me next week,” You said over an IHOP pancake breakfast. 
“To Vegas?”
You nodded, “Yeah I’d love if you came with me. You could see my hometown.”
“I’ve been to Vegas, Love.”
I know it seemed like I didn’t want to go, that isn’t the case. I did want to go. I wanted to go so bad, but I was hesitant. I was so terrified that I would mess up. I didn’t want to ruin us, we’d been doing so well. I felt like this would be a defining moment in our relationship (spoiler alert: it was) and I didn’t want to risk it going poorly. 
“Yeah on cases! And that is not the impression of Vegas I want you to have. C’mon please? It would mean the world to my mom.”
I think I choked on my pancake, “Your mom? She knows about me?”
“Of course she does, I write her letters all the time.”
“Your mom knows about us, and you want me to meet her?” 
You smiled and nodded, “Yeah Y/N, how many times do I have to say it? I want you to meet my mom.”
That’s probably when I tackled you in a hug in the middle of an IHOP. That solidified the fact that you trusted me. I knew you trusted me at work, but the fact that you were willing to show me that side of you, the side you don’t really show anyone? I can’t thank you enough for it. 
We’d been together just over six months, which to most people that seems like a long time to wait to meet the parents, especially when we were already so serious, but your situation is different. I wanted you to do it in your own time. 
My family on the other hand, you met them pretty early into us dating. My niece turned one a few months into us being together and I dragged you to Connecticut for the party. Everyone loved you, of course they did. There isn’t one thing to not love about you. Nate and my dad were definitely not thrilled that I was bringing you. Nate tries to be all Big Brother-y but it’s all an act, he’s a softie. And dad would rather I marry a rich man and be a stay at home mom. I can hear him now saying, “Y/N if your mother were here to see you thirty and unwed she would be so disappointed !” Dads. They’re the worst, but I don’t have to tell you that.”
For some reason that made him chuckle, having rough/nonexistent relationships with your fathers was just another item on the long list of things you had in common. On paper, you were a perfect match. But that was the only place. 
“But somehow, you didn’t have to wear them down, they just loved you instantly. Even Mia loved you, and she was one! You handed her toys and helped her put on her shoes. You talked to my dad about whatever he had on the History channel. It was perfect. You fit right in with us; it was like you completed us, you were the missing piece that we didn’t even know we needed. I know Mia will miss you; you were always so good with her. I think we’ll all miss you. And my dad is going to hate that I will not be married off any time soon, but he can deal with that. 
But back to your mom. To say I was nervous to meet her is probably the biggest understatement of all time. The way you love and care about her is one of the many reasons I fell in love with you. The way a guy treats his mom says a lot about how he’ll treat you, and with you it said ‘oh my god he’s perfect’. You do everything you can for her, even though it’s the hardest thing you’ve ever had to do. I admire that; I can only wish to be that kind and giving. 
We both took a few days off to go see her, and when we were in the airport I pulled out this book and tried to read it. 
“That’s mom’s favorite,” You said, smiling at me shyly. 
“I know.” 
The plane was delayed due to a storm. We sat waiting and waiting for a few hours, your hand on my thigh and my head on your shoulder as I desperately tried to read this book. I really did. I stumbled through about 50 pages but had retained literally nothing. I found myself rereading sentences like ten times over and trying to decode them. I felt embarrassed about it. You could read the whole thing with your morning coffee and immediately recite it forwards and backwards, and translate it into Korean and Russian flawlessly and there I was, sounding out every word. It’s not like I can’t read. I can read, I just can’t read and comprehend 1500s English very well. Science was always my strong suit.
I didn’t get much farther on the plane ride either. You, on the other hand, brought a whole library in your carry on and on that 5 hour plane ride you read two thick books, took an hour long nap, played solitaire (twice), won war against me (twice), and ate all the snacks I brought for you. And in that same time frame, I had gotten through maybe half of the book, taking very long breaks to stare out the window, talk to you, and try to sleep. 
“What part are you at?” You asked me at one point and I just kind of stared at you. 
“Uh, the uh, part where she’s going to Jerusalem?”
You chuckled, “That’s not very far.”
I shoved you playfully, “Hey! It’s confusing and hard to understand!”
You reached for the book, trying to take it from me, “Let me see.”
I moved it out of reach, “No! I need to figure it out on my own.” You smiled and let me keep trudging along. 
When you woke up from your nap your head was on my shoulder and I was running my fingers through your hair like I usually do did when you slept. 
“You don’t have to read it, Y/N,” you mumbled, your voice groggy with sleep. It’s always raspy when you first wake up. 
“I know, I just thought maybe I would impress her.”
You smiled and leaned over and kissed my cheek, “I love that, but don’t worry. I promise she’ll love you.”
Then you nuzzled into the crook of my neck and fell back asleep. I put my head on top of yours, closed the book, and allowed myself to do the same. 
When we landed, it was hot. Like, ungodly hot. No wonder you can't stand the cold. 
We first went to the hotel and I changed into more appropriate clothes for the weather. You somehow still had on slacks and a shirt, I don’t know how you didn’t sweat to death. I drove us to the sanitarium, and you were nervous, you barely even spoke. You were twiddling with your fingers and bouncing your leg, I didn’t have to use my profiling skills to figure it out. The radio was off and you stared out the window. 
“How long has it been?” I finally said. 
“Three hundred and six days.”
I just nodded, your nerves added onto mine tenfold and I thought I may faint. I got us there safely though. 
“You stay here, I’m going to see if it’s a good day. If not we’ll come tomorrow,” You said. 
I just nodded and leaned over to kiss you. It took way longer than I thought it would for you to come out and when you did you were smiling. Huge. 
“Good day?” I asked, hopping out of the car. You just nodded, still grinning ear-to-ear. You grabbed my hand and every nerve I had melted away. You always had that effect on me, even when we were just friends. No one will ever get me in the same way again. Even if they tried, I wouldn’t let them. You were it for me”
Spencer reached for the mug to take another sip and found it was already empty. He stared into the bottom of the mug where some sugar hadn’t dissolved and mulled over that last sentence.
You were it for me.
He put the mug down forcefully, knocking a few chess pieces over.
So then why wouldn’t you LET him be it for you?
“You led me to her, pulling me behind you, whispering reassurances to me the entire time. 
“Mom, this is Y/N, Y/N this is my mother.”
I came out from behind you, probably looking like a meek little mouse, “Hello.” I waved. 
“Now Spencer, you didn’t tell me she was pretty.”
You blushed and stammered, she chuckled, “It’s nice to finally meet you Y/N. I’ve heard a lot about you.” 
“Likewise,” I said, and shook her hand. It was warm and soft like yours. In fact, so much of her is in you. You don’t look the same, but your mannerisms are pretty close to identical. Her hair is lighter than yours but equally as wild. I love her, because she’s you. So many parts of you, the best parts of you. She made you, and I love you, so I love her too. 
You let us talk alone for a while and she told me about your childhood. How she called you ‘crash’ because you were always running into something. How you were always the smartest kid around and how she was so proud to be your mom. She told me about the letters you send her, much like the one I’m writing right now. You told her about all our adventures, nights crying over Emily, the film festival, Jacksonville (PG version of course); you told her all of it. Your mom had your version of our love story hidden in letters somewhere in her room. That inspired me to write my version, the version you’re reading right now. 
She told me she knew we were together before you even told her because all your letters became about me. All the case stories had me and you as the stars, everyone else falling into the background. Hearing how you talked to her about me made my insides feel all fuzzy. You told her I was intelligent, courageous, empathetic, funny, and pretty much every other positive adjective you could find. 
“I’ve never heard him talk about anyone the way he talks about you,” she told me, “He definitely cares about you.”
I smiled, “I’ve never cared about anyone as much as I care about him.”
“So you love him?” 
I was taken aback at first, and paused for a moment to think, “Yeah, I do.”
It’s a weird thing to say to your boyfriend’s mom the first time you meet her, but she’s just so easy to talk to. It’s double weird because I hadn’t even told you that I loved you yet. I was being honest, I never loved anyone the way I loved you. 
“I couldn’t ask for anything more for him.”
Then I hugged her awkwardly and you came back in. I was trying and failing to suppress the smile on my face the whole time. The three of us talked until visiting hours were over. We left her with the promise that we’d be back again tomorrow.
“I was right Y/N, she loves you!” You said as we climbed back into the rental.
“She’s pretty great,” I said and held your face in my hand, “So are you.”
Tomorrow never came. 
The next day was a bad one for her, so you took me to the neighborhood you grew up in, pointing out the sites you wanted me to see and telling me the memories you had there. You took me to get chicken fried lobster at Binion’s. You held my hand as we walked down the Las Vegas strip, pointing out the ones you’re banned from. On the last day, we ordered room service and spent all day in bed, not bothering to get dressed. I loved learning about your past. At the time I anticipated being part of your whole future; I would be in every story for the rest of your life. I hate that now I’m just another chapter of it.
On the flight home I cracked open the book again and this time I read it with newfound vigor. I had a new appreciation for it after talking to your mom. You watched me flip through it, highlighting and annotating like I was in English class. You peered over my shoulder the whole time, and don’t think I didn’t see the smirk on your face. 
“When her crying passed, she came before the Archbishop and fell down on her knees, the Archbishop saying very roughly to her, “Why do you weep so, woman?” I read aloud, looking up into your warm eyes as we descended. 
“She answering said, ‘Sir, you shall wish some day that you had wept as sorely as I,’” you finished, not even having to look at the page. 
You have wept as sorely as I, Spencer, and I do not wish this feeling on anyone. 
I closed the book and held it to my chest, staring at you and mustering up the nerve to say it.
“I love you,” I whispered, just loud enough for you to hear. 
You tried to contain your grin and scrunched up your eyebrows. You cupped your ear and pretended you couldn’t hear me, “What was that?”
I rolled my eyes, “I love you.” I said it louder, more forcefully this time. 
“I love you too,” you said, no hesitation. 
I turned my head up to catch your lips and seal the whole weekend with a kiss. 
It’s kind of funny how I confessed my love for you up in the sky, among the clouds, somewhere over Virginia. It’s funny because I was on cloud nine, almost literally. It felt so good to finally say it. We were in love, arguably the most magical thing in the world. There is no one I would rather have experienced that with than you, Spence. And no one I will ever experience it with again. 
Your mother and I write to each other sometimes. Like remember when she went to the Grand Canyon? She may have sent you the Grand Canyon, but she sent me a turquoise necklace, which I will be keeping. She wrote to me once in the last few weeks since we broke up. I can’t answer. I can’t send her any more letters, it doesn’t feel right; it’s no longer my place. 
So next time you visit her, show her this. I hope she doesn’t mind that I wrote in parts of it, maybe someday I’ll be able to find it in myself to write to her again and she can tell me what I missed or got wrong. Give her a hug for me Spence, and tell her I’m sorry, I wish I could come in person to tell her, but I can’t. Tell her I already miss her. I know how happy she was for us, how excited she was about... well everything. How excited we all were. Tell her I’m sorry that I couldn’t do it. Thank her for making you who you are, the most amazing man alive. Tell her it’s been a privilege, because it has been. I mean that.”
Spencer cracked open the book and admired your dog-eared pages and highlighted bits, reading your annotations and rough translations of old English to modern English. He sighed and slid his fingers down the pages. His chest tightened as if he should cry, but no tears could fall anymore. Instead, he stood up and put the book on a shelf, where one day he’d read it again to remember that weekend. To remember you. He walked slowly back to the kitchen, filled his mug again and went to find the box.
(part 6)
tags! (if you would like to be added just let me know!): @l0ve-0f-my-life @aperrywilliams @helloniallslovelies @random-ravings @ajwantsapancake @boiled-onionrings @andiebeaword @frnks-stuff  
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navegandoaciegas · 4 years
the love you deserve.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader (fem!reader)
Word Count: 1.4k
Summary: “He’s Bucky Barnes, Captain America’s best friend. He was the guy at the Triskelion, they say he’s the one who killed JFK.”
Whoever this Bucky guy is, he’s not your Jaime, your Jaime could never harm a fly. Your Jaime is good, he’s compassionate. Surely your friend must be wrong.
Warnings: soft!bucky, asshole!reader, angst, fluff, lying, cheating, drug use, alcohol consumption (including mentions of underage drinking), language that Steve Rogers wouldn’t approve of.
A/N: AU where Civil War and Thanos never happen, Tony forgives Bucky and he retires.  Reader kind of ain’t shit in this one, you’ve been warned.
This is my very first attempt at writing in English, I’m not a native speaker, so forgive me for any mistakes :)
This is part 1, please reblog and let me know what you think of it :) feedback is always appreciated! I can tag you for part 2 if you’re interested, let me know.
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Brooklyn, New York
Bucky smiles softly looking at the picture of you two on his lockscreen.
He’s had the Parker kid teach him how to use those damn devices just so he could look at your pretty face and talk to you while you’re not together.
Alpine is cuddled on the couch with him and he shoots you a good morning text like he does every day. You haven’t responded much since yesterday, but he doesn’t think much of it.
You’re at a bachelorette party with your best friends and he doesn’t want to be a bother.
Still, he can’t even begin to describe how much he misses you. It’s only been two days since you’ve left for Vegas but he feels his heart constrict in his chest because you’re not there, and he can’t hold you, cuddle you, whisper sweet nothings into your ear and make you giggle like a schoolgirl.
He can’t look at you with big, curious eyes while you do the pretty girl things you always do, like put on makeup or do face masks. He can’t brush your hair and rub your feet when you come home after wearing heels all day at work. He can’t cook your favorite comfort food as you rant about your job.
God, if his father saw him run to the store to grab you tampons and chocolate every time you get your period, what would he think? He barely suppresses a snort just thinking about the shocked and embarrassed look on his old man’s face after he accidentally overheard Becca tell her friend she’d gotten her period at 14.
He’s sure Mr. Barnes wouldn’t approve of Bucky’s behavior.
And surely HYDRA would punch the air if they saw their most prized possession paint his best girl’s feet in a pretty baby blue nail polish, because baby blue makes you happy, and if you’re happy then he’s happy too.
He’s such a sap, like Sam tells him.
He smiles like a lunatic at the thought of Zola having a stroke if he could see him all dolled up, hair braided and makeup done, just because his girl is bored and wants to practice her skills.
He’s fallen hard for you and he knows you love him.
Well, you love Jaime, as he goes by when he’s with you.
Would you love troubled, damaged Bucky too?
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Las Vegas, Nevada
Your late 20s are a weird phase of your life.
Half of your friends are inviting you to their weddings and baby showers, some aren’t even done with school yet, and others can’t properly take care of a house plant on their own.
You belong to the latter category.
It’s Jade’s bachelorette party tonight, you’re in Vegas and you’ve drank more alcohol and done more drugs than you can handle.
And mixing those it’s a bad idea, but you can’t find it in yourself to care anymore.
Getting wasted in Vegas. It’s cliché really, but a it’s a fitting ending to Jade’s bachelorette years. You have always wanted to recreate The Hangover, minus the tiger and a couple other things, you suppose.  
It reminds you of the first time you two have popped a pill in the dingy restrooms of a club in Barceloneta. You weren’t 18 yet, but in those kind of clubs age really did not matter.
You were so out of it by the time whatever drug you took kicked in that some British girls you met that night had to drag both your asses to their apartment.
Those girls, Grace and Hannah, if it wasn’t for them you wouldn’t be alive today.
You’d fucked and drank your way through Europe. It was London first, but London was boring, then Barcelona and Rome; Jade loved southern men, and you loved the way Spanish and Italian people partied. From Rome to some random italian city in the south where you’d taken a ferry to Corfù.
By the time you got to Greece you were so high all the time you barely registered moving from island to island until it was time to catch a plane to Athens and then Budapest. And from Budapest to Berlin, and from Berlin back home.
It was the summer before college and you were celebrating the end of your high school career. It was a nice phase, admittedly. You were both cheerleaders, popular, pretty, smart. You’d gotten into the college of your dreams on a cheerleading scholarship, your parents were proud of you, life was good. That summer you didn’t have a single care in the world, except choosing the sorority you would join in when August came.
Ten years later, Jade is getting married.
Today, you found out your boyfriend is a conniving bitch and a lying asshole. Not to mention the one they call the Winter Soldier.
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“Hi pretty girl, can I buy you a drink?”
It’s lame maybe, but you’re drunk out of your mind and he’s handsome.
Warm brown eyes look down at you.
They’re not like Jaime’s, his eyes are light blue, almost transparent.
His skin is dark and glistens in the lights of the club, nothing like Jaime’s fair completion and his rosy cheeks.
You can feel the drug induced euphoria wearing off and the slight tick of your jaw. You’re glad you’re wearing a bandana that covers the lower part of your face.
“Why don’t we get out of here?”
His smile is pretty like his face. His head is shaved. Jaime’s chestnut locks reach his jawline.
You nod your head.
When he talks he’s charming and sure of himself. Jaime was a stuttering mess the first time he spoke to you.
You think of nothing, you feel like nothing.
“Cum pretty girl, cum for me.” he grunts in your ear.
His voice is gruff and deep. Jaime’s voice is soft for a man so big.
You should feel guilty but you don’t.
How can you, when this feels so good?
Why would you? You’re not the one who lied in the first place, you’re not the one who hid their identity.
You’re spent and satisfied. In your drunken haze you barely register the man cleaning you up with a washcloth and leaving you in your hotel room with a kiss on your temple and a whispered thank you..
You should be ashamed of yourself but you’re not.
Because Jaime who brings you flowers on all of your dates, who opens the door for you, pulls the chair out the table, gives you his jacket when you’re shivering, that sweet Jaime doesn’t exist.
His name isn’t Jaime at all, it turns out.
It’s James “Bucky” Buchanan Barnes.
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Morning comes and your head is pounding. You’re hugging the toilet while you throw up all you’ve got left inside of you while Grace holds your hair out of your face.
You never fucking listen, and that’s one of your biggest problems.
The second big problem you have, you never watch the news, and that’s shame.
If you did you might have seen the cool looking guy with the murder strut that beat the shit out of Captain America at the Triskelion.
Too bad you never bothered to educate yourself on what’s going on in the world.
If you did, you might not have ended up dating the Winter Soldier for five fucking months.
Morning comes and the sun shines through the curtains of this nice hotel Jade’s fiance has booked for the five of you. Raven snores softly on one of the beds, and you hear Hannah whisper to her girlfriend sweet nothings on the phone, and all you can think about is Jaime’s shy smile and soft eyes.
The way he hunches on himself to appear less threatening, the way he gives up his seat on the train to pregnant ladies and old people, the way he never fails to leave a generous tip to waiters and is polite to everyone.
Your phone lights up with a text message.
Good morning sweetheart, I hope you had fun with your girls last night. Having lunch with Alpine, we both miss you. I love you.
Your throat feels tight as you choke back a cry.
You never fucking think before you act, and that’s the biggest problem of them all.
You should regret it, and you do.
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vivalas-vega · 4 years
vega’s masterlist
☆ author’s favorite △ angst ♡ fluff ⚤ m/f smut ⚢ f/f smut
each series will have symbols next to their titles for what they include (or will eventually include) but individual parts will not - you can find any relevant warnings on each post!
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5.11.24 update: how many months has it been since I changed my url??? too many. I still haven't updated the navigations within individual fics, but this masterlist is up to date! because I haven't gone through each individual post there is still a taglist link, please disregard and follow @vegaslibrary and turn on post notifications!
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I WRITE FOR: all top gun characters, all triple frontier characters (except tom), all star wars characters, all outer banks characters
please do not copy, translate my works, or post on another platform without my consent.
I am okay with my works being used as inspiration for other creators, so long as it’s not a direct copy of my work. this is fanfic, after all! all I ask is you shoot me a dm or tag me in the published work.
I do not have a taglist, if you'd like updates on future fics please follow @vegaslibrary and turn on post notifications!
my requests are open!
if you enjoy my work, feel free to buy me a kofi! 
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☆ new perspectives △ ♡ ⚤ (ongoing) 
You and Jake have known each other since you were ten… somewhere along the way you fell in love and when college rolls around you have to make the hardest decision of your life.
prologue / one / two / three / four / five / six / seven / eight / nine / ten / eleven
new perspectives universe one shots + drabbles
j&j wedding moodboard
easier △ ♡ (ongoing)
During a risky mission you secure your first confirmed air-to-air kill and no one tells you the toll it will take and one of your teammates steps in to help.
one / two 
move on △ (ongoing)
When the love of your life vanishes in the middle of the night and returns a year later asking for your forgiveness you’re left grappling with what you’ve been through and what you want.
one / two / three
☆ real friends △ ♡ (on hiatus)
You and Jake had a strictly professional (and competitive) relationship, but one day when he takes it a step too far and shows you a side of himself you’ve never seen, you make a pact.
one / two / three / four / five / six / seven
shot through the heart ♡ / and you’re to blame ♡ ⚤ / you give love a bad name (mini-series)
During your best friend's wedding you finally see someone you had previously overlooked as so much more and find yourself moved by the spirit of the wedding.
☆ flygirl ♡ ⚤ (one-shot)
As Jake’s best friend and Dagger Squad’s favorite bartender you’ve never found yourself in the backseat of an F/18 until Jake decides to change that.
Jake comes home from work to find a you amidst a Christmas wonderland.
☆ sunshine △ ♡
You and Jake are recalled to Top Gun... only problem? Jake has no idea you're in the Navy.
before he cheats ♡ (request)
Jake learns of your extracurricular activities while at the bar nursing your wounds after a breakup and decides to finally give you the love you deserve.
worry △ ♡ (request)
When you’re overwhelmed and working yourself to the bone during a stressful case at work your husband steps in to remind you to take care of yourself.
birdstrike △ ♡ (request)
Jake grapples with the idea of losing you when a training exercise goes wrong and lands you in the hospital.
family dinner  △ ♡ (request)
You and Jake attend dinner with your parents, a diligent homemaker and retired Navy hotshot, and when your parents have their own ideas about your trajectory in life, Jake steps in to stand up for you.
into you △ ♡ (request)
Jake and Phoenix seem to be getting a lot closer, driving a knife straight through your heart... little do you know, you’ve read the situation entirely wrong.
boyfriend ⚢ (one-shot)
Your boyfriend has been ignoring you most of the evening and after observing you all night Phoenix decides to give you the attention you deserve.
at your pace △ ♡ (request)
Natasha has been keeping your relationship under wraps for fear of the squads reaction when they find out... when Bob puts the pieces together she decides to finally show you off.
firecracker △ ♡ (on hiatus)
When you and your childhood best friend are recalled for the same high stakes mission you have to navigate ever-changing relationships along with keeping your familial name a secret.
one / two
longshot △ ♡ ⚤
After a series of unfortunate events led you to your hometown, you bump into your favorite college professor and end up catching up in more ways than one.
unexpected ♡ ⚤
A trip to the waterfront for Fleet Week results in you meeting a very handsome pilot that steals your heart.
make the friendship bracelets ♡ (one-shot)
On a whim you decide to surprise the squad with a token of your appreciation.
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guardian ♡ ⚤ (on hiatus)
Benny found your photo among rubble in Afghanistan, little did he know you happened to be the new best friend of someone he considered a brother.
one / two
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☆ longshot ♡ ⚤ (on hiatus)
After your parents sudden death you find yourself back in your old hometown and reconnect with the professor you haven’t quite been able to forget in all your years since graduation.
one / two / three / four / five / six / seven / eight 
look at the stars △ ♡ ⚤ (on hiatus)
Poe rescued Zarya from her home planet just before it was invaded by the First Order and she doesn’t trust anyone but General Organa, something Poe is desperate to change.
one / two / three
you’re really something ♡ ⚤ (one-shot)
After crash landing on a foreign planet you and Poe indulge in some local spice and spend the night in a hotel trying to work it out of your system.
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259 notes · View notes
bruh-haikyuu · 4 years
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A/N: i am once again combining requests 😔👊 here’s that childhood friends au i’ve been dying to write, enjoy!!
lucida. | akaashi keiji
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word count: 3307
warnings: none, just fluff for those bygone days
(n.) the brightest star in a constellation
It had been the night of a full moon the day you’d moved into the apartment building across Akaashi’s.
You were the Sun on that moonlit night. A meteorite hailing all the way from the distant countryside. Bright and unyielding (and adorably chubby at the cheeks). That time, he was a few months older than you, but that hadn’t stopped you from cheerfully befriending him.
It was because your mothers were awfully dear to each other, and that meant that you and Akaashi would spend a lot of time together by some means. But it wasn’t like either of you hated it.
Akaashi’s mother would cook you up some pancakes when you visited, and your mother would scoop him generous helpings of ice cream when Akaashi visited. It was a win-win situation for the both of you, but aside from the cordial feasts your parents offered, you really did enjoy each others’ companies.
“L/N-chan, it’s Akaashi-kun not ‘Kaashi-kun...” he mumbled gloomily as the both of you hiked up the subsided hill only a few meters away from the residential district.
“Ehh... it’s much shorter and easier to say though,” you said, eyes gleaming with wonder as you tugged harder on his jacket sleeve. “C’mon, hurry up, ‘Kaashi-kun! We’ll miss it!”
Reluctantly picking up his pace, he followed you through the spiraling tangle of trees and rocks. Akaashi mused on why he was doing this in the first place, when he could just be laying around in his room playing video games or the sorts. But you were so insistent that he had to accompany you to God-knows-where that he’d immediately rushed out the door before you could catapult more konpeitou* at his window.
Arriving at a barren lawn of grass and wildflowers, you stared up at the sapphire dome that stretched out across the horizon. The night was windless, unexpectedly so, considering it was already teeming into summer. Freckled with ivory motes, your eyes glazed over, reflecting the blue yonder in your childlike pools.
Watching you crane your neck upwards, Akaashi grew tireless at your unjustified antics. He wouldn’t find stag beetles here, might as well go home. “L/N-chan, what—”
You only shushed him briskly, pointing up at the unstirring sky. In a low whisper, you giggled. “It’s starting.”
And like the landscape had come to life, a blazing cascade of stars poured against the deep backdrop. Diamonds, Akaashi had thought when he saw the first one skid past his sight. It’s raining diamonds.
“A-Are the stars falling out of the sky?” Akaashi gulped, gripping your hand tighter.
Like always, you smiled at him kindly. “Nope! Papa said this is called a meteor shower. It happens on a special day each year—something like a birthday, I think.”
‘Like a birthday’. Whose birthday is it? Akaashi thought, his usual pout surfacing. “Why would the meteors need to shower?”
“I don’t know.” You shrugged. “Maybe they’re smelly or something after travelling a long, looong way to get here.”
Why would they need to travel? Where are the meteors going? All his questions made Akaashi dizzy. If he’d asked you, you probably wouldn’t know too much either. Letting go of your knobbly hands to crouch over the grass, the boy observed your marveled expression with sleepy eyes.
You looked so happy to watch the sky rain down on the horizon. He didn’t get why, but seeing your laughter as the heavens twinkled and glittered at you, he felt calm. Not the sluggish kind of calm, where he’d instantly fall asleep at the slightest touch, but sort of like a calmness of “heart”. Like how he felt whenever his parents mended one of his broken toys, or how he felt when he ate his favorite sweets.
And perhaps, like how Akaashi felt every single moment he spent with you.
“Wah!” Your sudden cry of alarm nearly made him flinch. “I forgot!”
Eyes widened as he watched you scramble to kneel amongst the grass, Akaashi timidly followed your actions and clasped his hands together as if he was visiting a shrine on New Years’.
“I thought you only made wishes to shooting stars?” he questioned.
“I’m not making a wish, ‘Kaashi-kun,” you murmured, pressing your knuckles to your forehead. “I’m thanking the sky.”
The boy’s lips flattened into a straight line as he saw you softly mouth your prayers. No wishes, huh? That was new. Awkwardly taking a deep breath, Akaashi tried his hand at expressing his gratitude to the heavens.
Thank you, sky. For being bright and beautiful and everything else. Although, I don’t really like when you rain, I think L/N-chan would want me to thank it too. Thank you for all your hard work. From Akaashi Keiji. Seven years old.
He hoped that would be enough. You were still praying; he wondered what sorts of things you were saying to the sky. You reminded him a bit of the stars. Night would come and Akaashi’s head would drift over to you. Bright and beautiful and everything else. He wondered if he was actually just thanking you.
Averting his gaze towards the fading shower, Akaashi let himself drown in the calmness that overtook his heart. The world was so much bigger to young children, and to you and your best friend, the doors to the great wide Milky Way had just opened up.
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“Konpeitou look a lot like stars, don’t they?”
Eyeing the tiny bullet of candy between your thumb and forefinger, you let out a satisfied hum when you pop it in your mouth. A sweet and sour flavor spreads in your tongue, and you consider eating nothing but star candies for the rest of your life.
“If you eat too much sweets you’ll get cavities,” Akaashi sighs, tapping the side of your bento that you’d barely touched. “Eat your vegetables, L/N-san.”
You stick out your tongue at him yet reluctantly pick up a floppy slice of eggplant. “Geez, you sound like my parents. Can we trade, ‘Kaashi-kun? I’ll give you my carrots and fried eggplants for your sunny side up and three octopus sausages.”
“Just the carrots. And you only get two sausages.”
Promptly piling up your carrots into his lunch box, Akaashi watches your eager smile falter into a sulk. Your best friend sighs, propping his elbows up on your desk to cradle his face.
“You were barely able to focus back there in class. You didn’t stay up all night again, did you?”
“O-Of course not! I’m sleeping fine.” There you go again. Akaashi wonders what face you’ll make if he told you you were bad at lying. He decides not to touch on that today.
“But your bedroom light was on. I saw it through the window.”
“I-I just forgot to turn it off!” you flush. “And what were you doing looking through my bedroom window? ‘Kaashi-kun, don’t tell me you’ve turned to a pervert—Ow! That hurts, ‘Kaashi-kun!”
“Don’t accuse me of ridiculous things if you’re going to lie. Your bedroom window is right across mine, I’d have known even if I wasn’t trying to.”
Holding up your hands to the spot where Akaashi had flicked your forehead, you give him a faux pout of defeat. When Akaashi gets violent, you know you wouldn’t be able to get away with anything. No matter how much konpeitou you bribe him with.
“I was just trying to get a good look at the stars again,” you mumble, the candy in your mouth splitting in half with a roll of your teeth. “Lyra and Aquila are getting pretty noticeable this time around.”
Akaashi racks through his mind to recall the right information you’d mentioned to him from all those late-night talks through your balconies. “Hmm... you mean the Tanabata* constellations? The ones representing Orihime and Hikoboshi, right?”
“Yep~! Vega and Altair are going to be at a spotlight during this year’s festival, so I made myself a promise to track down it’s progress until it’s over.” Dreamily sighing into your palm, you smile. “Orihime-chan and Hikoboshi are finally going to see each other again, what a pain to be separated like that... Aah, I’m super lucky that ‘Kaashi-kun’s balcony is just a reach away...”
Your slip of the tongue doesn’t go unnoticed by your childhood friend as Akaashi’s face burns crimson. You nearly forget that you’re not children anymore—that you’re past the ages of bathing together nude in a flimsy inflatable pool smack in the middle of Akaashi’s living room. That you’re both hormonal teenagers and there’s a very high possibility that you’re very much past the feeling of “just friends”.
“I-I see...” Akaashi clears his throat. “But that doesn’t dismiss the fact that you’re skipping out on sleep! You have to rest up, L/N-san, even if there’s a planetary convergence out in plain sight.”
“A planetary convergence! I’d never miss something like—Ow! Okay, okay, I get it! I’ll try not to miss out on too much sleep next time.”
Leaning back on his chair, Akaashi’s lips wrap around the plastic straw of his strawberry milk. He tries to slurp something up to soothe his mind, but only a crackly noise erupts from the carton. His eyebrows twitch in annoyance; if he doesn’t get your sleeplessness out of your system soon, you’re in worlds of trouble.
Akaashi doesn’t want you to suffer. He hates it when you do. There’s only so much he could do as your best friend, but if there was a chance for him to let your mind off things for just a moment... that would do him ounces of favors. Just a moment for the both of you, like the olden days. A moment away from Bokuto-san and the Volleyball Club. A moment away from your collapsing Astronomy Club. If Orihime and Hikoboshi would listen to his wishes, he hopes they’re listening to him now.
Please let me be with L/N-san. More than anything else.
“Ah,” he perks up. “Your family has confirmed the meet-up point for this year’s Tanabata Festival, right?”
Beaming brightly, you barely notice the faint blush on your classmate’s cheeks. “Yep! Don’t forget to remind your parents, alright? It’s a nice tradition that our families get to hang out every year during festivals~ My grandma said she’s going to come this year!”
“How nice. I haven’t seen your grandmother in a while,” he says. “H-hey, L/N-san... you think that old observatory is still there?”
“Ah, you mean by the hill? I think it is.”
And Akaashi smiles. The softest smile that you think he could ever muster. Just for a spare instant you think you’re seeing another wonder of the skies. A blessing that takes the form of your childhood friend... until the bell rings, signaling the next period.
Akaashi taps your shoulder quietly as he turns towards his own desk. “On the day of the festival. I want to show you something, so... could you ask your parents if you could stay for an extra hour or so?”
You don’t even realize your heart is racing hard enough for someone to hear. And you can only nod at your childhood friend who’s not quite a ‘friend’ anymore at this point.
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When you make a wish upon a star, how much are you willing to share them with another person?
Akaashi can only remember glimpses of what he’d wished for all those years ago. Better grades, a new toy, hope that onigiri would come down raining on him one day. It was always the normal wishes for him (and most of them didn’t really verge on being too weird) which is why he had no problems with sharing them with you.
On the other hand, you were more secretive about your wishes. But that didn’t mean you weren’t going to be so predictable about it...
“So you wished for that new telescope?”
“Aaah, ‘Kaashi-kun! Did you read my tanzaku* or something?! Rude!”
He sighed. “I don’t know. Probably has to do something with how much you’ve been saying ‘telescope’, ‘telescope’, ‘telescope’ in your sleep lately.”
He laughs at the memory of your beautifully flushed face. How old were you then, twelve? It was during this exact same festival too. Packed and stuffy just as always. You were radiant that night. A shooting star lighting up the universe with a simple grin. And Akaashi wonders if any constellation would ever be able to size up to you.
“‘Kaashi-kun! Sorry we’re late!”
Yukata*. A plum blossom-patterned yukata that draped over your body like a silk curtain. Akaashi has only counted two times in his life where he’d seen you wear something like that. One, the funeral for the old ramen shopkeeper in your apartment. Two, the cultural festival in your second year of middle school. Akaashi’s mind goes completely blank and his lips creep up into a smile as he doesn’t even hide his obvious blush anymore.
“‘Kaashi-kun, i-is my yukata okay?” you falter at his gaze. God, did he have to stare so much? “I probably look silly.”
“N-no! Y-you’re...” he shakes his head profusely. Beautiful? An angel? A gift to mankind? The only word good enough to measure up to your splendor was—
“Perfect. You’re perfect.” He twinkles. “I wouldn’t change a single thing.”
If you hadn’t dug your shoes so deep into the ground, you were sure your knees were going to buckle. Friends don’t normally call their friends ‘perfect’ with that expression, right? Particularly Akaashi with that comical poker-face of his. That’s unfair, ‘Kaashi-kun.
Right at the perfect second, your mother calls over to the both of you. “Hey, kids, want to write some tanzaku?”
“That’s alright, Auntie. I’ve already hung mine up when I got here.” Akaashi turns to you, still averting your gaze from him. Cute. “What’re you going to write this year, another wish for a supermoon?”
“Secret~” you wink impishly. “How about you?”
The boy hums quietly before returning your wink. “Secret.”
You grit your teeth. “Oh come on, you usually tell me anyway! Say, tell me? Is it something embarrassing? Where’d you hang it? I want to see!”
Akaashi only chuckles. Gently patting your head, he urges you towards the display of bamboos and streamers arching over the entrance to the festival.
“You’ll find out soon enough. Now let’s go and enjoy Tanabata before the stars decide to give out.”
Taking his hand, you gleefully lead him into the throngs of people. And he’s thankful that you do, because right now, it would be troublesome if you looked back to see the intense blush that covers him head to toe. Right now, he’s going to enjoy the festival with you. And later, well... There is always the perfect moment for everything, and Akaashi wants to make sure of it.  
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It’s a bit ironic, to be fair.
Something nostalgic hits him in the back of his head as he drags you through the trees and rocks towards the moonlit hill. Funny. You had always been the one to take his hand and encourage him to try something new. Stargazing, making friends, even a small push for a taste of volleyball. There are so much things he wanted to thank you for and he hopes whatever he was going to tell you tonight is worth it.
Akaashi’s hand on your wrist is warm as you approach a large clearing. Just overlooking the slope are the luminescent lights of the festival, like crystals that make the night glow even brightly. When he turns back to check on you, your wrist tethers upon scorching, but you make no move to pull your hand away.
“I-is this—?” you gasp.
It’s almost ethereal. No, it is ethereal. Shards of the Milky Way spread beautifully against an azure curtain, presenting itself to the both of you in a manner reminiscent to a dancer in motion. Threads of purple and rose weaves through the stars and wrap together like the hands of Orihime and Hikoboshi, bound together by fate. This is the essence of Tanabata, and you’re here to see it up-close-and-personal.
You don’t even notice Akaashi’s hand slowly creeping down your wrist to entwine his fingers with yours. He watches your features contort into a smile that showers meteors in his stomach—he wonders how amazing it is that he’s lasted this long in your heavenly presence.
“Do you like it?” he murmurs quietly.
‘Kaashi-kun... He must’ve spent so long researching about the timing and the shortest path to get here. “Thank you, ‘Kaashi-kun! Thank you! Oh wow... I can see the sky really clearly from here. You must’ve worked very hard... It’s beautiful.”
Akaashi raises his free hand to slip a strand of your hair behind your ear. “Not as much as you.”
You hold in your breath, the feeling of your best friend’s fingers lingering upon the leaf of your ears burning. It leaves you shaking inside your yukata, and you wonder how long you’ve been reacting like this towards him.
“Don’t tease me like that, ‘Kaashi-kun,” you mutter, looking away from his rain-streaked pools.
“I wasn’t teasing. You really are beautiful.” Akaashi hesitates to bite his lip. Soft and kissable, and smelling sweetly of candied apples. “L/N-san, this entire time... I was jealous.”
The color of your cheeks must’ve been beyond a radiant red by now. Akaashi takes both your hands in his. There’s no stopping the torrent of emotions that overtake him as he continues.
“I was jealous of the stars. That you were always looking at them with amazement and love. I thought I was being stupid, but it’s really not. You’d probably get mad at me for staring at you instead of the sky during those times you took me stargazing. But I can’t help it.”
“I like you, L/N-san. More than a friend.”
A lump grows in your throat, and you croak shakily. “Y-you do?”
Akaashi stutters but his words are as resolute as his gaze. “Of course I do.”
Silence hanging in the air, cold sweat begins to bead on the boy’s forehead. He’s still holding your hands—it’s warm just like you, and he worries if what he’d said might’ve ceased him the opportunity to experience such warmth ever again.
Then you laugh. Bubbly and absolutely pleasant. Resembling the coordinated twinkling of stars in the night sky. And Akaashi goes through a crisis, realizing that you’d finally seen him as a joke.
Clearing your throat, you beam kindly at him. “So do I, ‘Kaashi-kun. More than anything.”
“Ah...” he blushes deeply again and immediately finds interest in your shoes. “S-s-sorry. I thought you were going to reject me, so I didn’t really think of what to do next past this point.”
Sidling up closer to him, you let out a breathy sigh. Peeking down at you through your curled lashes, Akaashi’s chest pounds fervently against his dress shirt. And just upon his arm, he can feel the faint ba-dump of yours. How calming.
“I suppose while we’re here, we can thank the stars,” you say. “Like the old days.”
Akaashi chuckles, the rumble of his laughter buzzing under your skin. “That’d be nice.”
So you look up at the great vaults of heaven and expressed your gratitude. For each other, for konpeitou and boiled rapeseeds, for volleyball and the vast universe. Just for a moment, just for a peek, Akaashi feels the graces of Orihime and Hikoboshi shining upon him—Vega and Altair sparkling brilliantly on their stage.
The secret of your tanzaku isn’t much of a secret after all, you don’t have to admit it to each other either (much to Akaashi’s regard). It resonates within your congruent hearts like a reminder of the infinite sky that will always watch over you.
I want to gaze upon the stars with ‘Kaashi-kun forever.
I want to love L/N-san with all of my heart.
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konpeito - Japanese sugar candy that look a bit like stars
tanabata - a Japanese festival, usually celebrated on the 7th of July, based on the romantic legend of Orihime and Hikoboshi
tanzaku - a narrow strip of card where wishes are written upon then tied on a bamboo stalk
yukata - a light cotton kimono
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crackedoutgiraffe · 4 years
The Stars in Your Eyes
Part 2: Chapter 1 Part 2: Chapter 2 Part 2: Chapter 3
A/N: I’m thinking of starting a one-shot “series” based off of songs, send me a message with any songs you want to see! Also, Entropy...
Warnings: Fluff and Angst
Word Count: 4,703
“Spencer?” A woman approached the table Reid was sitting at.
The way Spencer’s face changed when he saw made you uneasy, “Cat? 
“Hi!” for a hitwoman she seemed weirdly approachable.
“Hi,” the monitor set-up in the kitchen for you showed your husband standing across from a beautiful young woman.
“Hi,” she gave him a warm smile.
“Hello. Hi. Hi. Nice to finally,” you saw her go in to give him a hug and he pulled away. “Oh--sorry, I have a-- a germ thing. Oh. I'm kind of weird with hu-hugs.” 
“Sorry,” she didn’t mean it. “Can I sit down?”
“Yes, please,” he gestured to the seat across from him. “Oh, yeah. Of course. Sit down.” 
“First time doing this?” she smiled. 
“Yeah,” he muttered. “I mean, yeah.” 
“Yeah, I--I still get nervous, too,” she was trying her best to be friendly. “Really, it wasn't until an hour ago that I was like, wait, we've been trading emails back and forth, but I still have no idea what this guy looks like.”
“Hence the,” he pointed at the red rose in front of her. You were tapping your foot and biting your nails at the sight of your husband on a ‘date’ with another woman.
“I know,” she giggled. “And then I was like, wait, he's going to bring a red rose, so we need to go to a nicer place, which is why I switched the restaurant last-minute.”
“Not a problem at all,” he had his beautiful smile on his face.
“And now I need to change and put something nice on for this place, 'cause I was totally underdressed, and my whole wardrobe makes me look like a Kardashian,” Reid had a confused look on his face. “You know who that is, do you?”
“No, oh, yeah, Robert Kardashian, He got O.J. Simpson off. You--you don't look like his daughters,” he shook his head.
“Yeah, no, I was making a joke about them,” she seemed to be annoyed. 
“No, it was good,” he smiled. “It was a good joke.” 
“No, it wasn't,” she giggled.
“It was funny.” 
“Can we start over?” she asked. “Hi, I'm Cat.”
“Hi,” he stumbled over his words. “I'm Spencer.”
“It really is nice to meet you, in person, finally,” she shrugged. “It's nice to meet you. Tell me a little bit about yourself. Do you really have 3 Ph.D.s?” 
“Yes. Um, I--yeah, I do, I have 3 Ph.D.s.”
“What was your favorite book that you read last year?” she asked.
“Um, honestly, I've never read a book I didn't love,” Reid sheepishly responded.
“Tell me about your wife,” she leaned forward.
“If you don't mind, I'd, uh, I'd rather not talk about her,” he cleared his throat.
“Might as well get it out in the open, right?” she seemed to let out a small laugh. “That's why we're here. How long have you been married?”
“4 years,” in reality you and Reid had only been married for 7 months.
Cat paused,“when is she due to give birth?” 
“Uh…” Reid’s voice got quiet. “A couple of-- a couple of months. Should we talk about price now, or…”
“Slow down, tiger,” she cut him off. “What exactly are we negotiating here?”
“You know,” he looked around. 
“I want to hear you say it.” 
“To have her killed,” the look on his face told you everything you needed to know. Reid would never say such a thing about you.
“Let me see your ring,” her voice sounded much more chipper. Reid did as she asked and gave her his hand. He insisted on buying a new ring, insisting he didn't want her anywhere near you. “You know what that is? A noose. Only it doesn't kill you all at once. It kills you slowly, day by day. You ever feel that way?”
He nodded, “I feel that way all the time.” It was unsettling seeing him talk so poorly of you.
“Take it off,” she commanded. 
“Why?” he smiled.
“As a sign of your commitment,” she seemed so proud of herself. “To me.” You watched as he took off his ring and placed it in her hand.
“If she sticks to the pattern, she'll take him to a secondary location and kill him,” you heard JJ’s voice over your com. 
“We're not gonna let it get that far,” Rossi was sitting at a table and JJ was at the bar. “Hotch, do you have a visual?”
Just hacked in,” Garcia’s voice made you a lot calmer than before. 
“All right,” Hotch said, “we have you over her left shoulder. Do you copy?” you saw Reid look at the camera. “All right, all agents stand by. Dr. Reid will give the green light. Don't move until we have it. Y/N are you there?” 
“Yes, sir,” the hustle and bustle of the kitsch made it harder for you to hear but you managed.
“Remember you do not engage unless absolutely necessary,” he reminded you of the deal you made the week prior.
“I know,” you smirked.
“24-karat?” She asked. Reid nodded. “24k times... 4 years means this ring should be dinged and nicked. But the sucker is brand-new. You're not married.” You could hear the sound of a gun cocking. Reid was tapping his finger on his hand. You realized he was trying to say something in morse code. You got a pen and napkin from a waitress to write it down, ‘she doesn’t know about you.’
“What was that? Was that what I think it was?” you could hear how flustered Garcia was.
“Everybody hold,” Hotch commanded. 
“Why are we here, Spencer?” Cat asked.
“We're here because you belong to a network of 4 hitmen who've been operating in the shadows of the Internet,” Reid calmly explained. “You're known as Miss .45. My team and I have been hunting for months, and I knew that if I boxed you in, I could arrest you with as little resistance as possible.”
“Your team being the behavioral analysis unit of the FBI?” she paused. “You guys are good. You're the only ones that got close to us. But we got kind of close to you, too, didn't we? Hi, Penelope. Do you know why I'm so good at my job?”
“Because you kill without compunction or remorse.” 
“That only gets a girl so far in life,” she leaned closer to him. “No, it's because I think through every potential outcome and then I plan accordingly. You see, I didn't walk into your trap. You walked into mine. Where's your head, Spencer? What are you thinking about?” You watched as she moved closer to him.
“I was thinking about entropy,” she was feeling him up. “It's the thermodynamic measure of the degradation of matter and energy in the universe. To put it another way--”
She pulled his gun from his belt, “there's your gun.”
“Good evening,” the waiter approached the table. 
“Hi, uh, you know what?” she smiled. “We've been having so much fun getting to know one another, we'll let you know when we're ready, ok? Thank you.” The waiter left and she returned to torturing your husband. “Now that we got that out of the way, will you do me a favor and tell Blondie McBlonderson over there at the bar to disappear.”
“JJ, stand down,” Hotch commanded.
JJ stodd from her seat at the bar and headed for the kitchen. “Thanks for playing, sweetie,” Cat shouted as JJ walked past.
“If she learns how many agents we have outside, she'll start shooting,” Hotch said. “Dave, get ready to take her out. Reid, do not let her get up from the table.”
“All right, you're in charge,” given his current position Reid was abnormally calm. “Tell me what you want and I'll see if I can get it here for you.”
“Anything I want?” she smirked.
“Anything you want.” 
“Like a million dollars in unmarked bills, maybe a plane to Aruba?”
“Is that what you want?” Reid kept a straight face never letting his emotions get the better of him. 
“And you'll say you'll bring it here, but the real plan is to distract me from what is, I'm sure, an impressive law enforcement response just outside that door. Is that the plan?”
“That's the plan,” he smiled.
You watched as JJ came over to your place in the kitchen, “Did you have fun?” you giggled.
“It was entertaining to say the least,” she smiled.
“Because I know what I want now. I want to play a game with you,” Cat smiled. “You like games?” 
“I do.”
“Do you win?” 
“I always win,” the way he said that made you uneasy, it was very aggressive.
“Give it to me,” she demanded. Reid followed and handed his phone to her. “Ok, here's my game. You have 30 minutes to answer every question I ask. And if you lie, I'll know. Because I've spent the past 10 years of my life studying men and their lies before I kill them. Do you believe me?”
“I do.”
“That was true,” Cat smiled. “You're getting this. Now, here's how we'll know who wins at the end of 30 minutes. If you win, you'll drag me out of here in handcuffs. But if I win, you will escort me out like a gentleman, to make sure I exit safely. What do you say, Spencer? Think you can win this one?”
He leaned closer to her and lowered his voice, “considering everything you've put Garcia and so many people through, you're going to have to shoot me in the face before you walk out of here.”
“Game on,” you watched as she smiled at the thought of shooting him point-blank in the face.
“What do you want to ask me?”
“How you found me, of course,” she pressed start on the timer. “A professional learns from her mistakes.”
“We got our big break in the case at the end of last year,” Reid started. “I didn't learn how big until I came back from some time off.”
“Why'd you take time off?” she smirked.
He hadn’t told you much about why he didn’t go to work for three months. All you really knew was that he was visiting his mom in Vegas a lot. He would go to Vegas for two months and then come home for a few days. Every night he would call you and tell you he loved you. 
“Stop,” Cat interrupted Reid’s story.
“What?” Reid seemed confused.
“You didn't tell me why you took time off.” 
“It's not relevant,” he deflected. 
“That's not the game,” she frowned. “The game is you answer every question I ask. Is it a secret?”
“No,” he smiled.
“Is it dirty?” she seemed happy at the thought of it being something dirty.
Reid furrowed his brow, “no.” 
“Then tell me,” she whined.
“It's not important to your story.” 
“Out of curiosity, is it me you don't want to tell or the people listening in?” she asked
Reid looked down at his phone, “Is this really how you want to spend your 30 minutes?” 
“Yes,” she smiled. “No. Ok, so you were saying you showed up for work that morning and…” 
“We learned that someone unexpected decided to talk,” he continued.
“And who would that be?”
“Brian Cochran from the NSA,” Reid explained. “He had used one of your colleagues to target a DEA agent. The prison put him in solitary confinement where he ended up having a breakdown. He didn’t know names, only areas of expertise. We learned about the bomber, the sniper, the chemist, and the most dangerous of all…”
“Me,” she interrupted. 
He nodded, “yes.” 
“Wow, that was really impressive,” she was mocking him. “Yeah, the way you just made all those brilliant deductions with all that information that was just handed to you on a silver platter. Quick question--are you guys really profilers or are you just lucky? Because this, what I'm about to say-- is profiling. The reason you took time off from work was to deal with the same girl who broke your heart.”
“No,” you really hoped he wasn’t trying to get away from you.
“The death of a parent, then,” she guessed. 
“No,” Reid shook his head. 
“Ah, hello, I'm getting close. It's mom or dad in the billiard room with the candlestick. Oh, you're mad at me, aren't you?” she seemed to be frowning. 
“Not even a little bit,” he smiled.
“Yes, you are, I can tell.”
He leaned closer to her, “no offense, but you're not really worth getting angry at.” 
“So you figured out what the 4 of us did, and then what?” she sighed.
“We profiled that you operated as spokes on a wheel. Somehow it had to be centralized, how you got jobs, who paid you. Somebody did all that for you.”
“You found the Snowman, didn't you?”
Reid smiled, “we did. We also learned that one of you had kidnapped him and were holding him against his will. Hotch had received something very important that helped us find him.”
“Whoa, whoa, whoa, I'm confused. What just happened there?” she interrupted, again.
“When we arrested Cochran, we found a flash drive, one that gave us access to a specific shadow of the Darknet, one we didn't even know existed,” he explained. “Garcia used it to find the website that Snowman set up for all of you. Once we had the website, we had geography, specifically, the safe house you were keeping him in. So we waited until the shift change when we knew we could take two of you down at once. When we raided the house both of them killed themselves.”
“Well, well, well, you took the chemist and the sniper out of commission, huh?” she smirked.
“Did you know?” Reid asked
“I knew something was off,” she leaned back. “They didn't bid on some contracts. And this isn't the kind of job where you get to take time off to be with your... Mother? Is it your mom? It's gotta be your mom. Why'd you take time off from the FBI?”
“I'm not gonna tell you.”
“Spencer,” she was much more serious this time, “why did you take time off from the FBI?” 
“You can ask me as many times as you want, and you can continue to waste your time, but I'm still not gonna tell you.”
“Then you're cheating, and I don't like cheaters.”
“Just tell her,” you muttered to yourself. If she was this angry about something so simple you didn’t want to see what she was going to do.
“You don't get everything you want just because you're pointing a gun at me under a table. You're not the first killer to point a gun at me. You're not even the first woman to point a gun at me. Sorry.”
“You're really gonna take this all the way, aren't you?” 
“Yeah,” he smirked.
“So am I.” 
“Dave, go,” Hotch ordered. You and JJ watched on the monitor as Rossi stood from his seat and start walking toward their table. Cat made her way closer to Spencer. 
“Look at my face. Does it look like I'm bluffing?” Reid didn’t even have a smile on his face.
“I know you're not bluffing,” Cat reached out to grab his tie and started to twist it. “I'm gonna ask you one more time. Before you say no, I want you to consider something.” All you could hear was static.
“She muffled the mic,” Garcia said. “We lost audio.” You all waited in silence for Spencer’s mic to come back on. The only thing keeping you sane was the live video.
“Rossi, stand down,” you let out a long sigh at the sound of his voice. “Please.” Rossi did as he asked and started for the kitchen.
“Welcome to the locker room,” you giggled. 
He looked at you with no expression, “I hate the locker room.” 
“My mom has schizophrenia, and the doctor has changed her medication, which seemed to agitate her, and so I went to the treatment center to help her,” Reid explained.
“That's it?” Was she actually disappointed with his answer? 
“That's it.”
“You just risked your life over mommy's pills?” Cat asked. 
“It's the truth,” he smiled. 
“It's part of the truth,” she moved back to her original position across from Spencer. “You're holding something back. Here's what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna penalize you by adding 10 minutes. And keep in mind that the only reason you're not dead right now is because I did learn something important.”
“Oh, really?” he mocked. “What's that?” 
“Your back up,” she looked around the restaurant. “I flushed them out. It's just you and me now.”
“Guess again, bitch,” Tara said. 
“So when we left off, the score was you had two of our guys and the Snowman. You must have thought you were home free.”
“No, Reid shook his head. “If anything, the case was harder. We needed to find a way to get to either you or the bomber, we chose you. But first, we had to get the data that we needed from the Snowman. From that, we could start to build a profile that would lead us to you. When we knew what we were looking for, the pattern was obvious. You only killed men who were looking to have their pregnant wives killed. You took their money and then killed the men who hired you. This led me to volunteer to be your next victim. If I could get you here to meet me and things went awry, you would be more likely to reason with someone who was closer to your age. My wife and boss both shot down my idea but eventually, we all decided this was best…”
“Hold on a second,” she leaned forward in her seat. “I thought you weren’t married.”
“8 months tomorrow,” he was lying. You two got married 7 months ago to the day.
Cat’s face lit up, “is she listening in?”
“She doesn’t work for the bureau,” another lie that you weren’t opposed to. 
“If she were pregnant would you actually want her dead?” she whispered.
Reid leaned forward to meet her, “never in my wildest dreams.” You let out a long sigh of relief which led JJ to give you a hug. 
You watched as Cat rolled her eyes, “back to the story.”
He shrugged, “it was a pretty good plan too.”
“You have zero control here. None. I outflanked you from the beginning.”
“Some of your moves were pretty obvious.”
“Such as?” 
“Such as showing up armed. Such as changing the venue at the last moment. Can I tell you a little secret?” he smirked. “Everything eventually falls apart. The trick is accepting when it's over.”
“Except it ain't over, is it?” 
“Do you really think I'm just gonna let you walk out of here?”
“You profiled so much about me, except you forgot to ask the most important question. Why would I make you sit here for 30 minutes?” she asked.
“Because you're stalling.” 
“Then you don't know me at all. Did you guys show up here without an escape plan? Or is that what just another girl with daddy issues do? Maybe if you hadn't fallen victim to your own gender bias, and, yes, all men have a gender bias, even you, Dr. Reid, you would have recognized that your entire strategy was based on one faulty detail. Can you see it?”
“You're not here alone,” Reid’s face turned from a smirk to a panic.
“And my partner?” 
“Planted a bomb in the building.” 
“We're on the move,” you said as you and JJ headed for the basement. You had some of the staff lead you underneath the building. “Hotch, we've got interconnected c-4 charges down here.” 
“How many?” 
“There are 6 charges,” JJ sighed. “They're connected to the city's gas line. She could take out the whole block. If we alert anyone, then the panic could set her and the bomb off. SWAT's on the radio with the bomb squad. They say our only chance is to get our hands on that cell phone. If we shut down the trigger, we can remove the charges.”
“Morgan,” Hotch called.
“Go ahead, Hotch,” Morgan was still up in the restaurant.
“Does she have a cell phone with her?” Hotch asked.
“I don't think so. I didn't see her pull one out,” you could barely hear Morgan. “The bomber was setting this up while we were all up here. I think he's holding the stick. We're combing the block. He could be anywhere, though.”
“Where's Lewis?” Hotch asked.
“Are you good if I go back upstairs?” you whispered to JJ who responded with a nod.
“Reid, perimeter agents are pulling back. You have to let her go.” Hotch sighed.
“Well?” you could see Cat becoming increasingly annoyed. “Spencer…” 
“You can leave,” he sighed. “But you won't.” 
“I'm sorry?”
“Double or nothing,” Reid straightened his back. “You need to sit back down.” 
“Reid, what are you doing?” Hotch seemed angry with him.
“Wow, now you're stalling,” Cat smirked.
“You played your trump card, but I have one, too.”
“Thanks for dinner. I had fun.”
“I found your father,” Cat stopped in her tracks at Reid’s statement.
“No, you didn't.” 
“Look at my face. Am I bluffing? I'll tell you where he is. But you need to sit back down and listen to the rest of my story.”
“No. Tell me now. Or I'll-- detonate the bomb?”
“You're not gonna do that, Cat because then you won't learn anything. You said you were good at your job because you think through every outcome. Well, guess what-- so do I.”
“All right. Finish the story.”
“To prepare for this dinner, I had to learn everything about you, starting with your real name,” he started. “We searched through foster care records and found you were the daughter of Daniel Adams, who did in fact leave the country in 1987 but returned in 2012. Based on confidential records in rehabs and sober living houses, which in turn pointed us to flophouses and soup kitchens. He couldn't put 24 hours together sober. And you can probably imagine my surprise when I discovered that he actually lives right here in D.C.”
“It's not that simple. He was in bad shape when I found him.”
“He didn't remember me?” 
“The alcoholism shredded his brain. I'm sorry.”
“You're not sorry. Sorry is what people say when they don't understand. Wait. Your mother--tell me.”
“Is--is this part of the game? 
“No. The game's over.” 
“When I looked at her medical chart, it--it didn't make any sense. The medication that they gave her should have been helping, but I couldn't figure out what was making her so angry. So, I, uh, I went to see her. The moment I walked in her room, I saw it. For 3 seconds... She didn't know who I was. I, um, I had her tested that morning, and I found out that night... That she had early onset of dementia. Most likely Alzheimer's,” you could feel your heart break. Why didn’t he tell you?
“Did you test yourself? No, you didn't. You were too scared.”
“I thought I dodged a bullet when I turned 30 and didn't have a schizophrenic break like her, but, uh, this is somehow bigger and scarier because I can actually see it happening. All the memories that we used to share are just dying. I can't stop it. I can't help her. All I can do is find people that I can help.”
“Is that really why you showed up tonight?” you saw just how annoyed Cat was becoming. “To help me? Do you know how many men have told me that they wanted to help me? How do you think that worked out for them?”
“Hotch, she just armed the bomb,” JJ’s panicked voice came through your earpiece. “Hotch, we need to pull back.”
“Hotch, we might have a lead here,” Morgan said calmly. “She hasn't touched anything to arm the bomb.”
“That means the bomber's here, somewhere in the restaurant,” Lewis added.
“All right, if you can take him, do so, but the priority is evacuation,” Hotch reminded.
“I'm not even sure if it is a him,” Lewis continued. “Cat mentioned something about gender bias, so that could apply to the bomber as well.”
“All right, she'd have to be in a position to maintain line of sight on Reid all night,” Morgan asked. “Who do you see?”
“Look for anyone with their phone out,” Hotch added. “That's the detonator. Our woman will give herself away by looking over.”
“I've got her,” Morgan whispered. “Blue dress. By the bar. Y/N can you get her?”
“On it,” you grabbed your blazer and left the kitchen. Hotch had you dress similarly to the manager just in case you needed to be undercover. You walked over to the woman by the bar, “Hello ma’am, how was your dinner tonight?”
“It was good,” spoke quickly and returned her gaze to Cat and Reid.
“Let me know if there is anything else you need,” you reached into your pocket and grabbed your handcuffs. “Time to go,” you grabbed her wrist and twisted it behind her back. Lewis came over to help you. 
“Hotch, we're clear,” Lewis said. 
“Reid's not,” you did your best to not focus on Reid but that was hard given Hotch’s words. 
“Don't! FBI,” Morgan shouted as he pulled out his gun.
“Everybody stay calm, please,” you focused your attention on the civilians.
“We're gonna be smart about this and talk it out. Aren't we, Cat?” Morgan asked. 
“That's up to you,” she quipped. 
“Get everyone out of here,” Reid demanded. 
“Move,” Lewis said. The two of you followed the restaurant patrons out along with the bomber. You shoved her in a police car and went back to the entrance of the building. Taking out your earpiece, you leaned against the wall and let out a loud sigh.
Lewis started to walk toward you, “are you okay?”
“Yeah,” you nodded. “Will you let me know if Hotch says anything?”
“Of course,” she put a hand on your shoulder and leaned against the wall. Rossi and JJ cae around from the back of the building and waited for the paddywagon to arrive, this was still part of Reid’s plan. “They’re coming out,” Lewis turned to you.
You went to the door and eagerly awaited their arrival. You saw the door open and out came Reid, Morgan, and Cat in handcuffs.
“Wait,” she stopped walking. She looked up and Reid, “ok I’m ready.” The three of them approached an empty paddy wagon. When Morgan and Reid opened the doors, Cat’s face dropped. Reid helped her climb into the van and handcuff her to the seat. You went and stood next to Morgan who put his hand on your shoulder. Reid and Cat were talking but it was inaudible. When they were done Reid climbed out and walked away, you instinctively followed him. 
“Reid,” you shouted after him. 
He stopped walking and waited for you to catch up with him. You eventually did catch up, and he wrapped you in a hug immediately after, “I love you so much,” you could hear him whisper between his sobs. You held him the entire time crying and walked him back to the restaurant.
“Kid,” Morgan greeted him, “can you drive me home?” 
Reid nodded and started to walk toward his car. Morgan took shotgun and you got the back. The drive to Morgan’s house was quiet enough for you to fall asleep. You didn’t wake up until about 30 minutes later. The car had stopped and you heard Reid get out. You watched as he walked down to a swing set and sit on one of the swings. There must have been something about his mother that made him want to come here. You climbed into the passenger seat and fell back asleep. Reid came back and drove back to the apartment. He carried you inside, laid you on the bad, and kissed your forehead before he too laid down and fell asleep.
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buginateacup · 4 years
So I finally figured out the best way for me to plot Rings is to write it out like I did before ie like you;re telling a rapid story/juicy gossip which stops me from writing the same scene in different angst/fluff/horny versions
so spoilers for the next few chapters under the cut if you’re interested
So the first night of the honeymoon is...fine. They spend most of it laughing over whatever the fuck was today and agree that staying married is really not an option. Megamind has conveniently forgotten that he agreed to be a superhero and Roxanne winds up laughing in Megamind's arms as he proves that he can in fact dance like Fred Astaire on the balcony of their suite. Its a remarkably fun night all things considered until Roxanne goes to push open the door to what she assumes is the other bedroom of the suite and finds the kind of closet that she's been dreaming of all her life and that means...
There is only one bed. Fuck
Cue panic
And Roxanne getting stuck in her dress 
But Megamind has also been having just a hint of a breakdown because dancing with Roxanne made him realise that oh no he's in love with his wife and he hasn't wished he was human for a long time (not true) but it does mean that she's probably not going to be okay with tentacles which is the kind of thing you should probably tell a prospective partner BEFORE you marry them so he's going to sleep on the couch far far away from temptation. And Roxanne is an absolute horny mess because she is absolutely hiding her feelings behind her libido but Megamind is being very considerate of not being THAT KIND of villain which means she feels like he doesn't want her and nothing kills desire faster than not being wanted so that’s its own problem.
Except the couch is kind of squeaky because its leather and he can't sleep and eventually Roxanne comes storming out and demands he come to bed so they can both sleep because he's keeping her awake too.
And they do.
Just sleep
And wake up tangled together on Friday morning.
That's not awkward at all
That's also the morning they find out they have the suite for the rest of the weekend, which, delightful. Divorce can definitely wait a couple of days while they ruin Wayne's credit rating. There may be a bit of a moment where Megamind catches Roxanne trying on his mantle over her pjs that will either be incredibly angsty or incredibly hot but that that is not part of the plan we're just pretending that didnt happen, or it did and that is how they decide to be married for the weekend (IDK, working on it). In the mean time there are casino heists to plan and chess and scrabble to be played and evening brings Megamind back to bed with Roxanne because its just easier at this point. And when he wakes up because UNFAMILIAR in the middle of the night he plays with Roxanne's hair at her askance for an hour until they both fall asleep.
Roxanne is more than okay with having someone permanently willing to play with her hair on tap as all people should be.  
On Saturday Roxanne is awake first and spends some time thinking about how tired Megamind looks and how he should really take some time off and they can go to the beach or something after they get back. This should probably have been a clue about her feelings but hey, leave a girl her river in egypt.
This may or may not be the day she also glues him to the headboard of the bed with the decoupage setting on the de-gun while she has a shower.
Megamind genuinely considers gnawing off his own arm because she didnt quite manage to close the door properly and that is its own kind of torture.
They have a bet about paper airplanes and landing them in the fountain. Megamind wins so Roxanne has to show him a trick (Roxanne is not thinking about that thing she can do with her throat nope not at all) which is how he finds out his wife is a master at throwing cocktails and they get more than a little tipsy and he shows her how to fire the degun which is adorable and a little hot and they wind up slowdancing on the balcony to the Something for Kate cover of When the War is Over because I love that freaking song and I'm very attached to that mental image right now.
The second night, they know its all over by tomorrow and they spend a while talking in bed in the dark which is where I will probably make all of you cry with how lonely being the last one is for Megamind and it breaks Roxanne's heart a little to and they have the kind of thing that you just do not talk about in the light of day because if what happens in vegas stays in vegas then what happens that night is like the what happens in vegas stays in vegas of what happens in vegas stays in vegas.
Look it makes sense in context okay
They also both stay clothed so chill.
Sunday morning brings them to the foyer and its bittersweet and lovely and they just want to hold one another but they CANT because there is a PLAN and of course they shouldn’t stay married but oh shit the divorce desk doesn’t open until 11 and its only ten and their chauffer is waiting for them to take them home so shit, that is an issue but its fine because there's a form you can fill out and they will post you the divorce papers.
So great. They head to the airport and get on the plane and oh look there's yesterdays paper and why is there a photo of their wedding certificate on the front page?
And when was megamind going to tell Roxanne he was becoming a hero?
And Megamind had genuinely forgotten about that. Oops
So it turns out all of Metro City has been waiting for this day for YEARS. The paper is full of happy articles and letters to the editor saying we knew those crazy kids had it in them and Carlos has won a considerable amount of money in the pool and has taken his family to disney world.
And well they cant stay married obviously (can they?) but everyone is clearly expecting them to come home as a couple so sure they can fake it for a while before quietly separating except Megamind is not okay with the idea of Roxanne getting kidnapped by anyone else because no one else will be careful enough. And Roxanne is very unimpressed that the defenders council are trying to replace her with an official damsel. She is staying damsel thank you very much Gerry.
This may also become the fic where Roxanne finally sets up a damsel's union.
So they have a bit of a talk and yep practice kissing is definitely a thing they need to work on
a lot
that moment where the copilot walks in on them is a little embarrasing
but they land and oh look there's a car waiting for them to take them to
The Scott's are throwing them a party after all
So Roxanne gets dressed by Minion for the second time in a week which is where she finds out that "Oh sir was always so worried that if he ever found someone the tentacles would be a dealbreaker"
Prehensile or?
Oh for fucks sake Roxanne you dont even know what they're for stop it
No but seriously where are they?
Megamind on the other hand has just found out that Roxanne has a tattoo from Metro Man of all people and there is a very awkward/sexy/funny moment in a butler's pantry where Megamind finds out exactly where Roxanne's tattoo is and Roxanne has it confirmed exactly what those tentacles are for after all.
Great so add that to the list of things we're thinking about like his shoulders and his hands and his eyes instead of our feelings.
Roxanne takes great solace in her libido as it is far easier than arguing with her head or her heart.
Or she would be if she was getting laid.
And SURPRISE this party is not the intimate dinner they were promised but a full on party with Megamind's prison uncles set up on a webcam in a theatre which is a lovely cute scene and Roxanne is definitely getting baby stories out of these men.
Megamind uses her as a human shield. Its force of habit and has nothing to do with how much he's blushing at all.
And they get asked to make a speech and Megamind tells everyone exactly how much he loves his wife and Roxanne is almost in tears because what the hell where was this when it was just the two of them? He cant mean any of this clearly and wow that fucking hurts.
And then Roxanne's great aunt helen shows up because of course family was invited and she is an unpleasant woman at the best of times and Roxanne goes full "Fuck off Helen he's my husband and I love him"
she does doesnt she?
Nope straight back to denial on that one. Cannot think about that right now
Because he clearly doesn't feel the same way or he'd have told her personally, not to a crowd of people. And Megamind thinks she was exaggerating because he’s also thinking where was this in vegas? And Roxanne is forcibly reminded she can't be the damsel if she's married to the hero so she is never going to see him again unless its for an interview which means she has to spend the rest of her life chasing him down in the van with fucking hal and ow ow ow
So they leave the party and Megamind drops her home only for Roxanne to find her apartment full of boxes as she is also being kicked out of her apartment as she is no longer acting damsel.
So she grabs a bag and tracks down the lair and oh hi husband can I live with you or not?
Hi wife yes please say (stay forever please stay forever) which is where we get the SECOND there was only one bed because half the lair was demolished in the last big battle and there is no space for another room right now and of course they have to keep sharing a room or Minion will get suspicious
this bed is much smaller than the giant orgy sized one in vegas
good thing they’re already getting used to waking up in one another’s arms
Roxanne does manage to ask for a small room to use as an office because she needs somewhere to cry and she's used to living alone but wow does this feel like moving in...
And that brings us to chapter 6ish?
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horansqueen · 5 years
I Almost Care : Part 2
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- I’ve always wanted to start a Louis story so here it is - The synopsis and the chapters are posted on my masterlist. - Yea it’s still my name in this. I know it bothers some ppl but that’s how i write. - Parts will be about 2k. Not sure yet how many parts I’ll write tho, probably depends if people read it not. - I do not proofread and i do not have a beta, sorry! - i decided to start a tagging list so if you want to be tagged in chapters OR be informed privately when it’s updated, let me know in my inbox, in a reblog, in tags, or anything. - There will be smut. and fluff. - The title is a Hanson song. The lyrics are posted in Part 1. - if you care about this story and read it and comment it and reblog it and like it, i love you and youre my new bff :D
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I was supposed to say no and spend a nice and relaxed weekend in a lodge my parents has ranted for the summer. That was the plan. Then how did I end up agreeing to a wild weekend in Las Vegas? I was not even sure anymore. I guess the fact that my parents had invited the very same weekend our neighbors was probably for a lot, especially when I found out they were bringing their annoying and cocky son with them. There was no way I was going to spend days with him following me around and flirting with me with his annoying smirk and his shirtless obsession. The size of his ego was unbelievable and if I spent an other hour rolling my eyes at his disgusting pick-up lines, I would certainly puke.
I guess when Julie invited me, I jumped on the occasion of being as far as I could from Bradley and his cringe worthy personality. I hated gambling. In fact, I was pretty sure I wouldn't spend a single buck in a machine, but I was not against some fun, and if I wanted to be honest, I was ready to try new things. It was going to be my very first time in the states but gladly, I had a passport that I kept to go see family members, sometimes, in other european countries.
As usual, I packed whatever I could find and all this in only half an hour. I knew the flight would be long so I brought a book, earphones and a pillow with me. I also decided to wear sweatpants and a hoodie. I mean, there was no reason for me to be uncomfortable for 10 hours, right?
It's only when I rushed inside the airport, after being fifteen minutes late, that I realized my mistake. He was there. Louis was there and i looked like crap. Louis Tomlinson was a part of this trip and I was hideous. My clothes were old, my hair was a mess, and I was not wearing any make up, showing dark circles around my puffy and tired eyes. It's not like Louis had never seen me like that but when you see your ex after so long, you at least want them to regret not being with you anymore, even if just slightly. Clearly, no one could regret me with the look that I had at this exact moment.
My heart stopped exactly at the same time than my feet. My newest Vans made an annoying squeaky noise on the slick floor and we stared at each other. It was pathetic.
"Come on guys, hurry up!" I heard Julie say, clapping her hands.
"Hey Mely, late as usual." Liam pointed out with a chuckle. "Glad to see things don't change."
Normally, I would nudge him and tell him to shut up but I couldn't take my eyes off of Louis and I couldn't calm the beating of my heart. Truth was, I never wanted us to be over, but somehow, I felt like he was not ready to be with someone. Or maybe it was just me he didn't want to be with. Either way, we didn't work, even if, believe me, I did everything I could to be exactly what he wanted. The problem was, he didn't even know what he wanted. That thought made me raise my nose in a grimace and I saw him frown, probably thinking my reaction was because he was there.
I pulled my pillow closer to me and followed my friends to the gates. It was a good thing that (and I counted) there were nine of us. Perhaps I wouldn't have to spend too much time around him. Maybe he would even pretend I didn't exist and ignore me the way he did it so well not only after we broke up but also during the last few days we were dating.
It was very unlikely since I spent a lot of time with Julie and Liam and I was perfectly aware that Louis and Liam were very close, but I wouldn't mind trying to get closer to the other people with us, if I had to.
I didn't know how I ended up with a plane ticket in my hand but I decided to just follow everyone. I smiled when I realized I got a window seat and literally let myself fall on the bench that I thought would be more comfortable.
"A bit stiff? I know."
My breath caught in my throat and I held it in. My heart started racing, my cheeks were getting warm and most likely red, and I I could feel my hands getting sweaty. I had a curse. It was the Louis curse. I would become an idiot whenever he was close. It was that way before I started dating him and now, the curse was back. I turned to him, my eyes a bit too round than they should have been, and he sent me a polite smile.
"Not you, I mean the seat."
My lips curled into a rude smile. "Funny."
Louis was, in fact, a funny guy. He could always make me laugh, even when I had the ugliest day. He could always turn my frown upside down. He could always make me at ease, make me feel pretty, important, smart... Qualities I could not really see in myself, or at least, sometimes they seemed hard to see.
"I know, I'm a funny guy." he replied, as if he had read my thoughts.
This time, he sent me an amused smile and I surprised myself wondering if it was just an act. I knew Louis was just as uncomfortable around me as I was around him. There was a reason why we made sure we wouldn't bump into each other and being seated right next to him in this plane confirmed it was a good idea to stay away from each other. How long did I read that this flight would be again? I said 10 hours, didn't I?
"You don't have to pretend, you know." I just pointed out, grabbing my bag and searching through it without looking at him.
I didn't want to admit that watching him actually hurt me, and way more than I thought it would. I had put so much effort, time and love into our relationship but I was not even sure he noticed it. I was not even sure he ever really loved me. I didn't know why I stayed for so long. Perhaps it was simply because I had hope.
"What do you mean?"
It took me a few seconds but I finally moved my gaze up. Our eyes met and I inhaled deeply before breathing out.
"You don't have to pretend to be happy that we'll be stuck together for hours." i explained, slipping my hand in my backpack to find my phone. "I'm not pleased by this either."
I turned my phone on and started checking a few messages I had received but I could feel his gaze on me, burning my skin. He was so close I could smell his odor, a mix of his cologne and his natural scent. He smelled amazing and exactly how I remembered but I couldn't let that get to me.
"I take it they didn't tell you I was coming."
His words surprised me and without thinking, I looked up again. I stared at him for a few seconds and licked my lips,shaking my head from left to right.
"Yea, they didn't tell me you'd be there either."
Now that I was thinking about it, it angered me slightly. Why weren't we aware that we would have to spend a few days together? After all, our friends knew exactly what had happened between us and also knew that we were avoiding each other. I nodded and finally leaned against my seat, closing my eyes and hoping the discussion was over.
"It's true."
I frowned, waiting for him to continue but apparently, he was waiting for something and my curiosity won the fight. I opened my eyes and turned my head his way as it was still leaning on the back of the seat.
"I'm not pleased, but it's not because I don't want to see you, or because I hate you or anything." he admitted, glancing down quickly before looking back in my eyes. "It's because I know you hate me, and it's awkward between us. But trust me, I don't want to ruin your weekend. If you want me to stay away from you, then I will."
I blinked a few times, once again surprised by his words but also by his compassion. It reminded me of who I started dating, Louis was charming and kind, cheeky but soft, funny and sensitive. He was the whole package : the man you want to present to your folks but also the man to make you cum hard between the sheets. Looking at him from so close again brought back so many memories that I had to hold my breath for a few seconds as I felt my whole body throb.
After a while, I got back to my senses and cleared my throat, playing with my earphones.
"Alright." I said with a shrug, putting my earphones on and starting the music. "But I don't mind you being around me. It's your trip too."
I could swear I read sadness in his eyes and perhaps, I had gone a little too far. I was good at pretending I didn't care, he should know that, and the problem was that I cared. I cared so much. I cared too much.
"Oh and Louis?"
Once again, his head raised up and his eyebrows too. I couldn't help but let my lips curl a bit at how cute he looked.
"I don't hate you."
He sent me a small smile and made a quick head movement as a thank you. I hated that it started hurting again. It's like a wound you thought was pretty much painless and almost completely healed that would re-open suddenly and bleed like a bitch. I spent a few more seconds just staring at him as I made a list in my head of everything I missed about him before taking my phone in my hand. I got into my note application and started typing with only one fingers, cursing as I made typos every other word.
- the way he laughed at my clumsiness - the way he played with my hair - the mischievous smirk he sent when he was horny - the grimace he made when I had a good comeback - the way he rolled his eyes at the memes i'd show him - his warm hands traveling on my skin - the way his eyes roamed on me like I was the only person worth looking at - the way his lips moved on mine, slowly but avidly - how tight he held me against him at night even if his bed was king sized - the way he whispered 'i love you' when he thought I was asleep
I suddenly stopped typing and swallowed at as I re-read the last one twice, three times... ten... I felt my eyes water and cleared my throat, turning the screen off and letting my phone fall on my laps. Why was this happening to me? I was good without him, I didn't need him, and I was happy. Then why was I feeling like that? I felt my twist in my chest and he had been sitting next to me for about 10 minutes, how was I going to survive a long weekend around him without falling in love with him again?
That thought made my heart jump so hard in my chest that my whole body started throbbing again. I couldn't go through that again, I couldn't have my heart broken an other time. It was much more than I could handle. I wasn't even sure how I survived last time.
I leaned again my seat again and shut my eyes tight, trying to stop the tears from falling, but when I felt his fingers brushing against the top of my hand, my eyes opened wide and I turned to him.
"Hey, Mely, are you okay?"
No. Clearly, I was far from okay. I was nostalgic of the only relationship that ever mattered to me. I was falling again for the only guy I really loved, the only guy who really broke my heart, and I couldn't help but think that I didn't deserve this pain. I deserved better. With that thought, I quickly took my hand back and nodded.
"Yea, i'm fine, thanks."
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itsalliepg · 5 years
What Happened In Vegas - Drake x Erika (MC) - Part 3
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SUMMARY: Drake and Erika (MC) are ready to tell their friends about her pregnancy, and find someone from the gang’s past. How Erika will react?
PAIRING: Drake x Erika
WORDS: 1599
NOTE: English isn’t my native language. I write to practice and learn, so please sorry any mistakes. I hope you like it, and if you do, I’d appreciate if you like/comment/reblog!
Click here to read Part 1 Part 2
Tagging @cora-nova @texaskitten30
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The next day, Erika swayed between the peaceful calm and the nervousness that could make her explode. Drake was relaxed, making jokes and kissing her often, so she could tell he was excited in his own way. And that was what she could hold on to. His happiness was her happiness. If he was smiling, so was she. So, nothing could ruin it. Nothing.
               Not even Maxwell when he saw them coming to the palace. Erika flinched when she saw him rushing to her and Drake and wrapping his arms around the couple.
               _My OTP! How I missed you both! – he said, his usual grin on his face.
               _Ugh, Maxwell, be careful! – Drake was worried that this might be too much for Erika. They should tell soon.
               _Sorry, you know I can get carried away when it comes to my best friends!
               _Oh, believe me, Maxwell, we know that – Hana approached the group and hugged Drake and Erika. The women pulled back exchanging a knowingly look. Hana was the only one who knew the reason for this meeting.
               _I’ve said so much fluff makes me nauseous – Olivia’s voice came from behind Erika, who pulled her into a tight hug – I missed you too – Olivia patted Erika’s back, an uncomfortable but happy smile in her face – hey, Drake – they shook hands.
               _It’s nice to see you, Olivia – he said respectfully – so, what are we waiting for to get in?
               _Hana and I were waiting for you, so nothing! Let’s go! – Maxwell said, cheerfully. Erika couldn’t tell if she was pleased or annoyed. She didn’t dislike Maxwell, but his presence reminded her of things she wanted to forget.
               When they entered the hall, they found Liam talking intently to a young woman with long light brown hair and blue eyes. Her fair skin further emphasized the red lipstick. Liam and the woman turned to the group when they heard their footsteps.
               _Hey you guys! Perfect timing! Look who’s visiting us! – Liam pointed the woman and she smiled.
               _Beth! – Maxwell bounced and rushed to her, then pulled her into a tight hug – how long!
               _Oh, Maxwell, I missed you too – Beth returned the hug, giggling. When Maxwell finally left her, she greeted Hana – always radiant, Hana. It’s amazing seeing you again.
               _And you, Beth! I can see that Belgium has done well for you! – Hana complimented.
               _And you fashion sense never changes – Olivia said as she hugged Beth.
               _Same about you, Olivia – when Beth turned to Drake and Erika, the Duchess of Valtoria noticed the surprised expression on her husband’s face.
               _I can’t believe…Freckles? – Drake grinned, but Beth grimaced.
               _Ugh, Walker! Nobody calls me that for years! – Drake ignored her discontent and hugged her.
               _What are you doing here? – Drake asked – I thought you’d be in Brussels now, like, forever.
               _Well, my father needs me here in Cordonia now – she saw Erika and held out her hand – hi, you must be Duchess Erika. I’m Elizabeth Roffinteau, but you can call me Beth – Erika shook Beth’s hand – congratulations on the wedding. Drake invited me, but I was busy with business issues.
               _Oh, Drake told me about you – Erika smiled – your father is Count Benedict Roffinteau, owner of Roffinteau Engineering, right? – Beth nodded slightly – Drake told me you are his right hand in the company, so you couldn’t come to our wedding.
               _Exactly, and I feel so sorry. Drake Walker getting married was something I never imagine would happen. I admire you, Erika, for melting Mr. Grump’s heart – Beth chuckled and Drake rolled his eyes.
               _As you can see, Freckles loves to make fun of me.
               _That’s why I like her – Olivia winked.
               _So, what is the news you wanted to tell us? – Maxwell asked and turned to Beth – this meeting is all Drake and Erika’s idea! They said they want to tell us something!
               _Oh, so I can see I chose the right time to visit Liam – Beth smiled, and Erika noticed her smile was languid, as if she was trying to charm anyone looking at her.
               _Okay, let’s do it – Drake took Erika’s hand –you want to tell or can I tell? – he asked, and Erika knew exactly what to say when she saw the sparkle in his eyes.
               _You can tell, Drake, I know you’re crazy to do that – Erika kissed his cheek and he took a deep breath.
               _Okay – he looked at his friends, grinning – Williams is pregnant. We’re going to have a baby!
               _OH MY GOD! – Maxwell shouted – Bartie will get a cousin! – he was the first to react. It made Erika feel her stomach tie in a knot again. But no. He wasn’t the father.
               _Congratulations, you too! – Liam greeted – you must be very excited.
               _Of course we are! – Drake kissed Erika on her forehead.
               _Erika doesn’t look very happy… - Beth noticed, and Hana’s eyes widened. In fact, Erika was strangely quiet. And her stomach again reacted, this time she felt a chill that almost made her gasp.
               _No, uh, I’m just surprised by this news…I’m still getting used to the idea of being a mom. Don’t get me wrong, I wanted to, but I had no idea it would be so fast… - Erika explained, almost stuttering.
               _Oh, that I agree – Olivia interrupted, to Erika’s relief – and, congratulations. I hope your baby takes after you, Erika, in looks and personality – she chuckled and Drake rolled his eyes.
               _Ha. Ha. Ha. Very funny, Olivia – he said.
               _Well, I really admire you, Erika. I’m curious to see what Drake will be like as a father – Beth smiled languidly again, this time looking at Drake. Erika couldn’t explain why, but she didn’t like it. The friends greeted the couple, and the duchess just wished that this would be over quickly. She thought she was fine with that, but she wasn’t. Not when Maxwell was around. When the cook announced the lunch was ready, the group sat at the table and talked animatedly while eating. Erika chose her words prudently, afraid of letting something slip. Hana, sitting next to her, discretely squeezed her hand, showing that everything was fine – so, uh, tell me about yourself, Erika – Beth said – I know you were a waitress in New York, and now you’re a duchess, I imagine your life in America it was nothing like this.
               _Oh, yeah, you can say so – Erika answered – I thought it would be difficult at first, but I found amazing friends and the love of my life, and now our kid – she kissed Drake’s hand.
               _I can say my life has changed too since I met Williams.
               _And I can see Drake still has the habit of calling people by their surnames and nicknames he created himself – Erika looked at Beth’s face and noticed she actually had freckles on her fair skin. The makeup tried to disguise, but they were still there.
               _She had even more freckles when she was a child – Drake snorted – she looked like a dalmatian.
               _Shut up, Drake! – Beth laughed, and the rest of the people at lunch joined her – he never changes, Erika, I should warn you.
               _Oh, how long have you known each other?
               _Actually, since we were six – Liam answered – her father is a great business partner of the Cordonian crown, and her family has always been here for meetings and dinners.
               _I’m the older sister, I have two younger sisters, Danielle and Catherine – Beth told – and we spent our childhood and some teenage days here with Liam, Max, Livvy and Drake. My parents also know Hana’s parents, they’re old friends. Then, when I was sixteen, my father wanted me to be his partner in the company, so he decided to invest in my education. We moved to Belgium, where he was born, and where our company’s headquarters is located, and the next eight years were basically school-work-home.
               _Don’t tell me you lived in Brussels all this time and find no time to have fun! – Olivia startled.
               _Of course I did! Dad wanted me to be one hundred percent focused on my work, but if you know me, you know I can make my will prevail – Beth smirked again, winking at Drake. Erika found this awkward, and uncomfortable.
               _Yeah, she really knew how to make us play the way she wanted. We used to argue sometimes about that – Drake said.
               _Yeah, he and Beth hated each other at first. After a while, they became friends – Liam told Erika – looks like you and him when you first met – the king giggled, and Erika nodded in agreement.
               _I know. Drake may be rough, but he’s actually a sweetheart – Erika smiled at her husband and he leaned in to a quick kiss.
               _That’s true, well said – Beth agreed.
               _If you say so – Olivia shrugged. The friends laughed again. The rest of the lunch was focused on Beth’s life in Belgium. Erika would be mad at that, because her baby, the heir, should be the main target of the conversation that day. But she was relieved they were talking about something else, so she could keep Maxwell from celebrating about the baby, and Erika also could avoid the feelings it would bring. But until when would she live like this? She was supposed to be happy to be a mom, and want to talk about it all the time. That way, she would raise suspects. Like Olivia, who didn’t buy the excuse Erika gave when she was asked if she wasn’t excited about the baby. She noticed something was really wrong with Erika. And by Hana’s eyes, Olivia could tell she knew something too.
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redhoodieone · 5 years
Don’t Tell Me Final Part
A/N: And…here’s the final part. I originally wanted a smut in here but it just…didn’t happen and I’m sorry about that. I hate ending great stories, so I tried my best, and I hope you all enjoyed the ride. I’ll definitely keep writing for the Batfamily, so you haven’t seen the last of me. And I would like to thank everyone for their encouraging words and their full support for this series. You all mean a lot to me!
Warnings: Language and the fluffiest of fluffs. 
It’s as if everything was a dream. The last three months of my pregnancy went by surprisingly smoothly, and with Jason’s constant support, I knew I was ready to become a mom. And before I knew it, I was tossed back into the Batfamily.
They were more than happy to have me back, and it was like I never left.
Dick became more than obsessed with being our baby’s uncle and Godfather, despite Jason and I already deciding that his longtime friend Roy Harper being named our baby’s Godfather.
Dick ended up finding out, became so upset (he literally threw himself down and had a temper tantrum and breakdown) and felt so betrayed that Bruce asked us to allow our child to have two Godfathers just to stop Dick from crying.
So now our child has two Godfathers, and I was proud to announce Barbara as the Godmother.
Bruce had finally accepted that he was becoming a grandpa, so he did what any rich-to-be grandpa would do: use some of his property to build a small, comfy home for us near the manor. Jason was initially offended because he had thought his penthouse was enough for us, but Bruce wouldn’t have any of it, and was even okay for us to live in the manor until the home was complete.
In the end, Jason and I agreed the small home would be better since the family would be really close by if we needed any help.
By the last month of my pregnancy, Damian still accompanied us to my birthing classes, because he believed he knew more about childbirth than Jason. Well, in Damian’s defense, he had read every childbirth book he could get his hands on.
But I was proud of Jason for just being there. It was enough for me.
It was time for our child to be born late at night. I was in the Batcave with Barbara, helping the guys while they were on patrol. While everyone initially panicked, I was somehow calm because I knew what was to be expected, and I was beyond anxious to meet our child. Alfred and Barbara helped me into a medical bed in the cave because Jason and I agreed on a homebirth, just to protect our child from any suspicious and evil watchful eye.
When the boys came home, they surrounded me to await the newest bat boy in the world. Alfred, Bruce, Tim, and Barbara were so helpful to me, and before everyone knew it, the bat boy arrived at exact four in the morning.
Jason Damian Todd.
Yes, I insisted ‘Damian’ to be our son’s middle name, because Damian stood with me every step of the way. And just when I thought Jason would have disagreed, he ended up shocking everyone with how he was proud with the decision and couldn’t be happier.
Jason was even surprised with me for naming our son after him, and I told him the truth: I love him, and I love our son.
So, J.J (Jason Jr.) became the nickname we all stuck with, and everyone in the family and league loved him.
And who wouldn’t love J.J? With his little messy dark hair and hypnotizing blue eyes, J.J was a little handsome man who melts every heart he’s come across. The only thing he got from me is my smile.
Jason even says he loves J.J’s smile, because it’s exactly like mine.
“You two are so perfect,” Jason whispers, and sits beside me while I hold J.J against my chest. “I can’t imagine life could be so kind to me and give me this.”
And after everything that’s happened, the family seemed whole again. But what I wouldn’t know is how everything would go from here.
4 Years Later
“I still don’t know why you want a whole weekend without J.J,” I complain, tossing J.J’s pajamas into an overnight bag. Jason had planned an entire weekend alone for us and assumed I would be okay with it.
J.J is my fucking baby boy, and even though he’s literally going next door to the manor for a weekend slumber party, the thought of him being gone just leaves me into a million pieces of broken glass.
And that shit fucking hurts when you step on it.
Jason grins, and throws himself on J.J’s twin bed. “Are you as mad as when I tricked you to go to Las Vegas for Roy’s wedding to Donna?” he asks chuckles.
“You mean the wedding that didn’t happen because it became OUR wedding?” I correct him, and I slightly smile at the memory.
Yes, Jason and Roy devised a plan to get the family and I to Vegas three years ago. It was supposed to be Roy’s wedding to Donna Troy, and suddenly the elopement turned to mine and Jason’s wedding, when he proposed to me while holding J.J in a little black suit.
And how could I say no to that? I said yes, and we got married right then and there…with no alcohol involved.
Our small family was perfect, even when we have the occasional arguments, the ups and downs, and the fun times like when J.J and I would ambush Jason when he would get home late and shoot him with nerf bullets with our nerf guns.
I just couldn’t imagine my life being like this…and I still wonder if I’m really dreaming.
“I wasn’t mad about your secret plan to marry me. It’s just…you,” I say. “You do things spontaneously when you’re being irrational, or just…romantic.”
“You know me, doll. Why wait six months to a year to get married when I could just marry you in twenty minutes?” Jason asks smugly. “And babe, the fact that Roy got ordained just to marry us was fucking perfect. He just knew how to make me look good when I read you my vows, remember?”
“Oh yes, because nothing is more romantic than to tell our family and friends that, ‘And I vow to always, always let you finish before I do,’” I say laughing. Just remembering Jason being a goofball on our wedding day just reminds me of how scared he was of fucking up our wedding.
Jason pulls me to the small bed and kisses me hard. “Hey, you know I was…nervous as fuck that day. I just…wanted to surprise you and show you how much I love you and J.J,” Jason confesses.
“I know, I just love hearing you say how much we mean to you,” I whisper and kiss him harder than before.
We hear footsteps running to J.J’s bedroom. J.J, who is completely dressed in a newer and improved red and black Robin suit, with older teenaged Damian behind him. J.J’s blue eyes were hidden behind his black mask, and he runs to the bed and jumps high to land on Jason, crushing his balls in the process.
“Oh fuck!” Jason groans loudly.
“I’m Robin! The new boy wonder! I work alongside the Batman, and I’ll kick all of you bad guys in the balls until you cannot get women pregnant!” J.J declares.
“J.J! Who told you about that?” I ask curiously.
“Uncle Damian, because he is my superior, Mom,” J.J answers.
Damian nods his head and smiles. “He learns well, Todd. Oh, my good fuck, I still cannot believe I have to call you Todd, like…that Todd…” Damian whines. “T-t.”
“Language!” I point out.
“Oh please, Todd. The child’s first word was ‘fuck’ if I remember correctly,” Damian mentions.
“No, it was ‘Mama’, then ‘Dada’, and then ‘fuck’, I believe,” Jason corrects him.
I roll my eyes. I slip the overnight bag onto Damian’s shoulder. Jason stands up while holding J.J into a flying position in the air.
“Just try to watch the language, okay? He doesn’t need to be cussing in preschool,” I say strongly.
“Blame your husband for the constant profanity, Y/N. He’s a bad influence on us,” Damian says. Ever since J.J was born, he was always around enough to eventually swear daily. “Cursing is much fun.”
“Get used to it demon spawn. I have to watch my mouth, too,” Jason teases. He lifts J.J in the air and puts him in Damian’s arms. “Now isn’t it time for you guys go play Batman and Robin back in the Batcave?”
“Yes!” J.J shouts excitedly and tries to wiggle out from Damian’s grip.
“Of course,” Damian agrees. “Pennyworth, Drake, and I don’t want our six months work on J.J’s Robin costume to go to waste. And since I am the blood son and next in line for Batman, I request J.J to be my Robin.”
“Isn’t Dick next in line to be Batman?” I ask.
“No, of course not. I intend to break Grayson’s ankles before he’s even thought of. Trust me, Todd. I am next to be Batman, and J.J will most definitely be my Robin.”
The thought of J.J being Robin terrifies me and excites me. I lean in and kiss J.J on the cheek. “I love you, J.J.” I whisper.
“I love you too, Mom. Now stop embarrassing me!” J.J says laughing.
Jason smiles, and ruffles J.J’s hair, while Dick and Tim rush in. Dick is dressed as the Riddler, while Tim is dressed as Penguin.
“Well, well, well…look who we have here. Robin’s family? Well, what do you say we go find the Batcave and steal the Batmobile?!” Dick impersonates Riddler.
“And while we’re at it, let’s steal the Robin cycle!” Tim chuckles during his penguin impression.
J.J makes an angry face and pushes Damian to drop him. “Not so fast, you bastards! Batman and I will stop you both, and you two will be locked up behind bars forever or my name isn’t Robin!” J.J shouts.
Damian smiles, and points to the door, while Dick (Riddler) and Tim (Penguin) make a run for it.
“Let’s go Robin!” Damian uses his Batman voice.
“Okay Batman!” J.J yells. “Bye Mom! Bye Dad!”
We say our good-byes, as Jason and I wave them off by the front door. He wraps an arm around my waist, while I lean my head against his chest.
“You know, I constantly wonder why life just keeps giving me more and more when I thought my time was done with surprises,” Jason says after a while of comfortable silence.
“Why wonder when you can just accept it, and keep looking forward and see what else life gives you?” I ask.
Jason turns me around so he can look down into my eyes. I can feel my heart beat fast when he grins and holds me.
“I love you more than anything I have ever loved before, Y/N. You and J.J…you both mean the world to me, and I’m swear I’m going to love, care, and protect you both for the rest of my life,” Jason admits, and rubs my lower back. “You know, I honestly thought I’d never get a happy ending…after everything.”
“I thought so, too. Maybe happy endings happen for people when they work to be the best they can be,” I say softly. “Make better choices and to think things through before they do them.”
Jason lowers his head down to kiss me. Our kiss is deep and becomes passionate until he pulls away to breathe.
“Oh, fuck doll, you know…I’ve been meaning to tell you that…I think we’re ready.”
“Ready for what?” I ask. I wonder what Jason’s talking about.
“Another baby…”
“Another baby?” I repeat slowly.
Jason picks me up and carries me back inside our home. He uses his foot to slam the door shut before he drops me onto the couch. He settles between my legs and smiles wickedly.
“The fam told me they could use a new Batgirl so…let’s get started on it, baby girl.”
“Oh, Jaybird.”
And just like that, a happy ending was made into the Batfamily, but it certainly isn’t the last one, either.
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Preference- Riverdale Core Four Animals
A/n: Because you all seem to like my first Riverdale Preference and I need to try to get my muse back for writing my series I figured I’d give you another one. This time however it’s just Fluff with your Core Four ft. Cheryl & Reggie. If you want me to expand further on any of these preferences and make it into a one-shot just comment which one you’d want to read more of.
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Archie Andrews
You wanted a dog. Archie had Vegas but that was his dog, he’d had him since he was a kid. You couldn’t see him as anything but Archie’s dog. So you started looking at the pounds for rescue dogs some of the older ones since you’d never had anything other than a fish to take care of growing up so training a puppy was out of the questions your first go ahead. This was Riverdale though so Archie soon found out about your Saturday vists to the pound. He asked you why you were going and you told him honestly that you wanted a dog.
To say the least Archie didn’t like the idea but he couldn’t figure out a solution to the delema at hand. Your parents wouldn’t help you, heck they barely even took care of you on a good day. He knew Pop’s didn’t pay you enough to feed yourself, feed and dog, and save up for college. So naturally he asked Juggie for help. I was Jugs idea to have you practice with Vegas considering he was older and had everything he needed. Not to mention Archie would get more time with you. Jug even offered to have you take Hotdog for sleepovers once Archie thought you were ready.
It was probably a good thing you didn’t get your own dog right away you’d been horrible to start out.
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Betty Cooper
Betty didn’t mind that you wanted a dog as long as you let her train it and stick to spoiling the lucky animal you picked. You were ecstatic when it came to your dog, Ivar, and spoiled him like you would your own child. Betty told you to have a firmer hand when it came to your boy. That was until you explained the dynamic to her. 
Betty was Alpha Mama she loved him, trained him, and in return he submitted and obeyed her because in the end she was in charge and he new that. 
You, on the other hand, were Beta Mama. You gave him wiggle room to test your boundries and enjoy his life to the greastest. That meant when you got cross about something he did you were scarier to that german shepard than Betty could ever be. (and he never did that thing again.)
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Jughead Jones III
After college, once the two of you settled down you eventually approached the idea of a pet. Jughead didn’t like that idea, sure having Hotdog IV over for the occasional sleepover was fine. He was the Surpents’ dog, they all took care of him. What you were suggesting however was perminate.
So you being you found a way. The next time you asked you asked if you could foster.
1) There would be a constant rotation of dogs
2) They’d be in need of a home like a certain beanie-wearing teenage boy was
3) Hotdog would have friends to play with
After months of asking he finally gave up at let you get your foster animals. A choice he regrets every time you cry when one of the dogs has to go, but that was his loving fiance for you. A heart too big for her body able to love anyone, even this beanie-wearing college graduate.
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Veronica Lodge
Honestly, Veronica couldn’t care less that you’d gotten an animal and she proved that when she finally noticed after 3 weeks that there was a bunny chilling on the bed. “You... got a bunny...” You nodded picking up your fluffy albino rabbit to place back in her cage. “Since when?”
“Weeks V.” Betts supplied for you setting up her stuff so you guys could study for your SATs.
“Oh well he’s cute... I guess.”
“Yes, Luna is adorable, and also female.” You replied walking downstairs to get some snack food for you girls to eat. Veronica likes to think it was the bunny that was the reason you both broke up. Everyone else, however, knew it was because of her lack of attention after opening her speakeasy. That’s why you got Luna so you’d have someone to hold when you got home.
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Reggie Mantle
What his princess wanted, is what his princess got. Even if that was the ugliest mutt he’d ever seen. When he first saw it missing an eye with horrid burn scars on his left flank Reggie he wondered how you came to pick such a dog. You were sweet but this dog looked like it would kill you in your sleep.
Once you walked out from the kitchen the dog ran to you ready for pets tail swinging around wildly. You obliged with the biggest smile he’d ever seen. “Who’s my big, brave boy...” You said to the dog.
“I thought I was,” Reggie said hand over his heart faking hurt. You stood opening your arms to hug him and he moved about one step towards you before that beast growled in protest. “Great.” He needs the dog's approval, but at least he’d know you had a very intimidating guard dog to protect you while he wasn’t there.
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Cheryl Blossom
Cheryl didn’t mind the fact that you wanted an animal in the house. She drove you straight to the breeder she knew in Greendale to pick out the fluffy baby you wanted to take home. You choose a beautiful black kitten bright green eyes Cheryl said reminded her of Jason’s. Pleased with your choice she paid and you were on your way. 
However, Cheryl regretted getting you that demon spawn from hell because it wouldn’t leave you alone! It was your baby and you cuddled it everywhere until Cheryl got it it’s own Blossom red throne that she could place (more like shove) that fur ball in order to get her cuddles and love from you.
No matter you love your two needy girls.
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supersoldierslover · 6 years
The Accidental Mrs. Rogers Part 5
Summary:  (Modern Au) To celebrate your birthday, you and your friends go to Vegas. After a very drunk night, you discover that your life changed forever.
Pairing: Steve x Reader
Words: 1710 
Warnings:  Just fluffy for now
Thank you @unbetaedimagines for beta this for me,You are the best
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
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Looking at yourself in the mirror, you look different than before; you look happier. You can’t stop smiling and there is now a spark in your eyes .
Today is your first official date with Steve, and you have all kinds of feelings going on inside of you. You are excited, you are anxious; you are feeling self-conscious but more importantly, you are feeling hopeful.
It was nice to feel like this, like everything was possible.
You know that Steve is a romantic at heart. You’ve watched him in past relationships and the little things he did for his lovers. The roses, the gifts, the midnight calls; all the little things.
Even when you think about your relationship with him, you’ve had a taste of this treatment. The necklace that he gave you on your birthday was never off your neck. It was one the most thoughtful presents that you ever got.
But even before that, you can’t count how many times he’s let you borrow his sweatshirt because you were cold, or how many coffees he bought you during college.
However, you never thought of him as a mysterious guy. He refused to let you know where you two were going tonight. All he told you was for you to dress casually and to feel comfortable.
So this is what you did, with a pair of black jeans and nice shit in the same color. You add the red lipstick as a final touch, and you are ready for your date.
At 8 pm sharp, Steve knocks on your bedroom door. He looks extremely handsome in his blue jeans and white jersey. But what really catches your attention is the fact that he is holding a bouquet  of white daisies in his hand.
“Hey… you didn’t have to.”  You say, picking up the flowers and smelling them; Daisies are your favorite. “Of course I did, it is our first date.” He says simply, making you smile “Thank you, Steve. So where are you taking me?” You ask, going to the living room and picking a vase to put the flowers in. He shrugs, following you around.
“There is only a place that I want to take you and you are going to find out soon.” He says, picking up his jacket that was on the sofa. As curious as you are about the date, you would be happy with whatever he chose. It doesn’t matter how simple or cliché, a dinner and movie with Steve sounds like perfection.
Outside of the apartment, instead of going downstairs and outside of the building, he takes you upstairs to the rooftop. You have been there a few times; once on Bucky’s birthday and the other was at a Halloween party.
The rooftop that is usually crowded is now empty. There are some candles on the floor leading to a blanket with pillows, and a picnic basket. It is the perfect night to have a picnic; the stars are shinning and the weather is warm.
“This is incredible, Stevie.”  You say, looking around. You could only imagine a date like this in your wildest dreams. “I wanted to make it special.” He replies, sitting on the floor and helping you do the same.
You smile as he starts to take the food out of the basket; he bought all your favorites, from the cake of the bakery down the street, to that wine close to his workplace.  He didn’t have to be this sweet, but you love that he is.
“This is already the best date that I’ve ever had.” You say, taking a bite of the croissant. “Better than your date with Ben? That guy from our second year of college?”   He asks playfully, and you roll your eyes at him.
“You know, that was the worst date of life, how dare you to bring it up!” You say, pretending to be offended, making him laugh. “Come on, I remember you saying it wasn’t that bad... You said that he was nice.” He says coltish; you know that he is messing you with you
. You remember the day after that date, you meet Steve at your favorite coffee place and you couldn’t stop complaining about the guy. That was the day you swore off  men.
“Should I remind you of your date with Natalie?”  You ask, deciding to give him a taste of his own medicine. “She was a lovely girl, but not my type.”
You laugh;  Ben was a jerk who was very late for your date and in the end called you a bitch because you didn’t want to have sex with him; Natalie was crazy.
After only one date, she decided that she was totally in love with Steve and when he let her down gently, she slapped his face and told him that he was going to regret this.  For a whole month, she made his life hell, calling in the middle of the night and texting him nonstop.
“That is nice of you to say.” He shrugs, like what she did was no big deal. “Well, I didn’t really care about Natalie. She was not the one on my mind back then.” He says, looking directly at you. You bite your lip, putting a  piece of hair behind your ear.
“Stevie, when did you know that you liked me?” You ask, avoiding eye contact. This was something that was on your mind for a while now. He blushes, running his hand through his hair.
“Since forever, but I think the day I realized it was during that trip when we went to Spain. More specifically, that day we went to that beach , just the two of us.” You nod; that day in Alicante was perfect.
Before Steve started grad school, he wanted to go for one last adventure, so you and a few other friends went to Spain for a couple of weeks. You spent two weeks exploring the cities and all the country had to offer.
One day you, the two of you decide to do a little adventure. One of your friends told you that Alicante was beautiful. So you explored the city, taking silly pictures in the tourist spots, and at the end of the day you two were on the beach.
You never have felt so close to Steve. You two shared secrets and stories from your past and he told you a little about his family, especially his mom and you told him about yours.
You don’t remember much, but you know that you laughed a lot that day and that you felt good.
“What about you, when did you know that you liked me?” He asks shyly. You smile, but you don’t know how to answer that. Part of you has always liked him, since the moment you saw him at that party, sitting outside, talking with Sam and Natasha.
Still, you don’t remember the exact moment  you knew that you wanted something more with him. You two shared so many moments over the years, how can you choose one?  But when stop to think about it, there is one moment that you knew that you were in love.
“I don’t know if you remember, but there was one day that we were in your dorm. I was lying on your bed and you were sitting on the floor, reading a book and I was playing on my phone. We were just there, sitting in silence. It was nice, and then you looked at me and you smiled…  I knew then that you weren’t just a friend.”
He gets close to you, his fingers tracing your cheek and his thumb on your lips. “It’s ridiculous that we’ve been pining for each other for so long and only got together now.” You say, breaking the silence making him smile.
“I agree, but I think this happened for a reason. I don’t know how to explain it, but I think it was good for us to go in all the bad dates, go thru college and grad school to truly appreciate each other… “
You nod; you understand what he means. You two needed to grow up as people to truly to value each other’s company. You already love Steve; you never want to do anything to hurt him or to break his heart.
“Yeah, I really understand that.”  You say, caressing his cheek, getting closer to him. For a moment all you can do is stare at his lips; you want to kiss him, you want to know the taste of his lips on yours, but instead, you pull him in for a hug.
For the rest of the night, you two reminisce about the good times in college, eating the delicious food that he bought, laughing at the memories. If you were being honest, this was one of the best dates that you’ve ever had.
Steve always knew how to make you laugh and feel special, like you were the only person in the universe.  You love how thoughtful he was planning this date. He chose the perfect place for the two of you.
After you two finish eating, you gaze at the sky. Steve lays on the pillows, and you lay on his chest, listening to his heartbeat. You don’t know how much time you two spent like this, just enjoying each other’s company.
“We should get inside, it’s almost 1 am.” He says, caressing your back, you nuzzle into his chest. “But I’m so comfortable.” You whine, making him laugh. “Come on darling, it’s cold out here.” You nod, getting up and going inside.
“Thank you for tonight, it was really fun.” You say, stopping in front of your room, Steve smiles, running his hands through his hair. “I’m glad that you had fun and maybe we can do it again sometime?” He asks, hope in his voice.
Instead of answering him, you get closer to him, and you pull him in for a kiss. This is your first kiss since the night you two got married; the kiss was gentle and short. His lips are very soft and the kiss is everything you ever wanted.
“I’ll see you tomorrow, Stevie.” You say, breaking the kiss and going to your room.
Part 6
I was so excited for this chapter, i wanted to do something that was pure fluff and i hope you guys enjoyed. Please leave feedback keeps motivated to write. 
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